RE:(Clarification) Installation Quesiton on Qmail. init.d directory and qmail script file.

1999-09-19 Thread Mark Thomas

Thanks for your reply, you are correct at all points.
We all appreciate the time you guys spend documenting these things for the
community. I chose your document because I have little or no Linux
experience (1Week), and the INSTALL and FAQ documents were a bit above my
head.  Thanks for your HOWTO!
I have included some info on my Slackware file structure. It may help
clarify the document for Slackware users. qmail-start-stop-script.txt and
support files of the /etc/rc.d directory.  rc.local-Startup file  and
rc.0-stop script.
I also have some issues with the links, since the rc.? are files and not
I appreciate your help.
Mark Thomas.

See Below: ((

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Dave Sill
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 1999 1:27 PM
Cc: Mark Thomas
Subject: Re: Installation Quesiton on Qmail. init.d directory and qmail
script file.

Mark Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I). I am installing qmail 1.03 from Dave Sill's "Life with Qmail" dated
 21, 1999.  I am in section # 2.8.2 System Startup Files, and it says to
 install a script file I just created "qmail" to launch qmail at boot into
 init.d directory.
 The document says it should be in one of the following locations:
 I have no such directory on my system. (Slackware 3.6)

LWQ says "should" because it's impossible to cover every possibility.
((  I attached a text file with info about the rc.d directory
(( structure on Slackware.  Please review!

 It appears that Slackware uses /etc/rc.d for the initialization files.  I
 think the qmail script file that will start qmail on boot should be
 here? Can anyone verify this for me?
What's the structure of /etc/rc.d? What subdirectories does it have?
(( Structure included in the text file with info from above.

 setuser (qmaill) cyclog /var/log/qmail  ** Is
 qmaill a typo, or variable of somekind?
qmaill is a user (in /etc/passwd) which you should have set up in 2.5.4.
((  Yes, it was. I cut and pasted the text and didn't notice the
extra (( character, in qmail(l)

 setuser qmaill cyclog /var/log/qmail/(smtpd ) ***
 I have a qmail-smtpd file here.
Are you sure about that? LWQ certainly doesn't create a qmail-smtpd file
under /var/log/qmail.
(( Right again- I guess I was just about frazzeled here! g

It's probably a good idea to read through the entire Installation section
before attempting one's first installation. I'll add a note to that effect.

((  All except whats left could have been answered if I
((  would have read the entire section prior to the sections
((  MarkT.


Would it be appropriate to add the:
"qmail start"  somewhere in the rc.local script (bottom section of file)? 
"qmail stop"   somewhere in the rc.0 or rc.6 local script (top section)?
Creating links at the bottom of 2.8.2:
ln -s ../init.d/qmail RCDIR/rc0.d/K30qmail
ln -s ../init.d/qmail RCDIR/rc1.d/K30qmail
ln -s ../init.d/qmail RCDIR/rc2.d/K30qmail
ln -s ../init.d/qmail RCDIR/rc3.d/K30qmail
ln -s ../init.d/qmail RCDIR/rc4.d/K30qmail
ln -s ../init.d/qmail RCDIR/rc5.d/K30qmail
ln -s ../init.d/qmail RCDIR/rc6.d/K30qmail

With Slackware:
ln -s /etc/rc.d/qmail /etc/rc.d/rc.0(K30qmail)
rc.0,4,6,K,N, and S are files. 
Do I need to manually enter some data in the rc.? files, or create some files in a 
location for the links?

If Sendmail is currently installed, running the command 
"find RCDIR -name "*sendmail" -print" will give you numbers 
that should work for your system. 
I tried this also, the only files I have on my system that fit the 
*sendmail criteria was sendmail, setup.sendmail and REMOVE.sendmail.

**I received this reply from my previous post.  It gives some info on Slackware.

Slackware doesn't use the System V-style init scripts that this
documentation refers to.  Slackware uses old-style /etc/rc.d scripts.

What this probably means is that you need to stick your qmail start/stop script 
somewhere else, then manually edit by hand the various scripts in /etc/rc.d to run the 
qmail start/stop script.  
Going from memory, /etc/rc.d/rc.local would be a good place to stick in the start 
I think /etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown would be a good place to stick in the stop script, to 
bring the system down during system shutdown.

In any case, you should read the contents of your /etc/inittab to see
which /etc/rc.d scripts get invoked at which time.  Then make appropriate changes.

