Re: [Qgis-user] Relation (1-N) Unpredictable Result (with default options)

2020-09-22 Thread Jeffrey Durrence

Thank you for the follow-up. I did install the latest LTS (3.10.9) yesterday to 
see if things were any different. I confirmed today that the behavior is 
unchanged, and there's no reason why it should be any different based on your 

For me the simple workaround is to enable the Widget Type Option "Use a 
read-only line edit instead of a combobox." With this enabled, the "parent" 
field is populated as expected. 

Thanks for your contributions to QGIS, 


Jeffrey Durrence 
McLean Engineering Company 
815 South Main Street 
Moultrie, GA 31768 
1.229.985.1148 (Voice) 
1.229.985.2248 (FAX) 
1.229.798.0480 (Mobile) 

From: "Denis Rouzaud"  
To: "Andreas Neumann"  
Cc: "Jeffrey Durrence" , "qgis-user" 
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 8:16:35 AM 
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Relation (1-N) Unpredictable Result (with default 

Hi All, 
Backporting doesn't seem easily possible and I am afraid of unseen side 

A simple fix would be to increase the fetching limit of the relation editor by 

QgsSettings().setValue("maxEntriesRelationWidget", 1000, QgsSettings.Gui ) 

(the default limit in 3.10 is 100) 

Best wishes, 


Le mar. 15 sept. 2020 à 20:15, Andreas Neumann < [ | ] > a écrit : 

Hi Jeffrey, 

Ah - this sounds familiar. I am cc'ing Denis Rouzaud who fixed this on master. 

See [ | ] 

@Denis - was this ever backported to 3.10? From [ | ] I can't tell. 

If this isn't fixed in 3.10 yet, I strongly suggest to do so. 

Thanks for a clarification, Denis, 

Am 15.09.20 um 17:50 schrieb Jeffrey Durrence: 



Thank you for your interest in my reported problem. I have worked with this 
some today in hopes of opening an issue on GitHub. Unfortunately, the problem 
seems even more mysterious to me after further testing. 

I have 2 data data tables generated extracted from a [ | ] app. These 2 tables have a foreign key relationship by design, 
so they should work well in QGIS using the relation feature. After today's 
testing, I can tell you that they actually do work fine so long as I use a very 
small subset of the actual data. This is the mysterious part. For example, if I 
limit the parent table to only 10 records and then limit the child table to 
those records linked to the 10 parents, QGIS performs as expected. If I use all 
of the data (around 4000 parent records and 9000 child records), then I get an 
incorrect parent-to-child assignment for new child records that I try to 

With this being the case, I don't feel confident posting an issue on GitHub. I 
would have to anonymize the data to post on GitHub, and that would require 
further work on my end. If I have more time today or tomorrow, I will try to 
further investigate the problem to see if I can learn more about the behavior. 


Jeffrey Durrence 
[ | ] 
McLean Engineering Company 
815 South Main Street 
Moultrie, GA 31768 
1.229.985.1148 (Voice) 
1.229.985.2248 (FAX) 
1.229.798.0480 (Mobile) 

From: "Andreas Neumann" [ |  ] 
To: "Jeffrey Durrence" [ | 
Cc: "qgis-user" [ | 
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 2:12:12 AM 
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Relation (1-N) Unpredictable Result (with default 

Hi Jeffrey, 

Can you please open an issue on Github ( [ 
| ] ) and include your DDL SQL statements 
you used for these tests - including all pkey/fkey and other constraints you 
used and a simple QGIS project file demonstrating the issue. It is easier to 
discuss such issues on Github. 

Maybe it is related to the fact that Comboboxes aren't properly initialized 
with NULL values, for cases that don't allow NULL values. 

This is important to investigate - as it is unacceptable that corrupt data is 



On 2020-09-15 04:32, Jeffrey Durrence wrote: 

Today I was trying to set up an edit form for a spatial table with a related, 
non-spatial table. I have done this many times in the past, but it's been a 
while. After using Project Properties to set up my relation, I made several 
attempts to add a new record in the "child" table. Each time I tried, the new 
record did not get the correct value for the field which relates the two 
tables. Existing records were displayed as expected and could be edited, but I 
could not ad

