Re: Load simmulator for testing qmail

1999-05-26 Thread Stefan Paletta

Amit Vadehra wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> We need something that will pump mails of different sizes and types so
> that we can test the total email infrastructure.

Postfix includes such a thing, IIRC.


Re: Load simmulator for testing qmail

1999-05-27 Thread Stefan Paletta


Amit Vadehra wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Where do i get that , can i download it from a site...
> Is it a a Lunix version so that i can test it on qmail over Linux.
> Thanks
> Amit
> Stefan Paletta wrote:
> > Amit Vadehra wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> > > We need something that will pump mails of different sizes and types so
> > > that we can test the total email infrastructure.
> >
> > Postfix includes such a thing, IIRC.

Re: Bare LF problem

1999-06-10 Thread Stefan Paletta

Eric S . wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
>   >  On Wed, 9 Jun 1999, A.Y. Sjarifuddin wrote:
>   >  tcpserver  'fixcr|qmail-smtpd' 2&>1 | cyclog...
>   >  ... I think.  Just replace "qmail-smtpd" with "'fixcr|qmail-smtpd'".
> That didn't work. Any other suggestions?

Replace 'qmail-smtpd' with 'sh -c "fixcr|qmail-smtpd"'.


Re: Bug in rewriting of sender address?

1999-06-16 Thread Stefan Paletta

David Harris wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
>  [test12@hobbes home]$ cat .qmail-bouncer
>  bouncesaying "bounced as a test"
This is missing a pipe sign here. But even if it's there,
the result is the same.
> The "^From" line should read "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" or
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", right?

Yes. (That's what makes sense (to me), but the documentation is
confusing me right now.)
> IMO, the iron clad test of this sender rewriting is this: Did we get bounce
> messages? The answer is no:

Postmaster's got the double-bounce since [EMAIL PROTECTED]
does not exist.
> This make sense to anyone else there?

Yup. I *think* this got wrong when Delivered-To lines were changed
to reflect the virtualdomain the message was sent to and not `me' as
the host.
qmail-local uses local"-owner@"host as NEWSENDER, but it should
use either ext"-owner@"host or local"-owner@"`me'.

Dan? Anyone?

Re: Ownership of qmail control files.

1999-06-29 Thread Stefan Paletta

Richard Aldridge wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Is it necessary for the qmail control files to be owned by root ?

They need to readable by the qmail accounts (qmaild qmailr etc.)
and should not be world writable. ;-)


Re: New qmail list et al

1999-06-30 Thread Stefan Paletta

Alex Miller wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> On my list it will not be permissible to send an email that says those or
> similar such things. Any subscriber who does so would be asked to leave by
> me.

No thanks. (no offense intended)

btw, has anyone been to LinuxTag? Maex? Lars? 

Re: use NT user database for POP3

1999-07-11 Thread Stefan Paletta

Milivoj Ivkovic wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Is there way to use an NT domain controller's user database to authenticate
> POP3 users?

I was under the impression that there was a perl-based checkpassword
at, but I cannot find one at the moment.
Anyway, you could just marry the Authen:SMB module with one.


Re: trashing unwanted mail

1999-07-11 Thread Stefan Paletta

Matt D. Landry wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> I'd like to send any incoming mail for that account to /dev/null if
> possible.  Can I edit a .qmail- file for the
> account to point to /dev/null?  I've been trying to access the FAQ for

Identify the .qmail file for the address and
echo '#' > .qmail


Re: Forwarding to variable username

1999-07-12 Thread Stefan Paletta

Jim Gilliver wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> I've written a small C program that will take a single string and match it
> to the most likely user account in /etc/passwd.  Obviously, this is to ease

> best way to return the result is.  At the moment I set an environment
> variable, but I'm not sure that works, just as I'm not sure putting
> &$FORWARD_ADDRESS in .qmail works.

You write it to stdout, so you can do
| forward `speling-checkar`
in .qmail-default.


Re: wrapping qmail-inject - can I?

1999-07-12 Thread Stefan Paletta

Varga Robert wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> For this I thought that I read MAILUSER, MAILNAME and MAILHOST from a
> central file, in a wrapper of qmail-inject.
> Will this work?

Yes. Been there, done that.
I invoked new-inject instead of qmail-inject, though.


Re: Using qmail with CGI feedback form - needing reference

1999-07-13 Thread Stefan Paletta

Dan Poynor wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> I nuked anything that smelled of sendmail. Trying to avoid it's ghost also.
> qmails Sendmail requirements seem redundant to me. That is I don't want to
> create sendmail symbolic links when it's not necessary.

/usr/{lib,sbin}/sendmail is _the_ API for mail injection on UNIX systems.
> Perhaps a future FAQ item could mention form mail sending injects to
> /var/qmail/bin/sendmail.

Now, why should they? With symlinks in /usr/lib and /usr/sbin, nothing
must be changed, which is a Good Thing. qmail's native API for mail
injection is the qmail-queue interface.
> Now I see someone is saying it should be /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject. Are
> these the same thing?

No, /var/qmail/bin/sendmail implements the sendmail API. It knows how
to execute qmail-inject or qmail-smtpd [1] with appropriate parameters
depending on its invocation.

[1] exec'ing qmail-smtpd to emulate sendmail's 'SMTP-on-stdin' mode
is pretty damn elegant, BTW

Re: Qmail exited

1999-07-18 Thread Stefan Paletta

Sam wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Who said anything about Qmail stopping?  The logs show the mail being
> deferred, that's all.

It was a bit unclear, but the last to lines of log in the original
mail were:
> > > > 932235888.816265 alert: oh no! lost spawn connection! dying...
> > > > 932235888.821153 status: exiting

But I just don't have a clue about this one and my archive is not
helpful, either.

If this is repeatable, one could try (s)trace-ing qmail-[rl]spawn and
maybe qmail-send.


Re: Bug in qmail-pop3d.c

1999-07-21 Thread Stefan Paletta

Aaron Nabil wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
>  Examples:
>  C: RETR 1
>  S: +OK 120 octets
>  S: 
>  S: .
> Qmail does...
>  Examples:
>  C: RETR 1
>  S: +OK 120 octets
>  S: 
>  S: \r\n
>  S: .

