Re: ANN: Dao Language v.0.9.6-beta is release!

2005-12-12 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in 

 Op 2005-12-11, Rick Wotnaz schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Because you're accustomed to one set of conventions, you 
 may find Python's set strange at first. Please try it, and 
 don't fight it. See if your objections don't fade away. If 
 you're like most Python newbies, you'll stop thinking about 
 brackets before long, and if you're like a lot of us, 
 you'll wonder what those funny squiggles mean when you are 
 forced to revert to one of those more primitive languages.
 I think the suggestion that those who have some problem
 with how python deals with compound statements - obligated
 indentation, no end markers - are newbees, is getting
 stale. I am not a newbee and I have problems with it.
 I had problems with it when I was a newbee, grew used
 to it and even liked it at some point and now again
 have problems with it.
 Well problems is probably too strong, would prefer
 differently seems closer.

You're right that I should not have assumed newbie status, but I 
most often see posts complaining about lack of braces from those 
newly exposed to Python's way of doing things. The post I responded 
to considered whitespace indention a design defect. I would be 
surprised to hear an experienced Python programmer say that, but 
maybe I'm just naive.

I am not a fanatic about structuring via whitespace. From time to 
time, code arrives at this group with leading whitespace removed, 
which makes me think it might be nice to have bracketing, so the 
original logic could (maybe) be recreated. That's most of the 
downside, though, and an artificial problem at that. It has nothing 
to do with Python, but with hostile software along the way. The 
upside is clarity of code (and a little less typing, too), and that 
makes up for the occasional artificial problem.


Re: Using XML w/ Python...

2005-12-12 Thread Rick Wotnaz

 Spoke too soon, i get this error when running amara in
 import amara
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File interactive input, line 1, in ?
   File C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\amara\, line
   50, in 
 if IsXml(source):
 NameError: global name 'IsXml' is not defined
 So im guessing theres an error with one of the files...
 IsXml is imported conditionally, so this is an indicator that
 somethign about your module setup is still not agreeing with
 ActivePython.   What do you see as the output of:
 python -c import amara; print dir(amara)
 ?  I get:
 ['InputSource', 'IsXml', 'Uri', 'Uuid', '__builtins__',
 '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__path__', '__version__',
 'bindery', 'binderytools', 'binderyxpath', 'create_document',
 'dateutil_standins', 'domtools', 'os', 'parse', 'pushbind',
 'pushdom', 'pyxml_standins', 'saxtools']

Not wanting to hijack this thread, but it got me interested in 
installing amara. I downloaded Amara-allinone-1.0.win32-py2.4.exe 
and ran it. It professed that the installation directory was to be 
D:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\ ... but it placed FT and amara in D:
\Python24\Python24\Lib\site-packages . Possibly the installer is 
part of the problem here?


Re: IsString

2005-12-12 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Tuvas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 I need a function that will tell if a given variable is a
 character or a number. Is there a way to do this? Thanks!

If you really need to, you can test for type:
 for x in ['3',3,3.1,3j]:
... print type(x)

type 'str'
type 'int'
type 'float'
type 'complex'
 for x in ['3',3,3.1,3j]:
... if type(x) is str: print it's a string
... elif type(x) is int: print it's an int
... elif type(x) is float: print it's a float
... elif type(x) is complex: print it's a complex number

it's a string
it's an int
it's a float
it's a complex number


Re: Using XML w/ Python...

2005-12-12 Thread Rick Wotnaz

 Not wanting to hijack this thread, but it got me interested in
 installing amara. I downloaded
 Amara-allinone-1.0.win32-py2.4.exe and ran it. It professed that
 the installation directory was to be 
 D:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\ ... but it placed FT and amara in
 D: \Python24\Python24\Lib\site-packages . Possibly the installer
 is part of the problem here?
 That's really good to know.  Someone else builds the Windows
 installer package for Amara (I'm a near Windows illiterate), but
 I definitely want to help be sure the installer works properly. 
 In fact, your message rings a bell that this specifically came
 up before:
 I'll have to ask some of the Windows gurus on the 4Suite list
 whether they know why this might be.  Do you mind if I cc you on
 those messages, so that you can perhaps try out any solutions we
 come up with?

I'd be delighted to run them. Bring 'em on! 

If this is useful information: the opening screen of the installer 
correctly shows D:\Python24\ as my Python directory, and correctly 
shows (on my computer): 
D:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\ as the Installation Directory. The 
file names as it installs are of the form 
Python24\Lib\site-packages\..., which to me hints that it takes 
that generated name and appends it to the Python directory to 
produce the actual file path it then uses.


Re: ANN: Dao Language v.0.9.6-beta is release!

