newbie question

2004-12-19 Thread David Wurmfeld
I am new to python; any insight on the following would be appreciated, even 
if it is the admonition to RTFM (as long as you can direct me to a relevant 

Is there a standard approach to enumerated types? I could create a 
dictionary with a linear set of keys, but isn't this overkill? There is 
afterall a "True" and "False" enumeration for Boolean.

Is there a way to ignore case in string comparisons? I want 'Oranges' to 
equal 'oranges' when using the evaluation operator (==). I don't care about 
string inequalities (<, >)

If I am compelled to use dictionaries for enumerated types, is there a way 
to generate unique keys automatically: something like 

Is there a way to overload operators to accommodate an enumeration? For 

newFruit = enumerationFruit('Cumquat')#use it like you would use 
new = newFruit + 14# this should throw an exception because of 
different types

Finally, (for now at least) consider the following list.

myList = [apple, 13, plum, cherry, 'Spam', tomato, 3.35]

Exactly how does the "for x in myList" work?
If the list is a heterogeneous list of disparate types, the == operator 
works fine, independent of type.
For example, (if x == 'spam') evaluates as false if the item in the list is 
an integer. But if I try to do this: (if x.__abs()__) throws an exception if 
x "pulls" a non integer from the list. Wouldn't you think that an iterative 
would have the "sense" to understand that in this limited scope if a method 
didn't apply to the iterator just "fail" (i.e. evaluate to False) the 
evaluation and move along? Do I have to manually interrogate each iteration 
for the proper type before I test?
Think about it; the interpreter has to evaluate disparate types for 
equality. How exactly does the it "know" that for this iteration, x is an 
integer, and the evaluation (if x == 'spam') is False, and doesn't throw an 
exception for a type mismatch?

Thanks in advance for your insight,
David, Melbourne, Florida. 


Newbie Question

2005-02-01 Thread Joel Eusebio

Hi Everybody,

I'm pretty new to Python and would like to ask a few questions. I have this
setup on a Fedora Core 3 box.

Python 2.3.4

I have a which looks like this:
from mod_python import apache
def handler(req):
   req.write("Hello World!")
   return apache.OK

Whenever I access from my browser it says "The page cannot be found"
, I have the file on /var/www/html, what did I miss?

 Thanks in advance,


newbie question

2005-02-09 Thread doodle4
Hello All,
What is the python equivalent of the following statement?

while (n--)

Thank you.


Newbie question

2005-02-28 Thread Ryan White
Hi all

I'm wanting to use python to display some jpeg images, maybe present them at
a percentage of their actual size etc.

How do I display an image in Python? - I've run over Tkinter, but obviously
in all the wrong places.

Any help or sample code would be much appreciated.



newbie question

2005-03-28 Thread shama . bell

How do i create two memory mapped buffers(mmap) and pass an index to
select which one needs to be populated?

Is it possible to define the size of the buffer?



newbie question

2005-04-19 Thread bektek
I heard that python or other script languages can be used as game scripting..
Actually It's so hard to understand what that means for newbies like me?

What's mean being used as game script?
Could show me simple example like 'hello world'?

I'll be appreciated..

Newbie question

2005-10-25 Thread Geirr
Hi, ive just started playing around with python and wondered if someone
could poing me in the right way here.

I have a xmlrpc server simple script:

Server script:
import SimpleXMLRPCServer
class tpo:

def retTPOXML():
self.strXML =
return self.strXML

tpo_object = tpo()
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost",))

print "Listening on port "

and im trying to print the return value with any luck

Client Code:
import xmlrpclib
server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:";)
current = server.retTPOXML
print current

Any comment would be appriciated


Newbie Question

2005-12-05 Thread solaris_1234
I am trying to learn Python and I have a few questions.

I have created a Class that is essentially a canvas with a red
background. After creation I want to change the background to green.
However I am having problems doing this. 

Here is my code:

from Tkinter import *

class MyApp:
   def __init__(self, parent):
self.myParent = parent
self.myContainer = Frame(parent)

self.b1 = Canvas(self.myContainer, background="red").grid(row=0,

def ChangebgColor(self):

root = Tk()
myapp=MyApp(root) #Everything is fine at this point.


ChangebgColor(myapp.b1) # Error Message at this point


Any help will be greatly appreciated.


newbie question

2005-12-10 Thread Bermi
i have this program
from sys import *
import math
import math, Numeric
from code import *
from string import *
from math import *
from dataSet import *
from string import *

def drawAsciiFile():

#_PlotCols=string.split(str(argv[2]),' ')
'''for s in _PlotCols:
print max(__data[:,11])
if __name__ == "__main__":

how i can link it to read my file examle.txt?



Newbie Question

2005-08-19 Thread Tom Strickland
I have a file that contains many lines, each of which consists of a string 
of comma-separated variables, mostly floats but some strings. Each line 
looks like an obvious tuple to me. How do I save each line of this file as a 
tuple rather than a string? Or, is that the right way to go?

Thank you.

Tom Strickland 


newbie question

2006-03-01 Thread orangeDinosaur

I'm brand new to using/playing with Python, and I have what is likely a
very simple question but can't seem to figure it out.

I wrote up a script in my preferred text editor.  It contains maybe ten
lines of code.  I want to be able to execute those code lines with a
single command either from the inline mode or from IDLE.  How do I do
this?  I saved the file ( in a folder that I've specified
in my PYTHONPATH environment variable, and when I type

>>> import myscript

the script runs.  If, later during the same session, I type

>>> myscript

all I get for output is

Somwhere in the beginning tutorial there's this line:

"The script can be given a executable mode, or permission, using the
chmod command:

$ chmod +x"

Which I took to mean that if I enter that I would be able to do what I
wanted.  But no, it just highlights 'myscript' in red and says it's a
syntax error.  

What am I missing?

thanks for your help!


newbie question

2006-03-22 Thread Kevin F
what does it mean when there are [0] or [1] after a variable?

e.g. print 'Message %s\n%s\n' % (num, data[0][1])

Newbie Question

2006-08-27 Thread ishtar2020
Hi everyone

I'm sure this question is kinda stupid and has been answered a few
times before... but I need your help!

 I'm writing a small application where the user can analyze some text
based on a set of changing conditions , and right now I'm stuck on a
point where I'd like to automatically generate new classes that operate
based on those user-defined conditions.

Is there a way in python to define a class in runtime? For instance,
can I define a class which extends another(that I have previously
defined in some module) , create some instance completely on the fly
and then add/redefine methods to it?

If affirmative, I've thought of a problem I would maybe have to face:
as the class has been defined by direct input to the python
interpreter, I could only create instances of it on the same session I
entered the definition(because it's not on a module I can load on
future uses) but not afterwards.  Is there a way to keep that code?

Even more newbie paranoia: what would happen if I make that 'on the
fly" object persist via pickle? Where would Python find the code to
handle it once unpickled on another session (once again, i take that no
code with the definition of that instance would exist, as it was never
stored on a module).

Hope it wasn't too ridiculous an idea.

Thank you for your time, guys.


newbie question

2007-01-22 Thread kavitha thankaian
  i wrote a simple script (which follows) to insert a table in the database.i 
could execute this query and get the result in python shell.but when i open "my 
sql enterprise manager" i couldnt find the table"animals".it would be so kind 
of you if someone could help me,,,
  import dbi
import odbc
cursor.execute("Create table animals(parent char(50),child char(50))")
cursor.execute("insert into animals values('lion','cub')")
cursor.execute("insert into animals values('goat','lamb')")
cursor.execute("select * from animals")
print cursor.fetchall()

 Here’s a new way to find what you're looking for - Yahoo! Answers --

Newbie Question

2007-02-08 Thread Reid
Hello all

I am just starting to play with programing again as a hobby. I have heard 
good things about python. I have not really looked into the language much. 
My question is, will python make programs with a gui under windows xp. If it 
will do this I will explore the language more, if not I will try some other 



newbie question

2007-02-25 Thread S.Mohideen
>>> asd={}
>>> asd={1:2,3:4,4:5}
>>> print asd
{1: 2, 3: 4, 4: 5}

>>> asd.has_key(3)
>>> asd.update()
>>> print asd
{1: 2, 3: 4, 4: 5}

what does asd.update() signifies. What is the use of it. Any comments would 
help to understand it.



Newbie question

2007-03-05 Thread Tommy Grav
Hi list,

this is somewhat of a newbie question that has irritated me for a  
I have a file test.txt:

0.3434  0.5322 0.3345
1.3435  2.3345 5.3433

and this script
lines = open("test.txt","r").readlines()
for line in lines:
(xin,yin,zin) = line.split()
x = float(xin)
y = float(yin)
z = float(zin)

Is there a way to go from line.split() to x,y,z as floats without  
each variable individually?


Newbie Question

2006-06-19 Thread Saint Malo
I am new to programming, and I've chosen python to start with. I wrote
a simple program that asks several questions and assings each one of
them a variable via raw_input command.  I then combined all the
variables into one like this a = b + c + d.  After this I wrote these
values to a file.  What I want to do now is be able to search through
the file for any data in there.  Is this possible?


a newbie question

2004-12-08 Thread chris
In what directory are the preinstalled python libraries located on a
Linux RH9 machine?


Re: newbie question

2004-12-19 Thread Miki Tebeka
Hello David,

> Is there a standard approach to enumerated types? I could create a 
> dictionary with a linear set of keys, but isn't this overkill? There is 
> afterall a "True" and "False" enumeration for Boolean.
Google for Python + enum.
(A good one is:
> Is there a way to ignore case in string comparisons? I want 'Oranges' to 
> equal 'oranges' when using the evaluation operator (==). I don't care about 
> string inequalities (<, >)
s1.lower() == s2.lower()
> If I am compelled to use dictionaries for enumerated types, is there a way 
> to generate unique keys automatically: something like 
> "myDict.appendWithAutoKey("Persimmons")"? and "setdefault"
> Is there a way to overload operators to accommodate an enumeration? For 
> example,
> newFruit = enumerationFruit('Cumquat')#use it like you would use 
> list()
> new = newFruit + 14# this should throw an exception because of 
> different types

> Finally, (for now at least) consider the following list.
> myList = [apple, 13, plum, cherry, 'Spam', tomato, 3.35]
> Exactly how does the "for x in myList" work?
It binds 'x' in the body of the loop to each item in sequence.

> Wouldn't you think that an iterative would have the "sense" to understand
> that in this limited scope if a method didn't apply to the iterator just
> "fail" (i.e. evaluate to False) the evaluation and move along?
How would it konw that a method don't apply to an object?

> Do I have to manually interrogate each iteration 
> for the proper type before I test?
Yes. Or you can filter the sequence:
for x in [i for i in list if type(i) == type(1)]

> Think about it; the interpreter has to evaluate disparate types for 
> equality. How exactly does the it "know" that for this iteration, x is an 
> integer, and the evaluation (if x == 'spam') is False, and doesn't throw an 
> exception for a type mismatch?
Python is strongly type in the sense that each object has a type.
I don't remember exactly how does Python resolve operators and methods, but
if it's can't find one for == it'll return False (IMO).