Re: (Clarification) Installation Quesiton on Qmail. init.d directory and qmail script file.

1999-09-19 Thread Rick Myers

On Sep 19, 1999 at 03:09:18 -0500, Mark Thomas twiddled the keys to say:
 Would it be appropriate to add the:
 "qmail start"  somewhere in the rc.local script (bottom section of file)? 

That would work, but the proper place is in rc.M just below where you
comment out the original sendmail startup.

 "qmail stop"   somewhere in the rc.0 or rc.6 local script (top section)?

That would go in rc.6, and again in rc.K, both at the top before the
original script kills all processes. (BTW, rc.0 should already be a
symlink to rc.6.)

 Creating links at the bottom of 2.8.2:
 ln -s ../init.d/qmail RCDIR/rc0.d/K30qmail
 ln -s ../init.d/qmail RCDIR/rc1.d/K30qmail
 ln -s ../init.d/qmail RCDIR/rc2.d/K30qmail
 ln -s ../init.d/qmail RCDIR/rc3.d/K30qmail
 ln -s ../init.d/qmail RCDIR/rc4.d/K30qmail
 ln -s ../init.d/qmail RCDIR/rc5.d/K30qmail
 ln -s ../init.d/qmail RCDIR/rc6.d/K30qmail

This is for the new style init. I doubt seriously you get anything but
error messages if you attempt this.

 With Slackware:
 ln -s /etc/rc.d/qmail /etc/rc.d/rc.0(K30qmail)
 rc.0,4,6,K,N, and S are files. 
 Do I need to manually enter some data in the rc.? files, or create some files in a 
location for the links?

Edit as mentioned above. Forget the symlink, it'll break your shutdown.


You should give your system it's own hostname. ;-)


The Feynman Problem   1) Write down the problem.
Solving Algorithm 2) Think real hard.
  3) Write down the answer.

qmail Digest 19 Sep 1999 10:00:00 -0000 Issue 764

1999-09-19 Thread qmail-digest-help

qmail Digest 19 Sep 1999 10:00:00 - Issue 764

Topics (messages 30445 through 30472):

Re: US encyrption laws relaxed - way to go Dan!
30445 by:

qmail LWQ installation problem - qmail doesn't seem executable
30446 by:  Warren 'Llama' Ernst
30447 by:  Bryan J. Ischo
30448 by:  Bryan J. Ischo

30449 by:  Mark Thomas

Re: When will qmail back off to the next MX?
30450 by:  Strange
30451 by:  Racer X
30452 by:  Racer X
30453 by:  Adam D . McKenna
30464 by:
30466 by:

Trivial Messages from Qmail
30454 by:  Subba Rao

Qmail as a forwarder
30455 by:  Julian L. Cardarelli

setuser command not found
30456 by:  Subba Rao
30458 by:  Russell P. Sutherland
30459 by:  Subba Rao
30460 by:  James J. Lippard
30461 by:  Subba Rao
30462 by:  James J. Lippard
30463 by:  Subba Rao

Virtual hosts
30457 by:  Marek Narkiewicz

Installation Quesiton on Qmail.   init.d directory and qmail script file.
30465 by:  Mark Thomas
30467 by:  Sam
30469 by:  Dave Sill

maildir structure
30468 by:  LRiva

30470 by:  sean

Re: (Clarification)  Installation Quesiton on Qmail.   init.d directory and qmail 
script file.
30471 by:  Mark Thomas
30472 by:  Rick Myers


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 I think that's the article forwarded to this list that I just read

That's what I thought when I first saw it posted, but it's a different
article with a different slant.  It is referenced in the one posted tho.

Thanks, I just read that one!  Indeed, it's the only one that forthrightly
dealt with *my* big concern, which is, does this mean free software
can include crypto without concern?  Answer: no.

