Re: [ql-users] More lost QL Users

2002-03-13 Thread Dilwyn Jones

>Unfortunately, these wouldn't be of much use to me as they are
>UK based and I'd be making a long distance phone call for my emails -
>ouch!!  I'm based in Ireland don't forget...

You should be able to get any email account from your current ISP
which you can use with Lookout Excess or whatever and many web based
emailservices (including the dreaded NotColdMail) can POP3 the emails
to - in other words divert your email from your Lookout Express type
providers to web based emails so you can pop(3?) into any internet
cafe worldwide to call up without having to do an international call.

When I had a hotmail account, I could get my softnet email sent to
that by providing the password details etc to hotmail.admittedly I was
always using our laptop rather than net cafes). Or have I
misunderstood something here?

>Reminds me of the trouble the Irish branches of Dixons got into
>They are supplying the same modems here as they do in the UK - their
>brand "PC Line" ones. They were dirt cheap (about 15 euro) , so
>hundred people bought one in the run up to Xmas and installed them in
>machines  - including the UK based freeserve ISP CD that came with
>Unknown to the masses, they were dailing a UK number for their
>access!!  Dixons had neglected to remove the Uk CD-ROM from the box
>they imported them into Ireland, Now dixons are being sued but
>people over it - one case made the papers, where one family got a
>bill for 4,500 pounds just after Xmas.

My wifeworks for a firm who supply non-computing goods both retail and
wholesale. Some of these types of cock-ups make for good laughs over a
pint or two. And they happen more often than you might think. It's
rarely the companies' fault, rather individuals within organisations
who don't provide accurate information on time and goods then have to
be supplied on trust or on a 'best guess' basis, leading to glorious
foulups from time to time.

Dilwyn Jones

Re: [ql-users] More lost QL Users

2002-03-12 Thread Phoebus Dokos

At 07:54 ÐÌ 12/3/2002, you wrote:

>Marcel Kilgus wrote:-
> >In Germany we have several dozens of those free-mailers, both
> >accessible by POP3 and trough the web. Is it that different on the
> >island?
>Yep!! Despite having one of the most sophisticated telephone networks in
>europe, we are well behind in that field. ISDN has yet to become
>affordable, (I pay three times as much for a 128K ISDN as a friend in
>london does for 4/500K broadband) let alone broadband itself which is only
>available is small pockets of Dublin anyway.

That IS weird indeed. In Greece for example ISDN costs exactly the same 
than an analog line (actually double but since you're really getting two 
lines, no real need for modem -direct to RS232 connection through the ISDN 
terminal- at least 2 times the speed of a regular analog connection and a 
host of neat features like caller ID etc... it's really cheaper :-). Weird, 
I thought that Greece was really a backwater country in this aspect... 
Thanks Darren, you made me feel good now :-)

>Anyway, have just found out that Eircom have been also web based since
>January and told nobody. So, looks like I'll be switching to them...

Re: [ql-users] More lost QL Users

2002-03-12 Thread Darren . Branagh

Marcel Kilgus wrote:-

>In Germany we have several dozens of those free-mailers, both
>accessible by POP3 and trough the web. Is it that different on the

Yep!! Despite having one of the most sophisticated telephone networks in
europe, we are well behind in that field. ISDN has yet to become
affordable, (I pay three times as much for a 128K ISDN as a friend in
london does for 4/500K broadband) let alone broadband itself which is only
available is small pockets of Dublin anyway.

Anyway, have just found out that Eircom have been also web based since
January and told nobody. So, looks like I'll be switching to them...


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This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept 
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Re: [ql-users] More lost QL Users

2002-03-12 Thread Marcel Kilgus

> I have a choice of millions of web based free email services, but what I
> need is an ISP that I can set up on Lookout Express or whatever mailer I
> what to use, and ALSO access via the web when I need to (eg. when
> travelling) that is Irish based. I can get either/or, but not both it
> appears.

In Germany we have several dozens of those free-mailers, both
accessible by POP3 and trough the web. Is it that different on the


Re: [ql-users] More lost QL Users

2002-03-12 Thread Darren . Branagh

Hi John,

Unfortunately, these wouldn't be of much use to me as they are undoubtedly
UK based and I'd be making a long distance phone call for my emails -
ouch!!  I'm based in Ireland don't forget...

