pyjamas-desktop running under python 2.6... on wine (!)

2012-04-19 Thread lkcl
i think this is so hilarious and just such a stunning achievement by
the wine team that i had to share it with people.

the writeup's here:

but, to summarise:

* python2.6 runs under wine (the win32 emulator)
* so does python-comtypes (0.6.1)
* you can also install IE6, 7 or 8 under wine
* then you can also install pyjamas
* and at the C:\ DOS prompt you can run "python.exe"

... and it will work!  you'll actually get a desktop application as a
win32 GDI program running on your X-Windows GNU/Linux desktop :)  i
just fell off my chair when that happened.

underneath, what's happening is that pyjd's is firing up a
COM interface to MSHTML.DLL (which is part of IE), it's embedding an
IWebBrowser2 OCX control into a w32 GDI window (using a ctypes wrapper
to do that, if you're interested in those kinds of details), and then
handing that over to pyjamas.

 and this is all emulated!

 it's just an absolutely staggering testament to how far wine has come
that it can run python.exe in the first place, but being able to run
COM interfaces around something as sophisticated as MSHTML.DLL is just

all right, rant over :)


Re: Framework for a beginner

2012-04-19 Thread lkcl luke
On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Alek Storm  wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 7:12 AM, lkcl luke  wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 12:20 PM, Alek Storm  wrote:
>> > Why not use list comprehension syntax?
>>  because it's less characters to type, and thus less characters to
>> read.  i find that syntax incredibly klunky.  left to right you're
>> reading, "you declare something to be the case... and then oh whoops
>> actually it's not really the case because it's modified by a list
>> thing" - it breaks reading expectations.
>>  that's what i meant about beauty and elegance.  the "bang per buck"
>> ratio in python, results obtained for the number of characters used,
>> is higher, and that's something that i personally find to be a
>> priority over speed.
> Did I miss something? `[a+1 for a in some_list]` is shorter than both
> `map(lambda a: a+1, some_list)` and ` a: a+1)`.


 yes you missed something. :)

 a) if you use that lambda a:a+1 a lot, you make it an actual
function, don't you?  even for clarity you'd still probably use a
function not a lambda.  i use map quite a lot, filter and reduce not
so much.  a more real-world example was one that i actually gave
initially: map(str, l).  or, the syntax i really prefer which doesn't
exist:  or, one that i also use in web applications or
their back-ends: map(int, l).  if you have a comma-separated set of
variables in a single string, like this: "5, 20, 3", i tend to use

 from string import strip
 l = map(int, map(strip, l.split(",")))

 ok to make it clearer i sometimes do that on 3 separate lines.

 i'd _love_ it to be this:
 l = l.split(",").map(strip).map(int)

 or even better would be this:
 l = l.split(",").map(strip, int)

 b) read the text from left to right, in plain english:

 * map(str, l): you're going to map i.e. apply a string function to a
list's members.

 (now you see why i keep getting confused with "map", because the
natural language version of this is "map a list's members to a string"
- the other way round)

 * a+1 for a in l: take an expression which is a mathematical
operation and therefore has the expectation that its arguments are
mathematical in nature.  then oh damn it wait a minute, actually
there's more going on here: for every variable in a list, use the
variables in the expression to make a new list...

i'm belabouring the point (not entirely intentionally) but you see how
clumsy that is?  it's probably just as complex in the actual
lexer/grammar file in the source code itself, as it
is to think about in real life and to psychologically parse in
english.  you actually have to think *backwards*!

is that clearer, or have i added mud? :)


Re: Framework for a beginner

2012-04-19 Thread lkcl luke
On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 12:20 PM, Alek Storm  wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 11:21 PM, lkcl  wrote:
>> On Apr 11, 9:11 pm, wrote:
>> > I am new to python and only have read the Byte of Python ebook, but want
>> > to move to the web. I am tired of being a CMS tweaker and after I tried
>> > python, ruby and php, the python language makes more sense (if that makes
>> > any "sense" for the real programmers).
>>  yeah, it does :)  python is... the best word i can describe it is:
>> it's beautiful.  it has an elegance of expression that is only marred
>> by the rather silly mistake of not taking map, filter and reduce into
>> the list object itself: for example would be intuitive,
>> compact and elegant.  instead, i have to look up how to use map each
>> and every damn time!  the reason for the mistake is historical: map,
>> filter and reduce were contributed by a lisp programmer.  that lisp
>> programmer, presumably, was used to everything being function(args...)
>> and it simply didn't occur to anyone to properly integrate map, filter
>> and reduce properly into the list objects that they work with.
> Why not use list comprehension syntax?

 because it's less characters to type, and thus less characters to
read.  i find that syntax incredibly klunky.  left to right you're
reading, "you declare something to be the case... and then oh whoops
actually it's not really the case because it's modified by a list
thing" - it breaks reading expectations.

 that's what i meant about beauty and elegance.  the "bang per buck"
ratio in python, results obtained for the number of characters used,
is higher, and that's something that i personally find to be a
priority over speed.

 you don't *have* to use lambdas with map and reduce, you just have to
use a function, where a lambda happens to be a nameless function.

 another example of the compactness of python is kicking around
somewhere, i wish i could remember where it is.  it compares scheme
with python and java.  scheme does this amazing programming "thing" in
a single operator, expressed in 3 characters.  python manages the same
thing in about 10, and java requires *six* lines!

> It gets you map and filter
> functionality for free, and is more readable than python's clunky version of
> lambdas. I believe they're faster than the for-loop equivalents, but I'm not
> sure about the actual map() and filter() functions (reduce() was removed
> from 3.0 for reasons I will never understand).



Re: Framework for a beginner

2012-04-18 Thread lkcl
On Apr 11, 9:11 pm, wrote:

> I am new to python and only have read the Byte of Python ebook, but want to 
> move to the web. I am tired of being a CMS tweaker and after I tried python, 
> ruby and php, the python language makes more sense (if that makes any "sense" 
> for the real programmers).

 yeah, it does :)  python is... the best word i can describe it is:
it's beautiful.  it has an elegance of expression that is only marred
by the rather silly mistake of not taking map, filter and reduce into
the list object itself: for example would be intuitive,
compact and elegant.  instead, i have to look up how to use map each
and every damn time!  the reason for the mistake is historical: map,
filter and reduce were contributed by a lisp programmer.  that lisp
programmer, presumably, was used to everything being function(args...)
and it simply didn't occur to anyone to properly integrate map, filter
and reduce properly into the list objects that they work with.

 *shrugs* :)  but that's literally the only thing about python that i
could possibly complain about.  everything else, it's just...
beautiful.  i think also that as a general rule, python programmers
are just... more intelligent.  either it does something to their
brains, or... yeah :)

> I heard a lot of good things about Django, Pyramid, etc, but I dont want to 
> pick the most used or the one with the most magic. Instead I was thinking 
> about one that could "teach" me python along the way. My plan is to rebuild 
> my portfolio using python and a framework and also benefit my python learning 
> along the way.

 as you've seen quite a few people respond already by now, i won't
extol the virtues of different web frameworks, but one thing that's
very hard to assess is what you need.  what exactly do you intend to

 let me give you an example.  i started doing web programming with
python, back in 2001.  the only available big web framework was zope,
and it was far too cumbersome.  so i wrote my own sql table-generator
(called pysqldb - you can still find it on sourceforge), and i wrote
my own HTML table and form generator.  i used cgi-bin.  that was good

 then i discovered ian bicking's sqlobject and sqlforms, and started
using that, for a bit (it became the basis of turbogears).

 _then_ i discovered django, and went nuts over that.

 and then, i discovered pyjamas, but i *still* used django for the
back-end, because of the database table capabilities, and *especially*
because of django south (and then django evolution) which, in a large
environment where stability and stable upgradeablity is paramount, you
really _really_ should investigate.

 theeen, because pyjamas basically uses JSONRPC, and you only need to
use HTTP POST for file uploads and HTTP GET for file downloads, i
started looking at alternative _really_ minimalist frameworks, and i
mean severely minimalist.  mod_python (yes really *just* mod_python -
not even a framework!), going back to cgi-bin with a view to doing
fast_cgi in a single process, and even experimented with using yield
and generators but that's getting seeeriously esoteric.  more recently
i've discovered mongrel2, which i love, and will play with more when i
have a chance or the need.

 but for the latest project, i'm not even using SQL: i'm using
something called kirbybase, and i'm using cgi-bin.  there's simply no
need for speed: i don't _want_ to install django when it's not even
needed.  i needed file upload: i just used CGI multi-part forms by
googling for it (there's a recipe on activestate that's about 30 lines
of code demo).  i needed file download: i googled "cgi-bin python file
download" and yet again, another recipe on activestate showed me how:
it's doable in about 20 lines.  i wrote a JSONRPC service - again cgi-
bin based: it's 140 lines of code.  that's enough - it does the job,
and i don't need more!

so the point is: if you don't need something, and you're never going
to need it, don't use it.  i stuck with django not because of django,
but because the database migration module is just fricking awesome.
but when i didn't even need SQL relational queries, i dropped the
whole of django like a stone.

so - really: you really do need to let us know what kinds of web sites
you intend to write.  are they static (unlikely), is there data
involved, is there file upload/download involved, will there be lots
of data input, will there be automatic file creation involved (PDF
reports from database queries for example), will there be multimedia
(audio, video, live or just pre-recorded) involved, etc. etc.

all of these things have such a massive influence on what's best
practice to use, dude :)


Re: Framework for a beginner

2012-04-18 Thread lkcl
On Apr 17, 9:54 am, Bryan  wrote:

> If by rebuilding your portfolio you mean to position yourself for a
> job, then popularity counts a lot. As measured by job openings, Django
> is king.

 yeah i can attest to that.  i never get the jobs, though :)

Re: Pyjamas 0.8.1~+alpha1 released

2012-04-18 Thread lkcl
Terry randomly wrote:

> > Pyjamas is slowly converting to running its own infrastructure using pyjamas
> > applications (which also operate as Desktop applications).  This includes:
> >
> > * - a git repository viewer using python-git

> seems to work fine

 yaay.  thanks for checking.  source code viewer is here:

 it should be "git clone".
 hmm, i should do a separate announcement about that, shouldn't i?

> > The README is available here:
> >

> It starts 'Current Release: 0.7'

ahh, yep - i'd forgotten to do a git push :)

typical, huh?


Re: GUIs - a modest proposal

2012-04-08 Thread lkcl
On Mar 2, 6:42 am, lkcl  wrote:

>  ah.  right.  you're either referring to pyjampiler (in the pyjs
> world) or to
> [...]

>  the former actually got taken to an extreme by a group who embedded
>  the pyjs 0.5 compiler into their application environment, i keep
> forgetting
>  what it's called.  took me a while to remember.  sorry about that.


Re: GUIs - a modest proposal

2012-03-01 Thread lkcl
folks hi, apologies for picking this up so late - it's only when i
find these things through random searches that i encounter the
occasional post.

At some point wa in the distant past, g4b wrote:

> On the subject of the gui discussion mentioned here last year,
> which you get lead to if you read around in the pyjamas docs,
> I have to admit, since I know both development types (gwt, wx, qt)
> and (django, jquery), I have to state the fact, that pyjamas should
> also consider bonding with native javascript library developments.

 ah.  right.  you're either referring to pyjampiler (in the pyjs
world) or to
 a vunnderbarr hidden iframe trick (in the pyjd world) where the
 execution results of a random javascript function has to store its
 results in the iframe (in JSON format) in order for the python world
 to monitor it, pick it up, decode it and pretend that nothing weird

 the former actually got taken to an extreme by a group who embedded
 the pyjs 0.5 compiler into their application environment, i keep
 what it's called.

 but yes, they just put an "@decorator" in front of functions in the
 source code, automatic recompile server-side, absolutely superb

> I was just looking at pyquery, a python implementation of jquery,
> which could easily backbone jquery itself on the python end.

 you _what_??? pyquery?  bizarre!  you mean this?

> Now this is not pyjamas' task, but the pyjs compiler could be used,
> so that jquery code could be written for both languages.

 with a bit of coordination between the projects? yes, quite likely.
$ however isn't a valid python variable name.  but i get the point.

> Long story short: if you could write jquery in python which actually
> compiles into jquery in javascript, and even runs on python itself,
> you could deploy widgets natively from python in django,
> and dont have to leave python to improve webapplications with its native 
> strengths.

 oh i see what you mean - compiling into jquery.  yes, that would take
care of the $ problem.

 that actually wouldn't be too hard to do, either.

it'd also make an extremely neat GSoC project.


Re: Rant on web browsers

2011-07-24 Thread lkcl
On Jun 14, 7:31 am, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> Random rant and not very on-topic. Feel free to hit Delete and move on.
> I've just spent a day coding in Javascript, and wishing browsers
> supported Python instead (or as well). All I needed to do was take two

 ok your next best thing is to try pyjampiler.  it's the absolute
minimum and easiest stuff you'll need to be able to write code in
python yet integrate it easily into a pre-existing web site.  there
are alternatives out there (competitor projects to pyjamas) - take a
look on


Re: Rant on web browsers

2011-07-24 Thread lkcl
On Jun 14, 7:31 am, Chris Angelico  wrote:

> But if anyone feels like writing an incompatible browser, please can
> you add Python scripting?

 already been done, chris - you want the firefox plugin, pyxpcomext
and then if you actually want to manipulate the DOM in the browser
engine as well, you need the 2nd plugin xpcom as well.  oh, i also
forgot (because it's quite new) there's firebreath as well:

 so... yeah, if you're completely off your head, knock yourself out :)


 p.s. pyjamas rocks!  sorry, had to say that.

Re: Python for Web

2011-07-24 Thread lkcl
On Jun 15, 1:11 pm, ""
> On Jun 15, 9:50 am, sidRo  wrote:
> > Is Python only for server side?
> Is it a theoretical question or a practical one ?-)
> More seriously: except for the old proof-of-concept Grail browser, no
> known browser uses Python as a client-side scripting language.

 ahh paul bonser _did_ make an attempt to write a web browser in
python: he got quite a long way but nobody helped him out,

 i did actually get grail browser up-and-running again, under python
2.5 and then 2.6 - it actually works, hurrah! :)

 the list of client-side (assuming you meant web browser client, sid)
python programming environments is actually really quite long.. and
some of them very very obscure :) i maintain (as i find them) a list,

 the one that i have the most respect for (despite its DOM TR2
compliance only, and the obscure bug that most people will never
encounter) is python-khtml.  KHTML aka Konqueror's web browser is the
granddaddy of webkit after the toerags from apple got their grubby
mitts on it, and i do wish that KHTML got more love and attention,
because it's a proper true free software *independent* web browser
engine that is truly developed by a free software community, not a
bunch of corporate lackies with a commercial axe to grind.

 there is quite a lot of mileage to be had from ironpython, because of
course it translates to CLR (.NET) - as a result you have things like
appcelerator (titanium).  sadly you'll probably get that running under
mono at some time when hell freezes over, but that's another story.

 the other one that's worth a laugh, ok maybe a snort, is the mozilla-
funded project back in 2000 to add support to firefox for < script
language="python" /> which actually damn well worked - properly -
except that it resulted in a whopping 10mb plugin (because it was the
entire python interpreter in a firefox plugin, that's why!) and was
only available for firefox.  oh, and building the dependencies on w32?
jaezzus h christ on a bike was it a bitch.  to give you an idea: the
last people who attempted it were novell, some time around 2007.  to
get an accurate date, look up the release date on xulrunner 1.8.

 anyway - bottom line: there's a hell of a lot (including pyjamas of
course, yaay!) but it's all pretty obscure esoteric stuff and you do
have to be a bit off your head to consider using the various options


Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-24 Thread lkcl
On Jul 20, 3:34 am, Terry Reedy  wrote:
> On 7/19/2011 10:12 PM, sturlamolden wrote:
> > What is wrong with them:
> > 1. Designed for other languages, particularly C++, tcl and Java.
> > 2. Bloatware. Qt and wxWidgets are C++ application frameworks. (Python
> > has a standard library!)
> > 3. Unpythonic memory management: Python references to deleted C++
> > objects (PyQt). Manual dialog destruction (wxPython). Parent-child
> > ownership might be smart in C++, but in Python we have a garbage
> > collector.
> > 4. They might look bad (Tkinter, Swing with Jython).
> > 5. All projects to write a Python GUI toolkit die before they are
> > finished. (General lack of interest, bindings for Qt or wxWidgets
> > bloatware are mature, momentum for web development etc.)
> Greg Ewing's pygui project is still going and releasing new versions.
> > How I would prefer the GUI library to be, if based on "native"
> > widgets:
> > 1. Lean and mean -- do nothing but GUI. No database API, networking
> > API, threading API, etc.
> > 2. Do as much processing in Python as possible. No more native code
> > (C, C++, Cython) than needed.
> > 3. Instances of extension types can clean themselves up on
> > deallocation. No parent-child ownership model to mess things up. No
> > manual clean-up. Python does all the reference counting we need.
> > 4. No artist framework. Use OpenGL, Cairo, AGG or whatever else is
> > suitable.
> > 5. No particular GUI thread synchronization is needed  -- Python has a
> > GIL.
> > 6. Expose the event loop to Python.
> > 7. Preferably BSD-style license, not even LGPL.
> > 8. Written for Python in Python -- not bindings for a C++ or tcl
> > toolkit.
> I think you described pygui.
> > Is it worth the hassle to start a new GUI toolkit project?
> Ask Greg what you might help with.
> > Or should modern deskop apps be written with something completely
> > different, such as HTML5?
> An interesting question. I think thepyjamasproject is aimed in this
> direction,

 weeelll... we kinda want to keep as many platforms supported as
possible, so that includes IE6 canvas (VML) which surprisingly works
pretty damn good, the only thing missing is being able to add text to
VML canvas: everything else (including colour gradients) shockingly
actually works.  it's slow, but what do you expect out of IE6, duh.

 but yes we're finding that an increasing number of people are saying
"i wrote a pyajamas app, it used direct HTML5, sod the browsers that
don't properly support HTML5" and i think that's a good thing.

> but the author says he will never port to Py3. (He explained
> his reasons on this list when I suggested that.)

 :)  it's not quiiite a matter of "never" - it's conditional.  the
conditions on which i, personally and extremely grudgingly, will get
involved in a py3 port of pyjamas are when it becomes hellishly
difficult for myself, personally, to maintain all of the components of
pyjamas *including* the desktop ports (w32 MSHTML, gnu pythonwebkit
project, xulrunner N.N) which people tend to forget exist for python
2.N.  the reason for that are a) personally i don't like py3 (because
it didn't include backwards-compatibility for python 2) b) the pyjs
translator is self-contained, and has at absolutely no time any need
for any links at runtime to in fact any python *at all* (because the
pyjs version runs on a javascript engine *not* a python engine).

 there's no "never" in there - it's just that i'll keep reviewing the
situation, and i anticipate / predict that it will begin to become
difficult to compile python2 applications (such as python-comtypes) at
some point in approx ooo... 5 to 7 years.  maybe not - it's hard to

 anyway - if however someone else wants to collaborate and/or fund a
py3 port of pyjamas, knock yourself out: just bear in mind that it's
an estimated 18 man-month project.


Re: pyjamas 0.8alpha1 release

2011-05-19 Thread lkcl
On May 18, 11:02 pm, Terry Reedy  wrote:
> On 5/18/2011 5:24 AM, lkcl wrote:
> There seem to be two somewhat separate requirement issues: the
> interpreter binary and the language version.

 yes.  [with the startling possibility of compiling the entire pyjs
compiler into javascript and executing under e.g. spidermonkey's /usr/
bin/js turning that into just the one requirement - but that's another

> >   a) at the moment ahttp://python.org2.N interpreter is required to
> > actually run the translator.  if you usehttp://python.org2.5 or 2.6
> > you do not need to use the "--internal-ast" option.  if you use 2.4,
> > 2.7 or above, you will need to use --internal-ast because we're
> > heavily reliant on the internal c-based "compile" module [without the
> > --internal-ast option enabled].
> I presume '--internal-ast' is a 'compile the interpreter' option.

 mmm... sort of.  what it does is, in (the pyjs python-
to-javascript compiler) is this:

 if options.internal_ast:
 import pyjamas.pgen.compile as compile # python version of
compile module
 import compile # standard python compile module

 that "internal" compile module contains a complete independent
grammar.txt file, and is basically lib2to3 re-ported *back* to being
interoperable with, and a complete replacement for, the standard
python "compile" module.  including the ast module.

 we haven't *quite* got round to doing a "compile the interpreter" yet
- it's half way there.  the work that daniel kluev is doing, for his
gsoc2011 project, will be a complete "compile the interpreter".

 by the time he's done, we'll even have "eval()" and "exec()"
builtins... inside a web browser.

> Since
> I have never compilied Python (or anything else for perhaps 15 years), I
> do not understand completely. Am I correct to guess that the PSF Windows
> binaries for 2.7 were not compiled with the flag, and will not work? If
> so, Windows users should, I would think, use the latest 2.6.6 binaries.

 ahh... i'm reading this as "requiring c code to be
compiled with different compilation flags".  this isn't anything to do
with compiling c-code: "pyjs the translator" is and always will be a
pure vanilla python application, requiring absolutely no modifications
to the python interpreter whatsoever.

 the --internal-ast option is an option which is passed to the pyjs
application (which is a pure and vanilla python application).  here's
an example, shows the inter-relationships:

 /usr/bin/python --internal-ast
 python.exe --internal-ast

 * /usr/bin/python or python.exe - python2.N.

 * - the pyjs python-to-javascript translator

 * --internal-ast - an option to pyjsbuild to tell it to use a version
of compiler.ast which is written in pure python [and supports the 2.6

 * - the pyjamas application, written in python, being
translated to javascript, for execution in a web browser.

