maildirs not working....

1999-10-15 Thread Jennifer Tippens

I must be missing something... I got Qmail to work just fine using the "Life
with qmail" page.  with the default mbox setting.  I could receive email and
see it in the Mailbox file.  OK. I then decided I wanted to use maildirs
instead.  I did:

changed the defaultdelivery file in /var/qmail/control to have one line:

then I used makemaildir to make the mail directory on my account:
maildirmake $HOME/Maildir

and made a .qmail file:
echo./Maildir/ > ~/.qmail

I then removed (moved) the old Mailbox.

Now I don't get mail. ??


RE: maildirs not working....

1999-10-15 Thread Jennifer Tippens

Of course I restarted qmail also...

> -Original Message-
> From: Jennifer Tippens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 15, 1999 12:45 PM
> To: Qmail
> Subject: maildirs not working
> I must be missing something... I got Qmail to work just fine 
> using the "Life with qmail" page.  with the default mbox setting. 
>  I could receive email and see it in the Mailbox file.  OK. I 
> then decided I wanted to use maildirs instead.  I did:
> changed the defaultdelivery file in /var/qmail/control to have one line:
> ./Maildir/
> then I used makemaildir to make the mail directory on my account:
> maildirmake $HOME/Maildir
> and made a .qmail file:
> echo./Maildir/ > ~/.qmail
> I then removed (moved) the old Mailbox.
> Now I don't get mail. ??
> thanks,
> Jennifer

maildirs working now...

1999-10-15 Thread Jennifer Tippens

Some days I'm so blonde.
Let's try giving the user ownership of her own maildir
Thank you everyone for your very prompt help!


pop3 and maildirs now....

1999-10-15 Thread Jennifer Tippens

Now that I'm actually getting mail delivered...
I'm trying to get pop3 to work.

I installed checkpassword.
qmail works.

I put:

tcpserver -v -R 0 pop3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup FQDN \
/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d maildir 2>&1 | \
/var/qmail/bin/splogger pop3d &

after everything else in both the start and restart case of my qmail startup
script (which is the one on "life with qmail" more or less).

MS outlook (I know, I know) gives me the following error:
Server Response: '-ERR this user has no $HOME/Maildir'. (Account:
'', POP3 Server: '', Error Number:

What did I not do yet?

Wow, It works! It really works!

1999-10-15 Thread Jennifer Tippens

pop works, qmail works and I love my job.  Thank you Everybody for all the
help! (snoopy dance)


Problem installing - Sorry, _no_mailbox_here_by_that_name.

1999-11-29 Thread Jennifer Tippens

I'm having a problem installing qmail.  I have been using Life with
qmail as a guide.  I have everything installed and the 4 qmail daemons
are running along with a couple of supervise, multilogs, a svscan and a
defaultdelivery is:

I have done:
qmail-pw2u < /etc/passwd > /var/qmail/users/assign
qmail cdb

cd /home/jennifer
su jennifer
maildirmake ./Maildir

Under aliases, I have the the following files and they all contain the
one word, jennifer:

So, I start qmail:
qmail start

and check /var/log/qmail/current
and I get a status line - no errors there.

So I try to send an empty message to the user jennifer:
echo to: jennifer | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject

There is no mail in /home/jennifer/Maildir/new
tail /var/log/qmail/current

longnumberhere info msg 442894: bytes 1913 from <#@[]> qp 5516 uid 501

tcpserver error

1999-12-08 Thread Jennifer Tippens

Hi List!
I have configured something incorrectly.  I just can't figure out where.

I tried to test my installation by sending a message locally and it did
not work.
In var/log/qmail/smtpd/current I get the following repeating error:
biglongnumber tcpserver: fatal: unable to figure out IP address for 2108

What I can figure out is that the number 2108 is the nofiles GID.