The only difference between children and adults is the price of the toys

Re: newbie question

2004-12-19 Thread Nick Coghlan
David Wurmfeld wrote:
I am new to python; any insight on the following would be appreciated, even 
if it is the admonition to RTFM (as long as you can direct me to a relevant 
Your questions are esoteric enough that, even though the relevant information 
*is* in the FM, RTFM would be a really slow and painful way to learn it. . .

Is there a standard approach to enumerated types? I could create a 
dictionary with a linear set of keys, but isn't this overkill?
The problem is that enumerated types get used for so many different things that 
it isn't easy to come up with One Obvious Way To Do It.

A fairly simple version:
Py> class Enum(object):
...  def __init__(self, attrs):
...for num, attr in enumerate(attrs):
...  setattr(self, attr, num)
...self._values = attrs
...  def get_name(self, value):
...return self._values[value]
Py> Fruit = Enum(["apple", "banana", "pear"])
Py> Fruit.pear
Py> Fruit.banana
Py> Fruit.get_name(0)
Py> Fruit.get_name(1)
Py> Fruit.get_name(2)
Py> Fruit.get_name(3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 7, in get_name
IndexError: list index out of range
A more complete answer can be found at the link Miki gave: (look for Enumerated Types)
(Don't get too concerned about some of the other things Peter says on the rest 
of that page - the more glaring omissions he mentions have been addressed for 
Python 2.4)

There is 
afterall a "True" and "False" enumeration for Boolean.
True/False isn't actually an enumeration - they're special objects for boolean 
values (i.e. "True is 1" and "False is 0" both return False)

Is there a way to ignore case in string comparisons? I want 'Oranges' to 
equal 'oranges' when using the evaluation operator (==). I don't care about 
string inequalities (<, >)
The standard way is to invoke the string .lower() method, and compare the forced 
lowercase versions instead.

If I am compelled to use dictionaries for enumerated types, is there a way 
to generate unique keys automatically: something like 
The enumerate() function is generally the easiest way to get hold of a unique 
index for each item in a sequence.

Is there a way to overload operators to accommodate an enumeration? For 

newFruit = enumerationFruit('Cumquat')#use it like you would use 
new = newFruit + 14# this should throw an exception because of 
different types
Certainly - Python allows almost all operations to be overridden (id() is the 
only one I can think of that is off limits!)

Again, Miki already pointed you in the right direction:
(I'd advise *against* inheriting from int or long though - trying to prevent the 
base type from leaking through the API is a serious PITA)

Finally, (for now at least) consider the following list.
myList = [apple, 13, plum, cherry, 'Spam', tomato, 3.35]
Exactly how does the "for x in myList" work?
The specified operation is applied to each item in the sequence. The behaviour 
on heterogenous types will depend on the exact operation and how it handles type 

evaluation and move along? Do I have to manually interrogate each iteration 
for the proper type before I test?
It depends on the operation - checking the type can work, as can looking for an 
appropriate attribute:

[abs(x) for x in myList if hasattr(x, "__abs__")]
Think about it; the interpreter has to evaluate disparate types for 
equality. How exactly does the it "know" that for this iteration, x is an 
integer, and the evaluation (if x == 'spam') is False, and doesn't throw an 
exception for a type mismatch?
Easy: if the types are different, the objects are almost certainly different, so 
the interpreter applies that rule as the default.

It *is* possible to alter that determination though:
Py> from decimal import Decimal
Py> Decimal(1) == int(1)
Py> type(Decimal(1))

Py> type(int(1))

The reason your __abs__ example blows up is because the relevant attribute is 
missing for string objects - and there's nothing the interpreter can do about 
that. If you don't care, you need to tell the interpreter so (using either 
hasattr() or try/except)

Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

Re: newbie question

2004-12-19 Thread Dan Bishop
David Wurmfeld wrote:
> I am new to python; any insight on the following would be
appreciated, even
> if it is the admonition to RTFM (as long as you can direct me to a
> FM)

> Is there a standard approach to enumerated types? I could create a
> dictionary with a linear set of keys, but isn't this overkill? There
> afterall a "True" and "False" enumeration for Boolean.

If you're lazy, you can just use ints, like the "calendar" module did
for the weekday names:


This can be more concisely written as:


If you want an enumeration like bool where printing an enumeration
value prints its name instead of the int, you can do something like:

class Weekday(int):
_NAMES = ('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday',
'Saturday', 'Sunday')
def __repr__(self):
return Weekday._NAMES[self]

# Monday = Weekday(0); Tuesday = Weekday(1); etc.
for i, dayName in enumerate(Weekday._NAMES):
globals()[dayName] = Weekday(i)

If you'd rather refer to the names as, e.g., "Weekday.Monday", you can
use setattr(Weekday, dayName, Weekday(i))

If you have multiple enum classes to write, you can do:

def enum(*names):
class Enum(int):
_NAMES = names
def __repr__(self):
return Enum._NAMES[self]
for i, name in enumerate(names):
setattr(Enum, name, Enum(i))
return Enum

Weekday = enum('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday',
'Saturday', 'Sunday')
Sex = enum('Female', 'Male')

> Is there a way to ignore case in string comparisons? I want 'Oranges'
> equal 'oranges' when using the evaluation operator (==). I don't care
> string inequalities (<, >)

s1.lower() == s2.lower()

> If I am compelled to use dictionaries for enumerated types, is there
a way
> to generate unique keys automatically: something like
> "myDict.appendWithAutoKey("Persimmons")"?
> Is there a way to overload operators to accommodate an enumeration?

There's a way to overload operators for any class, not just
enumerations.  See, and
pay special attention to section 3.3.7.  For operations that don't make
sense, you can "return NotImplemented" or "raise TypeError()"

> Finally, (for now at least) consider the following list.
> myList = [apple, 13, plum, cherry, 'Spam', tomato, 3.35]
> Exactly how does the "for x in myList" work?

It works as if you had written:

for _i in xrange(len(myList)):
x = myList(_i)

> If the list is a heterogeneous list of disparate types, the ==
> works fine, independent of type.
> For example, (if x == 'spam') evaluates as false if the item in the
list is
> an integer. But if I try to do this: (if x.__abs()__) throws an

It should always raise an exception.  Perhaps you meant "if abs(x)", in
which case you can just write "if x", which is equivalent in any class
that correctly implements __abs__ and __nonzero__.  If you meant to
test whether x.__abs__ exists, you can use "if hasattr(x, '__abs__')".

> if
> x "pulls" a non integer from the list. Wouldn't you think that an
> would have the "sense" to understand that in this limited scope if a
> didn't apply to the iterator just "fail" (i.e. evaluate to False) the

> evaluation and move along?

No, for the same reason that 17 + 'x' should not just evaluate to False
and move along.

> Do I have to manually interrogate each iteration
> for the proper type before I test?

If the operations you want to use don't apply to all of your data, then
they probably shouldn't be in the same list.

> Think about it; the interpreter has to evaluate disparate types for
> equality. How exactly does the it "know" that for this iteration, x
is an
> integer,

Because type(x) == int.

> and the evaluation (if x == 'spam') is False,

It looks for the methods __eq__ and __cmp__ for the left-side object,
in that order.  If neither is implemented, it looks at the right side.

> and doesn't throw an exception for a type mismatch?

Originally, for technical reasons, comparisions couldn't throw
exceptions at all, which is why the built-in types define meaningless
comparisons like

>>> 2004 < 'spam'
>>> [] < {}

For ==, the reasoning is that equality implies comparibility, and
contrapositively, if two objects aren't even comparable they aren't


Re: newbie question

2004-12-19 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
> It works as if you had written:
> for _i in xrange(len(myList)):
> x = myList(_i)

No, as this implies that the variable has to support random access using
indices. But all that's required is the iterable-interface beeing supported
- by calling __iter__ and .next() on the resulting object.


Diez B. Roggisch

Re: newbie question

2004-12-19 Thread Keith Dart
David Wurmfeld wrote:
I am new to python; any insight on the following would be appreciated, even 
if it is the admonition to RTFM (as long as you can direct me to a relevant 

Is there a standard approach to enumerated types? I could create a 
dictionary with a linear set of keys, but isn't this overkill? There is 
afterall a "True" and "False" enumeration for Boolean.
Not a standard one, but here's what I use:
class Enum(int):
__slots__ = ("_name")
def __new__(cls, val, name):
v = int.__new__(cls, val)
v._name = str(name)
return v
def __str__(self):
return self._name
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%d, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self, 
def __cmp__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, int):
return int.__cmp__(self, other)
if type(other) is str:
return cmp(self._name, other)
raise ValueError, "Enum comparison with bad type"
class Enums(list):
def __init__(self, *init):
for i, val in enumerate(init):
if issubclass(type(val), list):
for j, subval in enumerate(val):
self.append(Enum(i+j, str(subval)))
elif isinstance(val, Enum):
self.append(Enum(i, str(val)))
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, list.__repr__(self))

-- ~
   Keith Dart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   public key: ID: F3D288E4

Re: newbie question

2004-12-19 Thread Doug Holton
David Wurmfeld wrote:
I am new to python; any insight on the following would be appreciated, even 
if it is the admonition to RTFM (as long as you can direct me to a relevant 

Is there a standard approach to enumerated types? I could create a 
dictionary with a linear set of keys, but isn't this overkill? There is 
afterall a "True" and "False" enumeration for Boolean.
To actually answer your question, no, there is no standard for enums in 
python.  There are custom hacks for it that you can search for.

Boo, a programming language that is virtually identical to python, does 
have standard enums:

enum Color:
In fact, since not many seem to be aware of its existence, I encourage 
everyone here to check out boo as an alternative to python.

Is there a way to ignore case in string comparisons? I want 'Oranges' to 
equal 'oranges' when using the evaluation operator (==). I don't care about 
string inequalities (<, >)
No, not with the == operator, unless you use:
s1.lower() == s2.lower()
Visual Basic is the only language I am aware of that has 
case-insensitive strings.

Finally, (for now at least) consider the following list.
myList = [apple, 13, plum, cherry, 'Spam', tomato, 3.35]
Exactly how does the "for x in myList" work?
If the list is a heterogeneous list of disparate types, the == operator 
works fine, independent of type.
For example, (if x == 'spam') evaluates as false if the item in the list is 
an integer. But if I try to do this: (if x.__abs()__) throws an exception if 
x "pulls" a non integer from the list. Wouldn't you think that an iterative 
would have the "sense" to understand that in this limited scope if a method 
didn't apply to the iterator just "fail" (i.e. evaluate to False) the 
evaluation and move along? Do I have to manually interrogate each iteration 
for the proper type before I test?
Think about it; the interpreter has to evaluate disparate types for 
equality. How exactly does the it "know" that for this iteration, x is an 
integer, and the evaluation (if x == 'spam') is False, and doesn't throw an 
exception for a type mismatch?
Because python is a strongly typed.  If you want to perform a type 
specific operation like abs() or string.lower(), but the object's type 
may not be the right type, then you have to check its type first.

