Re: [Ql-Users] Approaches to (lots of things!) in SuperBASIC

2011-02-11 Thread Lee Privett

QPC2 reports HBA for ver$
Minerva 198 reports JSL1

Lee Privett

Sent from my Laptop running XP
but emulating the QL using QPC2
- Original Message - 
From: Plastic

Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 7:44 AM
Subject: [Ql-Users] Approaches to (lots of things!) in SuperBASIC

Hi all,

1. I would like to be able to identify the hardware and OS my timing
critical programs are running on.

To this end, I can use ver$ to identify the QDOS version. However, what 

returns do Minerva and SMSQ/E give?

Is there a surefire way to identify if the execution environment is a QL,
Gold Card, Super Gold Card, Aurora, Q40, Q60, etc? This would allow me to
create fast, integrated speed-matching code for as many environments as I
can get information for.

2. I need to collect input to a variable$ while a wider program loop is
running. I'm not sure how to approach this. INKEY$ can tell me what key is
pressed, but then I am faced with somehow debouncing the input, and also
knowing when someone says flight blah, turn to heading 222 degrees... I
don't want to pause the aircraft just to take input. I'm a little stuck on

3. I need to be able to draw data blocks to the screen. The data blocks
would look something like this:


That data block means flight AAL3251 is at 3,000 ft, climbing, at 240 
Below it there is a blob for the plane, with a trail that shows by angle 

direction it came from, and the speed (faster = longer trail)

I have two problems to solve here: ONE: when aircraft approach the edge of
the screen, the dot and line can go off, but the text cannot and will
generate an error. TWO: I have to often plot these labels overlapping each
other. They will also overlap the runways and beacons. I can't avoid the
need to redraw the airport and beacons occasionally, but I would like to 

so without flicker. It seems the plan will be to draw the positions, store
them in old variable copies, do the math, then overdraw the moving tags 

black, redraw the fixed items, then plot the new positions, rinse and
repeat. This seems wasteful. Is there a smart technique I am missing? (It
must apply to SMSQ/E, Minerva and QDOS, so the second screen isn't,
unfortunately, an option.)

4. I need to detect proximity violations (three miles.) I have this 

A simple reducing nested loop minimises work:

FOR first = 0 to (high_slot-1)
 FOR second = (first+1) to high_slot
   _proximity (first, second)
 END FOR second
END FOR first

This compares each pair of planes just once. Thus, with 4 planes, it will

0 to 1, 0 to 2, 0 to 3, 0 to 4
1 to 2, 1 to 3, 1 to 4
2 to 3, 2 to 4
3 to 4


The _proximity() procedure simply sets the color of close plane tags to 

and non-close tags to green.

5. Currently, I am estimating that on an unaccelerated QL each loop 
the calculations will be SIX+ SECONDS. This is obviously unacceptable. 

this horrifying realization, I will have to supply the game Turbocharged,
and include the source. I have downloaded Turbo, and will be reading ASAP,
as I would like to incorporate any special coding at writing time, rather
than editing later. What kind of speed-up factor might I obtain by 

vs. Supercharging?

6. I am having weirdness with zip-files, and am looking forward to 
a floppy so I can put all the files on one floppy. When I release the 
I will try to offer it in as many formats as possible: floppy, zip,,

and the promising QLPAK file - must find out more about that.

7. I am now intrigued by the idea of internet play. What is the state of 

tcp_ option? What good ways are there to get a QL online? If the stack is
accessible from SuperBASIC I could do some wonderful things.

8. I have decided to allow people to choose from different airports, not
just the default one.

I could implement this by reserving lines 3 - 32767 for DATA 

and create a format. Then, I could have many airport files on the storage
device, and MERGE the necessary one in. Alternatively, I could create a 

format, and load/save the bytes as needed - much more compact, but less
friendly to future airport additions by others. I fully intend to allow
anyone to read the data format and create/share their own airport
description files. I'd simply check them then add them to the program.

9. Network play. How cool would it be to have 3 or 4 QLs playing a grid, 
passing off aircraft to each other? I recall the inbuilt NET ports were 

slightly better than useless, but I've seen them work, so...

10. I think I need to obtain some form of superior graphics library. It
needs to integrate into SuperBASIC, and be compiler-friendly. Is there 

a thing?

Any and all suggestions and discussion welcome!

QL-Users Mailing 

Re: [Ql-Users] Approaches to (lots of things!) in SuperBASIC

2011-02-11 Thread Lee Privett
With regard to your text going off screen, one solution would be to use 
(something I am currently working on but not yet finished) drawn text, using 
either turtle graphics or line command etc.

