[QUAD-L] Re: Fwd: 2007 Poverty Levels Affect Eligibility for Many Programs

2007-01-26 Thread DAANOO


New federal poverty level (FPL) guidelines published January 24, 2007 will 
affect eligibility levels for many public benefits, including health benefits 
for older people and people with disabilities. 72 Fed. Reg. 3147, (January 24, 
2007).  The new numbers are effective when published, but each program that 
relies on them may use a different effective date.

The published poverty levels merely state a dollar figure for different sized 
family units.  They do not address issues of what income is included, what 
deductions from income are allowed, who is included in a family unit or other 
use issues.  These questions are addressed by the individual programs relying 
on the poverty guidelines.  The amounts given below apply to the 48 contiguous 
states and Washington, DC.  Rates for Alaska and Hawaii are slightly higher.  A 
complete list of FPLs is available at 

Federal health programs affecting older people and people with disabilities 
that rely on federal poverty guidelines:

Full Medicaid:

Poverty Level Aged and Disabled (PLAD):  States can choose to provide full 
Medicaid benefits to aged and disabled individuals with incomes up to 100% of 
the federal poverty level (FPL).  For states choosing 100% FPL as their 
ceiling, eligibility levels for 2007 will be $850.83/month ($10,210/year) for 
an individual; to $1140.83/month ($13,690/year) for a couple.

Amounts protected for the at-home spouse of a Medicaid nursing facility 
resident:  Medicaid law allows for certain levels of income and resources to be 
protected for the community spouse of a nursing facility resident whose care is 
paid for by Medicaid and who otherwise would have to pay most of her/his income 
to the facility.  The minimum amount of income protected is 150% FPL for two 
people ($1,711.25/month); states must use this amount beginning July 1, 2007 
and they may use it immediately. If they do not use it immediately, they will 
continue to use $1,650.  Other protected amounts for 2006, not linked to FPL, 
are maximum monthly protected income, $2.541, minimum resource allowance, 
$20,328, and maximum resource allowance, $101,640.

Medicare Savings Programs: 

Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries (QMBs):  States must be responsible for all 
Medicare cost-sharing for Medicare Beneficiaries with incomes up to 100% FPL 
and limited resources.  For this group, the increase will also be to 
$850.83/month ($10,210/year) for an individual; $1.140.83/month ($13,690) for a 

Specified Low-income Medicare Beneficiaries (SLMBs):  States must pay the 
Medicare Part B premium for Medicare beneficiaries with incomes between 100% 
FPL and 120% FPL and limited resources. The new limit for this group will be 
$1,021/month ($12,252/year) for an individual; $1,369/month ($16,428/year) for 
a couple.

Qualified Individual (QI): States have a limited amount of money from which 
they must pay, on a first come, first served basis, Medicare Part B premium for 
Medicare beneficiaries with incomes between 120% FPL and 135% FPL and limited 
resources.  The limit for this group is $1,148.63/month ($13,783.50/year) for 
an individual; $1,540.13/month ($18,482/year) for a couple.

Qualified Disabled and Working Individual (QDWI):  States must pay the Medicare 
Part A premium for certain working disabled Medicare beneficiaries who have 
exhausted their entitlement to premium-free Part A benefits and whose incomes 
do not exceed 200% FPL.  The new limit for this group is $1,701.67/month 
($20,420/year) for an individual; $2,281.67/month ($27,380/year) for a couple.

Add $20 to each of the monthly amounts listed above to determine the actual 
eligibility limit, since applicants are allowed a $20 disregard from any income 
before their income is measured against the poverty levels.  Couples only get 
one $20 disregard.

Part D Low-income Subsidies:

Full Subsidy:  Medicare Part D provides a full drug subsidy with low 
co-payments to Medicare beneficiaries with incomes up to 135% FPL and limited 
resources.  For those individuals, the 2007 eligibility limit is 
$1,148.63/month ($13,783.50/year) for an individual; $1,540.13/month 
($18,482/year) for a couple.  

Partial Subsidy: Medicare Part D provides a partial subsidy of premium, 
deductible and co-insurance to Medicare beneficiaries with incomes up to 150% 
FPL and limited (but higher than allowed for full subsidy) resources.  The 
income limit for this group is $1,276.25/month ($15,315/year) for an 
individual; $1,711.25/month ($20,535/year) for a couple.

Unlike rules for Medicare Savings Programs, which allow for a family unit of 
only one or two, eligibility rules for  Part D subsidies will recognize larger 
family units, to the extent that those family members rely on the applicant or 
her spouse for one half of their financial support.  To calculate the levels 

Re: [QUAD-L] I Regret The Passing Of........

