Re: [QUAD-L] Quad Darryl Stingley Dies at 55

2007-04-07 Thread DAANOO
Prayers to his family that must go on without him.
Much too young to  die.  I thought we had treatment for pneumonia but it 
happens all the  time.
I would have been dead if I did not get a trach button.  We have  to fight 
pneumonia or bronchitis every year.

** See what's free at


2007-04-07 Thread DAANOO
Wishing you a Happy Birthday, Pete!  I hope you can enjoy your  birthday.

** See what's free at

[QUAD-L] Sex and Quad

2007-04-07 Thread RONALD L PRACHT
  I didnt mean to offend you. I have had understanding women, and women that 
are from the bar. Being paralyzed makes sex a lil more complicated. It helps if 
you know your partner well and understands whats involved.
 the stl

Re: [QUAD-L] Sex and Quad

2007-04-07 Thread Paul Jacobson need a partner??

Well that answers a lot of questions I've been having.

Confused in California
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 7:40 PM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Sex and Quad

  Hey peeps,

  I have been using viagra with decent success. You need to take it like 45 
minutes b4 the sexual encounter. Dont eat a big meal or drink 6 beers b4 hand , 
 it wont allow the drug to work very well. I take the 50 mg version, but you 
can go up to as much as 100mg. I straight cathe and I always cathe b4 and after 
the encounter. 

  I get a decent hard on with viagra, but its not like the old days. I might 
need to try the 100mg. I wonder about cialis?? They say with that you can 
choose when to have the encounter within a 24 hour period.

  If you have an understanding partner it will help everything go smoothly 
without worry and anxiety. I tried bringing a girl back home that had no clue 
about spinal injury. I pulled it off but was a lil nervous I wouldnt perform to 
her satisfaction. But I guess who cares as long as you try.

  ron c7

Re: [QUAD-L] Cushion for Airline

2007-04-07 Thread Dan T
I have used a Roho when flying and I found that it became very hard and left 
marks.  If you have a Roho you might want to consider a different cushion for 
the flight.  Dan T.

kaye allard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I just have them put my cushion on the 
sest before I sit down.

  On 4/4/07, Paul Jacobson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:  Hi...anyone use 
a special cushion when flyingparticularly on long flights.
  Paul c5/6

Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine. 
-Henry Miller 

Re: [QUAD-L] sex

2007-04-07 Thread Hecedman
Get ready to have a hard one for a few hours with those  
injections yikes!

Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-07 Thread Dan T
Human life is sacred and an embryo is the initial stage of life.  I would like 
to be up and around and Independent but not at the sacrifice of another human 
life.  Dan T.

Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Yes, yes, yes! We must not destroy all those 
useless fertilized eggs. We should let them perish on their own and then we 
should have an elaborate funeral and bury them in a tiny little plot of earth. 
AND we must not allow abortion at ANY cost. Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah! 

Dan, who always gives great credence to anything authored by a reverend. 

At 06:15 PM 4/7/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my response:


The public discussion of human embryo research has too often lacked 
intellectual honesty, which has only compounded the confusion of an issue of 
great scientific and moral complexity, say Robert P. George professor of 
jurisprudence at Princeton University and a member of the President's Council 
on Bioethics and Rev. Thomas V. Berg, executive director of the Westchester 
Institute for Ethics and the Human Person.

Consequently, there are certain facts on which people on either side of the 
moral debate should be able to agree, say George and Berg.  For example: 
   There is no "ban" on human embryonic stem cell (ESC) research in the United 
States; the federal government has funded such research to the tune of $130 
million dollars since 2001, and the United States continues to be the 
international leader in the field.   
   We are a long way away from therapies derived from embryonic stem cells; 
many leading stem cell researchers have echoed the fact that there may be no 
breakthrough any time soon.   
   Standard embryology texts insist that from the zygote (single-cell embryo) 
stage forward there exists a new living member of the species homo sapiens that 
has the active potential to develop by an internally directed process towards 

   There are non-controversial alternatives worth exploring; such as the 
reprogramming of ordinary somatic (body) cells, the derivation of stem cells 
from amniotic fluid, and (assuming that it can be shown that the product is not 
an embryo), altered nuclear transfer.   
   Concerns about embryo destruction are not only religious; but merely a 
healthy respect for the human capacity for doing evil in pursuit of the good.   
   The search for cures is not the only motive behind ESC research,; many 
scientists are interested only in enhancing basic scientific knowledge of such 
things as cell signaling, tissue growth and early human development. 