In boo, we have an "isa" operator for this purpose:
if x isa string:

for item in myList:
given typeof(item):
when string:
print item.ToLower()
when int:
print Math.Abs(item)

Re: newbie question

2004-12-20 Thread Steve Holden
Doug Holton wrote:
David Wurmfeld wrote:
I am new to python; any insight on the following would be appreciated, 
even if it is the admonition to RTFM (as long as you can direct me to 
a relevant FM)

Is there a standard approach to enumerated types? I could create a 
dictionary with a linear set of keys, but isn't this overkill? There 
is afterall a "True" and "False" enumeration for Boolean.

To actually answer your question, no, there is no standard for enums in 
python.  There are custom hacks for it that you can search for.

Boo, a programming language that is virtually identical to python, does 
have standard enums:

enum Color:
In fact, since not many seem to be aware of its existence, I encourage 
everyone here to check out boo as an alternative to python.

Is there a way to ignore case in string comparisons? I want 'Oranges' 
to equal 'oranges' when using the evaluation operator (==). I don't 
care about string inequalities (<, >)

No, not with the == operator, unless you use:
s1.lower() == s2.lower()
Visual Basic is the only language I am aware of that has 
case-insensitive strings.

Finally, (for now at least) consider the following list.
myList = [apple, 13, plum, cherry, 'Spam', tomato, 3.35]
Exactly how does the "for x in myList" work?
If the list is a heterogeneous list of disparate types, the == 
operator works fine, independent of type.
For example, (if x == 'spam') evaluates as false if the item in the 
list is an integer. But if I try to do this: (if x.__abs()__) throws 
an exception if x "pulls" a non integer from the list. Wouldn't you 
think that an iterative would have the "sense" to understand that in 
this limited scope if a method didn't apply to the iterator just 
"fail" (i.e. evaluate to False) the evaluation and move along? Do I 
have to manually interrogate each iteration for the proper type before 
I test?
Think about it; the interpreter has to evaluate disparate types for 
equality. How exactly does the it "know" that for this iteration, x is 
an integer, and the evaluation (if x == 'spam') is False, and doesn't 
throw an exception for a type mismatch?

Because python is a strongly typed.  If you want to perform a type 
specific operation like abs() or string.lower(), but the object's type 
may not be the right type, then you have to check its type first.

In boo, we have an "isa" operator for this purpose:
if x isa string:

for item in myList:
given typeof(item):
when string:
print item.ToLower()
when int:
print Math.Abs(item)
It appears you should read your own remarks from the "Web forum (made by 
python)" thread :-)

whereas-my-ego-couldn't-be-smaller-ly yr's  - steve
Steve Holden
Python Web Programming
Holden Web LLC  +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119

Re: newbie question

2004-12-20 Thread Doug Holton

David Wurmfeld wrote:
I am new to python; any insight on the following would be appreciated, 
even if it is the admonition to RTFM (as long as you can direct me to 
a relevant FM)

Is there a standard approach to enumerated types? I could create a 
dictionary with a linear set of keys, but isn't this overkill? There 
is afterall a "True" and "False" enumeration for Boolean.
To actually answer your question, no, there is no standard for enums in 
python.  There are custom hacks for it that you can search for.

This is a good sugestion for Python 3.0, a.k.a. Python 3000:
In the future you may be able to to this:
enum Color:
However, Python 3.0 is likely years away.  If you want to know how to 
run this code today, consult Fredrik Lundh.

Re: newbie question

2004-12-20 Thread Stephen Thorne
On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 18:06:36 -0600, Doug Holton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To actually answer your question, no, there is no standard for enums in
> python.  There are custom hacks for it that you can search for.
> This is a good sugestion for Python 3.0, a.k.a. Python 3000:
> In the future you may be able to to this:
> enum Color:
>   Red
>   Green
>   Blue
> However, Python 3.0 is likely years away.  If you want to know how to
> run this code today, consult Fredrik Lundh.

Is this a Sig? What is this referring to? You've said it in reply to
more than one post in the last week. Got a url I can read about the
Fredrik Lundh Python Syntax Manglation Consulting Service?


Re: newbie question

2004-12-20 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Stephen Thorne wrote:'

> Is this a Sig? What is this referring to? You've said it in reply to
> more than one post in the last week. Got a url I can read about the
> Fredrik Lundh Python Syntax Manglation Consulting Service?

it's the new Boo marketing motto: "have you harrassed a Pythoneer today?"



Re: newbie question

2004-12-21 Thread Luis M. Gonzalez

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> it's the new Boo marketing motto: "have you harrassed a Pythoneer

Fredrik, I think you're being a little bit injust.
As far as I could see, everythime the word "boo" is typed, some sort of
censorship or plain bashing comes up, and I think this is not fair.

In my case, if some topic or thread is not of my interest, I simply
skip it.
Why don't we all do the same and live in peace? :-)

By the way, this is from comp.lang.python home page:
"Pretty much anything Python-related is fair game for discussion, and
the group is even fairly tolerant of off-topic digressions"

Seeing what was going on in this thread, I think that we probably
should delete this part, because this is getting far from "fairly


Re: newbie question

2004-12-21 Thread Peter Hansen
Luis M. Gonzalez wrote:
As far as I could see, everythime the word "boo" is typed, some sort of
censorship or plain bashing comes up, and I think this is not fair.
Luis, your defense of the genial nature of the newsgroup/mailing list
is admirable, and I thank you for it.
I think doing this by defending Doug's postings, however, might weaken
the strength of your position just a little. (Okay, I mean "a lot".)
About the only time the word "boo" _does_ come up, it comes up
in one of Doug's posts, often in an apparent attempt to "help"
a Python newbie by pointing him in a misleading manner to
an entirely different language which just happens to have a syntax
that was inspired by and looks a fair bit like Python's.
Until Doug posted about "virtually identical" (and note he didn't
mention the syntax at the time, thus my wondering if he meant
the whole language), I had never noticed him or Boo.  Yes, in
spite of all the past postings.  I look at postings by newbies
and try to help; I rarely look carefully at the other replies,
and if I ever saw a "there's also this thing called Boo" post,
I suspect I just mentally blanked out of disinterest and moved on.
As a result of all the activity in the "Boo who?" thread, however,
I went and searched a bit to find out who this Doug character is.
It turns out that he's been mentioning Boo in postings *to newbies*
repeatedly over the last few months.  These are people trying
to use Python, having a question or difficulty about it, and he
launches into a sales job about some other language.
Would you defend someone who came into this group and responded
(admittedly helpfully, sometimes, in other ways) to newbie
questions by constantly saying "you can do this much more easily
in Perl of course, see"?  I think you'd
find that after the first few posts like that, it was getting
tedious.  Then downright offensive.  And yet Perl has more in
common with Python than Boo does!
What Doug has been doing is like standing at the door of
a mission run by a church and trying to redirect those coming
for help to a different church down the street, with promises
that the meals are better.  And when one of the volunteers comes
out and looks offended, he turns on them and accuses them
of religious persecution, and being unfriendly to boot.
By the way, this is from comp.lang.python home page:
"Pretty much anything Python-related is fair game for discussion, and
the group is even fairly tolerant of off-topic digressions"
Boo is not Python related.  It's that simple.  Boo has some
passing resemblance to Python, and claims that it's much
more than that are patently false.  And clearly designed
to be marketing propaganda to get more Boo users onboard.
I wouldn't have seen this with only one or two posts by Doug,
but after reviewing his recent posting history I can only
say that I'm actually appalled at his gall in the matter.
Seeing what was going on in this thread, I think that we probably
should delete this part, because this is getting far from "fairly
I believe the definition of "fairly tolerant" doesn't necessarily
imply total tolerance of all topics under any circumstances.
(And I know you didn't mean that.)
If Doug wants to come in from time to time and mention Boo,
however, he's welcome to do so.  (And no, I'm not a moderator,
I just get one opinion, like everybody else.)  He might get
a few people questioning Boo's merits each time, but that's
par for the course.  If he doesn't like the heat, he can stay
out of the kitchen.  More likely, if he can accept such posts,
or ignore them, he'll be making his point, marketing his pet
language, and making a few converts.
If, on the other hand, he keeps jumping on newbies, who I
imagine are often overwhelmed by Python as it is, and who
just want an answer to their one simple question, and he
shouts "Boo" at them all the time, then the rest of us are
going to feel both offended that he's standing on our corner
where we're trying to help people, and worried that he's
misrepresenting Boo to Python newbies and confusing them
even more than they might already be.  Doug: move on,
there's another street corner just down thataway, and
it's called  Or the Boo mailing list or
your own blog or something.
I could go on, but that's enough of a rant as it is.  Luis,
I have appreciated reading your thoughtful and caring words
on this whole subject, and I understand your point of view.
I just don't share it in this instance and wanted to get
this off my chest.  Thanks for listening. :-)

Re: newbie question

2004-12-21 Thread Luis M. Gonzalez

Thank you for taking the time to reply in such a detailed and polite
I'm satisfied by your last post and, although I beg to disagree in a
few points, I'm glad to see that we are all slowly going back to a
civil way of expressing ourselves.

Regarding my first post in this thread, I hope I didn't offend you. I
just wanted to point out that there were some attitudes from you and
from others that, in my oppinion, were a little bit too harsh.
Sometimes it seems that instead of replying, you are making absolute
statements intended to disqualify other people's oppinions, leaving no
place for a continuing discussion of these matters.
But I want to say that I recognize your labor here when it comes to
help newbies and the time you spend in this list particicipating and
And I also recognize that you are capable of "slowing down" and make
your thoughts clear.

As for your comment about Boo:
> Boo is not Python related.  It's that simple.  Boo has some
> passing resemblance to Python, and claims that it's much
> more than that are patently false.  And clearly designed
> to be marketing propaganda to get more Boo users onboard

Perhaps I don't measure that relativity with the same ruler, but as far
as I could see when playing with Boo, it is very similar to Python.
Anyway, I don't want to appear as a promoter or evangelist of Boo, I'm
just someone who tested it and liked it.

Also, you should consider that, preferences aside, there might be
pythonistas in situations where they are forced to work with Microsoft
technologies, and since programmers use tools (and we are discussing
about tools here, not religions) I think it's pertinent to discuss it
Amyway, I wouldn't want to use this list to talk about Boo, because I
think that the best place to do it is
However, since I think it is definetely python related (I know you
disagree, but others don't) I see no harm in mentioning it here



Re: newbie question

2004-12-21 Thread Doug Holton
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
"have you harrassed a Pythoneer today?"
Yes, you have.  I'll ask again that you stop.  Just because you make a 
living in part off of a CPython module, doesn't mean we cannot discuss 
python-related things on this list, or discuss things from the 
perspective of a python user, or suggest alternative solutions when 
someone asks for a feature that Python does not have.