In simple terms the algorythm below hopefully shows what I mean, and you 
will need a draw routine for each character you are going to use, if you use 
variables in the draw routine then it makes it adaptable for resizing and it 
is also then possible to make the text proportional and at any angle as well 
as going completely off screen without error. Scale becomes a factor here.

DEFine FUNCTION DPRINT (x,y,text$)
REMark check each character in text$
 for f = 1 to length txt$
  Select on char
   draw char at x,y coord:leave cursor x,y at same point plus length of 
char in the direction you want the text to go

  end select
 end for f
REMark next char

There maybe suitable programs that do this, either in PD on Dilwyns site or 
from the Quanta Library however the one I have found does not work well for 
me and I have not found anything else to do it.

I originally wrote the full function in Microsoft QuickBasic and it works 
very well, but the process of converting to S*Basic is slow and a low 
priority at the moment. If you want the QuickBasic version I am happy to 

Lee Privett

Sent from my Laptop running XP
but emulating the QL using QPC2
- Original Message - 
From: Plastic

Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 7:44 AM
Subject: [Ql-Users] Approaches to (lots of things!) in SuperBASIC

Hi all,

1. I would like to be able to identify the hardware and OS my timing
critical programs are running on.

To this end, I can use ver$ to identify the QDOS version. However, what 

returns do Minerva and SMSQ/E give?

Is there a surefire way to identify if the execution environment is a QL,
Gold Card, Super Gold Card, Aurora, Q40, Q60, etc? This would allow me to
create fast, integrated speed-matching code for as many environments as I
can get information for.

2. I need to collect input to a variable$ while a wider program loop is
running. I'm not sure how to approach this. INKEY$ can tell me what key is
pressed, but then I am faced with somehow debouncing the input, and also
knowing when someone says flight blah, turn to heading 222 degrees... I
don't want to pause the aircraft just to take input. I'm a little stuck on

3. I need to be able to draw data blocks to the screen. The data blocks
would look something like this:


That data block means flight AAL3251 is at 3,000 ft, climbing, at 240 
Below it there is a blob for the plane, with a trail that shows by angle 

direction it came from, and the speed (faster = longer trail)

I have two problems to solve here: ONE: when aircraft approach the edge of
the screen, the dot and line can go off, but the text cannot and will
generate an error. TWO: I have to often plot these labels overlapping each
other. They will also overlap the runways and beacons. I can't avoid the
need to redraw the airport and beacons occasionally, but I would like to 

so without flicker. It seems the plan will be to draw the positions, store
them in old variable copies, do the math, then overdraw the moving tags 

black, redraw the fixed items, then plot the new positions, rinse and
repeat. This seems wasteful. Is there a smart technique I am missing? (It
must apply to SMSQ/E, Minerva and QDOS, so the second screen isn't,
unfortunately, an option.)

4. I need to detect proximity violations (three miles.) I have this 

A simple reducing nested loop minimises work:

FOR first = 0 to (high_slot-1)
 FOR second = (first+1) to high_slot
   _proximity (first, second)
 END FOR second
END FOR first

This compares each pair of planes just once. Thus, with 4 planes, it will

0 to 1, 0 to 2, 0 to 3, 0 to 4
1 to 2, 1 to 3, 1 to 4
2 to 3, 2 to 4
3 to 4


The _proximity() procedure simply sets the color of close plane tags to 

and non-close tags to green.

5. Currently, I am estimating that on an unaccelerated QL each loop 
the calculations will be SIX+ SECONDS. This is obviously unacceptable. 

this horrifying realization, I will have to supply the game Turbocharged,
and include the source. I have downloaded Turbo, and will be reading ASAP,
as I would like to incorporate any special coding at writing time, rather
than editing later. What kind of speed-up factor might I obtain by 

vs. Supercharging?

6. I am having weirdness with zip-files, and am looking forward to 
a floppy so I can put all the files on one floppy. When I release the 
I will try to offer it in as many formats as possible: floppy, zip,,

and the promising QLPAK file - must find out more about that.

7. I am now intrigued by the idea of internet play. What is the state 

[Ql-Users] [ql-users] SuperBASIC tokens and line numbers...

2011-02-11 Thread Plastic
Hi all,

I know QDOS saves SuperBASIC as plain text, and re-parses and tokenises it
on the fly when you load a program. Is there any functionality or method to
save and load tokenised SuperBASIC? I saved a tokenised program and it was
1/3rd the size and therefore loads much more quickly.

