[ql-users] QPC2v303 versus Office 97

2002-09-28 Thread Dilwyn Jones

Can anyone else reproduce this problem I'm having with QPC2 v3.03?

Start QPC2. Check that floppy disk access works with DIR FLP1_

Go to Windows 95 or 98 (I was using Win95 until start of this week
until it did a PC an I was forced to reinstall but this time used
WIn98SE). Start a M$ program like Word or Excel (Office 97 Pro on my

ALT TAB back to QPC2, check you can still read a floppy disk.

ALT TAB back to M$ prog. Open a file, make sure you wade through a few
directories - whichever directory (probably My Documents) it opens
first, make sure you load from another folder.

ALT TAB back to QPC2. On my system floppy disk access will have
stopped working. If you DIR FLP1_ with a disk in the drive, it will
take a long time to realise it can no longer read the disk. But if you
DIR FLP1_ with no disk in the drive it realises straight away and
gives the usual error.

This does not happen when I use the same version of QPC2 on a Windows
2000 system at work, so may be specific to my PC or to Windows 95/98.

Please can someone with Win9x, M$ Word or Excel and QPC2v3 try this
and let me know if the same problem occurs so I can offer a better
description of the problem to Marcel or Jochen to see if they can come
up with something to help me. Conversely, if someone with a similar
setup can verify that this doesn't happen I'll know it's something in
the software on this machine.

Very strange, it only seems to happen with M$ programs! (OK, I know
that'll teach me...)

Dilwyn Jones

Re: [ql-users] e-mail plain protocols [was Parcelfarce]

2002-09-28 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Fri, 27 Sep 2002 at 22:46:34, John G Hitchcock wrote:
(ref: 007001c2666f$7c0fabc0$dc169fd4@johns)

In I/E v 6.00

send tab
select: include message in reply
Note: In I/E 6: There does not *seem* to be the offer of the -

'' etc as a prefix but a standardisation on ':'
Interesting - I have _never_ seen ':' until now.

See example below

reply to original

- Original Message -
From:  A N other ..
To: AN A N Other
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 10:25 PM
Subject: Test for ' include message in reply' - original

: Test for ' include message in reply' - original


 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
  tonysurname.demon.co.uk  http://www.firshman.demon.co.uk
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] e-mail plain protocols [was Parcelfarce]

2002-09-28 Thread Bill Waugh

- Original Message -
From: Tony Firshman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] e-mail plain protocols [was Parcelfarce]

  to messagesin the format they were sent
 On  Fri, 27 Sep 2002 at 22:46:34, John G Hitchcock wrote:
 (ref: 007001c2666f$7c0fabc0$dc169fd4@johns)

 In I/E v 6.00
 send tab
 select: include message in reply
 Note: In I/E 6: There does not *seem* to be the offer of the -
 '' etc as a prefix but a standardisation on ':'
 Interesting - I have _never_ seen ':' until now.

As I stated in a reply  ''  ':' and '|' are available.

I noted that I also had the 'reply to messages in the fromat they were
sent ' ticked, this overrides any plain text settings if replying to
html mails, I'm not sure this could have any bearings on my mail to Tony
and Norman as I assume they replied in plain text.
the URL that I pasted in to the original reply to Tony would not
constitute a html mail on return surely.

Could someone tell me if my mails are ok now please (:-)

All the best - Bill

Re: [ql-users] QPC2v303 versus Office 97

2002-09-28 Thread Marcel Kilgus

Dilwyn Jones wrote: 
 ALT TAB back to QPC2. On my system floppy disk access will have
 stopped working. If you DIR FLP1_ with a disk in the drive, it will
 take a long time to realise it can no longer read the disk. But if you
 DIR FLP1_ with no disk in the drive it realises straight away and
 gives the usual error.

Hmm, I just did a few tests using my old (not to say ancient)
Win95+Word2000 installation. I did not experience any problems,
neither with QL nor with PC discs.
Can somebody with preferably Office97 check this?

