split a string with quoted parts into list

2005-03-10 Thread oliver
hi there

i'm experimanting with imaplib and came across stringts like
(\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Sent Items"
in which the quotes are part of the string.

now i try to convert this into a list. assume the string is in the variable 
f, then i tried
but i end up with
['(\\HasNoChildren)', '"."', '"INBOX.Sent', 'Items"']
so due to the sapce in "Sent Items" its is sepearted in two entries, what i 
don't want.

is there another way to convert a string with quoted sub entries into a list 
of strings?

thanks a lot, olli


get list of member variables from list of class

2005-01-28 Thread Oliver Eichler

what will be the fastest solution to following problem

class a:
  def __init__(self):
self.varA = 0
self.varB = 0
s.o. ...

listA = [a]*10

varA = []
varB = []

for l in listA:
  s.o. ...

I could think of:
[varA.append(l.varA) for l in listA]
[varB.append(l.varB) for l in listA]
s.o. ...

But is this faster? After all I have to iterate over listA several times.

Any better solutions?


convert list of tuples into several lists

2005-02-09 Thread Oliver Eichler

I can find examples to convert lists into a list of tuples like:

>>> map(None,[1,2,3],[4,5,6])

but how is it done vice versa?


Re: convert list of tuples into several lists

2005-02-09 Thread Oliver Eichler
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

> zip(*[(1,4),(2,5),(3,6)])
Thanks :) I knew it must be simple. The asterics - thing was new to me. 

By the way: What is faster?


z = [(1,4),(2,5),(3,6)
a,b = zip(*[(x[0], x[0]-x[1]) for x in z])


a = []
b = []
for x in z:

I guess first, isn't it?


Re: convert list of tuples into several lists

2005-02-10 Thread Oliver Eichler
Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:
> Best answer is : try it :)
> use the "timeit" module (in the standard lib) to do so ...


import timeit

s = """\
a,b,c1,c2 = zip(*[(x[2],x[4], x[2]-x[1], x[2] - x[3]) for x in z])

t = timeit.Timer(stmt=s,setup="z = [(1,2,3,4,5)]*1000")
print "%.2f usec/pass" % (100 * t.timeit(number=10)/10)

s ="""\
for x in z:
  a = x[2]
  b = x[4]
  c1 = x[2] - x[1]
  c2 = x[2] - x[3]

t = timeit.Timer(stmt=s,setup="z = [(1,2,3,4,5)]*1000")
print "%.2f usec/pass" % (100 * t.timeit(number=10)/10)

for 30 elements:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp> python test.py
32.90 usec/pass
21.53 usec/pass

for 100 elements:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp> python test.py
103.32 usec/pass
70.91 usec/pass

for 100 elements:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp> python test.py
1435.43 usec/pass
710.55 usec/pass

What do we learn? It might look elegant but it is slow. I guess mainly
because I do the iteration twice with the zip command. The 1000 element run
seems to show what Guido means with "abuse of the argument passing

Learned my lesson :)

Thanks to all



Re: convert list of tuples into several lists

2005-02-10 Thread Oliver Eichler
Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:
> Best answer is : try it :)
> use the "timeit" module (in the standard lib) to do so ...

Ok, (a second time. I hope the first post was cancelled as it was false)

import timeit

s = """\
a,b,c1,c2 = zip(*[(x[2],x[4], x[2]-x[1], x[2] - x[3]) for x in z])

t = timeit.Timer(stmt=s,setup="z = [(1,2,3,4,5)]*1000")
print "%.2f usec/pass" % (100 * t.timeit(number=10)/10)

s ="""\
a = []
b = []
c1 = []
c2 = []
for x in z:
  c1.append(x[2] - x[1])
  c2.append(x[2] - x[3])

t = timeit.Timer(stmt=s,setup="z = [(1,2,3,4,5)]*1000")
print "%.2f usec/pass" % (100 * t.timeit(number=10)/10)

for 100 elements:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp> python test.py
104.67 usec/pass
180.19 usec/pass

for 1000 elements:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp> python test.py
1432.06 usec/pass
1768.58 usec/pass

What do we learn? The zip-thingy is even faster than the for loop

Learned my lesson :)

Thanks to all




2005-05-17 Thread Oliver Albrecht
 Has somebody a example-script how i can put a other palette to a image?
(after this the image should have similar outlook)


Re: Image.putpalette(Colors)?

2005-05-17 Thread Oliver Albrecht
I've read this page.( out of date ?)

Very nicely to become answered  from the major author and python genius
highly personally himself :-D

Which I want to do is; convert several "RGB" Images (or "P") with one
specified palette (to "P").
Or this (for "P")pattern; if the Source Image has the exact same colors but
wrong(other) paletteIds, how can i sort this? With List.sort()?
And give each pixel the right paletteId? That is what i mean with similar
image (source"RGB" to destinaton"P").

convert() without "WEB"?

(sry if i've enough experience with python)>=newbie


Re: Image.putpalette(Colors)?

2005-05-17 Thread Oliver Albrecht
I mean equal outlook.
Or  as other objective: give some Images (which has all same colors but
other palettes) for an Animation the same/one palette and nothings is
changed in their outlook


Re: Image.putpalette(Colors)?

