Re: Multiple constructors

2005-02-06 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
vincent wehren wrote:
 Philip Smith wrote:
 Call this a C++ programmers hang-up if you like.
 I don't seem to be able to define multiple versions of __init__ in my matrix 
 class (ie to initialise either from a list of values or from 2 dimensions 
 Even if Python couldn't resolve the __init__ to use on the basis of argument 
 types surely it could do so on the basis of argument numbers???
 At any rate - any suggestions how I code this
 Checking the number of arguments ain't all that hard:
 class Klass:
 def __init__(*args):
 self.args = args
 if len(self.args) == 1:
 # etc.
 This feels rather unpythonic, though. 

And it won't work, as `self' is not defined. ;)


Re: Python versus Perl ?

2005-02-06 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
  I've read some posts on Perl versus Python and studied a bit of my
 Python book.
  I'm a software engineer, familiar with C++ objected oriented
 development, but have been using Perl because it is great for pattern
 matching, text processing, and automated testing. Our company is really
 fixated on risk managnemt and the only way I can do enough testing
 without working overtime (which some people have ended up doing) is by
 automating my testing. That's what got me started on Perl.
  I've read that many people prefer Python and that it is better than
 Perl. However, I want to ask a few other questions.

Better than Perl is a very general statement. In my personal opinion,
this is true for every project being larger than one file of ~200 LOC.

 1. Perl seems to have alot of packaged utilities available through
 CPAN, the comprehensive perl network. These can aid in building
 parsers, web development, perl DBI is heavily used. This seems to be a
 very important benifit. I'm not sure that Python is as extenive at all
 in that regard ?

There are the Python Package Index (PyPI), the Vaults of Parnassus, and
when you don't find a needed package there, just come and ask here;
almost always a decent solution is found.

A thing similar to CPAN is being worked on by various people, though I
don't know when it will become mature.

 Perl also has excellent pattern matching compared to
 sed, not sure about how Python measures up,
  but this seems to make perl ideally suited to text processing.

Python has regular expressions much like Perl. The only difference is
that Perl carries syntactic support for them, while in Python regular
expressions are ordinary objects with methods etc.

 2. Python is apparantly better at object oriented. Perl has some kind
 of name spacing, I have used that in a limited way. Does Perl use a
 cheap and less than optimal Object oriented approach ?
 That was what someone at work said, he advocates Python.
 Is it likely that Perl will improve it's object oriented features
 in the next few years ?

There is the Perl 6 movement, but when you read some of the docs at, you will come to the conclusion that

- Perl 6 lies at least 3-5 years in the future and
- it will be a huge mess. Someone here once said Perl 6 is the ultimate
failure of Perl's philosophy. There may be split views about this...

 3. Perl is installed on our system and alot of other systems.
 You don't have to make sys admins go out of there way to make it
 available. It's usualy allready there.

Same goes with Python; it is installed per default on most modern
Unices. Windows is a completely different chapter, however, Perl isn't
more widespread there.

 I also did a search of job
 postings on a popular website. 108 jobs where listed that require
 knowledge of Perl, only 17 listed required Python. Becomeing more
 familiar with Perl might then be usefull for ones resume ?

It doesn't harm, of course. Recent statistics about programmers'
salaries indicate, however, that Python ranks top (I somehow lost the URL).

 If Python is better than Perl, I'm curious how really significant
 those advantages are ?

Try to decide yourself. The Python tutorial and website are your friends.


Re: default value in a list

2005-01-22 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Michael Spencer wrote:
 Alex Martelli wrote:
 [explanation and the following code:]
   a, b, c = it.islice(
  ...   it.chain(
  ...   line.split(':'), 
  ...   it.repeat(some_default),
  ...   ), 
  ...   3)
   def pad_with_default(N, iterable, default=None):
  ... it = iter(iterable)
  ... for x in it:
  ... if N=0: break
  ... yield x
  ... N -= 1
  ... while N0:
  ... yield default
  ... N -= 1
 Why not put these together and put it in itertools, since the requirement 
 to crop up every other week?
line = A:B:C.split(:)
def ipad(N,iterable, default = None):
   ... return it.islice(it.chain(iterable, it.repeat(default)), N)
a,b,c,d = ipad(4,line)
 ('A', 'B', 'C', None)

Good idea!