19960818 change: qmail-pop3d now appends an extra blank line to every
 message, for compatibility with popper. some clients can't
 deal with the right thing, unfortunately. tnx FPL.


Re: Absolutely no bouncing...

1999-09-01 Thread Stefan Paletta

Jaye Mathisen wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> I want to deliver to a program, but regardless of whether or not the
> program exists, is executable, or accessible, or crashes, or whatever, I 
> don't want any kind of bounce message returning.
It should be sufficient to do an "exit 0" after your program:
|/some/flaky/program ; exit 0

RE: aliases.db

1998-12-23 Thread Stefan Paletta

Mate Wierdl wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> And this gives the long awaited solution to all the problems regarding
> qmail on RH: put all the qmail binaries in a subdirectory under /var,
> and mark them %ghost in the spec file.  

Yes, but it seems that not being able to verify the binaries is not an
option for some people... Apart from that, to install a %ghost file will
be hard, since %ghosts -by nature- will not be packaged by rpm.
My solution would be to tell rpm not to check MD5 and mtime for qmail
binaries. You still can't compare them to the originals then, but at least
rpm -V won't scream after the uids are patched in.


RE: DUL and rblsmtpd

1999-02-02 Thread Stefan Paletta

Adam D. McKenna wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Does anyone know if Dan is planning on adding DUL support to rblsmtpd?

There's no need to do that. Just pass "" as an argument
to another instance of rblsmtpd.


Re: Filters with qmail

1999-02-03 Thread Stefan Paletta

Martin Staael wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Sam,
> At 13:17 03-02-99 +, you wrote:

> I know how to turn off my open-realy. But I need a open-realy - or our
> customers is not able to send mail through us.

I think we'd be glad to hear why someone needs an open mail relay and to
propose another solution for you or improve qmail.
>>> "Macro" filter :
>>man dot-qmail
>>man qmail-command
> I have to disappoint you, but this was not what I were looking for -
> sorry.
> Please read again my letter, to understand what I mean.

I wonder why Sam in particular did not point you at his maildrop.
Look for maildrop at Sam's page anyway:
You can also use procmail.


RE: Message rewriting with new-inject and ofmipd

1999-02-03 Thread Stefan Paletta

Pete Kazmier wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

> Why not integrate rewriting of messages in one common location instead
> of the entry points to the qmail system (ofmipd and new-inject)?
> Perhaps in qmail-queue?

Both new-inject and ofmipd (qmail-inject partially) manipulate the
RFC822 message header, while qmail-queue (and qmail-smtpd of course)
don't care to look at it. Doing RFC822 parsing/rewriting in qmail-queue
breaks modularity, i.e. you cannot let messages flow completely apart from
any rewriting or parsing. qmail tries to parse as little as possible, what
is an advantage in general.

> Does anyone see any benefits to setting an environment variable via
> tcpserver such as NOREWRITE.  If NOREWRITE is set, then rewriting
> should not occur.  A site administrator would only have to determine
> which ip addresses are non-local.

Your wish is granted:

if [ -n "$OFMIPCLIENT" ] ; then
exec /usr/local/sbin/ofmipd
exec /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd



1999-02-03 Thread Stefan Paletta

Bruno Wolff III wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Maybe QMTP should be extended in a way that allows for VERP without
> having to restransmit the message body more than once. Perhaps more than
> one sender address could be sent.

See QMAIL EXTENSIONS in addresses.5.



1999-02-03 Thread Stefan Paletta

Bruno Wolff III wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
>   Stefan Paletta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> See QMAIL EXTENSIONS in addresses.5.

> The stuff there doesn't seem to apply at the point the qmtp connection
> is being processed.

This problem is on the sending end, since qmail itself cannot do
multiple rcpt deliveries; anyone is free to write a QMTP client that
leaves VERP expansion to the server.

> Another way to extend QMTP would be to have sender
> addresses that end with -@[] expanded with VERP information. 

True - this would be useful if qmail at one point did multiple rcpt
deliveries and it would be necessary if other MTAs supported QMTP then.

> It looks like qmail would have to be changed to delay the expansion of
> VERPs from qmail-send until qmail-remote, since the protocol by which
> the message will be transmitted won't be known until then.

Again, this has been beaten to death in the multiple rcpt

Any takers for an ESMTP server-sided VERP expansion extension draft? ;-)


Re: TCP Rule

1999-02-05 Thread Stefan Paletta

Moh. Deny Kurniawan wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

> I think imposibble to list thousand host to control/rcpthost because I
> want to allow smtp.x.x.x machine to receive e-mail from everywhere.

In control/rcpthosts you list hosts you take mail _for_, not from.

A "deny" in tcprules means "I won't let him talk to me at all". For a mail
server of course, this is not an acceptable default if you want to receive
mail from everywhere. By default, qmail will do only that, take mail from
anywhere addressed to itself (listed in rcpthosts) but not to elsewhere.
If, in your case, you want to allow a specific set of hosts to inject mail
on the server, you have to overwrite qmail's default by supplying the
RELAYCLIENT enviroment variable to qmail-smtpd. tcpserver will do that for
you dependant on the client's address. This is what Chris wrote.


RE: Connection problems.

1999-02-08 Thread Stefan Paletta

Reid Sutherland wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Everytime I connect to port 25 on my qmail server it closes. All my
> processes are running. Everything looks fine in my inetd.conf file. I'm
> not sure what the problem is. Any ideas?

What does the "smtp" line in inetd.conf actually look like?
Is there anything in the logs?


RE: Hylafax with qmail

1999-02-09 Thread Stefan Paletta

Chris Bond wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

> Has anyone managed to get qmail working with hylafax, i've previously
> done this with sendmail.