2005-05-18 Thread Oliver Albrecht
I think in this Example is an fault
lut has the sequence from "im" but not from "lut.putdata(range(256))"

##Getting the Palette Contents Using Resize/Convert
assert im.mode == "P"

lut = im.resize((256, 1))
lut = im.convert("RGB").getdata()
# lut now contains a sequence of (r, g, b) tuples

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> here's one of the first google hits for "PIL putpalette":
> http://effbot.org/zone/pil-pseudocolor.htm


Re: search/replace in Python

2005-05-27 Thread Oliver Andrich

2005/5/28, Vamsee Krishna Gomatam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I'm having some problems understanding Regexps in Python. I want
> to replace "PHRASE" with
> "http://www.google.com/search?q=PHRASE>PHRASE" in a block of
> text. How can I achieve this in Python? Sorry for the naive question but
> the documentation is really bad :-(

it is pretty easy and straightforward. After you imported the re
module, you can do the job with re.sub or if you have to do it often,
then you can compile the regex first with re.compile
and afterwards use the sub method of the compiled regex.

The interesting part is

re.sub(r"(.*)",r"http://www.google.com/search?q=\1>\1", text)

cause here the job is done. The first raw string is the regex pattern.
The second one is the target where \1 is replaced by everything
enclosed in () in the first regex.

Here is the output of my ipython session.

In [15]: text="This is a Python. And some random
nonsense test."

In [16]: re.sub(r"(.*)",r"http://www.google.com/search?q=\1>\1", text)

Out[16]: 'This is a http://www.google.com/search?q=Python>Python. And some random
nonsense test.'

Best regards,

Re: Questions about wxPython...

2005-05-28 Thread Oliver Albrecht
Helmutt schrieb:
> Whats the name of the event that occur when I press the
> exit/cross-button on the frame?
> How do I connect a function with that event?

I try just to begin the same.
I found this in the docu.


wxWindow::Close http://www.wxpython.org/docs/api/wx.Window-class.html#Close


Re: Nufox : Xul + Python

2005-10-02 Thread Oliver Andrich
I would like to test it, but as soon as I try to execute an example my
browser is guided to connect to First off it is an
non-routeable address and secondly my own too. :))) May be you have to
fix your setup another time.

Best regards,

2 Oct 2005 03:40:50 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thank you for testing
> Indeed it is very interesting :-)
> I've had some problems with my ports forwarding and no-ip.org.
> Here is then the new address :
> http://artyprog.dyndns.org:8080
> Regards
> Betwise, I live in France so the site is close when i'am at work
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://roughbook.de/

Re: Question about inheritance...

2005-10-22 Thread Oliver Andrich

22 Oct 2005 14:40:09 -0700, KraftDiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I have a base class called Shape
> And then classes like Circle, Square, Triangle etc, that inherit from
> Shape:
> My quesiton is can a method of the Shape class call a method in Circle,
> or Square etc...?

even there would exist a way to accomplish that, I would suggest to
rethink your class hierachy. Such requirements can show serious design

Best regards,

Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://roughbook.de/

Re: How to separate directory list and file list?

2005-10-23 Thread Oliver Andrich

2005/10/23, Gonnasi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> With
> >glob.glob("*")
> or
> >os.listdir(cwd)
> I can get a combined file list with directory list, but I just wanna a
> bare file list, no directory list. How to get it?

don't know if it is the best solution, but it looks nice. :)

path = "/home/test"
files = [fn for fn in os.listdir(path) if
os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, fn))]

This gives you just the list of files in a given directory.

Best regards,

Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://roughbook.de/

Re: Object-Relational Mapping API for Python

2005-11-01 Thread Oliver Andrich

if you enjoyed Hibernate or got intrigued by it, go and look into
SQLOject (http://www.sqlobject.org/). And you will be less intrigued by
Hibernate, but will start to really like SQLObject. :)

Best regards,
-- Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://roughbook.de/

Python and encodings drives me crazy

2005-06-20 Thread Oliver Andrich
Hi everybody,

I have to write a little skript, that reads some nasty xml formated
files. "Nasty xml formated" means, we have a xml like syntax, no dtd,
use html entities without declaration and so on. A task as I like it.
My task looks like that...

1. read the data from the file.
2. get rid of the html entities
3. parse the stuff to extract the content of two tags.
4. create a new string from the extracted content
5. write it to a cp850 or even better macroman encoded file

Well, step 1 is easy and obvious. Step is solved for me by 

= code =

from htmlentitydefs import entitydefs

html2text = []
for k,v in entitydefs.items():
  if v[0] != "&":
html2text.append(["&"+k+";" , v])
html2text.append(["&"+k+";", ""])

def remove_html_entities(data):
  for html, char in html2text:
data = apply(string.replace, [data, html, char])
  return data

= code =

Step 3 + 4 also work fine so far. But step 5 drives me completely
crazy, cause I get a lot of nice exception from the codecs module.

Hopefully someone can help me with that. 

