Problem with received from

2001-07-10 Thread Trevor Harrison

I'm doing a new setup of qmail on a new box (my last setup was years ago 
so I've grown rusty), and I ran into a problem with the Received: from 

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: (qmail 16367 invoked from network); 10 Jul 2001 06:24:44 -
Received: from localhost (HELO hoser) (
  by 0 with SMTP; 10 Jul 2001 06:24:44 -

(this is from a hand-jobbed telnet localhost 25)

The "Received: from" header has "by 0" instead of "by".  Looking in qmail-smtpd.c, I can see where it 
gets assigned:

  local = env_get("TCPLOCALHOST");
  if (!local) local = env_get("TCPLOCALIP");
  if (!local) local = "unknown";

so I'm guessing those env vars arent' being set correctly by ucspi. 
 This is the first time I've used ucspi and daemontools (before I always 
used inetd).  I'm following the LWQ text, and I think I messed up the 
step where:

echo '127.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=""' >>/etc/tcp.smtp
qmailctl cdb

you are supposted to add a rule to the tcp.smtp file.  I did a > instead 
of a >>, and I'm wondering if I overwrote an existing rule that was 
there by default that was setting TCPLOCALHOST.

My /etc/tcp.smtp currently is:

I've applied several patches (bigdns, bigtodo, bigconcur, 
tarpit+relayfrom, datelocaltime, localbind).

Any help would be appreciated.


Re: Problem with received from

2001-07-10 Thread Trevor Harrison

Daniel Kelley wrote:

>>The "Received: from" header has "by 0" instead of "by 
>>".  Looking in qmail-smtpd.c, I can see where it 
>>gets assigned:
>what do you have in /var/qmail/control/me?  that's one place to look.
/var/qmail/control/me is ""

Re: Problem with received from

2001-07-10 Thread Trevor Harrison

Daniel Kelley wrote:

>sorry, i'll try to be more explicit.  what i meant by the 'how are you
>startinh qmail-smtpd' comment was, are you binding tcpserver to a specific
my /services/qmail-smtpd/run file:

QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
MAXSMTPD=`cat /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming`
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 200 \
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -R -l 0 -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c 
-u "$QMAILDUID" -g "$NOFILESGID" 0 smtp 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1

FYI, I'm also back to a plain vanilla qmail, no patches.

>as for envs, AFAIK, you never need to set anything via tcpserver to get
>the by line in Received: to show up properly.

>also, when i try the same test you did, here's what i get:
>Received: from localhost (HELO ) (
>  by localhost with SMTP; 11 Jul 2001 02:53:30 -
>as opposed to telnet
>Received: from (HELO ) (
>  by with SMTP; 11 Jul 2001 02:54:49 -
Yes, that is what I would expect.  I just tried setting my 
/etc/resolv.conf to a known good nameserver instead of my local 
tinydns/dnscache which I could have misconfigured.

>granted, i don't get "by 0 with SMTP", but this may have more to do
>with your OS than qmail. 
RH 6.2, kernel 2.2.17.

>additionally, i looked at the source:  i could be wrong (someone please
>correct me if i am), but i think that the Received: line is added by
>qmail-queue, not qmail-smtpd.
qmail-queue does add a "Received" line, but its not the same line. 
 Below, qmail-queue added the first recieved line, qmail-smtpd added the 

Received: (qmail 19637 invoked from network); 11 Jul 2001 03:21:36 -
Received: from localhost (HELO hoser) (
  by 0 with SMTP; 11 Jul 2001 03:21:36 -


Thanks for helping me.

Uh, looking back over my data, the tcpserver line has a "0" in the 
location the tcpserver --help says should be a hostname.  Is this my 
problem?  If so, I'd feel like a complete dumbass except for I just 
checked and its like that in the LWQ text.


Re: Problem with received from

2001-07-10 Thread Trevor Harrison

Daniel Kelley wrote:

>>Uh, looking back over my data, the tcpserver line has a "0" in the 
>>location the tcpserver --help says should be a hostname.  Is this my 
>>problem?  If so, I'd feel like a complete dumbass except for I just 
>>checked and its like that in the LWQ text.
>Data-gathering options:
>-l localname:  Do not look up the local host name in DNS; use localname for
>   the environment variable $TCPLOCALHOST. A common choice for localname 
>   0.
>looks like that's what you want to change.  i'd try your test again, after
>removing -l 0 from your qmail-smtpd/run script.
Yep, that was it.

Many thanks.


Re: scan a maildir for msgs w/attch

1999-06-09 Thread Trevor Harrison

Also "begin 666" or "begin 644" (at the beginning of a line) for uuencoded attachments.

Maybe try looking for base64 (ie. Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64), and 


>>> Eric Dahnke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/9 4:12:23 PM >>>

Only messages which contain attachments, contain the following line:


true or false

If I'm off tack, how else do you determine when a msg contains an

Many thx eric

Re: QMail startup strangeness

1999-09-14 Thread Trevor Harrison

Tarball.  Compiles just fine.  Put a few patches on (tz, relay, etc)  I'm also using 
the imap rpm with maildir support... very nice.

