rcpthosts, relaying, and tcp-env 7.6

2000-07-28 Thread Todd Finney
n, and it appears to be working fine.

>2. qmail doesn't want to be insecure out of the box, so it doesn't allow
>relaying. What you want is to set up relaying for the relevant external
>boxes that you want to use mail.baldmonkey.org as their smarthost.

That's what I think I'm doing by adding that odd line to 
/etc/hosts_allow.  I'm referencing question 5.4 in the FAQ, which seems to 
address my problem.

I think that the problem might be that I don't have hosts_options enabled 
in my tcp-wrappers.   I'm running a 7.6 RedHat RPM, and I don't know if 
hosts_options is enabled or not.  I'm assuming that it is not, based on the 
docs in the source distribution.   Unfortunately. I can't get version 7.5 
to compile, and I can't find version 8.

This is the error that I get after running 'make linux' on the 7.6 dist:

-DBROKEN_SO_LINGER  -Dvsyslog=myvsyslog -DALWAYS_HOSTNAME -c diag.c
INFO -DRFC931_TIMEOUT=10  -DHOSTS_DENY=\"/etc/hosts.deny\" 
-DBROKEN_SO_LINGER  -Dvsyslog=myvsyslog -DALWAYS_HOSTNAME -c percent_m.c
percent_m.c:17: conflicting types for `sys_errlist'
/usr/include/stdio.h:553: previous declaration of `sys_errlist'
make[1]: *** [percent_m.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/tcp_wrappers_7.6'
make: *** [linux] Error 2

That's everything.  I again apologize for the length of the post, but I 
wanted to include every snippet of information that I have so far.   I've 
just subscribed to the list, so if anyone who replies could be so kind as 
to cc me so I don't miss any messages, I'd appreciate it.

Many thanks,
Todd Finney

Asking again: rcpthosts, relaying, and tcp-env 7.6

2000-07-30 Thread Todd Finney
oes not include a POP3 or IMAP daemon. Tell qmail to use 
mailboxes instead of maildirs and use any daemon, or let qmail use maildirs 
and get a POP3 or IMAP daemon that understands them.

I'm running the qmail-pop3d daemon, and it appears to be working fine.

2. qmail doesn't want to be insecure out of the box, so it doesn't allow
relaying. What you want is to set up relaying for the relevant external
boxes that you want to use mail.baldmonkey.org as their smarthost.

That's what I think I'm doing by adding that odd line to 
/etc/hosts_allow.  I'm referencing question 5.4 in the FAQ, which seems to 
address my problem.

I think that the problem might be that I don't have hosts_options enabled 
in my tcp-wrappers.   I'm running a 7.6 RedHat RPM, and I don't know if 
hosts_options is enabled or not.  I'm assuming that it is not, based on the 
docs in the source distribution.   Unfortunately. I can't get version 7.5 
to compile, and I can't find version 8.

This is the error that I get after running 'make linux' on the 7.6 dist:

-DBROKEN_SO_LINGER  -Dvsyslog=myvsyslog -DALWAYS_HOSTNAME -c diag.c
INFO -DRFC931_TIMEOUT=10  -DHOSTS_DENY=\"/etc/hosts.deny\" 
-DBROKEN_SO_LINGER  -Dvsyslog=myvsyslog -DALWAYS_HOSTNAME -c percent_m.c
percent_m.c:17: conflicting types for `sys_errlist'
/usr/include/stdio.h:553: previous declaration of `sys_errlist'
make[1]: *** [percent_m.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/tcp_wrappers_7.6'
make: *** [linux] Error 2

That's everything.  I again apologize for the length of the post, but I 
wanted to include every snippet of information that I have so far.   I've 
just subscribed to the list, so if anyone who replies could be so kind as 
to cc me so I don't miss any messages, I'd appreciate it.

Many thanks,
Todd Finney

Re: Asking again: rcpthosts, relaying, and tcp-env 7.6

2000-07-30 Thread Todd Finney

I'd like to thank those on the list who pointed me in the right direction, 
notably away from tcp-env and over to tcpwrappers.   Half an hour later, it 
works like a charm.

thanks again,

Re: Startup works from shell but not from /etc/rc.d/qmail

2000-08-07 Thread Todd Finney

At 11:06 PM 8/7/00, you wrote:
>At 02:17 PM 8/8/2000 +1200, you wrote:
> >What kind of pid is considered ``wrong''? I thought all 
> programs that
> >backgrounded themselves, did so by forking a child and 
> exiting the
> >parent.
>Wrong for the purposes of the /etc/rc.d/init.d scripts; 
>i.e., for the "status", "stop", and "restart" commands.