If my code for processing the file looks like that:

def process_file(file_name):
  data = codecs.open(file_name, "r", "latin1").read()
  data = remove_html_entities(data) 
  dom = parseString(data)
  print data

I get

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "ag2blvd.py", line 46, in ?
  File "ag2blvd.py", line 33, in process_file
data = remove_html_entities(data)
  File "ag2blvd.py", line 39, in remove_html_entities
data = apply(string.replace, [data, html, char])
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/string.py", line 519, in replace
return s.replace(old, new, maxsplit)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe5 in position
0: ordinal not in range(128)

I am pretty sure that I have iso-latin-1 files, but after running
through my code everything looks pretty broken. If I remove the call
to remove_html_entities I get

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "ag2blvd.py", line 46, in ?
  File "ag2blvd.py", line 35, in process_file
print data
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\x96' in
position 2482: ordinal not in range(128)

And this continues, when I try to write to a file in macroman encoding. 

As I am pretty sure, that I am doing something completely wrong and I
also haven't found a trace in the fantastic cookbook, I like to ask
for help here. :)

I am also pretty sure, that I do something wrong as writing a unicode
string with german umlauts to a macroman file opened via the codecs
module works fine.

Hopefully someone can help me. :)

Best regards,

Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://fitheach.de/

Re: Python and encodings drives me crazy

2005-06-20 Thread Oliver Andrich
> I know this isn't your question, but why write:
>  > data = apply(string.replace, [data, html, char])
> when you could write
>  data = data.replace(html, char)
> ??

Cause I guess, that I am already blind. Thanks.


Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://fitheach.de/

Re: sudoku dictionary attack

2005-06-20 Thread Oliver Albrecht
Has some one an sodoku-task-generator?
Here another solutions-ways:


Re: Python and encodings drives me crazy

2005-06-20 Thread Oliver Andrich
Well, I narrowed my problem down to writing a macroman or cp850 file
using the codecs module. The rest was basically a misunderstanding
about codecs module and the wrong assumption, that my input data is
iso-latin-1 encode. It is UTF-8 encoded. So, curently I am at the
point where I have my data ready for writing

Does the following code write headline and caption in MacRoman
encoding to the disk? Or better that, is this the way to do it?
headline and caption are both unicode strings.

f = codecs.open(outfilename, "w", "macroman")

Best regards,

Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://fitheach.de/

Re: Python and encodings drives me crazy

2005-06-20 Thread Oliver Andrich
2005/6/21, Konstantin Veretennicov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> It does, as long as headline and caption *can* actually be encoded as
> macroman. After you decode headline from utf-8 it will be unicode and
> not all unicode characters can be mapped to macroman:
> >>> u'\u0160'.encode('utf8')
> '\xc5\xa0'
> >>> u'\u0160'.encode('latin2')
> '\xa9'
> >>> u'\u0160'.encode('macroman')
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in ?
>   File "D:\python\2.4\lib\encodings\mac_roman.py", line 18, in encode
> return codecs.charmap_encode(input,errors,encoding_map)
> UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character u'\u0160' in 
> position
>  0: character maps to 

Yes, this and the coersion problems Diez mentioned were the problems I
faced. Now I have written a little cleanup method, that removes the
bad characters from the input and finally I guess I have macroman
encoded files. But we will see, as soon as I try to open them on the
Mac. But now I am more or less satisfied, as only 3 obvious files
aren't converted correctly and the other 1000 files are.

Thanks for your hints, tips and so on. Good Night.


Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://fitheach.de/


2005-07-19 Thread Oliver Andrich

I am not sure if this addresses your problem, but I access a rich SOAP
based webservice set on a Tomcat Server implemented using Axis with
SOAPpy. We use basic auth as specified in http for access control to
these services.

For me it is enough to create my proxy classes this way.

proxy = SOAPpy.SOAPProxy("http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:8080/axis/services,

Afterwards I have access to the system. 

Bye, Oliver

2005/7/12, Slaheddine Haouel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Can you help me plz ? I want to wonnect to SOAP webservices but before I
> must be authentificated on a apache server, I used SOAPpy module but I don't
> know how I can be authentified on the apache server 
> thx 
> Slaheddine Haouel 
> Unilog NORD 
> tél : 03 59 56 60 25 
> tél support  : 03 59 56 60 68 
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://fitheach.de/

Re: PEP on path module for standard library

2005-07-22 Thread Oliver Andrich

2005/7/22, Michael Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> What is this Java Path class? I have been STFWing and have found nothing
> on it in the. Indeed if you search for "Java Path class" (with quotes)
> almost half of the pages are this message from Guido. ;)
> Any Java hackers here want to tell us of the wonders of the Java Path
> class? I would be interested in seeing how other OO languages deal with
> paths.

I guess the nearest Java class comparable with path is the File class.


And as I am a so called Java hacker, I highly appreciate path as a
module for my python projects and in my eyes it is the natural way to
address files/paths. At least it is more natural to me then the os,
os.path, etc. pp. bundle, that has grown over the time.

I would love to see path inside Python's stdlib.

Best regards,

Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://fitheach.de/

Re: SOAPpy and http authentication

2005-08-02 Thread Oliver Andrich
2 Aug 2005 11:38:51 GMT, Lutz Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 2005-08-02, Odd-R. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > from SOAPpy import WSDL
> > from SOAPpy import URLopener
> > url= ' http://someserver/somewebservice
> > url1 = URLopener.URLopener(username='user',passwd='pass')
> > server=WSDL.Proxy(url1.open(url))
> Is it possible to call WSDL.Proxy with a String? Then you could build
> the URL als http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/somewebservice. This works
> with SOAPpy.SOAPProxy.

