Re: POP3 && sticky bit, IMHO

2000-03-27 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Sat, Mar 25, 2000 at 06:42:52AM -0500, Russell Nelson wrote:
> IMHO, qmail-pop3 should deny access to a Maildir if the home directory
> it is stored in has the sticky bit set.  It's consistent with
> qmail-local, which will refuse to deliver mail to such a home
> directory.  I know, I know:

No it's not consistent. The reason qmail-local doesn't deliver when
the sticky bit is set, is that you might be in the process of writing
out a new .qmail-file.

Doing .qmail-updates atomically removes the need for sticky-bitness. Since
pop3 operations are atomic (in the updates they do anyway), and there is no
configfile for pop3 in the homedir, I disagree.

Greetz, Peter.
Peter van Dijk - student/sysadmin/ircoper/madly in love/pretending coder 
| 'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
|  C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.'
| Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++

unsubscribe qmail

2000-03-27 Thread Jankok, L. (dsc-pm)

Re: Running qmail on a 4x Xeon 550MHz system

2000-03-27 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Sat, Mar 25, 2000 at 01:47:41PM +0100, Andreas Aardal Hanssen wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm currently administrating the mail delivery system on a
> system as described in the subject, with 1GB of SDRAM and
> 100GB disk.
> I'm using ReiserFS (which, BTW, is working very well). My
> mailsystem receives 70'000 mails a day and the throughput
> is just about twice that. Average mails sent per second
> varies around 70-170 mails.

Uhm.. with 86400 seconds to a day, your average throughpout should be
about 2mails/sec.

What you are stating here is impossible.

Greetz, Peter.
Peter van Dijk - student/sysadmin/ircoper/madly in love/pretending coder 
| 'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
|  C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.'
| Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++

Re: Avoiding qmail being listed on ORBS

2000-03-27 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 09:57:10AM +0200, Ruben van der Leij wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 12:43:01AM -0600, iv0 wrote:
> > Probably a petition to the orbs site by qmail admins to tell them
> > to make a factual test.
> Orbs does test. It tries to relay a message back to itself. If that message
> gets back, the box it tested is an open relay. 

and _only_ then.

> The situation where open relays are not marked as such because they are
> using some specific mailer is highly unwanted. See how you react to the
> following statement:

That is something else. You are now considering the case where a box that
_is_ an open relay is _not_ listed in ORBS.

> > Probably a petition to the orbs site by M$ Exchange admins to tell them
> > to make a factual test.
> The debate wether or not relay-testing is good is not one for this list. But
> suggesting that relay-tests should be adapted to fit the most common
> configuration-errors of qmail is the wrong solution to the problem.

I think you are missing the point here, my dear friend..

Greetz, Peter.
Peter van Dijk - student/sysadmin/ircoper/madly in love/pretending coder 
| 'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
|  C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.'
| Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++

Re: Adding X-Deliver-To Header for Virtual Domains

2000-03-27 Thread Chris Bond


They must be a easy way to do this, moving to something like vpopmail would 
probably cause more problems.  I've tried it before and they was very 
little documentation.


At 07:53 AM 24/03/2000 -0600, iv0 wrote:
>Chris Bond wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > How can I add a header X-Deliver-To that has final destination of the
> > email.  The reason I need to do this is because the To or CC header is not
> > enough information for a program to deliver the mail correctly.
> >
> > The domain in question I need to do this with is a "Virtual Domain" setup
> > in qmail.  To some extent this already exists in the header Delivered-To,
> > the only problem is it looks like the following:
> >
> >   Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > If you can remove the virtual username and dash and put this into the
> > X-Deliver-To header this would slove the problem in a stroke.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Chris
>We've done that with the development version of vpopmail 3.4.12.
>Instead of a header that has: virtualdomain-user@virtualdomain
>It puts user@virtualdomain
>Ken Jones

Canonical Domains mail Error

2000-03-27 Thread System Administrator


this is to request help on canonical domain names setup for mail.

i have a client for whom we ahve setup canonical names for their branch
offices. the problem is that when a mail is send to a canonical doamin
email id the mail goes and resides into the main pop account of the

for ex.
1) i have a domain
2) i have setup four canonical domains i.e.,, &
3) when mails are sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] & [EMAIL PROTECTED] the
latter goes and resides in the main pop account of the domain i.e.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] whereas the earlier goes and resides properly in the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] pop account.
4) I have the same setup for all the four canonical names in the
virtualdomains file and the rcpthosts file as well as the aliases file.

somebody please mail  a solution at the very earliest.

- Admin.

System Administrator.


2000-03-27 Thread Chris Bond


I've just come across the turnmail on the qmail web site - it looks like 
exactly like what I need. I've compiled serialmail and installed it
properly. I've tried quite a few things to get the script working but none 
of them seem to work.

I'm starting pop3d at the moment with:
/usr/bin/tcpserver 0 110 /usr/sbin/qmail-popup  /usr/bin/checkpassword /usr/sbin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &

I've copied the contents to /usr/sbin/turnmail and tried the following line 
but no luck:

/usr/bin/tcpserver 0 110 /usr/sbin/qmail-popup  /usr/bin/checkpassword /usr/sbin/autoturn &

Any ideas or tips how to get this working as its really bugging me! I've 
copied the contents of the autoturn and pasted them below as I had to 
remove one ; for the script to work.

if [ -d Maildirdummy ]; then
/usr/bin/maildirsmtp $1 $USER- $TCPREMOTEIP `hostname` 2>&1 | logger -p 
daemon.notice &
/usr/sbin/qmail-pop3d Maildirdummy
exec /usr/sbin/qmail-pop3d $1

Can anyone help me or gives me some tips to getting it too work?

Re: Where is setuser ?

2000-03-27 Thread Irwan Hadi

At 07:03 27/03/2000 +0200, Magnus Bodin wrote:
>On Fri, Mar 24, 2000 at 12:31:02AM -0700, Irwan Hadi wrote:
>> ulimit -v 2048
>> csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc &'
>> supervise /var/lock/qmail-smtpd tcpserver -v -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb
>> -u$USERID -g$GROUPID 0 25 \
>> rblsmtpd qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | setuser qmaill accustamp | \
>> setuser qmaill cyclog -s500 -n5 /var/log/qmail/qmail-smtpd &
>> I want to run this script from my init 
>> My question is, where could I found "setuser" command ? because W/O this,
>> the script won't work, and I must do manually the command.
>You are probably using daemontools 0.61. The script snippet above is written
>for daemontools 0.53. 
>There were a few name changes of programs between these versions, and
>therefore it will be hard to reuse the snippet above without modification.
>"setuser" has been replaced by "setuidgid", "cyclog" has been replaced by
>"multilog", et c. 

So to make it easy, could I just change all setuser command with setuidgid
all cyclog command with multilog
etc ?
like this below
>> setuidgid qmaill multilog -s500 -n5 /var/log/qmail/qmail-smtpd &

AFLHI 058009990407128029/089802---(102598//991024)

qmail Digest 27 Mar 2000 11:00:00 -0000 Issue 953

2000-03-27 Thread qmail-digest-help

qmail Digest 27 Mar 2000 11:00:00 - Issue 953

Topics (messages 39078 through 39109):

Majordomo with qmail
39078 by: Hong Taeki

unsubscribe qmail
39079 by: Rich Ferguson
39080 by: Anthony Diaz
39103 by: Jankok, L. (dsc-pm)

Re: What is the maximal value
39081 by: Charles Cazabon

39082 by: S.P. Hoeke

Re: Another (slightly different) cr lf question
39083 by: Bob Rogers

Re: Running qmail on a 4x Xeon 550MHz system
39084 by: Racer X
39085 by: Racer X
39104 by: Peter van Dijk

cannot get qmail to compile on Solaris
39086 by: Martin Searancke

error 421
39087 by: Mike Alexander Sauvain
39088 by: Chris Johnson

39089 by: em9652015
39090 by: Chris Johnson
39091 by: em9652015
39092 by: Ronny Haryanto
39093 by: em9652015
39094 by: em9652015

Wrap & Maildir
39095 by: Mike Alexander Sauvain

Re: Where is setuser ?
39096 by: Magnus Bodin
39109 by: Irwan Hadi

Avoiding qmail being listed on ORBS
39097 by: Kristina
39098 by: iv0
39099 by: Adam McKenna
39101 by: Ruben van der Leij
39105 by: Peter van Dijk

TCPServer and relaying...
39100 by: Häffelin Holger

Re: POP3 && sticky bit, IMHO
39102 by: Peter van Dijk

Re: Adding X-Deliver-To Header for Virtual Domains
39106 by: Chris Bond

Canonical Domains mail Error
39107 by: System Administrator

39108 by: Chris Bond


To unsubscribe from the digest, e-mail:

To subscribe to the digest, e-mail:

To bug my human owner, e-mail:

To post to the list, e-mail:


I am a Redhat linux 6.1 user.
I want to use majordomo with qmail.
But I cannot find good instrucions or patches.
Where can I find them?
Thank you...


Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Irwan Hadi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to know, what is the maximal value of 
> concurrencyremote and concurrencylocal W/O recompiling again the qmail/kernel

120 if I remember correctly.

> What is the ideal value of concurrencyremote with about 500 mails outbound
> everyday, and 800 mails inbound.

If you mean 500 individual remote deliveries, the default (20?) is more than
ample.  However, 500 outbound emails with 1000 recipients each would be a
different story.

Look at the output of zoverall (from qmailanalog).  That will give you some
statistics, such as average concurrency, etc.  I'm guessing yours will be
much less than 1.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Hi all,

I'm a newbie to Qmail and OpenBSD and i was wondering if there's a FAQ or something 
about QmailAnaLog cause the documentation provided is, unfortunately, not enough for a 
newbie like me :-(


   From: Uwe Ohse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 13:21:42 +0100

   On Fri, Mar 24, 2000 at 04:47:18PM -0800, thomas wrote:

   > We have IMAP clients accessing these files directly off the unix box, 
   > and they miss the cr

   Hm - strange. 

   Question to the knowing: aren't IMPA servers supposed to translate
   the local line end conventions to CR/LF before sending the articles
   over the wire?

   Regards, Uwe

It shouldn't be possible to do it any other way; no sane client or
server should be willing/able to mess with the TCP line-end convention.
Perhaps the original poster meant the following:

We have MUAs [which are also IMAP clients] that access these files
directly off the unix box [using file access], . . .

Doesn't seem likely, but the original statement struck me as somewhat
ambiguous . . .

-- Bob Rogers

if i may jump in...

the load average is the average number of processes in a runnable state.
it says nothing about how much cpu time is actually being used.  for
instance, i run a very busy internet site (6+ million hits/day) on a
p2-300 running freebsd 4.0.  the load is always up around 5 or 6,
sometimes closer to 8 or 9, because there are always 300-400 apache
processes running.  however, top reports that the processor is idle
about 30% of the time.

bottom line is that top doesn't mean anything about how busy the cpu is.
it's strictly a snapshot measure of how many processes are in a runnable
state (not slee

Re: Canonical Domains mail Error

2000-03-27 Thread Chris Johnson

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 02:34:00PM +0530, System Administrator wrote:
> Hi
> this is to request help on canonical domain names setup for mail.
> i have a client for whom we ahve setup canonical names for their branch
> offices. the problem is that when a mail is send to a canonical doamin
> email id the mail goes and resides into the main pop account of the
> domain. 
> for ex.
> ===
> 1) i have a domain
> 2) i have setup four canonical domains i.e.,
>, &

Change them to A records. So instead of: IN A IN CNAME

do this: IN A IN A


another users/assign file question

2000-03-27 Thread Brad Kanipe

> I'm using qmail / vpopmail both latest versions.
> I've set up my users/assign file to look like this.
> .
> Basically I want all mail coming in addressed to to go to the
> domain
> has an MX record pointing to
> The way I read the man page relating to the assign file was anything
> coming in to will be delivered to wherever I tell it the mailbox
> is in the assign file.
> when I send to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  it should go to
> /export/home/vpopmail/domains/ where brad's home mail directory
> exists, but the error message is error:
> Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name._(#5.1.1)/
> and yes I did run qmail-newu after editing the assign file.
> Any thoughts?

re : qmail / ldap mailing list

2000-03-27 Thread Shaun Gibson

Hi there

Could somone please tell me the qmail-ldap mailing list subscribe
address as the archives have x'd out the address.
Shaun Gibson

Associate Unix and NT System Adminstrator  Tel :
+27-11-2667800 ext 8023
Intekom, Midrand, South Africa


2000-03-27 Thread Christopher Tarricone

My mail server has several names... There is the name that is in the
HOSTNAME file and there are the names assoaited to it in my DNS.
the hostname is
other names in the dns are...

Should I put the in the  ' me ' & ' locals ' files?


Christopher Tarricone
PDS, Inc.
fax  860.450.1724

  *  ...Business Internet Hookability™ with an Attitude...
We Rock the Net!™

Closing: Running qmail on a 4x Xeon 550MHz system

2000-03-27 Thread Andreas Aardal Hanssen

>> I'm using ReiserFS (which, BTW, is working very well). My
>> mailsystem receives 70'000 mails a day and the throughput
>> is just about twice that. Average mails sent per second
>> varies around 70-170 mails.
> Uhm.. with 86400 seconds to a day, your average throughpout should be
> about 2mails/sec.
> What you are stating here is impossible.

Or a typo, perhaps. Thank you for making a good point in
this discussion. It should be 'per minute', as everyone
else seems to have understood.

Closing up this discussion:

The problem was: How can I make qmail deliver more mails per
day, how to increase to flow of mails, considering that a
computer has 1.4 in 15-minute uptime load on average mid-day.

Currently the system does actually use our own mail delivery
program (the magic '|' option in dot-qmail). This, ofcouse,
serves our purpose much better than the /Maildir system
or LDAP databases.

It seems I might have solved our problem by removing the
unneccesary qmail-local from the delivery system, so that
qmail-lspawn spawns my delivery program directly.

I also removed some unnessecary fsync()s as they were
slowing down everything very much. It also seems that
Linux's ulimit on processes-per-child has been a problem.
Burst mailing causes serialization because Linux won't
spawn child processes. That too is no problem anymore.

IO is obviously the problem here, not how-to-interpret-that
damn-uptime-load. To everyone making 'points' about typos
and misinterprets: please stick to the question, don't
harass the one posting. All I want is someone's opinion on
a technical problem, not 14-year-olds quarreling.

Thank's for all your postings, especially to Adam McKenna.

Andreas (visit one of the world's larger qmail-based
 mail systems at :)

Andreas Aardal Hanssen (Live on SMTP)
Software Developer (mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Closing: Running qmail on a 4x Xeon 550MHz system

2000-03-27 Thread Len Budney

Andreas Aardal Hanssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...I also removed some unnessecary fsync()s as they were
> slowing down everything very much...

Be careful; if you mean that you've removed fsync()s from Dan's code,
then you have definitely thrown away reliability in order to gain
throughput. In your application, is it acceptable for emails to be
silently lost under a power failure? Where did you get the idea that
they were "unneccesary"?

BTW you could get the same result--indeed, better results--without
tampering with Dan's code, if you simply add memory and mount a
ramdisk on /var/qmail/queue.

If that revolts you, then you might want to put the fsync()s back.

> ..IO is obviously the problem here, not how-to-interpret-that
> damn-uptime-load...

Correct. But Dan is not stupid; when he accepted the I/O cost, it was
to gain a benefit. Before you refuse the cost, you should be sure you
know what the benefit was--and that it doesn't outweigh the cost.


This has nothing to do with qmail or with trademarks. Someone could
distribute patches for sendmail that relabel it as ``Dan Bernstein's
mailer---yell at [EMAIL PROTECTED] when your system is broken into.''
-- Dan Bernstein, author of qmail

Problem with sending mail to virtual domain

2000-03-27 Thread Irwan Hadi

I was asked to administer a site of a organization, and the homepage of the
organization is already running (
The organization site now is hosted at an ISP.
Now the organization want to have their own server (Server colocation) and
no longer use the ISP space.

The ISP only gave one IP address for the organization, and with that one
IP, I should make a web mail service for about 25 sub domains.

