Re: Python component model

2006-11-13 Thread Magnus Lycka
sturlamolden wrote:
 There is a whole generation of computer users out there scared stiff of
 using the keyboard. Soon, computers will not have a keyboard at all.
 The trend is perhaps more pronounced among managers not writing code
 themselves, but taking decisions about which tools to use.

Is it just me, or does someone else feel that this is like
using magnetic letters on a refrigerator door instead of
a pen and paper. My two year old son thinks those magnetic
letters are fun, but then he can't write at all. My seven
year old has certainly switched to pen and paper (or computer)
for 99% of his writing. Sure, they have their use--it might be
more effective to write TENNIS with colorful letters across
the fridge door in some situation, but most of the time, pen
and paper is much more useful. You never run out of letters,
and it's easy to draw lines or arrows, complement the text
with a little picture etc. The cost for learning the skill
to write readable letters is well compensated for...

We recently released a toolkit for interfacing our systems
with legacy systems, and very soon, people started using it
in way we had never expected. I suppose that could be possible
with a visual tool too, but it seems to me that those tools
are typically fairly limited, just as computer based role-playing
games are much more limited than the ones played around a table
with a good flesh-and-blood game master who can respond to any
idea you come up with at the spur of the moment.


Re: Python component model

2006-11-12 Thread Jacob Hallen
Peter Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
functions at ever higher levels of abstraction, or to have a
proliferation of nebulously-defined manager objects.)  IMHO once you
cross this chasm and are able to model your problem domain with live
objects that go off and automatically respond to the runtime
environment and Do the Right Thing, it's very hard to go back to a dead
object mindset.  I can understand, however, that until one makes this
leap, it might seem like an academic and useless distinction.

I'm not disagreeing with the blessings of components reacting to events
and going off Doing the Right Thing. However, there is a huge with
components going off Doing the Wrong Thing. It becomes exceedingly
hard to debug for several reasons. The first one is that it is difficult
to trace the callbacks generated, since the point where they were
registered is no longer trackable when your problem occurs. The second
and most serious problem is that erroneous behaviour in two components
can interact in extremely mysterious ways that are really difficult to

In part these problems can be reduced by much rigorous testing of each
component than is the norm today, but for the really tough problems we
need tools that have not been invented yet, that track the history
of each callback. Since these tools have to understand the details
of the calling conventions and registration mechanism for events, they
have to be custom built for each component framework and should therefore
be part of the framework distribution.

Jacob Hallén


Re: Python component model

2006-11-12 Thread sturlamolden


 Having never used java or .NET I'm not sure what you're looking for.

There is a whole generation of computer users out there scared stiff of
using the keyboard. Soon, computers will not have a keyboard at all.
The trend is perhaps more pronounced among managers not writing code
themselves, but taking decisions about which tools to use.

The answer to these needs are so-called RAD tools like Borland
Delphi, Visual Basic, Visual C# .NET, and perhaps Java's NetBeans.
Instead of writing code, a programmer selects components from a
menu, drags the component over a form and then drops it onto the
form. A form can e.g. be a web page, a GUI window or just an
invisible abstract container in case the program doesn't have a visual
interface. Components can be visual GUI widgets like buttons and
sliders, but also invisible objects like files and sockets. Instead
of creating a file by typing open one would drag 'n drop a file
component from a menu onto the form, and then type in the name in some
sort of property menu for the component. If one needs a tcp socket,
one don't type s = socket(...) in the code but select an socket from
a menu and drop it over a form.

In order to do this, a RAD tool need some sort of standardised
component model. Sure, it must be able to inspect the component, but
also interpret the methods and members that it finds. The RAD tool must
be able to inspect the model to find out what to publish in the
property menu, what event it generates, etc. Typical component
standards used for this is ActiveX (in Visual Basic), .NET in Visual
C#, VCL in Delphi, and JavaBeans in NetBeans. If you build a component
that does not follow the standard, the RAD tool can't use it. For
example in JavaBeans, every pair of method that looks like
component.setSomething(...) and component.getSomething(...) is
parsed by the RAD tool as the property Something and put into the
property meny for the component. The programmer can change the value of
this property by typing into the property menu.

The most extreme RAD tool is LabView, where no code is written at all,
not even event handlers which are still hand coded in the other RAD
tools. In labView, everything is dragged and dropped, and the dropped
components are connected by cables just like a circuit board. There
are even components encapsulating for and while loops. If you need a
while loop, you drop a while loop onto the form. If you need a
subroutine, you drop a subroutine onto the form, etc. Nothing is typed.

Does Python need a standard component model like ActiveX, VCL, .NET or

First, there are GUI designer's for Python. These include GLADE, QT
Designer and wxGlade. We don't need a Python object model to support
GUI designers. Second, are we really that scared of writing code? Some
obviously are. Why is dropping a socket component preferred over typing
socket? Those that want LabView or Visual Basic knows where to find

Python already has properties. What Python don't have is events,
but that can be easily implemented (and is implemented in all GUI
toolkits) e.g. using exceptions and references to functions. En event
can be raised by raising an exception. Perhaps we should define an
standard event interface just to shut them up? Then we have a
component model.


Re: Python component model

2006-10-17 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Terry Reedy wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I share the infrastructure which I use:

 But not quite yet, it appears. A public release is planned shortly

Thank you for you comment.

You are right.

I've not yet selected the license yet (this case is quite complex):

But I've placed a BSD2 license to the existent files:



Re: Python component model

2006-10-17 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

Peter  Wang wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  looks interesting.


  what about persistency?

 Um... what about it?

As far as I can see, there's no persistency binding available.

Is one planned?




Re: Python component model

2006-10-17 Thread Peter Wang
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Peter  Wang wrote:
  Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
   what about persistency?
  Um... what about it?

 As far as I can see, there's no persistency binding available.

 Is one planned?

This thread was just some name-calling between you and Robert Kern, but
didn't really provide any details.

I guess I'm too dumb to understand the question... Does pickle not work
for you?  What is a persistency binding?



Re: Python component model

2006-10-17 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

Peter  Wang wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  Peter  Wang wrote:
   Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
what about persistency?
   Um... what about it?
  As far as I can see, there's no persistency binding available.
  Is one planned?

 This thread was just some name-calling between you and Robert Kern, but
 didn't really provide any details.

I've just asked about persistency.

No names called from my side.

 I guess I'm too dumb to understand the question... Does pickle not work
 for you?  What is a persistency binding?

I think I got my answer.

Thank's for your responses.




Re: Python component model

2006-10-14 Thread Kay Schluehr
val bykoski wrote:
 Peter Wang wrote:
  This isn't in response to any specific one of the 100+ posts on this
  thread, but I justed wanted to encourage you to continue your
  investigation into Python component models and maybe looking for some
  common ground between them.  Frequently the individual developers are
  too heads-down on working on their own things to do a broad survey, so
  I think this would be very useful indeed.
  I wouldn't have felt it necessary to post this except for the large
  number of posts along the lines of foo.dict is introspective enough
  for me!.  I think you might have an easier time evangelizing the
  principle of component-oriented programming (or event-based, or
  reactive, or whatever) if you separated it from the notions of RAD UI
  development.  There is a very large difference between writing
  components and writing objects, and it seems that most people arguing
  python doesn't need components don't see this distinction.
  For me, it's the difference between writing live objects and dead
  objects.  Live objects not only encapsulate implementations of an
  interface with some state, but they also encapsulate handling of
  events, i.e. responses to changes in their environment.  Dead objects
  have methods but there has to be a function somewhere that knows which
  dead object to call with what parameters at exactly the right time.
  (The only mechanism for managing this complexity is to create ever more
  functions at ever higher levels of abstraction, or to have a
  proliferation of nebulously-defined manager objects.)  IMHO once you
  cross this chasm and are able to model your problem domain with live
  objects that go off and automatically respond to the runtime
  environment and Do the Right Thing, it's very hard to go back to a dead
  object mindset.  I can understand, however, that until one makes this
  leap, it might seem like an academic and useless distinction.
 Excellent post, Peter.  Thanks for great clarification. Looking from a
 physicist' perspective, im always trying to compare/evaluate languages
 from the physical reality/dynamics angle.  So, the run-time
 space/dynamics is the only one that matches the natural always-runtime
 objects - atoms, molecules, EM fields, biological cells(?).  It is the
 *reactive* world with event/forces-driven dynamics.  Seemingly, there is
 nothing beyond that, including biology.

A more conventional notion is that of static/dynamic properties of a
language. Component models that guarantee certain properties at compile
time are easily checked for consistency but to many programmers ( I
guess most of the programmers who attend to this list ) they are
inflexible: you might change or adapt your components according to
events, switch between entities, enable dynamic configuration etc. This
can be achieved in C++, Java etc. as well but not without pain.

BTW as a physicist you try to understand the laws i.e. the
mathematical structure behind all these diverse activities. Once you
understood the mathematical structure completely and fill  it with
inital- or boundary value parameters ( the code ) you know everything
about its static behaviour i.e. nature is turned into a logical
system ( measurement problem of QM aside ) where you deduce all future
events. But this constitutes only one half of modern science. The other
one is the experimental method. As far as I can say CS sticks currently
to the pre-Galilean metaphysics of a good god ( a good programmer /
engineer ) trying to establish systems that shine within the light of
formal purity. Although this has little relevance and not much to to
with the trilllions LOC all around us and instead of adjusting their
worldview CS academics tend to ponder about the software crisis,
critizise industry for ignoring them and dismiss programmers who use
weird languages like Python without good formal properties. As you
already guess the lack of the experimental method does not even lead to
establishing some formality ( by means of hypothetic deductions in the
sense of Popper ) within basically informal ( untyped ) systems but to
succeedingly failed attempts of pre-established harmonies.


Re: Python component model

2006-10-14 Thread Edward Diener No Spam
Peter Wang wrote:
 Edward Diener wrote:
 It looks as if traits is an attempt to create a property in the
 component terminology which I originally specified. I will take a look
 at it.
 Traits is frighteningly similar to the requirements that you laid out
 in your post (the example for Skip), including delegates!  I would like
 to point out, however, that traits is a *general* component framework
 for python that facilitates implementing the observer pattern and a
 higher level of introspection.  It can be used to build applications
 that have no visual interfaces at all, but wish to benefit from the
 reactive programming style that componentized, event-based
 programming encourages.  (induces?)

Thanks for the explanation. I was too quick in seeing Traits as only a 
version of properties without realizing that it included much more.

 Traits UI, which Robert only alluded to, is actually very much the sort
 of RAD environment you have described.  It builds upon the component
 model, and uses introspection to automagically create nice widgets for
 your model, but adds mechanisms for specifying controllers, customizing
 behavior, and generically composing complicated forms from simpler
 ones.  There is even a visual builder tool for it called VET that
 closely resembles Delphi/C++ Builder.  (The VET itself is, of course,
 written using Traits UI.)

I have downloaded both Traits and Traits UI and will look at both.

 Envisage, the plugin application framework, can use the traits
 component models and the TraitsUI interfaces to roll out very dynamic
 applications, whose underlying models are all live components that can
 be scripted, twiddled with from an embedded Python shell, etc.
 Already subscribed. Thanks !
 Please contribute ideas or ask conceptual questions!

It would be easier for me if you could get an NG somewhere for 
Enthought, perhaps on GMane, since I always find mailing lists much more 
clunky than a good NG. But that is up to Enthought.

 Oh, and disclaimer: I also work at enthought. :)

That's fine. It is the ideas about a PME component model for Python in 
which I was interested, no matter where it originates. Thanks for the 
encouraging reply.

Re: Python component model

2006-10-14 Thread Edward Diener No Spam
Kay Schluehr wrote:
 val bykoski wrote:
 Peter Wang wrote:

 This isn't in response to any specific one of the 100+ posts on this
 thread, but I justed wanted to encourage you to continue your
 investigation into Python component models and maybe looking for some
 common ground between them.  Frequently the individual developers are
 too heads-down on working on their own things to do a broad survey, so
 I think this would be very useful indeed.

 I wouldn't have felt it necessary to post this except for the large
 number of posts along the lines of foo.dict is introspective enough
 for me!.  I think you might have an easier time evangelizing the
 principle of component-oriented programming (or event-based, or
 reactive, or whatever) if you separated it from the notions of RAD UI
 development.  There is a very large difference between writing
 components and writing objects, and it seems that most people arguing
 python doesn't need components don't see this distinction.

 For me, it's the difference between writing live objects and dead
 objects.  Live objects not only encapsulate implementations of an
 interface with some state, but they also encapsulate handling of
 events, i.e. responses to changes in their environment.  Dead objects
 have methods but there has to be a function somewhere that knows which
 dead object to call with what parameters at exactly the right time.
 (The only mechanism for managing this complexity is to create ever more
 functions at ever higher levels of abstraction, or to have a
 proliferation of nebulously-defined manager objects.)  IMHO once you
 cross this chasm and are able to model your problem domain with live
 objects that go off and automatically respond to the runtime
 environment and Do the Right Thing, it's very hard to go back to a dead
 object mindset.  I can understand, however, that until one makes this
 leap, it might seem like an academic and useless distinction.


 Excellent post, Peter.  Thanks for great clarification. Looking from a
 physicist' perspective, im always trying to compare/evaluate languages
 from the physical reality/dynamics angle.  So, the run-time
 space/dynamics is the only one that matches the natural always-runtime
 objects - atoms, molecules, EM fields, biological cells(?).  It is the
 *reactive* world with event/forces-driven dynamics.  Seemingly, there is
 nothing beyond that, including biology.
 A more conventional notion is that of static/dynamic properties of a
 language. Component models that guarantee certain properties at compile
 time are easily checked for consistency but to many programmers ( I
 guess most of the programmers who attend to this list ) they are
 inflexible: you might change or adapt your components according to
 events, switch between entities, enable dynamic configuration etc. This
 can be achieved in C++, Java etc. as well but not without pain.

Having static properties and events is necessary for visual RAD 
programming environments, where connections are being setup between 
events and event handlers, and properties are being initialized, at 
design time. This does not preclude the normal dynamic attributes of 
Python. However if Python programmers reject such visual RAD programming 
environments as having any value, then they probably won't be interested 
in a common component model for them.

Re: Python component model

2006-10-14 Thread Steve Holden
Edward Diener No Spam wrote:
 Kay Schluehr wrote:
val bykoski wrote:

Peter Wang wrote:


This isn't in response to any specific one of the 100+ posts on this
thread, but I justed wanted to encourage you to continue your
investigation into Python component models and maybe looking for some
common ground between them.  Frequently the individual developers are
too heads-down on working on their own things to do a broad survey, so
I think this would be very useful indeed.