Couldn't you just do something like this in the rc script 
to get the correct pid every time?

`ps  -C qmail-send | sed  's/^.\([0-9]*\).*/\1/' | tr -d 

[Note: There is probably a better way to do 
this.  Suggestions are welcome.]


Re: Startup works from shell but not from /etc/rc.d/qmail

2000-08-08 Thread Todd Finney

At 02:05 AM 8/8/00, you wrote:
>On Tue, Aug 08, 2000 at 01:24:48AM -0400, Todd Finney 
>! Couldn't you just do something like this in the rc 
>! to get the correct pid every time?
>! `ps  -C qmail-send | sed  's/^.\([0-9]*\).*/\1/' | tr -d 
>! [:space:]`
>I think you probably meant ``^.*'' instead of ``^.''.

eh, close enough for jazz.

>! [Note: There is probably a better way to do
>! this.  Suggestions are welcome.]
>If I remember correctly, this does pretty much the same 
>thing as
>``pidof'', except I think the latter is faster.

Excellent.  You previously mentioned pidof, but said that 
it wouldn't work.  I didn't test that statement.

>Even faster, I believe, is to simply write qmail-send's 
>pid to
>/var/run/qmail.pid, as suggested in my previous post; then 
>you don't
>even have to search through all the processes, as ``ps'' 
>and ``pidof''
>have to.

I don't know which one would be faster.  Speed really isn't 
an issue in this case though, is it?  You only need to get 
the pid when you run the rc script, and that is (hopefully) 
not a regular occurrence.   Also, the time it takes to scan 
the process list is probably trivial when compared with the 
time it takes to restart qmail-send.

If the qmail-rcfile file is already set up to look for the 
qmail pid, changing where it looks for it is a simple 
search and replace.  You have to change the file anyway if 
you're implementing the qmail.pid solution, and pidof saves 
you the trouble of adding the (admittedly minor) pid 
recording function.

pidof, a win by 44 characters?


Re: Startup works from shell but not from /etc/rc.d/qmail

2000-08-08 Thread Todd Finney

On 9 Aug 2000, Chris, the Young One wrote:

>On Tue, Aug 08, 2000 at 03:57:20AM -0400, Todd Finney wrote:
>! I don't know which one would be faster.  Speed really isn't 
>! an issue in this case though, is it?
>I love efficiency wherever I find it (though a good friend calls me
>``the king of procrastination'', so I guess I don't practise what I
>preach). So, to me, whether it's an issue here is not an issue. :-)

Doing 50% more work to have a seldom-run and small-footprint process run
10% faster is not efficient.  

>!  You have to change the file anyway if 
>! you're implementing the qmail.pid solution, and pidof saves 
>! you the trouble of adding the (admittedly minor) pid 
>! recording function.
>But no, we don't have to change /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail. As mentioned
>in a previous message, Ellen is using a script file that backgrounds
>/var/qmail/rc; my solution only involves changing that script.

Go back and read the messages again.  Ellen didn't need to correct pid for
the startup script.  She needed it for qmail-rcfile, which is different.  If 
you're changing the location of the pid - be it from nothing to
/var/run/qmail.pid or from nothing to /sbin/pidof qmail-send, you need
to update the qmail-rcfile to reflect this change.  Using pidof removes
the need to record the pid to a file, which saves you about 44 characters. 

>! pidof, a win by 44 characters?
>You know you're a geek when you start counting how many characters a
>command takes up. :-) (That's a compliment, in case you take it the
>other way.)

Thank you.  


Re: Relaying stopped. How to remove SPAMMER status?

2000-08-15 Thread Todd Finney

At 06:55 PM 8/15/00, Aaron L. Meehan wrote:
>Quoting Tim Jones ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > Well, I've successfully installed and configured QMail 
> on my homebrewed
> > Linux server.  As such, the rampant SPAM relay that my 
> system allowed
> > over the past month has been stopped.
>Fascinating.  qmail is relay-proof by default, so you 
>almost have to
>purposefully mess up, unless doing something really dumb 
>allowing percent hack or something, to allow it to 
>relay.  Then,
>having messed up and knew it, you let it be a "rampant 
>spam relay" for
>a month?  I hope I'm not reading that correctly--perhaps 
>it was rampant
>for a month and you just happened to not notice and only 
>did *today*.
>Excuse me, but administrators of spam relays get me worked 
>Especially qmail relays!  Ugh.

