exec, import and isinstance

2011-02-08 Thread Michele Petrazzo

Hi all,
I'm playing with python internals and I'm discovering a strange behavior
of isinstance. Considering the following test case:


-- __init__.py - empty

--- foo.py:
class foo: pass
c = foo

--- b.py
def ret():
  d = {}
  #s = import sys;sys.path.append('a');import foo ## this cause the 

  s = import sys;from a import foo
  exec s in d
  return d[foo].c

--- bar.py
import a.foo
import b

c1 = a.foo.foo
c2 = b.ret()

print c1, c2
print isinstance(c2(), c1)

Executing bar.py, I receive:
a.foo.foo a.foo.foo

But, if I replace the indicated line, python doesn't recognize anymore
the instance and I receive:
a.foo.foo foo.foo

Why? I don't understand how python see the instance. Or
better, does it see only the path? The classes (and the instances) are 
the same!

Thanks for all that help me to turn the light on...


Re: Computer Music Toolkit (CMT) ?

2010-01-11 Thread Michele Petrazzo

Terry Reedy wrote:

On 1/10/2010 4:15 AM, Peter Billam wrote:

Greetings. Is there a way to get at the Computer Music Toolkit (CMT)
functionality from Python (Python3 in my case) ?

You can access compiled C shared libraries most easily via the ctypes

so if you do develop a ctypes wrapping, consider contributing it.

Since I'm interested to do it for a my new project, if the OP are 
interested, please contact me directly.


Re: PIL and Python

2009-08-21 Thread Michele Petrazzo
catafest wrote:
 I don't extract data from jpegs. I wanna put some data in this
 (copyright of my site) ...

My wrap for freeimage, called freeimagepy :) can't, as now, wrote exif
information on the image, but since freeimage can do it, I think that
it's not so difficult to add this type of feature.
If you have some time for investigate and create a patch, I'll be happy
to include it into the mainline!

Contact me directly if you want to talk of need some help on how do it.


python 3 and stringio.seek

2009-07-28 Thread Michele Petrazzo

Hi list,
I'm trying to port a my library to python 3, but I have a problem with a
the stringio.seek:
the method not accept anymore a value like pos=-6 mode=1, but the old
(2.X) version yes...

The error:
  File /home/devel/Py3/lib/python3.0/io.py, line 2031, in seek
return self._seek(pos, whence)
IOError: Can't do nonzero cur-relative seeks

How solve this?


Re: try except inside exec

2009-05-31 Thread Michele Petrazzo

Emile van Sebille wrote:

Write the string out to a .py file and import it?

I don't think that it's possible. I want to create an env that are
accessible only from that peace of code and not from the code that
execute the third-party one.



Re: try except inside exec

2009-05-31 Thread Michele Petrazzo

David Stanek wrote:

Is the thirdparty function the entire STR or just the a_funct part?

Just the a_funct. Only for try and for see if it's possible to catch all
the (possible) exception(s), I add the try/except clause that include
the a_funct external code.


Re: try except inside exec

2009-05-31 Thread Michele Petrazzo

Aaron Brady wrote:

Exceptions are only caught when raised in a 'try' statement.  If you
 don't raise the exception in a try statement, it won't be caught.

The function you posted will raise an exception.  If you are making 
the call yourself, that is, if only the definition is foreign, then 
simply catch exceptions when so.

Seeing my code and reading you post I found that... yes, are a my fault!
I'm catching only an exception in a code/function definition, no its

Just modified my code to catch the exception *inside* the def and not
before and... now work!


Re: subprocess and PPID

2008-11-06 Thread Michele Petrazzo

Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Michele Petrazzo

I have a code that execute into a Popen a command (ssh). I need
that, if the python process die, the parent pid (PPID) of the child
don't become 1 (like I can seen on /proc/$pid$/status ), but it has
to die, following it's parent It's possible in linux and with

There is a Linux-specific system call that says it does this (haven't
 tried). See the prctl(2) man page.

Just seen. It can be, bust since I cannot modify the child process and
this syscall must be called from the child, I cannot use it.


Re: subprocess and PPID

2008-11-06 Thread Michele Petrazzo


It's possible in linux and with subprocess?

AFAIK, there is no easy way to do this. If the parent python process 
is doing a controlled exit, just kill the child via close() on

Popen() handle.

Like I do ;)

If the parent is doing a uncontrolled exit (say via a SIGKILL 
signal), you can't really do anything.

The only thing that I thought it's to use an external resource, like a
.pid file where I save the child pid(s) and, on the next parent startup
control the file and kill the process, if any

To reliably have the child exit when the parent exits, you would have
 to poll for the parent from the child and do a exit when the child 
detects that the parent has gone away.

Like said, I haven't the control of the sources, so I can't.


subprocess and PPID

2008-11-05 Thread Michele Petrazzo

Hi all,
I believe that this is a *nix question, but since I'm developing in
python, I'm here.

I have a code that execute into a Popen a command (ssh). I need that,
if the python process die, the parent pid (PPID) of the child don't
become 1 (like I can seen on /proc/$pid$/status ), but it has to die,
following it's parent
It's possible in linux and with subprocess?


Re: subprocess and PPID

2008-11-05 Thread Michele Petrazzo

Jorgen Grahn wrote:

On Wed, 5 Nov 2008 08:19:34 -0800 (PST), [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Nov 5, 5:12 pm, Michele Petrazzo

Hi all, I believe that this is a *nix question, but since I'm
developing in python, I'm here.

I have a code that execute into a Popen a command (ssh). I need

What's 'a Popen'? Is it os.popen or one of its variants?

Popen is the default python Popen:

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

cmd = ssh -C -N -i keys/id_rsa_key -L remote:ip:local [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cmd_p = Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

Do you read from it or write to it?  If you do both, you should use 
something like the third-party module pexpect instead.

Nothing. I do only a tunnel

To reliably have the child exit when the parent exits, you would
have to poll for the parent from the child and do a exit when the
child detects that the parent has gone away.

But in the special case where he's feeding data into ssh somewhere 
somecmd or pulling data from it, a crash of the parent should make 
somecmd exit because it sees EOF, and thus make the ssh process

end. Sounds relatively risk-free -- but it depends on somecmd.

Interesting. So, how I have to modify my code (if I can)? Add an stdin?



overwrite set behavior

2008-09-04 Thread Michele Petrazzo

Hi all, I want to modify the method that set use for see if there is
already an object inside its obj-list. Something like this:

class foo: pass

bar1 = foo()
bar1.attr = 1

bar2 = foo()
bar2.attr = 1

set( (bar1, bar2), key=lambda o: o.attr)

and, of course, set has only one value.

It's possible?


Re: overwrite set behavior

2008-09-04 Thread Michele Petrazzo

Marco Bizzarri wrote:

looking at the source, maybe you could create a subclass of Set
redefining the __contains__ method?

Made some tries, but __contains__ are never called

 class foo(set):
...  def __contains__(self, value):
...   print value
 a = foo((1,2))


Re: Python multimap

2008-08-27 Thread Michele Petrazzo

brad wrote:
Recently had a need to us a multimap container in C++. I now need to 
write equivalent Python code. How does Python handle this?

k['1'] = 'Tom'
k['1'] = 'Bob'
k['1'] = 'Joe'

Same key, but different values. No overwrites either They all must 
be inserted into the container

Subclassing the builtin dict?

class d(dict):
 def __setitem__(self, item, value):
  if not item in self: super(d, self).__setitem__(item, [])

 D = d()
 D[1] = Hello
 D[1] = World!
['Hello', 'World!']



Re: annoying dictionary problem, non-existing keys

2008-04-24 Thread Michele Petrazzo

bvidinli wrote:

i use dictionaries to hold some config data, such as:

conf={'key1':'value1','key2':'value2'} and so on...

when i try to process conf, i have to code every time like: if
conf.has_key('key1'): if conf['key1']'': other commands

this is very annoying. in php, i was able to code only like: if

in python, this fails, because, if key1 does not exists, it raises an

That is one of python rules:
 import this
Explicit is better than implicit.

php hide some thing that python expose.