2007-01-26 Thread wheelchair
Hi Smurf,
Houston was buried on the very day of the announcement and he burial site  
was not announced.  But later, both Warrior and I found out the details  after 
taking with Houston's Uncle in Gary,IN.  We plan on doing something  in the 
Spring when it is warmer, and drier.  Nothing was mentioned about  his family 
extended family.  I don't know if Houston was ever married,  but had 3-4 
children, as the story goes.
Warrior, may also choose to chime in with what she was told.  Thanks  for 
your sincere interest.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 1/24/2007 4:48:43 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

Hey all,
Did anyone get the oppitunity to go to Houston's funeral?  Hope he  had a 
perfect send of; he deserved it.  
Anyone know how his family are doing?
Love Smurf xxx


Re: [QUAD-L] New 2006 medicare wheelchair codes

2007-01-26 Thread Bill_J
Anyone who wishes can use my letter as a template.  I'm also going to write to 
the NM senator, thank him for trying, and ask him to try again with the 110th 

Bill age 56
C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Leesburg, FL
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
  - Original Message - 
  To: quad-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 7:49 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] New 2006 medicare wheelchair codes

   Thanks Mike!
  I hope you don't mind if I use your letter as a template?


  -Original Message-
  To: quad-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 11:30 AM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] New 2006 medicare wheelchair codes

  Here's the letter I sent to my federal legislators, CMS, The Sectretary of 
Health  Human Services, Bush, Cheney, Nancy Pelosi and many others in Nov, 

  To Whom It May Concern:

  I was recently made aware that Medicare will only provide powered wheelchairs 
which suit the person’s needs inside his/her home.  The phrase in the home 
was never intended to be defined as inside the person's house.  It was 
originally intended to mean not in a hospital, extended care facility or other 
health institution.  It was the CMS that interpretted it so narrowly that it 
has become their mantra when dissallowing power wheelchair requests.

  I am a double amputee quadriplegic and use a powered wheelchair.  To say that 
this mandate appalls me is an understatement.  Most powered wheelchairs that 
are only suited for indoor use are next to useless outside of the home.  Since 
going outside at some times is a necessary activity, doing so in an 
underpowered chair only suited for indoor use would be dangerous, it might end 
up costing Medicare far more money due to accidents caused by unsafe use of 
such wheelchairs.  Not to mention possible lawsuits that would eventually be 
filed.  Then there are the thousands of jobs that could be lost because 
wheelchair manufacturers and distributors would be put out of business, 
resulting in lost tax revenue and higher unemployment expenses.

  Does Medicare really want disabled people to stay inside all of the time?  
Isn’t that discrimination against people with disabilities and, therefore, in 
violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?  Are we not allowed to 
venture outside for doctor appointments (something required to remain living in 
many cases), grocery shopping (another activity necessary to live), or just to 
enjoy going outside for a social activity (a vital activity for our mental 
health)?  Are we to be condemned to a life inside our homes as if we were 

  Back in the 1980’s, I was on several committees at my college that helped 
write the ADA and was proud to have been asked to participate in drafting that 
landmark legislation.  I had no idea that in the future the federal government 
would be the entity that violated that act.  It is unconscionable that a 
government agency that provides healthcare availability to the disabled would 
attempt to so blatantly violate an act of Congress.

  I’m requesting that this extreme restriction on the type of powered 
wheelchairs we can obtain through Medicare be changed.  Being disabled and on 
Medicare should not mean we are relegated to being “out of sight, out of mind” 
as it seems this agency (Medicare) desires.  I am only 56 years old and am not 
going to stay indoors the remainder of my life.  This “wheelchair edict,” as I 
call it, is far too limiting and needs to be changed.  That change needs to be 
made as soon as humanly possible.

  In an effort to extend Medicare coverage to wheelchairs that can go outside 
of the home, Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) introduced the Medicare Independent 
Living Act of 2006 (S. 3677). This legislation would eliminate the “in the 
home” restriction of mobility devices for individuals with expected long-term 
needs. S. 3677 was referred to the Senate Committee on Finance. Unfortunately, 
due to time constraints and the large amount of legislation which came before 
Congress, this legislation was unable to receive further consideration before 
the end of the 109th Congress. Please see that Mr. Bingaman's proposed 
legislation is reintroduced to the 110th Congress.