At the server, I use qmail, ucspi, qmailadmin, vpopmail, ezmlm, and other
qmail tools.
Actually I've made a DNS record to add to the ISP's dns record, because we
still not permitted to run our DNS service, although I've setup the DNS,
and only need to enter the record and run ndc start
the DNS record is below (not with real IP)

server   A
 MX  10 server
 MX  20 my.isp.mail.service
staff   CNAME  server
 MX  10 server
 MX  20 my.isp.mail.service
sma CNAME  server
 MX  10 server
 MX  20 my.isp.mail.service
smp CNAME  server
 MX  10 server
 MX  20 my.isp.mail.service
and so on, until 25 sub domains

But this morning the administrator of the ISP, just added like this
server   A
 MX  10 server
 MX  20 my.isp.mail.service
staff   CNAME  server
sma CNAME  server
smp CNAME  server

to his server. 
Okay, the site now could be accessed by it's domain name
(, but if someone called joe with his account
[EMAIL PROTECTED] want to send email to me (, then I will
received his email, but his return address will be [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If I want to send email to joe, using my ISP SMTP, then after the email
arrived at, the email will be bounced back, because the
email when arrived at, would be changed it's to address from

Now my question is how to fix this ?
Is by adding MX record to the DNS record will solve the problem ?

Beside that, how to use qmail-pop3d to fetch mail from virtualdomain account ?
I run it under tcpserver.

AFLHI 058009990407128029/089802---(102598//991024)

Re: Closing: Running qmail on a 4x Xeon 550MHz system

2000-03-27 Thread Andreas Aardal Hanssen

>> ...I also removed some unnessecary fsync()s as they were
>> slowing down everything very much...
> Be careful; if you mean that you've removed fsync()s from Dan's code,
> then you have definitely thrown away reliability in order to gain   
> throughput. In your application, is it acceptable for emails to be
> silently lost under a power failure? Where did you get the idea that
> they were "unneccesary"?
> BTW you could get the same result--indeed, better results--without
> tampering with Dan's code, if you simply add memory and mount a
> ramdisk on /var/qmail/queue.
> If that revolts you, then you might want to put the fsync()s back.
>> ..IO is obviously the problem here, not how-to-interpret-that
>> damn-uptime-load...
> Correct. But Dan is not stupid; when he accepted the I/O cost, it was
> to gain a benefit. Before you refuse the cost, you should be sure you
> know what the benefit was--and that it doesn't outweigh the cost.

Ok firstly,

Who said I removed fsync()s from Dan's code? Please read my
closing and see if I've said that. You see, you're really
taking words out of my mouth.

What I said was that I removed unnessesary fsync()s. From *MY*
code, that is. I used two fsync()s before every close, just to
reassure that we wouldn't get any NFS problems. Now, we aren't
ever going to run NFS, so I removed *one* fsync per file-close
and wrote it as a 'fdatasync'. Our RAID-7 controller is mounted
with write-through cache and so the loss of mails equals ZIP.

First, you complain about my where-did-you-get-that-from removing
of Dan Bernstein's fsync()s, then you advise me to mount my
queue-directory on a *ramdisk*

That means, if the power dies and the UPS short-circuits, all
the mail in the queue will be lost! 


Re: Problem with sending mail to virtual domain

2000-03-27 Thread Chris Johnson

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 07:18:48PM -0700, Irwan Hadi wrote:
> I was asked to administer a site of a organization, and the homepage of the
> organization is already running (
> The organization site now is hosted at an ISP.
> Now the organization want to have their own server (Server colocation) and
> no longer use the ISP space.
> The ISP only gave one IP address for the organization, and with that one
> IP, I should make a web mail service for about 25 sub domains.
> At the server, I use qmail, ucspi, qmailadmin, vpopmail, ezmlm, and other
> qmail tools.
> Actually I've made a DNS record to add to the ISP's dns record, because we
> still not permitted to run our DNS service, although I've setup the DNS,
> and only need to enter the record and run ndc start
> the DNS record is below (not with real IP)
> server   A
>  MX  10 server
>  MX  20 my.isp.mail.service
> staff   CNAME  server
>  MX  10 server
>  MX  20 my.isp.mail.service

Change it to this:

staff  A
   MX  10 server
   MX  20 my.isp.mail.service


[ Local Procmail ("+" feature)]

2000-03-27 Thread Ben Beuchler

Originally posted to the vchkpw list, thought someone here might know what
he's talking about.


"There is no spoon"
-- The Matrix

Sorry for the offtopic message...

But does anyone know how can i setup qmail to support the
user+something@domain feature of sendmail???


Nuno Cruz

Re: Problem with sending mail to virtual domain

2000-03-27 Thread Irwan Hadi

At 09:29 27/03/2000 -0500, Chris Johnson wrote:
>On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 07:18:48PM -0700, Irwan Hadi wrote:
>Change it to this:
>staff  A
>   MX  10 server
>   MX  20 my.isp.mail.service
Thanks for your answer, but, is it okay to have multiple A address which
point to the same IP address ?

AFLHI 058009990407128029/089802---(102598//991024)

Re: Qmail-pop3d

2000-03-27 Thread Ronny Haryanto

On 27-Mar-2000, em9652015 wrote:
> Mar 27 10:55:40 qmail qmail: 954129340.999824 delivery 12: deferral: 

There's your answer. Install dot-forward.


Re: Problem with sending mail to virtual domain

2000-03-27 Thread Chris Johnson

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 07:38:28PM -0700, Irwan Hadi wrote:
> At 09:29 27/03/2000 -0500, Chris Johnson wrote:
> >On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 07:18:48PM -0700, Irwan Hadi wrote:
> >Change it to this:
> >
> >staff  A
> >   MX  10 server
> >   MX  20 my.isp.mail.service
> >
> Thanks for your answer, but, is it okay to have multiple A address which
> point to the same IP address ?

It's absolutely okay, and it's required if you want your mail setup to work. It
had better be okay, because you can't stop someone from pointing a name in his
domain at one of your addresses.


Re: Problem with sending mail to virtual domain

2000-03-27 Thread Timothy L. Mayo

Yes, we do it all the time.

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, Irwan Hadi wrote:

> At 09:29 27/03/2000 -0500, Chris Johnson wrote:
> >On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 07:18:48PM -0700, Irwan Hadi wrote:
> >Change it to this:
> >
> >staff  A
> >   MX  10 server
> >   MX  20 my.isp.mail.service
> >
> Thanks for your answer, but, is it okay to have multiple A address which
> point to the same IP address ?
> ---
> AFLHI 058009990407128029/089802---(102598//991024)

Timothy L. Mayo mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Administrator

The National Business Network Inc.
One Monroeville Center, Suite 850
Monroeville, PA  15146
(412) 810- Phone
(412) 810-8886 Fax

Re: TCPServer and relaying...

2000-03-27 Thread Roland Pelzer

>2000-03-24 23:35:41.630688500 tcpserver: ok 24865
># cat /etc/tcp.smtp

Your entry will allow the complete class -c subnet of 195.245.48
( to relay through your server. Is there
somewhere a typo or wich host will  be  allowed to relay from the mentioned
subnet? This host should be added like the other hosts at the end of your

- Roland

Re: Closing: Running qmail on a 4x Xeon 550MHz system

2000-03-27 Thread Len Budney

Andreas Aardal Hanssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Who said I removed fsync()s from Dan's code? Please read my
> closing and see if I've said that. You see, you're really
> taking words out of my mouth.

Just FYI, the correct expression is ``putting words into my mouth'',
and I didn't do that. You did notice the ``if'', I trust? All the rest
of my remarks were predicated on the conditional:

> > Be careful; _IF_ you mean that you've removed fsync()s from Dan's
> > code, then you have definitely thrown away reliability in order to
> > gain throughput.

I'm glad you solved your problem.

I am somewhat surprised, though: if you call fsync() twice in a row, I
would think that the second one would not do anything. The kernel
knows that the file has been flushed, and wouldn't bother to do it
again, would it? However, profiling doesn't lie--if you've seen
performance improve, then you've improved performance.  :)


This is one of many serious bugs in the Solaris ucb libraries. Do not
use /usr/ucb/cc. One way to prevent mistakes is to move
/usr/ucbinclude to /usr/ucbinclude-broken.
-- Dan Bernstein

Re: Closing: Running qmail on a 4x Xeon 550MHz system

2000-03-27 Thread Stephen F. Bosch

> First, you complain about my where-did-you-get-that-from removing
> of Dan Bernstein's fsync()s, then you advise me to mount my
> queue-directory on a *ramdisk*
> That means, if the power dies and the UPS short-circuits, all
> the mail in the queue will be lost!

It was a turn of phrase -- he meant that IF you were removing the fsync()
from Dan's code, you might as well put your queue on a RAM disk, since the
results would be the same.


Qmail loading down Sun enterprise 450.

2000-03-27 Thread Greg Moeller

Good day.
We're running Qmail as a mainline ISP mailserver.
Here's a few stats...
420,000 Email on the server.
27 Gig of disk space used for that Email.
66,000 local mailboxes.
300,000 Email delivered to local users/day.
200,000 Email delivered to remote sites/day.
600,000 POP mail accesses/day.
750 Virtual domains hosted on the server.
17,000 Mapping for those virtual domains.