The qmail-related entries in /etc/group is:

and in /etc/passwd:
alias :x:7790:2108::/var/qmail/alias:/bin/true
qmaild :x:7791:2108::/var/qmail:/bin/true
qmaill :x:7792:2108::/var/qmail:/bin/true
qmailp :x:7793:2108::/var/qmail:/bin/true
qmailq :x:7794:2107::/var/qmail:/bin/true
qmailr :x:7794:2107::/var/qmail:/bin/true
qmails :x:7794:2107::/var/qmail:/bin/true

Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening?
Thank you so much for your time.


Anti Virus Solution

1999-12-09 Thread Jennifer Tippens

I have gone through the list archive and the only information I can find
on this subject was listmembers asking about if there was any anti-virus
solution out there.
Is there any anti-virus thing out there that can scan for macro viruses
in Qmail?

Thanks so much for your time,

supervise: fatal:

1999-12-29 Thread Jennifer Tippens

Hello all,

This is probably a simple question, but I'm having a bit of a problem.
I had qmail working properly and then it broke.  I'm not sure what I did
to it.  I think this is a permissions problem, but I need some help.
I started qmail manually:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail start

I checked my processes and I have 2 svscan and 4 supervise, 2 multilog,
and 1 tcpserver, qmail-send, qmail-lspawn, qmail-rspawn, qmail-clean.

I get the messages:
supervise: fatal: unable to acquire qmail-send/supervise/lock: access
supervise: fatal: unable to acquire log/supervise/lock: access denied
supervise: fatal: unable to acquire qmail-smtpd/supervise/lock: access
supervise: fatal: unable to acquire log/supervise/lock: access denied

and they repeat.  What did I do wrong?
Thanks for the help,


2000-01-18 Thread Jennifer Tippens

What caused a message to be deferred with the error:
Sorry,_message_has_wrong_owner?  I can't send anything using the
/var/qmail/bin/sendmail wrapper without getting this.  I did try all the
tests successfully in TEST.deliver and TEST.receive, but they all use
Thanks for any help you can give,


Re: sorry_message_has_wrong_owner

2000-01-18 Thread Jennifer Tippens

Yes, because I had a linking mishap {sheepish grin}, I replaced a few files
in /var/qmail/bin with ones from another machine.  I did not realize it would
change anything. Thank you very much for your help.  I tried a few other
things, then I did:
#make setup check
and that did it. it works now!
Thanks so much,


Mark Delany wrote:

> Did it ever work or has it never worked?
> Almost certainly the permissions in /var/qmail have not been set properly
> or have been changed subsequent to make setup.
> Have you moved the queue with cp, tar, cpio, etc? Have you restored it
> from a backup tape? Did you install it according to the qmail install or
> have you used some 3rd party install?
> What happens if, as root in the qmail source directory, you go:
> # make check
> ??
> Regards.
> > What caused a message to be deferred with the error:
> > Sorry,_message_has_wrong_owner?  I can't send anything using the
> > /var/qmail/bin/sendmail wrapper without getting this.  I did try all the
> > tests successfully in TEST.deliver and TEST.receive, but they all use
> > qmail-inject.
> > Thanks for any help you can give,
> >
> > -Jennifer
> >

store and forward? - firewall - not final destination

2000-01-19 Thread Jennifer Tippens

I need ideas on what to do in my situation:
Our company's web server is on the other side of the country. We get
mail at our domain here because I have the zone file set up that way.
So mail comes to our firewall, no problem.  What we would like to do is
have all mail forwarded through the firewall to an internal machine.  I
understand that I could do this with .forward or fastforward, but I
thought that if I did that and the internal mail server went down for
any weird reason that the mail would bounce.  What I would like is for
the mail to spool up on the firewall if the internal server is down.  I
thought about fetchmail, but I didn't really want everyone to have to
maintain a .fetchmailrc and launch fetchmail -- and I have no idea what
everyone's passwords are either.  The user names on both the firewall
and the internal machine are the same in every case.
What is the best way to handle this?  We have a lot of users.


[OT] Re: NOT Exchange and OUTLOOK

2000-01-25 Thread Jennifer Tippens

We use Obsidian Communication Server.  It is GPL.  It workes just fine with
qmail, Maildir format, and virtual hosts.  It is in active development (not
abandoned-- There are 20 of us working on  it in our spare time).  You download it under the "demo" link.  I didn't
find that too clear when I first got it.  Hope this helps!