I wouldn't have felt it necessary to post this except for the large
number of posts along the lines of foo.dict is introspective enough
for me!.  I think you might have an easier time evangelizing the
principle of component-oriented programming (or event-based, or
reactive, or whatever) if you separated it from the notions of RAD UI
development.  There is a very large difference between writing
components and writing objects, and it seems that most people arguing
python doesn't need components don't see this distinction.

For me, it's the difference between writing live objects and dead
objects.  Live objects not only encapsulate implementations of an
interface with some state, but they also encapsulate handling of
events, i.e. responses to changes in their environment.  Dead objects
have methods but there has to be a function somewhere that knows which
dead object to call with what parameters at exactly the right time.
(The only mechanism for managing this complexity is to create ever more
functions at ever higher levels of abstraction, or to have a
proliferation of nebulously-defined manager objects.)  IMHO once you
cross this chasm and are able to model your problem domain with live
objects that go off and automatically respond to the runtime
environment and Do the Right Thing, it's very hard to go back to a dead
object mindset.  I can understand, however, that until one makes this
leap, it might seem like an academic and useless distinction.


Excellent post, Peter.  Thanks for great clarification. Looking from a
physicist' perspective, im always trying to compare/evaluate languages
from the physical reality/dynamics angle.  So, the run-time
space/dynamics is the only one that matches the natural always-runtime
objects - atoms, molecules, EM fields, biological cells(?).  It is the
*reactive* world with event/forces-driven dynamics.  Seemingly, there is
nothing beyond that, including biology.

A more conventional notion is that of static/dynamic properties of a
language. Component models that guarantee certain properties at compile
time are easily checked for consistency but to many programmers ( I
guess most of the programmers who attend to this list ) they are
inflexible: you might change or adapt your components according to
events, switch between entities, enable dynamic configuration etc. This
can be achieved in C++, Java etc. as well but not without pain.
 Having static properties and events is necessary for visual RAD 
 programming environments, where connections are being setup between 
 events and event handlers, and properties are being initialized, at 
 design time. This does not preclude the normal dynamic attributes of 
 Python. However if Python programmers reject such visual RAD programming 
 environments as having any value, then they probably won't be interested 
 in a common component model for them.

Such a model would definitely have value (particularly if all tool 
builders subscribed to it: that was how Beans achieved ubiquity).

But there is no such model at the moment. A project to create one might 
receive support or it might not. There's one way to find out ...

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Python component model

2006-10-14 Thread Roel Schroeven
Edward Diener No Spam schreef:
 It would be easier for me if you could get an NG somewhere for 
 Enthought, perhaps on GMane, since I always find mailing lists much more 
 clunky than a good NG. But that is up to Enthought.

FYI: you don't necessarily depend on Enthought for that; anyone can ask 
Gmane to add a mailing list to their gateway via the form at

If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood
on the shoulders of giants.  -- Isaac Newton

Roel Schroeven

Re: Python component model

2006-10-13 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Peter Maas wrote:
 Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Peter Maas wrote:
 a reference implementation for web programming as part of the standard
 wsgiref is part of the 2.5 stdlib.
 Yes, but it's not an implementation. Think of something like Tomcat for
 the Java Servlet Specification.
Then I'd vote for paste.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Python component model

2006-10-13 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Paul Boddie wrote:
 Meanwhile, the Web programming standardisation scene remains
 Aw, come on.  The Python web programming standardisation wars are over, for 
 There's Django, and there's TurboGears, 

And there's Pylons...

 and there's Zope 2/3, all with slightly different
 approaches, and slightly different target audiences.  Unless you're doing 
 really odd things,
 one of these will be more than good enough for your application.
 (as for WSGI, it's plumbing. You can of course build fun things from spare 
 parts and
 plumbing, and there are really interesting things going on in certain 
 research labs, as usual,
 but if you want turn-key stuff, pick one of the big three.)

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Python component model

2006-10-13 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

 Meanwhile, the Web programming standardisation scene remains

 Aw, come on.  The Python web programming standardisation wars are over, for 
 There's Django, and there's TurboGears,

 And there's Pylons...

and a zillion other more or less interesting research projects.  I don't see 
any traces
of the kind of ecosystems and market awareness that exist for Zope, Django, and
TurboGears (or for that matter, Rails and Mason), for any other Python web pro-
gramming tool.



Re: Python component model

2006-10-13 Thread Paul Boddie
Steve Holden wrote:
 Paul Boddie wrote:

  I'm not at the cutting edge here: 20j and 20k are the commands (replace
  20 with another suitable amount) which help me jump around in my editor
  of choice. The other commands which may be more effective just aren't
  in my working set.
 You *might* find CTRL/U and CTRL/D helpful ...

Sure, even Page Up and Page Down work on decent distributions. But
there's a huge collection of other commands waiting to be discovered
too. I may never know them all, however. ;-)



Re: Python component model

2006-10-13 Thread Paul Rubin
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 and a zillion other more or less interesting research projects.  I don't see 
 any traces
 of the kind of ecosystems and market awareness that exist for Zope, Django, 
 TurboGears (or for that matter, Rails and Mason), for any other Python web 
 gramming tool.


Re: Python component model

2006-10-13 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Meanwhile, the Web programming standardisation scene remains
 Aw, come on.  The Python web programming standardisation wars are over, for 
 There's Django, and there's TurboGears,
 And there's Pylons...
 and a zillion other more or less interesting research projects. 

I don't think Pylons qualifies as a research project. FWIW, I
mentionned it because, while (yet) less buzzworded than Django and TG,
it's really in the same category - but using the wsgi stack approach
instead of the monolithic one. And MHO is that it could really become
the next big thing in Python's web programming ecosystem.

 I don't see any traces
 of the kind of ecosystems and market awareness that exist for Zope, Django, 
 TurboGears (or for that matter, Rails and Mason), for any other Python web 
 gramming tool.

Yes, true.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Python component model

2006-10-13 Thread val bykoski
Peter Wang wrote:
 This isn't in response to any specific one of the 100+ posts on this
 thread, but I justed wanted to encourage you to continue your
 investigation into Python component models and maybe looking for some
 common ground between them.  Frequently the individual developers are
 too heads-down on working on their own things to do a broad survey, so
 I think this would be very useful indeed.
 I wouldn't have felt it necessary to post this except for the large
 number of posts along the lines of foo.dict is introspective enough
 for me!.  I think you might have an easier time evangelizing the
 principle of component-oriented programming (or event-based, or
 reactive, or whatever) if you separated it from the notions of RAD UI
 development.  There is a very large difference between writing
 components and writing objects, and it seems that most people arguing
 python doesn't need components don't see this distinction.
 For me, it's the difference between writing live objects and dead
 objects.  Live objects not only encapsulate implementations of an
 interface with some state, but they also encapsulate handling of
 events, i.e. responses to changes in their environment.  Dead objects
 have methods but there has to be a function somewhere that knows which
 dead object to call with what parameters at exactly the right time.
 (The only mechanism for managing this complexity is to create ever more
 functions at ever higher levels of abstraction, or to have a
 proliferation of nebulously-defined manager objects.)  IMHO once you
 cross this chasm and are able to model your problem domain with live
 objects that go off and automatically respond to the runtime
 environment and Do the Right Thing, it's very hard to go back to a dead
 object mindset.  I can understand, however, that until one makes this
 leap, it might seem like an academic and useless distinction.
Excellent post, Peter.  Thanks for great clarification. Looking from a
physicist' perspective, im always trying to compare/evaluate languages
from the physical reality/dynamics angle.  So, the run-time
space/dynamics is the only one that matches the natural always-runtime
objects - atoms, molecules, EM fields, biological cells(?).  It is the
*reactive* world with event/forces-driven dynamics.  Seemingly, there is
nothing beyond that, including biology.

The essential feature of that runtime world is the persistence or (in
physical terms) the built-in memory/storage mechanism (soft degrees of
freedom), so that an event (and response to it) changes the object.  The
persistence is obvious in biology, but also is very important in
(bio)molecular dynamics.   From that physics/QM angle, a generic
(always-live) object  which learns the environment (by building *and
updating* its responses) seems to be a quite adequate representation for
a real physical object.  But this seems to be already available in
Python, right?

The Enthought' Traits that describes (physical) properties and their
dynamics seems to be a critically important component of that vision,
and i admire the Enthought' people vision and practical efforts.  Keep
on and good luck!
run-time-ly, y'rs

Air Force Research Lab
Hanscom AFB, MA

Re: Python component model

2006-10-13 Thread Peter Decker
On 10/12/06, Peter Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Peter Decker wrote:
  I think you should take a good look at Dabo and the visual tools they
  are creating.

 Thanks for the hint, Peter. I've heard of Dabo and it's on my list of
 things to be inspected. Perhaps my postings have been misunderstood. I don't
 feel uneasy with Python. I'm using it since 4 years and know how to find
 the tools I need. But I feel uneasy with an excessive readiness of some
 c.l.p participants to accept Python as it is and even to react defiantly
 on friendly suggestions how to make Python a more obvious choice for
 newcomers. I think this is important for Python's survival.

I think that Python is a 3GL. Dabo is a 4GL version of Python, in that
its UI is part of its core API.

Dabo is written by people with visual tools backgrounds, and they are
definitely aiming toward that market. They are looking to the same
niche that Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, Filemaker, Delphi, and other
similar products are addressing.


# p.d.

Re: Python component model

2006-10-12 Thread Erik Max Francis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

Who.  Cares.  What.  You.  Think?

Erik Max Francis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  San Jose, CA, USA  37 20 N 121 53 W  AIM, Y!M erikmaxfrancis
   Love is, above all, the gift of oneself.
-- Jean Anouilh

Re: Python component model

2006-10-12 Thread Kay Schluehr

Peter Maas wrote:
 Paul Boddie wrote:
  People who bring up stuff about self and indentation are just showing
  their ignorance, in my opinion, since Python isn't the first language
  to use self in such a way, and many C++ and Java programs use this
  pervasively in order to make attribute scope explicit, whereas the
  indentation matter is only troublesome with bad editing practices. I
  don't think the community should spend any more time on these

 How many programmers don't use Python because of the self issue?

The only reason I know why self shall not be inforced is reducing the
number of troll postings.


Re: Python component model

2006-10-12 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Erik Max Francis wrote:

 Who.  Cares.  What.  You.  Think?

his mom?



Re: Python component model

2006-10-12 Thread Terry Reedy

Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 I share the infrastructure which I use:

But not quite yet, it appears. A public release is planned shortly 


Re: Python component model

2006-10-12 Thread Peter Maas
Kay Schluehr wrote:
 Peter Maas wrote:
 How many programmers don't use Python because of the self issue?
 The only reason I know why self shall not be inforced is reducing the
 number of troll postings.

The only method that works to reduce the number of troll postings is:
spot them, then ignore them.

But some lengthy threads in c.l.p suggest that quite a few c.l.p
participants enjoy conversation with trolls or are slow at spotting :)


Peter Maas, Aachen
E-mail 'cGV0ZXIubWFhc0B1dGlsb2cuZGU=\n'.decode('base64')

Re: Python component model

2006-10-12 Thread Peter Maas
Peter Decker wrote:
 I think you should take a good look at Dabo and the visual tools they
 are creating.

Thanks for the hint, Peter. I've heard of Dabo and it's on my list of
things to be inspected. Perhaps my postings have been misunderstood. I don't
feel uneasy with Python. I'm using it since 4 years and know how to find
the tools I need. But I feel uneasy with an excessive readiness of some
c.l.p participants to accept Python as it is and even to react defiantly
on friendly suggestions how to make Python a more obvious choice for
newcomers. I think this is important for Python's survival.


Peter Maas, Aachen
E-mail 'cGV0ZXIubWFhc0B1dGlsb2cuZGU=\n'.decode('base64')

Re: Python component model

2006-10-12 Thread Ed Jensen
Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 People who bring up stuff about self and indentation are just showing
 their ignorance

Ouch.  That stings.

Python's indentation determines scope makes it hard for me to discuss
Python via mediums like IRC and instant messengers.

It also makes it hard to quickly jump to the top and/or bottom of
code blocks in most editors I use on a day to day basis.

I guess I'm just ignorant.  :(

Re: Python component model

2006-10-12 Thread Paul Boddie
Ed Jensen wrote:
 Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  People who bring up stuff about self and indentation are just showing
  their ignorance

 Ouch.  That stings.

 Python's indentation determines scope makes it hard for me to discuss
 Python via mediums like IRC and instant messengers.

True, especially with the helpful first line indentation in some

 It also makes it hard to quickly jump to the top and/or bottom of
 code blocks in most editors I use on a day to day basis.

I'm not at the cutting edge here: 20j and 20k are the commands (replace
20 with another suitable amount) which help me jump around in my editor
of choice. The other commands which may be more effective just aren't
in my working set.

 I guess I'm just ignorant.  :(

Don't be too hard on yourself, Ed! I was really referring to people who
make a big advocacy issue out of self (eg. Python isn't
object-oriented - it has self parameters!) and indentation (eg.
Python's just like Fortran!). You're just pointing out the issues
that regrettably make communication of Python programs difficult.



Re: Python component model

2006-10-12 Thread Peter Wang
Edward Diener wrote:
 It looks as if traits is an attempt to create a property in the
 component terminology which I originally specified. I will take a look
 at it.

Traits is frighteningly similar to the requirements that you laid out
in your post (the example for Skip), including delegates!  I would like
to point out, however, that traits is a *general* component framework
for python that facilitates implementing the observer pattern and a
higher level of introspection.  It can be used to build applications
that have no visual interfaces at all, but wish to benefit from the
reactive programming style that componentized, event-based
programming encourages.  (induces?)

Traits UI, which Robert only alluded to, is actually very much the sort
of RAD environment you have described.  It builds upon the component
model, and uses introspection to automagically create nice widgets for
your model, but adds mechanisms for specifying controllers, customizing
behavior, and generically composing complicated forms from simpler
ones.  There is even a visual builder tool for it called VET that
closely resembles Delphi/C++ Builder.  (The VET itself is, of course,
written using Traits UI.)

Envisage, the plugin application framework, can use the traits
component models and the TraitsUI interfaces to roll out very dynamic
applications, whose underlying models are all live components that can
be scripted, twiddled with from an embedded Python shell, etc.

 Already subscribed. Thanks !

Please contribute ideas or ask conceptual questions!

Oh, and disclaimer: I also work at enthought. :)



Re: Python component model

2006-10-12 Thread Peter Wang

This isn't in response to any specific one of the 100+ posts on this
thread, but I justed wanted to encourage you to continue your
investigation into Python component models and maybe looking for some
common ground between them.  Frequently the individual developers are
too heads-down on working on their own things to do a broad survey, so
I think this would be very useful indeed.

