Re: how raspi-idle3 configure?

2016-07-12 Thread memilanuk
Egon Mueller> writes:
> Where can read a beginner so simple things about handling the python 3 
> idle3? I don't think about python programming, only about better 
> handling the ide.

This link might be of some help...




Re: Who uses IDLE -- please answer if you ever do, know, or teach

2015-08-10 Thread memilanuk

On 08/07/2015 04:29 AM, tjohnson wrote:

On 8/6/2015 7:31 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

What 1 or 2 features would you most like to see?

Practically, I'd say a line number margin and right edge indicator.

Theoretically, a tabbed editor and dockable interpreter pane.

YES!!! and yes to the above.

Some built-in support for style/syntax checking i.e. PEP8, pylint would 
be very nice (in my mind) for helping new users understand where some of 
the problems are in their code.  Maybe not enabled by default, but 
available in the options for those who want it.

Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com


Re: Creating a Virtual Environment

2015-07-08 Thread memilanuk
Generally when using Anaconda, they recommend you use their tool (conda) 
which works very well.  It kind of incorporates the functions of pip and 
virtualenv together.

If you already have the path to the anaconda python prepended to your 
path, the source...activate command shouldn't really be doing anything 
unless you specifically created an environment (using conda) named 
'anaconda' - but it would stowed under ~/anaconda3/envs/'...

Have you looked at the conda docs yet?

How to go from something local in an isolated virtual environment 
(whether created with virtualenv or conda) to something you can 
distribute is a separate question, which I can't really help much.


Re: installing libraries like numpy scipy matplotlib

2015-07-05 Thread memilanuk

On 07/04/2015 07:58 AM, Jens Thoms Toerring wrote:


I have never used linux in my life.. only windows based computing.. So I
have problems in installing third party libraries in python.

It depends. One question is if there's already a ready-for-use
package for the third party library you want to install. If that
is the case then the next question is which distro you're using

I could be wrong, but I think the point was that he's not using Linux, 
while the majority of instructions for getting and using various 
scientific libraries for Python assume that the user *is* using Linux.

One option would be to run Linux from a VM... but another would be to 
use a 'packaged' version of Python such as Anaconda * or Enthought ** - 
they come ready to go with all the more popular scientific packages 
installed.  They go to some lengths to address issues of package 
compatibility and dependencies - something that can be more of a pain on 
Windows than on Linux.


Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com


Re: New to Python - block grouping (spaces)

2015-04-16 Thread memilanuk

On 04/16/2015 11:08 AM, alister wrote:

On Thu, 16 Apr 2015 08:01:45 -0700, Blake McBride wrote:

As a side note, I bought a few books on Python from Amazon for use on my
Kindle.  At least one of the books has the formatting for the Kindle
messed up rendering the meaning of the program useless.

Case in point.


A poor quality book
You can write bad books for any language

I do sympathise as this is something you cannot easily tell before
purchase (although there as so many good guides available on line I don't
think there is much benefit in buying a book)

Some publishers are worse about this than others.  Packt 
( has some decent material, but absolutely incompetent 
when it comes to formatting python code in a Kindle .mobi file.  I don't 
think I've ever seen *any* errata published for any of their books.  I 
long since decided that anything I see from Packt that I want to read... 
I might find it on Amazon, but I go to Packt's site and purchase the 
PDF.  They have a harder time screwing that up, apparently.

O'Reilly, on the other hand, gets it right.  Period.

Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com


Re: New to Python - block grouping (spaces)

2015-04-16 Thread memilanuk

On 04/16/2015 07:52 AM, Blake McBride wrote:

Thanks for all the responses.  I especially like the Pike pointer.
To be clear:

1.  I don't think languages should depend on invisible elements to
determine logic.

2.  Having been an employer, it is difficult to force programmers to
use any particular editor or style.  Different editors handle tabs
and spaces differently.  This is all a bloody nightmare with Python.

3.  Languages that use braces (or the like) can be run through a
program beautifier to correct the indentation.  You are just screwed
in Python.  So, Python may be a cute language for you to use as an
individual, but it is unwieldy in a real development environment.

4.  Language beautifiers used on bracey languages removes all
arguments in favor of an off-side language.

Blake McBride

While I certainly don't have your background or depth of experience...
do you really think that over the last 20 odd years that Python has
been around that #2 and #3 have not been hammered out?

Honestly, this is starting to smell more and more like a troll...

Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com


Re: anaconda bug?

2015-03-17 Thread memilanuk

On 03/17/2015 09:51 AM, George Trojan wrote:

On 03/16/2015 11:47 PM, memilanuk wrote:

Might be just you...

monte@machin-shin:~$ python
Python 3.4.3 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Mar  6 2015, 12:03:53)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import tkinter
>>> tkinter.Tk()


Just for the heck of it I created a new venv (using conda create -n
test) and tried it again.  Same thing.

How are you creating your venv?