(I should have realized the from the other articles, of course, but
didn't really grok the gummint-review requirement as limiting free
software.  Mostly I was thinking about how the concern about
proprietary software being wilfully broken by agreement between
the vendor and the gummint to ensure back-door access would make
free-software, i.e. OS, products *that* much more attractive: it's
harder to hide bugs in source code, especially when anyone can read

tq vm, (burley)


So I'm installing qmail on my RedHat 6 distrubution a la the "Life with
qmail" document, and its going great (I've been doing a little each day all
week) until section 2.8.2 when I am suppposed to type "/usr/local/sbin/qmail

Well, I do this, and I get "bash: /usr/local/sbin/qmail: No such file or

So I do an ls -l and see the qmail entry in /usr/local/sbin is the link to:
"qmail - /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail" and its permission is "lrwxrwxrwx"

In checking /etc/rc.d/init.d/, i see that qmail is the executable script
"qmail" frmom the beginning of section 2.8.2, but I can't execute it here
either. It looks like:
[root@lllama init.d]# qmail
bash: qmail: command not found
[root@lllama init.d]# ./qmail
bash: ./qmail: No such file or directory
[root@lllama init.d]# ls
apmd   functions  inet  linuxconf  network  qmail   rusersd   smb
atdgpminnd  lpdnfs  random  rwhod snmpd  xfs
core   halt   keytable  named  pcmcia   routed  sendmail  sound
crond  httpd  killall   netfs  portmap  rstatd  singlesshd

See? There is is. qmail. With -rwxr-xr-x permissions.

Can anybody suggest where I should go from here? If I just pretend this step
went ok and keep going, it doesn't even start up. (I'ce reboot to make sure
things are clean-ish). See?
[root@lllama init.d]# /usr/local/sbin/qmail start
bash: /usr/local/sbin/qmail: No such file or directory

Any thoughts anyone?


Warren 'Llama' Ernst wrote:
 So I'm installing qmail on my RedHat 6 distrubution a la the "Life with
 qmail" document, and its going great (I've been doing a little each day all
 week) until section 2.8.2 when I am suppposed to type "/usr/local/sbin/qmail
 Well, I do this, and I get "bash: /usr/local/sbin/qmail: No such file or
 So I do an ls -l and see the qmail entry in /usr/local/sbin is the link to:
 "qmail - /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail" and its permission is "lrwxrwxrwx"
 In checking /etc/rc.d/init.d/, i see that qmail is the executable script
 "qmail" frmom the beginning of section 2.8.2, but I can't execute it here
 either. It looks like:
 [root@lllama init.d]# qmail

RE: question

1999-09-19 Thread Greg Owen

 I use qmail and have noticed that the vast majority of spam that comes
 through is from 
 Is there an a means by which I can reject mail from  or is there any
 problems associated with this?

There is a problem with doing it:

RFC 821, section 3.6:

 This notification message must be from the server-SMTP at this
 host.  Of course, server-SMTPs should not send notification
 messages about problems with notification messages.  One way to
 prevent loops in error reporting is to specify a null reverse-path
 in the MAIL command of a notification message.  When such a
 message is relayed it is permissible to leave the reverse-path
 null.  A MAIL command with a null reverse-path appears as follows:

In other words, that's the "sender" for most bounces, so if you drop
mail from  you'll be shutting out bounce messages.  

gowen -- Greg Owen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: When will qmail back off to the next MX?

1999-09-19 Thread Greg Owen

 The Raptor tech we talked with said one has to use the 
 filters to prevent listening ports from being reached
 on untrusted interfaces.

I believe I've found the info required to fix the problem at my
firewall. is a
description of the different ways that Raptor can pass traffic.  The summary
of the fix is Raptor "local tunnels" which are packet filtering.  It'll have
to wait until I get back from vacation, but once that's in place things
should be back to normal.

But before I go, in response to Racer X:

 the more i think about this, the more i think that 
 fallback MX records aren't really necessary anymore.

There are several reasons I think they are still useful:

1) Redundancy.  All machines die at some time or other.  I'd rather
not have the added pressure of knowing that mail will start bouncing if it
isn't fixed in X amount of time while I'm trying to fix it.

2) Maintenance.  You can take your mail server down for maintenance
and not worry about where the mail sits in the meantime - I'd rather it sit
and wait on my server than on someone elses!

3) Upgrades.  You can test upgrades on a fallback MX before moving
them on up.

On that note, I'm leaving for the caribbean.  Have a good week, all!

gowen -- Greg Owen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1999-09-19 Thread Frederik Lindberg

On Sat, Sep 18, 1999 at 10:12:36AM -0500, Mark Thomas wrote:
 When you double click on this address(or cut and paste it), do you get to
 this site, or do you get errors.  Http://
 Because, if you can get there, I have a real funny problem.  Because I use for my mail redirector, and I frequent their site, I just can't
 get to ~djb/ under

DJB uses anonftpd which uses a more general/better ls format, but also one
that isn't universally supported. ~djb maps there. Squid supports it, lynx
2.8 supports it (i believe =2.6). I think latest IE/NScape do as well, but
I do most things via SQUID, so I'm not sure.