The box is an Ultra enterprise 450 with dual 330Mhz Ultrasparc II processors 
and an A1000 RAID array.

Now, this poor box during the day is running with a load between 10 and 20
and goes down to around 2 or 3 late at night.

Normally it keeps up pretty good, but when there's heavy spamming it can start 
to get behind with between 10,000 and 20,000 Email in the queue. (there's 
never less than 1000 in the queue, waiting for remote delivery)
The queue has to be cleaned very regularrly as Mailer Daemon email builds up 
in the queue at a rate of over 1000 per day.(all undeliverable)

Now, the question is.  What to do to get the poor box under control.  I don't 
think it's CPU related but more IO problems.

Anyone else running this large a Qmail instalation?

I'm about to call Sun and ask them to make it better, but I'm not sure they'll 
be able to recommend much either.


Re: Qmail loading down Sun enterprise 450.

2000-03-27 Thread markd

You need to tell us additional facts about the server that are relevant to the 

Eg, Is /var/qmail/queue on a separate partition? 

What are the iostats like on each of the spindles?

How are you running qmail-smtpd?

what are your concurrency settings?

What pop server are you using?

Are the 66K mailboxes in user home directories all in /home?

What does qmail-qstat show?


On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 10:53:27AM -0600, Greg Moeller wrote:
> Good day.
> We're running Qmail as a mainline ISP mailserver.
> Here's a few stats...
> 420,000 Email on the server.
> 27 Gig of disk space used for that Email.
> 66,000 local mailboxes.
> 300,000 Email delivered to local users/day.
> 200,000 Email delivered to remote sites/day.
> 600,000 POP mail accesses/day.
> 750 Virtual domains hosted on the server.
> 17,000 Mapping for those virtual domains.
> The box is an Ultra enterprise 450 with dual 330Mhz Ultrasparc II processors 
> and an A1000 RAID array.
> Now, this poor box during the day is running with a load between 10 and 20
> and goes down to around 2 or 3 late at night.
> Normally it keeps up pretty good, but when there's heavy spamming it can start 
> to get behind with between 10,000 and 20,000 Email in the queue. (there's 
> never less than 1000 in the queue, waiting for remote delivery)
> The queue has to be cleaned very regularrly as Mailer Daemon email builds up 
> in the queue at a rate of over 1000 per day.(all undeliverable)
> Now, the question is.  What to do to get the poor box under control.  I don't 
> think it's CPU related but more IO problems.
> Anyone else running this large a Qmail instalation?
> I'm about to call Sun and ask them to make it better, but I'm not sure they'll 
> be able to recommend much either.
> Greg

Re: Qmail loading down Sun enterprise 450.

2000-03-27 Thread H

I'm averaging 120,000+ emails (mostly mailing lists) a day on just an
Ultra 10 333Mhz, 512MB Ram, and IDE HD's, and it rarely shows more than
1-2% utilization, so, I'm not sure that helps, but maybe it gives you
some reference point to go on. It certainly seems your setup should be
running far lower on utilization.  Are you running it in inetd? or
tcpserver? (etc).

Greg Moeller wrote:
> Good day.
> We're running Qmail as a mainline ISP mailserver.
> Here's a few stats...
> 420,000 Email on the server.
> 27 Gig of disk space used for that Email.
> 66,000 local mailboxes.
> 300,000 Email delivered to local users/day.
> 200,000 Email delivered to remote sites/day.
> 600,000 POP mail accesses/day.
> 750 Virtual domains hosted on the server.
> 17,000 Mapping for those virtual domains.
> The box is an Ultra enterprise 450 with dual 330Mhz Ultrasparc II processors
> and an A1000 RAID array.
> Now, this poor box during the day is running with a load between 10 and 20
> and goes down to around 2 or 3 late at night.
> Normally it keeps up pretty good, but when there's heavy spamming it can start
> to get behind with between 10,000 and 20,000 Email in the queue. (there's
> never less than 1000 in the queue, waiting for remote delivery)
> The queue has to be cleaned very regularrly as Mailer Daemon email builds up
> in the queue at a rate of over 1000 per day.(all undeliverable)
> Now, the question is.  What to do to get the poor box under control.  I don't
> think it's CPU related but more IO problems.
> Anyone else running this large a Qmail instalation?
> I'm about to call Sun and ask them to make it better, but I'm not sure they'll
> be able to recommend much either.
> Greg

eSystems Architect
for Franklin Covey E-solutions.
Independent Java Developer, Webmaster,
Photographer, & Multimedia designer.

The statements included are solely based on my own opinion, 
and in no way reflects any position or approval by my employer.

Re: Qmail loading down Sun enterprise 450.

2000-03-27 Thread markd

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 10:14:15AM -0700, H wrote:
> I'm averaging 120,000+ emails (mostly mailing lists) a day on just an
> Ultra 10 333Mhz, 512MB Ram, and IDE HD's, and it rarely shows more than
> 1-2% utilization, so, I'm not sure that helps, but maybe it gives you
> some reference point to go on. It certainly seems your setup should be
> running far lower on utilization.  Are you running it in inetd? or
> tcpserver? (etc).

One thing to note is that inbound mail typically consumes a *lot* more system
resources than outbound, especially if the outbound is mailing lists managed
by something qmail-friendly, like ezmlm.


> -Hawke
> Greg Moeller wrote:
> > 
> > Good day.
> > We're running Qmail as a mainline ISP mailserver.
> > Here's a few stats...
> > 420,000 Email on the server.
> > 27 Gig of disk space used for that Email.
> > 66,000 local mailboxes.
> > 300,000 Email delivered to local users/day.
> > 200,000 Email delivered to remote sites/day.
> > 600,000 POP mail accesses/day.
> > 750 Virtual domains hosted on the server.
> > 17,000 Mapping for those virtual domains.
> > 
> > The box is an Ultra enterprise 450 with dual 330Mhz Ultrasparc II processors
> > and an A1000 RAID array.
> > 
> > Now, this poor box during the day is running with a load between 10 and 20

Re: Qmail loading down Sun enterprise 450.

2000-03-27 Thread H

Very true, and it is.

> On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 10:14:15AM -0700, H wrote:
> > I'm averaging 120,000+ emails (mostly mailing lists) a day on just an
> > Ultra 10 333Mhz, 512MB Ram, and IDE HD's, and it rarely shows more than
> > 1-2% utilization, so, I'm not sure that helps, but maybe it gives you
> > some reference point to go on. It certainly seems your setup should be
> > running far lower on utilization.  Are you running it in inetd? or
> > tcpserver? (etc).
> One thing to note is that inbound mail typically consumes a *lot* more system
> resources than outbound, especially if the outbound is mailing lists managed
> by something qmail-friendly, like ezmlm.
> Regards.
> > -Hawke
> >
> > Greg Moeller wrote:
> > >
> > > Good day.
> > > We're running Qmail as a mainline ISP mailserver.
> > > Here's a few stats...
> > > 420,000 Email on the server.
> > > 27 Gig of disk space used for that Email.
> > > 66,000 local mailboxes.
> > > 300,000 Email delivered to local users/day.
> > > 200,000 Email delivered to remote sites/day.
> > > 600,000 POP mail accesses/day.
> > > 750 Virtual domains hosted on the server.
> > > 17,000 Mapping for those virtual domains.
> > >
> > > The box is an Ultra enterprise 450 with dual 330Mhz Ultrasparc II processors
> > > and an A1000 RAID array.
> > >
> > > Now, this poor box during the day is running with a load between 10 and 20

eSystems Architect
for Franklin Covey E-solutions.
Independent Java Developer, Webmaster,
Photographer, & Multimedia designer.

The statements included are solely based on my own opinion, 
and in no way reflects any position or approval by my employer.

Re: Qmail loading down Sun enterprise 450.

2000-03-27 Thread Jim Arnott

How much cache ram on that RAID array. 256MB would be a good start.