2005-12-10 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Zeljko Vrba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 On 2005-12-10, Tom Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Using indentation without block termination markers is 
 of the way we write spoken language, terminating each 
 with . Ever wondered why we use such things in written 
 when people are much better in guessing what the writer 
 to say then computers? 

I believe I may have seen cases in written spoken 
language where paragraphs were indented, or otherwise 
separated with whitespace. It's even possible that I've 
seen some examples of written languages that use no periods 
at all! And what's more, I've seen more than one *computer* 
language that uses no terminating periods! Why, it boggles 
the mind. 

Despite the arguments advanced by those whose previous 
computer languages used braces and semicolons, there 
actually are more ways to separate complete statements than 
with punctuation. 

Make a grocery list. Do you terminate each item with 
punctuation? Write a headline for a newspaper. Is 
punctuation always included? Read a mediaeval manuscript. 
Do you find punctuation? Whitespace? How about Egyptian 
hieroglyphs, Chinese ideograms, Ogham runes? 

Because you're accustomed to one set of conventions, you 
may find Python's set strange at first. Please try it, and 
don't fight it. See if your objections don't fade away. If 
you're like most Python newbies, you'll stop thinking about 
brackets before long, and if you're like a lot of us, 
you'll wonder what those funny squiggles mean when you are 
forced to revert to one of those more primitive languages.


Re: subset permutations

2005-12-08 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Jay Parlar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in 

A string is also iterable, so whether s is the string (as shown) or 
list('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY'), as you have it above, this should 
generate the 16 permutations, as a list of 4-character strings.

x = ['%s%s%s%s' % (v,w,x,y) for v in s 
for w in s for x in s for y in s]


Re: ANN: Dao Language v.0.9.6-beta is release!

2005-12-05 Thread Rick Wotnaz

 a decent description or tutorial...  is better
 Sound good but...  we're programmers, not documentation
 specialist or motivational speakers.  Why, when I suggest fixing
 a design defect with code, do so many programmers want to
 respond with... documentation and arguments instead of code?
From The Design of Everyday Things, docs are a sign of poor
 Even a single word, such as the word Push on the face of a
 door, is an indication that the design can be improved.  Please,
 rethink the design instead of trying to compensate with more

So, for instance, even a single character (like an opening or 
closing bracket or a semicolon) is an indication that the design 
can be improved. Please, rethink your opposition instead of trying 
to impose your design defect on a better, cleaner design.

Seriously. What you call a design defect and what other call a 
design feature are one and the same. 

I will concede this much: I would like a guarantee that helpful 
software would not strip leading whitespace (as has happened with 
some mail clients), which trashes logic-by-indention. 

Alternatively, it might be useful to have brackets and semicolons 
to overcome sadistic software interactions, but I don't *really* 
expect Python to be willing and able to predict and prevent all the 
crazy things other programs might do. And I certainly hope that 
Python doesn't ever *require* the brackets and semicolons that add 
so little value and so much clutter.


Re: General question about Python design goals

2005-12-01 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Donn Cave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Tuples and lists really are intended to serve two fundamentally
 different purposes.  We might guess that just from the fact that
 both are included in Python, in fact we hear it from Guido van
 Rossum, and one might add that other languages also make this
 distinction (more clearly than Python.) 
 As I'm sure everyone still reading has already heard, the
 natural usage of a tuple is as a heterogenous sequence.  I would
 like to explain this using the concept of an application type,
 by which I mean the set of values that would be valid when
 applied to a particular context.  For example, os.spawnv() takes
 as one of its arguments a list of command arguments,
 time.mktime() takes a tuple of time values.  A homogeneous 
 sequence is one where  a  and  a[x:y]  (where x:y is not 0:-1) 
 have the same application type.  A list of command arguments is
 clearly homogeneous in this sense - any sequence of strings is a
 valid input, so any slice of this sequence must also be valid. 
 (Valid in the type sense, obviously the value and thus the
 result must change.)  A tuple of time values, though, must have
 exactly 9 elements, so it's heterogeneous in this sense, even
 though all the values are integer. 
 One doesn't count elements in this kind of a tuple, because it's
 presumed to have a natural predefined number of elements.  One
 doesn't search for values in this kind of a tuple, because the
 occurrence of a value has meaning only in conjunction with its
 location, e.g., t[4] is how many minutes past the hour, but t[5]
 is how many seconds, etc. 
 I have to confess that this wasn't obvious to me, either, at
 first, and in fact probably about half of my extant code is
 burdened with the idea that a tuple is a smart way to economize
 on the overhead of a list. Somewhere along the line, I guess
 about 5 years ago? maybe from reading about it here, I saw the
 light on this, and since then my code has gotten easier to read
 and more robust.  Lists really are better for all the kinds of
 things that lists are for -- just for example, [1] reads a lot 
 better than (1,) -- and the savings on overhead is not worth the
 cost to exploit it.  My tendency to seize on this foolish
 optimization is however pretty natural, as is the human tendency
 to try to make two similar things interchangeable.  So we're
 happy to see that tuple does not have the features it doesn't
 need, because it helps in a small way to make Python code
 better.  If only by giving us a chance to have this little chat
 once in a while.

