Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-20 Thread David C. Ullrich
On Sun, 18 May 2008 18:20:22 -0400, John Salerno

Hey all. Just thought I'd ask a general question for my own interest. Every 
time I think of something I might do in Python, it usually involves creating a 
GUI interface, so I was wondering what kind of work you all do with Python 
that does *not* involve any GUI work. This could be any little scripts you 
write for your own benefit, or what you do at work, if you feel like talking 
about that! :)

You might get a keyboard with an Enter key, btw. Anyway:

I'm a math professor, not a programmer.
I use Python probably every day to do
all sorts of things, for example:

(i) Calculating grades. (Ok, this could be done in
Excel. But if you know Python anyway you don't need
to figure out how to do various things in Excel.
Quick: In Excel how do you take all the quiz
scores, drop the lowest _two_ of them and average
the rest? Stumps people sometimes - if you're
doing it by hand in Python it's no problem, you
just do it.)

(ii) Every semester I get a lot of emails asking
about grades. Used to be tedious typing the same
replies over and over, looking up the relevant
numbers. A littls Python script takes the student's
name, looks up the numbers and generates a reply
automatically, including a summary of the scores
and an explanation of how the grade was calculated.)

(iii) Taking various data from various places and making
it into HTML to post on the department web site.
(Please don't look - a lot of that stuff is currently
broken due to improvements on the server introduced
by other faculty. These things happen when nobody's
in charge so things get done by whoever's willing
to do them...)

(iv) Say I want to display the following system
of equations on a quiz:

  3x + 2y + z = 3
   x  - z = 1.

Writing TeX to get the variables to line
up properly can be tedious. A little Python
thingie takes lists of variable names and
coefficients and automatically produces
TeX that displays the equations exactly right.

I could go on and on - I use computers for a lot
of things, and any time I want to do something
but it's not obvious how to do it in the relevant
big program Python gets pulled out to do the job. 

A meta-example: I'm about to publish a book on 
[never mind, the topic is still secret.] Python 
has been incredibly useful in writing that book, 
in many different ways. For example:

(v) Making modifications to the text itself. For
example, the other day I finally figured out how
to make a certain aspect of the thing look right.
So I wanted to replace every $$[w]\qed in the
text (where [w] denotes any amount of white space)
with \QED$$. Took about a minute to make a Python
script to go through the entire book and make the

(vi) There are a lot of figures. Some fairly
complicated, illustrating fairly complicated
mathematical things. The figures are eps files
that were generated by Python scripts. The simple
ones could just have easily been done in Adobe
Illustrator or Corel Whatever, but there's no
way you're going to use a mouse-based program
like that to draw the complicated figures and
have everything in exactly the right place.
I have Python do the calculations and then
write the corresponding eps file, done.

(vii) Many magical things were done with a
combination of TeX macros and Python scripts.
For example, index entries: If I say
\index{Some Theorem} in the text and it turns
out that that's on page 37 then
Some Theorem p.37 appears in the index;
now if something gets revised so the
\index{Some Theorem} is now on page 38 then
the index entry is automatically revised to
page 38.

Or: The first page of Chapter n+1 is supposed
to be the smallest odd number larger than the
last page of Chapter n. A Python script typesets
(texs) each chapter; after typesetting Chapter
n it looks and sees what the last page is,
figures out what the first page of Chapter n+1
should be, and modifies the code for Chapter n+1
to start on the page before typesetting it.

If I wrote this tomorrow the list of examples
would be different. Just now over on 
comp.text.tex I showed someone a Python solution
to a problem he had. I don't know if he's going 
to use it - he _would_ need to learn a _little_
Python first. But it's what I'd use if _I_ wanted
to solve the problem! Other people suggested various
programs available that would solve his problem
for him - writing a little Python to give the
solution took less time than downloading one
of those programs would have.


David C. Ullrich

Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-19 Thread s0suk3
On May 18, 7:25 pm, John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 18 May 2008 16:17:55 -0700 (PDT)

 Mensanator [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I see no need for GUI in any of these applications.

