smtp authentication aka rfc-2554

2000-12-02 Thread clemensF

will there be authentication added to qmails smtp like rfc-2554?

clemens  (pls cc: me)

Re: Problems with dnscache in Linux

2000-11-30 Thread clemensF

 Andrew Richards:

 There is no /etc/login.conf on the box; "-d switch in the run-file";
 not sure what you mean here. For RSS I used ps (I've split these
 lines to fit) (Note this is the static linked version),
   root 15502  0.0  0.1  1260   388  ?  R   12:02   0:00 
 envuidgid dnscache softlimit -o250 -d 300 /usr/local/bin/dnscache
  the -d flag

there must be a file defining default resource limits, i don't know
it's linux name.  find it and check if the limits defined there
collide with the run-files and env/* files.
you have a userid for dnscache and for djbusers?  did you introduce
the neccessary userids *before* compiling djbdns, like it should be?
whats the contents of the files in env/ ?  the contents of the run
files?  why on earth do you leave out the permissions and location of
djbdns' install directory?


Re: running daemontools on qmail with large locals and rcpthosts files

2000-11-15 Thread clemensF

 Eric Yu:

 The file size for both /var/qmail/control/locals and rcpthosts exceeds
 1M (this incl. around 65000 cobrands).

in this case you should allocate as much space in the ./run- files.
the routines activated usually return some result or -1 to indicate
failure.  so you should establish the exact point of failure.  then
you might want to try the environment settings (how big is the
resident set size of the different qmail programs?).

 421 unable to read controls (#4.3.0)

could this mean a malloc failure?


Re: Converting mbox to maildir.

2000-07-06 Thread clemensF

 Morten Liebach:

 I have used procmail to deliver to ~/Mail/* for a long time. There's a
 lot of mail in mbox-format that I would like to convert (actually 20
 mbox-files, gee!) in one go, like:
 $ convert -R ~/Mail ~/Maildir

there's a program called "formail" in the progmail-suit, it'll do what
you want.


Re: qmail and dial-on-demand

2000-07-06 Thread clemensF


 Will an unpatched qmail bring up the connection when it has mail to
 send if I have dial on demand set up right?



Re: spam and well known smtp servers

2000-07-06 Thread clemensF

 David Benfell:

 As I recall, the argument is that by responding, you confirm that the
 e-mail address is valid.  I can't say I've dealt with enough spam to
 have relevant experience.

i've had spamming for just surfing around the 'net, and it grew worse
occasionally when i tried to avoid it by mailing abuse@... or postmaster@...


Re: spam and well known smtp servers

2000-07-05 Thread clemensF

 wolfgang zeikat: offers handy online forms

i have used all sorts of anti-spam tricks, but presently i just look at the
headers of a spam-mail trying to spot from which domain it really originated
by scanning the recieved-lines and use "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" as well
as postmaster for chinese or mexican or whatever open relay domains without
abuse adresses.  this procedure is faster then any automatix.


Re: spam and well known smtp servers

2000-07-05 Thread clemensF

 Rogerio Brito:

   For instance, all my e-mails use as the envelope and
   as the From: field, but I don't send mail from them (in fact,
   they are in another country); I use my ISP's relays.

my spam peeked up when i got myself an  i think they
sell their email-lists to spammers.  i have a friend with a hotmail-
account, and another with a yahoo-account, but nobodu with iname, and
i block them on my private system.  tough if someone wants to reach me...


Re: spam and well known smtp servers

2000-07-05 Thread clemensF

 Cyril Bitterich:

 But there is a good Point in you proposal. Maybe you just wanted to
 reject the mail with a notification that you do not accept this mail
 because they are not sent via Hotmail.

that's dangerous.  my experience told me never to answer suspect spammers.


Re: Re[4]: The most secure POP server

2000-07-05 Thread clemensF

 Scott Gifford:

   Just a guess; if the provider that won't provide APOP can provide
 you with plaintext passwords, then I don't know what their excuse is.

well i told you mom!  first they asked what apop is and when i explained
it and hinted i'd want it -- pause -- and then they said they would not change
their setup just for me!  :(


Re: no more splogger

2000-07-05 Thread clemensF

 Adam McKenna:

  should i be able to replace splogger w/ a multilog entry? say like:
  'multilog t s100 /var/log/qmail' instead of the splogger above?
  would this then write files into /var/log/qmail?



Re: no more splogger

2000-07-05 Thread clemensF


 now how might i pipe this thru tai64nlocal to get some readable
 (by me) time stamps in there?

qmail-start ./Maildir/ multilog t s500 !tai64nlocal /export/home/qmaillogs

then every log that gets rotated out of business (current - @...) will have
human readable timestamps.


Re: Re[4]: The most secure POP server

2000-07-04 Thread clemensF

 Scott Gifford:

  to use apop, germanynet (calisto) barked, thay would not change their
  entire setup for just one customer, when i asked them for apop.  i dared
  to ask only because their greeting looks like an apop prompt, and it
  even changes on every dialup...   so much for technical competence.
 They probably don't store plaintext passwords, which would make it
 impossible to support your request.  Not a matter of technical
 competence as much as system design.

that i don't understand.  i can get my password anytime from any provider,
just askin', maybe answering "secret questions".  what makes you think
they don't store plaintext-passwords?


Re: Not receiving from all domains - is it DNS?

2000-07-04 Thread clemensF

 Barry Dwyer:

 Would this reverse-DNS entry (apparently there for the convenience of
 the ISP's reseller) be preventing some mail servers from forwarding to

this is the usual setup if you rely on the services of an isp.  mail
doesn't let itself get disturbed by this, rest assured.

your mail to the list arrives..


Re: Re[4]: The most secure POP server

2000-07-03 Thread clemensF

 Scott Gifford:

   The only particularly nasty implication of using APOP are that it
 requires that the server have the password stored in plaintext.  The

most mail-servers that i, as a simple leafnode fetching private mail,
care for has my password(s) stored in plaintext somewhere anyway, so
that i can loose it it and have them retrieve it for me.  this
"service" is offered by every mailhost, but at least nobody could
sniff it off the line, which is a little more secure than pop3's plain
ascii transmission.

   POP over SSL solves both of these, by making no changes to the POP
 protocol, but just encrypting the whole session.

i've checked around here in germany:  isp's offer pop3 access plus
web access.  with freenet (mobile) i just had to change my fetchmailrc
to use apop, germanynet (calisto) barked, thay would not change their
entire setup for just one customer, when i asked them for apop.  i dared
to ask only because their greeting looks like an apop prompt, and it
even changes on every dialup...   so much for technical competence.