Re: newbie question

2004-12-22 Thread Stephen Waterbury
Luis M. Gonzalez wrote:
Amyway, I wouldn't want to use this list to talk about Boo, because I
think that the best place to do it is
However, since I think it is definetely python related (I know you
disagree, but others don't) I see no harm in mentioning it here
Luis, that is *exactly* Peter's position:
Peter Hansen wrote:
... If Doug wants to come in from time to time and mention Boo,
however, he's welcome to do so.  ...
... so there is no need for you to say you see no harm in it,
making it sound as though Peter *does* see harm in it.

Re: newbie question

2004-12-22 Thread Doug Holton
Stephen Waterbury wrote:
Luis M. Gonzalez wrote:
Amyway, I wouldn't want to use this list to talk about Boo, because I
think that the best place to do it is
However, since I think it is definetely python related (I know you
disagree, but others don't) I see no harm in mentioning it here

Luis, that is *exactly* Peter's position:
Peter Hansen wrote:
... If Doug wants to come in from time to time and mention Boo,
however, he's welcome to do so.  ...

... so there is no need for you to say you see no harm in it,
making it sound as though Peter *does* see harm in it.
You can defend Peter all you want, but you can't take back the other 
things he has said which you did not cite.

"I think doing this by defending Doug's postings, however, might weaken
the strength of your position just a little. (Okay, I mean "a lot".) "
A flame.
"About the only time the word "boo" _does_ come up, it comes up
in one of Doug's posts, often in an apparent attempt to "help"
a Python newbie by pointing him in a misleading manner"
A misrepresentation of my intentions.  If someone asks if python has 
interfaces, and I say first, pyprotocols has something similar, but boo 
does have support for real interfaces, then that is "help" and that is 
not misleading in the slightest.

"As a result of all the activity in the "Boo who?" thread, however, "
He failed to mention that he is the one who started and propagated this 
very thread, which devolved into nothing more than a flame-fest, which 
was his intention all along.

"I went and searched a bit to find out who this Doug character is. "
Another flame, and we are still in the same note by Peter Hansen, folks.
"It turns out that he's been mentioning Boo in postings *to newbies*
repeatedly over the last few months."
*to newbies* - oh my god, dare I mention the word boo to a newbie. 
Another mischaracterization of what I did.

"These are people trying
to use Python, having a question or difficulty about it, and he
launches into a sales job about some other language. "
I am not selling anything.  This is a subtle flame related to calling me 
an "evangelist".  Does Peter Hansen make money using python?  Does he 
have something to sell at engcorp that uses CPython?

"Would you defend someone who came into this group and responded
(admittedly helpfully, sometimes, in other ways) to newbie
questions by constantly saying "you can do this much more easily
in Perl of course, see"? "
Another complete mischaracterization of what I did.  When someone asks 
for something that they cannot do in python, then I noted alternative 
solutions, such as jython or boo or whatever tool is best for the job.

"Then downright offensive."
Another flame.
"What Doug has been doing is like standing at the door of
a mission run by a church a..."
Yet again, another flame.
"he turns on them and accuses them
of religious persecution, and being unfriendly to boot. "
Another mischaracterization.  In fact, a complete lie.
I'm only halfway through his message.  It would take me all day to point 
out all his flames.

Re: newbie question

2004-12-22 Thread Richie Hindle

> I'm only halfway through his message.  It would take me all day to point 
> out all [Peter Hansen's] flames.

Doug, this is not worth your time.  It certainly isn't worth mine, nor
that of the other thousands of people who are being subjected to this
argument.  Please, consider putting your energies into something more
positive, either here or elsewhere.

Peter, Fredrik: Please consider giving up the argument.  Hopefully Doug
will either lighten up and return to contributing usefully, or give up and
go away.  (For what it's worth, I'd rather it was the former.)

the-last-haven-of-civilisation-on-the-net-is-under-threat-ly yrs,

Richie Hindle


Re: Newbie Question

2005-02-01 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Tue, 01 Feb 2005 17:47:39 -0800, Joel Eusebio wrote:
> Whenever I access from my browser it says "The page cannot be
> found" , I have the file on /var/www/html, what did I miss?
>  Thanks in advance,
> Joel

In general, you will need to post the relevant entries from your Apache
error log and access log. A lot of things can go wrong between your Python
script and final output. 

However, if you're getting a 404, it means that you haven't associated the
URL to the file correctly. Again, a lot of things can prevent this, so
you're also going to need to post the relevant Apache configuration files.
Without that, I can't be any more specific.

I'm also concerned that you are conflating mod_python with Python CGI,
which work completely differently when it comes to associating code to
URLs. In general, you won't access a mod_python script by typing in a
URL to a file; that will either try to run it as a CGI or just display it
(depending on the configuration). But we'll work on this when you post the
necessary information and we can see what you are trying to do.

Re: Newbie Question

2005-02-01 Thread Robey Holderith
On Tue, 01 Feb 2005 17:47:39 -0800, Joel Eusebio wrote:

> Hi Everybody,
> I'm pretty new to Python and would like to ask a few questions. I have this
> setup on a Fedora Core 3 box.
> Python 2.3.4
> wxPython-common-gtk-ansi-
> mod_python-3.1.3-5
> Apache/2.0.52
> I have a which looks like this:
> from mod_python import apache
> def handler(req):
>req.write("Hello World!")
>return apache.OK

This code looks like you are attempting to define a handler.  In this case
the handler needs to be properly set up in either your httpd.conf or a
.htaccess (assuming your configuration allows for that).

> Whenever I access from my browser it says "The page cannot be found"
> , I have the file on /var/www/html, what did I miss?

You don't access handlers like you do CGI.  This problem likely lies in
your configuration and not in your code.  I would look at mod_python's
documentation some more and probably start with mod_python's
PublisherHandler for initial testing and experimentation.

-Robey Holderith

>  Thanks in advance,
> Joel


RE: Newbie Question

2005-02-02 Thread Joel Eusebio
Hi Jeremy & Robey

Acces_log: - - [01/Feb/2005:17:36:14 -0800] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 404 276
"-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)" - - [01/Feb/2005:17:41:44 -0800] "GET /test/
HTTP/1.1" 404 293 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2;
.NET CLR 1.1.4322)"


[Wed Feb 02 08:55:18 2005] [notice] mod_python: (Re)importing module
[Wed Feb 02 08:55:18 2005] [notice] mod_python: (Re)importing module 'test'
with path set to '['/var/www/html']'


LoadModule python_module modules/

Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AddHandler mod_python .py
Options Indexes Includes FollowSymlinks Multiviews
PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
PythonDebug On

   AddHandler mod_python .py
   AllowOverride None
   PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
   PythonDebug On

Thanks again,


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jeremy
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: Newbie Question

On Tue, 01 Feb 2005 17:47:39 -0800, Joel Eusebio wrote:
> Whenever I access from my browser it says "The page cannot be
> found" , I have the file on /var/www/html, what did I miss?
>  Thanks in advance,
> Joel

In general, you will need to post the relevant entries from your Apache
error log and access log. A lot of things can go wrong between your Python
script and final output. 

However, if you're getting a 404, it means that you haven't associated the
URL to the file correctly. Again, a lot of things can prevent this, so
you're also going to need to post the relevant Apache configuration files.
Without that, I can't be any more specific.

I'm also concerned that you are conflating mod_python with Python CGI,
which work completely differently when it comes to associating code to
URLs. In general, you won't access a mod_python script by typing in a
URL to a file; that will either try to run it as a CGI or just display it
(depending on the configuration). But we'll work on this when you post the
necessary information and we can see what you are trying to do.


Re: newbie question

2005-02-09 Thread Peter Hansen
What is the python equivalent of the following statement?
while (n--)
Thank you.
That depends on a number of things, including whether "n"
is declared as "volatile", and whether you consider the
above as an executable piece of code (it is not), or just a
code snippet...
Roughly but somewhat facetiously speaking, the answer is this:
n = -1
(Maybe describing what you are trying to accomplish would
be more useful than showing snippets of code without
explaining what you are expecting it to do.)

Re: newbie question

2005-02-09 Thread doodle4
Thanks for the reply.

I am trying to convert some C code to python and i was not sure what
the equivalent python code would be.

I want to postdecrement the value in the while loop. Since i cannot use
assignment in while statements is there any other way to do it in



Re: newbie question

2005-02-09 Thread Peter Hansen
Thanks for the reply.
I am trying to convert some C code to python and i was not sure what
the equivalent python code would be.
I want to postdecrement the value in the while loop. Since i cannot use
assignment in while statements is there any other way to do it in
Generally in Python you simply put the assignment-based
statement in a "while True:" block, and use "break" to
exit as required.  For example, here is one way to
approach it in this case:
while True:
n = n - 1
if n == -1:
Having written the above, however, I'm uncertain whether this
sort of thing is really required in Python.  Although I have
ported very little C code to Python (so I might be wrong), I
definitely have never seen anything resembling the above
pattern in Python code that I or others have written.
My suspicion is that the code involves operations which are
actually better handled in Python by some kind of builtin
or standard library operation.  For example, often the
post-decrementing is part of a pointer operation involving
manipulating a string character-by-character.  This is
effectively never required in Python, and will pretty much
always result in a program written at a much lower level
than what you should be shooting for in Python.  But if
you want a direct port, then the above should do...

Re: newbie question

2005-02-09 Thread Dan Perl

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Hello All,
> What is the python equivalent of the following statement?
> while (n--)

Like other posters said, you should give more details with your question. 
What do you mean by equivalent?  The following is *functionally* equivalent:
for n in range(start, 0, -1):

Of course, there is always:
while n:
n -= 1

But unfortunately, no, I don't think there is an equivalent in python that 
has the conciseness of the C statement.  The pre- and post-increment 
and -decrement in C/C++/Java are very powerful and I miss them in python. 


Re: newbie question

2005-02-09 Thread Jeff Shannon
Thanks for the reply.
I am trying to convert some C code to python and i was not sure what
the equivalent python code would be.
I want to postdecrement the value in the while loop. Since i cannot use
assignment in while statements is there any other way to do it in
Roughly speaking, if you have a loop in C like
while (n--) {
then the mechanical translation to Python would look like this:
while True:
n -= 1
if not n:
However, odds are fairly decent that a mechanical translation is not 
the best approach, and you may (as just one of many examples) be much 
better off with something more like:

for i in range(n)[::-1]:
The '[::-1]' iterates over the range in a reverse (decreasing) 
direction; this may or may not be necessary depending on the 

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: newbie question

2005-02-09 Thread Cameron Laird
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Dan Perl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>has the conciseness of the C statement.  The pre- and post-increment 
>and -decrement in C/C++/Java are very powerful and I miss them in python. 

