Re: [ql-users] Converting Word to JPEG or GIF(slightly OT)

2003-07-21 Thread Stephen Meech

- Original Message -
From: "Dilwyn Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2003 5:33 PM

> > On Thursday, July 17, 2003 3:33 PM , Al Feng wrote:
> > > If you only need a "screen" save, then you can use Snagit32 (WIN
> > > shareware).
> >
> > Or, using standard tools, view the document in Full Screen mode,
> press
> >  and paste into Microsoft Paint and save to JPEG or GIF.
> >
> > Stephen
> What is the difference between ALT PrtScreen and ordinary PrtScreen
> (might come in useful to know as I use PrtScreen a lot to capture
> screens from QPC to print my hi-colour tinkerings via Windoze progs
> until we have SMSQ/E hi-colour SDUMPs).

In this case (full-screen display of Word), not a lot.  I usually use
 because it just captures the currently active window rather than
the whole desktop.



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Re: [ql-users] Converting Word to JPEG or GIF(slightly OT)

2003-07-21 Thread Stephen Meech

- Original Message -
From: "Tony Firshman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 2:54 PM

> Certainly does.  It is mind boggling though when one gets an image of a
> full screen in a non-windowed viewer. It is difficult working what are
> 'real' items to click (8-)#

A favourite trick of my son's is to capture the desktop full screen and then
make it the desktop wallpaper...
His other one is to swap the mice of two adjacent PCs.


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Re: [ql-users] Converting Word to JPEG or GIF(slightly OT)

2003-07-18 Thread Stephen Meech

On Thursday, July 17, 2003 3:33 PM , Al Feng wrote:
> If you only need a "screen" save, then you can use Snagit32 (WIN
> shareware).

Or, using standard tools, view the document in Full Screen mode, press
 and paste into Microsoft Paint and save to JPEG or GIF.


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Re: [ql-users] reader question

2003-06-27 Thread Stephen Meech

On Friday, June 27, 2003 12:09 PM , Dilwyn Jones wrote:
> "I have a laptop PC running Windows Me. I would like to run QLay (or
> possibly Qemulator) on it, but it does not have a floppy disk drive.
> It does have a USB port, and my local PC World store has Packard Bell
> USB Floppy disks drives at about £30 - could this be accessed by a QL
> emulator as an external floppy drive?"

Qlay and QL2K (unfortunately, yet) don't use a PC's floppy drive directly at
all - files have to be copied to the PC using QLtools.exe which is a DOS
program which would appear to work with any device the PC recognises.



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Re: [ql-users] QL S*Basic : Time wait routine.

2003-06-01 Thread Stephen Meech

Apologies if I seem to be conducting a 
conversation with myself here but I would welcome some input from others, 
especially if they could test this out on other hardware.

  - Original Message - 
  Stephen Meech 
  Cc: Montesinos, Jimmy 
  Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 10:45 PM
  Subject: Re: [ql-users] QL S*Basic : Time 
  wait routine.
  Not going to help, I'm afraid.  Simon's 
  TIMER_FRAMES_BAS indicates that QL2K has a frame-rate of about 24 here. It 
  should be 50!
TIMER_FRAMES_BAS is essentially as 
LRESPR timing_code
100 REMark QL Timer routines - frame counter110 REMark 
for QL World DIY Toolkit May 1989120 T_ON : t=DATE130 REPeat poll : IF 
DATE>t : EXIT poll140 T_START : t=t+1150 REPeat poll : IF DATE>t : 
EXIT poll160 T_STOP170 PRINT T_COUNT;" frames per 
As stated above, on QL2K this produces a count of 24 
However, if I insert a PAUSE 1 instruction within the loop at 
line 150 it produces a (?correct) count of about 50! Why?  Presumably, 
something about the way QL2K handles the frame counter and prevents it from 
If anyone is willing to test this elsewhere I can forward a 
copy of the relevant section of DIY Toolkit as supplied to me by Rich Mellor, 
although the whole package is available at
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Re: [ql-users] QL S*Basic : Time wait routine.