Source: Robert P. George and Thomas V. Berg, "Six Stem Cell Facts," Wall Street 
Journal, March 14, 2007.

For text: 

Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-07 Thread Jim Lubin
Glad to see you partly agree with me Dan. (yes I realize you were 
being sarcastic) I don't agree with the part about having elaborate 
funerals and burying them, but yes we must not destroy unused 
fertilized eggs created for IVF treatments.

Using unused embryos is not the same as organ donation because organ 
donor are dead before organs are harvested. Removing stem cells from 
an embryo kills the embryo.

I've listened to Dr Kerr from Johns Hopkins talk a few times about 
his research.
watch his presentation at the 2006 symposium here
he mentioned that they want to use the embryos created for IVF that 
are deformed (something to that effect) and can not be used for 
in-vitro treatment. Now I can go along with using those that could 
not be used to result in a pregnancy.

I agree with S. 30: A bill to intensify research to derive human 
pluripotent stem cell lines

At 06:35 PM 4/7/2007, Dan wrote:
Yes, yes, yes! We must not destroy all those useless fertilized 
eggs. We should let them perish on their own and then we should have 
an elaborate funeral and bury them in a tiny little plot of earth. 
AND we must not allow abortion at ANY cost. Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah!

Dan, who always gives great credence to anything authored by a reverend.

At 06:15 PM 4/7/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited 
my response:


   * There are non-controversial alternatives worth exploring; 
such as the reprogramming of ordinary somatic (body) cells, the 
derivation of stem cells from amniotic fluid, and (assuming that 
it can be shown that the product is not an embryo), altered nuclear transfer.
   * Concerns about embryo destruction are not only religious; but 
merely a healthy respect for the human capacity for doing evil in 
pursuit of the good.
   * The search for cures is not the only motive behind ESC 
research,; many scientists are interested only in enhancing basic 
scientific knowledge of such things as cell signaling, tissue 
growth and early human development.

Source: Robert P. George and Thomas V. Berg, "Six Stem Cell Facts," 
Wall Street Journal, March 14, 2007.

For text: 

[QUAD-L] sex

2007-04-07 Thread wheelchair
Women can, but men can't.  How unfair is that.
Be cautious.  Bacteria is always present in the bladder of the person  with 
the injury.
But it can be done.  It has been done and it continues to be  done.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 4/7/2007 8:38:35 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  


does  anyone have sex with an indwelling catheter?

this sounds risky to me... am i the only one? it could be pulled out or  
cause infection... yikes!


** See what's free at

[QUAD-L] SCI Treatments Adult vs Embryonic Stem Cells

2007-04-07 Thread Jim Lubin


Adult Stem Cells Treat Spinal Cord Injury in Humans and Animals:

2006 Scientists in Italy & Israel demonstrated that stimulating 
immune cells enhanced abilities of adult neural stem cells to promote 
functional recovery of mice with spinal cord injury.
Ziv Y et al., Synergy between immune cells and adult neural 
stem/progenitor cells promotes
functional recovery from spinal cord injury, Proceedings of the 
National Academy of Sciences

USA 103, 13174-13179, August 29, 2006.

2006 Spanish researchers achieved almost complete functional recovery 
of rats with chronic
spinal cord injury using bone marrow adult stem cells. Zurita M & 
Vaquero J, Bone
marrow stromal cells can achieve cure of chronic paraplegic rats: 
functional and
morphological outcome one year after transplantation, Neuroscience 
Letters 410, 51-56,

July 10, 2006.