> >   b) the actual pyjs interpreter grammar (AST) was 2.5 but has mostly
> > been updated to 2.6.  actual python syntax / features are therefore
> > mostly 2.5, with someone having pointed out that "slice" has different
> > return results it's hard to say exactly which is best to be picked,
> > 2.5 or 2.6.  nobody's needed slice until recently, so it's not an
> > issue that's ever come up before.
> If I understand this, the safe thing to do is to stick with 2.5 syntax
> and omit exotic 3.x features put into 2.6 for eventual porting to 3.x.

 yes.  that would be the easiest path.  however, we have a teeny
problem: pyjamas desktop (pyjd).  that's where you get to *really*
execute the python code, exactly the same code that you munged through
the pyjs compiler.  in the pyjd case, what is going on is that it is
*python* that has access to the features of the web browser engine
(DOM functions, HTML5 etc.) and that is... ho hum, each engine is
itself a massive project, and has to be a python c module (except for
the MSHTML engine, which is COM).

 so for pyjd, we *have* to support whatever the latest easiest python
2.N is.  that in turn dictates that we have to keep up-to-date with
the python 2.N syntax/grammar, and, consequently, it dictates
logically that the pyjs compiler, which *must* be interoperable with
pyjd, must also support the latest python 2.N syntax/grammar.

 bummer, huh? :)

 fortunately, nobody on the pyjamas mailing list has really noticed
that there _are_ any differences (!) between 2.5, 6 and 7 - except for
daniel kluev, the gsoc2011 student, who is using pyjs with python-pyv8
to actually create a version of a python interpreter... by transl


2011-05-19 Thread lkcl
[changing subject, seems a good idea...]

On May 19, 2:13 am, Terry Reedy  wrote:
> On 5/18/2011 9:42 AM, lkcl wrote:
> >   he's got a good point, terry.  breaking backwards-compatibility was a
> > completely mad and incomprehensible decision.
> I see that I should take everything you (or Harris) say with a big grain
> of salt;-).

 *lol* - i realise it's a hell of a lot of work to get a python
interpreter to support two different grammars and syntaxes: you can
appreciate that i'm in a better position than most to understand that
[i've also done a port of python to gnu-win32 so am familiar with the

 now that the code for both has been written, tested and proven, the
task of adding one t't'othr is a leetle less of a challenging task.

 there is one teeny tiny annoying challenge: namespace clashes in c,
of functions and data structures between the two codebases.  however,
this isn't as bad as it first seems.  it's only the "public" face
(Python.h) which has to remain the same, and that can be taken care of
by having data structures that are identical internally and externally
(macros to the rescue) where the internal name is Python2_ and the
external name Python_xxx.

 where it becomes less of a maintenance burden is when you say "ok,
that's it: definitely end-of-the-road for all 2.N development,

 has anyone considered the idea of literally creating a Python2/
subdirectory in the python3 codebase, literally just dropping the
entire python2.N code directly into it, renaming all functions and
data structures, adding a "--2-compatible" switch to the python3 argc/
v and seeing what happens?

 no interoperability, no maintenance, no "compatibility" - just
"support for python 2 directly in the python3 binary".


Re: pyjamas 0.8alpha1 release

2011-05-18 Thread lkcl
On May 17, 5:38 pm, harrismh777  wrote:

> is recompiled everything still works... not so in Python. The fact that
> Python is free to morph gleely from PEP to PEP without responsibility or
> accountability with the user base is what may kill Python, unless the
> Python community gets a grip on this concept.

 he's got a good point, terry.  breaking backwards-compatibility was a
completely mad and incomprehensible decision.  i don't believe version
N of python is going to "die" due to changes - the sheer inertia of
hundreds of millions of lines of code and hundreds of thousands of
projects will make sure that's not going to happen, but it doesn't

 it doesn't matter what the leading-edge developers behind python
_want_ to happen: it took 10+ years for python 1 and 2 to gain
traction, and i believe that's the sort of order of magnitude lag-time
to expect people world-wide to make decisions [to replace code].  you
only have to look at how long it's taking IE6 to die :)



Re: pyjamas 0.8alpha1 release

2011-05-18 Thread lkcl
On May 18, 10:24 am, lkcl  wrote:

> > >   otherwise please - really: just saying "give me support for python
> > > 3.x or else" is ...
> > And I did not say that.
>  yeah i know - i'm sorry: it just, with a little bit of "twisting",
> could be construed as implying that.

 in case it wasn't clear, i apologise for doing that :)

Re: pyjamas 0.8alpha1 release

2011-05-18 Thread lkcl
On May 18, 6:29 am, harrismh777  wrote:
> Terry Reedy wrote:
> > No, because I think you are exaggerating.  That said, I think core
> > Python is pretty close to 'complete' and I would not mind further syntax
> > freezes like the one for 3.2.
> I am exaggerating only to the extent that someone can imagine folks
> becoming just annoyed with PEP progress to drop the whole thing... I am
> exaggerating only to the extent that we define 'it' as language death...
> if the user base narrows, python's future is held tentative... on the
> other hand, if the user base grows and campers are happy, then python's
> future is more stable... I don't think this is an exaggeration...

 one thing that people are not aware of - because it normally simply
does not make its way out into the public world: you're forgetting
those people who "just use" python.  they don't get onto public
mailing lists, they don't develop free software projects.

 i've mentioned this story before, but it's worth repeating in this
context.  i worked in a military environment (NC3A) back in
2006-2007.  the version of python that they were using was http://python
two... point... ONE.  six years after its release.  why???

 well, it went something like this.  someone got the idea that doing a
portal would be good.  so they looked around, and found Zope.  so,
they evaluated the latest version somewhere around ooo april to june
of 2001.  ok they _started_ evaluating it.  so, some four months
later, after doing some coding examples, we're now up to august 2001,
a decision has to be made by the internal client.  they say "yep, go
for it", but that took another four months (dec 2002).  now we do 18
months of software development (july 2003) to produce a base package.

 now the code now has to be handed over to a team who perform security
evaluations.  this has to be paid for.  another six months go by, and
the security accreditation is received (dec 2004).  but this was just
for the "base" code: now we have deployment and actual product /
portal development, and a maintenance cycle of 2 years (2006).  now
i'm called in to help with that maintenance and development cycle

 and throughout this time there is *no way* that they can upgrade from
python 2.1, because it would cost another $EUR 10,000 to get the
accreditation certificate.

 it's now 2011. for all i know, some TEN YEARS after python 2.1 was
released, they're still using it.

 you ... _just_ don't normally hear about these kinds of deployments
of free software, but it illustrates that a particular version can
hang around for a hell of a long time.


Re: pyjamas 0.8alpha1 release

2011-05-18 Thread lkcl
On May 18, 2:33 am, Terry Reedy  wrote:

> On 5/17/2011 12:07 PM, lkcl wrote:
> > On May 4, 7:37 pm, Terry Reedy  wrote:
> >> On 5/4/2011 10:06 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> >>> pyjamasis a suite of projects, including a python-to-javascript
> >>> compiler
> >> As you well know, there is no such thing as 'python' when it comes to
> >> compiling actual code. So please specify both in announcements here and
> >> on the project homepage
> >> which versions are supported.
>  > [no response]
> I would still like to know. Do you fully support 2.7? It has many of the
> same changes that are in 3.1 and even 3.2 so I can imagine it would be
> difficult.

 sorry, terry, missed this out.  there are two answers:

 a) at the moment a 2.N interpreter is required to
actually run the translator.  if you use 2.5 or 2.6
you do not need to use the "--internal-ast" option.  if you use 2.4,
2.7 or above, you will need to use --internal-ast because we're
heavily reliant on the internal c-based "compile" module [without the
--internal-ast option enabled].

 b) the actual pyjs interpreter grammar (AST) was 2.5 but has mostly
been updated to 2.6.  actual python syntax / features are therefore
mostly 2.5, with someone having pointed out that "slice" has different
return results it's hard to say exactly which is best to be picked,
2.5 or 2.6.  nobody's needed slice until recently, so it's not an
issue that's ever come up before.

 the thing is - it's worth reiterating: you just... really don't need
as much python interoperability for user-interfaces when they're split
along MVC lines.  bear in mind that it's necessary to do that split:
it's web browser technology, you can't *actually* execute things like
psycopg or mysql in a web browser as javascript!  so once you've
divided that application into "python that runs the actual user
interface" and "python on the other side of the AJAX barrier e.g. a
django app" you're left with a far smaller task for the pyjs
interpreter to have to tackle.

 this is why it's been so unnecessary to keep absolutely up-to-date
with the full python development that's been going on, yet we still
have people developing 10,000+ LOC 2 man-year pyjamas projects.

 that having been said, there _is_ the requirement to be "python
strict" as well as "fast" - mutually exclusive of course.  and there
is someone working on getting the pyjs compiler and supporting
libraries into shape in order to run the entire
regression test suite.  there really are quite a lot of little sub-
projects within the pyjamas project.

> >> If you do not yet support 3.x, I request and recommend that you do so,
> > with the situation as it is, there is not a snowball in hell's chance
> > that's going to happen. allow me to explain.
> Thank you for the explanation.

 not a problem.

> You are right that I probably underestimated the work,

 yeah... i apologise for the somewhat-evident flabbergasted tone that
may have been apparent in what could otherwise be considered to be a
project outline / roadmap :)

> though you have or will do some of what is
> needed to fully support 2.7.

 weell... see above: it's kiinda unnecessary - it just depends on
people's needs.  if there are intelligent and willing people (like
kees) who just come along and go "yep, that's nice, but it's not good
enough for me: i'm going to make it so" then it'll happen.  everyone
else _not_ willing to put in the effort to make pyjs do what they want
will just have to put up with the foibles.

 so if someone wants to do it, hell i'm not going to stand in the way
- anyone who asks i give them commit rights, point them at the
DEVELOPER.RULES and let them get on with it.

> ...
> >   otherwise please - really: just saying "give me support for python
> > 3.x or else" is ...
> And I did not say that.

 yeah i know - i'm sorry: it just, with a little bit of "twisting",
could be construed as implying that.

> > "python 3 is the future of python" gimme a break!!
> Let's discuss that in a couple of years.

 :)  i think... people forget that there are now two mutually-
exclusively-incompatible programming languages out there, where the
first six letters of the name of the programming language happen to be
the same...


Re: pyjamas 0.8alpha1 release

2011-05-17 Thread lkcl
On May 4, 7:37 pm, Terry Reedy  wrote:
> On 5/4/2011 10:06 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> > after a long delay thepyjamasproject - has begun the
> > 0.8 series of releases, beginning with alpha1:
> >
> >pyjamasis a suite of projects, including a python-to-javascript
> > compiler
> As you well know, there is no such thing as 'python' when it comes to
> compiling actual code. So please specify both in announcements here and
> on the project homepage
> which versions are supported. I do not really want to have to download
> and experiment to determine whether to bother downloading.
> If you do not yet support 3.x, I request and recommend that you do so,

 with the situation as it is, there is not a snowball in hell's chance
that's going to happen.

 allow me to explain.

 the python translator in pyjamas is heavily dependent on the
"compiler" module (which is written in c) and is in turn, as you are
no doubt aware, specifically dependent on the grammar file.  the
python translator for pyjamas 0.3 was 1,200 lines of code.  thanks to
some brilliant and dedicated work by kees bos, over something like a 6
month virtually full-time period, it's now somewhere around 5,000
lines of heavily-dense code in which very specific javascript
optimisations have been encoded.

 then, on top of that, it is necessary to implement the data types
that are supported in python 3.x, along with several built-ins
(exceptions etc.).  the basic implementation - - is 6,700
lines of python code with in-built hand-optimised javascript, and it
would be necessary to reimplement / re-work... and then support...
that reimplementation.

 then, on top of that, there are a number of python-based
reimplementations of various python modules, such as,, and so on, each of which would have to be double-checked for
compatibility with their python 3.x counterparts.  do they exist, have
they been rewritten, modified etc.`

 then, on top of that, it is necessary to run the pyjamas UI code,
which is some 15,000 lines of code, along with the other libraries
such as GChart, through lib2to3, and then to double-check them.

 then, on top of that, it is necessary to run the examples - of which
there are 70 - again through lib2to3.  i've just done a "wc" on the
examples source code: it comes to a whopping total of 60,000 lines of

 so you have to do all this work, and really it's impossible to begin
realistically checking that it works until you get to the LibTest
example (which is the main test suite, comprising some 3,000 or so
regression tests), and once you've done all that work you now need a
userbase and also some maintainers.

 and, when it comes to doing a release, you need to test all 70
examples in a matrix of 14 browsers plus 4 desktop runtime engines,
and the browsers you need to recompile three times - with -O
(optimised), --strict (python-compliant) and there's one more, i
forget its name, it's designed to minimise the amount of javascript

 to support 3.x therefore requires a complete and utter rewrite, and
then a hell of a lot of work on top of that.  it's basically
supporting a totally separate language, and so is basically a
completely new project.  i know you mean well, but... you've
drastically underestimated quite how much effort has gone into the
pyjamas project - just look at the ohloh statistics for goodness sake!
it's listed as having had 31 man-years gone into it!

 so if you can find the money to get people paid to create a python
3.x to javascript compiler, which will require approximately twelve to
fifteen man-months of full-time dedicated programming effort, please
do speak up!

 otherwise please - really: just saying "give me support for python
3.x or else" is ... honestly - it's a free software project, _not_ a
paid-up corporate google/nokia/ibm/redhat/etc. funded project: you
know the score, and you know the drill.


 leaving _that_ aside, there happens to be absolutely no really good
compelling reason to support python 3.x in the first place.  "python 3
is the future of python" gimme a break!! [so why is archlinux the only
linux distribution that's converted over to run everything off of
python 3.x?]

 the thing is: there aren't really any major dependencies to "get in
the way" in pyjs.  as in: it's entirely self-sufficient [it has to
be].  even the installation has its own sandbox system.  the only
dependency *is* python 2.N, and when daniel kluev completes his
GSoC2011 project, that'll be a "bootstrap" into javascript, including
the translator itself being compiled into javascript, and then not
even python 2.N will be a dependency!

 the bottom line is this: somewhere in the next 8 to 10 years, python
2.N will be deprecated in all but the most die-hard places.  at *that*
time, it will have been worthwhile 

Re: pywebkit - python bindings for webkit DOM (alpha)

2010-10-08 Thread lkcl
apologies for the 3 copies of the post:'s SMTP service
was offline yesterday.

just a quick update: XMLHttpRequest support has been fixed today, and
the correct version of libsoup discovered which actually works.  that
puts PythonWebkit into a "useful and useable" state, despite being
only 15 days old.  further development is still needed, but it's still
pretty exciting to be back to where the original python webkit
bindings code was, from 2008, minus the cruft from the intermediate
glib/gobject layer, in such a short amount of time.


[ANN] pywebkit - python bindings for webkit DOM (alpha)

2010-10-07 Thread lkcl
i've been kindly sponsored by to create
direct python bindings to webkit's DOM:

the significance of this project is that it makes python a peer of
javascript when it comes to manipulating HTML through DOM functions
(including gaining access to the full features of HTML5 for example).
anything that can be done with javascript (such as
getElementsByTagName, appendChild etc.) can be done with python, in a
declarative programming style (not as < script language="python" >).
that means that the powerful features of HTML5 that were formerly
pretty much exclusively available to javascript programmers are now
equally available to python programmers, and webkit is known as being
especially suited to embedded environments.

anyone who has been following pywebkitgtk or pyjamas development will
be aware that the previous python webkit DOM bindings, written in
2008, were based on top of glib/gobject bindings and used
python-gobject to autogenerate them.  whilst this approach worked, its
future was made slightly awkward when the development of the gobject
bindings were kindly taken over by free software developers who have
been working hard to incorporate the full features of the original
gobject bindings into webkit for almost a year, now.  the pythonwebkit
project therefore begins again, with *direct* access to webkit DOM
functions and properties instead of going via an intermediate layer
such as gobject.

the source code for the pywebkitgtk project has been directly
incorporated into the pythonwebkit project, making it a much simpler
prospect to build.  that does not mean that it's easy - just easier!
for build instructions, please read the instructions at which recommend reading of
the original webkit build instructions on the original webkit
developer web site, with specific advice on the additional python
requirements.  (please note that the ongoing development focus is on
linux and embedded linux systems: windows and macosx developers are
very much "on their own" as far as build procedures are concerned, but
macosx developers are best advised to start from darwinports and to go
from there.  windows developers: good luck.  send us a postcard from
whatever loony bin you end up in, if they allow you access to

for those people interested in pyjamas (, pyjamas
desktop has already been updated accordingly, and is already useable
with pywebkit.

please note that this is a very early announcement, with quite a lot
still left to do, but whilst there are known issues, the project is
definitely at the "working" state and so is worthy of an announcement
if anyone is interested in testing and contributing or just seeing
what the fuss is about.


p.s. it's worthwhile pointing out, for anyone who is interested, that
if you wish to access a browser engine's DOM model on windows, it is
much easier to use python-COM bindings to MSHTML than it is to try
building webkit with python bindings on windows - but should you ever
succeed in building pythonwebkit on windows, please do get in touch.
if however you See The Light and realise in good time that it's a
train coming straight at you, and decide to use python COM instead, i
recommend looking at pyjd/ and associated code in the pyjamas
project - - and beginning from there.  compiling
webkit (and xulrunner) on windows really is that bad, and
incorporating python into the mix really is likely to push your sanity
off the edge of a cliff.  if you succeed however, there are quite a
lot of people who will be extremely grateful for your sacrifice, and
who will come visit you and bring you flowers and children's colouring
picture books on a regular basis.

[ANN] pywebkit - python bindings for webkit DOM (alpha)

2010-10-07 Thread lkcl

i've been kindly sponsored by to create
direct python bindings to webkit's DOM:

the significance of this project is that it makes python a peer of
javascript when it comes to manipulating HTML through DOM functions
(including gaining access to the full features of HTML5 for example).
anything that can be done with javascript (such as
getElementsByTagName, appendChild etc.) can be done with python, in a
declarative programming style (not as < script language="python" >).
that means that the powerful features of HTML5 that were formerly
pretty much exclusively available to javascript programmers are now
equally available to python programmers, and webkit is known as being
especially suited to embedded environments.

anyone who has been following pywebkitgtk or pyjamas development will
be aware that the previous python webkit DOM bindings, written in
2008, were based on top of glib/gobject bindings and used
python-gobject to autogenerate them.  whilst this approach worked, its
future was made slightly awkward when the development of the gobject
bindings were kindly taken over by free software developers who have
been working hard to incorporate the full features of the original
gobject bindings into webkit for almost a year, now.  the pythonwebkit
project therefore begins again, with *direct* access to webkit DOM
functions and properties instead of going via an intermediate layer
such as gobject.

the source code for the pywebkitgtk project has been directly
incorporated into the pythonwebkit project, making it a much simpler
prospect to build.  that does not mean that it's easy - just easier!
for build instructions, please read the instructions at which recommend reading of
the original webkit build instructions on the original webkit
developer web site, with specific advice on the additional python
requirements.  (please note that the ongoing development focus is on
linux and embedded linux systems: windows and macosx developers are
very much "on their own" as far as build procedures are concerned, but
macosx developers are best advised to start from darwinports and to go
from there.  windows developers: good luck.  send us a postcard from
whatever loony bin you end up in, if they allow you access to

for those people interested in pyjamas (, pyjamas
desktop has already been updated accordingly, and is already useable
with pywebkit.

please note that this is a very early announcement, with quite a lot
still left to do, but whilst there are known issues, the project is
definitely at the "working" state and so is worthy of an announcement
if anyone is interested in testing and contributing or just seeing
what the fuss is about.


p.s. it's worthwhile pointing out, for anyone who is interested, that
if you wish to access a browser engine's DOM model on windows, it is
much easier to use python-COM bindings to MSHTML than it is to try
building webkit with python bindings on windows - but should you ever
succeed in building pythonwebkit on windows, please do get in touch.
if however you See The Light and realise in good time that it's a
train coming straight at you, and decide to use python COM instead, i
recommend looking at pyjd/ and associated code in the pyjamas
project - - and beginning from there.  compiling
webkit (and xulrunner) on windows really is that bad, and
incorporating python into the mix really is likely to push your sanity
off the edge of a cliff.  if you succeed however, there are quite a
lot of people who will be extremely grateful for your sacrifice, and
who will come visit you and bring you flowers and children's colouring
picture books on a regular basis.

fairly urgent request: paid python (or other) work required

2010-09-01 Thread lkcl
i apologise for having to contact so many people but this is fairly
urgent, and i'm running out of time and options.   i'm a free software
programmer, and i need some paid work - preferably python - fairly
urgently, so that i can pay for food and keep paying rent, and so that
my family doesn't get deported or have to leave the country.

i really would not be doing this unless it was absolutely, absolutely
essential that i get money.

so that both i and the list are not unnecessarily spammed, please
don't reply with recommendations of "where to get jobs", unless they
are guaranteed to result in immediate work and money.

if you have need of a highly skilled and experienced python-preferring
free-software-preferring software engineer, please simply contact me,
and tell me what you need doing: there's no need for you to read the
rest of this message.

so that people are not offended by me asking on such a high-volume
list for work, here are some questions and answers:

Q: who are you?
A: luke leighton.  free sofware developer, free software project
leader, and "unusual cross-project mash-up-er" (meaning: i spot the
value of joining one or more bits of disparate "stuff" to make
something that's more powerful than its components).

Q: where's your CV?
A: executive version of CV is at - please
don't ask for a proprietary microsoft word version, as a refusal and
referral to the "sylvester response" often offends.

Q: what can you do?
A: python programming, c programming, web development, networking,
cryptography, reverse-engineering, IT security, etc. etc. preferably
involving free software.

Q: what do you need?
A: money to pay rent and food.  at the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM, i need as
little as £1500 per month to pay everything, and have been earning
approx £800 per month for the past year.   a £5000 inheritance last
year which i was not expecting has delayed eviction and bankruptcy for
me and my family, and deportation for my partner and 17 month old
daughter (marie is here in the UK on a FLR/M visa)

Q: why are you asking here?
A: because it's urgent that i get money really really soon; my family
members are refusing to assist, and the few friends that i have do not
have any spare money to lend.

Q: why here and not "monster jobs" or "python-jobs list" or the
various "recruitment agencies"?
A: those are full-time employment positions, which i have been
frequently applying for and get rejected for various reasons, and i'm
running out of time and money.  further interviews cost money, and do
not result in guaranteed work.  i need work - and money - _now_.

Q: why here and not ""?
A: if you've ever bid on you will know that you are
bidding against "offshore" contrators and even being undercut by 1st
world country bidders who, insanely, appear to be happy to do work for
as little as £2 / hour.

Q: why are you getting rejected from interviews?
A: that's complex.  a) i simply don't interview well.  people with the
classic symptoms of asperger's just don't. b) my daughter is 17 months
old.  when i go away for as little as 3 days, which i've done three
times now, she is extremely upset both when i am away and when i
return.  i think what would happen if i was doing some sort of full-
time job, away from home, and... i can't do it.  subconsciously that
affects how i react when speaking to interviewers.