 Yeah, I try to find little projects to write in Python that don't involve a 
 GUI. It's quicker, for one thing, and I also find that there is much more of 
 a focus on the actual problem rather than wasting time trying to get a button 
 positioned just right. :)

 Even back when I was using Windows 3.1 and 95, I enjoyed doing stuff in DOS 
 because it made me feel like I was actually getting work done. :)

I do mostly Internet protocol server/proxy-side applications. One of
the fun things about those kinds of programs is that you get away from
the whole user interface design concept, because you normally don't
have to do any kind of user interface (neither command-line-based, GUI-
based, web-based, nor anything), since you're not designing something
to serve an end user, but to work as a lonely daemon and serve some
kind of Internet service. So I think that'd be a good alternative for

Every now and then, however, I do build some interface (mostly GUI),
such as a monitor, notification mechanism, etc. But I never feel like
I'm losing focus on the actual problem; maybe because I develop the
core program first and the think about a possible and optional
interface. Maybe a good suggestion is to put the GUI stuff on another
module or package, and make interface functions or methods to handle
the needed GUI controls, so that the GUI stuff shows up as little as
possible in the core part of the program.

Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-19 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

John Salerno a écrit :

Hey all. Just thought I'd ask a general question for my own interest.
Every time I think of something I might do in Python, it usually
involves creating a GUI interface, so I was wondering what kind of
work you all do with Python that does *not* involve any GUI work.
This could be any little scripts you write for your own benefit, or
what you do at work, if you feel like talking about that! :)

web apps, command line utilities, and of course libraries.


Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-19 Thread janislaw
On May 19, 12:20 am, John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all. Just thought I'd ask a general question for my own interest. Every 
 time I think of something I might do in Python, it usually involves creating 
 a GUI interface, so I was wondering what kind of work you all do with Python 
 that does *not* involve any GUI work. This could be any little scripts you 
 write for your own benefit, or what you do at work, if you feel like talking 
 about that! :)


- Programs creating C and VHDL source files
- Scipy scripts generating charts

Jan Wicijowski

Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-19 Thread Ken Starks

John Salerno wrote:

Hey all. Just thought I'd ask a general question for my own interest. Every 
time I think of something I might do in Python, it usually involves creating a 
GUI interface, so I was wondering what kind of work you all do with Python that 
does *not* involve any GUI work. This could be any little scripts you write for 
your own benefit, or what you do at work, if you feel like talking about that! 


The vast majority of my Python work is Non-GUI.

As an example, this weekend, I wrote a script to help
in making a 'Lyrics' track in an audacity file, which
is (more-or-less) an XML variety.

In audacity, I created 'markers' in the file (as
the song played) at the start of each line. The result
was 'blank' markers at the correct times:

labeltrack name=Lyrics numlabels=25

label t=18.50121034 t1=18.50121034 title=/

label t=24.34844390 t1=24.34844390 title=/

!-- Etc --


My Python script took a text file, and inserted the words, as well
as a title for the whole song.

labeltrack name=Lyrics numlabels=26
label t=0.25 t1=0.25 title=Katie Melua. 'Nine million 
bicycles in Beijing' /
label t=18.50121034 t1=18.50121034 title=There are nine 
million bicycles in Beijing,/

label t=24.34844390 t1=24.34844390 title=Thatapos;s a fact,/
label t=27.12436227 t1=27.12436227 title=Itapos;s a thing we 
canapos;t deny,/

!-- Etc --


(The script used FourSuite)

You can do this in FourSuite itself, but it can be error-prone if
you miss out one.

I can this in 'Scite' a text editor which puts your input in one window, 
and the output in another. Scite is a text editor that comes free with

Ruby, by the way.

Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-19 Thread Mike Driscoll
On May 18, 5:20 pm, John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all. Just thought I'd ask a general question for my own interest. Every 
 time I think of something I might do in Python, it usually involves creating 
 a GUI interface, so I was wondering what kind of work you all do with Python 
 that does *not* involve any GUI work. This could be any little scripts you 
 write for your own benefit, or what you do at work, if you feel like talking 
 about that! :)


Most of my non-GUI stuff is login scripts and registry editing. I also
have some scripts that can install various programs silently, such as
Adobe Reader or Firefox. This is for work purposes as we have a
specific set of applications that need to be installed on each


Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-19 Thread Daniel Fetchinson

  Hey all. Just thought I'd ask a general question for my own interest.
 Every time I think of something I might do in Python, it usually
 involves creating a GUI interface, so I was wondering what kind of
 work you all do with Python that does *not* involve any GUI work.
 This could be any little scripts you write for your own benefit, or
 what you do at work, if you feel like talking about that! :)

 web apps, command line utilities, and of course libraries.

Wow, really? I would have never guessed that anyone is doing command line
utilities and libraries as examples of projects that don't need a GUI.