Donn, this is a reasonable argument, and in general I don't have a 
problem with the distinction between tuples and lists. I have heard 
and understand the argument that the intended purpose of tuple 
creation is to mimic C structs, so it seems reasonable to suppose 
that one knows what was placed in them. Lists are dynamic by 
nature, so you need a little more help getting information about 
their current state.

However, there is at least one area where this distinction is 
bogus. Lists cannot be used as dictionary keys (as it now stands). 
But in practice, it is often useful to create a list of values, 
cast the list to a tuple, and use that as a dictionary key. It 
makes little sense to keep a list of that same information around, 
so in practice, the tuple/key is the container that retains the 
original information. But that tuple was dynamically created, and 
it isn't always true that items were placed in it deliberately. 

In other words, the fact that the key is now a tuple is unrelated 
to the essential nature of tuples. Not all of the tools used in 
examining lists are available to the key as a tuple, though it is 
really nothing more than a frozen list.

Sure, you can cast it to a list to use the list methods, but that 
requires creating objects just to throw away, which seems a little 
wasteful, especially since that's what you had to do to create the 
key to begin with.

I'm sure Antoon wouldn't object if lists were to be allowed as 
dictionary keys, which would eliminate the multiple castings for 
that situation. I wouldn't, either.

I'd extend this a little to say that tuples are (at least 
potentially) created dynamically quite often in other contexts as 
well, so that despite their designed intent, in practice they are 
used a little differently a good bit of the time. So why not adjust 
the available features to the practice?


RE: Making immutable instances

2005-12-01 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Delaney, Timothy (Tim) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Was it *really* necessary to send 4 separate emails to reply to
 four sections of the same email?
 Good netiquette is to intersperse your comments with quoted
 sections in a single email.
 Tim Delaney

Good netiquette might also suggest quoting what you're replying to, 
wouldn't you think?


Re: General question about Python design goals

2005-12-01 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in 

 Rick Wotnaz wrote:
 I'm sure Antoon wouldn't object if lists were to be allowed as
 dictionary keys, which would eliminate the multiple castings for
 that situation. I wouldn't, either.
 so what algorithm do you suggest for the new dictionary im-

Beats the heck outta me. I seem to remember that Antoon supplied 
one awhile ago (for allowing lists to serve as dictionary keys, 
that is). That's why I mentioned him in the first place. I didn't 
pay much attention to it at the time, and I imagine it would raise 
some issues, like everything does. 

I'm fairly indifferent to the idea in any case; I'm just saying I 
wouldn't object if lists could function as dictionary keys. It 
would save that casting step I was talking about.


Re: Why I need to declare import as global in function

2005-11-30 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 On 30 Nov 2005 00:58:45 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
 yes I have imported math in the file I want to use it. But the
 imported module math is not visible in function without a
 global instruction. 
  The code you just posted shows it, yes... My reading of an
 message seemed to imply you had a nested import chain with the
 import math at the wrong level... Something like:
 #file 1
 execfile(file 2)
 #file 2
 import math
 import file_3
 print math.pi
 But the solutions already proposed seems to work file for my
 sample program. I will try on my project soon :)
  Looking at the documentation for execfile, I can see
  /how/ the 
 problem occurs -- but can't determine if this can be considered
 execfile( filename[, globals[, locals]]) 
 This function is similar to the exec statement, but parses a
 file instead of a string. It is different from the import
 statement in that it does not use the module administration --
 it reads the file unconditionally and does not create a new
 module.2.2 -=-=-=-=-=-=-
  I'm guessing that the intent was only that file 1 not
  become an 
 entry on the module list, but it seems to be applying ...not
 create a new module recursively to the imported math... Maybe
 an expert with the Python byte-code can verify. My hypothesis is
 something on the order of:
  Outer (file level) references to math (math.pi) are being
 during the byte-code compilation phase of execfile, so even if
 math isn't in the module list, it is still in local scope for
 the outer math.pi...
  Inner (function) references to math become dynamic look-ups
 evaluated at function execution; at that point math is not in
 scope and is not in the module list.
  Interestingly, I note that is the file calling execfile has
 math (so math is in the module list), the called file works...
 #no import in run
 E:\UserData\Dennis Lee Bieber\My Documents\Python Progspython in module:   module 'math' (built-in)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 5, in ?
   File, line 3, in run_ut
   File, line 8, in ?
   File, line 5, in f
 print in function: \t %s % math
 NameError: global name 'math' is not defined
 #import is in run
 E:\UserData\Dennis Lee Bieber\My Documents\Python Progspython module 'math' (built-in)
 module 'math' (built-in)
 in module:   module 'math' (built-in)
 in function: module 'math' (built-in)

