Re: python IDE and function definition

2013-09-23 Thread Neil Hodgson

Chris Friesen:

where I could highlight the "stop" and ask it to go to the definition.
(Where the definition is in a different file.)

I'm running into issues where my current IDE (I'm playing with Komodo)
can't seem to locate the definition, I suspect because it's too ambiguous.

Some IDEs allow you to help them understand the context by adding 
type information. Here's some documentation for Wing IDE that uses an 
isinstance assertion:


Re: Stripping characters from windows clipboard with win32clipboard from excel

2013-09-18 Thread Neil Hodgson

Dave Angel:

So is the bug in Excel, in Windows, or in the Python library?  Somebody
is falling down on the job;  if Windows defines the string as ending at
the first null, then the Python interface should use that when defining
the text defined with CF_UNICODETEXT.

   Everything is performing correctly. win32clipboard is low-level 
direct access to the Win32 clipboard API. A higher level API which is 
more easily used from Python could be defined on top of this if anyone 
was motivated.



Re: Stripping characters from windows clipboard with win32clipboard from excel

2013-09-12 Thread Neil Hodgson

Stephen Boulet:

 From the clipboard contents copied from the spreadsheet, the characters s[:80684] were 
the visible cell contents, and s[80684:] all started with "b'\x0" and lack any 
useful info for what I'm trying to accomplish.

   Looks like Excel is rounding up its clipboard allocation to the next 
64K. There used to be good reasons for trying to leave some extra room 
on the clipboard and avoid reallocating the block but I thought that was 
over a long time ago.

   To strip NULs off the end of the string use s.rstrip('\0')



Re: Script that converts between indentation and curly braces in Python code

2013-07-31 Thread Neil Hodgson

Musical Notation:

Is there any script that converts indentation in Python code to curly braces?
The indentation is sometime lost when I copy my code to an application or a 
website. in the Tools/Scripts directory of Python installations 
does something similar by adding or removing comments that look like

# end if


Re: RE Module Performance

2013-07-30 Thread Neil Hodgson


The disadvantage there is that when you move the cursor you must move
characters around. For example, what if the cursor was at the start and
you wanted to move it to the end? Also, when the gap has been filled,
you need to make a new one.

   The normal technique is to only move the gap when text is added or 
removed, not when the cursor moves. Code that reads the contents, such 
as for display, handles the gap by checking the requested position and 
using a different offset when the position is after the gap.

   Gap buffers work well because changes are generally close to the 
previous change, so require moving only a relatively small amount of 
text. Even an occasional move of the whole contents won't cause too much 
trouble for interactivity with current processors moving multiple 
megabytes per millisecond.


Re: hex dump w/ or w/out utf-8 chars

2013-07-13 Thread Neil Hodgson

The FSR is naive and badly working. I can not force people
to understand the coding of the characters [*].

   You could at least *try*.

   If there really was a problem with the FSR and you truly understood 
this problem then surely you would be able to communicate the problem to 
at least one person on the list.



Re: Python list code of conduct

2013-07-03 Thread Neil Hodgson

Dennis Lee Bieber:

So who would enforce any rules? I doubt it could be ported to a new (if
approval could even be obtained) comp.lang.python.mod(erated) so nothing
can be enforced on the comp.lang.python side; and what would you do with
Google Groups?

   The current news group charter doesn't really have any rules. While 
it may be possible to recharter an existing news group, it would likely 
be simpler to just create a new one.


Comp.lang.python is an unmoderated newsgroup which will serve
as a forum for discussing the Python computer language. The
group will serve both those who just program in Python and
those who work on developing the language. Topics that
may be discussed include:

- announcements of new versions of the language and
applications written in Python.

- discussion on the internals of the Python language.

- general information about the language.

- discussion on programming in Python.



Re: Is this PEP-able? fwhile

2013-06-25 Thread Neil Hodgson

fwhile X in ListY and conditionZ:

   There is precedent in Algol 68:

for i from 0 to n while safe(i) do .. od

   which would also make a python proposal that needs no new key words:

for i in range(n) while safe(i): ..

   The benefit of the syntax would be to concentrate the code 
expressing the domain of the loop rather than have it in separate locations.

   Not a big win in my opinion.



Re: Version Control Software

2013-06-13 Thread Neil Hodgson

Grant Edwards:

The last time we made the choice (4-5 years ago), Windows support for
get, bzr, and hg was definitely lacking compared to svn.  The lack of
something like tortoisesvn for hg/git/bzr was a killer.  It looks like
the situation has improved since then, but I'd be curious to hear from
people who do their development on Windows.

   GUIs for Hg/Git are now much more usable. On Windows, OS X, and 
Linux my GUI/command line use split is about 80/20.

   For Hg, TortoiseHg is quite good on Windows and Linux and so is 
SourceTree on OS X. I don't use Git as much but SourceTree works well on 

   SourceTree is in beta on Windows and doesn't yet support Hg there.



Re: Installing PyGame?

2013-06-08 Thread Neil Hodgson

Eam onn:

 2): no suitable image found.  Did find:

 no matching architecture in universal wrapper

   This is saying that the version of Python you are using is a 
different architecture to the installed pygame library. This could be 
because you are using a 64-bit version of Python with a 32-bit library 
or vice-versa. Or you have a PowerPC library and Python is compiled for 
Intel processors.

   In Terminal, you can find the architecture of files with "otool -vh" 
followed by the file name. So try (on one line)

otool -vh 

   And the same with Python, first finding where Python is with
whereis python

   Then post all of the output text, not just your interpretation.



Re: Making safe file names

2013-05-07 Thread Neil Hodgson

Andrew Berg:

This is not a Unicode issue since (modern) file systems will happily accept it. 
The issue is that certain characters (which are ASCII) are
not allowed on some file systems:
  \ / : * ? "<  >  | @ and the NUL character
The first 9 are not allowed on NTFS, the @ is not allowed on ext3cow, and NUL 
and / are not allowed on pretty much any file system. Locale
settings and encodings aside, these 11 characters will need to be escaped.

   There's also the Windows device name hole. There may be trouble with 
artists named 'COM4', 'CLOCK$', 'Con', or similar.


Re: Why do Perl programmers make more money than Python programmers

2013-05-07 Thread Neil Hodgson


2) More critical, Py 3.3, just becomes non unicode compliant,
(eg European languages or "ascii" typographers !)

   This is not demonstrating non-compliance. It is comparing 
performance, not compliance.

   Please show an example where Python 3.3 is not compliant with Unicode.


Re: Is Unicode support so hard...

2013-04-20 Thread Neil Hodgson

   Hi jmf,

This gives me plenty of ideas to test the "flexible string
representation" (FSR). I should recognize this FSR is failing
particulary very well...

   This is too vague for me.

   Which string representation should Python use?
1) UTF-32
2) UTF-8
3) Python 3.3 -- 1, 2, or 4 bytes per character decided at runtime
4) Python 3.2 -- 2 or 4 bytes per character decided at Python build time
5) Something else


Re: Performance of int/long in Python 3

2013-04-03 Thread Neil Hodgson

Neil Hodgson, replying to self:

The assembler (32-bit build) for each
PyUnicode_READ looks like

   Don't have 64-bit MSVC 2010 set up but the code from 64-bit MSVC 
2012 is better since there are an extra 8 registers in 64-bit mode:

; 10431: c1 = PyUnicode_READ(kind1, data1, i);
cmp rsi, 1
jne SHORT $LN17@unicode_co
lea rax, QWORD PTR [r9+rcx]
movzx   r8d, BYTE PTR [rax+rbx]
jmp SHORT $LN16@unicode_co
cmp rsi, 2
jne SHORT $LN15@unicode_co
movzx   r8d, WORD PTR [r9+r11]
jmp SHORT $LN16@unicode_co
mov r8d, DWORD PTR [r9+r10]

   All the variables used in the loop are now in registers but the 
tests and branches are the same. This lines up with 64-bit being better 
than 32-bit on Windows but not as good as Python 3.2 or Unix.


