[ql-users] Bug?

2007-01-17 Thread Malcolm Lear

Is this normal behavior for a 68K processor. I'm doing a word comparison
between a memory location and a data register. It seems that data in the
most significant word of the register is effecting the result. In the 
below the test ends up at notequal. Unfortunately I've not got access to
a real CPU to try this on (only QPC).


start move.l   #$,d0
  lea  test,a4
test  dc.w 0
equal nop
notequal  nop

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Bug?

2007-01-17 Thread Malcolm Lear
Thanks Wolfgang, I'll investigate further. The code I've got problems 
with is obviously
slightly more complex, but a group of comparisons that failed were fixed 
by clearing
the data register before loading with a word from memory.


Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:

On 17 Jan 2007 at 10:17, Malcolm Lear wrote:



Is this normal behavior for a 68K processor.

Hmm, here (QPC) the test works OK, it branches to the equal label as 
expected, the Z flag is set by the CMP.


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Re: [ql-users] I want your software

2006-09-27 Thread Malcolm Lear
Written I believe on a 68000 based Sage computer.


Phil Kett wrote:

extdgl42 wrote:

Is that the Psion chess below? I highly recommend it to anyone. Psion, 
despite being only 67K and old, played one of the most amazing games I've 
ever seen, any chess package, even a master, maybe grandmaster.  This 
includes Francois Lanciault's Blackknight (I wrote reviews for QL magazines). 
(In fact, I need to find my notes; while Psion was playing White, it may have 
been Blackknight playing Black indirectly).


Yes, it is Psion Chess - and the last time I tried it that one actually 

I have to agree - it's a fantastic game.


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Re: [ql-users] How Much Space Do I Have?

2006-09-26 Thread Malcolm Lear
My system gives some very strange results.
STAT dos1_ (153GB) is: 238221176/321669424 and returns 238221152/321669424
dos2_ (8GB) should be: 321744/16787488 and returns 238221168/321669424
It seems that dos2_ is reporting back the capacity of dos1_. I'm running 
the latest QPCII
on XP Pro. Dos1_ is a SATA drive and dos2_ an old ATA.


George Gwilt wrote:

If I want to know whether a floppy disk will take the file I want to  
save to it I type STAT. If DATAD$  = flp1_ I can see the total  
number of sectors and the number of free sectors. This is useful. It  
works with ram1 to ram8, with win1 to win8 and so on. But it does not  
give the correct answer for dos1 to dos8 for QPC2. To find out how  
much space I have left on, say, a memory stick I have to climb down  
to Windows to find the answer. Is this restriction intentional? WSTAT  
works perfectly well. It is only SATA that fails.

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[ql-users] QPC Sockets

2006-09-12 Thread Malcolm Lear
Hi All

Is it possible to download a file from a web address using the TCP/UDP 
sockets and
an Sbasic program? I've been looking for documentation and programming 
with no success.

Hope someone can help.


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] QPC Sockets

2006-09-12 Thread Malcolm Lear
That's just what I wanted. Thanks Marcel!!


Marcel Kilgus wrote:

Malcolm Lear wrote:

Is it possible to download a file from a web address using the
TCP/UDP sockets and an Sbasic program? I've been looking for
documentation and programming examples with no success.

Yes, it is possible. The protocol you have to speak is HTTP and
described here http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt

Here's a very very basic program that requests the main page from the
QL-Today web site:

100 OPEN_IN#3,tcp_www.qltoday.com:80
110 PRINT#3,GET / HTTP/1.1
120 PRINT#3,User-Agent: QPC browser
130 PRINT#3,Accept: */*
140 PRINT#3,host: qltoday.com
150 PRINT#3
160 REPeat
170   INPUT#3,a$:PRINT a$
180 END REPeat


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Re: [ql-users] QPC Sockets

2006-09-12 Thread Malcolm Lear
Hi Marcel

And if I required a sub page such as 'http://qltoday.com/latest.htm'?


Marcel Kilgus wrote:

Malcolm Lear wrote:

Is it possible to download a file from a web address using the
TCP/UDP sockets and an Sbasic program? I've been looking for
documentation and programming examples with no success.

Yes, it is possible. The protocol you have to speak is HTTP and
described here http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt

Here's a very very basic program that requests the main page from the
QL-Today web site:

100 OPEN_IN#3,tcp_www.qltoday.com:80
110 PRINT#3,GET / HTTP/1.1
120 PRINT#3,User-Agent: QPC browser
130 PRINT#3,Accept: */*
140 PRINT#3,host: qltoday.com
150 PRINT#3
160 REPeat
170   INPUT#3,a$:PRINT a$
180 END REPeat


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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] QPC Sockets

2006-09-12 Thread Malcolm Lear
Thanks Marcel, I understand now.


Marcel Kilgus wrote:

Malcolm Lear wrote:

And if I required a sub page such as 'http://qltoday.com/latest.htm'?

That's the / after GET. Best read the documentation for this,
there's plenty of it on the net.


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Re: [ql-users] QPC Keyboard

2005-01-14 Thread Malcolm Lear
I thought it was only me!  Since using XP I've not been able to get the 
config menu up using the shift key.
I have now set it to always show. But you do have to get to the menu to 
set that option.