>>> Bill Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 9/14 1:31:59 PM >>>
Sometime on Sept 14, 1999, Trevor Harrison said:

At 12:48 PM 9/14/99 -0600, you wrote:
>I've installed qmail on 2 other boxes serveral months ago, no problem.
This weekend, I installed qmail 1.03 on my home box, which I just updated
to Caldera 2.3.

i'm curious, i'm running an OpenLinux 2.2 box, and want to know how you
installed it, tarball, or RPM?


QMail startup strangeness

1999-09-14 Thread Trevor Harrison

I've installed qmail on 2 other boxes serveral months ago, no problem.  This weekend, 
I installed qmail 1.03 on my home box, which I just updated to Caldera 2.3.

When I put /var/qmail/rc & in my /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail startup script, qmail starts 
on boot, but immediately shuts down.  If I run /var/qmail/rc from a cmd line after 
logging in as root, it stays running.

I tried lots of items, and it came down to running strace on the qmail startup in the 
boot script and looking at the log.  It turned out that qmail was getting a SIGHUP 
right after it finished loading.

I put a nohup in front of my call to /var/qmail/rc and all is good now, but I'm a 
little baffled.  I didn't have to do anything like this on my previous installs, but 
then again, that was a different Linux version.

Also, I'm not calling /var/qmail/rc via csh, as in the example, as I don't have cshell 
installed.  I'm just using bash.  Does csh suppress sighups or something?  I'm not 
using csh on my other two qmail installs either.


Maildir delivery prog?

1999-05-14 Thread Trevor Harrison

I've got a filter that I need to apply to mail going into a mailbox (it forces 
non-mime messages into mime messages, converting uuencoded attachments into 
application-octet parts).  However, now that I'm calling a prog 
(|/usr/local/bin/uu2mime) in my .qmail instead of saying ./Maildir/, I need to deliver 
the message into my Maildir.  I would like to keep my filter ignorant of Maildir / 
mailbox / etc, and do something like "|/usr/local/bin/uue2mime | 
/usr/local/bin/qmail-maildirdeliver".  I just wanted to see if someone else has done 
this before before I re-invented the wheel.


Re: Mass migration off of qmail because of lack of DSNs?

1999-05-17 Thread Trevor Harrison

Ease up everyone... Tasos isn't a flame-baiting troller... he probably really needs 
DSN (I feel your pain Tasos, I need it too).

Anyway, he's also the author of Listproc (yeah!), which I'm still using to this day 
because everything else (read majordomo) I've tried sucks hard; anyway, he's cool.

ps. here's a good reason for DSN: SMTP<->X.400 gateways.  X.400 supports all kinds of 
return receipts, and right now, DSN is the way our X.400 MTA provider interfaces this 
stuff.  I've got a sendmail box that I have to keep using because we need to be able 
to turn on DSN when we send messages into X.400.
However, DSN is also a major cause of headaches for us, either Micros~1 Exchange MTA's 
saying that they support it, but they really don't, to someone else's home-grown bad 
implementation, to firewall smtp filters rejecting it, etc.

>>> Russell Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 5/17 9:08:24 PM >>>
Tasos Kotsikonas writes:
 > I am not a subscriber of this list so if you have any relevant comments
 > please copy me too.  Our company is looking around for qmail
 > replacements that do DSNs,

Why?  Why not just contract with one of the commercial support
organizations ( that specialize
in qmail ?  Even taking the cost of that into account, qmail is still
going to be cheaper to support.

 > While talking to various people about it, the following comments by
 > one prominent entity in the email world [identity withheld] was not
 > atypical:
 > <<
 > However, the author of qmail is a problem.  besides simply being one of the
 > more obnoxious people in the world, he is entirely rigid and unresponsive
 > to user requests, as his non-conforming bounce format demonstrates.

This is completely unfair.  The RFC for bounces is not widely
supported.  Calling qmail "non-conforming" because it has its own
bounce format is like calling Eric Allman "non-conforming" just
because he's gay.  Many other Open Source authors are fags (if you're
homophobic, stay clear of free software), and many other MTAs do not
support DSNs.

Dan is completely within reason to not support DSNs.  As Phil Karn
once said, "A author of quality software has a duty not to support
brain-damaged standards".  He was talking about IEEE 802.3 at the
time, but the principle holds true.

 > I would strongly encourage looking at exim.  I've heard very good things
 > about it and the web page for it has an excellent tone.  I'm told there is
 > a pretty serious mass migration from qmail to exim.  Many of us are
 > delighted to hear it.

I see no evidence for this.  Exim is Yet Another Monolithic MTA.
After working with qmail for a number of years, I can see many good
reasons for keeping your MTA small, and relying on external packages
for optional features.  Basically, my feeling is that qmail is the
only genuine Unix MTA.

 > So, is the final answer NO DSNs from qmail?

How deep are your pockets?  I'm not saving this part of the world from
itself (I have my eye on saving a different part), so I don't share
Dan's opinion of DSNs.  If you want me to implement them, just send me
a proposal and I'll quote you a price for it.

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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