Re: The most secure POP server

2000-07-02 Thread clemensF


 How do you plan on using SSL with POP? I know that SSL and IMAP work
 nicely together, but SSL and POP, never heard about that... maybe some
 SSL proxying techniques???

APOP is the variant with challenging secrets.


Re: The most secure POP server

2000-07-02 Thread clemensF


 Yes, but if you use APOP, the password goes out in the clear but is
 useless afterwards.  Any client I can think of, including Eudora on my

no, apop challenges the client which has to respond with an encrypted version
of the password thus verifiable at the server.  you can reuse that password
as often as you like, but the challenge string and the answer will change
each time.


Re: qmail-ldap file permissions

2000-07-01 Thread clemensF


 can some one tell me what file permissions are required
 1  ~Home/Maildir
 3 cur
 4 new
 5 tmp

700.  the 'x' bit lets programs search a directory.


Re: two questions

2000-07-01 Thread clemensF

 Clifford Thurber:

 exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail

exec setuidgid qmaill multilog t !tai64nlocal /var/log/qmail

...would make multilog pipe safe loggs (loggs that were safely closed) through
tai64nlocal automatically, so that these loggs contain "standard" timestamps.


Re: qmailq problem

2000-07-01 Thread clemensF

 Ben Beuchler:

 And is there a particular reason so many people neglect to look at their
 logs when trying to research a problem?

good question, actually.  the loggs give very good and simple diagnostics,
it must have something to do with the way information is identified.
we have the time stamps, which have to be converted by tai64nlocal in order
for people to see that they indicate *current* trouble.  i have noticed
people setting unreasonably large values for the log sizes and their
number.  then there's definitly the need to make sense of the long-term
queue-id of the delivery messages and the status line at the end (1_0_0).
i'd like to see it at a prominent place in the INSTALL files, maybe.


Re: file permissions problems

2000-06-29 Thread clemensF


 problem , user can't download their mails from home/user/Maildir
 i have checked the default file permissions it was 644 for all the
 files in /new under Maildir
 if i changes this to 777 then users are able to download the their new
 users home directory is owned by users only , and ya also 755 for
 please help me guys , should i keep 777 and 755 for /new/* and

it's not normal to download mail from the destination directory. you
should either forward their mail to them or run your own pop server.
your data indicates that the downloading program wants to delete read
mails or suchlike, in which case these programs would need write access
to the directory.  644 is a highly irregular mode for a private maildir.


Re: Multilog: fatal: the final answer (hopefully)

2000-06-28 Thread clemensF

 Steffan Hoeke:

 "Ok, the /var/log/qmail permissions weren't the problem
 /var/qmail/supervise and all in it needed to be owned by qmaill as well ;)"

why that?


Re: Not an unfortunate confluence of interfaces

2000-06-27 Thread clemensF

 Russell Nelson:

 No, I realized that afterwards.  I latched onto the concept of making
 the /etc/tinydns service directory double as the home directory, for
 no good reason other than not wanting to multiply entities

that's a very good reason and this thought prooves sound informational
instincts, if i may put it that way.


Re: Messages in Queue, but not sent

2000-06-27 Thread clemensF

 Fat Toolz:

 before I installed qmail I could see the connection drawn on the
 LINUX-Machine tcpserver+some log file message, now I can't; I wonder

 I just sent several emails as described in TEST.deliver to check out
 my qmail-version, but none of them arrived. Now I found all of them
 hanging around in the queue. Does anybody know why qmail just does not
 send them?

the two probs are connected, in that the queue can't be worked without
connection, but you should at least try "svc -a qmail-send" to alert
qmail to do the q


Re: qmail-lspawn to qmail-local strangeness

2000-06-27 Thread clemensF

 Ben Giddings:

 (As  an  aside, qmail looks like a great, highly flexible program, but
 man   the   source  needs  work.   Virtually  no  comments  anywhere,
 meaningless  variable  and  function names.  Not a fun thing to search
 through when you're trying to figure something out.)

i give stags a few seconds and then browse through the sources without problems.
i think they are a delight to read!


Re: tcprules and tcpserver not blicking??

2000-06-26 Thread clemensF

 Markus Stumpf:

 On Fri, Jun 23, 2000 at 11:54:31PM +0200, clemensF wrote:
  i had even to disable the -x option altogether, because i could not get
  this feature to work.  and yes, i have the current version installed,
  checked the permissions, tried with and without a 127/localhost entry...
 Give the exact line that starts the service.

export PATH="$PATH:/l/bin:/l/sbin:/var/qmail/bin"
#/l/bin/tcpserver -Hlv-- this is the line i use as a workaround
/l/bin/tcpserver -Hl -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb \
-u82 -g81 0 smtp \
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 21

the directory has the sticky bit set in order to start multilogging
automatically.  btw, nothing in the loggs whatsoever, although the
permissions are ok and svscan/supervise doesn't complain.  the service
itself is started and works.

does this say you anything?


Re: tcprules and tcpserver not blicking??

2000-06-23 Thread clemensF


 I have a problem in that my tcp.smtp.cdb file is not being used - as
 when I try and relay through my server it seems to ignore the .cdb

i had even to disable the -x option altogether, because i could not get
this feature to work.  and yes, i have the current version installed,
checked the permissions, tried with and without a 127/localhost entry...

Re: dirmaker

2000-06-21 Thread clemensF

 Ricardo D. Albano:

 How can I set up qmail to make automatically the home dir ?
 I'm using qmail-1.03 with ldap patches.

"make setup check" does that.  pls read "INSTALL*"


Re: SMTP port 25

2000-06-21 Thread clemensF

 David Benfell:

 I'm just finishing a qmail installation on my new server box.
 Any attempt to telnet to port 25 yields "connection refused."  I ran
 both tcp and udp scans on it with nmap; the port is not open.

if you start the tcp server with some tcp protection wrapper that isn't
configured to let local connections (i.e. from pass, you won't
even be admitted from/to your own localhost.


Re: mail received and lost; was SMTP port 25

2000-06-20 Thread clemensF

David Benfell wrote:

 mail reception through SMTP isn't working at all.  I was able to
 telnet to the server and send a message which doesn't seem to have
 appeared anywhere.  Then I tried sending a message through normal
 means from my system at work.  This too seems to have disappeared,
 with no bounce.

the usual places are $HOME, but also /var/qmail/alias/Mailbox (?) as a
last resort


Re: big-* patches and FD_SET()

2000-06-15 Thread clemensF

 Toens Bueker:

 more than 509 available for a busy server.

what's that jazz with magic 509?  what does this number mean?