Is there anything to be done with this?

I found it interesting that even saved tokenised, the original EVERYTHING
can be reconstructed by QDOS, down to spacing... It's not lossy.

Also, I remember having a toolkit or RESPR that allowed me to edit
SuperBASIC without line numbers. Can anyone point me towards it now as I do
not remember at all what it was called. I could use the extra screen
real-estate, since I am editing what may well end up being a 32,000 line
SuperBASIC program.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] [ql-users] SuperBASIC tokens and line numbers...

2011-02-11 Thread gdgqler

On 11 Feb 2011, at 10:00, Rich Mellor wrote:

 On 11/02/2011 09:43, Plastic wrote:
 Hi all,
 I know QDOS saves SuperBASIC as plain text, and re-parses and tokenises it
 on the fly when you load a program. Is there any functionality or method to
 save and load tokenised SuperBASIC? I saved a tokenised program and it was
 1/3rd the size and therefore loads much more quickly.
 Is there anything to be done with this?
 You need QLOAD and QREF from Liberation software
 You can supply QLOAD free of charge as a runtime to load software.
 Now I MUST have a spare copy of that somewhere around here but only on 
 There were previous tools which saved the tokenised program as is, but they 
 could be dangerous when reloading on a different system!

QSAVE, which is in SMSQ/E, saves the program as tokens and QLOAD loads a 
program from its tokenised form. QLOAD, of course, is also in SMSQ/E.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Approaches to (lots of things!) in SuperBASIC

2011-02-11 Thread Lee Privett

Ah this is a far better approach idea than mine, well done Rich!

Lee Privett

Sent from my Laptop running XP
but emulating the QL using QPC2
- Original Message - 
From: Rich Mellor

Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Approaches to (lots of things!) in SuperBASIC

On 11/02/2011 07:44, Plastic wrote:

Hi all,

1. I would like to be able to identify the hardware and OS my timing
critical programs are running on.

To this end, I can use ver$ to identify the QDOS version. However, what 

returns do Minerva and SMSQ/E give?

Is there a surefire way to identify if the execution environment is a QL,
Gold Card, Super Gold Card, Aurora, Q40, Q60, etc? This would allow me to
create fast, integrated speed-matching code for as many environments as I
can get information for.

Yes, PRINT VER$ on Minerva returns 'JSL1', and 'HBA' on SMSQ/e

Be careful - do not test ver$ directly as it has issues on some ROMs - do

if a$='HBA' or a$='JSL1' THEN.

There is also the MACHINE and PROCESSOR function under SMSQ/e.

MACHINE returns:
2 - MEGA ST  or ST/STM/STF/STFM with real-time clock
4 - Atari Stacy
6 - Atari STE
10 - Gold Card
12 - Super Gold Card
16 - Falcon
17 - Q40/Q60
24 - Atari TT 68030 processor
28 - QXL
30 - QPC
31 - QLAY

PROCESSOR returns: a two digit value - first digit indicates chip type, 
second digit indicates if a maths co-processor is attached

Processor value is:
0 - 68000/68008
1 - 68010 or Intel chip under QPC
2 - 68020
3 - 68030
4 - 68040
6 - 68060

Co-processor value is:
0 - No FPU
1 - An internal MMU
2 - External 68851 MMU fitted
4- Internal FPU fitted
8 - External 68881 or 68882 FPU fitted.

Unfortunately, I don't think anyone has released these as a separate 
toolkit, which would be useful for non-smsq/e systems!

2. I need to collect input to a variable$ while a wider program loop is
running. I'm not sure how to approach this. INKEY$ can tell me what key 

pressed, but then I am faced with somehow debouncing the input, and also
knowing when someone says flight blah, turn to heading 222 degrees... I
don't want to pause the aircraft just to take input. I'm a little stuck 


Use a timeout on the INKEY$ - eg, INKEY$(#3,20) will wait 20 frames for 
you to press a key - use INKEY$(#3,1) and you will hardly notice it - 
INKEY$(#3,0) will give an immediate return...

3. I need to be able to draw data blocks to the screen. The data blocks
would look something like this:


That data block means flight AAL3251 is at 3,000 ft, climbing, at 240 
Below it there is a blob for the plane, with a trail that shows by angle 

direction it came from, and the speed (faster = longer trail)

I have two problems to solve here: ONE: when aircraft approach the edge 

the screen, the dot and line can go off, but the text cannot and will
generate an error. TWO: I have to often plot these labels overlapping 

other. They will also overlap the runways and beacons. I can't avoid the
need to redraw the airport and beacons occasionally, but I would like to 
so without flicker. It seems the plan will be to draw the positions, 
them in old variable copies, do the math, then overdraw the moving tags 

black, redraw the fixed items, then plot the new positions, rinse and
repeat. This seems wasteful. Is there a smart technique I am missing? (It
must apply to SMSQ/E, Minerva and QDOS, so the second screen isn't,
unfortunately, an option.)