I wouldn't have felt it necessary to post this except for the large
number of posts along the lines of foo.dict is introspective enough
for me!.  I think you might have an easier time evangelizing the
principle of component-oriented programming (or event-based, or
reactive, or whatever) if you separated it from the notions of RAD UI
development.  There is a very large difference between writing
components and writing objects, and it seems that most people arguing
python doesn't need components don't see this distinction.

For me, it's the difference between writing live objects and dead
objects.  Live objects not only encapsulate implementations of an
interface with some state, but they also encapsulate handling of
events, i.e. responses to changes in their environment.  Dead objects
have methods but there has to be a function somewhere that knows which
dead object to call with what parameters at exactly the right time.
(The only mechanism for managing this complexity is to create ever more
functions at ever higher levels of abstraction, or to have a
proliferation of nebulously-defined manager objects.)  IMHO once you
cross this chasm and are able to model your problem domain with live
objects that go off and automatically respond to the runtime
environment and Do the Right Thing, it's very hard to go back to a dead
object mindset.  I can understand, however, that until one makes this
leap, it might seem like an academic and useless distinction.



Re: Python component model

2006-10-12 Thread Peter Wang
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 looks interesting.


 what about persistency?

Um... what about it?


Re: Python component model

2006-10-12 Thread Steve Holden
Paul Boddie wrote:

 I'm not at the cutting edge here: 20j and 20k are the commands (replace
 20 with another suitable amount) which help me jump around in my editor
 of choice. The other commands which may be more effective just aren't
 in my working set.
You *might* find CTRL/U and CTRL/D helpful ...

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Kay Schluehr

Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
 Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Nick Vatamaniuc wrote:
   At the same time one could claim that Python already has certain
   policies that makes it seem as if it has a component model.

  implementing this using existing mechanisms is trivial (as the endless
  stream of interface/component/adapter/trait implementations have shown
  us); coming up with a good-enough-to-be-useful-for-enough-people
  vocabulary is a lot harder.

 not sure if its trivial - but agree about the generality - my meat is your
 poison effect operating here -
 and also - standards are not per se a *Good Thing* - they stifle both
 inventiveness and diversity...

 - Hendrik

Culture matters. Some things exist below a certain level of visibility
and are quite evident for their practitioners but hardly recognized by
anyone else.

There is not even a name for this kind of coherent diversity and at
least Python doesn't brand it in any way. Maybe Pythons obvious one
way to do it credo is more harmfull to the community as a whole than
not having invented RoR. Python is ironically not proofed by hype which
always favours a cyclopic universe of a single true solution.


Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Peter Maas wrote:
 Bruno Desthuilliers schrieb:
 Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
   Python itself is a RAD tool.

 +1 QOTW
 No, please stop self-assuring, self-pleasing QOTWs! 

Certainly not !-)


 I for my part would be happy to see a Delphi-like RAD tool for Python,

Look for boa-constructor then.

 a reference implementation for web programming as part of the standard

wsgiref is part of the 2.5 stdlib.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Paul Boddie
Peter Maas wrote:
 Bruno Desthuilliers schrieb:
   Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
 Python itself is a RAD tool.
   +1 QOTW

 No, please stop self-assuring, self-pleasing QOTWs!

+1 QOTW! ;-)

[Java, Ruby, JRuby, the hype]

 To prevent this to happen parts of the Python community should have a
 more critical attitude to the language. Too often I hear the same
 mantras being repeated over and over again (GIL, self, IDE etc.).

People who bring up stuff about self and indentation are just showing
their ignorance, in my opinion, since Python isn't the first language
to use self in such a way, and many C++ and Java programs use this
pervasively in order to make attribute scope explicit, whereas the
indentation matter is only troublesome with bad editing practices. I
don't think the community should spend any more time on these

However, the GIL and issues of tools and IDEs should be considered in a
more sophisticated way. I'm not advocating the removal of the GIL, but
there needs to be a better story for people wanting to use more than
one core or CPU within a single program on a multicore/multiprocessor
system. My contribution in that field has been the pprocess module [1]
which lets you play in a sort of multithreaded environment, although
you're actually using multiple processes whose globals are only shared
in a read-only sense, and the way forward may be to make this available
to Windows users by adding an os.fork implementation for them to the
standard library, as I suggested previously [2]. Meanwhile, whilst not
an IDE advocate myself, there really does need to be further
improvements in the analysis of Python source code so that people can
build improved tools to check Python programs for obvious
compile-time errors and to inspect the behaviour of large amounts of
code. One reads occasionally on the python-dev or python-3000 mailing
lists that some proposed change or other may or may not have an impact
on real world systems such as the standard library, but that no-one
can really say: we need to move beyond the Python is just so dynamic
meme and develop tools like PyLint and PyChecker much further.

 I don't say these mantras are all wrong but perhaps it would be good to
 remove the GIL just to stop people talking about Python's lack of
 multi-threading or polish Python's class syntax to stop people talking
 about Python's OO being bolted on etc. Programmers often choose their
 languages by very silly reasoning (silliest being the indentation issue)
 and maybe we should take the silliness into account instead of laughing
 about those silly folks.

This kind of stuff can be tackled by providing better introductory,
educational or promotional material, with the latter especially
important to stop the uninformed rubbishing that advocates of certain
other languages seem particularly inclined to indulge in.

 I for my part would be happy to see a Delphi-like RAD tool for Python,
 a reference implementation for web programming as part of the standard
 library, Jython 2.5, Python for PHP or whatever attracts new programmers.

As I noted in the Python component model thread [3], tools like Qt
Designer seem to go a long way towards providing RAD-like solutions,
even though they aren't pure Python. Meanwhile, the Web programming
standardisation scene remains stagnant. Sure, you can pretend that WSGI
middleware is the future, and even I can see that layering components
is an acceptable way of building Web applications, but I'm not using
WSGI to do that because the whole exercise requires multiple trips to
the Web technology supermarket (once for a server, again for a server
adapter, again for stuff to make the WSGI API bearable, and so on,
repeat when you find one or more components to be immature) and I doubt
that people shopping around for an easy way to write applications are
especially convinced either.

But I largely agree with what you've written, and the cause of the
symptoms is the excessive focus on changing the language rather than
improving the libraries, the tools and the peripheral elements of the
development experience. If you think the standard library is
incoherent, jump into the proposal I've been writing [4] to suggest
improvements and to help out, because this kind of work isn't going to
happen otherwise, unfortunately. Returning to the lack of Python books,
it's rather telling that a review of Python in a Nutshell that just
caught my eye says the following:

Considering that the Zen of Python is barely being followed as the
core language has feature upon feature heaped upon it, a book like this
helps poor programmers simply wanting to use the language keep up with
the changes.

I know that certain other languages aren't exactly unchanging (and may
possibly undergo further upheaval), and that publishers like having
more books to sell on the very same topic, but after a while both
authors and readers become tired of having to respectively write/update
or buy new

Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Paul Boddie wrote:

 Meanwhile, the Web programming standardisation scene remains

Aw, come on.  The Python web programming standardisation wars are over, for now.
There's Django, and there's TurboGears, and there's Zope 2/3, all with slightly 
approaches, and slightly different target audiences.  Unless you're doing 
really odd things,
one of these will be more than good enough for your application.

(as for WSGI, it's plumbing. You can of course build fun things from spare 
parts and
plumbing, and there are really interesting things going on in certain research 
labs, as usual,
but if you want turn-key stuff, pick one of the big three.)



Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Paul Boddie
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Paul Boddie wrote:

  Meanwhile, the Web programming standardisation scene remains

 Aw, come on.  The Python web programming standardisation wars are over, for 

Well, that's just another way of saying that the scene remains
stagnant, because I don't see any winners.

 There's Django, and there's TurboGears, and there's Zope 2/3, all with 
 slightly different
 approaches, and slightly different target audiences.  Unless you're doing 
 really odd things,
 one of these will be more than good enough for your application.

I didn't deny that various frameworks would be good enough for various
things (indeed, I didn't even mention them), and I personally think
that Django seems like a decent enough solution, even though it (or its
documentation) focuses on ORM+RDBMS-based applications - a focus that
wouldn't suit a number of applications I've worked on.

The thing is that people want a coherent message about Python and Web
programming. It doesn't have to be use only this and nothing else but
it should help them make a good but quick decision. For a long time
people expected to get this coherent message by looking for solutions
provided with the Python distribution itself - after all, the standard
library has provided other useful batteries over the years - but all
we had was the cgi module and some barely maintained servers. Indeed,
the standard library looks pretty incoherent itself these days.

But there's a huge gap between what's on offer via the standard library
and the most popular full-stack frameworks, and the choice of starting
with WSGI middleware or swallowing Zope development whole, for example,
must be something of a demotivator for newcomers - why else do people
still ask CGI-related questions on comp.lang.python? What's interesting
is that one of the Django pioneers advocated better standards way back
in 2003 [1], possibly indicating a preference for the rising tide
floats more boats philosophy that would help Python itself become a
more popular tool for Web development, rather than some framework doing
a Zope and, in a few years, having its community members argue amongst
themselves about why Python developers don't like them any more. It'd
be interesting to hear whether the same attitude still holds sway after
Django's more recent success.

 (as for WSGI, it's plumbing. You can of course build fun things from spare 
 parts and
 plumbing, and there are really interesting things going on in certain 
 research labs, as
 usual, but if you want turn-key stuff, pick one of the big three.)

After seeing WSGI being elevated to non-plumbing (since plumbing is
just stuff that helps other stuff to work, not something you mess with
on a daily basis), I think the current strategy with respect to
floating more boats is to pretend that WSGI is all you need. In which
case, we might as well start looking at documentation like this




Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Paul Rubin
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 one, two, overflow ?  or are you saying that the lack of a monopoly means
 market stagnation, no matter how innovative the three big ones are ?

It worked for Ruby on Rails...

Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Paul Boddie wrote:

 Aw, come on.  The Python web programming standardisation wars are over, for 

 Well, that's just another way of saying that the scene remains
 stagnant, because I don't see any winners.

one, two, overflow ?  or are you saying that the lack of a monopoly means
market stagnation, no matter how innovative the three big ones are ?

 For a long time people expected to get this coherent message by looking for
 solutions provided with the Python distribution itself - after all, the 
 library has provided other useful batteries over the years - but all
 we had was the cgi module and some barely maintained servers. Indeed,
 the standard library looks pretty incoherent itself these days.

the standard library has never included non-trivial applications (and the three 
ones are configurable applications, not libraries).  I'm not sure anyone has 
looked to the standard library for domain-specific applications or toolkits.

 The thing is that people want a coherent message about Python and Web

the message is out there, for anyone who wants to listen.  and they are 

 why else do people still ask CGI-related questions on comp.lang.python?

because CGI works well for simple applications where you don't want to waste
any time whatsoever on hosting and deployment issues ?  heck, I spent parts of
last weekend hacking on a light-weight CGI-based publishing system for portions
of the site, using Python 2.2 on Solaris.  loads of fun.

 (as for WSGI, it's plumbing. You can of course build fun things from spare 
 parts and
 plumbing, and there are really interesting things going on in certain 
 research labs, as
 usual, but if you want turn-key stuff, pick one of the big three.)

 After seeing WSGI being elevated to non-plumbing (since plumbing is
 just stuff that helps other stuff to work, not something you mess with
 on a daily basis), I think the current strategy with respect to
 floating more boats is to pretend that WSGI is all you need.

I've never seen anyone besides Ian Bicking make that argument (and he's using
WSGI plus a zillion ready-made building blocks when doing that).



Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Paul Boddie
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Paul Boddie wrote:
  Well, that's just another way of saying that the scene remains
  stagnant, because I don't see any winners.

 one, two, overflow ?  or are you saying that the lack of a monopoly means
 market stagnation, no matter how innovative the three big ones are ?

I've never maintained that a monopoly on how Web programming is done
would be a good thing. All I've ever tried to understand is why people
haven't tried to improve the generic support for Web programming (and a
whole load of other things) even to the level of something like the
DB-API. Take another area: all the time you get people asking how they
can conveniently access some Web site using a Python-based client, and
loads of people are coming up against issues with urllib, urllib2,
other libraries. Wouldn't it be good if the functionality were just
there in the standard library in a sane form? Or is the standard
library just a grab bag of demos these days?


 the standard library has never included non-trivial applications (and the 
 three big
 ones are configurable applications, not libraries).  I'm not sure anyone has 
 looked to the standard library for domain-specific applications or toolkits.

These non-trivial applications are just libraries with icing on. My
critique of the Web standardisation scene is that no-one is that
interested in cooperating on the libraries. Of course, that isn't a bad
thing if you choose your framework and find the facilities you need,
but when this is happening at such a low level in the framework
stack, you needlessly fragment the scene. TurboGears and Django have
slightly different approaches, so if you're the sort of person who will
buy the shiny new TurboGears book (the one with the snake holding a
lightsabre, or something), you'll probably want to get the Django one
as well: great news for publishers, an own-goal for the common cause.

  The thing is that people want a coherent message about Python and Web

 the message is out there, for anyone who wants to listen.  and they are 

And that message is...? All I see is the JPF, the PFJ and the JPPF.

  why else do people still ask CGI-related questions on comp.lang.python?

 because CGI works well for simple applications where you don't want to waste
 any time whatsoever on hosting and deployment issues ?  heck, I spent parts of
 last weekend hacking on a light-weight CGI-based publishing system for 
 of the site, using Python 2.2 on Solaris.  loads of fun.

Quite. But I'd also suggest that people use the cgi module and
BaseHTTPServer because the former is a well-understood technology and
the latter is something you can read about in a couple of pages in the
library reference. Indeed, there are lots of BaseHTTPServer-related
projects out there, which is not particularly good news for deployment,
but then there's that big gap between the standard library and the
megaprojects that I mentioned.

  (as for WSGI, it's plumbing. You can of course build fun things from spare 
  parts and
  plumbing, and there are really interesting things going on in certain 
  research labs, as
  usual, but if you want turn-key stuff, pick one of the big three.)
  After seeing WSGI being elevated to non-plumbing (since plumbing is
  just stuff that helps other stuff to work, not something you mess with
  on a daily basis), I think the current strategy with respect to
  floating more boats is to pretend that WSGI is all you need.

 I've never seen anyone besides Ian Bicking make that argument (and he's using
 WSGI plus a zillion ready-made building blocks when doing that).

You should read some of the articles linked to from, then.



Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Kay Schluehr
Paul Boddie wrote:

 I've never maintained that a monopoly on how Web programming is done
 would be a good thing. All I've ever tried to understand is why people
 haven't tried to improve the generic support for Web programming (and a
 whole load of other things) even to the level of something like the
 DB-API. Take another area: all the time you get people asking how they
 can conveniently access some Web site using a Python-based client, and
 loads of people are coming up against issues with urllib, urllib2,
 other libraries. Wouldn't it be good if the functionality were just
 there in the standard library in a sane form? Or is the standard
 library just a grab bag of demos these days?