2003-05-31 Thread Stephen Meech


  - Original Message - 
  Stephen Meech 
  Cc: Montesinos, Jimmy 
  Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 10:45 PM
  Subject: Re: [ql-users] QL S*Basic : Time 
  wait routine.
  Not going to help, I'm afraid.  Simon's 
  TIMER_FRAMES_BAS indicates that QL2K has a frame-rate of about 24 here. It 
  should be 50!
Insofar as the frame-rate varies with the QL2K "Speed" 
setting I suppose we could use it if we could establish what the correct 
"frame-rate" for QL2K should be, e.g. 24.  I wanted to improve the accuracy 
of the setting but in practice the speed will vary depending on other software 
running on the machine so is always going to be an approximation.  However, 
it would be nice to have a program that doesn't have to be run for as long as a 
minute.  Simon's routines would enable more accurate measurement over, say, 
10 seconds.
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Re: [ql-users] QL S*Basic : Time wait routine.

2003-05-31 Thread Stephen Meech


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 11:18 
  Subject: Re: [ql-users] QL S*Basic : Time 
  wait routine.
  What - PAUSE 50 does not wait a second on QPC2??  
  It does over here - ie. wait 50 frames or until a key is 
  pressed.Methinks you need one of Simon Goodwin's timers out of DIY 
  Toolkit - if I can find them, I will send them across 
Thanks for forwarding the files.
Not going to help, I'm afraid.  Simon's TIMER_FRAMES_BAS 
indicates that QL2K has a frame-rate of about 24 here. It should be 
I've "improved" upon FT_BAS as follows:
100 CLS110 INPUT "Number of seconds? ";d120 PRINT 
'Wait ';d;' seconds for -f test'130 t=DATE140 REPeat l:IF DATE<>t 
THEN EXIT l150 t=DATE:PAUSE d*50:e=DATE-t160 PRINT 'Delay should be 
';d;' seconds'170 PRINT 'Actual delay is ';e;' seconds'180 PRINT 
'Multiply -f by ';d/eso that it waits for a new DATE increment before 
starting to count and allows durations beyond the original 60 seconds for 
greater accuracy.
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Re: [ql-users] QL S*Basic : Time wait routine.

2003-05-30 Thread Stephen Meech

  Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 11:18 
  Subject: Re: [ql-users] QL S*Basic : Time 
  wait routine.
  Methinks you 
  need one of Simon Goodwin's timers out of DIY Toolkit - if I can find them, I 
  will send them across directAny other solutions??
I would like a copy too.  I have been 
investigating a problem with the FT_BAS program used to set the timing in Qlay 
& QL2K with regard to which I have written to Jimmy as follows:

Running FT_BAS over 300sec to set the value for 
"Vitesse" have helped for my fast (Athlon 1000) machine running Windows ME but 
there is still considerable variation in the "Vitesse" figure for my Pentium 166 
running Windows 95.  This, I am sure, occurs in part because there is 
no consistency in the initial value of "t" which may be read at the beginning of 
a clock second or close to the end when it is just about to increment, i.e. 
almost a second later, which means that PAUSE d*50 (3000) can appear to vary 
from 59 to 60 seconds.
This problem can be demonstrated with the following 
program which counts the number of zeros which can be printed before the clock 
moves on.
100 WMON110 REPeat 
loop120    t=DATE130    FOR n=1 TO 
d=DATE-t150   IF d>0 THEN EXIT 
n160   PRINT d;170    
END FOR n180    PRINT#2,n190    PAUSE 
RND(50)200 END REPeat loop
You will see that it varies a lot.
I am currently working on a version of FT_BAS which 
will overcome this problem. This only really makes a difference for slower 
machines but would enable faster ones to be set more accurately too.  I 
seem to recall that there is a system variable that increments every 
20milliseconds (1/50th second) and using this would therefore be more accurate, 
but for the moment I can't remember details.

This is FT_BAS for the benefit of those not 
using Qlay or QL2K:
100 CLS110 d=60120 PRINT 'Wait ';d;' 
seconds for -f test'130 t=DATE140 PAUSE d*50150 e=DATE-t160 
PRINT 'Delay should be ';d;' seconds'170 PRINT 'Actual delay is ';e;' 
seconds'180 IF e-d>1:PRINT 'Divide -f by ';e/d190 IF d-e>1:PRINT 
'Multiply -f with ';d/e200 IF ABS(d-e)<2:PRINT 'Current value of -f is 
about right'
It is required to set a machine specific value (-f, 
in "Vitesse") to make the time-dependant functions of the emulator 
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Re: [ql-users] Hardware platforms

2002-10-30 Thread Stephen Meech

Only the cost.  It is too expensive for me for the level of tinkering I want
to do and certainly more sophisticated than I need.  For many years almost all
of my computing has been done on the PCs. I just want to relive a little
nostalgia occasionally!  I am sure there are others out there like me who
really have no interest beyond a free emulator.