Re: Performance of int/long in Python 3

2013-04-03 Thread Neil Hodgson

Dave Angel:

That would seem to imply that the speed regression on your data is NOT
caused by the differing size encodings. Perhaps it is the difference in
MSC compiler version, or other changes made between 3.2 and 3.3

   Its not caused by there actually being different size encodings but 
that the code is checking encoding size 2-4 times for each character.

   Back in 3.2 the comparison loop looked like:

while (len1 > 0 && len2 > 0) {
Py_UNICODE c1, c2;

c1 = *s1++;
c2 = *s2++;

if (c1 != c2)
return (c1 < c2) ? -1 : 1;

len1--; len2--;

   For 3.3 this has changed to

for (i = 0; i < len1 && i < len2; ++i) {
Py_UCS4 c1, c2;
c1 = PyUnicode_READ(kind1, data1, i);
c2 = PyUnicode_READ(kind2, data2, i);

if (c1 != c2)
return (c1 < c2) ? -1 : 1;

with PyUnicode_READ being

#define PyUnicode_READ(kind, data, index) \
((Py_UCS4) \
((kind) == PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND ? \
((const Py_UCS1 *)(data))[(index)] : \
((kind) == PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND ? \
((const Py_UCS2 *)(data))[(index)] : \
((const Py_UCS4 *)(data))[(index)] \
) \

There are either 1 or 2 kind checks in each call to PyUnicode_READ 
and 2 calls to PyUnicode_READ inside the loop. A compiler may decide to 
move the kind checks out of the loop and specialize the loop but MSVC 
2010 appears to not do so. The assembler (32-bit build) for each 
PyUnicode_READ looks like

mov ecx, DWORD PTR _kind1$[ebp]
cmp ecx, 1
jne SHORT $LN17@unicode_co@2
lea ecx, DWORD PTR [ebx+eax]
movzx   edx, BYTE PTR [ecx+edx]
jmp SHORT $LN16@unicode_co@2
cmp ecx, 2
jne SHORT $LN15@unicode_co@2
movzx   edx, WORD PTR [ebx+edi]
jmp SHORT $LN16@unicode_co@2
mov edx, DWORD PTR [ebx+esi]

   The kind1/kind2 variables aren't even going into registers and at 
least one test+branch and a jump are executed for every character. Two 
tests for 2 and 4 byte kinds. len1 and len2 don't get to go into 
registers either.

   Here's the full assembler output for unicode_compare:

;   COMDAT _unicode_compare
_kind2$ = -20   ; size = 4
_kind1$ = -16   ; size = 4
_len2$ = -12; size = 4
_len1$ = -8 ; size = 4
_data2$ = -4; size = 4
_unicode_compare PROC   ; COMDAT
; _str1$ = ecx
; _str2$ = eax

; 10417: {

mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 20 ; 0014H
mov esi, eax

; 10418: int kind1, kind2;
; 10419: void *data1, *data2;
; 10420: Py_ssize_t len1, len2, i;
; 10421:
; 10422: kind1 = PyUnicode_KIND(str1);

mov eax, DWORD PTR [ecx+16]
mov edx, eax
shr edx, 2
and edx, 7
mov DWORD PTR _kind1$[ebp], edx

; 10423: kind2 = PyUnicode_KIND(str2);

mov edx, DWORD PTR [esi+16]
mov edi, edx
shr edi, 2
and edi, 7
mov DWORD PTR _kind2$[ebp], edi

; 10424: data1 = PyUnicode_DATA(str1);

testal, 32  ; 0020H
je  SHORT $LN9@unicode_co@2
testal, 64  ; 0040H
je  SHORT $LN7@unicode_co@2
lea ebx, DWORD PTR [ecx+24]
jmp SHORT $LN10@unicode_co@2
lea ebx, DWORD PTR [ecx+36]
jmp SHORT $LN10@unicode_co@2
mov ebx, DWORD PTR [ecx+36]

; 10425: data2 = PyUnicode_DATA(str2);

testdl, 32  ; 0020H
je  SHORT $LN13@unicode_co@2
testdl, 64  ; 0040H
je  SHORT $LN11@unicode_co@2
lea edx, DWORD PTR [esi+24]
jmp SHORT $LN30@unicode_co@2
lea eax, DWORD PTR [esi+36]
mov DWORD PTR _data2$[ebp], eax
mov edx, eax
jmp SHORT $LN14@unicode_co@2
mov edx, DWORD PTR [esi+36]
mov DWORD PTR _data2$[ebp], edx

; 10426: len1 = PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH(str1);

mov edi, DWORD PTR [ecx+8]

; 10427: len2 = PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH(str2);

mov ecx, DWORD PTR [esi+8]

; 10428:
; 10429: for (i = 0; i < len1 && i < len2; ++i) {

xor eax, eax
mov DWORD PTR _len1$[ebp], edi

Re: Performance of int/long in Python 3

2013-04-03 Thread Neil Hodgson


Can you please try one more experiment Neil?
Knock off all non-ASCII strings (paths) from your dataset and try

   Results are the same 0.40 (well, 0.001 less but I don't think the 
timer is that accurate) for Python 3.2 and 0.78 for Python 3.3.


Re: Performance of int/long in Python 3

2013-04-03 Thread Neil Hodgson

Roy Smith:

On the other hand, how long did it take you to do the directory tree
walk required to find those million paths?  I'll bet a long longer than
0.78 seconds, so this gets lost in the noise.

   About 2 minutes. But that's just getting an example data set. Other 
data sets may be loaded more quickly from databases or files or be 
created by processing. Reading the example data from a file takes around 
the same time as sorting.


Re: Performance of int/long in Python 3

2013-04-03 Thread Neil Hodgson
   Reran the programs taking a bit more care with the encoding of the 
file. This had no effect on the speeds. There are only a small amount of 
paths that don't fit into ASCII:

ASCII 1076101
Latin1 218
BMP 113
Astral 0

# encoding:utf-8
import codecs, os, time
from os.path import join, getsize
with"filelist.txt", "r", "utf-8") as f:
paths ="\n")
bucket = [0,0,0,0]
for p in paths:
b = 0
maxChar = max([ord(ch) for ch in p])
if maxChar >= 65536:
b = 3
elif maxChar >= 256:
b = 2
elif maxChar >= 128:
b = 1
bucket[b] = bucket[b] + 1
print("ASCII", bucket[0])
print("Latin1", bucket[1])
print("BMP", bucket[2])
print("Astral", bucket[3])


Re: Performance of int/long in Python 3

2013-04-02 Thread Neil Hodgson

Chris Angelico:

I'd be curious to know the sorts of characters used. Given that it's
probably a narrow-vs-wide Python difference we're talking here, the
actual distribution of codepoints may well make a difference.

   I was going to upload it but then I thought of potential client 
-confidentiality problems and the need to audit a list that long.


Re: Performance of int/long in Python 3

2013-04-02 Thread Neil Hodgson

Terry Jan Reedy:

What system *and* what compiler and compiler options. Unless 3.2 and 3.3
are both compiler with the same compiler and settings, we do not know
the source of the difference.

   The version signatures are:

3.2.3 (default, Apr 11 2012, 07:15:24) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]

3.3.0 (v3.3.0:bd8afb90ebf2, Sep 29 2012, 10:55:48) [MSC v.1600 32 bit 

   The machine is running Windows 8 64-bit (the Python installations 
are 32-bit though) and the processor is an i3 2350M running at 2.3 GHz.


Re: Performance of int/long in Python 3

2013-04-02 Thread Neil Hodgson

rusi wrote:


a 'micro-benchmark' - I'd just like to avoid adding email access to get
this over the threshold.

What does that last statement mean?

   Its a reference to a comment by Jamie Zawinski (relatively famous 
developer of Netscape Navigator and other things):

   "Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Those 
programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can."

   One of the games played in bug reporting and avoidance is to deny 
that the report is a real problem. A short script is dismissed as 
unrepresentative of actual programs. Once it can read email though, it 
has to be a real program.


