Re: Logistic Regression Define X and Y for Prediction

2019-11-14 Thread Mike C
Hi Jason,

I will try it out... Nothing in the documentation tells a person.


From: Python-list  on behalf 
of Jason Friedman 
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: Logistic Regression Define X and Y for Prediction

> When I define the X and Y values for prediction in the train and test
> data, should I capture all the columns that has been "OneHotEncoded" (that
> is all columns with 0 and 1) for the X and Y values???

You might have better luck asking on Stackoverflow, per the Pandas

Logistic Regression Define X and Y for Prediction

2019-11-12 Thread Mike C
Hi All,
I have the below code.
X = df.iloc[:, [4, 403]].values​
y = df.iloc[:, 404].values

Dummy Data looks like:

host  Mnemonic   start   something   begin

When I define the X and Y values for prediction in the train and test data, 
should I capture all the columns that has been "OneHotEncoded" (that is all 
columns with 0 and 1) for the X and Y values???

import numpyas np
import pandas   as pd ​
import os
import matplotlib   as mpl ​
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 400  ​
import matplotlib.pyplotas plt ​
# Importing the df​
# Importing the df​
os.chdir('c:\directory\data')# Location of data files​
df = pd.read_csv('blahblahfile.csv')​
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder​
hostip = LabelEncoder()​
mnemonic = LabelEncoder()​
df['host_encoded'] = hostip.fit_transform(df.reported_hostname)​
df['mnemonic_encoded'] = mnemonic.fit_transform(df.mnemonic)​
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder​
hostip_ohe = OneHotEncoder()​
mnemonic_ohe = OneHotEncoder()​
X = hostip_ohe.fit_transform(df.host_encoded.values.reshape(-1,1)).toarray()​
Y = 

## Add back X and Y into the original dataframe​
dfOneHot = pd.DataFrame(X, columns = ["host_"+str(int(i)) for i in 
df = pd.concat([df, dfOneHot], axis=1)​
dfOneHot = pd.DataFrame(Y, columns = ["mnemonic_encoded"+str(int(i)) for i in 
df = pd.concat([df, dfOneHot], axis=1)​
​ here is where I am not sure if all "host_" and "mnemonic_encoded" 
values assigned to X and Y
X = df.iloc[:, [4, 403]].values​
y = df.iloc[:, 404].values​
# Splitting the dataset into the Training set and Test set​
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split​
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.25, 
random_state = 0)​
# Feature Scaling​
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler​
sc = StandardScaler()​
X_train = sc.fit_transform(X_train)​
X_test = sc.transform(X_test)​
# Fitting Logistic Regression to the Training set​
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression​
classifier = LogisticRegression(random_state = 0)​, y_train)​
# Predicting the Test set results​
y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test)​
# Making the Confusion Matrix​
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix​
cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)​
# Visualising the Training set results​
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap​
X_set, y_set = X_train, y_train​
X1, X2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(start = X_set[:, 0].min() - 1, stop = X_set[:, 
0].max() + 1, step = 0.01),​
 np.arange(start = X_set[:, 1].min() - 1, stop = X_set[:, 
1].max() + 1, step = 0.01))​
plt.contourf(X1, X2, classifier.predict(np.array([X1.ravel(), 
 alpha = 0.75, cmap = ListedColormap(('red', 'green')))​
plt.xlim(X1.min(), X1.max())​
plt.ylim(X2.min(), X2.max())​
for i, j in enumerate(np.unique(y_set)):​
plt.scatter(X_set[y_set == j, 0], X_set[y_set == j, 1],​
c = ListedColormap(('red', 'green'))(i), label = j)​
plt.title('Logistic Regression (Training set)')​
plt.ylabel('Estimated Salary')​
# Visualising the Test set results​
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap​
X_set, y_set = X_test, y_test​
X1, X2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(start = X_set[:, 0].min() - 1, stop = X_set[:, 
0].max() + 1, step = 0.01),​
 np.arange(start = X_set[:, 1].min() - 1, stop = X_set[:, 
1].max() + 1, step = 0.01))​
plt.contourf(X1, X2, classifier.predict(np.array([X1.ravel(), 
 alpha = 0.75, cmap = ListedColormap(('red', 'green')))​
plt.xlim(X1.min(), X1.max())​
plt.ylim(X2.min(), X2.max())​
for i, j in enumerate(np.unique(y_set)):​
plt.scatter(X_set[y_set == j, 0], X_set[y_set == j, 1],​
c = ListedColormap(('red', 'green'))(i), label = j)​
plt.title('Logistic Regression (Test set)')​
plt.xlabel('Host IP')​

Re: Overwhelmed by the Simplicity of Python. Any Recommendation?

2018-11-04 Thread Mike C
Same here. Debugging in Python is annoying, I like to step through my code line 
by line, it's impossible to do it with object-oriented programming language.

Also, there's no good REPL IDE.

Spyder barely works with some basic features. PyCharm, the most popular, takes 
too long to start, and you have to setup folders and directories EVERY SINGLE 
TIME at startup.

From: Python-list  on behalf 
of songbird 
Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2018 12:45:57 PM
Subject: Re: Overwhelmed by the Simplicity of Python. Any Recommendation?

Rhodri James wrote:
> I completely agree.  I too have come from a background in C, and still
> do most of my day job in C or assembler.  It took a while before I was
> writing idiomatic Python, never mind efficient Python (arguably I still
> don't, but as Rob says, who cares?).  Don't worry about it; at some
> point you will discover that the "obvious" Python you are writing looks
> a lot like the code you are looking at now and thinking "that's really
> clever, I'll never be able to to that."

  at this stage of my own process in learning, i'm
trying to read the FAQs i can find, any tutorials,
answers to specific questions on stackoverflow on
particular topics to see if i can understand the
issues, etc.

  as for my own code, yes, it's horrible at the
moment, but to me working code is always the
final arbitor.  i much prefer simple and stepwise
refinement if speed isn't the issue i think clarity
and simplicity is more important.

  speed is only more important for large projects
that process a ton of data.

  in 3-5yrs i expect to understand more of what
the theory and more conceptual things going on as
i read more of the history and how the language
has developed.

  i won't consider myself fluent until i start
"thinking" in it and can visualise the data
structures/objects in my head and such as i
currently do for C.


Re: Why list.reverse() modifies the list, but name.replace() does not

2018-09-05 Thread Mike C
Yes, I forgot that strings are immutable. I can't change anything in the
string. Silly me!

Thank you very much, I appreciate it. I guess sometimes it just take an
outsider to take you outside the box. And all is answered. :)

From: Python-list  on behalf
of Mark Lawrence  Sent: Monday, September 3, 2018
2:21:36 PM To:
Subject: Re: Why list.reverse() modifies the list, but name.replace() does not
modify the string?

On 03/09/18 18:49, C W wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am learning the basics of Python. How do I know when a method modifies
> the original object, when it does not. I have to exmaples:
> Example 1:
>> L = [3, 6, 1,4]
>> L.reverse()
>> L
> [4, 1, 6, 3]
> This changes the original list.

Lists are mutable, i.e. can be changed, so it makes sense to do this change in

> Example 2:
>> name = "John Smith"
>> name.replace("J", j")
>> name
> 'John Smith'
> This does not change the original string.

Strings are immutable, i.e. cannot be changed, so you have to create a new
string.  Your call to `replace` will do just that, but as it's not saved `name`
 remains the same.  You could use

name = name.replace("J", j") or

newname = name.replace("J", j") as you see fit.

> Why the two examples produce different results? As a beginner, I find this
> confusing. How do you do it?
> Thank you!

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask what you
can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence



Re: Why list.reverse() modifies the list, but name.replace() does not modify the string?

2018-09-03 Thread Mike C
Yes, I forgot that strings are immutable. I can't change anything in the 
string. Silly me!

Thank you very much, I appreciate it. I guess sometimes it just take an 
outsider to take you outside the box. And all is answered. :)

From: Python-list  on behalf 
of Mark Lawrence 
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2018 2:21:36 PM
Subject: Re: Why list.reverse() modifies the list, but name.replace() does not 
modify the string?

On 03/09/18 18:49, C W wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am learning the basics of Python. How do I know when a method modifies
> the original object, when it does not. I have to exmaples:
> Example 1:
>> L = [3, 6, 1,4]
>> L.reverse()
>> L
> [4, 1, 6, 3]
> This changes the original list.

Lists are mutable, i.e. can be changed, so it makes sense to do this
change in place.

> Example 2:
>> name = "John Smith"
>> name.replace("J", j")
>> name
> 'John Smith'
> This does not change the original string.

Strings are immutable, i.e. cannot be changed, so you have to create a
new string.  Your call to `replace` will do just that, but as it's not
saved `name` remains the same.  You could use

name = name.replace("J", j") or

newname = name.replace("J", j") as you see fit.

> Why the two examples produce different results? As a beginner, I find this
> confusing. How do you do it?
> Thank you!

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: Python Object Systems

2014-08-11 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

On 14-08-11 04:26 PM, wrote:

Hello, has anyone created a survey of Python Object Systems? The two I am aware 
of are:

- elk
- Traits
Here's the ones from my talk at Pycon 2005 

Observable, auto-coercing data properties w/ Numeric/numpy array 
support, defaults

BasicProperty (now largely abandoned):
Again, observable auto-coercing typed properties, defaults, 

FieldProperty, DublinCore, Validation, Observability
Defaults, delegation, implicit feature loading
Delegation, typing, validation, defaults, Observability, introspection
PyObjc, ctypes, JythonC, IronPython
Function-like things with lots of metadata

There's also a listing of the other tasks for which descriptors/object 
systems were expected to show up at the time, if you look for Python + 
that key-word you'll likely find a few dozen more "object systems" out 
there.  You'll also likely find about a thousand metaclasses these days.


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: handling return codes from CTYPES

2013-01-21 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

On 13-01-21 11:52 AM, Steve Simmons wrote:


Thanks for your response - I was puzzled by one part of it though...

   On 21/01/2013 15:14, Mike C. Fletcher wrote:

That's because you've just discarded the object you created

I (mis?)understood from the ctypes documentation that '>>> initResult 
= c_short(0)' would result in the creation of a ctypes 'short' called 
initResult and that this object would be mutable.  On that basis, I 
expected the following statement '>>> initResult = initScanLib( ... )' 
would assign the result of the call to initResult.

So, I can understand that I am not using the correct approach but I 
don't understand how I discarded the object I created.  Can you 
clarify please?
Sure, the problem isn't here a ctypes issue, but a Python one.  When you 
do the following:

>>> initResult = c_short(0)

you have bound the name "initResult" (a string key in a "namespace" 
dictionary) to a ctypes c_short object.  The name "initResult" is in no 
way special, nor is there any "type" associated with that variable 
name.  The fact that it has been assigned to a c_short *at this moment* 
does not affect any *future* value assigned to that name.

>>> initResult = initScanLib( ... )

Here you have assigned whatever object is the result of initScanLib( ... 
) to the name "initResult".  The old object pointed to by "initResult" 
is no longer referenced by that name, so the Python intepreter is free 
to discard that old object immediately.  Thus you have "discarded" the 
object you created by reassigning the single reference to it to another 
object, which leaves it free to be garbage collected (depending on 
Python implementation that might be instantly or eventually).

Python does not have typed *variables*, every variable is a pointer to 
an object (PyObject *) under the covers.  There is nothing in Python like:

int i;
short j;

nothing which makes a variable type-enforcing or constrained.  At least, 
nothing in core Python. In theory you can create a namespace which 
*does* allow such things, but that's getting pretty involved.

Hope that helps,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: handling return codes from CTYPES

2013-01-21 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

On 13-01-21 05:46 AM, Steve Simmons wrote:


>>> from ctypes import *
>>> sLib = cdll.slib
>>> lic_key = c_char_p("asdfghjkl".encode(encoding='utf_8', 

>>> initResult = sLib.InitScanLib(lic_key.value)
>>> print("InitScanLib Result:  ", initResult)
InitScanLib Result:   65535

I've tried declaring initResult as c_short by: inserting...

>>> initResult = c_short(0)

... before the call to sLib.InitScanLib but I still get the same 
response (65535).

That's because you've just discarded the object you created.

What you wanted was, I believe:

initScanLib = sLib.InitScanLib
initScanLib.restype = c_short

initResult = initScanLib( ... )

i.e. you tell the initScanLib function how to coerce its result-type.  
*Some* C functions take a pointer to a data-value to fill in their data, 
but not *your* function.  That pattern looks like:

result = c_short(0)
my_ctypes_function( ..., byref(result) )
print result.value

i.e. you have to pass the variable into the function (as a 



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: pylint, was Re: pygame - importing GL - very bad...

2013-01-03 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

On 13-01-02 09:48 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

2) self.lightDone: Invalid name "lightDone" (should match


So I can now understand that pylint doesn't like my naming convention
with a capital letter in the middle of the variable name, like:
"lightDone" = a boolean value. I suppose pylint wants me to use (a
little longer method) an underscore to separate words in long variable

That is more conventional in the Python community (and is in pep 8, I 
believe) but still a choice.
That seems like a improper error message from the tool.  "Invalid name" 
does *not* properly describe that situation.  The name is *not* 
"Invalid" in any sense of the word, and a "checker" that tells you it is 
is creating needless false-positives.  An error checker should be saying 
something like:

"self.lightDone: Does not match PEP8 recommended style"

making it clear that this is *not* an error, it is a *style* related 



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: pygame - importing GL - very bad...

2013-01-03 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

On 13-01-02 08:53 PM, someone wrote:

On 01/02/2013 10:57 PM, Michael Torrie wrote:

On 01/01/2013 04:49 PM, someone wrote:

On 01/01/2013 12:13 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
  > You could simply
  > import OpenGL.GL as GL
You're right - but I forgot to write that even though this maybe
should/is recommended many places then I've seen a lot of opengl 
code on
the internet and IMHO NOBODY does that and it'll be a lot slower to 

that in front of all the opengl commands...

So this solution is not something I like too... But I can see some 

people came up with good solutions, which I didn't knew about..

