Re: Python and Db

2008-04-21 Thread Magnus Lycka

> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
>> I would like to use sqlite, But I also wanted a tutorial with the 
>> basis of the sql and etc, I never dealed with dbs before

For practicing SQL on-line, I'd suggest

Re: unit testing

2007-10-10 Thread Magnus Lycka
> I maintain old code... code written a long time ago, before unittest
> was popular. Getting unittest to work on that is difficult at best.

Writing unit tests for lots of old code is not the most
funny thing you can imagine...

For situations like that, it might be much better to use
a tool like TextTest < >.

Re: python 2.5 and 3gb switch

2007-10-02 Thread Magnus Lycka
neil wrote:
> I see python is not really there for 64 bit yet but most of the people 

I think you mean "Windows is not really there for 64 bit yet".
Python works well on real 64 bit operating system. Blender
does too I presume.

Re: A question on python performance.

2007-09-28 Thread Magnus Lycka
Joe Goldthwaite wrote:
> I didn't know about the getattr function. I tried to search for that
> type of function but not knowing how to word the search request,
> I couldn't find it. 

You should really read through chapter 2 (Built-in Objects) of the
library reference. All that stuff is core Python functionality that
you should be aware of. Reading chapter 3 (Built-in Types) is also
a really good idea. A lot of the rest is good too, but there is
really no excuse for not knowing the contents of those chapters. ;)
It's just a few pages, and very useful to know. Read them now!

Re: Something in the function tutorial confused me.

2007-08-09 Thread Magnus Lycka
Lee Fleming wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a simple question. Say you have the following function:
> def f(x, y = []):

> But this, the code that "fixes" the list accumulation confounds me:
> def  f(x, y=None):
> if y is None: y = []

> In other words, what's going on here? How is it that y accumulates
> argument values between function calls in the first function, but
> doesn't in the second one? 

I think the important thing to understand here is the
distinction between names/variables and objects/values
in Python.

While you could interpret C code like this...

void f() {
 int i = 5;
 int j = i;

... as "create a place in the namespace of the f function
where you can fit an integer value, and put the value 5
there. Later, create another place in the namespace of f
which is also big enough for an integer. Copy the contents
of the location named 'i', to the location named 'j'."

You would instead interpret this similar Python code...

def f():
 i = 5
 j = i

... as "create an integer object with the value 5. Then
define a name/tag/variable in the namespace of function
f which refers to the integer object with the value 5.
Later, make a new name/tag/variable in the namespace of
f which refers to the same object (happens to be an
integer with the value 5) as i refers to."

The semantics is very different.

If you understand this, Python will seem much less magical,
and you will never ask meaningless questions as whether
Python uses call by reference or call by value.

It's all a matter of understanding that all the juicy bits
in the Python data model is in the actual values or objects.
That's the stuff with type safety, a location in memory,
qualities such as mutability etc. A "variable" is basically
just a reference to an arbitrary object in a particular
namespace. Assignments semantics is not about copying
data as in C, and it's nothing arbitrarily defined in
classes as in C++. It's all about deciding which object
a name refers to.


Re: Python end of file marker similar to perl's __END__

2007-08-02 Thread Magnus Lycka
Neil Cerutti wrote:
> On 2007-08-01, Cameron Laird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   .
>> I want to re-emphasize the "triple-quote it" tip mentioned
>> earlier in this thread.  I think the original questioner
>> will find this quite satisfying, if I understand his situ-
>> ation at all.
>> *I* certainly have source code with embedded "junk" 
>> commented out as multi-line strings.
> I used to do that, but now that I use doctests so much it's
> infeasible to comment out arbitrary code that way, since they
> can't necessarily nest.

If you consistently use e.g. ''' for doc strings, you can use
""" to comment out code blocks.

I still think it's better to do test-driven programming though.
Then you will very rarely have large blocks on non-working code.

Re: Python end of file marker similar to perl's __END__

2007-08-01 Thread Magnus Lycka
beginner wrote:
> Hi All,
> This is just a very simple question about a python trick.
> In perl, I can write __END__ in a file and the perl interpreter will
> ignore everything below that line. This is very handy when testing my
> program. Does python have something similar?

raise SystemExit() exits the program at that point (unless you
catch the exception...) "import sys;sys.exit(0)" is basically
another spelling of the same thing. It doesn't mean that the
interpreter ignores the rest of the file though, so it will
complain about syntax in the whole file.

Since I don't usually write linear top-to-bottom scripts in Python,
I don't really see the use of splitting a file in an interpreted
top and an ignored bottom though.

I'd suggest employing a test driven approach to development. Then
you don't usually have big chunks of code that you don't want to
run. All that's there works (almost)...

See e.g.

Re: Where do they tech Python officialy ?

2007-08-01 Thread Magnus Lycka
On July 23, NicolasG wrote:
 > I want to be a professional python programmer...
 > unfortunately sometimes to work as a programmer is really hard in this
 > world, every employee requires professional experience and you can't
 > really start as a beginner..

On July 24, NicolasG wrote:
> Python is what I like, I would love to be more creative with this
> language and be able to produce things that I can't right now..
> Why not try to find a work that you would like ? I don't want to work
> as a programmer to became one because I'm already a programmer, I just
> want to work as a programmer ..

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "I'm already a programmer"
if you can't get jobs because you're a beginner. That sounds a bit
like "I'm a surgeon, except that I haven't done any surgery just yet."

I also don't understand the concept on choosing a university depending
on whether they use a particular language in their courses. I think it's
a good idea with a good academic education, but whether Python is part
of that is really a minor issue. The most important part of education
for people who are going to work as programmers is advanced mathematics!
That's what will teach you logic and systematic problem solving.

Learning Python is a very small and easy part in learning to develop
software in a professional way. There are no silver bullets. You won't
find a language or a university course that will "fix" things for you.

The world (and your job) is full of problems waiting to be solved.
Solve them with Python, use your spare time if you're ambitious and
don't get the opportunity to use working hours. Use the internet to
find ideas and libraries etc. Doing this will make work more fun, if
you are talented enough it will make you much more productive, you
should be appreciated for the improvements you achieve, and you will
build up a portfolio of software and solutions that you can show a
prospective employer.

If I'm hiring a consultant for a few weeks, prior Python experience
might be an issue, but if I employ someone, I don't care whether they
already know Python. I expect them to know a few languages well.
I assert that they are capable of applying a programming language to
solve problems swiftly and intelligently, and I'm pretty sure they
pick up Python quickly.

Re: Python's "only one way to do it" philosophy isn't good?

2007-06-18 Thread Magnus Lycka
Alex Martelli wrote:
> PL/1 is basically gone, but its legacy of "take what you need and leave
> the rest" is unfortunately alive in other languages that are blind to
> the enormous advantages of simplicity and uniformity.

Reminds me of RUP... No wonder Ivar Jacobson gave up and started all over.


Re: Python not giving free memory back to the os get's me in real problems ...

2007-04-26 Thread Magnus Lycka
> Our (python-)macro uses massively nested loops which are unfortunately
> necessary. These loops perform complex calculations in this commercial
> tool. To give you a quick overview how long this macros runs:
> The outer loop takes 5-7 hours for one cycle. Each cycle creates one
> outputfile. So we would like to perform 3-5 outer cycles en bloc.
> Unfortunately one of our computers (768MB RAM) crashes after just ~10%
> of the first cycle with the following error message:
> while another computer (1GB RAM) crashes after ~10% of the fourth
> loop. While the virtual memory on the 1gb machine was full to the
> limit when it crashed the memory usage of the 768mb machine looked
> this this:

While Python won't return memory to the OS, this is not
the same as a memory leak. When your Python program is
done using some objects, the memory they needed can be
used by other Python objects in the same process. The
process size should never grow bigger than the actually
needed memory at a point in time.

The (not only) Python problem is that the virtual memory
of your process will never shrink, once it has attained
its maximum size. Since the unused parts of its virtual
memory will be paged out to disk, this is probably not
big a problem anyway.

If you have a long running process that you want to
keep slim, it might be worth factoring out the memory
intensive parts to separate processes like this in your

for x,y,z in outer_loop_sequence:
 os.system('python %s %s %s' % (x,y,z))

This should contain the big memory usage to short-running
processes. It should not solve your crash problem though.
If your crashes go away if you rig it like this, something
was broken, either in your macro, or in the way the
application uses Python for macros. You won't spend less
memory because you divide the problem to two processes.

To actually solve the problem, you need to look closer at
your algorithms and data structures. Are you using effective
ways of storing data? For instance, I imagine that numarray
or whatever those things are called these days are much,
much more effective at handling a vector of numerical values
than a Python list of e.g. ints. Lists are pretty expensive.
Lists of ints are at least twice as big as efficient integer
arrays. Are you copying data when you should just share
references? Are you hanging on to data longer than you
actually need it?

I don't see why there would be a big difference if you
use Python or e.g. C or C++ to solve this kind of problem.
If you use lots of data, you need to understand the data
structures and use them effectively. With Python you are
get shorter development time and less code to maintain to
solve a certain problem. The price for that is typically
longer execution time, but disregarding small systems that
can't bear the size of the Python runtime, memory should
not be a big problem. Python isn't Java.

Re: Fast and capable XML parser?

2007-04-20 Thread Magnus Lycka
Larry Bates wrote:
> I don't know if it meets ALL of your requirements but this might
> help:

AFAIK, there is no XML Schema support in PyRXP.
This is really bad enough.

GPL is not an option for us, and a commercial
licence is less good than e.g. MIT or LGPL.
(Partly due to the cost, but also because it
causes much more work for me.)

Besides, I'm a bit suspicious concerning the
lack of benchmarks for the Unicode version...

It seems to me that lxml is better in all

Fast and capable XML parser?

2007-04-20 Thread Magnus Lycka
I'm looking for some library to parse XML code
much faster than the libs built into Python 2.4
(I'm stuck with 2.4 for quite a while) and I
also need XML Schema validation, and would
appreciate support for e.g. XPath and XInclude.
I also want an API which is more Pythonic than
e.g. a thin wrapper over a C or C++ API.

It should be available on at least Linux,
Solaris and AIX.

Some uses involve parsing lots of (often small)
XML files at reasonable speed, i.e. several
hundred files per second. That means that we
can't use anything like an os.system call to
xmllint for XML Schema validation--it gets too
slow. I also suspect that the standard Python
libs (in Python 2.4 at least) are slower than
we'd like them to be. (Not that it matters if
they don't support XML Schema validation.)

Any suggestions?

Re: Future Python Gui?

2007-04-20 Thread Magnus Lycka
Jarek Zgoda wrote:
> I am not a hacker, just a software developer, but I'd have no problems
> in either installing PyGTK on Ubuntu box (sudo apt-get install
> python-gtk2, but it's installed by default anyway) or on Windows XP
> machine (double click on installer icon). "Simple user" is not an idiot
> either and if she can read English, she wouldn't have hard time too.
> The rumours on "problems installing GUI toolkits" are greatly exagerated
> IMO.

It might not be a big deal for your own computer,
but if you are distributing software professionally
to a bunch of customers, things get more complex.

Let's say your customers use RHEL4 for instance. If you
would like to use a recent PyGTK, this means that the
GTK libs in RHEL4 aren't new enough. Upgrading GTK will
force you to upgrade a bunch of other libraries as well.

That means that the system will no longer be the vanilla
RHEL4 with your additions. Bugs might pop up in other
applications on the system than yours, because they
assumed other versions of shared objects. You can
(perhaps) install the newer versions of the libs in
non-standard locations and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to
that location for your program, but that means that
things brake fairly easy, and if you for instance have
a larger system, where Python scripts relying on this
new PyGTK are started from a Python interpreter embedded
in some big application, this big application will also
see the newer versions of all those shared objects that
PyGKT pulled in. Unless you are very careful, other
programs that you start up from within your application
(maybe it's possible to spawn a new shell from your app
with the embedded Python interpreter and start arbitrary
applications from there) will also get the non-standard
shared objects.

If you just install the shared objects the new PyGTK rely
on in the standard locations, you have probably removed
security patches and bug fixes added to the software by
Red Hat from the system. Any application might cease to
work, and the customer might have problem getting support
from Red Hat on the system. You might end up with a lot
more support and maintenance work than intended, or get
very unhappy customers.

Now imagine that you have half a dozen other platforms
besides RHEL4 on x86_64 that you need to support...

This is a problem you need to deal with if you develop
software for Unix. It's not impossible to solve all these
problems, but there is certainly a cost in this. If you
handle it well, there is a cost in testing and adapting
the systems. If you don't handle it well, there might
be a big cost in handling emergencies and dealing with
unhappy customers or users.

Re: Random passwords generation (Python vs Perl) =)

2007-02-01 Thread Magnus Lycka
NoName wrote:
> Perl:
> @char=("A".."Z","a".."z",0..9);
> do{print join("",@char[map{rand @char}(1..8)])}while(<>);

If you generate passwords like that to normal computer
users, you'll end up with a lot of "my password doesn't
work" tickets. You should skip the symbols that are
easy to mistake for each other.

Skip at least Il1 and 0O. On the other hand, you could
probably use other characters besides letters and digits
to make the passwords stronger. Which ones to use is
unfortunately platform dependent.


2006-11-29 Thread Magnus Lycka
Thomas Guettler wrote:
> Hi,
> most of the time I use ZODB/Durus to store my data. 
> I like it, but I know that it has some weaknesses:
> - only accesible from python
> - I need to code your indexes for fast searching yourself.

There are other features of relational database systems
that I find much more relevant than those, but then I don't
know what your use case is. For high performance, mission
critical, multi-user database systems, where many simultaneous
users actually do fine grained data manipulation, I don't think
there is any competition. Also, I don't know any other solution
that lets you do serious tuning without code changes. Even if the
application is the same, data size and usage patterns might lead
to vastly different performance. Being able to speed up some
operation on the expense of some other operations might be just
the right thing for a certain installation at a certain time.
This can be more or less automatic, depending on your brand and
version of RDBMS.

For a non-critical, single-user system without huge amounts of
data in a structure that fits the relational model, it might not
be worth the effort.