Re: Performance of int/long in Python 3

2013-04-02 Thread Neil Hodgson

Ian Kelly:

Micro-benchmarks like the ones you have been reporting are *useful*
when it comes to determining what operations can be better optimized,
but they are not *important* in and of themselves.  What is important
is that actual, real-world programs are not significantly slowed by
these kinds of optimizations.  Until you can demonstrate that real
programs are adversely affected by PEP 393, there is not in my opinion
any regression that is worth worrying over.

   The problem with only responding to issues with real-world programs 
is that real-world programs are complex and their performance issues 
often difficult to diagnose. See, for example, scons which is written in 
Python and which has not been able to overcome performance problems over 
several years. 

   Bottom-up performance work has advantages in that a narrow focus 
area can be more easily analyzed and tested and can produce widely 
applicable benefits.

   The choice of comparison for the script wasn't arbitrary. Comparison 
is one of the main building blocks of higher-level code. Sorting, for 
example, depends strongly on comparison performance with a decrease in 
comparison speed multiplied when applied to sorting.

   Its unfortunate that does not contain any comparison 
or sorting tests.

   Sorting a million string list (all the file paths on a particular 
computer) went from 0.4 seconds with Python 3.2 to 0.78 with 3.3 so 
we're out of the 'not noticeable by humans' range. Perhaps this is still 
a 'micro-benchmark' - I'd just like to avoid adding email access to get 
this over the threshold.

   Here's some code. Replace the "if 1" with "if 0" on subsequent runs 
to avoid the costly file system walk.

import os, time
from os.path import join, getsize
paths = []
if 1:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('c:\\'):
for name in files:
paths.append(join(root, name))
with open("filelist.txt", "w") as f:
with open("filelist.txt", "r") as f:
paths ="\n")
timeStart = time.time()
timeEnd = time.time()
print("Time taken=", timeEnd - timeStart)


Re: Performance of int/long in Python 3

2013-04-02 Thread Neil Hodgson


3.2.3 (default, Apr 11 2012, 07:15:24) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
[0.8343414906182101, 0.8336184057396241, 0.8330473419738562]
3.3.0 (v3.3.0:bd8afb90ebf2, Sep 29 2012, 10:55:48) [MSC v.1600 32 bit
[1.3840254166697845, 1.3933888932429768, 1.391664674507438]

   That's a larger performance decrease than the 64-bit version.

   Reported the issue as


Re: Performance of int/long in Python 3

2013-04-01 Thread Neil Hodgson

Mark Lawrence:

You've given many examples of the same type of micro benchmark, not many
examples of different types of benchmark.

   Trying to work out what jmfauth is on about I found what appears to 
be a performance regression with '<' string comparisons on Windows 
64-bit. Its around 30% slower on a 25 character string that differs in 
the last character and 70-100% on a 100 character string that differs at 
the end.

   Can someone else please try this to see if its reproducible? Linux 
doesn't show this problem.

>c:\python32\python -u ""
3.2 (r32:88445, Feb 20 2011, 21:30:00) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
[0.7116295577956576, 0.7055591343157613, 0.7203483026429418]

[0.7664397841378787, 0.7199902325464409, 0.713719289812504]

[0.7341851791817691, 0.6994205901833599, 0.7106807593741005]

[0.7346812372666784, 0.699543377914, 0.7064768417728411]

>c:\python33\python -u ""
3.3.0 (v3.3.0:bd8afb90ebf2, Sep 29 2012, 10:57:17) [MSC v.1600 64 bit 

[0.9913326076446045, 0.9455845241056282, 0.9459076605341776]

[1.0472289217234318, 1.0362342484091207, 1.0197109728048384]

[1.0439643704533834, 0.9878581050301687, 0.9949265834034335]

[1.0987483965446412, 1.0130257167690004, 1.024832248526499]

   Here is the code:

# encoding:utf-8
import os, sys, timeit
examples = [
baseDir = "C:/Users/Neil/Documents/"
#~ baseDir = "C:/Users/Neil/Documents/Visual Studio 

for t in examples:
t = t.replace("$", baseDir)
# Using os.write as simple way get UTF-8 to stdout
os.write(sys.stdout.fileno(), t.encode("utf-8"))
print(timeit.repeat("a[0] < a[1]",t,number=500))

   For a more significant performance difference try replacing the 
baseDir setting with (may be wrapped):
baseDir = "C:/Users/Neil/Documents/Visual Studio 


Re: flaming vs accuracy [was Re: Performance of int/long in Python 3]

2013-03-28 Thread Neil Hodgson

Chris Angelico:

But both this and your example of case conversion are, fundamentally,
iterating over the string. What if you aren't doing that? What if you
want to parse and process?

   Parsing is also normally a scanning operation. If you want to 
process pieces of the string based on the parse then you remember the 
positions (as iterators) at the significant places and extract/process 
the data based on those positions.


Re: flaming vs accuracy [was Re: Performance of int/long in Python 3]

2013-03-28 Thread Neil Hodgson


Implementing the regex module ( would
have been more difficult if the internal representation had been UTF-8,
because of the need to decode, and the implementation would also have
been slower for that reason.

   One way to build regex support for UTF-8 is to build a fixed width 
version of the regex code and then interpose an object that converts 
between the UTF-8 representation and that code.

   The C++11 standard library contains a regex template that can be 
instantiated over a UTF-8 representation in this way.



Re: flaming vs accuracy [was Re: Performance of int/long in Python 3]

2013-03-28 Thread Neil Hodgson

Steven D'Aprano:

Some string operations need to inspect every character, e.g. str.upper().
Even for them, the increased complexity of a variable-width encoding
costs. It's not sufficient to walk the string inspecting a fixed 1, 2 or
4 bytes per character. You have to walk the string grabbing 1 byte at a
time, and then decide whether you need another 1, 2 or 3 bytes. Even
though it's still O(N), the added bit-masking and overhead of variable-
width encoding adds to the overall cost.

   It does add to implementation complexity but should only add a small 
amount of time.

   To compare costs, I am using the text of the web site since it has a reasonable amount (10%) of 
multi-byte characters. Since the document fits in the the BMP, Python 
would choose a 2-byte wide implementation so I am emulating that choice 
with a very simple 16-bit table-based upper-caser. Real Unicode case 
conversion code is more concerned with edge cases like Turkic and 
Lithuanian locales and Greek combining characters and also allowing for 
measurement/reallocation for the cases where the result is 
smaller/larger. See, for example, glib's real_toupper in

   Here is some simplified example code that implements upper-casing 
over 16-bit wide (utf16_up) and UTF-8 (utf8_up) buffers:
   Since I didn't want to spend too much time writing code it only 
handles the BMP and doesn't have upper-case table entries outside ASCII 
for now. If this was going to be worked on further to be made 
maintainable, most of the masking and so forth would be in macros 
similar to UTF8_COMPUTE/UTF8_GET in glib.
   The UTF-8 case ranges from around 5% slower on average in a 32 bit 
release build (VC2012 on an i7 870) to averaging a little faster in a 
64-bit build. They're both around a billion characters per-second.

Time taken for UTF8 of 80449=0.006528
Time taken for UTF16 of 71525=0.006610
Relative time taken UTF8/UTF16 0.987581

Any string method that takes a starting offset requires the method to
walk the string byte-by-byte. I've even seen languages put responsibility
for dealing with that onto the programmer: the "start offset" is given in
*bytes*, not characters. I don't remember what language this was... it
might have been Haskell? Whatever it was, it horrified me.

   It doesn't horrify me - I've been working this way for over 10 years 
and it seems completely natural. You can wrap access in iterators that 
hide the byte offsets if you like. This then ensures that all operations 
on those iterators are safe only allowing the iterator to point at the 
start/end of valid characters.

Sure. And over a different set of samples, it is less compact. If you
write a lot of Latin-1, Python will use one byte per character, while
UTF-8 will use two bytes per character.