Re: [Qgis-user] Point data with no co-ordinates

2020-09-22 Thread Jeffrey Durrence
Hi Warren,

I'm making these assumptions
1 - your vector layer has an existing geometry field
2 - your vector layer has additional attributes easting and northing that can 
be used to store the X and Y components of the coordinate pair for each point.
3 - The vector layer's coordinate reference system matches what is expected to 
be reflected in the easting and northing coordinate pairs.
4 - your newly created points appear on the map canvas (meaning that they do 
have valid geometries), but the easting and northing attributes are not 

If these assumptions are correct, then your underlying data storage has no 
mechanism to populate the easting and northing attributes whenever a new point 
is created.  For the same reason, moving a point on the map canvas will not 
update the easting and northing attributes.  It is possible to create this 
behavior with database triggers if your underlying storage is something like 
PostGIS.  Without that, you are left with the responsibility to populate and/or 
update these fields on your own.

The field calculator feature of QGIS is probably the most common way to do 
this.  This tool, available from the default QGIS toolbar or the attribute 
table toolbar has the ability to update existing fields (as well as other 
abilities that are outside of the scope of your question).  In your case, you 
would use a built-in QGIS to update the easting and northing fields (you would 
do this as two separate steps).  You could do this for select group of your 
layer's records (like those with NULL values for easting and northing) or for 
the entire layer -- those options are available in the Field Calculator 

In your case, you would specify in the Field Calculator interface that you are 
going to update the easting field.  In the "Expression" area of this interface, 
you will put the expression that produces the calculated result that you 
desire.  The middle area of this form has a long categorized list of things 
that can be used in your expression.   Under the Geometry category, you will 
find that there are "built-in" helps for your situation.  For the easting 
calculator, you simply choose $x (choose it from the list or type it into the 
Expression area).  There is an output preview in the lower-left corner of the 
screen that should help you decide if this is the right result for you.  This 
would not work if the the coordinate reference system of the vector layer is 
"different" than what is expected in the easting and northing fields.  In that 
case, you would need to transform the record's geometry into the desired 
coordinate system before extracting the easting from the converted result.  The 
Field Calculator can do that using a combination of geometry functions, but try 
the simple case first.

After you get the easting updated, you would do the same for northing(using $y 
instead of $x) .

Hopefully my assumptions were reasonable and this can at least get you started 
in the right direction.


Jeffrey Durrence
McLean Engineering Company
815 South Main Street
Moultrie, GA  31768
1.229.985.1148 (Voice)
1.229.985.2248 (FAX)
1.229.798.0480 (Mobile)

Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2020 01:52:25 +
From: Warren Thorne 
To: "" 
Subject: [Qgis-user] Point data with no co-ordinates
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hi All,

I have created numerous points with a vector layer, and the points appear not 
to have northing and eastings.

How do I rectify this?

Thanks in advance

Warren Thorne
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

Re: [Qgis-user] Relation (1-N) Unpredictable Result (with default options)

2020-09-16 Thread Jeffrey Durrence

Thank you for pointing me to this, as it seems to be exactly what I'm 
experiencing. Reading through the issue comments, I saw mention of where it was 
fixed for 3.10 and also that it was not fixed for 3.10. Hopefully this review 
will at least clarify what LTS users should expect. For now I will use the 
workaround of enabling the option "Use a read-only line edit instead of a 
combobox" for the Relation Reference widget. 

Also thanks for your continued efforts to make QGIS the excellent project that 
it is. I've been a user for 10 years now (1.4.0-Enceladus), and it has been a 
valuable tool for me. 


Jeffrey Durrence 
McLean Engineering Company 
815 South Main Street 
Moultrie, GA 31768 
1.229.985.1148 (Voice) 
1.229.985.2248 (FAX) 
1.229.798.0480 (Mobile) 

From: "Andreas Neumann"  
To: "Jeffrey Durrence"  
Cc: "qgis-user" , "Denis Rouzaud" 
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 2:15:05 PM 
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Relation (1-N) Unpredictable Result (with default 

Hi Jeffrey, 

Ah - this sounds familiar. I am cc'ing Denis Rouzaud who fixed this on master. 

See [ | ] 

@Denis - was this ever backported to 3.10? From [ | ] I can't tell. 

If this isn't fixed in 3.10 yet, I strongly suggest to do so. 

Thanks for a clarification, Denis, 

Am 15.09.20 um 17:50 schrieb Jeffrey Durrence: 


Thank you for your interest in my reported problem. I have worked with this 
some today in hopes of opening an issue on GitHub. Unfortunately, the problem 
seems even more mysterious to me after further testing. 

