Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research

2005-05-27 Thread Corie Jones

Excellent points John!  I totally agree!  It's so refreshing to 
hear a man say this, "I always find it strangely perverse that men seem to want 
to control women and what they do."Corie (a woman who does not feel the 
government has the right to tell me what I can and cannot do with my 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 5:35 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell 
  Lets be a bit careful here. We all have different beliefs. Roe v Wade 
  didn't create a law, it struck down laws that are unconstitutional. I don't 
  feel that the gov't has the right to tell me and whatever doctor I choose what 
  I can or can not do. I always find it strangely perverse that men seem to want 
  to control women and what they do. Almost every religion grants men authority 
  over women as if it was a birthright. Because every religion sees it as a 
  Nobody wants to adopt American children(thank you Oprah and Sally Jessy) 
  Most Asylums and Orphanages have been closed in the past 40 years because of 
  the "stigma" they caused. Now unwanted children are sent to foster homes that 
  have loose oversight and are almost always under funded. Where is that church 
  money? Why isn't it morally important that unwanted children are taken care 
  We are a nation of laws as long as the laws are agreeable with us today. 
  Tomorrow, who knows?  I find it incredibly hypocritical that people would 
  picket and denounce abortion when they have yet to adopt an American child and 
  picket the fertility clinic. To top that off, they are all extreme 
  conservatives that feel they pay too much in taxes. How do we begin funding an 
  extra 1.5 million unwanted children each year? (By the way, that is 5800 
  abortions each day and that doesn't include holidays when the clinics aren't 
  Some serious problems that won't get better with name calling and really 
  has nothing to do with cloning cells or using human eggs or embryos to cure 
  many of the health problems of people who have been given the gift of 
  life, if not the quality. 
  If you don't believe that we are here as a result of evolution 
  from lower life forms, then how can you have a faith that says that some 
  cells, visible only under a high powered microscope, constitute a human 
  In a message dated 5/27/2005 7:43:21 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
  Funny,When a person stands by the morals they believe in, are 
they the closed minded one?I guess SOME people haven't been paying 
attention on how easily the activist judges pervert well meaning 
legistlation.Roe VS Wade: Intent; to make it "LEGAL" for a woman to get 
an abortion during the "FIRST" Trimester.Activist Judges have:1) 
turned a "LAW" into a "RIGHT" illegaly w/o an Amendment2) extended that 
"Illegal Right" to minors w/o parental consent3) now fighting for 
"partial birth" abortions4) forced TAXPAYERS to bare the financial 
burden for approx 1.5 MILLION Abortions each yearChild Abuse: 
has been perverted into parental control by the CPSCan you imagine 
how far they could pervert cloning?Yes, I agree in stem cell 
research.No, I'm against human cloning.But the wording of ANY law 
regarding it must have no loopholes for activist judges.> 
> At 09:39 AM 5/27/2005, QuadPirate wrote:> >And in America 
Bush's religeous beliefs are supposed to be in no way > >involved 
in his decisions as our president, he's supposed to be listening 
> >to the people not the voices in his head.> > I 
don't know how you figure that. Everyone makes decisions based on their 
> own religious or non-religious beliefs.> > So Mark, 
do you think that any person who has religious beliefs is just > 
listening to voices in their head or just people who don't agree with 
you > and your beliefs?> > Jim 

[QUAD-L] RE:stem cells

2005-05-27 Thread reelquick
Silas, I'm fairly new to this list and I'm afraid every time I write something it stirs up a can of worms.
I didn't know much about stem cells til December when I read an article and got interested. I asked someone here at work what they do with the fetuses after they are aborted ( shows how dumb I am) and he said they incinerate them or throw them in the trash, and I thought what a waste. I work for a large University that has a large trauma center.
Most people do think they are given burials...maybe a few do but they are pretty far 5 or 6 months. I had a miscarriage years ago at 5 months and it was very painful. The fetus was put in a jar of some sort of soultion. We were not given the option to bury it.
More people need to be made aware of what DOES happen to the fetuses. Maybe  then Bush will change his mind.
Carol in KY

[QUAD-L] re:stem cells

2005-05-27 Thread reelquick
Dave, I think you took my words out of context.
Most people DO NOT know what happens to aborted fetuses. It is my opinion if they are going to die anyway, whay not use to to help people that need help.


2005-05-27 Thread Quietstream25322

  Yes, very old scam comes around to most 

[QUAD-L] Accessible Cell Phones for Tetraplegics, Quadriplegics, and Paraplegics

2005-05-27 Thread Jim Lubin

just found out about this site.

Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research

2005-05-27 Thread Jim Lubin

At 05:35 PM 5/27/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If you don't believe that we are
here as a result of evolution from lower life forms, then how can you
have a faith that says that some cells, visible only under a high powered
microscope, constitute a human life?
But I do believe that God used evolution to create humans. It is a human
life from the moment of the union of the human gametes. It's basic
biology. If not from that moment then what do you believe
constitutes a human life? At what stage of human development do you
think life begins and entitled to protection under the law? When you
can see it without the use of a high powered microscope?

Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research

2005-05-27 Thread Jim Lubin

If an embryo is created from a human sperm and a human egg,
in nature or by science in a lab, then it is a human being. So an embryo
created from a human egg and a somatic cell is not human. That is where I
personally draw the line.
At 11:53 AM 5/27/2005, QuadPirate wrote:
Not a bad point Jim but an
embryo can not form by itself in a petri dish.
It still needs to be physically put in a womb or test tube just like the
sperm needs an egg.
So where do you draw the line.
Adam didn't need an embryo or sperm so where does life begin?
---Original Message---
From: Jim Lubin
Date: 05/27/05 13:15:31
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research
At 08:12 AM 5/27/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
    I still don't get the
whole cell thingIf people want to get high tech.then
every time a human has sex and does not reproduce then thousands of
unborn sperm cells die---this can be from using a condom-having tubes
tied-birth control of any type. Each one of these that die are unborn
cells alsoI don't look at that as killing life, I think some
things are just blown out of porportion.

A sperm and an egg are human haploid cells or gametes (sex cells).
Haploid cells have a single set of chromosomes in each cell. Most higher
organisms are diploid – that is, they have two sets – but their gametes
(sex cells) are haploid. 
In the document "Scientific and Therapeutic Use of Human Embryonic
Stem Cells"
On the basis of a complete biological analysis, the living human embryo
is - from the moment of the union of the gametes - a human subject 
with a well defined identity, which from that point begins its own 
coordinated, continuous and gradual development, such that at no later
stage can it be considered as a simple mass of cells

Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research

2005-05-27 Thread Jim Lubin

That would be just fine. An egg is not a human life.

At 06:40 AM 5/27/2005, ~LittleQuad~ wrote:
wow, so where does that put me?
i would gladly go donate eggs to be used for stem cell research!!! i'm
not going to be using them, so why not get something beneficial out of
Jim Lubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 01:50 PM 5/26/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The morality of stem cell research doesn't seem much different than
the morality of harvesting body parts from the dead. It would be nice if
they wouldn't die, but those embryos that are being destroyed at
fertility clinics will be used to help people, or at least try to help
mankind. It isn't a proposal to dissect a baby as some people would have
you believe. 

I consider embryonic stem cell research using embryos from IVF more
like harvesting parts from a person in a comma or progressive vegetative
state, who previously did not consent to be an organ donor, rather than
from the dead because the embryo is living before the stem cells are
harvested. That is why I personally am against using embryos
"leftover" from IVF. So if Bush vetos the bill which just
pasted I'm fine with that.

I think in vitro fertilization treatments, which creates excess human
embryos in the first place, should be ban also. If a couple can not have
baby then it's not meant to be and they can adopt.  You probably
consider me someone with "extreme" views.

I am against abortions but don't think it should outlawed either. It
should be a rarely considered procedure. I sure don't want it federally

I personally do not have a problem with somatic cell nuclear
transfer. I think an embryo created from somatic cells are just a clump
of cells.

Jim Lubin 

Quad-list Web Page:

Spinal Cord Injury Resource Page: 
Yahoo ID - littlequad 

Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research

2005-05-27 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Lets be a bit careful here. We all have different beliefs. Roe v Wade 
didn't create a law, it struck down laws that are unconstitutional. I don't feel 
that the gov't has the right to tell me and whatever doctor I choose what I can 
or can not do. I always find it strangely perverse that men seem to want to 
control women and what they do. Almost every religion grants men authority over 
women as if it was a birthright. Because every religion sees it as a 
Nobody wants to adopt American children(thank you Oprah and Sally Jessy) 
Most Asylums and Orphanages have been closed in the past 40 years because of the 
"stigma" they caused. Now unwanted children are sent to foster homes that have 
loose oversight and are almost always under funded. Where is that church money? 
Why isn't it morally important that unwanted children are taken care of. 
We are a nation of laws as long as the laws are agreeable with us today. 
Tomorrow, who knows?  I find it incredibly hypocritical that people would 
picket and denounce abortion when they have yet to adopt an American child and 
picket the fertility clinic. To top that off, they are all extreme conservatives 
that feel they pay too much in taxes. How do we begin funding an extra 1.5 
million unwanted children each year? (By the way, that is 5800 abortions each 
day and that doesn't include holidays when the clinics aren't open)
Some serious problems that won't get better with name calling and really 
has nothing to do with cloning cells or using human eggs or embryos to cure many 
of the health problems of people who have been given the gift of life, if 
not the quality. 
If you don't believe that we are here as a result of evolution 
from lower life forms, then how can you have a faith that says that some cells, 
visible only under a high powered microscope, constitute a human 
In a message dated 5/27/2005 7:43:21 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
Funny,When a person stands by the morals they believe in, are they 
  the closed minded one?I guess SOME people haven't been paying 
  attention on how easily the activist judges pervert well meaning 
  legistlation.Roe VS Wade: Intent; to make it "LEGAL" for a woman to get an 
  abortion during the "FIRST" Trimester.Activist Judges have:1) 
  turned a "LAW" into a "RIGHT" illegaly w/o an Amendment2) extended that 
  "Illegal Right" to minors w/o parental consent3) now fighting for "partial 
  birth" abortions4) forced TAXPAYERS to bare the financial burden for 
  approx 1.5 MILLION Abortions each yearChild Abuse: has been 
  perverted into parental control by the CPSCan you imagine how far they 
  could pervert cloning?Yes, I agree in stem cell research.No, I'm 
  against human cloning.But the wording of ANY law regarding it must have no 
  loopholes for activist judges.> > At 09:39 AM 5/27/2005, 
  QuadPirate wrote:> >And in America Bush's religeous beliefs are 
  supposed to be in no way > >involved in his decisions as our 
  president, he's supposed to be listening > >to the people not 
  the voices in his head.> > I don't know how you figure that. 
  Everyone makes decisions based on their > own religious or 
  non-religious beliefs.> > So Mark, do you think that any person 
  who has religious beliefs is just > listening to voices in their 
  head or just people who don't agree with you > and your 
  beliefs?> > Jim 


Re: [QUAD-L] WE need to take action

2005-05-27 Thread Dana Miller
I would be more than happy to help with an organization like that!  Right 
now my state wants to cut all the PCA programs and the republicans think 
agencies are the way to go!  We got lucky again this year and squecked by 
and the program I am on is still there, BUT I have to pay a premium of $179 
a month to keep my medicaid!  When my social security rises, then my premium 
rises.  My rent was readjusted but only went down $50, and now with a/c to 
pay which is $25, I'm almost back to where I was.  I will have no extra to 
pay for van repairs, much less insurance and will not be able to pay for my 
internet access unless my family helps out.  I think my mother would be 
willing but would want my father to help to--which is only fair--but my 
stepmother thinks my high credit card payment is 'tough luck' and showed no 
concern at all.  I am going to try and sell some Star Trek and Highlander 
collectibles on ebay, but that will only help a little and only if I can at 
least get back what I paid for them 10+ years ago.  (anyone got some money 
to spare for some limited edition gold cards from Star Trek?  I'm pretty 
sure I have one of everyone that was made, including the anniversary 
editions, in mint condition never taken out of their plastic casings except 
to see the number out of 10,000 made)  I should make a list of what I have. 
Both Star Trek and Highlander--have a Watchers DVD that has never been 
opened.  Would have to look in my drawer to see what else I have.

Well, so much for 'poor ole me', but your org. sounds really active.  The 
Independant living center here has one or 2 people who go to the rehab 
(Health South) place to talk to in-patients, but most live in rural areas or 
are from out of state and a lot of times its a "you have to know what 
questions to ask" type of place.  The guy in charge of potential pca's is 
slow as a slug and is of no help what so ever. 
take care,

- Original Message - 
From: "QuadPirate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: ; "Lori Michaelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] WE need to take action

The organization that I work with and single handedly set me up in my house
does it all.
We actively go to nursing homes around the state and ask people if they want
to go home then start with the paper work show them how to find help which
is usually family or friend but not always and we go to rehab to help them
before they end up in nursing homes.
The problem used to be that their help had to work and wait on their first
check for about 3 months! So now our organization has a fund to pay them
until they get into the system and why it takes 3 months is baffling to all
of us.
We had a meeting not long ago with the people that run alternative waivers
program and brought in the people they are paying so they could see and here
exactly what the problems in the system are and they set them back on their

There are different services like home modification grants that we also take
care of and we have a section 8 grant to help with rental assistant all in
one location.

it is truly awesome to watch how a person changes when you give their
freedom back and I encourage anyone to go to your local ILC and volunteer it
s worth it.