Just kidding :)

Psss, psss, put it down! -

Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-19 Thread Dan Upton
On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 6:20 PM, John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all. Just thought I'd ask a general question for my own interest. Every 
 time I think of something I might do in Python, it usually involves creating 
 a GUI interface, so I was wondering what kind of work you all do with Python 
 that does *not* involve any GUI work. This could be any little scripts you 
 write for your own benefit, or what you do at work, if you feel like talking 
 about that! :)


I write a lot of job control and process monitoring scripts in Linux.
Stuff that forks and execs processes, and then monitors procfs and
sysfs to collect periodic data.  I actually wouldn't mind doing a GUI
for it, but pretty much all of the data display I need from it I can
do by taking the data files and running them through gnuplot.  (That,
and I'm too lazy to figure out how to rewrite my telemetry plotter
from Java to Python.)

I guess I also write some data conversion programs, mostly the sort of
thing where I have a bunch of data that I didn't think far enough in
advance how I needed to be able to display it, so I just write
something to convert it to where I need it.  Incidentally, I used to
do that all in Java too, until other people in my research group
started making fun of me for it and also for not really knowing a
scripting language.

Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-19 Thread Stef Mientki

John Salerno wrote:

Hey all. Just thought I'd ask a general question for my own interest. Every 
time I think of something I might do in Python, it usually involves creating a 
GUI interface, so I was wondering what kind of work you all do with Python that 
does *not* involve any GUI work. This could be any little scripts you write for 
your own benefit, or what you do at work, if you feel like talking about that! 


If I look at the answers and
if I skip the web designs, which in my opinion are almost pure GUI ;-) ,
it would be interesting to know,
which of the mentioned applications of non-GUI programs
are used by others than the programmer him/herself.


Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-19 Thread Michael Torrie
sturlamolden wrote:
 Back in the 'old days' of Unix, programs tended not to be small, could
 only do one thing, and did it well. They had  no gui, and all
 interaction came from command line options. The programs were invoked
 from the command line, and input and output were piped from one
 program to another (input on stdin, output on stdout).

And of course Python is perfect in this area.  A great example is found

 To answer your question: I only add GUIs when I have to. But because
 it seems that people are becoming computer illiterate, incapable of
 using a keyboard, and only comfortable with a certain point-and-click
 input device, it tends to be most of the time now.

Python is excellent for gluing together components with a GUI.  This
preserves the modularity, diversity, functionality, and the ability to
strings things together, but allows a nice easy way to interact with it.
 A great example is a GUI to drive ffmpeg or any number of transcoding
pipelines.  Command line switches are powerful but confusion, and well
beyond my memory.  Yet I prefer transcoders to work this way because I
can string them together in different ways.  Using wxPython or GTK or
PyQT is ideal for bringing these tools together in a useful way.  The
perfect example of how a GUI should function.

Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-19 Thread Michael Torrie
Michael Torrie wrote:
 And of course Python is perfect in this area.  A great example is found


Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-19 Thread John Salerno
On Sun, 18 May 2008 23:08:11 -0700 (PDT)

 Every now and then, however, I do build some interface (mostly GUI),
 such as a monitor, notification mechanism, etc. But I never feel like
 I'm losing focus on the actual problem; maybe because I develop the
 core program first and the think about a possible and optional
 interface. Maybe a good suggestion is to put the GUI stuff on another
 module or package, and make interface functions or methods to handle
 the needed GUI controls, so that the GUI stuff shows up as little as
 possible in the core part of the program.

I certainly don't *not* like GUI programming. In fact, learning wxPython was 
really fun and interesting and I enjoy GUI stuff. And after learning about XRC 
(putting the GUI component in a separate XML file, away from the program logic) 
that helped me learn how to keep things separate as well. I even wrote a 
tutorial on how to use XRC with wxPython! :)

Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-18 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
 Hey all. Just thought I'd ask a general question for my own interest. Every
 time I think of something I might do in Python, it usually involves creating
 a GUI interface, so I was wondering what kind of work you all do with Python
 that does *not* involve any GUI work. This could be any little scripts you
 write for your own benefit, or what you do at work, if you feel like talking
 about that! :)

web apps
manage/format/write cv
convert jpg to gif
start/stop/manage parallel runs on a PC cluster
etc :)

Actually, I've never written anything with a GUI (unless you count web apps).