 This does not happen when I use the same version of QPC2 on a Windows
 2000 system at work, so may be specific to my PC or to Windows 95/98.

It certainly is. Floppy disc access is in fact the only part of QPC
that needs completely independent code for 9x/ME and NT/2000/XP. The
reason being that while NT/2000/XP incorporate a proper floppy driver
9x/ME only uses a wrapper for the BIOS calls. The only advantage is
that QPC1 and QPC2 for 9x share almost exactly the same floppy code...

Having said this I wouldn't rule out that it might be a BIOS problem.

Cheers, Marcel

Re: [ql-users] QPC2v303 versus Office 97

2002-09-28 Thread Phoebus Dokos

At 08:36 ðì 28/9/2002, you wrote:

look at your startup folder in the Start MenuPrograms and remove the 
shortcut named Microsoft Office (points to the file: C:\Program 
Files\Microsoft Office\Office\OSA9.EXE -b -l) This is the Office Indexer 
that reads constantly the drives and probably causes the problem. Mine is 
removed and I experience no problem with QPC.


Re: [ql-users] e-mail plain protocols [was Parcelfarce]

2002-09-28 Thread P Witte

Tony Firshman writes:

While were having this little chat let me point out to Tony that I often
find your replies very hard to find. See the example below.

lines and lines of quoted text

Note: In I/E 6: There does not *seem* to be the offer of the -

'' etc as a prefix but a standardisation on ':'
Interesting - I have _never_ seen ':' until now.   --- Tony's reply

See example below

more lines and lines of quoted text

Perhaps, because your email program does intelligent things to the text to
emphasise the thread logic in some way, you may not realise the problem even
now. Try viewing it in a text-only application to see what I mean; your
reply gets completely lost in the ambient verbiage! This has been the case
as long as Ive been on this list, so in the early days, when I believed all
email clients were the same, I made sure to leave a blank line above and
below my own inserted responses (I wonder how that comes across on some
people's screens!) If Im the only person with this problem I apologise for
taking up your time - otherwise, perhaps you might consider adapting your
style for the benefit of your reading public?

Pained of Painswick

[ql-users] QL Today Disk - Vol7 Iss3

2002-09-28 Thread Malcolm Cadman


I have found that the 'qwirc_zip' hangs when unziping the _txt file.

'Jobs' utility reports that memory has been corrupted, and allows the
job to be killed off.

This is with QPC v3.

Anyone else noticed ?
Malcolm Cadman

Re: [ql-users] e-mail plain protocols [was Parcelfarce]

2002-09-28 Thread Malcolm Cadman

In article 001001c266eb$fbfced80$a44b01d5@famwaugh, Bill Waugh

- Original Message -
From: Tony Firshman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] e-mail plain protocols [was Parcelfarce]

  to messagesin the format they were sent
 On  Fri, 27 Sep 2002 at 22:46:34, John G Hitchcock wrote:
 (ref: 007001c2666f$7c0fabc0$dc169fd4@johns)

 In I/E v 6.00
 send tab
 select: include message in reply
 Note: In I/E 6: There does not *seem* to be the offer of the -
 '' etc as a prefix but a standardisation on ':'
 Interesting - I have _never_ seen ':' until now.

As I stated in a reply  ''  ':' and '|' are available.

I noted that I also had the 'reply to messages in the fromat they were
sent ' ticked, this overrides any plain text settings if replying to
html mails, I'm not sure this could have any bearings on my mail to Tony
and Norman as I assume they replied in plain text.
the URL that I pasted in to the original reply to Tony would not
constitute a html mail on return surely.

Could someone tell me if my mails are ok now please (:-)

Yes, they seem OK now, Bill.

Although I would suggest that you 'untick' the 'reply to messages in the
format they were sent' in Outlook, and just stick to plain text.

You can always make an individual choice later for a particular email if
you wish.