I created a virtualdomain ( pointing to alias-fax.
In ~alias/.qmail-fax-default I have (on one line):
| /usr/local/bin/faxmail -n | /usr/local/bin/sendfax -n -D -s a4 -f
"$SENDER" -d "$EXT2"


Re: Hylafax with qmail

1999-02-09 Thread Stefan Paletta

Chris Bond wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

> I've setup the MX records for *, but how do u setup
> * in locals and rcpthosts as the message bounces when
> you send it.
Add "" to rcpthosts.
Add "" to virtualdomains. Make sure you don't
have "" in locals.
Set up ~alias/.qmail-fax-default as described.
Users can then send their faxes to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Connection problems.

1999-02-09 Thread Stefan Paletta

Reid Sutherland wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Here is the inetd.conf line. The line was split at qmaild.
> ---begin---
> smtpstream  tcp nowait  qmaild
> /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
> ---end---

Problem: inetd executes /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env with
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd as ARGV[0] and no ARGV[1]. tcp-env expects the
name of the program to run as ARGV[1].

Solution: insert an additional "tcp-env" after /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env
so that the line reads:
... qmaild /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env tcp-env /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd

This is exactly what is in the INSTALL file btw.


RE: how to log POP3 transactions

1999-02-09 Thread Stefan Paletta

Marlon Anthony Abao wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> hello, 
>   could somebody point out to me how to make qmail-pop3d log to
> syslog or cyclog?
> this is the entry in my rc.pop3 :
>  /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -c 100 0 pop3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
>  \
>/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &

tcpserver logs information about connections to stderr, so you can just
change this to (shortened):
tcpserver 0 pop3 qmail-popup checkpassword qmail-pop3d
Maildir 2>&1 | splogger pop3d &

To log logins with username and remote host, Use a small wrapper
to be called instead of qmail-pop3d:
% cat /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d-log
logger -p -t pop3d "$USER logged in from $TCPREMOTEIP"
exec /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d $1

Thanks to tcp-env, all the info is there...


RE: lock files don't erase

1999-02-10 Thread Stefan Paletta

D. Carlos Knowlton wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Qmail has a qmail-pop3d file, but the documentation doesn't tell me any
> way of configuring it with out using Maildir (which looks like a real
> hassle).

Converting to Maildir basically is a simple thing:
 o set up qmail-popup/checkpassword/qmail-pop3d as usual
 o stop qmail
 o run convert-and-create (
 o change the default delivery instruction in you qmail rc file to
   "./Maildir/" and change any .qmail files accordingly if they exist
 o start qmail

> Is there an way to set up the qmail-pop3d with my /var/spool/mail/$USER
> configuration? 

Short answer: no.
Long answer: before qmail-pop3d, run mbox2maildir (
to stuff the mbox into a Maildir for qmail-pop3d to work on.

> Also, does anyone know if this will solve my lock file problem?

Sort of. qmail doesn't use them.


Re: To: line

1999-02-11 Thread Stefan Paletta

Rik Ling wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Perhaps you could explain exactly *how* the To: line is broken and how
> it might be fixed.
> What should it look like?  And how does it reflect on section 3.4.6 of
> RFC822?

This is not an RFC822 issue; it is rather a matter of RFC821 compliance.
[1] For mail received via SMTP, qmail never sees or parses the RFC822
headers. What qmail sees and complains about is the SMTP envelope
recipient (forward-path). Square bracets are only allowed in the "["
 "]" context (cf. RFC821 sect. 4.1.2). qmail is not supposed to
strip them off.
I guess that the remote mail software fails converting its own address
format (as seen in the 822 "To" header field) into an RFC821 recipient

[1] I don't know if the format is 822 compliant, I guess it isn't, thought

RE: SMTP Authentication

1999-02-11 Thread Stefan Paletta

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> I need to come up with a method to allow
> relaying from unknown IP adresses while preventing spam.

Good! :-)

> Does anyone know of qmail patches AND clients to implement
> draft-myers-smtp-auth-12.txt ?
> If not, has anyone tried implementing the AUTH=LOGIN scheme available in
> latest Netscape Communicator?

The only authtication method I know to be working with qmail and
probably any MUA out there is smtp-after-pop. There is a very much
complete package at from Russell Nelson.
GMX btw. does this.


RE: .qmail-xxx don't work

1998-12-28 Thread Stefan Paletta

Dimitri SZAJMAN wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> I am using qmail 1.03 and I have a problem : when I add a domain in
> /var/qmail/controls/locals, /var/qmail/controls/rcpthosts and
> /var/qmail/virtualdomains (

virtualdomains and locals are mutally exclusive. In your case, don't put
the domain into locals.


Re: Can you limit size of outgoing messages?

1999-02-15 Thread Stefan Paletta

Dr. Andreas Wehler wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
>   So, can sned and receive be handled separately?

Have tcpserver or tcpd set the DATABYTES environment variable
for local clients instead of carrying it in /var/qmail/control/databytes.

>  Furthermore, the bounced message will go back the whole length to
> the sender, couldn't it be cut to the error message and perhaps
> the first few lines?

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [1]

[1] gotta love ezmlm...


1999-02-15 Thread Stefan Paletta

Eric Dahnke wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

> First, there is no way set RELAYCLIENT (via inetd, tcpserver, or some
> patch) based on domain name rather than IP, correct?

There is a patch to tcpserver to make it act on the remote hostname.

But you can of course wrap it in sth. like:
exec /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd

> Second, with inetd it is not possible to set RELAYCLIENT with a wildcard
> * (24.232.12.*), but with tcpserver yes, correct?

According to hosts_access.5 it is possible to use both:
"tcp-env: 10.0.0.: sentenv=RELAYCLIENT"
"tcp-env: setenv=RELAYCLIENT".


Re: Qmail for NT

1999-02-16 Thread Stefan Paletta

Mark Delany wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

> On a more serious note, I believe that this has been discussed before

Yes. This was when I went to try it.

> Currently qmail has significant dependencies on Unix - especially file 
> system semantics and the security model (UID/GID+filesystem). To port to
> NT requires a significant rewrite and possibly a redesign.

I used cygwin32, which emulates a Unix environment quite well.
Surprisingly, the file I had to tweak most, was the Makefile (but since
cygwin32 includes sed...). The rest compiled quite well without any
changes to the C code, IIRC. This was all I could test.