Psss, psss, put it down! -

Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-18 Thread Mensanator
On May 18, 5:20�pm, John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all. Just thought I'd ask a general question for my own interest. Every 
 time I think of something I might do in Python, it usually involves creating 
 a GUI interface, so I was wondering what kind of work you all do with Python 
 that does *not* involve any GUI work. This could be any little scripts you 
 write for your own benefit, or what you do at work, if you feel like talking 
 about that! :)


Odd, I've been using Python since ver 2.2 and I've
NEVER needed a GUI. I do things like (looking at the
last 6 months of my Python directory):

- how to scrape movie receipt data from IMDB
  and insert them into an MS-Access database

- how to scrape .jpgs from a web page (simple
  file transfer, no display needed)

- how to do a Cartesian Product in SQLlite3

- how to creat a polynomial from a sequence of
  numbers using Newton's Forward Differences method

- how to calculate the date of Easter

- how to construct arbitrary length cycles in the
  Collatz Conjecture

- how to find the Ultimate Cycle (also in Collatz

- efficient cycle detection comparing Brent's and
  Sedgewick's cycle detection algorithms

- finding the cycles of 3n+C systems

- partioning W marbles into D ordered bins with
  the constraint that each bin contain a minimum of 1

- partioning W marbles into D ordered bins with
  the constraint that each bin contain a minimum of 1
  and that no bin exceeds M

- a Python Cartesian Product that in addition to
  Permutaions with Replacement, also gives the subsets
  Permutations without Replacement, Combinations with
  Replacement and Combinations without Replacement

- demonstrating the fallacy of Peter Scorer's proof
  of the Collatz Conjecture

- demonstrating the fallacy of Alan Tyte's proof of
  the Collatz Conjecture

- demonstrating the fallacy of Ken Conrow's proof of
  the Collatz Conjecture

- how to identify which members of the infinite solutions
  to a given Sequnce Vector of a 3n+C system are located
  on the trivial graph component

- developing a novel factoring algorithm based on the
  Collatz Conjecture

I see no need for GUI in any of these applications.


Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-18 Thread sturlamolden
On May 19, 12:20 am, John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey all. Just thought I'd ask a general question for my own interest. Every 
 time I think of something I might do in Python, it usually involves creating 
 a GUI interface, so I was wondering what kind of work you all do with Python 
 that does *not* involve any GUI work. This could be any little scripts you 
 write for your own benefit, or what you do at work, if you feel like talking 
 about that! :)

Back in the 'old days' of Unix, programs tended not to be small, could
only do one thing, and did it well. They had  no gui, and all
interaction came from command line options. The programs were invoked
from the command line, and input and output were piped from one
program to another (input on stdin, output on stdout).

Today, it is expected that programs should have a GUI. The majority do
not even know how to use a program that does not have one. As a
result, programs have become poorer at interacting with other, and
become bloated and grown monolithic. Today's programs are monolithic
beasts spanning tens or hundreds of megabytes, where the bulk of the
code duplicates functionality found in every other program.

I prefer that a program has no GUI if it does not need user
interaction beyond what can be easily accomplished from the command
line. Sometimes I think gui becomes overwhelming, and obfuscates the
real functionality in the program. When I write program's for others
people, a GUI is usually expected. But when I get requests for adding
new functionality to such a program, it tends to be for unimportant
GUI stuff rather than real functionality to the program.

To answer your question: I only add GUIs when I have to. But because
it seems that people are becoming computer illiterate, incapable of
using a keyboard, and only comfortable with a certain point-and-click
input device, it tends to be most of the time now.


Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-18 Thread John Salerno
On Sun, 18 May 2008 16:17:55 -0700 (PDT)
Mensanator [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I see no need for GUI in any of these applications.

Yeah, I try to find little projects to write in Python that don't involve a 
GUI. It's quicker, for one thing, and I also find that there is much more of a 
focus on the actual problem rather than wasting time trying to get a button 
positioned just right. :)

Even back when I was using Windows 3.1 and 95, I enjoyed doing stuff in DOS 
because it made me feel like I was actually getting work done. :)

Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-18 Thread Mensanator
On May 18, 7:25�pm, John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 18 May 2008 16:17:55 -0700 (PDT)

 Mensanator [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I see no need for GUI in any of these applications.

 Yeah, I try to find little projects to write in Python that don't involve a 
 GUI. It's quicker, for one thing, and I also find that there is much more of 
 a focus on the actual problem rather than wasting time trying to get a button 
 positioned just right. :)

 Even back when I was using Windows 3.1 and 95, I enjoyed doing stuff in DOS 
 because it made me feel like I was actually getting work done. :)

I see Python as the successor to Turbo Pascal - the DOS
version before Borland fucked it up by making it a GUI IDE.

Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-18 Thread timh
On May 19, 6:20 am, John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all. Just thought I'd ask a general question for my own interest. Every 
 time I think of something I might do in Python, it usually involves creating 
 a GUI interface, so I was wondering what kind of work you all do with Python 
 that does *not* involve any GUI work. This could be any little scripts you 
 write for your own benefit, or what you do at work, if you feel like talking 
 about that! :)



I work fulltime developing in python and have done so for more than 5
years now, and I would say 99.8% of the time I have not
built anything with a GUI (Unless you consider a web page as a GUI ;-)

Much of my work is web based (zope backend stuff), test frameworks for
windows build environments that need to compare the output of 1000's
of images from rendering pipelines. Lots of data integration and
manipulation utilities as part of processing pipelines. All sorts of
stuff that just doesn't use
a GUI.



Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-18 Thread Irmen de Jong

John Salerno wrote:

Hey all. Just thought I'd ask a general question for my own interest. Every 
time I
think of something I might do in Python, it usually involves creating a GUI
interface, so I was wondering what kind of work you all do with Python that does
*not* involve any GUI work. This could be any little scripts you write for your 
benefit, or what you do at work, if you feel like talking about that! :)


- web server/blog/wiki. This doesn't have a gui if you don't consider HTML 
pages a gui
- various scripts to help me during software deployment and testing
  (for instance log file analyzers, automated web clients)
- network communications library that tries hard to just get out of your way ;-)
- file processing scripts to do more sophisticated stuff than basic 
- most recent script is a little tool that downloads the latest version of some 
World-Of-Warcraft addon, extracts it to the game folder after deleting the old one 
first, and then copies a backup to a network drive. I just doubleclick the .py file and 
it dumps the results in a console window that closes after a few seconds. Who needs a 
gui for that?

Also, I often find myself opening a Python prompt to just execute simple tasks that I 
see other people needing big tools or even online services for:

- base-64 encoding/decoding
- md5/sha hashing
- simple string or regular expression operations
- simple math
- unicode decoding/encoding
- etc etc.

--irmen de jong

Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-18 Thread Brian

John Salerno wrote:

Hey all. Just thought I'd ask a general question for my own interest. Every 
time I think of something I might do in Python, it usually involves creating a 
GUI interface, so I was wondering what kind of work you all do with Python that 
does *not* involve any GUI work. This could be any little scripts you write for 
your own benefit, or what you do at work, if you feel like talking about that! 


here is some non-text stuff that I have done within the 
 last two or three years

1. controlling and parsing thousands of label files 
several times per day, that are used by the factory to 
drive the printers that make product safety labels - 
code was easily approved by UL and CSA.
2. real-time control of platform in EMC lab for 
radiated emissions testing.
3. hi-speed data acquisition of 3 to 20 parameters 
during simulated abnormal operating conditions to 
demonstrate product compliance with product safety 
4. monitoring of several server logs, also sends email 
to me if it finds something it does not like.
5. parallel monitor/control systems for several 


Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-18 Thread Kam-Hung Soh
On Mon, 19 May 2008 08:20:22 +1000, John Salerno  

Hey all. Just thought I'd ask a general question for my own interest.  
Every time I think of something I might do in Python, it usually  
involves creating a GUI interface, so I was wondering what kind of work  
you all do with Python that does *not* involve any GUI work. This could  
be any little scripts you write for your own benefit, or what you do at  
work, if you feel like talking about that! :)


- Enhancing existing products by scripting new features.
- Interface between databases, Excel and text files.
- Convert data between flat files and XML.
- Manage files for build processes.
- Automating processes (e.g. checkout, builds, FTP).

Wish I had some reasons to make a GUI application in Python.

Kam-Hung Soh a href=;Software Salariman/a


Re: How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

2008-05-18 Thread subeen
On May 19, 7:52 am, Kam-Hung Soh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 19 May 2008 08:20:22 +1000, John Salerno

  Hey all. Just thought I'd ask a general question for my own interest.
  Every time I think of something I might do in Python, it usually
  involves creating a GUI interface, so I was wondering what kind of work
  you all do with Python that does *not* involve any GUI work. This could
  be any little scripts you write for your own benefit, or what you do at
  work, if you feel like talking about that! :)


 - Enhancing existing products by scripting new features.
 - Interface between databases, Excel and text files.
 - Convert data between flat files and XML.
 - Manage files for build processes.
 - Automating processes (e.g. checkout, builds, FTP).

 Wish I had some reasons to make a GUI application in Python.

 Kam-Hung Soh a href=;Software Salariman/a

I also haven't used GUI in python yet. I basically write web crawlers/
spiders in Python where GUI is not essential.