> I think about using a RDBMS for the next project. What I don't like
> about RDBMS: If you need a list of values you need to create a new
> table. Example: If you want to store several email addresses of one
> customer, you need to create a new table.

I think this is a tiny thing when you look at the big picture.
I don't know a lot about the PostgreSQL extensions, but the way
things work in relational database has proven to work very well
for quite some time. Obviously, OODBMS's haven't made any huge
impact, despite two decades of efforts.

The "impedance mismatch" between OO programming and relational
databases is annoying, but it's something we have to (and can)
deal with.

> Since the namespace if tablenames is flat, you soon have so many
> tables, that it is hard to browse them.

The tablename namespace is not flat in SQL. Where did you get this
from? Although not implemented in every RDBMS, the SQL standard has
the concept of a schema, and every table should belong to a schema.
For instance Oracle lacks schemata, but more or less makes up for it
by through the way it implements users. (Tables are owned by users.)

There's just this two level structure though, no abitrary hierarchy.

> Postgres has extensions which allows you to store arrays in a column. Is
> this supported by the python binding? Are there other databases which
> support this?

I don't know about the first question, but regarding the second, none
of the popular ones do as far as I know. PostrgeSQL is a fine RDBMS

By the way, a database is a collection of data, not some software.

> Are there OR-mappers (object relational mappers) which support lists in
> a column?

I think they do, but having a separate class for the email addresses
(if we continue with your example above) has its advantages too. If
the customer has several email addresses (and you feel a desire to
keep track of that) they are probably different in some ways. It's
e.g. likely that you should use one particular address as recipient
when you send mail, not just one at random, or all of them. You might
also realize than not only customers, but also other entities, such
as employees, sub-contractors and authorities have email addresses.
Actually, while you might get more tables due to the first normal
form, your tables might well get leaner, the total amount of columns
smaller, and your over-all datamodel more coherent.

> How is the unicode support of the python bindings to RDBMSs? I don't
> want to convert the results of a query to unicode myself.
> Can you insert unicode strings into a SELECT statement?

As far as I remember, all the bindings I tried returned unicode
objects from varchar and char fields, and always accepted them
as parameters for CHAR/VARCHAR fields.

Remember to always pass parameters properly. I.e. use e.g.
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM T WHERE C=?", col_value) rather than
something like cur.execute("SELECT * FROM T WHERE C="+col_value).
The former will prevent SQL injection attacks, remove the need
to worry about quoting and escaping, and also make performance
better in the major systems.

Re: Is python for me?

2006-11-17 Thread Magnus Lycka
I think Python is for you.

lennart wrote:
> Can you define 'large'? Is that large in code, or large in database? I
> don't know which database is supported. If its a external db, like
> MySql, the query is performed through the software of MySql, am I
> right? If I'm correct, the 'slowness' comes from the amount of code in
> python itself, not from the database.

I'm afraid dakman's comment wasn't really very helpful.

Size is not a problem in itself. Ok, if the code modules are very
large, you will have a larger startup time, but this is probably
even worse in lower level languages such as C/C++. The python byte
code works at a higher level of abstraction than machine code, so
the byte code files are much more compact than corresponding
executable binaries from e.g. C/C++/Delphi.

The Python programming language, with its classes, modules,
packages etc is in my experience much better for writing large 
applications without causing a mess than e.g. C++. It's much
easier to make a mess with C/C++'s "#include" than with Python's
"import". The lack of static typing means that some problems that
the compiler/linker would find in e.g. C++ development won't turn
up until you test your code in Python, but you'll get to testing
much faster with Python, and if you don't test well, you'll fail
with any larger development project however clever your compiler
and linker is.

Due to Python's very dynamic nature, there are a lot of operations
that will be much slower than in e.g. C or C++. For instance, if
you write "a = b + c" in C, the compiler knows at compile time what
types a, b and c are, and if they for example are ints, the addition
will be translated into a few very simple and quick machine code
instructions. In Python, the types typically won't be know until
runtime. This means that the objects need to be inspected during
execution to figure out what + means for these kinds of objects.
Python also handles memory allocation etc.

The consequence of this is that some kinds of programs that do
millions of trivial things, such as cryptography applications
where there are a lot of repeated multiplications and additions,
would be much, much slower in pure Python than in pure C. This
doesn't mean that Python is bad for a large group of applications.
It means that for a large group of applications, there are some
parts (for instance computationally intensive or e.g. interfacing
with some kind of devices or third party products) that should be
handled by extensions written in e.g. C.

Whatever you plan to do, it's likely that the extensions you need
already exists. There are such extensions for databases, networking,
maths, cryptography, XML parsing, etc etc. I'm a programmer working
with C, C++, Python, SQL etc, and despite 10 years of Python coding
I never actually needed to code any C extension myself yet. It's
very likely that you'll get away using 100% pure Python too. Note
that large parts of your programs will be C code, but C code you
didn't have to write yourself, and as far as your programming is
concerned it could as well have been Python, it's just that things
will run faster than if it had been pure Python...

Have fun!

Re: Py3K idea: why not drop the colon?

2006-11-16 Thread Magnus Lycka
John Salerno wrote:
> personally, i don't mind the colon and see no need to lose it, but if we 
> are talking in the realm of aesthetics, it actually seems like it would 
> be cleaner if it weren't there...sure, at first everyone who is used to 
> it might feel like something is missing, or the line is "hanging" open, 
> but overall the less characters, the better, right? isn't that why the 
> braces are gone?

Which is the better writing style for text intended for human readers?

I have some things to say:
 Seagulls belong in the sky.
 Colon fits in the text.

I have some things to say
 Seagulls belong in the text.
 Colon fits in the belly.


Re: Python component model

2006-11-13 Thread Magnus Lycka
sturlamolden wrote:
> There is a whole generation of computer users out there scared stiff of
> using the keyboard. Soon, computers will not have a keyboard at all.
> The trend is perhaps more pronounced among managers not writing code
> themselves, but "taking decisions" about which tools to use.

Is it just me, or does someone else feel that this is like
using magnetic letters on a refrigerator door instead of
a pen and paper. My two year old son thinks those magnetic
letters are fun, but then he can't write at all. My seven
year old has certainly switched to pen and paper (or computer)
for 99% of his writing. Sure, they have their use--it might be
more effective to write TENNIS with colorful letters across
the fridge door in some situation, but most of the time, pen
and paper is much more useful. You never run out of letters,
and it's easy to draw lines or arrows, complement the text
with a little picture etc. The cost for learning the skill
to write readable letters is well compensated for...

We recently released a toolkit for interfacing our systems
with legacy systems, and very soon, people started using it
in way we had never expected. I suppose that could be possible
with a "visual" tool too, but it seems to me that those tools
are typically fairly limited, just as computer based role-playing
games are much more limited than the ones played around a table
with a good flesh-and-blood game master who can respond to any
idea you come up with at the spur of the moment.


Re: Is there a commas-in-between idiom?

2006-11-09 Thread Magnus Lycka
Ernesto García García wrote:
> list = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

Just a nit-pick: It's considered an anti-idiom
to hide builtins just as list by using it as a
name for a variable.

 >>> list=[1,2,3,4,5]
 >>> tuple = (1,2,3,4,5)
 >>> if list == list(tuple): print "equal"
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 1, in ?
TypeError: 'list' object is not callable
 >>> #ouch!
 >>> l=list
 >>> del list
 >>> if l == list(tuple): print "equal"
 >>> if tuple(l)==tuple: print "equal"
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 1, in ?
TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable
 >>> t=tuple
 >>> del tuple
 >>> if tuple(l)==t: print "equal"

Re: is mod_python borked?

2006-11-03 Thread Magnus Lycka
walterbyrd wrote:
> *sigh* maybe I'll just use php until the web-hosters catch up, if they
> ever do.

The first general availability release of Apache 2.0 (2.0.35) appeared
in April 2002. There are many ISPs. Perhaps you should limit yourself
to those who lag behind less than four years? I can understand that it
isn't always so easy. If you're approached by a client who has a web
site up and running on some backwards ISP, it might not be so easy to
get them to move their site or place parts of it on a separate server.

Hopefully, virtual server prices will continue to drop and become more
of a normal choice fairly soon.

Re: Python in sci/tech applications

2006-11-03 Thread Magnus Lycka
robert wrote:
> When one follows ..
> ..this seems only to cover the immediate python dll issues. What happens 
> with the C runtime libraries? You'll bind 2 different C-RTLs (DLLs) 
> etc.? And what happens for example with heap objects created with one 
> C-RTL and deleted/free'd with the other?

As far as I understand, there should be only one runtime library
involved. MinGW relies on the Microsoft runtime. It seems some
people have had problems using MSVCRT71 with MinGW, but I'm sure
that e.g. the Enthought people can explain those issues, since they
bundle MinGW in their Python 2.4 distribution.

Re: Event driven server that wastes CPU when threaded doesn't

2006-11-02 Thread Magnus Lycka
Snor wrote:
> I'm attempting to create a lobby & game server for a multiplayer game,
> and have hit a problem early on with the server design. I am stuck
> between using a threaded server, and using an event driven server. I've
> been told time and time again that I should use an event driven server
> design (that is, use twisted).
> Is the only solution to use a threaded server to let my clients make
> their requests and receive a response in the fastest possible time?

You got a lot of long-winded replies, but the short reply is that
Twisted has packaged solutions for this. See

  "Twisted provides an interface to any Python DB-API 2.0 compliant 
database through an asynchronous interface which allows database 
connections to be used, and multiplexed by multiple threads, while still 
remaining thread-safe for use with Twisted's event-based main loop. 
Twisted Enterprise provides these services by leveraging Twisted 
Internet's utilities for managing thread pools and asynchronous 

Re: ANN: wxPython

2006-11-02 Thread Magnus Lycka
robert wrote:
> John Salerno wrote:
>> You want Python 2.3 for Windows?
> yes.
> (I know no other big libs which already stops support of py2.3-win)

The general policy for Python is to support version 2.n-1 when 2.n is
the current version, but not older versions than that.

There was recently a 2.3.6 release with a security fix, but this is
really an exception. Since Python 2.5 was released, Python 2.4 is the
oldest supported Python version.

I was about to give a reference to the appropriate PEP, but right now
I can't for my life figure out where I read this... I'm just a bit more
brain dead than usual today, due to some virus.


Re: python GUIs comparison (want)

2006-10-27 Thread Magnus Lycka
David Boddie wrote:
> You're forgetting that Qt isn't just a widget toolkit.

I suspect that the non-GUI parts are (just like in Wx) C++ stuff
which is more or less equivalent with things that are either Python
builtins or parts of Python's standard library. Besides, getting
those proprietary dependencies even further down into the code than
the GUI is not a plus in my book.

Last time I looked, Qt code wasn't even pure C++ but needed some
preprocessing like embedded SQL. Yet another programming language
in other words. I suppose I can ignore that from Python, but it
still smells...

Re: Python 2.5 ; Effbot console ; thank ; pb release.

2006-10-27 Thread Magnus Lycka
Méta-MCI wrote:
> Hi!  (***sorry for my approximative english***)

That's ok. Quite amusing to read that you were repaired.

> A few months ago, I needed a console, under Windows.
> After several research, I selected the console of EffBot.
> Thank you very much, Fredrik Lundh, for this small tool,
> quite practical and which repaired me well.
> Then, Python 2.5 arrived.

That doesn't mean it's clever to use 2.5 right now...
There's plenty of code which isn't adapted to 2.5 yet.

Personally, I use 2.4 at work (although sometimes I
still need to be 2.2 compatible) and at home I have
both 2.4 and 2.5 installed. Most of the time I work
with 2.4 since I use packages which don't support 2.5
yet (or at least the last time I checked).

Re: Restricting import file lookup for pyd, dll, ...

2006-10-27 Thread Magnus Lycka
Bernard Lebel wrote:
> Hi,
> That's because I'm using Python through another application, via the
> pywin32 extensions. When that other application starts, it performs
> several thousands of file requests (we're talking 4,500, roughly) in
> the Python installation, locations where there are Python files, and
> in some other locations that don't make sense. This adds considerable
> time to the startup time of the application, we're talking between 2
> and 9 seconds.

Sounds like a broken (networked?) file system. The only time I've
had that kind of problems with python startup is when I've had really
slow anti-virus programs that scanned all the files I opened. But then
it wasn't file requests that mattered, but actually opening them...
It still wasn't anywhere near 9 seconds though...

Re: print dos format file into unix format

2006-10-27 Thread Magnus Lycka
Tim Roberts wrote:
>> Suppose I have a dos format text file. The following python code will
>> print ^M at the end. I'm wondering how to print it in unix format.
>> fh = open(options.filename)
>> for line in fh.readlines()
>>  print line,
> Are you running this on Unix or on DOS?
> On Unix, you can do:
> for line in open(options.filename).readlines():
> print line.rstrip()
> Perhaps quicker is:
> sys.stdout.write( open(options.filename).read().replace('\r\n','\n') )

There are more differences between text files than that.
I don't know any unix systems that uses CP 437 etc. I'd
convert the text to unicode through .decode('cp437') etc,
and then print that. If things aren't set up so than
unicode object print correctly, use
.decode('cp437').encode('utf8') etc to get it to an
appropriate encoding.

Re: Book about database application development?

2006-10-19 Thread Magnus Lycka
Wolfgang Keller wrote:
> does anyone know of a good book that about development of database 
> applications?

Scott Ambler's "Agile Database Techniques"

Regardless of whether you'll actually use a full MVC framework or
not, I suggest that you write model classes that are fully decoupled
from the UI. Work in a test-driven fashion, writing tests first
and just coding until the test goes through, and then write the
next test. See e.g. Kent Beck's "Test-Driven Development". If
you use an SQL database below some ORM, you can use SQLite with
an in-memory database ":memory:" for your functional test. Fast
and simple.

I'd make the GUI as thin as possible, since GUI code it typically
more complicated to test automatically.

Re: Ok. This IS homework ...