2006 Dr. Carlos Lima in Portugal reported on transplant of nasal stem 
cells into 7 patients
with spinal cord injury. Patients regained some motor function and 
sensation, and 2
patients showed bladder control improvement. Lima C et al., Olfactory 
mucosa autografts in
human spinal cord injury: A pilot clinical study, Journal of Spinal 
Cord Medicine 29, 191-203,

June 2006.

2006 Toronto researchers found that transplanting adult neural stem 
cells into rats up to 8
weeks after spinal cord injury resulted in significant improvement 
and recovery. Karimi-
Abdolrazaee S et al., Delayed transplantation of adult neural 
precursor cells promotes
remyelination and functional neurological recovery after spinal cord 
injury, J Neuroscience 26,
3377-3389, 29 March 2006; Stem Cell Treatment Succeeds In Spinal 
Cord-injured Rats, March
30, 2006,

2006 University of Louisville scientists turned nasal stem cells into 
specialized cells that could
insulate neurons, and showed repair of spinal cord damage in rats. 
Zhang X, et al., Role of
transcription factors in motoneuron differentiation of adult human 
olfactory neuroepithelialderived
progenitors, Stem Cells 24, 434-442, March 2006; Laura Ungar, 
"Stem-cell research at U

of L 'major step'", Louisville Courier-Journal, March 8, 2006.

2005 Treating spinal cord injured rats with umbilical cord blood stem 
cells gave moderate
recovery in mobility and function. Kuh S-U et al., Functional 
recovery after human umbilical
cord blood cells transplantation with brain-derived neurotrophic 
factor into the spinal cord injured

rat, Acta Neurochir (Wien) 147, 985-992, 2005.

2005 Extending earlier results, Wisconsin and Swedish researchers 
injected neural stem cells
into rats with spinal cord injury. The study shows reduction of pain, 
and increased
recovery of function and feeling. Hofstetter CP et al., Allodynia 
limits the usefulness of
intraspinal neural stem cell grafts; directed differentitation 
improves outcome, Nature

Neuroscience 8, 346-353, March 2005.

2004 Japanese scientists tested the effects of bone marrow stromal 
cells on repair of injured
spinal cord. The study demonstrated that the adult stem cells 
promoted both tissue
recovery and behavioral improvements in rats. Ohta M et al., Bone 
marrow stromal cells
infused into the cerebrospinal fluid promote functional recovery of 
the injured rat spinal cord with

reduced cavity formation, Experimental Neurology 187, 266-278, 2004.

2003 University of South Florida and Korean researchers used human 
umbilical cord blood
stem cells to treat rats with spinal cord injuries. They found that 
the cord blood stem

cells migrated to areas of injury, and the rats showed significant behavioral
improvements even when treated several days after the injury. Saporta 
S et al., Human
umbilical cord blood stem cells infusion in spinal cord injury: 
Engraftment and beneficial

influence on behavior, J Hematotherapy Stem Cell Research 12, 271-278, 2003.

2002 A collaboration between researchers at Tulane and in Sweden 
found that adult bone
marrow stromal cells promote healing of spinal cord injuries, and 
that the cells produced
significant functional improvement. The study concluded that bone 
marrow stromal cells
are an accessible, expandable source of cells that offer a promising 
future for spinal cord
repair. Hofstetter CP et al., Marrow stromal cells form guiding 
strands in the injured spinal cord

and promote recovery, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 99, 2199-2204, February 19, 2002.

Touted ESCR Spinal Cord Injury Studies in Animals:

2006 Johns Hopkins researchers turned embryonic stem cells into motor 
neurons and showed
some improvement in mobility of spinal cord injured rats; however, 
one of the factors
needed for success was adult neural stem cells to provide a growth 
factor and migration
path for the embryonic ste

[QUAD-L] Stem cells: Sorting through the hype and hope

2007-04-07 Thread Jim Lubin

Stem cells: Sorting through the hype and hope
Stem cells FAQs ­ Covers cell types, uses, issues and what the future may hold. 