This is achieved by using your own print routine - I used something in 
Q-Route - this is how I did it as this may help others trying to get the 
text in graphics co-ordinates to work... (following on from our earlier 
discussion about the scaling factor).  Hopefully, I have picked up all the 
code you need here

20 REMark To start, some QL dependent variables
21 char_width0%=6:   REMark value for csize 0,0
22 char_width1=8.45: REMark value for csize 1,0
23 char_height%=10:  REMark height in pixels
112 graf_scale=256:  REMark resolution used for graphics
114 SCALE graf_scale,0,0
116 buff%=400:mscale=1:rounds%=FALSE
120 windowx=0:windowy=0:window_sizex=512:window_sizey=256

124 wind_scaley=(1/window_sizey)*graf_scale
1784 DEFine PROCedure printat (x1,y1,s$)
1788 atx=tw*(x1-1)
1792 aty=(y1-1)*char_height%
1796 ATEXT atx,aty,s$
1800 END DEFine
1804 :
3448 DEFine PROCedure ATEXT(linex1,liney1,txt)
3452 LOCal pos%
3454 IF liney10 OR linex1window_sizex:RETurn
3456 IF liney1+char_height%window_sizey:RETurn
3460 txt$=txt
3464 len_txt=LEN(txt$):IF len_txt=0:RETurn
3468 IF linex1+len_txt*char_width0%0:RETurn
3472 txt_x%=linex1:pos%=1
3476 pos%=pos%+(-linex1/char_width0%)*(linex10):IF pos%1:txt_x%=0
3480 RFCURSOR txt_x%,liney1

Re: [Ql-Users] GWASS is updated

2011-02-11 Thread Alex Wells
On Thursday 10 February 2011 09:55:57 you wrote:
 It is gratifying that some have tried to access my website.
 I can now reveal that:
 A new version of GWASS is now available from my website
 This allows the input of octal numbers by using the prefix AT (@).

Hi George,

Thanks for the update to GWASS.

Do you have a non-SMSQ version of Sud? I would like to run it in uQLx 
(Minerva rom) and have not tried hacking it myself yet.

Sud on QPC2 has had a lot of use! 

Regards,  Alex
QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Ser-USB Driver Update w/e 11-FEB-2011

2011-02-11 Thread Adrian Ives
As of today there is a Ser-USB driver that's around 85% complete.  The
current version can mount, read, write and format SD cards/USB storage with
a QLW1 partition, but it doesn't yet support multiple partitions on the
same drive.  All traps are implemented and some optimisation has been
started, delivering a perceived performance at 56K that feels like a floppy
disk - but even the default 9600 baud is useable, albeit somewhat pedestrian


The latest build has a standard level 2 config block allowing the default
port name and baud rate to be configured. The hooks are also in place for
load-time configuration upon hitting the F1 key after the banner is


Now the bad news.  I've started some application testing and I've already
discovered a couple of incompatibilities.  For instance, QD can load a file
directly from a USBn_ device, but the MasterSpy editor locks up! The QPAC2
Files thing shows the device, but can't list the files unless the root
directory is already in the slave blocks . that kind of thing.  I'm hopeful
that most of these issues can be resolved now that the core driver is
working.  I suspect that the main area of difficulty is the pitiful amount
of stack that QDOS allocates when handing over to the device driver code!
The Ser-USB API gets a little deep in places.


Just for fun, here is an example of communicating with the driver through
its command pipe (this example needs SMSQ/Turbo Toolkit):


100 OPEN #4,NUL

110 OPEN #5,NUL



140 PRINT #4;CHR$(1);

150 Response$= 

160 Bytes%= 0

170 REPeat GetResponse1

180   This$= INKEY$(#5)

190   IF This$ =  THEN NEXT GetResponse1

200   Response$= Response$  This$

210   Bytes%= Bytes% + 1

220   IF Bytes% = 4 THEN EXIT GetResponse1

230 END REPeat GetResponse1

240 PRINT The Response to Command 01 (Get Driver Version) was:  

250 PRINT #4;CHR$(2);

260 Response$= 

270 Bytes%= 0

280 REPeat GetResponse2

290   This$= INKEY$(#5)

300   IF This$ =  THEN NEXT GetResponse2

310   Response$= Response$  This$

320   Bytes%= Bytes% + 1

330   IF Bytes% = 4 THEN EXIT GetResponse2

340 END REPeat GetResponse2

350 PRINT The Response to Command 02 (Get Hardware Version) was:  


The driver interface will be somewhat sleeker than this in the final build
of course ;)







In the interests of being open, and as I intend that this driver will
ultimately become open source, here is this week's change log:


0.02.011 (OK)

Unused messages removed.