   I think you mean writing a lot of Latin-1 characters outside ASCII. 
However, even people writing texts in, say, French will find that only a 
small proportion of their text is outside ASCII and so the cost of UTF-8 
is correspondingly small.

   The counter-problem is that a French document that needs to include 
one mathematical symbol (or emoji) outside Latin-1 will double in size 
as a Python string.


Re: flaming vs accuracy [was Re: Performance of int/long in Python 3]

2013-03-28 Thread Neil Hodgson

Ian Foote:

Specifically, indexing a variable-length encoding like utf-8 is not as
efficient as indexing a fixed-length encoding.

   Many common string operations do not require indexing by character 
which reduces the impact of this inefficiency. UTF-8 seems like a 
reasonable choice for an internal representation to me. One benefit of 
UTF-8 over Python's flexible representation is that it is, on average, 
more compact over a wide set of samples.


Re: String performance regression from python 3.2 to 3.3

2013-03-16 Thread Neil Hodgson

Steven D'Aprano:

So while you might save memory by using "UTF-24" instead of UTF-32, it
would probably be slower because you would have to grab three bytes at a
time instead of four, and the hardware probably does not directly support

Low-level string manipulation often deals with blocks larger than 
an individual character for speed. Generally 32 or 64-bits at a time 
using the CPU or 128 or 256 using the vector unit. Then there may be 
entry/exit code to handle initial alignment to a block boundary and 
dealing with a smaller than block-size tail.

   For an example of this kind of thing, see find_max_char in 
python\Objects\stringlib\find_max_char.h which can examine a char* 32 or 
64-bits at a time.

   24-bit is likely to be a win in many circumstances due to decreased 
memory traffic. a 12-bit implementation may also be worthwhile as the 
low 0x1000 characters of Unicode contains Latin (with extensions), 
Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew, and most Indic scripts.


Re: Largest possible size for executemany() in PEP-249 (Database API)

2013-02-28 Thread Neil Hodgson

Roy Smith:

_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1153, "Got a packet bigger than
'max_allowed_packet' bytes")

Is there any way (other than trial and error) to know how many records
I can pass in one call before I blow up?

   Its unlikely to be a limit in the number of records but a limit on 
the number of bytes in the serialized command stream. With a deep 
understanding of the format you could count bytes until about to go over 
and then flush. I'd *guess* that the data is being sent as textual SQL 
INSERT statements so you could work out what your insertions look like 
as INSERT statements and see how many fit into max_allowed_packet. 
max_allowed_packet is probably 1 million so looking like 100 bytes per 
INSERT but will depend on data as inserting "Ko" should use less bytes 
than inserting "Naragarajan".


Re: LangWart: Method congestion from mutate multiplicty

2013-02-10 Thread Neil Hodgson

Rick Johnson:



>> a = [1,2]
=> [1, 2]
>> a.push(3)
=> [1, 2, 3]
>> a
=> [1, 2, 3]

   This could be called "mutation without exclamation".

>> require 'WEBrick'
=> true
>> vowels = "[aeiou]+"
=> "[aeiou]+"
>> vowels.object_id
=> 2234951380
>> WEBrick::HTTPUtils._make_regex!(vowels)
=> /([^\[aeiou\]\+])/n
>> vowels
=> "[aeiou]+"
>> vowels.object_id
=> 2234951380

   The counterpart, exclamation without mutation.


Re: LangWart: Method congestion from mutate multiplicty

2013-02-10 Thread Neil Hodgson

Rick Johnson:

The Ruby language attempted to save the programmer from the scourge of obtaining a four year degree 
in linguistics just to create intuitive identifiers "on-the-fly", and they tried to 
remove this ambiguity by employing "post-fix-punctuation" of the exclamation mark as a 
visual cue for in-place modification of the object:

   Ruby does not use '!' to indicate in-place modification:


Re: How to debug pyd File in Vs???

2013-01-25 Thread Neil Hodgson

Junze Liu:

 Third, use the embed interpreter to execute a .py File.The .py File 
include the module that in .pyd File I created.
 Here, the problem comes out! When I start my main project. I can only 
debug the problems in my main project, when my main project use the python 
interpreter to execute the python interpreter, I can't see what happened in my 
pyd File, the whole project collapsed.I know the error is in the pyd File, and 
if I set a break point in my resource files of pyd File, either the project 
will go to the break point.

   This normally works unless Visual Studio can't understand the 
relationship between the .pyd and source files. Make sure you have built 
the .pyd using a release configuration but with debugging information 
turned on for both compiling and linking.

   Or use a debug build of python along with a debug build of the .pyd.

Is there any methods to debug the resource file in this condition!

   You can call DebugBreak() somewhere in the .pyd code which will 
start up Visual Studio as a debugger. It normally works out where the 
source code is and then you can add more breakpoints and step through.


Re: Comparing strings from the back?

2012-09-17 Thread Neil Hodgson

Ethan Furman:


   I can't work out who you are plonking. While more than one of the 
posters on this thread seem worthy of a good plonk, by not including 
sufficient context, you've left me feeling puzzled. Is there a guideline 
for this in basic netiquette?



Re: Comparing strings from the back?

2012-09-04 Thread Neil Hodgson

Roy Smith:

I'm wondering if it might be faster to start at the ends of the strings
instead of at the beginning?  If the strings are indeed equal, it's the
same amount of work starting from either end.

   Most people write loops that go forwards. This leads to the 
processor designers prioritizing detection mechanisms like cache 
prefetching for that case.

   However, its not always the situation: a couple of years ago Intel 
contributed a memcpy implementation to glibc that went backwards for a 
performance improvement. An explanation from a related patch involves 
speculative and committed operations and address bits on some processors 
and quickly lost me:

paragraph 3 of

   The memcpy patch was controversial as it broke Adobe Flash which 
assumed memcpy was safe like memmove.


Re: Flexible string representation, unicode, typography, ...

2012-08-27 Thread Neil Hodgson

Go "has" the integers int32 and int64. A rune ensure
the usage of int32. "Text libs" use runes. Go has only
bytes and runes.

Go's text libraries use UTF-8 encoded byte strings. Not arrays of 
runes. See, for example,

   Are you claiming that UTF-8 is the optimum string representation and 
therefore should be used by Python?


Re: Flexible string representation, unicode, typography, ...

2012-08-23 Thread Neil Hodgson

Small illustration. Take an a4 page containing 50 lines of 80 ascii
characters, add a single 'EM DASH' or an 'BULLET' (code points>  0x2000),
and you will see all the optimization efforts destroyed.

sys.getsizeof('a' * 80 * 50)


sys.getsizeof('a' * 80 * 50 + '•')


   This example is still benefiting from shrinking the number of bytes 
in half over using 32 bits per character as was the case with Python 3.2:

>>> sys.getsizeof('a' * 80 * 50)
>>> sys.getsizeof('a' * 80 * 50 + '•')


Re: How do I display unicode value stored in a string variable using ord()

2012-08-21 Thread Neil Hodgson

Steven D'Aprano:

Using variable-sized strings like UTF-8 and UTF-16 for in-memory
representations is a terrible idea because you can't assume that people
will only every want to index the first or last character. On average,
you need to scan half the string, one character at a time. In Big-Oh, we
can ignore the factor of 1/2 and just say we scan the string, O(N).

   In the majority of cases you can remove excessive scanning by 
caching the most recent index->offset result. If the next index request 
is nearer the cached index than to the beginning then iterate from that 
offset. This converts many operations from quadratic to linear. Locality 
of reference is common and can often be reasonably exploited.

   However, exposing the variable length nature of UTF-8 allows the 
application to choose efficient techniques for more cases.


Re: Why doesn't Python remember the initial directory?

2012-08-20 Thread Neil Hodgson


Maybe. On Unix, it's possible that the current directory no longer
has a pathname.