I think that you're reading him incorrectly.  I believe 
that he meant to say that he had been using some other mail 
package, and the relaying was happening.  He has now 
switched to qmail and the relaying has, of course, stopped.


Re: NAKEDWIFE.EXE Virus - Filter available

2001-03-09 Thread Todd Finney

At 10:21 PM 3/9/01, Kari Suomela wrote:
>Friday March 09 2001 13:30, Erwin Hoffmann wrote to Chrisanthy 
>  EH> Take care that you deleted any potential control characters in 
> the
>  EH> last line.
>How about posting the scripts compressed on the site? That way funny
>browsers won't destroy them. :)

Why not just download it in a way that doesn't catch the characters?

lynx --dump http://www.fehcom.de/qmail/checkattach >>checkattach

or, use DJB's previously mentioned utility.


filtering with perl

2001-03-22 Thread Todd Finney

I've been thrashing at this for a couple of hours, and I'm starting to 
wonder if I'm even on the right track.

The short question:
I'd like to strip a few headers from messages sent to a particular 
address, for the purpose of setting up a anonymous remailer for a 
mailing list.  I have a small perl script that I think should do this, 
but it isn't working.   Is this possible without qmail-filter?  It 
seems like it should be, but I'm starting to doubt it.

The longer question:
I have set up the appropriate .qmail file, which points to a file 
inside DIR called anonymizer.  Inside that file is:

|/usr/local/bin/ezmlm/ezmlm-send '/home/list/test'

anonymizer.pl, in its barest form, is this:

my $from = 'From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]';
my $list = 'To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]';
while (<>) {
exit 0;

I have confirmed that the messages are actually hitting the script by 
changing the exit code to 100 and catching the bounce.

The script works as expected from the command line:

[alias@sonata alias]$ /usr/local/bin/ezmlm/anonymizer.pl

However, messages sent to that test-anonymizer@ address come through 
with neither header altered.

Can someone put me on the right track?


Re: filtering with perl

2001-03-22 Thread Todd Finney

Thanks, that appears to do the trick.  I tried doing that with 
qmail-inject, and it didn't work.

I surprised that I can't just modify the stream.  I thought that was 
the whole point of program delivery.   Doing it this way precludes 
checking the message with ezmlm-reject, but I suppose that's not too 
big a deal.

thanks again,

At 05:38 AM 3/22/01, Kirill Miazine wrote:
>You first submit a message to the perl prog, it does its stuff and 
>happily exits without doing something with the content
>What if you open a pipe from the program to 
>/usr/local/bin/ezmlm/ezmlm-send '/home/list/test'?
>something like
>my $from = 'From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]';
>my $list = 'To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]';
>open PIPE, '|/usr/local/bin/ezmlm/ezmlm-send /home/list/test';
>while (<>) {
> s/From:\s.+$/$from/io;
> s/To:\s.+$/$list/io;
> print PIPE $_;
>close PIPE;

Virus propagation in action

2001-04-23 Thread Todd Finney


I expect my users to not know any better when it comes to virii and 
attachments.  That's the purpose of anti-virus software, filtering, and 
the other sundry defenses.

Consider yourself technical enough to administer a mail server?  Then 
you should know better.

Chris, Johan, David, RC, for your reading pleasure:



Re: It's not my list but ... (AV Bots)

2001-04-24 Thread Todd Finney

At 09:54 AM 4/24/01, Brett Randall wrote:
>Or simply strip the attachments to any messages... That'd be my ideal
>choice. Keep the list relatively text-only (HTML to some degree), have
>no virii problems and keep total bandwidth usage down. Overheads are
>obvious, but at least for each e-mail to the list, the attachment
>would just have to be stripped when it arrived (a relatively simple
>Perl script could do it, or a compiled C program if you're after

On an ezmlm list, stripping MIME attachments is as simple as saying 
'Hey, don't let any MIME attachments through'.  Stripping uuencoded 
attachments is equally simple - you just add

|/usr/bin/uudecode -o /dev/stdout >/dev/null 2>&1 && { echo 
"Attachments Prohibi
ted"; exit 100; }; exit 0

to DIR/editor.

