Re: Qmail throughput

1999-08-05 Thread Richard Shetron


 Their is *always* a "bottleneck" in every test. A bottleneck is absolutely
 In our line of work, it is typically a cpu or or disk bottleneck, depending
 on the nature of the program involved.

You have to learn to use your systems performance monitering tools AND
how to interpret their reports.  different system shave different tools.
SYSV UNIX has the sar command, Linux has top, vmstat, and others.

 What is the Meaning of Life?
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The Super 76, "Free Aspirin and Tender Sympathy", Las Vegas Strip.

Re: mail volume

1999-08-03 Thread Richard Shetron

Modern OS's also don't know things like drive geometry.  Good caching
disk controllers do a better job of optimizing disk I/O.  We've always
seen major improvements in disk I/O with DPT caching controllers over
just adding RAM to Linux.  The OS has less 'dirty' buffers to track and
worry about as well.

 If you're not going to stripe multiple volumes, why do you need a RAID
 controller?  Any decent OS these days with a UBC will cache as much data
 as possible, so I would not expect too much more performance from a single
 drive, and a modern OS.
 FreeBSD with softupdates would probably work just peachy, with 98% of the
 performance, and less cost.
 On Tue, 3 Aug 1999, Cris Daniluk wrote:
  Thank you for all the invaluable input. Personally I have a great deal of
  Linux/freebsd/qmail experience, though my qmail knowledge is quite limited
  to the extent of volume email such as this. Linux I think is the forerunner
  because I will not be dealing with the project after it is setup and
  therefore ease of administration is important.
  I have to throw in one more question, albeit somewhat off topic, it has
  definite relevance. We're going to put in a raid controller with a hell of a
  cache in it (64 mb probably). My question then is, what type of disk
  configuration would you propose we need? Space needs are virtually
  nonexistant, the machines sole purpose will be mail. Probably 100 mb for the
  system itself and then the rest will be for the queue. I'd figure a raid
  controller with 64mb cache and a 4.5 gb Cheetah would do the job. Do you
  feel that striping and multiple drives would be valuable?
  Also, our pipe is not going to be a bottleneck--everything is set up on a
  100mbit lan with a T3 connection to the Internet. The t3 runs directy to
  level3's backbone in DC which we are a few miles from, so there should be no
  significant or relevant latency.
  Thanks again,
  Cris Daniluk

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The Super 76, "Free Aspirin and Tender Sympathy", Las Vegas Strip.

Re: Who can tell me how to speed up my qmail system?

1999-07-28 Thread Richard Shetron

 Dear friends:
 Now, I am developing freemail system based on qmail. I test the qmail's
 efficiency as following step.
 My Machine is a 256MB Pentium II - 450 under FreeBSD 3.2

If you're using IDE drives switch to UW (Ultra Wide) SCSI as a minimum
and you might want to look into caching scsi controllers like the dpt
PM3334UW and add 64MB cache to the controller.

You're probably not processor limited.  We got hit by a spam relay (we
were researching and preparing to add antispam to our mailer) and even
with all the normal load, our mailer with a P-166 was processing about
10,000 emails/hour.

What else is running on that system?

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The Super 76, "Free Aspirin and Tender Sympathy", Las Vegas Strip.

Re: how to deal with mail over quota limit

1999-06-28 Thread Richard Shetron

We don't run hard quota's.  We do charge for extra disk usage.  If a
customer goes way over we may contact them as excessive disk space
in email is often a sign of a problem.  The user may be getting mail
bombed, the account might be hacked, etc.  If the problem is not the
user's fault or does not seem intentional and gets corrected quickly,
we waive the charges.

 What is the normal policy for handling email that goes
 over a users quota?
 Is the mail normally bounced back to the sender, just dropped
 or something else?
 I'm looking at adding user quota's to vchkpw, which uses a single
 /etc/passwd user for all pop mail accounts. 
 Ken Jones

 What is the Meaning of Life?
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The Super 76, "Free Aspirin and Tender Sympathy", Las Vegas Strip.

vacation progam

1999-04-27 Thread Richard Shetron

I've been reading the manpages for qmail and either I've missed something
simple or done something stupid, I can'tget the vacation program to work.

my .qmail file is:

|/usr/local/bin/vacation multics

messages keep getting delivered over and over again and no vacation
message is sent out.  I've setup the .vacation.msg file and run vacation
-I to init things.