I have 2 data data tables generated extracted from a app. These 
2 tables have a foreign key relationship by design, so they should work well in 
QGIS using the relation feature. After today's testing, I can tell you that 
they actually do work fine so long as I use a very small subset of the actual 
data. This is the mysterious part. For example, if I limit the parent table to 
only 10 records and then limit the child table to those records linked to the 
10 parents, QGIS performs as expected. If I use all of the data (around 4000 
parent records and 9000 child records), then I get an incorrect parent-to-child 
assignment for new child records that I try to create. 

With this being the case, I don't feel confident posting an issue on GitHub. I 
would have to anonymize the data to post on GitHub, and that would require 
further work on my end. If I have more time today or tomorrow, I will try to 
further investigate the problem to see if I can learn more about the behavior. 


Jeffrey Durrence 
[ | ] 
McLean Engineering Company 
815 South Main Street 
Moultrie, GA 31768 
1.229.985.1148 (Voice) 
1.229.985.2248 (FAX) 
1.229.798.0480 (Mobile) 

From: "Andreas Neumann" [ |  ] 
To: "Jeffrey Durrence" [ | 
Cc: "qgis-user" [ | 
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 2:12:12 AM 
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Relation (1-N) Unpredictable Result (with default 

Hi Jeffrey, 

Can you please open an issue on Github ( [ 
| ] ) and include your DDL SQL statements 
you used for these tests - including all pkey/fkey and other constraints you 
used and a simple QGIS project file demonstrating the issue. It is easier to 
discuss such issues on Github. 

Maybe it is related to the fact that Comboboxes aren't properly initialized 
with NULL values, for cases that don't allow NULL values. 

This is important to investigate - as it is unacceptable that corrupt data is 



On 2020-09-15 04:32, Jeffrey Durrence wrote: 

Today I was trying to set up an edit form for a spatial table with a related, 
non-spatial table. I have done this many times in the past, but it's been a 
while. After using Project Properties to set up my relation, I made several 
attempts to add a new record in the "child" table. Each time I tried, the new 
record did not get the correct value for the field which relates the two 
tables. Existing records were displayed as expected and could be edited, but I 
could not add new features. 
I went to the docs to see if something had changed that might be affecting me. 
I downloaded sample shapefile data and used that to demonstrate that related 
records could be created with that data. I set up a clean database and QGIS 
project file and made several attempts with my PostGIS data. I did observe that 
some new op

Re: [Qgis-user] Relation (1-N) Unpredictable Result (with default options)

2020-09-15 Thread Jeffrey Durrence

Thank you for your interest in my reported problem. I have worked with this 
some today in hopes of opening an issue on GitHub. Unfortunately, the problem 
seems even more mysterious to me after further testing. 

I have 2 data data tables generated extracted from a app. These 
2 tables have a foreign key relationship by design, so they should work well in 
QGIS using the relation feature. After today's testing, I can tell you that 
they actually do work fine so long as I use a very small subset of the actual 
data. This is the mysterious part. For example, if I limit the parent table to 
only 10 records and then limit the child table to those records linked to the 
10 parents, QGIS performs as expected. If I use all of the data (around 4000 
parent records and 9000 child records), then I get an incorrect parent-to-child 
assignment for new child records that I try to create. 

With this being the case, I don't feel confident posting an issue on GitHub. I 
would have to anonymize the data to post on GitHub, and that would require 
further work on my end. If I have more time today or tomorrow, I will try to 
further investigate the problem to see if I can learn more about the behavior. 


Jeffrey Durrence 
McLean Engineering Company 
815 South Main Street 
Moultrie, GA 31768 
1.229.985.1148 (Voice) 
1.229.985.2248 (FAX) 
1.229.798.0480 (Mobile) 

From: "Andreas Neumann"  
To: "Jeffrey Durrence"  
Cc: "qgis-user"  
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 2:12:12 AM 
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Relation (1-N) Unpredictable Result (with default 

Hi Jeffrey, 

Can you please open an issue on Github ( [ 
| ] ) and include your DDL SQL statements 
you used for these tests - including all pkey/fkey and other constraints you 
used and a simple QGIS project file demonstrating the issue. It is easier to 
discuss such issues on Github. 

Maybe it is related to the fact that Comboboxes aren't properly initialized 
with NULL values, for cases that don't allow NULL values. 