Hmm. I tried on the different system (Fedora 20), with Python 3.4.2.
Same results:

dilbert@gtrojan> python
Python 3.4.2 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Oct 21 2014, 17:16:37)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 >>> import tkinter
 >>> tkinter.Tk()

dilbert@gtrojan> which pyvenv
dilbert@gtrojan> pyvenv --system-site-packages ~/test
dilbert@gtrojan> source ~/test/bin/activate
(test) dilbert@gtrojan> python
Python 3.4.2 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Oct 21 2014, 17:16:37)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 >>> import tkinter
 >>> tkinter.Tk()
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 1, in 
   File "/usr/local/miniconda3/lib/python3.4/tkinter/", line
1851, in __init__ = _tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className,
interactive, wantobjects, useTk, sync, use)
_tkinter.TclError: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following
/home/gtrojan/test/lib/tcl8.5 /home/gtrojan/lib/tcl8.5
/home/gtrojan/test/library /home/gtrojan/library
/home/gtrojan/tcl8.5.15/library /home/tcl8.5.15/library

This probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.

I suspect faulty logic: pyvenv does not copy/links the tcl/tk libraries
to the newly created directory. When I run python directly, the second
directory to search is /usr/local/miniconda3/lib/tcl8.5, where conda
puts its tcl version. In virtual environment, the path is replaced and
tkinter fails. So the other fix would be to manually create symlinks
after running pyvenv, or modify Continuum Analytics pyvenv to do that.
There is no issue with pyvenv when Python is built from the source, the
first directory in the path is where tcl is found by configure and that
does not change in virtual environment.

I found another similar bug report here:!topic/anaconda/Q9xvJT8khTs
Looks this has not been fixed.

Well, it might be worth poking them and seeing if you get any response.

What happens if you create a venv using conda?  Is there some particular 
reason you're using Anaconda but not using its tools for managing 
virtualenvs?  I get it that pyenv should work, but it might be useful to 
isolate it further to tell if its just pyenv, or something else.  I 
don't have any experience with pyenv myself, sorry.



Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com


Re: anaconda bug?

2015-03-16 Thread memilanuk

Might be just you...

monte@machin-shin:~$ python
Python 3.4.3 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Mar  6 2015, 12:03:53)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import tkinter
>>> tkinter.Tk()


Just for the heck of it I created a new venv (using conda create -n 
test) and tried it again.  Same thing.

How are you creating your venv?


Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com


Picking apart a text line

2015-02-26 Thread memilanuk
So... okay.  I've got a bunch of PDFs of tournament reports that I want 
to sift thru for information.  Ended up using 'pdftotext -layout 
file.pdf file.txt' to extract the text from the PDF.  Still have a few 
little glitches to iron out there, but I'm getting decent enough results 
for the moment to move on.

I've got my script to where it opens the file, ignores the header lines 
at the top, then goes through the rest of the file line by line, 
skipping lines if they don't match (don't need the separator lines) and 
adding them to a list if they do (and stripping whitespace off the right 
side along the way).  So far, so good.


import sys
import re

def convert(file):
lines = []
data = open(file)

# Skip first n lines of headers
for i in range(9):

# Read remaining lines one at a time
for line in data:

# If the line begins with a capital letter...
if re.match(r'^[A-Z]', line):

# Strip any trailing whitespace and then add to the list

return lines

if __name__ == '__main__':

What I'm ending up with is a list full of strings that look something 
like this:

['JOHN DOEC   T   HM   445-20*MW*   199-11*MW* 
194-5 1HM 393-16*MW*   198-9 1HM198-11*MW*396-20*MW* 
789-36*MW* 1234-56 *MW*',

Basically... a certain number of characters allotted for competitor 
name, then four or five 1-2 char columns for things like classification, 
age group, special categories, etc., then a score ('445-20'), then up to 
4 char for award (if any), then another score, another award, etc. etc. etc.

Right now (in the PDF) the scores are batched by one criterion, then 
sorted within those groups.  Makes life easier for the person giving out 
awards at the end of the tournament, not so much for someone trying to 
see how their individual score ranks against the whole field, not just 
their group or sub-group.  I want to be able to pull all the scores out 
and then re-sort based on score - mainly the final aggregate score, but 
potentially also on stage or daily scores.  Eventually I'd like to be 
able to calculate standardized z-scores so as to be able to compare 
scores from one event/location against another.

So back to the lines of text I have stored as strings in a list.  I 
think I want to convert that to a list of lists, i.e. split each line 
up, store that info in another list and ditch the whitespace.  Or would 
I be better off using dicts?  Originally I was thinking of how to 
process each line and split it them up based on what information was 
where - some sort of nested for/if mess.  Now I'm starting to think that 
the lines of text are pretty uniform in structure i.e. the same field is 
always in the same location, and that list slicing might be the way to 
go, if a bit tedious to set up initially...?

Any thoughts or suggestions from people who've gone down this particular 
path would be greatly appreciated.  I think I have a general 
idea/direction, but I'm open to other ideas if the path I'm on is just 
blatantly wrong.



Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com


Re: 'Lite' Databases (Re: sqlite3 and dates)

2015-02-18 Thread memilanuk

On 02/18/2015 09:16 PM, Ben Finney wrote:

memilanuk  writes:

In the past I've been waffling back and forth between a desktop
client/server setup, or a web-based interface with everything on one
computer. At this point I'm leaning toward the latter.

So, it's been many exchanges back and forth, and you still aren't
telling us what specific needs you have that SQLite can't provide. At
this point I'm just going to have to wait until you can lay out the

Okay, let me put it like this:  if I set up a web interface using Flask 
for the front-end, and SQLite as the backend DB, running from a 
PC/laptop, with anywhere from 1 to 10 people doing data entry from other 
devices (laptops, desktops, tablets, etc.) at roughly the same time, is 
SQLite going to be 'concurrent' enough?

Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com


Re: 'Lite' Databases (Re: sqlite3 and dates)

2015-02-18 Thread memilanuk

On 02/18/2015 08:36 PM, Ben Finney wrote:

memilanuk  writes:

They would need to be able to set up the application (and whatever
database) on their laptop or PC, wherever that may be, and spend their
time administering the event, not the database engine.

So, the database will only be accessed by exactly one application, on
exactly the same machine and storage as the application? If so, you
don't need concurrency.

Otherwise, your database needs concurrency; and the person installing
the database will need to make a lot of decisions about the specific
network environment and devices to be allowed to access the database.

But is this what you mean by your requirements not being met by SQLite?

In the past I've been waffling back and forth between a desktop 
client/server setup, or a web-based interface with everything on one 
computer.  At this point I'm leaning toward the latter.

Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com


Re: 'Lite' Databases (Re: sqlite3 and dates)

2015-02-18 Thread memilanuk

On 02/18/2015 08:09 PM, Ben Finney wrote:

I have a hard time picturing that few people stressing a modern
computer system enough to where SQLite couldn't keep up (thinking
web-based interface using Flask or something similar). In the latter
case, one of the over-arching priorities is that it be easily
distributable, as in that people with relatively little knowledge of a
database be able to set it up and run it.

Set it up where? Are you hoping that a network-accessible service can be
set up without knowledge of the specific concurrent authenticated
networked access is needed in each installation?

They would need to be able to set up the application (and whatever 
database) on their laptop or PC, wherever that may be, and spend their 
time administering the event, not the database engine.  Once its set, it 
shouldn't need any tending, or they are going to be SOL as I wouldn't be 
able to help them.  It may be that Flask + SQLite will be enough; 
otherwise I foresee a disproportional amount of *my* time will be spent 
documenting and explaining how to set up and maintain a RDBMS on 
Windows, on a Mac, etc.

Starting to wonder if a pre-configured VM appliance running in 
Virtualbox might be simpler for the end user to set up and run.

Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com


Re: 'Lite' Databases (Re: sqlite3 and dates)

2015-02-18 Thread memilanuk

On 02/18/2015 04:03 PM, Ben Finney wrote:

Is there anything *good* that sits in between the two extremes of
SQLite and PostgreSQL?

What do you need a RDBMS to do, and what do you not need?

The answers to those questions vary hugely between different people (and
most people probably don't think too deeply about them). They will
determine what “good” means for your case.

Is there nothing that amounts to a 'PostgreSQLite'?

PostgreSQL itself fits that mould quite well; it is quite capable of
serving a small footprint while still offering full concurrency.

I don't know of a free-software concurrent RDBMS which can be considered
lighter than that. (No, MySQL doesn't count; its concurrency is
*unreliable* and it commonly loses data silently. Don't use MySQL.)

But perhaps you don't need concurrency? Only you can tell us.

At this point... I don't think concurrency is going to be a major 
requirement for what I have in mind.  For one project, only a few people 
will be writing to the DB, and only by a stroke of luck would it be at 
the same time, and it would be very unlikely that they would be 
modifying the same record at the same time due to physical constraints.

For the other... there may be anywhere from 1-10 (maybe more, but 
doubtful) entering data (creating new records for competitors, or 
entering existing competitors in a tournament).  I have a hard time 
picturing that few people stressing a modern computer system enough to 
where SQLite couldn't keep up (thinking web-based interface using Flask 
or something similar).  In the latter case, one of the over-arching 
priorities is that it be easily distributable, as in that people with 
relatively little knowledge of a database be able to set it up and run it.

Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com


'Lite' Databases (Re: sqlite3 and dates)

2015-02-18 Thread memilanuk

On 02/18/2015 02:52 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:

Chris also wrote:

But SQLite3 is *not* great if you look on it as a database engine
comparable with DB2, PostgreSQL, and even MySQL.

Sure, the LITE in SQLite means you don't get some things.  There is still a 
huge amount of software that doesn't need
concurrency and can benefit from it.

Having installed Postgres I can say there is definitely a cost to install it, 
use it, maintain it, etc... especially if
you aren't steeped in it and have to look things up every time you have to make 
a change (how do I add a user again?).

I think the general advice should be:  if you are writing a single-user 
application that happens to need SQL services,
check out SQLite; if you are writing a multi-user or concurrent SQL 
application, check out Postgres.