2006-10-19 Thread Magnus Lycka
Frederic Rentsch wrote:
> Once upon a time programmers did things like this:
> |
>  -->|<-
> |   |  |
> |   catch input|
> |   |  |
> |   input type valid? - prompt for correct input --|
> |   +  |
> |input too large? + --- prompt for new input --
> |   -
> |  add to running total |   |
> |  status report |   |
>  -- - running total >= max?
> +
>report done  |
> It was called a flow chart. Flow charts could be translated directly 
> into machine code written in assembly languages which had labels, tests 
> and jumps as the only flow-control constructs. When structured 
> programming introduced for and while loops they internalized labeling 
> and jumping. That was a great convenience. Flow-charting became rather 
> obsolete because the one-to-one correspondence between flow chart and 
> code was largely lost.

As long as you only draw your loops to the right (or left, just be
consistent) and make sure you don't cross any lines, you're doing
structured programming. (I think...)


| ^
v |
if xx-->foo   |
bar baz   |
| |
v |


Re: How to write Smart Python programs?

2006-10-18 Thread Magnus Lycka
Raj wrote:
> Hi,
> We just executed a project with Python using TG. The feedback was to
> use more python like programming rather than C style code executed in
> Python. The feedback is from a Python purist and for some reasons we
> cannot solicity his help.
> So we'd like to do is to scrub through the codebase and identify places
> where the codebase needs improvement, both from styling as well as
> design. Is there any website that can provide me with advanced tips
> rather than just tutorials coz thats not of much help.

Python Cookbook. There's both a web site and a book version.

Re: Where is Python in the scheme of things?

2006-10-12 Thread Magnus Lycka
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> gord wrote:
>> As a complete novice in the study of Python, I am asking myself where this 
>> language is superior or better suited than others. For example, all I see in 
>> the tutorials are lots of examples of list processing, arithmetic 
>> calculations - all in a DOS-like environment.
> s/DOS-like/command line/
> The command line interface is widely used on unix-like systems, and is
> very handy for a lot of things.

In general, I think using the keyboard more and the mouse less is
typically a win, both in power of expression and in speed. I don't
think it's a coincidence that most of us use the keyboard and plain
text to communicate in this forum. Writing text by pointing, dragging
and clicking instead of by typing, would probably slow us down quite
a bit.

I feel much more productive in bash than in most Windows apps.
(I still like to have several terminal windows though.)

My seven year old son did play a bit with magnetic letters we have
on the fridge door in the kitchen (when he was small, he'd say now)
but he's dropped that entirely in favor of pencil and paper. His
two year old brother can play with that fridge-based GUI...

When we reach a certain level of expertize, we often find it easier
to pick the things we put together from our memory and imagination,
rather than from some kind of menu in our field of vision.

Ok, the keyboard is a kind of menu too, but that's not the point.
The important thing is that text is an extremely powerful way of
conveying information that we've used for thousands of years. It's
far more sophisticated than pointing at visible objects.

Also, a tool like Python isn't bound to keyboards, like VB is
bound to the Windows GUI. Almost everything, from network traffic,
to GUI interaction, to hardware manipulations can be effectively
translated to and from text formats. Not that Python can't handle
binary data, but going via textual representations usually makes
testing, debugging and understanding much easier.

I'd suggest that the OP look at the Wikipedia page in Unix
Philosophy. Read about Gancarz tenets, and replace shell scripts
with Python. (Of course, Python offers more elaborate communication
than pipes.) I'd also the link to Joel Spolsky's Biculturalism
article, and read that.

Re: What value should be passed to make a function use the default argument value?

2006-10-12 Thread Magnus Lycka
Antoon Pardon wrote:
> Well maybe he didn't intend that, but how is the reader of the
> documentation to know that? The reader can only go by how
> things are documented. If those are not entirely consistent
> with the intend of the programmer, that is not the readers
> fault.

I don't think I ever assumed that it was right to call functions
with keyword arguments if they weren't defined with keyword
parameters, but when I read 4.7.2 of the tutorial, I can see that
it's stated through an example that this is a correct thing to do.
I suppose the tutorial (and maybe the language reference) should
be corrected if this isn't supposed to be guaranteed behavior.

It seems like a bad idea to have different calling semantics
depending on whether a callable is implemented in C or Python.
Even if non-keyword parameters in Python implemented callables,
*can* be called with keyword arguments, it seems like a bad
idea to encourage that use. Perhaps it would be a good idea
to deprecate that possibility and remove it in Python 3.0?

I think it's better to force some calls into using f(*a, **kw)
instead of f(**kw) if it decreases the risk that reimplementing
functions in C in an API will break client code. Sure, it's
simple to make a Python wrapper, but if you're after raw speed,
you might not want to do that.

The main downside to removing the possibility of calling non
keyword parameters with keyword arguments might be that using
keyword arguments could fill a documentation purpose in the
code, e.g. x=get(host=arg[0], port=arg[1], path=arg[2]) would
be clearer than x=get(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2]). Of course,
host, port, path = arg; x=get(host, port, path) is even better
(if s/;/\n) but in some cases, it's better to be able to
inline things.

Re: Python to use a non open source bug tracker?

2006-10-09 Thread Magnus Lycka
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> you're not on the infrastructure list, I hear.  

I tried to figure out where that list is, so I could have
a look at the archives, but I didn't find it in the (for
me) obvious places. Could someone please provide a link
to the archives for this mailing list, or aren't there
any public archives of them? Only for PSF members?

> could still need a few more roundup volunteers,
 > but it's not like nobody's prepared to contribute manhours.
 > don't underestimate the community.

So, how many have offered to help? Is this information
available in some public repository?

I don't know how much work it actually takes to maintain
a roundup installation for the Python project, but I know
that in general, not all people manage to follow through
on everything they commit to do, even if they have good
intentions, so I'd be a bit worried to move to roundup if
only two or three people had offered to run it, even if
that might nominally be enough. Of course, this depends
on who those people would be... Ten seems like a bit too
many though. I somehow suspect that less work would get
done in a group of ten than in a group of six people...

It seems to me that an obvious advantage with either Roundup
or Trac, is that if the Python project used it, the Python
project would have a significant impact on how this product
developed. Even if the Jira people seem eager to please us,
I'm pretty convinced that it will be easier to get Roundup
or Trac improved to fit our particular needs.

That's valuable in two ways:
1) The Python project would get a bug tracker which is
developed with the needs of the Python project as a
prime concern. (Being the major "customer" of a product
has benefits. Jira on the other hand, might get more
and more integrated with other Java stuff that we don't
really care about.
2) We'd help making a good Python product even better, and
probably more widely used, thus spreading the use of
Python even further.

Re: Where is Python in the scheme of things?

2006-10-09 Thread Magnus Lycka
gord wrote:
> As a complete novice in the study of Python, I am asking myself where this 
> language is superior or better suited than others. For example, all I see in 
> the tutorials are lots of examples of list processing, arithmetic 
> calculations - all in a DOS-like environment.

Python runs on almost everything from mobile phones to mainframes,
so it can't really provide one particular GUI or one particular
development environment.

There are a number of free and commercial IDEs and GUI tool kits,
but I don't know if there is anything that gives you such a low
entry threshold for GUI development as VB or Delphi. I never
"painted" GUIs in Python, I coded them in a plain editor, but
you get used to that pretty soon, and you'll feel more in control,
and the more complex your GUIs get, the more you can gain from
having that control. In my experience it's much easier to reuse
GUI code in Python than in VB etc. If you have made a few windows,
and written your code in an intelligent way, making additional and
similar windows can be very quick, and maintaining their uniform
look, feel and behavior can be easier.

Anyway, if GUI development is what you want, you need to look at
a particular GUI toolkit. Depending on what you are after, you
might want to use Dabo, WxPython, PyGame or some other toolkit.
I know, it's much easier to choose if you only have one choice,
but this is the way things work in free software: no one tries to
lock you in, so there is a flora of different tools suited for
different needs. This makes it a bit harder to get started: You
need to take more decisions--but you'll hopefully end up with
something which is a better fit, where you don't need to work
around the limits of the tool, or limit your world view to
idioms supported a one-size-fits-all tool.

> What is particularly disappointing is the absence of a Windows IDE, 
> components and an event driven paradigm. How does Python stand relative to 
> the big 3, namely Visual C++, Visual Basic and Delphi? I realize that these 
> programming packages are quite expensive now while Python is free (at least 
> for the package I am using - ActivePython).

It's more like Java than like any of these three really. It's not
specifically geared towards building GUI apps (like two of the above)
and it

It's a more modern language than the above. It started from scratch
around 1990, as opposed to BASIC, C++ and Pascal. Both C and Pascal
popped up around 1970, and BASIC is older than that. While they have
developed a lot, the modern incarnations still carry a historical
baggage. Python's syntax has been based on research and 20 more years
of experiences in the problems that your other languages are stuck with.

Python's major inspiration was ABC, a programming language developed
as a research project with the aim of being easy and pedagogical to use.

On the other hand it's more like C++ than like Java in the sense that
it supports object-oriented programming, but it doesn't enforce it. C++
and Python (as well as Delphi's Object Pascal I guess) can be described
as multi-paradigm languages.

> Please discuss where Python shines.

Until 1996, it was my firm belief that there were only two kind of
tools in the software development world.
- Some tools (e.g. VB and Access) makes it easy to get started and
   make small thing, but when the systems grow and the requirements
   get tougher, your problems start to grow exponentially. You hit a
   wall it seems. At least it starts to feel like a tough uphill
- Other tools are more difficult to learn (e.g. Unix), but once you
   master them, they grow on you, and you feel that you can take on
   harder problems without hitting that wall.

It was a revelation to bump into Python in 1996. Suddenly, there was
something which was easy to get started with, but still just felt
better and better the longer I used it. That's the killer feature
in my mind.


Re: Leave the putdowns in the Perl community, the Python world does not need them

2006-09-29 Thread Magnus Lycka
> Steve makes a good point. Fredrik is one of the most important
> contributors of Python code, tools, etc and as far as I am concerned,
> that is so important that it gives him the right to be cranky from tiem
> to time.

Since February last year I've had the opportunity to write most of
my code in Python, in a very cool company with lots of bright people.
When I asked why they started to use Python here, it turned out that
a course held by a certain Fredrik Lundh was something of a turning
point... It seems that made them see the light.

I'm very thankful for that!

(As I understood it, the reason for the Python course, was actually
that some third party product used Python. I'm pretty sure we don't
use that product any longer, but we certainly kept Python.)

Today, we actually hold Python courses ourselves, for customers from
all over the globe (mainly big airlines).

In my opinion, the most important aspect of contributors to a forum
like is signal/noise ratio. I much prefer competent but rude
remarks to friendly ignorance which just wastes my time.

Calling someone stupid might not be the most pedagogic or diplomatic
approach when an ignorant person fails to realize his limitations,
but it's understandable. Being so stupid is also understandable.

It's easy for reasonably smart people to find (perceived) flaws in
the reasonings of others, but with age I've learned that I can usually
learn a lot from others even if I feel that I can crush their arguments. 
There is usually something more behind their resistance to my ideas,
and if I manage to figure out what the real problem is, I can often
avoid getting into trouble...

The best discussions are the ones that make me change my mind about
something. Then I've grown. That's difficult if I let my ego be in

I guess you either need to be involved some fairly big, real world
development project where APIs are used by many people outside the
project, or alternatively read (and understand) any serious book on
software engineering, to really realize that changing public APIs
*is* a major issue. If you use Python more as a toy, and just write
snippets, it's difficult to imagine the cost of small API changes
for the big organizations who use the same APIs.

Re: Talking to marketing people about Python

2006-09-29 Thread Magnus Lycka
Roy Smith wrote:
> I'm working on a product which for a long time has had a Perl binding for 
> our remote access API.  A while ago, I wrote a Python binding on my own, 
> chatted it up a bit internally, and recently had a (large) customer enquire 
> about getting access to it.
> I asked for permission to distribute the Python binding, and after a few 
> weeks of winding its way through the corporate bureaucracy I got an email 
> from a product manager who wants to meet with me to "understand the market 
> demand for Python API before we commercialize it".
> Can anybody suggest some good material I can give to him which will help 
> explain what Python is and why it's a good thing, in a way that a 
> marketing/product management person will understand?

(I don't expect you to answer the questions below to us, they might
well be business secrets, it's just things you might want to think

It's certainly reasonable to ask those questions. Every item on your
product list has a cost (even if the development is done already), in
terms of maintenance, administration, making the product portfolio less
easy to digest etc. Also, if you've read Brook's "Mythical Man Month",
you know that it's a big difference between fully working code and
shippable product. Documentation, packaging etc costs plenty.

You need a reasonable demand to pay for these costs. Whether the
bindings have their own price in your price list, or are bundled and
seem to increase the overall value and lead to more sales of the big
product is a different matter.

I guess it might be good if you can figure out what he's really after...
Is this just business are usual, or have they been burnt by something
else? Is the Perl binding seen as a profit maker, or is it just a cost?

If there is a customer who wants it, that's certainly a relevant start,
particularly if they are willing to pay for it...

It's difficult to say so much without knowing more about your market. If
you plan to sell your system to Google, it might well be a big plus!

I'm not involved in the Perl community, so maybe I'm misinformed, but it
seems to me that Perl is a language in decline. I quote the perl6 web
site: "The community brainstorming process finished August 1, 2000, 
resulting in 361 RFCs." There is no release date set yet, more than six
years later. I suspect that most of those who want a better Perl than
Perl 5, have changed to Ruby already, even if the Perl 5 development has
continued from 5.6.0 to 5.8.8.

After all, there are reasons why the Perl community wanted to change
Perl so drastically, and there are also reasons why it wasn't deemed
reasonable to change the language more gradually. Compare this with
Python, where we progressively  get new features in each version, and
the purpose of the next major rewrite is more about trimming off
annoying warts in a controlled way. Many of the Perl 6 features the
Perl community are still waiting for have been in Python for a long,
long time. Others have been smoothly incorporated into the last years
minor revisions of Python while Perl is standing still.