Jennifer Tippens
Systems Administrator, Inc.

"Lars-Åke Torlind" wrote:

> Hi all,
> I know this is probably the wrong forum but maybe someone can point me to
> the right direction or even give me a few hints.
> We are newly started company. I have setup qmail on a Linux system and it
> works superb. Now
> I'm looking for a web based calendar that can be put on a common server so
> that it is possible to look at other peoples schedules. It should scale up
> to about 40 people. I don't want to use EXCHANGE and OUTLOOK. I would like
> to run it on Linux.
> Anyone ???
> Best Regards/Med vänlig hälsning
> Lars-Åke Torlind
> Figuration AB
> Phone + 46 8 44 50 350
> Mobile + 46 70 529 7146
> Faxnr +46 8 44 50 351

more about procmail and qmail

2000-01-27 Thread Jennifer Tippens

Recently saw a short thread on procmail with qmail, but I'm having
another error...
I used the patch on the qmail webpage to patch procmail for Maildirs.  I
got the qmail-procmail script from the archives to change the exit codes
in procmail to something qmail can understand, and in the user
directory, .qmail contains:

procmail seems to be working, but it is annoying to see the following
error in my /var/log/qmail/current log file:

biglongnumber starting delivery 337: msg 2087 to local
biglongnumber status: local 1/10 remote 1/20
biglongnumber delivery 337: success:

biglongnumber status: local 1/10 remote 1/20

Also, relating to my logs, I sometimes see

Thanks for any clues you can give me!


supervise and multilog running, qmail not.

2000-04-03 Thread Jennifer Tippens

Hoping somebody can help me...
I set up qmail as in LWQ.  
If I start qmail with /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail start
it says it started.  but ps -A | grep qmail yeilds nothing.  If I do a 
/etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail stat, it says that the processes are running-- the process 
numbers it lists are non-existant.  I checked /var/log/qmail/current, it contains 
nothing.  I tried to telnet to port 25, then checked /var/log/qmail/smtpd/current, and 
it says
biglongnumber tcpserver: warning: dropping connection, unable to run 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd: access denied
permissions on it are:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root qmail 26108 Apr 3 04:12 qmail-smtpd

I'm stumped, but since I've installed qmail before with no trouble, I'm hoping to hear 
something like I forgot something really obvious.

Thanks for any help,

Re: Re: supervise and multilog running, qmail not.

2000-04-03 Thread Jennifer Tippens

Ah, Ha!  Doh.  Oops.
drwxr-xr-x 17 root root 4096 Mar 29 07:59 /
drwxr-xr-x 18 root root 4096 Apr  3 04:06 /var
drw-r--r-- 11 root qmail 4096 Apr 3 05:00 /var/qmail
drwxr-xr-x  2 root qmail 4096 Apr 3 04:12 /var/qmail/bin

chmod 755 /var/qmail

That was the answer I needed.  Thank you so much! It is working now.

On Mon, 3 Apr 2000 Dave Sill  wrote:

> What does:
>   ls -ld / /var /var/qmail /var/qmail/bin
> show? What happens when you try to run qmail-smtpd interactively?
> E.g.:
>   /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
> I suspect that either a directory mode is hosed or /var/qmail/bin is
> on a filesystem mounted with the noexec option.


permissions on messages

2000-04-03 Thread Jennifer Tippens

Is there a good way of changing the mode on all incoming messages to a certain user?  
I need the messages to be read/writable by all members of the primary group and not 
only to the user. I thought I could maybe do something in the .qmail file...
Any ideas would be appreciated.

Re: Re: permissions on messages

2000-04-04 Thread Jennifer Tippens

On 4 Apr 2000 12:53:17 Will Harris  wrote:

> try putting this line in the .qmail file for that user:
> | chmod 660 /path/to/mailbox; exit 0
> regards,
> Will

That Didn't work, but since data gathering will be done once a week at a certain time, 
I just chmoded the messages in a crontab.  Hokey, but it works.

qmailqueue patch?