Okay... this might be a question with a blindingly obvious answer, but I 
haven't seen any recommendations otherwise so I'll ask anyway ;)

Is there anything *good* that sits in between the two extremes of SQLite 
and PostgreSQL?

I've tinkered with MySQL years ago (in conjunction with PHP) and was a 
little unhappy with some of the things it either didn't implement fully 
(foreign keys) or silently ignored (check constraints).  PostgreSQL, to 
me, is orders of magnitude harder to set up and maintain, though.  And 
then there is SQLite, which does 99% of what I want it to do other than 
network use.  I see other DB names such as DB2, Oracle, MS SQL Server, 
etc. out there but the only other 'free' one seems to be Firebird?  Is 
that really the only other contender?  Is there nothing that amounts to 
a 'PostgreSQLite'?

Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com


Re: Begginer Question , what i need for web app and site

2015-01-10 Thread memilanuk

On 01/09/2015 05:53 AM, wrote:

Hello all
coming from java and c++ now going with python
what setup do i need to run full python stack for web application .
what i need is web framework and back-end .
what usually be in the java world tomcat and servlets or jsp and pure java 
backend for processing data .
what will be the Equivalent in python world ?

Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com

Re: Question on lambdas

2014-12-08 Thread memilanuk

On 12/08/2014 09:30 PM, Ben Finney wrote:

memilanuk  writes:

lambda: update_label2('A', 100)

would this work the same?

(I don't know what you mean here by “the same”; the same as what?)

The above creates a new function, which expects no parameters (because
there are no parameters before its ‘:’).

The function, when called, will return the value of the expression
‘update_label2('A', 100)’.

It looks as though it'd be passing the same two parameters to the same

Yes, it looks that way, and that's what it does. The parameters are
fixed in the expression and will be the same each time the new function
is called.

lambda: 'A', 100: update_label2()

This is a syntax error.

Have you tried experimenting with these? Carefully read the reference
material on the ‘lambda’ syntax, and create some functions and
experiment with them.

Fair enough.  What I was trying to do when I got into all this was 
something like this:

import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()
root.wm_title('Radio Buttons')

label1 = tk.Label(root)
label1.config(text='Please select an option below.')

def update_label2(option, value):
selection = "current selection is: \n\n" + str(option) + ": " + 


var = tk.IntVar()

R1 = tk.Radiobutton(root, text='A', value=100, variable=var,
command=lambda: update_label2('A', 100))
R2 = tk.Radiobutton(root, text='B', value=80, variable=var,
command=lambda option='B', value=80: update_label2())
R3 = tk.Radiobutton(root, text='C', value=60, variable=var,
command=lambda: update_label2('C', 60))

label2 = tk.Label(root)
label2.config(text='Current selection is: \n \nA: 100')


So to me, the purpose of 'lambda' in this case is to call a function 
when a particular widget - in this case a radio button - is clicked. 
Thats why I wondered if 'lambda: update_label2('A', 100)' - where I'm 
using lambda to call another function, with the parameters inside the 
parentheses, was equivalent to 'lambda 'A', 100: update_label2()' where 
I would be using lambda to 'feed' the parameters to the function.  I see 
what you mean about the syntax error = it should be 'lambda option='A', 
value=100:update_label2()' but even then it doesn't really work as the 
update_label2 function complains about not being given any values at all.

  File "/home/monte/Dropbox/Code/python/sandbox/", line 31, in 

command=lambda option='B', value=80: update_label2())
TypeError: update_label2() missing 2 required positional arguments: 
'option' and 'value'

Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com


Re: Question on lambdas

2014-12-08 Thread memilanuk

On 12/08/2014 03:58 PM, Ben Finney wrote:

memilanuk  writes:

What I'm having trouble finding a concrete answer to is the difference

lambda: some_expr

This creates a new function which expects zero parameters. The function,
when called, will return the value of ‘some_expr’.

lambda x: some_expr

This creates a new function which expects one positional parameter named
‘x’. The function, when called, will return the value of ‘some_expr’.

so in the first example in my original post:

lambda: update_label2('A', 100)

would this work the same?  It looks as though it'd be passing the same 
two parameters to the same function...

lambda: 'A', 100: update_label2()

Also, in my second example:

class MyText(Text):
def __init__(self, master, **kw):
apply(Text.__init__, (self, master), kw)
self.bind("", lambda e: "break")

(from the page @, if anyone 

I'm kind of missing what 'e' is and where its defined and what it's 
supposed to be passing to "break"...?  The whole bind method for classes 
and instances is a wee bit above my pay grade right about now; but I 
happened to stumble upon this example when I went looking for more info 
on lambda :/

lambda x=some_value: some_expr

This creates a new function which expects one parameter named ‘x’, which
parameter has a default value of ‘some_value’. The function, when
called, will return the value of ‘some_expr’.