Qmail + LDAP problems

2000-03-27 Thread blair christensen

I am running Qmail 1.03 with the LDAP patch from
on a Solaris 2.6 box.  LDAP is OpenLDAP 1.2.9 residing on the same

The patch applies cleanly to the source, and I'm able to compile qmail
successfully.  However, when I try to start qmail, I get:

bash-2.02# /var/qmail/rc
alert: cannot start: hath the daemon spawn no fire?

bash-2.02# cat /var/qmail/rc

# Using stdout for logging
# Using control/defaultdelivery from qmail-local to deliver messages
by default

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
qmail-start "`cat /var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery`"

bash-2.02# cat /var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery

bash-2.02# truss /var/qmail/rc
execve("/var/qmail/rc", 0xED10, 0xED18)  argc = 2
open("/dev/zero", O_RDONLY) = 3
0) = 0xEF7B
open("/usr/lib/", O_RDONLY)= 4
fstat(4, 0xE8A4)= 0
mmap(0x, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE, 4, 0) =
mmap(0x, 704512, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE, 4, 0) =
munmap(0xEF714000, 57344)   = 0
mmap(0xEF722000, 28432, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC,
MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, 4, 598016) = 0xEF722000
close(4)= 0
open("/usr/lib/", O_RDONLY)   = 4
fstat(4, 0xE8A4)= 0
0) = 0xEF7A
close(4)= 0
open("/usr/platform/SUNW,Ultra-5_10/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 4
fstat(4, 0xE684)= 0
mmap(0x, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE, 4, 0) =
mmap(0x, 16384, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE, 4, 0) =
close(4)= 0
close(3)= 0
munmap(0xEF79, 8192)= 0
getpid()= 9915 [9914]
getpgid(9915)   = 9914
getsid(9915)= 338
brk(0x000384B8) = 0
sysconfig(_CONFIG_SIGRT_MIN)= 38
sysconfig(_CONFIG_SIGRT_MAX)= 45
sigaltstack(0xEC04, 0x) = 0
sigaction(SIGHUP, 0x, 0xEB80)   = 0
sigaction(SIGHUP, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)   = 0
sigaction(SIGINT, 0x, 0xEB80)   = 0
sigaction(SIGINT, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)   = 0
sigaction(SIGQUIT, 0x, 0xEB80)  = 0
sigaction(SIGQUIT, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)  = 0
sigaction(SIGILL, 0x, 0xEB80)   = 0
sigaction(SIGILL, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)   = 0
sigaction(SIGTRAP, 0x, 0xEB80)  = 0
sigaction(SIGTRAP, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)  = 0
sigaction(SIGABRT, 0x, 0xEB80)  = 0
sigaction(SIGABRT, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)  = 0
sigaction(SIGEMT, 0x, 0xEB80)   = 0
sigaction(SIGEMT, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)   = 0
sigaction(SIGFPE, 0x, 0xEB80)   = 0
sigaction(SIGFPE, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)   = 0
sigaction(SIGBUS, 0x, 0xEB80)   = 0
sigaction(SIGBUS, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)   = 0
sigaction(SIGSEGV, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)  = 0
sigaction(SIGSYS, 0x, 0xEB80)   = 0
sigaction(SIGSYS, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)   = 0
sigaction(SIGPIPE, 0x, 0xEB80)  = 0
sigaction(SIGPIPE, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)  = 0
sigaction(SIGALRM, 0x, 0xEB80)  = 0
sigaction(SIGALRM, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)  = 0
sigaction(SIGTERM, 0x, 0xEB80)  = 0
sigaction(SIGTERM, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)  = 0
sigaction(SIGUSR1, 0x, 0xEB80)  = 0
sigaction(SIGUSR1, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)  = 0
sigaction(SIGUSR2, 0x, 0xEB80)  = 0
sigaction(SIGUSR2, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)  = 0
sigaction(SIGPWR, 0x, 0xEB80)   = 0
sigaction(SIGPWR, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)   = 0
sigaction(SIGURG, 0x, 0xEB80)   = 0
sigaction(SIGURG, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)   = 0
sigaction(SIGPOLL, 0x, 0xEB80)  = 0
sigaction(SIGPOLL, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)  = 0
sigaction(SIGVTALRM, 0x, 0xEB80)= 0
sigaction(SIGVTALRM, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)= 0
sigaction(SIGPROF, 0x, 0xEB80)  = 0
sigaction(SIGPROF, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)  = 0
sigaction(SIGXCPU, 0x, 0xEB80)  = 0
sigaction(SIGXCPU, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)  = 0
sigaction(SIGXFSZ, 0x, 0xEB80)  = 0
sigaction(SIGXFSZ, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)  = 0
sigaction(SIGRTMIN, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60) = 0
sigaction(SIGRTMIN+1, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60)   = 0
sigaction(SIGRTMIN+2, 0xEAE0, 0xEB60) 

Re: Qmail loading down Sun enterprise 450.

2000-03-27 Thread Greg Moeller

> You need to tell us additional facts about the server that are relevant to the 
> Eg, Is /var/qmail/queue on a separate partition? 
Yes, it is.
/dev/dsk/c2t5d1s68404669 5654879 266574468%/var/qmail
/dev/dsk/c2t5d0s643080643 21556631 2109320651%/mailhome

> What are the iostats like on each of the spindles?
# iostat 10
  tty  sd0   sd6  sd20  sd65  cpu
 tin tout kps tps serv  kps tps serv  kps tps  serv  kps tps  serv  us sy wt id
   0   24 182  12   330   00  2440 3025  1619 2522  38 36 22  4
   08  61   5  1130   00  1061 156   30  1894 3083  40 42 11  7
   08 148  18   240   00  594  98 9  1512 2612  47 41  8  4
   08 137   9   280   00  527  93 6  1528 2651  49 42  3  6
   08  97  12   210   00  2529 3355  2386 3972  35 47 17  2
   08  31   3   930   00  1049 160   35  2194 3812  36 43 10 11
sd65 is /var/qmail
df20 is /mailhome
> How are you running qmail-smtpd?
It's running from tcpserver.
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -x/etc/smtp.rules.cdb -H -R -c300 -u 60004 -g 65535 0 smtp 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd &
> what are your concurrency settings?
Local is 50, remote is 100.

> What pop server are you using?
Qmail's, with the qpopbulletin patches.
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -H -R -c400 0 pop3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup 
/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popbull /etc/qpopbull 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &
> Are the 66K mailboxes in user home directories all in /home?
No, it's split up into the first letter of the user ID.
gkmtrp:x:70908:1:Gregs trip email:/mailhome/g/gkmtrp:/bin/ftponly
> What does qmail-qstat show?
# /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qstat
messages in queue: 3602
messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 0

That about covers it.  There were 2500 in the queue when I sent the original 
Email (at 10:53, it's now 11:25)


Re: /var/qmail/control

2000-03-27 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 08:21:52AM +, Christopher Tarricone wrote:
> My mail server has several names... There is the name that is in the
> HOSTNAME file and there are the names assoaited to it in my DNS.
> the hostname is
> other names in the dns are...
> Should I put the in the  ' me ' & ' locals ' files?

You forgot to tell us what you're trying to accomplish.

Greetz, Peter.
Peter van Dijk - student/sysadmin/ircoper/madly in love/pretending coder 
| 'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
|  C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.'
| Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++

Re: [ Local Procmail ("+" feature)]

2000-03-27 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 08:36:13AM -0600, Ben Beuchler wrote:
> Originally posted to the vchkpw list, thought someone here might know what
> he's talking about.

Well qmail has this feature with the '-' instead of '+', and IIRC this
is configurable as well.

Greetz, Peter.
Peter van Dijk - student/sysadmin/ircoper/madly in love/pretending coder 
| 'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
|  C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.'
| Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++

Re: Qmail loading down Sun enterprise 450.

2000-03-27 Thread Martin Kos

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, Greg Moeller wrote:

> We're running Qmail as a mainline ISP mailserver.
h...  i only know qmail ..  is Qmail a new version ? *loL*

Say NO to HTML in mail and news

Re: Qmail loading down Sun enterprise 450.

2000-03-27 Thread Charles Cazabon

What other patches are you running?  In particular, big-todo?

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: Qmail loading down Sun enterprise 450.

2000-03-27 Thread Greg Moeller

> What other patches are you running?  In particular, big-todo?
> Charles
> -- 
I don't understand.
Solaris patches, or qmail patches?

As for qmail, I'm running it pretty much vanilla, no patches at all.


Re: Qmail loading down Sun enterprise 450.

2000-03-27 Thread markd

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 11:25:34AM -0600, Greg Moeller wrote:
> > You need to tell us additional facts about the server that are relevant to the 
> > 
> > Eg, Is /var/qmail/queue on a separate partition? 
> Yes, it is.
> /dev/dsk/c2t5d1s68404669 5654879 266574468%/var/qmail

Hmm. 2Gig of /var/qmail, that seems quite large, even for 3,000 queue entries. Btw,
3000 queue entries is not necessarily a problem. That's about 100K per mail message,
which is very large indeed. Is there something else significant on that partition?

> /dev/dsk/c2t5d0s643080643 21556631 2109320651%/mailhome
> > 
> > What are the iostats like on each of the spindles?
> # iostat 10
>   tty  sd0   sd6  sd20  sd65  cpu
>  tin tout kps tps serv  kps tps serv  kps tps  serv  kps tps  serv  us sy wt id
>0   24 182  12   330   00  2440 3025  1619 2522  38 36 22  4
>08  61   5  1130   00  1061 156   30  1894 3083  40 42 11  7
>08 148  18   240   00  594  98 9  1512 2612  47 41  8  4
>08 137   9   280   00  527  93 6  1528 2651  49 42  3  6
>08  97  12   210   00  2529 3355  2386 3972  35 47 17  2
>08  31   3   930   00  1049 160   35  2194 3812  36 43 10 11
> sd65 is /var/qmail
> df20 is /mailhome

Looks like both disks are getting pummelled into the ground. 200+ tps is a lot!

> > How are you running qmail-smtpd?
> It's running from tcpserver.
> /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -x/etc/smtp.rules.cdb -H -R -c300 -u 60004 -g 65535 0 smtp 
>/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd &
> > 
> > what are your concurrency settings?
> Local is 50, remote is 100.

So you can have upto 350 processes trying to do i/o to the queue. That seems
high to me. You might want to a separate instance of qmail handling inbound smtp
and outbound smtp. That way you can control the concurrency better.

> > What does qmail-qstat show?
> > 
> # /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qstat
> messages in queue: 3602
> messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 0

That's good. big todo wont do much for you. It may simply be that you're trying to run
too much concurrency for a single spindle. How may of each time of qmail process do you

ps -ef | grep qmail-|awk '{print $9}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr

> That about covers it.  There were 2500 in the queue when I sent the original 
> Email (at 10:53, it's now 11:25)

How many were remote and how many were local?


Re: Qmail loading down Sun enterprise 450.

2000-03-27 Thread markd

I don't think bigtodo is going to help much given that his todo is empty - at least
in the one sample we have.

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 11:48:46AM -0600, Greg Moeller wrote:
> > What other patches are you running?  In particular, big-todo?
> > 
> > Charles
> > -- 
> I don't understand.
> Solaris patches, or qmail patches?
> As for qmail, I'm running it pretty much vanilla, no patches at all.
> Greg

Alias of Virtual Domains

2000-03-27 Thread Pablo Martínez Schroder

I have some domains with different names, but they are really the same
one. It's something like:,,,

It is possible to make each of the domains an alias of the "real one"
(in this case, ""). I'm using vpopmail, and I though that
making a link from ~vpopmail/domains/alias.tld to
~vpopmail/domains/ will be enough, am I wrong??

Pablo Martínez Schroder

n:Martínez Schroder;Pablo
org:Hidra Telecomunicaciones y Multimedia;Sistemas
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Ingeniero de Sistemas
adr;quoted-printable:;;C/Casa de Campos, 3=0D=0A29640 M=E1laga;Málaga;;;
fn:Pablo Martínez Schroder

Re: Qmail loading down Sun enterprise 450.

2000-03-27 Thread Greg Moeller


> which is very large indeed. Is there something else significant on that partition?
The queue itself is taking 512Meg of space.  The other thing there is a huge 
log of pop accesses I was using to work out stats of how many pops per day.
> So you can have upto 350 processes trying to do i/o to the queue. That seems
> high to me. You might want to a separate instance of qmail handling inbound smtp
> and outbound smtp. That way you can control the concurrency better.
How would one split it apart?  I suppose we could have the clients connect to 
one IP/host for their mail, but anything coming into the MX for the box 
eventually has to show up on this box anyway.
> > > What does qmail-qstat show?
> > > 
> > # /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qstat
> > messages in queue: 3602
> > messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 0
> That's good. big todo wont do much for you. It may simply be that you're trying to 
> too much concurrency for a single spindle. How may of each time of qmail process do 
> have?
> ps -ef | grep qmail-|awk '{print $9}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
 100 Maildir
  38 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popbull
It goes on from there for some time...
> How many were remote and how many were local?
Is there an option in qstat to determine remote and local?
I'm pretty sure it's all remote, and probably all Mailerdaemon.
# /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qstat
messages in queue: 4578
messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 0
> Regards.


Re: Qmail loading down Sun enterprise 450.

2000-03-27 Thread vogelke

>> On Mon, 27 Mar 2000 10:53:27 -0600, 
>> Greg Moeller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

G> Normally it keeps up pretty good, but when there's heavy spamming it can
G> start to get behind with between 10,000 and 20,000 Email in the queue.

   If spamming is the main problem, have you looked into tarpitting?

   Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:32:36 -0500
   Subject: Tarpitting
   Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   From: Chris Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   There was some discussion a while back about tarpitting.  If you don't
   know what that is (I didn't when it first came up), it's the process
   of inserting a small sleep in an SMTP session for each RCPT TO after
   some set number of RCPT TOs.  The idea is to thwart spammers who would
   hand your SMTP server a single message with a long list of RCPT TOs.


Karl Vogel
ASC/YCOA, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433, USA

Re: Qmail loading down Sun enterprise 450.

2000-03-27 Thread markd

I think the other thing is that his smtp concurrency via tcpserver is serving
a dual purpose in that it's providing enough concurrency for his internal people
as well as for MX traffic. That means it has to be set fairly high so that his
internal people always get a connection.

I'd be inclined to put the MX on a separate (multi-homed) address running a separate
instance of tcpserver which has a *much* lower concurrency than 300 and have the 
tcpserver concurrency set to something lower to match the internal requirements.

Other possibilities are to lower the concurrencylocal on an instance of qmail that
handles MX traffic so that even if a spammer gets thru the delivery is distributed
across greater time.


On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 01:22:12PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> On Mon, 27 Mar 2000 10:53:27 -0600, 
> >> Greg Moeller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> G> Normally it keeps up pretty good, but when there's heavy spamming it can
> G> start to get behind with between 10,000 and 20,000 Email in the queue.
>If spamming is the main problem, have you looked into tarpitting?
>Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:32:36 -0500
>Subject: Tarpitting
>From: Chris Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>There was some discussion a while back about tarpitting.  If you don't
>know what that is (I didn't when it first came up), it's the process
>of inserting a small sleep in an SMTP session for each RCPT TO after
>some set number of RCPT TOs.  The idea is to thwart spammers who would
>hand your SMTP server a single message with a long list of RCPT TOs.
> -- 
> Karl Vogel
> ASC/YCOA, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433, USA

Newbie... Question..

2000-03-27 Thread michael M. Honse

I have a qmail server up and running GREAT.. all is well..
BUT... I want to bring up another that will Que up mail should the real mail
server crash, need rebooting, Melt down to slag, or ETC..
Anyone have a how-to for that ?..
Many thanks in advance.


So? No answer?? (Was: could it be? A bug?)

2000-03-27 Thread Ricardo Cerqueira

I feel kinda weird replying to myself, but...

HELLO??? Anybody out there?