---Original Message---

From: Lori Michaelson
Date: 05/26/05 20:04:44
To: Quad
Subject: [QUAD-L] WE need to take action

I'm cross-posting from what I sent to the SCIC list that covers
many of the same issues here but here is what I think needs
to happen

The quad population is so large now and we are all at our wits end trying to
get services.]
Instead of posting all our problems WE REALLY NEED to pull our resources
as individuals and do what Barbara posted below!

Organizations (ILCs, Centers for Rights, Projects on medicine, etc) when ya
right down to it THEY pretty much just EXIST.
There is no active plan in motion.

We are so tired of trying 100 different organizations to "help" and either
get referred elsewhere or they say "we don't do that."

WE TOO are at the point OF apathy.  But we really need TO get a grassroots
effort FOR HELP instead of going through the ~daily & weekly sweat~
of being caregivers and individuals who need HELP!

C4/5 complete quad, 25 yrs post
Tucson, AZ
Husband David - primary caregiver who is there when no one else is

---Original Message---

Subject: Re: [SCIC] Another problem from Bill and Stem cell from ED

On 26 May 2005, at 8:35, Barbara Lorenz wrote:

I know there is alot of money spent on research, but I wish there was
a foundation for $$ to help the day to day living for SCI.

Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research

2005-05-27 Thread QuadPirate

If Bush doesn't have the mental ability to put aside his religious beliefs while being the Leader of the "Free World" he shouldn't be in charge. 
People make decisions all the time without bringing their personal religious beliefs into them or we wouldn't have a single judge in America worth sitting the bench and that's a big reason he's having a few judges philibustered.
So Jim,
You think that might have just been a joke on Bush and not Religion at all.
---Original Message---

From: Jim Lubin
Date: 05/27/05 16:52:47
To: QuadPirate; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research
 At 09:39 AM 5/27/2005, QuadPirate wrote:
And in America Bush's religeous beliefs are supposed to be in no way involved in his decisions as our president, he's supposed to be listening to the people not the voices in his head.I don't know how you figure that. Everyone makes decisions based on their own religious or non-religious beliefs.So Mark, do you think that any person who has religious beliefs is just listening to voices in their head or just people who don't agree with you and your beliefs? Jim


2005-05-27 Thread wheelchair
I probably win over 5 million dollars a year at those French Lotteries.  
I won't give them my personal info to transfer all that money into my bank 
My loss.

In a message dated 5/27/05 5:59:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< does anybody remember about the foreign lottery winning tickets that were 
posted a while back was there anything to and how did the people go about 
collecting the money the reason I want know is because I have received an email 
from France saying I have won just curious if anybody knew if it was a scam 

Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research

2005-05-27 Thread Stuntman
When a person stands by the morals they believe in, are they the closed 
minded one?
I guess SOME people haven't been paying attention on how easily the 
activist judges pervert well meaning legistlation.
Roe VS Wade: Intent; to make it "LEGAL" for a woman to get an abortion 
during the "FIRST" Trimester.
Activist Judges have:
1) turned a "LAW" into a "RIGHT" illegaly w/o an Amendment
2) extended that "Illegal Right" to minors w/o parental consent
3) now fighting for "partial birth" abortions
4) forced TAXPAYERS to bare the financial burden for approx 1.5 MILLION 
Abortions each year

Child Abuse: has been perverted into parental control by the CPS

Can you imagine how far they could pervert cloning?
Yes, I agree in stem cell research.
No, I'm against human cloning.
But the wording of ANY law regarding it must have no loopholes for 
activist judges.

> At 09:39 AM 5/27/2005, QuadPirate wrote:
> >And in America Bush's religeous beliefs are supposed to be in no way 
> >involved in his decisions as our president, he's supposed to be 
> >to the people not the voices in his head.
> I don't know how you figure that. Everyone makes decisions based on 
> own religious or non-religious beliefs.
> So Mark, do you think that any person who has religious beliefs is 
> listening to voices in their head or just people who don't agree with 
> and your beliefs?
> Jim 

Freedom: United States Constitution© 1791 All Rights 

My first Domain
Home page.

Computer Graphics portfolio.


2005-05-27 Thread Stuntman
Unless YOU entered, it's a scam.