 What is the Meaning of Life?
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The Super 76, "Free Aspirin and Tender Sympathy", Las Vegas Strip.

Re: Unique situation?

1999-04-25 Thread Richard Shetron

My normal thoughts would be for ETRN or UUCP.  UUCP is specifically
designed as a dialup mail/news exchange protocal.  I'm not as famalier
with how qmail would do this.

 There's a network '' which is a LAN disconnected from the =
 Internet. We would like to have a modem on the RedHat Linux + qmail =
 1.03 server dialup an ISP or our consultancy's mail server (also RedHat =
 5.2 + qmail 1.03) directly and exchange mail (queued email from = and Internet email queued on our server) two times a day. Our =
 server has the virtual host '' The goal is to allow the users =
 of to send and receive Internet email, but only have the =
 Linux server connect twice a day. How would this be done? Could it be =
 done using serialmail?
 Eric Ess

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The Super 76, "Free Aspirin and Tender Sympathy", Las Vegas Strip.

Re: Something a little interesting...

1999-04-15 Thread Richard Shetron

THere is a rebuttal of the test at:

NOTE:  We've been doing for years one of the things they couldn't,
using a raid controller with SMP.
 Not really related to email, but, I found it interesting how this company
 makes a claim that has been proven wrong millions of times, NT is NOT faster
 then Linux.
 I think the report is bogus.
 Reid Sutherland
 Network Administrator
 ISYS Technology Inc.
 Fingerprint: 1683 001F A573 B6DF A074  0C96 DBE0 A070 28BE EEA5

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The Super 76, "Free Aspirin and Tender Sympathy", Las Vegas Strip.

Re: Suggestions for Mailing Lists

1999-04-15 Thread Richard Shetron

Wizvax supports mailling lists via majordomo.  price depends on volume
but is usually in the $5/100 subscribers/month range.

email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more information, not the list.

 I want to setup a mailing list. The current limitation I have is, I do not have a 
 Are there any low cost services to setup  a mailing list?
 Thank you in advance.
 Subba Rao
 Disclaimer - I question and speak for myself.

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The Super 76, "Free Aspirin and Tender Sympathy", Las Vegas Strip.

Re: qmail speed

1999-04-09 Thread Richard Shetron

Things that may improve things is to look at caching/high speed scsi
controllers, such as the DPT 3334UW and the icp-vortex controllers.  The
DPT takes up to 64MB/controller and the icp-vortex up to 128MB/controller.

We're using 2 DPT 3334UW's on our news machine (40GB spool) at this time
and it's handling a T1 worth of feed without problems on 128MB RAM and
an AMD K6-450 (usually runs 95% idle).  It only slow down when doing
an expire.

 Made a new machine to send out mailings. PII 450 with 1GB of RAM.
 I will try the "no fsync" way of doing things today. Its Friday and
 a mailing needs to go out. Preliminary tests show that "no fsync"
 seems to work so we'll see what the real life throughput improvement
 will be.
 Next experiment will be to run multiple independent copies of qmail
 where each copy has its own queue on a 60MByte RAMdisk. In theory
 this should result in up to 255*10 concurrent connections to the
 outside world.
 If neither gets over 100K deliveries per hour then I'll have to
 write my own "gattling gun" SMTP delivery thingy and just feed
 messages to qmail that have problems.
 Results will be reported back to the list.
 On Fri, Apr 09, 1999 at 11:07:31AM -0400, Dave Sill wrote:
  I need to find a way of doing 100K/hour. Ideally with one machine. I
  vaguely seems to recall that the author of qmail was claiming something
  like 100K/hour performance?
  I can't find anything like on the web page. The closest claims are:
Efficient: On a Pentium under BSD/OS, qmail can easily sustain 20
local messages per day---that's separate messages injected and
delivered to mailboxes in a real test!
SPEED---qmail blasts through mailing lists two orders of magnitude
faster than sendmail. For example, each message on the qmail mailing
list is delivered to more than 1000 hosts around the world in just
76 seconds.
Scheduling: I sent a message to 8192 ``trash'' recipients on my home
machine. All the deliveries were done in a mere 78 seconds---a rate
of over 9 million deliveries a day!
   When you're sending messages, how many qmail-remotes are running?
  About 90-130. 255 if I stop delivery for a little while and then restart
  it. To me that means that the machine can send faster then I can get the
  messages into the queue.
  That's what it sounds like. So you either need to speed up the
  existing process via h/w or s/w changes, or modify the injection
  If you have money to throw at it, a solid state disk for the queue
  would help a lot.
  Moving the queue to a tmpfs or removing fsync() calls, as others have
  suggested, should help.
  Maybe you should hack up a customized version of qmail-queue that would
  inject your messages faster--perhaps while qmail is stopped.