Disclaimer: the NT server is gone now (wasn't even mine). No NT at this
shop. I agree completely with Russell in msg. #27580.


RE: new-user template directory

1999-02-16 Thread Stefan Paletta

Andrew Richards wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> I'm installing Qmail. The document INSTALL.maildir has this sentence,
> "The system administrator can setup Maildir as the default for everybody
> by creating a maildir in the new-user template directory and replacing
> ./Mailbox with ./Maildir/ in /var/qmail/rc"

> My question: where is this 'new-user template directory'?

What OS are you on?
How do you normally create new users? If you use a program, read its
manpage and search for "skeleton".
Do you have a /etc/skel dir?


Re: Can you limit size of outgoing messages?

1999-02-16 Thread Stefan Paletta

Andrzej Szydlo wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

> How could I assign a value to the DATABYTES variable using tcpd?

tcp-env: 10.0.0: setenv=DATABYTES 100

> How could I set both RELAYCLIENT and DATABYTES?


Re: Can you limit size of outgoing messages?

1999-02-16 Thread Stefan Paletta

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, Stefan Paletta wrote:
>> Andrzej Szydlo wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
>> > How could I assign a value to the DATABYTES variable using tcpd?
>> tcp-env: 10.0.0: setenv=DATABYTES 100
>> > How could I set both RELAYCLIENT and DATABYTES?
> man tcprules

Andrzej asked about how to do it with tcpd.


Re: Qmail for NT

1999-02-16 Thread Stefan Paletta

Harald Hanche-Olsen wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Does NT have something equivalent to inode numbers?

I don't know for sure (FATfs at least hasn't).
The question is rather, does cygwin have inode numbers?
I just tried (on 95) and "ls -i" reports something reasonable.


RE: Why does qmail-smtpd cause dial-on-demand?

1999-02-16 Thread Stefan Paletta

Chris Green wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

> However mail from other users which gets sent to qmail's
> SMTP server always brings the connection up which is a bit of a pain.

Try adding -H to tcpserver's options.
Look in tcpserver's manpage for options that cause lookups and see which
you can turn off.


RE: Moving post office to qmail

1999-02-17 Thread Stefan Paletta

A.Y. Sjarifuddin wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Post office using MD5 encryption with a seed (64 char). 
> Any idea how to change this MD5 encryption to qmail?

The only part in "qmail" that cares about passwords is the checkpassword
program used by the pop3 daemon.
Just modify Dan's checkpassword or any of those you find on (e.g. in perl).


RE: POP3 and SMTP Questions

1999-02-22 Thread Stefan Paletta

MountaiNet Tech Support wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

> Is it possible for Qmail to spawn a users Maildir upon the first time
> they receive a message, or does it have to be created when the account
> is activated?  

With the following delivery instruction before the maildir delivery,
the maildir will be created if necessary (maildirmake lives in
|test -d ./Maildir || maildirmake ./Maildir

> qmail-start ./Maildir splogger qmail

This is missing an final / at the end of Maildir to indicate that it's a
maildir and not a mailbox file. So change it to 
qmail-start ./Maildir/ splogger qmail

If you want to combine this with question one, use the following:
qmail-start '|test -d ./Maildir || maildirmake ./Maildir
./Maildir/' splooger qmail
(on two lines that is).

> Is it possible (and feasible) to deny direct telnet access to port 25? 
> We are having some problems with people doing this to send anonymous
> e-mail and wondered if I could stop that.  Would it cause users any
> problems or would they have to change any options?

Umm, their mail user agents most probably "telnet" to port 25 to send mail,


RE: Virtual Domains Setup

1999-02-23 Thread Stefan Paletta

Robert Wojciechowski Jr. wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

> - control/defaultdomain
> - control/locals
> localhost
> - control/me

> Anyways, I am even on the right path to getting this set up correctly? 
> I want a dummy server, that is not really a host in and of itself.

The box _must_ have a hostname after all. Stick it into me, delete
any other config files apart from virtualdomains and rcpthosts and you're


Re: qmail employment in SF, CA

1999-02-24 Thread Stefan Paletta

Adam D. McKenna wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

>:> This is cool to see. Qmail creating jobs. I just hope it never gets to
>:> the point of something like "Qmail certification".
>:Hey, I'll certify you, but only after you certify me.

We should however consider awarding medals to list members for answering
the 500th FAQ 5.4 or surviving events like the great flamewars in December.


RE: Bug? Alias problem.

1999-02-25 Thread Stefan Paletta

Robert Wojciechowski Jr. wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

> .qmail-domain-root// for
> .qmail-anotherdom-root// for
> Ok, mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] works as expected.  But mail to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bounces!

You do have a line
in virtualdomains?

What does the bounce message say why the address failed?


RE: flushing queue

1998-12-28 Thread Stefan Paletta

Samuel Dries-Daffner wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> I have lots of mail that seems stuck in my can I flush?
First off all, you should see _why_ it's stuck. Network problems maybe?
Another thing might be to check the permissions on lock/trigger.
prw--w--w- qmail:qmail is right.

To tell qmail to hurry up, run qmail-tcpok and send qmail-send an ALRM


Re: Frivolous forking

1998-12-29 Thread Stefan Paletta

Matthew Soffen wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> At 01:16 PM 12/29/98 +0100, Rask Ingemann Lambertsen wrote:
>>On 23-Dec-98 23:14:10, Adam D. McKenna wrote something about
> "Re: Frivolous forking". I just couldn't help replying to it, thus:
>>   No, that is exactly why they can _not_ include qmail. They are not
>>   allowed
>>to distribute modified versions, which means that as security holes are
>>found, they can't fix them and distribute their fixed versions.
> Name 1 security hole found in qmail that they would have had to fix.

Name one vendor that would fix they didn't f**k up before.


Re: smtproutes

1999-03-08 Thread Stefan Paletta

Mate Wierdl wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Also, is the syntax
> valid, if is the IP of box2.home?

Yes. No need for DNS here.