Paul, I do think the focus on the stdlib as it is right now is a bit
misleading. The stdlib is basically the product of python-dev and the
runtime developers also have maintenance responsibility. This shall and
even must be splitted and shared as it is done successfully with
application domains like Scientific Python. If an enterprise grows no
one expects that one department is responsible for everything but here
in the Python community Guido shall play Fidel Castro who cares for
each module of each application developer ever written and its
suitability for the stdlib and its alignment with the Python ideology.
In my opinion Python shall grow up and organize the visibility of its
products, its portfolio, differently with Py3K. I agree with Fredrik
that any decision towards a BDFL blessed webframework is premature and
Guido already showed himself not much interest in making any decision.
Even if all kinds of components are available in the stdlib people are
still looking for a RoR for Python and they do so not only for
technical reasons but because they need a brand that can be justifed
towards their team mates and project leaders. 



Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Paul Boddie
Kay Schluehr wrote:
 Paul Boddie wrote:

  I've never maintained that a monopoly on how Web programming is done
  would be a good thing. All I've ever tried to understand is why people
  haven't tried to improve the generic support for Web programming (and a
  whole load of other things) even to the level of something like the
  DB-API. Take another area: all the time you get people asking how they
  can conveniently access some Web site using a Python-based client, and
  loads of people are coming up against issues with urllib, urllib2,
  other libraries. Wouldn't it be good if the functionality were just
  there in the standard library in a sane form? Or is the standard
  library just a grab bag of demos these days?

 Paul, I do think the focus on the stdlib as it is right now is a bit
 misleading. The stdlib is basically the product of python-dev and the
 runtime developers also have maintenance responsibility. This shall and
 even must be splitted and shared as it is done successfully with
 application domains like Scientific Python.

Quite. But we're talking about supposedly well-established and widely
understood technologies here: the cgi module first appeared in 1994
(1995 in the library); that relative newcomer the Cookie module
appeared in 2000; BaseHTTPServer appeared in 1995; asyncore was added
to the library in 1999. And unlike various scientific computing
interest groups, those who use Web technologies are so broadly
dispersed across all kinds of other domains that I doubt that even if
GvR told everyone to take their Web modules elsewhere, there'd be
enough cohesion to have such an umbrella WebPython distribution.

 If an enterprise grows no
 one expects that one department is responsible for everything but here
 in the Python community Guido shall play Fidel Castro who cares for
 each module of each application developer ever written and its
 suitability for the stdlib and its alignment with the Python ideology.

Well, I don't want everyone's modules in the standard library, but I
think it makes sense for people to work on integrating modules into the
library that make it easier for them and others to then focus on other
stuff. What if the cgi, BaseHTTPServer and Cookie modules hadn't been
in the standard library? Whilst some people might regard the resulting
dearth of Web frameworks as a benefit, I think you'd see less activity
in that part of the community as a consequence.

 In my opinion Python shall grow up and organize the visibility of its
 products, its portfolio, differently with Py3K. I agree with Fredrik
 that any decision towards a BDFL blessed webframework is premature and
 Guido already showed himself not much interest in making any decision.

But I don't want GvR to bless a framework. Consider his misunderstood
near-blessing of Django: it's almost nonsensical. Sure, Django
innovates somewhat in terms of describing the URL space, but there are
numerous people who don't like the templating or the ORM, so they
wonder if they just couldn't strip that stuff off and replace it, but
what are you left with? The bare platform, of course, which isn't worth
continually redeveloping for each megaframework, but that's what has
been happening over the last five years.

 Even if all kinds of components are available in the stdlib people are
 still looking for a RoR for Python and they do so not only for
 technical reasons but because they need a brand that can be justifed
 towards their team mates and project leaders.

True, and this is where a lot of the marketing Python discussion missed
the point, dwelling on the corporate acceptability of Python (ie. the
nod from the PHB) and ignoring the peer marketing effect (ie. some
colleague you get along with shows you something with a cool label
stuck to it). The Django and TurboGears projects have noticed this
phenomenon, in contrast to that other supposed winner of the
frameworks war (Zope), but I await the day when some other loudly
advocated technology emerges to expose Python's library weaknesses and
causes a similar reactive scramble amongst the interested parties of
that particular domain.



Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Peter Maas
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Peter Maas wrote:
 a reference implementation for web programming as part of the standard
 wsgiref is part of the 2.5 stdlib.

Yes, but it's not an implementation. Think of something like Tomcat for
the Java Servlet Specification.


Peter Maas, Aachen
E-mail 'cGV0ZXIubWFhc0B1dGlsb2cuZGU=\n'.decode('base64')

Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Peter Maas
Paul Boddie wrote:
 People who bring up stuff about self and indentation are just showing
 their ignorance, in my opinion, since Python isn't the first language
 to use self in such a way, and many C++ and Java programs use this
 pervasively in order to make attribute scope explicit, whereas the
 indentation matter is only troublesome with bad editing practices. I
 don't think the community should spend any more time on these

How many programmers don't use Python because of the self issue?
I'm not for changing the semantics here but when I wrote a method with
lots of selfs recently I tried how it would look like if it would be
allowed not to write down 'self', i.e. from

def deposit(self, amount):
self.balance = self.balance + amount


def deposit( , amount):
.balance = .balance + amount

I see an advantage in not mentioning 'self': using shorter alternatives
like 'my' is possible but considered bad style. I find it unsatisfactory
to provide a degree of freedom and not wanting it to be used. Leaving
out 'self' is like leaving out block markers. You leave out something
that's a matter of taste (self, me, my, block marker positions) and
bring the code in minimal form. Explicit use of self could of course
still be allowed. And a favorite argument against Python would become

 However, the GIL and issues of tools and IDEs should be considered in a
 more sophisticated way. 

If I wouldn't read discussions about it I wouldn't probably know that it
exists. But as far as I have understood removing the GIL means a lot of
work and breaking existing code. Perhaps the GIL will die naturally with
the advent of a production ready PyPy. And the Twisted people keep telling
Repeat with me: there are no threads :)

 Meanwhile, whilst not an IDE advocate myself, there really does need to
 be further improvements in the analysis of Python source code so that
 people can build improved tools to check Python programs for obvious
 compile-time errors and to inspect the behaviour of large amounts of

I agree.

One reads occasionally on the python-dev or python-3000 mailing
 lists that some proposed change or other may or may not have an impact
 on real world systems such as the standard library, but that no-one
 can really say: we need to move beyond the Python is just so dynamic
 meme and develop tools like PyLint and PyChecker much further.

I find it important that Python allows dynamic coding but I agree that it
should allow more compile time checks which would probably also help to
produce faster code.

 This kind of stuff can be tackled by providing better introductory,
 educational or promotional material, with the latter especially
 important to stop the uninformed rubbishing that advocates of certain
 other languages seem particularly inclined to indulge in.

I don't think so because advocates tend to use arguments just because they
are handy, not because they don't know better.


Peter Maas, Aachen
E-mail 'cGV0ZXIubWFhc0B1dGlsb2cuZGU=\n'.decode('base64')

Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Peter Decker
On 10/10/06, Peter Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I for my part would be happy to see a Delphi-like RAD tool for Python,
 a reference implementation for web programming as part of the standard
 library, Jython 2.5, Python for PHP or whatever attracts new programmers.

I think you should take a good look at Dabo and the visual tools they
are creating. While I would be the first one to admit that they are
not polished to the level of Delphi, they are pretty amazing for a
couple of guys working in their spare time! If we could get more of
the community to contribute to this project, I don't think that there
would be any other RAD tool that would come close.

# p.d.

self (was: Python component model)

2006-10-11 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Peter Maas wrote:
 Paul Boddie wrote:
  People who bring up stuff about self and indentation are just showing
  their ignorance, in my opinion, since Python isn't the first language
  to use self in such a way, and many C++ and Java programs use this
  pervasively in order to make attribute scope explicit, whereas the
  indentation matter is only troublesome with bad editing practices. I
  don't think the community should spend any more time on these

 How many programmers don't use Python because of the self issue?
 I'm not for changing the semantics here but when I wrote a method with
 lots of selfs recently I tried how it would look like if it would be
 allowed not to write down 'self', i.e. from

 def deposit(self, amount):
 self.balance = self.balance + amount


 def deposit( , amount):
 .balance = .balance + amount

would like this.

I finally liked pythons 'forced-indentation' thing, but 'self' is just

def deposit(amount)
.balance = .balance + amount # a little thin this dot
@balance = @balance + amount # why not similar to ruby?

self = do this and that # self remains available

but this will have most possibly major implications (design,
compatibility etc.)

possibly the simplest way would be to agree on 's' (typing is very
fast, faster than SHIFT-2 for @)

def deposit(s, amount)
s.balance = s.balance + amount

so, python 2.6 = introduces agreement on 's' ?

this will never happen, but everyone is of course free to use 's'
instead of 'self' immedeately.

There's no problem (except possibly the tiny annoyancy when reading
through libraries which use 'self').




Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

Peter Decker wrote:
 On 10/10/06, Peter Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I for my part would be happy to see a Delphi-like RAD tool for Python,
  a reference implementation for web programming as part of the standard
  library, Jython 2.5, Python for PHP or whatever attracts new programmers.

 I think you should take a good look at Dabo and the visual tools they
 are creating. While I would be the first one to admit that they are
 not polished to the level of Delphi, they are pretty amazing for a
 couple of guys working in their spare time! If we could get more of
 the community to contribute to this project, I don't think that there
 would be any other RAD tool that would come close.

 # p.d.

yes, an interesting tool.

But to get more attention and developers, the project needs to be

really unattractive resources:


Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Peter Decker
On 11 Oct 2006 18:56:30 -0700, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 yes, an interesting tool.

 But to get more attention and developers, the project needs to be

 really unattractive resources:

Well, then, why not contribute? Or are you waiting for everyone else
to do it for you?

It really grinds my gears when people take something that involves
hundreds if not thousands of hours of time that is offered to them for
free, and then nitpicks on something completely tangential. If you
want a polished website, then offer to contribute one! Don't whine
about a couple of developers who are doing amazing things in their
spare time while you're contributing absolutely nothing to the


# p.d.

Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Ed Leafe
On Oct 10, 2006, at 1:47 PM, fumanchu wrote:

 4) Custom property and component editors: A component editor can  
 a property editor or an editor for an entire component which the  
 design-time RAD environment can use to allow the programmer end- 
 user of
 the component to set or get component property values. Normally a  
 time environment will present default property editors for each
 component property type, but a component can override this.

 This is the hard part. I believe Dabo has done some work in this  
 but this is where the tight coupling comes in between code and tool, a
 coupling which Python has traditionally resisted.

FWIW, the Dabo design tools store the design in a basic XML file,  
and are completely transparent to outside editing. There is nothing  
that prevents you from modifying a design in the editor of your  
choice; the Dabo visual editing tools simply give you WYSIWYG  
feedback as you edit.

-- Ed Leafe


Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Ed Leafe
On Oct 10, 2006, at 9:59 PM, Edward Diener No Spam wrote:

 The Visual Studio RAD IDE environment actually modifies source code
 constructors, via an InitializeComponent() function called from it, in
 order to set properties and events in components. It does mark the
 function as such with comments in the source code. OTOH Borland's VCL
 uses the resource file technique you scorn above, linking in the code
 via resources and automatically updating a component's properties and
 events from base class components constructors. I believe Java's JVM
 automatically deserializes .ser files at run-time saved by a RAD
 designer in order to set properties and events on an object of a  

 There are obviously numerous techniques, so one should theoretically
 work well with Python.

With Dabo, we've taken what we feel is a 'best of breed' approach.  
The constructors for the various objects are defined in XML-formatted  
files, making them accessible by any editor. The code behind these  
objects is stored in regular .py files, with special comment lines  
that provide the linkage back to the original object definition. So  
you can edit your code in your favorite Python editor, and it all  
just works.

-- Ed Leafe


Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Robert Kern
Peter Decker wrote:
 On 11 Oct 2006 18:56:30 -0700, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 yes, an interesting tool.

 But to get more attention and developers, the project needs to be

 really unattractive resources:
 Well, then, why not contribute? Or are you waiting for everyone else
 to do it for you?

No, he's just a troll that enjoys telling everyone what to do. Don't try to get 
him to contribute anything useful; it won't work.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
  that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
  an underlying truth.
   -- Umberto Eco


Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Peter Decker wrote:
 On 11 Oct 2006 18:56:30 -0700, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  yes, an interesting tool.
  But to get more attention and developers, the project needs to be
  really unattractive resources:

 Well, then, why not contribute? Or are you waiting for everyone else
 to do it for you?

I've contributed already (my contructive criticism).

It's up to the team to react.

 It really grinds my gears when people take something that involves
 hundreds if not thousands of hours of time that is offered to them for
 free, and then nitpicks on something completely tangential. If you

project infrastructure is not tangential.

It's essential

 want a polished website, then offer to contribute one!

Terrible this open source folks.

One cannot say one word without beeing asked to contribute.

 Don't whine
 about a couple of developers who are doing amazing things in their

doing amazing things is not enouth to bring a language-community
forward (or to create a python component model, which is the topic of
this thread)

 spare time while you're contributing absolutely nothing to the

I share the infrastructure which I use:


Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Robert Kern wrote:
 Peter Decker wrote:
  On 11 Oct 2006 18:56:30 -0700, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  yes, an interesting tool.
  But to get more attention and developers, the project needs to be
  really unattractive resources:
  Well, then, why not contribute? Or are you waiting for everyone else
  to do it for you?

 No, he's just a troll that enjoys telling everyone what to do. Don't try to 
 him to contribute anything useful; it won't work.

Mr. Kern! Seeing you working on such a seemingly excellent product, I
am really wondering about your tenor.

can you please inform me (and the interested readers) about the
persistency mechanism within traits:



Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Ben Finney
Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Terrible this open source folks.
 One cannot say one word without beeing asked to contribute.

+1 QOTW, in a new category for kooks.

 \  Say what you will about the Ten Commandments, you must always |
  `\ come back to the pleasant fact that there are only ten of |
_o__)  them.  -- Henry L. Mencken |
Ben Finney


Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Peter Decker
On 11 Oct 2006 20:08:12 -0700, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Well, then, why not contribute? Or are you waiting for everyone else
  to do it for you?

 I've contributed already (my contructive criticism).

 It's up to the team to react.

Wow! What a contribution! Amazing that Dabo hasn't taken over the
world with that sort of help pouring in!

Anybody can criticize. It's easy to find fault; it's much harder to
create something valuable.

I saw the references to your being a troll, and thought I'd give you
the benefit of the doubt. Guess I'm still too optimistic.


# p.d.

Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Robert Kern
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Robert Kern wrote:

 No, he's just a troll that enjoys telling everyone what to do. Don't try to 
 him to contribute anything useful; it won't work.
 Mr. Kern! Seeing you working on such a seemingly excellent product, I
 am really wondering about your tenor.