Why is this solution not to your liking?  Python has namespaces for a

Because the amount of opengl-functions is HUGE, many people (at least 
on the internet) do as I and (IMHO) it takes up too much time to 
change a lot of code plus sometimes I grab/modify small code pieces 
from the internet and it makes my development SO MUCH faster just to 
make an exception here with star-import for opengl-commands.
I'd agree on it being rather impractical/pointless/verbose to have every 
single OpenGL entry point and constant have an extra gl. or glu. or 
glut. added to the front. OpenGL/GLU/GLUT is already namespaced, but 
using C-style prefix namespacing (that is gl* glu* glut* and GL_*, 
GLU_*, GLUT_*), so adding Python style namespacing to the front of that 
makes it very verbose.  OpenGL-using code is *littered* with OpenGL 
entry points and constants (and yes, I intend the slight slight), so 
that's going to make it rather annoying to work with.

PyOpenGL's current approach is mostly attempting to maintain backward 
compatibility with the older revisions.  wxPython actually rewrote its 
whole interface to go from * imports into namespaced lookups and then 
wrote a little migration tool that would attempt to rewrite your code 
for the new version.  They also provided a transitional API so that code 
could mix-and-match the styles.  For PyOpenGL that would look something 
like this:

from OpenGL import gl, glu, glut


or, if you really needed PEP-8 compliance, and don't mind making the API 
look nothing like the original, we might even go to:

from opengl import gl, glu, glut


Either of which would *also* make it possible for us to lazy-load the 
entry points and symbols (that would save quite a bit of ram).

But I'm not actually likely to do this, as it makes it far more annoying 
to work with C-oriented references (and since PyOpenGL is primarily used 
by new OpenGL coders who need to lean heavily on references, that's a 
big deal). Currently you can often copy-and-paste C code into PyOpenGL 
and have it work properly as far as the OpenGL part is concerned (arrays 
and the like need to be rewritten, but that's not something I can 
control, really).  People are already confused by the small variations 
from C OpenGL, making the API look entirely different wouldn't be a good 
direction to move, IMO.



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: adding a simulation mode

2012-07-04 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

On 12-07-04 05:42 AM, andrea crotti wrote:

copytree(src, dest) becomes:
 copytree(src, dest)

import globalsub, unittest

class MyTest( unittest.TestCase ):
def setUp( self ):
globalsub.subs( shutil.copytree )
def tearDown( self ):
globalsub.restore( shutil.copytree )

You can also pass a function to subs like so:

def setUp( self ):
self.copied_trees = []
def fake_copytree( src, dest ):
assert os.path.exists( src )
self.copied_trees.append( (src, dest ))
return dest # or whatever the thing should return
globalsub.subs( shutil.copytree, fake_copytree )

$ pip install globalsub



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: XSLT to Python script conversion?

2012-02-13 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

On 12-02-13 06:20 AM, Matej Cepl wrote:


I am getting more and more discouraged from using XSLT for a 
transformation from one XML scheme to another one. Does anybody could 
share any experience with porting moderately complicated XSLT 
into a Python script using ElementTree's interparse or perhaps xml.sax?

Any tools for this? Speed differences (currently I am using xsltproc)? 
Any thoughts?

Thank you,

I wound up rewriting the Docbook to XSL transformation for PyOpenGL's 
docs in Python using lxml.etree and Kid (now reworked to use Genshi).  
However, that was a fairly direct translation, it has only a handful of 
strategies for transforming nodes from docbook to xhtml.  That said, it 
took our processing time down from 
so-long-I-just-didn't-want-to-work-on-the-docs down to 

Is the repository where the project lives.  It *also* does a lot of 
other processing, but the, and 
templates/section.kid files are all you need to look at to understand 
the docbook processing.


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: subprocess module and long-lived subprocesses

2012-01-20 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
On 12-01-20 09:42 AM, wrote:
> I'm converting some os.popen calls to use subprocess.Popen.  I had
> previously been ignoring stdout and stderr when using os.popen.  The primary
> motivation to switch to subprocess.Popen now is that I now want to check
> stderr, so would have to make code changes to use os.popen[34] anyway.
> Might as well go whole hog and switch to the new API.
> The library documentation doesn't talk a lot about long-lived subprocesses
> other than the possibility of deadlock when using Popen.wait().  Ideally, I
> would write to the subprocess's stdin, check for output on stdout and
> stderr, then lather, rinse, repeat.  Is it safe to assume that if the stdout
> and/or stderr pipes have nothing for me the reads on those file objects (I'm
> using PIPE for all three std* files) will return immediately with an empty
> string for output?  They won't block, will they?  Will a broken pipe IOError
> get raised as for os.popen() or do I have to call Popen.poll() even in error
> situations?
> Thanks,
Definitely *will* block, you have to explicitly set them non-blocking to
have non-blocking behaviour:

def set_nb( fh ):
"""Set non-blocking flag on given file handle"""
if isinstance( fh, int ) or hasattr( fh, 'fileno' ):
flags = fcntl.fcntl(fh, fcntl.F_GETFL)
fcntl.fcntl(fh, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags| os.O_NONBLOCK)

on each of the 3 buffers, then you need to attempt read/write on each of
them periodically, catching the EWOULDBLOCK errors, to prevent deadlocks
where the buffers have filled up (e.g. because the subprocess is
printing out errors on stderr, or because it is generating output, or
because for some reason the process isn't reading your input fast
enough).  I think everyone winds up with their own wrapper around
subprocess after they use it for more than a short period...



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: memory leaks - tools and docs

2011-11-24 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
On 11-11-24 10:00 PM, Aljosa Mohorovic wrote:
> i've been trying to find memory leaks in a wsgi application using
> gunicorn to run it and after a lot of time invested in research and
> testing tools i did find a lot of useful information (most really old)
> but i'm left with a feeling that this should be easier, better
> documented and with tools that generate better data.
> if anybody can share some tips, links, docs or better tools with
> better reports i would really appreciate it.
> i'm not against paying for a good tool so any recommendation is
> appreciated.
> i mostly used but found
> and also
> interesting.
> Aljosa
Meliae is a similar tool wrt collecting memory-usage information.

RunSnakeRun can process Meliae dumps to produce visualizations of the
memory used in the process.



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: logging: warn() methods and function to be deprecated.

2011-10-26 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
On 11-10-26 10:51 AM, Vinay Sajip wrote:
> auto-translation via 2to3 (because you generally are calling log.warn()
>> rather than logging.warning, but sometimes you are doing getattr( log,
>> log_level ) and then passing that method around a few times), and it
> That doesn't sound like a good usage pattern to me, especially as loggers 
> have a
> log method which takes the logging level. There shouldn't be any need to pass 
> a
> bound method around.
Bound methods also pull along to *which* log you are going to send the
message, but then I suppose you could just use the logging key as well
as a piece of data.  I'll withdraw the suggestion that it is not a
trivial thing to add to 2to3, though I'll leave the implementation to
someone else.

Have fun,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: logging: warn() methods and function to be deprecated.

2011-10-26 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
On 11-10-26 05:12 AM, Vinay Sajip wrote:
> Mike C. Fletcher> writes:
>> I actually consider .warning() a nit :) .  After all, it's 3 extra
>> characters :) , and *who* actually reads documentation instead of just
>> poking around and finding the shortest-named method in the instance?
> Readability counts :-) Are you saying there's no need to bother documenting
> stuff ??? ;-)

More: an undocumented entry point is not "deprecated" because, after
all, it shows up in PyDoc as a regular method.
>> Anyway, I personally don't see this as worth the breakage.
> What breakage are we really talking about? Remember, Python 2.x will not 
> change
> in this area - the proposed change is for Python 3.3 and later only, and will
> not be backported :-)
> As far as I know, Trac doesn't work with Python 3 anyway. Most of the code out
> there (which Mark found via Google Code Search) is Python 2.x. When porting 
> from
> 2 to 3.3, it's just one extra little thing to deal with - small compared with
> other issues which come up when doing such ports.
Sure, but most of *everything* is Python 2.x, and porting to Python 3.x
is already enough of a pain that key-stone projects like Trac still
aren't there :) .  This isn't going to be easily amenable to
auto-translation via 2to3 (because you generally are calling log.warn()
rather than logging.warning, but sometimes you are doing getattr( log,
log_level ) and then passing that method around a few times), and it
will often fall into the small percentage of untested code in most
projects (coverage is often poor for logging messages in corner cases),
so often won't get caught by test suites.

Not a 3.x user, but expecting to have to be some day in the future,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: logging: warn() methods and function to be deprecated.

2011-10-24 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
On 11-10-24 04:28 AM, Vinay Sajip wrote:
>> I think that is a real shame - it seems to be gratuitous breakage for almost 
>> zero benefit.  That issue shows that Trac makes heavy use of .warn, I've use 
>> .warn almost exclusively for many years, and shows it is 
>> used 
>> extensively in the wild.
> Okay, but it's easy enough to change, and people are getting a reasonable 
> amount of time to deal with it.
I'd have to echo Mark's sentiment here.  There is a *lot* of (fairly
old) code around that uses .warn, and I'd wager even a lot of new code
written by old programmers (such as myself) that uses it.  Breaking it
to avoid having an undocumented method seems wrong; suggest just adding

"logger.warn(...) -- an alias to logger.warning provided for
backward compatibility"

>> Is there still a chance to reconsider?
> I'm not dogmatic about things like this; warn() is just a hangover from a 
> long time ago and bit of a nit, that's all. I suppose I should have removed 
> it when 3.0 was released, but it went under my radar at that time.
> Hence my post here, to get feedback from logging users about this proposed 
> change.
I actually consider .warning() a nit :) .  After all, it's 3 extra
characters :) , and *who* actually reads documentation instead of just
poking around and finding the shortest-named method in the instance?

Anyway, I personally don't see this as worth the breakage.

Just my $0.02,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: PyDispatcher on sourceforge doesn't play nice with easy_install

2010-03-30 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Chris Withers wrote:
> Hi All,
> Using easy_install to get PyDispatcher results in:
> Who's the maintainer of PyDispatcher nowadays? Would be handy if they
> removed the sourceforge link from pypi.

Thanks for the report.  I've released a 2.0.2 version on PyPI.  That
should now work properly with easy_install.


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Python for newbies (Pythno users group in Macedonia)

2010-03-13 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Дамјан Георгиевски wrote:
> Hi all,
> we are starting with bi-monthly Python User Group meetings in Skopje, 
> Macedonia. The meetings are targeted for both beginners and more 
> experienced users.


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Library support for Python 3.x

2010-01-27 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Kevin Walzer wrote:
> I'm going to be starting some new Python projects in Python 2.6, but
> am concerned that at least three of the libraries I will be
> using--pycrypto, paramiko and feedparser--are not currently supported
> in Python 3.x. The authors of these programs have not given any
> indication that work is underway to support Python 3.x. Eventually I
> plan to migrate to Python 3.x.
> I don't want to be stuck using libraries that may not be updated for
> the next generation of Python. How are others handling this issue?
> --Kevin
Some of us are saying:

* When Python 3.x has something compelling to offer:
  o Users will start asking for Python 3.x with a *reason* to
justify the cost
  o Libraries will begin to see the pain of porting, and most
importantly, *maintaining*, as a reasonable trade-off
  o Libraries will port (and maintain)
  o Applications should *then* port
* or When everyone is already on a (basically) compatible 2.x
  version (i.e. 2.6+); say in 3 years:
  o Conversion and maintenance costs will lower to the point
where we can justify them for libraries

Python 3.x has very little that is a compelling use-case (versus 2.x)
for most people I've talked to.  My paying customers aren't screaming
"we want to spend a week of your time to rewrite, re-test and re-deploy
our working code into Python 3.x so that it can do exactly the same
thing with no visible benefit and lots of likely subtle failures". 
Unicode-as-default doesn't really make customers say "wow" when all
their Unicode-needing code is already Unicode-using.  A few syntax
changes here and there... well, no, they certainly don't care (can't say
I *really* do either).  The initial marked slowdown for 3.0 (which I
gather should be mostly fixed in 3.1) didn't do much of a sales-job either.

Possible compelling arguments that would get people to convert (with the
projects working on them):

* 5x (or more) speedup (PyPy, Unladen Swallow)
* adaptive parallelization/execution-kernel mechanism as a
  first-class primitive (Apple's C extensions for OpenCL)
* continuation-like mechanisms, anonymous code blocks a-la Ruby
  (PyPy, Stackless)
* (free) threading, GIL removal (IronPython, Jython)
* compilation-to-native (PyPy)
* compilation to mobile-platform native (PyPy?)

None of those in in Python 3.x, though there's talk of merging Unladen
Swallow into CPython to provide a carrot for conversions (though AFAIK
it's not yet a 5x improvement across the board).  To compound the
problem, Python 3.x doesn't include any of the syntax changes you'd want
to see to support e.g. anonymous blocks, continuations, OpenCL
integration, etceteras... so if we want those, we're going to have to
either introduce new syntax (which is blocked) or hack it in... which we
could do on Python 2.x too.

I don't know about other maintainers, but I've started running PyOpenGL
tests with -3 on Python 2.6 to get a feel for how many issues are going
to come up.  Most have been minimal.  But when I sit down and actually
consider *maintaining* a 3.x release when I'm already *barely* able to
keep up with the 2.x maintenance in my tiny amounts of free time...
well... I do *that* stuff for *fun* after all, and double the headaches
for no noticeable benefit doesn't really sound like fun... oh, and numpy
isn't ported, so screw it ;) ...

Interestingly, at PyGTA Myles mentioned that he'd found his first-ever
Python 3.x-only library!  Which he then converted to Python 2.x, because
he actually wanted to use it in real code :) .

Projects which haven't ported to Python 3.x aren't necessarily dead,
they're just not nailed to that particular perch (yet),


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: PyOpenGL and graphics card support

2009-10-01 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
jefm wrote:
> these are the imports I use:
> from OpenGL.GL import *
> from OpenGL.GLUT import *
> from OpenGL.GLU import *
PyOpenGL will use the default OpenGL renderer for your system, however,
before you have an OpenGL context (rendering window) the system can
report whatever the heck it wants to for the various values (in this
case looks like it is reporting the generic microsoft renderer until you
ask for a context).  Try this instead:

from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLUT import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
resX,resY = (400,300 )

if __name__ == "__main__":
glutInitWindowSize(resX, resY)
glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0)
window = glutCreateWindow("hello")

for name in
print name,glGetString(name)

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Twisted 100% event driven or hybrid?

