Re: Nothing at port 25? RESOLVED

2001-08-06 Thread Alex Le Fevre

I don't know why Yahoo! decided to not send this
message last night; they're really flaky lately. Good
thing I have my server back up and running.

Basically, it was just that, in all of the
repartitioning/data restoration/etc. that I had to do
this weekend, I forgot to bring over /etc/tcp.smtp.
Duh! It was fixed the instant I put that back.

Thanks for catching that, though.

Alex Le Fevre

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Nothing at Port 25?

2001-08-05 Thread Alex Le Fevre

Hello all,

This weekend I attempted to upgrade my system from
OpenBSD 2.8 - 2.9. I had a bit of trouble doing so,
and as such had to do some strange OS manipulation
that does not bear description here.

In any case, after getting to what I thought was a
fully restored point, my inbound mail is not working.
This despite the fact that I have qmail running under
tcpserver, as revealed by ps:

qmaild3828  0.0  0.360   444 C0- S 10:36PM
   0:00.04 /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -u 1012 -g 1011
-x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd

I also have qmail-lspawn, qmail-rspawn, and
qmail-clean running.

I can't even telnet to port 25 on the system; it tells
me it's connected, then immediately dumps me out. I've
posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to see if it could possibly
be the OS shutting down the port, but I suspect
something is wrong with the qmail daemon.

Does anyone here know if I've got things right from
the Qmail end? Thanks.

Alex Le Fevre

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Re: url of sqwebmail too long!!!!

2001-06-08 Thread Alex Le Fevre

 I hope I understand what your asking.

Actually, I think what he's trying to do is the same thing I've been trying 
to do -- make equivalent to In that case, an alias wouldn't work, 
because that would require, not Of 
course, it's probably a question more for an Apache list, but if you or 
someone else knows how to do that, it would make both of us quite happy. :-) 

Alex Le Fevre

OT: Sending Mail with C++

2001-05-02 Thread Alex Le Fevre

I've seen the wars going on the last couple of days with people being tired 
of answering stupid questions, so my apologies if this appears to be such a 

I've learned that in Perl, sending an e-mail through the system is as simple 
as outputting to /usr/bin/sendmail -t. I figured that doing this with C++ 
would be just as simple; I'd just open an ofstream with ios::app and print 
to it. However, this doesn't seem to work, and after conducting what I feel 
to be an exhaustive search of the web, I'm seeing nothing on the subject. 

Has anyone ever sent mail using a C++ program? If so, I'd appreciate either 
some tips or a pointer to a URL discussing it. 

Thanks in advance. 

Alex Le Fevre

Re: OT: Sending Mail with C++

2001-05-02 Thread Alex Le Fevre

 Please supply more information:
 1)  At what point is your program failing?
The program itself doesn't seem to fail. I put a cout statement after my 
last line of code, and it pops up just fine. 

 2)  If it gets far enough, are you capturing the exit code of
 /usr/bin/sendmail (or /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject, for that matter)?
There is no output, at all. I get no error messages of any kind. 

 3)  Does anything make it into the qmail logs?
Nothing shows up in the qmail logs. 

 4)  Have you straced/trussed the program?
Can't say I know what either of these are. 

 5)  What is the failure mode?  Silent failure, core dump, ...
It's completely silent -- like I said, there are no program errors, and no 
errors from /usr/bin/sendmail. 

I'm sure that's only made things more confusing, but hopefully it eliminates 
some possibilities. 


Mailing from script

2001-04-04 Thread Alex Le Fevre

I just wrote a Perl script that gets an e-mail address from the command line 
and then subs it in as the To: field in mailwrapper output. While the 
program worked just fine when I manually entered the To: field, it appends to that field when I get it from the command line.

The relevant part of the script appears below: 

$recip = $ARGV[0];
$recip =~ s/\@/\\\@/g;
print $recip;
open (MAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -t");
print MAIL "To: $recip\n";
print MAIL "From: quoteoftheday\\n";
print MAIL "Reply-to: alex\\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Quote for $date\n";
print MAIL $sdata[rand(@sdata)];
close MAIL; 

$recip, when I printed it to the screen for testing purposes, came out as 
user\, which is exactly what I need. 