Yes, you can actually call it that way, but then the wsdl retrieval is
done using the authentication, but all the service calls are done
without. This is something, that is also puzzling me. So far I can
perfectly live with SOAPProxy, but it would be nice to solve this

Best regards,

Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://fitheach.de/

httplib or urllib2 tomcat username and password

2006-01-13 Thread Michael Oliver
I am trying to write a Python client to access a Tomcat servlet using Tomcat
Realm authentication with no success.


I can use the httplib to connect to localhost port 8080 ok and post and get
and all that is fine, but when I try to set username and password and access
a protected part of tomcat it fails with an Unauthorized.


Does anyone have an example of connecting to Tomcat using the Tomcat Realm
(.i.e. tomcat-users.xml) authentication?

I have also tried urllib2 and the example in the header comments still gives
me a HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized when I try to open



 Highly Cohesive and Loosely Coupled

Mike Oliver
CTO Alarius Systems LLC
6800 E. Lake Mead Blvd
Apt 1096
Las Vegas, NV 89156 
http://www.alariussystems.com/  tel: 
mobile: (702)953-8949 

Add me to your address book...   Want a signature like this?


Tomcat username and password2

2006-01-13 Thread Michael Oliver
Still trying to get python to access my local tomcat secured with the tomcat

import urllib2

 handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
 'localhost:8080/manager/html', 'root', 'root')
 opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler)
 f = urllib2.urlopen( 'http://localhost:8080/manager/html' )
 except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
 if e.code == 401:
 print 'not authorized'
 elif e.code == 404:
 print 'not found'
 elif e.code == 503:
 print 'service unavailable'
 print 'unknown error: '
 print 'success'
 for line in f:
 print line,

[Mike Oliver>>] this returns 'not authorized' no matter what I put in for
'realm' or 'host' to the add_password() method.  I have tried None, 'tomcat'
for realm and 'localhost' and about every combination I can think of for
'host' if I go to that URL with a browser it asks for username and password
as above and that works.  I can access it with code from PHP or Java just


Python Client accessing Tomcat

2006-01-14 Thread Michael Oliver

I am trying to write a Python client to
access a Tomcat servlet using Tomcat Realm authentication with no success.


I can use the httplib to connect to
localhost port 8080 ok and post and get and all that is fine, but when I try to
set username and password and access a protected part of tomcat it fails with
an Unauthorized.


Does anyone have an example of connecting
to Tomcat using the Tomcat Realm (.i.e. tomcat-users.xml) authentication?






Cohesive and Loosely Coupled


Mike Oliver

Alarius Systems LLC
6800 E. Lake Mead Blvd
Apt 1096
Las Vegas, NV 89156 







Add me to your address book...

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Tomcat authentication from python

2006-01-15 Thread Michael Oliver

I need to access tomcat applications from
python, some are Axis/SOAP web services, and some are file/WebDAV operations.


But so far I cannot get python to
authenticate and access http://localhost:8080/manager/html
much less to any of the other applications.


I have found examples for httplib with a
base64 Basic Authentication header, and a urllib2 Authentication Handler, but
neither one works.


I am not an experienced python developer,
but I am an experienced Java Developer.  I am using PyDev plugin for Eclipse, I
am using Python24.


I can connect to tomcat without
authentication for those pages/uri’s that do not require authentication
on that tomcat server, so the problem is with the authentication mechanism in
python.  Obviously I can connect to the entire site and all applications with a
browser and programmatically from Java.


Any help greatly appreciated.





Cohesive and Loosely Coupled


Mike Oliver

Alarius Systems LLC
6800 E. Lake Mead Blvd
Apt 1096
Las Vegas, NV 89156 







Add me to your address book...

Want a signature like




Re: Python Jabber client?

2005-09-08 Thread Oliver Andrich
Hi Paul,

take this one. http://xmpppy.sourceforge.net/ It is used inside gajim,
my favorite jabber client. http://gajim.org/ It works like a charm.
And I am also using xmpppy for some monitoring tools, that alert our

Best regards,

Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://roughbook.de/

exceptions from logging on Windows

2005-09-12 Thread Oliver Eichler

I experience several exceptions from python's logging system when using the
rollover feature on Windows.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\Python24\lib\logging\handlers.py", line 62, in emit
if self.shouldRollover(record):
  File "c:\Python24\lib\logging\handlers.py", line 132, in shouldRollover
self.stream.seek(0, 2)  #due to non-posix-compliant Windows feature
ValueError: I/O operation on closed file

Googeling revealed that this has been experienced by others, too, however no
workaround or solution has been provided. Is this the latest status on this
topic? Do I miss something?

Thanks for help,



Re: Tabs versus Spaces in Source Code

2006-05-16 Thread Oliver Bandel
Xah Lee wrote:
> Tabs versus Spaces in Source Code
> Xah Lee, 2006-05-13
> In coding a computer program, there's often the choices of tabs or
> spaces for code indentation. There is a large amount of confusion about
> which is better. It has become what's known as “religious war” —
> a heated fight over trivia. In this essay, i like to explain what is
> the situation behind it, and which is proper.
> Simply put, tabs is proper, and spaces are improper.

I fullheartedly disagree :)

So, no "essay" on this is necessary to read :->


Re: Tabs versus Spaces in Source Code

2006-05-16 Thread Oliver Bandel
[EMAIL PROTECTED] opalinski from opalpaweb wrote:

>>Simply put, tabs is proper, and spaces are improper.
>>Why? This may seem
>>ridiculously simple given the de facto ball of confusion: the semantics
>>of tabs is what indenting is about, while, using spaces to align code
>>is a hack.
> The reality of programming practice trumps original intent of tab
> characters.  The tab character and space character are pliable in that
> if their use changes their semantics change.

Yes, as I started programming I also preferred tabs.
And with growing experience on how to handle this in true life
(different editors/systems/languages...) I saw, that
converting the "so fine tabs" was annoying.

The only thing that always worked were spaces.
Tab: nice idea but makes programming an annoyance.


Re: Tabs versus Spaces in Source Code

2006-05-18 Thread Oliver Bandel
Jonathon McKitrick wrote:

> Pascal Bourguignon wrote:
>>(defun ιοτα (&key (номер 10) (단계 1) (בכוכ 0))
>>  (loop :for i :from בכוכ :to номер :by 단계 :collect i))
> How do you even *enter* these characters?  My browser seems to trap all
> the special character combinations, and I *know* you don't mean
> selecting from a character palette.

Didn't you heard of that big keyboards?

12 meter x 2 meter wide I think you need a long
stick (maybe if you play golf, that can help).

The you have all UTF-8 characters there, that's fine,
but typing needs some time.
But it's good, because when ready with typing your email,
it's not necessary to go to sports after work. So your boss
can insist that you longer stay at work.



Re: Tabs versus Spaces in Source Code

2006-05-23 Thread Oliver Wong

"Jonathon McKitrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Pascal Bourguignon wrote:
>> (defun ιοτα (&key (номер 10) (단계 1) (בכוכ 0))
>>   (loop :for i :from בכוכ :to номер :by 단계 :collect i))
> How do you even *enter* these characters?  My browser seems to trap all
> the special character combinations, and I *know* you don't mean
> selecting from a character palette.
> ࿿ hey, this is weird...
> î
> I've got something happening, but I can't tell what.
> Yes, I'm an ignorant Western world ASCII user.  :-)

What OS are you using? In Windows XP, you'd have to let the XP know that 
you're interested in input in languages other than English via "Control 
Panel -> Regional Settings -> Languages -> Text Services and Input 
Languages". There, you'd add input methods other than English. Each "input 
method" works in a sort of unique way, so you'll just have to learn them. 
For example, under English, you can use the "keyboard" input method which 
probably is what you're using now, or the "handwriting recognition" input 
method, or the "speech recognition" input method to insert english text. 
There are other input methods for the Asian languages (e.g. Chinese, 
Japanese, etc.)

- Oliver 


Question about decorators (with context?)

2006-09-24 Thread Oliver Andrich

sorry for the vague subject, but I can't come up with a better one so far.

I am currently writing a wrapper around ImageMagicks MagickWand
library using the ctypes module. During this development i have to
handle exceptions in an slightly different way, then python normally
handles them.

I am wrapping the libraries functionality in a class that looks like
that. (I leave out the ctypes calls and stuff as far as it is

class MagickWand(object):

def __init__(self):
self._wand = 

def read_image(self, filename):

You can see, I plan to have my own MagickWand object, which wraps the
C struct and functions. The normal habit of MagickWand is to call a
function, that returns either True or False. Based on this the user
has to check for an exception or not.

I will have to wrap a lot of methods to get all the functionality I
need. And the checking for an exception looks always the same. So I
want to write short methods, which are decorated by my_funky_decorator
which handles the error checking and exception handling. Sadly, this
decorator needs access to self._wand from the current object.

So far I can only think of a solution, where I have to do something like that.

def read_image(self, filename):

So, I like to ask, if someone could enlighten me how to implement the
easy decorator I mentioned in my first "example".

Thanks and best regards,

Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://roughbook.de/

ctypes question about call by reference

2006-09-24 Thread Oliver Andrich

hopefully someone with some ctypes experience can help me. I guess
this is a trivial task again, but I have been googling, reading,
experimenting the whole afternoon without any success.

I have a given C function signature:

char *MagickGetException(MagickWand *wand,ExceptionType *severity)

- ExceptionType is an enum
- MagickWand is somewhat strange, but so far it works fine without any
type mangling.

How would I wrap this thing using ctypes? Can anybody help me with that?

Best regards,

Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://roughbook.de/

Re: Re: ctypes question about call by reference

2006-09-24 Thread Oliver Andrich
On 9/24/06, Lawrence Oluyede <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > - ExceptionType is an enum
> > - MagickWand is somewhat strange, but so far it works fine without any
> > type mangling.
> >
> > How would I wrap this thing using ctypes? Can anybody help me with that?
> First thing first: you have to identify how ExceptionType and MagickWand
> are composed of. Then you can start wrapping them following the
> instructions in the tutorial:
> http://docs.python.org/lib/ctypes-ctypes-tutorial.html

Well, what I learned so far from the documentation, which I already
have read more then once today, is that there is no example for an
enum in this situation. But looking at pygame-sdl and another project,
it looks like the enum is just an c_int or c_long.

And concerning MagickWand, I think I have learned, that I don't need
to define the structure, if I don't want to access it. And I don't
want to, cause this is handled by the library itself. Another point in
this context is also, that it is not defined in the header files
distributed with the library, but only in the source from which the
library is built. As the file is named magick-wand-private.h it is
also not meant to be edited.

Is it at all possbile to use a struct without defining it with ctypes?
Is it okay, to just use the int which is returned by default? Most of
my library works with that configuration, so I thought it is working.

Based on this, can you give me some more hints?

Best regards,

Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://roughbook.de/

Re: Re: ctypes question about call by reference

2006-09-24 Thread Oliver Andrich
After a walk outside, some fresh air around my nose and some time to
relax, I finally found out how to do, what I want to do.

First, define the argument types and the result type.
_dll.MagickGetException.argtypes = (c_long, POINTER(c_long))
_dll.MagickGetException.restype  = c_char_p

Second, write correct code as it is documented. :)

def get_magick_exception(wand):
severity = c_long()
description = _dll.MagickGetException(wand, byref(severity))
return (severity, description)

And thats all. I just did the call to POINTER(c_long) in the wrong
location. Now I do it as documented, and I get everything I want.

I can btw live perfectly without definining what actually a MagickWand
is, cause from the point of the developer just using the library and
documentation, he doesn't know about the actual structure of it. The
definition is hidden the C source of the library, and is not
documented in the public interface.

Thanks and Regards,

Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://roughbook.de/

Re: PyXML not supported, what to use next?

2006-10-02 Thread Oliver Andrich
Hi PaulOn 9/30/06, Paul Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It would appear that xml.dom.minidom or xml.sax.* might be the bestthing to use since PyXML is going without support.  Best of all it isincluded in the base Python distribution, so no addition hunting required.
Is this right thinking?  Is there a better solution?I am using lxml as my standard tool of choice. It includes the easy interface of ElementTree and the speed and power of being backed by libxml2 and libxslt. But this mainly cause I have to deal with large XMLs in a fast way. Otherwise pure ElementTree is a very, very nice choice. And it is also our "backup" choice, when lxml is not available on a system.
Best regards,Oliver-- Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://roughbook.de/

Ctypes and freeing memory

2006-10-03 Thread Oliver Andrich
Hi everybody,

I am currently playing around with ctypes and a C library (libWand
from ImageMagick), and as I want to easily deploy it on Mac, Linux and
Windows, I prefer a ctypes solution over a C module. At least on
windows, I would have resource problems to compile the C module. So,
ctypes is the perfect choice for me.

But I am currently encountering a pattern inside the C library, that
has to be used to free memory. Coding in C I have to do the following

char *description;
long  severity;

description = MagickGetException(wand, &severity);
do something with the description: print it, log it, ...
description = (char *) MagickRelinquishMemory(description);
exit(-1); /* or something else what I want to after an exception occured */

So, this looks easy and is sensible from C's point of view. Now I try
to translate this to Python and ctypes.

dll.MagickGetException.argtypes = [c_long, POINTER(c_long)]
dll.MagickGetException.restype  = c_char_p

severity = c_long()
description = dll.MagickGetException(byref(severity))

# So far so good. The above works like a charm, but the problem follows now
# ctypes already converted the char * for description to a String object.
# That means description has arrived in an area under Python's control.

# these definitions are the easy part
dll.MagickRelinquishMemory.argtypes = [c_void_p]
dll.MagickRelinquishMemory.restype  = c_char_p

# but this obviously must cause problems and causes problems

So, my question is, how do I deal with this situation? Can I ignore
the call to MagickRelinquishMemory, cause Python takes care of the
resources already? Or is it impossible to use it at all, and I have to
think about a different solution?

Best regards,

Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://roughbook.de/

Re: Python to use a non open source bug tracker?

2006-10-03 Thread Oliver Andrich

On 10/3/06, Giovanni Bajo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just read this mail by Brett Cannon:
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-October/069139.html
> where the "PSF infrastracture committee", after weeks of evaluation, 
> recommends
> using a non open source tracker (called JIRA - never heard before of course)
> for Python itself.
> Does this smell "Bitkeeper fiasco" to anyone else than me?

No, this doesn't smell like the BK fiasco, it is just the decision to
use a certain tool. But it is easy to change or influence this
recommondation. Step up as an admin for Roundup. :)

Best regards,
Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://roughbook.de/

Re: Re: Ctypes and freeing memory

2006-10-03 Thread Oliver Andrich
On 10/3/06, Chris Mellon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not a ctypes expert but I can pretty much guaranteee that Python won't
> correctly release that memory by itself. Are you sure that description
> is actually a string object?

I also think, that Python won't release the memory, and the returned
string isn't helpful either. :)

> If it doesn't, then you can use a more literal translation of the C
> code, and use a c_void_p instead, using ctypes.string_at(description)
> to get a string out of the buffer.