Although M$ have this as the 'default' setting in Outlook it encourages
a lot of bouncing around of extra bandwidth ...

Malcolm Cadman

Re: [ql-users] QPC2v303 versus Office 97

2002-09-28 Thread Dilwyn Jones

 It certainly is. Floppy disc access is in fact the only part of QPC
 that needs completely independent code for 9x/ME and NT/2000/XP. The
 reason being that while NT/2000/XP incorporate a proper floppy
 9x/ME only uses a wrapper for the BIOS calls. The only advantage
 that QPC1 and QPC2 for 9x share almost exactly the same floppy

 Having said this I wouldn't rule out that it might be a BIOS

Knowing this PC, that is entirely possible. However, I find it odd
that this only happens when using certain M$ programs to browse files.
The usual suspects of Windows Exploder, net programs and older
graphics programs have no effect, it seems to be just Windoze programs
related to M$ Orifice in some way. We do use M$ Office at work but
it's a Windoze 2000 system and different version of M$ office, so the
same parameters don't apply.

After a few minutes experimenting, Phoebus's suggestion of removing
the Office 97 item from the Startup menu seems to have cleared the
problem, I'll keep an eye on it.

Thanks guys.

Dilwyn Jones

Re: [ql-users] QPC2v303 versus Office 97

2002-09-28 Thread Dilwyn Jones

 Is this with a QDOS or PC format floppy, or does it also happen if
the drive
 is empty?
Not if the drive is empty. QDOS format floppy.

 One problem I know with the MS Office suite is that on loading it
seems to
 check all files that are in the recently accessed list.  Therefore
if you
 have saved a file to a floppy it will try and access the floppy
drive.   I
 tend to notice it even at work where it tries to access a network
share that
 is no longer available - and can take a long time before it gives
I've noticed this, but it seems inconsistent. Another hiccup we get is
that even though the Brother printer diver is installed and happily
driving the printer via USB001 (which is shared) it still insists on
showing the 'Found New USB Hardware Connection' wizard even though
both the computer having the printer connected and the other two
networked ones are happily printing away! Plug and Pray indeed - makes
me quite glad to be a QLer! And in my present job I have no IT guy to
back me up either...a die hard QLer in charge of a network of PCs.
Eeek! Fortunately I do have a good laugh when it all goes belly up
even though it is usually me who has to pick up the pieces. Quite
funny really, the poor little QL emulator is the one which NEVER
crashes in that office! (Hate to have to say it, but Win2K does
survive just about anything the crappy company software throws at it!)

 Unfortunately I do not have a Win9x system where I can check out
 scenario so can only offer some thoughts.  I can check out the
scenario on
 NT4/W2K/XP if you want - but you seem to think that you do not have
 on those OS.
No. It's known not to happen on NT and 2K. Not been able to try XP
Dilwyn Jones

Re: [ql-users] QL Today Disk - Vol7 Iss3

2002-09-28 Thread Dilwyn Jones

 I have found that the 'qwirc_zip' hangs when unziping the _txt file.

 'Jobs' utility reports that memory has been corrupted, and allows
 job to be killed off.

 This is with QPC v3.

 Anyone else noticed ?
I've just tried unzipping it from the master disk which was emailed to
j-m-s (I haven't received a copy of the distribution disks yet) and it
seems to work OK on my QPC2 v3.03. It is of course always possible it
may have got corrupted somewhere en-route. You can always download
Qwirc from my website to try.

Sadly, just after the cover dissk went out, Duncan Neithercut updated
his QCDEZE program to version 1.05 and version 1.06. The version on
the cover CD is v1.04 I think. Nothing drastically wrong with it, but
if you do want the latest version 1.06 (which includes some changes
made after feedback from some Q60 users) it can be downloaded from the
usual Other Software Page on my website

Dilwyn Jones

Re: [ql-users] Parcelfarce

2002-09-28 Thread Geoff Wicks

- Original Message -
From: Laurence Reeves [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I wonder. I can't be bothered to check, but does LookOut offer a similar
 function - replace '' with neat, continous nothing.