I suspect that most of those with a lot of Perl code, will continue to
use it, but for new development, Perl might not be a preferred solution.
Providing a Python option gives you another strength here. Python can do
what Perl does, but it scales better, it's easier to maintain, and while
it's mature and widely spread, it's very actively developed, backed by
giants such as Google, and still growing in popularity. Just look at
Python and Perl books at For Perl, 4 of the 12 books in the
first page (listing by relevance) are written in 2005-2006. For Python,
it's 8 of 12. Guess where the action is!

In other words, Python has to a significant taken over the role Perl
had. Perl once succeeded because it was in the right place at the
right time, but it's failed in the long ruin because it can't handle
the complexity of real world applications when they scale. It gets too
messy. Python can. I'm certainly not the only old Perl programmer who
jumped ship as soon as I met Python and never looked back.

The only competitor to Python that I see today when it comes to
delivering functionality for general application development at a
very high productivity, is Ruby. Python is much more mature and widely
used than Ruby. As I see it, Python's multi-paradigm approach is also
more useful than Ruby's pure OO mindset.

Google is using Python a lot, and investing money in the development
of the language and main implementation. Microsoft is investing in its
.NET port IronPython, which was just released inversion 1.0. There are
other interesting projects, such as the E.U. funded PyPy project, which
might open up new doors.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-29 Thread Magnus Lycka
Jon Ribbens wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
>> maybe you haven't done software long enough to understand that
>> software works better if you use it the way it was intended to be
>> used, but that's no excuse for being stupid.
> So what's your excuse?

If you don't like Fredrik's manner I suggest that you simply
don't use any code he's written. Good luck using Python! :^)

Don't bite the hand that feeds you...

Re: a different question: can you earn a living with *just* python?

2006-09-29 Thread Magnus Lycka
John Salerno wrote:
> It's a nice thought that a person can earn a living programming with 
> Python, which is fun enough to use just for its own sake. But for 
> someone like me (i.e. no programming experience) it's always a little 
> disheartening to see that most (if not all) job descriptions that ask 
> for Python still require some C/C++ or other language knowledge. I 
> suppose this isn't an issue if you studied CS in college, because you 
> would have been exposed to many languages.
> But what if you are an expert Python program and have zero clue about 
> other languages? Can you still earn a living that way, or do most/all 
> companies require multiple language proficiency?

Being a programmer isn't just a matter of knowing one or several
programming languages, just as being an author isn't merely a matter
of knowing writing and a language.

I've been involved in one development project where COBOL programmers
were handed detailed design descriptions written in pseudo code. The
SQL code used to access the database was complete in the spec. These
programmer just needed to know how to translate pseudo code to COBOL
one module at a time, and of course, they needed to know how to operate
the IDE and run tests etc.

In all other projects I've worked in, programmers were also involved in
design etc, often in the whole loop from requirements gathering to
deployment and maintenance of the product.

Knowing a programming language is a tiny part of that. Knowing two or
three languages is still a tiny part of the set of skill and abilities
required. I'm talking about communication skills, ability to extract
relevant information from people who know a problem domain, but lack
system design skills etc, strong analytical abilities, design skills,
problem solving skills, the general ability to get things done in a
reliable and timely manner etc etc.

I'd be reluctant to employ someone without at least a B.Sc. in some
relevant subject unless they had a proven track record.

Re: does anybody earn a living programming in python?

2006-09-28 Thread Magnus Lycka
Stuart Bishop wrote:
> My personal experience is that there is a shortage of good Python
> programmers. In Melbourne, Australia for example there is a continual need
> for about 2 more - one Python shop there just hires clueful developers and
> makes their first task 'learn Python'. We generally have a few positions
> open at any particular moment too - (but we
> are picky - it is hard to hand hold when the hand is several time zones away).

It's much easier to learn Python than it is to learn good general
software development skills, so I think that's a good approach. My
room mate here at work didn't know any Python programming before he
came, but he was fluent pretty soon. Like me, he's starting to make
stupid mistakes in C++, such as forgetting trailing ; after each line.

We are fairly picky here when we employ people, but while we appreciate
that they already know Python, we don't see it as a major issue. It's
quick and easy to learn. Mentioning Python in job ads is maybe more a
way to attract people who take clever initiatives.

> On a slight tangent, one of the appealing things about Python (and other
> 'non-mainstream' languages) in the past has been that the people who knew
> Python also tended to be the people you wanted to employ - they generally
> had experience in other languages but moved onto something they perceived as
> 'better' either at work or home. It indicated a level of care and pride
> about their profession rather than someone who just treated cutting code as
> a day job. 

That depends if you are an employer who wants to lead
a team of skilled professionals or if you prefer a
herd of sheep that you lead around with a stick.

So, as someone who want to be employed, you influence
what kinds of job you tend to get with what you learn.
Do you prefer a job where you are just expected to do
exactly what you are told, or are you eager to take
initiatives and change your work place to something

Re: Replace single character at given position

2006-09-27 Thread Magnus Lycka
Larry Bates wrote:
>> How do I replace a single character in a string at a given position?

You can't. Strings can't be mutated in Python how ever hard you try.
The string type is immutable. (Of course, I suspect you can write a
horrible C extension that would help you cheat. Yuk!)

You need to create a *new* string object with the properties you like.
This is what you do below. As soon as you use "s1=...", you are
rebinding "s1" to a (typically) different string object than it was
bound to before.

If you think about this, it will probably also answer the "does Python
use call by reference or call by value" questions that will eventually
pop up in your head if you come from C.

>> From programming languages like C I expect something like that:

What you need to realize is that objects and assignments are
different in Python and in C. In C, "a=x" basically means "put
the value identified by x in the location defined by a". In
Python, "a=x" basically means "bind the name a to the object
identified by x". See

> You can do this:
> s1=s1.replace('x','y', 1) # Only replace the first x with y
> or
> s1l=list(s1)
> s1l[1]='y'
> s1=''.join(s1l)

Both these examples creates new string objects and rebind the
name s1 to these new objects. In other words, if you had "s2=s1"
on a previous line, the expression "s1==s2" will be false after
the code above has been executed.

Re: I need some tips to begin a simple project

2006-09-27 Thread Magnus Lycka
dutche wrote:
> Hi, I'm new in Python and I'm learning with "Learning Python" oreilly's
> book which is very good written and explanatory.

You're not saying how new you are to programming (particularly
GUI programming) in general. Python itself is probably not the
tricky part here.

> And I can use some other graphical interface, like OpenGL? Or with
> PyGame I can do an animattion like zooming the icon image when hover?

It seems to me that PyGame might be a candidate for the kind of stuff
you want to do, although I'm no expert in that. I'd download it and
play with it. There are some PyGame tutorials and example code to
get you started.

Good Luck!

Re: does anybody earn a living programming in python?

2006-09-27 Thread Magnus Lycka
walterbyrd wrote:
> If so, I doubt there are many. 

Depends on what you compare with. I'm pretty sure there are thousands
of people working as Python programmers, and many more using it as a
smaller tool in their work. Of course this is small compared to Java
or C++.

In the US, it seems a lot of companies in the animation industry, such
as Dreamworks and Industrial Light & Magic regularly look for Python
skilled people.

In my vicinity, Göteborg with surroundings in Sweden, I know of
several places where people work with Python. I'm sure the amount of
C++,  Java or VB programmers are magnitudes bigger, but there are also
a lot more people eager to fill those positions.

My employer, Jeppesen Systems AB, has dozens of Python programmers,
and we train our customers to use Python for customization and 
integration etc. So, we know that a significant number of the world's
largest air lines and some significant railroad companies have trained
Python developers (we trained them) and use Python for customizing our
products, and for e.g. integration with legacy systems.

Just a few hundred meters from us, there is AB Strakt, which was more
or less a pure Python company last time I looked. The pharmaceuticals
company Astra Zeneca uses Python in some of their research, and I've
seen people from other companies in the vicinity asking Python questions
on various mailing lists etc. Python is certainly used in Chalmers, the
technical University here. This is in a region with way less than one
million inhabitants. I'm pretty sure we have >1 Python programmer per
10 000 inhabitants. Let's say that's above Swedish average. I still
think there is at least 300 Python programmers among the 9 million
people here. Although we're just 0.15% of the worlds populations, my
experience is that we make and use something like 1% of the high tech
stuff in the world, so my standard extrapolation technique would yield
3 python programmers globally.

> I wonder why that is?

Well, it takes time to change things, and many decision makers aren't
very well informed. Maybe they are more likely to choose something
which is marketed and supported by some large commercial entity. The
rise of Linux and open source is changing that, but it takes time.
If you look at languages introduced the last 15 years or so, I think
Python is one of the more popular. The languages I can think of right
now, that have appeared since 1990 or so, and received a significant
mindshare are C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Visual

Of these, C#, Java and Visual Basic have serious commercial backing
which promoted them heavily for certain applications, and provided a
lot of convenient tools. Those languages are also closely modeled
syntactically on a predecessor, C++ for Java, Java for C#, and VB is
just a new BASIC dialect, which makes the transition to start using
them easier, at the expense of retaining stupid aspect of old languages
that we'd rather get rid of. I.e. getting started seems more important
than getting it right. That should help in the short run, but be less
good in the long run.

Perl and CGI was the best available tool when the big web boost
happened, and PHP has taken over that role. They are very popular in
a particular niche (but Perl seems to be in decline) but like
JavaScript, they are niche tools.

Ruby is the language most like Python I guess, and it's nowhere near
Python in popularity, even if RoR has given it a boost. As people have
noticed, Python is often used together with C or C++, and it seems to
me that Java programmer might prefer Ruby to Python. This might be
because Java and Ruby are both purely OO, and might fit people who think
OO is everything, while Python and C++ are multi paradigm programmers
that share a different mindset.

So, to summarize, Python is probably the most popular general purpose
programming language invented since 1990 which didn't have multi
billion dollar backing. Now, it has more backing, with Google investing
in it, for instance by hiring the creator and other important Python
developers. Python 2.5 has advanced it even further, and it seems to
me that Python 3.0 will be a much smoother ride than Perl 6 turned out
to be for the Perl community. IronPython and PyPy are also very
interesting projects.

Python is a generic programming language, so I don't think we need some
kind of killer application like RoR. On the other hand, I think a really
smooth IDE with a convenient GUI builder could help making it more
widely spread "among the masses".


Re: Python programs always open source?

2006-09-22 Thread Magnus Lycka
Ben Finney wrote:
> Leif K-Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 Ben Finney wrote:
> So long as you're not distributing some or all of Python itself,
> or a derivative work, the license for Python has no legal effect
> on what license you choose for your own work.
>> I was replying to Ben Finney's claim that in a hypothetical world
>> where Python was licensed under the GPL, there would still be no
>> restriction on distributing Python programs under a closed-source
>> license.
> My claim (and IANAL) is that it doesn't matter *what* license Python
> is distributed under; unless you do something with Python that is a
> right of the copyright holder, such as distributing part or all of
> Python, the copyright license terms of Python have no legal effect on
> what license you choose for your own work.

As I read the GPL, you should be ok if you don't copy, distribute or
modify Python (if Python was GPL). Those are the activities covered
by the GPL license. Using py2exe to make a binary with both Python
and your own code would be a different matter. Even distributing a CD
with a GPL Python and your python modules would be a problem, since
you would be distributing GPL software with non-GPL software which will
be combined into a program as you run it.

If you just distribute your .py files, it probably doesn't matter if
someone else will run the unholy combination of GPL Python and I don't think a judge would consider executing
"gplpython" being copying, distribution or modification.

On the other hand, I think your "doesn't matter *what* license
Python is distributed under"-claim holds. If we are allowed to think
up other evil licenses, they could make claims on all files ever used
with their evil software, and I doubt that you could develop non-
trivial software without ever invoking it.

Still, the important thing is that Python uses a license which is
convenient for both proprietary software development and open source.

Re: When is it a pointer (aka reference) - when is it a copy?

2006-09-19 Thread Magnus Lycka
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> this article
> may be useful for those who haven't already seen it.

I don't know how many times I've referred to, or paraphrased,
that article. Shouldn't it be incorporated into the standard
tutorial? I think it's very helpful for people who are used
to the way C etc handles variables.

Re: question about including something like sqlite in python

2006-09-14 Thread Magnus Lycka
John Salerno wrote:
> I was just thinking, since Python 3.0 is supposed to clean up a lot of 
> the unnecessary or redundant features of Python and make other things 
> more streamlined, does it seem to anyone that including SQLite goes 
> against this goal?

Not to me. I don't see the redundancy. The DB-API spec has been
around for years. I think it's great that one implementation comes
with Python.

> This is just me thinking out loud, mind you, but it seems like including 
>  a database module (especially one that many people won't use in favor 
> of MySQL or PostgreSQL, etc.) is weighing down the standard library. I 
> suppose the sqlite module might still be removed in 3.0, but the 
> inclusion of it at all seems a little strange (and also sort of like an 
> endorsement for using it).

Sure, but primarily it's endorsement for using the the DB-API.

Including SQLite lowers the barrier for getting started in writing
applications in a domain where Python fits well. A domain where
Visual Basic and tools like FoxPro have dominated. Libraries such
as datetime and decimal also goes in the same direction. One could
argue that a simple to use GUI building tool is another requisite
in this domain, but maybe a web tool kit is more appropriaet these

In short I think it helps making Python into a VB-killer, or if
you prefer (yuk!) the new COBOL! ;^)

Re: best small database?

2006-09-14 Thread Magnus Lycka
David Isaac wrote:
> I have no experience with database applications.
> This database will likely hold only a few hundred items,
> including both textfiles and binary files.
> I would like a pure Python solution to the extent reasonable.
> Suggestions?

You haven't provided enough requirements for us
to make any intelligent suggestions. Perhaps you
might learn something from reading through my old
EuroPython presentation.

Relational databases with SQL syntax provides a convenient
way to store data with an appropriate structure. You can
always force a tool into handling things it wasn't designed
for, but SQL database work best when you have strict, well
defined structures, such as in accounting systems, booking
systems etc. It gives you a declarative query language,
transaction handling, typically multi user support and
varying degrees of scalability and high availability

For you, it's probably overkill, and if you have files
to start with, keeping them in the file system is the
natural thing to do. That means that you can use a lot
of standard tools to access, manipulate, backup and search
through them. Perhaps you rather need a search engine for
the file system?