I am confident that it is accurately aimed. Furthermore, I am confident that 
record and the rest of this community will back me up on it. I've told you 
before that this community will not tolerate your bad behavior. How many times 
does this have to be demonstrated before you will leave?

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
  that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
  an underlying truth.
   -- Umberto Eco


Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Robert Kern wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  Robert Kern wrote:

  No, he's just a troll that enjoys telling everyone what to do. Don't try 
  to get
  him to contribute anything useful; it won't work.
  Mr. Kern! Seeing you working on such a seemingly excellent product, I
  am really wondering about your tenor.

 I am confident that it is accurately aimed. Furthermore, I am confident that 
 record and the rest of this community will back me up on it. I've told you
 before that this community will not tolerate your bad behavior. How many times
 does this have to be demonstrated before you will leave?

Please stay in-topic

can you please inform me (and the interested readers) about the
persistency mechanism within traits: 


Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

Peter Decker wrote:
 On 11 Oct 2006 20:08:12 -0700, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Well, then, why not contribute? Or are you waiting for everyone else
   to do it for you?
  I've contributed already (my contructive criticism).
  It's up to the team to react.

 Wow! What a contribution! Amazing that Dabo hasn't taken over the
 world with that sort of help pouring in!

 Anybody can criticize. It's easy to find fault; it's much harder to
 create something valuable.

I share the infrastructure which I use:

 I saw the references to your being a troll, and thought I'd give you
 the benefit of the doubt. Guess I'm still too optimistic.


You're just ignoring given facts in a controlled manner.

Like many other people of this community.

And that's the main reason why python does not move forward in the
speed it could.



Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Robert Kern
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Robert Kern wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Robert Kern wrote:
 No, he's just a troll that enjoys telling everyone what to do. Don't try 
 to get
 him to contribute anything useful; it won't work.
 Mr. Kern! Seeing you working on such a seemingly excellent product, I
 am really wondering about your tenor.
 I am confident that it is accurately aimed. Furthermore, I am confident that 
 record and the rest of this community will back me up on it. I've told you
 before that this community will not tolerate your bad behavior. How many 
 does this have to be demonstrated before you will leave?
 Please stay in-topic

Asking disruptive individuals to leave is always on-topic. Now, please go away.

I will happily and pleasantly converse with anyone who has questions about 
Traits or any of Enthought's other tools if they ask in good faith. I believe 
that the record shows that you do not do so. Really, I'm quite nice and helpful 
to other people.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
  that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
  an underlying truth.
   -- Umberto Eco


Re: Python component model

2006-10-11 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

Robert Kern wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  Robert Kern wrote:
  Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  Robert Kern wrote:
  No, he's just a troll that enjoys telling everyone what to do. Don't try 
  to get
  him to contribute anything useful; it won't work.
  Mr. Kern! Seeing you working on such a seemingly excellent product, I
  am really wondering about your tenor.
  I am confident that it is accurately aimed. Furthermore, I am confident 
  that the
  record and the rest of this community will back me up on it. I've told you
  before that this community will not tolerate your bad behavior. How many 
  does this have to be demonstrated before you will leave?
  Please stay in-topic

 Asking disruptive individuals to leave is always on-topic.

please realize: the only disruptive individual at this point is you.

 Now, please go away.

of course I stay.

 I will happily and pleasantly converse with anyone who has questions about
 Traits or any of Enthought's other tools if they ask in good faith. I believe
 that the record shows that you do not do so. Really, I'm quite nice and 
 to other people.

Sorry to say, but your behaviour is very ungentle.

I've place a simple question. If you are really helpful to other
people, then pleas just answer.

Many other people follow this discussion, and many will see the
question within the archives... unsanswered.

looks interesting.

what about persistency?

As far as I can see, there's no persistency binding available.

Is one planned?



Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Nick Vatamaniuc

Edward Diener No Spam wrote:
 Michael wrote:
  Edward Diener No Spam wrote:
  Has there ever been, or is there presently anybody, in the Python
  developer community who sees the same need and is working toward that
  goal of a common component model in Python, blessed and encouraged by
  those who maintain the Python language and standard modules themselves ?
  Someone aiming towards a standard to /replace/ everyone else's? That
  presupposes a level of arrogance that seems unusual in the python world.
  (whilst everyone's proud of their own code and they _generally_ respect
  other people's even if it's not their cup of tea).

 The reason I would like to see a standard component model for Python is
 so 3rd party developers could create their classes to conform to this
 model and work in any RAD IDE environment which adapts it. That's the
 way JavaBeans work, that the way Borland's VCL component model works,
 and that's the way .Net works. When there are many different component
 models, the 3rd party developer must adapt their components to each
 model for a particular environment.

 But far be it from me to want to replace everybody else's model g.

 By your reasoning above, standardizing anything in software is an
 arrogant proposition. Whereas I look at standardization, when it is well
 done, as a boon to programmers.

  The WSGI standard could be a form of component model, and has gone through
  the PEP process so that might match your criterion.

 I do not know what it is but I will look it up.

  As for component
  models, they do exist.
  Our component model on the Kamaelia project [1] is one that's heavily
  designed around the idea of composition and independent execution of
  components and message passing (message passing maps to events for some
  sorts of message),

 I will look at kamaelia. Thanks !

  I wouldn't think of proposing it as the single standard to rule them all
  though, for the simple reason every approach has its own strengths. (We do
  find the approach extremely useful though)
  If you want a quick example of the core ideas, a tutorial aimed around
  building a massively simplified core is here:
  If you want to see a substantial example, you can look here:
 * - whiteboarding with audio where every client
   is a server. The entire resulting system is also a component.
  For something more simplistic:
  Something halfway in terms of complexity (a PVR for transcoding everything
  broadcast on digital TV):
   (OK, you need to add more channels, but you'd need more CPU's too)
  We also have tools for introspecting a running system, and also a visual
  composition tool (called Compose) [2] for creating simple systems
  graphically, and that, as you say, handles a significant chunk of
  dreariness. Suggestions on improving the model and composition tool are
  very welcome, code is even more welcome :)
 [2] Sample system created with the newest version of Compose:
 Compose is also a Kamaelia system, and can be found here:
 (bulk of the wiring up is in the bottom of the file - this is an
 interesting example because of the use of Pygame and Tk for different
 parts of the interface where appropriate)
  However, off the top of my head, you should also look at Zope's component
  model, Trac's component model, Twisted's model  PEAK, and any proposal
  to say this is the solution, needs to be compelling for all of these

 A standard component model could be used as a base for other more
 advanced needs. Most of those mentioned above seem to involve web
 application frameworks whereas my idea of a component model just assumes
   the paradigms of properties, methods, and events which may allow
 re-usable components at a base level in any environment.

 A particular implementation is certainly allowed to build a more
 complicated idea of a component, through inheritance, from a base level
 component, and this is in fact the way that most components work in
 current component model environments I have mentioned. For instance in
 .Net a control is a component with other added qualities. So while one
 could build components which are not controls, it is necessary to add
 functionality to the base level idea of a component in order to create a

  Note, they do change where there's a benefit - twisted adopted some
  interesting ideas from Zope for example - however the onus on showing the
  benefit is on you. (Which if you can do, would be welcome I would expect)
  One thing that would probably be very useful would be to identify a way the
  various models these projects use can be made to interact 

Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Paul Rubin
Nick Vatamaniuc [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Python does not _need_ a component model just as you don't _need_ a RAD
 IDE tool to write Python code. The reason for having a component model
 or a RAD IDE tool is to avoid writing a lot of boiler plate code.

It's also so that applications written in differing languages can call
each other.

Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Edward Diener No Spam wrote:

 Why not propose something. That is the easiest way to get things moving.
 How does one do that ? Propose something here on this NG or is there 
 some other official way ?

the first step towards a successful Python proposal is to stop quoting 
the entire thread in each post to this newsgroup.



Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Paul Rubin schrieb:
 Nick Vatamaniuc [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Python does not _need_ a component model just as you don't _need_ a RAD
 IDE tool to write Python code. The reason for having a component model
 or a RAD IDE tool is to avoid writing a lot of boiler plate code.
 It's also so that applications written in differing languages can call
 each other.

Nope. Things like CORBA and COM do have that property, but e.g. the Java 
beans spec has only a meaning inside the VM. Not sure about .NET, but I 
can imagine there it's the same thing.

All the languages he mentioned are statically typed, or the component 
models themselves are. So the component model is basically needed (as 
others also mentioned) to glue things together, to dynamize that - 
whereas python is dynamic on the first hand, and actually lacks static 
typing to infer component properties...


Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Nick Vatamaniuc wrote:

 At the same time one could claim that Python already has certain
 policies that makes it seem as if it has a component model.

every Python object surely qualifies as a component, for any non-myopic 
definition of that word, and everything inside a Python program is an 
object.  so yes, Python has a component model, and Python programmers 
are using that model all over the place.

what might be missing is support for publishing additional metadata 
using a standardized vocabulary, and a way to access that data with-
out having to actually create the object.

implementing this using existing mechanisms is trivial (as the endless 
stream of interface/component/adapter/trait implementations have shown 
us); coming up with a good-enough-to-be-useful-for-enough-people 
vocabulary is a lot harder.



Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Steve Holden
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Paul Rubin schrieb:
Nick Vatamaniuc [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Python does not _need_ a component model just as you don't _need_ a RAD
IDE tool to write Python code. The reason for having a component model
or a RAD IDE tool is to avoid writing a lot of boiler plate code.

It's also so that applications written in differing languages can call
each other.
 Nope. Things like CORBA and COM do have that property, but e.g. the Java 
 beans spec has only a meaning inside the VM. Not sure about .NET, but I 
 can imagine there it's the same thing.
Well the .NET component model is specifically designed to be 
cross-language, but that's a feature of .NET/mono rather than of the 
componenet framework. You are correct about Beans, though.

 All the languages he mentioned are statically typed, or the component 
 models themselves are. So the component model is basically needed (as 
 others also mentioned) to glue things together, to dynamize that - 
 whereas python is dynamic on the first hand, and actually lacks static 
 typing to infer component properties...
Just the same, one can use IronPython to call components written in 
other languages. And, I believe, vice versa.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
  Python itself is a RAD tool.


bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Nope. Things like CORBA and COM do have that property, but e.g. the Java
 beans spec has only a meaning inside the VM. Not sure about .NET, but I
 can imagine there it's the same thing.
 Well the .NET component model is specifically designed to be
 cross-language, but that's a feature of .NET/mono rather than of the
 componenet framework. You are correct about Beans, though.

Is this cross-language in the sense jython can use beans? Or in the sense
like CORBA? I assumed the former, which isn't cross-language in my
perception (at least not in the general sense, as CORBA is)
 All the languages he mentioned are statically typed, or the component
 models themselves are. So the component model is basically needed (as
 others also mentioned) to glue things together, to dynamize that -
 whereas python is dynamic on the first hand, and actually lacks static
 typing to infer component properties...
 Just the same, one can use IronPython to call components written in
 other languages. And, I believe, vice versa.

Sure, as I can do it in jython. But the key point is: can your ordinary
python-object be published as a component? At least for jython I can
say no, you will have to subclass an already existing
java-object/interface. And I have difficulties imagining that it is any
different in .NET - because I've read statements that claimed that the
structure of the VM/runtime is orientied towards single-inheritance
statically typed languages as C#/java.


Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Paul Boddie
Edward Diener No Spam wrote:

 In the typical RAD development environment, a particular component model
 allows one to drop components, which are classes corresponding to a
 particular inner representation which tells the development environment
 what are the properties and events of that component, and
 subsequently set properties for that component and add handlers for
 its events visually.

As others may have mentioned, Python has its own built-in support for
properties: changing the state of an object with optional side-effects.
Moreover, as you realise, Python also has capable introspection
mechanisms to reveal such properties at run-time. However, things like
event mechanisms are not generally standardised.


 OK, I have proselytized enough g. Python is a great language and I
 truly love it and its flexibility and ease of programming use. If there
 is no impetus to create a component model for re-usable components for
 visual RAD environments in Python, that's fine with me. But I thought
 someone from the Python development community, given the use of visual
 RAD environments for other languages as mentioned above, to create GUI
 and large-scale applications, would have considered it.

You might want to look into environments and tools such as Qt Designer
together with PyQt. Whilst the PyQt mechanisms (really the Qt
mechanisms exposed in Python) aren't standardised as such, you get
event and property mechanisms which are actually quite powerful and
which certainly seem to demonstrate many of the RAD environment
capabilities you're interested in: you can write Python components
which can be dropped into the Designer environment and they're
responsive to introspection and interaction right there and then.

See this presentation for more details:



Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Steve Holden
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
Just the same, one can use IronPython to call components written in
other languages. And, I believe, vice versa.
 Sure, as I can do it in jython. But the key point is: can your ordinary
 python-object be published as a component? At least for jython I can
 say no, you will have to subclass an already existing
 java-object/interface. And I have difficulties imagining that it is any
 different in .NET - because I've read statements that claimed that the
 structure of the VM/runtime is orientied towards single-inheritance
 statically typed languages as C#/java.
The answer to this question is currently beyond me. Maybe someone who 
knows more about IronPython can elucidate. I do know (as you probably do 
also) that Python generates code for the .NET CLR, however.

I don't think there's any *theoretical* reason why IronPython components 
can't be called from other languages, but as to the practicalities 
(specifically whether IronPython produces linkable assemblies) we'll 
have to wait for someone who knows.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Michael Sparks
Edward Diener No Spam wrote:
 Michael wrote:
  Edward Diener No Spam wrote:
  Has there ever been, or is there presently anybody, in the Python
  developer community who sees the same need and is working toward that
  goal of a common component model in Python, blessed and encouraged by
  those who maintain the Python language and standard modules themselves ?
  Someone aiming towards a standard to /replace/ everyone else's? That
  presupposes a level of arrogance that seems unusual in the python world.
  (whilst everyone's proud of their own code and they _generally_ respect
  other people's even if it's not their cup of tea).

 The reason I would like to see a standard component model for Python is
 so 3rd party developers could create their classes to conform to this
 model and work in any RAD IDE environment which adapts it. That's the
 way JavaBeans work, that the way Borland's VCL component model works,
 and that's the way .Net works. When there are many different component
 models, the 3rd party developer must adapt their components to each
 model for a particular environment.

 But far be it from me to want to replace everybody else's model g.

Well that's the thing you *do* want since you want the previous
paragraph ;-)
(Or at least a way to adapt component models.)

 By your reasoning above, standardizing anything in software is an
 arrogant proposition. Whereas I look at standardization, when it is well
 done, as a boon to programmers.