My experience with Outlook Express is that it is inconsistent. Even if you
set it to indent with  it doesn't always do this. I have never discovered
why or what circumstances, but then I have never bothered to investigate.
Just a thought though. Could there be a difference if the original message
was text only or HTML?

By the way, how come you are getting away with this OT thread without anyone
complaining ;-).

Geoff Wicks

Re: [ql-users] Parcelfarce

2002-09-28 Thread Bill Waugh

- Original Message -
From: Geoff Wicks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Parcelfarce

 - Original Message -
 From: Laurence Reeves [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I wonder. I can't be bothered to check, but does LookOut offer a
  function - replace '' with neat, continous nothing.

 My experience with Outlook Express is that it is inconsistent. Even if
 set it to indent with  it doesn't always do this. I have never
 why or what circumstances, but then I have never bothered to
 Just a thought though. Could there be a difference if the original
 was text only or HTML?

I wondered about that so I have unticked he box that allows the plain
text setting to be overidden when replying to html

 By the way, how come you are getting away with this OT thread without
 complaining ;-).


my apologies, it was my mail that set it off.

All the best - Bill

Re: [ql-users] Parcelfarce

2002-09-28 Thread Roy Wood

In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Geoff Wicks 
By the way, how come you are getting away with this OT thread without anyone
complaining ;-).
It is the tail end of summer and no one is looking.
Roy Wood
Q Branch, 20 Locks Hill Portslade. Sussex. BN41 2LB. UK
Tel : +44 (0)1273 386030 Fax : +44 (0)1273 430501 (New number!)
Mobile +44(0)7836 745501
Web : www.qbranch.demon.co.uk

Re: [ql-users] Parcelfarce

2002-09-28 Thread Peter Goff


100 turgid messages with no complaint. Is this stilll the silly seasom ?

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 1:19 AM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Parcelfarce

| In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Geoff Wicks
| By the way, how come you are getting away with this OT thread without
| complaining ;-).
| It is the tail end of summer and no one is looking.
| --
| Roy Wood
| Q Branch, 20 Locks Hill Portslade. Sussex. BN41 2LB. UK
| Tel : +44 (0)1273 386030 Fax : +44 (0)1273 430501 (New number!)
| Mobile +44(0)7836 745501
| Web : www.qbranch.demon.co.uk

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.391 / Virus Database: 222 - Release Date: 19/09/02

RE: [ql-users] QPC2v303 versus Office 97

2002-09-28 Thread Daniele Terdina

 Can anyone else reproduce this problem I'm having with QPC2 v3.03?

This sounds like the Win98 floppy disk bug I experienced. It affects Win98,
but not 95, NT, 2000 or XP. It looks like Win98 has some problems in
recognizing the density of a floppy disk that's not in PC format.


Re: [ql-users] Linux on Q40

2002-09-28 Thread ZN

On 25/09/02 at 20:03 Dave P wrote:

On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Jonathan Dent wrote:

 I'll need the SGC Aurora IDE/Ethernet interface
 before I can work on pppoe but maybe a more
 intelligent ADSL router/hub would be a simpler
 solution. (if more expensive)

That's Nasta's baby. Nasta, I have these parts for you. Want them? :o)

Sorry for not jumping in here, I was having a bit of an email problem last
week, not a good thing when you need to get and send eBay related email,
and there's money on the line - so now I'm catching up with the list, and
deleting the Lookout Distress related messages (best fix for it =

Anyway: I was thinking of trying to make a tiny proto version of the
ethernet, that would plug onto an Aurora ROM port. So far, however, I have
yet to get my printer to print something that would actually produce a
printed circuit of that density (single layer may be fine for this). I
still have the few 10BaseT transformers for prototyping, so for now Dave
keeps the parts ;-)