   Its also possible that you do not have permission to successfully 
call getcwd. One example of this I have experienced is the OS X sandbox 
where you can run Python starting in a directory where you have only 
limited permissions.

   getcwd works by calling readdir and lstat and looping up from the 
current directory to the root to build the whole path so will break 
without read permissions on directories:


Re: Language Enhancement Idea to help with multi-processing (your opinions please)

2011-10-13 Thread Neil Hodgson

> FWIW, this looks rather like the 'PAR' construct of Occam to me.

   Earlier than that, 'par' is from Algol 68:


Re: WxPython versus Tkinter.

2011-01-24 Thread Neil Hodgson

> Not if we used the underlying MS library! Windows has such a rich
> library why not use it? Why must we constantly re-invent the wheel?

   It is up to the GUI toolkit or application to implement the
interfaces defined by Windows Automation API on every object it
displays. The standard Windows controls have this implemented. Tk does
not use these controls so would have to do all that work again.


Re: WxPython versus Tkinter.

2011-01-24 Thread Neil Hodgson
Octavian Rasnita:

> There are no many people that know about this thing,
> but there are standards like MSAA that can be followed
> by them if they really want to offer accessibility. I
> guess that if Tkinter would support MSAA (Microsoft
> Active Accessibility) in its Windows version, the screen
> readers would be able to offer support for Tk (or it
> might be offered by default... I don't know).

   MSAA was superseded by Microsoft UI Automation in 2005 which in turn
was superseded by Windows Automation API in Windows 7.

   Making Tk as accessible as Windows or GTK+ would be a huge job.


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2011-01-20 Thread Neil Hodgson
Emile van Sebille:

> The problem with QT is the license.
> From
> Qt Commercial Developer License
> The Qt Commercial Developer License is the correct license to use for
> the development of proprietary and/or commercial software ...

   The LGPL version is also useful for producing commercial software.
>From the same web page:

Qt GNU LGPL v. 2.1 Version
This version is available for development of proprietary and commercial
applications in accordance with the terms and conditions of the GNU
Lesser General Public License version 2.1.

   Developing a proprietary (closed source) application using LGPL
libraries is normally not a problem as the only pieces of code you have
to publish are changes to those LGPL libraries, not the application
code. Most applications do not change the libraries.

   The "can't reuse LGPL code" clause is a restriction on what can be
done with the Qt Commercial Developer License not on what can be done
with the LGPL license.

   GTK+ has always been LGPL and that license has not been an obstacle
to either open source or closed source projects.


Re: will Gnome 3.0 kill pygtk?

2010-09-30 Thread Neil Hodgson

> i'm studying pygtk right now, am i wasting my time considering that my 
> preferred platform is linux/gnome?

   I expect the dynamic binding will be very similar to the current
static binding but easier to keep up-to-date. There's already some use
of dynamic binding in the recent PyGTK 2.22.0:


Re: How Python works: What do you know about support for negative indices?

2010-09-11 Thread Neil Hodgson
Ben Finney:

> For those who think the problem may be with the recipient's software, I
> see the same annoying line-wrapping problems in the archived message

   That looks well-formatted to me and just the same as I see in a news
reader. There appear to be deliberate wraps at sentence end or automatic
wraps to fit <80 columns. Which lines are wrong and why are they wrong?


Re: How Python works: What do you know about support for negativeindices?

2010-09-09 Thread Neil Hodgson
Mark Tolonen:

> It came across fine for me (on much maligned Outlook Express, no less).

   Yes, looks fine to me both in Thunderbird (news, not mailing list)
and at Google Groups. There is a single text part with all lines except
an URL easily within 80 columns. Perhaps there is a problem in Ben's
reader or in the mailing list gateway.


Re: Is there any way to minimize str()/unicode() objects memory usage [Python 2.6.4] ?

2010-08-06 Thread Neil Hodgson

> What I'm really looking for is a dict() that maps short unicode
> strings into tuples with integers. But just having a *compact* list
> container for unicode strings would help a lot (because I could add a
> __dict__ and go from it).

   Add them all into one string or array and use indexes into that string.


Microsoft lessening commitment to IronPython and IronRuby

2010-08-06 Thread Neil Hodgson
   There is a blog post from Jimmy Schementi who previously worked at
Microsoft on IronRuby about the state of dynamic language work there.


Re: Why is python not written in C++ ?

2010-08-05 Thread Neil Hodgson
Paul Rubin:

> C has all kinds of undefined behavior.  "Might need to rely on" is not
> relevant for this kind of issue.  Ada's designers had the goal that that
> Ada programs should have NO undefined behavior.

   Ada achieves this by describing a long list of implementation defined
behaviour (Annex M).

> As a famous example of C's underspecification, the behavior of
>a[i++] = i;
> is undefined in C99.

   Ada does not define ordering in all cases either. For example the
order of elaboration of library_items (essentially the order in which
modules are run in the absence of explicit declarations) is defined for

first elaborating bodies as early as possible (i.e. in preference to
specs where there is a choice), and second by evaluating the immediate
with clauses of a unit to determine the probably best choice, and third
by elaborating in alphabetical order of unit names where a choice still

   Other compilers use different orders.

   I just love that "probably".


Re: Why is python not written in C++ ?

2010-08-03 Thread Neil Hodgson
Grant Edwards:

> That said, the last time I looked the Ada spec was only something like
> 100 pages long, so a case could be made that it won't take long to
> learn.  I don't know how long the C++ language spec is, but I'm
> betting it's closer to 1000 than 100.

   The Ada 2012 Language Reference Manual is 860 pages and the Ada 2005
LRM was 790 pages. The annotated versions are even longer


Re: Sun Grid Engine / NFS and Python shell execution question

2010-07-22 Thread Neil Hodgson
J.B. Brown:

> I believe the source of this problem is that os.popen() or os.system()
> calls spawn subshells which then reference my shell resource files
> (.zshrc, .cshrc, .bashrc, etc.).
> But I don't see an alternative to os.popen{234} or os.system().
> os.exec*() cannot solve my problem, because it transfers execution to
> that program and stops executing the script which called os.exec*().

   Call fork then call exec from the new process. Search the web for
"fork exec" to find examples in C.


Re: Download Microsoft C/C++ compiler for use with Python 2.6/2.7 ASAP

2010-07-08 Thread Neil Hodgson

> Windows did this too (msvcrt.dll) up to the VS2003 release, which came
> with msvcr71.dll in addition. Since then, M$ (pronounced Megadollar
> Corp.) have published msvcr80.dll, msvcr90.dll, and msvcr100.dll (and
> corresponding C++ versions) to annoy C and C++ developers into
> converting to C# .NET. (And yes, programs using third-party DLL and
> OCX components become unstable from this. You have to check each DLL/
> OCX you use, and each DLL used by each DLL, etc. How fun...)

   One of the benefits to COM is that it acts as a C runtime firewall -
it has its own memory allocation interface (IMalloc / CoGetMalloc) and
file I/O is performed through interfaces like IStream. It is quite
common to use an OCX compiled with one compiler in an application
compiled with another.

   If you break the rules by using malloc rather than IMalloc for memory
that is deallocated by a different component to that which allocated it
or try to pass around FILE* objects then you will see failures. So,
always follow the COM rules.


Re: Python dynamic attribute creation

2010-06-26 Thread Neil Hodgson
WANG Cong:

> From what you are saying, Smalltalk picks a way similar to setattr() in
> Python?

   addInstVarName is a method on ClassDescription objects.

> Because you mentioned 'addInstVarName' which seems to be a
> method or a builtin function. If so, that is my point, as I mentioned
> earlier, switching to setattr() by default, instead of using assignments
> by default. :)

   No, that was only part of the problems you enumerated. You want to
easily distinguish adding instance variables (possibly also other
things) since these are 'metaprogramming'. Now, once setattr is
available it is possible to call setattr any place where a function can
be called so you are not going to be able to determine whether any
particular statement, including o.f=1 adds a new instance variable. You
would have to change Python a lot more to be able to determine easily
from inspection whether a given statement is 'metaprogramming'.

   The main problem I had was that you were saying that adding an
instance variable is a special form of programming when its just an
ordinary part of programming in most languages.