2009-09-23 Thread Mike C. Fletcher wrote:
> On 05:55 am, wrote:
>> results to be ready, I collect and process them. From now on I don 19t
>> need a the system to be event drive any more, the processing should
>> occur only on the master machine, following a deterministic flow.
>> As soon as finished I am ready to start again to resubmit the models
>> for recalculation and so on. This should go on forever.
Jean-Paul is obviously far more authoritative on the "twisted way" than
I am, so if he says you can just run your synchronous operation in-situ,
that's probably the way to go, but IIRC there's a
reactor.deferToThread() function which can run your synchronous code
"off to the side", while allowing the twisted code to continue to
process incoming operations.  Thus you'd do something like:

def process( dataset ):
dl = [ remote_call( x ) for x in dataset]
dl = defer.DeferredList( dl )
def on_all_results( results ):
reactor.deferToThread( sync_process, (results,)).addCallback(
process )
return dl.addCallback( on_all_results )

(I'm typing all of that from the distance of a few years of memory
decay, so take it as "loosely this, with the proper function names and
the like").  Threads aren't really part of the "twisted way" in my
understanding, but they can be used if necessary AFAIK, and they will
let your application remain responsive to network events during the



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Python and 3d

2009-09-13 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
azrael wrote:
> Has anyone any exipience with python and 3d.
> I mean, is there a module to deal with popular 3d formats like 3ds, or
> vrml. is it possible to import into python opengl models and then use
> it in application for GUI purposes like through WX. I know that WX
> supports OpenGL but how to import models from file.

There's a few older projects to load 3DS files, but I don't think any of
them is currently PyOpenGL 3.x compatible.  OpenGLContext loads VRML97
files (with SimpleParse installed).  Pyglet, OpenGLContext and Ian
Mallet's game engine all load .obj models (I believe Ian's engine is the
most advanced there).  Pivy should load VRML files as well, and has a
very powerful engine (COIN) under the covers (OpenGLContext is more of a
demo/testing system).  The big engines (Ogre, Soya, OpenSceneGraph,
Crystal Space, etc) should all have content loaders, though I haven't
played with them enough to be able to say what formats they support.


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Observer implementations

2009-06-17 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Tobias Weber wrote:
> In article ,
>  "Mike C. Fletcher"  wrote:
>> See PyDispatcher for code to do this.
> That was the original problem. Got it now: if used inside the class 
> definition dispatcher.connect will raise "cannot create weak reference 
> to 'classmethod' object". Outside (using Class.method) it works fine.
Ah, I think you've got a logic problem there.  The classmethod during
class creation has no reference to the class being created, so if you
were to call *that* thing it would blow up:

class x( object ):
def y( cls, text ):
print text
y( 'No you do not!' )

if you were to create a reference to *that* thing (the decorated
un-bound class method) it would never have the binding for cls, so it
wouldn't do anything.  The correct way IMO to bind after-class-creation
(e.g. by a class decorator or metaclass) where you reference a bound
class method.  If you *really* want to do it this way, you can do
something like this:

class x( object ):
def y( cls, value ):
dispatcher.connect( lambda *args: x.y( *args ), signal='hello' )

but ick.



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Observer implementations

2009-06-16 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

Tobias Weber wrote:

No time to reinvent the wheel

I'd still need to know how to weakref a classmethod

See PyDispatcher for code to do this.

PyDispatcher, at least, is not abandoned, it would be more accurate to 
say "finished".  I use it in OpenGLContext (extensively), but I haven't 
had to change anything in a rather long time.  It pretty much just works.


 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: PyOpenGL Installation

2009-05-31 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Roastie wrote:
> The web info I have found for downloading/installing PyOpenGL and
> its dependencies for Windows is a nightmare.  Is there a place where
> all of
> the endless dependencies are packaged nicely with PyOpenGL?
Hmm, "endless"?

* Python (with ctypes, standard on everything >= 2.5)
* OpenGL (standard on almost every Win32 machine save old Win95 boxes)

Possibly I'm missing something here?  If you just want PyOpenGL you only
need one file (the PyOpenGL package) + Python.  If you want to use it
with Numpy, you need to have numpy on the machine, same for GLUT, GLE
and the like, but they aren't required unless you want to use them. 
Heck, if you want you can even easy_install the package last I checked.

My dictionary's definition of endless must be broken ;) :) ,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: ANN: SuPy 1.6

2009-02-23 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

Greg Ewing wrote:

What is SuPy?

SuPy is a plugin for the Sketchup 3D modelling application
that lets you script it in Python.

Hi Greg,

Can you review the SuPy writeup on Py3D?  I couldn't get through to your 
server this evening, so I couldn't check the license, if there's 
anything else you feel should be said about the program, let me know.

Have fun,

 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: OpenGL in TK

2009-02-17 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

Almar Klein wrote:

Hi list!

I am using pyOpenGL to do some 3D rendering. For now I am
quite happy with the GLCanvas of wx, but I may want to publish
some stuff later, and it would be nice if people would not need wx.

I found that there used to be a TK widget called Togl, but it is not
(anymore?) included in the TK package that comes with Python.
Togl was never included with Python, it used to be included with 
PyOpenGL, but it was always a royal PITA to build as it had to be built 
against the dev versions of Tcl and Tk that matched the Python ones.  
There's now a Togl project on SourceForge that provides a Win32 build of 
Togl.  There's a hacky script in PyOpenGL 3.x's "src/toglinstall" 
directory that tries to download the package from there and install it 
for you, but I'd expect it to be rather fragile and broken.

You wind up with an external binary download requirement one way or 
another.  Togl is pretty small compared to wxPython, of course, but 
you're looking a the same basic problem.

Have others been able to use Togl, or any other OpenGL widget in
I installed it using the above-mentioned hacky script a few months ago, 
checked that the wrapper (OpenGL/Tk) still worked with it, and then 
promptly ceased to particularly worry about it any more.  As has been 
the case for years, Togl needs an advocate who wants to work on the 
support in PyOpenGL, without that I just have no particular interest in 
maintaining it and the headache of maintenance has vastly outweighed my 


 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Python 3D CAD -- need collaborators, or just brave souls :)

2009-02-10 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
nding on your model, 
you may want to allow for converting extrusions to faces in order to 
allow tweaking the resulting extrusion.  You'll want/need a UI to "open" 
the extrusion and change the backbone and sweep shapes.

measurement == dimensioning (dim*)?  Or just on-screen measurement 
(dist).  Both are useful.

So there it is. Any takers? :)
I can't even begin to commit any real time to another project (I barely 
have time to work on the ones I already have), but if you need feedback, 
feel free to email me.  Most of the graphics stuff sounds like stuff you 
could build on top of OpenGLContext or COIN or any of the generic 
scenegraph libraries.  They aren't really CAD-focused, but they've 
already got the ability to draw the things you're wanting to work on, 
and have the Transforms and similar support to make the coding a 
reasonable task.  However, they're closer to a Maya/3DSMax model than 
AutoCAD, so maybe you'll decide you want to go your own way.

You may want to check out PythonCAD as well, which IIRC does 2D-only CAD.

Anyway, hope this was some help.  Good luck,


 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: PyOpenGL double-buffered hardware surface

2008-10-05 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

Clay Hobbs wrote:

How do I create a double-buffered hardware surface with PyOpenGL?  I
knew how to once, but forgot.

Depends on your GUI library, most of them have a flag-set that you pass 
to the initializer of the OpenGL-holding widget.  If you're using 
Pygame, see Pygame's display module.  If wxPython, see their GLcanvas 
object.  If GLUT, see glutInitDisplayMode, etceteras.

Good luck,

 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Some questions about PyOpenGL and wxPython

2008-09-21 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

Clay Hobbs wrote:

I am making a program with wxPython that renders objects in 3D using
PyOpenGL, and I am having some problems.  For one thing, I forgot how to
make a double-buffered hardware surface.

See method wxFlagsFromDefinition, particularly glcanvas.WX_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER

  For another thing,
glColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) just before the rendering doesn't make the object
red.  Please help, I'm a total noob to OpenGL.
Would have to see what you're doing to know what's wrong there.  glColor 
should be working.


 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: PyOpenGL Tutorial?

2008-07-25 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

arsyed wrote:

Also, see:
But note regarding the second tutorial there that the PyOpenGL 3.x 
*does* supply wrappers for most publicly known extensions, so you 
shouldn't have to create your own wrappers for them any more.

There's also tutorials that are not wxPython specific on the PyOpenGL 
documentation page.


 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: simpleparse - what is wrong with my grammar?

2008-02-25 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Laszlo Nagy wrote:
> Is there any way I can specify precedence tables? Or do I have to use 
> a different parser generator then?
You normally specify them as 
top_precedence/second_precedence/last_precedence sets.  SimpleParse' 
limitation is with ambiguity, not with precedence.  SimpleParse will 
wind up "overparsing" noticeably for each operation, that is, it will 
parse "expr" and "word" once for each level of precedence.  SimpleParse 
is normally fast enough that you don't really care, but optimising those 
cases is something that's sat on my "would be nice" list for a long 
time.  Unlike separate lexing/parsing systems, it's a little more 
involved for SimpleParse to do that without losing the generality of the 
parsing approach (i.e. the flexibility of a non-lexed approach).



Re: simpleparse - what is wrong with my grammar?

2008-02-24 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Laszlo Nagy wrote:
> The program below gives me "segmentation fault (core dumped)".
> Environment:
>Linux gandalf-desktop 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Tue Feb 12 05:41:34 
> UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
>Python 2.5.1
> What is wrong with my grammar? Can it be an internal error in simpleparse?
You've created an infinitely recursing grammar.  SimpleParse is a 
straightforward recursive descent parser without look-ahead (unless 
explicitly coded) or ambiguity resolution.  You are asking it to parse 
"expr" to see if "expr,binop,expr" is matched.  It will continue 
recursing down into "expr" until it runs out of ram or otherwise 
encounters a system-level fault.

You need to disambiguate your grammar to have it work with SimpleParse.  
How you do that will depend on what you really meant by expr,binop,expr:


could be parsed as either:




the following creates a parser that produces the first option (which is, 
I *think* what you wanted):

expr:= (simple_expr,no_binop)/binop_expr

binop_expr := simple_expr,binop_tail
 >simple_expr< := (paren_expr/unop_expr/word)
 >no_binop< := ?-binop/end
  := EOF

paren_expr  := "(",expr,")"
unop_expr   := unop,expr
 >binop_tail<  := binop,expr
unop:= ("+"/"-")
binop   := ("|"/"&"/"@")
word:= [a-zA-Z], [a-zA-Z0-9_]*

the ?- lookahead is reasonably inefficient, but lookahead is always 
going around discarding partial results anyway, so it's no worse than 
most other formulations.



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: IronPython vs CPython: faster in 1.6 times?

2008-02-05 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
dmitrey wrote:
> Hi all,
> the url
> (blog of a game developers)
> says IronPython is faster than CPython in 1.6 times.
> Is it really true?
On certain platforms, I believe so, for certain types of operations.  
Not sure if Mono also provides a speedup.  Most of the speedup is due to 
large amounts of (paid) effort being spent creating a high-speed ILM 
optimizer.  Because IronPython can make use of the work that MS has been 
poring into Dynamic language compilation, it can get quite a few 
speedups that CPython just doesn't get because they don't have the 
people to do the work.  Optimising code automatically is a reasonably 
complex process that tends to introduce lots of potential errors.  The 
CPython devs are not AFAIK working on performance much these days, so 
likely CPython won't improve any time soon, i.e. 3.0 will likely not be 
any faster than 2.5 from anything I've heard.

PyPy is attempting to address this issue via a separate interpreter, but 
it's currently just playing catch-up on performance most of the time.  
It does have a JIT, and might one day be fast enough to be a usable 
replacement for CPython, but it will require a lot of developer-years to 
get it there, most likely.

It would be really nice if PyPy could get Python 2.5 running say 5x 
faster and then run with that.  With that Python would open out into 
entire new areas of applicability, becoming reasonable as an embedded 
language, or a systems language.  Only 2x slower than C would make 
Python pretty close to a perfect language...
(far more attractive than a slightly tweaked syntax IMO).  That's 
probably 5-10 developer years out, though, not counting any distractions 
from trying to support Python 3.x.
> If yes, what are IronPython drawbacks vs CPython?
Mostly library access from what I understand.  Numpy and SciPy, for 
instance, are not AFAIK ported to IronPython.  Those are the people who 
*really* need speed, and without those APIs having "Python" available 
faster doesn't really mean much.  IronPython has access to the Win32 
API, so if you want to use Win32 APIs, rather than the CPython ones, 
you're golden, but Numpy/SciPy's interface is *really* elegant for 
working with large arrays of data.

If you're trying to write tight numeric loops for gigabyte arrays in raw 
Python, 1.6 times performance isn't really usable... even 5x is just 
barely usable.  Numpy lets you use the optimized (C) libraries for the 
heavy lifting and Python friendliness where you interact with humans.  
If Python were 10x faster you *might* completely rewrite your Numpy in 
Python code, but I'd expect that naive Python code would still be beat 
handily by BLAS or what have you under the covers in Numpy.

If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.

are the two lines that tend to preclude CPython ever becoming *really* 
fast.  Optimizing code is almost always complex and hard to explain.  
You need lots and lots of thought to make a compiler smart enough to 
wring performance out of naive code, and you need a lot of thought to 
reason about what the compiler is going to do under the covers with your 
code.  IronPython (and Jython, and Parrot) can use the underlying 
system's complexity without introducing it into their own project.  PyPy 
is trying to create the complexity itself (with the advantage of a 
smaller problem domain than optimising *every* language).
> And is it possible to use IronPython in Linux?
Yes, running on Mono, though again, I don't believe Mono has had the 
optimisation effort put in to make it competitive with MS's platforms.

Just my view from out in the boonies,

Re: PyOpenGL

2008-02-04 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
> Hi all,
> I apologize if this question was already answered before but I was
> unable to find a proper solution to my problem. Anyways, I am trying
> to run on Windows (Python 2.5.1) by just double-
> clicking, and I got the following error:
> [...]
> File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/OpenGL/", line 13,
> in hasGLExtension
> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
> _I think_ I have all requirements and packages properly installed.
> Any clues? Thanks in advance !
That *looks* like a problem with calling glGetString before you have a
valid context.  Normally that actually works on GLX platforms, but
apparently not in this case.  Try delaying your import until after you
have the context setup and see if that lets glGetString return a valid



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: TopSort in Python?