I was reading in 'Programming Python 4th ed' by Lutz and he talks about 
something to do with default values vs. enclosing scopes...  that 
something like:

lambda x=x: some_expr

when evaluated inside a function loop to create buttons, etc., causes 
'x' to be evaluated as the default value at the function creation time, 
vs. when the function is actually called.  Do I have that more or less 



Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com


Question on lambdas

2014-12-08 Thread memilanuk

So... I was browsing some questions on reddit, and one of them involved 
tkinter and lambdas.  Managed to help the person out, but in the process 
ended up with more questions of my own :/

My basic confusion revolves around this: in one instance I see things 
like the following:

R1 = tk.Radiobutton(root, text='A', value=100, variable=var,
command=lambda: update_label2('A', 100))

and in another example I see things like this:

class MyText(Text):
def __init__(self, master, **kw):
apply(Text.__init__, (self, master), kw)
self.bind("", lambda e: "break")

What I'm having trouble finding a concrete answer to is the difference 

lambda: some_func

lambda e: some_func

lambda e=e: some_func

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com


Re: Python Programing for the Absoulte Beginner

2014-08-02 Thread memilanuk

On 08/02/2014 10:20 PM, Steve Hayes wrote:

there are no books available on Python 3 (I don't regard downloadable PDFs

> or other onlines stuff as "books").

That's a very broad... and very *wrong* statement.

Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com


Re: "Full stack python" should be linked on

2014-07-27 Thread memilanuk

On 07/26/2014 01:20 PM, Tymoteusz Jankowski wrote:

Anyone shares my opinion that
<> should be referenced here
<> or at least here
<> ?
What do you think? It's great source for python web newbies (and not only).

I'd say 'yes'... definitely a good resource as it continues to be 
fleshed out.  One can only hope it stays updated and relatively 'fresh' 
over time.

Just out of curiosity... does anyone else see the irony of a site all 
about 'full stack python' being built using a static-site generator like 
pelican?  Arguably the right tool for the job, but still, it made me 
smile ;)

Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com


Re: Best place to find sample data

2014-07-26 Thread memilanuk

On 07/26/2014 09:57 AM, Irmen de Jong wrote:

On 26-7-2014 15:41, Nicholas Cannon wrote:

Hey I need some sample data to test out and do stuff with. Also I
am having strange errors with idle when i load a .txt file read it
and then print it, idle crashes well kind of freezes. Not sure what
is wrong here. Also I am having troubles with Numpy and its loadtxt

ValueError: cannot set an array element with a sequence

So all i need is a good site to download some data from and maybe
some fixes for these problems.

First hit when googling for 'testdata generator site': The search produces various other useful
looking sites.

Another option, driven by python...

Re: I want to do something with data

2014-07-23 Thread memilanuk

On 07/23/2014 03:20 PM, Nicholas Cannon wrote:

Hey i am interested in using data in my programs. I know every
program uses data but i want to do like large data processing and
pick results out of a data like querying database. I dont really know
what this is called though. Is it data analytics? im not sure but I
would like to do this stuff. What would i need to learn because i
know the basic file opening and stuff and also know how to open csv
files aswell as grab data from the web. I dont know much else about
handling data other than regular expressions which is handy when
grabbing data from the web. I f any one could like guide me on what
to learn that would be so good.

Python for Data Analysis

Think Stats

Learning IPython for Interactive Computing and Data Visualization


Re: Network/multi-user program

2014-07-23 Thread memilanuk

On 07/21/2014 11:26 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 4:16 AM, Monte Milanuk  wrote:

On 2014-07-21, Chris Angelico  wrote:

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 2:07 AM, Monte Milanuk  wrote:

So I guess I'm asking for advice or simplified examples of how to
go about connecting a client desktop app to a parent/master desktop app,
so I can get some idea of how big of a task I'm looking at here, and
whether that would be more or less difficult than trying to do the
equivalent job using a web framework.

Easier way: Don't have a "master desktop app", but instead have a
master database. Since you're posting this to python-list, I'll assume
you currently intend writing this in Python; you can make a really
simple transition from single-user-single-desktop to a networked
system, although of course you'll want to think in terms of multiple
users from the start.

So... if everybody is using the same application to access the same
database, how would you prevent say, a data entry user from accidentally
breaking something above their pay-grade?  Set up some sort of
role-based privilege system to limit them to write access for some
portions and read-only for others?

That would be one way, yes. The first question you'd need to ask is:
How do you know who's data-entry and who's admins? As soon as you
solve that (probably with some sort of login), you tie the access
level to that.

Given the small user base and the nature of the events, volunteer staff, 
everybody knowing everybody, etc. its pretty much a matter of the match 
admin saying "You, you and you - data entry" ;)

If you need absolute security, you would have the user enter a login
and password which would actually be the database credentials. Then
you grant exact rights in the database manager, permitting ONLY what
that user is allowed to do. It's then utterly impossible, even for
someone who knows Python and SQL, to do damage.

Intriguing... and probably the most technically correct way as far as 
role-based access.  But also very unlikely that most of the end-users 
would be able to set up the DB correctly.  Just sayin'...