-Sincerely, Fred

Re: ANNOUNCE: /var/qmail/control/locals and regex

1999-09-19 Thread Robert Sander

Russell Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What problem does this solve that a virtualdomain does not?  Yes,
 control/locals allows only literal entries, but control/virtualdomains 
 allows wildcards of the form "" to match "".
 It also allows "" to *not* be caught by the preceding entry.

Yes, that is possible, but then I have to setup a user piffle, and his
.qmail file has to filter the mailadresses and deliver the mail to the
correct local user. I think this is too much work and a kind of

If aI have only [EMAIL PROTECTED], then I would do it this way
with an entry in virtualdomains like his.virtual.domin:someuser or alike.

But I have (virtually ;-) a big network of hosts, and everyone has the
same users (over NIS). I think it is more easier with one line in locals
like ^(.*\.){0,1}$ than the construct mentioned above.

Robert Sander   "Is it Friday yet?"
pgp available there

Re: Running Qmail - Script and messages

1999-09-19 Thread Magnus Bodin

On Sun, Sep 19, 1999 at 11:01:09AM -0400, Subba Rao wrote:
 Here is the message, I get after running the script to start qmail
 Script was named "qt"
 supervise /var/lock/qmail-smtpd tcpserver -v -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u71 -g1001 0 25 \
   rblsmtpd qmail-smtpd 21 | setuidgid qmaill multilog | \
   setuidgid qmaill multilog -s500 -n5 /var/log/qmail/qmail-smtpd 
 root@caesar:/var/qmail# multilog: fatal: unable to switch to current directory: 
access denied
 multilog: fatal: unable to switch to current directory: access denied
 I run this script as root.

You run the script as root, but setuidgid makes multilog run as qmaill.
Do a 

chown qmaill:qmail /var/log/qmail/qmail-smtpd

and multilog will be able to change dir.

MOST useless 1998 --

JavaMail Store Provider

1999-09-19 Thread Filippos Slavik

Hello there,

I just wanna ask, before implementing for my self, is there any
already-implemented JavaMail provider for retrieving messages from a
maildir dir format.

Best Regards

   Filippos Slavik
   Part of the SIAMS's implementation development team. For more
   information, please check

   e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 "The software said 'runs on Win95 or better,' so I installed
  it on Linux..."

Re: question

1999-09-19 Thread Claus Färber

sean [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb/wrote:
 Is there an a means by which I can reject mail from  or is there any
 problems associated with this?

Delivery failure reports are required by messaging standards to come  
from . If you block it you will never know when messages sent by you  
can not be delivered.

Claus Andre Faerber
PGP: ID=1024/527CADCD FP=12 20 49 F3 E1 04 9E 9E  25 56 69 A5 C6 A0 C9 DC

Main server = qmail, destination = ms exchange

1999-09-19 Thread Olivier M.

Dear Group,

Until next week, I never had to work with an Ms Exchange server :
everybody is happy with qmail. But now, I have somebody who
paid so much for a complete M$ solution that he want to keep

Now, _I_ have (probably with your help :) to find a solution to 
the mail transfers for his domain. 

The MX record is pointing to my qmail server which is always online.
The mails which are comming are saved in the Maildir of a user
(using .qmail-default = ./Maildir/). 

The NT box goes online once an hour, want to send it's mail to
the outside world, and also want to get its mails. 

Sending the mail outside isn't a problem (relaying for an IP class). 
But how can I tell the qmail server that the NT box is currently 
online and waiting for an smtp feed ? I guess I need a kind of trigger
that will start a maildirsmtp command. Is it the right way ? 

It's probably a common situation : if you have some hints and
scripts which could help, I would be happy to be informed :)

Thanks in advance,

How to remove a (botched) qmail installation to start over?

1999-09-19 Thread Warren 'Llama' Ernst


OK, after following the LWQ installation guide, it seems like some of the
things that should be executable, aren't. So I'm thinking of either
following the INSTALL document instead, or maybe even using one of the RPMs
out there (I'm using RedHat 6.0.). However, I assume I should get rid of all
the stuff that the first install put around.

Any gotcha's I should be looking for?