Optimised core:drv_inst.

Removed usbdrv:usbwiz_link, core:set_d7, core:read_params.

Fixed wrong register error in usbdrv:drive_select.

USB_RD  USB_WR now attempt to select correct physical drive if not current
at start of process.


0.02.012 (OK)

usbdrv:drive_capacity no longer returns a hard coded result, but instead
establishes the size of the drive through iterative RS commands (USBWiz MS
command won't work with direct sector access on non-FAT).

usbdrv:usbwiz_fetch now able to exit faster on detection of an error return.

New S*BASIC function USB_SIZE() returns the capacity of the selected drive.


0.02.013 (OK)

Fixed bad error exits in usbdrv:usbwiz_fetch

Added new debug messages in usbdrv:usbwiz_send and usbdrv:usbwiz_fetch.


0.02.014 (OK)

Implemented new variable usb_fix_capacity to override calls to

New S*BASIC command USB_FIXSIZE to set usb_fix_capacity.


0.02.015 (OK)

In usbdrv:usbwiz_queue_status, if an entry has a status of failed it will be
set to complete so that it will automatically be purged when its retention
count reaches zero.

Map write delay now configurable at run-time.

New function core:selected_drive to eventually replace the deprecated

In open:do_open, legacy calls to set_drive/write_block replaced with

Check at startup, just after driver version banner, for F5 pressed. If so,
debug flag is set.


0.02.016 (OK)

New constant io_queue_safe_limit determines how full the I/O Queue is
allowed to get before I/O write operations are blocked.

Implemented bit 29 of I/O request flag to indicate request came from forced

forced:do_forced optimised; deprecated calls to drive_nbusy removed, legacy
call to write_block replaced with drive_write.

Documentation headers on read/write functions updated to reflect changes.


0.02.017 (OK)

Incorporated the queue safe limit test into drive_read, so neither call can
exhaust queue space (Bit 29 of d6 treated the same).

Greatly simplified and cleaned up the project make file, removing the module
boot entirely.

Stripped out code to support ROM version (Ser-USB was never intended to be
loaded from ROM - at least not conventionally).

Simplied initialisation code and swapped order so that driver is initialised
before S*BASIC PROCs  FNs installed.

Removed obsolete pointer hard_add from startup_asm.


0.02.018 (OK)

Cleaned up the module 

[Ql-Users] Wishlist of future SuperBASIC extensions...

2011-02-11 Thread Plastic
I wish I could...

count++ instead of count = count + 1
count-- instead of count = count - 1

I wish I could...

DEFine PROCedure run_faster(a$)
REMark Any procedures called with this wrapper will always execute in a
short enough time ;)

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Wishlist of future SuperBASIC extensions...

2011-02-11 Thread Rich Mellor

On 11/02/2011 14:02, Plastic wrote:

I wish I could...

count++ instead of count = count + 1
count-- instead of count = count - 1

Not possible without re-writing the BASIC parser...

I wish I could...

DEFine PROCedure run_faster(a$)
REMark Any procedures called with this wrapper will always execute in a
short enough time ;)

Now that is easy enough:

DEFine PROCedure run_faster(a$)
REMark do nothing

Or, you can use Turbo to compile a suite of procedure and function calls 
- not something I have ever used it for, but it's there - plus you can 
compile it for speed, rather than memory on the most intensive sections 
of code!

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

-- Try out our new site:

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Wishlist of future SuperBASIC extensions...

2011-02-11 Thread Plastic
On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 8:16 AM, Rich Mellor

 On 11/02/2011 14:02, Plastic wrote:

 I wish I could...

 count++ instead of count = count + 1
 count-- instead of count = count - 1

 Not possible without re-writing the BASIC parser...

How does Jan Jones sleep at night? ;)

 I wish I could...

 DEFine PROCedure run_faster(a$)
 REMark Any procedures called with this wrapper will always execute in a
 short enough time ;)

 Now that is easy enough:

 DEFine PROCedure run_faster(a$)
 REMark do nothing

So the problem isn't with the code. It's with the problem!