Re: [QUAD-L] sex

2007-04-07 Thread Jessica Ann Gordon

does anyone have sex with an indwelling catheter?

this sounds risky to me... am i the only one? it could be pulled  
out or cause infection... yikes!


Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-07 Thread Dan
Yes, yes, yes! We must not destroy all those useless fertilized eggs. We should 
let them perish on their own and then we should have an elaborate funeral and 
bury them in a tiny little plot of earth. AND we must not allow abortion at ANY 
cost. Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah! 

Dan, who always gives great credence to anything authored by a reverend. 

At 06:15 PM 4/7/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my response:

>The public discussion of human embryo research has too often lacked 
>intellectual honesty, which has only compounded the confusion of an issue of 
>great scientific and moral complexity, say Robert P. George professor of 
>jurisprudence at Princeton University and a member of the President's Council 
>on Bioethics and Rev. Thomas V. Berg, executive director of the Westchester 
>Institute for Ethics and the Human Person.
>Consequently, there are certain facts on which people on either side of the 
>moral debate should be able to agree, say George and Berg.  For example: 
>* There is no "ban" on human embryonic stem cell (ESC) research in the 
> United States; the federal government has funded such research to the tune of 
> $130 million dollars since 2001, and the United States continues to be the 
> international leader in the field. 
>* We are a long way away from therapies derived from embryonic stem cells; 
> many leading stem cell researchers have echoed the fact that there may be no 
> breakthrough any time soon. 
>* Standard embryology texts insist that from the zygote (single-cell 
> embryo) stage forward there exists a new living member of the species homo 
> sapiens that has the active potential to develop by an internally directed 
> process towards maturity. 
>* There are non-controversial alternatives worth exploring; such as the 
> reprogramming of ordinary somatic (body) cells, the derivation of stem cells 
> from amniotic fluid, and (assuming that it can be shown that the product is 
> not an embryo), altered nuclear transfer.  
>* Concerns about embryo destruction are not only religious; but merely a 
> healthy respect for the human capacity for doing evil in pursuit of the good. 
>* The search for cures is not the only motive behind ESC research,; many 
> scientists are interested only in enhancing basic scientific knowledge of 
> such things as cell signaling, tissue growth and early human development. 
>Source: Robert P. George and Thomas V. Berg, "Six Stem Cell Facts," Wall 
>Street Journal, March 14, 2007.
>For text:

[QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-07 Thread Jim Lubin


The public discussion of human embryo research has too often lacked 
intellectual honesty, which has only compounded the confusion of an 
issue of great scientific and moral complexity, say Robert P. George 
professor of jurisprudence at Princeton University and a member of 
the President's Council on Bioethics and Rev. Thomas V. Berg, 
executive director of the Westchester Institute for Ethics and the 
Human Person.

Consequently, there are certain facts on which people on either side 
of the moral debate should be able to agree, say George and 
Berg.  For example:
   * There is no "ban" on human embryonic stem cell (ESC) research 
in the United States; the federal government has funded such research 
to the tune of $130 million dollars since 2001, and the United States 
continues to be the international leader in the field.
   * We are a long way away from therapies derived from embryonic 
stem cells; many leading stem cell researchers have echoed the fact 
that there may be no breakthrough any time soon.
   * Standard embryology texts insist that from the zygote 
(single-cell embryo) stage forward there exists a new living member 
of the species homo sapiens that has the active potential to develop 
by an internally directed process towards maturity.