Reminds me of the trouble the Irish branches of Dixons got into recently.
They are supplying the same modems here as they do in the UK - their own
brand "PC Line" ones. They were dirt cheap (about 15 euro) , so several
hundred people bought one in the run up to Xmas and installed them in their
machines  - including the UK based freeserve ISP CD that came with them!!
Unknown to the masses, they were dailing a UK number for their internet
access!!  Dixons had neglected to remove the Uk CD-ROM from the box when
they imported them into Ireland, Now dixons are being sued but several
people over it - one case made the papers, where one family got a telephone
bill for 4,500 pounds just after Xmas.

I have a choice of millions of web based free email services, but what I
need is an ISP that I can set up on Lookout Express or whatever mailer I
what to use, and ALSO access via the web when I need to (eg. when
travelling) that is Irish based. I can get either/or, but not both it

It appears that Unison and Eircom here are expanding their services to web
based email. Good news if its true.

Darren Branagh,
Consumer Lending Business,
Bank Of Ireland Card Services,
Nassau House, 33/35 Nassau Street, Dublin 2. Ireland.
Tel: 01-6176368 (Direct Line)Fax: 01-6798717


"John G

Hitchcock"   To: "QL-users e-mail" 

  >   Subject: Re: [ql-users] More lost QL 
Sent by:   




11/03/2002 22:18   

Please respond to  




The nice thing about hotmail is you can access it anywhere
(even freebie airport terminals!) but thats about all I like about it

I have two pay-as-you-go ISP accounts that I can access anywhere (there is
web acess ) and they are _not_ hotmail Darren.

Gimme a private e if you should like to know more.

HTH [  ;>)  ]

John in Wales

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and 
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This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept 
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Re: [ql-users] More lost QL Users

2002-03-11 Thread John G Hitchcock

The nice thing about hotmail is you can access it anywhere
(even freebie airport terminals!) but thats about all I like about it

I have two pay-as-you-go ISP accounts that I can access anywhere (there is a
web acess ) and they are _not_ hotmail Darren.

Gimme a private e if you should like to know more.

HTH [  ;>)  ]

John in Wales

Re: [ql-users] More lost QL Users

2002-03-11 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 11 Mar 2002 at 11:03:19, Phoebus Dokos wrote:
(ref: <5162YX61ROSR3XA5RNUP3XLGRSM936.3c8cd547@quantum-central>)

>??? 11/3/2002 10:53:17 , ?/? Tony Firshman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ??:
>>It was about one of your mailers not adding the '>' indents on quoted
>>text, so that the whole email became pretty unreadable.
>>It is nothing to do with the receiving mailer - these indents are
>>generated by the sending mailer, and received as literal text.
>I am pretty sure that you were referring to the mail headers not the
>'>'s (THat was one message sent by mistake in HTML only)
I wasn't (8-)#
Your email was pretty unreadable as your reply and my quoted text (which
was interleaved) had no indented '>'
You saw the indents in my reply as I added them manually!

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] More lost QL Users

2002-03-11 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 11 Mar 2002 at 15:58:38,  wrote:

>The qcelt one is still alive, but the problem is with damn spam - I get
>about 1.8Mb of pure unadulterated rubbish into my inbox everyday, and
>unless I visit it daily to remove all the spam it quickly eats into my 2Mb
>mailbox limit, and when that happens emails bounce due to my mailbox space
>being exceeded. At the moment, I'm too busy to do that and can't access the
>web to get at hotmail during work hours - its usually after midnight when I
>get home :-((
>I am looking into other email accounts though these are still limited in
>Ireland - this is something I hope to cure when I leave the bank (at the
>start of April). The nice thing about hotmail is you can access it anywhere
>(even freebie airport terminals!) but thats about all I like about it
There are plenty of ways to reduce spam.

I have my from: and to: address as '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' and
don't quote my literal email address in my sig or on my web site.
You can't use that with hotmail.  Mind you I don't know why you mess
with that.  It is a real pain having to manage emails on-line, and it is
so slow.  Also I often get a burst of spam when emailing to hotmail

Some people open a free account, and use that only for usenet etc.