This may be saying what you said, but it seems to depend on where 
the import occurs:
# File:
def Bobo():
import math
execfile( )
b = Bobo()

First access :
Second access :
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\pyWork\test\, line 5, in ?
b = Bobo()
  File D:\pyWork\test\, line 3, in Bobo
execfile( )
  File, line 10, in ?
  File, line 6, in f
print \t,math.pi # ERROR
NameError: global name 'math' is not defined

# File:
import math
def Bobo():
execfile( )
b = Bobo()

First access :
Second access :

So the import at the module level of the caller works, but an 
import at the function level of the caller doesn't. I don't see why 
the namespace would be significantly different by the time execfile 
is executed, though it apparently is.


Re: Why are there no ordered dictionaries?

2005-11-23 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Fuzzyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Christoph Zwerschke wrote:
 - the internal keys list should be hidden
 I disagree. It is exposed so that you can manually change the
 order (e.g. to create a sorted dict, rather than one ordered
 by key insertion).
 What do you *gain* by hiding it ?

The internal list should be 'hidden' in the sense that it itself 
would not be modifiable, though it should be routine to obtain a 
copy of it at any time. That copy could then be arranged as needed. 
Any rearrangement of the original list's order destroys the reason 
for having an entry- or change-ordered dict in the first place.


Re: about lambda

2005-11-20 Thread Rick Wotnaz

 Shi Mu wrote:
 what does the following code mean? It is said to be used in the
 calculation of the overlaid area size between two polygons.
 map(lambda x:b.setdefault(x,[]),a)
 The equivalent of :
 def oh_my_yet_another_function_name_why_not_use_lambda(x):
 map(oh_my_yet_another_function_name_why_not_use_lambda, a)
 for x in a:

Or even:
[b.setdefault(x,[]) for x in a]

The effect of the code is this: if you have b, a dictionary of 
values, and a, a list or tuple of indexes to the dictionary, you 
can generate a list that will contain just the values associated 
with the indices in the list. If the index is not found in the 
dictionary, the default value will be used; in this case, that is 
an empty list.

So, for example, if you have 
b = {'x':1,1:(1,2,3),'arthur':'A string',99:{'j':45,'k':111}}
and a looks like this: you produce this:
a = (0,1,'x')  [[], (1, 2, 3), 1]
a = (0,2,3,22) [[], [], [], []]
a = ['x','arthur'] [1, 'A string']

... and so on.

Re: is parameter an iterable?

2005-11-16 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 def foo(inputVal):
 for val in inputVal:
 # do stuff
 except TypeError, msg:
 if msg == iteration over non-sequence:
 # handle non-iterable case
 # some other TypeError is a bug, so re-raise the
 exception raise

Does this in fact work on your system? On mine (2.4.1 (#65, Mar 30 
2005, 09:13:57) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]), it doesn't seem to. I 
if msg.find(iteration over non-sequence) = 0:
... but I got a traceback, and 
AttributeError: TypeError instance has no attribute 'find'
... which leads me to belive that 'msg' is not type(str). It can be 
coerced (str(msg).find works as expected). But what exactly is msg? 
It appears to be of type 'instance', and does not test equal to a 
string. This is not the least surprise to me.


Re: is parameter an iterable?

2005-11-16 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Rick Wotnaz wrote.
 ... which leads me to belive that 'msg' is not type(str). It
 can be coerced (str(msg).find works as expected). But what
 exactly is msg? It appears to be of type 'instance', and does
 not test equal to a string.
 it's an instance of the exception type, of course.
 if you do
 raise SomeError, value
 Python will actually do
 raise SomeError(value)
 (that is, create a SomeError exception and pass the value as its
 first argument).
 you can use either form in your code (I prefer the latter
 as for catching the exceptions, if you do
 except SomeError, v:
 Python will treat this as
 # some exception occurred
 typ = sys.exc_type
 exc = sys.exc_value
 if issubclass(typ, SomeError):
 v = exc
 raise # propagate!
 (where typ and exc are internal variables)

Thank you (and Roy Smith) for helping to clarify this. I see that 
my mental image of an Exception (which, I admit, was not based on 
extensive R'ing of TFM) was way off. Judging by Steven D'Aprano's 
code sample, I'm not the only one who was mistaken about the nature 
of  v  in your example. I'd always assumed it was the human-
readable string associated with the TypeError. Wrong, I see. 