- Original Message -
From: "P Witte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 1:15 AM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Hardware platforms

> Any problem with QPC2? It is a quantum leap ahead of the competition in that
> it runs SMSQ/E. It is currently supported by probably the only ace
> programmer active on the QL scene (sorry Marcel ;) It is stable and fast
> (efficient), and can access most essential devices of a modern computer,
> such as hard disks, CD ROMS, large screens (in 65k colours), printers,
> modems, etc. A very proficient and comfortable performer indeed - and for
> what it is and does - cheap! The only thing it isnt is a hardware QL.

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Re: [ql-users] Hardware platforms

2002-10-30 Thread Stephen Meech

Thank you - found it and trying it out.  Looks very interesting although the
small display is not as nice as QLay's full screen one.  Is there a forum
where I can get help and advice in running it?  Such as making it find
kick.rom automatically each time it starts, accessing the HD etc.?



- Original Message -
From: "Phoebus Dokos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Hardware platforms

UAE means "Unix Amiga Emulator" (An old term as UAE runs on practically
everything that has a hard drive ;-) eg. Unix/Linux, BeOS, DOS, Windows,
AROS, Acorn etc.

Then there is QDOS Classic for Amiga which comes in two flavours: One as a
kickstart ROM (which substitutes the ROM under the UAE emulator (I am not
sure if you can burn it on a regular ROM and use it on a regular Amiga but
Mark can probably clarify this) and one as a regular Software package for
the Amiga which works either on regular Amigas -or- the emulated Amiga
system (UAE).

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Re: [ql-users] Hardware platforms

2002-10-29 Thread Stephen Meech

I must have missed your previous message.  Are you suggesting the acquisition
of an Amiga and QDOS Classic as a good alternative to Qlay?  How does this
relate to the PC filesystem?

What is "UAE"?


- Original Message -
From: "?? ?. ??" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 11:44 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Hardware platforms

> As I said, if you wanna do something more than just use an emulator yet you
still want it to be free, get UAE and QDOS Classic
> for Amiga (either the ROM flavour or the complete program, which will also
give you native access to the PC filesystem and
> other neat goodies)

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Re: [ql-users] Hardware platforms

2002-10-28 Thread Stephen Meech

There are other problems with QLAY such as it's inability to utilise
ToolkitII's directory handling commands ("DEST_USE" etc), it's instability
when trying to run games and, for me, its failure to update's Minerva's second
screen whilst displaying it.  The Qlayt tools are fiddly on the PC.

Whilst recognising some of the arguments for hardware development I am sure
there are more people like me out there, who would like to continue to play
with QLAY and some time spent as a project improving it would be the best way
of maintaining the QL community in the future.  I don't think there is any
money in it though!

It's a pity the author didn't continue development.  It's been a while now so
he's almost certainly lost interest.


- Original Message -
From: Al Feng
Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Hardware platforms

QLAY [downloadable freeware] _is_ a 100% QDOS [or, MINERVA] compatible
emulator on a PC platform.  There is a LINUX compatible version, too.

QLAY will probably do 95% of what you are looking for.

The current/persistent limitations of QLAY are its inability to communicate
with SERial or FLP ... files are held on a WIN drive.

QUILL files, for example, can be created and SAVEd, but must be PRINTed
through DOS ... transfers must be done in DOS, etc.

Non-text files may need to be ZIPped before being transferred through DOS for
PC-disk to QL ...

Both of the limitations [i.e., lack of FLP & SERial support] can probably be
overcome if a QLever QUANTA member (OR, any other QLingon reading this LIST)
who can write machine code (or, assembly?) would "complete" the code.

SBYTEd dongled-TK2_code can be used with QLAY.

I have read that QLAY is much slower than QPC when run on the same platform
(factor of 3?).  AFAIK, QLAY's speed is dependent on the host platform's
speed -- I think that on anything faster than a 66MHz PC, QLAY will be faster
than the original QL.  Again, the QPC emulation will be much faster on a
faster host platform.

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Re: [ql-users] Hardware platforms

2002-10-25 Thread Stephen Meech

C'mon you guys, who's going to buy this thing?  Enthusiasts like you will use
existing solutions. The rest of us, who are now using PCs for their day to day
computing retain an occasional interest and are best served by cheap emulators
that will run on the relatively cheap hardware that is already taking up space
on our desks.