The cardinal rule is never quote your literal address anywhere except
private emails.
Since doing this my spam is reducing dramatically.

QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
  Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
   TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] More lost QL Users

2002-03-11 Thread Phoebus Dokos

??? 11/3/2002 10:53:17 ÐÌ, ?/? Tony Firshman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ??:

>It was about one of your mailers not adding the '>' indents on quoted
>text, so that the whole email became pretty unreadable.
>It is nothing to do with the receiving mailer - these indents are
>generated by the sending mailer, and received as literal text.

I am pretty sure that you were referring to the mail headers not the >'s (THat was one 
message sent by mistake in HTML only)
(Also my "quantum-central" is the "host name" of my main machine... Hopefully with 
etherIDE that will read "real-ql" :-)

Phoebus R. Dokos - Quantum Leap Software
Web and Graphic Design - Custom Program Solutions
Tech Support - Software Localization
ICQ#:34196116 / SMS:+30973267887

Re: [ql-users] More lost QL Users

2002-03-11 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Mon, 11 Mar 2002 at 10:41:27, Phoebus Dokos wrote:
(ref: )

>??? 11/3/2002 10:30:12 , ?/? Tony Firshman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ??:
>>Darren Branagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    I am _sure_ this is a
> valid address, Darren
Not for long - he has or is about to leave that address.
I used that one as well, which succeeded.
>BTW Tony: Is this mailer acceptable for Turnpike (I remember you had
>trouble with my other mailers ;-)

It was about one of your mailers not adding the '>' indents on quoted
text, so that the whole email became pretty unreadable.

It is nothing to do with the receiving mailer - these indents are
generated by the sending mailer, and received as literal text.

QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
  Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
   TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] More lost QL Users

2002-03-11 Thread Darren . Branagh

Hi Tony,

The qcelt one is still alive, but the problem is with damn spam - I get
about 1.8Mb of pure unadulterated rubbish into my inbox everyday, and
unless I visit it daily to remove all the spam it quickly eats into my 2Mb
mailbox limit, and when that happens emails bounce due to my mailbox space
being exceeded. At the moment, I'm too busy to do that and can't access the
web to get at hotmail during work hours - its usually after midnight when I
get home :-((

I am looking into other email accounts though these are still limited in
Ireland - this is something I hope to cure when I leave the bank (at the
start of April). The nice thing about hotmail is you can access it anywhere
(even freebie airport terminals!) but thats about all I like about it

Darren Branagh,
Consumer Lending Business,
Bank Of Ireland Card Services,
Nassau House, 33/35 Nassau Street, Dublin 2. Ireland.
Tel: 01-6176368 (Direct Line)Fax: 01-6798717


Tony Firshman  


Sent by: Subject: [ql-users] More lost QL 



11/03/2002 15:30   

Please respond to  




It is amazing how quickly email addresses die - it is a real pain
keeping them up to date as a mere handful contact me with changes.
Only two weeks since the last emailshot.

I don't apologise for boring you yet again, as these email 'ads' are
going to be the QL lifeline I think.  None of us traders can afford to
spend any of our losses on grand publicity (8-(#

Can anyone help with these:

Phil Sprotson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Darren Branagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    I am _sure_ this is a
 valid address, Darren
   He has also 'gone away' from his Anerley Address

Graham Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (spuddy is dead)

QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
  Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
   TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and 
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they   
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please 
notify us immediately at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and delete this E-mail 
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It is possible for data transmitted by email to be deliberately or
accidentally corrupted or intercepted. For this reason, where the
communication is by email, the Bank of Ireland Group does not accept 
any responsibility for any breach of confidence which may arise 
through the use of this medium.
This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept 
 for the presence of known computer viruses.


Re: [ql-users] More lost QL Users

2002-03-11 Thread Phoebus Dokos

??? 11/3/2002 10:30:12 ÐÌ, ?/? Tony Firshman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ??:

>Darren Branagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    I am _sure_ this is a
 valid address, Darren


BTW Tony: Is this mailer acceptable for Turnpike (I remember you had trouble with my 
other mailers ;-)

Phoebus R. Dokos - Quantum Leap Software
Web and Graphic Design - Custom Program Solutions
Tech Support - Software Localization
ICQ#:34196116 / SMS:+30973267887