Q: why do you not go "get a job at tesco's" or "drive a truck"?
A: tescos and HGV driving etc. pay around £12 per hour.  £12 per hour
after tax comes down to about £8 to £9 per hour.  £9 per hour requires
35 hours per week to earn as little as £1500.  35 hours per week is
effectively full-time, and means that a) my programming and software
engineering skills are utterly, utterly wasted b) my daughter gets
extremely upset because i won't be at home.

so you get the gist, and thank you for putting up with me needing to
take this action.


Re: multitask http server (single-process multi-connection HTTP server)

2010-07-15 Thread lkcl
On Jul 13, 12:00 pm, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton

> but... not being funny or anything, but basically i'm done already 
> :)multitaskhttpdworks, it doesn't need stackless, i completed a JSONRPC
> service last night, i'll add POST of multi-part forms today, and i
> have everything that [GNUmed] will need.

 ok instead of adding this to i created an HTTP proxy out of
multitaskhttpd.  i also cobbled together an example JSONRPC Server
which is highly likely to be used in gnumed, now.  this modified
version of i had to rip bits of and add in Connection Keep-Alives on every
response.  so, send_error needed modding/replacing, as did send_head,
list_directory and so on, all with a view to making sure that the HTTP
proxy is "happy".

 the reason why the proxy works is because the incoming HTTP
connection results in an HTTP/1.1 proxy connection with Connection:
Keep-Alive set.  so, even if the user's browser drops the connection,
the proxy permanently keeps open the connection to the upstream HTTP
server.  in the case of the standard and so on
that results in the handle_request() loop basically serving that same
user _forever_.  well... it would, if it wasn't for the fact that the
standard version of send_error() in does
"Connection: Close", hence the reason why i had to replace it.

 so, yeah - now you can do truly dreadful things like... create a
massive in-memory data structure and never have to serialise it
because the back-end process will _still_ be around pretty much
forever... and you can keep doing that until the server runs out of
memory.  hurrah!


Re: grailbrowser now running under python 2.5 (probably above too)

2010-07-14 Thread lkcl
On Jul 11, 10:39 pm, "Martin P. Hellwig" 
> On 07/11/10 04:59, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:> source at:
> >
> > $ python (note the lack of "python1.5" or "python2.4")
> > conversion of the 80 or so regex's to re has been carried out.
> > entirely successfully or not is a matter yet to be determined.  always
> > a hoot to try browsing
> > with a browser from 11+ years ago, it still cannot be resisted as
> > grail is the only working graphical web browser in the world written
> > in pure python [pybrowser is still in development, stalled].
> > l.
> Congrats!
> Are you planning to take over the world with grail and pyjs? :-)

 mwahaahhah basically, yes.  i'm fed up with the mozilla foundation,
who have trashed python-xpcom _just_ at the point where i demonstrated
its usefulness: the only reason things still work across linux
distributions is due to inertia as the distros are still offering
xulrunner-1.9.1, and i'm definitely fed up with the webkit developers,
one in particular, whose treatment of and attitude to the work that i
did to get python bindings to the DOM of webkit was beyond atrocious.

 so, python-based web browser it is, implement the W3C DOM API with
it.  hack it about, combine paul bonser's pybrowser back-end (which
was where paul did most of the work, and stalled on the front-end),
job done, one compliant python browser supporting W3C TR1,2 and 3 and
if we're reaaallly lucky i maybe add some HTML5 features too.

 just don't expect it to be quick!


Re: grailbrowser now running under python 2.5 (probably above too)

2010-07-14 Thread lkcl
On Jul 11, 5:44 am, rantingrick  wrote:
> On Jul 10, 10:59 pm, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
>  wrote:
> > source at:
> > $ python (note the lack of "python1.5" or "python2.4")
> > conversion of the 80 or so regex's to re has been carried out.
> > entirely successfully or not is a matter yet to be determined.  always
> > a hoot to try browsing
> > with a browser from 11+ years ago, it still cannot be resisted as
> > grail is the only working graphical web browser in the world written
> > in pure python [pybrowser is still in development, stalled].
> > l.
> Congratulations on this effort Luke. However you know what project i
> would really like to see the community get around? ...dramatic pause
> here... a cross platform Python file browser!

 weeelll... you _could_ always just use grailbrowser :)  it does still
support file:// so it lists directories, shows text files and
downloads anything it doesn't understand.


Re: multitask http server (single-process multi-connection HTTP server)

2010-07-12 Thread lkcl
On Jul 12, 9:52 pm, Gelonida  wrote:
> Hi lkcl,
> Do you have any documentation or overview for your project?

 git clone git://

 i only started it today, but yes, there's a README.

 the primary reason it's being developed is because GNUmed are looking
to create a web service but they want to use the same psycopg2-based
middleware that's taken them pretty much forever to develop.  see my
reply to geremy condra for more details.

 if this turns out to be something that _really_ hasn't been done
before, then i'm happy for other people to pitch in and help out.

> Questions  I would be interested in:
> - List of features already working

* simple HTTP GET of files and subdirs

  (because i blatantly copied

* JSONRPC services

  (i blatantly copied, it's
   something i found, it's based on

> - list of features under development

 the time between "under development" and "in future" is so short it's
hardly worthwhile stating.  i added JSONRPC in about 90 minutes for
example.  tomorrow i'll add HTTP POST multi-part forms and it will
take me about... 50 mins i should imagine, by looking at something
like turbogears or django.  i'm not going to "waste time reinventing"
stuff when i can pretty much cut/paste it.  web servers have been
_done_ already - it's just that cooperative multitasking seems most
definitely _not_ to have been done before.

> - list of features being in in the near future

 * HTTP POST with multi-part forms (just like standard web frameworks)
 * a better API once i have a clearer idea of what's needed
 * use of regex matching on apps, just like django


multitask http server (single-process multi-connection HTTP server)

2010-07-12 Thread lkcl
for several reasons, i'm doing a cooperative multi-tasking HTTP
  git clone git://

there probably exist perfectly good web frameworks that are capable of
doing this sort of thing: i feel certain that twisted is one of them.
however, the original author of rtmplite decided to rip twisted out
and to use and i'm one of those strange people that also
likes the idea of using 900 lines of awesome elegant code rather than
tens of thousands of constantly-moving-target.

one of the things that's slightly unfortunate is that i'm going to
have to copy and slightly modify it; as well.  this is Generally Bad Practice.

can anyone think of a way of monkey-patching or otherwise using
SimpleHTTPRequestHandler and CGIHTTPRequestHandler and overriding the
base class from which those two are derived?

i have had to pull bits out of BaseHTTPRequestHandler to make them use
the "yield" logic of already, which was painful enough.

ideas, anyone?


python ctypes to int main(int argc, char *argv[])

2010-07-01 Thread lkcl

i need to convert an application (fontforge) to a python library.
yes, libfontforge is already done as is libgdraw (fontforge-pygtk) but
i need to make fontforge the _application_ a python application, using
the same ctypes trick that's already done.

my question is, therefore, how do i specify a ctypes wrapper around
the standard int main(int argc, char *argv[]) which i am (obviously)
going to move to a (new) c library?

many thanks,


Re: Should I Learn Python or Ruby next?

2010-06-22 Thread lkcl
On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 6:58 PM, Josef Tupag 
> Before I really dive in, though, I'm curious to hear what others think about
> the choice between these two languages.

 i think one good illustration is a story i heard from someone who had
learned a hell of a lot of programming languages, but didn't know
python.  he decided one day to try it and, without looking closely at
a manual, literally guessed his way through the syntax:

"how do you do lists?  let's try square brackets.  oh look, that
worked!  ok.. um... how do you do arrays?  let's try curly brackets.
oh look, that worked!  ok, what are they called?  ahh, dictionaries.
how quaint.  ok, how do you do if statements?  ok let's try the
woordd if!  ok, that worked - hmmm, how do you terminate them?  let's
tryyy... a colon - great - that worked!  hmmm, what's with this three
dots on the python prompt, now?  ok, let's put in some spaces.  ah
ha!  that worked!"

 when compared to other programming languages, three things stand out
clearly for me:

 1) it's actually readable.  especially when you use colour syntax
highlighting (such as vim) which i thoroughly, thoroughly recommend:
giving yourself those visual cues that keywords are in yellow,
comments are in blue, strings in purple, it increases productivity
*massively* as you scan through reams of text, jumping to the correct
location, finding what you want, based on blocks of colour *first*,
and the characters second.

 2) it's beautiful / tidy.  the use of fixed/identical indentation to
specify a "block" _forces_ the developer to be "tidy".  i've seen some
developers - perl mostly - _actively_ discouraged and hostile to perl
because of this, and to be frank, that's a good thing.

 3) it's a dynamic and a compact language.  i remember seeing that
comparison of python and lisp, which happened to include some java
statements as well.  _six_ lines of java to do what you can do in a
few characters of python - and about two in scheme :)

 so whilst ruby may be dynamic and compact, it's not beautiful,
readable or obvious as to what's going on.  i look at a python
program, and it uses actual... like... y'know... words that make
sense.  i look at a ruby program and i simply cannot say the same, not
even if you put code which is supposed to do exactly the same job.


Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-16 Thread lkcl
On Jun 15, 1:07 pm, superpollo  wrote:

> mind you, i am no python expert, but i really look forward to seeing
> pyjamas in the stdlib :-) anytime soon?

 *choke* :)

 ... weelll... let me answer that as if it's serious.  you'd have to:

 a) define as including a javascript target for its
output.  given that pypy have (or had) this, that's not entiiirely
outside of the realms of possibility.

 b) include ooo 10,000 lines of base UI widget libraries, which are
all written in pure python.  again, not so bad.

 c) completely rule out any possibility of pyjd because whilst the
win32 dependency is python-comtypes (which depends on ctypes which
whoops rules _that_ out) the free software dependencies are a choice
between pygtk2 plus xulrunner, libcairo, python-cairo, gobject plus
python-gobject and many more plus python-xpcom _plus_ python-hulahop,
or webkitgtk plus pywebkitgtk plus again many of the same pygtk
dependencies, each of which will come to around a whopping 30mb
download comprising some 90 to 100 separate libraries in each case...

 and that's without dealing with the multitude of licenses.

 ... and without pyjd it's somewhat a pointless exercise.

 overall i think this just reaffirms that the minimalist but
extensible python-tk approach really does have distinct advantages.
thus, at last, we come back full circle to the original question.



Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-16 Thread lkcl
On Jun 15, 2:47 pm, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Jun 2010 05:57:13 -0700, lkcl wrote:
> >  to be honest, if you don't put any effort in to use the appropriate
> > "lovely-prettiness" panels you can end up with something truly "90s-
> > esque".  but with a little effort you can do round-edged lovely colour
> > tabs:
> >
> All I get is a plain page with no content. No images, no text, nothing.
> Shouldn't you at least include "This site requires Javascript to work"?

 naaah.  that would mean adding one extra line with a noscript tag to
the html loader page, increasing size of each of the example loader
pages by a whopping ten percent! :)

> You know, I like the idea of pyjamas, but I am so utterly sick and tired
> of javascript and flash running amok and web developers who try to take
> over my browser that I've turned them off.

 _hurrah_!  i used to write web apps entirely server-side, no AJAX, no
JS, nothing, precisely to cater exactly for this feeling, which i
entirely agreed with.  then i went absolute 100% the other way.  i had
_nothing_ good to say about javascript, but by abstracting out to
python, i found the "wiggly path" that leverages its powerful bits
without falling into the trap of the god-awful mess that causes you to
rightly switch off JS entirely.

 fortunately, for you, with pyjd you're in luck: python bindings to
DOM, doing exactly the same job as the equivalent JS - all JS gooone.


Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-15 Thread lkcl
On Jun 14, 9:00 pm, Stephen Hansen  wrote:

> On 6/14/10 1:00 PM, lkcl wrote:
> >  what we typically recommend is that _even_ though you're going to run
> > the application "desktop" - as pure python - you still use JSONRPC [or
> > XmlHTTPRequest if JSONRPC is overkill].  so, _even_ though it's a
> > desktop application, you still run a local web service (even
> > python -m will do the job!)
> >  rick's article is highly illustrative on all these points:
> >
> Hmm. Depending on just how rich of a UI is possible, this is a slightly
> compelling idea.

 to be honest, if you don't put any effort in to use the appropriate
"lovely-prettiness" panels you can end up with something truly "90s-
esque".  but with a little effort you can do round-edged lovely colour

> Right now, I have to essentially maintain two separate
> code-bases: the desktop client and the web application.

 deep joy!

> In my scenario,
> both are actually lightweight (though not truly thin) clients to a
> master application server existing Elsewhere, that does the heavy
> lifting and manages all its users.
> Being able to take a code base and provide it to users as a
> traditional-seeming desktop application that works desktopy for them,
> with-- it sounds like-- two separate processes, one which is Python and
> is "serving" data, and more importantly accessing the MCP and getting
> instructions and doing its "lightweight" local lifting-- and another
> which is just a UI that communicates to that local server?

 basically, yes.  splitting things more along the traditional MVC
lines.  the M being the web server with JSONRPC to do traditional
Create-Update-Retrieve-Delete etc. and the VC bit being in pyjamas,
talking JSONRPC to the server *even* on the desktop version!

> Then one would run basically the same code on a server to allow remote
> access on some internet-accessible server, that sounds like what you're
> implying is possible?

 yes, even on the desktoppy version (because it's the same app)

> This time the server is still there, but the
> client UI is converted into pure JS and shipped to the persons machine.


> That sounds too good to be true.

 yup, it does.  how can one person, a free software developer, have
come up with something like "The Holy Grail" of software development,
right?  when all the money in the world, from ibm, adobe, microsoft,
google, nokia and so on _hasn't_ managed it, in what... 20 years of
computer science, right?  i must be some sort of egomaniac, attention-
seeker, snake-oil-seller or just an outright liar, right?  those _are_
supposed to be rhetorical questions :)

> I sort of have to be reading too much
> into what you're saying.

 no, you got it.  does what it says on the tin.

 the "fly in the ointment" is that the success of pyjamas desktop is
critically dependent on its underlying DOM-bindings technology.
ironically, the non-free and proprietary dependence on MSHTML works
perfectly, whilst there are webkit developers *actively* destroying
the webkit-glib/gobject port, and the mozilla foundation developers
are trying desperately hard to break XPCOM (they've already side-lined
python-xpcom as "third party" now) because they're so "losing" so
badly to webkit that they are desperate to sacrifice everything to get
speed, speed, speed.


Re: python XMLHttpRequest

2010-06-14 Thread lkcl
>  so they _had_ to put the glib/gobject bindings in, after all that
> effort spent fighting tooth and nail to prevent it... and not having
> access to the key developer who worked on it (because of censorship)
> it's been a bit of a bitch for them, and it's only about 80% complete,
> after 6 months (the initial work only took 10 weeks!)

 important afterthought: xan, who was responsible for working on the
webkit glib/gobject bindings after the webkit censorship engineered
and enacted by mark rowe, has been absolutely fantastic, along with
the people who worked with him to review the patches.


Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-14 Thread lkcl
On Jun 14, 7:30 pm, Stephen Hansen  wrote:
> On 6/14/10 11:47 AM, lkcl wrote:
> > On Jun 14, 4:17 pm, Stephen Hansen  wrote:
> >  yes.  that's effectively what pyjs applications are about: as much
> > HTML/CSS as you can stand, then _absolute_ pure javascript from there-
> > on in... only using a compiler (python-to-javascript) so as not to go
> > completely insane - and, from the rest of your message, i _know_ you
> > know what i'm talking about, there :)
> Yeah. It sounds very interesting. I just wish it, like, somehow bundled
> webkit cross-platformly. :)

 _that's_ a long story - a brief insight into 8 months of hell i
posted in another message on this thread...

> >  to be absolutely honest, i very rarely even write my own widgets: i
> > advocate that people, myself _especially_ myself included, perform
> > literal line-for-line translations of GWT widgets from java to
> > python.  why? because, again: on the basis that google have tons of
> > money to put into GWT widgets, doing full regression tests, and have
> > thousands of users, they can afford to get the widget right across all
> > the browsers.  ergo, why duplicate that effort - just code-translate
> > it verbatim!
> >  oh, btw, that's turning into quite a powerful project on its own: the
> > goal is to have a fully automated java-to-python translator!
> >
> Somehow this is getting perverse. Java, to Python, to JavaScript. It
> just sounds sort of incestuous. :)

 oh i haven't mentioned the javascript-to-python converter yet, have
i?  *lol*.  am still looking for a good BNF / parser in python, for
that one.

> Well, yes. I have some experience with extjs (and making some pretty
> fantastic real-world seeming apps on the web with it), and yeah,

> The current project occupying my time involves a fairly complicated mix;
> on the server-side we have Pylons, but its interfacing with an external
> application server, so about half of the Pylons layers are "outsourced"
> (i.e., data and model access).
> Then the web interface is ExtJS. Its just getting very, very -- ungainly
> from a maintenance point of view.

 ooh.  ouch.  we've had people wanting to wrap extjs in pyjamas.  i
told them NO don't for god's sake do it.  it's _hundreds_ of thousands
of lines of javascript; looking at the GWT-EXTJS wrapper, the
"startup" code in javascript is a whopping 8,000 lines (which was more
than the entire pyjamas codebase at the time!) and the rest of the
"wrapper" code i believe is some 80,000 lines of java.

 then there's the issue that, apart from all that code to maintain,
you now have a whopping great 2.5mbyte javascript dependency, where
you'd need, if there was a bug in that, an expert javascript

 so whilst pyjamas UI widgets are somewhat at the level of "extjs
0.01", at least there is (which yes, that
_does_ compile to javascript cleanly!) which you can combine with e.g.
the Grid Widget and a few more prettifying widgets, in order to create
the kinds of looveliness that is extjs.

> Maybe on its next iteration I'll look
> into pyjamas.

 mmm, that leaves you with an all-or-nothing approach.  there's a
trick you could do, which involves using a pyjamas ui Frame widget,
where you could convert the site one bit at a time.  that's been done
before now.

 if you're already using an AJAX approach in the back-end server
(which it sounds like you are) then you'll be much much further ahead
than many pyjamas converts: all you'd need to do is reimplement page-
by-page the front-end widgets.

 ok gotta go, baby's dragging me away.


python XMLHttpRequest

2010-06-14 Thread lkcl
>  all the methods by which you would have to deal with that GUI loop
> problem have to be asynchronous _anyway_... aaand, what the heck, why
> not just go with the flow and use the pyjamas.HTTPRequest or
> pyjamas.JSONService recommended services, neh?

 sorry to be adding stuff after-the-fact, but this is so ironic and
nuts i have to point it out.  underneath pyjamas.HTTPRequest and
pyjamas.JSONService, that's XmlHttpRequest... no not XmlHttpRequest
from javascript/web-browsers: XmlHttpRequest _from python_!  in the
MSHTML port, it's actually a COM interface wrapper around the
functions found in MSXML3 or MSXML6 DLL :)  and ys, it actually
works, in exactly the same way, identical in virtually every respect
across all the pyjd ports (with the exception of some bugs in
XulRunner/XPCOM), as the exact same javascript object found in web
browsers, with the exact same functions, event-handling callbacks and
so on.

 as an aside to that: i don't recommend you go looking into it (400
comments+ on a bugzilla...), but the development of the glib/gobject
bindings were a total nightmare.  not from a technical perspective,
but from what can only be described as ... well, one of the developers
decided quite early on that i must be some sort of egomaniac, and that
i had to be "taught a lesson".  this "lesson" involved finding any
excuse, method or rule (existing or made up) to jeopardise the webkit-
gtk glib/gobject bindings.  it didn't matter what it was - the answer
"no" _would_ be found.  i call this "technical bullying".

 in the case of the XmlHttpRequest functionality, the justification
was simple: "there are perfectly good gtk networking libraries out
there.  bug closed, that's the end of it.  I, Mark Rowe, Have
Spoken" (implication:  off you dip-).

 it took one of mark rowe's own colleagues, maciej, to point out that
the lack of XmlHttpRequest functionality for the objective-c webkit
bindings had forced at least one iPhone development team, to his
knowledge, to write an "XmlHttpRequest" look-alike - in objective-c!
and that, furthermore, _without_ the bindings to "real"
XmlHttpRequest, that reimplementation's effectiveness was severely
curtailed.  maciej pointed out that the "real" XmlHttpRequest has
access to "onload" event notification, XSS security, and all the other
stuff that makes XmlHttpRequest so powerful: interaction with the web
browser engine and its internal events, workings and state

 now multiply that one experience by 300+ DOM objects, 2000+ W3C DOM
functions and 20,000 W3C DOM properties, all of which had to have glib/
gobject bindings, and you can see how easy it was for one egoistic
webkit developer to jeapordise the chances of success of the
pywebkitgtk project, based on their "superior technical knowledge"
and, if that wasn't superior enough, judicious use of turning a blind
eye to legitimate technically sound arguments.

 the _only_ reason that, after nearly 18 months of delay, webkit now
has _partial_ glib/gobject bindings that are useless as far as pyjamas-
desktop is concerned, is that a) i wore them down: the amount of time
being spent "countering" eevery single fucking argument was just far
too time-consuming b) i embarrassed them: the implications of being
banned from webkit and the manner in which that censorship was carried
done became shameful to them c) this is the important bit: lots of
people *other than me* have been clamouring for webkit-glib/gobject

 so they _had_ to put the glib/gobject bindings in, after all that
effort spent fighting tooth and nail to prevent it... and not having
access to the key developer who worked on it (because of censorship)
it's been a bit of a bitch for them, and it's only about 80% complete,
after 6 months (the initial work only took 10 weeks!)

 upshot is: if anyone wants python bindings to webkit including the
full suite of DOM objects, you're going to have to get onto webkit-dev
mailing list and bitch like a trooper.  nicely, mind :)  the more
people ask (and raise bugreports about it), the less they can say


Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-14 Thread lkcl
On Jun 14, 7:30 pm, Stephen Hansen  wrote:
> On 6/14/10 11:47 AM, lkcl wrote:
> > On Jun 14, 4:17 pm, Stephen Hansen  wrote:
> >  yes.  that's effectively what pyjs applications are about: as much
> > HTML/CSS as you can stand, then _absolute_ pure javascript from there-
> > on in... only using a compiler (python-to-javascript) so as not to go
> > completely insane - and, from the rest of your message, i _know_ you
> > know what i'm talking about, there :)
> Yeah. It sounds very interesting. I just wish it, like, somehow bundled
> webkit cross-platformly. :)
> >  to be absolutely honest, i very rarely even write my own widgets: i
> > advocate that people, myself _especially_ myself included, perform
> > literal line-for-line translations of GWT widgets from java to
> > python.  why? because, again: on the basis that google have tons of
> > money to put into GWT widgets, doing full regression tests, and have
> > thousands of users, they can afford to get the widget right across all
> > the browsers.  ergo, why duplicate that effort - just code-translate
> > it verbatim!
> >  oh, btw, that's turning into quite a powerful project on its own: the
> > goal is to have a fully automated java-to-python translator!
> >
> Somehow this is getting perverse. Java, to Python, to JavaScript. It
> just sounds sort of incestuous. :)
> But also worth looking into for my next web project.
> >> Traditional GUI models vs the web layout model are just alien to one
> >> another, and the latter is -extremely- convoluted.
> >  we've found that there's a third "hybrid" case, and it's hinted at
> > through RIA javascript libraries such as extjs: a traditional GUI
> > model *implemented* as a web app.
> >  so those RIA JS libraries are not "vs", they're _both_.  except...
> > javascript has its own headaches, so that's why both pyjamas and GWT
> > remove _those_ headaches, by using language translators.
> Well, yes. I have some experience with extjs (and making some pretty
> fantastic real-world seeming apps on the web with it), and yeah,
> removing Javascript headaches is a very interesting goal. (Pet peeve to
> end all pet peeves: trailing commas in objects breaks IE. I always leave
> trailing commas, always, in Python code: makes adding stuff easier
> later. And I can't shake doing it in my javascript instinctively).
> The current project occupying my time involves a fairly complicated mix;
> on the server-side we have Pylons, but its interfacing with an external
> application server, so about half of the Pylons layers are "outsourced"
> (i.e., data and model access).
> Then the web interface is ExtJS. Its just getting very, very -- ungainly
> from a maintenance point of view. Maybe on its next iteration I'll look
> into pyjamas.
> >> Now, I do not know QT, but I know wx -- which is implemented
> >> in temrs of gtk, so somehow the wx team got it working on GTK.
> >> wx uses a complicated recursive layout engine (unless you're mildly nuts
> >> and try to do absolute layouts) which in all essence does *exactly* what
> >> you are describing there.
> >  oooOo.  that's _very_ interesting to hear.  i'd assumed that there
> > wouldn't be anything "beneficial" that wx would bring to the table, by
> > using gtk.  ha.  that might be worthwhile doing a pyjd-wx port, then,
> > after all.  hmm.
> Well, I may have overstated it a little bit by mistake.

 he he. rats!