Re: need help ASAP, error to deliver virtual addresses

1999-03-11 Thread Stefan Paletta

Iwao Makino wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

> I checked disks, none seems to have problems. also, I am not using
> /var/qmail
> I am using ~/Maildir, just virtuals are not working anymore...

Nontheless are you using /var/qmail for qmail's queue to which the error


RE: question...

1999-03-15 Thread Stefan Paletta

Donna Phillips wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> if email is sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (which is an actual mail box)
> I need the .qmail file set up to deliver to THAT mailbox as well as
> sending a copy of the message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In .qmail-admin:


RE: mini-bounce

1999-03-15 Thread Stefan Paletta

Samuel Dries-Daffner wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> We recently sent mail to another school and received what I call a
> "mini-bounce" that follows.


RE: splogger replacement?

1999-03-17 Thread Stefan Paletta

John Conover wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Is there a replacement for splogger that will log qmail's activity into
> its own log so that I won't have to use syslog?

> I also use tcpserver instead of inetd, and would like to log activity
> on those ports, too.

Use cyclog from djb's daemontools:

Re: poor documentation example

1999-03-23 Thread Stefan Paletta

Scott D. Yelich wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

> ./Configure is nice... but it's not the only way.  Dan's way works --
> once you've dug through the source.  Gee, one line in the install/readme
> would prevent this.

stefanp@horatio[qmail-1.03]$ head -1 Makefile
# Don't edit Makefile! Use conf-* for configuration.


Re: Switching host - safely

1999-01-13 Thread Stefan Paletta

Peter van Dijk wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Then remove everything from locals and
> virtualdomains on the old machine. Put ":[]" in smtproutes where
> is the IP of your new machine. Restart qmail. Do qmail-tcpok
> and killall -ALRM qmail-send.

Make sure that the old machine may relay though the new machine.
Otherwise, all mail will eventually (double) bounce and you can't run fast
enough to stop it.

Stefan, not speaking from experience

Re: dot-qmail security

1999-03-24 Thread Stefan Paletta

Richard Letts wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> sorry for the late reply, but the simplet answer is to modify PATH
> before
> qmail starts so a different 'sh' is before /bin/sh in the PATH and then
> add the checking to the replacement 'sh'.

qmail-local invokes "/bin/sh", not "sh", so this won't work without a
modification to the source, too.


RE: qmail version 2?

1999-03-25 Thread Stefan Paletta

David Villeger wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

> - when will qmail 2 be released?

When it's finished.

> - any other info about it?

I guess it's going to be pretty cool! :-)

> - how do people who know that the queue will have a different structure
> know about it?

On his pages, Dan states that qmail 2 will have a zeroseek queue, IIRC.
There was some discussion about that here not so long ago and there's
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (with no traffic currently).


RE: Rewriting headers

1999-03-25 Thread Stefan Paletta

Dirk Alboth wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Now the "true" sender name will be ${TCPREMOTEINFO}@${TCPREMOTEHOST}
> environment variable which is available to qmail-smtpd and also
> (thanks to "execv") to qmail-queue.  This requires an identd to run on
> the NT box, of course.

Here's what I do in similar cases, though it may not be applicable to your
case: If you have a Samba server, you can get ident info from the smbstatus
command. Basically grab the logged-in username from the line with
$TCPREMOTEIP in it and put it into TCPREMOTEINFO. Thanks to
tcp{server,client} this is even possible if the Samba and qmail server are
different machines. This can be a 10 line /bin/sh wrapper to qmail-smtpd.

> However, I'd like to bounce the mail if the identd-server is not
> running on the other side (and hence $TCPREMOTEINFO will be empty).
> This however seems hard to do with a wrapper.

Not at all. If a shell script offends thee, take a look at the rblsmtpd


RE: mail delayed, why ?

1999-03-25 Thread Stefan Paletta

Siegfried Kerkow wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> all permissions. All may run very well - but now incoming mails have
> a delay up to an hour befor they are delivered to there mailbox.

Check /var/qmail/queue/lock/trigger. It should be
prw--w--w-   1 qmails   qmail   0 Mar 25 23:03 trigger


RE: Question, and contributions.

1998-12-30 Thread Stefan Paletta

Mike Meyer wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Can I configure the error message sent in reply to bad email?

Two ways:
 o edit the qmail source
 o make an apropriate .qmail-default with "|bouncesaying "Try ...(#5.1.1)"
   in it


RE: simple question. I want to bounce mail coming from a specif

1998-12-30 Thread Stefan Paletta

Jeremy Hansen wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> I want to bounce mail coming from a specific email.

See "man qmail-smtpd" for badmailfrom, or tune your .qmail to say:
|  if [ "$SENDER" = "badguy" ] ; then bouncesaying 'Go away!' ; else exit
0 ; fi


RE: simple question. I want to bounce mail coming from a specif

1998-12-30 Thread Stefan Paletta

Jeremy Hansen wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

> but what if I want to dup the behavior of a real bounce.  Make it look
> as if my address is unreachable and no longer exists.

qmail-local does: "strerr_die1x(100,"Sorry, no mailbox here by that
name. (#5.1.1)");", which equals
| bouncesaying "Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)"

No difference. :-)


RE: qmail-inject

1998-12-30 Thread Stefan Paletta

Kevin Waterson wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> cat file | echo to: user | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject

( echo "to: user" ; echo ; cat file ) | qmail-inject


RE: Need qmail to reload smtproutes

1999-01-05 Thread Stefan Paletta

Stuart Ballard wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> I am attempting to configure qmail to handle mail queueing for multiple
> domains, each of which will dial up with _dynamically assigned_ IP
> addresses. The servers themselves use exchange, so I can't rely on any
> features from them ;) (but they can send an ETRN if it helps).

You'd better try the ETRN patch then, IMHO,

> Unfortunately,
> it appears qmail doesn't ever reload this file, and I'd need it to be
> reloaded on a regular basis, whenever a host connects or disconnects.

smtproutes is read by every qmail-remote when starting up.
So there's no need to reload it (you cannot even do that).

> Is there a way to force qmail to reload this file? I'm also unsure how
> to tell qmail to "always hold mail for this domain in the queue"

Give it an smtproute that will always fail with a refused connection.