OK, maybe I was being a bit strong - I was merely thinking lots of
people have something like this already, and I've not seen anyone push
their model as THE model, (even if lots of people like *their* model

However, I was also being a bit tongue in cheek, though I should have
said unreasonable, not arrogant:
   ...all progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- Bernard Shaw.

What could have some mileage though is proposing a standard way for
these component models to interoperate. What that would look like
(given the wildly different models :), is another matter and an
exercise for the interested reader ;-)

  The WSGI standard could be a form of component model, and has gone through
  the PEP process so that might match your criterion.

 I do not know what it is but I will look it up.

NB, I'm using component model in it's loosest form there.

  As for component
  models, they do exist.
  Our component model on the Kamaelia project [1] is one that's heavily
  designed around the idea of composition and independent execution of
  components and message passing (message passing maps to events for some
  sorts of message),

 I will look at kamaelia. Thanks !

You're welcome. Any deficiencies or improvements or suggestions you've
got would be very welcome (I can see some which we're planning on
addressing at some point, but fresh critical eyes are always welcome).

  However, off the top of my head, you should also look at Zope's component
  model, Trac's component model, Twisted's model  PEAK, and any proposal
  to say this is the solution, needs to be compelling for all of these

 A standard component model could be used as a base for other more
 advanced needs. Most of those mentioned above seem to involve web
 application frameworks whereas my idea of a component model just assumes
   the paradigms of properties, methods, and events which may allow
 re-usable components at a base level in any environment.

They do, however in particular, Trac's model whilst web oriented
strikes me personally as interesting and PEAK's is applicable, as I
understand it, outside the web sphere. (Enthought was mentioned
elsewhere and is interesting (IMO) for the properties stuff)

If you're interested in event systems as well, it's probably worth
looking at the way a number of pygame applications are written since
there's an event model built into pygame that some pygame apps take
advantage of for custom events and some don't. It's a very different
problem realm to the web systems.

Twisted is worth looking at as well, since it's probably got one of the
more interesting approaches for dealing with essentially event based
systems I've seen.

 A particular implementation is certainly allowed to build a more
 complicated idea of a component, through inheritance, from a base level
 component, and this is in fact the way that most components work in
 current component model environments I have mentioned. For instance in
 .Net a control is a component with other added qualities. So while one
 could build components which are not controls, it is necessary to add
 functionality to the base level idea of a component in order to create a

You *may* also want to take a look at picolo as well then - but as far
as I'm
aware it's not actually *used* by anyone. It is in some respects more
the kind of component model you describe here. (I personally didn't
find much
useful about their proposal that goes beyond 

Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Edward Diener No Spam
Nick Vatamaniuc wrote:
 Edward Diener No Spam wrote:
 Michael wrote:
 Python does not _need_ a component model just as you don't _need_ a RAD
 IDE tool to write Python code. The reason for having a component model
 or a RAD IDE tool is to avoid writing a lot of boiler plate code.
 Python is terse enough that boiler plate code is not needed, just type
 what you need into an editor. It seems that you talk about Python but
 you are still thinking in Java or C++.

A RAD IDE tool to hook up components into an application or library ( 
module in Python ) has nothing to do with terseness and everything to do 
with ease of programming. All you are saying is that you don't have a 
need for this, but perhaps others do. I don't mind others saying they 
have no need or seeing no benefit. But if you have ever used a visual 
design-time environment for creating applications you might feel 

Thinking in Java or C++ as opposed to Python does not mean anything to 
me as a general statement. I am well aware of the difference between 
statically and dynamically typed languages but why this should have 
anything to do with RAD programming is beyond me. Do you care to 
elucidate this distinction ?

 At the same time one could claim that Python already has certain
 policies that makes it seem as if it has a component model. Take a look
 at the magic methods. For example if a class has a __len__ method, it
 is possible to use the len() function on an instance of that class. If
 a class has the  __getitem__ then indexing can be used on that class's
 insance. Then Python has properties (see  Just by
 inspecting the object one can tell a great deal about them (even read
 the documentation if needed, by using the __doc__ attribute).   What
 other standards would you propose for the core language?

Python has great facilities for a component model, much better than the 
other languages I use regularly ( C++, C#, Java ). I am not arguing 
against that. A component model for RAD tools allows the tool to expose 
properties and events to the end-user at design time so that at run-time 
the properties and events are automatically setup once an object is 
instantiated. The essence of a component model for RAD programming is 
how one specifies properties and events for a class to be manipulated by 
the RAD tool at design time. Another obvious part of the component model 
is how one specifies that the properties and events one sets up at 
design-time are serialized so that at run-time they are properly set. A 
final element of a component model is the ability of a component to 
interact with the environment in which it exists at design time, through 
property editors, and at run-time, the latter being obviously more 
important for visual controls than non-visual components.

Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Edward Diener No Spam
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Nick Vatamaniuc [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Python does not _need_ a component model just as you don't _need_ a RAD
 IDE tool to write Python code. The reason for having a component model
 or a RAD IDE tool is to avoid writing a lot of boiler plate code.
 It's also so that applications written in differing languages can call
 each other.

That's a possible reason, but with JavaBeans and EJBs for Java there is 
just a single language and I am sure there are many Java programmers who 
enjoy using Eclipse, NetBeans, or JBuilder to name a few RAD IDEs which 
allow them to create their applications using a design-time visual 

Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Richard Brodie

Edward Diener No Spam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 Thinking in Java or C++ as opposed to Python does not mean anything to me 
 as a general 
 statement. I am well aware of the difference between statically and 
 dynamically typed 
 languages but why this should have anything to do with RAD programming is 
 beyond me. Do 
 you care to elucidate this distinction ?

I think this blog entry
provides some insight into the point of view expressed. 


Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Edward Diener No Spam
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Paul Rubin schrieb:
 Nick Vatamaniuc [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Python does not _need_ a component model just as you don't _need_ a RAD
 IDE tool to write Python code. The reason for having a component model
 or a RAD IDE tool is to avoid writing a lot of boiler plate code.

 It's also so that applications written in differing languages can call
 each other.
 Nope. Things like CORBA and COM do have that property, but e.g. the Java 
 beans spec has only a meaning inside the VM. Not sure about .NET, but I 
 can imagine there it's the same thing.
 All the languages he mentioned are statically typed, or the component 
 models themselves are. So the component model is basically needed (as 
 others also mentioned) to glue things together, to dynamize that - 
 whereas python is dynamic on the first hand, and actually lacks static 
 typing to infer component properties...

While I understand dynamic typing, I still think it is possible to 
create attributes in a Python component model which could tell a RAD 
tool what type the attribute will encompass for the purpose of 
properties and events. Obviously a name, type tuple, among other 
possible information would have to be used. But given Python's amazingly 
flexible type and introspection system, this should be possible.

Of course I am not trying to change the nature of normal Python 
attributes per se at all, and one of the most important things in a 
property-method-event component model is to be able to specify 
properties that are distinct from just normal object data members. So 
one of the most important things in a Python component model would be 
the ability to tag component properties as totally distinct from normal 
Python class attributes or property attributes.

Given that Python already has new-style class properties, maybe another 
name for the component properties I envision is needed to avoid confusion.

Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Edward Diener No Spam
Steve Holden wrote:
 Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Just the same, one can use IronPython to call components written in
 other languages. And, I believe, vice versa.

 Sure, as I can do it in jython. But the key point is: can your ordinary
 python-object be published as a component? At least for jython I can
 say no, you will have to subclass an already existing
 java-object/interface. And I have difficulties imagining that it is any
 different in .NET - because I've read statements that claimed that the
 structure of the VM/runtime is orientied towards single-inheritance
 statically typed languages as C#/java.

 The answer to this question is currently beyond me. Maybe someone who 
 knows more about IronPython can elucidate. I do know (as you probably do 
 also) that Python generates code for the .NET CLR, however.

I am not sure about current IronPython functionality but the end result 
is that one should be able to create .Net components and classes using 
Python with IronPython just as one does in C#, C++/CLI, or VB .NET.

But this is not creating a component model for Python except in the .Net 
environment, which essentially means Windows unless IronPython will work 
under Mono, and Microsoft does not kill Mono. I don't think all those 
ifs is something a Python programmer wants to deal with in possible 
RAD component development.

Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Edward Diener No Spam wrote:

 A RAD IDE tool to hook up components into an application or library (
 module in Python ) has nothing to do with terseness and everything to do
 with ease of programming.

python already has excellent and ridiculously easy-to-program ways to hook
things up.  after all, hooking things up is what python programmers tend to do,
most of their time.

if you want better support for more precise hooking, post some examples.

 All you are saying is that you don't have a need for this, but perhaps others 

handwavy references to what other may need is another thing you should
avoid if you want your Python change proposal to be successful.



Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Edward Diener No Spam
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Nick Vatamaniuc wrote:
 At the same time one could claim that Python already has certain
 policies that makes it seem as if it has a component model.
 every Python object surely qualifies as a component, for any non-myopic 
 definition of that word, and everything inside a Python program is an 
 object.  so yes, Python has a component model, and Python programmers 
 are using that model all over the place.
 what might be missing is support for publishing additional metadata 
 using a standardized vocabulary, and a way to access that data with-
 out having to actually create the object.
 implementing this using existing mechanisms is trivial (as the endless 
 stream of interface/component/adapter/trait implementations have shown 
 us); coming up with a good-enough-to-be-useful-for-enough-people 
 vocabulary is a lot harder.

There's no doubt that Python's excellent introspection mechanism allows 
an outside RAD-like tool to inspect the workings of any Python object. 
But that does not make it a component model in my original use of the 
term on this thread. A RAD tool needs to know what properties and events 
within a class can be manipulated visually, and it needs to be able to 
serialize those properties and events so that they are set at run-time 
automatically once an object is created.

Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Edward Diener No Spam wrote:

 There's no doubt that Python's excellent introspection mechanism allows
 an outside RAD-like tool to inspect the workings of any Python object.
 But that does not make it a component model in my original use of the
 term on this thread. A RAD tool needs to know what properties and events
 within a class can be manipulated visually, and it needs to be able to
 serialize those properties and events so that they are set at run-time
 automatically once an object is created.

external serialization was not part of your original definition.

I think you have to be a *lot* more concrete here.  repeatedly referring to
some kind of hypothetical property (that isn't a property) and some kind
of hypothetical event (that isn't a public method) and some kind of hypo-
thetical RAD tool won't get you anywhere.



Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Edward Diener No Spam
Michael Sparks wrote:
 Edward Diener No Spam wrote:
 Michael wrote:
 Edward Diener No Spam wrote:

 Has there ever been, or is there presently anybody, in the Python
 developer community who sees the same need and is working toward that
 goal of a common component model in Python, blessed and encouraged by
 those who maintain the Python language and standard modules themselves ?
 Someone aiming towards a standard to /replace/ everyone else's? That
 presupposes a level of arrogance that seems unusual in the python world.
 (whilst everyone's proud of their own code and they _generally_ respect
 other people's even if it's not their cup of tea).
 The reason I would like to see a standard component model for Python is
 so 3rd party developers could create their classes to conform to this
 model and work in any RAD IDE environment which adapts it. That's the
 way JavaBeans work, that the way Borland's VCL component model works,
 and that's the way .Net works. When there are many different component
 models, the 3rd party developer must adapt their components to each
 model for a particular environment.

 But far be it from me to want to replace everybody else's model g.
 Well that's the thing you *do* want since you want the previous
 paragraph ;-)
 (Or at least a way to adapt component models.)

I was being funny above. Yes I would like to establish a basic component 
model for RAD development in Python. But surely it need not replace all 
others but could serve at least as a base class for other derived models 
for various environments. That way a developer writing a Python 
component could have it work in these environments as a simple component 
and more complex components, tailored to that environment could be 
created as necessary through inheritance.

 By your reasoning above, standardizing anything in software is an
 arrogant proposition. Whereas I look at standardization, when it is well
 done, as a boon to programmers.
 OK, maybe I was being a bit strong - I was merely thinking lots of
 people have something like this already, and I've not seen anyone push
 their model as THE model, (even if lots of people like *their* model
 However, I was also being a bit tongue in cheek, though I should have
 said unreasonable, not arrogant:
...all progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- Bernard Shaw.

Bravo, Shaw. Of course by unreasonable I assume Shaw meant those using 
imagination and inspiration along with logic and reason.

 What could have some mileage though is proposing a standard way for
 these component models to interoperate. What that would look like
 (given the wildly different models :), is another matter and an
 exercise for the interested reader ;-)
 The WSGI standard could be a form of component model, and has gone through
 the PEP process so that might match your criterion.
 I do not know what it is but I will look it up.
 NB, I'm using component model in it's loosest form there.
 As for component
 models, they do exist.

 Our component model on the Kamaelia project [1] is one that's heavily
 designed around the idea of composition and independent execution of
 components and message passing (message passing maps to events for some
 sorts of message),
 I will look at kamaelia. Thanks !
 You're welcome. Any deficiencies or improvements or suggestions you've
 got would be very welcome (I can see some which we're planning on
 addressing at some point, but fresh critical eyes are always welcome).
 However, off the top of my head, you should also look at Zope's component
 model, Trac's component model, Twisted's model  PEAK, and any proposal
 to say this is the solution, needs to be compelling for all of these
 A standard component model could be used as a base for other more
 advanced needs. Most of those mentioned above seem to involve web
 application frameworks whereas my idea of a component model just assumes
   the paradigms of properties, methods, and events which may allow
 re-usable components at a base level in any environment.
 They do, however in particular, Trac's model whilst web oriented
 strikes me personally as interesting and PEAK's is applicable, as I
 understand it, outside the web sphere. (Enthought was mentioned
 elsewhere and is interesting (IMO) for the properties stuff)

I do like most of Enthought's notion of properties, which they call 
traits, no doubt to also distinguish it from Python new-style class 
properties. Their notion corresponds somewhat to the idea of properties 
in Java and .Net.

Essentially a property-method-event component model in Python needs 
component properties and component events, so investigating notions of 
component properties in Python is something I want to do.

 If you're interested in event systems as well, it's probably worth
 looking at the way a number of pygame applications are written since
 there's an event model built into pygame that some 

Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Tim Chase
 There's no doubt that Python's excellent introspection mechanism allows 
 an outside RAD-like tool to inspect the workings of any Python object. 
 But that does not make it a component model in my original use of the 
 term on this thread. A RAD tool needs to know what properties and events 
 within a class can be manipulated visually, and it needs to be able to 
 serialize those properties and events so that they are set at run-time 
 automatically once an object is created.