 Or, you can use Turbo to compile a suite of procedure and function calls -
 not something I have ever used it for, but it's there - plus you can compile
 it for speed, rather than memory on the most intensive sections of code.

I have downloaded it. I plan to read the manual tonight. I read it in
1980-something and it made me cry. Hopefully I will do better this time. :)

Anyone know what the memory limit on JS ROMs is, and how it exhibits? I
configured Q-Emulator to 4MB and wrote a little proggie to copy every 32K
page into screen RAM, and it seems to run well, and loop around at 4MB. I
notice the SuperBASIC area is... larger. Approx 48K instead of 6K or so.


QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Back on the list...

2011-02-11 Thread QL2K
Hi all,


As I think to myself that a long time I haven't got any QL user list email,
I just redo an new subscription to this mailing list.

So I took these few seconds to announce you that.


Anyway, I will read  email of this list very carefully.


I'm not sure but I believe that I saw any subject regarding QL2K so if you
can repost your request that should be useful for me if I can do something.

I'm not very updated about the QL scene since months so if there is
something noticeable ...


Hope to read you soon,


Jimmy. ( ).




QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Back on the list...

2011-02-11 Thread Lee Privett
Hi Jimmy, welcome back, are you saying you are looking to do some upgrade or 
something similar to your QL emulator(s)?
Lee Privett
  Sent from my Laptop running XP   
  but emulating the QL using QPC2  
  - Original Message - 
  From: QL2K 
  Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 2:39 PM
  Subject: [Ql-Users] Back on the list...

  Hi all,


  As I think to myself that a long time I haven't got any QL user list email,
  I just redo an new subscription to this mailing list.

  So I took these few seconds to announce you that.


  Anyway, I will read  email of this list very carefully.


  I'm not sure but I believe that I saw any subject regarding QL2K so if you
  can repost your request that should be useful for me if I can do something.

  I'm not very updated about the QL scene since months so if there is
  something noticeable ...


  Hope to read you soon,


  Jimmy. ( ).




  QL-Users Mailing List
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Back on the list...

2011-02-11 Thread Urs Koenig (QL)
QL2K wrote:
 As I think to myself that a long time I haven't got any QL 
 user list email, I just redo an new subscription to this mailing list.
Welcome back!

 I'm not very updated about the QL scene since months so if 
 there is something noticeable ...
You've missed the busiest weeks for years on this list.

Here's a link with your chance to catch up.

Cheers, Urs

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Back on the list...

2011-02-11 Thread QL2K
Hi Lee,

Thanks... For QL2K why not if I can do something.


-Message d'origine-
De :
[] De la part de Lee Privett
Envoyé : vendredi 11 février 2011 15:46
À :
Objet : Re: [Ql-Users] Back on the list...

Hi Jimmy, welcome back, are you saying you are looking to do some upgrade or
something similar to your QL emulator(s)?
Lee Privett
  Sent from my Laptop running XP   
  but emulating the QL using QPC2  
  - Original Message - 
  From: QL2K 
  Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 2:39 PM
  Subject: [Ql-Users] Back on the list...

  Hi all,


  As I think to myself that a long time I haven't got any QL user list
  I just redo an new subscription to this mailing list.

  So I took these few seconds to announce you that.


  Anyway, I will read  email of this list very carefully.


  I'm not sure but I believe that I saw any subject regarding QL2K so if you
  can repost your request that should be useful for me if I can do

  I'm not very updated about the QL scene since months so if there is
  something noticeable ...


  Hope to read you soon,


  Jimmy. ( ).




  QL-Users Mailing List
QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Wishlist of future SuperBASIC extensions...

2011-02-11 Thread Malcolm Lear

On 11/02/2011 14:02, Plastic wrote:

I wish I could...

count++ instead of count = count + 1
count-- instead of count = count - 1

How about count++5 instead of count = count + 5

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Back on the list...

2011-02-11 Thread QL2K
Hi and Thanks URS,

I'm on mail archive if I can check something interesting (Well all is
interesting too ;-))

Thanks for the link for mail archive as I notice that the search function on
doesn't work.

I'm just searching on how to handle TCP communications using QPC2.. I'm
novice on doing that on QL/SMSq/e :-P


-Message d'origine-
De :
[] De la part de Urs Koenig (QL)
Envoyé : vendredi 11 février 2011 14:57
À :
Objet : Re: [Ql-Users] Back on the list...