> wx does not require you use this model, and it does not do it on its own
> -- you do have to "design" the flow a little bit.
> wx has two separate containment hierarchies. The first is a
> hierarchical, parent->child relationship. This is what a lot of people
> think is its layout: but its not. It has nothing to do with layout, but
> instead its more about event propagation.

 oh crap, yeah, i forgot about that.  event propagation rules.  darn
it.  y'know what?  forget it - i might as well, seriously, help
implement an entire modern web browser in python, and use that.

> Ahem. /Rant. I'm not saying its the best layout system in the world, but
> like your DOM/HTML example -- its resolution independant (and
> cross-platform), so you can start resizing things and changing the
> window size and it all reflows things as the window resizes. Lots of
> toolkits can do that, but I just really find the sizer approach both
> flexible and very powerful to achieve very usable interfaces. (And its
> very web-like, exc

Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-14 Thread lkcl
On Jun 14, 5:57 pm, rantingrick  wrote:
> I'll have to very much agree with this assessment Stephan. There
> exists not elegant API for these "web" UI's. The people over at
> SketchUp (my second love after python) have this problem on a daily
> bases with WebDialogs. Even the javascript gurus have a dificult time
> juggling javascript, CSS, and Ruby code to make these grumpy beasts
> come to life, and when they do it ain't really pretty.

 ah.  again, the "recommended" pyjamas development model vs the
"standard" development model comes to the rescue, here.  in a pyjamas
app, the app loads ONCE and ONLY ONCE, as one whopping great
javascript behemoth which can be somewhere around 2mb if the original
python (pyjamas) source is around... 15 to 20,000 lines of code.

 from thereon in, you DO NOT do *any* HTML page "GETs": it's a one-
time static HTML/JS load, and THAT's IT.

 the only further interaction that we recommend is first and foremost
JSONRPC (and so, out of the 30 or so pyjamas wiki pages, about 10 of
them involve HOWTOs for interacting with django, pylons,,
web2py, twisted and so on) and the second one, because you have to, is
HTTP POST of Multi-Part FORMs.

 even with the HTTP Forms, you _still_ don't have to leave the "main"
pyjamas (static JS) application page, because the GWT team, bless 'em,
came up with a way to do a hidden iframe which does the HTTP POST in
the background.  _well_ smart cookies, them GWT boys - and we just...
lifted it straight into python :)

 so there's _zero_ further "webuhhh pagizz lohdinn".

 we found some really smart cookie's jsonrpc server-side code, which
turns out to be a stonking JSONRPC service in under 30 lines of code,
where you can turn absolutely any python code, pretty much, into an
RPC service with one import line, one line of code and then one
decorator per function you want to be in the JSON RPC service.

 this approach, on its own, drastically simplifies python web service
development.  now your entire server-side web service is implemented
in terms of *data* _not_ the presentation-of-the-data-mixed-in-with-

the only down-side of this approach _would_ be that you'd now have to
do everything as a JSONRPC client, which if you were in "pure
javascript land" would truly be absolute hell on earth.

 _but_... as we're talking python... ta-daaa! easy :)

 ok, not _entirely_ easy, because it has to be done asynchronously.
make the call, then wait for a response, timeout or a server error -
but, guess what?  you can create a python class with functions
"onResponse", "onError" and "onTimeout" which will be called when the
function has completed (or not) on the server.  ta-daaa :)

 running example:

 pyjamas client-side code:

 so - pyjamas developers _don't_ have the same "juggling" problems
that the "average" advanced AJAX + web-service programmer has, because
everything's compartmentalised along MVC lines:

 i would say that GWT developers don't have the same problems, but
because java is a strongly-typed language, they have a biatch-and-a-
half god-awful time carrying out type-casting of JSONRPC parameters
and the function return type when it comes back from the server,
_even_ though the target language of the compiler is dynamic -

 poor things.  haw, haw :)


Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-14 Thread lkcl
On Jun 14, 5:57 pm, rantingrick  wrote:
> On Jun 14, 11:17 am, Stephen Hansen  wrote:
> > And the recursive flow of the DOM is powerful
> This style of speaking reminds me of our former hillbilly president
> (no not Clinton, he was the eloquent hillbilly!)

 the one with an IQ of 185?

> No i am referring to
> good old "George Dubya".

 the one with an IQ of 190?

> He left us with so many juicy sound bites
> HOST: I’m curious, have you ever googled anybody? Do you use Google?
> BUSH: Occasionally. One of the things I’ve used on the Google is to
> pull up maps. It’s very interesting to see — I’ve forgot the name of
> the program — but you get the satellite, and you can — like, I kinda
> like to look at the ranch. It remind me of where I wanna be sometimes.

 o, you must mean sonny-boy, the one with the IQ of 85 due to
having destroyed his mind with drink and drugs - ahh, yehhs.  the only
thing i can respect that man for is the fact that he insists on going
to bed before 9:30pm.

 yeessh, how did america manage to vote in a president who *started
out* so blatantly unintelligent, as opposed to voting one in who had
an off-the-charts IQ and lost it to alzheimers, dear-old ronnie-boy??


Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-14 Thread lkcl
On Jun 14, 4:17 pm, Stephen Hansen  wrote:

> >> Did you just call DOM manipulation simple with a straight face? I don't
> >> think I've ever seen that before.
> >  *lol* - wait for it: see below.  summary: once you start using high-
> > level widgets: yes.  without such, yeah you're damn right.
> See, the thing is, my background is a little bit mixed.

 ahh?  good.  perfect.

> I've produced
> complex yet approachable and dynamic interfaces for both traditional
> client applications, and similar level user interfaces for the web. In
> the latter case, I don't do HTML/CSS programming anymore as you describe
> it,

 definitely not as "i" would describe it, either!  so let's substitute
"the average web programmer" for the word "you".

> but JavaScript-based building out of the application.

 yes.  that's effectively what pyjs applications are about: as much
HTML/CSS as you can stand, then _absolute_ pure javascript from there-
on in... only using a compiler (python-to-javascript) so as not to go
completely insane - and, from the rest of your message, i _know_ you
know what i'm talking about, there :)

> And the recursive flow of the DOM is powerful (and in some cases,
> superbly suited to a task), but I maintain fully: at no point is it
> easy, simple, or even entirely comprehensible to most average geeks.

 correct.  i don't pretend to get it, completely. i tend to put my
trust in the pyjamas widgets - things with names like "Grid,
FlexTable, Button, HorizontalPanel and VerticalSlider" - and hope for
the best.

 to be absolutely honest, i very rarely even write my own widgets: i
advocate that people, myself _especially_ myself included, perform
literal line-for-line translations of GWT widgets from java to
python.  why? because, again: on the basis that google have tons of
money to put into GWT widgets, doing full regression tests, and have
thousands of users, they can afford to get the widget right across all
the browsers.  ergo, why duplicate that effort - just code-translate
it verbatim!

 oh, btw, that's turning into quite a powerful project on its own: the
goal is to have a fully automated java-to-python translator!

> Traditional GUI models vs the web layout model are just alien to one
> another, and the latter is -extremely- convoluted.

 we've found that there's a third "hybrid" case, and it's hinted at
through RIA javascript libraries such as extjs: a traditional GUI
model *implemented* as a web app.

 so those RIA JS libraries are not "vs", they're _both_.  except...
javascript has its own headaches, so that's why both pyjamas and GWT
remove _those_ headaches, by using language translators.

 so, yah - except when hybridly-hidden behind "widgets", of which
pyjamas has something like... 70, and GWT must have 150+ and upwards,
if you include 3rd party libraries out there that i can't even begin
to count.

> The virtue of the web model is that it is very easy to get "Something"
> out which looks and behaves almost like what you expect or want with
> minimal fuss.
> Then you try to tweak it to get it exactly how you want, and suddenly it
> can devour your soul in a hysterical haze of element style interactions
> along the DOM. And just when you think you have it: somehow the entire
> thing collapses and nothing works. :P

 tell me about it ha ha - been there :)

> Eventually you start to -understand- the DOM, and thinking in DOM, and
> you're clinically a little bit insane, but suddenly it all sort of makes
> sense.
> I think you've gone down this path and are slightly lost to the dark
> forces of the DOM and are no longer seeing that its nutty, cuz
> internally nutty is now natural :)

 no, you'll be relieved to know that, as above, i entirely avoid it
unless absolutely necessary (by cheating, and using the java2python
approach).  i wrote a slider class (veeery basic).  ok, i'm lying
somewhat: after doing almost 40,000 lines of java to python
translation involving heavy amounts of DOM you can't _help_ but begin,
by a process of osmosis, to get to grips with it :)

> I can usually do real-life interfaces
> in traditional GUI models which are far simpler and use less code then
> equivalent DOM based interfaces, /except/ in cases where I have a
> content flow situation. Where large amounts of 'unknown' are inserted
> into an interface and I want everything to go with it well.

 i think i know what you're referring to: obtaining 700+ bits of data
and trying to insert them all at once into the DOM interface, as the
web engine is single-threaded, you lock up the browser.  and there's
no escape!  in these circumstances, the trick recommended is to use a
timer, breaking up the loop and adding bits at a time.  e.g.:

 you can see in onTimer, a simple loop, reads up to 10 lines, fires
the timer again.

 i would _hate_ to have to do this sort of thing in pure javascript.

> That's not to say I think you're actually crazy. I just th

Re: Will and Abe's "Guide to Pyjamas"

2010-06-14 Thread lkcl
On Jun 14, 3:53 pm, lkcl  wrote:

> this is getting sufficiently ridiculous, i thought it best to
> summarise the discussions of the past few days, from the perspective
> of four-year-olds:

 not, of course, to imply in _any way_, that anyone but myself on
comp.lang.python is juvenile and/or delinquent, and not of course, to
imply that any four-year-old is in any way juvenile and/or
delinquent.  bring on the political correctness...


Will and Abe's "Guide to Pyjamas"

2010-06-14 Thread lkcl
>  oh look - there's a common theme, there: "web technology equals
> useless" :)

this is getting sufficiently ridiculous, i thought it best to
summarise the discussions of the past few days, from the perspective
of four-year-olds:


Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-14 Thread lkcl
On Jun 13, 2:34 pm, Stephen Hansen  wrote:
> On 6/13/10 4:29 AM, lkcl wrote:
> >  it's in fact how the entire pyjamas UI widget set is created, by
> > doing nothing more than direct manipulation of bits of DOM and direct
> > manipulation of the style properties.  really really simple.
> Did you just call DOM manipulation simple with a straight face? I don't
> think I've ever seen that before.

 *lol* - wait for it: see below.  summary: once you start using high-
level widgets: yes.  without such, yeah you're damn right.

> HTML+CSS have some very strong advantages. Simplicity is not one of
> them. Precision web design these days is a dark art. (Go center an image
> vertically and horizontally in an arbitrary sized field!)

 stephen, _thank_ you - that was _exactly_ why i decided i flat-out
was NEVER going to do "plain" HTML/CSS programming _ever_ again.  i
spent twwoo weeks trying to do exactly this (well, it was 7
boxes, not an image) - and i failed.

 i succeeded on firefox to get the boxes centred, but with IE, when
you resized the screen, the bloody boxes went off the top!  they were
so "centred" that they went off the top of the screen!  and the bloody
idiotic IE team forgot that you can't scroll _up_ off the top of the
screen :)

 in desperation, i blindly wandered into pyjamas, and went "ye" -
and within 50 minutes i had converted my site to do exactly this.

 you can see the results here: and the main code is

 the relevant (crucial) function is the onWindowResized function which
gets called because of this: Window.addWindowResizeListener(self)

   def onWindowResized(self, width, height):



 the create_layout function basically does this:

width = Window.getClientWidth()

if width > 800:

toprow = HorizontalPanel()
middlerow = HorizontalPanel()
bottomrow = HorizontalPanel()

elif width > 640:

# different types of layout panels


# utterly skinny vertical-only panels

 those three panels are added into another panel which has 100% width
and 100% height, and has "centre" properties attached to its cells;
voila, the boxes always sit in the middle of the screen.  when the
screen is too big for the 100% height outer panel, the boxes "push"
against the constraints of their outer panel, thus forcing the screen
to become bigger and thus automatically a vertical scroll-bar is
added.  for some browsers this results in another onWindowResize
notification and for some it doesn't (eurgh) - but that's another
story :)

 this is what i was referring to in another message... rats, can't
find it now: it was the one asking about why qt4 and gtk2 layouts
don't cut it, and i explained about the recursive complex child-parent
interaction rules between DOM objects.

 but - allow me to write a quick app which does what you ask:

 from pyjamas.ui.Image import Image
 from pyjamaas.ui.AbsolutePanel import AbsolutePanel
 from pyjamaas.ui import RootPanel
 from pyjamas import Window

 class Thingy:
def __init__(self):
   self.panel = AbsolutePanel(Width="100%", Height="100%")
   self.image = Image("";)
   self.panel.add(image, 0, 0) # add in top-left just for now

   # make a "fake" initial window resize notification

def onWindowResized(self, width, height):
   """ ok - ignore the image's width and height
   because you have to wait for it to load, first,
   and that means doing an onImageLoad async notification
   and this is supposed to be a short demo!
   self.panel.setWidgetPosition(self.image, width/2, height/2)


and... yes, honest to god, that's a web application.  _really_ a web
application.  not an HTML/CSS one, but it's still a web application -
and not a single line of javascript or even DOM manipulation in sight.

if you had to do that as javascript, it would be... eurgh - 300 lines
of unreadable crap?  if you had to do that *without the pyjamas ui
widget set* it would be ... ergh... 150 lines of barely tolerable
crap.  but with the AbsolutePanel class, and the Image widget, and the
neat "wrapping" of event handling?  pffh - complete doddle.

i think... this is what's making pyjamas so hard for people to grasp.
it sits literally in the middle b

pyqt4 vs pygtk2 vs pyjamas (was: GUIs - A Modest Proposal)

2010-06-14 Thread lkcl
On Jun 13, 3:43 pm, Michael Torrie  wrote:
> On 06/13/2010 05:29 AM, lkcl wrote:
> >  really?  drat.  i could have done with knowing that at the time.
> > hmmm, perhaps i will return to the pyqt4 port after all.
> We're now wandering well off-topic here, but then again this thread was
> never really on any particular topic.


> I have to say I'm really confused as to your issues with GTK and Qt.

 yeahh... it's kinda necessary to have done complex HTML/CSS-based
layouts (or better yet, an equivalent, e.g. using declarative python-
driven widget-enhanced DOM programming) to appreciate the perspective
i'm coming from.

 the "rules" for table layouts in browsers are (aside from their
technical limitations) incredibly powerful, flexible and ultimately
very very forgiving of users' lack of knowledge and experience.

 use of - reliance upon - these rules results in quite a bit less code
(both for the pyjamas ui widget developers to have to write, and also
for the users/developers of the pyjamas widget set).

 so my expectations were that i should be able to do the same sort of
thing with GTK or QT, and... it just wasn't happening.

 to highlight this further, i should point out that i looked up paul
bonser's browser-written-in-python, called pybrowser:

 in it, you can find some pseudo-code for table/div which he's
obviously looked up somewhere, presumably in W3C DOM specifications.
he's already successfully implemented  rules, but the 
rules he left for another time.

 i tried implementing them: i cannot make head nor tail of the
algorithm/pseudocode :)  it's _that_ complex a recursive interaction,
between block-based and flowing layout objects.

 i mention this because to even _remotely_ attempt to accurately re-
create pyjamas desktop using Qt4 or Gtk2, it would be necessary,
ultimately, to implement the same browser-based recursive layout
algorithm that is already in existing web browsers.

 by doing that, effectively i would actually be creating the vast
majority of the functionality of a web browser... in python!

 and rather than do that from scratch, i would actually be better off
either helping (or waiting for) paul to work on pybrowser, or recover
and work on grailbrowser (which i've begun doing - it now runs under
python 2.4 and just needs all its regular expressions converted from
regex to sre in order to run under python2.5+)

 ... and then using _that_ as the basis for another pyjamas port, by
adding and using W3C DOM functions (which don't exist in grailbrowser
sadly).  paul bonser's work is actually the better underlying
framework: he's already added the W3C DOM TR1 through to TR3
properties and functions, such as getElementById(), appendChild(),
offsetWidth and so on, but grailbrowser is the better _actual_ browser
on account of it actually... working! :)

 in a delicious piece of irony, which brings us back full circle to
the original discussion, python/tk-haters will howwl with fury to
learn that grailbrowser is a fully-functioning 35,000-line python/tk
application :)

> I've seen and done all kinds of fancy widget layouts in Qt and have
> *never* had to subclass layout.  If you think you need to subclass
> QLayout, most of the time you're doing it wrong.  You are familiar with
> how the vertical and horizontal layouts and spacers work in Qt, aren't
> you?


> Sometimes you need a grid for a table or the specialized form
> grid.   But other than that you want a dynamically-sizing layouts most
> of the time.  And Qt's Vertical and Horizontal layouts do that.

 sadly, not to the kind of recursive / child _and_ parent inter-
dependent level as browser layouts that would make it a simple viable

> I'm also confused by your claim that GTK lacks the layout widgets you
> need as well.  GTK has the GtkHBox layout class which acts much like
> your  tag.  Anything to pack in the hbox is automatically layed
> out in a dynamicially-resizing way.

 i did map pyjamas UI HorizontalPanel directly onto GtkHBox, and so
on: i got a long long way, very very quickly by doing that.

 perhaps... perhaps if you have time, if you could take a look at the
pyjd-gtk2 and/or the pyjd-qt4 ports, you might be able to point out
where i'm going wrong.  they're both here:

 they're a bit old, but are functional (install python-gtkhtml2 even
to get the pyjd-qt4 port to run, there's some code still accidentally
left in) and you run them with "" by hacking in the
appropriate class - you'll see what i mean.

> >  excellent!  that actually makes it worthwhile carrying on.  the only
> > other thing that needs solving is that RichText is forced to have its

Re: WebBrowserProgramming [was: GUIs - A Modest Proposal]

2010-06-14 Thread lkcl
On Jun 13, 4:52 pm, (Aahz) wrote:
> In article ,
> lkcl   wrote:
> > i'm recording all of these, and any other web browser manipulation
> >technology that i've ever encountered, here:
> >
> Neat!  Why aren't you including Selenium/Windmill?

 .  cos i'd nver not in a miiillion squillion years heard of
it.  until now.  loovelyy.  ok.  added selenium - now to look up

 thanks aahz.

Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-13 Thread lkcl
On Jun 13, 3:52 pm, Arndt Roger Schneider 
> lkcl schrieb:
> > [snip]
> > it's the exact same thing for SVG image file-format.  i'm
> >_definitely_ not convinced that "SVG the image fileformat" is The One
> >True Way to design images - but i'm equally definitely convinced of
> >the power of SVG manipulation libraries which allow for the creation
> >SVG images using declarative programming.
> You rather severly underestimate the impact from SVG!

 no - i kept things brief, so as not to dominate the postings here:
you've very kindly filled in the blanks, and given far more
information than even i was aware of, which is great.

> 1. SVG is a complete visualization system and not an fancy way to create
> icons.

 ... all of which is accessible via DOM manipulation, via the W3C-DOM-
specified functions through the  element.   use of which has
resulted in the creation of a very powerful _python_ library which re-
presents those SVG Canvas functions.  fillRect. saveContext.

 demo of end-result usage can be seen here:

> Using HTML/CSS/DOM/javascript for application building:
> Well, yes can be done.

 yes, it could.  personally i wouldn't recommend the javascript bit.
it's too dreadful. :)

> HTML is however text oriented; each
> application entirely based on this technology will be saturated
> with text.

 ah - no, it won't.  isn't.  pyjamas apps are the proof that that
isn't the case.  pyjamas applications contain, at the absolute basics,
_one_ HTML file comprising... about eight lines, the most important
two bits being a "meta" tag naming the pre-compiled application, and a
"script" tag with bootstrap.js which knows about the aforementioned
"meta" tag.  that's _it_.  the rest can be done _entirely_ using
declarative-style programming.

 but... if you _want_ to, that "loader" file can be a full-blown PHP
app: just as long as that meta tag is there, and the bootstrap.js is
there, the pyjamas app can be initiated "on top of" the PHP page.
just like any other javascript can be run and can begin to manipulate
the DOM.  so it's just a matter of degree.  you can either specify
almost everything in "text" HTML/CSS or you can do entire DOM-
manipulation or anything in between, to suit _your_ personal

 i must not be explaining this very well, for which i apologise.

