Why not let logrotated handle your log rotation, daily if you so 
desire, and call qmailanalog from a postrotate block on maillog.2?

We have a similar setup here, but we're rotating weekly.  There's a 
little perl script that calls qmailanalog and sends its output to a 
dated file (mail-report-mm-dd-ccyy.txt).   About an hour later, another 
script comes along and adds a pointer to the new file to the reports 
index.   It's only been in place for a few weeks, but it seems to be 
working fine.

That actually reminds me of another question I've been thinking 
about.  Now that I have these nifty statistics, I'd like to know how to 
interpret them.   Sure, I know what 'delivery attempts' means, but 
what's a good number for that?   How high is too high when it comes to 
average qtime?  Is there a document somewhere that outlines that?

Perhaps it's not even relevant - after all, the qmailanalog report 
seems to say more about the servers I'm sending to than my server.


At 08:23 PM 6/25/01, Mark Douglas wrote:
>I'm trying to figure out how I should get the stats I want out of 
>qmailanalog, along with some other things I'd like to do. My main 
>issue is, if I wanted to do a daily log rotation, would it be feasible 
>to do the following (using multilog): Set my logfile size to 100MB; at 
>end of day, have a cron job run that copies the "current" file to 
>another, dated file; echo > /var/log/qmail/current to empty out the 
>log file and start fresh. I realize it's not pretty, but the real 
>issue is, would it cause problems?
>Mark Douglas - Architecture
>Sympatico-Lycos Inc.
>All your base are belong to us! Make your time!

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