Re: Qpsmtpd - Apache

2006-10-06 Thread Ed McLain
Thanks for all of the help everybody.  The solution I finally came up
with was to set the MaxClients variable.  On an interesting note though, I
did some tests with apache using the prefork and worker mpm's and it turns
out that qpsmtpd runs very nice under both, but scales better on the
worker mpm.  Here is my config (using the worker mpm) for anybody that is

User smtpd
Group users

HostnameLookups On

LoadModule perl_module modules/

ErrorLog /hd/apache/error_log
TransferLog /hd/apache/access_log
LogLevel warn
PidFile /var/run/
ScoreBoardFile /var/run/apache_status

MinSpareThreads 10
MaxClients  90
ThreadsPerChild 30

use lib qw( /home/smtpd/qpsmtpd/lib );
use Apache::Qpsmtpd;

VirtualHost _default_:25
PerlSetVar QpsmtpdDir /home/smtpd/qpsmtpd/
PerlModule Apache::Qpsmtpd
PerlProcessConnectionHandler Apache::Qpsmtpd
PerlSetVar qpsmtpd.loglevel 7


While it is possible to just set the MaxClients way up, in my testing when
apache got up around 130 connections it just couldn't recover nicely. 
Don't really know why, but the box (vmware session) would just hang. 
Hope this helps somebody out there.


On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:32:25 -0500, Peter Eisch wrote:

 In my instances I couldn't figure out the right number for limiting
 connections.  It got problematic when roadwarrior SMTP AUTH users were
 unable to connect reliably.
 Is the specific problem you're looking to solve simply connection limits or
 is there a different situation that you want connection limits to solve?  If
 may anticipate the answer as being the latter  I keep the system from
 drowning from massive waves by using the loadcheck plugin.  They can then
 take the plethora of connections but when spamd starts sucking cpu to
 service the connected MTAs, it will just fire back a soft error.  I've had
 very good experiences from this approach as well as when I was running the
 tcpserver framework.
 If you are specifically looking to limit connections, I'm sorry but I have
 no solution.

Apache - Qpsmtpd - TLS

2006-10-06 Thread Ed McLain
Ok.. Now that I have everything working with apache and qpsmtpd I'm
wanting to throw tls into the mix as well.  I've got the certs and keys
built, however, when I issue a STARTTLS command I get the following:

220 Go ahead with TLS
500 TLS Negotiation Failed

and I get this in the apache error log:
TLS failed: Could not create SSL socket:  at /home/smtpd/qpsmtpd//plugins/tls 
line 98.

Is there an issue with trying to create an SSL socket inside apache?  Does
anybody have this working?


Re: Apache - Qpsmtpd - TLS

2006-10-06 Thread Brian Szymanski

What client are you trying to use?

What's in the error log above and below that line? Have you tried to  
bump up the logging level by uncommenting the debug constants after  
the use IO::Socket::SSL line?

When I did that I found that the issue I was having (this was with  
plain old tcpserver, YMMV) was that client and server couldn't agreee  
on a cipher - qpsmtpd is restricted to openssl's HIGH quality  
ciphers by default. To change this check out the qpsmtpd-0.3x branch  
with a revision  663 and modify config/tls_ciphers. For example, I  

  # for available ciphers and format, see:
  # versamail 3.x requires either RC4-MD5 or RC4-SHA
  # openssl default is DEFAULT, but qpsmtpd uses HIGH as default

But this was determined by painstakingly determining which cipher  
versamail needed. Your best bet is to change that to ALL, and see  
if that works (if it doesn't, it's something else altogether). See and followups. For  

But again, with the IO::Socket::SSL debug stuff enabled, you should  
see something useful above or near the mysterious Could not create  
SSL socket error which should send you down the right path in all  

Good luck  let us know what you find.

On Oct 6, 2006, at 3:21 PM, Ed McLain wrote:

Ok.. Now that I have everything working with apache and qpsmtpd I'm
wanting to throw tls into the mix as well.  I've got the certs and  

built, however, when I issue a STARTTLS command I get the following:

220 Go ahead with TLS
500 TLS Negotiation Failed

and I get this in the apache error log:
TLS failed: Could not create SSL socket:  at /home/smtpd/qpsmtpd// 
plugins/tls line 98.

Is there an issue with trying to create an SSL socket inside  
apache?  Does

anybody have this working?


Heads up for users of spamhaus

2006-10-06 Thread Matt Sergeant

If you're using sbl-xbl, consider temporarily switching to cbl until  
this blows over.

Re: Apache - Qpsmtpd - TLS

2006-10-06 Thread James Turnbull
Ed McLain wrote:
 and I get this in the apache error log:
 TLS failed: Could not create SSL socket:  at /home/smtpd/qpsmtpd//plugins/tls 
 line 98.

I had similar problems and got an error message in the main Apache
error_log of:

[Sat Oct 07 09:40:45 2006] [error] Could not create SSL context:
Permission denied at /home/smtpd/plugins/tls line 79.\n

No idea if it's related and haven't had a chance to debug.  Anyone know
where Apache creates the SSL context?


James Turnbull

P.S.  Also drop the last / on your PerlSetVar QpsmtpdDir statement -
that's what's causing the // in the error line.

James Turnbull [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0

Hardening Linux
PGP Key (

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Heads up for users of spamhaus

2006-10-06 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On Oct 6, 2006, at 16:09, James Turnbull wrote:

The order is essentially meaningless though isn't it?  The associated
judgement is unenforceable because Spamhaus isn't under the  

of US law - it's a UK entity.  If Linhardt wants to stop them he is
going to have to file the same case in a UK court and the laws  

spam in the UK are considerably different.