Do you intend to store information concerning how these
files relate to each other? Perhaps it's better in that
case to just keep that relationship information in some
small database system, and to keep the actual files in
the file system.

Perhaps it's enough to keep an XML file with the structure,
and to use something like ElementTree to manipulate that
XML structure.

You gain a lot of power, robustness and flexibility by
using some kind of plain text format. Simple files play
well with configuration management systems, backup systems,
editors, standard search tools, etc. If you use XML, it's
also easier to transform your structural information to
some presentable layout through standard techniques such
as XSL.


Re: Is it just me, or is Sqlite3 goofy?

2006-09-14 Thread Magnus Lycka
Paul Boddie wrote:
> Well, if the client is free not to bother signalling anything about
> erroneous value types, one has to wonder why there's so much of a
> specification.

If you read it, I think you'll notice that the committee has
managed to produce a lot of text without spending too much
ink on error handling. I'm not completely up to date with
the latest standards, but last time I looked, a lot of things
that are essential parts of all serious implementations were
missing from the standards.

I'm pretty certain it would overwhelm the SQL standards committee
if they had to specify how error conditions are handled.

It would certainly be useful though. E.g. is PostgreSQL SQL
compliant in forcing a rollback as soon as an operation
fails. E.g. in Oracle, you can have a transaction with a
loop where you try to insert values, and fall back to updating
instead if you get a duplicate key on insert error. In PostgreSQL
you need to set a savepoint before the the insert and rollback
to that. Does the standard say whether this is kosher? I think

Re: Is it just me, or is Sqlite3 goofy?

2006-09-13 Thread Magnus Lycka
Paul Boddie wrote:
> To be fair, that text originates in section 12.3, referring to input
> parameters to procedures. Meanwhile, the following text (subclause
> 13.8, "") appears to be more pertinent:
> "If the data type of the target identified by the i-th  is
> an exact numeric type, then the data type of the i-th item of the
>  shall be an exact numeric type."

And SQLite behaves as expected if you provide a numeric value
to a numeric column, right? In other words, it complies to that

Does the spec state how the database engine should behave if the
client breaks the requirements for insert? I guess that this is
implementation dependent.

Re: Is it just me, or is Sqlite3 goofy?

2006-09-13 Thread Magnus Lycka
> What was Richard Hipp's justification for slandering the
> writers of the SQL Language Specification?

First of all, if you read the text you quoted and understand
English, you should be able to see that the author of the
text is clearly expressing an opinion, not stating a fact.

Calling this lies or slander is just absurd.

"the authors of SQLite feel very strongly that this is a

"The authors argue that static typing is a bug in the SQL

If you think that these sentences imply some kind objective
truth that could be claimed to be a lie, then you are confused
about English or logic or both.

 > Is there anything more rude than describling the SQL Language
 > Specification as a bug that needs to be fixed?

Using "waterheadretard" in a posting subject perhaps?

Seriously, this is the first time I ever heard anyone
being religious about the SQL standard in that way.

Also, while I actually find your statement about SQL being
a bug rather funny and fitting, it's not what Hipp is saying.
He's talking about static typing, which is really only a
detail in SQL and has no bearing on the relational theories.
Equality and inequality can certainly be defined in a strict
way regardless on whether it is columns or values that have a
distinct type. The use of NULL as a permitted value for all
types mean that SQL has already relaxed the traditional type
mechanism a bit. Python, Tcl, SQLite etc goes one step further.

To cleanse you from this affliction, I suggest that you
read Date and Darwen's "A Guide to the SQL Standard".
After all, these guys are seriously involved in the SQL
standard development, and they are certainly not very
religious about it. Among their claims you can find these
pearls: "SQL in particular is very far from ideal as a
relational language", "although there are well-established
principles for the design of formal languages, there is
little evidence that SQL was ever designed in accordance
with any such principles", "Standard SQL especially is
additionally deficient in a number of respects".

Many people have claimed through the years that SQL is
broken, and that Quel was a much better language, and the
only reason that SQL killed Quel and not vice versa was the
IBM backing. Richard Hipp is hardly being controversial
in this respect...

Re: Is it just me, or is Sqlite3 goofy?

2006-09-13 Thread Magnus Lycka
First of all, anyone with extensive experience in database systems
understand that validating and cleaning input is an unavoidable task.

Static typing can help identify some of the problems, but far from
all, and there is often data processing done before the data enters
the database, so it's often too late to do the cleaning at that time

Once you are dealing with data within your system, it's a bug in the
software if data doesn't fulfill the intended constraints. Such
problems should be identified by unit tests.

Mike Owens wrote:
> Next, as far as transferring you data, you most likely have to resort
> to some delimited format, or INSERT statements, which is no different
> than any other database.

You can always write a Python script which reads from one
database, cleans up the data and inserts into another, one
row at a time. This isn't just a porting activity. I've written
a Python app that moved data from a DB2 mainframe production
database to DB2 testing database on Windows. It moved data
from a hierarchy of tables, starting in a given table, and
reading foreign keys from system tables (very slow in mainframe
DB2!) to figure out what data to bring from which tables.

Since the system used abstract keys and moved data to a populated
database, it had to generate new keys and adjust the foreign keys
in the dependent tables. It also had to work around bugs and
quirks in Windows NT, DB2 and ADODBAPI etc. These things are
relatively easy, but it's never trivial. There are always a lot
of details to deal with.

For big volumes, you typically need to use some kind of bulk
loading facility. Inserts are generally much too slow. (I'm
talking about general data porting woes here--in the case of
SQLite it's not likely that you have many million rows of data.)

Efficient bulk loading means that you have different data format
for different database systems, and also that you need to validate
your data before insertion, so the problems directly related to
SQLite doesn't seem very odd.

Re: [ANN] RuPy 2007 - Python & Ruby Conference

2006-09-11 Thread Magnus Lycka
Jakub Piotr Nowak wrote:
> RuPy 2007
> Python & Ruby Conference
> Poznan, Poland
> April 7-8, 2007

Are you aware of the EuroPython Conference which
will take place in Vilnius three months later?

Re: Is it just me, or is Sqlite3 goofy?

2006-09-11 Thread Magnus Lycka
> I think an explanation of how Sqlite3 differs from SQL and
> a better set of examples is still warranted.

In general, Python standard library modules that are wrappers
for third party libraries are very thinly documented, and they
should probably remain that way, because it's really too much of
a burden on the Python developers to develop this documentation
and keep it up to date. The idea is to document the wrapper, not
the wrapped library.

If I had a choice concerning these wrapper libraries, I'd much
rather see more docs on the tkinter and xml libraries. There you
need to guess a lot. There is no shortage of Tcl/Tk docs, but it
doesn't look the same within Python. For the Python xml libraries,
I've had to experiment a lot, and I have this nagging feeling
that I don't do things the way I should. (From Python 2.5, we
have ElementTree, which is much better from this perspective,
but we've just started using 2.4 at work, and we try to keep
the amount of third party libraries to a minimum here.)

It seems to me that the sqlite3 module is fairly decent in
this regard, particularly since it's not even included in a
completed Python release yet. Concerning the API, I'm surprised
to see magic method naming such as __conform__ introduced in
a library like that. It seems to me that this is a violation
of PEP 8. I'm sure there are further details that could be worth
mentioning in the docs, but I think it's important that we don't
try to duplicate the SQLite docs in the Python docs.

Is it just me, or is Sqlite3 goofy?

2006-09-08 Thread Magnus Lycka
While I can understand your frustration, I think it is
important to think about the tone in our postings here.
Hydrocephalus is one of the most common birth defects,
and it's not terribly unlikely that someone who reads
this has a family member or someone else in his proximity
who suffers from this condition.

> "Fixed"? Up until now, I didn't think it was possible for
> crackpot theories to be implemented in computer science.
> This is absolutely the craziest thing I've ever heard.

Still, many people with lots of experience in databases
use it, and prefer it for certain kinds of applications.
All systems have limitations and deviations, and those
limitations and deviations are stated more clearly for
SQLite than for most commercial products at least. The
market leader Oracle still can't store empty strings in
VARCHAR fields for instance. They are silently converted
to NULL. I'm pretty sure that has been in clear violation
to the official spec since 1986 at least.

As far as I understand, noone here is forcing you to use
SQLite, and with your long experience of MS Access I'd
expect you to be fairly used to "almost SQL"... It's
some time since I used Jet/Access now, but I had much
more problems with that than I've had with SQLite.

SQLite is built in Tcl, by someone who appreciates the
way Tcl works, with its weak typing. I don't think Tcl's
type handling is nearly as clever as Python's, but I
think it's a good thing that Python's standard lib finally
has a DB-API compliant module, and while I would have
preferred something that was closer to standard SQL, I
don't know of a better candidate than SQLite.

It's good that it's usable without a server setup, and
that it's very light weight. A Jet engine is obviously
not an option, and I would have preferred SQLite even
if Jet was open source and worked on all platforms.
(Well, if JET *was* open source, I suspect it would
have been fixed by now.) It's possible that one could
have used the embedded version of Firebird instead, but
in my experience that's not nearly as lean or easy to

With your long experience of Access and SQL Server I'm
sure you know well that any attempt to build a working
database application requires extensive knowledge of
the backend to understand its peculiarities and

The list of software projects where not quite competent
developers built Access applications that worked ok in
small scale tests and failed catastrophically in real
life is looong...

Of course, if you've stayed with one vendor for 15 years,
I can imagine that you've forgotten how long it took you
Having worked with half a dozen backends or so, I'm no
longer surprised that SQL can be interpreted in so many
ways... I agree that SQLite is unique in it's approach
to typing, but if you are aware of this, it's really not
a big problem.


Re: Permission Denied

2006-08-23 Thread Magnus Lycka
Jorge Godoy wrote:
> ;-)  And think about security as well.

I.e. put '.' in the end of your PATH, never in the beginning!


Re: Project organisation

2006-07-19 Thread Magnus Lycka
rony steelandt wrote:
> Imagine I have x projects and they all use
> What would be the best way to organise this
> 1.
> c --\project1\*.py
>   |
>   |-\project2\*.py
>   |
>   --\globals\
> This organisation has the problem that if I have to modify something to
> that I need in project2, I'll have to retest project1 to make sure
> it still works (that could be project 1..n). 
> 2.
> A copy of in each project directory ? The advantage is that I can
> modify each in function of the need of the project but it looks
> clutered, having n versions of
> What is the best solution ? or is there another even better solution ?

Extensive automated regression tests certainly helps!
Take a look at e.g.

This is really not a Python issue at all, it would be
the same thing with a util.dll written in C++...

Re: running python from a memory stick?

2006-07-13 Thread Magnus Lycka
John Salerno wrote:
> Is there a way to 'install' and use Python on a memory stick, just as 
> you would on any computer? I use Windows, and I know the installation 
> does things with the registry, so probably I couldn't use the executable 
> file to install it. But is it possible to do it some other way, such as 
> how you might build it yourself on Linux (although I don't know how to 
> do that yet) and then just write and run scripts normally straight from 
> your memory stick?

Google for 'python on a memory stick" and follow the first link?

Re: How to display name of elements in list?

2006-07-12 Thread Magnus Lycka
>> My list called "elten" looks like that:
>> [Tensor: id = 1,  intensity = 2976.52
>>  xx = -1447.32, xy = 52.458, xz = -594.186
>>  yy = -1090.54, yz = -0.0158068, zz = -4043.
>> , Tensor: id = 26,  intensity = 2896.9
>>  ...
>> , Tensor: id = 5,  intensity = 2920.5
>>  xx = -1534.53, xy = 23.4858, xz = -623.967
>>  yy = -1070.47, yz = 99.6301, zz = -3979.87
>> ]

> The list above is not a valid Python list. What is it that you store in that 
> list?

It might well be a normal Python list.

The question is what type the items in the list are...
The result of printing a list L is basically a string you
could make like this:

'[' + ','.join(map(repr,L)) + ']'

It seems the elements in this list appear as something
like this when you apply the repr() function on them:

Tensor: id = 1,  intensity = 2976.52
  xx = -1447.32, xy = 52.458, xz = -594.186
  yy = -1090.54, yz = -0.0158068, zz = -4043.

So, the issue is not how you work with a list,
but how you work with the elements of this type.

To reduce the problem to that, you can assign the
first element in the list to a variable.

elem0 = elten[0]

Then you can inspect that in isolation, without
the confusion of the list.


Re: Specifing arguments type for a function

2006-07-04 Thread Magnus Lycka
Paolo Pantaleo wrote:
> I have a function
> def f(the_arg):
> ...
> and I want to state that the_arg must be only of a certain type
> (actually a list). Is there a way to do that?

You can state that in your documentation.

You're very likely to get a reasonable runtime error
from this when you start using the_arg in your code.

The pythonic way of programming is not with overly
strict assumptions about typing, but rather by:
a) Assuming as little as possible about the data
you get from a caller or from a called function.
b) Use a comprehensive suite of automated tests to
make sure that you find programming errors.

 From a hypothetical point of view, tests can only
find bugs, and never prove that programs are correct,
but in practice, automated tests is one of the best
ways to keep bugs out of your code. Compile time
type checks can only find a small fraction of the
bugs programmers make, and the tests that find the
harder bugs will also find all the type mismatches
that are problematic in any way.

There are those who speculate that we will eventually
have methods to formally prove correctness of programs
through some kind of analysis, but static type checks
and other compile time tests are very far from doing

I think you will find that this approach of assuming
as little as possible about parameters and return
values will make your code both more robust and more
flexible than a traditional approach with static
typing as in C++, Java or ADA etc.

Re: About classes and OOP in Python

2006-04-12 Thread Magnus Lycka
Michele Simionato wrote:
> Roy Smith wrote:
>> That being said, you can indeed have private data in Python.  Just prefix
>> your variable names with two underscores (i.e. __foo), and they effectively
>> become private.  Yes, you can bypass this if you really want to, but then
>> again, you can bypass private in C++ too.
> Wrong, _foo is a *private* name (in the sense "don't touch me!"), __foo
> on the contrary is a *protected* name ("touch me, touch me, don't worry
> I am protected against inheritance!").
> This is a common misconception, I made the error myself in the past.