Me, too.

Which is, I suspect, evidence for the incompleteness of our Pythonhood.
As Peter Hansen already hinted in this thread, an appetite for the
increment and related operators probably is a symptom that there's an
opportunity nearby to use an iterator or string method or such.  C++
and Java wish they had it so good.

Re: newbie question

2005-02-09 Thread Dan Perl

"Cameron Laird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Dan Perl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> .
> .
> .
>>has the conciseness of the C statement.  The pre- and post-increment
>>and -decrement in C/C++/Java are very powerful and I miss them in python.
> Me, too.
> Which is, I suspect, evidence for the incompleteness of our Pythonhood.
> As Peter Hansen already hinted in this thread, an appetite for the
> increment and related operators probably is a symptom that there's an
> opportunity nearby to use an iterator or string method or such.  C++
> and Java wish they had it so good.

I can't say that is not part of the reason, but the example in the OP is a 
clear illustration of cases where something like an increment/decrement 
operator would be very useful.  OTOH, I was thinking of saying in my 
previous posting that I prefer
for n in range(start, 0, -1):
n = start
while (n--)
I think that the first form is more readable, although that may be just me. 
I would actually even prefer the 'for' statement in C to the 'while' 
for (n=start; n<=0; n--) 


Re: newbie question

2005-02-10 Thread Peter Hansen
Dan Perl wrote:
I can't say that is not part of the reason, but the example in the OP is a 
clear illustration of cases where something like an increment/decrement 
operator would be very useful.  
The OP didn't show how he was using the "while (n--)" at all,
so it can hardly be a clear illustration of how it's useful.
In fact, it's even possible it was entirely unnecessary in
the original code...  at this point I'd be really interested
in seeing just what code is inside the "while" statement, and
possibly what follows it (if the following code relies on the
value of "n").
OTOH, I was thinking of saying in my 
previous posting that I prefer
for n in range(start, 0, -1):
n = start
while (n--)
I think that the first form is more readable, although that may be just me. 
I would actually even prefer the 'for' statement in C to the 'while' 
for (n=start; n<=0; n--) 
I'm not sure if it's just picking nits, but I'd like to
point out that neither of your alternatives is actually
equivalent to the while (n--) form...  nor was Jeff
Shannon's attempt (in that case it leaves the loop with
n equal to 0, not -1).
The fact that it's so easy to get confused with post-decrement
is perhaps an excellent reason to keep it out of Python.

Re: newbie question

2005-02-10 Thread Dan Perl

"Peter Hansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Dan Perl wrote:
>> OTOH, I was thinking of saying in my previous posting that I prefer
>> for n in range(start, 0, -1):
>> to
>> n = start
>> while (n--)
>> I think that the first form is more readable, although that may be just 
>> me. I would actually even prefer the 'for' statement in C to the 'while' 
>> statement:
>> for (n=start; n<=0; n--)
> I'm not sure if it's just picking nits, but I'd like to
> point out that neither of your alternatives is actually
> equivalent to the while (n--) form...  nor was Jeff
> Shannon's attempt (in that case it leaves the loop with
> n equal to 0, not -1).

You're right in your nit picking.  I have to go back to using some C/C++ and 
Java also, I don't want to forget them completely. 


Re: newbie question

2005-02-10 Thread Jeff Shannon
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
On Wed, 09 Feb 2005 18:10:40 -0800, Jeff Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:

for i in range(n)[::-1]:

Shouldn't that be
(the loop index?)
You're right, that's what I *meant* to say.  (What, the interpreter 
doesn't have a "do what I mean" mode yet? ;) )

The '[::-1]' iterates over the range in a reverse (decreasing) 
direction; this may or may not be necessary depending on the 
Eeee sneaky... (I'm a bit behind on latest syntax additions)
I'd probably have coded something like
for n1 in range(n):
though, and note that I do admit it here  [...]
Given a need/desire to avoid extended slicing (i.e. being stuck with 
an older Python, as I often am), I'd actually do this by changing the 
input to range(), i.e.

for i in range(n, 0, -1):   # ...
That (IMO) makes the decreasing-integer sequence a bit clearer than 
doing subtraction in the function parameter list does.  Actually, it's 
possibly clearer than the extended slicing, too, so maybe this would 
be the better way all around... ;)

I haven't done the detailed
analysis to properly set the end point... 
And as Peter Hansen points out, none of the Python versions leave n in 
the same state that the C loop does, so that's one more way in which 
an exact translation is not really possible -- and (IMO again) further 
evidence that trying to do an exact translation would be 
ill-conceived.  Much better to consider the context in which the loop 
is used and do a looser, idiomatic translation.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: newbie question

2005-02-11 Thread Jeff Shannon
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 09:36:42 -0800, Jeff Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
And as Peter Hansen points out, none of the Python versions leave n in 
the same state that the C loop does, so that's one more way in which 
an exact translation is not really possible -- and (IMO again) further 
evidence that trying to do an exact translation would be 
ill-conceived.  Much better to consider the context in which the loop 
is used and do a looser, idiomatic translation.
Yeah, though my background tends to be one which considers loop
indices to be loop-local, value indeterminate after exit...
Well, even though I've programmed mostly in langauges where loop 
indices to retain a determinate value after exit, I almost always 
*treat* them as loop-local -- it just seems safer that way.  But not 
everyone does so, and especially with C while loops, often the point 
is to keep adjusting the control variable until it fits the 
requirements of the next section...

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Re: newbie question

2005-02-12 Thread John Machin

Dan Perl wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Hello All,
> > What is the python equivalent of the following statement?
> >
> > while (n--)
> Like other posters said, you should give more details with your
> What do you mean by equivalent?  The following is *functionally*
> for n in range(start, 0, -1):
> Of course, there is always:
> while n:
> ...
> n -= 1

errrmmm it's a C while stmt with post-decrement; that's NOT the same

for (; n; n--) ...

If n is initially 3, the loop body is executed with n set to 2,1,0 and
after exit n is -1.

The nearest Python equivalents of "while (n--) func(n);" are
(making the charitable assumption that initially n >= 0):

! while n:
! n -= 1
! func(n)


! for n in range(n-1, -1, -1):
! func(n)

> But unfortunately, no, I don't think there is an equivalent in python
> has the conciseness of the C statement.  The pre- and post-increment
> and -decrement in C/C++/Java are very powerful and I miss them in

Unfortunately?? What are you missing? The ability to write cryptic crap
that you don't understand & that's so "powerful" that you can get into
deep kaka really quickly? Hope you weren't writing software for
embedded devices -- like heart pacemakers :-)


Re: Newbie question

2005-02-28 Thread Fuzzyman
Functions for manipulating images are contained in the 'PIL' extension
- the Python Imaging Library. You'll find it with google.




Re: Newbie question

2005-02-28 Thread Terry Reedy

For future reference, an informative subject line like

> How do I display an image in Python?

is more likely to grab the attention of someone with the information 



Re: Newbie question

2005-02-28 Thread Alan Gauld
On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 16:17:03 +0200, "Ryan White"

> How do I display an image in Python? - I've run over Tkinter, but obviously
> in all the wrong places.

Someone else suggested PIL.

But in Tkinter you create a PhotoImage object then insert it into
either a Canvas or a Text widget.

> Any help or sample code would be much appreciated.

If you find the file on Useless Python you will find
the code for my games framework with an example Hangman game in
Tkinter. It includes the display of a set of images(the hanged


Alan G.
Author of the Learn to Program website

Re: newbie question

2005-03-28 Thread Sean Blakey
On 28 Mar 2005 15:00:37 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hello,
> How do i create two memory mapped buffers(mmap) and pass an index to
> select which one needs to be populated?
> Is it possible to define the size of the buffer?
> -SB
> --

I haven't tried it, but it should be pretty straightforward to create
two mmaped buffers.

Step 1: Import the mmap module.

Step 2: Create or find the file you want to map. Open it, and get the
fileno. Call mmap.mmap, passing the fileno and buffer size.

Repeat Step 2 with a different file to create a second mmaped buffer.

I'm not sure what you mean by "and pass an index to select which one
needs to be populated". If you pack the buffers into a
tuple/list/other sequence object, it should be easy to access them by

>>> buffers = (buffer_1, buffer_2)
>>> do_something_to(buffers[0])
>>> do_something_else_with(buffers[1])

To mmap buffers, you MUST define the size.

I'm sorry I can't be more helpful; perhaps if you gave a higher-level
description of what you are trying to accomplish, I could give better
pointers in the right direction.

Sean Blakey
Saint of Mild Amusement, Evil Genius, Big Geek
Python/Java/C++/C(Unix/Windows/Palm/Web) developer
quine = ['print "quine =",quine,"; exec(quine[0])"'] ; exec(quine[0])

Numarray newbie question

2005-03-28 Thread ChinStrap
I know there are probably alternatives for this with the standard
library, but I think that would kill the speed I get with numarray:

Say I have two 2-dimensional numarrays (x_mat and y_mat, say), and a
function f(x,y) that I would like to evaluate at every index.
Basically I want to be able to say f(x_mat,y_mat) and have it return a
numarray with the same shape and element wise evaluation of f.  I know,
I want a ufunc, but they look scary to write my own. Are there any
functions that do this? Or is writing ufuncs easier than it seems?

-Chris Neff


Re: newbie question

2005-03-29 Thread shama . bell
Whats the file that has to be mapped? Can this be a list? Can this list
be initialized to 512?



Super Newbie Question

2005-04-04 Thread joeyjwc
I have recently started to use Python to develop a new version of my

I'm working on a sort of "web engine" that takes the contents of a
standardized file format I have designed and then outputs it using
templates created by me.

However, I'm only at the very beginning (i.e. opening and reading
files) because I'm a newbie to Python.  I want to spend a lot of time
learning Python.

I have searched with about 15 million different key phrases on Google
and Google Groups but haven't come up with an answer to my following

I want the "engine" to read the file, write its contents to another
temporary file (for now it just writes the contents; later it will
format it before writing the contents) and then deletes the *contents*
of the temporary file after printing out the result, but not the
temporary file itself.  I want it to do this because that temporary
file will be reused to write to for other pages as well.

In short, how might I go about deleting just the contents of a file?
I tried several methods with my limited knowledge but had no luck.

Thank you very much for answering a lowly newbie's question.  I really
appreciate it.

P.S.  If there's a better that you think to perform what I am saying,
I'd like to be enlightened.  But I'd also like my question answered
too, in case I ever need to do something similar again.


Re: newbie question

2005-04-19 Thread Lonnie Princehouse
What is usually meant when Python is mentioned in the context of game
scripting is that it's relatively easy for a game's developers to embed
a Python interpreter into the game.  Python would then be used to
control higher-level gameplay elements like artificial intelligence
while the game's native language (probably C) handles the heavy lifting
(e.g. rendering, collision detection, etc).