On Mon, Mar 20, 2000 at 07:20:18PM +, Ricardo Cerqueira wrote:
> Well;
>   People... (Dan?) Is there any particular reason why qmail-rspawn's default 
>behaviour is to mark failures as permanent, instead of temporary?
>   Here's why I ask...  Our relays have an incoming interface, and an outgoing 
>interface... also, those relays send the mail back in if it's recipient is a 
>customer, and send it out if not.  Yesterday, one of the mail relays my ISP uses for 
>customers had a hardware problem: the "outgoing" NIC was malfunctioning. So, 
>qmail-remote crashed whenever it was called by qmail-rspawn.
> According to this snippet of rspawn's code...
>  switch(wait_exitcode(wstat))
>   {
>case 0: break;
>case 111: substdio_puts(ss,"ZUnable to run qmail-remote.\n"); return;
>default: substdio_puts(ss,"DUnable to run qmail-remote.\n"); return;
>   }
> The default behaviour is to return "D" status (permanent failure)... 
>   So, for a period of 13 hours, over 12k mails were lost (bounced to 
>postmaster), instead of remaining in queue. (needless to say, that was not a nice 
>thing to happen)
>   I've done a few tests (removing the exec bit from qmail-remote, and replacing 
>qmail-remote with a non-functioning binary) and confirmed all mails are bounced to 
>postmaster, instead of being queued.
>   Then, I changed the default exit code to "Z" (temporary failure), recompiled, 
>and ran the same tests. This time, it went like it should... mails were not 
>delivered, but were stored in queue... qmail-remote was restored, I SIGALRM'ed 
>qmail-send, and all of the test messages were delivered.
>   So... Is there any reason why it should return "D"? Or is there any reason why 
>it shouldn't return "Z"?
>   Best regards;
>   Ricardo Cerqueira
> +---
> | Ricardo Cerqueira  
> | PGP Key fingerprint  -  B7 05 13 CE 48 0A BF 1E  87 21 83 DB 28 DE 03 42 
> | Novis  -  Rede Técnica 
> | Pç. Duque Saldanha, 1, 7º E / 1050-094 Lisboa / Portugal

| Ricardo Cerqueira  
| PGP Key fingerprint  -  B7 05 13 CE 48 0A BF 1E  87 21 83 DB 28 DE 03 42 
| Novis  -  Rede Técnica 
| Pç. Duque Saldanha, 1, 7º E / 1050-094 Lisboa / Portugal

Re: Qmail loading down Sun enterprise 450.

2000-03-27 Thread Charles Cazabon

Greg Moeller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Charles Cazabon wrote:
> > What other patches are you running?  In particular, big-todo?

> I don't understand.
> Solaris patches, or qmail patches?
> As for qmail, I'm running it pretty much vanilla, no patches at all.

Yes, I meant qmail patches.  big-todo is a patch by Russell Nelson,
updated by others:

It can increase qmail's performance by an enormous amount if there are
large numbers of messages injected into the queue but qmail hasn't yet
preprocessed them.

There's also a note on the page about changing conf-split
and recompiling if your queue will ever get above 23k messages or so.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: So? No answer?? (Was: could it be? A bug?)

2000-03-27 Thread cmikk

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000 19:41:14 +0100 , "Ricardo Cerqueira" writes:
> > According to this snippet of rspawn's code...
> > 
> >  switch(wait_exitcode(wstat))
> >   {
> >case 0: break;
> >case 111: substdio_puts(ss,"ZUnable to run qmail-remote.\n"); return;
> >default: substdio_puts(ss,"DUnable to run qmail-remote.\n"); return;
> >   }

> > Then, I changed the default exit code to "Z" (temporary
> > failure), recompiled, and ran the same tests. This time, it went
> > like it should... mails were not delivered, but were stored in
> > queue... qmail-remote was restored, I SIGALRM'ed qmail-send, and
> > all of the test messages were delivered.
> > So... Is there any reason why it should return "D"? Or is there
> > any reason why it shouldn't return "Z"?

Not as far as I can see.  I'm running with a similar change.

Actually, my change neuters the effects of execvp returning:

*** qmail-rspawn.c  1999/04/23 16:48:16 1.1
--- qmail-rspawn.c  2000/01/27 15:16:35 1.2
*** 96,103 
 if (fd_move(1,fdout) == -1) _exit(111);
 if (fd_copy(2,1) == -1) _exit(111);
!if (error_temp(errno)) _exit(111);
   return f;
--- 96,102 
 if (fd_move(1,fdout) == -1) _exit(111);
 if (fd_copy(2,1) == -1) _exit(111);
   return f;

The root problem in my case was a FreeBSD semi-bug...
Between 2.2.x and 3.x, the bad-old vfork() semantics
returned (i.e. parent and child had the same address
space).  This lead to a memory pseudo-leak[1] in
qmail-rspawn, which then ran into an rlimit, which
prevented rspawn from, well, spawning.

Quick (and effective) fix:

  sysctl -w kern.fast_vfork=0

stopped the leaking instantly.
Chris Mikkelson  | Vampireware; n, a project capable of sucking the 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | lifeblood out of anyone unfortunate enough to be
 | assigned to it which never actually sees the light
 | of day, but nonetheless refuses to die. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

[1] "pseudo" in the sense that it only leaked virtual memory.
The qmail-rspawn would have a VSZ of ~500M or so, while only
a couple hundred K resident.

Re: Qmail loading down Sun enterprise 450.

2000-03-27 Thread Adam McKenna

What are you using for logging?  cyclog or syslog?

If you're not currently using cyclog, you might want to strongly consider
switching to it.


Re: Qmail + LDAP problems

2000-03-27 Thread Nikolay Borodachev

Do you have ldap related control files? AFAIR, control/ldapserver must

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, blair christensen wrote:

> Hello,
> I am running Qmail 1.03 with the LDAP patch from
> on a Solaris 2.6 box.  LDAP is OpenLDAP 1.2.9 residing on the same
> box.
> The patch applies cleanly to the source, and I'm able to compile qmail
> successfully.  However, when I try to start qmail, I get:
> bash-2.02# /var/qmail/rc
> alert: cannot start: hath the daemon spawn no fire?

Nikolay Borodachev

Re: Qmail + LDAP problems

2000-03-27 Thread blair christensen

Yeah, I do have those.  I added the ones mentioned in the QLDAPINSTALL
file, one of which is 'ldapserver'.  Is there a minimum set that is
needed?  Right now I have them all defined;  could it be that one of
the non-required files is causing this?  

grasping at straws,

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 03:43:21PM -0600, Nikolay Borodachev wrote:
> Do you have ldap related control files? AFAIR, control/ldapserver must
> exist. 
> On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, blair christensen wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am running Qmail 1.03 with the LDAP patch from
> > on a Solaris 2.6 box.  LDAP is OpenLDAP 1.2.9 residing on the same
> > box.
> > 
> > The patch applies cleanly to the source, and I'm able to compile qmail
> > successfully.  However, when I try to start qmail, I get:
> > 
> > bash-2.02# /var/qmail/rc
> > alert: cannot start: hath the daemon spawn no fire?
> --
> Nikolay Borodachev

Next Hop

2000-03-27 Thread Ricardo D. Albano

Hello, I'm trying to configure my MX host running qmail 1.03 to pass all
incoming mails to another host that makes the local delivery.

While not solve this problem I can't migrate from Postfix to qmail, in
postfix I use a config file called "transports" and add a line like this :


This means that all mails for "" recived in this server are passed
via smtp to "a.b.c.d".

Please, I need to do this in qmail but I cant find how to do this in the


Ricardo D. Albano

Re: Next Hop

2000-03-27 Thread Rick McMillin

It's done through the smtproutes file.  Do a
'man qmail-remote' for more info.

Rick McMillin
Systems Administrator
Manager, Network Operations
I-Land Internet Services

- Original Message -
From: "Ricardo D. Albano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2000 4:27 PM
Subject: Next Hop

> Hello, I'm trying to configure my MX host running qmail 1.03 to pass all
> incoming mails to another host that makes the local delivery.
> While not solve this problem I can't migrate from Postfix to qmail, in
> postfix I use a config file called "transports" and add a line like this :
> domain.comsmtp:[a.b.c.d]
> This means that all mails for "" recived in this server are
> via smtp to "a.b.c.d".
> Please, I need to do this in qmail but I cant find how to do this in the
> Docs/Faqs/etc
> Tnx.
> Ricardo D. Albano

Re: Qmail + LDAP problems

2000-03-27 Thread Nikolay Borodachev

Do you have a user name and password set up in qmail control files to
access LDAP server? That user must have rights to read LDAP directory. Try
to query LDAP server using that username and password.

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, blair christensen wrote:

> Yeah, I do have those.  I added the ones mentioned in the QLDAPINSTALL
> file, one of which is 'ldapserver'.  Is there a minimum set that is
> needed?  Right now I have them all defined;  could it be that one of
> the non-required files is causing this?  
> grasping at straws,
> blair
> On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 03:43:21PM -0600, Nikolay Borodachev wrote:
> > 
> > Do you have ldap related control files? AFAIR, control/ldapserver must
> > exist. 
> > 
> > On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, blair christensen wrote:
> > 
> > > Hello,
> > > I am running Qmail 1.03 with the LDAP patch from
> > > on a Solaris 2.6 box.  LDAP is OpenLDAP 1.2.9 residing on the same
> > > box.
> > > 
> > > The patch applies cleanly to the source, and I'm able to compile qmail
> > > successfully.  However, when I try to start qmail, I get:
> > > 
> > > bash-2.02# /var/qmail/rc
> > > alert: cannot start: hath the daemon spawn no fire?
> > 
> > --
> > Nikolay Borodachev

Nikolay Borodachev

Re: Qmail + LDAP problems

2000-03-27 Thread blair christensen

For the username and password, what I would like to do, at least for
now, is to just perform an anonymous bind.  How do I represent that in
the control files? 