   * There are non-controversial alternatives worth exploring; such 
as the reprogramming of ordinary somatic (body) cells, the derivation 
of stem cells from amniotic fluid, and (assuming that it can be shown 
that the product is not an embryo), altered nuclear transfer.
   * Concerns about embryo destruction are not only religious; but 
merely a healthy respect for the human capacity for doing evil in 
pursuit of the good.
   * The search for cures is not the only motive behind ESC 
research,; many scientists are interested only in enhancing basic 
scientific knowledge of such things as cell signaling, tissue growth 
and early human development.

Source: Robert P. George and Thomas V. Berg, "Six Stem Cell Facts," 
Wall Street Journal, March 14, 2007.

For text: 

[QUAD-L] sex

2007-04-07 Thread paul38
Hi Everyone,

I wanted to ask the guys if any ED medication has come on the market that has 
been succesful for quads? IF sucessful does anyone have sex with an indwelling 

Keep on Rollin,


2007-04-07 Thread Ms Linda Ferrell
Happy Birthday Pete!

[QUAD-L] Re: [QUAD-] DragonDictate 9.1 Service Pack

2007-04-07 Thread Peter Damiano
I had some trouble after downloading Internet Explorer 7.0 with
DragonDictate 9.1 Two months ago a service pack for DragonDictate
9.1 came out.  It's a 50 meg file.  Cleared every problem.  Peter

You Rock! Your E-Mail Should Too! Signup Now at and get 250MB of 

Re: [QUAD-L] Flying with power chair

2007-04-07 Thread Dan T
Expect to be transferred to a narrow wheelchair like Dolly to board and 
deplane.  Give your self a great deal of time to get ready and arrive early.  
I'm not sure if you can request the bulkhead area where there is more room but 
it's a good idea to try.  Also, request an isle seat  Expect some confusion and 
complications and use deep breathing or other other stress busters if needed.  
I hope your trip doesn't have any hassles.  Good luck Dan T.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:In a message dated 4/6/2007 8:40:39 P.M. 
Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Never flown before and would like to take my power chair.  To check it in 
baggage do you have to remove the battery?  I know it's recommended to put the 
cushion in the overhead compartment.  Any other recommendations to ensure that 
my power chair gets where I'm going in one piece!  Thanks Debbie

C4/April 2005
  Call the airline and ask their travel policy for electric wheelchair 
travelers.  If possible, have them send you a copy of their guidelines.  Arrive 
early and be prepared to disconnect your batteries.  Make sure that you are 
present when it happens on both sides of your travel.  Joysticks, can be boxed 
at the airport to ensure that they are not damaged.  Make sure that your chair 
is placed in "freewheel", while you watch.  Check your chair at the plane gate 
and not at the ticket counter.
  Make sure that all your requested are stated on your travel ticket.  Your 
ticket travels with you.  Talk is cheap, and a ticket with your needs is your 
  Enjoy your travels!

  See what's free at 


2007-04-07 Thread Richard Kratt
No problem here.


Dan T <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello , as my computer booted up today I was 
prompted to install window genuine advantage notification.  It is Software that 
is supposed to ensure that my Windows is truly Windows.  I am reluctant to 
download any new software as often there can be incompatibility issues with 
Dragon NaturallySpeaking.  I am using Dragon preferred 8.1.  Does anybody know 
if this genuine Windows advantage is a good program to have installed on your 
computer?  Or how it is compatible with NaturallySpeaking?  Feedback is 
appreciated.  Dan T. have a great Easter everyone!