  This is of utmost importance as it affects both the physical and mental 
health of all persons needing powered wheelchairs.  Please allow our doctors, 
Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists and wheelchair seating specialists 
determine which wheelchairs best suit our needs as far as comfort, power, 
safety and health are concerned.  Don’t leave our ability to be mobile, safe 
and comfortable in the hands of a Medicare or Medicaid bureaucrat.  People with 
disabilities struggle with many things.  Don’t make them struggle to just move 

  William Jenkins

- Original Message - 
To: quad-list@eskimo.com 

[QUAD-L] A point about inflation of ROHO cushions.

2007-01-26 Thread Danny Hearn
  I saw that a few  had brought up proper inflation of ROHO seat cushions. I 
have been using a roho high profile cushion for over 9 years,so far no skin 
problems even tho i'm high risk due to me having diabetes. At first we used to 
put full amount of air or even overfill the seat cushion.then we were told 
that ROHO is actually made for the person to sink into or settle into it a 
bit., Just as long as your butt don't totally hit bottom. By not having the 
seat to full, you are able to have much better balance. You can have someone 
sit in the seat and tell you if their butt is hitting bottom, also it is kind 
of hard to bottom out as the air spreads out as you sit, so you or a helper can 
pretty much tell by looking at the thickness in front of the cushion in between 
the leg area.Proud Roho userDan  :-)

[QUAD-L] My 50 year birthday

2007-01-26 Thread Danny Hearn
  Hi all- Today i'm 50 years old..wow a half a century !  My family 
members are all calling today saying Happy Birthday , Old Man . LOL   I tell 
them...well I may be old but this old dude don't have any gray hair on his head 
yet !P.S,---I do have a few on my chin whiskers if I let them grow out tho  
lol  --   Keep me in prayers or thoughts as I go Monday morning to get a golf 
ball sized bladder stone removed, And thanks for the imput by all and web site 
Dave provided on that subject.  Danny c-6   9 .5 years Post 

[QUAD-L] My 50 year birthday

2007-01-26 Thread wheelchair
It's not just your Birthday, Danny it's a Happy Day as well and you get  
to enjoy it.  May your next Monday be just as happy and that you get Better  
and Better with age.
Consider all that has lead up to this very day for you to be with us.   Let 
it be your springboard for the next
50 years.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 1/26/2007 9:00:49 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

Hi  all- Today i'm 50 years old..wow a half a century !  My family  
members are all calling today saying Happy Birthday , Old Man .  LOL   I tell 
them...well I may be old but this old dude don't have  any gray hair on his 
head yet !P.S,---I do have a few on my  chin whiskers if I let them grow 
tho  lol  --Keep me in prayers or thoughts as I go Monday morning to get a 
golf ball sized  bladder stone removed, And thanks for the imput by all and 
web site Dave  provided on that  subject.   Danny c-6   9 .5 
years Post 


Re: [QUAD-L] My 50 year birthday

2007-01-26 Thread Bill_J
Happy Birthday, Danny.  I'll keep you in my prayers for the stone removal.  I 
have gray hair, but I figure at 56 years old and 38.5 years post injury I've 
earned them.

Bill age 56
C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Leesburg, FL
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Danny Hearn 
  To: quad-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, January 26, 2007 10:00 AM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] My 50 year birthday

Hi all- Today i'm 50 years old..wow a half a century !  My family 
members are all calling today saying Happy Birthday , Old Man . LOL   I tell 
them...well I may be old but this old dude don't have any gray hair on his head 
yet !P.S,---I do have a few on my chin whiskers if I let them grow out tho  
lol  --   Keep me in prayers or thoughts as I go Monday morning to get a golf 
ball sized bladder stone removed, And thanks for the imput by all and web site 
Dave provided on that subject.  Danny c-6   9 .5 years Post 

Re: [QUAD-L] My 50 year birthday

2007-01-26 Thread StubanRN
Happy birthday, Danny! I too just turned the big 5-0 recently, it's really  
just another year, another number. But enjoy your day! You are in my thoughts  

[QUAD-L] min oil

2007-01-26 Thread William Willis

Anybody tried a daily dose of mineral oil to solve that old backup problem? 
Does it work? Does it cause dependency? Larry Willis

[QUAD-L] Supra Pubic Leaks At Night

2007-01-26 Thread Merrill Burghardt
I am five months new to using a Supra Pubic.  Lately I have been leaking
large amounts only at night.  I am assuming it may have something related to
wearing an abdominal binder during the day.  I void vary little during the
day even though folley is unobstructed.  Any help please write me:

Re: [QUAD-L] min oil

2007-01-26 Thread StubanRN
No, but have you tried natural Senna? 