> >>or whatever the W3C technology of the month is.
> > :) don't underestimate how much time and money is going into the W3C
> >standards!  and remember, someone's got to implement them, so the
> >actual proof of the pudding is not what the W3C thinks but whether the
> >technology ends up actually in the hands of users and is successful
> >_for users_.
> > l.
> The mony part is definitly important. Tk is actually a good example for
> the working of money-politics (the absence thereof).

 :)  yehhs... and then people complain when it doesn't "look good".
interesting neh?

 hence a reason why i'm advocating to "leverage" the incredible power
of the technologies which _have_ had vast amounts of money/effort
poured into them, with very little effort spent on the "leveraging"


Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-13 Thread lkcl
On Jun 13, 9:01 am, Jeremy Sanders  wrote:
> lkcl wrote:
> >  * in neither gtk nor qt does there exist an "auto-layout" widget
> > that's equivalent to putting some  DOM objects into a ,
> > to "flow" widgets that wrap around.  yes, you can put words into a
> > Label and get them to flow, but not _widgets_.
> I'm pretty sure in PyQt4 that you can derive your own layout class from
> QLayout to get what you want. No C++ is required. You can easily extend PyQt
> without using C++.

 really?  drat.  i could have done with knowing that at the time.
hmmm, perhaps i will return to the pyqt4 port after all.

> There is even an example in the PyQt examples which does something similar
> to what you want: see examples/layouts/

 excellent!  that actually makes it worthwhile carrying on.  the only
other thing that needs solving is that RichText is forced to have its
width and height set.  but it mayyy be possible to create an
appropriate QLayout derivative: i'll have to see.

> Personally I find the Qt layout to be much better than anything provided by
> CSS and HTML. Personally I'd rather be writing complex C++ templates that
> those, though it does give you a feeling of achievement when you get what
> you want with CSS.

 i didn't point this out at the time (and have done so to graham's
post, but it's worth reiterating briefly here): remember that you're
not _entirely_ stuck with "CSS the file-format" - you _can_ do
declarative DOM manipulation (from python): = "#ffcc00"

 that's python _not_ javascript :)

 so, now you can create **kwargs jobbies, you can store properties in
xml fileformats, read them and then "apply" them using **kwargs to the
stylesheets; you can create functions which set multiple CSS
properties at once, based on some calculations and so on.

 so, yah - when you're "stuck" with "just CSS the fileformat", it's a
complete dog.  joy.  lovely.  you can set the width and the
background.  wow, big deal.  but when you start combining it with
python, you've opened up a completely new dimension.

 it's in fact how the entire pyjamas UI widget set is created, by
doing nothing more than direct manipulation of bits of DOM and direct
manipulation of the style properties.  really really simple.


Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-13 Thread lkcl
On Jun 13, 3:34 am, Gregory Ewing  wrote:
> lkcl wrote:
> >  * in neither gtk nor qt does there exist an "auto-layout" widget
> > that's equivalent to putting some  DOM objects into a ,
> > to "flow" widgets that wrap around.
> You essentially seem to be complaining here that pqyqt and
> pygtk are not HTML.

 no, i'm not complaining - i'm pointing out that in my meandering
experiences to pick suitable technology, i found, very simply, that
both pyqt and pygtk didn't cut it.  that's not a "complaint".  so i'm
stating/implying that from the experience that i had with both
toolkits, pyqt and pygtk were not as easy to create layouts or widgets
with (but caveat: jeremy kindly points out that in pyqt there is

 another way to put that: i'm stating that, in my search for suitable
technology to implement W3C-standards-like behaviour, such that i
could map an existing widget set API on top of it, i found both pygtk
and pyqt4's "bang per buck" as far as both extensibility and existing
functionality was concerned to be below an acceptable threshold *for

 statement of "personal experience". not "complaint".

> They have their own auto-layout mechanisms
> that do what they're designed to do well enough -- they just
> happen to be based on a different model from HTML.

 one which turns out to be sufficiently different from HTML as to make
it beyond my time and patience to implement one in terms of the
other.  again - that's not a "complaint", just a statement that i
prefer to leverage technologies where the "bang per buck" or better
"bang per line-of-code" is way above average.

> I'm far from convinced that HTML and CSS are the One True Way
> to design GUIs these days,

 if you have "HTML the fileformat" and "CSS the fileformat" in mind
when saying that, i can tell you right now that they're not.
fortunately, with the W3C DOM functions exposing properties and style
attributes, it's possible to manipulate the exact same attributes that
CSS and HTML "files" provide access to, using a declarative
programming style.

 so with pyjamas you get the best of both worlds.  (and i've found
that the combination of the advanced features of python, and
declarative DOM manipulation, is _definitely_ worthwhile exploring,
and i definitely find it to be far more powerful than pyqt4 or pygtk

 it's the exact same thing for SVG image file-format.  i'm
_definitely_ not convinced that "SVG the image fileformat" is The One
True Way to design images - but i'm equally definitely convinced of
the power of SVG manipulation libraries which allow for the creation
SVG images using declarative programming.

 but, all that having been said, and returning to "HTML and CSS (the
fileformats)", there's a lot to be said for convincing people who are
stuck in those worlds of the benefits and freedom of declarative
programming... _without_ having to get involved directly in

> that web apps are about to take over
> the world, etc. There is still a place for GUI toolkits that
> are not based on the DOM,

 that there definitely are.

> or whatever the W3C technology of the month is.

 :) don't underestimate how much time and money is going into the W3C
standards!  and remember, someone's got to implement them, so the
actual proof of the pudding is not what the W3C thinks but whether the
technology ends up actually in the hands of users and is successful
_for users_.



Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-12 Thread lkcl
On Jun 12, 7:29 pm, Terry Reedy  wrote:
> On 6/12/2010 9:26 AM, lkcl wrote:
> > [ye gods, i think this is the largest thread i've ever seen,
> For python-list, it is possibly the longest this year, but definitely
> not of all time ;-)

 oh dearie me...

> >   yep.  that's why i ported pyjamas, which was a web-only/browser-only
> > UI toolkit, to the desktop.  it's a _real_ eye-opener to try to use
> > the "failed" ports of pyjamas to both pygtk2 and pyqt4, which you can
> > still get at see pyjd-pyqt4
> > and pyjd-pygtk2
> >   these failed ports give you the clearest and bluntest indication of
> > the failings of pyqt4 and pygtk2.  after using those two "top"
> > mainstream python GUI widget sets, i didn't try any others.
> Can you expand on this? In brief, What were the 'failings' and were they
> failings of the wrappers or the underlying toolkits?

 the toolkits themselves. it's related to layout, to presentation, but
most of all to the implementation of the most basic widget - Label!
i actually got quite a long way with the qt4 port, after deciding to
deal with Label some other time, but then... ok, best to read on :)

 * in neither gtk nor qt does there exist an "auto-layout" widget
that's equivalent to putting some  DOM objects into a ,
to "flow" widgets that wrap around.  yes, you can put words into a
Label and get them to flow, but not _widgets_.

 * in neither gtk nor qt is HTML properly supported.  qt has a
"RichText" widget but it's drastically limited.

 * if in gtk you use PyGTKHTML2 you cannot expect it to take care of
its own width and height: you *have* to set width and height,
whereupon it immediately defeats the container's layout rules.  (and i
just was not prepared to do "onresize" notification throughout the
entiiire UI wrapper toolkit, explicitly implementing W3C DOM rules in
terms of gtk or qt widgets, examining the size of the HTML text after
it had been drawn once, then... gaah.  _no_.)

 * GTKHTML3 does have "flow" capability, and even allows you to attach
widgets to the layout based on the "id" associated with bits of
HTML... but PyGTKHTML3 was dropped because webkit came along, and
everyone loved that so much they abandoned work on making python
wrappers to GTKHTML3.

 * qt4 "RichText" _also_ fails to set width and height correctly and
requires explicit width and height setting, in pixels, which _again_
defeats container layout rules.

 * in implementing a Pyjamas Grid widget using qt4, qt4's Grid widget
turned out to have a bug where the Layout Container classes could only
be added once.  you're _supposed_ to be able to remove the widgets and
the Layout Containers and be able to re-add and re-lay-out the Grid,
but this failed miserably: the widgets _remained_ in-place and were
drawn _twice_.  whoops.

 * developing containers for both gtk and qt4 (one idea suggested to
solve some of the above problems) requires writing c code, and
adoption of the resultant containers by the respective communities.  i
scratched that idea as unworkable.

 * both gtk and qt4 can use webkit to display HTML.  all i ing
wanted was a Label widget to display a word or a sentence, not an
entire whopping 12mb library with a runtime overhead of 6mb per
widget!  so the use of pywebkitqt or pywebkitgtk _just_ to implement
pyjamas.ui.Label was absolutely out of the question.

 * there's no way you can apply CSS stylesheets to gtk or qt4 (and
Qt4's RichText certainly doesn't support CSS).  one developer i spoke
to at the time was working on exactly this, for gtk, but it was an
"afterthought" - and more of a GTK "theme".  you certainly weren't
going to be able to add a CSS style on a per-id basis: only to
"classes" of widgets (Buttons etc.)

 the second thing i had to consider was: how the hell am i going to
implement the embedded object tag, using gtk or qt4?  although it _is_
possible to put ... ohh... what is it... you can embed ... something,
i can't remember what it is, but there's a way to put SWF into gtk
apps... well, i realised i was looking at this entirely the wrong way.

 and that was the point at which i went, well wtf am i doing
considering shoe-horning a square peg into a round hole for, when i
can just use webkit with glib/gobject bindings and then python
bindings on top of that, or xulrunner with python-xpcom for that
matter, and dropped both gtk and qt4 like scalding hot coals and made
a beeline for webkit's source code.  hulahop, the missing piece of the
"xulrunner" puzzle, turned up a few months later; once the dust had
settled from those, MSHTML actually turned out to be a breeze.

 so i apologise if you were expecting a short answer, but

Re: WebBrowserProgramming [was: GUIs - A Modest Proposal]

2010-06-12 Thread lkcl
On Jun 12, 6:14 pm, Stephen Hansen  wrote:
> On 6/12/10 9:20 AM, lkcl wrote:
> >  there are _lots_ other options that i know of.  here are three of the
> > best:

> > [list of browser engines cut for brevity]

> Although I didn't state it or even hint at it, I thought it was implied
> and obvious-- though obviously I was wrong ;-) Oops!

 i just wanted to do a "completeness" thing.  apologies, there.

Re: safer ctype? (was GUIs - A modest Proposal)

2010-06-12 Thread lkcl
On Jun 12, 6:05 pm, Stephen Hansen  wrote:
> On 6/12/10 9:55 AM, lkcl wrote:
> > On Jun 12, 8:11 am, "Martin v. Loewis"  wrote:
> >> Notice that it's not (only) the functions itself, but also the
> >> parameters. It's absolutely easy to crash Python by calling a function
> >> through ctypes that expects a pointer, and you pass an integer. The
> >> machine code will dereference the pointer (trusting that it actually is
> >> one), and crash.
> >  what's so bad about that?  (this is a genuine, non-hostile, non-
> > rhetorical, non-sarcastic question).
> >  (if the answer is "because you can't catch a segfault as a python
> > exception", then the question is repeated)
> ... ?!
> Its not OK for code written in Python to cause a segfault; its not OK

[i knew this would be the / an / something-like-the answer, but i'm
just... "reading the script" so to speak]

> Its one of the reasons why we *like* Python at my day job. (Though it
> applies to nearly any other high level language): its inherently safer.
> A programming goof, oversight or unexpected event causes an exception.
> It doesn't cause a buffer overflow.

 ok... analogy: when using g++ to compile c++ code, would you place
use of "asm" statements into the same sort of foot-shooting category?

> P.S. Yes, I do understand that ctypes invalidates those assumptions. And
> that's OK. Every once in awhile, with great care and research to make
> sure I know what I'm doing, I'll take the risk anyways. I do understand
> the policy in terms of the stdlib though. I just wish it didn't apply to
> win32 API's somehow. No, I know its not at all logical. Leave me alone. :)

 teehee :)

Re: Python ctypes / pywin32 [was: GUIs - A Modest Proposal]

2010-06-12 Thread lkcl
On Jun 12, 5:56 pm, Robert Kern  wrote:

> >   just because a library has a means for programmers to shoot
> > themselves in the foot doesn't mean that the programming language
> > should come with kevlar-reinforced bullet-proof vests.
> That's exactly why it's *in* the standard library, but also exactly why it 
> won't
> be *used by* other parts of the standard library. If it's used by other parts 
> of
> the standard library, then it won't be the case that only the sanest and most
> careful of programmers are going to use it.

 ack.  understood.  thank you.

> >   removal of ctypes would be a big, big mistake.  i trust that i have
> > misinterpreted the implication of what you're saying, martin.
> Yes.

 ok whew :)

Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-12 Thread lkcl
On Jun 12, 3:07 pm, Kevin Walzer  wrote:
> On 6/12/10 9:44 AM, lkcl wrote:
> >   that's not quite true - you can create a simple core which is easily
> > extensible with third party contributions to create more comprehensive
> > widgets.
> That's exactly the design philosophy of Tk: a small core widget set
> (recently expanded somewhat with the ttk widgets) and an API that is
> easily extensible, either at the script level (megawidgets, cf. using an
> entry widget and a listbox to build a combobox) or at the C level (more
> complex, but hardly impossible).

 thank you for pointing this out, kevin.  learned a lot today, just
from reading this one thread.  about msg no 170 was where  mention of
tk libraries for opengl, and various other types of highly
sophisticated widgets were mentioned.

 personally i think that these third party comprehensive extras alone
make the answer to "should there be a replacement for python-tcl/tk" a
resounding "no" but then i don't really need to say that - we kinda
know the answer's "no" anyway :)

> I've used a browser-based app before (Adobe AIR app running in IE) and
> while it wasn't horrible, I certainly did not prefer it to a native
> desktop app: I got sick of waiting for the app to reload because of a
> slow network connection.

 yeahh, adobe AIR is basically webkit.  not entirely sure what else
they did with it - extended it to include their much-abused version of
ecmascript (aka actionscript).  never really been that interested in
it, being a pythonist myself :)  i think there's something about
flash/AIR apps that just grates against the nerves.  it doesn't really
matter what reasons people come up with - it just feels... "wrong".

 that's not to say, however, based on that _one_ leveraging of browser-
based web-app technology, that _all_ browser-based web-app technology
falls into the same "feels wrong" bucket.  coming back to pyjamas
(again - sorry!) as an example:

 take a look at maxima's reply: you can clearly see that he's nuts
about pyjd, and finds it to be slightly scarily wonderful for GUI
development.  perhaps it's because it's pythan, and free software-
based, not adobe-driven, i don't know.

 *shrug* :)


Re: safer ctype? (was GUIs - A modest Proposal)

2010-06-12 Thread lkcl
On Jun 12, 8:11 am, "Martin v. Loewis"  wrote:

> > Got me thinking, is it perhaps doable to have a 'safe' ctype that is
> > guaranteed to be in the stdlib? Perhaps crippling it in a sense that it
> > only allows a known set of functions to be called?
> In some sense, a C module wrapping a selected number of functions
> (like the win32 extensions) is exactly that.
> Notice that it's not (only) the functions itself, but also the
> parameters. It's absolutely easy to crash Python by calling a function
> through ctypes that expects a pointer, and you pass an integer. The
> machine code will dereference the pointer (trusting that it actually is
> one), and crash.

 what's so bad about that?  (this is a genuine, non-hostile, non-
rhetorical, non-sarcastic question).

 (if the answer is "because you can't catch a segfault as a python
exception", then the question is repeated)


WebBrowserProgramming [was: GUIs - A Modest Proposal]

2010-06-12 Thread lkcl
On Jun 10, 6:56 pm, Stephen Hansen  wrote:

> For example: if you want to embed a CSS-capable web-browser into your
> app? PyQT is actually your best option-- albeit a commercial one if
> you're not open source.. wx/Python haven't yet finished WebKit
> integration(*).

 there are _lots_ other options that i know of.  here are three of the

 * python-comtypes and wrap an IWebBrowser2 instance (out of MSHTML) -
you can get a win32 GDI "handle" id out of this: if you know what
you're doing, you could likely embed that into a gtk or qt app, just
in the same way as you can embed X11 "windows" into pygtk apps, by
knowing the X11 window "handle" id.

 * python-xpcom and python-hulahop on top of xulrunner.  hulahop is
the python "magic glue" between GTK and the XPCOM "access" interface
to the xulrunner web engine.  hulahop allows the xulrunner engine to
be embedded as a python gtk "widget", whilst also giving you a handle
to the xpcom interface.

 * pywebkitgtk - in its current released/stable form, it gives you
juuust enough to embed a web browser, but you can't actually get
access to any of the DOM functions (unlike hulahop/xpcom and comtypes/

 i'm recording all of these, and any other web browser manipulation
technology that i've ever encountered, here:


Python ctypes / pywin32 [was: GUIs - A Modest Proposal]

2010-06-12 Thread lkcl
On Jun 10, 6:26 pm, "Martin v. Loewis"  wrote:

> >> or PyGui would need to be implemented in terms of ctypes (which then
> >> would prevent its inclusion, because there is a policy that ctypes
> >> must not be used in the standard library).
> > Is there? I wasn't aware of that. What's the reason?
> ctypes is inherently unsafe.

 that's ok.  only the sanest and most careful of programmers are going
to use it.  and all they're going to do is crash their application if
they get it wrong.  or, on an OS which is _known_ to be so unstable
that it will fall over with the slightest provocation, crash the OS
and require a press of that little button which was moved to the front
_just_ to deal with that OS's instability, once again.

 just because a library has a means for programmers to shoot
themselves in the foot doesn't mean that the programming language
should come with kevlar-reinforced bullet-proof vests.

> It must be possible to remove it
> from a Python installation,

 as long as that's not an official policy statement that ctypes will,
at some point in the future, be removed from python, i'm happy.

 the last thing i want to have to do is to have to include and
maintain, as part of the pyjamas download, a complex python-ctypes
library in order to get at the win32 functions "CreateWindowEx"; the
second last thing i want to have to do is rewrite pyjd's MSHTML port;
the third last thing i want to have to do is state that a 2nd and
_much_ larger library dependency/download is required: pywin32.

 one of the really nice things about having chosen ctypes and a copy
of henk punkt's file is that the only dependency required
is one single 350k download: python-ctypes.  last time i looked,
pywin32 was a whopping 6mb, and there's _nothing_ in pywin32 that pyjd
actually needs.

 i deliberately bypassed python-win32com for exactly the same reason:
it turns out that direct ctypes access to Variant and all other OLE /
COM types is perfectly sufficient.

 removal of ctypes would be a big, big mistake.  i trust that i have
misinterpreted the implication of what you're saying, martin.


Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-12 Thread lkcl
> That's the reason why it won't happen. Everybody asking for change is
> not willing to lead the effort. Everybody who would be able and might be
> willing to lead the change fails to see the need for change.

 *lol*.  i don't know why, but i think that's so hilarious i might
make it my .sig.  it must be because it's so beautifully zen and

 there are foools who aren't confident and know it;
 there are foools who _are_ confident, and experienced enough to not
try it.

 that just leaves the foools who are confident enough to try it, but
whom nobody will follow :)

 it's a bloody wonder anything gets achieved at all in free software
ha ha :)


Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-12 Thread lkcl
On Jun 9, 5:38 pm, rantingrick  wrote:

> Yes we need a leader. Someone who is not afraid of the naysayers.
> Someone with Guido's vision. When the leader emerges, the people will
> rally.

 ... Mahh?  Whey'rus ma guuhhn? haww haww


Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-12 Thread lkcl
On Jun 9, 5:16 pm, Ethan Furman  wrote:
> Gregory Ewing wrote:
> > Kevin Walzer wrote:
> >> PyGUI ... certainly is *not* a lightweight GUI toolkit that could
> >> easily be incorporated into the Python core library--it instead has
> >> rather complex dependencies on both other GUI toolkits and Python
> >> wrappers of those toolkits.
> > I don't see how the dependencies could be regarded as "complex".
> > There's more or less only one on each platform, and they're
> > pretty standard accessories for the platform concerned. You could
> > say there are two on Linux if you count gtk itself, but you almost
> > certainly already have it these days if you're running any
> > kind of desktop at all.
> *Alert*  Potentially dumb question following:  On the MS Windows
> platform, Gtk is not required, just win32?

 by using python-comtypes and python-ctypes, you can pretty much
control absolutely anything that's installed, and access just about
anything: any win32 dll, any function.  some of the function
parameters you might have to guess, but it's doable.

 in this way you can actually access the win32 GDI (graphics driver
interface) which is a serrriously low-level GUI toolkit built-in to
the win32 API, and can implement much higher-level APIs on top of it.
GDI is somewhat at the level of the X11 protocol.

 as it's so low-level, the number of applications which actually do
this is _extremely_ small.  the only reason i got involved at all was
to do the bsolute minimum amount of work required to embed _one_
single object instance into a GDI window, taking up the entire width
and height: an IWebBrowser2 OCX control, lifted straight out of

 you can look at what i did, here:;a=tree;f=pyjd;hb=master

 see and is lifted straight out of a
library by henk punkt; is a mish-mash amalgam of various bits
of code i found by googling for 3 weeks solid on variations of "python
MSHTML IWebBrowser2" and so on.  much of the work that i found i had
to go back _years_, to older versions of python and older python
libraries that have long since been retired because nobody bothered
with the techniques that were offered.

 so, yah. thanks to henk punkt's little module, it's
possible to "appear" to have direct access to win32 functions such as
"CreateWindowEx", and thanks to python-comtypes it's possible to get
access to the COM interface of DLLs and then you're off (in this case,
with the fairies).


Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-12 Thread lkcl
On Jun 9, 11:16 am, ant  wrote:

> And who are the beginning programmers going to turn into? If we do our
> stuff right, Python programmers. If not,
> Java or PHP or Visual Basic programmers. Or website designers. Or
> worse (is there a worse?).

 yes - Java programmers who use COM under Win32 to connect to a OCX
browser plugin written in Visual Basic, in a website written in PHP.

 no - wait: Java programmers who use COM under Win32 to connect to a
Silverlight .NET application written in Visual Basic, in a website
written in PHP.

 yeeehawww.  got all the god-awful trite crap which has driven people
nuts for years, and into the welcoming and consoling arms of the
python community, alll into one gory sentence.



Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-12 Thread lkcl
On Jun 9, 8:45 am, Lie Ryan  wrote:
> On 06/09/10 08:20, Martin P. Hellwig wrote:

> > I do think it is technically possible to have your own window manager in
> > python on x11 but I have no idea if you have equal possibilities on mac
> Doesn't Mac uses an X server as well?

not by default, no.  you have to install it (from the XCode bundle/


p.s. i skipped replying to the other message but yes there is actually
an implementation of x11 directly in pure python.  you can use it to
write window managers in it.  but it's _not_ an x11 server
implementation, it's just equivalent to... ooo... probably libx11:
i.e. it connects to e.g. KDE, GDM, Fvwm and sends and responds to

Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-12 Thread lkcl
On Jun 9, 5:12 am, rantingrick  wrote:
> But you know i think it boils down to fear really. He is comfortable
> in his life and wishes to keep it as cookie cutter as he can. Any
> outside influence must be quashed before these meddling forces can
> take hold of him. He is so fearful of seeing the light in an opposing
> argument that blinding himself from reality is easier than facing
> reality.

 a very wise person told me a phrase which he'd heard, and i believe
it's relevant and hope you won't mind me quoting it:

 "stress is where the mind compares the internal world with the
external, cannot cope with the discrepancy, and places blame on the
*external* world".

 there's food for thought in that, for all concerned.  nobody's
actions, here, are "wrong", they just "are".


Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-12 Thread lkcl
On Jun 7, 9:25 pm, Arndt Roger Schneider 
> Terry Reedy schrieb:
> Forget postscript!
> Generate SVG from  a tk canvas or --better-- from tkpath.
> Jeszra (from me) generates SVG. There is also a SVG export

 ... orr, you use a modern web browser engine such as XulRunner 1.9
(the engine behind FF 3+), or webkit (the engine behind arora, midori,
safari, android, chrome, palm's webos, adobe AIR, iphone, ipad,
appcelerator, nokia S60 browser, the IE chrome plugin, blackberry 4
OS's web browser, and god knows what else).

 and you create python bindings to that modern web browser engine, and
you can then use DOM manipulation (like javascript, only in python) to
get at those SVG functions, and much much more.

 ... how does that sound?

> Will any big GUI-Framework work on those devises?
> No!

 yes.  called a web browser.  most likely a modern webkit-based

> Will SVG run on thoses devices?

 yes.  in the webkit-based web browser.  or the "opera mini" browser.
etc. etc.


Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-12 Thread lkcl
On Jun 6, 10:55 pm, ant  wrote:
> On Jun 6, 2:22 pm, ant  wrote:> I get the strong feeling 
> that nobody is really happy with the state of
> > Python GUIs.
> What an interesting set of responses I got!
> And - even more interesting - how few of them actually seem to think
> there is a problem, let
> alone make any attempt to move the situation forward.
> I appreciate that there are proponents of many different GUIs. I am
> asking that all step back
> from their particular interests and - for example - try to see the
> situation from the viewpoint of
> - say - a Python newbie, or an organisation that is thinking of
> switching from (example only!) Visual Basic.
> I obviously didn't make my main point clearly enough; I'll restate it
> with a different emphasis:
> The default GUI shipped with Python is Tkinter.
> Few people seem to like it much. This has several consequences.
> - It has not blossomed, like Python has.
> - There are not hundreds of talented programmers making rapid and
> impressive improvements to it.
> - Books about Python use it in examples (because it IS the default),
> but imply that one should move on.
> The result that our hypothetical new recruit has to make a choice for
> the new, big project. Remember that
> GUIs have hundreds (sometimes thousands) of classes, functions and
> constants. Let alone idioms and design
> patterns. That is what I meant by 'Our resources are being
> dissipated'; the effort of learning, remembering
> and relearning a workable subset of these is substantial.
> So it would be good to be able to use One Right Way, not try several
> (as I have - I will admit I didn't try PyQt;
> GUI fatigue was setting in by then).
> If we are to make progress, I can see two obvious approaches:
> 1) Improve Tkinter to the point where it is supportable and supported
> by a good fraction of Python programmers
> or
> 2) Drop Tkinter as the default and use something else.
> If we choose 2) then we have a new set of possibilities:
> 2a) Use one of the 'major' GUIs, pretty much as is, but presumably
> with a lot more people supporting it if it is the default.
> 2b) Use one of the 'minor' GUIs, and get a lot of people working on it
> to make it really good.
> 2c) Start from scratch. With a project supported by the Community as a
> whole, with the agreed objective of being the default.
> None of these is easy. All require strong leadership and great
> committment.
> What surprises me is the apparent willingness of the Python community
> to let this issue slide.

 ah - i think... i believe you may be confusing realism with
fatalism.  experienced python developers are also experienced,
specialist c programmers (amongst other things) and experienced
software engineers.  they've been around a while (10+ years).  they
_know_ how much effort is involved in creating a major project such as
a GUI widget set (and you can get a wildly-wrong but nevertheless
useful answer from statistics, by going to
for example)

 so, spec'ing it out, we _know_ that to create a decent GUI widget
set, from scratch, in c (to make it fast enough) would be... ye
gods... 50 man-years of effort, minimum?  you _might_ be able to
reduce that by using somebody else's library (libcairo, libpango)
but... just... _why_??

 so this was why i went "f*** that!" and "leveraged" web browser
technology, jumping from virtually nothing (an abandoned python-to-
javascript compiler project) to a world-class GUI toolkit, in under 18
months of _part time_ effort.

> My concern is simple: I think that Python is doomed to remain a minor
> language unless we crack this problem.

 ah. take a look at that chart that keeps cropping up every now and
then: python is _not_ a minor programming language.  most likely due
to django, it's rated about 7th with about ... i think it was 6%
share.  perl is now _under_ 4%!

 so i don't believe there are any concerns there: python has enough
alternate uses other than as a GUI toolkit to keep it going :)


Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-12 Thread lkcl
On Jun 6, 10:49 pm, Kevin Walzer  wrote:
> > - Pythonic
> > - The default GUI (so it replaces Tkinter)
> > - It has the support of the majority of the Python community
> > - Simple and obvious to use for simple things
> > - Comprehensive, for complicated things
> > - Cross-platform
> > - Looks good (to be defined)
> > - As small as possible in its default form
> These goals are not all complementary. In fact, some of them, such as
> "small" and "comprehensive," are mutually exclusive.

 that's not quite true - you can create a simple core which is easily
extensible with third party contributions to create more comprehensive

 in the GWT arena, you have gwt-g3d, gwt-incubator, gwt-gchart and so
on, all of which were created very easily thanks to the power of the
underlying GWT core codebase, _none_ of which are actually included
into GWT by default, _all_ of which can be installed by users and
simply "imported" just like the core.

 now s/GWT/pyjamas and you have the exact same thing, and all the
satisfiable requirements are met.


Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-12 Thread lkcl
[ye gods, i think this is the largest thread i've ever seen, but i
still feel compelled to wind back to the beginning and spew forth

On Jun 6, 2:22 am, ant  wrote:

> I get the strong feeling that nobody is really happy with the state of
> Python GUIs.

 yep.  that's why i ported pyjamas, which was a web-only/browser-only
UI toolkit, to the desktop.  it's a _real_ eye-opener to try to use
the "failed" ports of pyjamas to both pygtk2 and pyqt4, which you can
still get at - see pyjd-pyqt4
and pyjd-pygtk2

 these failed ports give you the clearest and bluntest indication of
the failings of pyqt4 and pygtk2.  after using those two "top"
mainstream python GUI widget sets, i didn't try any others.

> Whether or not we like graphics programming, it's not going to go
> away.

 no you're right, it's not.

 ... but as web browser technology development continues to
accelerate, the top mainstream GUI technology (not just python GUI
technology) is going to look more and more archaic in comparison.

> I ask the group; should we try to create a new GUI for Python, with
> the following
> properties?:
> - Pythonic
> - The default GUI (so it replaces Tkinter)
> - It has the support of the majority of the Python community
> - Simple and obvious to use for simple things
> - Comprehensive, for complicated things
> - Cross-platform
> - Looks good (to be defined)
> - As small as possible in its default form

 i invite anyone considering starting a new python GUI project to
consider these questions:

 * how much effort has been and is being spent, right now, on
developing and debugging each of the python GUI widget sets, as
compared to the efforts on web browser technology (MSHTML, KHTML ok
maybe not kHTML, WebKit, XulRunner)?  (put another way: how long have
web browsers existed and how much user-market-share do web browsers
have, compared to GUI and python GUI widget sets?)

 * are python GUI widget sets easy to compile cross-platform, as
compared to web browser technology which is _definitely_ cross-

 * how easy is it to extend the existing python GUI widget sets with
"new" or "custom" widgets, as compared to web browser technology where
you can manipulate bits of DOM?  if you're not sure of how simple/
complex each task is, read and compare these:

 * how easy is it, using the "new" or "custom" widget extension
methodology of existing python GUI widget sets, to extend that widget
set to "keep up" with modern GUI advancements and user expectations,
as compared to enhancing web browser technology?

   actually, this is a deliberately misleading question, but it at
least illustrates that it's damn hard for GUI widget set developers to
"keep up".  in fact, many GUI widget set developers are actually
embedding web browser technology as a widget in order to avoid the
problem! (pywebkitgtk, pyqtwebkit etc.)

 * better question: how much time and money by large corporations with
their associated vested interests is being invested into python GUI
widget sets, as compared to how much by those same corporations into
the W3C DOM Standards process and the resultant improvements and
advances in web browser technology?

 * final question: how easy is it to create python "wrappers" around
DOM browser technology, thus leveraging and riding on the back of the
_vast_ amounts of effort and money being poured into web browser

 answer for MSHTML (aka Trident Layout Engine): using python-comtypes
- 3 weeks.

 answer for WebKit: using glib/gobject and pygobject "codegen" to
augment pywebkitgtk - 12 weeks

 answer for XulRunner: using python-hulahop and python-xpcom - 2

 answer for Opera's engine: unknown, because the developer hasn't
responded yet. (it's qt-based, so it would be estimated around 12
weeks, if they haven't already done the work).

 so can you see where this is at?  and that's why pyjamas/pyjamas-
desktop exists.  a _completely_ non-corporate-funded, _tiny_ team is
riding on the back of the vast amounts of money and resources
available to google, apple, nokia, microsoft, mozilla foundation and
so on, and we're sitting back and offering it as free software to
people to create applications that are as powerful as the underlying
web technology on which the pyjamas UI toolkit is based.

and with the addition of WebGL (3D SVG) and HTML5 (Video etc.), web
technology is becoming pretty powerful.

so this is why it can be claimed that pyjamas competes with
silverlight and with adobe AIR/Flash, and it's not to do with pyjamas
"per se": pyjamas is just a "leveraging" technology to ge

pyjsglade: GTK-glade-like UI builder for pyjamas

2010-06-11 Thread lkcl

kees bos, the primary programmer who added all of the incredible
python features to the pyjs compiler, such as support for yield, long
data type and much more, has just started a project "pyjsglade".  its
purpose is the same as that of GTK glade: allow developers to build
GUIs based on an XML file format.

whilst he's pretty much literally only just begun the project, it's a)
useable because he needs it to be, for a work-related project b) kees
is such a ridiculously competent programmer that by the time you read
this it'll likely be 50% functional :)

anyway, i thought i'd just let people informally know.


Re: historic grail python browser "semi-recovered"

2010-06-10 Thread lkcl
On Jun 10, 6:17 pm, MRAB  wrote:
> lkcl wrote:
> > On Jun 9, 11:03 pm, rantingrick  wrote:
> >> On Jun 9, 4:29 pm, lkcl  wrote:
> >>> um, please don't ask me why but i foundgrail, the python-based web
> >>>browser, and have managed to hack it into submission sufficiently to
> >>> view e.g.  out of sheer apathy i happened to
> >>> have python2.4 still installed which was the only way i could get it
> >>> to run without having to rewrite regex expressions (which i don't
> >>> understand).
> >>> if anyone else would be interested in resurrecting this historic web
> >>>browser, just for fits and giggles, please let me know.
> >> Hi lkcl,
> >> My current conquest to bring a new (or fix the current GUI) in
> >> Python's stdlib is receiving much resistance. I many need a project to
> >> convince my opponents of my worth. Tell you what i do, send me a text
> >> file with a pathname and all the line numbers that have broken regexs
> >> using a common sep --space is fine for me-- and i'll fix them for you.
> >> Here is a sample...
> >  ok i've committed a file REGEX.CONVERSIONS.REQUIRED into the git
> > repository,
> >
> > git://
> >  i used "grep -n" so it's filename:lineno:  {ignore the actual stuff}
> >  unfortunately, contains some _vast_ regexs spanning 5-6
> > lines, which means that a simple grep ain't gonna cut it.  there's a
> > batch of regex's spanning from line 650 to line 699 and a few more
> > besides.
> >  of course, it has to be borne in mind that this code was written for
> > python 1.5 initially, at a time when python xml/sax/dom/sgml code
> > probably didn't exist.
> >  but leaving aside the fact that it all needs to be ripped up and
> > modernised i'm more concerned about getting these 35,000 lines of code
> > operational, doing as small transitions as possible.
> The regex module was called 'regex'.

 yes.  there's a python module in 2.4 called which can
"understand" and convert _most_ regex expressions to re.

> I see that the name 're' is used as
> a name in the code.

 bizarre, isn't it?


Re: historic grail python browser "semi-recovered"

2010-06-10 Thread lkcl
On Jun 9, 11:03 pm, rantingrick  wrote:
> On Jun 9, 4:29 pm, lkcl  wrote:
> > um, please don't ask me why but i foundgrail, the python-based web
> >browser, and have managed to hack it into submission sufficiently to
> > view e.g.  out of sheer apathy i happened to
> > have python2.4 still installed which was the only way i could get it
> > to run without having to rewrite regex expressions (which i don't
> > understand).
> > if anyone else would be interested in resurrecting this historic web
> >browser, just for fits and giggles, please let me know.
> Hi lkcl,
> My current conquest to bring a new (or fix the current GUI) in
> Python's stdlib is receiving much resistance. I many need a project to
> convince my opponents of my worth. Tell you what i do, send me a text
> file with a pathname and all the line numbers that have broken regexs
> using a common sep --space is fine for me-- and i'll fix them for you.
> Here is a sample...

 ok i've committed a file REGEX.CONVERSIONS.REQUIRED into the git

 i used "grep -n" so it's filename:lineno:  {ignore the actual stuff}

 unfortunately, contains some _vast_ regexs spanning 5-6
lines, which means that a simple grep ain't gonna cut it.  there's a
batch of regex's spanning from line 650 to line 699 and a few more

 of course, it has to be borne in mind that this code was written for
python 1.5 initially, at a time when python xml/sax/dom/sgml code
probably didn't exist.

 but leaving aside the fact that it all needs to be ripped up and
modernised i'm more concerned about getting these 35,000 lines of code
operational, doing as small transitions as possible.


Re: historic grail python browser "semi-recovered"

2010-06-10 Thread lkcl
On Jun 9, 10:58 pm, Thomas Jollans  wrote:

> give us a copy then, just for the laughs. ^^ Post it on bitbucket,
> maybe? (or send me a copy and I'll do it)

 remember it only works on python2.4 or less right now!

Re: historic grail python browser "semi-recovered"

2010-06-10 Thread lkcl
On Jun 9, 11:03 pm, rantingrick  wrote:
> On Jun 9, 4:29 pm, lkcl  wrote:
> > um, please don't ask me why but i foundgrail, the python-based web
> >browser, and have managed to hack it into submission sufficiently to
> > view e.g.  out of sheer apathy i happened to
> > have python2.4 still installed which was the only way i could get it
> > to run without having to rewrite regex expressions (which i don't
> > understand).
> > if anyone else would be interested in resurrecting this historic web
> >browser, just for fits and giggles, please let me know.
> Hi lkcl,
> My current conquest to bring a new (or fix the current GUI) in
> Python's stdlib is receiving much resistance. I many need a project to
> convince my opponents of my worth. Tell you what i do, send me a text
> file with a pathname and all the line numbers that have broken regexs
> using a common sep --space is fine for me-- and i'll fix them for you.

 yegods - i'm going to have to create a python script to do that :)
 shouldn't take me  30 mins.  i'll also upload the source of grail
 to or summink, first.


Re: historic grail python browser "semi-recovered"

2010-06-09 Thread lkcl
On Jun 9, 9:29 pm, lkcl  wrote:

> if anyone else would be interested in resurrecting this historic

 ... "historic, archaic, dinosaur-driven, vastly-overrated but one-of-
a-kind and without precedent before or since" web browser...


 p.s. except for paul bonser's "pybrowser" which he's delayed working
on, despite a heck of a lot of groundwork.

historic grail python browser "semi-recovered"

2010-06-09 Thread lkcl
um, please don't ask me why but i found grail, the python-based web
browser, and have managed to hack it into submission sufficiently to
view e.g.  out of sheer apathy i happened to
have python2.4 still installed which was the only way i could get it
to run without having to rewrite regex expressions (which i don't

if anyone else would be interested in resurrecting this historic web
browser, just for fits and giggles, please let me know.


Re: is there a way to warn about missing modules *without* running python?

2010-06-09 Thread lkcl
On Jun 5, 2:16 pm, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> Neither Python, nor Javascript (as far as I know -- I welcome
> corrections) do static linking.

 for the command-line versions of javascript such as spidermonkey, i
believe that a keyword/function is dropped into the global namespace -
"load", which take one argument (a filename).

 in browsers, it's much more waffly: anything that is tagged as
"script language='javascript'" gets executed in a global namespace
(into which two strategically critical global variables have been
dropped: "window" and "document", which is really the only "real" clue
that you have that this is javascript in a web browser engine, not
javascript at a command-line).

 so, if the DOM happens to ever get modified (typically using AJAX),
such that an additional node with a tag of "script" and an attribute
"language='javascript'" happens to get added, the browser engine
_happens_ to notice and _happens_ to execute the resultant newly-added

 this well-known but horribly archaic technique is about as close to
dynamic module loading that you're ever likely to get in web browsers.

 everything else is "static", so to speak, and _everything_ operates
in one monster global namespace (on a per-page basis).

 ... but i digress :)

> Python modules are, conceptually speaking, like DLLs. They are loaded at
> runtime, not at compile time. This has many advantages over static
> linking, but some disadvantages as well.

 thank you, steve - i believe this is the crux of the matter (which
terry's analogy expanded on).  much appreciated the replies.



Re: is there a way to warn about missing modules *without* running python?

2010-06-09 Thread lkcl
On Jun 5, 7:24 pm, Terry Reedy  wrote:
> On 6/5/2010 9:42 AM, lkcl wrote:
> > if someone could perhaps explain this (in a different way from me), in
> > the context of "python the programming language" and "python the
> >http://python.orginterpreter";, i.e. having absolutely nothing to do
> > withpyjamas, i would be most grateful, and it would benefit that
> > user's understanding of python.
> I do not know the background of your user, but here is my try:
> Loading a Python module at runtime is like loading a song, picture, or
> web page. An import statement is like a web page link.

 thank you, terry - that's a good analogy.


is there a way to warn about missing modules *without* running python?

2010-06-05 Thread lkcl
folks, hi,

although i know the answer to this question, i'm having difficulty
explaining it, to a user on the pyjamas list.  i was therefore
wondering if somebody could also provide an answer, on this list, to
which i can refer the user.

to make it clear: the user is confused as to why the pyjamas compiler
(which strictly speaking isn't actually a compiler it's a "language
translator", translating from one dynamic language into another
dynamic language, feature-for-feature, concept-for-concept) is _not_
making any effort to help or advise the user at *COMPILE TIME* when
they make the mistake of trying to import a module that does not
exist.  they are confused as to why they have to go to all the trouble
of executing the [translated] javascript code in a web browser engine,
where web browser engines are known to be a complete pain as far as
debugging is concerned, just to find out that they made a mistake in
mis-naming an import module.

in other words, they are confusing the concept of "python as a dynamic
language" with the concept of "compiler in the traditional static-
language-such-as-c-or-c++ sense".

i've tried explaining that the answer is because this has absolutely
-all to do with pyjamas, and has everything to do with the programming language, but i'm not getting through to

if someone could perhaps explain this (in a different way from me), in
the context of "python the programming language" and "python the interpreter", i.e. having absolutely nothing to do
with pyjamas, i would be most grateful, and it would benefit that
user's understanding of python.

many thanks,



Re: Python is cool!!

2010-05-10 Thread lkcl
On Mar 23, 4:55 pm, Jose Manuel  wrote:
> I have been learning Python, and it is amazing  I am using the
> tutorial that comes with the official distribution.
> At the end my goal is to develop applied mathematic in engineering
> applications to be published on the Web, specially on app. oriented to
> simulations and control systems, I was about to start learning Java
> but I found Python which seems easier to learn that Java.
> Would it be easy to integrate Python in Web pages with HTML? I have
> read many info on Internet saying it is, and I hope so 

 jose, hi,

 perhaps it should be pointed out that there are four completely
different types of answers, as outlined here:

 python can be involved in absolutely every single one of those four
separate types of answers.

 you should ideally read that article to determine which of the four
approaches is most appropriate for you, and let people here know; and
then people here will be able to respond accordingly and advise you
accurately and with less time spent on their part, in guessing what it
is that you want to do.


Re: Python is cool!!