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> does anybody remember about the foreign lottery winning tickets that 
were posted a while back was there anything to and how did the people 
go about collecting the money the reason I want know is because I have 
received an email from France saying I have won just curious if anybody 
knew if it was a scam

Freedom: United States Constitution© 1791 All Rights 

My first Domain
Home page.

Computer Graphics portfolio.


2005-05-27 Thread David Baker

does anybody remember about the foreign lottery 
winning tickets that were posted a while back was there anything to and how did 
the people go about collecting the money the reason I want know is because I 
have received an email from France saying I have won just curious if anybody 
knew if it was a scam 

Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research

2005-05-27 Thread Jim Lubin

At 09:39 AM 5/27/2005, QuadPirate wrote:
And in America Bush's religeous
beliefs are supposed to be in no way involved in his decisions as our
president, he's supposed to be listening to the people not the voices in
his head.
I don't know how you figure that. Everyone makes decisions based on their
own religious or non-religious beliefs.
So Mark, do you think that any person who has religious beliefs is just
listening to voices in their head or just people who don't agree with you
and your beliefs? 

Re: [QUAD-L] RE: stem cells

2005-05-27 Thread Jim Lubin

So far the most promising stem cell research has been
happening in South Korea, and where did they stem cells from?

Hwang and his colleagues created the new stem-cell lines using a
technique similar to the one used to produce Dolly the sheep in 1996. One
key to their success was using freshly harvested eggs from young, fertile
women, rather than embryos left over from fertility clinics. The women
who volunteered for the study signed informed-consent agreements, and
were not paid. 

To perform cloning, scientists remove the nucleus from an egg and
replace it with a cell from the person to be cloned, often a skin cell.
Typically, scientists suck out the nucleus using a hollow needle, but the
Korean team instead made a small tear in the egg and gently squeezed out
the nucleus. They inserted a skin cell through the tear, then jolted the
cells with an electric shock to fuse the cells and begin cell division.,1286,67575,00.html
I also found it interesting that we are debating spending hundreds of
million of dollars, the Korean stem cell study funded on $200,000 a

At 08:58 AM 5/27/2005, Silas Shelburne wrote:

Good thinking Carol, 
If you find a way to open some eyes let me know if I can help.  What
if us all quads and family and friends sign a petition or write a letter
with all our signatures, maybe it would make them (Bush) relize just how
many votes we represent.  Hell lets get our heads together and think
of something before its to late.  There's little quad willing to
donate her eggs to help.  Your so sweet!  It should be our
choice, hell this is a free country.  If someone like little quad
won'ts to donate her left over eggs, who has the right to stop her? 
Come on guys, some of you really know how the system works.  

- Original Message - 



Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 9:03 PM

Subject: [QUAD-L] RE: stem cells

In my opinion most of the dilemma is about aborted fetuses. Majority
of the people think that these poor little babies are killed and then
buried. This is very far from the truth. These fetuses DO NOT get buried.
They get INCINERATED and are useless to anyone.

I believe we need to get this fact out in mass publication to the
general public. Perhaps then most would change their minds.

I also think we should get out of Iraq and the middle east and use
that money towards stem cell research. We need to focus on ourselves
instead of war.


Just my thoughts

Carol in KY


2005-05-27 Thread david baker


Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research

2005-05-27 Thread dave headman

that hasn't led to anything good yet!
we would all be better off if he was drinkin' and snortin'!

dave headman
c4 26yrs post

Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research
Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 14:09:50 EDT

I'm trying to remember when Bush's religious beliefs led to something
good..oohhyea, that was when he stopped drinking and taking drugs..

Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research

2005-05-27 Thread QuadPirate

Not a bad point Jim but an embryo can not form by itself in a petri dish.
It still needs to be physically put in a womb or test tube just like the sperm needs an egg.
So where do you draw the line.
Adam didn't need an embryo or sperm so where does life begin?
---Original Message---

From: Jim Lubin
Date: 05/27/05 13:15:31
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research
 At 08:12 AM 5/27/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
    I still don't get the whole cell thingIf people want to get high tech.then every time a human has sex and does not reproduce then thousands of unborn sperm cells die---this can be from using a condom-having tubes tied-birth control of any type. Each one of these that die are unborn cells alsoI don't look at that as killing life, I think some things are just blown out of porportion.  DanA sperm and an egg are human haploid cells or gametes (sex cells). Haploid cells have a single set of chromosomes in each cell. Most higher organisms are diploid – that is, they have two sets – but their gametes (sex cells) are haploid. In the document "Scientific and Therapeutic Use of Human Embryonic Stem Cells" On the basis of a complete biological analysis, the living human embryo is - from the moment of the union of the gametes - a human subject  with a well defined identity, which from that point begins its own  coordinated, continuous and gradual development, such that at no later stage can it be considered as a simple mass of cells 

Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research

2005-05-27 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I only know one legal way to define what is right in this argument, we must 
consult the almighty, the all knowing, yes, Insurance companies. They decide 
what an act of God is? They must know him.

Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research

2005-05-27 Thread Jim Lubin

At 08:12 AM 5/27/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

    I still don't get the whole cell thingIf
people want to get high tech.then every time a human has sex and does
not reproduce then thousands of unborn sperm cells die---this can be from
using a condom-having tubes tied-birth control of any type. Each one of
these that die are unborn cells alsoI don't look at that as
killing life, I think some things are just blown out of porportion.
A sperm and an egg are human haploid cells or gametes (sex
cells). Haploid cells have a single set of chromosomes in each cell. Most
higher organisms are diploid – that is, they have two sets – but their
gametes (sex cells) are haploid. 
In the document "Scientific and Therapeutic Use of Human Embryonic
Stem Cells"
On the basis of a complete biological analysis, the living human embryo
is - from the moment of the union of the gametes - a human subject 
with a well defined identity, which from that point begins its own 
coordinated, continuous and gradual development, such that at no later
stage can it be considered as a simple mass of cells 

Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research

2005-05-27 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I'm trying to remember when Bush's religious beliefs led to something 
good..oohhyea, that was when he stopped drinking and taking drugs..

[QUAD-L] Apria?

2005-05-27 Thread Greg

I'm interviewing the Insurance Companies that I can 
get and one problem is they contract with different "Durable Medical Equipment" 
suppliers. One company uses Apria in Phoenix and one uses Preferred Medical in 
Mesa/Tempe. I went to Preferred Medical once 
and they were great people. I called Apria to ask some questions, but they were 
not real helpful.
These insurance companies are basically the same, 
but the one that is a little better uses Preferred Medical. Has anyone used 
Apria? I guess it's a national thing.
The real difference in these insurance places are 
finding the closest doctor, and hospital stays. One chares a flat $300 each stay 
no matter how long, the other is $100 a day fot days 1-10 then $0. They all 
cover generic prescriptions, none cover brand names.

Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research

2005-05-27 Thread QuadPirate

Jim I don't think they consented to be thrown in the trash either but you don't see the public outraged when that's done.
And the donor does give consent to have the embryo used for research. 
Did anyone catch this on cbs this morning.
Not really related but still shows how much 1 person can do when they donate.
And in America Bush's religeous beliefs are supposed to be in no way involved in his decisions as our president, he's supposed to be listening to the people not the voices in his head.
---Original Message---

From: Jim Lubin
Date: 05/26/05 20:19:25
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research
 At 01:50 PM 5/26/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The morality of stem cell research doesn't seem much different than the morality of harvesting body parts from the dead. It would be nice if they wouldn't die, but those embryos that are being destroyed at fertility clinics will be used to help people, or at least try to help mankind. It isn't a proposal to dissect a baby as some people would have you believe. I consider embryonic stem cell research using embryos from IVF more like harvesting parts from a person in a comma or progressive vegetative state, who previously did not consent to be an organ donor, rather than from the dead because the embryo is living before the stem cells are harvested. That is why I personally am against using embryos "leftover" from IVF. So if Bush vetos the bill which just pasted I'm fine with that.I think in vitro fertilization treatments, which creates excess human embryos in the first place, should be ban also. If a couple can not have baby then it's not meant to be and they can adopt.  You probably consider me someone with "extreme" views.I am against abortions but don't think it should outlawed either. It should be a rarely considered procedure. I sure don't want it federally funded.I personally do not have a problem with somatic cell nuclear transfer. I think an embryo created from somatic cells are just a clump of cells.
Jim Lubin Quad-list Web Page: Cord Injury Resource Page:

Re: [QUAD-L] WE need to take action

2005-05-27 Thread QuadPirate

The organization that I work with and single handedly set me up in my house does it all.
We actively go to nursing homes around the state and ask people if they want to go home then start with the paper work show them how to find help which is usually family or friend but not always and we go to rehab to help them before they end up in nursing homes.
The problem used to be that their help had to work and wait on their first check for about 3 months! So now our organization has a fund to pay them until they get into the system and why it takes 3 months is baffling to all of us.
We had a meeting not long ago with the people that run alternative waivers program and brought in the people they are paying so they could see and here exactly what the problems in the system are and they set them back on their heels.
There are different services like home modification grants that we also take care of and we have a section 8 grant to help with rental assistant all in one location.
it is truly awesome to watch how a person changes when you give their freedom back and I encourage anyone to go to your local ILC and volunteer it's worth it.
---Original Message---