THanks in advance,

Re: cyclog and daily logs

1999-09-19 Thread phil

Jan Stanik wrote:

   I need to start new log file for qmail every day.I use cyclog, but 
 there I can set log file size only. Is it possible rotate logs every day?

One of my planned hacks is to modify the logging code so that it obtains
the time stamp (I guess it probably already does, anyway) and derives the
log file name from that according to a configureable pattern.  Then if the
name does not match the name currently open for, the new name is opened
and the old name is closed, and the current log message is recorded to the
new log file.

I will also have it track log file size and if certain size thresholds
are reached, the pattern used to generate log file names will change,
such as switching from daily log file name formats to hourly.

I will also have a means to configure a program/script to be launched when
a log file is closed, passing the name of the closed file.  Such a script
could then do things like compress and archive that log file.


Re: When will qmail back off to the next MX?

1999-09-19 Thread phil

Pavel Kankovsky wrote:

 1. The host is dead = it does not send any datagrams =
it does not speak SMTP.
 2. The host is alive but no process listens on SMTP port = it refuses
TCP connections = it does not speak SMTP.
 3. The host is alive, some process listens on SMTP port but something
gets screwed up when a connection is open, and the connection is closed
immediately (e.g. qmail-smtpd binary is corrupted and dies immediately)
= it does not say SMTP hello = it does not speak SMTP.

Described another way, there are many failure scenarios where the actual
cause is not a misconfiguration of the mail:

1.  The server is out of memory and is unable to copy a datagram containing
a SYN packet from the device interface layer to the IP network layer.
The packet is discarded and no ACK or RST is ever sent.

2.  The server is out of memory and is unable to allocate structures for
completing a connection.  A RST might be sent back to the source.

3.  The server is out of memory and is unable to sbrk() more memory for the
process that accepted the incoming connection.  The process faults
before conducting protocol, and a RST is sent to close the connection.

We may well fault the server for not having enough RAM, or enough swap space,
or having hosted an IRC bot and invited DoS attacks, or whatever.  But
the mail implementation (it could be qmail) and configuration may well be
entirely correct.

In any such failure scenario, there may be reasons for a mail server to
chose some action, such as:

1.  Immediately try the same server again.

2.  Immediately try the next higher MX server.  If all MX servers fail,
choose an action from 3 or 4.

3.  Requeue the message to be tried again later.  If a certain time
period has expired, return the message to the sender.

4.  Return the message to the sender immediately even though the time
period for expiration has not lapsed.

Whatever the choice of action, why would that choice not be consistent
across the 3 failure modes?  All 3 failure modes represent a situation
which may be corrected any time between the next delivery attempt, and
the final delivery attempt (hence making action #4 a bad choice, IMHO).

I can understand (but not entirely agree with) arguments against going to
the next higher MX.  What I cannot understand is why some of the failure
scenarios would justify that choice while others would not.

 Summary: the server fails to speak SMTP in all cases.
 Ergo, if the server is listed as an MX record for some domain name, "I
 claimed it was speaking SMTP but upon examination, it isn't, therefore MX
 records are false." In ALL cases 1, 2, and 3. Why does qmail fall back to
 other MXes in cases 1 and 2 but not in case 3? Why does it fall back at
 all? It should always ignore the other MXes because the records are
 always incorrect according to your reasoning!?

The server may well be configured to speak SMTP in all 3 cases were it
not muffled by a transient error condition that could be corrected by
things between a sysadmin cleaning up runaway processes, or a netadmin
blocking a DoS attack at the router, or a nervous operator pushing the
reset button.


Re: Main server = qmail, destination = ms exchange

1999-09-19 Thread Ruben van der Leij

On Sun, Sep 19, 1999 at 07:43:29PM +0200, Olivier M. wrote:

 Sending the mail outside isn't a problem (relaying for an IP class). 
 But how can I tell the qmail server that the NT box is currently 
 online and waiting for an smtp feed ? I guess I need a kind of trigger
 that will start a maildirsmtp command. Is it the right way ? 

You have a choice of two mechanisms. The first is the ETRN-command. This is
only supported on Exchange 5.5 SP1 and later. For older servers you can use
a custom trigger, but I'm uncertain about how and what.

Start with searching for 'Exchange ETRN'. This will
point you to the right documents for the Exchange-side of the story..



Eat more memory!

Re: maildir structure

1999-09-19 Thread Mark Weinem

On Sun, Sep 19, 1999 at 12:56:45AM +0200, LRiva wrote:

 What are the function of the /tmp and /cur maildir subdirectories ?