However, I have also tried using a username/password with which I can
successfully perform an ldapsearch against the db.  qmail still
doesn't launch successfully, however, when given this information.


On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 04:39:39PM -0600, Nikolay Borodachev wrote:
> Do you have a user name and password set up in qmail control files to
> access LDAP server? That user must have rights to read LDAP directory. Try
> to query LDAP server using that username and password.
> On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, blair christensen wrote:
> > Yeah, I do have those.  I added the ones mentioned in the QLDAPINSTALL
> > file, one of which is 'ldapserver'.  Is there a minimum set that is
> > needed?  Right now I have them all defined;  could it be that one of
> > the non-required files is causing this?  
> > 
> > grasping at straws,
> > blair
> > 
> > On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 03:43:21PM -0600, Nikolay Borodachev wrote:
> > > 
> > > Do you have ldap related control files? AFAIR, control/ldapserver must
> > > exist. 
> > > 
> > > On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, blair christensen wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Hello,
> > > > I am running Qmail 1.03 with the LDAP patch from
> > > > on a Solaris 2.6 box.  LDAP is OpenLDAP 1.2.9 residing on the same
> > > > box.
> > > > 
> > > > The patch applies cleanly to the source, and I'm able to compile qmail
> > > > successfully.  However, when I try to start qmail, I get:
> > > > 
> > > > bash-2.02# /var/qmail/rc
> > > > alert: cannot start: hath the daemon spawn no fire?
> > > 
> > > --
> > > Nikolay Borodachev
> > 
> --
> Nikolay Borodachev

-- for public key.

buggy software writes itself

Re: Next Hop

2000-03-27 Thread Ricardo D. Albano

Nice!, I done and it work. Thankx.

I have a  very simple question : How to reload postfix configuration (some
like restart all postfix  daemons to reload the configurations files).


>It's done through the smtproutes file.  Do a
>'man qmail-remote' for more info.
>Rick McMillin
>Systems Administrator
>Manager, Network Operations
>I-Land Internet Services
>- Original Message -
>From: "Ricardo D. Albano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, March 27, 2000 4:27 PM
>Subject: Next Hop
>> Hello, I'm trying to configure my MX host running qmail 1.03 to pass all
>> incoming mails to another host that makes the local delivery.
>> While not solve this problem I can't migrate from Postfix to qmail, in
>> postfix I use a config file called "transports" and add a line like this
>> domain.comsmtp:[a.b.c.d]
>> This means that all mails for "" recived in this server are
>> via smtp to "a.b.c.d".
>> Please, I need to do this in qmail but I cant find how to do this in the
>> Docs/Faqs/etc
>> Tnx.
>> Ricardo D. Albano

Re: Qmail + LDAP problems

2000-03-27 Thread Nikolay Borodachev

I've just checked my qmail-ldap settings and found no username password
there :-). However, when I removed control/ldapserver qmail refused
to start saying "cannot start: hath the daemon spawn no fire?". Everything 
went back to normal when I put control/ldapserver to its place.

So, I don't really know but the problem seems to depend on existence of
that file.  

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, blair christensen wrote:

> For the username and password, what I would like to do, at least for
> now, is to just perform an anonymous bind.  How do I represent that in
> the control files? 
> However, I have also tried using a username/password with which I can
> successfully perform an ldapsearch against the db.  qmail still
> doesn't launch successfully, however, when given this information.
> thanks,
> blair 
> On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 04:39:39PM -0600, Nikolay Borodachev wrote:
> >  
> > Do you have a user name and password set up in qmail control files to
> > access LDAP server? That user must have rights to read LDAP directory. Try
> > to query LDAP server using that username and password.
> > 
> > On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, blair christensen wrote:
> > 
> > > Yeah, I do have those.  I added the ones mentioned in the QLDAPINSTALL
> > > file, one of which is 'ldapserver'.  Is there a minimum set that is
> > > needed?  Right now I have them all defined;  could it be that one of
> > > the non-required files is causing this?  
> > > 
> > > grasping at straws,
> > > blair
> > > 
> > > On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 03:43:21PM -0600, Nikolay Borodachev wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > Do you have ldap related control files? AFAIR, control/ldapserver must
> > > > exist. 
> > > > 
> > > > On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, blair christensen wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > Hello,
> > > > > I am running Qmail 1.03 with the LDAP patch from
> > > > > on a Solaris 2.6 box.  LDAP is OpenLDAP 1.2.9 residing on the same
> > > > > box.
> > > > > 
> > > > > The patch applies cleanly to the source, and I'm able to compile qmail
> > > > > successfully.  However, when I try to start qmail, I get:
> > > > > 
> > > > > bash-2.02# /var/qmail/rc
> > > > > alert: cannot start: hath the daemon spawn no fire?
> > > > 
> > > > --
> > > > Nikolay Borodachev
> > > 
> > 
> > --
> > Nikolay Borodachev
> -- 
> for public key.
> buggy software writes itself

Nikolay Borodachev

New install...

2000-03-27 Thread Andy Walden

Running qmail on Solaris 7+dotforward+fastforward+procmail into
/var/spool/mail/delivery. The log shows a successful delivery:

Mar 27 17:19:25 homer qmail: 954199165.667066 starting delivery 1: msg 377310 to local 
Mar 27 17:19:25 homer qmail: 954199165.667663 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20 Mar 27 
17:19:25 homer qmail: 954199165.776406 delivery 1: success: did_0+0+1/
Mar 27 17:19:25 homer qmail: 954199165.799606 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
Mar 27 17:19:25 homer qmail: 954199165.812838 end msg 3773101

Nothing ever appears in /var/spool/mail. I have done this plenty of times
so I know its something stupid. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Re: Problem with sending mail to virtual domain

2000-03-27 Thread Irwan Hadi

At 10:14 27/03/2000 -0500, Chris Johnson wrote:
>On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 07:38:28PM -0700, Irwan Hadi wrote:
>> At 09:29 27/03/2000 -0500, Chris Johnson wrote:
>> >On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 07:18:48PM -0700, Irwan Hadi wrote:

>It's absolutely okay, and it's required if you want your mail setup to
work. It
>had better be okay, because you can't stop someone from pointing a name in his
>domain at one of your addresses.

Okay, I am understand ;)
I think CNAME is enough for mail system as for virtual domain with IP
aliassing hosting ;)
Thanks for your support !


AFLHI 058009990407128029/089802---(102598//991024)

Re: New install...

2000-03-27 Thread Uwe Ohse

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 05:41:13PM -0600, Andy Walden wrote:
> Nothing ever appears in /var/spool/mail. I have done this plenty of times
> so I know its something stupid. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

a) an empty .qmail file
b) a program in a .qmail file exits 99.
c) "fastforward -p"

Regards, Uwe

Re: Qmail + LDAP problems

2000-03-27 Thread Roland Pelzer

>Do you have ldap related control files? AFAIR, control/ldapserver must
>On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, blair christensen wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am running Qmail 1.03 with the LDAP patch from
>> on a Solaris 2.6 box.  LDAP is OpenLDAP 1.2.9 residing on the same
>> box.
>> The patch applies cleanly to the source, and I'm able to compile qmail
>> successfully.  However, when I try to start qmail, I get:
>> bash-2.02# /var/qmail/rc
>> alert: cannot start: hath the daemon spawn no fire?

I got the same error using qmail without any patches, after renaming
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-local and /var/qmail/bin/qmail-remote for an amavis
installation. Are qmail-remote and qmail-local located in /var/qmail/bin and
have the correct file permission? Perhaps something went wrong while
compiling of the patched source.

- Roland

Re: Sendmail help

2000-03-27 Thread Yuliy Minchev

On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Eric Dahnke wrote:

> Hello List,
> I've been a long time (relative) user of qmail, and now need to use several sendmail 
> HOWEVER, all I have to do is make it so that mail sent from those machines arrives 
>elsewhere as
> This would be a control/me file change in qmail. Anyone know how to do the same on 
> 8.9.3-10?
> - Eric Dahnke

found out where is your on your machines
and define macros M
i think there may be something like this

#who I masquerade as (null for no masquerading)

and change it to


  Yuliy Minchev, 
  Systems Administrator
  NOAC Bulgaria