Re: Help on qmail-qstat

2000-06-15 Thread clemensF

 System Administrator:

 but i have seen that when i check this queue with qmail-read i see mails
 in the queue which are 4-5 days old. can you help clear the queue, so that
 i have 0 messages in the queue.

svc -a qmail-send | skill -ALRM qmail-send

qmail-send needs an alrm-signal to wake up.  other than that there's
touching mails to rejuvenate them.


Re: qmail and pop3

2000-06-15 Thread clemensF

 Andreas Keiser:

 I want to get email from my pop3-account. 
 Do I need to install any other packages or can I do everything with
 OpenBsd and qmail?

for accessing a pop server a pop client (like fetchmail) is a good starting


Re: vpopmail + qmail

2000-06-15 Thread clemensF

 Paul Farber:

 anyone have any docs on setting up vpopmail to deliver to local user dirs?
 Or are there any text based (pine-like) MUA's that can grab the mail via

mutt.  how about a fetchmail | procmail pipeline?


Re: qmail setup with openbsd 2.7. and SMTP

2000-06-14 Thread clemensF

 Andreas Keiser:

 Is there anybody who already installed qmail on OPENBSD 2.7. ?

freebsd here, starting with 2.2.8 upto 4.0 never any problems.

 1. Where can I get the source, which I can compile with OPENBSD 2.7.
(When I compiled I had problems - user alias not found, but I set up
 group and passwd files!!)

you have to make sure that any shadow-passwds or nis-databases or the like
are compiled after changes to /etc/{passwd,group}.

 2. What compiler should I use.

gnu cc serves well.

 3. I want to receive and send mail with smtp (no pop3). What packages or   
 sources do I need. Where can I get them.
 4. Is there a documentation to do exactly that?

i think the documentation from mr. bernstein and qmail users is adequate
for the technical mind.  for smtp 'pure' you don't need anything else.


Re: big-* patches and FD_SET()

2000-06-14 Thread clemensF

 Toens Bueker:

 Oops. Your system's FD_SET() has a hidden limit of 1024 descriptors.

does qmail really take up that many fd's at a time?


Re: Any reason not to run supervise?

2000-06-14 Thread clemensF

 Petr Novotny:

 As in "sendmail is superior to qmail because it doesn't eat up 
 space in process table". (Overheard this just an hour ago...)

which is why qmail, consisting of many *small* programs, is vwery well
suited to unix.  if you read the source, you will find a very unix-stylish
program set.


Re: Mass virtual hosting with qmail

2000-06-14 Thread clemensF

 Nick Kew:

 deal with it).  I don't want to have to add anything to rcpthosts
 (or morercpthosts), locals or virtualdomains for every domain.

you don't?  but then people might try to use your setup to base spamming


Re: Extenstion cleaner

2000-06-12 Thread clemensF

 Jonathan Fortin:

 Anyone knows a tool that I can incorporate with qmail so it can just remove
 any extentions
 that are reiceived with .VBS and/or .EXE and .COM?

this problem is one level higher up.  qmail does not interpret nor analyze
the data it is supposed to transport.  you should try to get this to work
at the mime level.


Re: Open Relay

2000-06-12 Thread clemensF

 Bolivar Diaz Galarza:

 Please help because I am even having a hard time sending e-mail to this list
 and I do not understand what is going on, as soon as I place the rcpthosts
 file in /var/qmail/control with the name of my servers

i just tried to check the conditions given and found that my system does
not even recognize rules properly.  i didn't notice because i had an
experimental setup without involving tcpserver, it was only when i tried to
connect to my internal nntp-service that the truth came to be known!

from reading the source, which is still the only valid documentation, i
could trace the error thru tcpserver, tcprules and tcprulescheck, which
seem to be written to do what one intuitively thinks they should do.

remains cdb.


Re: Psuedo-benchmarks?

2000-06-10 Thread clemensF

 Eric Cox:

 So, if you're so inclined, could you send me a message with 
 your basic setup (like CPU/Speed,RAM,OS,HDs,connection in/out), 
 approx. number of users, approx. volume of mail, and a rough 
 idea of how well the machine(s) are handling the volume, etc... 
 directly to me - if there's any demand for the data I can 
 post a synopsis to the list for all to enjoy.

of course there's demand!  post right away.


Re: deferral: Can't_create_tempfile_(#4.3.0)

2000-06-10 Thread clemensF

 Ken Jones:

 You might want to try changing this code to:
 if ((mailfile = creat(tmp_file,S_IREAD | S_IWRITE)) == -1)
 failtemp ("Can't create tempfile (#4.3.0)\n");
 make ; make install
 Then see if you still get the error.

but the tmp directory would have to exist beforehand, right?  unlike the
/tmp, which is already there.  but you might have found a bug there!


Re: How to emulate sendmail's 'FallbackMXhost' option with qmail?

2000-06-09 Thread clemensF

 Curtis Generous:

 Is there a way to force qmail-send to relay/forward msgs to another
 machine (much slower machine but with tons of disk space) if our main
 qmail-server is unable to delivery those messages either on the first
 try, or better still after a set number of attempts?

could you not rather send every message to your large machine using
":large-machine-fqdn" in control/smtproutes?


Re: Quota on the users Maildir

2000-06-09 Thread clemensF


 My question is how do I setup limit on the users maildir ?

i'd put user mail on a seperate filesystem and set quotas on that
filesystem on a per user basis using edquota(8).


Re: POP Server keeps stopping.

2000-06-09 Thread clemensF


 Could it be a permissions problem with a recently added user ??  Is there a
 script that I can run to check my qmail config file rather than manually
 through them 1 by 1 to check permissions and the like ??

the configuration i don't know about, but the qmail-general-setup can be
checked with queue-fix (see archives).


who's running freebsd?

2000-06-09 Thread clemensF

anybody running freebsd here?


Re: convert mbox - maildirs

2000-06-08 Thread clemensF

 Enrique Vadillo:

 I'm switching more than 15.000 users to Qmail using maildirs,
 i'd like to know what is the best tool i can use in order to
 convert /var/mail/user mboxes into ~user/Maildir format and to
 convert ~user/Mail/folder into ~user/Maildir/.folder format too.

formail from the procmail suite.


Re: mail forwarding: alias

2000-06-08 Thread clemensF

 Charles Cazabon:

   But why one alias, ~alias/.qmail-mail, works fine?  That was where I got
   confused and started to ask ... ;-)
  I don't know, and couldn't tell you without looking at your whole setup. But

excusee moi, je suis hercule poirot!  je pens que les accounts `mail' et
`user1' sont identical, et `user1' est =root=!  oui!

c'est le seulement way les deuz could work!

hercule `clemens' poirot

Re: pop3 / tcpserver problems

2000-06-07 Thread clemensF


 avail. Can someone tell me what to do about a "tcpserver: fatal: unable to 
 figure out port number for pop-3" error on a redhat 6.2 system?


pop3110/tcp#Post Office Protocol - Version 3
pop3110/udp#Post Office Protocol - Version 3
pop-3   110/tcp#Post Office Protocol - Version 3 for qmail :)
pop-3   110/udp#Post Office Protocol - Version 3 for qmail :)

to /etc/services, if they are not there.


Re: Why not inetd?

2000-06-07 Thread clemensF

 Peter van Dijk:

 Research shows that FreeBSD 4.0's inetd actually doesn't have these
 misfeatures anymore - it has a concurrency limit (yes, really!) and a

starting with at most 2.8.8, it has.  freebsd 2.8.8 is my religion.


Re: thousands of qmail-queue processes hanging...

2000-06-07 Thread clemensF


 What has started to happen today is that receiving mail is slow, between
 the '.' and 'ok' from qmail (got that from telnet to port 25). Even slower
 is its sending, which is about a message every 5 or 10 seconds. The other
 noticable problem is that there are thousands of qmail-queue processes
 running concurrently in the process table. Most of the processes are

did you concurrency-limit outgoing/incoming connections via
control/concurrency{remote,local} and tcpserver -c and -b or the
appropriate inetd.conf settings?

did you check:


which is, ls-itarary speaking, or ls-wise, or simply wise:
(ls -l /var/qmail/queue/lock/)

total 1
-rw---  1 qmails  qmail 0 May 13 13:59 sendmutex
-rw-r--r--  1 qmailr  qmail  1024 Jun  7 04:16 tcpto
prw--w--w-  1 qmails  qmail 0 Jun  7 08:53 trigger

qmail depends on these.


Re: Suggestion for mailing list manager?

2000-06-07 Thread clemensF

  * GNU Mailman: looks superswell, but I'd rather not have to learn python

yeah!  i hate it, too!


Re: Suggestion for mailing list manager?

2000-06-07 Thread clemensF

 Russ Allbery:

 It's annoying?  :)

and dots-in-names dont make oo!


Re: pop3 / tcpserver problems

2000-06-07 Thread clemensF

 Petr Novotny:

  pop3110/udp#Post Office Protocol - Version 3
  pop-3   110/udp#Post Office Protocol - Version 3 for qmail :)
 Ouch! Since when can pop3 run over udp? 110/tcp lines are just 

about as ouch than all the other entries.  iana used to allocate numbers for
udp and tcp, stop, ende, no discussion.  please don't blame me, i was so
tiny back then...


Re: tcpserver: unable to bind

2000-06-07 Thread clemensF

 Luca Zancan:

 What should I verify???

you have set up qmail somehow, so there is a line w.r.t. qmail in your
start up files.  you must have started two server processes, usually due to
a commandline ending in '' where it shouldn't.


Re: tcpserver: unable to bind

2000-06-06 Thread clemensF

 Luca Zancan:

 "tcpserver: fatal error: unable to bind: port already in use", or

usually it's one  too many.  at least two servers in the field.


Re: Why not inetd?

2000-06-06 Thread clemensF

 John Gonzalez/netMDC admin:

 On Tue, 6 Jun 2000, Peter Samuel wrote:
 I've never seen this. How? What operating system? What version of
 inetd? You've got me curious now.
 man inetd

this is one of those things.  we are used to spend five minutes on
inetd.conf using vendor-supplied-template-files-or-example-snippets :)


Re: Opinions on filtering

2000-06-06 Thread clemensF

 Derek Watson:

 qmail-start "|/var/qmail/myscripts/ ./Maildir/" splogger qmail
 Where would read STDIN, filter out words, and print to STDOUT,
 in the hopes that qmail-local would pick up the rest and deliver to Maildir.
 But this doesn't seem to work out. .. I just get printing the
 contents of the message to syslog.

.. because splogger loggs it's stdin and your program prints on stdout.
the first argument to qmail-start is handed to qmail-local, it's standard
setting is the maildir.  there was numerous mentioning of filtering
qmail-queues input, which would let you get at every message in or out.
why don't you try these?  the archive should tell you all about this.


Re: Help on smtp and rcpthosts !!

2000-06-06 Thread clemensF

 Xionghui Chen:

 every time when I send mail via port 25, if the domain of the mail address is not 
belong in the file control/rcpthosts, it says:
 553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)

you would select the recipients-hosts.domain:25 port.  in comes the mail
destined for you via, out goes mail from you via


Re: No log??

2000-06-05 Thread clemensF

 Goran Blazic:

 After installing qmail on my system, suddenly there was no logging activity
 anymore... Nothing new gets written into /var/log/messages anymore?!!?

you might post /etc/syslog.conf and /etc/newsyslog.conf for us to check.


Re: Sorry, no mailbox ...

2000-06-05 Thread clemensF

 Goran Blazic:

 address [EMAIL PROTECTED] (the same address on different
 There was no way to do this, so I somehow tracked it to the fact, that I had

how is somehow?  could you please describe this in more detail?


Re: Sender domain must resolve

2000-06-05 Thread clemensF

 Pablo Martínez Schroder:

 When qmail tries to send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from our mail server
 ( and the sender is [EMAIL PROTECTED], mail
 server says "Sender domain must resolve".

how about this:  you either find the lines in the sources where this error
is raised and from there backwards or from the appropriate mx record


Re: How to get QMQP to work

2000-06-05 Thread clemensF

 Johan Almqvist:

 How can I get qmail to use QMTP between two boxes that there is a lot of
 traffic between? I tried putting the respective IP adresses in
 /var/qmail/control/qmqpservers, but that didn't do it.

how about this:  you setup qmail-qmtpd on both machines to serve on a tcp-
port reserved for this purpose, while keeping qmail-smtpd on 25.


Re: Does someone knows what is this about?

2000-06-05 Thread clemensF

 Bruno Wolff III:

 Except that sites that block probes rather than fix open relays really
 belong in a different kind of list. I think the ORBS would be better
 off just listing confirmed open relays. If they would do this, a lot

yes, this makes sense.


Re: Help adding taglines to relayed messages.

2000-05-31 Thread clemensF

 Dave Potter:

 Rather than modify configurations on each of the local servers, I'm trying
 to figure out the best way to have qmail on the relay machine call a
 custom program which will append to the body of a message a tagline that
 looks similar to Yahoo/Hotmail's taglines.

that's not difficult:  put

"| ( cat; cat my-custom-footer ) | qmail-inject"

into the appropriate .qmail.  the parenthezised expression takes the
original message on stdin and appends some file to it, piping the result
into qmail-inject.


Re: Recipe For A Good Book On Qmail

2000-05-31 Thread clemensF

 Chin Fang:

 An example (which Dr. Bernstein has waned in qmail-smtpd man page in
 subtle ways): qmail-smtpd in general is quite small - 1.5 MB or less.
 However, if a newbie ISP admin comes in and slaps up a big rcpthosts
 (rather than a morercpthosts in cdb format), then qmail-smtpd can be
 as big as say 10MB or bigger, combined with high CPU utliization!
 But, how many people would run into this, and whether it's fruitful to
 cover such topics need to be carefully considered. Compromises have to
 be made somewhere..

yes, but not here.  every aspect of configuration has to be outlined in the
book.  your own example makes it clear:  in light of the trouble a newbie
should avoid, the reader has to be told why there are two controls in
different formats, but covering the same purpose.


Re: vpopmail + qmail

2000-05-30 Thread clemensF

 Christian Wiese:

 please tell us what kind of qmail package and what Linux distribution do
 you use.
 On some systems the POP3 service in /etc/services is called pop3, but
 qmail-pop3d uses pop-3.
 So please have a look at the /etc/services and check out what is writen
 there under port 110.
 If there is an entry like pop3 change it to pop-3 and try to run your
 qmail-pop3d server again.

wow!  you almost had me there, mr. wiese.  barely had i finished reading
your posting, when the times found me digging thru qmail, ucspi-tcp and the
daemontools.  i realized that nowhere does the source depend on internal
name-service-port guessing.  as a matter of fact somewhere in the first
lines of tcpserver.c/main the service name/number is scanned and handed to
getservbyname, which eventually (might) return the tcp port to watch.

but your advice is to the point, i just want to add that it might be saver
not to *change* these lines in /etc/services, but to *add* them:  programs
might appear which insist on looking for the name `pop3'.

 e.g. /etc/services
 pop-3110/tcp pop-3   # POP version 3

pop-3110/tcp pop-3   # POP version 3
pop-3110/udp pop-3
pop3 110/tcp pop-3   # POP version 3
pop3 110/udp pop-3

Valerian Q. Farthingsworthe-Jones III

Re: help - very slow POP3 mail retrieval

2000-05-30 Thread clemensF

 Greg Jorgensen:

 I manage a server at a small business. The server is a P133 with 32 
 megs of RAM, running RedHat 6.1, Samba, and qmail 1.03. There are 
 only five users connected to the server, all running Windows 98, and 
 they are very light users. The entire office gets maybe 20 emails a 
 For some reason email messages longer than just a few lines take a 
 VERY long time to download, with numerous "server timeout" messages. 
 This is not specifically a qmail problem (see my tests below), but 
 I'm hoping someone will have some clues.

try tcpdump(8).  i've had a similiar problem articulating itself as
continuous denials to finally establish connections, thereby forcing
clients to an endless search for fallbacks which didn't behave differently.
tell us what "tcpdump | tcpshow" answers.  or maybe leave out tcpshow.
make the -sbuffer option large enough to capture large packets.


Re: Backup logs

2000-05-30 Thread clemensF

 Paul Aviles:

 I know how to create backups for all incoming and outgoing messages
 by modifying the extra.h file, but it is possible to target only
 certain accounts to do the backup on?  This box has multiple virtual
 domains and one of them wants to track incoming and outgoing only for
 certain accounts. Using the extra.h copies everything for all virtual
 domains. Is this possible with qmail?

you might consider using sgrep (structured text grep) *afterwards*, i.e.
logg everything and choose later.


Re: Migrating to Qmail, Maildir issues

2000-05-30 Thread clemensF

 net admin:

 I want to convert all mail delivery format to ~user/Maildir but how can I
 do that for those users that aready use /var/mail delivery and don't have
 local homedirs?  

that's easy.  give them homedirs.


Re: How I can send messages to my ISP?

2000-05-27 Thread clemensF

 Sinisa Malesevic:

 I wont send messages out of my domen (anywhere). Messages is in queue but they not 
go out.

put ":your-isp-mail-gateway" into control/smtproutes

 How  can I set relaying correctly???

don't relay.  put the domains you receive mail for into control/locals and


Re: No SMTP after installing qmail

2000-05-27 Thread clemensF

 Rino Mardo:

   did i read it right? -- " already use procmail, use it by specifying
   "mda /l/bin/procmail" in
 I was referring to "/l/bin/procmail" if you read the f$@$ email coz it doesn't
 seem right.

ok.  i thought i had myself made clear.  i just wanted you to insert the
full path to procmail, /l/bin/procmail is an example.  i've got this in my

set logfile /var/log/fetchmail
set daemon 77177
#fetchall forcecr  qmail-smtpd needs forcecr, procmail doesn't
antispam 553, 571, 550, 501
mda /usr/local/bin/procmail
poll protocol POP3 timeout 200
user user-name pass ,and-his-password is his-local-name here

as long as things don't work as tested, use "fetchall keep" as defaults.


Re: How I can send messages to my ISP - NEW PROBLEM

2000-05-27 Thread clemensF

 Sinisa Malesevic:

 I try to send mail out with "maildirsmtp ~alias/pppdir alias-ppp- 
MyIP"  , but I get this:

i have the feeling you don't understand the mechanics of emailing.  please
let us know:

1.  are you a leafnode (single system, no children downstream), or do you
have children downstream, or are you even provider?

2.  what kind of system do you run, which software (os, mailer, fetchmail,
qmail, sendmail...)


Re: SMTP SIZE command?

2000-05-27 Thread clemensF

 Chin Fang:

 One idea would be the following (in qmail-smtpd.c):

i disagree.  control/databytes has the semantics wanted.  why bother with
smtp size?



2000-05-23 Thread clemensF

i have a few entries in control/badmailfrom.  a few days ago a message got
caught by this magic, but it didn't quite work as expected, because the 553
error from qmail-smatpd thrown back to the pop3 popper (fetchmail) came
only =after= it had asked for the recipient.  this is the dialogue:

SMTP 250 ok

why does qmail-smtpd say 250 ok?  at that time it has already checked
control/badmailfrom, but instead of complaining immedeatly it accepts the
recipient's address!

SMTP RCPT TO:local@localhost
SMTP 553 sorry, your envelope sender is in my badmailfrom list (#5.7.1)

that's too late!  no wonder the pop3 client associates the 553 response
with the recipient, which is wrong wrong wrong!

SMTP listener doesn't like recipient address `local@localhost'
SMTP RCPT TO:postmaster@localhost
SMTP 553 sorry, your envelope sender is in my badmailfrom list (#5.7.1)
can't even send to postmaster!

and why this?  postmaster@localhost is defined.  has qmail-smtpd not done
enough damage?

POP3 This is a MIME-encapsulated message
SMTP transaction error while fetching from
Query status=10

what do i expect?  fetchmail is confused and stops processing this batch.
had i not checked the log, the same batch of messages would have been
rejected until hours later my logg-scanning program had brought this to my
immediate attention.  by that time my mailbox at my isp could have
overflowed with resulting loss of messages.

i checked the source and the 553 reply could be placed a few lines earlier
with no consequences other than reducing codesize a few bytes, because
setting and checking a flag to deferr complaining about the sender until
after the recipient address is changed, which is how it is done at present,
could just be dropped and forgotten.

why?  what for?


553, version 0

2000-05-23 Thread clemensF

Hash: SHA1

he who pops his mail using fetchmail and doeseth not want to download spam
from known sources in the control/badmailfrom file may use this patch to

*** qmail-smtpd.c.orig  Mon Jun 15 12:53:16 1998
- --- qmail-smtpd.c Wed May 24 05:08:52 2000
*** 241,246 
- --- 241,250 
if (!addrparse(arg)) { err_syntax(); return; }
flagbarf = bmfcheck();
+   // changed Wed-24.05.00-03:29 -ino: because fetchmail hickups when 553
+   // arrives out-of-band after recipient has been checked!
+   // following line moved up from it's place in smtp_rcpt
+   if (flagbarf) { err_bmf(); return; }
seenmail = 1;
if (!stralloc_copys(rcptto,"")) die_nomem();
if (!stralloc_copys(mailfrom,addr.s)) die_nomem();
*** 250,256 
  void smtp_rcpt(arg) char *arg; {
if (!seenmail) { err_wantmail(); return; }
if (!addrparse(arg)) { err_syntax(); return; }
!   if (flagbarf) { err_bmf(); return; }
if (relayclient) {
  if (!stralloc_cats(addr,relayclient)) die_nomem();
- --- 254,263 
  void smtp_rcpt(arg) char *arg; {
if (!seenmail) { err_wantmail(); return; }
if (!addrparse(arg)) { err_syntax(); return; }
!   // changed Wed-24.05.00-03:29 -ino: because fetchmail hickups when 553
!   // arrives out-of-band after recipient has been checked!
!   // following line moved up to it's place in smtp_mail
!   // if (flagbarf) { err_bmf(); return; }
if (relayclient) {
  if (!stralloc_cats(addr,relayclient)) die_nomem();

- -- 
do  D4685B884894C483
Comment: gpg 1.0.1


Re: multilog: fatal:

2000-05-22 Thread clemensF


 When I enter "/usr/local/sbin/qmail start" I get this error:
 multilog: fatal: unable to lock directory /var/log/qmail%smtp: access

qmail uses unix security features like out of the book.  qmails permission
setup is fine-grained.  if you follow the setup proposed concerning
auxiliary accounts like qmaill (logging), qmailq (queueing) and so on and
make the directory- and file-owner permissions like they are supposed to
be, you will have a very secure mail system.


Re: Forward to multiple people?

2000-05-22 Thread clemensF

 Snowcrash wrote:
  I'm running Qmail with Vpopmail from  and I'd like to know
  how I would forward one e-mail address to mutiple people.  For example
  messgaes sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] are sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Probably an easy question but I'm just not getting it...

don't forget to make ~alias/.qmail-default, which will act as a catch-all
for (un|mis)directed mails.


Re: Qmail on a firewall.

2000-05-22 Thread clemensF

 Rajkumar S.:

 but how can i tell Qmail to send all the mails to to 

what does your mx record say?

 also how about the error processing, ie no such user etc...

will go to the postmaster, setup in ~aliases.  consult tfm.
or bounces.

do  D4685B884894C483

Re: Qmail on a firewall.

2000-05-22 Thread clemensF

 Rajkumar S.:

 but how can i tell Qmail to send all the mails to to 

dnsmx answers:

dnsip answers:

so your problem might ly in the dns area.

do  D4685B884894C483

Re: error in qmail

2000-05-22 Thread clemensF

 kapil sharma:

 May 22 18:33:52 localhost qmail: 959000632.425508 alert: unable to append to
 bounce message; HELP! sleeping...



Re: Limiting size of emails with databytes

2000-05-22 Thread clemensF

 Christian Wiese:

 But I'm still looking for a solution to seperate inbound and outbound
 mal size, but I haven't found any solution yet.
 As fa as I know it's also possible to limit the size of the mails via
 maildir, but I haven't tried this solution.

are you referring to the disk-quota?


bad qmail-fetchmail interaction

2000-05-22 Thread clemensF

everybody will still recall the nuisance with a certain party named:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] .  to dump these nessages
automatically, i put this host into control/badmailfrom.  here's what
happens when fetchmail meets qmail on this topic.  it renders the
mechanisms badmailfrom, databytes and the likes useless, if qmail always
blurts out his dismay asynchronically, because like in human interaction:
timing is essential!

fetchmail: POP3 RETR 1
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 4993 octets
fetchmail: reading message 1 of 37 (4993 bytes)
fetchmail: SMTP 220 ESMTP
fetchmail: SMTP EHLO localhost
fetchmail: SMTP
fetchmail: SMTP 250-PIPELINING
fetchmail: SMTP 250 8BITMIME
fetchmail: forwarding to localhost
fetchmail: SMTP 250 ok
fetchmail: SMTP RCPT TO:root@localhost
fetchmail: SMTP 553 sorry, your envelope sender is in my badmailfrom list (#5.7.1)
fetchmail: SMTP listener doesn't like recipient address `root@localhost'
fetchmail: SMTP RCPT TO:postmaster@localhost
fetchmail: SMTP 553 sorry, your envelope sender is in my badmailfrom list (#5.7.1)
fetchmail: can't even send to postmaster!
fetchmail: POP3 QUIT
fetchmail: POP3 This is a MIME-encapsulated message
fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
fetchmail: Query status=10

do  D4685B884894C483

Re: Qmail and conf-spawn

2000-05-21 Thread clemensF

 Peter Green:

 Just for reference, I've got a K6-2/333, 384MB RAM, SCSI drives, Linux w/

with this amount of ram you can do what you want with qmail.  my machine
swaps a lot for lack of ram, thats why execing is expensive here.


Re: Qmail and conf-spawn

2000-05-21 Thread clemensF

 David Dyer-Bennet:

   identical program invocations get to run their own copy of the program
 I don't believe this last bit is the case.  It's clearly not the case
 on Linux, anyway, as displayed by the various size numbers in 'top'. 

but linux processes don't share one copy of, say, top, when it is called
twice by different users, do they?


Re: Mail queue

2000-05-21 Thread clemensF

 System Administrator:

 canany one tell me how do i clear the mail queue ?

it's in the fm.  read it.  "svc -a /service/qmail-send" or whatever is
appropriate for your system.  if your setup is like your manual reading,
you might prefer "killall -alrm qmail-send".


Re: I want to leave this list

2000-05-20 Thread clemensF

 Kai MacTane:

 People who are determined to be stupid seem to be:
 a) 100% capable of being stupid, no matter how easy you try to make it
 for them to be smart (or at least average); and
 b) 100% incapable of being convinced that they're being stupid. They
 will rationalize and justify nearly anything.

that's what i call a perl.  it is the simple truth, no matter where it is
applied.  and since is so hard to spot intelligence, this statement will
make it easy to describe the opposite.

may i quote you?


Re: I want to leave this list

2000-05-20 Thread clemensF

 Racer X:

 from mailing lists for sending unsub requests to the list.  maybe we
 could set up a blacklist of mailing list morons and ban them from every
 mailing list.

we can't ban newbies making newbie mistakes while learning, or else we will
grow old together because fresh meat is missing.  and if we wanted to learn
something new ourselves with this attitide confronting us, we'd have to
stay where we are for the rest of our lives.  if we can't put up with other
people and don't even mesh with them, we gonna see segregation.


Re: Doing logging from qmail-pop3d without going thru syslog?

2000-05-20 Thread clemensF

 Chin Fang:

 However, it's at the last stage I ran into an problem.  I was trying
 not to use syslog for logging.  But it seems to be that I can't write
 the logged info to STDERR, since the info would be sent to POP client
 (I confirmed this using telnet to port 110).
 Right now, I invoke qmail-pop3d in the following manner:
 # start pop server
 if [ -f $RULESDIR/pop3.cdb ]; then
 env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH" \
 tcpserver \
 -v -R -x $RULESDIR/pop3.cdb \
 0 pop3 qmail-popup $HOSTNAME \
 $checkpassword qmail-pop3d Maildir 21 \
 | $setuidgid qmaill $tai64n 21 \
 | $setuidgid qmaill $multilog /var/log/pop3d 

first of:  if you want timestamps then integrate the last two lines from
 | $setuidgid qmaill $tai64n 21 \
 | $setuidgid qmaill $multilog /var/log/pop3d 

  | $setuidgid qmaill $multilog t /var/log/pop3d 

also, if you tell qmail-pop3d to output stderr on the stdout stream with
the term "21", telnet will give you error messages from pop3d too.  if
you leave out this term, you get separate output and error streams.


Re: Qmail and conf-spawn

2000-05-20 Thread clemensF

 Vincent Danen:

 What would be a good average value for the silent concurrency limit and is
 there a better way to figure it out on a system-by-system basis?  Or

note that the concurrency-limit for either local or remote delivery
actually means the number of processes running concurrently to deliver
mail, synchronized by qmail with fifos.  each process gets it's own memory
map with it's own stack and process control structures, and in most systems
identical program invocations get to run their own copy of the program
text.  i don't think it makes sense to let more than 20 copies of qmail-
spawn|local|remote run at a time, unless you count your ram-megabytes by
the hundred and have more than one cpu on a very fast bus.  take my trusty
'386/8/162:  if any two processes are in the run queue, i can go out,
get addicted to heroin and come back to repair what's left of my family
just to watch my shell prompt again.  and, even more seriously, if the
computer yuo want to install qmail on is an old leftover with not much to
do any more, you should not let it run more than 10 processes.  at least,
that's what my machine can handle.

 should I just leave it at 120 or "hard-code" a different limit (ie. should
 I make it 150 or 160 or what would be appropriate for a Linux system
 running on a pentium class or higher machine?).

pentium:  good.  ext2fs:  slow if many files are in a directory, which is
the typical situation for a mail server.  no more then 30.

do  D4685B884894C483

Re: Fw: start qmail automatically...

2000-05-20 Thread clemensF

 Arisandy Arief:

 how can I start qmail automatically on FreeBSD boot
 using daemontools and svscan script like this one:

i have /etc/rc.local:
PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/var/bin:$PATH"; export PATH


cd /service
echo -n "supervisor scanning services... "
if [ -x /var/bin/svscan -a -d /service ]; then
/var/bin/svscan /service 
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
echo "OK " $!
echo "NOT OK " $!

and /service/qmail-send/run:
exec nice qmail-start ./Maildir/ [2=1]

and /service/qmail-smtpd/run:
#QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild` # made those two literals to save time
#NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
exec /var/bin/softlimit -m 80 \
/var/bin/tcpserver -c3 -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u58 -g99 0 smtp \
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 21

and /service/qmail-send/log/run:
exec setuidgid qmaill multilog t s2 n2 '-* * msg *' ./

and /service/qmail-smtpd/log/run:
exec setuidgid qmaill multilog t s2 n2 ./

do  D4685B884894C483
gpg recv-key 0x9
echo `gpg list-key 0x9 | cat -tv` | \
gpg encrypt `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address` | \
mail -s your-key `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address`
[encrypted] return mail.
no return mail within a week, you in trouble.
no return mail after a month, i in trouble.
please check

Re: Doing logging from qmail-pop3d without going thru syslog?

2000-05-20 Thread clemensF

 Chin Fang:

 If you take out the 21, your tcpserver will write its info msgs to
 console.  In addition, the qmail-pop3d will still spit its output to
 STDERR to POP clients.  Please try it and you will see for yourself.
 I just did (again, did once last night already).

i am very sorry that id did not work out.  i don't run popd myself, but i
thought the shell redirection was the culprit.  but i urge you to follow
this mailinglists discussions on the pop daemon, because several people are
already working on this.

do  D4685B884894C483

Re: I want to leave this list

2000-05-19 Thread clemensF

 Troy Frericks:

 MESSAGE, just TRY it?  What is there to be afraid of?

who would evaluate the result?  we should try, but also really watch what's

do  D4685B884894C483

Re: log

2000-05-19 Thread clemensF

 Marco Benetton:

 I want to know if there is a file of configuratione where i can change the
 byte of my qmail log file.


multilog is called like this:

multilog timestamp ssize nnumber logdir


timestamp   t | nothingfor timestamped logfiles
size4096.. maximum size of one logfile, defaults to 1
number  2..number of logfiles kept, defaulys to 10

 System Engineer
 CIO-Chief Information Officer

???  should you not know this if manuals are supplied?


Re: I want to leave this list

2000-05-19 Thread clemensF

 Russ Allbery:

 It breaks MIME structured bodies, which are often useful for particular
 purposes.  It breaks some signed posts.  It's useless information for 99%
 of the recipients.  And I'm really sick of seeing mailing list posts
 accumulate more and more worthless junk to the point that it's practically
 more unwanted bytes in my mailbox than spam is.  It's rather simple to

you don't take into account that the 'net evolves.  gone are the times when
people exchanged email who had also the knowledge to configure uucp.
nowadays any idiot grabs a mouse and klicks away.  commerce wants this:
the same idiots are internet customers who don't care how a network is
operated as long as kicks are delivered.

give them a one line footer telling how to unsub.  tomorrow the chief
executive information officer of the it-company you work for will keep
asking you how to turn off the lights.  thats what commerce wants, because
that's how they sell nuclear plants and pentium V's.


Re: POP-3 problem

2000-05-18 Thread clemensF

 Michel Carpentier (Thu 18.0500-10:11):
 May 18 09:04:55 istweb inetd[403]: pop-3/tcp server failing (looping),
 service terminated

pls send inetd.conf.

do  D4685B884894C483

Re: qmail is like a chainsaw

2000-05-18 Thread clemensF

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thu 18.0500-13:26):
 qmail is like a chainsaw: exceedingly fast and powerful and able to
 chop off your foot in less than a second.

one of the most important things to watch in qmail is =permissions=.  if
set right, the foot stays in your mouth.


Re: Auto-create User's $HOME via qmail

2000-05-18 Thread clemensF

 Ruediger Kern (Thu 18.0500-22:43):
 computer. So with this, the users homedir could not be created. Is there
 any possibility to let qmail create the homedir for user aa1 if it
 does not exist? Or do you propose some other mechanism like ssh, rsh,
 rexec or something like that, that would be invoked through the

qmail executes the instructions in ~alias/.qmail-default when no user
matches the given address.  but since your system involves other large
components in vital roles you should integrate qmails actions with php and
whatever to keep the system consistent.

do  D4685B884894C483
gpg recv-key 0x9
echo `gpg list-key 0x9 | cat -tv` | \
gpg encrypt `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address` | \
mail -s your-key `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address`
[encrypted] return mail.
no return mail within a week, you in trouble.
no return mail after a month, i in trouble.
please check

Re: qmail-inject question

2000-05-18 Thread clemensF

 blue (Thu 18.0500-13:59):
 How do I send email from script with qmail-inject? 

do  D4685B884894C483
gpg recv-key 0x9
echo `gpg list-key 0x9 | cat -tv` | \
gpg encrypt `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address` | \
mail -s your-key `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address`
[encrypted] return mail.
no return mail within a week, you in trouble.
no return mail after a month, i in trouble.
please check

Re: Missing info Quest for knowlege

2000-05-18 Thread clemensF

 Peter Green:

  what I do not know is when I have the MX record changed at My ISP (what 
  ever the MX record is)
  How then do I get the "Mail down to my box?" I have a permanent IP address 
  on a DSL.
 It depends. If you are wanting to use your full machine's address in your
 e-mail address (e.g., [EMAIL PROTECTED]) just ask to set
 up the MX record for that host name to point to your static IP address.

but mister danger wants to serve port 25 himself.  if he doesn't want his
isp's service regarding email, he might consider setting up virtual domains
in qmail/control/virtualdomains.  together with the other options of
rewriting (locals, recipientdomains) any nested domain structure can be
build with email addresses always pointing to the main domain.

the machine listening on the smtp port and any other services offered
should go thru some kind of firewall, and be it only rblsmtpd for
spam-control (see also control/baddomains).  if later use as a web- or ftp-
server can't be ruled out, only one machine should be visible to the
outside:  the gateway.  with this architecture in mind it's gonna be easy
to implement full fledged ip fire walling, terminal- and authentication-
servers and so on.  it will also go easy on the wallet, since only one
static ip-address will be neccessary.

ok, you want to get your mail directly to your machine, mr. danger?  so it
will have to run 24/7?  maybe you should consider bying and installing a
second machine for mirroring essential structures and services in case the
main-server goes down.  you will have to consider denial of service
attacks, even if qmail is installed correctly, yuo provide only mail-
accounts and security is handled by rblsmtpd and tcpserver.  you should not
go any further than this, because you will have to get this beast up and
running with little expertise.

there are advantages in outsourcing mail-services, you know.

  Do I set up for Mailbox or Mbox format? all my users will be using one of 
  the following remotely
  Eudora, Outlook, or Netscape.
 Purely up to you. The format doesn't matter if you're just giving people
 POP3 or IMAP access to their e-mail. All you need is a POP3/IMAP server that
 supports your particular format.

i guess a server should use maildir.  if something goes wrong, you would
not want to loose an entire mailbox.

  Finally How do I make it all go back to the Internet?

well you let qmail-inject handle smtp transactions directly with the
target- machine.  you might have to state the meginning of the route in
control/smtproute to let your isp handle the physics, but internet connects
endpoints directly from protocol level three up.

do  D4685B884894C483
gpg recv-key 0x9
echo `gpg list-key 0x9 | cat -tv` | \
gpg encrypt `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address` | \
mail -s your-key `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address`
[encrypted] return mail.
no return mail within a week, you in trouble.
no return mail after a month, i in trouble.
please check

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