MY question: is there a way to directly get value of an
array/tuple/dict  item by key, as in php above, even if key may not
exist,  i should not check if key exist, i should only use it, if it
does not exist, it may return only empty, just as in php

i hope you understand my question...

You can simple modify the dict behavior:

 class my_dict(dict):
...  def __getitem__(self, item):
...   if item in self:
...return super(my_dict, self).__getitem__(item)
...   else:
...return ''
 d = my_dict()
 d[a] = 5


C to python conversion

2008-04-12 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Hi all,
I'm trying to translate a simple C code into a python + ctypes (where
need), but I have some problems on char conversion. The code have
to work on Linux and talk with the serial port. I think that the problem
is that I don't translate correctly the strings.

C code:
#define START 0x33
#define RETURN_START 0x22
#define ADDR 0x01
#define WRITE_CMD 0x03
#define ALL_CMD 0xFF
char buf[10];
char buf_ret[10];


write(_fd, buf, 6);

It works

START = 0x33
ADDR = 0x01
WRITE_CMD = 0x03

lib = C.CDLL('libc.so.6')

buf = C.c_char * 10
buffer_rec = buf()
buffer_send = buf(*items)

(Here I receive: TypeError: one character string expected)
If I do:
chr(int()) of every value, it work, but:

lib.write(fd, buffer_send, 6)
lib.read(fd, buffer_rec, 6)

I stay there and block the program execution, until a CTRL+C

What can I do?


Strange problems with subprocess

2007-08-01 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Hi all. I have a simple ping tester program that, every 1 minute
(execute by linux crontab), create, with subprocess, a
ping -c 1 my_addrs. All work, but sometime (about 1/2 times at a day),
I receive this error message:

File /exports/srv-wipex/net_test/ping_tester.py, line 88, in pyPing
   cmd_p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
File subprocess.py, line 543, in __init__
   errread, errwrite)
File subprocess.py, line 970, in _execute_child
   data = os.read(errpipe_read, 1048576) # Exceptions limited to 1 MB

What can be that raise this?

Python 2.4 in deb etch


Re: Strange problems with subprocess

2007-08-01 Thread Michele Petrazzo
 This doesn't look like a complete traceback. It doesn't give what the
  error was.

Forgot a line, sorry!

exceptions.OSError: [Errno 4] Interrupted system call



Re: Learning to use wxPython

2007-04-27 Thread Michele Petrazzo
KDawg44 wrote:

 I downloaded the wxPython demo and did an emerge wxpython (gentoo) to
  install.  When I run the demo, I am getting this error:
 # python demo.py Traceback (most recent call last): File
 /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/wx-2.6-gtk2-ansi/wx/ _misc.py,
 line 1286, in Notify

 From here, I read that you are using the wx version 2.6 and the demo
that you are tring are for the 2.8.3! (the last as now).
1) install the new 2.8
2) download the demo for the 2.6! :)


Re: Making GIF image twice the size - in memory

2007-03-23 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Miki wrote:
 Hello All,


 I get an image from a web page (via urlopen), and like to make it 
 twice the size.


 However I don't get a valid GIF image.

Your code work well here!
Why you said that the string are invalid?

--code: test_image_double.py

from urllib import urlopen
import Image
from ImageFile import Parser

def double(image_data):
 image_parser = Parser()
 im = image_parser.close()
 new_size = tuple(map(lambda x: 2 * x, im.size))
 new = im.resize(new_size)

 return new.tostring(gif, P), new, new_size

url = http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif;
image_data = urlopen(url).read()
image_data, img, new_size = double(image_data)
img_new = Image.fromstring(P, new_size, image_data, gif)
print PIL version:, Image.VERSION

-- test

michele:~/tmp$ python test_image_double.py  file out1.gif  file out2.gif
(552, 220) 49554
PIL version: 1.1.5
out1.gif: GIF image data, version 87a, 552 x 220
out2.gif: GIF image data, version 87a, 552 x 220

 Any ideas?

Forgot to specify that the data aren't in raw format, but to decode it
with the gif encoder?



Re: failed to install PIL in fedora core 6

2007-02-24 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Frank Potter wrote:
 I use python setup.py install to install PIL in fedora with python 
 2.4, But I got these errors:

-cut some errors-

 error: Python.h: No such file or directory In file included from
 libImaging/Imaging.h:14, from _imaging.c:78:

So you don't have the python-dev package.

 What should I do if I want to successfully have pil installed?

Try to search into the Fedora repos for the PIL (or python-imaging). If
not, install the python-dev and compile!


Re: beep or sound playing under linux

2007-01-23 Thread Michele Petrazzo
hg wrote:
 Is there a way to do that ?

I can do it, into my debian, with a:

michele:~$ echo -e \007 /dev/tty

It's very simple to reproduce it with python and os.system or subprocess.


Re: wxWindows off-screen?

2007-01-05 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Ivan Voras wrote:
 Is it possible to draw a widget or a window in an off-screen buffer?

(Assuming that you are on linux.)

wxWigets (wxWindows is the old name) or better, since if you are on a
python ng, wxPython :), can't be used if you are on a not-X machine:

michele:~$ env | grep DIS
michele:~$ export DISPLAY=
michele:~$ env | grep DIS
michele:~$ python
Python 2.4.4 (#2, Oct 20 2006, 00:23:25)
[GCC 4.1.2 20061015 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-16.1)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import wx a = wx.PySimpleApp()
Unable to access the X Display, is $DISPLAY set properly?
michele:~$ echo $?

 What I'm trying to do is capture rendered HTML to a bitmap (in other 
 words, something like html2bitmap) by using wxWindows' HTML widget.
 If anyone has a different way of doing it, I'd be glad to hear it...

For me you have some solutions:
- open an X server (only X, you don't need gdm, kdm other), set the
   right DISPLAY env variable and use wx. Ok, you need (a lot of) memory,
   that in my tests are about 16 M for Xorg and 24 for python with wx,
   a wxFrame, wxPanel and some controls.
   Can be a good/the right solution for me.
- If I remember correctly, there are a project that emulate an X
   server (so the same that the X solution, but with less memory), but I
   don't know its name... Try to search on internet.
- Always with an X server, use a browser and with its api (pyxpcom for
   mozilla based, or dcop and pykde for konqueror and so on...), using
   the print on a file feature, so print a ps and convert it on an

Good try :), and not forgot to tell us your results!

Hope this help,

optparser question

2006-12-22 Thread Michele Petrazzo
I'm trying optparse and I see a strange (for me) behavior:

def store_value(option, opt_str, value, parser):
 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)

parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option(-f, --foo,
   action=callback, callback=store_value,
   type=int, dest=foo)

args = [-f, 1]
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
print options, args

{'foo': 1} [] # with the type
{'foo': None} ['1'] #without it

If I not specify the type in add_options, the value aren't passed to the
store_value (into value variable), but it's understood as args!
If I specify it, it

Is this normal?


Re: optparser question

2006-12-22 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Steven Bethard wrote:
 You can try using argparse_, which doesn't make these weird 
 inferences, and generally assumes that your action will take a single
  argument unless you specify otherwise::


 Not sure exactly what your callback was trying to do though -- it 
 seems like you're just duplicating the 'store' action (which is the 
 default anyway).

I made only a copy from the python docs for show the problem.

Ok, I have not understand the trickle for transform the
action=callback and provide a callback to a new action.

I believe, however, that the doc has to be more explicit about this
strange behavior, because a not so expert dev (like me :) ), can don't
understand at the first time, it.



Re: FreeImagePy creating thumbnails from TIFF

2006-10-31 Thread Michele Petrazzo
 I a trying to create a series of thumbnail images from a multpage 
 TIFF file.  The sample code is below.  When it executes, we get the 
 following error; FreeImagePy.constants.FreeImagePy_ColorWrong: 'Wrong
  color 1 in function: FreeImage_MakeThumbnail. I can use: (8, 24,
 Any suggestions?

