[Ql-Users] USB Floppy Drives, emulators and so on

2011-09-01 Thread Norman Dunbar
A while back there was talk of the ability to use a USB floppy with QPC 
etc. As I have recently had to purchase a USB Floppy from Amazon (£10 
delivered!) I decided to test it out and see what's what.


On Linux, the drive plugs in and just works. It cannot read QL Floppies 
without a QL5A/QL5B filesystem (yet).

QPC cannot see the device as flp1_. QPAC2's files menu also seems no 
medium when I attempt to look at the files and SBasic retunes a dir of 
win1_ (PROG_USE and DATA_USE set to win1) if I attempt to dir flp1_.

Windows XP:

When I absolutely have to, I run XP in a VirtualBox emulator VM. As 
expected, the USB floppy turns up as drive A: and can be read from DOS, 
Windows Explorer.

QPC happily sees the device and can read from it. QPAC2's files menu can 
also see it and read it happily.

Windows 7:

To be tested.

On a similar note, I have downloaded Jonathan Hudson's qltools, qxltools 
and wxqt2 from The Dead Letter Drop and attempted to compile them on 
OpenSuse 11.4 running GCC version gcc (SUSE Linux) 4.5.1 20101208 
[gcc-4_5-branch revision 167585].

qltools: needed a few changes to make it work. I can happily read from a 
floppy image or from the device itself (/dev/usb_floppy), I can write to 
and format new floppy images - I have not tried writing to my (precious) 
floppies yet.

Formatting a floppy directly doesn't work, but formatting a floppy image 
does. However, it formats short in as much as if I ask it to format me 
an HD floppy image, I get a very short file and not 2880 sectors.

More experimenting to be done, but as far as images go, reading is fine, 
writing is fine, formatting is fine (see above) as is getting directory 
listings and info etc.

Physical devices allow directory listings, reading of files, writing is 
still to be tried and formatting (of a brand new unformatted disc) fails.

qxltools: multiple compilation failures. Still working on this one.

wxqt2: Even worse that qxltools. :-(

I'm not sure what the score is with Jonathan's source code. I'm thinking 
that maybe it could be put up on SourceForge as a project? At least then 
there's a safe central place for future enhancements?

I'll update that as I experiment.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
61 Richardshaw Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] USB Floppy Drives, emulators and so on

2011-09-01 Thread gdgqler

On 1 Sep 2011, at 13:55, Norman Dunbar wrote:

 When I absolutely have to, I run XP in a VirtualBox emulator VM. As expected, 
 the USB floppy turns up as drive A: and can be read from DOS, Windows 

I use XP via VMware on a MAC. The floppies are accessed as drive B ie FLP2.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] USB Floppy Drives, emulators and so on

2011-09-01 Thread Norman Dunbar

More information,

Windows XP:

Ok, formatting a blank disc fails in Windows Explorer because there are 
no options in any of the drop down lists for capacity, volume name etc. 
The OK button works (as does Cancel) warns me that formatting will 
destroy all data on the disc, then OK just ignores me and does nothing.

Format a: /FS:FAT  in a dos box works perfectly.

Once DOS formated, QPC can read it as a DOS formatted floppy. So far so 

In SBasic, the format flp1_TEST command works. (At least, using a 720 KB 
disc it does.) However, it formats to 1.44 Mb rather than 720 KB and 
it's noisy. There are no HD holes in the floppy - so maybe the drive is 
lying to QPC/Windows?

A completely blank unformatted disc also formats under QPC - but this 
time correctly to 720 Kb. This time the format is as quiet as I remember 
QL formats to be. :-)

Reformatting the first one again using SBasic or QPAC2 results in a 
noise 1.44MB Format.

Windows 7 still to come. ;-)


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
61 Richardshaw Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] USB Floppy Drives, emulators and so on

2011-09-01 Thread Dilwyn Jones

Norman Dunbar wrote:
In SBasic, the format flp1_TEST command works. (At least, using a 720 KB 
disc it does.) However, it formats to 1.44 Mb rather than 720 KB and it's 
noisy. There are no HD holes in the floppy - so maybe the drive is lying 
to QPC/Windows?
Could you try FORMAT 'FLP1_TEST*D' perhaps to try to force it to (re)format 
it as DD?

Some drives sometimes seem to have no sensors, annoyingly. Or at least none 
that seem to work.

In the past I've covered holes with sellotape to force one format or another 
and had mixed success. I never know if floppy drives are going to sense them 
optically or mechanically.

Windows 7 still to come. ;-)
I'll have to dig my USB floppy drive out to try with this new PC (Win 7 64 
bit) because it has no floppy drive.

(Oh dear, Norman just fainted thinking of me let loose connecting a new 
device to a new PC...)

I still get asked for QL stuff on floppy disks from time to time, so within 
the QL community I don't foresee being able to manage without floppy disks 
and floppy drives for a while at least.

Dilwyn Jones 

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