2000-04-06 Thread Jennifer Tippens

I'm having difficulty with the qmailqueue patch 
(  I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly, as I 
have not had to patch anything before. I copied the patch part of the text to a file 
on my box and called it qmailqueue-patch and put it into a newly untarred qmail-1.03 
source.  Then I just did: patch 

supervise everywhere

2000-04-10 Thread Jennifer Tippens

We took down one of our servers and replaced the hard drive with something much 
larger.  Another guy was working on it, so I don't exactly know right now what 
procedure was used to do this.  But...  When he brought the server back up, we noticed 
(understatement) that a supervise directory was created under almost every directory 
(but not *all* of them).  What could have caused this?  I never explicitly created the 
100 or so supervise directories.  When qmail was started, though, I don't think that 
the original supervise directory was there-- will supervise go crazy creating 

Thanks for any help,

Re: Can it be done?

2000-05-02 Thread Jennifer Tippens

Yes, it sure can.  Set up qmail on your firewall and qmail on each of your internal 
mail servers.  On the qmail on the firewall, configure smtproutes to point to each of 
your internal servers.  Make MX records in your DNS zone file for each of your mail 
servers and have them all point to your gateway (firewall).  Smtproutes is a file you 
can create in /var/qmail/control.  On the gateway, it should  say something like:
and on each of the internal boxes, it should look like:

look at the man pages for rewriting the name in the from of your internal servers.  
You will need to create a defaulthost and defaultdomain files in /var/qmail/control/
also, on the gate, put your internal servers in the rcpthosts file, but not in the 
locals file.

I hope this helps you,

Jennifer Tippens

On Tue, 02 May 2000 Guillermo Villasana Cardoza  wrote:
> Hello everyone ... I have the following scenario:
> I have one Internet IP address .. which I use for my firewall behind the
> firewall I have several internal servers... The problem is that each
> server will be a different web and mail server...
> eg.
> ...
> etc
> Each mail server with it's own users...
> Can this be done?
> Thanks for all the help
> Guillermo Villasana


Re: aliases...

2000-05-02 Thread Jennifer Tippens

no, touch a file called .qmail-paul_vera in /var/qmail/alias.  edit it to contain 
pvera on one line and that's it.  reload qmail and you are all set.


On Tue, 02 May 2000 Marcelo J. Iturbe  wrote:
> Hi...
> I am having trouble understanding how the aliases work.
> If I have a user named pvera and he would like to receive email being sent 
> to paul_vera all I have to do is touch .qmail-paul_vera in /home/pvera???
> This does not sound right.
> In the FAQ I saw:
> How do I create aliases with dots? I tried setting up 
> ~alias/.qmail-P.D.Q.Bach, but it doesn't do anything.
> Answer: Use .qmail-p:d:q:bach. Dots are converted to colons, and uppercase 
> is converted to lowercase.
> but that just confused me even more...
> thanks,
> Marcelo
> ***
>   ICQ 22921676
>   MSM Interactive.
>   El Bosque Norte 0134, Las Condes, Chile.
> Phone: (56-2) 234-9852  Fax: (56-2) 233-8912
> ***


Re: The "I love you virus" .. and content based filtering

2000-05-04 Thread Jennifer Tippens

I installed the new AmaVis a few days ago.  It works right off, is easy to
impliment and we did not get the virus. :)  I got 4 notices about it
though.  I am using AmaVis and NAI.

On Thu, 4 May 2000, Johan Almqvist wrote:

> On Thu, May 04, 2000 at 05:28:37PM +0200, Nicolas MONNET wrote:
> > Lusers are stupid, and it's a shame that we have to do this, but ... to
> > stop the plague before things get too nasty, we need to filter that bloody
> > "I love you" worm. Is there any way to quickly (and dirtily) implement
> > that in qmail? I'm not looking for a permanent solution, just a quick
> > workaround that I'll get rid off later.
> I'll say it again: 
> scan4virus from the qmail homepage can do that.
> -Johan
> -- 
> Johan Almqvist