Found a bug!
Change, into the funct_list, at line 119,
('FreeImage_MakeThumbnail', '@12', (CO.COL_8, CO.COL_24, CO.COL_32) ),
('FreeImage_MakeThumbnail', '@12', CO.COL_1TO32 ),
and it'll work.
Or update to the new svn version (r21), that adds the
__iter__ method for the Image class. Now you can do this:

fname = 01-PJ2306.tif
img = FIPY.Image(fname)

for bmp in img:
 new_img = bmp.thumbnail(300)


Execute external code and get return value

2006-09-29 Thread Michele Petrazzo
I want to execute an external code, that become from a text file (pe),
call a function inside it and get its return value:

# ext_code.txt

def funct2Call():
  return True

# test.py

sourcecode = open(ex_code.txt).read()
comp_code = compile(sourcecode, My_test, exec)

#do something like this
return_value = comp_code.funct2Call()

But I can't...

I find this:

but here, it call from the external code a function inside my code. I
want the opposite!
Is there a solution for do this?


Re: Execute external code and get return value

2006-09-29 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Michele Petrazzo wrote:

Auto reply:

 I find this: http://tinyurl.com/nwbpk

Following this link, here is my solution:

code = 
def funct2Call():
  return It work!


class Object(object):
 def method(self, value):
 self._callable = value
 def __call__(self):
 return self._callable()

# populate the namespace
namespace = {
 object: Object()

# execute the code
exec code in namespace



Re: Execute external code and get return value

2006-09-29 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Peter Otten wrote:
 Michele Petrazzo wrote:
 I want to execute an external code, that become from a text file
 (pe), call a function inside it and get its return value:
 namespace = {} execfile(ext_code.txt, namespace) print

Sorry, I forgot to say that ext_code.txt isn't a real file, but a text
become from a db, so or I create a temp file where I save the code and
pass its path to execfile, or use my post.



Re: Decoding group4 tiff with PIL

2006-09-27 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Filipe wrote:
 Is decoding group4 tiff possible with Python Imaging Library?

Not natively:

 [2] http://www.haynold.com/software_projects/2004/pytiff/
 Any thoughts?

[1] Seem to work. You need only some dlls

[3] FreeImagePy

 Cheers, Filipe


Re: PIL cannot open TIFF image in Windows

2006-09-11 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Rob Williscroft wrote:

 I downloaded some test images from:

I do the same and modified your code for try FreeImagePy and the results 

ok: 41  error: 20   total: 61

Better than PIL, but a lot of problems with

lower-rgb-planar-  8 and flower-rgb-contig-  8

IrfanView seem that can load all the images...



Re: py2exe: cannot identify image file

2006-08-21 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Daniel Mark wrote:
 Hello all:
 It seems that function 'Image.open' cannot read image file under EXE 
 application. What should I do for this problem?

google and pil py2exe, the first reply:

 Thank you -Daniel


Re: Python for EXIF-info-additions ?

2006-08-21 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Bror Johansson wrote:
 Is there somewhere some Python-module that can be used for adding
 EXIF-info to JPEG files?
 (Modules for extraction of EXIF-data are easily found, but lacks - as
 I see it - capacity to add new tags.)

this is a feature that I want to add to FreeImagePy. It's not so
difficult, but now I haven't time to do it. If you want to spend some
hours for make enjoying yourself and all the python community, email me! :)



Re: Python for EXIF-info-additions ?

2006-08-21 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Bruno Dilly wrote:
 I think you can find what do you need into this repository, it's a 
 creative commons tool: 
 take a look in the follow directory: ccpublisher/jpeg/
 I'm not sure if it's what you want, let me know.

This is more and more times harder than I need!
This code add the exif tags to the image by itself, but I need only to
wrap and add some python code for make freeimagepy talk with the tags
freeimage's functions. Only this! All the tags code for
add/remove/modify them are already inside freeimage!

 See you,


look for a module without import it

2006-07-14 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Hi list,
I have to know if a module are present on the system, but I don't want
to import it. Only know if it is present.
I think that a loop on the site-packages directory can do the work, but
is there another solution?


Re: look for a module without import it

2006-07-14 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 more module.py
 print I'M MODULE!
 import imp imp.find_module(os)

It was!


Re: string replace

2006-07-01 Thread Michele Petrazzo
 Check out the .translate method and the string.maketrans documentation.
  You can use it to delete a list of characters all in one line:

Yes. This is, more or less, what I were looking for.

P.s. Sure, if replace could accept a tuple... :)

Thanks to all,

Re: python for windows internet filter / firewall

2006-06-30 Thread Michele Petrazzo
 I'm interested in a simple content-based internet firewall/filter, 
 similar to dansguardian (http://dansguardian.org/),

Firewall and filter are two things totally separated!

- If you want to do something like a page filtering, like dansguard
   and squidguard, you can simple do it with python, because you have to
   act like a proxy that leave of not visit a page.
- If you have to do a firewall... I think you can't, especially if you
   are on win. Take a look at wipfw (wipfw.sf.net) that do what you want

 but written in python,

Of course :)

and for windows.

Why? All that work with networking (and not only that) work better with
*nix OS!

 I assumed such a project would already exist,

Firewall I don't think, and the same for the filtering (I know only
something like a plugin for squid, so for *nix platform).

 but my searches on freshmeat, and google turned up empty. I would be 
 interested in starting my own project if necessary, so I have two 
 1) Does any one no of such a project?
 2) Is this even reasonable in python and how might I get started?
 (e.g. win32 COM?)

win32COM for do what?

You can do it in not so difficult manner:
Take twisted and its proxy class, make some outline code (for filter the
pages) and enjoy! (work also on win)

 Thanks much -- matthew

P.s. Don't forgot to share your code, when it'll work :)


Way for see if dict has a key

2006-06-30 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Hi ng,
what the preferred way for see if the dict has a key?
We have a lot of solutions:

key in dict
key in dict.keys()

but what the better or the more pythonic?


Re: Way for see if dict has a key

2006-06-30 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Michele Petrazzo wrote:
 what the preferred way for see if the dict has a key?
 We have a lot of solutions:

 key in dict
 new syntax (2.3 and later).

So, following it, it can be used for the operations like len?

len(dict) - len(dict.keys()) ?


Re: Way for see if dict has a key

2006-06-30 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 but what the better
 Depends on the context.

If know only one context: see if the key are into the dict... What other 
context do you know?


Re: Way for see if dict has a key

2006-06-30 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Michele Petrazzo wrote:
 key in dict
 new syntax (2.3 and later).
 So, following it, it can be used for the operations like len?
 what's it in this sentence?

It, is the thought that the new 2.3 introduce.


Re: delete first line in a file

2006-06-30 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Juergen Huber wrote:
 but...how can i say python, delete the first line?!
 thats my problem!

You can open the file, read its lines with readlines function ( that 
return a list), so make your modifies and save to another file.

Now, do you know how to work with lists?


and now you have only to wrote it



Re: Way for see if dict has a key

2006-06-30 Thread Michele Petrazzo
André wrote:
 Michele Petrazzo wrote:
 Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 but what the better
 Depends on the context.

 If know only one context: see if the key are into the dict... What other
 context do you know?

 Perhaps Bruno meant this:
... my_dict[key] ...

Yes I see :)

 when we expect that the key will most often be in my_dict so that
 exception will be raised rarely

I didn't thought this because if I think that a key aren't in a dict, I
use dict.get(key, default)

 otherwise use if key in dict 

Thanks to all,

string replace

2006-06-30 Thread Michele Petrazzo
a lot of times I need to replace more than one char into a string, so I
have to do something like

value = test
chars = e
for c in chars:
   value = value.replace(c, )

A solution could be that replace accept a tuple/list of chars, like
that was add into the new 2.5 for startswith.

I don't know, but can be this feature included into a future python release?


Re: python for windows internet filter / firewall

2006-06-30 Thread Michele Petrazzo
 Thanks for a detailed reply.

I thing that now we are becoming OT... :)

 because is restricts traffic on a port based on content, but you're
 correct, they aren't the same thing at all.