This works and is a great tip! Thanks a lot.

Best regards,

Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://roughbook.de/

Re: Re: Ctypes and freeing memory

2006-10-06 Thread Oliver Andrich
On 10/6/06, Thomas Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris Mellon has already pointed out a possible solution, but there is also a
> different way.  You could use a subclass of c_char_p as the restype
> attribute:
> class String(c_char_p):
> def __del__(self):
> MagickRelinquishMemory(self)
> The difference is that you will receive an instance of this class
> when you call the MagickGetException funcion.  To access the 'char *'
> value, you can access the .value attribute (which is inherited from
> c_char_p), and to free the memory call MagickRelinquishMemory
> in the __del__ method.

These is an even better solution, cause it lets me drop one decorator,
I have been using at the moment, to handle these things.

Thanks a lot. ctypes is so much fun to use. Lately I had to use JNI,
and well, compared to this experience I am now in heaven. :) Sadly, I
can't provide my team members an equal solution in the Java world,
cause one of them starts to hate me for assigning him on another JNI
job in our project.

Best regards,

Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- http://roughbook.de/

Re: languages with full unicode support

2006-06-25 Thread Oliver Bandel

こんいちわ Xah-Lee san ;-)

Xah Lee wrote:

> Languages with Full Unicode Support
> As far as i know, Java and JavaScript are languages with full, complete
> unicode support. That is, they allow names to be defined using unicode.

Can you explain what you mena with the names here?

> (the JavaScript engine used by FireFox support this)
> As far as i know, here's few other lang's status:
> C → No.

Well, is this (only) a language issue?

On Plan-9 all things seem to be UTF-8 based,
and when you use C for programming, I would think
that C can handle this also.

But I only have read some papers about Plan-9 and did not developed on 

Only a try to have a different view on it.

If someone knows more, please let us know :)


Re: languages with full unicode support

2006-06-26 Thread Oliver Wong

"Oliver Bandel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Xah Lee wrote:
>> As far as i know, Java and JavaScript are languages with full, complete
>> unicode support. That is, they allow names to be defined using unicode.
> Can you explain what you mena with the names here?

As in variable names, function names, class names, etc.

- Oliver 


Re: languages with full unicode support

2006-07-02 Thread Oliver Bandel
Matthias Blume wrote:

> Tin Gherdanarra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Oliver Bandel wrote:
>>>こんいちわ Xah-Lee san ;-)
>>Uhm, I'd guess that Xah is Chinese. Be careful
>>with such things in real life; Koreans might
>>beat you up for this. Stay alive!
> And the Japanese might beat him up, too.  For butchering their
> language. :-)

OK, back to ISO-8859-1 :)  no one needs so much symbols,
this is enough: äöüÄÖÜß :)


Re: calling a class instance of function

2006-12-21 Thread Nils Oliver Kröger

Methods i.e functions bound to a class instance (or object) the self argument 
in their definition:

class pid:
def add(self, toadd):
pass #or some sensible code

If you want to define a method without that implicit self argument you'll have 
to make this method a static:

class pid:
def staticadd (param1, param2):
pass #or some sensible code

Furthermore, your test() seems to be rather a function than a class:
You want to use this function to test the pid class but what you do with your 
code below is to define a class test which inherits pid. I'm not really sure 
what the following lines do ... this would usually be the place to introduce 
class variables.

Hope that Helps!



Datum: 21 Dec 2006 11:09:32 +1100
An: python-list@python.org
Betreff: calling a class instance of function

> class pid:
> "pid"
> def add(original_pid,toadd):
> "add pid"
> original_pid.append(toadd)
> return original_pid
> def remove(something_to_remove_from,what):
> "remove pid"
> something_to_remove_from.remove(what)
> return something_to_remove_from
> def modify(source,element,changewiththis):
> "modify pid"
> source[source.index(element)]=changewiththis
> return source
> class test(pid):
> pid.original=[1,2,3]
> pid.toadd=4
> pid.add(pid.original,pid.toadd) # error here says that
> # it expects pid instance as first arg
> # not a list that it got.
> why do i get an error?
> -- 
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Der GMX SmartSurfer hilft bis zu 70% Ihrer Onlinekosten zu sparen! 
Ideal für Modem und ISDN: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/smartsurfer

Re: what is wrong with my code?

2006-12-21 Thread Nils Oliver Kröger

this is the line that breaks your code:

def progressTable(progress_table, action, task, pid=len(progress_table)

your parameter progress_table is known inside the function, not inside its 
definition. So "pid=len(progress_table)" won't do.

If you really think that it is possible that pid is anything else but 
"len(progress_table)", you should use for example -1 as the default value and 
calculate the length inside your functions if the parameter is not different. 
Otherwise dump this parameter.

Hope that helps!



Datum: 21 Dec 2006 09:16:58 +1100
An: python-list@python.org
Betreff: what is wrong with my code?