 What is the Meaning of Life?
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The Super 76, "Free Aspirin and Tender Sympathy", Las Vegas Strip.

Re: qmail and imap (was folders)

1999-03-26 Thread Richard Shetron

Instead of seting .qmail to ./Maildir/ set it to ./Mailbox and qmail
will store mail in mbox format in the users home directory.

 ok :-)
 I got an IMAP server from wu.  It has its own pop3 server (as well as
 but it requires mbox format.  Has anyone looked at getting an imap
 server that
 wants mbox format to talk to qmail's Maildir format?  I think Maildir is
 about to die here as a good idea but a bit of a blind alley unless I can
 the folders v Maildir problem now.
 I haven't tried cyrus smtp server yet ...
 Thankee :-)

 What is the Meaning of Life?
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The Super 76, "Free Aspirin and Tender Sympathy", Las Vegas Strip.

Re: badmailfrom question

1999-02-23 Thread Richard Shetron

 On Wed, Feb 24, 1999 at 02:57:19AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  are the messages from the addresses in /var/qmail/control/badmailfrom
  automatically bounced or do they just go to /dev/null?
 The sender is rejected at the SMTP level. The sender says:
 and qmail-smtpd responds:
553 sorry, your envelope sender is in my badmailfrom list (#5.7.1)
 End of story.

Is there anyway to have qmail use badmailfrom on the from line in the
header?  The spammers are forging the envelopes so the envelopes are
pretty useless these days for filtering.

(I've always referred to the "From " line as the envelope sender and
called the "From:" line in the header the header from line.)

 What is the Meaning of Life?
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The Super 76, "Free Aspirin and Tender Sympathy", Las Vegas Strip.

need some spam/relay help

1999-02-19 Thread Richard Shetron

We've been trying to stop relay raping and UCE in general through
our system and so far, badmailfrom, rcpthosts, tcp-wrappers with
/etc/hosts.deny seems to be almost completely useless or block our own
users from sending/receiving email.  I am a techie, but I've been doing
managment/finance/etc so my tech side is very rusty.

I'm looking at the following options:

1)  Converting back to sendmail, is there information on how to do this or
any conversion program to convert backwards but keep the maildir format?
No flames please, we converted to qmail solely due to security problems
with sendmail 3 years ago, sendmail seems to have finally gotten the
bugs out.  The performace enhancement was nice, I've seen the spam
relayers shove 10K+ emails/hour through us and I'd like to stop that.

2)  Is there anyway to have qmail check for certain text strings in either
the headers and/or entire message and reject a message based on the header
content, ie, alot of spam says things like From: some [EMAIL PROTECTED]

3)  Can qmail be setup so we use a machine with sendmail as the spam
filter and then have it pass the mail to qmail for deliver?

4)  Other suggestions?

One of the complications we have is we're running a couple hundred or
so virtual domains and some of the users are not local to our network,
they connect via,, etc.

 What is the Meaning of Life?
There is no meaning,
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The Super 76, "Free Aspirin and Tender Sympathy", Las Vegas Strip.