While your wording makes sense, it's probably confusing for anyone
with a C++ background, where private roughly means "only accessible
within the actual class" and protected roughly means "only accessible
within the class and other classes derived from it".

Re: Py+SQLite or other (big output) ?

2006-04-11 Thread Magnus Lycka
DurumDara wrote:
> I want to process many data with python, and want to store in database.
> So I want to use one database file - but I want to protect it.
> How to do it with SQLite ?
> I see that solutions:
> - 1. I use transactions.
> - 2. I create full copy of database after every bigger transation.
> - 3. Shadow file ???
> - 4. Mirror database (this is problematic to synch.).
> The transactions are very good things, but does not protect the database 
> from injuring.
> The copy operation is better, but very decrease the processing speed, 
> because the result db grow fast, and copy of 1/2,2/3 GBs is slow, and 
> not too good.

With these requirements (data recovery, sizes of several gigabytes,
transaction safety etc) you might consider something "heavier" than

Of course, there is more work to administer something like DB2, Oracle
or PostgreSQL than SQLite, but at least the code is as easy as for
SQLite, and they are built to provide very robust storage of large
amounts of data in a transaction safe way, with ample possibilities
to spread out data across disks etc.

Also, with e.g. Oracle, you can define the max sizes of the database
files so that disks never get full. If the allotted files are all
full, there won't be any crash. You will just get a error from the
last INSERT, and stay in your transaction. If you catch this error
and alert the user, more disk space could be made available for the
database, the erring INSERT repeated and then you just go on with the
rest. I think you could do the same in recent PostgreSQL versions
by using savepoints. (PostrgeSQL requires a rollback after an SQL
error--savepoints enables you to rollback less than a full

Re: Looking for a language/framework

2006-04-11 Thread Magnus Lycka
Gregor Horvath wrote:
> Scott David Daniels schrieb:
>> Using a relational DBMS is most definitely _not_ premature optimization.
>> A relational system provides a way to store data so that it is later
> I did not mean that using a relational DBMS is premature optimization
> but not using a ORM because of performance considerations is one .

Whether or not to use an ORM might be a fairly big design decision, and
a part of the entire approach to your data handling. For some kinds of
data and some kinds of applications, it will drastically reduce your
flexibility in how you can conveniently deal with the data.

Object oriented design and programming, is often very helpful, but it's
not the only approach you can take to solving a problem in software, and
I'm not sure it's always the best approach...

Using an ORM means that you are making it much more difficult to use the
full expressiveness of SQL. On the other hand, using the full
expressiveness of SQL might make it much more difficult to use your data
in an object oriented way... You have to weigh the pros and cons
depending on the situation.

I'm sure different ORMs might be more or less limiting on SQL. I suspect
that this depends on how well the designer of the ORM knows SQL. I guess
the problem is that those who are best at SQL and most capable of
writing a non-limiting ORB are fairly good at working without an ORM, so
it's the guys who don't really understand and appreciate the strengths
of SQL that designs the ORMs... :)

> If it turns out that the ORM is a performance problem you can always
> tune it afterwards. (probably by the DBMS setup, indexes etc.)

To a large extent, use of ORMs and a proper OO design, means that you
move a lot of logic from the the DB and the SQL layer up to the Python
(or whatever language you use) layer, and there are efficient SQL
solutions you simply can't reach in that way.

As a simple example, the natural way to calculate the averages of an
attribute in a set of object in an OO system is to iterate over the
objects, get the value, add up a sum, count the objects as you iterate
and divide the sum with the count once you were done iterating. It's
very simple and straight forward, and often magnitudes slower than the
corresponding obvious SQL solution.

> Its just a layer and therefore the endresult is SQL much the same as the
> one you would hand code. (and you still can use direct SQL if you like
> with most of them)

That's a joke, right? It might be much the same as *you* would have hand
coded, but perhaps very different from what *I* (and I suspect Scott)
would have coded.

With different approaches to your design, you solve problems in
completely different ways. Different languages lend themselves to
very different design approaches. The distinction between declarative
and imperative languages is pretty big, as is the more concrete ways
to actually work with data in Python and SQL.

SQL is a really stupid language in many ways. It's pretty useless
without a good partner, such as Python, and even considering its limited
perspective as a language for querying and manipulating relational
databases, I think it could have been designed so much better. I can't
see any intelligent reason not to provide the kind of abstractions that
function calls provide for instance. The amount of repetition in SQL
code in large database applications is appalling.

Still, there are applications where it's widely superior to any really
existing alternatives, and it goes far beyond manipulating or fetching
individual records in tables.

> In any way you have to bridge the logical gap between the relational and
> the object data model in your programm.


> So you will end up in building a layer between your persistence code and
> your problem and domain specific application code, so what you are
> actually doing is writing an ORM.

Well, I wouldn't say it's an ORM unless it tries to be generic in some
way. In many cases, this mapping is fairly trivial. I once used
SQLObject for a whisky tasting database web app, and I think it made
life easier for me than raw SQL would have been, but that was a small
system where it was more important to make development fast than to make
the end product fast and robust.

> Not reinventing the wheel every time and using a existing one is IMHO a
> better approach.

Well, as usual... That depends... For each project you have to decide
how well different available alternatives fit your actual requirements.
If there's an ORM that fit yours, fine. No such external product would
be able to handle the applications I work with right now. The kind of
"conventional" use of SQL in ORMs simply won't work for our needs for
several reasons.

For us, and ORM simply can't solve the problem. For others, it's

As I said, ORMs have their uses, but it seems to me that a reason for
many people to use ORMs is to avoid having to properly understand the
way relational databases work, and that means they w

Re: How to search HUGE XML with DOM?

2006-04-07 Thread Magnus Lycka
Ivan Vinogradov wrote:
> I have not much clue about databases, except that they exist, somewhat 
> complex, and often use proprietary formats for efficiency.

Prorietary storage format, but a standardized API...

> So any points on whether RDBM-based setup
> would be better would be greatly appreciated.

The typical use case for RDBMS is that you have a number
of record types (classes/relations/tables) with a regular
structure, and all data fits into these structures. When
you want to search for something, you know exactly in what
field of what table to look (but not which item of course).
You also typically have multiple users who need to be able
to update the same database simultaneously without getting
in each others way.

> Even trivial aspects, such as whether to produce RDBM during the 
> simulation, or convert the complete XML log file into one, are not 
> entirely clear to me. 

Most databases as suited at writing data in fairly small chunks,
although it's typically much faster to write 100 items in a
transaction, than to write 100 transactions with one item each.

> I gather that RDBM would be much better suited for 
> analysis, but what about portability ? Is database file a separate 
> entity that may be passed around?

Who says that a database needs to reside in a file? Most
databases reside on disk, but it might well be in raw

In general, you should see the database as a persistent
representation of data in a system. It's not a transport

Re: does python could support sequence of short or int?

2006-03-30 Thread Magnus Lycka
momobear wrote:
> but what about buffer is not be declared in python program, it comes
> from a C function. and what about I want to treat a string as a short
> list?

Python is a high level language with much stronger typing than C.
If you want a list of integers, use a list of integers. Strings
are for text. You might well extract numeric values from a string that
you get from another source, and you can use array or struct for that,
but don't use that while processing numeric values in Python.

Sorry, but when I hear you, I see the image of someone who shoves dirt
into the trunk of a car, goes over to the front, tries to lift it with
his bare hands, and complains that this is a really clunky wheel-barrow.

Don't try to make Python into some kind of crippled C. It's much more
powerful than C if you use it as intended. Used backward, it will only
irritate you. I can well understand that you try to use C idioms if that
is what you know, but you should understand that this will often lead
you to bad Python solutions.

I don't quite understand how you intend that the interface between C
and Python would look. You can't just pass a raw C pointer to Python.
If you want that data to be managed by your C code, you need to provide
an API that you can access from Python that will make sense for Python.

If you e.g. pass a string as a return value from a wrapped C function,
you can e.g. use array or struct in Python to access it in a way that
makes sense in Python.

Assuming that your C function returns a string with 2 byte integers like
 >>> s

You can easily make a list like this:

 >>> import struct
 >>> l = list(struct.unpack('h'*(len(s)/2), s))
 >>> l
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

If you don't need to manipulate it, you can skip the 'list()'
part and get an immutable tuple instead.

The advantage with struct over array in s case like this (as far as I
understand) is that you have control over endianness.

Re: Set Windows Environment Variable

2006-03-30 Thread Magnus Lycka
Duncan Booth wrote:
> Fuzzyman wrote:
>> In the ``win32api`` package there is a ``GetEnvironmentVariable``
>> function, but no ``SetEnvironmentVariable``. Any options ?
> No, your only option is to find a solution which doesn't involve changing 
> another process's environment.

Surely there must be a way to programatically set up the
environment variables for not yet started processes? I.e.
doing the same as when you manually change things in the
control panel. I'm pretty sure many Windows installers do
that, and while I suppose this is technically a registry
manipulation, I suspect there is a more direct API somewhere.

Re: does python could support sequence of short or int?

2006-03-30 Thread Magnus Lycka
momobear wrote:
> hi, is there a way to let python operate on sequence of int or short?

If you want to work with arrays of numbers, you might want to
look at NumArray etc.

Re: Python Debugger / IDE ??

2006-03-30 Thread Magnus Lycka
Don Taylor wrote:
> Is there a free or low-cost version of Delphi for Windows available 
> anywhere?


If my memory serves me correctly, I have several CDs from various
computer magazines with previous versions of Delphi at home. I don't
know if such offers have been around recently, but you could check
some computer magazines with included CDs or DVDs.

Borlands web site currently says: "Please note that Delphi 2005
Personal is only distributed through select publications, and is not
available for download."

Google for more info... See e.g.

See also:

Re: Looking for a language/framework

2006-03-30 Thread Magnus Lycka
Steve Juranich wrote:
>> As far as hosting, I also know
>> where Zope/Plone hosting from 7.95 a month - although the host doesn't
>> list it on their ads, they do use and host it.
> Which host would this be?  I'm currently exploring some options for getting
> a Zope site hosted.

Virtual servers is getting cheaper and cheaper. That's obviously
a viable way to host Zope, if you don't mind being your own sysop.

Re: What's the best way to learn perl for a python programmer?

2006-03-28 Thread Magnus Lycka
vj wrote:
> I've been given a project which requires writing scripts that need to
> be run on over 3000 servers. Only about 15% of them have python
> installed on them. While all/most of them will have perl.
> I'll try and do as much as possible in pexpect but am sure I'll have do
> some significant perl. Any suggestions on what is the best way to get
> upto speed on perl?

The thing that really bit me when I tried to go back to Perl after
years with Python was dereferencing. Completely obvious things in
Python, such as extracting an element from a list inside a dict in
another list felt like black magic. I actually gave up, but later I
realized that there is an entire chapter in Programming Perl about
the stumbling blocks with dereferencing in Perl.

I don't think people in this group :) will disagree if I claim that
Python software is much more maintainable and easier to develop and
debug than Perl scripts. That's probably relevant if they are to
run on thousands of servers.

I'd make a real effort to investigate if it's possible to either
install Python on all boxes or use something like cx_Freeze to make
executables out of the scripts.

Re: Suggestion for Web App

2006-03-28 Thread Magnus Lycka
Harlin Seritt wrote:
> I want to make a recommendation to a group of internal customers where
> I work concerning a Python web framework. They are seeking to build a
> portal that can handle around 5000 total users  but probably no more
> than 100-200 simultaneous users. This is supposed to serve mainly
> static content - the content will hold references, tutorials and
> examples for different technologies, a forum (similar probably to
> phpbb) and podcasts (rss and mp3 files). Also I believe it will
> definitely need a decent DB server for this.
> They have some other suggestions ranging from Websphere/JSP's to PHP. I
> personally don't think the PHP will scale well for growth and I also
> think that using Java/JSPs will be too slow for this sort of thing.

There are certainly big PHP sites (Wikipedia?) and I'm not sure
Python is faster than Java/JSP (given enough memory on the server).
I'd use Python too, but that's more due to maintainablility and
rapid development than performance.

> I normally work as system and application admin and use Python in a
> number of ways to get the job done. Naturally, I am naturally inclined
> to suggest something that uses Python or something "Pythonic". I wanted
> to suggest Zope but there are also other ones I'm thinking of as well
> like CherryPy and Karrigell. Which one of these (or other ones you guys
> know of) would do the best job in this situation?

I never felt Zope was very pythonic... You certainly get a lot out
of the box with Zope, but there seems to be a big learning curve as
soon as you go beyond the most obvious things. Knowing Python won't
mean that you feel at home in Zope. Zope 3 seems to improve things,
but almost all existing Zope products today are Zope 2 thingies, so
it seems a year early or so to jump onto the Zope 3 train if you don't
want a lot of work.

It seems the popular tool kits these days are Django and Turbo Gears.
I have heard a lot of good things about both. I think both have video
tutorials and other introduction docs that are easy to digest.

> Also do you guys know if MySQL would work with this or should they use
> something more robust like DB2 (IBM shop)?

Typically, I warn people about MySQL, since it's not very mature in
the role as a full RDBMS, but it's been very successful for use as
container for web site content. This role, with lots of simple reads,
no complex transactions and relatively few updates is just where
MySQL shines. Don't use it for mission critical OLTP applications
such as booking or accounting systems though. I think MySQL is robust.

Re: New development windows, IronPython or PythonWin

2006-03-28 Thread Magnus Lycka
Dan wrote:
> Just starting to do some windows Client / Server programming. Which
> would you recommend? I need to create a server to fire events and
> communicate with clients over a lan. Thanks

There are plenty of Python solutions for this, most of them
work with Windows, but aren't locked to it.

You might want to look at one of these:

See also

Re: multiple assignment

2006-03-24 Thread Magnus Lycka
Anand wrote:
> Suppose i have a big list and i want to take tke the first one and rest
> of the list like car/cdr in lisp.
> is there any easy way to do this in python?