(+1 if this was posted on python-dev!)


Re: default value in a list

2005-01-22 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Nick Coghlan wrote:
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
Why not put these together and put it in itertools, since the requirement 
to crop up every other week?

   line = A:B:C.split(:)
   def ipad(N,iterable, default = None):
  ... return it.islice(it.chain(iterable, it.repeat(default)), N)
   a,b,c,d = ipad(4,line)
('A', 'B', 'C', None)
 Good idea!
 (+1 if this was posted on python-dev!)
 Please, please Google the python-dev archives before doing so ;)

I have no intent of doing so, I would leave that to more experienced

Reinhold ;)

Re: make install with python

2005-01-21 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Uwe Mayer wrote:
 I am writing a Python application and use the GNU auto-tools to compile what
 needs compilation (i.e. Qt's .ui files).
 However, I don't know how to write an automake file that installs the main
 file ( and some library files (i.e., into the
 appropriate directories. 

The regular way is to use distutils and a file (google for


What YAML engine do you use?

2005-01-20 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld

I know that there are different YAML engines for Python out there (Syck,
PyYaml, more?).

Which one do you use, and why?

For those of you who don't know what YAML is: visit!
You will be amazed, and never think of XML again. Well, almost.


Re: [perl-python] 20050118 keyed list

2005-01-18 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Jay Tilton wrote:

: # the syntax of keyed list in Perl is too complex
: # to be covered in a short message.

JFTR: keyed lists are called dictionaries in Python.


This guy's wish-wash is starting to be funny, after all!


Re: [perl-python] 20050118 keyed list

2005-01-18 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Jürgen Exner wrote:

 © # see perldoc perldata for an unix-styled course.
 Excuse me? Do you mind explaining where exactly perldata is Unix-styled?

Remember: Perl == Unix == Satan.


Re: Assigning to self

2005-01-17 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Frans Englich wrote:
 I am having trouble with throwing class instances around. Perhaps I'm 
 approaching my goals with the wrong solution, but here's nevertheless a 
 stripped down example which demonstrates my scenario:
 class foo:
 tests = {}
 def __init__( self, id ):
 me = self.__class__.tests[ id ]
 except KeyError:
 print Did not exist, initializing myself..
 self.attr = exists
 self.__class__.tests[ id ] = self
 print Already exists! Re-using existing instance
 self = me
 print Me, self.attr   +  ! # line 18
 def yo(self):
 return self.attr # line 21

As 'self' is a method parameter, changing it only affects the current
function. When __init__ is called, the instance is already created, so
you can't change it.

What you are looking for is a class factory (is this term correct?),
here is a sample implementation (using 2.4 decorators):

class foo:
tests = {}
def get_test(cls, id):
if cls.tests.has_key(id):
return cls.tests[id]
inst = cls()
inst.attr = exists
cls.tests[id] = inst
return inst

def yo(self):
return self.attr

Here you define get_test as a classmethod, that is, it does not receive
the instance as first argument, but the class. It can be called from the
class (foo.get_test) or an instance (foo().get_test).

An alternative might be to override __new__, but I'm sure someone other
will suggest this.


Re: Why would I get a TypeEror?

2005-01-14 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Steven Bethard wrote:
 It's me wrote:
 Say again???
 Please stop top-posting -- it makes it hard to reply in context.
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote...
It's me wrote:
If this is true, I would run into trouble real quick if I do a:


Lazy evaluation: use the (x==0 and 1e99 or 1/x) form!
 If you want short-circuting behavior, where only one of the two branches 
 gets executed, you should use Python's short-circuiting boolean 
 operators.  For example,
  (x == 0 and 1.0e99 or 1/x)
 says something like:
  Check if x == 0.
  If so, check if 1.0e99 is non-zero.  It is, so return it.
  If x != 0, see if 1/x is non-zero.  It is, so return it.
 Note that if you're not comfortable with short-circuiting behavior, you 
 can also code this using lazy evaluation:
  (lambda: 1/x, lambda: 1.0e99)[x==0]()

Or even

(x==0 and lambda: 1e99 or lambda: 1/x)()

Or ...