This does /not/ mean that you will be able to use Python to modify your
favorite game, unless it happens to already have an interpreter
built-in.  Maybe some resident gamers here can list some games that use
Python for user-accessible scripting; I don't know of any.


Re: newbie question

2005-04-19 Thread Tiziano Bettio
Just a few days earlier someone posted me the link to panda3d 
This is actually a gamengine/renderingengine on which u can develop 
games in python.

If u want to achieve high performance you'd rather use c++ and directly 
access libs like nvidias cg, ms directx or opengl...

for a "hello world", understanding how the 3d enviroment works and so on 
panda3d is a really good start.


Re: newbie question

2005-04-19 Thread M.E.Farmer
You might want to look at PyGame.

Newbies can go far using PyGame but the maths can be a bit complex no
matter what language or package you use.
For an alternative try Blender 3d.
Blender is a 3d suite that can do it all and then some , it's free ,and
it uses Python for it's  scripting. You can create a game and never
touch a piece of code if you use the builtin actuators and sensors, or
you can script with Python.


Re: newbie question

2005-04-20 Thread Cameron Laird
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Tiziano Bettio  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>If u want to achieve high performance you'd rather use c++ and directly 
>access libs like nvidias cg, ms directx or opengl...
Yes.  Well, maybe.  Python-coded programs, even graphically-intense
games, *can* exhibit good performance, and there are numerous 
anecdotes about applications LOSING speed on conversion to C++ from
Python.  Moreover, there's no inherent conflict between C++ and
Python; some successful applications use both.

My summary:  it's a subtler matter than, "for performance, abandon
Python on favor of C++".  I think you know that, but I want to make
it explicit for less-experienced readers.

Re: newbie question

2005-04-20 Thread Tiziano Bettio
Cameron Laird wrote:
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Tiziano Bettio  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If u want to achieve high performance you'd rather use c++ and directly 
access libs like nvidias cg, ms directx or opengl...

Yes.  Well, maybe.  Python-coded programs, even graphically-intense
games, *can* exhibit good performance, and there are numerous 
anecdotes about applications LOSING speed on conversion to C++ from
Python.  Moreover, there's no inherent conflict between C++ and
Python; some successful applications use both.

My summary:  it's a subtler matter than, "for performance, abandon
Python on favor of C++".  I think you know that, but I want to make
it explicit for less-experienced readers.

yeah well, i didn't intended to say it in this specific way. tough to be 
more exact: for a game you can realize up to 95% in python without 
losing the needed performance. but there's almost always a little part 
where u really need to get even the last bit of performance out of the 
hardware or where nobody has already ported the lib you need into 
python, where c++ comes in rather handy.

I didn't ment to offend any pythonian (wouldn't want to offend 
myself...), but i think we all agree that sometimes all of us have seen 
or even programmed something in c++ (or other languages) what could come 
in really handy for a project one is working on.

so again, didn't ment to say that it's a performance matter (there are 
thousands of bad c++ programmers out there which are hiding behind 
compiled code...) :)

cheers tc

WSDL.Proxy newbie question

2005-04-29 Thread dresserd

I am new to implementing and consuming web services with Python.  I
have had
some success setting up a simple SOAPServer and connecting to it and
also using
some of the simpler (one parameter) web services available from
am currently stuck trying to use a simple hashing service that requires
than one parameter to be passed.  I have done a lot of searching and
passing the parameters in many ways.  I think I am stuck on what type
of data
structure to pass the service.

here's the xmethod service profile;jsessionid=zbLKBgtAiSjIS-KAclxRipnP(QHyMHiRM)?key=uuid:FD460436-81BF-86BD-F252-2AB6C00B624C

Below is an example attempt.  Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Python 2.3.3 (#1, May  7 2004, 10:31:40)
[GCC 3.3.3 20040412 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.3-7)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import SOAPpy
>>> wsdlFile = ''
>>> server.soapproxy.config.dumpSOAPOut =1
>>> server.soapproxy.config.dumpSOAPIn =1
>>> server.debug = 1
>>> server.HashString({'Str':'test','HashType':'MD5'})
*** Outgoing SOAP


*** Incoming SOAP

: {}


Re: Newbie question

2005-10-25 Thread jmdeschamps

Geirr wrote:
> Hi, ive just started playing around with python and wondered if someone
> could poing me in the right way here.
> I have a xmlrpc server simple script:
> Server script:
> import SimpleXMLRPCServer
> class tpo:
>   def retTPOXML():
>   theFile=open('tpo.xml')
>   try:
>   self.strXML =
>   return self.strXML
>   finally:
>   theFile.close()
> tpo_object = tpo()
> server = SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost",))
> server.register_instance(tpo_object)
> print "Listening on port "
> server.serve_forever()
> and im trying to print the return value with any luck
> Client Code:
> import xmlrpclib
> server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:";)
> current = server.retTPOXML
> print current
> Any comment would be appriciated

in python, class definitions require that you explicitly refer to the
instance, such as self.myMethod().
In *self.strXML* the word *self* is a variable, it should be part of
the method parameter list such as *def retTPOXML(self):*.
The first parameter of methods (functions in classes) refers to the
instance that is created. (BTW, it could be anything else than *self*,
which is pure convention)
In the client, your not using the method you're refering to it (methods
are yet another sort of objects), yu need the parenthesis such as
*current = server.retTPOXML()*
Notice that on calling the method the object is on the left side of the
dot, and that is the object instance that will be adequated to the
*self* in the class definition.

but you should also read the tutorial.

(others may propose things otherwise (better versed in the theory at
work behind the scene...  ;-))


Re: Newbie question

2005-10-25 Thread Geirr
I obviously didnt read it good enough :) Tnxs anyway for extremly fast


Re: Newbie Question

2005-12-05 Thread

solaris_1234 wrote:
> I am trying to learn Python and I have a few questions.
> I have created a Class that is essentially a canvas with a red
> background. After creation I want to change the background to green.
> However I am having problems doing this.
> Here is my code:
> from Tkinter import *
> class MyApp:
>def __init__(self, parent):
>   self.myParent = parent
>   self.myContainer = Frame(parent)
>   self.myContainer.pack()
>   self.b1 = Canvas(self.myContainer, background="red").grid(row=0,
> column=0)
> def ChangebgColor(self):
> root = Tk()
> myapp=MyApp(root) #Everything is fine at this point.
> raw_input()
> ChangebgColor(myapp.b1) # Error Message at this point
> raw_input()
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.

here ya go.

from Tkinter import *

class MyApp:
def __init__(self, parent):
self.myParent = parent
self.myContainer = Frame(parent)
self.b1 = Canvas(self.myContainer, background="red")

def ChangebgColor(self):

root = Tk()


Another newbie question

2005-12-07 Thread solaris_1234
I am a python newbie and have been trying to learn python. To this
end, I have coded the following program creates:
a 8 by 8 checker board
Places two checkers on the board
Checks the board and prints out which squares has a checker on them.

It works. But I have a one question:

1)  The stmt "board.Blist[10].DrawQueen(board.Blist[10].b1)" seems
awkward. Is there another way (cleaner, more intuitive) to get the
same thing done?

I appreciate any and all input on how the following program could be

from Tkinter import *
import time
totalSolutionCount = 0

class MyBox:
   def __init__(self, myC, myrow, mycolumn, color):
  self.b1 = Canvas(myC, background=color, width=50, height=50)
  self.b1.grid(row=myrow, column=mycolumn)
  self.occupied = 0 

   def ChangebgColor(self, box):

   def DrawQueen(self, box):
  box.item = box.create_oval(4,4,50,50,fill="black")
  self.occupied = 1 

   def unDrawQueen(self, box):
  self.occupied = 0

class MyBoard(MyBox) :
   def __init__(self, myC):
  self.Blist = []
  for i in range(8):
 count += 1
 for j in range(8):
count += 1
if (count%2):   
   self.Blist.append(MyBox(myContainer,i,j, "red"))
   self.Blist.append(MyBox(myContainer,i,j, "green"))

myContainer = Frame(root)



raw_input()  # A Hack debug statement

for i in range(64):
   if board.Blist[i].occupied == 1:
  print i, "is occupied"

raw_input()  # A Hack debug statement
print "\n"*3


Re: newbie question

2005-12-10 Thread Dody Suria Wijaya
How about this:

   python examle.txt

Bermi wrote:
> how i can link it to read my file examle.txt?

Re: newbie question

2005-12-11 Thread Bermi
Dody Suria 

thank u.


Re: newbie question

2005-12-11 Thread Tim Roberts
"Bermi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>i have this program
>from sys import *
>import math
>import math, Numeric
>from code import *
>from string import *
>from math import *
>from dataSet import *
>from string import *

I know you said you are a newbie.  That means there is still time for you
to learn to do things the proper way.  Change all of that to:

  import sys
  import math
  import Numeric
  import dataSet

You don't need to import string at all, and you will probably never use

>def drawAsciiFile():

argv is already an array of strings.  The "str" is useless.

>#_PlotCols=string.split(str(argv[2]),' ')
>'''for s in _PlotCols:
>print max(__data[:,11])
>if __name__ == "__main__":
>how i can link it to read my file examle.txt?

Instead of referring to argv inside your function, you should pass the file
name as a parameter.  That way, at a later time, you can pass it file names
from sources other than argv.  Also, there is no point in using leading
underscores for local variables.  That's only interesting for members of
the class.

You are splitting argv[2].  Ordinarily, sys.argv has already been split.
That is, " file 1 3 5 7" will produce 6 elements in sys.argv.  If you
really want the columns as a single parameter, you'll have to use quoting: file "1 3 5 7"

Something like this, maybe:

def drawAsciiFile(filename, columns):
localdataSet = DataSet.DataSet( filename )
PlotCols = [int(s) for s in columns.split()]
ContourPlots( localdataSet, PlotCols )

if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print 'Usage:  .py filename "3 5 7"' )
drawAsciiFile( sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2] )
- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Small newbie question

2006-02-12 Thread Byte
How would I do this: Write a program that simply outputs a ramdom (in
this case) name of (for this example) a Linux distibution. Heres the
code ive tryed:

from random import uniform
from time import sleep

x = 2
while x < 5:
x = uniform(1, 5)
if x >= 1 <= 1.999: print 'SuSE'
elif x >= 2 <= 2.999: print 'Ubuntu'
elif x >= 3 <= 3.999: print 'Mandriva'
elif x >= 4 <= 4.999: print 'Fedora'

It dosnt work: only keep printing SuSE. Please help,

Thanks in advance,
 -- /usr/bin/byte


Re: Newbie Question

2005-08-19 Thread Gabriel Cooper
look into the csv module. (for comma-separated-value text files.)