Use the following command:

man maildir

and read the maildir manpage.

If 'man maildir' doesn't work, add /var/qmail/man to your MANPATH in

export MANPATH="/usr/man:/usr/X11R6/man:/usr/local/man:/opt/man:/var/qmail/man"

Mark Weinem


1999-09-19 Thread Jeff Taylor

I am using Lynx Version 2.8.3dev.9 (13 Sep 1999) and it just hangs on
the ftp://kookbera...  address.


Quoting Frederik Lindberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Sat, Sep 18, 1999 at 10:12:36AM -0500, Mark Thomas wrote:
  When you double click on this address(or cut and paste it), do you get to
  this site, or do you get errors.  Http://
  Because, if you can get there, I have a real funny problem.  Because I use for my mail redirector, and I frequent their site, I just can't
  get to ~djb/ under
 DJB uses anonftpd which uses a more general/better ls format, but also one
 that isn't universally supported. ~djb maps there. Squid supports it, lynx
 2.8 supports it (i believe =2.6). I think latest IE/NScape do as well, but
 I do most things via SQUID, so I'm not sure.
 -Sincerely, Fred

Re: Main server = qmail, destination = ms exchange

1999-09-19 Thread Einar Bordewich

I was earlier looking for a ETRN solution with qmail, so I could queue mail for dialup 
customers. I came up short. Since that I've seen a few ETRN patches for qmail, but 
I've not tried them out. I ended up with a solution where a pop-client connected to a 
pop3 dummy account (always empty), and with the correct username and password 
triggered a smtp-feed from our mailserver.

You can use a standard POP-client, or write a telnet script that is triggered from 

If the customers network is behind a router that is using NAT and private network 
addresses, the router has to forward all incoming traffic on port 25 to the internal 
mailserver. Not all routers is supporting this function, that is called PAT on Cisco 
7xx routers.

Most of our customers is using this solution, and only a few where the mailserver have 
it's own isdn card/connection.

Highly recommended solution..
IDG New Media Einar Bordewich
System Manager   Phone: +47 2205 3034

- Original Message - 
From: Ruben van der Leij [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 1999 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: Main server = qmail, destination = ms exchange

On Sun, Sep 19, 1999 at 07:43:29PM +0200, Olivier M. wrote:

 Sending the mail outside isn't a problem (relaying for an IP class). 
 But how can I tell the qmail server that the NT box is currently 
 online and waiting for an smtp feed ? I guess I need a kind of trigger
 that will start a maildirsmtp command. Is it the right way ? 

You have a choice of two mechanisms. The first is the ETRN-command. This is
only supported on Exchange 5.5 SP1 and later. For older servers you can use
a custom trigger, but I'm uncertain about how and what.

Start with searching for 'Exchange ETRN'. This will
point you to the right documents for the Exchange-side of the story..



Eat more memory!

New qmail install help.

1999-09-19 Thread Mark Thomas

I'm not getting any information about qmail from syslog (/var/log/messages).
It would be nice to see the errors from qmail.

Qmail starts when the server boots up,(Starting qmail: qmail-send
qmail-smtpd, just before iBCS, apache, samba and gpm starts) but ps shows no
deamons after the boot is completed.
darkstar:~# ps
  130   1 S0:00 -bash
  131   2 S0:00 /sbin/agetty 38400 tty2 linux
  132   3 S0:00 /sbin/agetty 38400 tty3 linux
  133   4 S0:00 /sbin/agetty 38400 tty4 linux
  134   5 S0:00 /sbin/agetty 38400 tty5 linux
  135   6 S0:00 /sbin/agetty 38400 tty6 linux
 1240  p0 S0:00 -bash
 1517  p0 R0:00 ps

IF I start qmail manually, without stopping it first, even though it looks
like it is not running, this is the error I get:
darkstar:~# qmail start
Starting qmail: qmail-send qmail-smtpdsupervise: fatal: unable to acquire
lock: temporary failure
___ Now if I manually Stop, then Start
darkstar:~# qmail stop
Stopping qmail: qmail-smtpd qmail-send.
darkstar:~# qmail start
Starting qmail: qmail-send qmail-smtpd.
darkstar:~# ps
I took out the agetty,ps,bash lines to compress the doc.
 1130  p0 S0:00 supervise /var/supervise/qmail/send /var/qmail/rc
 1133  p0 S0:00 supervise /var/supervise/qmail/smtpd
tcpserver -v -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u1005 -g101 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-s
 1171  p0 S0:00 supervise /var/supervise/qmail/send /var/qmail/rc
 1172  p0 R0:00 ps
The document I am reading says to look for 4 qmail daemons.