I, for one, will continue use Qlay because it's free and would be prepared to
pay a little for a more stable setup.  I don't know how much the QPC is (why
does Jochen only ever quote upgrade prices?) but suspect it's too much for me.

Just my opinion.




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Re: [ql-users] Caution- BugBear Virus (from another PC)

2002-10-07 Thread Stephen Meech

McAfee have a removal utility called Stinger at: which 
I used to check my machine.  I don'tknow how effective it is as I had 
already removed most of the virus manually and then used AVG to finish it off by 
the time I downloaded Stinger.Further information may be found at:
I understand that there is another utility at: 
http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]It may be necessary to remove the registry entry at 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce, and reboot 
before AVG can get at the virus .exe file. I had booted from a clean floppy 
and simply deleted it but that was only because my firewall hadalready 
reported the .exe name.If you are using WindowsME then the virus will 
tend to get stick in your _RESTORE directory but it won't do any harm there as 
long as you don't attempt a system restore.Good 
luck!Stephen---Outgoing mail is certified Virus 
Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( 
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Re: [ql-users] Caution- BugBear Virus (from another PC)

2002-10-07 Thread Stephen Meech

McAfee have a removal utility called Stinger at: which I used to check my machine.  I don't
know how effective it is as I had already removed most of the virus manually
and then used AVG to finish it off by the time I downloaded Stinger.

Further information may be found at:

It may be necessary to remove the registry entry at
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce, and
reboot before AVG can get at the virus .exe file. I had booted from a
clean floppy and simply deleted it but that was only because my firewall had
already reported the .exe name.

If you are using WindowsME then the virus will tend to get stick in your
_RESTORE directory but it won't do any harm there as long as you don't attempt
a system restore.

Good luck!


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Re: [ql-users] Movep

2002-09-22 Thread Stephen Meech

I remember one that drew a tree - I must have a copy somewhere.

Another nostalgia trip - I am going to have remember how to connect to a
bulletin board again, in order to download the file you mention!  I'll have to
try using Windows HyperTerminal to dial into 01442-828255.


- Original Message -
From: "Tony Firshman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Movep

> Talking about unfathomable undocumented code, do you remember the QL
> World competition - that was the original QL World back in 85 or 86.
> It specified a limited basic program to draw a picture.  The winner
> produced very clever re-entrant code using turtle graphics. Not only
> were they (he had two entries) very good pictures, but one was
> entertained for a long time watching them draw.
> They were a devil to type in as the printer they used did not print the
> correct non-ASCII characters (or even chrs under 27!).
> I have just tried it (dragon_bas in QBBS files area #1) and it works on
> the Aurora/SGC/Minerva.   It runs a _lot_ faster than I remember it on
> the unexpanded QL.
> It even runs under qemulator - and a lot faster than even SGC.
> Does anyone have the other program?

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Re: [ql-users] Movep

2002-09-22 Thread Stephen Meech

I had one that drew a tree - I've found a copy and can post it if you like.
It seems to be called "Shivering in the Wind".

Another nostalgia trip - I am going to have remember how to connect to a
bulletin board again, in order to download the file you mention!  I've managed
to connect using HyperTerminal - just need file access.


- Original Message -
From: "Tony Firshman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Movep

> Talking about unfathomable undocumented code, do you remember the QL
> World competition - that was the original QL World back in 85 or 86.
> It specified a limited basic program to draw a picture.  The winner
> produced very clever re-entrant code using turtle graphics. Not only
> were they (he had two entries) very good pictures, but one was
> entertained for a long time watching them draw.
> They were a devil to type in as the printer they used did not print the
> correct non-ASCII characters (or even chrs under 27!).
> I have just tried it (dragon_bas in QBBS files area #1) and it works on
> the Aurora/SGC/Minerva.   It runs a _lot_ faster than I remember it on
> the unexpanded QL.
> It even runs under qemulator - and a lot faster than even SGC.
> Does anyone have the other program?

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Re: [ql-users] Movep

2002-09-21 Thread Stephen Meech

Thank you for that shot of nostalgia - remembering both the development of
Minerva but also taking me further back to the hours I spent recoding magazine
program listings for my ZX81 resulting in substantial savings in loading and
execution time.

Consequently, I don't think I ever wrote decently documented code!


- Original Message -
From: "Tony Firshman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Movep

> >>The sort of game that you'll find in the Minerva ROM, where every byte
> >>saved on non-critical code meant another feature could be squeezed in,

> Sorry I now remember your cunning. You actually typed:
> FOR j=1to 3
>  which impressed me.

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