2008-01-20 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Paddy wrote:
> I searched for dependancy sort, and later dependency sort (cos I
> couldn't spell). I had convinced that I was using the right term and
> was flummoxed by the lack of hits. Even today the term topological
> sort means far less than what it describes: sorting items based on
> their interdependencies.
"dependency sort python" typed into Google today gives a post pointing
to (which has Tim and my
algorithms ( as the second link... vagaries of Google I
> Is this a case of something being named after its mathematical/
> technical description and so obscuring its wider practical use cases?
Could be, I tried to make sure that the word dependency was in the
description on the download page (since I had the same problem starting
out (I implemented the algorithm before I knew the name IIRC)).
> P.S. we have revived a thread started in 1999!
For some of us 1999 is well into our Pythonic life-cycle :)

Have fun,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: GUI development with 3D view

2007-12-10 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> I was under the impression that PyOpenGL is ctypes-based in the new
> versions?
It is, but I haven't had the time to do a new release and check it on a
Windows box.  There are minor fixes in CVS that *should* IIRC make us
run better on those Windows machines that have problems with the 3.x
alphas so far.

Tempus fugit,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Screen Shots?

2007-12-04 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
katie smith wrote:
> UGH so frustrating. In my game there is a minimap. On top of the
> minimap is a window showing the part of the map your viewing. The
> minimap is composed of other little pictures piled of top of eachother.
> I want to know how to basically take a picture from ex.((50,50),to
> (150,150)) and blit the mini window image on top of it. hard to
> explain but everytime I move the window box I don't want to redo the
> window with its couple hundred compiled image. I need to copy picture
> and make it into a surface??.. I dont even know.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated
If you are using Pygame (you don't say which GUI library you are using),
you can draw the mini-map into a surface and then re-blit the surface to
the screen each time you want to display it.


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: dependency algorithm

2007-11-14 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Tom Jones wrote:
> Hi,
> Consider tuples of the above numbers in the form:
> Suppose this relation means:
>a depends on b
> Given a list of tuples, I would like an algorithm to return the proper 
> ordering of the elements...and if the ordering has a loop (which in this 
> case, prevents a proper ordering), then it should return None.
You want what's called a topological sort, see:

for a pair of old algorithms from Tim Peters and I.  I believe we raise 
errors on loops, but that's pretty trivial to change.

Have fun,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: TwistedMatrix missing OpenSSL?

2007-10-05 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Lamonte Harris wrote:
> Where can I get it?  Anyone got any idea?

Might help.
> Where do I get it?  I'm currently running python 2.5
> On 10/4/07, *Lamonte Harris* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Question: wxpython and 3d engine example with model load ?

2007-08-23 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
OpenPavilion wrote:
> I would like to create an application, which uses wxpython tree, menu
> and grid elements and embedds a 3d view of some of the listed objects
> in an own detail window, so showing the object as a 3d model.
> I know there is PyOpenGL as well, but I need to load complete models
> (meshes done with cinema4d or blender) into the 3d view.
There's a bit of sample code in OpenGLContext/bin (yes, yes, I know, 
part of PyOpenGL, which you don't want) that does a 
VRML-97-scenegraph-rendering window + a shell (you'll need the latest 
CVS version to work with modern wxPythons).  There's commented out code 
that inserted a tree (to show the scenegraph as a tree, but I haven't 
got that finished).

Other options:

* I think Pivy (Coin/Inventor wrapper) could likely be embedded in
  PyQt (it has a Qt-based window operation IIRC) if that's an
  acceptable compromise.
* seems to suggest
  there's an example for using Ogre with wxPython/wxWidgets.
* suggests there's
  a way to get panda3d and wxPython working together

I don't see a soya + wxPython page in a few seconds of googling, so I 
guess finding that is left as an exercise for the reader.



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Call for advice on how to start PyOpenGL!

2007-08-20 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
math2life wrote:
> I work with python for two years, are familiar with image processing,
> but beginner on PyOpenGL and OpenGL.
> Any advice appreciated!
As has been mentioned, the NeHe tutorials[1] are a good starting point.  
There are (multiple) translations of the first 8 or so and then some 
cherry-picked translations further along the set.  There is a set of 
OpenGL demo/sample code available[2] as a separate download from the 3.x 
series (these files are mostly included in the 2.x series, though there 
is new material in the 3.x set).  OpenGLContext also has a large number 
of simple samples, though I've still got "release OpenGLContext" on my 
seemingly infinitely long and growing todo list, so that might not be 
the easiest way to start.

The "Red Book" is an older standard manual for getting started with (C) 
OpenGL code, often you can find older editions online for free.  There 
are hundreds of C tutorials hanging around the net that normally 
translate easily into Python/PyOpenGL.  The PyOpenGL manual pages *try* 
to have links to source code, but unfortunately the (java, ick!) based 
system that generates the base files has been broken for a while and I 
haven't had time to fix it properly so I can re-run the generator to 
update the links.  In the meantime, Google's code search helps a lot 
when you restrict to Python code.[3]



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Where do they tech Python officialy ?

2007-07-23 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
NicolasG wrote:
> I'm planning to save some money and attend a course in any of the
> universities that teach hard core Python.
> Does some one have any suggestions on which University to attend ?
In Canada, the University of Toronto is planning to switch all 
first-year Comp-Sci courses to Python this September.  Last I heard the 
University of Waterloo allowed Python submissions for most assignments 
in most courses.  But those are "learn hard-core computer science using 
Python" solutions, not "learn hard-core Python" solutions.

If you really want to learn hard-core Python, probably your best bet is:

* read everything Tim Peters has ever written in comp.lang.python
  (this will take a few months), start with "import this"
* read everything the PyPy guys have ever written (particularly
  Christian and Armin)
* read and try to beat the more exotic recipes in the Python cookbook
* read the papers from the various PyCons on metaclasses and the
  like, build a couple of dozen metaclasses and descriptors

But jumping into "hardcore" first might not be the best approach.  Many 
would suggest just learning "normal" Python first, *then* moving onto 
the hardcore stuff.



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Understanding Python's interpreter

2007-04-07 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Steve Holden wrote:
> Rafael Almeida wrote:
> Because they aer smarter than you, without wishing to be too rude.
Replace that with "more experienced", please.  Otherwise it is a bit 
rude, despite your wishes.  We've always been newbie positive on 
Python-list, and new compiler writers are just as important educational 
targets as new Python programmers.

Have fun,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: PyDispatcher question

2007-04-05 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Jorgen Bodde wrote:
> Hi all,
> Hopefully someone can help me. I am fairly new to Python, and I am
> looking into PyDispatcher. I am familiar with the C++ sigslot variant,
> and I wonder how similar PyDispatches is. I run in to the following
> 'problem' (pseudo code, untested here)
Here's some real code...

from pydispatch import dispatcher
import gc

class X(object):
def __init__( self ):
dispatcher.connect( self.someSignal, signal=1 )
def someSignal( self ):
print 'hello world'

obj = X()
dispatcher.send( signal= 1 )

del obj

dispatcher.send( signal= 1 )

This will print out only one "hello world" on my Python 2.5 Gentoo 
machine (it should work the same on any recent Python).  Basically your 
python shell will tend to keep around an extra copy of the X instance 
until you get rid of it explicitly, and that's what keeps the object 
"live" and receiving signals if you try the code in the shell.  
PyDispatcher is designed so that, by default, when the object goes away 
the registration is removed.  It uses the weakref module to do this, 
rather than __del__ methods, to avoid garbage cycles, btw.



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: interpreting glyph outlines from ttfquery?

2007-03-22 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Wojciech Muła wrote:
> swiftset wrote:
>> I'm try to convert a glyph into a format I can easily numerically
>> manipulate. So far I've figured out how to use ttfquery to get a list
>> that represents the outline of a contour in a glyph:
>> from ttfquery import describe, glyphquery, glyph
>> f = describe.openFont("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/
>> FreeSans.ttf")
>> n = glyphquery.glyphName(f, 'D')
>> g = glyph.Glyph(n)
>> c = g.calculateContours(f)
>> o = glyph.decomposeOutline(c[1])
>> o looks like:
>> [array([182,  82],'s'),
>> (354, 82),
>> (420.29, 90.014),
>> (474.91, 114.0), ...,
>> array([182,  82],'s'),
>> array([182,  82],'s')]
>> Is this a polyline?
> decomposeOutline docstring confirms -- it's a polyline.  I think 
> elements marked with 's' starts new subpath.
> w.
Examples of rendering self.contours and self.outlines (created by 
self.compile on the Glyph) using OpenGL operations are in the toolsfont 
module in OpenGLContext:

The outlines are simple 2D line-loops, the things with 's' are array 
objects (not start coordinates), you can convert the whole thing to a 
consistent array with numpy.array (or Numeric.array). That is, the 's' 
is just an artefact of how the calculation was done, the values are all 
2-element coordinates, some as Python tuples, some as 2-element 
Numeric/numpy "short" arrays.



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Python GUI + OpenGL

2007-03-02 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Achim Domma wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm developing a GUI app in Python/C++ to visualize numerical results. 
> Currently I'm using Python 2.4 with wx and PyOpenGLContext, but there 
> are no windows binaries for Python 2.5 for quite some time now.
> I need a OpenGL context without restrictions and some settings dialogs. 
> Is wx + PyOpenGL the way to go? Or could somebody recommend a better set 
> of tools/libs?
> regards,
> Achim
PyOpenGL 3.x (currently in alpha state, but reasonably usable) works on 
Python 2.5, there are no binaries because the system no longer requires 
binary versions.  Install the setuptools package, then run easy_install 
PyOpenGL and the egg file should be downloaded and installed to your 
machine.  The current version doesn't package GLE along with the code, 
however, so you'll have to find a DLL for that if you need it.



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Dlls

2007-02-18 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Jason Ward wrote:
> Hi. I am interested to know why python can't access DLL files directly.
> It seems to me that because python can't access DLL's directly we have to
> waste our time and write wrappers around libraries that have already 
> been written.
> So if the python developers were to implement say this.
> import MYDLL.dll
> Then we would be able to do everything with that library that we can 
> do in other languages.
> For eg. I want to use PyOpenGL. But the problem is the library hasn't 
> got all the opengl functions implemented.
> So I can either develop quickly with an incomplete library or develop 
> slowly in assembler.
> I mean really, in asm we just call the dll function directly.
> Why must python be different?
Hi again, Jason,

As we pointed out to you, ctypes *does* allow you to just load the DLL 
and start calling functions.  In fact, that's how development tends to 
happen in the ctypes implementation.  Someone just loads the DLL, hacks 
up a demo, I look at it and factor their code into the code-base.  If 
there's some function missing that you need, do something like this:

from OpenGL.platform import GL
GL.myFunction( myParameter, myOtherParameter )

and if the parameters are of simple types, it will often "just work".  
If you want to pass arrays or similar data-types you'll need to make 
them ctypes arrays or pointers to use those "raw" functions, but they 
should work perfectly well.  That is, you have to pass the right 
data-type, but then you'd have to do that in assembler too.

Have fun,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Saving PyOpenGl figures as ps

2007-02-11 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Frank wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed pyopengl (opengl for python) on my linux box and
> everything works fine. But now I want to save the generated images as,
> e.g., ps or eps. How can I do that and how can I adjust the resolution
> (if necessary)? This is probably simple but for some reason I can not
> find out how to do that.
> I appreciate every hint!
> Thanks, Frank
Hi Frank,

Take a look at the demos in OpenGL, particularly:


which is a little GLUT application that renders into a GLUT windows and 
then allows you to save it. That's raster operation though (i.e. 
produces a PNG or JPG).  Raster operations can only save a portion of 
the screen as rendered, so if you want a higher resolution image you 
need to make a larger window.  If you want to get more advanced you can 
try using an off-screen buffer (pbuffer or MESA) for the rendering, 
which may (depending on implementation) allow for higher resolutions.

If you want a true vector graphic (PS, EPS) you'll need to use something 
like GL2PS.


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: pygame and python 2.5

2007-02-09 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
> Ben> Python extensions written in C require recompilation for each new
> Ben> version of Python, due to Python limitations.
> Can you propose a means to eliminate this limitation?
Sure, write your wrapper-style extensions in ctypes :) .  For example, 
pygame-ctypes[1] should work on Python 2.5.  Of course, you need to get 
the PyGame dependencies (SDL) installed via some external mechanism, but 
the ctypes-based code should run in Python 2.5 today (with the caveat 
that it's not finished software).


Have fun,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Traceback of hanged process

2007-01-08 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Klaas wrote:
> Hynek Hanke wrote:
>> Hello,
>> please, how do I create a pythonic traceback from a python process that
>> hangs and is not running in an interpreter that I executed manually
>> or it is but doesn't react on CTRL-C etc? I'm trying to debug a server
>> implemented in Python, so I need some analog of 'gdb attach' for C.
> In python2.5, you can run a background thread that listens on a port or
> unix socket, and prints a formatted version of sys._current_frames() to
> stderr.  
You can also use the signal module to similar effect.  Works well in 
Twisted, at least:



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Metaclass uses?

2006-12-15 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Nathan Harmston wrote:
> Hi,
> Recently I posted a question about the factory pattern in python. I ve
> implemented this following one of the ideas posted. After some reading
> I ve seem a lot of Aspect Oriented Programming mentioned but I m not
> really sure what it is.
> Can anyone help me understand how metaclasses can improve the quality
> of my code and let me do better things.
My presentation from three pycons ago was an attempt to address this 
issue (what metaclasses are useful for):


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: pyopengl glShaderSourceARB error

2006-12-09 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
joroy wrote:
> Hi all,
> I think this is ctypes related but how can I call the glShaderSourceARB
> function?
> The function have this header:
> glShaderSourceARB( GLhandleARB(shaderObj), GLsizei(count),
> POINTER(arrays.GLcharARBArray)(string), GLintArray(length) ) -> None
> I call the function with someting like: glShaderSourceARB(self._object,
> 1, sourceString, 1)
> The error is
> "expected LP_GLcharArray instance instead of str"
> In fact I don't have any information on how to use this function.
> This is the last version of pyopengl available on the CVS
> (PyOpenGL-3.0.0a5-py2.5.egg)
Sorry about the lack of information available.  There's a sample of 
usage here (known to work on Win32 and Linux with latest CVS HEAD):

The key information you seem to be missing are that the Python version 
has a simpler API and that you have to pass an array (list) of strings, 
not just a single string to the compilation function.  The count and 
length (array of lengths) parameters are pulled from the list-of-strings 
you pass.



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: "fork and exit" needed?