> Hmm, although this is off-topic, I am interested in this too. C++ does
> have metaprogramming, but that is actually static metaprogramming (using
> templates), not dynamic metaprogramming here.

   C++ is still extremely limited. Can you show a C++ example where a
metaprogram modifies an existing class to add an instance variable?


Re: Python dynamic attribute creation

2010-06-25 Thread Neil Hodgson
WANG Cong:

> 4) Also, this will _somewhat_ violate the OOP princples, in OOP,
> this is and should be implemented by inherence.

   Most object oriented programming languages starting with Smalltalk
have allowed adding attributes (addInstVarName) to classes at runtime.
Low level OOPLs like C++ and Delphi did not implement this for
efficiency reasons.


Re: Encoding troubles

2010-05-17 Thread Neil Hodgson

> as hypens (–) and apostrophes (’) are in an odd encoding. When passed
> to the database using sqlalchemy they appear as – and other
> characters.

   The encoding is UTF-8. Normally the best way to handle encodings is
to convert to Unicode strings (unicode(s, "UTF-8")) as soon as possible
and perform most processing in Unicode.


Re: Download Visual Studio Express 2008 now

2010-04-15 Thread Neil Hodgson
Martin v. Loewis:

> Python 2.6, 2.7, and 3.1 are all built with that release (i.e. 2008).
> Because of another long tradition, Python extension modules must be
> built with the same compiler version (more specifically, CRT version) as
> Python itself. So to build extension modules for any of these releases,
> you need to have a copy of VS 2008 or VS 2008 Express.

   Is it too late for Python 2.7 to update to using Visual Studio 2010?
It is going to be much easier for people to find and install the current
version of VS than the previous. There is still more than 2 months left
before 2.7 is planned to be released.


Re: msvcr90.dll is MIA?

2010-04-15 Thread Neil Hodgson
> But what's so special about msvcr and visual studio compiler? Python
> compiles fine with gcc under unixes, so is it a problem to compile
> python interpreter with mingw and get rid of the proprietary runtime
> dependecies?

   MinGW uses an older version of Microsoft's runtime MSVCRT.DLL. While
MSVCRT.DLL is present in all commonly used versions of Windows, the
particular version varies and, unless you have licensed an older version
of Visual C++, you probably do not have the right to redistribute it.


Re: Generating a rainbow?

2010-04-08 Thread Neil Hodgson
>You should use different variables for the two loops.

   Actually it is closing the divs that makes it work in FireFox:

import colorsys

sat = 1
value = 1
length = 1000
for h in range(0, length + 1):
hue = h / float(length)
color = list(colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue, sat, value))
for x in range(3):
color[x] = int(color[x] * 255)
hexval = ("#%02x%02x%02x" % tuple(color)).upper()
"" % hexval)


Re: Generating a rainbow?

2010-04-08 Thread Neil Hodgson

> for x in range(0, length + 1):
> ...
> for x in range(3):

   You should use different variables for the two loops.



Re: Python unicode and Windows cmd.exe

2010-03-14 Thread Neil Hodgson

> 2) My script gets output from a Popen call (to execute a Powershell
> script [new Windows shell language] from Python; it does make sense!).
> I suppose changing the Windows codepage for a single Popen call isn't
> straightforward/possible?

   You could try SetConsoleOutputCP and SetConsoleCP.


Re: Python unicode and Windows cmd.exe

2010-03-14 Thread Neil Hodgson

> Is this an enforced convention under Windows, then? My head's aching
> after so much pulling at my hair, but I have the feeling that the
> problem only arises when text travels through the dos console...

   The console is commonly using Code Page 437 which is most compatible
with old DOS programs since it can display line drawing characters. You
can change the code page to UTF-8 with
chcp 65001
   Now, "type m.txt" with the original BOM-less file and it should be
OK. You may also need to change the console font to one that is Unicode
compatible like Lucida Console.


Re: Python unicode and Windows cmd.exe

2010-03-14 Thread Neil Hodgson

> I then open the file m.txt with notepad, and I see "mañana" normally.
> I save (again, no actual modifications), go back to the dos prompt, do
> type m.txt and this time it works! I get "mañana". When notepad opens
> the file, the encoding is already UTF-8, so short of a UTF-8 bom being
> added to the file, 

   That is what happens: the file now starts with a BOM \xEB\xBB\xBF as
you can see with a hex editor.

> I don't know what happens when I save the
> unmodified file. Also, I would think that the python script should
> save a valid utf-8 file in the first place...

   Its just as valid UTF-8 without a BOM. People have different opinions
on this but for compatibility, I think it is best to always start UTF-8
files with a BOM.


Re: file seek is slow

2010-03-10 Thread Neil Hodgson

> As it turns out each call is only
> 646 nanoseconds slower than 'C'.
> However, that is still 80% of the time to perform a file seek,
> which I would think is a relatively slow operation compared to just
> making a system call.

   A seek may not be doing much beyond setting a current offset value.
It is likely that fseek(f1, 0, SEEK_SET) isn't even doing a system call.

   An implementation of fseek will often return relatively quickly when
the position is within the current buffer -- from line 192 in


Re: Passing FILE * types using ctypes

2010-03-05 Thread Neil Hodgson
Zeeshan Quireshi:

> Hello, I'm using ctypes to wrap a library i wrote. I am trying to pass
> it a FILE *pointer, how do i open a file in Python and convert it to a
> FILE *pointer.

   For this to work, your library should have been compiled with the
same compiler as Python and possibly the same compiler options such as
choice of runtime library. Otherwise, they may differ in the content and
layout of FILE and also in behaviour. On Unix, this may not be a problem
because of the shared runtime but on Windows it can cause crashes.


Re: Spam from gmail

2010-02-24 Thread Neil Hodgson
Steve Holden:

> Spam is, at least from my point of view, UCE: unsolicited commercial
> e-mail.

   Spam is more commonly defined as UBE (Unsolicited Bulk Email) of
which UCE is a large subset. Its just as much spam if its pushing a
political party or charity even though there may be no commercial
advantage to the poster.


Re: TABS in the CPython C source code

2010-02-07 Thread Neil Hodgson

> BTW, in case anyone is confused, it's "svn blame" vs "cvs annotate".

   Possibly earlier versions of SVN only supported "blame" but the
variants "annotate", "ann", and "praise" all work with the version of
SVN (1.6.5) I have installed.


Re: TABS in the CPython C source code

2010-02-06 Thread Neil Hodgson
Alf P. Steinbach:

> The size-8 tabs look really bad in an editor configured with tab size 4,
> as is common in Windows. I'm concluding that the CPython programmers
> configure their Visual Studio's to *nix convention.

   Most of the core developers use Unix.

> Anyways, I would suggest converting all those tabs to spaces, as e.g.
> the Boost library project does  --  no tabs allowed.

   This would damage the usefulness of source control histories (svn
annotate) as all of the converted lines would show this recent cosmetic
change rather than the previous change which is likely to be a
substantive modification.


Re: PEP 3147 - new .pyc format

2010-01-30 Thread Neil Hodgson
John Roth:

> 4. I'm in favor of putting the source in the .pyr directory as well,
> but that's got a couple more issues. One is tool support, which is
> likely to be worse for source, and the other is some kind of algorithm
> for identifying which source goes with which object.

   Many tools work recursively except for hidden directories so would
return both the source in the repository as well as the original source.
If you want to do this then the repository directory should be hidden by
starting with ".".


Re: [OT] Perl 6 [was Re: myths about python 3]

2010-01-28 Thread Neil Hodgson
   Looks to me like the problem with Perl 6 was that it was too
ambitious, wanting to fix all perceived problems with the language.
Python 3 is much more limited in scope: at its core its Python with
Unicode fixed and old junk removed.


Re: myths about python 3

2010-01-27 Thread Neil Hodgson
Carl Banks:

> There is also no hope someone will fork Python 2.x and continue it in
> perpetuity.  Well, someone might try to fork it, but they won't be
> able to call it Python.