QL2K wrote:
 As I think to myself that a long time I haven't got any QL 
 user list email, I just redo an new subscription to this mailing list.
Welcome back!

 I'm not very updated about the QL scene since months so if 
 there is something noticeable ...
You've missed the busiest weeks for years on this list.

Here's a link with your chance to catch up.

Cheers, Urs

QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Wishlist of future SuperBASIC extensions...

2011-02-11 Thread Plastic
On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 8:51 AM, Malcolm Lear wrote:

 On 11/02/2011 14:02, Plastic wrote:

 I wish I could...

 count++ instead of count = count + 1
 count-- instead of count = count - 1

  How about count++5 instead of count = count + 5

I'll match your increments and raise you referenced pointers...

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Ser-USB Driver Update w/e 11-FEB-2011

2011-02-11 Thread
add me as second entry on that list.

Also, I would like to offer help - should you need it. You seem to be making 
very good progress.


Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Ser-USB Driver Update w/e 11-FEB-2011
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 14:53:41 +0100
From: Urs Koenig (QL)

Adrian Ives wrote:
 As of today there is a Ser-USB driver that's around 85% 
 complete.  The current version can mount, read, write and 
 format SD cards/USB storage with a QLW1 partition, but it 
 doesn't yet support multiple partitions on the same drive.  
 All traps are implemented and some optimisation has been 
 started, delivering a perceived performance at 56K that feels 
 like a floppy disk - but even the default 9600 baud is 
 useable, albeit somewhat pedestrian
Sounds very promising. Please Go on!

You can put me on the preorder-list for at least the driver.


QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Back on the list...

2011-02-11 Thread
the original uQLX TCP/IP stack manual can be found on Marcel's home page. He 
saved that from oblivion, thankfully.


Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Back on the list...
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 16:04:10 +0100
From: QL2K

Hi and Thanks URS,

I'm on mail archive if I can check something interesting (Well all is
interesting too ;-))

Thanks for the link for mail archive as I notice that the search function on
doesn't work.

I'm just searching on how to handle TCP communications using QPC2.. I'm
novice on doing that on QL/SMSq/e :-P


-Message d'origine-
De :
[] De la part de Urs Koenig (QL)
Envoyé : vendredi 11 février 2011 14:57
À :
Objet : Re: [Ql-Users] Back on the list...

QL2K wrote:
 As I think to myself that a long time I haven't got any QL 
 user list email, I just redo an new subscription to this mailing list.
Welcome back!

 I'm not very updated about the QL scene since months so if 
 there is something noticeable ...
You've missed the busiest weeks for years on this list.

Here's a link with your chance to catch up.

Cheers, Urs

QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Q-Tron

2011-02-11 Thread Urs Koenig (QL)
Rich Mellor wrote:
 I have just come across a game by Axel Berle (c) 1987 Gallic Digital.
 It is called Q-Tron.
Is is the one with the nice animated Splash-Screen in MODE 4?

Cheers, Urs

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Back on the list...

2011-02-11 Thread QL2K
Hi Tobias,

Yes I got it on :
But too Marcel says that most of TCP functionality useable from SBasic. Full 
functionality with SBasic and some available toolkits.

I'm searching about theses toolkits to give a try using S*Basic.


-Message d'origine-
De : [] 
De la part de
Envoyé : vendredi 11 février 2011 16:16
À :
Objet : Re: [Ql-Users] Back on the list...

the original uQLX TCP/IP stack manual can be found on Marcel's home page. He 
saved that from oblivion, thankfully.


Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Back on the list...
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 16:04:10 +0100
From: QL2K

Hi and Thanks URS,

I'm on mail archive if I can check something interesting (Well all is
interesting too ;-))

Thanks for the link for mail archive as I notice that the search function on
doesn't work.

I'm just searching on how to handle TCP communications using QPC2.. I'm
novice on doing that on QL/SMSq/e :-P


-Message d'origine-
De :
[] De la part de Urs Koenig (QL)
Envoyé : vendredi 11 février 2011 14:57
À :
Objet : Re: [Ql-Users] Back on the list...

QL2K wrote:
 As I think to myself that a long time I haven't got any QL 
 user list email, I just redo an new subscription to this mailing list.
Welcome back!

 I'm not very updated about the QL scene since months so if 
 there is something noticeable ...
You've missed the busiest weeks for years on this list.

Here's a link with your chance to catch up.

Cheers, Urs

QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Back on the list...

2011-02-11 Thread Mark Martin
On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 9:27 AM, QL2K wrote:
 Hi Tobias,

 Yes I got it on :
 But too Marcel says that most of TCP functionality useable from SBasic. Full 
 functionality with SBasic and some available toolkits.