2006-11-30 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Vincent Delporte wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Nov 2006 15:38:11 +0100, Vincent Delporte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Here's my Python rewrite:
First line of your script should be:

#! /usr/bin/env python

which is how Linux knows what interpreter to use for the script.


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: 3D Vector Type Line-Drawing Program

2006-10-10 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
James Stroud wrote:
> James Stroud wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I'm looking for a program to do line-drawings in 3d, with output to 
>> postscript or svg or pdf, etc. I would like to describe a scene with 
>> certain 1-3d elements oriented in 3d space with dashed or colored lines 
>> and filled or transparent surfaces (or maybe semitransparent).
>> I would then like to set the camera and have the scene depicted as a 
>> line drawing (not ray-traced solid body, etc).
>> Does anyone know of a library to do this?
> I'm really looking for a python library. The title of the post is kind 
> of misleading.
At one point I created a gl2ps wrapper for use with PyOpenGL, that, 
combined with any of the PyOpenGL-based renderers would allow much of 
what you're describing, though IIRC it didn't properly support 
transparent or textured surfaces.  You could probably recreate the 
wrapper using ctypes in a few hours and then hook it up in a few more.

I believe there are similar OpenGL-to-SVG libraries here and there, you 
could likely hook one of them up to get a reasonable result that would 
support more graphics features (maybe).  Generally what you get out of 
these things, however, is a quite fragmented view of your objects (that 
is, you get the triangles that would be rendered).  That *can* be coded 
around, but generally people are either focused on making it look good 
or making it editable.

Good luck,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: does anybody earn a living programming in python?

2006-09-26 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
walterbyrd wrote:
> If so, I doubt there are many. 
> I wonder why that is?
I've now used Python in every job I've had for the last 10 years.  
Started off with web-sites for a few months, then writing 
VRML-processing libraries to piece together and massage virtual worlds 
(not a *lot* of jobs there).  After that worked on a piece of 
Cable-system SNMP monitoring software (again, not a *lot* of jobs in 
that).  After that billing/provisioning systems for VoIP (you really 
only need one).  The last two companies (one of which I own, one in 
which I was a partner) were python-only shops.

PyGTA (Toronto Python User's Group), which is a fairly large user-group, 
seems to be about 60% (off-the-cuff estimate) paid Pythonistas, with 
some people picking it up for filling in corners and others spending all 
day working on it.  The paid positions tend (like most programming 
positions in less-well-known general-purpose languages) to be 
programming + X for values of X which are a problem domain having an 
obscure nature.  That is, boutique/bespoke development that requires 
some specialisation such that the customer is willing to go for whatever 
language is suitable and gets the job done.

Regarding Java from one of the previous comments (and this is a cynical 
moment here, I'm really a far more positive person, just ignore this):

There are still lots of jobs in Java, just as there are still lots
of jobs in COBOL.  Kids in the know (i.e. who *love* programming,
rather than just wanting a job) going into university are minimising
their Java exposure so that they don't box themselves into the
big-old-company environments that have locked themselves into Java
while everyone else moves onto the more dynamic languages/platforms.

Job security and easy availability is not the be-all and end-all of
happiness in life.  That said, if you know anyone who "just wants a
job", please, push them at Java, someone has to spend the next 30
years maintaining the Struts and J*EE sites people are putting
together today in all those big institutions.

Have fun,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: simpleparse parsing problem

2006-09-02 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
David Hirschfield wrote:
> Anyone out there use simpleparse? If so, I have a problem that I can't 
> seem to solve...I need to be able to parse this line:
> """Cen2 = Cen(OUT, "Cep", "ies", wh, 544, (wh/ht));"""
> expr:= termlist, ( operator, termlist )+
I *believe* you wanted that to be *, not +

Best way to write a SimpleParse grammar is from the ground up, using 
test cases, so test each thing you think you're parsing. Makes it much 
easier to spot situations like this.



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Beginner Python OpenGL difficulties

2006-05-29 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
> I'm beginning learning Python and OpenGL in Python.
> Python fine. But difficulties with OpenGL; presumably with the
> installation of OpenGL.
> OS = Linux FC5.
> Python program
> from OpenGL.GLUT import *
> from OpenGL.GLU import *
> from OpenGL.GL import *
> name = "Hello, World"
> height = 400
> etc.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]/etc/python>$ python2
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in ?
> from OpenGL.GLUT import *
> ImportError: No module named OpenGL.GLUT
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]/etc/python>$ echo $PYTHONPATH
> /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/OpenGL
You should already have site-packages in your PythonPath.  You want the
directory *above* OpenGL in the path, not OpenGL itself.  I'm unsure why
you're running a Python 2.2 instance on a modern Linux.  I'd suspect
that you're using an RPM for an older Linux?  Not sure there, I run
Gentoo, so everything builds from source for the packages that are
installed.  There are some Fedora Core build patches in CVS that are
waiting for me to get my posterior in gear with Win32 testing to be
released.  Not sure if that would change anything for you, though.

Good luck,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Using python for a CAD program

2006-05-21 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
.  That said,
threading is always tricky, particularly during debugging.  If you can
avoid it for most operations and only put things in threads that are
largely disconnected from other processes you'll likely be happier.  The
big win would be if you are doing all of your simulation in C with an
event-based update such that the simulation generates changes as a
queued list of updates to the model.  You could then have the simulation
yield the interpreter lock and seldom block the rest of the process
(save when it touches a Python object (i.e. the updates coming from or
going to the queue)).

Have fun,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: State of the "Vaults of Parnassus"

2006-05-14 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Christoph Zwerschke wrote:
> Does anybody know what happened to the "Vaults of Parnassus" site at 
> "Dr Dobb's weekly Python news" still claims that it "ambitiously 
> collects references to all sorts of Python resources." But I have the 
> impression that it does not do this any more since April 2005, probably 
> because we have the Cheese Shop now. It's strange that the site does not 
> mention that it is not maintained any more, and it is still possible to 
> submit and update entries, but these changes seem to be discarded. 
> That's not very nice. Also, I found no contact address on the whole 
> website. Who is in charge of it?
> -- Christoph
The Vaults are run by one of my colleagues, who is (as it seems we all
are), rather overworked these days.  Last I heard he had someone who was
helping him every once in a while to review the new submissions, but
that was quite a while ago.  I don't *think* there's any discarding, but
rather a delay so long in publishing that it would feel like a discard...

Take care,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Can I control Video Card by using Python under linux?

2006-03-31 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
LUK wrote:
> Hi, I have a video card based on cx2388 chip to catch video and do the
> other thing.
> There's already a V4L2 driver for it, but it is too hard for me to
> program in C.
> Can I use Python do the job?
> Does Python has simpler APIs?
> Please gvie me some suggestion.
> Thanks!
You are probably looking for the "gstreamer" package.  It has Python 
bindings available.


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Cheese Shop: some history for the new-comers

2006-03-11 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
A.M. Kuchling wrote:
> On Sat, 11 Mar 2006 16:50:26 +1100, 
>   richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> So I did what people always do in this situation, I asked Barry Warsaw to
>> name. it. And he did, "Cheese Shop". I liked the name, so it was done. When
>> the new pydotorg machines went live last year, so too did the name
> Given the endless whiny complaints about the name, though, I think we
> should just give up and go back to PyPI (pronounced 'Pippy').
I realise it's an incredibly boring name, but what about pronouncing it 
as "the package index" or "the Python Package Index".  Spelling it 
"PyPI" if one insists on a very short name in some written context is 
fine, but try not to use it when talking to a new user.  That is, link 
to the page as "The Package Index" from, refer to it as 
"you can find that in the package index", or "The Python Package Index 
has modules for X, Y, and Z" in a non-Python context.  Use pippy if 
you're talking with someone deeply embedded in Python culture (maybe), 
but don't expect people to know what you're talking about.  Use "the 
Cheese Shop" similarly.

Luckily, already does this, so no change is really 
required, it's only the server-name that says "cheeseshop", everything 
else says "Package Index" (that I could find)...

Which boils down to "don't call it the cheese shop or pippy when you're 
talking to new users", maybe don't even call it that when you're talking 
to *anyone* who's not deeply pythonified, but feel free to think of it 
as the cheese shop or pippy.  The familiar names, cute as they may be, 
don't really help users much.  That is, make it an in-joke if you like, 
but assume that users will refer to it via the obvious, simple 
description of what it is and target documentation and communication 
appropriately.  When/if the user "gets" that the Package Index is the 
Cheese Shop they can feel great having pierced that bubble, but don't 
force them to pierce it to get the software they need.

Just my two cents,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Speed of data structures in python

2006-03-10 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Dave wrote:
> Hi. I am learning PyOpenGL and I am working with a largish fixed scene  
> composed of several thousand GLtriangles. I plan to store the coords and  
> normals in a NumPy array.
> Is this the fastest solution in python? would i be significantly better  
> off (timewise or otherwise) using some other data structure to hold this  
> information? no other data structure appears as convenient, but am i  
> loosing valuable time?
> I am new to 3d programming so please feel free to state the obvious,  
> thanks.
There are two major approaches you can take:

* array-based geometry -- this relies on fast memory-transfer rates
  operating a C speeds
* display-list-based geometry -- this relies on moving all of the
  data over to the card

If you can reduce your entire (static) scene to a single display-list 
call, you'll likely find that it's faster than using array-based 
geometry.  If you have special effects (e.g. transparency), then you'll 
likely find that coding as array-based geometry is the more practical 

By way of reference, OpenGLContext uses array-based geometry throughout 
these days.  I had (at one point) code to make individual display-lists 
out of particular indexed face sets, but it didn't provide any 
performance boost when applied at the single-object level (i.e. 
thousands of display lists with all the traversal code still required), 
so the code is now disabled.  Simpler (static) scenegraphs where there's 
lots of traversal between nodes should be a much bigger win for 
converting the whole thing to a single display list.



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Collecting snmp data - threads, processes, twisted?

2006-02-07 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Antal Rutz wrote:
> I'd like to collect snmp data from varoius network devices parallel.
> Could you give me some advice how can I make my script really parallel?
> My options maybe:
> 1. pySNMP (as it's full in python)
> 2. subprocess (I'd like to make (find) a solution as
> (running yapsnmp, pySNMP or even net-snmp?...)
> 3. TwistedSNMP (seems too weird for me.. cannot imagine a simple 
> solution for my problem)
This kind of parallel mass-query operation is TwistedSNMP's primary 
focus (it was created for a commercial product that scans thousands of 
agents).  If you really want all of the queries to run in parallel (i.e. 
send out all the queries within milliseconds of each other):

agents = [ ... ]
dl = []
for agent in agents:
dl.append( agent.get( (oid,oid,oid) ) )
return defer.DeferredList( dl )

add a callback to the DeferredList which processes the 
(success,result_or_failure) list you get back.  If you want to process 
individual results/failures before the whole set returns, add the 
callback for that to the agent.get() result.

If you have thousands of devices you'll likely want to batch the queries 
into ~ 200 simultaneous queries and/or use multiple protocols (gives you 
more OS-level buffering).

Have fun,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: OpenGL

2006-01-22 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
> Does that mean PyOpenGL is based on ctypes ?
PyOpenGL, the project with releases, binaries on most platforms, and 
lots of history is currently written in SWIG.  It was originally written 
in pure Python C-extension code, then Tarn rewrote it using SWIG a few 
years ago.  OpenGL-ctypes is in the PyOpenGL CVS repository, it's a 
ctypes re-re-implementation of the same Python API to OpenGL.  My 
intention is that the ctypes implementation will become the 3.0.0 
release when it is finished and optimised.  If there's time and enough 
interest I'll try to produce another maintenance release for 
PyOpenGL-SWIG, but I'm really quite tired of spelunking through dozens 
of levels of C-code macro expansions, so I'm not all that interested in 
working with the codebase.
> I thought is was using SWIG ?
> And on that note:  I have some (old) SWIG typemaps for numarray arrays
> that I'm using for many years.
> I was always wondering how difficult it would be for me to add them
> into PyOpenGL ?
Likely difficult, for the SWIG version.  You might be able to 
*substitute* them quite readily for the Numpy mapping, but having the 
APIs support two different numeric systems requires some API to switch 
between them, which requires rewriting the (really-deeply-embedded) 
typemaps to support that.  The difficulty of doing that kind of change 
is part of what prompted me to rewrite the system in Python (using ctypes).
> So far I'm just using my own (one !) OpenGL function with that typemap
> to draw 6 vertices in a vector linestrip. But I would like to not
> have to resort to "string conversion" when for example drawing 2D
> typemaps...
> Anyway, thanks a lot for PytOpenGL - my program (image analysis
> platform and microscope control) would not be possible without it.
> Sebastian Haase
OpenGL-ctypes is designed with a fairly well abstracted array-handling 
API.  Basically any array type can be registered with handlers that let 
you tell the system how to do basic operations; get an array's size, 
shape, data-type, convert to a given data-format, build an "empty" array 
of a given size, that kind of thing.  I haven't written a numarray one 
yet, but it should be a fairly trivial change from the Numpy/scipy-core 

Have fun,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: OpenGL

2006-01-22 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
NaeRey wrote:
> If you notice the project died, being latest release Jan2 2005. Thats
> over a year old.
Died, no.  We have a rather small developer community, basically myself 
and a few people who contribute a module here or there.  Most (really, 
all) of the time being spent on PyOpenGL these days is focusing on the 
OpenGL-ctypes implementation, which hopefully will let far more people 
work on the source-code (and add features and coverage of more extensions).

Have fun,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Extracting results from a large hotshot profile

2006-01-16 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Brian Cole wrote:

>Thanks for the tip. I got the following error message when trying to
>run your profiler.

>  File "c:\Documents and Settings\coleb2\My 
> Documents\software\Python24\Lib\site
>-packages\runsnakerun\", line 95, in loadHotshot
>localDeltas[depth] = 0
>IndexError: index out of bounds

>As the traceback shows I'm running this on Windows. I'm gonna go
>wrestle with installing wxPython and Numeric on my Linux box and see
>if that makes a difference.
Not likely.  The hotshotreader module is creating an array of 
sys.getrecursionlimit() long integers to store the accumulated local 
times.  It does the same to track the number of frames.  Most likely 
your main program is setting sys.getrecursionlimit explicitly and as a 
result it winds up with a larger possible stack.  You can try replacing 
the sys.getrecursionlimit() calls with some big number (say 40,000, or 
just multiply the recursion limit by 10 or 20 if you like) and see if 
that solves the problem.  Probably should allow for setting the value on 
the command-line I guess.  I suppose there may also be cases where a 
recursive call to the interpreter gets a whole separate stack... or 
maybe there's something going on with threads intermixing to create 
greater depth.

Let me know if that helps,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Extracting results from a large hotshot profile

2006-01-16 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Brian Cole wrote:

>I did a hotshot profile. To make this profile took
>about a day. However, I've been trying to extract results from the
>profile for the past two days. It's eating up all the memory (2G
>memory) on the machine and is slowing sucking up the swap space
>(another 2G).
>I'm hesitant to kill it for I might get results out of it some day
>(even if I may have to bequeath them to my grand-children), but is
>there a better way to do this?

>The profile is 355 MB large. Is there anything I can do to extract that data?
You might want to try my RunSnakeRun utility:

It's designed to load large hotspot runs.  I've never had a 355 MB one, 
but I regularly load 140+MB ones on a desktop 1GB machine.  It does an 
incremental load, so you start to see results as soon as it starts 
running and continues loading the data-set in the background (it can 
take quite a while for the full data-set to load, but I don't *think* it 
should run out of RAM).

In case you don't want the GUI, the package includes the core 
hotshotreader module that actually does the incremental loading, you 
could use that to produce a view by writing code to display the results 



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Limiting the size of List and making it Homogeneous

2006-01-13 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Little class that does restrictions/checks on adding to a list (simply 
subclass and put your restrictions in the beforeAdd or beforeMultipleAdd 

Note, however, that if you goal is to create a simple C-level pointer of 
machine ints you'll need to use Numpy or a similar system that 
implements such a type.

Have fun,

ankit wrote:

>Is it possible to limit the size of list in python.
>I want to make list of 5 elements. How can I achieve this thing in
>python. And one more thing can we declare list to store elements of
>same type as in c, C++ we can declare an
>array which can have 5 elements of type int.
>C, C++:
>   int intarr[5] 
>How can I achieve this kind of behavior ? 
  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: PyOpengl text rendering with autocad font

2005-12-15 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Marco wrote:

>I must use text in Opengl, Python
>This text is for architecture design then I need to use AutoCad fonts
>(extension .shx).
>I have two troubles:
>I don't find a guide, a good program, something for use any kind of
>fonts in PyOpengl. The nehe tutorial has some bugs in translation to
>I need to scale rotate the text.
For general font rendering you can choose two major approaches, either 
use a built-in platform-Dependant system (such as seen in the NeHe 
tutorial) or code your own to render the individual characters using 
either one of the cross-platform GUI libraries (2D text) or TTFQuery 
(3D/polygonal text (i.e. you can rotate in all 3 dimensions)).  There is 
a NeHe tutorial translation for the font-rendering demo in 
OpenGLContext's tests directory.  To render text in general, see the 
OpenGLContext/scenegraph/text/* modules.  However, none of those knows 
how to handle .shx files, they load TTF fonts instead.

>I don't know anything about handling fonts, I must use this .shx but I
>don't know. In which way can I take this file and put them in my
If you can find a format specification you may be able to write an 
importer (IIRC SHX fonts are just series of lines, so would be very easy 
to render once you have the format read).  You might find it easier to 
redefine the process as "tell autocad to use truetype, then render 
truetype" if whoever is asking for .shx will allow it.

>If somebody wants to help me :-)


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: new in programing

2005-12-09 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Python iterates over "things" (objects), of which integer numbers are 
just one possible choice.  The range built-in command produces ranges of 
integers which are useful for tasks such as this.

lim = 3

for i in range( 1, lim+1 ):
for j in range( i+1, lim+2):
for k in range( j+1, lim+3):
for l in range( k+1, lim+4):
for m in range( l+1, lim+5):
for n in range( m+1, lim+6):
print i,j,k,l,m,n

Would be a direct translation of your code (with a few lines to make it 
actually do something and a fix for the last variable name).


Efrain Marrero wrote:

>i want to now how to do this in python
>this is java
>for(int i=1 ; i<=lim ; i++){
> for(int j=i+1; j<=lim+1; j++){

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Favorite flavor of Linux? (for python or anything else)

2005-12-04 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Brett Hoerner wrote:

>I have to add another vote for Gentoo.
And another here.  Portage (the Python-coded package-management system) 
does a very good job.  I tend to use fairly conservative settings as 
well, Gentoo's just nice and stable as a general rule, I don't care 
about ultimate speed or tweaking the code much, I just find that 
building everything from source (but without the headaches) tends to 
make things work together well.

As far as Python support goes, Gentoo tends to work very well for Python 
packages, Pygame and wxPython on AMD64, for instance, install flawlessly 
out of the box (where others seem to have problems)... in fact most of 
the major packages install reliably.  There's a key note that you might 
miss regarding the Python updating process, namely that you have to run 
python-updater to rebuild all of your packages for the new Python 
version, but once you know that, Pythonicity in Gentoo is pretty 

Anyway, just a vote that's trying very hard to keep on-topic for the 
python list,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: 3d Transformation

2005-11-29 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Tyler Eaves wrote:

>Got a 3d algorithmns question. Algorithmn will be implemented in python,  
>so a library would be great if it works on windows. Basically my function  
>would be defined as such.
>Problem is one of coordinate transformation. Give a 3d vector, which  
>reprents the +z axis in the source coordinate system, and a rotation value  
>around that axis for determinging the x and y axises, I wish to translate  
>a point from that geometry into "world" geometry, or in other words  
>absolute coordinates. Input data is a 3d path with banking data that will  
>be sampled at regular points for purposes of building other geometry.
You can find code for doing this in the OpenGLContext project.  The 
lowest-level code is in the vrml.vrml97.transformmatrix module, which 
just generates matrices for the various transformations, rotations and 
scales.  You can find the module here:

the module also allows for generating inverse arrays (what you use for 
transforming from outer coordinates to inner, instead of inner to 
outer), and has an accelerator C module for much of the functionality.

The higher levels in OpenGLContext support compositing multiple 
transformations in a containment hierarchy for a scenegraph.  See e.g. 
OpenGLContext/scenegraph/transform and OpenGLContext/scenegraph/nodepath 
module for that higher-level stuff.

Anyway, hope this helps,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: System tray Icon

2005-10-24 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
I have a sample up here:

using wxPython.  The sample application is Linux-specific, but it should 
give you a fairly good idea of how to use the system tray icon control 
in wxPython.


Mike Pippin wrote:

> How would I have an app run with just a system tray Icon??? any help 
> would be greatly appreciated. I have no clue where to start.

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: graphic memory & animation

2005-10-17 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Peres wrote:

> Thanks a lot for your answer, Fredrik,
> Slow means more than 20ms to erase the screen. After double buffering 
> it improved a lot , of course (16 ms) but I'll need a faster speed.
> I program 2D animated sequences on a PC. Do you think OpenGL is the 
> correct direction to take? If so is it easy to interface with Python 
> (it seems PyOpenGL is not freeware...)

PyOpenGL has a BSD-style license, that's about as 'free' as one can get 
in the freeware sense.

Just a note,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Merging sorted lists/iterators/generators into one stream of values...

2005-10-10 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Alex Martelli wrote:

>George Sakkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   ...
>>>manipulation of a heap to place an item in the right spot, but with 4-5
>>>or a few more sources might not make an impact at all.
>>Unless you're talking about hundreds or thousands sources, it probably
>>won't. I would still go for the heap solution since IMO the resulting
>>code it's more readable and easier to understand.

>i.e., a heap solution may be over 4 times faster than a sort-based one
>(in the following implementations).  Readability seems quite comparable
>(skipping the rest of the infrastructure, which generates random sorted
>streams and ensures a stream is exhausted and verifies it etc etc):
One thing to keep in mind (if you care about performance) is that you 
one could use bisect, instead of sort, as the sorted list of streams is 
already in order save for the one element you are processing.  Btw, nice 
trick with reverse to reduce memory copying, when did that get 
introduced?  Wonder if bisect can deal with reverse-sorted elements.  
Anyway, should reduce the O-complexity of that part of the operation, 
though you'll still have to do a memcpy to shift the rest of the source 
list's array, and if it can't deal with reverse-sorted lists it would 
move you back to front-of-list popping.

Oh, we're still missing use of a comparison function in both versions. 
I'd think you'd want that functionality *available* if you're going to 
make this a general tool.  You'll also need to check for StopIteration 
on creation of sources for null sequences.  Finally, why  the 'i' 
element?  It's never used AFAICS.

>def merge_by_sort(streams):
>  sources = [[, i,] for i, s in enumerate(streams)]
>  while sources:
>best_source = sources[-1]
>    yield best_source[0]
>try: best_source[0] = best_source[-1]()
>except StopIteration: sources.pop()

Have fun,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Merging sorted lists/iterators/generators into one stream of values...

2005-10-07 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Lasse Vågsæther Karlsen wrote:

>Ok, that one looks more sleak than what I came up with.
>Couple of things I learn from your solution, please correct me if I
>misunderstood something:
>1. list containing other lists will sort itself based on first element
>on lists inside ?
Correct, comparison is recursive for lists/tuples.

>2. sort(), pop() is not costly operations
They *can* be costly, but the algorithm reduces the number of times they 
are called to less-than-linear for all but pathological cases (i.e. they 
are only called when you need to switch streams).  It also only requires 
sorting only the number of streams, rather than the whole set.

>Other than that you seem to not use the cmp operator but that's easily
Sorry about that, revised version below:

def firstIter( value ):
it = iter( value )
return, it
except StopIteration, err:
return None, None

def cmpFirstWith( comparison ):
def compare( a,b ):
return comparison(a[0],b[0])
return compare

def inorder( comparison, *args ):
iterators = [
for (value,it) in [ firstIter( arg ) for arg in args ]
if it is not None
while iterators:
yield iterators[0][0]
value = iterators[0][0] = iterators[0][1].next()
except StopIteration, err:
if len(iterators) > 1 and comparison( value, 
iterators[1][0]) == 1:
iterators.sort( cmpFirstWith( comparison ) )

if __name__ == "__main__":
s1 = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
s2 = [15, 25]
s3 = [17, 27, 37]
s4 = []
for value in inorder(cmp, s1, s2, s3, s4):
print value
s1 = [{'a':'b'}, {'a':'e'}]
s2 = [{'a':'d'}, {'a':'z'}]
def comp( a,b ):
return cmp( a['a'],b['a'])
for value in inorder(cmp, s1, s2 ):
print value

Have fun,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Merging sorted lists/iterators/generators into one stream of values...

2005-10-06 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Lasse Vågsæther Karlsen wrote:

>I need to merge several sources of values into one stream of values. All 
>of the sources are sorted already and I need to retrieve the values from 
>them all in sorted order.
>In other words:
>s1 = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
>s2 = [15, 25]
>s3 = [17, 27, 37]
>for value in ???(s1, s2, s3):
> print value
>will print out 10, 15, 17, 20, 25, 27, 30, 37, 40, 50 in that order.
>The sources are cursors retrieving data from several databases, not from 
>the same server, and there's a potential for a large number of rows from 
>several of the sources. As such, any method that would load it all into 
>memory and sort it is no good as it would too much memory.
>Is there a function or whatnot in Python that will do what I want? I 
>have come up with my own method but since it uses generators I'm not 
>sure how much overhead there is. Additionally, since the values 
>retrieved from the cursors will be dictionaries of "fieldname":value 
>pairs, the method would either need to handle that construct (and be 
>told what fieldname to sort on), or be able to take a function object to 
>use for the comparison operation.
>Basically, I'll use my own function for this unless someone can point me 
>to something that is already available. Couldn't seem to find anything 
>in the builtin modules but I didn't find glob.glob when I was looking 
>for how to find filenames either so who knows what it's called :)
>Since I need to deal with a variable list of sources (that is, 2 in one 
>application, 3 in another and 4-5 in a third), a simple 2-source method 
>isn't enough but if it's better than what I do for 2 sources then I can 
>make a wrapper for it, since that's what I do anyway.
I doubt you'll find a prebuilt one, it's fairly easy to create your own, 
after all.  Generators are fairly fast constructs in Python, btw.  
Here's what I whipped up in a few minutes:

def firstIter( value ):
it = iter( value )
return, it
except StopIteration, err:
return None, None

def inorder( comparision, *args ):
iterators = [
for (value,it) in [ firstIter( arg ) for arg in args ]
if it is not None
while iterators:
yield iterators[0][0]
value = iterators[0][0] = iterators[0][1].next()
except StopIteration, err:
if len(iterators) > 1 and comparision( value, 
iterators[1][0]) == 1:

if __name__ == "__main__":
s1 = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
    s2 = [15, 25]
s3 = [17, 27, 37]
s4 = []
for value in inorder(cmp, s1, s2, s3, s4):
print value

Anyway, have fun,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Teenagers of busses do *what*?

2005-09-29 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

>He is the equivalent of one of those bored, spoiled teenagers who urinate
>on public transport just to see the shocked reactions of other people. You
>can't engage him in rational debate. Until we find a way to send electric
>shocks through the Internet, all we can do is ignore him. To argue with
>him just gives him the sick entertainment he wants.
Rational debate?  They urinate on your buses and you worry about 
rational debate?  Call the transit police.  Have them hauled home in a 
paddy wagon to say hello to their parents after a few dozen hours of 
picking up litter and scrubbing bus floors.  We may not be able to do 
anything particularly effective to the morons who light *online* fires; 
but then they are easily ignored when their signal/noise ratio drops to 
nil.  But if you're seeing this kind of behaviour in the real world, for 
criminney's sake, fix it with the judicious use of a billy club upside 
the head.

No society thrives while letting people piss in the common well.
The public transit system is a commons to be protected like any other.
If you see people pissing on your public transit, get scared and fix 
your society.

Entirely off-topic,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: py2exe and OpenGL problem

2005-09-25 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Line 13:17 of, replace with:

filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'version')
__version__ = string.strip(open(filename).read())
except Exception, err:
__version__ = ''



>I am using the new py2exe and python 24. When I run my, the
>dist seems to generate just fine. However run I run the resulting exe,
>I get an error:
>IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
>Now I've tried the recommended route with older py2exes, where I
>exclude OpenGL and copy the entire directory over to my dist, but that
>didn't work. I included "version" into the "OpenGL" directory via my
> script, and it is there right in the, but I still
>get the same error.
>Anyone have any ideas or suggections?