Any idea why the mailwrapper would append my local domain like that? 

Alex Le Fevre

Re: Mailing from script

2001-04-04 Thread Alex Le Fevre

 No it isn't. The =~ s stuff is totally unnecessary, as you're not passing
 the address on the command line to sendmail... 

Maybe I didn't make myself clear. I *am* trying to pass the e-mail address 
from the command line to sendmail. And yes, $recip *is* user\ -- 
I printed it to STDOUT, and it showed up just like that. 

IMHO, if the script works fine when I have a hard-coded To: line, and my 
$recip comes out a replica of my hard-coded To: line, it doesn't seem to me 
to be a Perl problem. 


Re: Mailing from script

2001-04-04 Thread Alex Le Fevre

 Aw come on, take away the =~ s line and you'll be fine. I promise.

::Looks chagrined:: Hmm. You were right. I just know that I need the "\" 
before the "@" when I hard-code, so I thought it would be necessary with my 
variable as well. 

 And NO, you're not trying to pass the recip on the command line. Your're
 passing it on STDIN. 

I still don't understand your logic here -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent 
mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- but that's not really relevant to this list, so 
don't worry about it. 


Re: Aliases chdir problems

2001-04-02 Thread Alex Le Fevre

 Not quite; that will try to deliver to an mbox file named "Maildir" in
 username's homedir, but as user alias. 
 Chances are that you want that .qmail file to contain "username" instead,
 which will forward the mail from the long name to the short username.
 Then, that user's .qmail file (or the system default delivery specification)
 will control the final delivery.

That works nicely. I just have one question: is there any good way to 
control the user's reply-to and from addresses via Qmail? It's showing up as 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of [EMAIL PROTECTED] That's just minor 
cosmetics, though. 


Alternate MDA

2001-03-28 Thread Alex Le Fevre

I'm looking to implement maildrop system-wide, so that
I don't have to fiddle around with setting it up for
each user that wants mail filtering. I've been told by
maildrop's author that I should just install it as my
default mail delivery agent. I've been all over the page, Life with Qmail, and all of that good
stuff, and I don't see a lot about switching MDAs.
Could anyone point me to a good resource on the

Alex Le Fevre

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Re: Alternate MDA

2001-03-28 Thread Alex Le Fevre

 Note that users
 will still be able to override this choice with a
 .qmail file.

Thus, you're saying, if there's a .qmail file, the
.mailfilter file gets ignored?


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Re: Content Types

2001-03-23 Thread Alex Le Fevre

 I'm no Perl coder, but it looks to me like you're
 sending everything as part of
 the message header -- you need a completely blank
 line (i.e. no whitespace on
 the line) between the end of the message headers,
 and the start of your first
 MIME part.

That just makes everything show up as message body,
including the attachment coming across as plain
(albeit garbled) text. Am I doing something wrong with
my boundary being "--bound"? Or are there any other
rules I need to follow when wrapping a message with an


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Attachments via /usr/bin/sendmail

2001-03-22 Thread Alex Le Fevre

How would I go about attaching encoded files (i.e.
jpg, gif, etc.) via the mailwrapper? I'm trying to
write a Perl script that first uploads a file (which
I've done no problem), and then e-mails it out to a
specified address. I've seen some examples that
mentioned uuencoding, but I'm not sure if this would
be right for all types of attachments.

Alex Le Fevre

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RE: Attachments via /usr/bin/sendmail

2001-03-22 Thread Alex Le Fevre

That made it come through as a bunch of gobbledygook
to my mail...but that's OK, because I know what I have
to write on my mailwrapper to get it to see that it's
an attachment. I think that suggestion will do the
trick. Thanks!

Alex Le Fevre

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RE: Attachments via /usr/bin/sendmail

2001-03-22 Thread Alex Le Fevre

Hmmm...I thought I had it, but not quite. For some
reason, my Perl script is outputting to the screen,
not my mailwrapper. Are there any limitations on what
you can send to the mailwrapper? My program is below:


$fileout = system("/bin/cat
/home/www/schnarff/images/chili.jpg |
/usr/bin/uuencode /home/www/schnarff/chili.jpg");
$bound = "---bound";

open (MAIL, "|/usr/bin/sendmail -t");
print MAIL "To: alexlefevre\\n";
print MAIL "Mime-Version: 1.0\n";
print MAIL "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
boundary=\"$bound\"; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n";
print MAIL "$bound\n";
print MAIL "Content-Type: image/jpg;
print MAIL "Content-Disposition: attachment;
print MAIL "Content-Transfer-Encoding: uuencode";
print MAIL "$fileout";
close MAIL;


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Content Types

2001-03-22 Thread Alex Le Fevre

I've solved my earlier problem of getting my script to
output an encoded file to the mailwrapper. My only
problem is, I'm having real trouble getting mail
agents to see the attachment properly.

Using this script:


$fileout = `cat /home/www/schnarff/images/chili.jpg |
$bound = "---bound";

open (MAIL, "|/usr/bin/sendmail -t");
print MAIL "To: alexlefevre\\n";
print MAIL "Mime-Version: 1.0\n";
print MAIL "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
boundary=\"$bound\"; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n";
print MAIL "$bound\n";
print MAIL "Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed;
print MAIL "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n";
print MAIL "Here is the attachment!\n";
print MAIL "$bound\n";
print MAIL "Content-Type: image/jpg;
print MAIL "Content-Disposition: attachment;
print MAIL "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64";
print MAIL "$fileout";
close MAIL;

Mail goes to Yahoo just fine, which shows that there's
an attachment on the Inbox screen. When I try to
access the message, though, there's nothing there --
not even my text. What could be the problem? I'm
taking the content-type, etc. from mail I sent using


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/usr/bin/sendmail -t

2001-03-20 Thread Alex Le Fevre

I'm currently putting together a small Perl script
that sends an e-mail with a user-entered value as the
from: value. I want to test my syntax by using my
sendmail wrapper with the -t flag, but I don't know
how to tell it I'm done with a message. What command
do I issue to tell the mailwrapper I'm done?

Alex Le Fevre

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Re: /usr/bin/sendmail -t

2001-03-20 Thread Alex Le Fevre

 EOF -- close the fd.

If I'm actually typing my info in -- after calling
/usr/bin/sendmail -t from a command line -- is that


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Re: /usr/bin/sendmail -t

2001-03-20 Thread Alex Le Fevre

OK, that's cool...but now I have (presumably) one last
question. I've got my script printing From: $usermail
to /usr/bin/sendmail, and it's working well enough
both to trap the address the user enters and put it
into the From: field. My question is, what field to I
need to put $usermail into so that I can send a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and fool ezmlm?


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Mailwrapper not working

2001-03-12 Thread Alex Le Fevre

I've posted several questions to this list recently on
this topic, none of which have been satisfactorily
answered. I apologize for any redundancy.

The root of my problem is that my mail wrapper seems
to be malfunctioning. Neither /usr/sbin/sendmail --
from OBSD 2.8's default install of Sendmail -- or
/var/qmail/bin/sendmail seem to work at all. When I
point a popular Perl script at them (, the
script executes but produces nothing in

How can I test my mailwrapper for functionality? Would
it be possible to reinstall the mailwrapper without
reinstalling all of qmail if I find it's not
functional? Are there any config files I need to be

Thanks for your help.

Alex Le Fevre

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Re: Mailwrapper not working

2001-03-12 Thread Alex Le Fevre

 Put symlinks in place as the qmail docs tell you.

I have, I kill -HUP'ed qmail-send, and it still
doesn't work. Why wouldn't it work


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Re: Mailwrapper not working

2001-03-12 Thread Alex Le Fevre

 DJB posted to this list once, pointing out problems
 with mailer.conf -- if
 the system fails to open it (out of fds, etc), it
 defaults to using
 sendmail -- hardly what you want.
 The symlink solution is more reliable, and no files
 need to be parsed either.
You're still both missing my original point -- not
that my mail as a whole isn't working, but that I
can't get (from to send e-mail. I've
only got to the question about mailwrappers because
that's where I was led in search of a fix for this
problem. The script, by default, calls the mail
program as /usr/lib/sendmail, which didn't work; I've
been toying around with everything from a symlinked
/usr/sbin/sendmail to /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject, and
none of those work. Can anyone provide help relevant
to that problem?


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Re: Mailwrapper not working

2001-03-12 Thread Alex Le Fevre

 qmail-inject can't work, you need the
 sendmail-wrapper - normally
 /var/qmail/bin/sendmail. This does work as it should
 normally. Id it doesn't
 there are some serious misconfigurations.

How can I test /var/qmail/bin/sendmail? Do you think
there would be a way to check to make sure my script
is actually calling the binary?


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2001-03-11 Thread Alex Le Fevre

I'm trying to get to work with qmail, and
I'm having quite a time of it.

I can't point it towards /usr/local/sendmail, because
that doesn't exist on my system (OBSD 2.8). I tried
/usr/libexec/sendmail, but that didn't work, either --
nothing showed up in my Apache error logs or
/var/log/maillog. FYI, ls -l on /usr/libexec/sendmail

-r-sr-xr-x  1 root  bin  380928 Nov  6 12:40 sendmail

I also tried, as per the suggestion of someone from
this list, pointing it at /var/qmail/bin/sendmail.
However, this does nothing, either. ls -l shows:

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  qmail  16384 Mar  5 00:26 sendmail

What could be wrong with this? I need this form ASAP,
as I have business customers who will be using it

Alex Le Fevre

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/var/qmail/bin/sendmail (addendum)

2001-03-11 Thread Alex Le Fevre

Also, I tried:


That gave me these lines in /var/log/maillog:

Mar 11 11:23:02 www qmail: 984327782.476368 info msg
2920341: bytes 212 from [EMAIL PROTECTED] qp
9916 uid 0
Mar 11 11:23:02 www qmail: 984327782.477601 end msg

/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject, however, works just fine.


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Which program?

2001-03-10 Thread Alex Le Fevre

I'm trying to set up some cgi scripts that send e-mail
via the localhost (i.e. from Near the top, it has
"path to e-mail program", where I put
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject. However, this doesn't
seem to be working.

There are two possibilities as I see them. First, it
calls the program with a -t option, which I'm not
familiar with. Second, I've configured qmail to work
with tcpserver, so I'm not sure if I'm even sending
the script to the right binary.

Are either of these possibilities right? Or am I
totally off-base? Thanks in advance for any help you
may be able to provide.

Alex Le Fevre

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Re: POP Users w/o System Accounts

2001-02-12 Thread Alex Le Fevre

 As a side note, the MX for
 seems to be --
 that's correct, is it?
 Just an odd hostname.

That's definitely the wrong MX name -- it should be It's probably just that my DNS
provider hasn't updated it yet (which is potentially
another issue here).

 Indeed.  As the next thing, how about the output of
 the following commands:
 `ls -ld / /var /var/qmail /var/qmail/alias

bash-2.04# 'ls -ld / /var /var/qmail /var/qmail/alias
ls: /var/qmail/alias/.qmail*: No such file or
drwxr-xr-x  17 root   wheel  512 Feb  6 14:10 /
drwxr-xr-x  25 root   wheel  512 Jan 16 12:49 /var
drwxr-xr-x  10 root   qmail  512 Feb 10 14:38
drwxr-sr-x   3 alias  qmail  512 Feb 11 13:34

The reason that I have no .qmail in /var/qmail/alias
is because when I put my .qmail-postmaster file there,
it had no effect on [EMAIL PROTECTED] messages;
it took a .qmail-postmaster file in /home/alias to
make messages work correctly. Thus, I would assume
Qmail is looking not in /var/qmail/alias but in

Thus, here is alternate output on this request:

bash-2.04# 'cat

 `ls -ld ~alias`
Our output here seems to back up my thought process:

bash-2.04# ls -ld ~alias
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512 Feb 11 13:40

 On the contrary; I get the satisfaction of seeing
 someone actually putting
 the effort into running qmail, and being polite
 about it at the same time.

Glad to hear I'm not just leeching off of your brains.

Alex Le Fevre

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Re: POP Users w/o System Accounts

2001-02-12 Thread Alex Le Fevre

 How about the output of `ls -ld / /home /home/alias
 /home/alias/.qmail*` ?
 My thinking at this point is this has to be an
 ownership/permissions issue.
bash-2.04# ls -ld / /home /home/alias
drwxr-xr-x  17 root  wheel  512 Feb  6 14:10 /
drwxr-xr-x  26 root  wheel  512 Feb 10 09:29 /home
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel  512 Feb 11 13:40
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   19 Feb 11 13:38
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   19 Feb 11 13:35
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   19 Feb 11 13:32
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   19 Feb 11 13:35
-rw-r--r--   1 root  qmail   19 Feb 10 18:24

Looks like I should probably chown popuser:popuser
.qmail-threeacesolutions-info, right?


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Re: POP Users w/o System Accounts

2001-02-12 Thread Alex Le Fevre

 No, chown it to alias.  In fact, make that `chown -R
 alias:users /home/alias`
 to make it right.  You can change the group to
 whatever your proper default
 is under your OS.

Ummm...would that be wheel? I'm running OBSD 2.8.

Sadly enough, after doing `chown -R alias:users
/home/alias`, I still can't get mail at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (thankfully,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] still works). Is that just
because I've got the wrong group set up?


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Re: POP Users w/o System Accounts

2001-02-12 Thread Alex Le Fevre

 I don't think so.  wheel is a privileged group,
 isn't it?  You want something
 with no elevated privileges.

OK then, say, popuser?

 Maybe, but I doubt it.  Are the qmail log messages
 explaining the failure
 the same as before?  And of course you HUP'ed

The log messages don't say a damn thing. I think,
however, that this is an issue with my DNS provider
(; I've had a nearly identical
issue before. I'm going to call them and see if my MX
records are right (like they said a week ago they
would be), and if not, bitch them out like crazy.


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Re: POP Users w/o System Accounts

2001-02-12 Thread Alex Le Fevre

 What does:
   grep alias /etc/passwd


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Re: POP Users w/o System Accounts

2001-02-11 Thread Alex Le Fevre
   in virtualdomains will make
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] be controlled by
   ~alias/.qmail-threeacesolutions-info .  
 No, ~alias means 'the home directory of user
 "alias"', which is needed by qmail.
 It doesn't involve the creation of any additional
 accounts.  A standard qmail
 install will have ~alias as /var/qmail/alias . 
 Therefore the necessary .qmail
 file is
 /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-threeacesolutions-info .
I went ahead and made sure it wasn't in locals, and
then made .qmail-threeacesolutions-info in
/var/qmail/alias, with contents of
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]". It's still not working -- in
fact, it doesn't even show up in my maillog. I also
tried an identical file in /home/alias (which is where
my .qmail-postmaster file is), and it yielded the same
(lack of) result.

I even tried making the file
.qmail-info-threeacesolutions, since the
virtualdomains syntax was
threeacesolutions:alias-threeacesolutions (thus
info-three...), and that did no good either.

Any idea what else I could try?


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Re: POP Users w/o System Accounts

2001-02-11 Thread Alex Le Fevre

 1.  Did you HUP qmail-send or restart qmail? 
 qmail-send only reads
 virtualdomains at startup.
I do that after every change. I had made that kind of
mistake earlier, and felt really stupid after folks on
the list pointed it out.

 2.  Post the output of `qmail-showctl`.

qmail home directory: /var/qmail.
user-ext delimiter: -.
paternalism (in decimal): 2.
silent concurrency limit: 120.
subdirectory split: 23.
user ids: 1009, 1010, 1011, 0, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015.
group ids: 1009, 1010.

badmailfrom: (Default.) Any MAIL FROM is allowed.

bouncefrom: (Default.) Bounce user name is

bouncehost: (Default.) Bounce host name is

concurrencylocal: (Default.) Local concurrency is 10.

concurrencyremote: (Default.) Remote concurrency is

databytes: (Default.) SMTP DATA limit is 0 bytes.

defaultdomain: Default domain name is

defaulthost: (Default.) Default host name is

doublebouncehost: (Default.) 2B recipient host:

doublebounceto: (Default.) 2B recipient user:

envnoathost: (Default.) Presumed domain name is

helohost: (Default.) SMTP client HELO host name is

idhost: (Default.) Message-ID host name is

localiphost: (Default.) Local IP address becomes

Messages for are delivered locally.
Messages for are delivered locally.
Messages for are delivered locally.
Messages for are delivered locally.
Messages for are delivered locally.

me: My name is

percenthack: (Default.) The percent hack is not

plusdomain: Plus domain name is

qmqpservers: (Default.) No QMQP servers.

queuelifetime: (Default.) Message lifetime in the
queue is 604800 seconds.

SMTP clients may send messages to recipients at
SMTP clients may send messages to recipients at
SMTP clients may send messages to recipients at
SMTP clients may send messages to recipients at
SMTP clients may send messages to recipients at
SMTP clients may send messages to recipients at
SMTP clients may send messages to recipients at

morercpthosts: (Default.) No effect.

morercpthosts.cdb: (Default.) No effect.

smtpgreeting: (Default.) SMTP greeting: 220

smtproutes: (Default.) No artificial SMTP routes.

timeoutconnect: (Default.) SMTP client connection
timeout is 60 seconds.

timeoutremote: (Default.) SMTP client data timeout is
1200 seconds.

timeoutsmtpd: (Default.) SMTP server data timeout is
1200 seconds.

Virtual domain:

rcphosts: I have no idea what this file does.

 3.  Send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 wait for it to disappear
 into the ether or bounce, then post the relevent
 portions of the qmail
 logs, showing this message making it into the queue
 and all delivery
 attempts for it.

Feb 11 17:46:47 www qmail: 981931607.668108 info msg
437786: bytes 405 from [EMAIL PROTECTED] qp
30299 uid 1000
Feb 11 17:46:47 www qmail: 981931607.945872 starting
delivery 856: msg 437786 to local
Feb 11 17:46:47 www qmail: 981931607.947880 status:
local 1/10 remote 0/20
Feb 11 17:46:47 www qmail: 981931607.978230 delivery
856: failure:
Feb 11 17:46:48 www qmail: 981931608.022079 status:
local 0/10 remote 0/20
Feb 11 17:46:48 www qmail: 981931608.197615 bounce msg
437786 qp 23215
Feb 11 17:46:48 www qmail: 981931608.222175 end msg
Feb 11 17:46:48 www qmail: 981931608.307161 new msg
Feb 11 17:46:48 www qmail: 981931608.308283 info msg
437787: bytes 952 from  qp 23215 uid 1015
Feb 11 17:46:48 www qmail: 981931608.413360 starting
delivery 857: msg 437787 to local
Feb 11 17:46:48 www qmail: 981931608.415226 status:
local 1/10 remote 0/20
Feb 11 17:46:48 www qmail: 981931608.514949 delivery
857: success: did_1+0+0/
Feb 11 17:46:48 www qmail: 981931608.543842 status:
local 0/10 remote 0/20
Feb 11 17:46:48 www qmail: 981931608.544996 end msg

Looks like I've probably just got my .qmail file named
screwy. Hopefully this will help you pinpoint the

I *really* appreciate your help here. I know people
like you get nothing out of replying to newbie posts
like mine, and so I'd really like to thank you for
going the extra mile to help me out.


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Logfile Turnover

2001-02-11 Thread Alex Le Fevre

My /var/log/maillog file has suddenly decided that
it's a good idea to turn over every hour. Obviously,
this is a bad thing, as it will seriously clutter my
system (not to mention make trakcing any problems
highly irritating). I'm not quite sure what I would
have done to cause this, or how to change it back to
daily or so. Can anyone tell me where I can tweak

Alex Le Fevre

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Re: Logfile Turnover

2001-02-11 Thread Alex Le Fevre

 I seriously doubt that anyone can give you any
 useful advice -- you
 haven't given us enough information. What generates
 syslog, multilog, (insert your program of choice

Honestly, I'm a bit newbieish to say concretely. I
know that Qmail has been handling my e-mail, and that
only e-mail was showing up in that file...but I don't
really know what program would be handling logging
Qmail's actions. Any idea how I could check?


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POP Users w/o System Accounts

2001-02-10 Thread Alex Le Fevre

I've been trying to get this to work through Phil
Jacob's documentation
(, which I
found on the main page. I thought I had
follwed his instructions to a "T", but apparently not.

What I want, in this particular instance, is to create
the account [EMAIL PROTECTED], and then
forward that to my personal account,
to read [EMAIL PROTECTED], so that last part at least
should be fine. The problem is, I'm getting a bounce
saying that there is no user by that name.

My virtualdomains file reads:

My rcpthosts file has a entry.
Also, my users/assign file reads thus (with my = entry
all on one line):


I think I even have /users/poppasswd right:


Obviously, I've given qmail-send more than one -HUP in
my testing.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Alex Le Fevre

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Sqwebmail Documentation

2001-01-25 Thread Alex Le Fevre

I know this is the wrong place to ask, but the
sqwebmail mailing list is incredibly slow/unpopulated.
Do any of you know where I could find documentation
for that package? I'm trying to do things like set up
multiple virtual domains, change my timeout time, etc.

Alex Le Fevre

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Unable to chdir (4.2.1)

2001-01-24 Thread Alex Le Fevre

I've got a working qmail system up and running now --
but only one user on it gets mail. All the other users
I'm trying are getting the error "Unable to chdir to
maildir (4.2.1)" in the maillog when trying to deliver
mail to them.

All of these undeliverable users have Maildirs in
their home directories, with cur, new and tmp
subdirectories, all of which are set to 0700 for
permissions. Each also has a .qmail file containing
./Maildir/, set to -rw-r--r-- for permissions.

Any idea why this would not be working? I followed
exactly the instructions people on this list gave me

Also, where can I go to look up info when I get a
numbered error message such as 4.2.1 or 5.7.1
(RCPHosts-related)? I'd really like to not have to
bother this list every time something like that crops


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Error Message Numbers

2001-01-21 Thread Alex Le Fevre

I've noticed that, whenever an error occurs with
qmail, a specific number is attached in the maillog.
I'd like to be able to just go look those up and leave
you all alone, but I don't know where to do so. Could
you let me know?

Alex le Fevre

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Qmail Under TCPServer

2001-01-20 Thread Alex Le Fevre

Thanks all who have answered my questions so far. You
have been very helpful.

I'm running into a much stranger problem now. I'm
trying to set up Qmail under TCPServer, optimally with
POP access. I've installed the TCPServer program and
checkpassword (which tests out great) as per online
instructions. Then I went ahead and added the line
into my /etc/rc that was supposed to bring up Qmail
under TCPServer on boot...and for some reason, it

This may be a problem with my system, since for some
reason the line above this in that file, which should
be starting Apache Web Server, has quit working on me
as well (it was fine at one point). Problem is, I'm
still way too much of a UNIX novice to diagnose it.

The last part of my /etc/rc reads:

# Alternatively, on some architectures, xdm may be
started in /etc/ttys.
if [ "X${xdm_flags}" != X"NO" ]; then
echo 'starting xdm...';
/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm ${xdm_flags}

exit 0

# Starts Apache Web Server
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start

# Starts Qmail Under TCPSERVER
tcpserver -v -u 1010 -g 1010 0 smtp
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd \
21 | /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 3 

The stuff at the top is just there so anyone out there
can tell if I've put those lines in the wrong place.
FYI, the system is OpenBSD 2.8, running on an old

Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated.

Alex Le Fevre

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Re: Qmail Under TCPServer

2001-01-20 Thread Alex Le Fevre

Duh! Thanks.