RE: Qmail (#numbers) : What is it?

1999-03-26 Thread Stefan Paletta

Scott D. Yelich wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> When I get an error and get something like (#4.2.1) or
> (#5.7.1) ... what do those #s mean?

See and the RFC metioned therein.


Re: Melissa Virus

1999-03-30 Thread Stefan Paletta

Paul Farber wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Again, this is a security issue, not a single/multi user issue.  It
> should be difficult to delete or modify a .dll/exe program file.
> You SHOULD have to type into a special "admin" account to install/remove
> a program.

So ordinary users would no longer be able to install MS Office...


Re: Melissa Virus

1999-03-30 Thread Stefan Paletta

Bruno Wolff III wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> On Tue, Mar 30, 1999 at 07:17:56PM +0200,
>   Stefan Paletta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> So ordinary users would no longer be able to install MS Office...

> I would prefer it if I had different accounts with different levels of
> access on my home MS machine. I don't like installs being able to write
> stuff anywhere making complete uninstalls impossible in some cases.

The point is that an MS Office install _requires_ being able to write
stuff anywhere. (Same with StarOffice on Linux btw, comes with its own

Furthermore, users IME
 o don't want to
 o are too stupid
 o start working with admin-privs anyway


RE: Strange To: line causes bounce.

1999-03-30 Thread Stefan Paletta

David B. Peterson wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  ^ ^

   ^   ^

Notice something? Outlook screwed it.


RE: Q: Is it possible to bind 2 diffrent qmail instances on 2 di

1999-03-31 Thread Stefan Paletta

Uwe Wuerdinger wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> I wondered if it is possible to bind on a machine with 2
> Networkinterfaces to diffrent
> qmails with 2 different configurations.

Compile two qmail instances into /var/qmail1 and /var/qmail2 resp.
by editing conf-home.
Then start two tcpservers for qmail-smtpd, each bound to one
interface and have one invoke /var/qmail1/bin/qmail-smtpd and the other
one /var/qmail2/bin/qmail-smtpd.


RE: badmailrcptto

1999-03-31 Thread Stefan Paletta

Georgi Kupenov wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> For QMAIL 1.03, I tried to do restrictions
> with BADRCPTTO file in
> /var/qmail/control, but it didn't  work.

Stock qmail-1.03 doesn't know about this control file. It only knows about
badmailfrom. If you really want badrcptto, see
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] e.g.


Re: telnet to smtp port doesn't work HELP!!

1999-03-31 Thread Stefan Paletta

Dustin Marquess wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
>   As far as I know, tcp-env gets the name of the program to run
> from argv[0] (like tcpd does), so the way he had it was correct.


   tcp-env [ -rR ] [ -ttimeout ] program [ arg ...  ]


RE: qmail on *NIX farm

1999-01-05 Thread Stefan Paletta

Subba Rao wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> 1. Do I replace sendmail on each system with a Qmail?
> 2. If yes, do I have to have DNS on all the system (which does not make
> sense)?
> What is the recommended design for such setups?


Re: Why does ~alias/.qmail-sim.hamp do nothing?

1999-04-08 Thread Stefan Paletta

Simon wrote/schrieb/scribsit: see Subject

Because ~alias/.qmail-sim:hamp does.
FAQ 4.6


Re: modify outgoing headers

1999-04-08 Thread Stefan Paletta

914 wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> headers  if you look at the header of this note you should see that
> i'm on []
> how can i force qmail to NOT send that RECIEVED FROM line?

Modify qmail-smtpd to not write that header or see FAQ 5.5.


Re: cyclog vs. syslog (was: Queue limit question)

1999-04-12 Thread Stefan Paletta

Dave Sill wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Disadvantages: only logs messages sent to stdout, only logs messages
> from local system

You can use ucspi-tcp to reliably send log messages from one program's
stdout to a cyclog on another host.


Re: cyclog vs. syslog (was: Queue limit question)

1999-04-12 Thread Stefan Paletta

Keith Burdis wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> On Mon 1999-04-12 (15:34), Stefan Paletta wrote:
> > You can use ucspi-tcp to reliably send log messages from one program's
> > stdout to a cyclog on another host.
> Please could you show an example of how you'd do this.



Re: Non-ASCII-characters in Header

1999-04-13 Thread Stefan Paletta

Juergen Schubert wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
> I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
> This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
> kaufmann: Message contains non-ASCII characters in headers 

This is not an error message from qmail.
Is there anything in the .qmail file that controls this address?


Re: [Q] qmail speed "again"

1999-04-13 Thread Stefan Paletta

Keith Burdis wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Remember that we're talking about sending one message to a large number of
> addresses on the same remote host. In general qmail is faster, but I think in
> this case any MTA that does multiple rcpt to's will be quicker.

AFAIK, sendmail has a limit of "RCPT TO"s it will send in one connection.
So in this situation a message will be split into several multi-rcpt
connections. Will these connections ocurr one at a time or simultaneously?
The former would impose a great speed penalty compared to qmail.

Anyway, the One True Answer on this topic is:
"profile, don't speculate".


RE: MAILHOST and envelope sender

1999-01-20 Thread Stefan Paletta

Mate Wierdl wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

> $ export MAILHOST=oki.doki  
> $ export QMAILINJECT=f

Have you tried setting it to "s"?
Emacs might be supplying a return-path.


Re: old popdeamons don't do ~user/Mailbox

1999-04-23 Thread Stefan Paletta

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Hm, what I meant was an `etc' directory in the users home directory, like
> `/home/peter/etc', still allowing user to change these files theirselfes
> (themselfes?).

See the -/ option to qmail-pw2u.


Re: qmail-qmtpd

1999-04-27 Thread Stefan Paletta

Peter van Dijk wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> On Tue, Apr 27, 1999 at 10:36:18AM -0400, Chris Johnson wrote:
> > Right, but the question was about qmail-qmtpd, not qmail-qmqpd. I haven't yet
> > seen anything that implements sending mail by qmtp other than serialqmtp.
> That's because there isn't.