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: improvements for the logging package

2005-09-13 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

>Vinay> Well, it seems a little too late now, for unittest, threading, 
> logging
>Vinay> and probably a few more.
>Correct, as I indicated.

>Vinay> What would you suggest for threading, unittest etc. in terms of
>Vinay> binding more unix_like_names and deprecating existing ones? It
>Vinay> seems a lot of work for not very much benefit, beyond consistency
>Vinay> for its own sake.
>No, while "consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" I think we should
>strive for consistency within the core code, simply because it tends to be
>used as an informal educational tool.  As for the others (and logging as
>well, for that matter), maybe it's just been too long to make changes and
>they should only be changed in Py3K.
I would strongly support the assertion that changing the interfaces on 
deployed modules just to match the style guide is not something that 
should happen before Py3K (that is to say, it should not happen until we 
simply don't care about being able to run old Python code, which is to 
say, a very long time).

There's no reason whatsoever to break *every* piece of code that ever 
used a service just to support consistency in naming.  Especially when 
you're dealing with these modules that are used in probably the majority 
of projects it's just a *huge* make-work project to go removing the 
original service (API).  If someone really wants the newly-named 
version, create a different entry-point (module) and allow them to use 
that.  See how popular the renamed version is as a stand-alone module 
where the barrier to entry is copying it in (which is far less than 
revising hundreds of projects to deal with a deprecation).  If it flies, 
consider adding it to the standard library and eventually deprecating 
the current version.

Consistency in the standard library is good.  We *should* strive for it 
as we improve the library.  But reworking elements in the standard 
library *just* to support consistency, at the expense of complete API 
incompatibility, just doesn't have a good cost/benefit ratio for the 
*users* of Python.  A note in the docstring and documentation noting the 
inconsistency in naming due to historic factors would seem to be more 
appropriate if we're worried about emulation by users.

Anyway, I realise Skip probably was using "in Py3K" in the "some 
unimaginably far-off time" sense, but just in case he wasn't I felt I 
should pipe up...


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Has anybody tried to make a navigation like Google?

2005-09-05 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Lad wrote:

>I would like to make in my web application a similar navigation like
>Google uses, I mean  at the bottom of each page there are numbers of
>returned pages after you search query.
>Has anyone tried that? Is there an algorithm for that? I do not want to
>re-invent the wheel.
>Thank you for help
First the assumptions:

* We'll assume you're using SQL queries against a database
* You don't want to have to produce the whole result-set across the
  database interface, but you don't mind producing them on the
  database side
* You want precise values (Google's aren't precise measures of
  number of records)
  o If you don't, you can use whatever estimation mechanism you
like to get the total instead of a second query
* You have a complete ordering of records (if not then your results
  will randomly shuffle themselves as the user pages through)

Given that:

* You need to construct a query that produces (just) a count of all
  records in the set
* You then need a query that is parameterised to return a subset of
  the records in the set
  o offset -- count of records from the start of the set
  o limit -- number of records to display on any given page

Now, when you want to retrieve the records:

def search( self ):
"""Perform the search, retrieve records and total"""
self.records = self.SEARCH_QUERY(
whatToSelect = self.whatToSelectSubset,
limits = self.calculateLimits(),
orders = self.calculateOrders(),
wheres = self.calculateWheres(),
for record in self.SEARCH_QUERY(
whatToSelect = self.whatToSelectCount,
limits = "",
orders = "",
wheres = self.calculateWheres(),
): = record[0]

In that code the SEARCH_QUERY is a PyTable SQLQuery object, it just 
takes care of the cross-database substitution operations.  The code to 
handle the whatToSelect determination looks like this (by default):

keyColumnName = common.StringProperty(
"keyColumnName", """Column name used to count total number of 
#define keyColumnName on Search!,
whatToSelectSubset = common.StringProperty(
"whatToSelectSubset", """What to select in the subset-of-records 
defaultValue = "*",
whatToSelectCount = common.StringProperty(
"whatToSelectCount", """What to select in the count-of-records 
defaultFunction = lambda prop,client: """COUNT(DISTINCT( %s 

the wheres are the natural WHERE clauses you want to apply to the query 
(i.e. the search terms).  The orders are normally a default set of 
fields with the ability for the user to move any field to the front of 
the set via UI interactions.  The "limits" are actually both limits and 
orders in this example, since they are tied together as the paging 

def calculateLimits( self ):
"""Calculate the limit/offset clauses for a select"""
return """LIMIT %s OFFSET %s"""%( self.limit, self.offset )

Just for completeness, here's an example of a SEARCH_QUERY:

SEARCH_QUERY = sqlquery.SQLQuery("""SELECT
voip.voicemail JOIN  voip.voipfeature USING (voipfeature_id) 
JOIN voip.voipaccount USING (voipaccount_id)

The UI then offers the user the ability to increase offset (page 
forward), decrease offset (page backward), and re-sort (change the 
ordering fields).  You disable the paging if you've reached either end 
of the record-set (offset<0 offset >= total-1), obviously.

Anyway, hope that helps,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: File parser

2005-08-30 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
infidel wrote:

>Angelic Devil wrote:

>Some time ago I was toying around with writing a tool in python to
>parse our VB6 code (the original idea was to write our own .NET
>conversion tool because the Wizard that comes with VS.NET sucks hard on
>some things).  I tried various parsing tools and EBNF grammars but VB6
>isn't really an EBNF-esque syntax in all cases, so I needed something

You may find this project interesting to play with:

Have fun,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Pointers and ctypes

2005-08-29 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
F. Petitjean wrote:

>Le 29 Aug 2005 06:19:17 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

>You can use the ctypes.byref() function (as it is in an argulent list):
>  ReadOPort.argtypes = (c_ushort, c_ushort, ctypes.POINTER(c_ulong) )
>  ReadOPort.restype = c_short
>  status = c_ulong()  #  status value to be read
>  number = c_ushort(1)   # CardNumber = 1
>  port = c_ushort(11)
>  rc = ReadOPort(number,  port, ctypes.byref(status))
>  print rc, ststus
Just as an FYI, Thomas has recently added code which does the byref 
automatically.  The version of ctypes in CVS HEAD will allow you to pass 
in a c_ulong where the argtype is ctypes.POINTER(c_ulong).

Have fun,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: python image thumbnail generator?

2005-08-27 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Chris Dewin wrote:

>Hi. I run a website for my band, and the other guys want an image gallery.
>I'm thinking it would be nice and easy, if we could just upload a jpg into
>a dir called "gallery/". When the client clicks the "gallery" link, a 
>cgi script could search the gallery/ dir, and create thumbnails of any
>jpeg images that don't already have a thumbnail associated with them. The
>script could then generate a page of clickable thumbnails.
>A few questions:
>(1) Can this be done with python? If so, what module do I need to look up?
PIL can certainly handle the functionality.

>(2) If it can't be done with python, is there some small utility that will
>do it for me? Something I could easily install locally in my own
>"public_html" dir on my website?
The core function looks something like this:

import Image # this is PIL

def getThumbnail( filename, size = (32,32) ):
'''Get a thumbnail image of filename'''
image =
rx, ry = image.size[0]/float(size[0]), image.size[1]/float(size[1])
if rx > ry:
resize = int(size[0]), int(round(image.size[1]*(1.0/rx), 0))
resize = int(round(image.size[0]*(1.0/ry), 0)), int(size[1])
image = image.resize( resize, Image.BILINEAR )
newimage = 'RGB', size, )
x,y = image.size
image, ((size[0]-x)/2, (size[1]-y)/2),
return newimage

then you call filename, format ) to save the result.

>(3) Is this the sort of thing which, if done regularly, would hog far far
>too much of my webhosts system resources?
As long as you *only* generate images for sources that don't yet have 
(or are newer than) their thumbnail you should be fine.

>(4) Am I talking about re inventing the wheel?
Probably.  ZPhotoSlides (a Zope product) provides thumnailing, 
slideshows and the like, probably closer to what you'd want for this 
kind of application.  You'll probably find other non-Zope versions as well.

Good luck,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Decorator and Metaclasses Documentation

2005-08-22 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
bruno modulix wrote:

>Mike C. Fletcher wrote:
>>Though the don't go into extreme detail on decorators (they are
>>basically syntactic sugar for a particular type of descriptor).
>Err... Could you elaborate on this ? Decorators are syntactic sugar for
>function wrapping, while descriptors are a 'protocol' to hook into
>attribute lookup, so I don't really see how one can describe the first
>in terms of the second...
There are two major types of descriptors, the elven and the dwarven.

* Elven descriptors are things like property, BasicProperty, VRML97
  fields, Zope Field Properties, or PEAK's mechanisms.  They mediate
  access to an instance's attributes, (both setting and getting of
  values) and are used primarily for domain modeling.
* Dwarven descriptors are things like staticmethod or classmethod;
  function-like things that tend to look like a function and quack
  like a function, but have some special property or functionality
  attached when accessed as an attribute of a class/instance
  (functions themselves return instance methods or class methods
  depending on how they are retrieved).

As you'll read in the PyCon 2005 paper pointed to, the whole set 
basically grew out of a generalisation of what functions were already 
doing (conceptually).  Functions are, in short, the proto-descriptor.  
That is, objects which control what result is returned by attribute 
access (e.g. an instance or unbound instance method).  Many (most?) 
dwarven descriptors are implemented as simple wrapper functions around 
the base function to use the function's already-present descriptor hooks.

Decorators are syntactic sugar for defining dwarven descriptors.  In 
Python 2.2 and 2.3 a dwarven descriptor was instantiated like this:

def function( cls ):
"""Do something simple with the class"""
function = classmethod( function )

in Python 2.4+, they can be instantiated like this:

def function( cls ):
"""Do something simple with the class"""

technically you *could* return something that's not a descriptor from 
the decorator (e.g. classmethod), but it's unlikely you'd do that very 



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Decorator and Metaclasses Documentation

2005-08-21 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
sysfault wrote:

>Does anyone know of any good documentation on these topics, doesn't look
>like the official python tutorial covers them. Thanks in advance.
PyCon 2005, PyCon 2004 and PyGTA November 2004 presentations here are 
all on these topics:

Though the don't go into extreme detail on decorators (they are 
basically syntactic sugar for a particular type of descriptor).


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: PyOpenGL

2005-08-10 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

>Hey I'm a programmer looking to port some of my opengl ...although
>limited into a python app I've made... I'd like to know where to find
>any python/opengl source or a tutorial etc.. whatever I'd like to get a
>series of points that represent a 3d slope presented to the user.
That'd a fairly simple demo; you'll find a "big brother" of it in the 
"dots" demo with PyOpenGL (which is a particle system composed of dots 

OpenGLContext has a number of demos for displaying pointsets (dots), 
including the basic pointset test that just creates a set of 20 points 
or so.

If what you mean is that you want to create a *mesh* from a point-set, 
then you need to add some more information, particularly you need a way 
to figure out the topological connections between points.  If it's a 
regular x,y grid, you can readily construct the polygons, if not, you 
get into something a little more fuzzy.

Good luck,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Metaclasses and class variables

2005-08-04 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Jan-Ole Esleben wrote:

>Yes, that works, but it is unfortunately not an option (at least not a
>good one).
>Is there no way to create a class variable that exists during
>definition of the class? (I cannot imagine there isn't, since
>technically it's possible and manually it can be done...)
The metaclass hook occurs *after* class definition, anything using a 
side-effect of a metaclass hook then, *must* occur after the execution 
of the metaclass hook.  At the time you want to write classvar.append 
the "class" is only a namespace, so, if you really need this feature 
you'll need to look elsewhere for at least *part* of the solution.

A global "classvar" that, when appended to, caches values until your 
metaclass is called and transfers the cache to the class should *work*, 
but egads that's ugly compared to just classvar = [] .  I guess what I'd 
ask is *why* is avoiding that single line so important.  It could be 
there's a reasonable answer, but the amount of machinery required to 
avoid it is going to be significant.

class meta( type ):
newClassVar = []
def __new__( cls, name, bases, dictionary ):
dictionary[ 'classvar' ] = cls.newClassVar[:]
del cls.newClassVar[:]
return super( meta, cls ).__new__( cls, name, bases, dictionary )
__metaclass__ = meta
classvar = meta.newClassVar

or something along those lines...

Um, ick, but HTH,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Selection, picking with PyOpenGL?

2005-07-30 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Erik Max Francis wrote:

>I was interesting in adding selection and hit testing to ZOE, and was 
>looking at the PyOpenGL wrappers' handling of selection and picking.  I 
>see glSelectBuffer to specify the size of the buffer, and glRenderMode 
>properly returns the number of hits when put back into GL_RENDER mode, 
>but I don't see any way within PyOpenGL itself to access the select 
>buffer to actually process the hits.  Is there any way to do this 
>without using OpenGLContext?  (If not, does this make sense, given that 
>OpenGLContext is supposed to be an additional helper library for a 
>gentle introduction to OpenGL?)
I think you're missing what's returned from the glRenderMode code (which 
is non-standard OpenGL, to avoid the need for Python code using and 
decoding structured pointers), from OpenGLContext:

nameStack = list(glRenderMode(GL_RENDER))

that is, you get a stack of name records (i.e. your glSelectBuffer with 
(near,far,names) records) back from the glRenderMode call, *not* just a 
count of the records produced.

In general, you shouldn't *need* OpenGLContext to do anything, as all of 
its OpenGL code is written directly in Python to PyOpenGL's API (that 
was its original purpose in life, to test those APIs).  It is, however, 
intended to provide a source for sample code showing how to accomplish 
effects when using PyOpenGL, so from

for name in names
for (near,far,names) in nameStack

shows you how to deal with the glSelectBuffer result, namely that it's a 
near value, a far value, and a set of integer names (the name stack) for 
each record in the set.  OpenGLContext is here creating a node-path of 
all selectable objects from the scenegraph root to the final selected 
object using the nameStack and a registered set of name:node values 
(self.selectable).  It will use those to populate the event objects that 
show up in the OpenGLContext mouse-event-handling APIs.



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Fire event when variable is Set/Get

2005-07-24 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

Varghjärta wrote:

But there is something that keeps bugging me, and that keeps me from
embracing Python even more as a serious alternative to C#(for me). In
C# I make heavy use of Get & Set, mainly to fire an event that some
property has changed so that one can act on that _if one would need
to. I've grown very used to doing it and it feels like the best way to
make very OO and reusuable and easy to use Classes.