So, what you want to do? Open and close a destination IP (domain),
following what the user see, with a firewall? It's so hard to do, and it
doesnt' sound like a good think. This is the work of a proxy, not of a

 win32COM for do what?
 My knowledge of COM is miniscule, but I assumed it has a low level 
 interface for packet filtering.

Yes, but you have to create a dll that work at low level and has an low
level features... Something like that wipfw do: create a .sys/.vxd (if I
remember correctly) that in your case are the dll and after with an exe
(that are the python program) that teach the rules... Very bas idea, for me!

 You can do it in not so difficult manner: Take twisted and its
 proxy class, make some outline code (for filter the pages) and
 enjoy! (work also on win)
 Proxy would be an easy way, but I wanted to do it at a lower level.

But you _can't_ with python. How you create a .sys/.vxd file? Also that
has only few kb program? And don't such more than few kb memory?

Keep the proxy way or switch to another language :)

 Thanks again. --matthew


Re: Problem on win xp and run time error

2006-06-22 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Chris Lambacher wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 17, 2006 at 07:32:34AM +, Michele Petrazzo wrote:
 Chris Lambacher wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 16, 2006 at 06:11:53PM +, Michele Petrazzo wrote:
 Hi list, just found in this moment that my applications stop to
  work with win xp and receive this error:
  This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it
 in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support
 team for more information. 
 (Note that the same application [python source code + py2exe]
 with python 2.3.x work well!)
 Don't use the single file executatble option with py2exe and the 
 problem will go away.
 I'm not using that option! (that has also problems on win9x with
 Do you get the problem when you are not using py2exe?  That will be
 your real clue about what the culprit is.

No, but...

 I'm not using any of the bundle_files options, but only: zipfile
 = lib/libraries.zip
 Try setting that to the default value for the moment and see if it
 gets you anywhere.  You might also want to try an older version of
 py2exe.  I would blame an interaction between py2exe and some
 extension you are using, unless you can get it to happen without

Was, I think, a win problem because after the last windows update all
now work!

Thanks for the support,

Re: Problem on win xp and run time error

2006-06-17 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Chris Lambacher wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 16, 2006 at 06:11:53PM +, Michele Petrazzo wrote:
 Hi list, just found in this moment that my applications stop to
 work with win xp and receive this error:
  This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in
 an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for
 more information. 
 (Note that the same application [python source code + py2exe] with 
 python 2.3.x work well!)
 Don't use the single file executatble option with py2exe and the
 problem will go away.

I'm not using that option! (that has also problems on win9x with python+wx)

I'm not using any of the bundle_files options, but only:
  zipfile = lib/libraries.zip



Re: Problem on win xp and run time error

2006-06-17 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 I see that the page says:  This problem may occur when you use 
 the /GR and the /MD compiler switches 
 hint 1: the use of may in that sentence is intentional.

This is the only, real, answer/solution that I found on internet, so I
thought that was the problem. This also convince me because the page
said that this happen only on win xp sp2, that is the platform where the
problem happens! All work on win2k!

 hint 2: python 2.4 wasn't built with Visual C++ 6.0 (but python 2.3 

But, I have problems only on with 2.4! With 2.3, and the *same* code,
all work!

 hint 3: on Windows, this message is displayed when the abort 
 function is called (including when an assert fails):
 the python interpreter will call abort() when it stumbles upon a 
 fatal error (Py_FatalError), or when an internal assertion fails. 
 when this happens, the program will print a Fatal Python error 
 message to both stderr and the debug console before it calls abort.

Normally py2exe catch that messages and show them when the program are
closed, but in this case, I don't see any message :(

Is it possible that some, but I don't know what, can be modified from
py2.3 to py2.4 and now my program wont work?
Is there some tried that I can do for try to solve my issue?



Problem on win xp and run time error

2006-06-16 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Hi list,
just found in this moment that my applications stop to work with win xp
and receive this error:

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual
way. Please contact the application's support team for more information.

(Note that the same application [python source code + py2exe] with
python 2.3.x work well!)

With a little google search I found that this is a win xp sp2 problem
*without* apparently solution :(


I see that the page says:

This problem may occur when you use the /GR and the /MD compiler switches

so my question are: python are compiled with that switches? If yes, can
someone try to compile it without that switches, if it can of course,
and publish the new installer? I'm can't work until microsoft solve that
issue! :(


Re: FreeImagePy and PIL

2006-06-05 Thread Michele Petrazzo
David Isaac wrote:
 I am just starting to think about image processing. What are the 
 overlaps and differences in intended functionality between 
 FreeImagePy and PIL?
 Thanks, Alan Isaac


For any other questions, I'm here :)


Re: Trying to get FreeImagePy to work.

2006-06-05 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

 So you *need* to invert it to work correctly with PIL!
 PIL has no problem reading min-is-white TIFF images.
 it would be nice if you stopped posting bogus support information 
 for other libraries.

Sorry if my posts make to seem that other libraries has problems! Sure
that *my* wrap has problems, like I have problem with something that I
don't know so well, like Image world (like I always said). I'm only
suggesting some, bad, trick for do the work that Iain wants.
I tried, but without success, to make the convertToPil function work
with 1, 8, 16 bpp... Seem that only 24/32 work, but I don't know why.

I know that PIL doesn't have problems!


Hope that this can explain better the situation.


Re: Trying to get FreeImagePy to work.

2006-06-03 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Iain King wrote:
 I'll try out FIPY's resizing tomorrow too.  OTOH, I have functions
 to convert between PIL and wxPython, and functions to convert
 betweem PIL and FIPY, but I don't see a function to convert FIPY to
 Image at:  http://www.snakebomb.com/misc/example.tif

Yes it's min-is-white::

michele:~$ tiffinfo example.tif
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, example.tif: unknown field with tag 37680
(0x9330) encountered.
TIFF Directory at offset 0x1520 (5408)
   Subfile Type: (0 = 0x0)
   Image Width: 1696 Image Length: 1162
   Resolution: 200, 200 pixels/inch
   Bits/Sample: 1
   Compression Scheme: CCITT Group 4
   Photometric Interpretation: min-is-white# --
   FillOrder: msb-to-lsb
   Samples/Pixel: 1
   Rows/Strip: 1162
   Planar Configuration: single image plane
   ImageDescription: DS

So you *need* to invert it to work correctly with PIL!

P.s. Added the convertToWx function, that return a wx.Image, to the 
Image class.


Re: ctypes pointers and SendMessage

2006-06-01 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Metalone wrote:
 I would like to call
 windll.user32.SendMessageA(hwnd, win32con.WM_COMMAND, wParam, lParam)
 lParam represents a pointer to an object.

and the others?

 And also convert this pointer back to an object reference inside of
 def wnd_proc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam):
 So something like this:
 class X(Structure):
 def __init__(self, x):
 self.v = x
 What am I doing wrong?

I don't know if you want to create a real C structure. If yes this is
the wrong method:

  class X(Structure):
...  _fields_ = [(x, c_int), ]
  x1 = X(1)

http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/ctypes/tutorial.html - 
Structures and Unions


Re: Trying to get FreeImagePy to work.

2006-06-01 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Iain King wrote:
 Michele Petrazzo wrote:
 Iain King wrote:
 Michele Petrazzo wrote:
 I downloaded and installed, and it now works.  Thanks!
 I advice you to don't use that ctypes version... Better is to use 
 the newest one and update freeimagepy!
 OK, Ive installed the latest versions I can find, which are 
 FreeImagePy 1.2.4 and ctypes, and I'm back to the error I had
  earlier.  Do you know what's wrong?

Can you download the last svn version from sf.net? Otherwise I'll send
you the last sources privately.


Re: Trying to get FreeImagePy to work.

2006-06-01 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Iain King wrote:
 Can you download the last svn version from sf.net? Otherwise I'll send
 you the last sources privately.


 I got the TortoiseSVN client though, and
 checked out your newest build, copied it over the top of
 site-packages/freeimagepy, updated my ctypes back to (I'd
 regressed again), ran my program, and it worked.  Thanks!