This is important to investigate - as it is unacceptable that corrupt data is 



On 2020-09-15 04:32, Jeffrey Durrence wrote: 

Today I was trying to set up an edit form for a spatial table with a related, 
non-spatial table. I have done this many times in the past, but it's been a 
while. After using Project Properties to set up my relation, I made several 
attempts to add a new record in the "child" table. Each time I tried, the new 
record did not get the correct value for the field which relates the two 
tables. Existing records were displayed as expected and could be edited, but I 
could not add new features. 
I went to the docs to see if something had changed that might be affecting me. 
I downloaded sample shapefile data and used that to demonstrate that related 
records could be created with that data. I set up a clean database and QGIS 
project file and made several attempts with my PostGIS data. I did observe that 
some new options were available to me under the widget area of the child table. 
What had me confused was that with the default options selected (the way I used 
to do it), the "reference field" values generated for the "new" child records 
were real values -- just not at all the correct values. 
I tried several things with the PostGIS data, but what finally fixed the 
behavior for me was to make one change in the default Widget settings for the 
"reference field" in the child table properties. In my case, enabling the 
option to "Use a read-only line edit instead of a combobox" resolved the issue. 
When that is enabled, new child records get the correct value for the reference 
field. I don't completely understand what determined the inserted values when 
this option was not enabled, but I would think that enabling this by default 
would save a lot of confusion for users like me. I was quite surprised that I 
could not find folks talking about this in the usual places. Could be that 
there is something local to my environment, but I thought it worth mentioning 
should someone else stumble upon it. 
Using QGIS LTS (3.10.5) on Ubuntu 20.4 and Windows 10 64-Bit with PostGIS 
backend (observed same behavior with Postgres 10.14 / PostGIS 2.4.4 and 
Postgres 12.4 / PostGIS 3.0.0) 
Jeffrey Durrence 
McLean Engineering Company 
815 South Main Street 
Moultrie, GA 31768 

Qgis-user mailing list 
[ | ] 
List info: [ | ] 
Unsubscribe: [ |

[Qgis-user] Relation (1-N) Unpredictable Result (with default options)

2020-09-14 Thread Jeffrey Durrence
Today I was trying to set up an edit form for a spatial table with a related, 
non-spatial table. I have done this many times in the past, but it's been a 
while. After using Project Properties to set up my relation, I made several 
attempts to add a new record in the "child" table. Each time I tried, the new 
record did not get the correct value for the field which relates the two 
tables. Existing records were displayed as expected and could be edited, but I 
could not add new features. 

I went to the docs to see if something had changed that might be affecting me. 
I downloaded sample shapefile data and used that to demonstrate that related 
records could be created with that data. I set up a clean database and QGIS 
project file and made several attempts with my PostGIS data. I did observe that 
some new options were available to me under the widget area of the child table. 
What had me confused was that with the default options selected (the way I used 
to do it), the "reference field" values generated for the "new" child records 
were real values -- just not at all the correct values. 

I tried several things with the PostGIS data, but what finally fixed the 
behavior for me was to make one change in the default Widget settings for the 
"reference field" in the child table properties. In my case, enabling the 
option to "Use a read-only line edit instead of a combobox" resolved the issue. 
When that is enabled, new child records get the correct value for the reference 
field. I don't completely understand what determined the inserted values when 
this option was not enabled, but I would think that enabling this by default 
would save a lot of confusion for users like me. I was quite surprised that I 
could not find folks talking about this in the usual places. Could be that 
there is something local to my environment, but I thought it worth mentioning 
should someone else stumble upon it. 

Using QGIS LTS (3.10.5) on Ubuntu 20.4 and Windows 10 64-Bit with PostGIS 
backend (observed same behavior with Postgres 10.14 / PostGIS 2.4.4 and 
Postgres 12.4 / PostGIS 3.0.0) 

Jeffrey Durrence 
McLean Engineering Company 
815 South Main Street 
Moultrie, GA 31768 

Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

[Qgis-user] Item Browser Plugin (or something like it) for QGIS 3?

2018-09-20 Thread Jeffrey Durrence
One of my favorite plugins for previous versions of QGIS is the "Item Browser." 
This allows you to step through (automatically panning and zooming the map 
canvas) a list of selected objects using side panel controls. These controls 
included a shortcut to open the attribute form for the current object in view. 

The latest attribute table has pan/zoom/flash/open form, but right-clicking 
each selected row is very tedious compared to the item browser. Also, it's 
quite difficult to "keep your place in the list" when reviewing records this 
way. In the past I've seen a plugin disappear when its features were 
incorporated into QGIS itself. 