I'm not sure what kind of overhead this generates, but we host several 
lists that all have volumes equal to or greater than this list, and 
I've never noticed a problem.

Setting a maximum message size helps also.  That's probably not a good 
idea on a tech list, though, as messages including debugging 
information can be rather long sometimes.

The real answer, of course, is "lose Outlook, and stop double-clicking 
things", but I suppose we're ignoring that for the purposes of this 


Re: It's not my list but ... (AV Bots)

2001-04-24 Thread Todd Finney

At 03:44 PM 4/24/01, Frank Tegtmeyer wrote:
>Todd Finney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On an ezmlm list, stripping MIME attachments is as simple as ...
>To be exact: that's only possible with ezmlm-idx.

Yes, my bad.


Re: Filter incoming messages for one particualr user

2001-05-02 Thread Todd Finney

At 05:08 PM 5/2/01, Charles Cazabon wrote:
>Sean Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >if the sender
> > is any other address besides [EMAIL PROTECTED], mailuser will 
> silently
> > throw the message away.  If the message is from 
> > completes the instructions in mailuser's .qmail file (which right 
> now
> > forwards to three other addresses).
>Use a .qmail file; have the first instruction a program delivery (|) 
>checks the contents of the SENDER environment variable (the envelope 
>address), and exits appropriately to control whether the remainder of 
>.qmail file (containing an instruction for storing in a Maildir or 
>mbox file)
>is executed.

You can  use iftocc, from the  mess822 package, to do this.  I just 
used it for the first time yesterday, tres cool.



Re: Filter incoming messages for one particualr user

2001-05-02 Thread Todd Finney

At 05:33 PM 5/2/01, Markus Stumpf wrote:
>On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 05:15:33PM -0400, Todd Finney wrote:
> > You can  use iftocc, from the  mess822 package, to do this.
>No, you can not.
>The original poster wanted to check the *sender* not the recipient.


That makes me 0-2 for the past month.  I'll shut my pie-hole now.


Re: unauthorized relay :-(

2001-05-17 Thread Todd Finney

At 08:55 PM 5/17/01, Roger Walker wrote:
> My admin mailbox has been filling up with bounces from 
> aol.com -
>obvious SPAM that appears to have originated from my qmail system 
>ucspi-tcp-0.88 and daemontools-0.70. Here's my rather simple config 
> The first line is for localhost, the second for my class 'C', 
> the
>third for private network stuff behind a firewall and through a VPN. I
>presume the last is to allow anyone to connect to allow them to send 
>to my
>hosted domains.

Doesn't that last allow line cause an open relay?


"The instructions in a rule must begin with either allow or deny. deny 
tells tcpserver to drop the connection without running anything. For 
example, the rule
tells tcpserver to drop all connections that aren't handled by more 
specific rules."

The fact that your local domains appear in the control files is what 
allows the host to receive mail for the domains, not tcpserver.


Re: unauthorized relay :-(

2001-05-18 Thread Todd Finney

At 04:47 AM 5/18/01, Henning Brauer wrote:
>On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 08:47:46PM -0400, Todd Finney wrote:
> > At 08:55 PM 5/17/01, Roger Walker wrote:
> > >:allow
> > Doesn't that last allow line cause an open relay?
>NO! The last :allow is needed for other Mailservers delivering mail to 
>domains listed in rcpthosts. Unless RELAYCLIENT is set qmail does not 
>to foreign domains.

No need to shout there, Henning.  Please note the question mark at the 
end of my sentence; I wasn't sure.

If you must use caps, please save them for the idiots that can't figure 
out how to unsubscribe.


injecting qmail-queue

2001-05-19 Thread Todd Finney

Before I go into detail about the problem I'm having, I'll describe 
what I'm trying to do, to make sure that I'm even on the right track.

We host a number of lists running under ezmlm-idx.  I want to send an 
announcement out to all of the lists every month.   I first tried to do 
this with a list of lists, but ezmlm doesn't care for that approach, 
because the list name doesn't wind up in the To: or Cc: headers.

I'd rather not have things depend on the announcement process user 
being a subscriber or in DIR/allow, which I think precludes the use of 
qmail-inject.  So, I'm attempting to do it with qmail-queue.

I created my message file, message.txt, and my envelope file 
envelope.txt.  AFAIK, they're in the correct format.