Re: Python doc problem example: gzip module (reprise)

2005-11-05 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Gerard Flanagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Xah Lee wrote:
 Python Doc Problem Example: gzip

 A quality documentation should be clear, succinct, precise.
 And, the least it assumes reader's expertise to obtain these
 qualities, the better it is.

 Vast majority of programers using this module really just want
 to compress or decompress a file. They do not need to know any
 more details about the technicalities of this module nor about
 the Gzip compression specification. Here's what Python
 documentation writers should do to improve it:

 • Rewrite the intro paragraph. Example: “This module prov
 ides a
 simple interface to compress and decompress files using the GNU
 compression format gzip. For detailed working with gzip format,
 use the zlib module.”. The “zlib module” phrase should be
  linked to its

 • Near the top of the documentation, add a example of usage.
 A example is worth a thousand words:

  # decompressing a file
 import gzip
 fileObj = gzip.GzipFile(/Users/joe/war_and_peace.txt.gz,
 'rb'); fileContent =

  # compressing a file
 import gzip
 fileObj = gzip.GzipFile(/Users/mary/hamlet.txt.gz, 'wb');

 You want to create the world before which you can kneel: this is
 your ultimate hope and intoxication.
 Also sprach Zarathustra.
I've managed to avoid reading Xah Lee's diatribes for the most 
part. Since you included the *WHOLE THING* in your post, I had an 
opportunity to see what he had to say, and for once I agree with 
some of it. Some of us learn by example; sometimes an example is 
all we need to use a particular feature (especially one that we 
don't often have need for). The criticism that the documentation 
would be improved by adding some model code is valid for *all* 
documentation, I think, not just Python's.

Typically, when someone proposes changes to documentation to an 
open source project, someone else will come along and remind 
everyone that it's all volunteer effort, so why shouldn't the one 
doing the propopsing be the one to make the change? In the case of 
documentation, that approach would mean that those who have the 
least idea of how a module works should be the ones to describe it 
for everyone else, which seems a little backward to me. The 
examples should come from those who know what they're doing and 
they should explain what the example is doing -- just the sort of 
things a casual user wants to learn quickly.

Someone is sure to jump in now and point to sample code, which 
nearly all reasonably major packages include. That's good stuff. 
With (for example) wxPython, it's the only useful documentation, or 
rather, it's the only thing that makes the wxWidgets documentation 
useful. Links to code samples in the documentation would be fine in 
lieu of snippets of example calls. But there's not enough of either 
in most documentation.

I would love to see examples for essentially every function and 
method. And not just something that echoes the signature, but some 
context to show how it might be useful. That would be in the 
intoxication class of ultimate hopes. In most cases, though, it 
would be *extremely* helpful for a casual user of that part of the 


Re: convert char to byte representation

2005-10-10 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Scott David Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Philipp H. Mohr wrote:
 I am trying to xor the byte representation of every char in a
 string with its predecessor. But I don't know how to convert a
 char into its byte representation. 
 ord('a') == 97; chr(97) == 'a'; ord gives you the value of the
 e.g. everything between $ and * needs to be xor:
 to get the checksum.
 Probably you want a byte-array here, rather than going
 char-by-char. Try:
  import array
  base = ('$GPGSV,3,1,10,06,79,187,39,30,59,098,'
  bytes = array.array('b', base[1 : -1])
  for i in reversed(range(len(bytes))):
  bytes[i] ^= bytes[i-1]
  result = bytes.tostring()
 --Scott David Daniels

What is the byte representation of 287?


Re: When someone from Britain speaks, Americans hear a British accent...

2005-10-06 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On 2005-10-06, DaveM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Frankly, I can't watch Shakespeare or movies like the full
monty or trainspotting because I can't understand a damn
word they say. British talk sounds like gibberish to me for
the most part.
 Not just you. It always amuses me in trips to the US that
 British voices (outside of the movies) are often subtitled,
 while first-generation Americans whose English is. um,
 limited, are not.
 What?!?  I've never seen a British voice (inside or outside of
 the movies) subtitled -- with the exception of one of a
 nightclub scenes in one movie (I think it was Trainspotting)
 where the dialog was inaudible because of the music.
 Maybe they were dubbed? I know America International dubbed the
 first version of Mad Max that they imported into the US. Then
 again, American International is well-know for their quality.