2010-05-08 Thread lkcl
On Mar 25, 3:01 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers  wrote:
> Jose Manuel a écrit :
> > I have been learning Python, and it is amazing  I am using the
> > tutorial that comes with the official distribution.
> > At the end my goal is to develop applied mathematic in engineering
> > applications to be published on the Web, specially on app. oriented to
> > simulations and control systems, I was about to start learning Java
> > but I found Python which seems easier to learn that Java.
> Python is indeed quite lightweight when compared to Java. But it has
> it's share of non-obvious features, dark corners, gotchas, and plain
> warts too.

 good god. it does?? :) that's news to me, bruno! where? i haven't
found _any_ of those things - it's aaalll been blindingly obvious
and... ok maybe not metaclasses i alllmost grok those :)


Re: pyjamas 0.7 released

2010-05-07 Thread lkcl
On May 2, 7:16 am, Wolfgang Strobl  wrote:
> lkcl :
> > at least _some_ input would be good!  the knowledge doesn't have to
> >be there: just the bugreports saying "there's a problem and here's
> >exactly how you reproduce it" would be a start!
> >> So please make it simpler for more people to help.
> > ... how?? there's a bugtracker, wiki, svn repository, over 30
> >examples and a developer list.  the code really _is_ very very small
> >(the UI widget set, with around 75 widgets, minus the license header
> >text is only around 4,000 lines _total_, making it very very simple
> >and very very easy for people to get used to).  suggestions welcome!
> Well, the bunch of programming languages and APIs I collected over the
> years is large enough already. These days I prefer to stay with python
> and c, spiced with an occasional domain specific language. That's why I
> was attracted bypyjamas, to begin with!.  If I'd like to program using
> Eclipse and Java or fool around with JavaScript, I'd do just that. But I
> don't.  IMHO, that ist a general problem of translation tools - they
> attract the wrong people, from the point of view a developer who looks
> for people sharing some of the workload. :-)
> So, Luke, I can only answer your question from the point of view of
> somebody who is mostly a potentional consumer of your work, and most
> problably not another developer. If you want to delegate some work you'd
> like not to do yourself (for example because you prefer designing and
> coding to testing and reorganizing and polishing the docs), than you
> have at least to _define_ those pieces and to monitor progress.

 the project's run on a much much simpler basis than that: anyone who
wants to contribute absolutely anything, ask, and you get svn access -
simple as that.  you get told what the rules are (code that's
committed to trunk must work, must have a commit message, must be
"single-purpose", must follow PEP8 mostly and so on - the usual
obvious stuff).

 that's pretty much it.

 the project really _is_ run on the basis of it being "a useful tool
for the developers, and if other people benefit from it that's great".

 kees wanted a better interpreter, i granted him svn rights, and in
about four to five months he absolutely smacked the compiler into
incredible and amazing shape, including implementing "yield" - fully
and properly across _all_ browsers so that it passes even the python
regression tests.

 me, personally, i would be happy with the state the compiler was in,
back in 0.5, because that limited functionality served _my_ purposes.
but, for kees, it definitely didn't: he wanted to be able to compile python code "as-is" and that meant that the
compiler _had_ to be improved.

 so it's much _much_ simpler than "delegation of tasks".  someone
wants to do something? _great_ - knock yourself out.

 that having been said: we do have a TODO list.  unsurprisingly, it's
in the top level directory, called "TODO" :)

> >> > then please issue bugreports for as many as you feel comfortable
> >> >with / have time for.  
> Well, ok. I put my notes in a Google chart, see 

 ouh, absolutely absolutely fantastic, thank you.  ok.  yep.  the
Controls one, someone provided a patch contributing the 2-axis slider
and base class, but it was a bit of a mess, and i belieeve it only
compile(s/d) with --strict.  i've made some changes, _thank_ you for
pointing these errors out, i've recorded them in issues.

> I had to write a short patch against (see issue 397) in order
> to make it compile the showcase examples on Windows.

 okaay, good stuff.

> In addition, I've tried to create Selenium tests for automating the time
> consuming job of checking all those examples, using Selenium IDE in
> Firefox. I was my first experience using this against Ajax apps. The
> results are somewhat mixed. Playing a round of "lightout" was a breeze,
> but so far I hadn't much luck in driving the showcase example(s). I
> didn't try very hard, though, because I ran out of time, as I do now.  

 hell, your input has been incredibly valuable, i'm very grateful for
the time you've put in.

 btw yes i started doing a UITest because yes, it's silly to have to
do so much manual work.  by writing a UITest app the goal is to be
able to run the tests automated even across pyjd platforms.  it'd be
possible but raather tricky to run selenium under xulrunner/pyjd.


Re: pyjamas 0.7 released

2010-04-29 Thread lkcl
On Apr 29, 6:37 am, Wolfgang Strobl  wrote:
> Look at it from the point of view of people walking by, trying to decide
> whether they should invest some of their time into digging into yet
> another framework and library.

 yes.  _their_ time - not mine.  the pyjamas project has always been
done on the basis that skilled software developers such as myself and
others ... how-to-say... "invite" other people to benefit from the
fact that they want to have tools which make _their_ lives easier.

 as we receive absolutely no money of any kind from any sponsor or
other free software organisation nor from any corporation, there _is_
no money to spend on doing the "usual" kind of free software project,
where the developers are paid / funded to deal with issues effectively
"for free".

 so instead i encourage and invite people to contribute, and some do,
and some don't: the end-result is the product of everyone's collective

> >> and that there is no way of
> >> telling, other than by trying each one out in turn?
> > yepp  that's correct.  across multiple browsers and across multiple
> >desktop platforms.  nine in total.  which is why i asked for community
> >input this time.
> It's hard to come by with valuable input when the baseline - what is
> expected to work under which circumstances is unknown. Don't expect the
> community having as much knowledge about all the relevant topics as you
> have.

 at least _some_ input would be good!  the knowledge doesn't have to
be there: just the bugreports saying "there's a problem and here's
exactly how you reproduce it" would be a start!

> So please make it simpler for more people to help.

 ... how?? there's a bugtracker, wiki, svn repository, over 30
examples and a developer list.  the code really _is_ very very small
(the UI widget set, with around 75 widgets, minus the license header
text is only around 4,000 lines _total_, making it very very simple
and very very easy for people to get used to).  suggestions welcome!

> Other people have
> other projects, where they invest some of their own time and money in.

 yes. been there. didn't receive any return on investment. did some
projects. received about 25% of required money to pay bills.  need
£15k pa; receiving approximately £7-8k.

> >>  I didn't look at
> >> every example again, but AFAIK, this didn't change with 0.7. (Tried with
> >> Python 2.6.4/5 on WinXP/7 with Firefox and Chrome, if that matters).
> > then please issue bugreports for as many as you feel comfortable
> >with / have time for.  
> Ok, will do.

 thanks.  i fixed the lightout one, don't worry about that.

> > no, because they're all intended to work.  ohh... wait... are you
> >referring to some of the django-based ones?  
> No. Having written a few small django apps myself, I'm certainly aware
> about such dependencies. But are you aware that's there is no simple way
> to tell whether certain apps have environment dependencies like this?
> Avoiding examples depending on django is obvious.  What about the
> infohierarchy sample, for example?

 that's reading text files using HTTPRequest (just like the Bookreader
and Slideshow examples), so there's no dependency like that.

 each of the examples, if it has dependencies such as django, it's
assumed that you know how to install and configure django, and there's
instructions in the README to set things up.

> I'm talking about messages like
> lightout TypeError: lightout.RootPanel().,get is no function
> and such.

 hooray!  thank you!  a bugreport!  ok, that was a one line fix:

@@ -85,6 +85,6 @@ class Game(SimplePanel):
 if __name__ == '__main__':
 game = Game(3)

 so, don't worry about that one, it's done.  small change to the API
(to support something that someone else needed) had knock-on effects.

> I'll make a list over the weekend.

 thank you.  greatly appreciated.

> >> Given my original motivation for looking into it - may I ask whether
> >> there is a working example for a dnd operation, somewhere?
> > the person who started the port of gwt-dnd requested that they be
> >"left alone" to complete it, but then didn't.  the use of
> >and manual conversion i can do about 1000 lines per day, and people
> >i've guided before usually take about 3x longer than me.  i don't have
> >money to work on even 1 line let alone 1000, so if you'd like to go
> >through the code, converting it and the examples, i'm happy to advise
> >(on thepyjamas-dev list so that other people can contribute as well
> >if they choose).
> Hey, I'm just asking, after looking around for a while and finding none,
> I'm not demanding anything.

 no problem, i understood that you weren't - i was just making it
clear that i know what's involved.

> Thanks for the detailed explaination of how to do a conversion, which
> I've deleted here for brevity. I'll give it a try, but it will requir

Re: pyjamas 0.7 released

2010-04-28 Thread lkcl
On Apr 28, 7:00 am, Wolfgang Strobl  wrote:
> lkcl :
> >On Apr 25, 9:37 pm, Wolfgang Strobl  wrote:
> >> Daniel Fetchinson :
> >> >> for fits and giggles, to show what's possible in only 400
> >> >> lines of python, here is a game of asteroids, written by joe rumsey.
> >> >> yes, it runs underpyjamas-desktop too.
> >> >>
> >> >This URL returns a blank page for me on firefox 3.3.5 (linux) with and
> >> >without adblock plus.
> >> (Firefox
> >> 3.6.3 with ABP, Chrome 4.1)
> > yep.  apologies.  didn't want to play asteroids, wanted to do a
> >release.  
> Sure.  :-) But you made a very prominent reference to it. Btw., 
> both name 0.6 as
> the current version. Shouldn't that be changed to 0.7?

 yes.  haven't got round to it yet.

> Two weeks ago, I played around with the trunk version, looking for an
> working drag&drop example. I didn't find anything, but noticed some
> unfinished code in a dnd subdirectory. Are you aware of the fact that
> many of the examples just don't work

 no - because i specifically asked people, in the 0.7 pre-releases, to
report any bugs found on and i
said that once a certain amount of time had elapsed without receiving
significant bugreports, i would do a release.

> and that there is no way of
> telling, other than by trying each one out in turn?

 yepp  that's correct.  across multiple browsers and across multiple
desktop platforms.  nine in total.  which is why i asked for community
input this time.

for the 0.6 release i spent about a month of my own time and money
doing the necessary verification, and i decided i wasn't going to
place the entire burden of testing onto my own shoulders, this time,
because pyjamas is a _community_ project and is _not_ funded by
google, PSF, or any other organisation, foundation or company.

>  I didn't look at
> every example again, but AFAIK, this didn't change with 0.7. (Tried with
> Python 2.6.4/5 on WinXP/7 with Firefox and Chrome, if that matters).

 then please issue bugreports for as many as you feel comfortable
with / have time for.  i _did_ tell people this time that i was
relying on community input more than for 0.6.  thus, the "quality" of
the release depends on collective input.

> There are quite some impressive working examples, but the user
> experience is somewhat lacking and hampered by stumbling over faulting
> examples, IMHO. May I suggest to restrinct some overview page to the
> working examples, only?

 no, because they're all intended to work.  ohh... wait... are you
referring to some of the django-based ones?  no, you can't be, because
the page won't refer you to them.

> Given my original motivation for looking into it - may I ask whether
> there is a working example for a dnd operation, somewhere?

 the person who started the port of gwt-dnd requested that they be
"left alone" to complete it, but then didn't.  the use of
and manual conversion i can do about 1000 lines per day, and people
i've guided before usually take about 3x longer than me.  i don't have
money to work on even 1 line let alone 1000, so if you'd like to go
through the code, converting it and the examples, i'm happy to advise
(on the pyjamas-dev list so that other people can contribute as well
if they choose).

 it's quite straightforward, and somewhat mind-numbing and detail-
orientated: the absolute most important thing is _not_ to "get
creative", but just "trust" the original gwt-dnd code and simply do
"rote" conversion. does 95% of the work: it's interfaces,
sub-classes and function/operator overloading where things get a
little hairy.  oh, and references to "self", a concept which doesn't
exist in java (and can't help with except in one special
and obvious case).

 other than that: there _is_ sufficient in there to simply "roll your
own" drag-and-drop.  you have access to mouse events; you can create
state... it's not hard.  but, if you're counting on a _lot_ of dnd
work, doing the semi-automated conversion of gwt-dnd would be a goood


Re: pyjamas 0.7 released

2010-04-27 Thread lkcl
On Apr 26, 11:25 pm, Patrick Maupin  wrote:
> On Apr 26, 4:12 pm, lkcl  wrote:
> >  and, given that you can use AJAX (e.g. JSONRPC) to communicate with a
> > server-side component, installed on and effectively do the
> > exact same thing, nobody bothers.
> I suppose, but again, that pushes off the security thing.  There are a
> lot of obvious ways to make unintended security holes in a
> application,

 not to an experienced web developer.  by starting the browser at a
URL which can only used once, you can effectively do the same trick
that X-Server X-Auth "magic cookies" does.

> so I'm sure there are also a lot of ways that would be
> unobvious to this security non-expert.  And, of course, the real
> dealbreaker is, it still requires a separate install.

 not necessarily.  luis pamirez created pygtkweb (a reimplementation
of gtk widgets, to be compiled to javascript, to run in a web browser)
and he created it as a stand-alone app that 1) fired off a web browser
2) ran a small cgi-bin-esque web service 3) served static (pre-
compiled) pages 4) served AJAX to the compiled app.

 with pyjd, that "step 1" can be bypassed or more specifically step 1
and 2 can be combined into the _one_ python app (two threads /
processes); you effectively combine the "start the window with the
browser engine in it" step with the "start a mini web server" step.

 so it can be done: it's just not "immediately obvious".


Re: pyjamas 0.7 released

2010-04-26 Thread lkcl
On Apr 26, 6:52 pm, Patrick Maupin  wrote:
> On Apr 26, 8:44 am, lkcl  wrote:
> >  the purpose of browsers is to isolate the application, restrict its
> > access to the rest of the desktop and OS, so that random applications
> > cannot go digging around on your private data.
> Well, I would agree that a "requirement" for the browser is to help
> insure the user's safety, but would argue that the *purpose* is
> somewhat more functional than that :-)

 we know :)

> >  many browsers _used_ to allow access to local files etc. but ...
> > yeah.
> I know.  But, with most browsers, you can say "yes, I know I'm
> downloading this Java program.

 ... which requires a java plugin

> I know it can have its way with my hard
> drive.  Trust me; I know what I'm doing here."  Same thing with Adobe
> or Microsoft stuff:  silverlight,


> AIR,

 aka webkit (modified) plus plugins

> flash,


> PDFs.

 often done as a plugin (e.g. mozplugger for firefox)

>  Basically, the
> browser delegates ALL security control at that point.  I just think it
> would be nice if the browser could delegate a _little_ security
> control to the user ("allow this JavaScript program to read/write
> arbitrary files in this directory"; possibly with a total file size
> limitation) for programs that can run inside the browser.

 on IE, this is already possible - without needing plugins.  "active
scripting".  however, it requires security settings that people simply
aren't equipped to correctly modify.

> >  so i think you will be able to do what you describe _if_ you provide
> > a browser plugin which adds the required functionality.
> Agreed.  Alternatively, of course, you could have code to let the user
> "download" to a local file from the application's local storage area
> for backup purposes, but that seems suboptimal.
> >  google gears would be a good place to start (i've part-ported GWT
> > Gears topyjamas- the SQL storage modules - to demonstrate what's
> > needed).
> I think even gears assumes a database under the browser's control; not
> an arbitrary node in the filesystem.  Also, I think gears is no longer
> being developed.  Of course, gears could be OK as a starting point,
> but really what you are saying is that everybody wanting to use this
> new file local storage feature would need an add-on.  I agree that's
> probable, but in that case it's only really worth doing if a lot of
> projects would use it.

 preeeciselyyy.  which is why nobody does it.

 and, given that you can use AJAX (e.g. JSONRPC) to communicate with a
server-side component, installed on and effectively do the
exact same thing, nobody bothers.

 the JSONRPC stuff is pretty trivial (if annoying by the fact that
it's asynchronous function calls, client-side) - and there are half a
dozen server-side implementations.  the ones we recommend people use
with pyjamas are actually damn good: decorators turn an "ordinary"
function into a JSONRPC service with a single import and a single line
of code (decorator) per function.  that's _it_.  the actual
implementation, aside from "apt-get install simplejson" is about
_thirty_ lines of code (incredibly) for joining up JSONRPC to django
or web2py etc. etc.

 it's so small an amount of code that the django developers are
refusing to include it in the standard distribution, because it
doesn't look scarily complicated enough, doesn't make programming with
JSONRPC difficult enough for them, and generally makes life "too
easy".  i love it when programmers get scared by code that appears to
be "too easy" and "not stressful enough to be acceptable", because
then they stay away from me, thank goodness.

 but - yeah: JSONRPC's definitely your most sensible pragmatic
option.  server-side you can then do absolutely anything.  if you use
pyjs, you then have the advantage that the application will still work
as pure python under pyjd _even_ though it uses HTTPRequest, because i
made damn sure that the XmlHTTPRequest objects which you _expect_ to
use "javascript-only" _still_ work even under the three ports
(pywebkitgtk, xulrunner and MSHTML).  (that was fun-and-games and
there's still massive repercussions with the fucking crack-heads from
the webkit team over the access to XmlHTTPRequest from glib/gobject...
just don't ask for details... )

> >  if however you completely ignore browsers from the equation, by
> > virtue of having to piss about writing c code, then yes, you can use
> >pyjamas-desktop.  at that point, you have _full_ access to the entire
> > OS and system, because you're firing up the web browser 

Re: pyjamas 0.7 released

2010-04-26 Thread lkcl
On Apr 25, 9:37 pm, Wolfgang Strobl  wrote:
> Daniel Fetchinson :
> >> for fits and giggles, to show what's possible in only 400
> >> lines of python, here is a game of asteroids, written by joe rumsey.
> >> yes, it runs underpyjamas-desktop too.
> >>
> >This URL returns a blank page for me on firefox 3.3.5 (linux) with and
> >without adblock plus.
> works. (Firefox
> 3.6.3 with ABP, Chrome 4.1)

 yep.  apologies.  didn't want to play asteroids, wanted to do a
release.  joe has done an updated version (that only works with pyjs
not pyjd) which has sound.  it uses a hidden iframe containing an
adobe swf plugin, and javascript to communicate with the hidden
iframe, sending it "commands" to play certain sounds at certain
volumes.  once i work out how to do the same trick in pyjd, it'll get



Re: pyjamas 0.7 released

2010-04-26 Thread lkcl
On Apr 25, 8:38 pm, Patrick Maupin  wrote:
> On Apr 25, 8:49 am, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 
> wrote:
> >pyjamas- the stand-alone python-to-javascript compiler, and separate
> > GUI Widget Toolkit, has its 0.7 release, today.  this has been much
> > delayed, in order to allow the community plenty of time between the
> > 0.7pre2 release and the final release, to review and test all the
> > examples.
> I know I'm a Luddite, but what I'd really love to see to go with this
> is an easy way for the application, the browser, and the user to all
> agree that this particular application can read and write arbitrary
> files in a particular local directory.

 you'll have to be a bit clearer about what you mean, because it's
probably perfectly possible with one of the pyjamas-desktop ports, but
that would leave the browsers "out in the cold", thus defeating the
purpose of pyjamas being cross-platform, cross-browser, cross-desktop
and cross-widget-set.

> A Python program you don't have to install, that executes really fast
> on one of the newer JavaScript JIT engines, with its own purely local
> data in files in a simple text format in a directory specified by the
> user,

 the purpose of browsers is to isolate the application, restrict its
access to the rest of the desktop and OS, so that random applications
cannot go digging around on your private data.

 many browsers _used_ to allow access to local files etc. but ...

 so i think you will be able to do what you describe _if_ you provide
a browser plugin which adds the required functionality.

 google gears would be a good place to start (i've part-ported GWT
Gears to pyjamas - the SQL storage modules - to demonstrate what's

 if however you completely ignore browsers from the equation, by
virtue of having to piss about writing c code, then yes, you can use
pyjamas-desktop.  at that point, you have _full_ access to the entire
OS and system, because you're firing up the web browser engine as a
python application.

 i've done something like this with pyjdwm -


Re: pyjamas 0.7 released

2010-04-26 Thread lkcl
On Apr 26, 12:45 pm, Jean-Michel Pichavant 
> Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> > [snip]
> Am I the only one getting this error ?

 yes, because you're the only one using easy_install.  you'll need to
read and follow the instructions in README and INSTALL.txt

 the installation procedure requires, without fail, that you run
"python" which can NOT be added to a standard ""
script without causing massive problems.

 it is imperative that the python source which is part of the pyjamas
core libraries be kept ABSOLUTELY separate from standard
core libraries.  implementations of,, and many
more CANNOT be allowed to be part of the "standard"

 these libraries cannot be treated as "code"

 these libraries cannot be treated as "data".

 the dumb-system called "easy_install" cannot cope with the necessary
distinction; it does not _have_ a means to treat libraries as
"critical" but neither "code which gets installed in the standard
place in the standard way" nor "data".  thus we cannot use it.

 thus, you need to read the instructions, and follow them.


> easy_install --prefix /home/jeanmichel -mpyjamas
> Searching forpyjamas
> Reading
> Reading
> Best match:pyjamas0.7
> Downloading
> Processingpyjamas-0.7.tgz
> error: Couldn't find a setup script in
> /tmp/easy_install-y3peDk/pyjamas-0.7.tgz
> [1]    12487 exit 1     easy_install --prefix /home/jeanmichel -mpyjamas


Re: Interacting With Another Script

2010-04-25 Thread lkcl
On Mar 11, 2:16 am, alex23  wrote:
> Victor Subervi  wrote:
> > > There's a program (vpopmail) that has commands which, when called, request
> > > input ("email address", "password", etc.) from the command line. I would
> > > like to build a TTW interface for my clients to use that interacts with
> > > these commands.
> The Pexpect[1] module is pretty much aimed at doing exactly this.
> 1:

 i also made some patches to back in 2000, creating an and then using that in  the code is still
in python's bug tracker, and no fucker has integrated it, despite it
still being valid, relevant and useful, in ten years since.

 the code basically creates a base class from which the "old"
telnetlib derives, but it also provides an additional class
TelnetPopen which, as you might expect, can be used to run python
popen and then use _all_ of the functions in telnetlib which should
never have been hard-coded as specifically being associated with the
Telnet class (hence why i moved them to

 it's therefore possible to use it to do ssh "as if" it was telnet
(remember to use the -t option to stop terminal translation, and
remember to use TelnetPopen because otherwise you have to patch ssh to
accept passwords on the command-line!)

 in order to avoid clashes with, i often rename it to and i believe i've regularly published them in other
free software projects, so you should find it with a search for
"".  if you can't specifically find the two modules, let
me know, and i'll make them available somewhere.