Well, there is my patch^whack to qmail-remote.


Re: Message headers expose local net

1999-04-27 Thread Stefan Paletta

Chris Johnson wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> 192.168.1.:allow,TCPREMOTEIP="unknown",TCPREMOTEHOST="unknown",RELAYCLIENT=""

Clever! ;-)
Invoke tcpserver with -lunknown and the received header will not
show the server's internal hostname, too.

To really clean up, see FAQ 5.5 and filter the message through
formail (from procmail) or reformail ( before
qmail-inject. Both will let you delete certain headers or let
ony certain headers go through, AFAIK.

Re: Aliases..

1999-04-30 Thread Stefan Paletta

Dave Sill wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Andy Walden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >I'm trying to do [EMAIL PROTECTED] > user. This was pretty painless in
> >sendmail.
> Couldn't be much easier in qmail:
> echo >>/var/qmail/control/virtualdomains
> echo >>/var/qmail/control/rcpthosts

In addition to that, make sure is not in locals.

To catch [EMAIL PROTECTED], edit ~user/.qmail-default to reflect
how you want [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be delivered (assuming "anything"
is not meant literally :-).


Re: Strange problem with header of outoing mails

1999-05-16 Thread Stefan Paletta

Kaspar Landsberg wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> This looks pretty messed up. First, there is "From [EMAIL PROTECTED]" and
> "Return-path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]". At least the return path should be
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" because that´s my mail address. "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" does
> not exist! (Btw, "Ukl" is my UUCP login on my uucp uplink. I wonder how
> it got there.)
> PS: I set up UUCP according to point 2.3. in the qmail FAQ and since the
> mail arrives correctly in the outgoing queue, i assume that this part
> has been done correctly.

Try leaving out the -f option to preline. Your uucp uplink needs a From
line, I suppose.


Re: bcc fields

1999-05-18 Thread Stefan Paletta

Thomas Neumann wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Chris Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > qmail-inject never saw the message. qmail-smtpd doesn't look at the
> > headers, and execs qmail-queue to queue the message as is. It's the
> > responsibility of the software on the remote end to strip the Bcc
> > field and turn it into SMTP "RCPT TO" commands.
> Uh... you say that a SMTP MTA should analyze message headers and turn
> the retrieved information into envelope recipient data? I don't buy

No. ("software on the remote end" meaning "SMTP client")


Re: Hardware&software solutions for large scale IMAP servers

1999-10-28 Thread Stefan Paletta

Mark Powell wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
>   Maybe some sort of external RAID box which is directly accessible to all
> three POP/IMAP servers is a solution. This smacks of an external NFS box,
> though?

I've seen a journaled FS demoed that supported multiple hosts read/
writing the same filesystem concurrently on a shared RAID box. The
demo run on Linux, but IIRC the FS was beeing ported from BSD. The FS
code was free. Now only if I had an IRL for you...
You could also look into GFS or Coda (if not NFS) if you'd rather have
a storage backend over network.

[What IMAP server to use?]

Sam Varshavchik announced his Maildir-only IMAP server only yesterday.
It also has a very flexible authentication mechanism.
Look at Courier-IMAP:


Re: Problem receiving mail (long)

1999-11-02 Thread Stefan Paletta

David Clark wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
>   [david@a3a88198 david]$ telnet 25
>   Trying
>   Connected to
>   Escape character is '^]'.
>   220 ESMTP
>   helo dude
>   250
>   250 ok
>   250 ok
>   data
>   354 go ahead
>   Subject: blah
>   blah
>   .
>   250 ok 941519761 qp 4767
You're not speaking valid SMTP. Try this:

helo dude
mail from:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: blah



Re: Mail relaying with QMail

1999-11-02 Thread Stefan Paletta

Antonio Navarro Navarro wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Relay test 9
> >>> RSET
> <<< 250 flushed
> <<< 250 ok
> >>> RCPT TO:<"">
> <<< 250 ok

> Relay test result
> Uh oh, host appeared to accept a message for relay.

The percent sign does not have any special meaning to qmail in
this case. The address given is an address without a host-
part, like e.g. a plain "root" is. In most cases qmail will later
determine that a user with the name "" does not
exist locally and bounce the message. It is doing nothing wrong. is concluding too rash.


Re: supervise/svscan/and qmail logging

1999-11-03 Thread Stefan Paletta

Robert Wojciechowski Jr. wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> My question is, do I have to start the two supervise processes (one for SVC,
> and one for SVC/log) with svscan, or can I do it manually?  I want to be
> able to restart the services, take down supervise for that service, etc
> without having to wait 1 minute for svscan to bring it back up.

svscan takes care of starting the two supervise processes and I don't
know how you would do this manually. Also, you don't normally restart
services by restarting its supervise and you don't have to take down
supervise to take down the service; instead, you use svc -t to restart
a service (supervise kills it and restarts it instantly) or svc -dt to
bring down the service. If e.g. you change the options to multilog,
you restart multilog with "svc -t theservice/log" without affecting
the service itself or losing log information.

The 1 minute delay only occurs when svscan has to restart a supervise,
which should _never_ happen.

> How can I do this without breaking the pipe between the service and the
> logger?

svscan takes care of maintaining the pipe. You just svc at will.


Re: qmail remote delivery logic

1999-11-09 Thread Stefan Paletta

Sam wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> different domains will result in only 5,000 DNS queries.  Meanwhile, each
> instance of qmail-remote should diligently issue a DNS query - for a 
> grand sum of 10,000 queries overall.

When we're talking about lists of that size, you will for sure have
the resources to handle 5000, 1 or 10 DNS queries compared to
the resources you need for actually sending the messages.

My experiences show, that for lists of up to 1 recipients, qmail
will already have finished lots of deliveries when the first lookups
on bad/unreachable addresses get a timeout. With serialized lookups
everything will just sit idle for ages.

I all boils down, as you said in another mail, to that qmail
opimizes for delivery time and optimizes bandwidth usage at the upper


Re: delivery to a directory

1999-11-09 Thread Stefan Paletta

Phil Howard wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> How can I tell qmail-local what directory (maildir format) to deliver to?