Looking back through the list, I saw Peter Green's example from a few 
months ago, and came up with this:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $mailprog = '/var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue';
my $message = './list_monthly_announcement.txt';
my $envelope = './list_monthly_announcement_recipients.txt';

open MSG,"$message" or die "Failed to open message file $!";
open ENV,"$envelope" or die "Failed to open envelope $!";

open \*STDIN,  "<&MSG";
open \*STDOUT, "<&ENV";

my $rc = exec( $mailprog );

if ($rc) {
 die "$rc something happened";

This does nothing useful (nothing in the log, no message sent), 
although I'm at a loss to explain why.  I saw references to calling a 
pipe() to do this properly, but I can't find an example.   Does one 


Re: injecting qmail-queue (asking again)

2001-05-21 Thread Todd Finney

Asking again because, well, I'm still stumped.

>Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 20:20:19 -0400
>From: Todd Finney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: injecting qmail-queue
>Before I go into detail about the problem I'm having, I'll describe 
>what I'm trying to do, to make sure that I'm even on the right track.
>We host a number of lists running under ezmlm-idx.  I want to send an 
>announcement out to all of the lists every month.   I first tried to 
>do this with a list of lists, but ezmlm doesn't care for that 
>approach, because the list name doesn't wind up in the To: or Cc: 
>I'd rather not have things depend on the announcement process user 
>being a subscriber or in DIR/allow, which I think precludes the use of 
>qmail-inject.  So, I'm attempting to do it with qmail-queue.
>I created my message file, message.txt, and my envelope file 
>envelope.txt.  AFAIK, they're in the correct format.
>Looking back through the list, I saw Peter Green's example from a few 
>months ago, and came up with this:
>#!/usr/bin/perl -w
>use strict;
>my $mailprog = '/var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue';
>my $message = './list_monthly_announcement.txt';
>my $envelope = './list_monthly_announcement_recipients.txt';
>open MSG,"$message" or die "Failed to open message file $!";
>open ENV,"$envelope" or die "Failed to open envelope $!";
>open \*STDIN,  "<&MSG";
>open \*STDOUT, "<&ENV";
>my $rc = exec( $mailprog );
>if ($rc) {
> die "$rc something happened";
>This does nothing useful (nothing in the log, no message sent), 
>although I'm at a loss to explain why.  I saw references to calling a 
>pipe() to do this properly, but I can't find an example.   Does one 

Re: injecting qmail-queue (asking again)

2001-05-21 Thread Todd Finney

At 11:32 PM 5/21/01, peter green wrote:
>Todd, this would do just as well (or better) on the ezmlm list, since 
>couple of the possible solutions use ezmlm-* rather than qmail-queue.

I thought about that, but it isn't really an ezmlm question 
anymore.  There doesn't seem to be an example on using qmail-queue 
anywhere.  It seems to me that there probably should be.

>* Todd Finney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010521 23:12]:
> > >We host a number of lists running under ezmlm-idx.  I want to send 
> an
> > >announcement out to all of the lists every month.   I first tried 
> to
> > >do this with a list of lists, but ezmlm doesn't care for that
> > >approach, because the list name doesn't wind up in the To: or Cc:
> > >headers.
>So make ezmlm-reject omit that behavior. `man ezmlm-reject`

And give up the spam protection that this provides?  No thanks :).

> > >I'd rather not have things depend on the announcement process user 
> > >being a subscriber or in DIR/allow, which I think precludes the 
> use of
> > >qmail-inject.  So, I'm attempting to do it with qmail-queue.
>Eek, why not invoke ezmlm-send for each list? `man ezmlm-send` No need 
>mess with qmail-queue, I don't think.

Yea, that sounds nice, but there isn't an example of using that outside 
of a .qmail file, either.   I'd think that

tfinney]$ cat ./list_monthly_announcement.txt | 
/usr/local/bin/ezmlm/ezmlm-send /home/list/test/

would work, but no dice.

Anyway, that _is_ an ezmlm problem, and isn't our problem here.

> > >I created my message file, message.txt, and my envelope file
> > >envelope.txt.  AFAIK, they're in the correct format.
>If you are asking for help, it would probably be best if you were 
>in your setup. Don't assume something is in the right format: prove it 
>posting it. (Or put it up on the web and link to it.)
>This may or may not actually help in this scenario, but you are 
>*asking* to
>get reamed by any number of people for mentioning the files but 
>refusing to
>post them. FYI.