Re: Free python server.

2005-01-13 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Kartic wrote:
 And yes, they have python installed...

Python 2.1!


Re: reference or pointer to some object?

2005-01-13 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Torsten Mohr wrote:
 Could you give us a more concrete use case?  My suspicion is that
 anything complicated enough to be passed to a method to be modified will
 probably be more than a simple int, float, str or tuple...  In which
 case, it will probably have methods to allow you to update it...
 yes, to be more explicit: I'm quite new to python and i wrote
 a small function that does a hexdump of a string.  That string
 can be quite large, so i suspected a large overhead when the
 string would be copied and handed over to the function.

It isn't.

 But i think my understanding was wrong (though it is not yet
 clear).  If i hand over a large string to a function and the
 function had the possibility to change it, wouldn't that mean
 that it is necessary to hand over a _copy_ of the string?
 Else, how could it be immutable?

You cannot modify a string. Notice that there are no in-place string
methods -- str.strip() for example returns a new string.

 Thinking about all this i came to the idea How would i write
 a function that changes a string with not much overhead?.

Basically, working with very large strings is costly (it saves overhead
otherwise). So do make smaller parts and operate on these chunks.

 def func(s):
   change s in some way, remove all newlines, replace some
 charaters by others, ...
   return s
 s = func(s)
 This seems to be a way to go, but it becomes messy if i hand over
 lots of parameters and expect some more return functions.

You can use tuples for that. Automatic tuple packing helps:

def func(x, y):
# change x, y and generate z

return x, y, z

x, y, z = func(x, y)

 Maybe it is because i did lots of perl programming, but
 func(\$s) looks easier to me.

It does, but in fact the problem is not that the string is passed by
value, but that the string is not modifiable...


Re: else condition in list comprehension

2005-01-09 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Matteo Dell'Amico wrote:
 Luis M. Gonzalez wrote:
 Hi there,
 I'd like to know if there is a way to add and else condition into a
 list comprehension. I'm sure that I read somewhere an easy way to do
 it, but I forgot it and now I can't find it...
 for example:
 z=[i+2 for i in range(10) if i%2==0]
 what if I want i to be i-2 if i%2 is not equal to 0?
 You could use
 [(i-2, i+2)[bool(i%2 == 0)] for i in range(10)]
 or, in a less general but shorter way
 [(i+2, i-2)[i%2] for i in range(10)]
 or even
 [i%2 and i-2 or i+2 for i in range(10)]

One should note that the (cond and X or Y) construct only works if X can
never produce a false value (such as 0, , []). In this example, it is
okay, but replace 2 with 1 and you will run into trouble for i = 1.


Re: ? about file() and open()

2005-01-03 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Sean wrote:
 Was wondering if there was any difference between these two functions.
 I have read some text that said file() wasn't introduced until 2.2 and
 that it was synonymous with open().  Does this mean that I should be
 using file() where I used open() before?

FYI, I submitted a patch to correct the docs:


Re: What can I do with Python ??

2005-01-02 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Jabaru wrote:
 BTW, I don't know of
 a way to write fullscreen games in C#...

 Directx, Opengl, Gdi+, win32api, SDL... the list goes on

Yes, that's right, but most of those you can use in Python, too. I
should have inserted the word specific at the right point in my
sentence wink


Re: Looping using iterators with fractional values

2005-01-01 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
drife wrote:
 Making the transition from Perl to Python, and have a
 question about constructing a loop that uses an iterator
 of type float. How does one do this in Python?
 In Perl this construct quite easy:
 for (my $i=0.25; $i=2.25; $i+=0.25) {
 printf %9.2f\n, $i;


for i in [x/4.0 for x in xrange(1, 10)]:
print %9.2f % i


for i in (x/4.0 for x in xrange(1, 20)):
print %9.2f % i


Re: Looping using iterators with fractional values

2005-01-01 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Mike Meyer wrote:

 Or - and much safer when dealing with floating point numbers - iterate
 over integers and generate your float values:
 for j in range(1, 9):
 i = j * .25
 print %9.2f % i

There's a glitch there, though - should be range(1, 10).