A couple of nights ago, I was amused and amazed to see subtitles 
during NBC news interviews with some good citizens of Louisiana. I 
don't know what NBC was thinking. I didn't think the accents were 
especially thick, either. I had no difficulty understanding the 
spoken words except in one stretch where background noise obscured 
some bits. I've certainly heard some New Yorkers with harder-to-
understand speech, though without subtitles. I suppose I could be 
fooling myself in thinking I understood them.


Re: What is self?

2005-09-23 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Roy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Ron Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can actually call it anything you want but self is sort
 of a tradition.
 That's true, but I think needs to be said a bit more
 emphatically.  There's no reason to call it anything other than
 self and a newcomer to the language would be well advised to
 not try and be creative here.  Using self is virtually
 universal, and calling it anything else will just lead to
 confusion by other people who have to read your code. 

I've long thought that Guido missed an opportunity by not choosing 
to use 'i' as the instance identifier, and making it a reserved 
word. For one thing, it would resonate with the personal pronoun 
'I', and so carry essentially the same meaning as 'self'. It could 
also be understood as an initialism for 'instance'. And, because it 
is shorter, the number of objections to its existence *might* have 
been smaller than seems to be the case with 'self' as the 

And as a side benefit, it would make it impossible to use as a loop 
index a language feature that would be a huge selling point among a 
lot of experienced programmers. 


Re: What is self?

2005-09-23 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Terry Hancock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 On Friday 23 September 2005 07:11 am, Rick Wotnaz wrote:
 I've long thought that Guido missed an opportunity by not
 choosing to use 'i' as the instance identifier, and making it a
 reserved word. For one thing, it would resonate with the
 personal pronoun 'I', and so carry essentially the same meaning
 as 'self'. It could also be understood as an initialism for
 'instance'. And, because it is shorter, the number of
 objections to its existence *might* have been smaller than
 seems to be the case with 'self' as the convention.
 And as a side benefit, it would make it impossible to use as a
 loop index a language feature that would be a huge selling
 point among a lot of experienced programmers. 
 How exactly is that?  Anybody who uses i as a variable name
 for anything other than an innermost loop index is a sick and
 twisted code sadist.
 You'd prefer what? count or kount or
 i_am_an_innermost_loop_index_counter. I mean explicit is
 better than implicit, right? 
 Maybe Fortran warped my brain, but I just don't see the benefit
 here. --

Oh, 'ix' would be fine. Single-letter loop counters are also semi-
fine if that is in fact their only use. It too-frequently happens 
that at some point the handy 'i' identifier is used outside the 
loop (for another placeholder), and its value is tromped by an 
intervening loop. Not terribly difficult to discover, but then 
what? When you're maintaining code, even a two-character index is a 
*lot* easier to find in source code and replace as needed. 


Re: Proposal: add sys to __builtins__

2005-09-06 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Michael J. Fromberger

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Rick Wotnaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You're right that there is no necessity for such a change. I
 was not actually talking about importing *any* module in every
 case, but rather about importing, say, 'sys' when, for example,
 sys.argv appeared in the code and no import had been specified.
 I think I must have missed that post; I will go back and look at
 it.  However, while I'm here, how would your proposal deal with
 code like this:
import foobar
# ... some while later ...
def f( ... ):
   global foobar, sys
   sys = foobar
# ... some while even later ...
f( ... )
sys.wallaby(Fear and loathing!)
 In particular, we have no import of sys, but the name sys is 
 meaningful as a local alias for a different module.  I'm not
 saying you couldn't deal with this, but it rules out some of the
 more obvious ways of detecting and automatically handling this
 kind of substitution. 
 Naturally, you might well ask, why would you do such a fool
 thing?  To this I can only respond:  Never underestimate the
 ingenuity of fools. 

I don't know that this would cause any particular problem with the 
[not exactly-]proposed method. The automagic lookup would not be 
triggered until a NameError occurred, which would not happen in this 
case. As you say, why would anyone -- at least anyone who wanted to 
rely on being automatically resolved -- do such a thing? Even 
under the current scheme, occluding 'sys' would prevent correct 
interpretation of sys.argv. An error is an error in either case.

Now, if 'wallaby' is not part of the foobar namespace, the automagic 
system would kick in an incorrectly import sys, and on retry would 
still not find 'wallaby' in the namespace. Much merriment would 
ensue, I'm sure. At that point, I'd want such a system to have a 
nervous breakdown and allow the debugging to begin. Whether I hand-
entered an import statement or not wouldn't change that.