IF I keep running the ps command, I can catch the lspawn and splogger
loading and then immediately unloading. I caught this on screen.
darkstar:/etc/rc.d# ps
 7033  p0 S N  0:00 supervise /var/supervise/qmail/send /var/qmail/rc
 7037  p0 S N  0:00 supervise /var/supervise/qmail/smtpd
tcpserver -v -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u1005 -g101 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-s
 7072  p0 S N  0:00 qmail-lspawn ./Mailbox
 7073  p0 R N  0:00 qmail-start ./Mailbox splogger qmail
 7074  p0 R N  0:00 qmail-start ./Mailbox splogger qmail
 7075  p0 S N  0:00 supervise /var/supervise/qmail/send /var/qmail/rc
 7076  p0 R0:00 ps

I read in the document, if you have problems with qmail loading and
unloading, put a
nohup in front of the supervise command. Here's the entries out of the qmail
case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting qmail: qmail-send"
nohup supervise /var/supervise/qmail/send /var/qmail/rc |
setuser qmaill cyclog /var/log/qmail 

echo -n " qmail-smtpd"
nohup supervise /var/supervise/qmail/smtpd
tcpserver -v -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb \
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd-wrapper 21 | setuser qmaill accustamp |
setuser qmaill cyclog /var/log/qmail/smtpd 

This is a test from the TEST.deliver which probably is not going to work
without daemons loaded, but here it is anyway.
darkstar:~$ whoami
darkstar:~$  echo to: mcthomas | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject
bash: /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject: Permission denied
** No rights?  See below!
darkstar:~$ ls -Falc /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject
/bin/ls: /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject: Permission denied
darkstar:~$ su -
darkstar:~# echo to: mcthomas | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject
qmail-inject: fatal: qq trouble in home directory (#4.3.0)
darkstar:~# ls -Falc /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root qmail   33096 Sep 18 10:18


funny thing about all of this is, it appears to be working, but only for
mail to and from users on this box.  Although it does send outbound mail
correctly. It does not receive inbound mail.
Any Ideas would be appreciated.


1999-09-19 Thread James J. Lippard

Lynx fails for me, too (version 2.8rel.2)... in my case it's because my
router blocks the returning data connection from the FTP server.
Apparently lynx doesn't know how to do passive FTP.  Perhaps your problem
is similar?

Unsolicited bulk email charge:   $500/message.   Don't send me any.
PGP Fingerprint: 0C1F FE18 D311 1792 5EA8  43C8 7AD2 B485 DE75 841C

On Sun, 19 Sep 1999, Jeff Taylor wrote:

 I am using Lynx Version 2.8.3dev.9 (13 Sep 1999) and it just hangs on
 the ftp://kookbera...  address.
 Quoting Frederik Lindberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On Sat, Sep 18, 1999 at 10:12:36AM -0500, Mark Thomas wrote:
   When you double click on this address(or cut and paste it), do you get to
   this site, or do you get errors.  Http://
   Because, if you can get there, I have a real funny problem.  Because I use for my mail redirector, and I frequent their site, I just can't
   get to ~djb/ under
  DJB uses anonftpd which uses a more general/better ls format, but also one
  that isn't universally supported. ~djb maps there. Squid supports it, lynx
  2.8 supports it (i believe =2.6). I think latest IE/NScape do as well, but
  I do most things via SQUID, so I'm not sure.
  -Sincerely, Fred


1999-09-19 Thread Ilya L. Shadrin


I _constantly_ got "Network error: connection reset by peer" when I trying
to get
anything below I guess it's a problem of DJB's site,
since works fine.
Maybe it's because I use proxy to access Inet from my LAN.

- Original Message -
From: Chris Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 1999 1:51 PM
Subject: Re:

 On Sat, Sep 18, 1999 at 01:54:40AM -0500, Mark Thomas wrote:
  I am trying to setup qmail for the first time.  Being a newbie to Linux,
  need all of the help I can get.  I keep seing references to this, but I
  cannot see anything under
  I even got this message after signing up to this mailing list.
  See for more information about qmail.
  Please read before sending your
  question to the qmail mailing list.