I didn't refuse to post anything. :)   Please don't say that I did.  I 
didn't include the envelope file because it seemed secondary to the 
problem.  If I can't figure out how to get qmail-queue to take input, 
what difference would it make what I'm feeding it?

I tried three different formats.  I believe the first is correct, but I 
saw a few mentioning of the other two, and tried them.  I saw no 
difference in running the script with any of them.




> > >#!/usr/bin/perl -w
> > >use strict;
> > >$|++;
> > >
> > >my $mailprog = '/var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue';
> > >my $message = './list_monthly_announcement.txt';
> > >my $envelope = './list_monthly_announcement_recipients.txt';
>Again, here's where it would be REALLY helpful to see this text file.

See above.

> > >open \*STDIN,  "<&MSG";
> > >open \*STDOUT, "<&ENV";
>Er, off the top of my head, you want to reverse that wokka, since 
>an output stream. Like:
>   open \*STDIN,  "<&MSG";
>   open \*STDOUT, ">&ENV";
>Ah yes, looking at `man perlopentut` would seem to indicate that 
>format is
>Anyway, it seems to be a lot of overkill. Just iterate over your lists 
>invoke ezmlm-send for each one. Done.

Thanks, I'll look into that, but I think a little more explicit 
documentation on qmail-queue would be helpful.

If I figure this out, I'll post an example to the list, so that we 
don't have to have this conversation again.


Re: Oops,I guess Sendmail wasn't secure after all...

2001-06-02 Thread Todd Finney

At 12:25 PM 6/2/01, Mark Delany wrote:
>On Sat, Jun 02, 2001 at 05:20:01PM +0200, Boris allegedly wrote:
> > Well, there is no button with a text like "press me here" -) 
> for
> > the public.
>Of course there is, silly.
>Now, what do you think most script kiddies do? They don't scour the
>code for exploits as you imply with "there is no button". They simply
>download the hard work of one or two people and install the pre-built
>button. It's trivial. So, "press me here" is as far away as a
>download. You're not seriously suggesting this is a serious secruity
>barrier are you?

This is a very, very good point.  We have unfortunately reached a stage 
where the crackers don't need to actually _know_ anything 
anymore.  They download a port scanner and a root kit, and can 
compromise your machine without having any real understanding of what's 
going on.

You not only have to protect yourself from the skilled, determined 
cracker, but also from the unskilled, casual cracker.   The former is 
far more difficult than the latter, but fortunately the really talented 
black hats have better things to do than hit 99% of the machines out 

We had a machine compromised by an exploit in the wu-ftpd package a 
couple of years ago.  Fortunately, I happened to be on the machine when 
it occurred, and was able to monitor the cracker's activities and shut 
him down before he was able to cause any real damage.

Based upon the things he typed, he had no idea what he was doing:

 cd /etc/init.
 cd /etc/init.d
 cd etc
 ls init*
 ls rc*
 cd rc.local
 ls -al rc.*
 cd init.d

And yet, in the space of 5-10 minutes, he was able to break in and 
install three trojans.

Sendmail can be secure, if you really know what you're doing and stay 
on top of the patches that come out (every three days or so).  I don't 
have that kind of time, so I'd rather have a mail server that is secure 
out of the box.  We've been gradually migrating our domains from 
sendmail to qmail over the last ~year; I've had to patch sendmail at 
least twice, qmail hasn't needed anything since install.

I can deal with (sometimes) sketchy documentation and the hassle of 
installing 12 different things to get the results I want -  that's 
still easier than restoring a machine that's been compromised.


Re: xinetd

2001-06-05 Thread Todd Finney

At 10:05 AM 6/5/01, Charles Cazabon wrote:
>David Means <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If it's empty, then I'm a relayer, which is a no-no.  Without 
> tcpserver, I
> > can't (or haven't figured out how with Xinetd) to populate the 
> required env
> > vars, hence my clients can't send email via qmail-smtpd to domains 
> not
> > listed in rcpthosts, right?
>Correct.  It can apparently be done with xinetd, but I don't use it.

I have a machine running xinetd in the corner here.  David, check out 
man xinetd.conf.   Look for the 'env' and 'passenv' 
directives.  There's also an example (look for 'service rstatd') on how 
to use it.