Re: Proposal: add sys to __builtins__

2005-09-05 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Michael J. Fromberger

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Rick Wotnaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
  What would people think about adding sys to __builtins__ so
  that import sys is no longer necessary? This is something I
  must add to every script I write that's not a one-liner since
  they have this idiom at the bottom:
  if __name__ == __main__:
  In short, given the wide use of sys, its unambiguous nature,
  and the fact that it really is built-in already, although not
  exposed as such, I think we would be better off if sys were
  always allowed even without an import statement.
 +1 here. As far as I'm concerned, both os and sys could be
 special- cased that way. That said, I would guess the
 likelihood of that happening is 0.
 While I'm mildly uncomfortable with the precedent that would be
 set by including the contents of sys as built-ins, I must
 confess my objections are primarily aesthetic:  I don't want to
 see the built-in namespace any more cluttered than is necessary
 -- or at least, any more than it already is.
 But os is another matter -- the os module contains things
 which might well not be present in an embedded Python
 environment (e.g., file and directory structure navigation,
 stat).  Do you really want to force everyone to deal with that? 
 Is it so much more work to add import os to those Python
 programs that require it? 
 Of course, you might counter why should we force everybody else
 to type `import os' just in case somebody wants to imbed
 Python?  But then, why don't we just include the whole standard
 library in __builtins__?  Or, since that would be too much,
 maybe we survey the user community and include the top fifteen
 most included modules!  Where do you draw the line?  Do you
 really want to hard-code user opinions into the language? 
 Right now, we have a nice, simple yet effective mechanism for 
 controlling the contents of our namespaces.  I don't think this
 would be a worthwhile change.  -1.

You're right that there is no necessity for such a change. I was 
not actually talking about importing *any* module in every case, 
but rather about importing, say, 'sys' when, for example, sys.argv 
appeared in the code and no import had been specified. In another 
post I go into a little more detail about what I meant, but in any 
case I did not and do not think it's necessary. I have no problem 
keying in the import statement and the current system works fine. 
It could be argued that it would be convenient in the case of quick 
utility code not to have to import well-known modules explicitly, 
and it could be argued that 'sys' in particular contains much that 
is so seemingly fundamental that it could be built in. I'd not 
argue that it should be split out if it were already built in; it 
seems to be borderline standard as it is. I suppose it's a C 
mindset talking, there.

When I'm cobbling together a QD script, my routine often involves 
running it once and then going back in and inserting the single 
import line that I forgot. It's a minor annoyance, because it seems 
clear to me that the needed information is actually available to 
Python when it kicks out its NameError. But it *is* minor, and I am 
not seriously proposing a change to Python in this regard.


Re: Proposal: add sys to __builtins__

2005-09-04 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Colin J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Rick Wotnaz wrote:
 +1 here. As far as I'm concerned, both os and sys could be
 special- cased that way. That said, I would guess the
 likelihood of that happening is 0.

 +1 for both.
 Some people might prefer that math be special cased.  Or some
 other module. A neutral criterion is needed.

Actually, I don't think it's beyond reason to suggest that any 
module included with the standard distribution be special-cased in 
this way. That is, a reference to xxx.func(), without a previous 
import of xxx *could* be resolvable automatically, at least for 
those modules that can be found in a standard location. Whether 
it's a good idea to do so is another question. 

Offhand, I am not sure why it would be an insanely poor idea. It 
would mean some funky namespace building and possibly redundant 
imports, I guess. I'll certainly defer to just about anybody else's 
opinion as to the difficulty and advisability, but I believe it 
would be possible to do. 

Note that I am not saying that a reference to, say, 'argv' should 
provoke an automatic import. I don't mean that some automatic 
search for a matching function name should be done through some 
undefined module chain. I'm talking only about qualified 
references, like os.path or sys.stderr. 

As it is, a NameError is generated if the proper import has not 
been done. At the point of that error, the module name is known. 
For the programmer to fix the situation, an import statement has to 
be added to the code and then the code must be rerun. I don't see 
why it would be impossible to make that happen automatically, 
provided the module to be imported was recognized (through some 
undefined magic). I'd think the module would have to be known, 
because trying to import a nonexistent module -- import ssy, say 
(in the event of a typo for sys) -- would fail, so there would 
have to be a way to avoid looping on the ssy.func() line.

Is it worth adding that kind of complexity to execution of a Python 
program? Probably not. 

Is it even a good idea to try to make it happen automatically? 
Possibly not. For one thing, it wouldn't always be the right thing 
to do. A developer would most likely want to set up the imports 
properly, and to know when they were not correctly set up instead 
of having Python fix things quietly. There's a reason why Explicit 
is better than Implicit. 

But *could* it be done? I'd think so. 


