child crashed

2001-07-02 Thread newbieportal

Hi everyone

for some reason I'm getting this error on my qmail-send log file

@40003b40ca153456a8a4 delivery 1594225: deferral:

Can't receive local or remote emails

2001-06-24 Thread newbieportal

Hi Everyone

I'm keep getting this error and I'm not able to receive any emails to my

@40003b36734d34995adc status: local 0/10 remote 0/500
@40003b36738c3629a384 starting delivery 26: msg 1425658 to local
@40003b36738c362a246c status: local 1/10 remote 0/500
@40003b36738c37a35ad4 starting delivery 27: msg 1425652 to local
@40003b36738c37a3bc7c status: local 2/10 remote 0/500
@40003b36738d03e0f15c delivery 26: deferral:
@40003b36738d03e1e38c status: local 1/10 remote 0/500
@40003b36738d058454a4 delivery 27: deferral:
@40003b36738d05852f64 status: local 0/10 remote 0/500

how to use qmail-queue

2001-06-09 Thread newbieportal

Hi everyone

I'm still trying to utilize qmail with my web based mailing list.

my ideas.

1. instead of using mail program /usr/sbin/sendmail
I wanted to use /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qmtpd to send mail and it did not work.

2. Okay how about this, instead of sending these mails directly, I want to
queue them first and send later.  say I have 1000 emails in my mysql
database, when I try to loop through the emails and trying to send the mails
at the same time takes too long.  I can't have everyone wait long time since
the mailing stops when someone closes out the browser. so is there a way to
just queue them and have it send on the back groud.

does anyone know how to do this.  Is there more documentation on

recap: instead directly trying to send mails, I would like to queue them
initially and have qmail send mails in the back ground so no one has to wait
to finish sending mails but just wait to finish queue them.

thanks in advance


direct connection to qmqp or qmtpd server

2001-06-04 Thread Newbieportal

Hi Everone.

Here's my next experiment and wondering if this is possible

Everyone knows that we can connect to smtp server directly using telnet or
simple socket connection script.

Can I do the same for qmqp server or qmtpd server.

If yes, is this better way to speed up the sending mail.

If no, how come.

thanks in advance

Sudong Lee

do I need to log

2001-06-03 Thread NewBiePortal


I'm wondering, do I really need to log anything. Is this must or is it extra for 
debugging purpose. I just feel that there would be much improvement with the sending 
mail if my cpu did not have to bother with logging every email that's leaving my 
mailer.  I mean I have millions of junk emails which none of them are important at all.

I'm kinda of newbie but can someone confirm that It's okay to get rip of 

thanks in advance 

Sudong Lee

QMQP - mini qmail

2001-05-26 Thread NewBiePortal


I already have qmail installed using qmail-smtpd and now I would like to setup 

mini-qmail with qmqp server. Need few clarification
1. tcpserver -x /etc/qmqp.cdb -u 7770 -g 2108 0 628 qmail-qmqpd 

I need to add this to the boot script. First I'm kinda confused. Now I have
/var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run file for smtp server, can I run this and qmqp 
server at the same time so I would have another file at

2. Is mini-qmail a different program from qmail, can they both exist. I want to use 
the mini-qmail to run huge mailing list since it sends 1000 mails in 10 seconds.

3. How do I create a symbolic links to /var/qmail/bin/sendmail from /usr/sbin/sendmail 
and /usr/lib/sendmail.
And why do I need to do this??

The way I see it, the only files that are missing is /var/qmail/control/qmqpservers - 
is this ip address of my server

I'm still confused. Is setting up mini-qmail like setting it up in different machine 
that doesn't have qmail installed or can I set up qmail and mini-qmail in the same 

by me setting up qmqp server do I need to deactivate smtp server.

Can some one give me some good knowledge here. I almost understand this stuff except 
I'm just not sure and would like some feedback before I start breaking my machine. :) 
All educational purpose.

Thank you


40 simultaneous qmail-smtpd

2001-05-25 Thread NewBiePortal

Hi I want to be sure about this

I am trying to create a server to do just mailing.
I installed the qmail and right now I'm trying to optimize it so it can handle huge 
amount of mailing which will be handle by ezmlm.

My first question is about qmail-smtpd and qmail-qmtpd

1. what's the difference and which do you perfer.

second question?
2. the faq states it like this
tcpserver -u 7770 -g 2108 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 
and to raise the limit to 400 use
tcpserver -c 400

so will the final line be

tcpserver -u 7770 -g 2108 -c 400 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 

now my little program looks like this /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run

QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 200 \
 /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -H -R -v -p -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb \
 -u $QMAILDUID -g $NOFILESGID 0 smtp rblsmtpd /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 21

I got this from qmail how to 

So should I just add ... -p -x -c 400 /etc ...
Like that or does someone know for sure.

Again, I am trying to build a machine to do nothing used for mailing lists.
If anyone built a mailer and optimized it, can you share some info on which way is
the best way to go. patches, or tuning any info would be nice. I read just about the 
whole qmail page but too much info and seems like there's many ways to confirgure this.

qmail-smtpd and qmail-qmtpd
can someone give me a quick run down on which is better for hosting huge lists.
and why I should use one against the other??

Now, about syslog
my /var/qmail/rc looks like this

exec env - PATH=/var/qmail/bin:$PATH \
qmail-start '|dot-forward .forward
|preline procmail'

but want to use this

Answer: Install daemontools (
Make a /var/log/qmail directory, owned by qmaill, mode 2700(What does this 
mean??(mode 2700). Do

   qmail-start ./Mailbox /usr/local/bin/accustamp \
   | setuser qmaill /usr/local/bin/cyclog /var/log/qmail 

in /var/qmail/rc.

If you are logging tcpserver connections, make a /var/log/smtpd
directory, and use cyclog /var/log/smtpd for tcpserver. You shouldn't
run several copies of cyclog with the same log directory.

By default, cyclog keeps 10 automatically rotated log files, each
containing up to 100KB of log data. To keep 20 files with 1MB each, use
cyclog -s 100 -n 20.

I already have tcpserver running but don't get this cyclog stuff.
I have /var/log/qmail/qmail-smtpd directory already.

Anyways, if all these make sense to someone please help me.

I have pIII 600mhz, 128mb ram, 9G scsi server under linux 7.0
would really like this server to handle 10 million emails per day(little 
exaggeration). Is this possible. I'm also using djbdns and using local cache. and want 
to implement cdb database somehow.