Re: [QUAD-L] min oil

2007-01-26 Thread wheelchair
In a message dated 1/26/2007 12:15:15 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

Anybody  tried a daily dose of mineral oil to solve that old backup problem? 
Does  it work? Does it cause dependency? Larry Willis

Mineral Oil is inexpensive so is
Cod Liver Oil.
A good fiber enriched diet is also good.
A few medicine protocols actually will harden stool.
Go Bears!]W

RE: [QUAD-L] My 50 year birthday

2007-01-26 Thread RollinOn
Happy Birthday Old Man!  
Good luck with the stone I know I feel better and the doc told me I won't get 
uti's as easy since the stone was the main cause.

Mark Jackson

- Original Message - 
From: Danny Hearn 
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: 1/26/2007 9:01:15 AM 
Subject: [QUAD-L] My 50 year birthday

  Hi all- Today i'm 50 years old..wow a half a century !  My family 
members are all calling today saying Happy Birthday , Old Man . LOL   I tell 
them...well I may be old but this old dude don't have any gray hair on his head 
yet !P.S,---I do have a few on my chin whiskers if I let them grow out tho  
lol  --   Keep me in prayers or thoughts as I go Monday morning to get a golf 
ball sized bladder stone removed, And thanks for the imput by all and web site 
Dave provided on that subject.  Danny c-6   9 .5 years Post 

Re: [QUAD-L] Bad News

2007-01-26 Thread RollinOn
I'm ok Smurf it just sucks knowing the struggles coming his way.
I haven't heard anything in over a week, I've been a little sick myself.
All I can do is give my advice and tell him to be strong.

Mark Jackson

- Original Message - 
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED];Quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: 1/24/2007 5:05:21 PM 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Bad News

Hi Mark,

I'm really sorry to hear of your friends accident, how is he doing?  And how 
are you coping?  It sounds like it hit you pretty hard  I wish there was 
something we could say to make things feel a little easier, but no words ever 
seem right, you know?

Stay strong,

Love Smurf xxx

In a message dated 05/01/2007 17:34:40 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I found out this morning a friend's father hit a tree last night and severed 
his spinal cord.
I just broke down when I heard this, I wish this crap on nobody.

He was driving to Dallas and that's where he's at right now.

Has any one ever made a recovery with a severed cord, I've just never thought 
about it until now?
My thought is it can't happen but I just don't know.

Mark Jackson

[QUAD-L] Computer question powerpoint

2007-01-26 Thread GHenry1
Hi All,
Someone on the list helped me with a question on a computer
program, PowerPoint.  I lost their email address.
Are you still out there?

[QUAD-L] CBBC at your finger tips!!!

2007-01-26 Thread Smurfonwheels
Hey gang,
Check out the website link, we were sent it this evening by our  producer!!  
You'll finally get to meet Smurf aka Sarah aka Vicky!!   I've only just found 
it myself so it's a little surreal right now.  But for  all you who can't get 
the CBBC channel you can at least see a little bit about  it.
Enjoy the journey with me,
Love Smurf xxx 

Re: [QUAD-L] min oil

2007-01-26 Thread Dan Tessiatore
No, you might try drinking some fruit juices that are actually made up of the 
real juices off the fruits and not some drink made with a great deal of 
additives and sweeteners.  I would think the mineral oil would help also as my 
rehab Dr. many years ago recommended cleaning out my bowel with some type of 
oil to reduce my hyperreflexic symptoms associated with my bowel.  I didn't do 
it then but I later did it with milk of magnesia and it helped.  Dan T.

William Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
Anybody tried a daily dose of mineral oil to solve that old backup problem? 
Does it work? Does it cause dependency? Larry Willis

Re: [QUAD-L] My 50 year birthday

2007-01-26 Thread Dan Tessiatore
Danny, a big happy birthday to you!  Celebrate the good times and do what you 
can do when you're able as I tell my parents and I repeat to myself we might 
not always be able to be go and do as we wish.  So, the sky's the limit.  
Celebrate as never before!  I'm glad you are part of the quad list and enjoy 
corresponding with you.  Have a great birthday... Dan T.

Danny Hearn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi all- Today i'm 50 years 
old..wow a half a century !  My family members are all calling today saying 
Happy Birthday , Old Man . LOL   I tell them...well I may be old but this old 
dude don't have any gray hair on his head yet !P.S,---I do have a few on my 
chin whiskers if I let them grow out tho  lol  --   Keep me in prayers or 
thoughts as I go Monday morning to get a golf ball sized bladder stone removed, 
And thanks for the imput by all and web site Dave provided on that subject. 
 Danny c-6   9 .5 years Post