Re: Proposal: add sys to __builtins__

2005-09-01 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Michael Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 What would people think about adding sys to __builtins__ so that
 import sys is no longer necessary? This is something I must
 add to every script I write that's not a one-liner since they
 have this idiom at the bottom:
 if __name__ == __main__:
 Additionally, the necessity of import sys makes some
 one-liners a little more unwieldy than they should be--it is
 surely the module I am missing the most in one-liners. For
 example, with this proposal, this inelegant one-liner:
 $ python -c import sys; print
 could be replaced by:
 $ python -c print ''.join(sorted(sys.stdin.readlines()))
 Since sys is surely the most commonly used module (it is
 imported in 108 of 188 Python 2.4 stdlib modules on my system,
 and certainly more than any other module), I would hope few
 people would be affected by a namespace collision.
 Other languages (e.g. C#) always make their system namespace
 available without needing a special import.
 In short, given the wide use of sys, its unambiguous nature, and
 the fact that it really is built-in already, although not
 exposed as such, I think we would be better off if sys were
 always allowed even without an import statement.

+1 here. As far as I'm concerned, both os and sys could be special-
cased that way. That said, I would guess the likelihood of that 
happening is 0. 


Re: Bug in string.find; was: Re: Proposed PEP: New style indexing, was Re: Bug in slice type

2005-08-26 Thread Rick Wotnaz
Bryan Olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Steve Holden asked:
  Do you just go round looking for trouble?
 In the course of programming, yes, absolutly.
  As far as position reporting goes, it seems pretty clear that
  find() will always report positive index values. In a
  five-character string then -1 and 4 are effectively
  What on earth makes you call this a bug?
 What you just said, versus what the doc says.
  And what are you proposing that
  find() should return if the substring isn't found at all?
  please don't suggest it should raise an exception, as index()
  exists to provide that functionality.
 There are a number of good options. A legal index is not one of

Practically speaking, what difference would it make? Supposing find 
returned None for not-found. How would you use it in your code that 
would make it superior to what happens now? In either case you 
would have to test for the not-found state before relying on the 
index returned, wouldn't you? Or do you have a use that would 
eliminate that step?


Re: Reg python nature.

2005-08-23 Thread Rick Wotnaz
praba kar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Dear All,
I want to know the link between c and python.
 Some people with C background use Python instead   
 of  programming in C.why?

I will now reveal the secret that explains why some people who know 
how to program in C use Python instead: because they want to.

The primary Python implementation is written in C, and makes use of 
C library functions. C applications are also written in C and make 
use of C library functions. So *there* is a link. 

Here are some possible reasons for using Python instead of C:

* Some C programmers do not enjoy all aspects of C (such as 
managing dynamic allocation and deallocation of data structures), 
and prefer the higher-level abstraction of Python for routine 

* Sometimes extremely high performance is not an issue (probably 
most times), so the language choice becomes one of deciding which 
is more convenient. Generally, that would be Python. 

* Systems that must last for long periods of time will often 
require maintenance, and the clarity of Python code makes it easier 
to maintain than C equivalents in many cases. The actual code size 
is often smaller, and making changes requires fewer additional 
lines of code. This all adds up to a substantial maintenance 

* Many programmers use more languages than just one. Python is a 
good general-purpose language that is quite reasonable to choose as 
an alternative (or addition) to C. For those coming from a C 
background, learning the basics of Python syntax is quite easy. 
Those who have habitually used pseudocode to describe their program 
concepts may find it even easier to pick up Python.

I hope at least one of these points addresses your question. I 
don't know that your subject line, referring to the nature of 
Python, is actually very close to the question itself, though. 
Programmers with a background in any other language will need to 
reach an understanding of Python's true nature before they can use 
it comfortably. The same is true when learning any other language; 
the language's true nature reveals itself with enough use.


Re: loop in python

2005-08-22 Thread Rick Wotnaz
km [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Hi all,
 Why is it that the implementation of empty loop so slow in
 python when compared to perl ? 
 #i did this in python (v 1.5)
 for x in xrange(1000):
 print x
 # this took 0.017 seconds 
 #similar code in perl (v 5.6): 
 for $x (0..1000)
 print $x;
 # this took 0.005 seconds only  !!!
 Is python runtime slow at all aspects when compared to perl ? 
 I really wonder what makes python slower than perl ? 
 Is there any proposal to make python faster in future versions ?
 curious to know all these ...

It appears that Python is not optimized for empty loops.


Where are gui-sig archives?

2005-07-06 Thread Rick Wotnaz
I was trying to view the gui-sig archives, but when I click on the 
link (from, I get a Not 
Found error:

The requested URL /pipermail/gui-sig/ was not found on this server.
Apache/1.3.33 Server at Port 80

Does anyone have an active link to the archives?