This is a good news!

 Next question (and what I'm using FreeImagePy for):  I'm loading a pile
 of TIF's as thumbnails into a wx list control.  I load the image with
 FIPY, convert it to PIL, use PIL's antialiasing thumbnail function,
 then load it from there into wx.  

Why use PIL for it and not FIPY directly? You can use the image.size or 
the other methods for resize the image

 However, when I'm do the
 fipy.convertToPil(), it inverts the image?  

No, it not invert the image... It only return the image as is.

 I've inserted a
 fipy.invert() before the conversion as a temporary fix, but is there a
 reason for this?

If you are have a min-is-white image (fax ?) that isn't the standard,
you will have an inverted image, because PIl expect a min-is-black

 relevant code:
 def getHeaders(files):
   thumbs = []
   for f in files:
   print Adding %s % f
   fi = FIPY.Image(f)
   fi.invert() #temp fix
   thumb = fi.convertToPil()
   thumb.thumbnail(THUMBNAIL_SIZE, Image.ANTIALIAS)
   thumbs.append((os.path.basename(f), pilToBitmap(thumb)))
   return thumbs

Just a question, why thumbs.sort ? Inside this list you have only

P.s. you can use also fi.currentPage = 0 rather then
fi.setCurrentPage(0). Is think it look like better :)

 p.s. thanks again



Re: Trying to get FreeImagePy to work.

2006-05-26 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Iain King wrote:
 I've installed ctypes and FreeImagePy.  When I do this:
 import FreeImagePy f = FreeImagePy.Image()
 I put a 'print self._name' in the ctypes __init__ file, just before 
 line 296 - it's printing out the 'find' just before the error. So, in
 what specific way have  I screwed up the install?

What's your ctypes version? Is If yes, can you download the
last svn version, that solve that problem (I hope) and add some 
functions? If you can't I'll release a new version (1.2.5)



Re: Trying to get FreeImagePy to work.

2006-05-26 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Iain King wrote:
 Michele Petrazzo wrote:
 I downloaded and installed, and it now works.  Thanks!

I advice you to don't use that ctypes version... Better is to use the 
newest one and update freeimagepy!



Re: Starting/launching eric3

2006-05-15 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Byte wrote:
 OK, now I've managed to get it working, but when I run it the eric3
 splash screen pops up, and then it says (in terminal):
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/lib/site-python/eric3/eric3.py, line 147, in ?
   File /usr/lib/site-python/eric3/eric3.py, line 132, in main
 mw = UserInterface(loc, splash)
   File /usr/lib/site-python/eric3/UI/UserInterface.py, line 265, in
 self.sbv = SBVviewer(dbs, self.sbvDock, 1)
   File /usr/lib/site-python/eric3/UI/SBVviewer.py, line 75, in
 TypeError: argument 1 of QSizePolicy() has an invalid type
 Segmentation fault
 Its not ment to do that... how to make it work right??

Just happen on my costumer ubuntu (and an old eric3 release).
I have solve it downloading the last (3.9.x if I remember correctly)
from eric3 home and overwrite the site-packages/eric directory. Now all
work great.

  -- /usr/bin/byte


Re: Python memory deallocate

2006-05-11 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Heiko Wundram wrote:

 As was said before: as long as you keep a reference to an object, the object's
 storage _will not be_ reused by Python for any other objects (which is
 sensible, or would you like your object to be overwritten by other objects
 before you're done with them?). Besides, even if Python did free the memory
 that was used, the operating system wouldn't pick it up (in the general case)
 anyway (because of fragmentation issues), so Python keeping the memory in an
 internal free-list for new objects is a sensible choice the Python developers
 took here.

This isn't true. Just tried with python 2.5a2 and:

 a = range(1000 * 100 *100) # 173 MB
 del a # 122MB

So now, like you saied, if I try to allocate another memory chunk,
python'll re-use it... But this isn't true:

 b = range(100 * 100 * 100) # 126 MB
 del b # 122MB
 exit() # :)

 b = range(100 * 100 * 100) # 19 MB

Do why python don't reuse the freed memory and re-allocate 4 MB (126 -

For me it's a problem...

 --- Heiko.



Re: python 2.5a2, gcc 4.1 and memory problems

2006-05-08 Thread Michele Petrazzo
 Michele Petrazzo wrote:
 I haven't tried to recompile py 2.4 myself with gcc 4.1 because it 
 is already compiled with it (4.0.3), so I think (only think) that 
 is a py 2.5 problem. I'm right? or I have to compile it with 
 something other switches?
 Sounds like a gcc problem to me.  Try adding --with-pydebug in the 
 configure options.  My guess is that it will work.  This option 
 enables asserts, but more importantly disables optimization.

Yes, with this option it work, but has very bad performances.

 My guess is that this is an optimization problem with gcc.  I assume
  -fno-strict-aliasing is one of the gcc flags.  It should be as this 
 is required for building python.

Yes, I specify that flag for compiling, but still the same... Always
problems. Also tried with --without-pymalloc and no changes.

 Cheers, n

I think that I'll wait for the firsts debian packages, or compile it
with gcc 3.3.


python 2.5a2, gcc 4.1 and memory problems

2006-05-06 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Hi list,
I'm doing some tests on my debian testing and I see a very strange
memory problem with py 2.5a2 (just downloaded) and compiled with gcc
4.1.0, but not with the gcc 3.3.5:

My test are:

import sys
if sys.version.startswith(2.3):
  from sets import Set as set
c = b-a

for i in 3 4 5; do echo python 2.$i  time python2.$i test.py; done

My configure args for compile py 2.5a2 are:

michele:~/Python-2.5a2$ export CC=gcc-4.1
michele:~/Python-2.5a2$ export CXX=g++-4.1
michele:~/Python-2.5a2$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared
michele:~/Python-2.5a2$ make
michele:~/Python-2.5a2$ make install

michele:~/Python-2.5a2$ export CC=gcc-3.3
michele:~/Python-2.5a2$ export CXX=g++-3.3
michele:~/Python-2.5a2$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared
michele:~/Python-2.5a2$ make
michele:~/Python-2.5a2$ make install

Then I execute my test. The memory usage of 2.5a2 and gcc 3.3 that I see
with top, is the same (about VIRT: 260 MB and RES: 250MB ) that with
the py 2.3 and 2.4, but then I recompile with 4.1 and execute the same
test, my system stop to work... with top I can see that it use VIRT:
2440 MB and RES: 640MB RAM (I think all that I have into my pc)

I haven't tried to recompile py 2.4 myself with gcc 4.1 because it is
already compiled with it (4.0.3), so I think (only think) that is a py
2.5 problem.
I'm right? or I have to compile it with something other switches?


Re: Best IDE for Python?

2006-05-06 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Saurabh Sardeshpande wrote:
 Pardon if this is already discussed extensively. But what is the best
 IDE for Python for a newbie? I have experience in C++ and Java and this
 is the first time I am learning a scripting language.
 Thanks in advance

Try all the you find!
However on linux I find eric3(4) very useful.


Re: OpenOffice UNO export PDF help needed

2006-05-01 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Sells, Fred wrote:
 I've geen googling for 3 days now, and cannot find out how to do
 I'm trying to use OpenOffice 2.0 and UNO to generate PDF documents.
 I'm using windows, but will have to make it work under Linux for
 production. I've been able to set the parameters and call the
 exportToPdf method, but the exported file is not PDF but an .odt

Have you tried the ooextract.py found on:

Here work well and generate a pdf file.

See also this for more info about generate pdf:


Re: pytiff for windows

2006-04-27 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Iain King wrote:

-cut pytiff-

 (or alternatively tell me how to get PIL to save a multipage tiff).

PIL can't.