One remaining question: shouldn't those show up in my
process list if I do a ps ax? I ask because I tried
setting up the account in Outlook Express on a Windows
machine, and when it tried to connect, it got a socket


--- Henning Brauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 12:28:30PM -0800, Alex Le
 Fevre wrote:
  The last part of my /etc/rc reads:
  # Alternatively, on some architectures, xdm may be
  started in /etc/ttys.
  if [ "X${xdm_flags}" != X"NO" ]; then
  echo 'starting xdm...';
  /usr/X11R6/bin/xdm ${xdm_flags}
  exit 0
 everything behind exit will never be executed. exit
 0 should be the last
 line in your script.
  # Starts Apache Web Server
  /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start
  # Starts Qmail Under TCPSERVER
  tcpserver -v -u 1010 -g 1010 0 smtp
  /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd \
  21 | /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 3 
 Henning Brauer | BS Web Services
 Hostmaster BSWS| Roedingsmarkt 14
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 20459 Hamburg | Germany

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Good MUAs

2001-01-19 Thread Alex Le Fevre

Thanks to all those who answered my question yesterday
about what MUAs are and Maildir configuration. I was
able to successfully send Internet mail, albeit with
no subject or body.

My question today comes after further reading of the
included documentation. It says that Pine and Elm are
both insecure and unstable, and that BSD mail is
worse. However, it makes no mention of a good MUA.
What would you all recommend, and where could I get
it? I need clients for both my OpenBSD box and
eventual Windows clients (for whom I am considering
building a POP "toaster").

Alex Le Fevre

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2001-01-18 Thread Alex Le Fevre

Hi! I'm setting up a fresh install of qmail on my new
OpenBSD 2.8 (i386) box. I'd like to use maildir, but
I'm not sure if I can. Specifically, the documentation
said that some system MUAs don't support Maildir;
since I don't even know what an MUA is, I can't tell
if my OS supports it.

For a bit more info, I tried setting it up anyway, and
my test message generated this into syslog:

Jan 18 12:18:42 www qmail: 979838322.185348 status:
local 0/10 remote 0/20
Jan 18 12:21:48 www qmail: 979838508.954941 new msg
Jan 18 12:21:48 www qmail: 979838508.956063 info msg
437780: bytes 214 from [EMAIL PROTECTED] qp
23559 uid 0
Jan 18 12:21:49 www qmail: 979838509.119537 starting
delivery 1: msg 437780 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jan 18 12:21:49 www qmail: 979838509.121945 status:
local 1/10 remote 0/20
Jan 18 12:21:49 www qmail: 979838509.343842 delivery
1: deferral: Unable_to_chdir_to_maildir._(#4.2.1)/
Jan 18 12:21:49 www qmail: 979838509.344644 status:
local 0/10 remote 0/20
Jan 18 12:23:30 www qmail: 979838610.456917 starting
delivery 2: msg 437780 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jan 18 12:23:30 www qmail: 979838610.459090 status:
local 1/10 remote 0/20
Jan 18 12:23:30 www qmail: 979838610.774385 delivery
2: deferral: Unable_to_chdir_to_maildir._(#4.2.1)/
Jan 18 12:23:30 www qmail: 979838610.775182 status:
local 0/10 remote 0/20
Jan 18 12:28:30 www qmail: 979838910.864740 starting
delivery 3: msg 437780 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jan 18 12:28:30 www qmail: 979838910.865738 status:
local 1/10 remote 0/20
Jan 18 12:28:31 www qmail: 979838911.170234 delivery
3: deferral: Unable_to_chdir_to_maildir._(#4.2.1)/
Jan 18 12:28:31 www qmail: 979838911.171015 status:
local 0/10 remote 0/20

Is the OS' MUA my problem, or is it something else?
/home/alex/.qmail and /home/alex/.qmail-alex both
exist, containing simply ./Maildir/.
/home/alex/Maildir also exists.

Thanks for your help.

Alex Le Fevre

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2000-12-19 Thread Alex Le Fevre

Please pardon what is likely a really dumb
question...I'm a true newbie.

In installing qmail, I'm told to set up
~alias/.postmaster, etc., etc. Only problem is, I
don't quite understand the alias concept as it relates
to mail. I understand the idea of an alias for a
directory name...but mail? Is there some standard
directory I'm pointing to with this alias, or some
other standard concept behind it?

Thanks for any help.

Alex Le Fevre

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