PS: I'm wondering whether my genexp approach or this one is preferable.
Readability is equal, I would say, but how about speed?

Brought up a few timeits:

Python 2.3

for i in [x/4.0 for x in range(1, 10)]:   36,9 sec

for j in range(1, 10): i = j * 0.25:  33,7 sec

Python 2.4

for i in (x/4.0 for x in range(1, 10)):   32,5 sec

for j in range(1, 10): i = j * 0.25:  28,4 sec

So what does that tell us?
(a) don't use genexps where there is a simpler approach
(b) Py2.4 rocks!


Re: Speed ain't bad

2004-12-31 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Craig Ringer wrote:
 On Fri, 2004-12-31 at 11:17, Jeremy Bowers wrote:
 I would point out a couple of other ideas, though you may be aware of
 them: Compressing all the files seperately, if they are small, may greatly
 reduce the final compression since similarities between the files can not
 be exploited.
 True; however, it's my understanding that compressing individual files
 also means that in the case of damage to the archive it is possible to
 recover the files after the damaged file. This cannot be guaranteed when
 the archive is compressed as a single stream.

With gzip, you can forget the entire rest of the stream; with bzip2,
there is a good chance that nothing more than one block (100-900k) is lost.


Re: Parsing a search string

2004-12-31 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Freddie wrote:
 Happy new year! Since I have run out of alcohol, I'll ask a question that I 
 haven't really worked out an answer for yet. Is there an elegant way to turn 
 something like:
   moo cow farmer john -zug
 ['moo', 'cow', 'farmer john'], ['zug']
 I'm trying to parse a search string so I can use it for SQL WHERE 
 preferably without horrifying regular expressions. Uhh yeah.

The shlex approach, finished:

searchstring = 'moo cow farmer john -zug'
lexer = shlex.shlex(searchstring)
lexer.wordchars += '-'
poslist, neglist = [], []
while 1:
token = lexer.get_token()
# token is '' on eof
if not token: break
# remove quotes
if token[0] in '\'':
token = token[1:-1]
# select in which list to put it
if token[0] == '-':


Re: Parsing a search string

2004-12-31 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
M.E.Farmer wrote:
 Ah! that is what the __future__ brings I guess.
 Damn that progress making me outdated ;)
 Python 2.2.3 ( a lot of  extensions I use are stuck there , so I still
 use it)

I'm also positively surprised how many cute little additions are there
every new Python version. Great thanks to the great devs!


Re: what is lambda used for in real code?

2004-12-31 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Adam DePrince wrote:

 So, those are my thoughts on how lambdas are really used.  If others 
 out there have real-life code that uses lambdas in interesting ways, 
 feel free to share them here!
 Lets not forget the real reason for lambda ...

I really hoped you would point out the _real_ reason for lambda...

 the elegance of orthogonality.

... but you didn't.

Everyone knows that lambda is there to help in one-liner contests and
code obfuscation.

Lambda is one of Python's very few instruments that assist in writing
code reaching Perl's unreadability, and as such it should be valued highly!



Re: Why tuples use parentheses ()'s instead of something else like 's?

2004-12-30 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Alex Martelli wrote:
 Jeff Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 to remember and type some arcane alt-keycode formula to be able to do
 basic scripting would be obnoxious, to say the least.  Most keyboards
 worldwide provide decent support for the ASCII character set (though 
 some add a few extra national characters).  Perhaps things will change
 Italian-layout support for braces is the pits (alt-keycodes ahoy): one
 way I managed to get a local friend interested in Python was to point
 out that he'd neved NEED to type braces (calling `dict' is just as good
 a way to make dictionaries, as braces-laden `dict display' forms;-).

That's equally true for the German keyboard layout, though I believe
that most programmers switch to standard English layout anyway.


Re: Why tuples use parentheses ()'s instead of something else like 's?

2004-12-29 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Roy Smith wrote:
 John Roth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If Python had originally been invented in a unicode world, I suppose we
  wouldn't have this problem.  We'd just be using guillemots for tuples
  (and have keyboards which made it easy to type them).
 I suppose the forces of darkness will forever keep Python from
 requiring utf-8 as the source encoding. If I didn't make a fetish
 of trying to see the good in everybody's position, I could really
 work up a dislike of the notion that you should be able to use
 any old text editor for Python source.