From: Lori Michaelson
Date: 05/26/05 20:04:44
To: Quad
Subject: [QUAD-L] WE need to take action
I'm cross-posting from what I sent to the SCIC list that covers
many of the same issues here but here is what I think needs
to happen
The quad population is so large now and we are all at our wits end trying to get services.]
Instead of posting all our problems WE REALLY NEED to pull our resources together
as individuals and do what Barbara posted below!
Organizations (ILCs, Centers for Rights, Projects on medicine, etc) when ya get 
right down to it THEY pretty much just EXIST.
There is no active plan in motion.  
We are so tired of trying 100 different organizations to "help" and either 
get referred elsewhere or they say "we don't do that."
WE TOO are at the point OF apathy.  But we really need TO get a grassroots 
effort FOR HELP instead of going through the ~daily & weekly sweat~
of being caregivers and individuals who need HELP!
C4/5 complete quad, 25 yrs post
Tucson, AZ
Husband David - primary caregiver who is there when no one else is
---Original Message---

Subject: Re: [SCIC] Another problem from Bill and Stem cell from ED
 On 26 May 2005, at 8:35, Barbara Lorenz wrote:> I know there is alot of money spent on research, but I wish there was> a foundation for $$ to help the day to day living for SCI.   

Re: [QUAD-L] RE: stem cells

2005-05-27 Thread Silas Shelburne

Good thinking Carol, 
If you find a way to open some eyes let me know if 
I can help.  What if us all quads and family and friends sign a petition or 
write a letter with all our signatures, maybe it would make them (Bush) relize 
just how many votes we represent.  Hell lets get our heads together and 
think of something before its to late.  There's little quad willing to 
donate her eggs to help.  Your so sweet!  It should be our choice, 
hell this is a free country.  If someone like little quad won'ts to donate 
her left over eggs, who has the right to stop her?  Come on guys, some of 
you really know how the system works.  

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 9:03 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] RE: stem cells
  In my opinion most of the dilemma is about aborted fetuses. 
  Majority of the people think that these poor little babies are killed and then 
  buried. This is very far from the truth. These fetuses DO NOT get buried. They 
  get INCINERATED and are useless to anyone.
  I believe we need to get this fact out in mass publication 
  to the general public. Perhaps then most would change their 
  I also think we should get out of Iraq and the middle east 
  and use that money towards stem cell research. We need to focus on ourselves 
  instead of war.
  Just my thoughts
  Carol in KY

Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research

2005-05-27 Thread QuadPirate

That just puts you in a very caring and compassionate class of people that are tired of seeing all the suffering.
---Original Message---

From: ~LittleQuad~
Date: 05/27/05 08:41:51
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research
wow, so where does that put me? i would gladly go donate eggs to be used for stem cell research!!! i'm not going to be using them, so why not get something beneficial out of them???
littlequadJim Lubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 01:50 PM 5/26/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The morality of stem cell research doesn't seem much different than the morality of harvesting body parts from the dead. It would be nice if they wouldn't die, but those embryos that are being destroyed at fertility clinics will be used to help people, or at least try to help mankind. It isn't a proposal to dissect a baby as some people would have you believe. I consider embryonic stem cell research using embryos from IVF more like harvesting parts from a person in a comma or progressive vegetative state, who previously did not consent to be an organ donor, rather than from the dead because the embryo is living before the stem cells are harvested. That is why I personally am against using embryos "leftover" from IVF. So if Bush vetos the bill which just pasted I'm fine with that.I think in vitro fertilization treatments, which creates excess human embryos in the first place, should be ban also. If a couple c! an not have baby then it's not meant to be and they can adopt.  You probably consider me someone with "extreme" views.I am against abortions but don't think it should outlawed either. It should be a rarely considered procedure. I sure don't want it federally funded.I personally do not have a problem with somatic cell nuclear transfer. I think an embryo created from somatic cells are just a clump of cells.
Jim Lubin Quad-list Web Page: Cord Injury Resource Page: Yahoo ID - littlequad 