But more likely, what
you really want is a cut-down UI that simplifies things: if the user
is data-entry level, you take away all the admin-type options. It
might be possible to fiddle around in internals and gain elevated
access, but that's not an issue in many environments.

That sounds very much like what I'm thinking of... maybe a token nod @ 
security with a passwd for 'admin' and 'data-entry' roles to keep idle 
passers-by from snooping or diddling with things they shouldn't.  Even 
if it just greyed-out / disabled buttons, tabs, etc. based on role that 
would probably meet needs.

In any case, these are issues you'd need to figure out regardless of
the development model. Ultimately, you could treat the entire
computer, network, database, etc as a black box, and just look at two
entities: the human, and the UI s/he is using. All permissions issues
can be explained at that level.

Not really clear on what you're talking about on this part...



Re: OT: usenet reader software

2014-07-18 Thread memilanuk

On 07/18/2014 02:45 PM, Sturla Molden wrote:

memilanuk  wrote:

Used leafnode way back when... correct me if I'm wrong, but if memory
serves its a small news spool /server, not really a client/reader type
application.  Used to be popular back before slrnpull came about.

Leafnode is an NNTP proxy server. It allows you to filter messages on
headers, etc. Just run Leafnode and tell Thunderbird to use localhost as
NNTP server. Whomever you plonk with Leafnode's killfilter will never be
seen in Thunderbird.

Ah... I see.  Guess I never explored that facet of leafnode's functionality.




Re: OT: usenet reader software

2014-07-18 Thread memilanuk

On 07/18/2014 01:46 PM, Sturla Molden wrote:

Guess where I'm going with this is... is there anything out there worth
trying - on Linux - that I'm missing?


Used leafnode way back when... correct me if I'm wrong, but if memory 
serves its a small news spool /server, not really a client/reader type 
application.  Used to be popular back before slrnpull came about.


Re: OT: usenet reader software

2014-07-18 Thread memilanuk

On 07/18/2014 12:34 PM, Andrew Berg wrote:

On 2014.07.18 14:10, memilanuk wrote:

I'm on Ubuntu (14.04 LTS, if it matters) and I've been using Thunderbird
for a lng time... I've tinkered with slrn off and on over the years,
tried pan occasionally due to recommendations... but I keep ending up
back @ Thunderbird.  About the only thing it doesn't do that I really
want is scoring/kill-files.

Tools -> Message Filters...

Yeah... never seems to work quite the same - or consistently.


OT: usenet reader software

2014-07-18 Thread memilanuk
Given the ongoing hub-bub about Google Groups and some recent long 
threads where I *really* wanted to be able to mute/ignore certain 
individuals/subjects... I started looking into other choices for Usenet 
reader software again.  I use as a mail2news gateway for 
reading a lot of lists besides just this one, and gmane is about the 
most convenient way to do so without being bombarded by emails every day.

I'm on Ubuntu (14.04 LTS, if it matters) and I've been using Thunderbird 
for a lng time... I've tinkered with slrn off and on over the years, 
tried pan occasionally due to recommendations... but I keep ending up 
back @ Thunderbird.  About the only thing it doesn't do that I really 
want is scoring/kill-files.  Slrn has those, and I do use vim on 
occasion so that worked well enough... but when people *do* post links 
or html it didn't handle that stuff gracefully like Thunderbird.  Pan... 
locks up and crashes often enough to be annoying, and I can't get it to 
display 'Threads with Unread' (i.e. new unread posts *with* their 
associated threads for context) - just 'Unread' or 'everything'.  Never 
messed with gnus... emacs was never really my thing.

Guess where I'm going with this is... is there anything out there worth 
trying - on Linux - that I'm missing?


Re: Shared web hosting where python is *not* a second class citizen

2014-05-25 Thread memilanuk

On 05/25/2014 10:29 AM, Tim Golden wrote:

On 25/05/2014 18:25, memilanuk wrote:

So I'm left wondering if there is someplace that people here would
recommend (for this kind of plan or others) where python isn't a second
class citizen.  Really not interested (for my current uses) in a VPS.  I
just want some place where it doesn't feel like python support is some
sort of bone thrown out there just to say that they 'support' python.

Webfaction. Without a doubt

Wow!  Webfaction looks like it is *exactly* what I'm looking for.




Shared web hosting where python is *not* a second class citizen

2014-05-25 Thread memilanuk

Right now we have a fairly basic shared hosting plan via,
running WordPress for a club web site.  I've looked at setting up python
on this account, but the default is the version of python that comes
with the OS (CentOS 5.x currently).  There are some basic instructions 
on upgrading that at a user level to 2.7... but nothing for python3, and 
most of the python posts in their user forums go unanswered.  Not 
exactly confidence inspiring!  The irony is that one of my web searches 
included a review of shared hosting and listed BlueHost as the number 
one recommendation!

So I'm left wondering if there is someplace that people here would 
recommend (for this kind of plan or others) where python isn't a second 
class citizen.  Really not interested (for my current uses) in a VPS.  I 
just want some place where it doesn't feel like python support is some 
sort of bone thrown out there just to say that they 'support' python.