The court order is for ICANN and/or Tucows to suspend or hold, whatever that means.

 - ask


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Apache - Qpsmtpd - TLS

2006-10-06 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On Oct 6, 2006, at 15:39, Ed McLain wrote:

What client are you trying to use?

Straight telnet

How do you speak SSL then?  :-)  That's a little like programming  
with cat  /dev/sda1.

  - ask

--  -

Re: Apache - Qpsmtpd - TLS

2006-10-06 Thread Ed McLain
Just as a full test I ran swaks against it and here are the results:

=== Trying x.x.x.x:25...
=== Connected to x.x.x.x.
-  220 ESMTP qpsmtpd 0.32 ready; send us your mail,
but not your spam.
 - EHLO tested
- Hi [x.x.x.x] [x.x.x.x] -
-  250-8BITMIME
-  220 Go ahead with TLS
*** TLS startup failed (error:140770FC:SSL
routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol)
**  Negotiation Failed
** 500 Unrecognized command
=== Connection closed with remote host.

Also, I upgraded the plugin to the newest one in SVN, enabled full
debugging, set the tls_ciphers to: HIGH:RC4-SHA:RC4-MD5, and here is the
output in the apache error logs:

SSL accept attempt failederror::lib(0):func(0):reason(0)
 at /home/smtpd/qpsmtpd//plugins/tls line 158
TLS failed: Could not create SSL socket:  at /home/smtpd/qpsmtpd//plugins/tls 
line 158.

And here is the qpsmtpd logs:
Oct  6 21:13:06 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: Connection from [x.x.x.x][x.x.x.x] 
Oct  6 21:13:06 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: Plugins already loaded
Oct  6 21:13:06 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: Loaded logging/syslog loglevel
Oct  6 21:13:06 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: loading plugins from
Oct  6 21:13:06 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: ciphers:
Oct  6 21:13:07 tmx1
qpsmtpd[4684]: loadcheck 
Oct  6 21:13:07 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: tls 
Oct  6 21:13:07 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: check_earlytalker 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: remote host said nothing spontaneous,
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: tls 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: check_spamhelo 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: count_unrecognized_commands 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: Unrecognized command 'starttls' 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: tls
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: logging::denylog 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: count_unrecognized_commands 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: Unrecognized command '\200|^A^C^A 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: tls 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: count_unrecognized_commands 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: Unrecognized command '^G 
Oct  6 21:13:08 tmx1 qpsmtpd[4684]: tls

Hope this helps some.


On Fri, 06 Oct 2006 17:16:58 -0700, Ask Bjørn Hansen wrote:

 On Oct 6, 2006, at 15:39, Ed McLain wrote:
 What client are you trying to use?

 Straight telnet
 How do you speak SSL then?  :-)  That's a little like programming  
 with cat  /dev/sda1.
- ask

patch: auth_secure_conditions

2006-10-06 Thread Brian Szymanski


The below patch allows a qpsmtpd admin to configure which  
authentication mechanisms s/he wants to allow over unsecured  
connections, and define what secure/unsecure connections are. The  
config.sample file should explain it pretty well, but for the lazy,  
here is a small sample config (sans comments), which should give you  
the basic gist of it:

  ip 10.
  ip 192.168.
  ip 127.
  fallback CRAM-MD5

Note: This supersedes and breaks config/tls_before_auth - I don't  
think that config is very widespread since the last release didn't  
use it, but I'd be happy to refactor this patch, if other folks think  
it is necessary, to re-enable config/tls_before_auth, or at least die  
and instruct the admin to use the new format.

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Brian Szymanski

Re: Heads up for users of spamhaus

2006-10-06 Thread Matt Sergeant

On 6-Oct-06, at 7:09 PM, James Turnbull wrote:

Matt Sergeant wrote:

If you're using sbl-xbl, consider temporarily switching to cbl until
this blows over.

The order is essentially meaningless though isn't it?  The associated
judgement is unenforceable because Spamhaus isn't under the  

of US law - it's a UK entity.  If Linhardt wants to stop them he is
going to have to file the same case in a UK court and the laws  

spam in the UK are considerably different.

That was indeed the prediction of the previous judgement in the same  
case [*], however this escalates it to ICANN and TUCOWS (who have  
both been contacted to ensure that nothing drastic is done).



Re: Apache - Qpsmtpd - TLS

2006-10-06 Thread James Turnbull
James Turnbull wrote:
 I had similar problems and got an error message in the main Apache
 error_log of:
 [Sat Oct 07 09:40:45 2006] [error] Could not create SSL context:
 Permission denied at /home/smtpd/plugins/tls line 79.\n

I fixed this issue - SSL debug revealed it was permissions on the keys -
which is odd because the keys were owned by the smtpd user that
Apache::Qpsmtpd is running as, which also has read permissions to the
files.  I had to also add group read permissions to get this to work.
Not sure why those permissions would be needed.


James Turnbull

James Turnbull [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0

Hardening Linux
PGP Key (

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Heads up for users of spamhaus

2006-10-06 Thread Waitman Gobble
The order was to ICANN regarding the domain name. It is a curious
situation though.


James Turnbull wrote:
 Matt Sergeant wrote:

 If you're using sbl-xbl, consider temporarily switching to cbl until
 this blows over.
 The order is essentially meaningless though isn't it?  The associated
 judgement is unenforceable because Spamhaus isn't under the jurisdiction
 of US law - it's a UK entity.  If Linhardt wants to stop them he is
 going to have to file the same case in a UK court and the laws regarding
 spam in the UK are considerably different.
 James Turnbull