Use safecat[1] or maildrop[2].


Re: Benchmarks

1999-11-16 Thread Stefan Paletta

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> And that one byte would be?
> On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Sam wrote:
> > I would suggest changing one byte in qmail-smtpd.c, bouncing such mail
> > immediately, instead of deferring it.

diff attached.


I have a new PGP/GPG DSA key, please update your keyrings.
1024D/7EBE9100 1999-10-25 "Stefan Paletta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
02C5 A03B 8088 D4E0 57D0  D44D C1E2 D360 7EBE 9100

--- qmail-smtpd.c.orig  Mon Jun 15 12:53:16 1998
+++ qmail-smtpd.c   Wed Nov 17 01:06:14 1999
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 void die_nomem() { out("421 out of memory (#4.3.0)\r\n"); flush(); _exit(1); }
 void die_control() { out("421 unable to read controls (#4.3.0)\r\n"); flush(); 
_exit(1); }
 void die_ipme() { out("421 unable to figure out my IP addresses (#4.3.0)\r\n"); 
flush(); _exit(1); }
-void straynewline() { out("451 See\r\n"); 
flush(); _exit(1); }
+void straynewline() { out("551 See\r\n"); 
+flush(); _exit(1); }
 void err_bmf() { out("553 sorry, your envelope sender is in my badmailfrom list 
(#5.7.1)\r\n"); }
 void err_nogateway() { out("553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed 
rcpthosts (#5.7.1)\r\n"); }

Re: Mailer-Daemon Question

1999-12-12 Thread Stefan Paletta

Manohar Pradhan wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> Can anyone explain me how can i make QMAIL to send Mailer-Daemon
> within 24 hrs. (for being in queue) instead of waiting for 7 days.

man qmail-send
You are looking for ``queuelifetime''.

(Funny is, people start calling bounce messages "Mailer-Daemon" (yes,
that's where they come from, not what they _are_) all over the place -
one german ISP even has in its FAQ the equivalent to "what do I do if
I got a Mailer-Daemon". Rumor says, one person even called an exorcist.
How good that qmail programs have such a polite QSMBF. :)


Re: stuck messages

1999-12-15 Thread Stefan Paletta

Denis Voitenko wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> I have two messages stuck in the queue but I do not know how to check which
> ones are they. Can someone point me in the right direction?



Re: How to give a greeting message

1999-12-25 Thread Stefan Paletta

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> On Sat, Dec 25, 1999 at 11:21:59AM -0700, Irwan Hadi wrote:
> > For example, Welcome to xxx, mm/dd/yy,hh:mm:ss , this mailserver is using
> > QMAIL version 1.03
> The date-part is not possible, by the way.

Of course it is - just use Unix!

# cd /var/qmail/control
# mkfifo smtpgreeting
# while :; do date > smtpgreeting ; done &

This is probably non-portable - so check the exact syntax
for your system.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year -
the last year of this millenium.

Re: How to give a greeting message

1999-12-25 Thread Stefan Paletta

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> On Sat, Dec 25, 1999 at 10:14:58AM -0500, Russell Nelson wrote:
> > while :; do date > && mv smtpgreeting; sleep 1 ; 
>done &

I might be not ``getting'' it, but for the sake of completeness,
Russell, I suppose you meant:
while :; do date > && mv smtpgreeting ; sleep 1 ; 
done &
> Stefan: your solution is probably quite portable, but not reliable: it can
> cause hanging qmail-smtpd's when 2 of 'm try to read the FIFO at the same
> time.

I see.

Besides: why would anyone want to do this in the first place ..?
It's the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol after all (and no, multiline
fortunes do _not_ work ;).


I wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year -
the last year of this millenium.

Re: pop3 and ip adres logging

2000-01-13 Thread Stefan Paletta

Van Liedekerke Franky wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> does anybody know a quick hack to log the ip adres in a pop3 session without
> setting tcpserver to verbose mode?

# cat /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d-log
logger -p -t pop3d "$USER logged in from $TCPREMOTEIP [$TCPREMOTEHOST]"
exec /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d $1


Re: pop3 and ip adres logging

2000-01-13 Thread Stefan Paletta

Van Liedekerke Franky wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> This probably works, but I'm using tcpserver and multilog, so how can I
> achieve this kind of logging using those tools?

Use 'echo "$USER logged in from $TCPREMOTEIP [$TCPREMOTEHOST]" >&2'
instead of the call to logger.

> > From:   Stefan Paletta[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > 
> > Van Liedekerke Franky wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> > > does anybody know a quick hack to log the ip adres in a pop3 session
> > without
> > > setting tcpserver to verbose mode?
> > 
> > # cat /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d-log
> > #!/bin/sh
> > logger -p -t pop3d "$USER logged in from $TCPREMOTEIP
> > exec /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d $1
> > #


2000-01-18 Thread Stefan Paletta

- Forwarded message from XY (X Y) -

> From: XY (X Y)
> Subject: e-mail problem

> ps I liked your message that you gave up!

- End forwarded message -


Re: multiple qmail instances

2000-02-08 Thread Stefan Paletta

Jiri Rosenmayer wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> So, my quetion is ? Can I change qmail root from /var/qmail ??

This is configured in the conf-qmail file in the source directory.


Re: RH62 running Qmail + pop + imap, cliënts use outlook

2000-04-28 Thread Stefan Paletta

Jeroen ten Berge wrote/schrieb/scribsit:

Please, keep your lines around 70 characters max, thanks.

> auto-reply and auto-forward message's I'm fucked cause I have to
> enable it on the linux-box, is there a tool for windows that would
> make life easier ?
I did this yesterday to enable configuration of a forward by email:

cat > .qmail-fax
| test -e .fax-away && forward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cat > .qmail-fax-config
| test -e .fax-away && { rm -f .fax-away ; status=off ; } || { touch .fax-away ; 
|status=on ; } ; bouncesaying "Fax forwarding is now $status"

User sends a mail to he-fax-config to toggle forwarding and gets
a bounce telling him the current status.