Re: Python example source code

2014-01-12 Thread memilanuk

On 01/12/2014 06:37 AM, ngangsia akumbo wrote:

where can i find example source code by topic?
Any help please is usually helpful...


Re: Installing Python 3.3.2 pip

2013-11-17 Thread memilanuk

On 11/17/2013 01:56 AM, Nikos wrote:

python3.4 is gone at this stage. Now if i only could install pip for
Python 3.3.2

Here is what i have tried:

root@secure [~]# which python3

root@secure [~]# which pip

root@secure [~]# yum install pip3
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
  * base:
  * epel:
  * extras:
  * remi:
  * updates:
Setting up Install Process
No package pip3 available.
Error: Nothing to do

Where to find 'pip3' for Python 3.3.2?

Maybe you could ask the exact same question one more time...?


Re: Python Practice Problems

2013-11-03 Thread memilanuk

On 11/03/2013 06:06 PM, wrote:

Hi, who has some problems to practice using Python?
Thx a lot! is always a good bet


Re: CRUD library

2013-09-30 Thread memilanuk

On 09/30/2013 03:14 AM, AdamKal wrote:


Do you know any library or framework that unifies CRUD somehow.

Sounds kind of like the DAL (Data Abstaction Layer/Language) from 
web2py, perhaps?  I think I've heard of it being able to be used outside 
a regular web2py install... not sure, haven't tried it myself.




Re: better and user friendly IDE recommended?

2013-09-14 Thread memilanuk

On 09/12/2013 02:15 PM, Adrián Espinosa wrote:

I suggest you to use IntelliJ IDEA. It has a plugin for Python and Django (web 
framework). It works flawlessly.

If one were inclined to go that route, wouldn't PyCharm typically be a 
better choice?


Re: Can someone suggest better resources for learning sqlite3? I wanted to use the Python library but I don't know sql.

2013-08-06 Thread memilanuk
On 08/03/2013 10:57 AM, Aseem Bansal wrote:
> I was writing a Python script for getting the user stats of a
> website(Specifically codereview.stackexchange). I wanted to store the
> stats in a database. I found Python3's sqlite3 library. I found that
> I needed sql commands for using it.
> I have tried sql.learncodethehardway but it isn't complete yet. I
> tired looking on stackoverflow's  sql tag also but nothing much
> there. Can someone suggest me better resources for learning
> sql/sqlite3?

The same author has some other videos on working with sqlite in general,
sql, etc. that may also prove useful.


Re: Using system python vs. updated/current version

2013-07-31 Thread memilanuk
On 07/31/2013 12:17 PM, Prasad, Ramit wrote:
> You should be able to install both Python 2 and 3 in most modern
> Linux distributions (at the same time). I would not change the system
> Python version.

I hadn't really planned on mucking with the system python... I recall
from a long while back (on Mac OSX) as that being a Bad Thing ;)

But that is kind of (one of) the question(s) here... I presume it is
'possible' to run a local version of python, installed in the user's
home directory... just curious if its worth the hassle.

> If you are not blocked from running Python 3 by some necessary
> dependency then you should use it. Otherwise, use the most
> recent Python version you can. 

Are there any significant flaws with v.3.3.0 that would necessitate
upgrading to the most recent version (3.3.2?)

The only 'dependency' I have as far as 2.7.x is concerned is that I've
become rather accustomed to using spyder (IDE)... which at this point
doesn't support python3 - definitely a bummer.

> On a personal machine, I would install some things like pip/virtualenv 
> (/numpy maybe) to system packages directory but keep most packages in 
> a project specific directory (i.e. virtualenv).

What about larger gui toolkits like PyQt?  Some material I browsed
(skimmed) indicated that it wasn't quite as simple to run straight from
a virtualenv...?

How much of a pain are virtualenvs when working from an IDE?


Using system python vs. updated/current version

2013-07-31 Thread memilanuk
Hello there,

What would be considered the correct/best way to run a current release
of python locally vs. the installed system version?  On openSUSE 12.3,
the repos currently have 2.7.3 and 3.3.0.  As far as I know, I'm not
really hitting any limitations with the existing versions - my skills
just aren't that far along - so its not a burning 'need' but I'm still
curious/interested in the topic.

Also... in some places in the 'Net I see references to installing
everything 'locally' via pip, etc. in virtualenvs and not touching the
system installed version of python... yet most linux distros seem to
have many/most such packages available in their package repos, which
seems like it'd be easier to install via the package manager and let it
keep things updated.  Could someone touch on what they feel the pros and
cons would be either way?




Re: Stack Overflow moderator “animuson”

2013-07-10 Thread memilanuk

On 07/10/2013 05:39 AM, Joshua Landau wrote:

On 10 July 2013 13:35, Skip Montanaro  wrote:

Either that or it's funny only to other Australians.

Or the Dutch.

Or us Brits.

Or the Yanks...

Normally I kill-file threads like this pretty early on, but I have to 
admit - I'm enjoying watching y'all play with the troll this time ;)


Re: Beginner - GUI devlopment in Tkinter - Any IDE with drag and drop feature like Visual Studio?