Terrific. What ignorance on my part. I tried as you said but that does nothing.
Maybe because of Windows XP?


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] ESC/P2

2005-01-12 Thread Malcolm Lear
Well if you do need the Reference manual it can be found at:
By the way does QPCPrint handle the colour modes?
Marcel Kilgus wrote:
Jérôme Grimbert wrote:

I do not know any expert, but I have a book with the ESC/P2 programming
information. The user-defined-font loading is barely two pages in it.

Thanks, but in the meantime I have solved all my problems myself (for
a change ;-)).
It might be time for a heads up, the reason I have been asking this is
that I have been working on a complete printing solution for QPC,
called QPCPrint (yes, like the last project from Ewald that at some
stage got abandoned). It swallows pretty much any ESC/P2 code you
throw at it and prints the emulated result onto any Windows printer
you like. It now works from Easel FX-80 hardcopy to 720dpi ProForma
printing and from simple Quill printout to complex multi-font
proportional Text87 output.
Incidentally, what it doesn't do, is user-defined-fonts, but that
should be a negligible feature. At least I didn't find it worth the
The coding is now basically finished, therefore I can say with some
confidence that this is no vapourware. Of course between having the
code ready and be able to sell it as a product there is still a lot
of work to do, but it will appear in not too long a time.
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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] ESC/P2

2005-01-12 Thread Malcolm Lear
Well I think you could do just about anything!
Marcel Kilgus wrote:
Well, do you really think I could have done this without that manual?


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] QL filename length revisited

2005-01-11 Thread Malcolm Lear
Quite agree. I too have recently been driven nuts with the limitations. 
A new set of
traps to an advanced directory system sounds good. Perhaps with a new 
'CD' navigation
command. I suppose the old traps could be rewritten such that older 
software has
access to the new system to a path length of 36 characters. Does anyone 
know the history
of the 36 character limit. Was it a file name length limit set before 
directories came about?


P Witte wrote:
Not quite. Ive always lobbied for an advanced new file system. Im now
prepared to accept something less ;)
The reason is order and sanity. Ive hit the path depth limit in trying to
arrange things the way I need to have them, and I rarely use directory names
of more than three of four letters. One letter is too limited.


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Re: [ql-users] good superbasic book ?

2004-12-20 Thread Malcolm Lear
Its quite possible that it already exists in Adobe Pagemaker format.
Equally we should be realistic about electronic publication. My copy 
is an original MgGraw-Hill copy and has 257 pages. That would be a 
huge scanning job and an even worse PDF conversion job. Given that 
there could well be several second hand copies floating around, is it 
really worth the investment of someone's time and energy?

Best Wishes,
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Re: [ql-users] Fw: ENOUGH is ENOUGH

2004-11-24 Thread Malcolm Lear

After that it gets difficult: Some people may
not want to move on from microdrives. They wont want PE or anything
newfangled like that, otherwise Id suggest that the following products were
also considered a fundamental part of the system for ALL platforms:

Microdrives!  I'd actually forgotten that such things existed. Surely 
people don't still use them.


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Microdrives

2004-11-24 Thread Malcolm Lear

Amazing. I was having problems using them nearly 20 years ago!
At the last Eindhoven workshop, Arnie Clarke had a catch 22.
He had not put a superHermes keyboard driver in his boot program, so 
had no keyboard!  This can be added to romDisq to load prior to F1/F2.

His romDisq though was dead and need to be re-formatted.  I had to do 
this on my QL - the only other native QL in the room.  It needed the 
romDisq driver, but no-one had a floppy disk system.
I copied the driver to microdrive from my romDisq and re-formatted his 
romDisq from that file and added the driver as rom1_rom1.

... so there _are_ still uses for microdrives.
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Proforma Filter

2004-11-18 Thread Malcolm Lear
Since most QL software requiring printer output (all?) have either epson 
or postscript drivers, I should think a
combination of 'epsonps' (epson to postscript convertor) and ghostscript 
would be a possible solution. The list of
printers supported by  ghostscript  does seem quite impressive. Maybe 
the process can somehow be transparent
to the user.

Convert Postscript or whatever to Windows-only printer output. Why oh why couldn't these 
have all worked in the same way so that all printers could have a common 
driver - seems to contradict the very idea of standards if even in this day 
and age every single printer on the planet needs different software just like the very 
first home computers in the early 1980s did!
Now quite how the various stages are achieved is open to discussion of course 
(Proforma...device drivers, PFF_USE, pipes...), let the print experts on this 
list loose on the project with the end view in mind and let them argue among 
themselves as to the best way to do it!

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] QPC and Windows XP SP2

2004-09-09 Thread Malcolm Lear
Have been using 3.20 continuously with SP2 for a couple of weeks now 
without any problems.

Fabrizio Diversi wrote:
Did anyone tried to use Qpc (last version 3.20) in a WinXP SP2 machine ?
There is a general instability, without any reason QPC close itself randomly, also, i 
had to cancel some extension in the boot file cause they crash QPC.
This happended after the SP2 installation.

I believe you are looking for an MFM/RLL drive. These do occasionally come
up on eBay.
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