It's fairly straightforward to implement observability for any of the 
various "modeling" descriptor systems out there.  Attached you'll find a 
quick demo of how one could use BasicProperty with PyDispatcher to 
produce the effect.  The biggest problem is that normally the particular 
events you want to fire are application specific.  Heck, it's a toss-up 
whether the property or the client should be the sender of a message 
(basically depends on whether you normally want to filter by one or the 

The OpenGLContext vrml scenegraph has PyDispatcher-sending fields 
built-in if you want to see a real-world use.  (We have others which use 
BasicProperty + PyDispatcher, but they're not Open-Source).

Have fun,

 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

"""Demonstration of observable properties"""
from dispatch import dispatcher 
from basicproperty import basic

class Observable( basic.BasicProperty ):
"""Sample of creating an observable BasicProperty"""
SETTING_SIGNAL = "basicproperty.observable.set"
def __set__( self, client, value ):
"""Override to send dispatcher messages on setting"""
value = super( Observable, self ).__set__( client, value )
signal = self.SETTING_SIGNAL,
sender = self,
value = value,
client = client,
except Exception, err:
# you'd actually want to log here...
return value

if __name__ == "__main__":
from basicproperty import propertied
import random
class Model( propertied.Propertied ):
name = Observable(
"name", """The name of the object, for some purpose""",
defaultValue = "Uncle Tim",
age = Observable(
"age", """How old the object is, often just a guess""",
defaultFunction = lambda prop, client: random.randint( 
1, 100),

def onName( sender, client, value ):
"""Process a change to a Model Object"""
print 'Name', sender, client, value 
def onAge( client, value ):
"""Process a change to a Model Object"""
print 'Age', client, value 
sender =,
signal = Observable.SETTING_SIGNAL,
sender = Model.age,
signal = Observable.SETTING_SIGNAL,

m = Model() = 'Peters'
m.age # note we send a message, as the default is __set__ on retrieval
m.age = 18


Re: Frankenstring

2005-07-12 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Thomas Lotze wrote:

>I think I need an iterator over a string of characters pulling them out
>one by one, like a usual iterator over a str does. At the same time the
>thing should allow seeking and telling like a file-like object:
Okay, first off, this is never going to be *fast* compared to something
coded in C and wrapped with Python.  You are dealing with every single
character as a Python object, so let's forget fast for the moment and do
a straightforward implementation:

class Franken( str ):
frankenIndex = 0
def __iter__( self ):
while self.frankenIndex < len(self):
yield self[ self.frankenIndex ]
self.frankenIndex += 1
self.frankenIndex = 0
def seek( self, index ):
self.frankenIndex = index
def tell( self, index ):
return self.frankenIndex

if __name__ == "__main__":
f = Franken( 'abcdefg' )
for c in f:
print 'char', c
if c == 'c':
break 5 )
l1 = list( f )
l2 = list( f )
assert l1 == [ 'f','g' ]
assert l2 == list(str(f))
print 'first list', l1
print 'second list', l2

If you want to speed it up, you can optimise for various string sizes
(eg using a slice of the string and the built-in iterator when
appropriate), but in the end, it's not going to be anywhere near as fast
as a C-engine tokeniser, so I'd personally spend more time on elegance
than on speed...

Anywho, have fun,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Proposal: reducing self.x=x; self.y=y; self.z=z boilerplate code

2005-07-02 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:

>class grouping:
>def __init__(self, x, y, z):
>self.x = x
>self.y = y
>self.z = z
># real code, finally
>This becomes a serious nuisance in complex applications with long
>argument lists, especially if long variable names are essential for
>managing the complexity. Therefore I propose that Python includes
>built-in support for reducing the ``self.x=x`` clutter. Below are
>arguments for the following approach (*please* don't get too agitated
>about the syntax right here, it really is a secondary consideration)::

This can be dealt with quite nicely if you take a step back and consider
what you're trying to do:

* define a set of properties/fields for a class, potentially with
  default values for any given property
* define an initialisation function which, given an instance of a
  class with defined properties (potentially with defaults) and a
  mapping of name:value pairs, assigns the named values to the named

class Grouping( propertied.Propertied ):
x = FloatProperty(
   "x", """Holder for the grouping node's x coordinate""",
   defaultValue = 0,
y = FloatProperty(
   "y", """Holder for the grouping node's y coordinate""",
   defaultValue = 0,
z = FloatProperty(
   "z", """Holder for the grouping node's z coordinate""",
   defaultValue = 0,
def __init__( self, **args ):
   # code here to do whatever you like to args (or whatever)...
   super( Grouping, self ).__init__( **args )
   # extra code here...

where the propertied.Propertied class defines a simple init that
iterates through the defined properties pulling those which are present
in the **args of the __init__ function and assigning them to the
appropriate property.

The advantage here is that your class is now documented properly, with
the information about a given property all localised in a definition of
the property.  Your properties can also implement the observer pattern,
automatic type checking and coercion, and can provide default values
that appear when you delete current values (not just during
initialisation).  You can also do useful things like using the defined
properties of a class to auto-generate __repr__ and __str__ values.  You
can have your properties delegate to other objects, or have them delay
loading/resolving a property's value until the last possible second
(lazy loading from an object database, for instance).

The fact that it's all doable in Python 2.2+ without any need for new
syntax... well... that's cool too.

The disadvantage is that the properties tend to be unordered (unless you
explicitly order them, and that's awkward looking), and you have to pass
them to the constructor as keyword arguments.  But then, if you're
defining a class with 50 properties, you likely aren't really wanting to
pass all 50 as positional arguments anyway.

You'll find patterns like this in my own OpenGLContext (3D scenegraph
viewer) and BasicProperty packages, as well as in Traits (originally
part of a 2D graphics package), and Zope's FieldProperty (and PEAK,
though as always with PEAK, it's somewhat weird in there ;) ).  All of
those are largish systems (or used in largish systems), btw.

Just my thoughts,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Any movement on FreeBSD segfaults when using threads?

2005-04-18 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
There was a post a few months ago from "snacktime" in which they
described a failure when running under Twisted:

which they eventually narrowed down to an apparent problem with pycrypto:

and which generated this sourceforge bug report for Python:

I am seeing a similar effect, (though only after the program has been
running a few days), in one of our products running on FreeBSD 5.3-RC2
with Python 2.3.4, PyOpenSSL 0.6, Twisted 2.0, and PyPgSQL 2.4 (which is
somewhat different than snacktime's library collection (different
OpenSSL and PostgreSQL bindings)).  Note particularly, that the PyCrypto
library to which the problem was apparently localised is *not* installed
on the failing machine.

As with snacktime, I see the failure coming from pthread_testcancel()

(gdb) bt
#0  0x28222f17 in pthread_testcancel () from /usr/lib/
#1  0x2821b39f in pthread_mutexattr_init () from
#2  0x in ?? ()

I haven't been able to isolate the failures to a particular piece of
code (this is showing up on a live server, so I'm hesitant to run under
gdb for a couple of days to try to catch the failure).  I'm *not* using
RSA encryption (which was the area to which snacktime localised their
problem).  I *do* use SSL sockets from Twisted, however.  I am running a
background thread for database access, with a Queue mediating the set of
items to process and reactor.callFromThread returning control to Twisted
when the items are finished.

Anyway, my question is really "has this been solved already"?  If so,
what was the solution?  If not, I'll have to work at building a minimal
failing test case so I can begin to debug it.

Thanks for any information,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: preallocate list

2005-04-13 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Jim wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestions. I guess I must ensure that this is my
> bottle neck.


> for line in f:
> factor = []
> tokens = line.split()
> for i in tokens:
> factor.append(float(i))
> factors.append(loadFactor)

You might try:

factors = [ [float(item) for item in line.split()] for line in f ]

avoiding the extra statements for appending to the lists.  Also might try:

factors = [ map(float, line.split()) for line in f ]

though it uses the out-of-favour functional form for the mapping.

Good luck,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Extracting Font Outline informations

2005-04-04 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
TTFQuery, built on top of FontTools, allows you to do this.  You can see
use of the extraction in the OpenGLContext/scenegraph/text package,
which uses TTFQuery to implement 3D text rendering.


Gabriele *Darkbard* Farina wrote:

> Hi,
> there is a Python library that makes me able to extract outline
> informations from font files? I'd like to manage TrueType and FreeType
> fonts ...
> I searched for som wrappers, but I didn't find anything ...
> bye

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Newbiw - PypenGL and OpenGLContext

2005-03-30 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Steve T wrote:

>I have been searching for a language to help with a product I am
>developing - last week I discovered PYOpenGL - looks really useful.  I
>found some demos which I studied to create part of what I need (a heap
>of boxes) but when I try and add an image to the box faces it looks as
>if I have to delve into OpenGLContext.  Now from here drawing boxes is
>no longer as simple.  My main driver is speed of _development_ (not
>graphics speed) so I would really like to be able to say
>box(position_vector, size_vector,texture_file).
>Am I on the wrong track entirely here, should I pursue OpenGLContext
>or am I misusing the visual.* parts of PYOpenGL?
If you are really just drawing boxes, then raw PyOpenGL *may* be
appropriate, but you'll need to figure out the wonders of texturing. 
You can find some pretty good code for that in the NeHe demos (I believe
around the 6th or 7th).  They create a rotating textured, lit box, so if
that's all you need, you're golden.

If your goal is to eventually produce a more involved scene, you will
likely want one of the scenegraph engines.  Obviously I'm biased toward
OpenGLContext, but it's visual-alike package (i.e. a simplified
scenegraph model) is not yet ready for prime time, so you'd have to use
the full VRML97 model to create your boxes.  That would look something
like this:

from OpenGLContext import testingcontext
BaseContext, MainFunction = testingcontext.getInteractive()
from OpenGLContext.scenegraph.basenodes import *

class TestContext( BaseContext ):
def OnInit( self ):
"""Initialise and set up the scenegraph""" = sceneGraph(
children = [
rotation = (0,1,0,.8),
children = [
geometry = Box( size=(4,4,2) ),
appearance = Appearance(
material = Material(
diffuseColor =(1,1,1)
texture = ImageTexture(
url =
def getSceneGraph( self ):
"""With older OpenGLContext versions need to explicitly
return this"""

if __name__ == "__main__":
MainFunction( TestContext )

There are other retained-mode/scenegraph engines available besides
OpenGLContext, you can find a listing of some of them here:


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: twistedSnmp and hexadecimal values ...

2005-03-30 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Francesco Ciocchetti wrote:

>I'm tryng to use TwistedSnmp to make query and walk directly inside my
>python code.
>The problem i'm facing is that any time there is an hexadecimal value to
>be returned by the snmpwalk it is returened in a weird and useless
>way... does anyone had any (successfull) experience with twistedsnmp and
>hexadecimal values (as Mac Addresses)?
TwistedSNMP returns the raw (binary) values as strings.  Hexadecimal
"values" are just human readable presentation logic for a binary value
(stored as a string).  For instance, for a MAC address, we currently
display it to our users using:

for v in mac

where mac is the "weird and useful" ;) value you got back.  That will
give you a colon-separated hexadecimal display value, which may or may
not be exactly what you want.  Feel free to play with the display logic
to get what you feel to be a good display format.

We (Cinemon) often use string sub-classes that provide extra formatting
logic and apply those to the values when we get the data-values in, but
that's just an artefact of how we store and process the results of the
TwistedSNMP queries, not TwistedSNMP itself.

BTW, more detail in a question (what result you got, what result you
expected, what you did to get the result) is generally a good idea.


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Python becoming less Lisp-like

2005-03-15 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Thomas Bellman wrote:
Torsten Bronger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just to amplify Thomas' statements...
And inflexibility will always make some situations horribly
daunting to get out of.
Powerful constructs like these can, in some cases, enable a
skilled package writer to design an API that reduces the amount
of boiler plate code needed for using the package.

The following is from the (draft of) my paper for my pycon presentation 

We see similar patterns throughout the class-type redesign, the 
introduction of the __new__ method which allowed for “hooking” the 
creation (as distinct from initialization) of an object, the 
__getattribute__ method for hooking all attribute access. In each 
case, the operations were previously “part of the interpreter” and 
unavailable for customization by the Python programmer, the protocols 
generalized the behavior, making objects themselves responsible for 
what was previously implemented by the interpreter, and thus was 
always exactly the same.

That sameness was arguably a strong advantage for Python in the early 
days of its life-cycle. When you were handed an object (particularly, 
any object defined by a class), it had simple, predictable behavior. 
The (one) class implementation was straightforward enough that most 
new users didn't particularly get lost in it. Of course, the flip side 
was the presence of “types”, which could behave very differently, and 
the need for people who wanted to customize the core behavior of an 
object (for instance to change how attribute traversal was handled) to 
write C extensions. And then there was the strange exception for 
attribute access for functions, but that was so natural and practical 
it seldom bit anyone who wasn't doing meta-programming.

Effectively, there were a few bits of “magic” that the Python 
programmer needed to understand, but the variety and complexity of the 
magical patterns was limited. The magic incantations could be learned 
readily by the acolyte, but there was a hard cap on what could be done 
without becoming a “wizard” and programming in C. The limits on 
functionality made Python a smaller and less complex language, but it 
also tended to frustrate the “wizards”, who, after all, might know C, 
but would rather either program in Python (or spend more of their time 
looking at really deep C, rather than creating yet another 
customization to support something just beyond the reach of the acolytes).

So, with Python 2.2, the wizards of Python made it possible to 
override and customize the behavior of objects in ways that were 
previously impossible. They brought things that were previously 
“magic” (for example, the order of attribute lookup that somehow 
created bound instance methods) into the realm of the understandable 
by rationalizing the process.

metaclasses and descriptors are primarily of interest to 
metaprogrammers, people whose target audience is other programmers. Most 
programmers can get along perfectly fine ignoring them save for knowing 
what the particular ones they *use* do. Metaprogramming is not 
*necessarily* a *dark* art, but it can certainly lead the way to 
darkness if done improperly or wantonly. When done properly, you can 
build systems that seem to perfectly map a problem domain into the 
familiar embrace of everyday Python with just the right "lived in" 
touches to make it seem as though the language was designed from the 
start to support that domain [leaving aside any questions of syntactic 
variants, which is its own involved debate].

When you have metaprogramming to do, it is *such* a relief when you can 
get it done in Python without resorting to C.

Have fun all,
 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder
 PyCon is coming...

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