 Just follow these instructions literally. Don't try to "see anything under," whatever that might mean. Access the cited URLs, and there you
 find the desired information.


qmail-smtpd-wrapper error.

1999-09-19 Thread Mark Thomas

Does anyone have any suggestions on an install document for users with
minimal Linux experience.  I have tried the LWQ and I can send mail, and
receive mail locally, and send mail out to any host on the internet, but I
can't receive any.  I have worked strictly off of this document up to now,
and doing a little extra digging around, I found this. It looks like my
server1 sending mail to my linux server, and dropping connection sounds like
what may be happening.  I do not get errors back on the sending side.  Maybe
the next few hours, I'll get a retry notification back. DNS records are
correct and my MX records point to my servername.

Anyone have any ideas on what might be the problem here.
And if you don't have any suggestions about this, how about an install doc
that you've heard some successfull newbies working with.  Or a way to
Uninstall the whole thing.

937728522.446395 tcpserver: status: 0/40
937728523.216507 tcpserver: status: 1/40
937728523.216853 tcpserver: pid 16854 from
937728523.256106 tcpserver: ok 16854
937728523.256241 tcpserver: warning: dropping connection, unable to run
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd-wrapper: access denied
937728523.256449 tcpserver: end 16854 status 28416
937728523.256503 tcpserver: status: 0/40

This is the /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd-wrapper
# remmed the next line out due to errors.
ulimit -d 1024
exec /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd $ {1+"$@"}

auto-forward email and hierarchical email account

1999-09-19 Thread jackie


Is it possible to redirect all incoming email automatically from a specific
email account on qmail server to another email account of different domain?
Any additional modules required? Is it the same as the .forward of

I would like to build a hierarchical email account naming scheme, e.g.
it possible to do that on qmail? How it works? Since I use POP3 client to
retrieve mail, any conflict with this naming scheme?



size of users/cdb?

1999-09-19 Thread B. Engineer

Anyone can site examples of the user/cdb capacity and size etc. 
I am at 200,000 users and want to know if I should be worried. 

Anyone working or is it even feasible to talk about an actual database 
like msql or mysql to store these users?? At what point will the cdb file 
be too large??

Right now the file's physical size is 20M.



Qmail with LDAP auth patches

1999-09-19 Thread Jim Gilliver

Anyone have experience with this?

I've set it up, and the LDAP service is definitely working...  when I use
checkpassword on the server, with the command

qmail-popup localhost /qmail-1.03/checkpassword pwd

it authenticates me fine.  But when I move the checkpassword into the /bin
directory and try to connect from another machine, it rejects me.  In this
case, I'm using Outlook 2000, so all I get is a password box back in my face
(ie: no helpful output) but I suspect that there wouldn't be much
information returned anyway.

A small sample from the ldif file before I ldbm it:

dn: cn=John Smith
cn: John Smith
sn: Smith
objectClass: qmailUser
objectClass: person
mailMessageStore: /home/jsmith/Mailbox/
qmailUser: jsmith
qmailUID: 666
qmailGID: 666
uid: jsmith
userPassword: xxx

the user password is using the same encryption scheme as the passwd file
(DES?) and before you ask, yes, I do use maildirs called Mailbox...  it's
from when I first setup qmail and was a bit confused when I copied and
pasted some example lines into my startup files... suffice to say it's
easier to leave it like that for now.

Anyway, I know the LDAP service works properly, and as I say, the manual
checkpassword test works fine on the console, just apparently not from a
client.  Any ideas anyone?


1999-09-19 Thread Ruben van der Leij

On Mon, Sep 20, 1999 at 08:55:46AM +0600, Ilya L. Shadrin wrote:

 I _constantly_ got "Network error: connection reset by peer" when I trying
 to get

[ruben@pc-ruben ~]$ wget
   =   ndex.html.2'
Connecting to connected!
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
   = .listing'
Connecting to connected!
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
== TYPE I ... done.  == CWD www ... done.
== PORT ... done.== LIST ... done.
0K - 
08:13:39 (7.57 KB/s) - .listing' saved [4972]

It looks like everything works fine. Do you have a ftp-client handy? Try
that. If that still gives problems, try passive mode ftp. See the manual
from your ftp-client for instructions. 

Note that MICROS~1's ftp.exe is braindead for not being able to do passive mode.



Eat more memory!