   Over time there may be more desire from those unable or unwilling to
upgrade to 3.x to work on improvements to 2.x, perhaps leading to a
version 2.8. One of the benefits of open source is that you are not
trapped into following vendor decisions like Microsoft abandoning
classic VB in favour of VB.NET.

   It would be unreasonable for the core developers to try to block
this. Refusing use of the Python trademark for a version that was
reasonably compatible in both directions would be particularly petty.


Re: chr(12) Form Feed in Notepad (Windows)

2010-01-15 Thread Neil Hodgson
W. eWatson wrote:

> I am writing a txt file. It's up to the user to print it using Notepad
> or some other tool.  

   WordPad will interpret chr(12) as you want.


Re: Python 3.1 cx_Oracle 5.0.2 "ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found."

2009-11-20 Thread Neil Hodgson

> Apparently the error is caused by cx_Oracle not being able to find the
> Oracle client DLLs (oci.dll and others). The client home path and the
> client home path bin directory are in the PATH System Variable and
> oci.dll is there.

   Open the cx_Oracle extension with Dependency Walker
( to get a better idea about what the
problem is in more detail.


Re: Recommended number of threads? (in CPython)

2009-10-29 Thread Neil Hodgson

> I found that when using more than several hundred threads causes weird
> exceptions to be thrown *sometimes* (rarely actually, but it happens
> from time to time). 

   If you are running on a 32-bit environment, it is common to run out
of address space with many threads. Each thread allocates a stack and
this allocation may be as large as 10 Megabytes on Linux. With a 4
Gigabyte 32-bit address space this means that the maximum number of
threads will be 400. In practice, the operating system will further
subdivide the address space so only 200 to 300 threads will be possible.
On Windows, I think the normal stack allocation is 1 Megabyte.

   The allocation is only of address space, not memory since memory can
be mapped into this space when it is needed and many threads do not need
very much stack.


Re: umlauts

2009-10-17 Thread Neil Hodgson
   The server is sniffing the User-Agent header to decide whether to
send UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1. Try this code:

import urllib2
r = urllib2.Request("";,
None, {"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0"})
f = urllib2.urlopen(r)
i =
xml =


Re: save windows clipboard content temporarily and restore later

2009-10-12 Thread Neil Hodgson

> I followed your hints, and wrote the following code. It works for most
> clipboard formats except files. Selecting and copying a file, followed
> by backup() and restore() throw an exception:

   For some formats the handle stored on the clipboard may not be a
memory handle so may not be retrieved as memory. You could try using a
list of formats to include or exclude or just pass over the exception.


Re: save windows clipboard content temporarily and restore later

2009-10-09 Thread Neil Hodgson

> Restoring the data with that format could result in information loss,
> for example when HTML text is saved in ordinary text format. There is
> no format that could preserve 100% of any kind of clipboard content.
> Does anyone has a brilliant solution?

   Enumerate all the clipboard formats with EnumClipboardFormats and
grab the contents in each format then put them all back when finished.


Re: unicode issue

2009-10-01 Thread Neil Hodgson
Dave Angel:

> I know that the clipboard has type tags, but I haven't looked at them in
> so long that I forget what they look like.  For text, is it just ASCII
> and Unicode?  Or are there other possible encodings that the source and
> sink negotiate?

   The normal thing seen is that the clipboard differentiates between
Unicode text and locale-dependent 8 bit text. Depending on platform
Unicode text may be in UTF-8 (Linux) or UTF-16 (Windows). The encoding
of 8-bit text strings is not well defined and is normally assumed to be
compatible with whatever is currently in the document or the current
user interface encoding.


Re: Signing extensions

2009-09-25 Thread Neil Hodgson
Roger Binns:

> The Windows Python distribution is signed by PGP and the normal Microsoft
> way using a Verisign class 3 cert.  (If you read their issuer statement it
> ultimately says the cert isn't worth the bits it is printed on :-)  One of
> those certs is $500 per year which is out of the question for me.

   Code signing certificates that will be be valid for Windows
Authenticode cost $129 per year through CodeProject

> Does anyone have any other suggestions?  Has the PSF considered running a
> certificate authority for extension developers, and other Python developers
> for that matter?

   I'd like to see a certificate authority for open source projects
based mainly on project reputation and longevity. There may need to be
some payment to avoid flooding the CA with invalid requests - say $30
per year. It would be great if this CA was recognised by Microsoft and
Apple as well as Linux and BSD distributions.

   There are some issues about identity here. Should the certificate be
 for the project, an individual, or an individual within a project? You
want to know that PyExt1 comes from the genuine Ext1 project but the
build will commonly be initiated by an individual who may later be found
to be malicious. The Ext1 project should be able to revoke "Mal Icious
of Ext1" and have future releases signed by "Trust Worthy of Ext1".


Re: Open file on remote linux server

2009-09-23 Thread Neil Hodgson
The Bear:
> Hi I'm looking to do something like this
> f = f.openfileobj(remotefileloc, localfilelikeobj)
> my remote files are on a solaris box that i can access using ssh (could
> prehap request othe protocols if necessary)

   You could look into GIO which is a virtual file system API used in
GTK+. I was a bit put off by it (necessarily) exposing the asynchronous
nature of remote file operations. Its fun to write a small amount of
asynchronous file I/O code but ensuring that all of your code handles
all the potential problems with remote connections is tedious.

Base library:

Python bindings:

   Before committing to this, you should double check that these are the
currently supported APIs. There was an earlier API GnomeVFS that has
been deprecated for several years now and I don't follow this area closely.


Re: How do I post to the wxPython mailing list?

2009-09-09 Thread Neil Hodgson

> No, but it means that more of my data goes into the same company.
> There's no way to use my own email accounts from my own domain,
> and I don't have a choice anymore.

   I just checked and it allowed me to use an account from my domain so
I expect it will work with yours.

> In other words, if i want to be able to get the wxPython list mail, I'm
> forced to use a google account, am I not? 

   Yes, just as you set up an account with a Mailman server when
subscribing to a Mailman list.



Re: How do I post to the wxPython mailing list?

2009-09-07 Thread Neil Hodgson

> I dont want to register with a google account,
> is there any way to use a non-gmail account?

   A Google account does not mean you have to use gmail. The Google
account is used to handle your interaction with Google services and can
be used in conjunction with arbitrary email accounts. Just create a
Google account and set the email address to your preferred address.


Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread Neil Hodgson
Chris Jones:

> Is the implication that the principal usefulness of such languages as
> Hindi and "other Indian languages" is us selling "things" to them..? 

   Unicode was developed by a group of US corporations: Xerox, Apple,
Sun, Microsoft, ... The main motivation was to avoid dealing with
multiple character set encodings since this was difficult, time
consuming and expensive.

> I
> am not from these climes but all the same, I do find you tone of voice
> rather offensive, considering that you are referring to a culture that's
> about 3000 years older and 3000 richer than ours and certainly deserves
> our respect.

   Eh? Was Unicode developed in India? China? What precisely is
direspectful here? Is there a significant population that regards
Unicode as their 'holy patrimony' that will suffer distress due to my

> Maybe you didn't notice, but our plants shut down many years ago.. They
> are selling _us_ their wares.

   Maybe your plants shut down but some of the plants I have worked at
(such as the steelworks at Port Kembla) are still successfully exporting
to Asia.


Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread Neil Hodgson
Benjamin Peterson:

> Like Sanskrit or Snowman language?

   Sanskrit is mostly written in Devanagari these days which is also
useful for selling things to people who speak Hindi and other Indian

   Not sure if you are referring to the ☃ snowman character or Arctic
region languages like Canadian Aboriginal syllabic writing like ᐲᐦᒑᔨᕽ
which were added to Unicode 8 years after the initial version. I'd guess
that was added from political rather than marketing motives. ☃ was
required since it was present in Japanese character sets.


Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread Neil Hodgson

> Unicode (*puke*) seems nothing more than a brain fart of morons. And
> sadly it was created by CS majors who i assumed used logic and
> deductive reasoning but i must be wrong. Why should the larger world
> keep supporting such antiquated languages and character sets through
> Unicode? What purpose does this serve? Are we merely trying to make
> everyone happy? A sort of Utopian free-language-love-fest-kinda-
> thing?

   Wow, I like this world you live in: all that altruism! Unicode was
developed by corporations from the US left coast in order to sell their
products in foreign markets at minimal cost.


Re: Annoying octal notation

2009-08-28 Thread Neil Hodgson
Steven D'Aprano:

> Obviously I can't speak for Ken Thompson's motivation in creating this 
> feature, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't to save typing or space on 
> punchcards.

   The original implementation of UNIX was on a PDP-7 which was an
18-bit machine. Octal = 3 bits at a a time which evenly divides an
18-bit word whereas the 4 bits of hexadecimal do not. Early
implementations of B were (according to Wikipedia) on the PDP-7, PDP-11
(a 16-bit machine) and Honeywell 36-bit mainframes.

   Octal was widely used on the PDP-11. DEC's PDP-11 Assembler defaulted
to octal and didn't even support hexadecimal. The prefixes used in
MACRO-11 for explicit radixes were ^D, ^O, and ^B.


Re: Read C++ enum in python

2009-08-19 Thread Neil Hodgson

> file_data = open(filename).read()
> # Remove comments and preprocessor directives
> file_data = ' '.join(line.split('//')[0].split('#')[0] for line in
> file_data.splitlines())
> file_data = ' '.join(re.split(r'\/\*.*\*\/', file_data))

   For some headers I tried it didn't work until the .* was changed to a
non-greedy .*? to avoid removing from the start of the first comment to
the end of the last comment.

file_data = ' '.join(re.split(r'\/\*.*?\*\/', file_data))


Re: Is python buffer overflow proof?

2009-08-04 Thread Neil Hodgson
Thorsten Kampe:

> You cannot create "your own" buffer overflow in Python as you can in C 
> and C++ but your code could still be vulnerable if the underlying Python 
> construct is written in C.

   Python's standard library does now include unsafe constructs.

import ctypes
x = '1234'
# Munging byte 1 OK
ctypes.memset(x, 1, 1)
# Next line writes beyond end of variable and crashes
ctypes.memset(x, 1, 2)


Re: No PyPI search for 3.x compatible packages

2009-07-30 Thread Neil Hodgson
Francesco Bochicchio :

> Are you sure? I note that for example pygtk has as language tags both
> C and python. So maybe a C extension
> for python3 would have both C and python 3 as language tags.
> I suspect that the 109 packages you found are the only ones obf the
> 4829 which works with python3 (but I hope
> to be wrong ).

   There are 523 packages marked with Python :: [2, 2.1, ...] and I hope
more than that work with Python 2.x.

   What I would like to encourages is adding Python :: 3 or a more
specific minimum supported version classifier to packages that support
Python 3. I wouldn't want to go to the level of adding a classifier for
each version of Python supported since a package will often stay valid
when a new Python is released.


No PyPI search for 3.x compatible packages

2009-07-29 Thread Neil Hodgson
   There appears to be no way to search PyPI for packages that are
compatible with Python 3.x. There are classifiers for 'Programming
Language' including 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3' but that seems
to be for implementation language since there are so many packages that
specify C. There are a total of 109 packages classified with Python ::
[3, 3.0, 3.1] out of a total of 4829 packages.

   The search box appears to search for any word entered so a search
like "xml 3.0" or "xml AND 3.0" does not help.

   Some packages include version information in the Py Version column of
their download lists or embedded in the download file names. Projects
are often constrained to a particular set of Python versions so need to
choose packages that will work with those versions. It would be helpful
if PyPI made this information more visible and searchable.


Re: Mutable Strings - Any libraries that offer this?

2009-07-26 Thread Neil Hodgson
Mark Lawrence:

> If my sleuthing is correct the problem is with these lines
> ilow *= self->itemSize;
> ihigh *= self->itemSize;
> in GapBuffer_slice being computed before ilow and ihigh are compared to
> anything.

   This particular bug was because ihigh is the maximum 32 bit integer
2147483647 so multiplying it by the integer item size (4) caused
overflow. Adding an extra check fixes this:
if (ihigh > self->lengthBody / self->itemSize)
ihigh = self->lengthBody / self->itemSize;

   Committed a new version 1.02 and new downloads are available from
Google code.


Re: If Scheme is so good why MIT drops it?

2009-07-21 Thread Neil Hodgson

> and all of them use native threads (python still use green threads ?)

   Python uses native threads.


Re: Mutable Strings - Any libraries that offer this?

2009-07-20 Thread Neil Hodgson

> I have searched this list and found out that Python doesn't have a
> mutable string class (it had an inefficient one, but this was removed
> in 3.0). Are there any libraries outside the core that offer this?

   I wrote a gap buffer implementation for Python 2.5 allowing
character, unicode character and integer elements.

   Its not seen much use or any maintenance so is unlikely to work with
Python 3.x.


Re: pxssh submit su commands = very very slow

2008-06-28 Thread Neil Hodgson


This works but after the su command you have to wait like 2 minutes
before each command gets executed ?
s.sendline ('su')

   A common idiom seems to be to omit the start of the expected reply 
since it may not be grabbed quickly enough. Then the prompt has to time 
out. Try



Re: finding icons for Apps

2008-05-24 Thread Neil Hodgson


Where can I find icons to use with my programs?


Re: Any other UI kits with text widget similar to that in Tk?

2008-05-11 Thread Neil Hodgson

Kenneth McDonald:
I'm wondering if any of the other GUI kits have a text widget that is 
similar in power to the one in Tk.

   The main text widget in GTK+ was modeled after Tk but I don't know 
how well it succeeded in implementing this.



2008-04-25 Thread Neil Hodgson


Me too. That is, until I tried to Google Belcan and Blubaugh together.

   Or google for "Blubaugh, David" or similar. Repeating a message you 
object to actually increases its visibility and includes you in its 


Re: Confused about Boost.Python & bjam

2008-04-14 Thread Neil Hodgson
Till Kranz:

> I tried to get started with Boost.Python. unfortunately I never used the 
> bjam build system before. As it is explained in the documentation I 
> tried to adapt the the files form the examples directory. I copied 
> 'Jamroot', 'boost_build.jam' and 'extending.cpp' to '~/test/'. But I am 
> lost as to what to do now. 

Yes, Boost.Python is difficult to use and the documentation isn't 
that clear. I've pretty much given up for now but I do have a project 
called SinkWorld that works with Boost.Python. You can access the CVS at
and the jam config files are in the tentacle/python directory as

There is a mailing list which may be able to help:


Re: Which way to access Scintilla

2008-03-17 Thread Neil Hodgson

> I also want to embed Scintilla in Tkinter-created window (create the 
> rest of the GUI in Tkinter), or rather, I want to know if that's 
> possible at all. Any suggestions are appreciated.

While it may be possible with sufficient dedication, it is unlikely 
to be simple. If you really want to use Tkinter then you are probably 
better off using some existing code that uses its text widget from 
Python such as Idle.


Re: Why the HELL has nobody answered my question !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-01-31 Thread Neil Hodgson
Steve Holden wrote:
> ... 
> Look guys, I thought we'd agreed that the PSU was no longer to be

How did Steve manage to click send again after the para

Re: Looping through the gmail dot trick

2008-01-20 Thread Neil Hodgson
Martin Marcher:

> are you saying that when i have 2 gmail addresses
> they are actually treated the same? That is plain wrong and would break a
> lot of mail addresses as I have 2 that follow just this pattern and they
> are delivered correctly!

This is a feature of some mail services such as Gmail, not of email 
addresses generically. One use is to provide a set of addresses given 
one base address. '+' works as well as '.' so when I sign up to service 
monty I give them the address [EMAIL PROTECTED] Then when I 
receive spam at nyamatongwe+monty, I know who to blame and what to block.


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