So has this capability (efficient review of selected records) found its way to 
core without me noticing it, or is there another plugin (available for QGIS 3) 
that might satisfy my longing for the Item Browser in QGIS 3? 



Jeffrey Durrence 
McLean Engineering Company 
815 South Main Street 
Moultrie, GA 31768 
Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

[Qgis-user] Add New Records to Relation or Non-Spatial Table Using Line Entry (vs Form Entry)

2015-03-16 Thread Jeffrey Durrence
Great work to all who have been a part of improving the user's ability to 
customize input forms!

My question is about the way that new records are added to either a relation 
(created to handle a one to many relationship between two tables) or to a 
non-spatial table.  In either case, the attributes for the new record are input 
using the form (either the default one or one that's been customized by the 
user).  In my case, I would actually benefit by creating new records from the 
table view.  Since the various widgets are available from the table view, I 
don't see a disadvantage for using this approach.  As is, I can modify existing 
records from the table view, but each time I create a new one, I must use the 
form to populate the attributes.

I have searched for a way to change this in the QGIS settings and project 
properties, but I am unable to find and available setting.  Can this behavior 
be changed?


Jeffrey Durrence
McLean Engineering Company
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Building an input form with choice-dependent dropdown lists

2015-03-16 Thread Jeffrey Durrence

I have created an input form using the Drag and Drop designer,  The form has 
multiple dropdown widgets that are either value map or value relation 
widgets.   To minimize input errors, I need to make a form whose dropdrowns are 
completed in a certain order and whose dropdown values are based on the 
preceding choices.  From what I have read, it appears that this is where I 
would need to venture into customization with QT designer and/or python init 
scripts.  Having read through several examples of form customization and Python 
scripts, I have spent more time on clever ways of achieving similar 
functionality with data tricks (e.g., attaching multiple times to the same 
table or views derived from the same table and employing filtering on each), 
but I have created what appears to be an overly complicated solution.

If QT designer + python scripting holds the most promise, I'd appreciate advice 
on a good entry point for learning these techniques.  I have a located a few 
texts on QGIS development, but I don't know if they are the best for what I'm 
trying to do.  Also, if there are other mailing lists or groups that might help 
me, I'd welcome that input as well.


Jeffrey Durrence
McLean Engineering Company
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Proper way to refresh SVG symbols for open project?

2014-02-17 Thread Jeffrey Durrence
I often need to create custom SVG symbols and then make small changes to the 
SVG source files to improve their appearance on the map.  I usually have the 
symbol file open in Inkscape while the project file is open in Quantum.  I'm 
looking for a reliable and acceptable way to refresh my map canvas so that the 
newest version of my SVG symbol is visible.  From what I can tell, QGIS makes 
a cache copy of any SVG symbol you apply to a layer and uses that copy until 
you choose a symbol setting (size for example) that you haven't used during the 
open QGIS session.

I can exit and restart QGIS to get updated symbols, but I was hoping for a more 
convenient technique (like a super layer refresh).  Can anyone share a 
shortcut for this procedure?



My platform...
Ubuntu 12.04 64 Bit,
QGIS version2.0.1-Dufour
QGIS code revision  exported
Compiled against Qt 4.8.1   
Running against Qt  4.8.1
Compiled against GDAL/OGR   1.7.3   
Running against GDAL/OGR1.7.3
Compiled against GEOS   3.2.2-CAPI-1.6.2
Running against GEOS3.3.8-CAPI-1.7.8
PostgreSQL Client Version   9.1.3   
SpatiaLite Version  3.1.0-RC2
QWT Version 5.2.2   
PROJ.4 Version  470

Jeffrey Durrence
McLean Engineering Company
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Short(er)cut to Field Calculator or alternate technique?

2013-05-16 Thread Jeffrey Durrence

This seems to do the trick for my 1.8 installation.  I think a built-in 
shortcut to the field calculator may come in a future release, but the plug-in 
is a great workaround for now.