[QUAD-L] Naming a book on the system & aides

2005-05-27 Thread TheOmen723

In a message dated 5/27/2005 10:26:21 AM Central Standard Time, TheOmen723 

  In a message dated 5/26/2005 8:00:51 PM Central Standard Time, 

My husband thought the title should be IT COULD 
  Date: 05/25/05 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] 
  Re: aides or caregivers
  Perhaps we should name this book EXCUSES caregivers 
  give to not show up for work.
  With another chapter about reasons they need to 
  leave early.
  I'm so exhausted from taking care of all the 
  paperwork I don';t have time to write a book
  But if any of you decide to write this book I can 
  give you a list of experiences we have had.
  also my other son is a writer for a newspaper. 
  He is a good writer, can proof read anything you want to 
  Maybe instead of a book it could be an ongoing 
  series in a large newspaper.
  Actually I think it is the work ethic of today's 
  people in this line of work. For each good person you find there will 
  be at least 10 bad ones.
  Just my observations,
  Carol in KY



--- Begin Message ---

In a message dated 5/26/2005 8:00:51 PM Central Standard Time, 


My husband thought the title should be IT COULD HAPPEN TO 

Date: 05/25/05 
Subject: [QUAD-L] Re: 
aides or caregivers

Perhaps we should name this book EXCUSES caregivers 
give to not show up for work.
With another chapter about reasons they need to leave 
I'm so exhausted from taking care of all the paperwork 
I don';t have time to write a book
But if any of you decide to write this book I can give 
you a list of experiences we have had.
also my other son is a writer for a newspaper. He 
is a good writer, can proof read anything you want to 
Maybe instead of a book it could be an ongoing series 
in a large newspaper.
Actually I think it is the work ethic of today's 
people in this line of work. For each good person you find there will be 
at least 10 bad ones.
Just my observations,
Carol in KY



--- End Message ---

Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research

2005-05-27 Thread Quietstream25322

    I still don't get the whole cell thingIf 
people want to get high tech.then every time a human has sex and does not 
reproduce then thousands of unborn sperm cells die---this can be from using a 
condom-having tubes tied-birth control of any type. Each one of these that die 
are unborn cells alsoI don't look at that as killing life, I think some 
things are just blown out of porportion.

Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research

2005-05-27 Thread ~LittleQuad~
wow, so where does that put me? i would gladly go donate eggs to be used for stem cell research!!! i'm not going to be using them, so why not get something beneficial out of them???
littlequadJim Lubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 01:50 PM 5/26/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The morality of stem cell research doesn't seem much different than the morality of harvesting body parts from the dead. It would be nice if they wouldn't die, but those embryos that are being destroyed at fertility clinics will be used to help people, or at least try to help mankind. It isn't a proposal to dissect a baby as some people would have you believe. I consider embryonic stem cell research using embryos from IVF more like harvesting parts from a person in a comma or progressive vegetative state, who previously did not consent to be an organ donor, rather than from the dead because the embryo is living before the stem cells are harvested. That is why I personally am against using embryos "leftover" from IVF. So if Bush vetos the bill which just pasted I'm fine with that.I think in vitro fertilization treatments, which creates excess human embryos in the first place, should be ban also. If a couple c!
 an not
 have baby then it's not meant to be and they can adopt.  You probably consider me someone with "extreme" views.I am against abortions but don't think it should outlawed either. It should be a rarely considered procedure. I sure don't want it federally funded.I personally do not have a problem with somatic cell nuclear transfer. I think an embryo created from somatic cells are just a clump of cells.
Jim Lubin Quad-list Web Page: Cord Injury Resource Page: Yahoo ID - littlequad 

Re: [QUAD-L] dead phishers

2005-05-27 Thread Quietstream25322


Re: [QUAD-L] RE: stem cells

2005-05-27 Thread dave oconnell
MY wish is to be INCINERATED when i'm done here since at that time i will also be usless to anyone.  Are you suggesting that the aborted fetuses are burried or burned alive?  Is there a big difference between burial and incineration to you?  About the changing minds, would that be not to abort them or not to incinerate them?  
The middle east is far more complicated than just getting out.  You haven't forgotten the lessons of isolationism already have you?
P.S. how's the condom cath working?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In my opinion most of the dilemma is about aborted fetuses. Majority of the people think that these poor little babies are killed and then buried. This is very far from the truth. These fetuses DO NOT get buried. They get INCINERATED and are useless to anyone.
I believe we need to get this fact out in mass publication to the general public. Perhaps then most would change their minds.
I also think we should get out of Iraq and the middle east and use that money towards stem cell research. We need to focus on ourselves instead of war.
Just my thoughts
Carol in KYDave(what's a quad?)
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