2013-07-04 Thread memilanuk

On 07/04/2013 06:23 AM, Aseem Bansal wrote:

I want to start GUI development using Tkinter in Python 2.7.5.

I have been searching all over google but couldn't find any IDE that
has drag-and-drop feature for Python GUI development.

For Tkinter, no luck.  The general consensus always seems to be that 
Tkinter and/or apps written using it tend to be simple enough to not 
really need that much 'help'.  Being a new(er) user I kind of disagree, 
as I think having to 'hand code' everything for the gui library included 
with Python detracts somewhat from its appeal to new users in that 
particular area.

Qt Creator is available for PyQt, which may be a better pick for you 
depending on what you want to do.  It does have a drag-n-drop interface 
that is very slick, but it generates a .ui file that still needs to be 
translated into a python module and imported into your main 'program' 
file - but it takes a *lot* of the tedium out of creating a user 
interface more complicated than a simple dialog window.




Re: usenet reading

2012-05-25 Thread memilanuk
On Friday, May 25, 2012 3:38:55 PM UTC-7, Jon Clements wrote:
> Hi All,
> Normally use Google Groups but it's becoming absolutely frustrating - not 
> only has the interface changed to be frankly impractical, the posts are 
> somewhat random of what appears, is posted and whatnot. (Ironically posted 
> from GG)
> Is there a server out there where I can get my news groups? I use to be with 
> an ISP that hosted usenet servers, but alas, it's no longer around...
> Only really interested in Python groups and C++.
> Any advice appreciated,
> Jon.

Have you tried

They have a Mail2News gateway for many popular mailing lists, as well as some 
of the traditional usenet hierarchy - including this group.

Here is a link to their page for this group, to give you an idea of what kind 
of reading options they provide.

Or you can point your usenet reader @ and subscribe 'normally'.



Are there any instrumentation widgets for wxpython or tkinter?

2012-05-18 Thread memilanuk
PyQt4 has built-in widgets for things like digital counters & dials... kind of 
surprising there aren't more instrument related widgets out there...

Re: stackoverflow and

2011-09-14 Thread memilanuk

On 09/14/2011 05:47 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:

The SNR here isn't bad either. Most of the spam gets filtered out, and
even stuff like Ranting Rick posts can be of some amusement when it's
a slow day...

I subscribe to the list via Gmane, and if 'most of the spam' gets 
filtered out, I'd hate to see how much gets submitted as I still see 2-5 
minimum blatant spam per day on here.

Rick & Xang Li are two examples of what you *don't* see (or at least I 
don't) @ SO


Re: stackoverflow and

2011-09-14 Thread memilanuk

On 09/13/2011 09:12 PM, Stefan Behnel wrote:

Matt Joiner, 14.09.2011 04:23:

i'm curious as to what can be done with (and handled better) by
adjusting sys.setswitchinterval
i've opened a question on SO for this, that people might find of

I wonder why people ask this kind of question on stackoverflow, and then
come here asking people to go over there, read the question, and
(potentially) provide an answer.

IMHO, is a much better place to ask Python(-related) questions
than stackoverflow. It's also a much better place to search for an
answer that is already available in the archives.


Just an opinion from the unwashed masses... but I don't see the p0rn 
spam over on SO that I do on, for one.  I also seem to generally 
get better results from the search engine there, for two.  Not saying 
one is necessarily better than the other, but just subscribing to the 
feed for the [python] tag on SO has a pretty good SNR...


Re: Should a beginner do some coding excises? How can I find the sources?

2011-09-12 Thread memilanuk

On 09/12/2011 09:20 PM, sillyou su wrote:

I'm reading "Learning Python"( Chinese version). Before I go through
the whole book, I want to do some excises matching each charter.
Any tips? Any better advice?

For the code examples, have you tried looking up the home page for the 
book?  Google for 'oreilly learning python' and find the correct edition 
that you have.

If its the 4th ed (current), you should end up on a page like this:

Down in the right hand side-bar, there should be a menu 'Essential 
Links' and one of the options is 'Download code' or something along 
those lines.  The link should take you to a zip file with all the code 
examples in the book.

As far as practice exercises... maybe something like would be helpful.  Its not related to the book at 
all, and doesn't go nearly as in depth... but its kind of neat to play 
with and see how your code works when someone else is grading it! (at 
least for me).




Re: Beginner needs advice

2011-05-24 Thread memilanuk

On 05/24/2011 03:17 PM, Lew Schwartz wrote:

Here's my background:

I'm a Windows based Visual FoxPro developer, and I want to start
programming in Python. I'll be sticking to Windows (XP & 7) and my
immediate needs are to manage & display large groups of jpg's, tiff's
etc... so I need form based & graphics capable libraries (in addition to
basic programming skills, of course).

So Python 2 or 3? Add on packages/libraries? Tutorials?



If Visual Foxpro is your thing, maybe Dabo ( would be of 
interest to you.  The developers are former Visual Foxpro programmers...