- Original Message -
 From: Alexandre Neto
 To: Jeffrey Durrence
 Cc: Nathan Woodrow, qgis-user
 Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 11:08:26 AM
 Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Short(er)cut to Field Calculator or alternate 
 The QuickMultiAttributeEdit plugin might be the tool you need.
 Notice that this is not the same as MultiEdit plugin.
 Good luck
 Alexandre Neto
 On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 3:45 PM, Jeffrey Durrence  wrote:
 Thanks for this update! I'll have to try out the master on a
 different box. After causing myself some extra stress chasing dev
 versions on my primary workstation, I've resorted to being content
 with as much stable/vanilla packaging on my primary workstations.
 - Original Message -
  From: Nathan Woodrow 
  To: Jeffrey Durrence 
  Cc: qgis-user 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 8:42:09 PM
  Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Short(er)cut to Field Calculator or
  alternate technique?
  That is a good point. Done in
  - Nathan
  On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 5:25 AM, Jeffrey Durrence  wrote:
  One of my most frequent needs is to visually identify and select
  groups of vector objects and assign attribute values to these
  groups. Here's my typical work flow...
  1. Select multiple items (point and click multiple, polygon,
  rectangle, etc)
  2. Go to layer attribute table
  3. Select field calculator
  4. Within field calculator, choose only update selected features
  and update existing field. Enter the value and apply.
  5. Close the attribute layer (if I don't take this step, I spend
  of time waiting on the attribute table's display to update with my
  new attribute values).
  6. Save the layer
  7. Return to step 1
  I could save myself a good bit of time if there was a direct
  to the field calculator from the main qgis display. The only reason
  that I'm opening the attribute table now is to reveal the shortcut
  to the field calculator.
  Is there a way to start this tool from the main qgis window without
  opening the attribute table? I've looked around, but I can't find a
  way to do this.
  Thanks for your help,
  My platform...
  Ubuntu 12.04 64 Bit,
  QGIS version: 1.8.0-Lisboa
  QGIS code revision: exported
  Compiled against: Qt4.8.1
  Running against Qt 4.8.1
  Compiled against GDAL/OGR 1.9.2
  Running against GDAL/OGR 1.9.2
  GEOS Version 3.3.3
  PostgreSQL Client Version 9.1.6
  SpatiaLite Version 3.1.0-RC2
  QWT Version 5.2.2
  Jeffrey Durrence
  McLean Engineering Company
  Qgis-user mailing list
 Qgis-user mailing list
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Short(er)cut to Field Calculator or alternate technique?

2013-05-15 Thread Jeffrey Durrence

Thanks for this suggestion!  I've seen this plugin mentioned previously but 
have not had the time to experiment with it.  I'll try it out. 


- Original Message -
 From: Stephane Goldstein
 To: Jeffrey Durrence,
 Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 4:04:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Short(er)cut to Field Calculator or alternate 
 Maybe the MultiEdit plugin can save you some time.
 - Original Message -
 From: Jeffrey Durrence
 Sent: 05/14/13 08:25 PM
 Subject: [Qgis-user] Short(er)cut to Field Calculator or alternate
 One of my most frequent needs is to visually identify and select
 groups of vector objects and assign attribute values to these
 groups.  Here's my typical work flow...
 1.  Select multiple items (point and click multiple, polygon,
 rectangle, etc)
 2.  Go to layer attribute table
 3.  Select field calculator
 4.  Within field calculator, choose only update selected features
 and update existing field.  Enter the value and apply.
 5.  Close the attribute layer (if I don't take this step, I spend
 lots of time waiting on the attribute table's display to update with
 my new attribute values).
 6.  Save the layer
 7.  Return to step 1
 I could save myself a good bit of time if there was a direct shortcut
 to the field calculator from the main qgis display.  The only reason
 that I'm opening the attribute table now is to reveal the shortcut
 to the field calculator.
 Is there a way to start this tool from the main qgis window without
 opening the attribute table?  I've looked around, but I can't find a
 way to do this.
 Thanks for your help,
 My platform...
 Ubuntu 12.04 64 Bit,
 QGIS version: 1.8.0-Lisboa
 QGIS code revision: exported
 Compiled against: Qt4.8.1
 Running against Qt 4.8.1
 Compiled against GDAL/OGR 1.9.2
 Running against GDAL/OGR 1.9.2
 GEOS Version 3.3.3
 PostgreSQL Client Version 9.1.6
 SpatiaLite Version 3.1.0-RC2
 QWT Version 5.2.2
 Jeffrey Durrence
 McLean Engineering Company
 Qgis-user mailing list
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Short(er)cut to Field Calculator or alternate technique?

2013-05-15 Thread Jeffrey Durrence

Thanks for this update!  I'll have to try out the master on a different box.   
After causing myself some extra stress chasing dev versions on my primary 
workstation, I've resorted to being content with as much stable/vanilla 
packaging on my primary workstations.