If you need to work with multi-page images (tiff and others), you can
use freeimagepy (freeimagepy.sf.net)

 import FreeImagePy as FIPY lst_names = (/tmp/f1.png,
 /tmp/f2.jpg) F = FIPY.freeimage() 
 F.convertToMultiPage(lst_names, out.tif, FIPY.FIF_TIFF)
(0, 'All ok!! File saved on out.tif')



Re: pytiff for windows

2006-04-27 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Michele Petrazzo wrote:
 import FreeImagePy as FIPY lst_names = (/tmp/f1.png,
 /tmp/f2.jpg) F = FIPY.freeimage() F.convertToMultiPage(lst_names, 
 out.tif, FIPY.FIF_TIFF)
 (0, 'All ok!! File saved on out.tif')

Sorry for this bad copy/paste/thunderbird :)

  import FreeImagePy as FIPY
  lst_names = (/tmp/f1.png,/tmp/f2.jpg)
  F = FIPY.freeimage()
  F.convertToMultiPage(lst_names, out.tif, FIPY.FIF_TIFF)


Re: wxpython warnings

2006-04-26 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Philippe Martin wrote:
 I had a similar but simple problem (the file was missing) and had to
 check by hand before calling wxPython.
 Can you check the tag by hand before calling wxPython ?

also I have the same problem with g3/g4 images. My solution was convert
that image *before* to .png before... Very bad hack, but work.
I think that is an internal wxWidgets message (warning), passed to the
wxPython subsystem.

Have you tried to wrote to the wxpython ml?



Re: GRIB to images

2006-04-24 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Sheldon wrote:
 I am interesseted on reading some GRIB files using python and then
 converting the fields to gif images.
 Does anyone know if this is possible or have a program that does this?

Yes of course with PIL.




Re: Python Module for Determining CPU Freq. and Memory?

2006-04-06 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Tim Golden wrote:
 |I'd like to determine at runtime the computer's CPU frequency and 
 | memory.
 | (Please note: I'm interested in hardware stuff, like how much 
 | memory the 
 | machine has; not how much free memory is available.)
 I don't know if there's a cross-platform solution for this.
 For Windows, you could use WMI. Something like this:


For linux (and also for other *nix?)

something like this

  os.system(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep cpu)
cpu family  : 6
cpu MHz : 1922.308


['processor\t: 0\n', 'vendor_id\t: AuthenticAMD\n' 


shelve and .bak .dat .dir files

2006-04-06 Thread Michele Petrazzo
I'm trying a script on a debian 3.1 that has problems on shelve library.
The same script work well on a fedora 2 and I don't know why it create 
this problem on debian:

#extract from my code
import shelve
class XX:
   def __init__(self):
 self._data = shelve.open(/tmp/myfile)

   # do the work

   def onClose(self):

Now I see that shelve create not my file, but three files that has the 
name that I want (/tmp/myfile) and also the extensions: .bak .dat .dir

Of course, before say to shelve to open, I delete the previous file, and 
I have all the rights to do what I want into the directory.

How solve it?


Re: How to work with directories and files with spaces

2006-04-06 Thread Michele Petrazzo
 I am working in unix and i have some directories names with spaces
 how can i work effectively with spaces in directory/file names in

Like you can do with unix:

michele:~$ echo Michele  my\ name
michele:~$ python
Python 2.3.5 (#2, May  4 2005, 08:51:39)
[GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-12)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  open(my name)
open file 'my name', mode 'r' at 0x401e3ba0
  import os
  os.system(cat my\ name)
  os.system(cat 'my name')

Michele :)

Re: shelve and .bak .dat .dir files

2006-04-06 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Sion Arrowsmith wrote:
 This is a documented behaviour of shelve:

Sorry, I had read only the:
Open a persistent dictionary. The filename specified is the base
filename ... :)

 I guess this depends on what dbm shelve is built on the documentation
 implies it goes through anydbm. I'm not seeing this behaviour on my
 Debian 3.1

In my tries, I see that if I use a simple script that open, use and
save the shelve data, it work without problems, but if I use shelve into
my application, I has this behaviour.

(and I fail to understand why
 it is a problem).

1) I pass a name that, after, I'll pass to another program and if shelve
change the name, the latter can't read it (it doesn't exists!)
2) I can't read those files with shelve! If I try... :

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
   File /usr/lib/python2.3/shelve.py, line 231, in open
 return DbfilenameShelf(filename, flag, protocol, writeback, binary)
   File /usr/lib/python2.3/shelve.py, line 212, in __init__
 Shelf.__init__(self, anydbm.open(filename, flag), protocol,
writeback, binary)
   File /usr/lib/python2.3/anydbm.py, line 80, in open
 raise error, db type could not be determined
anydbm.error: db type could not be determined

And this with all the three types.


base64 memory question

2006-03-31 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Hi ng,
I see that after en encoding with base64, the memory used for the
variable that I use for store the encoded data, after deleted, python
keep a part of that memory:

#ls -lh on /tmp/test_zero
#-rw-r--r--  1 michele michele 9,8M 2006-03-31 18:32 /tmp/test_zero

michele:~$ python2.4
Python 2.4.2 (#2, Nov 20 2005, 17:04:48)
[GCC 4.0.3 2005 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0.2-4)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import base64

# Now top say me:
6217 michele   15   0  4412 2536 3336 S  0.0  0.3   0:00.01 python2.4

 b = base64.encodestring(open(/tmp/test_zero, rb).read())

6217 michele   15   0 39156  36m 3376 S 19.6  4.8   0:00.60 python2.4

 del base64, b

6217 michele   15   0 25644  23m 3376 S  0.0  3.1   0:00.61 python2.4

So like I can read from the top, python forgot to free that part of
memory. Is this normal? Is there a solution for free that memory?

P.s. The same happen on my win2k machine with py 2.4.2


String split

2006-03-28 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Hello ng,
I don't understand why split (string split) doesn't work with the same
method if I can't pass values or if I pass a whitespace value:

 .split( )

But into the doc I see:
 If sep is not specified or is None, any whitespace string is a

In this two cases, split would to return the _same_ result?


Re: String split

2006-03-28 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Peter Otten wrote:
 The documentation for Python 2.4 has a better explanation.


 Quoted after http://docs.python.org/lib/string-methods.html#l2h-202.

Thanks, I haven't see it.
Just a question about that different algorithm, because it force the
developer to do other work for make the split result more logically

S =  # this can become from an external source like config parser

for s n S.split():
   do the work... # don't go inside

that isn't compatible, so python split it into two different methods
the string, with:

for s n S.split(','):
   do the work... # run one time into this


Re: Exception not raised - May be the end

2006-03-03 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Sion Arrowsmith wrote:
 Michele Petrazzo  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 some days ago I posted here and say that python forgot to raise
 an exception, but my code was too long for make some tries
 possible. But now I can reproduce the problem into another, little,
 www.unipex.it/vario/metamenus.py [ ... ]
 It looks like a wx sandwich issue to me

Yes! Now I think the same

 Robin gave a full explanation to someone else having similar problems
 on wxPython-users a couple of days ago, but I'm having trouble
 finding that.

Yes, I had read it, but I didn't think that was I similar problem!

This is the message

I hope that, like Robin says, this will be changed into 2.7!

Thanks a lot for the tip!


Exception not raised - May be the end

2006-03-02 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Hi group,
some days ago I posted here and say that python forgot to raise an
exception, but my code was too long for make some tries possible.
But now I can reproduce the problem into another, little, project:

(Need wx 2.6)

Here is the code:


Execute the wxFrameSchedule.py into a terminal (or where you want) and
select on menu bar:
Show - Only work hour

The program print and forgot to raise an exception:

12  #e number before the call that must, but don't raise the exception
type 'dict' False # variable type and if the value are inside the keys
 # (str in dict)
#Here the program don't raise the KeyError exception.