Re: (snmp code) perl to python

2010-04-25 Thread lkcl
On Apr 25, 9:41 am, Shabbir Ahmed  wrote:
> hi hope all are doing good, i have code written in perl which quries
> too many devices and then stores the result in mysqldb, whiel shifting
> to python and googling i heared of and studied google asynch python
> code, now i wanted to use it n convert my perl code to it but i have
> some problem.
> 1. this class creates forks every snmp query and returns un ordered
> result without any information that which oid returned which result,
> where as in my code i query all only if a parent oid returns true, now
> i dont know how to read specific oid.
> algo of perl code,
> read all the ips and communities from mysql then fork function for
> every router so that all the equipment are queried at once, it creates
> that much saperate process of equipment ips,
> function that is forked:
> loop for all the interfaces: check if the inteface is up
> -> if so read the interface ips.
> -> save result in mysql tables.
> kindly help me convert this code to python or make this logic in
> python.

 if the code is particularly long (greater than 2,000 lines) then you
might wish to look at and use it as the basis to write a
"dumb" assistant in doing much of the code-conversion:

 this program is _not_ parser-based (yacc, ply, oMeta2) it is line-
based and state-based.  specific assumptions are made about the code
layout (braces in K&R formatting style for example) and, thanks to the
high code-quality of the code it was used to translate (GWT) this was
not in the slightest bit a problem.

 so, _in combination with a code-cleaner_ such as "indent", which
regularises the formatting of whatever god-awful-looking perl you want
to translate, the approach indicated by will save you a lot
of time and mistakes.

 think about it, even if the code you want to translate is 500 lines.
that's 500+ lines you need to rewrite, whereas something as simple as
267 lines of python could help automate that process of conversion.


Re: look at the google code

2010-02-22 Thread lkcl
On Feb 19, 10:41 am, Allison Vollmann 
> Last update from yesterday, is the same project?

 only the tarballs are maintained on there, and the wiki and the issue
tracker.  we couldn't get control of that site for quite some time so
started using sourceforget for svn, but the issue tracker on
sourceforget is truly dreadful.

 basically there's bits of pyjamas splattered all over the place in a
pick-n-mix setup :)  mostly this is for the convenience of the key
developers - welcome to free software, where the developers do what
they like because it makes _their_ lives easier...


Re: What happened to pyjamas?

2010-02-22 Thread lkcl
On Feb 19, 2:43 pm, John Pinner  wrote:
> It appears that, in trying to cut down spm, somone chahnged a DNS
> entry and screwed it up : it shouldbe back before long.

 yep.  i've now got access to the web interface for the dns whois
records.  they got poo'd up (only one entry) and then the person who
made the changes was ill for a couple of days.

 i needed to change the DNS server to one that i control (rather than
a "dumb" get-free-hosting-for-£1.99-a-month provider so that i could
add (using a pyjamas-based wiki of course), move
away from sourceforge VHOSTS, and generally set things up a little bit


Re: Newbie advice

2009-11-10 Thread lkcl
On Oct 29, 7:00 am, alex23  wrote:

> However, if you're already comfortable with HTML/CSS, I'd recommend
> taking a look atPyjamas, which started as a port of the Google Web
> Toolkit, taking Python code and compiling it into javascript. The
> associated project,Pyjamas-Desktop, is a webkit-based desktop client/
> widget set; so ideally you only have to write one UI and it'll run
> both on the web & the desktop.
> Pyjamas:
> Pyjamas-Desktop:

 thank you for mentioning these, chris.  the information on pyjd is
slightly out-of-date.

 * pyjamas-desktop was merged into pyjamas as of the 0.6 release.

 * there are now three alternative back-ends for pyjamas-desktop,
   (just as there are three major web browser engines).  MSHTML,
   xulrunner and webkit.

   Opera's engine cannot be included because Opera's developers have
   not responded to invitations to provide an engine / library to
   python bindings can be added.  when they have provided python
   a port of pyjd to use them can be done in approximately two weeks.

 * the webkit-based back-end is the least-recommended, due to
   of the webkit developer, mark rowe.  mark rowe has shown consistent
   disrespect for free software contributions to make webkit with glib/
   bindings actually useful and useable, and has ensured that anyone
   wishes to proceed with getting webkit its glib/gobject bindings
   have an unacceptably hard time.  efforts to work with the other
   developers, which were proving successful, were deliberately
   by, and terminated by, mark rowe.

 * the MSHTML-based back-end is surprisingly the most successful of
   three pyjd ports.  it requires _very_ little in the way of
   to be installed: only python-comtypes (at 250k) which is in
   contrast to the other ports, which require whopping 30mbyte
   of libraries and dependencies.

 * the xulrunner-based back-end is the best option for unix-based
   the design of xulrunner's core infrastructure, XPCOM, however, is
   slightly ... "incomplete".  it is based on DCOM, but does not
   the exact same capabilities as DCOM (no coclasses).  the upshot is
   that current releases of xulrunner work perfectly well for
   but 2D SVG Canvas "Image" loading.  (i have a patch for xulrunner
   fixes this one single error)

so - it's a mixed and interesting bag of tricks.

full and comprehensive non-javascript bindings to web technology seems
to be a thoroughly misunderstood and underexploited area, with several
variations on the same theme being available from several competitive

the nice thing about pyjamas is that just as pyjs makes all the
differences "go away" when pyjamas apps are compiled to run in web
browsers, pyjamas-desktop makes those differences "go away" when
pyjamas apps are run as pure python on the desktop.


Re:, is this a bug ?

2009-11-07 Thread lkcl
On Nov 7, 2:20 am, "Gabriel Genellina"  wrote:
> Yes, seems to be a bug. But given the current status of imputil, it's not
> likely to be fixed; certainly not in 2.5 which only gets security fixes
> now.

 well, that bug's not the only one.  the other one that i found, which
i have been specifically ordered not to report (that or _any_ python
bugs, of which there have been several discovered in the past eight
months), will have to wait until the python developers rescind that

if the python community is lucky, by the time that decision is made, i
will not have forgotten what those bugs are.

> (that is, self.fs_imp.import_from_dir(item, name)). Or perhaps
> item.encode(sys.getdefaultfilesystemencoding()). str(item) definitively
> won't work with directory names containing non-ascii characters.
> Why are you using imputil in the first place?

 it's an absolutely necessary and integral part of pyjamas-desktop
"platform overrides".

 it's absolutely essential to track, in exactly the same manner in
which python "normally" performs importing, and to give the platform-
specific "overrides" a chance to get in there, first.

 so, it is absolutely essential to have a correct working version of - and due to the bugs present, and the unwillingness of the
python team to fix those bugs, pyjamas-desktop is forced to maintain a
copy of

 the "platform" is set to e.g. hulahop, pywebkitgtk or mshtml,
depending on the decision made by the user or the developer to use a
particular browser engine.  the platform name is stored in
pyjd.platform in exactly the same way that the system name is stored
in sys.platform.

 the way that the platform-specific overrides works is to perform AST
translation of the module, and then to look for the exact same module
but in platform/{modulename}{platformname}.py and perform AST
translation of _that_ module as well.

 then, at the top level, any global functions in the platform-specific
AST tree *replace* those in the "main" AST.  likewise, a node-walk
along all methods in all classes of the platform-specific AST tree.

 in this way, god-awful messy code like this:
 class Widget:
 def do_something(self):
if platform == 'mshtml':
# do something terrible and ugly
elif platform == 'pywebkitgtk':
# do something only marginally better
# do the default W3C standards-compliant thing

 def a_standard_function(self):
# do something normal that all the browser engines get right

 can be replaced by three files, each of which encodes *only* the
logic associated with the god-awful ugliness of each browser:
 class Widget:
 def do_something(self):
# do the default W3C standards-compliant thing

 def a_standard_function(self):
# do something normal that all the browser engines get right

 class Widget:
 def do_something(self):
# do something only marginally better

 class Widget:
 def do_something(self):
   # do something terrible and ugly

 a similar trick could in fact be deployed to drastically simplify the
layout of e.g. distutils, _espeeecially_ the compiler and linker
modules, by using sys.platform as the "override", or, given that
that's not entirely the whole decision-making process, as i noted when
doing the mingw32 port of python, it would be better to set something
like distutils.platform and to use that.

 however, although the technique could be used in the distutils/ case, the level of complexity of the code (the size of
each "override"), and the small number of actual modules, means that
there isn't actually that much benefit in deploying this AST-
overriding technique.

 in the pyjamas API, however, with over 75 user-interface modules, and
over 1200 functions, any one of which could be over-ridden by _eight_
separate platforms, each with their own quirks that can usually be
handled with one or two lines of code, the AST-merging idea that james
tauber came up with is an absolute god-send.


Re: some site login problem help plz..

2009-10-12 Thread lkcl
On Oct 5, 8:26 am, "Diez B. Roggisch"  wrote:
> james27 wrote:
> > hello..
> > im new to python.
> > i have some problem with mechanize.
> > before i was used mechanize with no problem.
> > but i couldn't success login with some site.
> > for several days i was looked for solution but failed.
> > my problem is , login is no probelm but can't retrieve html source code
> > from opened site.
> > actually only can read some small html code, such like below.
> > 
> > 
> > location.replace("";);
> > 
> > 
> > i want to retrive full html source code..but i can't . i was try with
> > twill and mechanize and urllib and so on.
> > i have no idea.. anyone can help me?
> Your problem is that the site usesJavaScriptto replace itself. Mechanize
> can't do anything about that. You might have more luck with scripting a
> browser. No idea if there are any special packages available for that
> though.

 yes, there are.  i've mentioned this a few times, on
 (so you can search for them) and have the instances documented here:

 basically, you're not going to like this, but you actually need
 a _full_ web browser engine, and to _execute_ the javascript.
 then, after a suitable period of time (or after the engine's
 "stopped executing" callback has been called, if it has one)
 you can then node-walk the DOM of the engine, grab the engine's
 document.body.innerHTML property, or use the engine's built-in
 XPath support (if it has it) to find specific parts of the DOM
 faster than if you extracted the text (into lxml etc).

 you should not be shocked by this - by the fact that it takes
 a whopping 10 or 20mb library, including a graphical display
 mechanism, to execute a few bits of javascript.

 also, if you ask him nicely, flier liu is currently working on and on implementing the W3C DOM
 standard as a "daemon" service (i.e. with no GUI component) and
 he might be able to help you out.  the pyv8 project comes with
 an example file which implements DOM partially, but i
 know he's done a lot more.

 so - it's all doable, but for a given value of "do" :)


Re: AJAX Widget Framework

2009-10-12 Thread lkcl
On Oct 1, 6:01 pm, Laszlo Nagy  wrote:
> I'm looking for an open source, AJAX based widget/windowing framework.
> Here is what I need:
> - end user opens up a browser, points it to a URL, logs in
> - on the server site, sits my application, creating a new session for
> each user that is logged in
> - on the server site, I create windows(frames), put widgets on them,
> write event handlers etc. Just like with wx or pygtk.
> - However, windows are created in the user's browser, and events are
> triggered by Javascript, and sent back to server through AJAX.
> - the server side would be - of course - written in Python.
> I was looking these projects:
> There are many frameworks listed here which I did not 
> check: I have no idea which
> has Python support, and probably there are only a few that worth looking
> at. I wonder if you could tell me which are the pros and contras for
> these frameworks. If there is a comparison available on the NET,
> pointing me to the right URL would help a lot.
> The bottom line...
> My main goal is to develop enterprise class OLTP database applications.
> I'll need grid widget to display data in tabular format, and I'll use
> events heavily for data manipulation, live search, tooltips etc. I'm
> familiar with wxWidgets, pygtk and other toolkits, but not with AJAX. I
> have never used a system like that.

 pyjamas is, despite having a browser-based option, about as far
 away from "web" development as you can possibly get, with only
 the lack of access to "standard" python libraries and having to
 work with python reimplementations of,,
 etc. being the stark reminder that you're reaallly not in kansas.

 the only thing that you have to get used to is that communication
 with the external world is done through and,
 typically, its derivative, - even in the desktop
 version of pyjamas.

 but, if you're used to event-driven desktop environments such
 as wxWidgets and pygtk then the asynchronous nature of JSONService
 won't be a problem for you.

 i recommend that if you intend to develop an enterprise-style
 CRUD (create-retrieve-update-delete) application, that you take
 a look at the PureMVC-based examples: search for "employeeadmin" and "timesheet".

 kees bos joined the project a few months ago, and his very first
 task that he set himself was to improve the pyjs compiler to the
 point where's python library could be used
 *unmodified* in pyjamas applications.  he then set about porting
 (and bug-fixing!) the two wxWidgets python-puremvc examples to
 use pyjamas widgets.

 these two examples should give you a big head-start on what you
 want to achieve.

 if you are stuck on "pure javascript" frameworks, however, and
 you need "widgets", then there is one that i can tentatively
 recommend (with some trepidation, due to its enooormous size):
 extjs [no don't even _think_ of trying to combine it with pyjamas]
 and the other one is qooxdoo which is veery easy and intuitive,
 and well-designed.

 i don't honestly know if qooxdoo has a grid widget, but extjs
 most certainly does (and then some).  the only issue with extjs
 is the sheer number of options and the whopping great size.

 whichever option you pick, you're basically in for quite a bit
 of learning, to get "started".  if you pick pyjamas and you
 post on the pyjamas-dev list _please_ do remember to follow
 the rules about providing full context and a worked example
 if it's a programming issue, to help save people time, ok? :)


Re: recommendation for webapp testing?

2009-09-23 Thread lkcl
On Sep 17, 8:19 am, Simon Brunning  wrote:
> 2009/9/17 Schif Schaf :
> > What's the difference between WebDriver and Selenium?
> Selenium runs in a browser, and usesJavaScriptto perform all your
> automated actions. It need a browser running to work. Several are
> supported, Firefox, Safari, IE and I think others. You are at thier
> mercy of the browser'sJavaScriptengine - I've often had trouble with
> IE's XPath support, for instance - tests will run fine in Firefox and
> safari, but not work in IE.
> One big advantage of Selenium is that there an "IDE" available, a
> Firefox add-on which will allow you to record actions. This is useful
> for building regression tests and acceptance tests for bugs. Sadly, it
> often tempts people into writing their acceptance tests after the
> fact, too - a grave mistake IMHO.
> Selenium tests can be written in Python, Ruby, Java, and in the form
> of HTML tables. This last seems quite popular with QAs for some reason
> which escapes me entirely.
> WebDriver runs outside a browser. It can be (and usually is) used to
> drive a real browser, though there's is a HtmlUnit driver available,
> which bypasses any real browser and goes direct to the site you are
> testing. Even this last option, though, does allow the testing of
> sites which make use ofJavaScript- which is just about all of them
> these days.
> It makes use of native drivers for each of the browsers it supports,
> so it runs very much faster than Selenium. Since it presents the test
> program with its own version of the page's DOM tree, it's also less
> likely to give browser incompatibilities.
> WebDriver tests can be written in Java or Python, at the moment.
> The Selenium people have recognized the superiority of the WebDriver
> approach, so the nascent Selenium 2 will use WebDriver under the
> covers. For the moment, though, you have to pick one or the other.
> Mechanize is a superb library for its intended purpose - I use it all
> the time. It's lack of support for pages withJavaScript
> functionality, though, means it's not very useful at a testing tool
> for modern web sites.

 if you ask flier liu ( veeery nicely,
he _might_ be persuaded to make the work he's doing be free software.
hint: if you check closely into the pyv8 tests, you'll see a module
"" which implements DOM.

 in other words, he's writing a command-line-web-browser-without-the-

 in other words, he's taking HTML off the web and _executing the
javascript_ (using pyv8) to construct the exact same kind of page that
a user would normally see _if_ you actually put the resultant DOM
(after the javascript is done executing) into a web browser's display

 the reason why he's doing is this is because he has quite literally
miilllions of web pages to analyse, and working with e.g. selenium
just absolutely does not cut the mustard, performance-wise.

 so, if you can get him to make the work he's doing free software, you
will get a test suite whereby you can have pyv8 actually execute the
on-page javascript, then use e.g. BeautifulSoup to walk the resultant
DOM, and can do proper analysis of the DOM, which would otherwise be


Re: pyjamas pyv8run converts python to javascript, executes under command-line

2009-09-20 Thread lkcl
On Sep 20, 12:05 am, wrote:

> Does pyjamas convert any Python program into a JavaScript program with
> the same behavior?

 that's one of the sub-goals of the pyjamas project, yes.

> I don't intend to imply that it doesn't - I haven't
> been keeping up with pyjamas development, so I have no idea idea.  I
> think that the case *used* to be (perhaps a year or more ago) that
> pyjamas only operated on a fairly limited subset of Python.  If this was
> the case but has since changed, it might explain why some people are
> confused to hear pyjamas called a Python implementation now.

 yup.  "-O" now equals [roughly] pyjamas 0.3 to 0.5p1 behaviour, aka
"pythonscript" - a mishmash of python grammar/syntax with javascriptic

 since kees joined, he's been steaming ahead with python
interoperability (--strict option).  he first started out by improving
the pyjamas compiler and support libraries to the point where the
python version of could be compiled to javascript
as-is, and it's gone from there, really.

 on the roadmap is to take a look at what the unladen/swallow team
have done, when they get to their stage 2 "unboxing", and see if
calling out to PyV8 or Python-SpiderMonkey objects can be done from
intobject.c, longobject.c etc.

 if the early experiments are anything to go by, python will then have
_yet another_ python accelerator.

 but, really, for that to properly happen, python has _got_ to get
some type-checking decorators on functions:

 @paramtypecheck(foo=int, bar=[int, str])
 @paramtypecheck(int, [int, str]) # or this
 def randomfunction(foo, bar):
 if isinstance(bar, str):
 bar = int(bar)
 return foo + bar

 this kind of type-checking guidance would _drastically_ help out all
of the compilers (such as that python-to-c++ one), and could probably
also be utilised by itself, ultimately, to speed up
function execution.

 it's also just good software engineering practice to check parameters
and return results.


Re: pyjamas pyv8run converts python to javascript, executes under command-line

2009-09-20 Thread lkcl
On Sep 19, 8:36 pm, Daniel Fetchinson 
> >> the pyjamas project is taking a slightly different approach to achieve
> >> this same goal: beat the stuffing out of the pyjamas compiler, rather
> >> than hand-write such large sections of code in pure javascript, and
> >> double-run regression tests (once as python, second time converted to
> >> javascript under pyv8run, d8 or spidermonkey).
> >> anyway, just thought there might be people who would be intrigued (or
> >> horrified enough to care what's being done in the name of computer
> >> science) by either of these projects.
> > I've added pyjamas to the implementations page on the Python Wiki in
> > the compilers section:
> >
> In what way is pyjamas a python implementation? As far as I know
> pyjamas is an application written in python that is capable of
> generating javascript code.

 it's strictly speaking, according to wikipedia, a "language
translator".  i'm just in the process of adding an AST parser (based
on lib2to3, from sgraham's work in skulpt) which will become the basis
of an "exec" function, just like in the skulpt demo.

 also to answer your question: pyjamas has [roughly] two modes: -O and
--strict.  "-O" is the one where you have to write in a subset of
python, and you can (unfortunately) do things like 5 + "px" (which
doesn't throw an exception).  this saves _vast_ amounts of CPU

"--strict" as you would expect is the python-strict converter, where
we're beginning to add implementations of __add__ etc. etc. and
generally cope with the nasty grungy bits of javascript that would
otherwise make arbitrary python applications keel over.


Re: can python make web applications?

2009-09-18 Thread lkcl
On Sep 16, 7:02 pm, Paul Boddie  wrote:
> On 16 Sep, 18:31, lkcl  wrote:
> >
> I get this error dialogue message when visiting the above page:
> "TimeSheet undefined list assignment index out of range"
> Along with the following in-page error, once the data has been
> imported:
> "JavaScript Error: uncaught exception: list assignment index out of
> range at line number 0. Please inform webmaster."
> It looks quite nice, though.
> Paul

DOH!  someone assuming javascript-isms in lists, and the compiler's
been improved to ban them :)

   ... = None

   print 'setEntries:', entries
 #tt = time.localtime(time.time())
-tt = []
-tt[0] = int([:4])
-tt[1] = int([4:6])
-tt[2] = int([6:8])
+tt = [0] * 9
+tt[0] = int([:4])
+tt[1] = int([4:6])
+tt[2] = int([6:8])
 tt[3] = 0
 tt[4] = 0
 tt[5] = 0

Re: can python make web applications?

2009-09-18 Thread lkcl
On Sep 16, 7:02 pm, Paul Boddie  wrote:
> On 16 Sep, 18:31, lkcl  wrote:
> >
> I get this error dialogue message when visiting the above page:
> "TimeSheet undefined list assignment index out of range"

 ah well spotted, thanks paul.

[ANN] pyjamas pyv8run converts python to javascript, executes under command-line

2009-09-18 Thread lkcl
just for fits and giggles and also because i'm getting fed up of using
web browsers as part of the pyjs development cycle instead of the
command-line, the pyjamas has been brought back up-to-
scratch, and can now execute the pyjamas LibTest regression tests with
a 99.95% pass rate.

pyv8run is a back-to-back combination of google's v8 engine + a
library by flier liu which makes extensive use of python-boost (http:// + the pyjamas python-to-javascript compiler.
the initial experiment some months ago, with pyjamas 0.5, produced a
python ACcellerator with a 10x performance increase; the latest
0.6~svn pyjamas compiler results in a python DEcellerator with a
[finger-in-the-air] 10x performance DEcrease, thanks to the addition
of several python strictness features.  hurrah! :)

perhaps it is the fact that the 0.5 test used google's stable x86
libv8, and the 0.6~svn test used google's alpha-release of amd64 libv8
- who knows, who cares, it's just hilarious to convert arbitrary
python code into javascript and have it do 99.95% the same job.

on the roadmap of this sub-sub-project of pyjamas is:

* to throw pyv8run at the standard regression tests
and see what sticks

* to improve the pyjamas compiler and/or alter the adapted lib2to3
parser/AST library in order to create a stand-alone, self-bootstrapped
_javascript_ version of the pyjamas python-to-javascript compiler.
this is _mandatory_ in order to support "eval" and "exec" - execution
of python _source_ code - inside web browsers (and under a js> prompt
such as spidermonkey or d8)

this latter goal has already been hilariously achieved by the
(completely independent) skulpt project: whose
parser/AST code the pyjamas project has borrowed - and back-ported
from javascript to python.  you can see their demo python prompt on
the main page, and use it to mash your own web browser of choice into

the pyjamas project is taking a slightly different approach to achieve
this same goal: beat the stuffing out of the pyjamas compiler, rather
than hand-write such large sections of code in pure javascript, and
double-run regression tests (once as python, second time converted to
javascript under pyv8run, d8 or spidermonkey).

anyway, just thought there might be people who would be intrigued (or
horrified enough to care what's being done in the name of computer
science) by either of these projects.


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