[QUAD-L] Stem cell info

2007-04-07 Thread Angie Novak
  April 06, 2007  Volume 07, Issue 04-01  
   Portrait of Hope 
  Embryonic Stem Cells:
  My History, so far:
  The first embryonic stem cells were isolated in mice in 1981. But it wasn't 
until 1998 that researchers managed to derive stem cells from human embryos. 
That kicked into full gear an ethical debate that continues to this day. Here's 
a look at key moments in the controversy so far:
  1981: Embryonic stem cells are first isolated in mice by two groups - Gail 
Martin at the University of California, San Francisco, and Martin Evans, then 
with the University of Cambridge (he's now at the University of Cardiff).
  November 1995: Researchers at the University of Wisconsin isolate the first 
embryonic stem cells in primates - rhesus macaque monkeys. The research shows 
it's possible to derive embryonic stem cells from primates, including humans.
  Nov. 5, 1998: Researchers at the University of Wisconsin and Johns Hopkins 
University report isolating human embryonic stem cells. The cells have the 
potential to become any type of cell in the body and might one day be used to 
replace damaged or cancerous cells. But the process is controversial: One team 
derived their stem cells from the tissue of aborted fetuses; the other from 
embryos created in the laboratory for couples seeking to get pregnant by in 
vitro fertilization. (MORE: 'Scientists Report Breakthrough in Embryonic Stem 
  Aug. 23, 2000: The National Institutes of Health issue guidelines that allow 
federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research. Former President Bill Clinton 
supports the guidelines.
  February 2001: The month after taking office, President George W. Bush 
requests a review of the NIH funding guidelines and puts a hold on federal 
funds for stem-cell research.
  July 18, 2001: Sen. Bill Frist (R-TN) and Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), a vocal 
abortion opponent, call for limited federal funding for stem-cell research.
  July 29, 2001: House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) and other Republican House 
leaders come out in opposition to federal funding for research.
  Aug. 9, 2001: President Bush announces his decision to limit funding to a few 
dozen lines of embryonic stem cells in existence at that date. Many of the 
approved lines later prove to be contaminated, and some contain genetic 
mutations, making them unsuitable for research. (MORE: 'Bush Limits Funding for 
Stem-Cell Research')
  Nov. 25, 2001: Scientists at Advanced Cell Technology in Massachusetts claim 
to have cloned a human embryo. However, the evidence proves controversial and 
not conclusive.
  Feb. 12, 2004: South Korean scientists announce the world's first 
successfully cloned human embryo. Unlike other past cloning claims, the 
scientists report their work in a prestigious, peer-reviewed journal, Science. 
The embryos were cloned not for reproductive purposes but as a source of stem 
cells. The news reopens the contentious debate over somatic-cell nuclear 
transfer, which is sometimes referred to as therapeutic cloning. Scientists say 
cloning offers a unique way to produce cells that may someday be used to treat 
diseases. But critics argue that any form of cloning is morally repugnant and 
should be banned. (MORE: 'Scientists Succeed in Cloning Human Embryo')
  June 25, 2004: New Jersey legislators pass a state budget that includes $9.5 
million for a newly chartered Stem Cell Institute of New Jersey. The move makes 
New Jersey the first state to fund research on stem cells, including those 
derived from human embryos. (MORE: 'New Jersey to Fund State Research on Stem 
  Nov. 2, 2004: California voters approve Proposition 71, which authorizes the 
state to spend $3 billion on embryonic stem-cell research over 10 years. The 
measure is a response to federal funding restrictions put into place in 2001. 
It puts California ahead of the federal government and many other nations in 
promoting the research. 
  May 19, 2005: The same South Korean researchers who reported cloning a human 
embryo in 2004 announce another milestone: They say they've created a 
streamlined process that uses far fewer human eggs to produce usable embryonic 
stem cells - a major step toward mass production. Their work is published in 
Science. (MORE: 'Researchers Report Advance in Stem Cell Production')
  May 24, 2005: The House passes a bill that would ease President Bush's 
restrictions on federal funding for stem-cell research. 
  May 26, 2005: A version of the bill passed in the House is introduced in the 
Senate. Among Senate sponsors of the bill are two prominent Republicans, Sen. 
Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah. Their support comes 
despite President Bush's promise to veto any legislation lifting the 
restrictions on funding he put in place on Aug. 9, 2001.
  May 31, 2005: Connecticut approves $100 million in funding for adult and 
embryonic stem-cell research ove