Le lines are:
- 44 in wxFrameSchedule (self._mb.GetMenuState(ShowOnlyworkhour))
- 802 in metamenus (this = self.MBStrings[_prefixMB + menu_string])

Hope that someone can reproduce this error. I see it on win2k (terminal
usage) and debian (terminal and eric3 )...

py 2.3.5 and wx 2.6

Thanks a lot,

Re: Simple System Tray Icon

2006-03-02 Thread Michele Petrazzo
3c273 wrote:
 Hello, I have a short looping script that runs in the background
 (Windows 2000) and I want to have a tray icon so I know that it is
 running. I have looked at wxTaskBarIcon and the examples on the web
 and in the demo, but it seems pretty complex and I haven't had any
 success even getting one to show up.

wxTaskBarIcon is very, very simple!
Into the demo, inside 80 line, you can find all the taskbar work, the
menu connected with the rclick and its image change...
Where do you find this complex?

Try to make the windows taskbar with the win32 api ... :)

 Can someone point me to a simple example that just shows an icon? I
 don't need it to anything but show up. Any help is appreciated.

Copy and paste that lines into your code and remove the lines that you
don't need. I think that with 15/20 lines you will your taskbar work!



Re: Exception not raised

2006-02-25 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 This code are inside a method into class that have no try/except. 
 And called from a method inside a wx.Frame derivate. The other 
 strange thing is that if I try the same code just before the 
 caller to that method, it raise an exception:
 So maybe the C-layer of wx in-between doesn't propagate the exception
  for whatever reason?

Can be, but only that exception aren't raised, all the other, in the
same point of code, yes.

 Fact is: pythons exception-handling is core part of the language and 
 an error in there _extremely_ improbable .

I think the same, and this is one of the reason that push me to use python.

 So I suggest you cut down your example until it is self-contained 
 with only a few dozen lines and still produces your observed 
 behavior. Otherwise no one will be able to help you.

Into my 100 line code, that exception (and all the others) are raised! I
don't able, into all my tries, to reproduce that error on a small code...

I can publish my code, if someone has one hour of spare time and  a
postgresql where test the code. I'm make some instruction to reproduce it.



Exception not raised

2006-02-24 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Hi list, I have a strange error on my software on win 2k/xp and debian
3.1 with py 2.3.5 / 2.4.1 + twisted + wxpython:

python, on a piece of code doesn't raise a KeyError on a dict (that
don't have that key), but the strange thing is that the try/except code
see that exception. Other strange thing is that other exceptions are raised!

Simple example extract from my code:

def test():
  print type(t_fields), 11 in t_fields
  print t_fields[11]
  print I'm here

print ok
print ok
#end code


type 'dict' False

Here I see only one ok and not the I'm here. The interpreter stop to
run here, but the application continue to work!

Other try:

def test():
   print type(t_fields), 11 in t_fields
   print t_fields[11]
  except KeyError, ex:
   print Error,  ex
#end code


type 'dict' False
Error 11

Here the output is ok, so python see that exception inside the
try/except and print it.

Last try:

def test()
  print type(t_fields), 11 in t_fields
  print dont_exist
  print t_fields[11]
#end code


type 'dict' False
File conn.py, line 231, in test
 print dont_exist
NameError: global name 'dont_exist' is not defined

So all the exception are raised except the KeyError outside the try/except!

I don't know what can be.

Thanks to all that can help me.

Re: Exception not raised

2006-02-24 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Not here:
 t_fields = {}
 def test():
   print type(t_fields), 11 in t_fields
   print t_fields[11]
   print I'm here
 print ok
 print ok
 #end code
 Gives me 
 KeyError: 11

Also on my environ when I try this 4 line code. My project, where that 
strangeness happen has 500/600 + K of code.

 So - whatever you do, there must be some other code capturing that

This code are inside a method into class that have no try/except. And 
called from a method inside a wx.Frame derivate. The other strange thing 
is that if I try the same code just before the caller to that method, 
it raise an exception:

#code extract alway from the big project:

class errorHappen(object):
  def methodError(self, t_fields):
   print type(t_fields), 11 in t_fields
   print t_fields[11]
   print I'm here

def myF(wx.Frame):
  self._e = errorHappen()

def caller(self):
  d = dict(dictionary with 50/100 keys)
  #if here I try d[11], I'll KeyError
  self._e.methodError(d) #here I don't see the exeception

Maybe you don't use dict, but a subclass of it?

All my dict are created as
d = dict()

and populate by: d.update(other_dict) or for k, val in iter: d[k] = val



Re: Exception not raised

2006-02-24 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Michele Petrazzo wrote:
 Hi list, I have a strange error on my software on win 2k/xp and
 debian 3.1 with py 2.3.5 / 2.4.1 + twisted + wxpython:

Just for give evidence to my _failed_ tests, my a debugger (eric3), it
see the exception, so it break with a KeyError!
And the same code, no!


Re: Exception not raised

2006-02-24 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Michele Petrazzo wrote:
 Michele Petrazzo wrote:
 Hi list, I have a strange error on my software on win 2k/xp and
 debian 3.1 with py 2.3.5 / 2.4.1 + twisted + wxpython:

Opss, I forgot some words :)

 Just for give evidence to my _failed_ tests, my a debugger (eric3), it

with a debugger (not my a debugger)

 see the exception, so it break with a KeyError!
 And the same code, no!

And the same code, exceute inside a terminal, no...

Re: PyUNO with different Python

2006-02-23 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Stefan Behnel wrote:
 M�ta-MCI schrieb:
 The second way don't run:
 Traceback (most recent call last): File C:\Program
 Files\OpenOffice.org 2.0\program\hello_world.py, line 1, in? 
 import uno File C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org
 2.0\program\uno.py, line 37, in ? import pyuno ImportError: Module
 use of python23.dll conflicts with this version of Python.
 Sounds like you might want to switch back to Python 2.3 ...

Yes and no.
I have both 2.3 and 2.4 on my debian system and with both, the program
at: http://udk.openoffice.org/python/samples/ooextract.py

work well with a modify:
before the first line import uno, add:

import sys

Now, save the program, move it where you want, and go:

michele:~$ python2.3 tmp/ooextract.py --pdf test.odt
michele:~$ python2.4 tmp/ooextract.py --pdf test.odt

Both create the test.pdf file!

P.s. Before execute the script, execute OOo:
soffice -accept=socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;



Re: PyUNO with different Python

2006-02-23 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Katja Suess wrote:
 Thanks. What I have in mind is to write a Python script to generate
 PDFs from a set of ODTs.

Pay attention that you have a OOo program running somewhere that accept
the connection from your zope server (I don't think that you have a X
server running on it.)

 This script has to run in Zope which brings its own Python. My
 problem is the setup of PyUNO with this Python which is not the OO
 included one.

Try with the little modify that I wrote and the other post and let us know.

 Hope to find a Mac user who made/solved similar experience... 
 Regards, Katja


Re: PyUNO with different Python

2006-02-22 Thread Michele Petrazzo
� wrote:
 Hi! maybe somebody can give me an hint to my problem setting up PyUNO
 on my Mac to work with my Python not the Python delivered with
 OpenOffice. As said in installation instructions I've set 
 OPENOFFICE_PATH=/usr/lib/openoffice/program export
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$OPENOFFICE_PATH according to my environment.
 importing uno gives me this error:
 import uno
 Traceback (most recent call last): File stdin, line 1, in ? File
 2.0.app/Contents/openoffice.org2.0/program/uno.py, line 37, in ? 
 import pyuno ImportError: No module named pyuno
 which means python finds uno but not pyuno (pyuno.dylib).

Do you want to use system python inside OOo (inside a macro, or...), or
system python outside OOo?

For the first, follow this:

for the second:

 Any hints? Regards, Katja


ANN: FreeImagePy 1.2.2

2006-02-16 Thread Michele Petrazzo
FreeImagePy 1.2.2 is available at freeimagepy.sf.net

What is?
   It' a python wrapper for FreeImage, Open Source library for developers
who would like to support popular graphics image formats.

How work?
   It use a binary freeimage library present on the system and ctypes.

Major changes from 1.2.0:
  New convertToPil function:
   i = FreeImagePy.Image(myImage.ext)
   pil = i.convetToPil()
  Some bugs solved

Michele Petrazzo

Re: Visual Report Editor

2006-02-16 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Pawel wrote:

Hi Pawel,

 I plan to make Visual Reporting Editior, a new product for 
 corporate-class systems. Data will be in XML and in my application, 
 designer should be able to make fascinating templates of reports. I 
 will use Python and MSVS 2005 Pro.