Tom Strickland wrote:

>I have a file that contains many lines, each of which consists of a string 
>of comma-separated variables, mostly floats but some strings. Each line 
>looks like an obvious tuple to me. How do I save each line of this file as a 
>tuple rather than a string? Or, is that the right way to go?
>Thank you.
>Tom Strickland 


RE: Newbie Question

2005-08-19 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

Well, as one newbie to another, I tried this;

>>> x = '22,44,66,88,"asd,asd","23,43,55"'
>>> y = eval(x)
>>> y
(22, 44, 66, 88, 'asd,asd', '23,43,55')

given that x some how comes from a single line in your file.

BTW, do you get the tutor list as well?  My guess is that the 'experts' over
here might prefer that the newbies go over there for stuff like this.  

And now, a question for the experts.  Does anyone have a pointer as to why
my code might be dangerous?  I get the feeling that eval might not be a
'good' ( safe ) thing to use.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tom Strickland
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 10:05 AM
Subject: Newbie Question

I have a file that contains many lines, each of which consists of a string 
of comma-separated variables, mostly floats but some strings. Each line 
looks like an obvious tuple to me. How do I save each line of this file as a

tuple rather than a string? Or, is that the right way to go?

Thank you.

Tom Strickland 

The information contained in this message and any attachment may be
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If you have received this communication in error, please notify me
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copies and backups thereof.  Thank you.


Re: Newbie Question

2005-08-19 Thread BranoZ
> >>> x = '22,44,66,88,"asd,asd","23,43,55"'
> >>> y = eval(x)
> >>> y
> (22, 44, 66, 88, 'asd,asd', '23,43,55')
> And now, a question for the experts.

I'm no expert, just experienced.

> Does anyone have a pointer as to why my code might be
> dangerous?

Well, the smallest problem you have here is that you will
get an SyntaxError exception on badly formated input.

x = 'z,22,44,66,88,"asd,asd","23,43,55"'
NameError: name 'z' is not defined

In worse case, somebody will send you a carefuly formated
input that you will run blindy (just like in case of buffer

CSV is easy with the module..

import csv

cr = csv.reader((x,))
['z', '22', '44', '66', '88', 'asd,asd', '23,43,55']

Usually, you will use the csv module, like this:

import csv, sys

for line in csv.reader(sys.stdin):
  # print line[3]



Re: Newbie Question

2005-08-19 Thread Sion Arrowsmith
Tom Strickland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have a file that contains many lines, each of which consists of a string 
>of comma-separated variables, mostly floats but some strings. Each line 
>looks like an obvious tuple to me. How do I save each line of this file as a 
>tuple rather than a string? Or, is that the right way to go?

Depending on exactly what format you've got, either .split(',') on
the line, or if this is insufficient look at the csv module. You'll
then need some way of turning the list of strings both of these
will give you into the mixed float/string tuple you want, which
could be somewhat tedious. Without knowing what these lines look
like, or what they represent, I can't begin to guess how you might
go about it. Actually, I can -- I'd start by considering whether a
dict might be more appropriate than a tuple and use csv.DictReader.

  ___  |  "Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other"
  \X/  |-- Arthur C. Clarke
   her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

Re: Newbie Question

2005-08-19 Thread gry
Yes, "eval" of data from a file is rather risky.  Suppose someone gave
a file containing somewhere in the middle:
os.system('rm -rf *')

This would delete all the files in your directory!

The csv module mentioned above is the tool of choice for this task,
especially if
there are strings that could contain quotes or commas.  Doing this
right is not
at all easy.  If you really want to roll your own, and the data is
KNOWN to be fixed
and very restricted, you can do something like:

"myfile" contains:
13,2,'the rain',2.33
14,2,'in spain',2.34

for l in open('myfile'):
x,y,comment,height = l.split(',')
comment=comment.strip("' ") # strip spaces and quotes from front
and back

but beware this will break if the comment contains commas.

-- George


Re: Newbie Question

2005-08-19 Thread John Machin
Tom Strickland wrote:
> I have a file that contains many lines, each of which consists of a string 
> of comma-separated variables, mostly floats but some strings. Each line 
> looks like an obvious tuple to me. How do I save each line of this file as a 
> tuple rather than a string? Or, is that the right way to go?
> Thank you.
> Tom Strickland 

You will probably be able to read the file using the csv module.

But what do you want to do with the data? Transcribe it into some other 
format just for a learning exercise?  What do you mean by "save as tuple"?

A few more clues might save you from being (a) ignored and/or (b) 
deluged with irrelevant responses from well-intentioned wanting-to-help 
people who have guessed wrongly what you are rabbiting on about ...


fileinput.input - newbie question

2005-09-02 Thread martijn
I'm testing some writing/reading with a file and i'm not sure if it is
possible to print/use the line with fileinput.input inplace=1 (see

import fileinput
thefile = fileinput.input('bla.txt',inplace=1,backup='.bak')
for line in thefile:
if line != "1\n":
print line,

#is it possible to 'use' / print the 'line' on the screen here?


When its not possible then I use 2 file's filein.txt,fileout.txt



Pyrex newbie question

2006-06-04 Thread Philip Smith
Just starting to use pyrex on windows.

Using pyrex version

Using Activestate Python

Using Mingw compiler

When I try to run the pyrex demo it fails with a message:

"undefined reference to '_imp__Py_NoneStruct' "

Anyone know why? 


python newbie question

2006-02-26 Thread ken . carlino
I am new to python, can you please tell me how can I convert my python
script into an executable on linux?
i.e. instead of typing 'python abc', I just need to do
' abc'?
and how can I get the input argument from my script , in my example,
how can I read 'abc'?

Thank you.


Re: newbie question

2006-03-01 Thread Steve Juranich
orangeDinosaur wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm brand new to using/playing with Python, and I have what is likely a
> very simple question but can't seem to figure it out.
> I wrote up a script in my preferred text editor.  It contains maybe ten
> lines of code.  I want to be able to execute those code lines with a
> single command either from the inline mode or from IDLE.  How do I do
> this?  I saved the file ( in a folder that I've specified
> in my PYTHONPATH environment variable, and when I type
 import myscript
> the script runs.  If, later during the same session, I type
> all I get for output is
>  documents\Python Modules\myscript.pyc'>
> Somwhere in the beginning tutorial there's this line:
> "The script can be given a executable mode, or permission, using the
> chmod command:
> $ chmod +x"

This is a Unix-specific command (POSIX-specific, actually).  It won't work
on a Windows box.

To run the script from a command line, 

`python C:\path\to\script\' should do the trick, I can't say for
sure, though because I'm a heathen Linux user.

Steve Juranich
Tucson, AZ


Re: newbie question

2006-03-01 Thread D
Yep, that should work.  Just keep in mind that if python.exe is not in
your path, you will need to either specify the entire path to it
(i.e. 'C:\python24\python C:\path\to\script\'), or cd into
its directory first (i.e. if you want to just run 'python



Re: newbie question

2006-03-01 Thread Paul Metzger

> I'm brand new to using/playing with Python, and I have what is likely a
> very simple question but can't seem to figure it out.
Python is fun and it's easier to use a real OS to develop the programs,
then if need be, not that difficult to move them to windows:)

> I wrote up a script in my preferred text editor.  It contains maybe ten
> lines of code.  I want to be able to execute those code lines with a
> single command either from the inline mode or from IDLE.  How do I do
> this?  I saved the file ( in a folder that I've specified
> in my PYTHONPATH environment variable, and when I type

If you are going to use a text editor to do python with, may I suggest
gVim, or vim it will take care of ALOT of syntax errors dure to
indentation for you. Grant it I am a command line junky, but still...

> >>> import myscript
> the script runs.  If, later during the same session, I type
> >>> myscript
> all I get for output is
>  documents\Python Modules\myscript.pyc'>
> Somwhere in the beginning tutorial there's this line:
> "The script can be given a executable mode, or permission, using the
> chmod command:
> $ chmod +x"
Ok, the above seems to me like you are useing windows. If so, the chmod
commands are going to be just about worthless. If you install unix
services for windows, you will get some functionality, but not also, and
still what's the point. Linux is free and much more stable, secure,

> Which I took to mean that if I enter that I would be able to do what I
> wanted.  But no, it just highlights 'myscript' in red and says it's a
> syntax error.  
> What am I missing?
OK, excuseing my editorial comments above, here is what I see and
correct me if I'm wrong. 
1) you use windows
2) You have not been around any OS other than windows
and I mean this as no insult, just making sure I understand you. The
answer to your questions are as follows. In Unix/Linux/XXix/Solaris and
most anyother unixy(yes that's a word, I just made it up) OS you can add
the first line of the script being something like
or where ever you installed python to, then FROM A COMMAND LINE run 
and it will make the script executable. What happens is when you tell
the script to run, it looks at the line and then knows where to pull the
inter. from. the # just comments it out so it don't try to run it with
the rest of the script, the ! tells the computer to pay attention to it.
As far as I know, you cannot do this in Windows. to run it in a single
command, you would have to either compile it with py2exe which will give
you the .exe and a dll or two or you can simple make a batch file that
would look something like
the @ECHO OFF is not needed, but I think it looks better and more
professional, but that is just me. I do realize I have rambled on for a
while here but I do hope it helps. I have been out of the python loop
for a while, but am being forced back into it, which really don't hurt
my feelings at all, just had to wait for a project that required it:)
Anyway if you dont understand anything just let me know and i'll try to
do a better job explaining it.



Re: newbie question

2006-03-01 Thread Brain Murphy
i keep on getting this message that says socket error, then says that python was unable to connect to its start up process.  what does this mean and how can i fix it?  D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Yep, that should work. Just keep in mind that if python.exe is not inyour path, you will need to either specify the entire path to it(i.e. 'C:\python24\python C:\path\to\script\'), or cd intoits directory first (i.e. if you want to just run 'pythonC:\path\to\script\').Doug--
		To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre.--

Re: newbie question

2006-03-01 Thread John Zenger
orangeDinosaur wrote:

> I wrote up a script in my preferred text editor.  It contains maybe ten
> lines of code.  I want to be able to execute those code lines with a
> single command either from the inline mode or from IDLE.  How do I do
> this?  I saved the file ( in a folder that I've specified
> in my PYTHONPATH environment variable, and when I type

 From the Python shell, you can use execfile to run a script:

 >>> execfile("")

This works regardless of your OS.  The file must be in your Python path. 
  If it isn't, just specify the full path.  Like:

 >>> execfile(r"C:\Code\WOPR\Backdoor\")

While viewing your code with IDLE, hit F5 to execute it.

Re: newbie question

2006-03-01 Thread Michael Tobis
I think the answers so far are unnecessarily confusing and off the

Here is what I think you think you want to know:

1) import only works once. If you try import again, it will see the
module already exists, and will ignore you

2) the functionality you think you want is reload.
>>> reload mymodule
will essentially reimport mymodule after the first time.