- Original Message -
 From: Nathan Woodrow
 To: Jeffrey Durrence
 Cc: qgis-user
 Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 8:42:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Short(er)cut to Field Calculator or alternate 
 That is a good point. Done in
 - Nathan
 On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 5:25 AM, Jeffrey Durrence  wrote:
 One of my most frequent needs is to visually identify and select
 groups of vector objects and assign attribute values to these
 groups. Here's my typical work flow...
 1. Select multiple items (point and click multiple, polygon,
 rectangle, etc)
 2. Go to layer attribute table
 3. Select field calculator
 4. Within field calculator, choose only update selected features
 and update existing field. Enter the value and apply.
 5. Close the attribute layer (if I don't take this step, I spend lots
 of time waiting on the attribute table's display to update with my
 new attribute values).
 6. Save the layer
 7. Return to step 1
 I could save myself a good bit of time if there was a direct shortcut
 to the field calculator from the main qgis display. The only reason
 that I'm opening the attribute table now is to reveal the shortcut
 to the field calculator.
 Is there a way to start this tool from the main qgis window without
 opening the attribute table? I've looked around, but I can't find a
 way to do this.
 Thanks for your help,
 My platform...
 Ubuntu 12.04 64 Bit,
 QGIS version: 1.8.0-Lisboa
 QGIS code revision: exported
 Compiled against: Qt4.8.1
 Running against Qt 4.8.1
 Compiled against GDAL/OGR 1.9.2
 Running against GDAL/OGR 1.9.2
 GEOS Version 3.3.3
 PostgreSQL Client Version 9.1.6
 SpatiaLite Version 3.1.0-RC2
 QWT Version 5.2.2
 Jeffrey Durrence
 McLean Engineering Company
 Qgis-user mailing list
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Short(er)cut to Field Calculator or alternate technique?

2013-05-14 Thread Jeffrey Durrence

One of my most frequent needs is to visually identify and select groups of 
vector objects and assign attribute values to these groups.  Here's my typical 
work flow...

1.  Select multiple items (point and click multiple, polygon, rectangle, etc)
2.  Go to layer attribute table
3.  Select field calculator
4.  Within field calculator, choose only update selected features and update 
existing field.  Enter the value and apply.
5.  Close the attribute layer (if I don't take this step, I spend lots of time 
waiting on the attribute table's display to update with my new attribute 
6.  Save the layer
7.  Return to step 1

I could save myself a good bit of time if there was a direct shortcut to the 
field calculator from the main qgis display.  The only reason that I'm opening 
the attribute table now is to reveal the shortcut to the field calculator.

Is there a way to start this tool from the main qgis window without opening the 
attribute table?  I've looked around, but I can't find a way to do this.

Thanks for your help,


My platform...
Ubuntu 12.04 64 Bit, 
QGIS version: 1.8.0-Lisboa
QGIS code revision: exported
Compiled against: Qt4.8.1
Running against Qt 4.8.1
Compiled against GDAL/OGR 1.9.2
Running against GDAL/OGR 1.9.2
GEOS Version 3.3.3
PostgreSQL Client Version 9.1.6
SpatiaLite Version 3.1.0-RC2
QWT Version 5.2.2

Jeffrey Durrence
McLean Engineering Company
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] python error

2012-12-03 Thread Jeffrey Durrence
Summary:  Updating from nightly builds breaks python-qgis-common

I've experienced the same problem as reported by Matteo.  I see where someone 
posted on stackexchange but it was closed as off-topic.

Any insight on resolving this would be terrific.


My Platform = 
Ubuntu 12.04 64 Bit, 
QGIS version 1.9.0-Master
QGIS code revision exported 
Compiled against Qt4.8.1
Running against Qt4.8.1
Compiled against GDAL/OGR1.7.3
Running against GDAL/OGR1.7.3
GEOS Version 3.2.2
PostgreSQL Client Version 9.1.5
SpatiaLite Version 3.0.0-beta
QWT Version 5.2.2
PROJ.4 Version 470
QScintilla2 Version