What are MSVS 2005 Pro ?

 My question is, which libaries will be useful in my job. I plan to
 buy Qt and make visual layer of application using Qt. I'm making
 businessplan soI have to decide which tool will be useful. Is Qt best
 choice, maybe I should buy something different?

Qt has a strange license for a graphical toolkit, it is release under
GPL/commercial license, so if you want to include your new Reporting
Editior into a commercial product, you have to pay a license for it.
Different thing is if you use wx or gtk, that has other, more
permissive licenses.

I (my company), for our project, has create a Reporting Editior based
on wx, following the pySketch tool, but now has about all the code
rewrite. It has some little problems with the auto-resizeable objects
(text only for now), that, into the engine that should compose the page,
not are displayed correctly.

On the other hand has a lot of worker functions, like:
- model-view framework
- object-like develop, so it's simple to add new drawing objects

- xml read and save
- multi-page size (A4, A3, etc...)
- multi-block (head, title, text [more that one], food, end)
- align-resize object
- infinite undo-redo
- image support
- multi-layer (9 layers)
- text block wrap, align right/left/center vertically/horrizontally
- more other...

Now I haven't the mind and the time for solve the problems, but if you
want to complete it, or help me to do it, I'll send you the code, so
after we'll a new -open source (do you like wxWidgets license? [LGPL] )-
*Visual Reporting Editior*



Re: ANN: FreeImagePy 1.2.2

2006-02-16 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Claudio Grondi wrote:
 Knowing some details about PIL and as good as no details about 
 FreeImage, I would like in this context to become enlightened by the 
 answer to the question, when does it make sense to use FreeImage 
 instead of PIL?

Into some little environments, like tiff with G3/G4 compressions and
multi-page files.

 From what I know up to now I can't see any use for FreeImage :-( .

Like I say to freeimagepy site, I start to wrote it *only* because I
needed a simple python library for manipulate fax images (G3/G4) that
PIL can't. I need it into my python fax client [hylapex] that it's
connect to hylafax server.

Of course, It wouldn't be a PIl replacement ;)!



Re: using the Filters DLL (image filters)

2006-02-15 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Dieter Vanderelst wrote:
 I'm trying to access the Filters-Dll provided by the filters-project

Nice project :)

 Following the advice I got from the Python list -thank you for that-,
 I do this using ctypes 

Good choose!

 I can seem to access the image filters now provided by the Dll. But 
 reading and writing of images is still a problem.

What are the problems? Please specify it.

 Furthermore, the project is not very well documented. So, I was 
 wondering whether there are people on this list that have some 
 experience in using the filters Dll. Maybe they could sent me some 
 examples of the use of the Dll with Python?

There are a lot of python projects that use ctypes for use libraries
(.dll/.so). You can see them for study and copy that code (like all do :P ).
Start at wnd.sf.net and freeimagepy.sf.net

 Kind regards, Dieter


ANN: FreeImagePy 1.2.0

2006-01-20 Thread Michele Petrazzo
FreeImagePy 1.2.0 is available at freeimagepy.sf.net

What is?
   It' a python wrapper for FreeImage, Open Source library for developers
who would like to support popular graphics image formats.

How work?
   It use a binary freeimage library present on the system and ctypes.

Major changes from 1.1.0:
  Start the port to a more pythonic interface. See Image class
  documentation (or the examples)
  A bug in *nix mode that cause a problem when getStatus are called

Michele Petrazzo

Re: wxPython import error

2005-10-26 Thread Michele Petrazzo
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 I have tried several times to install wxPython on Fedora Core 2.  The
 installation seems to go fine (from sources), but when I try to import the
 wx module I keep getting the following error:


 Any help or explanation would be greatly appreciated.

For a my customer I had tried a lot of time, but without success to 
compile and install wx 2.6.x
But luckily there is a precompiled package on wxpython.org.
Have you try it?


Re: sort problem

2005-10-21 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Kent Johnson wrote:
 or learn about decorate-sort-undecorate:
 lst = [ ...whatever ] lst = [ x[3], i, x for i, x in enumerate(lst) ]
I think that here the code must be changed (for the future):
lst = [ (x[3], i, x) for i, x in enumerate(lst) ]

 lst.sort() lst = [ x for _, _, x in lst ]

Wow, this work with my py 2.3!



sort problem

2005-10-20 Thread Michele Petrazzo
I have a list of lists (a grid table) that can have about 15000 - 2
rows and 10 cols, so:

1 [ [ 'aaa', 'vv', 'cc', 23, ... ],
2   [ 'aav', 'vv', 'cc', 45, ... ],
15000   [ 'sad', 'ad', 'es', 123, ... ], ]

I need to sort this list, but I need to specify two things: the column
and its type (string or int), so for example in this list, I want to
sort the fourth column that has int values. The type because that I want
that 1, 2, 12 will be sort in this order, not 1, 12, 2 like strings.

I have already tried to modify some code found on aspn, but the results
are always too slow for me, about 30-40 sec.
Can someone has some code or some point where can I start for speedup my


Re: sort problem

2005-10-20 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Lasse Vågsæther Karlsen wrote:
 How about:
 list.sort(key=lambda x: x[3])
 Does that work?

Yes, on my linux-test-box it work, but I my developer pc I don't have
the 2.4 yet. I think that this is a good reason for update :)


Re: epydoc, variables and encoding

2005-10-06 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Kenneth Pronovici wrote:
 I found a problem on epydoc. If I specify an encoding, epydoc not
 find my global variables, and if I remove it, it work well.


 No, it's not normal, and I'm fairly sure it's a bug.


 Otherwise, you can try applying the following patch:


 Maybe Edward won't like this patch, but since he seems to be
 unreachable for the last six months sigh, you'll have to settle for
 my less-than-educated guess at a fix. :)

I don't know why Edward won't like this parch :), in any case it work
well for my source.



Re: python image library TIFF

2005-09-22 Thread Michele Petrazzo
bryan rasmussen wrote:
 does anyone have any experience using the Python Image library  to
 determine if a Tiff is in the G4 or G3 codec?

PIL don't support G3/G4 encoding.

You can use freeimagepy that is another python graphic package.

Michele (freeimagepy developer :) )

epydoc, variables and encoding

2005-09-21 Thread Michele Petrazzo
I found a problem on epydoc. If I specify an encoding, epydoc not find 
my global variables, and if I remove it, it work well.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

MY_VAR = None

class foo(object):
def __init__(self, foo):

Some text
@param foo: Pass me what you want
@type foo: A type
@return: The object

return foo

This not work (MY_VAR is silently skipped), but if I remove:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

it see MY_VAR and put it to my html file.

Is it normal?


Re: Wrapper module for Linux shared lib

2005-09-16 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Ernesto wrote:
 What's the best resource for finding out how to write a wrapper
 module for a shared library file *.so* in Linux?

If you have only the .so file, not the source, you can use ctypes.
I work always with it without problems.


distutils problem

2005-09-16 Thread Michele Petrazzo
I create a setup script for distribute my application, but I have a
problems with the exe package.

When I create the package with:
python setup.py win bdist_wininst

and execute if after, it'll copy the data file specified by data_files
directive into the C:\python23\python23\lib\site-package\my_lib, so not
on the right site-package directory (python23 + python23).
Otherwise if I use the same script from the source (python setup.py
install) it work well, so it copy on C:\python23\lib\site-package\my_lib
or /usr/lib/python23/site-package/ on linux. (this for python 2.3, of
course :) )

My script:

dataToCopy = glob.glob(FreeImagePy/data/*.*)
if sys.platform == 'win32': prefix = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 
else: prefix = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, lib/python%s % 
sys.version[:3], site-packages/FreeImagePy)
 packages=['FreeImagePy', 'FreeImagePy.test', 'FreeImagePy.tools'],
 data_files=[ (prefix, dataToCopy),],

How can I modify my script, for make it work with exe package?


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