However, what you think you want is not what you want, which is why the
experienced people are giving misleading and overcomplicated answers.
Normally reload is a fairly advanced feature and beginners don't need

Usually, an import statement invokes a module containing a bunch of
definitions (usually functions or classes, but sometimes even
constants), but it doesn't DO anything unless it is invoked as the main

So after you satisfy yourself that "reload" does what you want, try to
think about how you would work things so you don't need it.

For instance, instead of something like

print "hello ",
print "world"

# end of file

>>> import mystuff
hello world
>>> import mystuff




def newstuff():
   print "hello",
   print " world"

# end of file

>>> from newstuff import newstuff
>>> newstuff()
hello, world
>>> newstuff()
hello, world



Re: newbie question

2006-03-02 Thread orangeDinosaur

This makes sense. And you were right about my misunderstanding.

Michael Tobis wrote:
> I think the answers so far are unnecessarily confusing and off the
> mark.
> Here is what I think you think you want to know:
> 1) import only works once. If you try import again, it will see the
> module already exists, and will ignore you
> 2) the functionality you think you want is reload.
> >>> reload mymodule
> will essentially reimport mymodule after the first time.
> However, what you think you want is not what you want, which is why the
> experienced people are giving misleading and overcomplicated answers.
> Normally reload is a fairly advanced feature and beginners don't need
> it.
> Usually, an import statement invokes a module containing a bunch of
> definitions (usually functions or classes, but sometimes even
> constants), but it doesn't DO anything unless it is invoked as the main
> program.
> So after you satisfy yourself that "reload" does what you want, try to
> think about how you would work things so you don't need it.
> For instance, instead of something like
> print "hello ",
> print "world"
> # end of file
> >>> import mystuff
> hello world
> >>> import mystuff
> >>>
> is
> ###
> def newstuff():
>print "hello",
>print " world"
> # end of file
> >>> from newstuff import newstuff
> >>> newstuff()
> hello, world
> >>> newstuff()
> hello, world
> hth
> mt


Re: newbie question

2006-03-02 Thread Tim Roberts
Dennis Lee Bieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On 1 Mar 2006 12:47:26 -0800, "D" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> declaimed the
>following in comp.lang.python:
>> Yep, that should work.  Just keep in mind that if python.exe is not in
>> your path, you will need to either specify the entire path to it
>> (i.e. 'C:\python24\python C:\path\to\script\'), or cd into
>> its directory first (i.e. if you want to just run 'python
>> C:\path\to\script\').
>   Actually, on XP at least, some combination of commands enables
>things such that one can run without the "python" or the ".py" (but I
>think it garbages I/O redirection and maybe command line arguments --
>though this one worked)

That's the PATHEXT environment variable.

  C:\tmp>set PATHEXT

If you give a lone file name without an extension, it will try all of those
extensions, in that order, to find an executable.  Just add .PY to the end.

There is a bug in NT's CMD.EXE that screws up redirection of stdin, but
command line arguments and stdout work just fine.
- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: newbie question

2006-03-03 Thread P Boy
Since you are a Windows user, I strongly recommend that you install
activestate python instead of the one you download from The
PythonWin from active state is much more user friendly. It's basically
an IDE (integrated development environment), which includes interactive
shell, editor, debugger, online help. Just to name a few.

Good luck.


Re: newbie question

2006-03-22 Thread John Machin
On 23/03/2006 1:53 PM, Kevin F wrote:
> what does it mean when there are [0] or [1] after a variable?
> e.g. print 'Message %s\n%s\n' % (num, data[0][1])

Here's the section in the Python Tutorial that should answer your question:

You may like to start at the *beginning* of the Tutorial :-)

... or you might like to ask another question, stating your experience 
if any with other languages, what you want to do with Python, and asking 
for general advice on how to learn Python.


python's newbie question

2006-10-12 Thread tpochep
Hi. I have some strange problem (this is usual for newbies :) ):


class Base1:
def __init__(self):
print "Base1.__init__", self
def __del__(self):
print "Base1.__del__", self

class Base2:
def __init__(self):
print "Base2.__init__", self
def __del__(self):
print "Base2.__del__", self

class Derived(Base1, Base2):
def __init__(self):
print "Derived.__init__:"
def __del__(self):
print "Derived.__del__:"

print "begin..."
d = Derived()
b = d
print "end..."

The output of this script:

Base1.__init__ <__main__.Derived instance at 0x1869adcc>
Base2.__init__ <__main__.Derived instance at 0x1869adcc>
Base1.__del__ <__main__.Derived instance at 0x1869adcc>
Base2.__del__ <__main__.Derived instance at 0x1869adcc>

If I change this program a little:


print "begin..."
d = Derived()
b1 = d #Here
print "end..."

The output is:

Base1.__init__ <__main__.Derived instance at 0x1869adcc>
Base2.__init__ <__main__.Derived instance at 0x1869adcc>
Exception exceptions.AttributeError: "'NoneType' object has no
attribute '__del__'" in > ignored

I tried different names instead of b1, sometimes programm works,
sometimes I have an exception. So it's clear, that I've done some
stupid mistake, but it's not clear for me, python's newbie, where :)


Python Newbie question

2006-10-12 Thread insideview
Is it possible to combine or bundle separate .exe files into the
compiled python .exe when using py2exe? If possible, how would that be
described within . and how/where would I specify such .exe
should be ran first in the pre-compiled scripts? My goal is to get the
total package down to as few files as possible, so I appreciate
understanding how I could do this. The .exe is some low-level commands
that was compiled in a separate language but I hope this little
.exe can be included gracefully. Thank you for your expertise! :) AMYMC


Newbie Question : "grep"

2007-03-12 Thread moogyd

I am attempting to write my first Python script to extract some
information from a file, and place it into another file.
(I am trying to find the physical postions of 4 cells within an FPGA)
I have a working solution, and would appreciate any comments.

for line in lines:

if "placed" in line:
if "i_a/i_b/ROM/" in line:
pos = (line.split()[4]).split("_")[1]
if "B18" in line:
   print "i_a/i_b/ROM/B18 [7:6] LOC =", pos
elif "B14" in line:
   print "i_a/i_b/ROM/B14 [5:4] LOC =", pos
elif "B10" in line:
   print "i_a/i_b/ROM/B10 [3:2] LOC =", pos
elif "B6" in line:
   print "i_a/i_b/ROM/B6 [1:0] LOC =", pos
   print "Error"

Specific questions
- Use for "Phrase" in line or line.find("Phrase") >= 0 ?
- If I increase number of elements I am searching for, then I have
more elif...elif. Is there a cleaner solution?

Thanks for any feedback.



another newbie question

2006-11-14 Thread Mary Jane Boholst
Hello everyone,
I have a question that google couldnt answer for me and thought that the
brains on here might be able to help.
I am trying to upload a file to a database using a (cgi) form and am
having trouble doing this. I think that I need some way of escaping the
file contents or making it so that mysql/python (not sure which) will
ignore the files actual contents and store it in the db regardless of
what is actually in the file.
I hope that made sense.
Thanks in advance for any help.

semi-Newbie question

2006-08-10 Thread len
Hi all

I have a file that I receive from another party which is basicly a csv
file containing the following type of information;

Tagname Scope  Value

I need to convert this file info into my file format used in my

I have been given a file from the other company that gives me all of
the tagname that could be used and their scope.  I want to build a
table which would have all of the various tagnames, scope, and put a
fieldname equivalent in the fieldname in my file structure in my
application.  Then read through the vendors csv file index into my
table file and get the field name of where to move the data into my
data structure.

Here is my question?  basicly I need to get the data referenced by
fieldname variable in my table and then use that data as a variable
name in a python assignment statement. Thus changing the actual python
code at each iteration through the lines in the csv file.

for i in tagfile
  find tagname in tagtable

*** the following line of code would change through each iteration ***
  myfirst = value

*** next iteration
  mylast = value

*** next iteration
  mybirth = value


I hope this make sense.  I remember seeing something like this

Any help appreciated.

Len Sumnler
Unique Insurance


Re: newbie question

2007-01-22 Thread Eugene Antimirov
kavitha thankaian wrote:
> Hi,
> i wrote a simple script (which follows) to insert a table in the 
> database.i could execute this query and get the result in python 
> shell.but when i open "my sql enterprise manager" i couldnt find the 
> table"animals".it would be so kind of you if someone could help me,,,
> import dbi
> import odbc
> conn=odbc.odbc("DSN=mydatabase;UID=xxx;PWD=yyy")
> cursor=conn.cursor()
> cursor.execute("Create table animals(parent char(50),child char(50))")
> cursor.execute("insert into animals values('lion','cub')")
> cursor.execute("insert into animals values('goat','lamb')")
> cursor.execute("select * from animals")
> print cursor.fetchall()
> Rgds
> Kavitha
You've probably missed cursor.commit() ;)

Eugene Antimirov
PortaOne, Inc., SIP Support Engineer

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Re: newbie question

2007-01-22 Thread Eugene Antimirov
Eugene Antimirov wrote:
> You've probably missed cursor.commit() ;)
Sorry, my bad:

conn.commit() is correct one AFAIR.

Eugene Antimirov
PortaOne, Inc., SIP Support Engineer

* For further Billing and Technical information:
=> Please visit our website
=> Please visit our forum

* Meet us at Internet Telephony Conference & Expo
* Ft. Lauderdale, FL - January 24-26, 2007 - Booth 1322


Re: newbie question

2007-01-23 Thread kavitha thankaian
Hi Eugene,
  I tried with conn.commit() as well,,but doesnt seem to work.
  Also i cannot even view the existing tables via python script.For example,,,i 
have manually added a customer table in my database.but if i execute the query, 
select * from customer,,,i get the following error:
  mxODBC.ProgrammingError: ('S0002', 208, "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server 
Driver][SQL  Server]Invalid object name customer.", 4612)

  If someone knows the solution please help me,,,
Eugene Antimirov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Eugene Antimirov wrote:
> You've probably missed cursor.commit() ;)
Sorry, my bad:

conn.commit() is correct one AFAIR.

Eugene Antimirov
PortaOne, Inc., SIP Support Engineer

* For further Billing and Technical information:
=> Please visit our website
=> Please visit our forum

* Meet us at Internet Telephony Conference & Expo
* Ft. Lauderdale, FL - January 24-26, 2007 - Booth 1322


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newbie question: ftp.storbinary()

2007-01-23 Thread Scott Ballard
Sorry for the lame question, I'm still trying to pick up Python and new to 
the list here.

I'm trying to write a python script that will access an FTP site and upload 
some files. I've gotten everything working except for the actual uploading 
of the files.

I'm assuming that  I should use storbinary( command, file[, blocksize]) to 
transfer the files. the documentation says "command should be an appropriate 
"STOR" command: "STOR filename"."

I can't seem to figure out an `appropriate "STOR" command' is???

Thank for reading my post.



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