A little visual inspection of some objects:

Python 2.3.5 (#2, Sep  4 2005, 22:01:42)
[GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more 
  class Person(object):
... def __init__(self, name, age=None):
... = name
... self.age = age
... def whoami(self):
... if self.age is not None:
... return %s (%i) % (
... self.age)
... return
  p = Person(Sandy)
  [s for s in dir(p) if not s.startswith('_') and 
callable(eval('p.%s' % s))]
  [s for s in dir(p) if not s.startswith('_') and not 
callable(eval('p.%s' % s))]
['age', 'name']

Thus, you have the ability to find an object's methods/events 
(things that are callable()), and its properties (things that are 
not callable()).  Any RAD tool that wants can pull these 
properties, just as my command-line RAD tool can ;)

As for serializing them,

  import shelve
  d ='tmp/stuff.shlv')
  d['person'] = p
  p = 'hello'
  p = d['person']
  p.age = 42
'Sandy (42)'
  d['person'] = p
  p = 'hello2'
  d ='tmp/stuff.shlv')
  p = d['person']
'Sandy (42)'

which seems to work fine for me.  This can be used for creating 
all sorts of flavors of objects at design time, storing them, and 
then restoring them at runtime.



Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 While I understand dynamic typing, I still think it is possible to
 create attributes in a Python component model which could tell a RAD
 tool what type the attribute will encompass for the purpose of
 properties and events. Obviously a name, type tuple, among other
 possible information would have to be used. But given Python's amazingly
 flexible type and introspection system, this should be possible.

The amazing flexibility stems from the fact that it is _runtime_. This is
_exactly_ the difference between static and dynamic typing.

If a static analysis (_not_ importing the module, which can trigger
arbitrary code being run!!!) is supposed to deliver the component
architecture, you are either introducing static typing, or get into the
danger of lose coupling between declaration and implementation, rendering
the whole thing pretty useless.

Of course, with a bit of discipline, you can create such a introspection
facility that offers its properties after a mere import, see ZOPE
interfaces for example. 

But in the end, it boils down to declaring stuff for that purpose alone, and
introducing static typing, whereas other languages declare typing for their
own needs, and add the component model upon that. 

And then you lose a _lot_ of what python makes powerful, for a very doubtful
benefit IMHO.


Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Edward Diener No Spam
Richard Brodie wrote:
 Edward Diener No Spam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Thinking in Java or C++ as opposed to Python does not mean anything to me 
 as a general 
 statement. I am well aware of the difference between statically and 
 dynamically typed 
 languages but why this should have anything to do with RAD programming is 
 beyond me. Do 
 you care to elucidate this distinction ?
 I think this blog entry
 provides some insight into the point of view expressed. 

I think that one can easily be both, someone who is good at using a 
language and someone who is good at using a visual tool. The dichotomy 
presented in the article exists only for a small number of people.


Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Edward Diener No Spam
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Edward Diener No Spam wrote:
 A RAD IDE tool to hook up components into an application or library (
 module in Python ) has nothing to do with terseness and everything to do
 with ease of programming.
 python already has excellent and ridiculously easy-to-program ways to hook
 things up.  after all, hooking things up is what python programmers tend to 
 most of their time.

I agree.

 if you want better support for more precise hooking, post some examples.

I want a design-time environment to hook up my objects in a visual way. 
I think it is easier than doing it manually, even in Python.

 All you are saying is that you don't have a need for this, but perhaps 
 others do.
 handwavy references to what other may need is another thing you should
 avoid if you want your Python change proposal to be successful.

I did not say what others may need.

Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Edward Diener No Spam wrote:

 if you want better support for more precise hooking, post some examples.

 I want a design-time environment to hook up my objects in a visual way.
 I think it is easier than doing it manually, even in Python.

what objects?  what hooks?  visually, in what way?

 All you are saying is that you don't have a need for this, but perhaps 
 others do.

 handwavy references to what other may need is another thing you should
 avoid if you want your Python change proposal to be successful.

 I did not say what others may need.

I'm not sure I see the big difference between perhaps others do [have a need]
and others may need, but that's me.



Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Edward Diener No Spam
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 While I understand dynamic typing, I still think it is possible to
 create attributes in a Python component model which could tell a RAD
 tool what type the attribute will encompass for the purpose of
 properties and events. Obviously a name, type tuple, among other
 possible information would have to be used. But given Python's amazingly
 flexible type and introspection system, this should be possible.
 The amazing flexibility stems from the fact that it is _runtime_. This is
 _exactly_ the difference between static and dynamic typing.
 If a static analysis (_not_ importing the module, which can trigger
 arbitrary code being run!!!) is supposed to deliver the component
 architecture, you are either introducing static typing, or get into the
 danger of lose coupling between declaration and implementation, rendering
 the whole thing pretty useless.

Yes, I am suggesting static typing functionality for a subset of Python 
attributes. How this can be done I am still investigating on my own.

 Of course, with a bit of discipline, you can create such a introspection
 facility that offers its properties after a mere import, see ZOPE
 interfaces for example. 
 But in the end, it boils down to declaring stuff for that purpose alone, and
 introducing static typing, whereas other languages declare typing for their
 own needs, and add the component model upon that. 
 And then you lose a _lot_ of what python makes powerful, for a very doubtful
 benefit IMHO.

Adding a feature, such as static typing functionality for the situation 
of doing visual RAD programming, does not lose a _lot_ of what makes 
python powerful.

My idea of adding static typing is not an attempt to change the language 
but rather to develop Python classes which encapsulate the idea of a 
variable and a type for the purposes of emulating component properties 
and component events. If a language addition is needed instead I will 
investigate how to propose it.

Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Steve Holden
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Edward Diener No Spam wrote:
if you want better support for more precise hooking, post some examples.

I want a design-time environment to hook up my objects in a visual way.
I think it is easier than doing it manually, even in Python.
 what objects?  what hooks?  visually, in what way?
All you are saying is that you don't have a need for this, but perhaps 
others do.

handwavy references to what other may need is another thing you should
avoid if you want your Python change proposal to be successful.

I did not say what others may need.
 I'm not sure I see the big difference between perhaps others do [have a 
 and others may need, but that's me.
He's wriggling anyway, as his opening post said (among other things) I 
believe that Python should have a common components model for all RAD
development environments  So unless he's the only person who's 
going to use these development environments it does indeed sound a 
little prescriptive.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Edward Diener No Spam
Tim Chase wrote:
 There's no doubt that Python's excellent introspection mechanism 
 allows an outside RAD-like tool to inspect the workings of any Python 
 object. But that does not make it a component model in my original use 
 of the term on this thread. A RAD tool needs to know what properties 
 and events within a class can be manipulated visually, and it needs to 
 be able to serialize those properties and events so that they are set 
 at run-time automatically once an object is created.
 A little visual inspection of some objects:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python
 Python 2.3.5 (#2, Sep  4 2005, 22:01:42)
 [GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
   class Person(object):
 ... def __init__(self, name, age=None):
 ... = name
 ... self.age = age
 ... def whoami(self):
 ... if self.age is not None:
 ...return %s (%i) % (,
 ... return
   p = Person(Sandy)
   [s for s in dir(p) if not s.startswith('_') and 
 callable(eval('p.%s' % s))]
   [s for s in dir(p) if not s.startswith('_') and not 
 callable(eval('p.%s' % s))]
 ['age', 'name']
 Thus, you have the ability to find an object's methods/events (things 
 that are callable()), and its properties (things that are not 
 callable()).  Any RAD tool that wants can pull these properties, just 
 as my command-line RAD tool can ;)

Not all attributes are component properties in typical Visual RAD tool. 
In most visual RAD tools which I have used a component property is a 
publicly exposed type/name which may or may not have the backing of an 
actual data member and does have a function to get the type's value if 
the property is readable and does have a function associated with it to 
set the type's value if the property is writable. This is very close to 
the class properties in Python. The difference is that normally a type 
must be associated with a property whereas in Python, as I understand 
it, the type of a class property is unknown.

Furthermore by a component event I do not mean methods on the event 
creator's side but rather an event source. This would look something 
like a tuple of callable functions of a particular signature to which an 
event sink could add an event handler so that when a particular event 
occurred on the event source the event handlers added to the event 
source would each be called.

 As for serializing them,
   import shelve
   d ='tmp/stuff.shlv')
   d['person'] = p
   p = 'hello'
   p = d['person']
   p.age = 42
 'Sandy (42)'
   d['person'] = p
   p = 'hello2'
   d ='tmp/stuff.shlv')
   p = d['person']
 'Sandy (42)'
 which seems to work fine for me.  This can be used for creating all 
 sorts of flavors of objects at design time, storing them, and then 
 restoring them at runtime.

I realize that Python has excellent abilities in all these areas, 
including serialization. But a component model for serialization must 
not only have the ability of serializing and deserializing all of the 
component's data, as well as any base classes, it must also have a means 
of allowing the class itself to specify which data needs to be 
serialized and which not, as well as allow for the class to seriliaze 
all or part of its own data.

Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Edward Diener No Spam
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Edward Diener No Spam wrote:
 There's no doubt that Python's excellent introspection mechanism allows
 an outside RAD-like tool to inspect the workings of any Python object.
 But that does not make it a component model in my original use of the
 term on this thread. A RAD tool needs to know what properties and events
 within a class can be manipulated visually, and it needs to be able to
 serialize those properties and events so that they are set at run-time
 automatically once an object is created.
 external serialization was not part of your original definition.

Well, knock me over.

 I think you have to be a *lot* more concrete here.  repeatedly referring to
 some kind of hypothetical property (that isn't a property) and some kind
 of hypothetical event (that isn't a public method) and some kind of hypo-
 thetical RAD tool won't get you anywhere.

My OP was just to query whether a component model existed for Python, 
like JavaBeans for Java or .Net for C#, C++/CLI etc. After that came 
suggestions of what I thought such a component model was about, which I 
thought I answered generally. Not you want details. No doubt next will 
come a demand for code.

OK, here is my idea of what such a component model envisages as a list 
of items. After this, unless I get some intelligent comments from people 
who might be interested in what I envision, or something very similar, I 
will be off to investigate it myself rather than do battle with the 
horde of people who will just tell me that Python, being a great 
language, does not need what I have suggested.

1) Component property: This is a glorified attribute with a type that 
can either be specified in a static manner, or always be discovered 
dynamically, or have converters back and forth between a string and the 
actual value represented by the component property. A component property 
has a getter function to retrieve the value if it is readable and a 
setter function to set the value if it is writable. It must be either 
readable or writable or both. A component property is not any Python 
class attribute since a component has the right to specify only certain 
values as manipulatable in a design-time RAD environment.

2) Component event: This is an type which encapsulates an array, or a 
list of callable objects with the same function signature, along with 
the functionality to add and remove elements from the array, as well as 
cycle through the array calling the callable objects as a particular 
event is triggered. A component event is an event source for a 
particular event. Component events have to be dicoverable by the Visual 
RAD system so that an object's appropriate event handler, an event sink, 
can be hooked to the component event itself, an event source, through a 
design time interface which propagates the connection at run-time.

3: Component serialization: A component which has its properties and 
events set by a visual design-time RAD environment needs to be 
serialized at design time and deserialized at run-time. This can be a 
default serialization of all component properties and events, or the 
component itself can participate in the serilization effort either 
wholly or partly.

4) Custom property and component editors: A component editor can present 
a property editor or an editor for an entire component which the visual 
design-time RAD environment can use to allow the programmer end-user of 
the component to set or get component property values. Normally a design 
time environment will present default property editors for each 
component property type, but a component can override this.

5) Custom type converters: A component should be able to specify a 
custom converter for any property to convert, in both directions or 
either direction, between the property's string value as seen by a 
property editor and the actual value of the component property's type.

This is the general gist of those things which are needed in a visual 
Design-time RAD environment.

Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread skip

Edward My OP was just to query whether a component model existed for
Edward Python, like JavaBeans for Java or .Net for C#, C++/CLI
Edward etc.

For those of us who've never used Java, .Net or C++/CLI, a more concrete
description of what you were after from the beginning would have been


Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Nick Vatamaniuc
Edward Diener No Spam wrote:
 Nick Vatamaniuc wrote:
  Edward Diener No Spam wrote:
  Michael wrote:
  Python does not _need_ a component model just as you don't _need_ a RAD
  IDE tool to write Python code. The reason for having a component model
  or a RAD IDE tool is to avoid writing a lot of boiler plate code.
  Python is terse enough that boiler plate code is not needed, just type
  what you need into an editor. It seems that you talk about Python but
  you are still thinking in Java or C++.

 A RAD IDE tool to hook up components into an application or library (
 module in Python ) has nothing to do with terseness and everything to do
 with ease of programming. All you are saying is that you don't have a
 need for this, but perhaps others do. I don't mind others saying they
 have no need or seeing no benefit. But if you have ever used a visual
 design-time environment for creating applications you might feel

 Thinking in Java or C++ as opposed to Python does not mean anything to
 me as a general statement. I am well aware of the difference between
 statically and dynamically typed languages but why this should have
 anything to do with RAD programming is beyond me. Do you care to
 elucidate this distinction ?

  At the same time one could claim that Python already has certain
  policies that makes it seem as if it has a component model. Take a look
  at the magic methods. For example if a class has a __len__ method, it
  is possible to use the len() function on an instance of that class. If
  a class has the  __getitem__ then indexing can be used on that class's
  insance. Then Python has properties (see  Just by
  inspecting the object one can tell a great deal about them (even read
  the documentation if needed, by using the __doc__ attribute).   What
  other standards would you propose for the core language?

 Python has great facilities for a component model, much better than the
 other languages I use regularly ( C++, C#, Java ). I am not arguing
 against that. A component model for RAD tools allows the tool to expose
 properties and events to the end-user at design time so that at run-time
 the properties and events are automatically setup once an object is
 instantiated. The essence of a component model for RAD programming is
 how one specifies properties and events for a class to be manipulated by
 the RAD tool at design time. Another obvious part of the component model
 is how one specifies that the properties and events one sets up at
 design-time are serialized so that at run-time they are properly set. A
 final element of a component model is the ability of a component to
 interact with the environment in which it exists at design time, through
 property editors, and at run-time, the latter being obviously more
 important for visual controls than non-visual components.

You mention properties (1), events(2) and serialization(3).

1. Python has properties. I had a link in my previous post that pointed
towards some of the features of the new classes, properties are among

2. As for event models -- it seems that Python doesn't have it because
there isn't one best event model. Each application domain will have its
own best event model. For example an event model for a network
(distributed) application [think Twisted] will be different than an
event model of a GUI [think wxWidgets].  Implementing an observer
pattern is not that hard in Python. Events could be lists, classes or
strings or anything you desire -- it all depends on your needs. But
there isn't one best-for-all  event model out there. If there was one,
everyone would be using it by now.

3. As for serialization -- it exists in Python as well. Look up pickle,
marshaling and shelves.

The reason I said that you don't need a RAD tool in Python is because
Python itself is a RAD tool. Most of the things you mention as
necessary for RAD environment are already in Python! The ones that
aren't can just be specified by you. In other words the developers who
wrote Twisted specified a certain execution and event model and others
can write plugins for it.  What you might not have is a common and
popular visual drag-and-drop tool, but you can write it and perhaps
find others who also need it. Who knows, it might turn into a
successful project.



Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread fumanchu
Edward Diener No Spam wrote:
 OK, here is my idea of what such a component model envisages as a list
 of items. After this, unless I get some intelligent comments from people
 who might be interested in what I envision, or something very similar, I
 will be off to investigate it myself rather than do battle with the
 horde of people who will just tell me that Python, being a great
 language, does not need what I have suggested.

[This quote hacked up by me:]
 1) Component property: This is a glorified attribute with a type that
 a) can be specified in a static manner, or discovered dynamically,
 b) has converters between a string and the actual value
 c) has a getter function to retrieve the value if it is readable and a
 setter function to set the value if it is writable.
 d) be either readable or writable or both.
 e) not any Python class attribute since a component has the right
 to specify only certain values as manipulatable in a design-time
 RAD environment.

Whenever you say glorified attribute, your first thought should be
Python descriptor (but not your last--it's not a cure-all). They are
able to do all of (a, b, c, d, e) which I marked in your text above.
For example, here's a descriptor for
attributes-you-want-to-persist-in-a-database from my ORM, Dejavu (see

class UnitProperty(object):
Data descriptor for Unit data which will persist in storage.

def __init__(self, type=unicode, index=False, hints=None, key=None,
self.type = type
self.index = index
if hints is None: hints = {}
self.hints = hints
self.key = key
self.default = default

def __get__(self, unit, unitclass=None):
if unit is None:
# When calling on the class instead of an instance...
return self
return unit._properties[self.key]

def __set__(self, unit, value):
if self.coerce:
value = self.coerce(unit, value)
oldvalue = unit._properties[self.key]
if oldvalue != value:
unit._properties[self.key] = value

def coerce(self, unit, value):
if value is not None and not isinstance(value, self.type):
# Try to cast the value to self.type.
value = self.type(value)
except Exception, x:
x.args += (value, type(value))
return value

def __delete__(self, unit):
raise AttributeError(Unit Properties may not be deleted.)

 a) can be specified in a static manner, or discovered dynamically,

The component model can either scan a class for instances of
UnitProperty or keep a registry of them in the class or elsewhere (via
a metaclass + add_property functions).

 b) has converters between a string and the actual value

Note the coerce function above. Something similar could be done for
serialization (which I can prove in my case because I use UnitProperty
to help produce SQL ;) but you could just as easily pickle
unit._properties and be done with it.

 c) has a getter function to retrieve the value if it is readable and a
 setter function to set the value if it is writable.
 d) be either readable or writable or both.

Descriptors that only have __get__ are read-only; if they have __set__
they are read-write.

 e) not any Python class attribute since a component has the right
 to specify only certain values as manipulatable in a design-time
 RAD environment.

Right. Descriptors allow the creator of a class to use normal
attributes (including functions) which don't participate in the
component model.

 2) Component event: This is an type which encapsulates an array, or a
 list of callable objects with the same function signature, along with
 the functionality to add and remove elements from the array, as well as
 cycle through the array calling the callable objects as a particular
 event is triggered. A component event is an event source for a
 particular event. Component events have to be dicoverable by the Visual
 RAD system so that an object's appropriate event handler, an event sink,
 can be hooked to the component event itself, an event source, through a
 design time interface which propagates the connection at run-time.

This can be accomplished by creating a ComponentEvent descriptor whose
__get__ returns an object with a __call__ method. Here's a base class
for something similar (again, from Dejavu):

class UnitAssociation(object):
Non-data descriptor method to retrieve related Units via

to_many = None

def __init__(self, nearKey, farClass, farKey):
# Since the keys will be used as kwarg keys, they must be
self.nearKey = str(nearKey)
self.farKey = str(farKey)

self.nearClass = None
self.farClass = farClass

def __get__(self, unit, unitclass=None):
if unit is None:
# When calling on 

Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Paul Boddie
 Edward My OP was just to query whether a component model existed for
 Edward Python, like JavaBeans for Java or .Net for C#, C++/CLI
 Edward etc.

 For those of us who've never used Java, .Net or C++/CLI, a more concrete
 description of what you were after from the beginning would have been

From vague recollections of the original Java Beans technology, the
primary innovation was to have getProperty and setProperty methods,
along with things like isCapability and hasProperty, if I remember
correctly. None of this was really shocking to anyone using Python,
mostly because Python had __getattr__ and __setattr__ even back then
for customising real property/attribute access, and Python's run-time
introspection capabilities were superior to Java's (and probably still

The other innovation was the introduction of standard interfaces for
listening to and dispatching events, where you implement some listener
interface and respond to events in order to care about those events.
I don't recall any particularly good mechanisms for connecting beans to
each other in order to fire off events, although the beanbox (or
whatever the graphical tool originally promoted was called) and/or the
IDE is supposed to help you with that part of the work.

The groovy 1990s API is actually viewable in various places; here, for

Despite the supposedly exciting advances heralded by Java Beans, a
large part of the technology was just codifying existing practices and
techniques, but it could be argued that such techniques have been
superseded by signal/slot mechanisms and more advanced event
architectures (pioneered by frameworks like Qt and since adopted by
Gtk, I believe).



Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Kay Schluehr
fumanchu wrote:

  4) Custom property and component editors: A component editor can present
  a property editor or an editor for an entire component which the visual
  design-time RAD environment can use to allow the programmer end-user of
  the component to set or get component property values. Normally a design
  time environment will present default property editors for each
  component property type, but a component can override this.

 This is the hard part. I believe Dabo has done some work in this space,
 but this is where the tight coupling comes in between code and tool, a
 coupling which Python has traditionally resisted.

I do think it's just about presenting component properties and their
types / value ranges. I do think this can be easily achieved using
decorators that might also add the right kind of token for
introspection purposes to the function/method attributes. Descriptors
i.e. customized binding semantics might cover one aspect of
componentization but as I understood Edward he asked for uniform
declarative semantics. Components in this sense are just specialized
objects such as TestCase classes in the PyUnit framework. What I still
do not understand is the reference to many RAD tools which is
completely hypothetical to me. The portability of components across
different GUI designers for the same underlying toolkit is a quite
speculative future requirement to say the least.


Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Fredrik Lundh
fumanchu wrote:

 4) Custom property and component editors: A component editor can present
 a property editor or an editor for an entire component which the visual
 design-time RAD environment can use to allow the programmer end-user of
 the component to set or get component property values. Normally a design
 time environment will present default property editors for each
 component property type, but a component can override this.
 This is the hard part. I believe Dabo has done some work in this space,
 but this is where the tight coupling comes in between code and tool, a
 coupling which Python has traditionally resisted.

that's not that hard on a pure technical level; even a basic tool
like IDLE can hook itself into an executing Python process.  once you're 
hooked up, you can inspect and modify most about everything.

for example, doing remote tweaking of live Tkinter widget trees is 
pretty straight-forward.

coming up with a good way to capture the modifications, and use them in 
your actual application, is a bit harder.  do you really want to replace 
plain old source code with some kind of more or less obscure resource 

and designing a metadata vocabulary that's powerful enough to be useful 
for more than just one or a few target domains might be really hard.



Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Peter Maas
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 The amazing flexibility stems from the fact that it is _runtime_. This is
 _exactly_ the difference between static and dynamic typing.

Not _exactly_. You can have static typing in an interpreted language (Java)
and dynamic typing in a machine language (Basic with variants).


Peter Maas, Aachen
E-mail 'cGV0ZXIubWFhc0B1dGlsb2cuZGU=\n'.decode('base64')

Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Edward Diener No Spam
Paul Boddie wrote:
 Edward My OP was just to query whether a component model existed for
 Edward Python, like JavaBeans for Java or .Net for C#, C++/CLI
 Edward etc.

 For those of us who've never used Java, .Net or C++/CLI, a more concrete
 description of what you were after from the beginning would have been
From vague recollections of the original Java Beans technology, the
 primary innovation was to have getProperty and setProperty methods,
 along with things like isCapability and hasProperty, if I remember
 correctly. None of this was really shocking to anyone using Python,
 mostly because Python had __getattr__ and __setattr__ even back then
 for customising real property/attribute access, and Python's run-time
 introspection capabilities were superior to Java's (and probably still

There is no argument on my part that Python's introspection and metadata 
  capabilities are superior to Java, as well as its potential attribute 
as component property model. In the theoretical Python model I proposed, 
the designer of the component must have the ability to specify which of 
the component's attributes are properties and how this is controlled ( 
via __getattr__ and __setattr__ ? descriptors as someone else suggested 
? other ideas ? ). Merely saying that all of an object's attributes are 
component properties for the purposes of a visual RAD designer can not 
be correct.

I actually think that Java's notion of preoperties in JavaBeans, which 
are just getter and setter functions with a particular naming 
convention, determined by Java as a default, or through an associated 
BeanInfo class, is rather klutzy and much prefer that of .Net or 
Borland's VCL where a particular language construct is used for 
properties instead. Of course with Python's superior metadata abilities, 
a particular new language construct shouldn't be necessary.

 The other innovation was the introduction of standard interfaces for
 listening to and dispatching events, where you implement some listener
 interface and respond to events in order to care about those events.
 I don't recall any particularly good mechanisms for connecting beans to
 each other in order to fire off events, although the beanbox (or
 whatever the graphical tool originally promoted was called) and/or the
 IDE is supposed to help you with that part of the work.

The beanbox did nothing to help setup events, event sources, or event 
listeners. It just presented a graphical example of a visual RAD tool 
which could tie event sources to event listeners. It is onerous in 
JavaBeans to connect event sources to event listeners, and takes a good 
deal of manual coding although doing it is easy to understand.

 The groovy 1990s API


Again Borland's VCL or .Net have much better solutions for events but 
again require language constructs which Python ought not need given its 
strong metadata possibilities to supply a component event model.

 is actually viewable in various places; here, for

The BDK is no longer supported in the latest version of Java and 
JavaBeans. Instead there is a Bean Builder at .

 Despite the supposedly exciting advances heralded by Java Beans, a
 large part of the technology was just codifying existing practices and
 techniques, but it could be argued that such techniques have been
 superseded by signal/slot mechanisms and more advanced event
 architectures (pioneered by frameworks like Qt and since adopted by
 Gtk, I believe).

I agree and I would want to have a component event model for Python that 
is much superior to the JavaBeans event model in ease of use. A much 
better ideal for component properties and component events is presented 
by .Net, where there are actual language keywords which perform the 
magic. I would guess that Qt and Gtk also follow a better ease of use 
path, perhaps with macros in C++. But Python should be able to do as 
good or better than any of these environments.

Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Edward Diener No Spam
fumanchu wrote:
 Edward Diener No Spam wrote:
 OK, here is my idea of what such a component model envisages as a list
 of items. After this, unless I get some intelligent comments from people
 who might be interested in what I envision, or something very similar, I
 will be off to investigate it myself rather than do battle with the
 horde of people who will just tell me that Python, being a great
 language, does not need what I have suggested.
 [This quote hacked up by me:]
 1) Component property: This is a glorified attribute with a type that
 a) can be specified in a static manner, or discovered dynamically,
 b) has converters between a string and the actual value
 c) has a getter function to retrieve the value if it is readable and a
 setter function to set the value if it is writable.
 d) be either readable or writable or both.
 e) not any Python class attribute since a component has the right
 to specify only certain values as manipulatable in a design-time
 RAD environment.
 Whenever you say glorified attribute, your first thought should be
 Python descriptor (but not your last--it's not a cure-all). They are
 able to do all of (a, b, c, d, e) which I marked in your text above.
 For example, here's a descriptor for
 attributes-you-want-to-persist-in-a-database from my ORM, Dejavu (see
 class UnitProperty(object):
 Data descriptor for Unit data which will persist in storage.
 def __init__(self, type=unicode, index=False, hints=None, key=None,
 self.type = type
 self.index = index
 if hints is None: hints = {}
 self.hints = hints
 self.key = key
 self.default = default
 def __get__(self, unit, unitclass=None):
 if unit is None:
 # When calling on the class instead of an instance...
 return self
 return unit._properties[self.key]
 def __set__(self, unit, value):
 if self.coerce:
 value = self.coerce(unit, value)
 oldvalue = unit._properties[self.key]
 if oldvalue != value:
 unit._properties[self.key] = value
 def coerce(self, unit, value):
 if value is not None and not isinstance(value, self.type):
 # Try to cast the value to self.type.
 value = self.type(value)
 except Exception, x:
 x.args += (value, type(value))
 return value
 def __delete__(self, unit):
 raise AttributeError(Unit Properties may not be deleted.)
 a) can be specified in a static manner, or discovered dynamically,
 The component model can either scan a class for instances of
 UnitProperty or keep a registry of them in the class or elsewhere (via
 a metaclass + add_property functions).
 b) has converters between a string and the actual value
 Note the coerce function above. Something similar could be done for
 serialization (which I can prove in my case because I use UnitProperty
 to help produce SQL ;) but you could just as easily pickle
 unit._properties and be done with it.
 c) has a getter function to retrieve the value if it is readable and a
 setter function to set the value if it is writable.
 d) be either readable or writable or both.
 Descriptors that only have __get__ are read-only; if they have __set__
 they are read-write.
 e) not any Python class attribute since a component has the right
 to specify only certain values as manipulatable in a design-time
 RAD environment.
 Right. Descriptors allow the creator of a class to use normal
 attributes (including functions) which don't participate in the
 component model.
 2) Component event: This is an type which encapsulates an array, or a
 list of callable objects with the same function signature, along with
 the functionality to add and remove elements from the array, as well as
 cycle through the array calling the callable objects as a particular
 event is triggered. A component event is an event source for a
 particular event. Component events have to be dicoverable by the Visual
 RAD system so that an object's appropriate event handler, an event sink,
 can be hooked to the component event itself, an event source, through a
 design time interface which propagates the connection at run-time.
 This can be accomplished by creating a ComponentEvent descriptor whose
 __get__ returns an object with a __call__ method. Here's a base class
 for something similar (again, from Dejavu):
 class UnitAssociation(object):
 Non-data descriptor method to retrieve related Units via
 to_many = None
 def __init__(self, nearKey, farClass, farKey):
 # Since the keys will be used as kwarg keys, they must be
 self.nearKey = str(nearKey)
 self.farKey = str(farKey)
 self.nearClass = None
 self.farClass = 

Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Edward Diener No Spam wrote:

 I agree and I would want to have a component event model for Python that 
 is much superior to the JavaBeans event model in ease of use.

isn't that an old Perlis quote?  I want a component event model in 
which I need only say what I wish done?



Re: Python component model

2006-10-10 Thread Georg Brandl
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
   Python itself is a RAD tool.
 +1 QOTW



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