It seems like overkill to me to make the syntax more
complex just to avoid writing a one-line function.

def first_rest(seq): return seq[0], seq[1:]

Re: datetime iso8601 string input

2006-03-23 Thread Magnus Lycka
> Why not
> dt = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")[0:6])
> ?

Maybe due to neglection of the 7th commandment?
Most of the other commandments can be ignored while
coding Python, but the 7th certainly applies here.

As I've written before, the ISO 8601 spec contains
many variations in date formats. Making a full ISO
8601 parser is probably possible if we ignore time
deltas, but it's hardly worth the effort. Writing
something that parses a few percent of the possible
ISO 8601 messages and calling that an ISO 8601
parser seems silly to me.

With code like Skip's above it's obvious what kind
of strings are handled. In typical applications, one
such format is enough, and this needs to be properly
specified. In a recent case I wrote the spec like

"The timestamp shall be an ISO 8601 combination of
UTC date and time with complete representation in
extended format, with representation of fractions
of seconds with up to six decimals preceeded by a
full stop as decimal sign.
E.g. 2005-06-20T13:42:55.2425Z"

Despite my verbosity here, someone who didn't follow
the example, would still be able to write ISO 8601
strings following the requirements above that we
won't parse, since I didn't actually write that dates
should be written as year-month-day.

For a brief summary of some of the allowed variation

Re: Python compiler

2006-03-21 Thread Magnus Lycka
Rc wrote:
> But ,my question is when I start Python it is a Dos Window
> that opened.I think it is not possible on a XP computer?

The Windows NT family, including XP, is not based on MS DOS.
It still has a text more interface, and it is much better
than DOS ever was. You can start that by clicking on the
Start button, selecting 'run' and typing cmd.exe and pressing
ENTER. You don't need that--but as you gain experience, you
might start to prefer it... The keyboard is much faster than
the mouse...

The standard Python installer contains a graphical development
environment called IDLE. Have a look at Danny Yoo's tutorial

Good Luck!

Re: Importing an output from another function

2006-03-20 Thread Magnus Lycka
Byte wrote:
> Now what do I do if Func1() has multiple outputs and Func2() requires
> them all to give its own output, as follows:
> import random
> def Func1():
> choice = ('A', 'B', 'C')
> output = random.choice(choice)
> output2 = random.choice(choice)
> return output
> return output2
> def Func2(item1, item2):
> print item1, item2
> output1 = Func1()
> Func2(output1)

Some more options (untested):

def func1(n, choice=('A', 'B', 'C')):
 # n=number of choices
 # choice can now be overridden with
 # other values
 choices = []
 for i in range(n):
 return choices

def func2(choices):
 for choice in choices:
 print choice,



class ChoosePrinter(object):
 def __init__(self, to_choose_from=('A', 'B', 'C')):
 self.choosen = []
 def get_choices(self, n=2):
 for i in range(n):
 def dump_choosen(self):
 print " ".join(self.choosen)
 self.choosen = []

cp = ChoosePrinter()

Re: Is there no end to Python?

2006-03-20 Thread Magnus Lycka
John Salerno wrote:
> But isn't Python sort of known for the opposite, i.e. 'one simple way', 
> or something to that effect?

If we compare it with the "opposite" language--Perl, and think
of these languages as natural languages, rather than programming
languages, Perl's inventor Larry Wall, felt that having a lot of
synonymns and allowing a lot of flexibility in word order etc,
would make it easier to express one's ideas well.

Python's inventor Guido van Rossum took a different approach. With
fewer synonyms and a less redundant grammer, it will be easier to
master the language, and certainly easier to read texts written by

I don't know, but I suspect that the difference in approach is
rooted in Guido's understanding that we typically spend much more
time reading source code than we spend writing source code.

As it turns out, having fewer synonyms and grammatic variants, does
not make it harder to come up with different solutions to problems.
It rather seems that the lack of complexity that a simpler grammer
leads to makes it much easier to try out different solutions.

Re: Need design advice. What's my best approach for storing this data?

2006-03-20 Thread Magnus Lycka
Mudcat wrote:
> I am trying to build a tool that analyzes stock data. Therefore I am
> going to download and store quite a vast amount of it. Just for a
> general number - assuming there are about 7000 listed stocks on the two
> major markets plus some extras, 255 tradying days a year for 20 years,
> that is about 36 million entries.
> Obviously a database is a logical choice for that. However I've never
> used one, nor do I know what benefits I would get from using one. I am
> worried about speed, memory usage, and disk space.

This is a typical use case for relational database systems.
With something like DB2 or Oracle here, you can take advantage
of more than 20 years of work by lots of developers trying to
solve the kind of problems you will run into.

You haven't really stated all the facts to decide what product
to choose though. Will this be a multi-user applications?
Do you forsee a client/server application? What operating
system(s) do you need to support?

With relational databases, it's plausible to move some of
the hard work in the data analysis into the server. Using
this well means that you need to learn a bit about how
relational databases work, but I think it's with the trouble.
It could mean that much less data ever needs to reach your
Python program for processing, and that will mean a lot for
your performance. Relational databases are very good at
searching, sorting and simple aggregations of data. SQL is
a declarative language, and in principle, your SQL code
will just declare the correct queries and manipulations that
you want to achieve, and tuning will be a separate activity,
which doesn't need to involve program changes. In reality,
there are certainly cases where changes in SQL code will
influence performance, but to a very large extent, you can
achieve good performance through building indices and by
letting the database gather statistics and analyze the
queries your programs contain. As a bonus, you also have
advanced systems for security, transactional safety, on-
line backup, replication etc.

You don't get these advantages with any other data storage

I'd get Chris Fehily's "SQL Visual Quickstart Guide", which
is as good as his Python book. As database, it depends a bit
on your platform you work with. I'd avoid MySQL. Some friends
of mine have used it for needs similar to yours, and they are
now running into its severe shortcomings. (I did warn them.)

For Windows, I think the single user version of SQL Server
(MSDE?) is gratis. For both Windows and Linux/Unix, there are
(I think) gratis versions of both Oracle 10g, IBM DB2 UDB and
Mimer SQL. Mimer SQL is easy to install, Oracle is a pain, and
I think DB2 is somewhere in between. PostgreSQL is also a good

Either way, it certainly seems natural to learn relational
databases and SQL if you want to work with financial software.

Re: python debugging question

2006-03-16 Thread Magnus Lycka
> I am a python newbie. I have writen some 500 lines of code. There are 4
> classes and in all 5 files.
> Now, I am trying to run the program. I am getting wrong values for the
> simulation results.

If you first write 500 lines of code, and *then* try to run it,
it seems you are using a development approach suitable in the
1960's when running a program meant handing a stack of punch
cards to a computer operator in a white coat, and then getting
the result of the run the next day (if you're lucky).

I was taught to write like this as recently as in the late 80's
when I was in universtity, but today I typically run my code
every ten minutes or so. It's rare that I run the code I work
on less frequently than every thirty minutes.

In my experience, my current way of developing software leads to
higher productivity, better quality and much better predictability
in regards to both development time and software performance and
features. The way to achieve this is to use lots of automated
tests and a development time where you learn to work in small
increments. Martin Fowler's book "Refactoring" is a good guide
for this, and Python is a very good language to use for this kind
of development.

Perhaps this might be useful?

Re: list/classmethod problems

2006-03-15 Thread Magnus Lycka
ahart wrote:
> I thank you all for your help and suggestions. I wasn't aware that
> default values were considered class (static) values. That seems a
> little odd to me, but as long as I know that's the case, I'll be fine.

It's all very simple and regular: Things in the class scope
is shared between all instances of the class. This applies to
both __text, __get_text, __set_text, text and __init__ in the
Item class. All these things are shared, since they are defined
in the scope of the class. That's the namespace where they
exists, not the instance. The typical thing to put in the class
scope is obviously methods, although some plain data can belong
there too.

When you access something in the instance, e.g. self.__text,
where self is an Item instance, it will follow a certain lookup
procedure. If it finds __text in the instance, it will use that
object. If not, it will look in the scope of the class, and if
it's not found there, it will look in base classes of Item and
so on.

This means that __get_text will find Item.__text if __text does
not exist in the instance object. On the other hand, when you
assign to self.__text in __set_text, you will get a new name
__text in the instance, and the next __get_item call will find
a __text in the instance, not the shared in the class scope.

Assignments in Python means "make this name refer to that object".
As far as I understand, that's like Java if you don't use those
half-life types like int that aren't proper objects. So, it does
never mean "copy a value to this location in memory" as it does
in C / C++.

With the list in Parent, you never make any assignment, so
there will never be any __item in the instance namespace. All
self.__items lookups will end up in the class namespace.

Since lists are mutable, you can change this list object, and
the changes will be visible to all instance. With the __text
attribute in Item, which is a string (immutable) there is no
way to change the value. To get a new __text value in the
class scope, you'd have to do self.__class__.__text = ... or
Item.__text = ..., and I doubt that you would do that by
accident! ;^)

What made you try to put your private attributes in the class
scope instead of putting them in __init__? Perhaps it's hard
to entirely give up the idea of somehow declaring your class
attributes even if there is no such things as variable
declarations in Python. :)


Re: A better RE?

2006-03-10 Thread Magnus Lycka
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Magnus Lycka wrote:
> r"(\d\d[A-Z]{3}\d\d) (\d\d[A-Z]{3}\d\d)  (?=[1234567])(1?2?3?4?5?6?7?)"

Thanks a lot. (I knew about {3} of course, I was in a hurry
when I posted since I was close to missing my train...)

Re: A better RE?

2006-03-10 Thread Magnus Lycka
Schüle Daniel wrote:
>  >>> txt = "21MAR06 31APR06 1236"
> # non capturing group (:?)
>  >>> p = re.compile(r"(\d\d%s\d\d) (\d\d%s\d\d) 
> (?=[1234567])(1?2?3?4?5?6?7?)" % (m,m))
>  >>> p.match(txt).group(1)
> '21MAR06'
>  >>> p.match(txt).group(2)
> '31APR06'
>  >>> p.match(txt).group(3)
> 1236

Excellent. Thanks!

Re: is there any overheard with try/except statements?

2006-03-10 Thread Magnus Lycka
John Salerno wrote:
> One of the things I learned with C# is that it's always better to handle 
> any errors that might occur within the codes itself (i.e. using if 
> statements, etc. to catch potential out of range indexing) rather than 
> use too many try/catch statements, because there is some overhead every 
> time the program encounters the try.

"Premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of
it) in programming."

Re: is there any overheard with try/except statements?

2006-03-10 Thread Magnus Lycka
John Salerno wrote:
> Thanks guys! I had a feeling exceptions were nothing like in C languages 
> (i.e. a pain to deal with).  :)

Since when does C have exceptions? (You're not confusing C with C++
or C#?)

Re: String functions: what's the difference?

2006-03-09 Thread Magnus Lycka
Harro de Jong wrote:
> Thanks for the pointer. I was using time.time(), which I now see isn't
> very accurate on Windows. 

time.clock() is more accurate on Windows (and much less so on
Linux, where it also measures something completely different.)

A better RE?

2006-03-09 Thread Magnus Lycka
I want an re that matches strings like "21MAR06 31APR06 1236",
where the last part is day numbers (1-7), i.e it can contain
the numbers 1-7, in order, only one of each, and at least one
digit. I want it as three groups. I was thinking of

r"(\d\d[A-Z]\d\d) (\d\d[A-Z]\d\d) (1?2?3?4?5?6?7?)"

but that will match even if the third group is empty,
right? Does anyone have good and not overly complex RE for

P.S. I know the "now you have two problems reply..."

Re: Python Evangelism

2006-03-09 Thread Magnus Lycka
rtilley wrote:
> Steve Holden wrote:
>> Doug Bromley wrote:
>>> I can see Ruby overtaking Python if we don't ALL do something about it.
> I think it's the name. Python. Let's change it to something nicer. Think 
> about it... if you found a Ruby, you'd pick it up and put it in your 
> pocket. If you ran across a Python, you'd run away.

I think you have a point, but I also think it's a bit
late to change it after 15 years or so, considering all
books, web sites etc. We're stuck with Python, and can
only do the best of that. Actually, in Swedish, "Jag
mår pyton" i.e. "I feel like python" means "I feel
sick", and "det luktar pyton" i.e. "it smells python",
means "it stinks". That doesn't make Python easier to
sell here... Still to late to change...

It's not too late to rename the cheese shop though.
(We don't need even more stink...)

I think a good example on the problem with letting
techies like us do naming is that grand successor
of Unix developed by the great minds at Bell Labs.

First, they name it after a movie which is famous
for being exceptionally bad--Plan 9 (from outer space).
Really grand company there!

Then, when they make a real product of it, they call
it Inferno, and some part of it gets called Limbo.

They do this on purpose in the U.S. A country full
of religious fanatics, where it's impossible to be
elected president unless you claim that you are a
devoted Christian and say "God bless America" every
time you open your mouth.

No wonder the preferred operating systems (except a
boring proprietary one) are still purely old fashion
Unix based ones. Most of those smart improvements
never quite made it...

Re: New website

2006-03-09 Thread Magnus Lycka
Nicola Musatti wrote:
> The obviously perfect logo would be Kaa's face:

The Soviet version is better, and I think most of the
Maugli movies are made before 1973, which means that
they aren't copyrighted outside the former Soviet Union.
(Disclaimer: IANAL)

I'm not sure either version really works as a logo though.

Alternative style sheets - Re: New website

2006-03-09 Thread Magnus Lycka
Phoe6 wrote:
> evolved  very nice and noticed today the new
> website going live. There is a change in the look n feel, wherein it
> looks "more official" and maximum possible information about python is
> now directly accessible from the home page itself.  Kudoes to the
> design team.

I also feel this is a big improvement.

I know that a web site like this needs constant nurturing, so
I hope that it's been developed in such as way that it will
be easier to maintain it and to involve more contributors.

Concerning style sheets, it's pretty trivial to make several
style sheets and let people use the one they like best.

If we enable that, it should also be simple to see from the
web site statistics which style sheet people prefer. Then we
can use the most popular style sheet as the default!

Since people have different tastes, different screens with
various resolutions and colors etc, darker or lighter rooms,
might want different styles for on-screen viewing and on paper
etc, I think it would be a good idea to have several styes
even if there is no ambivalence concerning what look we want.

