Increasing deferral time

2000-03-15 Thread Chuck Milam

I provide secondary MX service for a site that may be down for more than
10 days.  I would like to increase my deferral/spooling time to something
longer than the default (I believe it's 7 days under qmail?).  

Can this be done without getting to deep under the qmail hood?

I.T. Division - Academic Computing
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Re: pine and Maildirs

1999-10-15 Thread Chuck Milam

On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Evan Moore wrote:

 Everything that I have read about pine and Maildirs syas that they
 don't get along; however, after configuring my pinrc file to look at
 the Maidir it reads it's mail with out complaint. How is this
 possible? I'm not even using the newest version of pine, I just
 installed pine 3.96 from Debian Slink.

Perhaps the Debian folks included a maildir patch?

I.T. Division - Academic Computing
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Strange Bounce

1999-03-18 Thread Chuck Milam

This is one of the stranger bounces I've seen.  Has anyone seen something

 Remote host said: 500 Session already established. The domain name
 [] passed in with HELO will be ignored. The current
 domain name of sending SMTP is [].

Chuck Milam I.T. Division - Academic Computing
[EMAIL PROTECTED] University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh

Re: Pine, Qmail, and time zones

1999-02-23 Thread Chuck Milam

On Mon, 22 Feb 1999, Fred Lindberg wrote:

 It may be configuration problem. Look at where /etc/localtime links.

/etc/localtime - ../usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Central
 I use UTC on the computer and pine puts .. + (  ). Mutt doesn't do
 the "(  )" thing. Maybe changing MUAs would help?

That may be an option for me, but not for my users.  *Sigh*

Here's something interesting:  I have TWO date lines in my mail messages,
it seems.  (Maybe this is normal?):

Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 07:51:14 -0600
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 07:51:14 -0600 (EST) -- Where does this come from?

Well, I'm off again in further search of the answer...

Chuck Milam I.T. Division - Academic Computing
[EMAIL PROTECTED] University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh

Re: Pine, Qmail, and time zones

1999-02-22 Thread Chuck Milam

On Fri, 19 Feb 1999, Harald Hanche-Olsen wrote:

 Nor is it generated by qmail.  Date: header fields are only generated
 in two places within qmail:  In qmail-inject, which always uses time
 zone -, and in predate.  Both of them print only the numeric time
 So this is a pine and/or a library problem, not a qmail one.

Of course, the guys over on the Redhat list insisted that this was neither
a Redhat Linux nor a Pine problem.  

Back to the grind...

Chuck Milam I.T. Division - Academic Computing
[EMAIL PROTECTED] University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh

Re: Qmail, Majordomo, and virtual domains

1999-02-22 Thread Chuck Milam

On Mon, 15 Feb 1999, John R. Levine wrote:

 If this sounds interesting, let me know and I'll pack up my scripts.
 There's a perl script to handle the bounces, and a shell script that
 creates the lists and makes the .qmail files.


Any luck with this?  I'm in a state of eager anticipation!

BTW, my time zone should look OK now.

Chuck Milam I.T. Division - Academic Computing
[EMAIL PROTECTED] University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh

Re: Qmail, Majordomo, and virtual domains

1999-02-11 Thread Chuck Milam

On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Russ Allbery wrote:

 Does Majordomo get the entire virtual domain?  

Unfortunatey, no.  That's what makes it a little tougher.

 If not, there are a few ways to do it.  One way is to put the
 individual users that Majordomo needs (LIST, LIST-owner, LIST-request,
 and LIST-approval) directly into control/virtualdomains and map them
 to the Majordomo user.  

Hmm...I hadn't thought about trying it that way.  Thanks.  I think I'll
give that a shot with a test list.

 The other way is to piggyback on whatever you're currently using to
 control disposition of the mail to a given virtual domain.

I'm using qmail with at least one virtual domain controled by a user,
i.e.: all mail for domain xxx.domain.yyy is controlled by a non-root user
using .qmail files in his home directory.

Other domains will remain under administrative control, the "root.dude"
will be responsible for them.

 What do you mean by "appear as"?  If you mean that the Received lines
 have to match, you'll have a problem there, because qmail-remote
 doesn't have a way of binding to a specific IP address without

Not the "Recieved" lines, but messages originating from a
Majordomo installation working at should appear to come from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and list postings through that Majordomo should come
from [EMAIL PROTECTED], not domain.yyy.  Most likely, I'm guessing this
will involve pointing to different files, and probably
modifing a copy of majordomo-inject and majordomo-dispatch for each
virtual domain.

Chuck Milam I.T. Division - Academic Computing
[EMAIL PROTECTED] University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh

Re: Qmail, Majordomo, and virtual domains

1999-02-11 Thread Chuck Milam

On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, Chuck Milam wrote:

  Does Majordomo get the entire virtual domain?  
 Unfortunatey, no.  That's what makes it a little tougher.

I've convinced the users to take a compromise.  Instead of trying to
just going to create [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Problem solved...well, problem looks
easier now, anyway.  Now, on to the implementation.

Thanks for sharing your insight, folks.

Chuck Milam I.T. Division - Academic Computing
[EMAIL PROTECTED] University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh