Re: system start script

2000-04-27 Thread dd

 I installed qmail 1.03 and it works fine on my Digital unix4.0D.

 However when I tested my system script starting the qmail at boot:


 qmail was not started at boot, although the script works when
 tried at the command line.  (the script was in /.../rc3.d)

I had the same problem in linux then I found out that Iwas running one of
the services qmail needed _after_ starting qmail (right now I can't remember
wich one though :/). Making sure that qmail was called at the end of the
script (check the daemons called in other scripts also) and modifying the
script accordingly solved the problem.  if You're using tcpserver make sure
that it's called after qmail is started.

hope this helps a little bit...


Re: another qmail-clean question

1999-12-02 Thread dd

  On Wed, 1 Dec 1999 12:04:25 +0200 (EET) , dd writes:
   i know that deleting a mail from the queue is not recommended (i don't


thank you very much for your responses.

take care,

another qmail-clean question

1999-12-01 Thread dd


i know that deleting a mail from the queue is not recommended (i don't
know why though) but i had to delete all the 29 mails waiting to be
transferred (qmail-qstat said there were 29). i ran qmail-clean but had to  
hit CTRL+C when there was no responce from it after ca 1min. qmail-qstat
said there were still 29 mails in the queue. i had thought it should have
removed some at least. i killed qmail-send and tried running qmail-clean
again but nth changed. 
i read its man page also (qmail's man pages are pretty explanatory and
informative generally) but couldn't see any info i needed. errm, what does
qmail-clean do? if it does not remove the mails in the queue why does it
exist (i don't aim to be rude with this question, don't misunderstand
pls)? or should i rgrep the ~queue directory for the mails to be removed
and delete them manually?

thank you...

love and peace etc,


1999-12-01 Thread dd

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Nov 29 04:09:48 1999  
Received: (qmail 26226 invoked by uid 60001); 29 Nov 1999 12:09:47 -  

part of a header from one of my friends using seems they're using
qmail too :}


PS: slackware announced new updates ppl. make sure you check the list of

Re: qmailadmin problem ????

1999-11-26 Thread dd

 michael:nGm5DKNLzkosM:1:0:Pop User by
 jfk:VjAy3pH0unBCg:1:0:Pop User by CLI:/home/vpopmail/users/jfk:NOQUOTA
 ben:fTiJ5fw07M/C.:1:0:Pop User by CLI:/home/vpopmail/users/ben:NOQUOTA
 postmaster:zoQ3REGBw7VnQ:1:0:Pop User by


i'm sorry but how can you post the passwords (even if they're shadowed) of
the users on your system???


Re: Force mailqueue to send?

1999-11-25 Thread dd

 There is no standard unix. The semantics of killall vary among unices,
 therefore Thomas is right to comment on my use of 'killall'.

i think there is. the famous POSIX is a standart AFAIK but not all unixes
are POSIX compliant. andd the command that sends the TERM signal to all
the processes in Linux is called "killall5".


Re: LWQ translators wanted

1999-11-25 Thread dd

  errm and i can do my best for a turkish translation...

eheh no way, that guy's totally dumb, you can't even compare him to
me man. some say he's actually a very smart person who made an extra lame
page and got millions of hits and became world-wide famous this way. a
local newspaper here said he demanded c.a. $50.000 from a TV station that
wanted to make an interiew with him.

i roflmao whenever i visit his holy page and i'm sorry about the way he
represents my country :/

love, peace etc,

Re: Maildir as link

1999-11-25 Thread dd

 I can't seem to check new emails when using Maildir. What I did was this.
 Maildir in ~doods is a symlink to /var/spool/mail/doods.

i may have misunderstood your situation but Maildir is a directory and
/var/spool/mail/doods is a txt file and the formats of mbox and maildir
are totally different. it's obvious that this linking won't solve the
problem. you should decide which one to use, the mbox format or the 
maildir format. maildir's said to be more stable but pine says that that
format's too slow, dunno. i prefer maildir anyway. 

 If I send to doods, the mail goes in /var/spool/mail/doods. The only problem
 now is that this user can't retrieve his emails. Are there any variables that I
 should change for my users? What am I missing here?

if the user's getting his/her mail via POP3 there shoudln't be any
prob. if he/she's using pine or elm or sth like that then read the FAQ, it
tells you what to do. there are two wrappers coming with qmail, pinq and
elq that convert the maildir format to mbox and run pine (or
elm) afterwards. i am using these with no probs...

hope this helps a bit and sorry about my bad language,
love, etc etc

CorelLinux + qmail

1999-11-24 Thread dd

sorry if this was already known to everybody else in the list except from
me. i just wanted to say that CorelLinux 1.0 (that new Linux
distribution) comes with qmail and not with sendmail (the first
distribution i know that comes with qmail by default). this just made me
happy and wanted to post to the list...

love, peace and stuff,

Re: open relay report

1999-11-16 Thread dd

  generally mail sent to postmaster go to a mailbox which is never checked,
  some ppl even redirect those mails to /dev/null. try informing the root
  about this... 
 If they aren't reading postmaster email, they probably aren't reading root
 email (if there is even a root account) either.

errm, again "generally" mail sent to root is fwd'ed to admin's account.
if not, this is a sign of carelessness to me.

love, peace and stuff,

Re: Man pages

1999-11-16 Thread dd

 What command is supposed to install the man pages for qmail?
 After setup, all the .0 files are in my source dir, but they have not been
 moved to the man dirs or added to the indexes.


god, this was the question of the year. thx Steve :}} this is sth
which isn't explained anywhere (if it was, i wasn't able to see it) and 
also i'd like to know which ones the right directories are. "make
setup check" or sth else should copy them to their proper places, i think.

love, peace etc,

Re: Maildir

1999-11-16 Thread dd

 Actually it depends on what system you use, in RedHat and Hp-UX there is a 
 directory called /etc/skel/ which is exactely what's beeing copied into the 
 new home-dir.. so if you do a maildirmake in that directory and create a 
 .qmail file which contains ./Maildir/ then things should be ok and you 
 don't have to think of it any more. If you run something else, and 
 /etc/skel isn't existing, then I guess you'll have to check and fint it, 

/etc/skel exists in Slackware too. if it's absent in Your system, just
modify Your adduser script (if You don't have that one also, create one
;} ) so that it'll create the required directories and files whenever You
create a new user.

btw sorry about the man pages question, i missed it in LWQ...

love, peace etc,

Re: open relay report

1999-11-15 Thread dd

 What do you guys do when you find an open relay?
 (I already sent a message to postmaster with no response)
 Is there a forum to report this?

generally mail sent to postmaster go to a mailbox which is never checked,
some ppl even redirect those mails to /dev/null. try informing the root
about this... 


Re: quick question re: starting with rblsmtpd

1999-11-08 Thread dd

  | My csh skills are rusty; I can't remember how to redirect stderr.
  In his case, I think he needs to replace:
 21 | 
 i had the same question and had this answer:
 You can use this notation 
 command  file_name
 but this will stderr AND stdout to the same file. stderr comes to the

oops. it seems "redirect" is missing here... 

one more thing, You can use the 

bash -c 'command bla bla 2some_file_or_/dev/null_or_whatever'

command which will run the command in bash, redirect stderr to anywhere
You want and give You only a nice clean stdout.

hope this helps...

love, peace and aspirin,

Re: Qmail - Startup and POP3 Problems

1999-11-07 Thread dd

 1º - The POP3 service is not initializing on startup, a have to go to the
 /etc/rc.d/init.d and manually start qmail-pop3d.init (./qmail-pop3d.init start)

errm, are You sure You added the command starting qmail-pop3d in Your
startup script?

 2º - When I test the POP3 service, after I start it manually, telneting the
 POP3 port (telnet 110) this is what I receive:
 [root@exion /root]# telnet 110
 Connected to
 Escape character is '^]'.
 +OK 1405.941834174@checkpassword
 user mike
 pass 1234
 -ERR this user has no $HOME/Maildir
 Connection closed by foreign host.  

has that user a maildir called Maildir and are all the rights ok?


Re: quick question re: starting with rblsmtpd

1999-11-07 Thread dd

 |here's the whole script...short answer is csh:
 | That's the problem: you're using Bourne shell syntax in the C Shell.
 | My csh skills are rusty; I can't remember how to redirect stderr.
 In his case, I think he needs to replace:
21 | 

i had the same question and had this answer:
You can use this notation 

command  file_name

but this will stderr AND stdout to the same file. stderr comes to the
beginning of the file and the rest is stdout.

btw the operator mentioned above (|) didn't work in my tcsh and
csh. maybe the versions are different, dunno...

love, peace etc

silly question? maybe...

1999-11-07 Thread dd


errm, why does qmail let EVERY user has his/her own mailing list (the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] thing i mean). whatif every user creates a mailing
list and floods the server with thousands of mail this way? is there a way
to prevent this?

love  peace and stuff,

Re: /bin/mail, what exactly should one do to it?