Re: ODBC module and strange date reference <...>

2006-03-08 Thread Magnus Lycka
> I'm all for using for the latest version of Python. I'm just now
> learning about Python classes, and it seems like there were some
> significant changes at 2.2.

I don't remember exactly what appeared when, but nothing you
learn with 2.1 will stop working in 2.2 (I think--at least
nothing broke for me, and I haven't heard of any problems
in this regard).

On Windows, you might have problems crossing the 2.2 -> 2.3
gap if you use non-ASCII characters in the source code. That's
the only upgrade problem I ever had from 1.4.2 to 2.4.2...

Re: Learning different languages

2006-03-08 Thread Magnus Lycka
Rich wrote:
> Anyway, my question is: what experience you people have with working
> with different languages at the same time?

I typically use Python, C++ and SQL. When there's been
lots of Python and little C++, I tend to forget to
terminate C++ statements with semicolon... Otherwise
I seem to keep them apart.

In general, I think Python made me a better C++
programmer. You certainly can't apply all Python ideas
in C++ or vice versa. The languages have different
strengths and weaknesses, and an idiom which is good
in one language might be bad in the other. Still, it
was with Python I learned OOP properly, and since
Python doesn't get in the way as much, using Python
has made it easier to develop as a systems designer
and architect.

SQL is certainly different enough from the other to
prevent any confusion.

Concerning more similar languages, such as Python, PHP
and Perl, I don't really see the point of mastering
several languages that are so similar.

To be honest, learning Python made me never want to touch
Perl again, and learning PHP felt very much like going
backwards, so I didn't get beyond a very superficial
understanding. I feel so much more productive with Python,
and it can handle all the things PHP or Perl handles well
enough. There are certainly cases were PHP would be more
convenient, and a big existing base of Perl code, but I've
managed to get by well with Python anyway.

Re: Python advocacy in scientific computation

2006-03-07 Thread Magnus Lycka
Terry Reedy wrote:
> I believe it is Guido's current view, perhaps Google's collective view, and 
> a general *nix view that such increases can just as well come thru parallel 
> processes.  I believe one can run separate Python processes on separate 
> cores just as well as one can run separate processes on separate chips or 
> separate machines.  Your view has also been presented and discussed on the 
> pydev list.  (But I am not one for thread versus process debate.)

That's ok for me. I usually have lots of different things
happening on the same computer, but for someone who writes
an application and want to make his particular program faster,
there is not a lot of support for building simple multi-process
systems in Python. While multi-threading is nasty, it makes
it possible to perform tasks in the same program in parallel.

I could well imagine something similar to Twisted, where the
different tasks handled by the event loop were dispatched to
parallel execution on different cores/CPUs by some clever
mechanism under the hood.

If the typical CPU in X years from now is a 5GHz processor with
16 cores, we probably want a single Python "program" to be able
to use more than one core for CPU intensive tasks.

>>least if writing threaded applications becomes less error prone
>>in competing languages, this might well be the weak point of Python
>>in the future.
> Queue.Queue was added to help people write correct threaded programs.

What I'm trying to say is that multi-threaded programming
(in all languages) is difficult. If *other* languages manage
to make it less difficult than today, they will achieve a
convenient performance boost that Python can't compete with
when the GIL prevents parallel execution of Python code.

- For many years, CPU performance has increased year after
   year through higher and higher processor clock speeds. The
   number of instructions through a single processing pipeline
   per second has increased. This simple kind of speed increase
   is flattening out. The first 1GHz CPUs from Intel appeared
   about five years ago. At that time, CPU speed still doubled
   every 2 years. With that pace, we would have had 6GHz CPUs
   now. We don't! Perhaps someone will make some new invention
   and the race will be on again...but it's not the case right

- The hardware trend right now, is to make CPUs allow more
   parallel execution. Today, double core CPU's are becoming
   common, and in a few years there will be many more cores
   on each CPU.

- While most computers have a number of processes running in
   parallel, there is often one process / application that is
   performance critical on typical computers.

- To utilize the performance in these multi-core processors,
   we need to use multi-threading, multiple processes or some
   other technology that executes code in parallel.

- I think languages and application design patterns will evolve
   to better support this parallel execution. I guess it's only
   a few languages such as Erlang that support it well today.

- If Python isn't to get far behind the competition, it has
   to manage this shift in how to utilize processor power. I
   don't know if this will happen through core language changes,
   or via some conveninent modules that makes fork/spawn/whatever
   and IPC much more convenient, or if there is something
   entirely different waiting around the corner. Something is
   needed I think.

Re: Incorrect Decimal-Float behaviour in comparison tests

2006-03-06 Thread Magnus Lycka
Sergei Organov wrote:
> Well, without reading the manuals I'd expect this to raise an exception
> instead of yielding of meaningless and confusing result, consider:

Without reading the manuals, you can only expect that Python
will be "compatible" with the ideas you have of things based
on previous experience and your own ideas, and since the set
of previous experiences and ideas among N people is probably
bigger than N, it's really tough to make Python fulfil that!

Re: Python advocacy in scientific computation

2006-03-06 Thread Magnus Lycka
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
>   I did look at Ruby once... It looked to me like the worst aspects of
> PERL grafted onto the worst parts of old Python.

Don't forget that there are portions of Smalltalk syntax
(blocks) added in as well. I guess it could be seen as Perl-NG.
Both the name 'Ruby' and the Ruby syntax seems to suggest that
Matz had the idea to "flirt" a bit with the Perl programmers,
and considering how Perl seems to be in decline today, that
might have been clever from a user-base point of view. Whether
it was really good for the language is another issue. I still
think it's a bit prettier than Perl though.

>   For CPU-bound number-crunching, perhaps... For I/O-bound jobs, the
> GIL is(should be) released when ever a thread is blocked waiting for I/O
> to complete.

I think CPU-bound number-crunching was the big deal in this case.
Somehow, I doubt that the OP uses Matlab for I/O-bound jobs. At
least if writing threaded applications becomes less error prone
in competing languages, this might well be the weak point of Python
in the future. I hope to see some clever solution to this from the
Python developers.

It seems the Python attitude to performance has largely been:
Let Python take care of development speed, and let Moore's law
and the hardware manufacturers take care of execution speed. As
it seems now, increases in processing speed the coming years
will largely be through parallell thread. If Python can't utilize
that well, we have a real problem.

>>5. I don't like numpy's array slicing. Array operations should be a
>>part of the language, as in Matlab, Fortran 90, Ada 95, D, Octave.

Python is not primarily a mathematics language. It's not a text
processing language either, so no regexp support directly in the
syntax. That might make it less ideal as a Matlab substitute, or
as a sed or awk substitute, but on the other hand, it's useful for
so many other things...

>   Everything in Python is a reference to an object. I think the
> question you want is more on the lines of: Can I change an object that
> has been passed? 

The key lies in understanding that "a=b" means "bind the local name
(unless declared global) "a" to the object the name "b" refers to.
It never means "copy the content of b into the location of a".

Re: re-posting:, incomplete

2006-03-03 Thread Magnus Lycka
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On 3 Mar 2006 04:01:44 -0800, "_wolf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
>>it does look like it, no?

No, it looks the other way around: You have buffered output,
and parts of your stdout never gets flushed. -u is not a
problem, it's the normal fix for this.

>> but i don't---at least i think i don't. in my
>>httpd conf it says
>>``AddHandler cgi-script .py``, and at the top of my script,
>>``#!/usr/local/bin/python``. standard, no ``-u`` here.
>   That may be part of the problem -- partial buffer not being
> written...
>   Have you tried a flush operation on stdout?

Just change the first line to ``#!/usr/local/bin/python -u``.
You don't want buffered output in CGI apps.

Re: white space in expressions and argument lists

2006-03-03 Thread Magnus Lycka
Sybren Stuvel wrote:
> Scott David Daniels enlightened us with:
>>One reason is such code changes too much on code edits, which makes
>>code differences hard to read.
> Good point. I'll keep it in mind :)

Think particularly about using version management systems
and applying patches coming from different sources etc.

Touching more lines of code than you actually need will
both make it difficult for a reviewer to understand what
has changed (although good diff tools can be told to
ignore pure whitespace changes) and it will also increase
the risk of conflicts in the version management system if
several people are editing the same code.

Finally, if you end up with something like...

a= 1
b= 5
df   = 7
ew   = 5
qw   = 7
a2   = 5
a4   = 7
d3   = 5
df   = 7
this_is_a_very_long_variable_name_indeed = 42's *not* easier to see what the value of
e.g. a4 is than if you had just used one space
between the variable name and the =.

As usual, Guido is right, even if it isn't
obvious at first unless you are Dutch. ;^)

Re: ODBC module and strange date reference <...>

2006-03-03 Thread Magnus Lycka
> Been using the ODBC module for Python 2.1 

It might well become a problem that you are stuck with
a five year old Python version. Python 2.1 is no longer
a supported Python version. Support for 2.2 will probably
end soon.

Are you using an old version of ESRI software, or are
they shipping a product with an ancient version of

You can't really expect that third party product will
support Python 2.1 any longer. A lot of new software
take advantage of the new features in Python that came
in later versions. Current Python versions are also a
bit faster.

If I were you, I'd check with ESRI support if you can't
use a newer version of Python. I think it's possible.

Concerning mxODBC, you might want to have a second look
at it. I don't know your business context of course, but
if I understand correctly, it can be used for free for
inhouse use, and if that doesn't apply to your situation,
a licence might well be worth its price. If this is
something you will distribute to customers, I suspect
you can make a deal with eGenix and get a better price
than the normal site license. (It's a while since I
looked at their pricing, so I don't know if I'm making

Anyway, I think the best option would be to get a newer
Python installed if that's reasonable, but I realize
that might cause some extra work if your code is to
run on a lot of machines...

Re: ODBC module and strange date reference <...>

2006-03-03 Thread Magnus Lycka
> Incidentally, I have just ordered:
> * Learning Python
> * Python Cookbook
> * Python Pocket Reference
> Are there any other books y'all would recommend as essential Python
> references and/or books for becoming fluent in Python?

Both Beazley's "Python Essential Reference" and Martelli's
"Python in a Nutshell" are good reference books. I think
Beazley's book has just been released in its 3rd edition,
and I understand that Alex is working on the 2nd edition
of the Nutshell book.

They are both good, so if you don't want to wait, I think
you should get Beazley's book, which should be more up to
date than the 1st ed of the Nutshell book.

I think Chris Fehily's "Python: Visual Quickstart Quide"
was good too. The 2nd ed is due in April. It might be a
bit redundant if you have Learning Python though.

I guess the same goes for Magnus Lie Hetlands new book.

If you are working with Python on Windows and want to use
COM or other Windows features, you might want to get "Python
Programming on Win32" by Hammond and Robinson. It's six
years old, so it's not 100% up to date, but I think it's
the only book that covers Windows programming with Python
in detail.

There are also good books concerning other spcific topics
such as text processing, networking, GUI development etc,
but don't get all the books at once. :)

Re: Best python module for Oracle, but portable to other RDBMSes

2006-03-03 Thread Magnus Lycka
> # Print new list
> print recordList
[872L, 'ACTIVE', , >>>00EA1428>, None, '', None, None, None]

Read the Python library manual chapter 2. Read all of it, it's all
very useful information, but take a particular look at str() and
repr(). All Python object can be "viewed" in two standard ways, via
the str() or repr() functions. In short, the str() stringification
is typically to be more end-user friendly, while the repr() stringi-
fication is more intended to properly identify exactly what kind of
an object we see: what type it is, and often the value too. (Above,
you don't see any reasonable value at all in the DbiDate objects,
but for some reason that didn't seem to bother you as much as the
suffixed L on the long ints.)

When you just print a Python object x of some kind, i.e.

print x

it will be equivalent of

print str(x)

To see the other representation, use

print repr(x)

Python collections, such as lists, tuples and dicts, aren't really
intended to be printed as is to end users. If recordList is a list,
and there is a statement "print recordList", it's probable that it
is intended as a diagnostic help to a programmer during development,
rather than to an end user. So, it's rather clever to use the repr()
stringification, so that it's clear exactly what we see, e.g. all
strings are quoted, so you clearly see things as trailing spaces,
can differentiate between tabs and sequences of spaces, and aren't
confused by commas inside the strings. Also, for longs, you get a
trailing L to indicate that this isn't simply a normal integer, but
an arbitrarily long one.

Re: re-posting:, incomplete

2006-03-03 Thread Magnus Lycka
_wolf wrote:
> then the output is ::
> Hello, oops!
> Hello, oops!
> <20 lines omitted/>
> Hello, oops!
> Hel

Are you running Python unbuffered? I.e. python -u

Re: Best python module for Oracle, but portable to other RDBMSes

2006-03-02 Thread Magnus Lycka
> The other thing I didn't do a good job of explaining is that I want to
> have a layer of abstraction between the underlying RDBMS and the
> business logic. It's the business logic I want to use Python for, so
> that would stay roughly the same between RDBMS changes, if we ever have
> an RDBMS change. I agree that I probably have more things to worry if I
> was to change RDBMS vendors than what I'm describing here.

Have a look at SQLAlchemy.


Re: Best python module for Oracle, but portable to other RDBMSes

2006-03-02 Thread Magnus Lycka
> This is from a database I didn't design and can't change. The problem
> is that the ODBC module suffixes an "L" to any integer returned that
> was defined as data type number(p). For example, an integer stored as:
>  56  will be returned as 56L. Numbers that were specified as
> number(p,s), the module has no problem with.
> Anyone know why this would happen?

I'm sure the Python tutorial explains the difference between integer
and long types. Fields of type NUMBER or DECIMAL might well be larger
than sys.maxint, so you always get longs back when you fetch data
from such a column. This is as it should be.

What seems to be the problem?

If you actually get a suffixed L in the resulting text file, you
are using a strange way to convert your data to text. You aren't
simply printing lists or tuples are you? Then other types, such as
datetime objects will also look bizarre. (Not that the ancient
odbc would support that...)

You might want to look at the csv module for text export.

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