Re: [PythonCE] Running Python program without getting Python CE window

2006-03-02 Thread Luke Dunstan

The normal .py association on Windows is done with a couple of registry 

1. Create a key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.py
2. Set the default value of this key to: Python.File
3. Create a key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Python.File\shell\open\command
4. Set the default value to: C:\Python24\python.exe %1 %*

Windows CE is the same but the command might be: \Program 
Files\PythonCE\python.exe %1

You could make .pyw work on WinCE by creating a key HKCR\.pyw and another 
like HKCR\Python.File.NoShell, with the appropriate command line. In fact I 
may do this in the next version of the PythonCE installer.

There are several ways to edit the registry. I've used two:
1. Total Commander, a free file manager for WinCE that includes a registry 
2. Remote Registry Editor from MS eMbedded Visual C++

I've also used this command line console:


- Original Message - 
From: Jeffrey Barish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 10:35 AM
Subject: [PythonCE] Running Python program without getting Python CE window

- Original Message - 
From: Jeffrey Barish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 11:08 AM
Subject: [PythonCE] Running Python program without getting Python CE window

  Whenever I run a Python application, I get a window titled Python CE
  seems to capture stdout. Is it called the console? I would like to run
  application without getting that window. I had the impression that this
  window would not appear if I ran the application using pythonw. To that
  end,  I changed the first line of my application to
  #! /usr/bin/env pythonw
  (instead of /usr/bin/env/python). Changing this line has no effect in
  either CE or XP. What is the correct procedure?

 As somebody else mentioned, that is a Unix-specific feature. In Windows XP
 you can rename the file to .pyw to run it automatically with pythonw.exe. 
 Windows CE there is no standard way but this might help:

 python /nopcceshell


Forgive my continued ignorance.  Changing the extension works fine in XP to
suppress the console window, but I don't understand how to enter the command
you suggested in CE.  Did you find a console for CE that permits you to type
in commands?  Does CE come with one (that I have been unable to locate)?

I also posted a related question last week, but I never saw my message in 
digest (which happens frequently).  I am also wondering what the procedure 
for attaching an icon to my application so that I can run the application by
tapping the icon?  And, to be precise, what I would like is to run my Python
program in such a way that the console window does not appear.  Perhaps
tapping the icon would run the command that you suggested above.
Jeffrey Barish
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Re: [PythonCE] Running Python program without getting Python CE window

2006-03-02 Thread Ed Blake
--- Michael Foord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You ought to check out Wax. It's a friendly Pythonic layer that sits 
 atop of wx and IMHO is just as easy to use as Tkinter.

Lol! I've been using/tinkering with firedrop for a few weeks now so I am
vaguely familier with wax.  I don't really like the idea of using a largish
wrapper over the top of a huge library though, especially on a small embedded
device!  Also wax is incomplete, and as I've said I don't know enough Wx to
fix/add stuff.

BTW in Firedrop my page template was failing because the editor I was using
inserted tabs instead of spaces.  I didn't really feel like fixing my
template so I poked around in  If you add .replace('\t','
') to the return statement in replace_separators tabs vs. spaces becomes a
non-issue ^_^

--- Luke Dunstan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You could make .pyw work on WinCE by creating a key HKCR\.pyw and another 
 like HKCR\Python.File.NoShell, with the appropriate command line. In fact I
 may do this in the next version of the PythonCE installer.

Hope you don't mind, attached is my hacked version of which
registers .pyw, and adds the PythonCE icon to all Python files!  It can
also be found here:

I haven't tested it yet!  My ipaq is out of commission for a while because I
needed its SD card -_-#
#	Setup the registry to allow us to double click on python scripts
from _winreg import *

print Setting up registry to allow\nrunning of Python files.

#	Create the registry entries for .py and .pyc extensions
for Name in (.py, .pyc):
Key = CreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, Name)
SetValue(Key, None, REG_SZ, Python.File)

#	Create the registry entry for .pyw extension
Key = CreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, .pyw)
SetValue(Key, None, REG_SZ, Python.File.Noconsole)

#	Create HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Python.File\Shell\Open\Command = \Program Files\Python\Lib\Python.exe %1
Key = CreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, Python.File)
for Name in (Shell,Open,Command):
  New_Key= CreateKey(Key, Name)
  Key = New_Key
SetValue(Key, None, REG_SZ, \\\Storage Card\\python\\lib\\Python.exe\ \%1\)

print Setting up registry to allow\ndouble clicking of Python files to work

#	Create command key for nopcceshell (.pyw files)
Key = CreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, Python.File.Noconsole)
for Name in (Shell,Open,Command):
  New_Key= CreateKey(Key, Name)
  Key = New_Key
SetValue(Key, None, REG_SZ, \\\Storage Card\\python\\lib\\Python.exe /nopcceshell\ \%1\)

#	Create keys for DefaultIcon
icon_path = \\Storage Card\\python\\lib\\python.exe,0
for name in (Python.File, Python.File.):
Key = CreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, name)
New_Key = CreateKey(Key, DefaultIcon)
SetValue(New_Key, None, REG_SZ, icon_path)
print 'Icon set to %s' %icon_path

import time
PythonCE mailing list

Re: [PythonCE] Running Python program without getting Python CE window

2006-03-02 Thread Thomas Heller
Ed Blake wrote:
 --- Michael Foord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You ought to check out Wax. It's a friendly Pythonic layer that sits 
 atop of wx and IMHO is just as easy to use as Tkinter.
 Lol! I've been using/tinkering with firedrop for a few weeks now so I am
 vaguely familier with wax.  I don't really like the idea of using a largish
 wrapper over the top of a huge library though, especially on a small embedded
 device!  Also wax is incomplete, and as I've said I don't know enough Wx to
 fix/add stuff.

I've lost the original email, butI hope this is still on topic:

Now that ctypes works on WindowsCE, someone should revive the venster project!


PythonCE mailing list

Re: [PythonCE] Running Python program without getting Python CE window

2006-03-02 Thread Ed Blake

--- Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've lost the original email, butI hope this is still on topic:
 Now that ctypes works on WindowsCE, someone should revive the venster

Very cool project, I've been thinking for a while that a Pythonic wrapper
around Windows ui stuff would be very handy... but the inability to
fix/extend goes double for microsoft stuff. 
It would be nice if there were good win32ui docs/tutorials/guides.  It
seems to wrap a lot of stuff, but I have next to zero knowledge concerning
windows ui programming and the wrapping looks pretty raw!
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