Re: qmailanalog usage

2001-06-25 Thread Todd Finney

Why not let logrotated handle your log rotation, daily if you so 
desire, and call qmailanalog from a postrotate block on maillog.2?

We have a similar setup here, but we're rotating weekly.  There's a 
little perl script that calls qmailanalog and sends its output to a 
dated file (mail-report-mm-dd-ccyy.txt).   About an hour later, another 
script comes along and adds a pointer to the new file to the reports 
index.   It's only been in place for a few weeks, but it seems to be 
working fine.

That actually reminds me of another question I've been thinking 
about.  Now that I have these nifty statistics, I'd like to know how to 
interpret them.   Sure, I know what 'delivery attempts' means, but 
what's a good number for that?   How high is too high when it comes to 
average qtime?  Is there a document somewhere that outlines that?

Perhaps it's not even relevant - after all, the qmailanalog report 
seems to say more about the servers I'm sending to than my server.


At 08:23 PM 6/25/01, Mark Douglas wrote:
>I'm trying to figure out how I should get the stats I want out of 
>qmailanalog, along with some other things I'd like to do. My main 
>issue is, if I wanted to do a daily log rotation, would it be feasible 
>to do the following (using multilog): Set my logfile size to 100MB; at 
>end of day, have a cron job run that copies the "current" file to 
>another, dated file; echo > /var/log/qmail/current to empty out the 
>log file and start fresh. I realize it's not pretty, but the real 
>issue is, would it cause problems?
>Mark Douglas - Architecture
>Sympatico-Lycos Inc.
>All your base are belong to us! Make your time!

virus warnings

2001-07-25 Thread Todd Finney

I can deal with everything being under /var/.

I can deal with the endless questions on subjects covered extensively 
in the documentation.

I can even deal with the venom that seems to ooze from this list with 
startling regularity.

But, please, in the name of all that is good and holy, take three 
fucking seconds and configure your AV software to *NOT* send the 
warnings to the list.   It's a waste of everyone's time and 
bandwidth.   Most of us (hopefully) don't need the warning, and those 
that do probably don't deserve to be warned.

Just my $0.02.


Re: Mail Forwarding Service

2001-07-28 Thread Todd Finney

At 02:44 AM 7/28/01, Philip Mak wrote:
>On Sat, 28 Jul 2001, Adrian Ho wrote:
> > Why use a program delivery when you can use .qmail forward 
> directives?
> > "man dot-qmail" for details, and create the necessary .qmail files
> > (probably .qmail-youralias in the same directory you put your 
> domain's
> > .qmail-default).
>Well, there's over 10,000 e-mail addresses that would have to be
>forwarded. Wouldn't I have to create a .qmail- file for everyone 
>the MySQL database (would there be a filesystem efficiency issue when 
>have 10,000 files in the directory?)

That depends on your filesystem.   I've just learned of ReiserFS, isn't 
this the kind of thing that it's good at?

>, and also keep these files synchronized with inserts, updates and 
>deletes done to the MySQL database?

How often do you expect it to change, and what triggers the 
change?  Write a cron job that updates the .qmail files periodically 
with the information in the database.

Better yet, update the .qmail file at the same time you update the 

>I figure that it's cleaner, programming-wise, to just lookup the MySQL
>database at the time a message is received rather than having to worry
>about synchronization. But this lookup script has increased the load
>average of the server above 10.

There is at least one mysql/qmail integration package floating around, 
have you looked at any of those?

You're going to have a very hard time making this tiny and fast, which 
is what it needs to be.  For every message, you're firing up the perl 
interpeter, connecting to the database, parsing a statement, executing, 
and cleaning up the whole mess.  All of these things are expensive.

You might be able to improve things be writing a daemon (in perl if 
you'd like) that spins in the background and takes connections from the 
various .qmail files.  That will at least eliminate the 
once-per-message startup, and you could probably get it to share 
database handles.

That's a lot of work, and a lot of shit to break.


[OT] tcpserver machine, running amanda?

2001-08-06 Thread Todd Finney

I'd like to complete the removal of inetd from a server, and run 
everything under tcpserver.  Amanda looks like it needs a UDP 
connection though, which tcpserver's name seems to indicate it doesn't 

Dan mentions netcat on the ucspi-tcp page, is that the current SOP for 
doing this?   The amanda archives don't have much information on either 
method that I can find, and the qmail list hasn't talked about it since 
97.   In that message G2S is mentioned, but it's still in beta four 
years later.