6. python error (Matteo Ghetta)
 Message: 6
 Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 14:39:34 +0100
 From: Matteo Ghetta
 Subject: [Qgis-user] python error
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
 Hi guys,
 I've updated qgis from the nightly repos but I got some errors
 Configurazione di python-qgis-common
 SyntaxError: ('from __future__ imports must occur at the beginning of
 26, None, 'from __future__ import generators\n'))
 pycentral: pycentral pkginstall: error byte-compiling files (496)
 pycentral pkginstall: error byte-compiling files (496)
 dpkg: errore nell'elaborare python-qgis-common (--configure):
  il sottoprocesso vecchio script di post-installation ha restituito
 stato di errore 1
 dpkg: problemi con le dipendenze impediscono la configurazione di
  python-qgis dipende da python-qgis-common (=
 1.9.0+git20121201+80fa7aa~precise-ubuntugis1), ma:
   Il pacchetto python-qgis-common non ? ancora configurato.
 dpkg: errore nell'elaborare python-qgis (--configure):
  problemi con le dipendenze - lasciato non configurato
 Segnalazione apport non scritta poich? il messaggio di errore indica
 presenza di un fallimento precedente.
 Si sono verificati degli errori nell'elaborazione:
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
 and starting qgis:
  Impossibile caricare PyQGIS.
 Il supporto Python verr? disabilitato.
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File , line 1, in
 ImportError: No module named qgis.core
 Versione Python:
 2.7.3 (default, Aug  1 2012, 05:27:35)
 [GCC 4.6.3]
 Versione di QGIS:
 1.9.0-Master 'Master', exported
 And obviously I can't use plugins...
 Some ideas?
Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] python error

2012-12-03 Thread Jeffrey Durrence
I wanted to say a big thanks to Matteo for pointing out this fix.  I spent lots 
of time reviewing the history of qgis on my current workstation.  
Unfortunately I've been through several versions of Ubuntu, QGIS and PostGIS on 
this machine.  As a result, I had quite a mix of source entries and/or PPA's, 
source code and other remnants from previous versions.  I have a bad habit of 
not fully documenting WHY I have WHAT I have and HOW I have it, and I'm 
probably not alone in this.

Though perhaps a bit off topic, I'd appreciate any tips from others on best 
practices for avoiding a broken QGIS installation (resulting from updates).
After having been bitten by this a couple of times, I'm tempted to disable 
updates for long periods of time.  I fully understand the disclaimers placed on 
the nightly builds or other sources described as unstable, but the most 
stable releases of the packages that I need are lacking features provided by 
the newer versions.

I'm okay with the potential risk involved with updating packages from nightly 
or unstable sources, I'm just looking for a better undo procedure when things 
go wrong and I need to back down to previous versions.  I'd appreciate the 
advice of others.


Jeffrey Durrence

- Original Message -
 From: Matteo Ghetta
 To: Jeffrey Durrence
 Sent: Monday, December 3, 2012 1:46:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] python error
 Ok I solved the problem..
 During the updating thw first line of the file (stored in
 /usr/share/qgis/python/plugins/sextante/admintools/httplib2) from
 __future__ import generators moved to the 26th line of the same
 file. I really don't understand why, but after moving it back to the
 right place, it seems that python (and the plugins) works correctly.
Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] OpenLayers behaves differently (Linux vs. Windows)

2012-08-24 Thread Jeffrey Durrence
I have a mix of Linux (typically Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit) and (typically XP or 
Win7) on which I use QGIS 1.8 connected to Postgres/PostGIS (8.4 or 9.1 for 
PostgreSQL and 1.5 for PostGIS).  When possible, I pull the PostGIS layers from 
the same host, but I add SHP/WMS/OpenLayers from a variety of sources depending 
on what I'm working on.  My OpenLayers plugin (0.93) was installed by adding a 
repository after it disappeared from the standard list after the QGIS 1.8 

Recently I observed that my PostGIS layers were not matching well with the 
layers added via the OpenLayers plugin.  I'm accustomed to seeing small 
discrepancies that I usually disregard, but this appeared as a constant shift 
between the underlying image layer and my vector layer(s).  By accident I 
discovered that this occurs on my Linux desktop and not Windows boxes.  I've 
tried starting from scratch and following the same steps on the Linux desktop 
and then a Windows desktop, and I can repeat this.

In my tests I've also confirmed that saving a selection as a new shape file 
with a different projection produces a different result on the Windows and 
Linux boxes.  The layers that I'm trying to overlay are ESPG:2240. 

I'm curious to know if anyone else has observed this.  Thanks for any help you 
can provide!
Jeffrey Durrence
McLean Engineering Company
Qgis-user mailing list