 I'm searching about theses toolkits to give a try using S*Basic.

Are you thinking about adding TCP/IP support to QL2K?  I'm preparing
to dig my QXL PC back out, but while I'm doing that, it's important to
me to get an emulator up and running that has IP support.  The other
emulators are a bit overpriced for me, so I'm excited to think you
might attempt integrating IP into QL2K.   It's either that or I see
about getting uQLX rebuilt on a recent Linux kernel.
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Wishlist of future SuperBASIC extensions...

2011-02-11 Thread gdgqler

On 11 Feb 2011, at 14:02, Plastic wrote:

 I wish I could...
 count++ instead of count = count + 1
 count-- instead of count = count - 1

Here are two solutions:
1. You could define two procedures Pl and Mi

DEFine PROCedure Pl(k)
DEFine PROCedure Mi(k)

count++ becomes Pl count
count-- becomes Mi count

If you use Turbo on these you must add REFERENCE k just above the DEFine lines.

2. You could add two new keywords PL and MI to do the same. These would work 
with the later versions of Turbo.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] GWASS is updated

2011-02-11 Thread gdgqler

On 11 Feb 2011, at 10:17, Alex Wells wrote:

 Do you have a non-SMSQ version of Sud? I would like to run it in uQLx 
 (Minerva rom) and have not tried hacking it myself yet.

I'm afraid Sud at the moment needs SMSQ/E and a screen size bigger than 706x406.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Ser-USB Driver Update w/e 11-FEB-2011

2011-02-11 Thread Adrian Ives
Thanks.  I will be looking for anybody who already has a USBWiz unit lying
around (and who would be capable of connecting it to the QL) to volunteer to
test the driver.

I'm not there yet, but hopefully we're not talking months away.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 11 February 2011 15:11
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Ser-USB Driver Update w/e 11-FEB-2011

add me as second entry on that list.

Also, I would like to offer help - should you need it. You seem to be making
very good progress.


Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Ser-USB Driver Update w/e 11-FEB-2011
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 14:53:41 +0100
From: Urs Koenig (QL)

Adrian Ives wrote:
 As of today there is a Ser-USB driver that's around 85% complete.  The 
 current version can mount, read, write and format SD cards/USB storage 
 with a QLW1 partition, but it doesn't yet support multiple 
 partitions on the same drive.
 All traps are implemented and some optimisation has been started, 
 delivering a perceived performance at 56K that feels like a floppy 
 disk - but even the default 9600 baud is useable, albeit somewhat 
Sounds very promising. Please Go on!

You can put me on the preorder-list for at least the driver.


QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Q-Tron

2011-02-11 Thread Rich Mellor

On 11/02/2011 15:22, Urs Koenig (QL) wrote:

Rich Mellor wrote:

I have just come across a game by Axel Berle (c) 1987 Gallic Digital.

It is called Q-Tron.

Is is the one with the nice animated Splash-Screen in MODE 4?

Cheers, Urs

QL-Users Mailing List

I have put some information and screenshots on the QL Forum -

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

-- Try out our new site:

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Back on the list...

2011-02-11 Thread QL2K
Well why not... At the moment, I just thinking to dig in that way using
But if I had to fix priority I will prefer to find correct mass storage
drivers to deal with QXL WIN Files.


-Message d'origine-
De :
[] De la part de Mark Martin
Envoyé : vendredi 11 février 2011 16:46
À :
Objet : Re: [Ql-Users] Back on the list...

On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 9:27 AM, QL2K wrote:
 Hi Tobias,

 Yes I got it on :
 But too Marcel says that most of TCP functionality useable from SBasic.
Full functionality with SBasic and some available toolkits.

 I'm searching about theses toolkits to give a try using S*Basic.

Are you thinking about adding TCP/IP support to QL2K?  I'm preparing
to dig my QXL PC back out, but while I'm doing that, it's important to
me to get an emulator up and running that has IP support.  The other
emulators are a bit overpriced for me, so I'm excited to think you
might attempt integrating IP into QL2K.   It's either that or I see
about getting uQLX rebuilt on a recent Linux kernel.
QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Wishlist of future SuperBASIC extensions...

2011-02-11 Thread Norman Dunbar
On 11/02/11 15:06, Plastic wrote:

 I'll match your increments and raise you referenced pointers...

I'll 'C' your increments and referenced pointers. In fact, I'll C68 them!


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
61 Richardshaw Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767
QL-Users Mailing List