 In any case, it's a good thing that Python can be edited with any old 
 text editor, because that lowers the price of entry.  I like emacs, the 
 next guy likes vi, or vim, or notepad, or whatever.  Nothing is keeping 
 folks who like IDEs from inventing and using them, but I would have been 
 a lot less likely to experiment with Python the first time if it meant 
 getting one of them going just so I could run Hello, world.

Perl6 experiments with the use of guillemots as part of the syntax. I
shall be curious to see how this is accepted, of course only if Perl6 is
ever going to see the light of day, which is an exciting matter of its

 With google as my witness, I predict that in 30 years from now, ASCII 
 will be as much a dinosaur as a keypunch is today, and our children and 
 grandchildren will both wonder how their ancestors ever managed to write 
 programs without guillemots and be annoyed that they actually have to 
 type on a keyboard to make the computer understand them.

Well, it's not clear if they will still write programs...


Re: Why tuples use parentheses ()'s instead of something else like 's?

2004-12-29 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Grant Edwards wrote:
 On 2004-12-29, Reinhold Birkenfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Perl6 experiments with the use of guillemots as part of the syntax.
 As if Perl didn't look like bird-tracks already...


  (1,1,2,3,5) »+« (1,2,3,5,8);  # results in (2,3,5,8,13)

(+ being an operator) just isn't something I would like to read in
my code...


Re: input record sepArator (not sepErator)

2004-12-21 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Peter Otten wrote:
 Terry Reedy wrote:
 'separate' (se-parate == take a-part) and its derivatives are perhaps the
 most frequently misspelled English word on clp.  Seems to be 'par' for the
 course.  It has 2 e's bracketing 2 a's.  It derives from the Latin
 'parare', as does pare, so 'par' is the essential root of the word.
 My gripe for the day, just to let non-native writers know what not to
 I hereby suggest seperate/(separate+seperate) as the hamburger standard (see for technical
 communities. Some data points, adjectives only, s.e.e.o.:
 the web: 4%
 python: 9%
 slashdot: 26%
 perl: 29% *

How did you get these data points?


[Windows ist wie] die Bahn: Man muss sich um nichts kuemmern, zahlt fuer
jede Kleinigkeit einen Aufpreis, der Service ist mies, Fremde koennen
jederzeit einsteigen, es ist unflexibel und zu allen anderen Verkehrs-
mitteln inkompatibel.   -- Florian Diesch in dcoulm

Re: input record sepArator (not sepErator)

2004-12-21 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Peter Otten wrote:
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 the web: 4%
 python: 9%
 slashdot: 26%
 perl: 29% *
 How did you get these data points?
 I copied the numbers from these pages:
 Same thing for the alternative spelling.

Thanks. A pity that there is no de.comp.lang.python, as for German posts
the Standard/Standart relation could be more accurate...

or-just-count-the-misplaces-apostrophs-ly yours, Reinhold

[Windows ist wie] die Bahn: Man muss sich um nichts kuemmern, zahlt fuer
jede Kleinigkeit einen Aufpreis, der Service ist mies, Fremde koennen
jederzeit einsteigen, es ist unflexibel und zu allen anderen Verkehrs-
mitteln inkompatibel.   -- Florian Diesch in dcoulm

Re: What is on-topic for the python list [was Re: BASIC vs Python]

2004-12-21 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Doug Holton wrote:
 Hans Nowak wrote:
 this is comp.lang.python, not
 Which is obviously not the same as Boo should not be mentioned on this 
 I used the exact same phrase in another note except using the term 
 logo instead of boo, and that is the exact interpretation I 
 immediately received from others - they felt I was censuring the 
 discussion here, as I felt you were.

Non sequitur. The phrase's interpretation depends on the posting(s) it
refers to.


[Windows ist wie] die Bahn: Man muss sich um nichts kuemmern, zahlt fuer
jede Kleinigkeit einen Aufpreis, der Service ist mies, Fremde koennen
jederzeit einsteigen, es ist unflexibel und zu allen anderen Verkehrs-
mitteln inkompatibel.   -- Florian Diesch in dcoulm

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