Re: [QUAD-L] Quad Darryl Stingley Dies at 55

2007-04-07 Thread David K. Kelmer
An autopsy revealed bronchial pneumonia, quadriplegia, spinal-cord injury and 
coronary atherosclerosis as contributing factors, according to the Cook County 
medical examiner's office.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:In a message dated 4/6/2007 9:40:19 P.M. 
Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  When I read the report, I was a little shocked to read that one of the 
contributing causes to his death was quadriplegia.  I probably shouldn't have 
been, but for some reason I don't see myself is suffering from a quadriplegia.  
I probably view myself as a well functioning quadriplegic.  At least I think 

  I haven't seen the cause, but I knew he had a cold or the flu.

  See what's free at 

Re: [QUAD-L] wc tires

2007-04-07 Thread David K. Kelmer
CMS - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
  With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
  Texas, USA

In a message dated 4/6/2007 7:57:19 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
  what's dme and cms?

  DME, = durable medical equipment
  CMS, = Medicare/Medicaid
  Be extremely careful when altering any power source for your electric chair 
or scooter.
  Make sure that a circuit breaker or fuse is not the problem.
  Do a load test on your batteries
  Install the charger and measure the volts to your batteries.  If the charger 
is working, you will see a 2 volt surge in your batteries.
  Best Wishes

  See what's free at 


2007-04-07 Thread David K. Kelmer
Happy 'Belated' Birthday, Peter!  May you have many more!!
  With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
  Texas, USA

LTeasley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  just checking if we read to the end? happy birthday, peter 

Bill_J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Happy Birthday, Peter!
  Bill age 56
C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Leesburg, FL
Try something different: put a live chicken in your underwear.
- Original Message - 
  From: Peter Damiano 
  Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 3:17 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] CNBC


The Bureau of Labor Statistics released numbers today showing the US economy is 
on fire, with unemployment at an all-time low and 160,000 new jobs created in 
one month.  The S&P futures traded lock limit up, showing a 30 point gain on 
Monday's opening.  To make money, you sell into strength.  I will liquidate my 
positions on Monday afternoon, as Tuesday (called Turnaround Tuesday) usually 
retraces Monday's performance.  Tuesday afternoon (hopefully) stock prices 
should be lower, and I'll buy into weakness.  Of course, this is not a 

  Two stocks among the 12 that I listed last week had moves over 15 percent.  
If anyone had put their one million dollars into either of these two stocks, 
they would have racked up 250,000 in capital gains, and received a 10,000 
dollar check from CNBC. I'll try to send a new list on Sunday afternoon.

  Could all of those who joined the one million Dollar challenge send me their 
name and e-mail.  I'm trying to convince CNBC to add 10,000 dollars to my 
portfolio.  Currently, I'm in the top 24 percent.
Go to New York Rangers!  Today is my B-day.  Peter 25 yrs
  See what's free at 

--   You Rock! Your E-Mail Should Too! Signup Now at and get 250MB of 

  Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check.
Try the Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: [QUAD-L] Quad Darryl Stingley Dies at 55

2007-04-07 Thread ProfessirX
My prayers go out to him

 See what's 
free at

Re: [QUAD-L] Quad Darryl Stingley Dies at 55

2007-04-07 Thread KK
People don't usually die from MS either.  It is in the orbit. to call attention 
the disease.  

Hey, the MS society is trying to raise a huge amount of money & FINALLY they 
people with MS can't use their legs!  Hope I am a good guinea pig for them.



2007-04-07 Thread Dan T
Hello , as my computer booted up today I was prompted to install window genuine 
advantage notification.  It is Software that is supposed to ensure that my 
Windows is truly Windows.  I am reluctant to download any new software as often 
there can be incompatibility issues with Dragon NaturallySpeaking.  I am using 
Dragon preferred 8.1.  Does anybody know if this genuine Windows advantage is a 
good program to have installed on your computer?  Or how it is compatible with 
NaturallySpeaking?  Feedback is appreciated.  Dan T. have a great Easter 