> import cPickle, shelve
> could someone tell me what things are wrong with my code?
> class progress:
> PROGRESS_TABLE_ACTIONS=["new","remove","modify"]
> PROGRESS_OUTCOMES=["pass", "fail"]
> def unpickleProgressTable(pickled_progress_data_file):
> return unpickled_progress_table
> def pickleProgressTable(progress_table_to_pickle):
> return pickled_progress_data_file
> # Of course, you get progress_table is unpickled progress table.
> def progressTable(progress_table, action, task,
> pid=len(progress_table), outcome=PROGRESS_OUTCOMES[1]):
> pid_column_list=progress_table[0]
> task_column_list=progress_table[1]
> outcome_column_list=progress_table[2]
> # But a task must also come with an outcome!
> def newEntry(new_task, new_outcome):
> new_pid=len(task_column_list)
> pid_column_list.extend(new_pid)
> task_column_list.extend(new_task)
> outcome_column_list.extend(new_outcome)
> def removeEntry(pid_to_remove, task_to_remove):
> if
> pid_column_list.index(pid_to_remove)==task_column_list.index(task_to_remove):
> # Must remove all columns for that task
> index_for_removal=pid_column_list.index(pid_to_remove)
> pid_column_list.remove(index_for_removal)
> task_column_list.remove(index_for_removal)
> outcome_column_list.remove(index_for_removal)
> # Default action is to modify to pass
> def modifyEntry(pid_to_modify,
> outcome_to_modify=PROGRESS_OUTCOMES[0]):
> index_for_modifying=pid_column_list.index(pid_to_modify)
> # Modify the outcome
> outcome_column_list[index_for_modifying]=outcome_to_modify
> -- 
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Der GMX SmartSurfer hilft bis zu 70% Ihrer Onlinekosten zu sparen! 
Ideal für Modem und ISDN: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/smartsurfer

Re: pdf to text

2007-01-25 Thread Nils Oliver Kröger
Hash: SHA1

have a look at the pdflib (www.pdflib.com). Their Text Extraction
Toolkit might be what you are looking for, though I'm not sure whether
you can use it detached from the pdflib itself.



tubby schrieb:
> I know this question comes up a lot, so here goes again. I want to read 
> text from a PDF file, run re searches on the text, etc. I do not care 
> about layout, fonts, borders, etc. I just want the text. I've been 
> reading Adobe's PDF Reference Guide and I'm beginning to develop a 
> better understanding of PDF in general, but I need a bit of help... this 
> seems like it should be easier than it is. Here's some code:
> import zlib
> fp = open('test.pdf', 'rb')
> bytes = []
> while 1:
>  byte = fp.read(1)
>  #print byte
>  bytes.append(byte)
>  if not byte:
>  break
> for byte in bytes:
>  op = open('pdf.txt', 'a')
>  dco = zlib.decompressobj()
>  try:
>  s = dco.decompress(byte)
>  #print >> op, s
>  print s
>  except Exception, e:
>  print e
>  op.close()
> fp.close()
> I know the text is compressed... that it would have stream and endstream 
> makers and BT (Begin Text) and ET (End Text) and that the uncompressed 
> text is enclosed in parenthesis (this is my text). Has anyone here done 
> this in a simple fashion? I've played with the pyPdf library some, but 
> it seems overly complex for my needs (merge PDFs, write PDFs, etc). I 
> just want a simple PDF text extractor.
> Thanks

Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


I need a crack for pyext1.2.5 plugin

2007-02-18 Thread Oliver Sosa Cano
Hi pythoneros. I'm a cuban guy interested in python and I need the crack of an 
Eclipse plugin: pyext 1.2.5
Thanks very much
Oliver Sosa

RE: I need a crack for pyext1.2.5 plugin

2007-02-18 Thread Oliver Sosa Cano
Sorry if this is the wrong place to make that question.

Pyext is a plugin that acoplate with pydev, it's 'software privativo'
like said Stallman, but it's very interesting.
I have version 1.2.5.
I use Eclipse 'cos it's simply great!!
If somebody could tell me some alternative...


(sorry my english) 

On Feb 18, 8:07 pm, "Oliver Sosa Cano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi pythoneros. I'm a cuban guy interested in python and I need the
crack of an Eclipse plugin: pyext 1.2.5
> Thanks very much
> cheers
> Oliver Sosa

Never heard of pyext - Google turns up this link
but this is pyext 0.2.0.

If by "crack" you mean "bootlegged user key for commercial software,"
this is the wrong place for that stuff.

On the other hand, if you tell us what kind of Eclipse work you are
doing that requires this elusive plug-in, someone may have a
suggestion on where to find it, or an equivalent.

-- Paul


Re: Letting a Python application phone home

2006-07-15 Thread Nils Oliver Kröger
Am Freitag, 14. Juli 2006 15:26 schrieb Dieter Vanderelst:

This is surely possible. You need to define a protocol for the communication 
between client and server. As you are planning to send data over the internet 
you should build it on top of tcp. Look at the python module "socket" resp. 
"SocketServer" for low level tcp functions.

As the data should not be visible to everyone you need some kind of 
encryption. Either you rely on the ssl capabilities of the "socket" module, 
this way securing the transport layer (tcp) or you build encryption into your 
newly designed application layer protocol. For the latter have a look at the 
"python cryptography toolkit". Sorry I have no url at hand, simply google.

Concerning the question of stopping the program when the internet connection 
breaks: let your program contact the server periodically. If this fails quit 
the program.