1999-10-28 Thread dd

 Having moved my qmail installation from a RedHat 5.2 setup to Mandrake
 Linux 6.1 the one remaining thing I haven't sorted out is what exactly
 one is supposed to to with /bin/mail.

i wrote an alias for mail and pointed it to qail, which is a wrapper
in the qmail package for /bin/mail and i don't have any problems about
this anymore (hope i didn't do sth wrong again... :/ ) 

sorry if this is the wrong solution...

love  peace etc,

Re: Urgent Please

1999-10-27 Thread dd

On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Einar Bordewich wrote:

 Nope, rcpthost includes domains that the server accept, 
it can be local domain or just a domain that the server queues mail for
ex. secondary MX for a domain. It does not have anything to do with the
local users. If a domain is listed in rcpthost, anybody in the "world" is
allowed to deliver mail to that domain, even if that doman is not local
on that server.
 Use tcpserver (and do not run it from inetd), and set the relaying from there.
 Check this links, cut'ed from

hey hey wait a minute. rcpthosts doesn't have anything to do with the
local users? so why couldn't any of the users send a mail to the rest of
the world when rcpthosts included only my host? i removed the file and now
users can send mail to everywhere. at first i also thought as you
explained, the file should include the hosts that are allowed to use my
machine as relay but the reality is different, it seems (?).

i'm confused...

Re: Urgent Please

1999-10-26 Thread dd

 I have just setup qmail for my ISP server, I have got my DNS and MX
 everything setup properly. But most of my clients are getting bounced
 message when they send to other addresses around the world. 
 This is the content of the bounced message,
 Connected to but sender was rejected.
 Remote host said: 501 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Sender domain must exist

had a similar prob. our machine kept saying that the domain name was not
in the rcpthosts file when users tried to send mails to a host other than
the local one. i read the documentation and accordingly removed
the rcpthosts file. that was it...
sorry if i misunderstood you and sent a crap answer here...


Re: qmail

1999-10-24 Thread dd

Hey! Stop the flame-throwing, please.
I have a proposal for all you: 
Let's make the qmail play Crosses and Noughts (or 
 tic-tac-toe, or whatever you call this damm game... :-)

errm we call it simply "x-o" in turkey hehe :P


Re: confign problem: pls help, urgent.

1999-10-24 Thread dd

 i have just installed qmail on my linux machine.  it has no running dns,
 though but instead using an upstream dns server to resolve domain names.
 i do not have a registered domain name for my server so my email address
 shld be:  user@my ip address.
 internal sending of mails is no problem.  however, when i try to send
 messages to remote clients and vice versa, the message could not be
 delivered.  on my remote machines, the message says "host unknown" for my
 ip address.


errm i had the same problem and it wasn't solved until i got my domain
registered to the dns server. i tried sending mail to user@IP but it
doesn't work, don't know why. afaik you'll have to wait for your domain
name... :/  btw you _should_ be able to send mail to remote hosts.

good luck and love  peace etc etc,

Re: Binmail On solaris 7

1999-10-23 Thread dd

 Ok does anyone know how to configure Qmail so that you can user /bin/mail as
 your mail client. 

errm, i don't know whether this will solve your problem or not but you can
use the "qail" wrapper which is included in the Qmail package. simply
alias "mail" to "qail" and there you go (I assume you use the Maildir

yours sincerely etc


1999-10-23 Thread dd

hi again,

i'd like the users in to use my machine as a relay host. so
i did what the FAQ says, changed the smtp like in inetd.conf, HUPped it
and added the line RELAYCLIENT

but still when i try to send a mail from a client, it says

sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)',
Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 553, Error Number: 0x800CCC79

errm, what did i miss?


Re: LWQ translators wanted

1999-01-17 Thread dd

  While I was writing LWQ, I had several people ask if they could
  translate it. I suggested they wait until version 1.0. I never heard
  back from any of them.
  I'd really like to get some translations going, so if you're
  interested, please let me know. I'll help any way I can.
 I can take the portuguese translation...

errm and i can do my best for a turkish translation...

love, peace and stuff,


1999-01-17 Thread dd


AFAIK one of the documents related to qmail mentioned the insecurity of
POP3 protocol and said that in an insecure network the passwords could
easily be stolen. today i tried one of the sniffers for linux and got the
pass of my friend (of course, i told him that i did so). errm, if i can do
this, any other user can do the same too. hmm, does qmail-pop3d support
any kind of encryption of the passwords ? so that i can guarantee the
security of the accounts of my users?

thx, peace and the other good things like haribo,