[QUAD-L] Herb may stop bladder infections

2007-04-09 Thread KK
http://www.click2ho uston.com/ health/11587059/ detail.html? rss=hou&psp= news

A study at Duke University says that a common herbal extract could greatly 
urinary tract infections and boost antibiotics' power against the bacteria that
cause them.

Researchers studying mice found that forskolin, an exract from the Indian coleus
plant, kills bacteria that can hide in the bladder's lining, leading to

The researchers said in a news release that about 90 percent of urinary tract
infections in the bladder are caused by E. coli. Women are four times as likely 
have them.

"After customary antibiotic treatment, the vast majority of the bacteria are 
killed by the antibiotics or eliminated during urination," Abraham said. 
there are small numbers of bacteria that survive antibiotic treatment because 
sneak into the lining of the bladder, waiting for the opportunity, after 
treatment, to come out and start multiplying again," said author Soman Abraham.

Forskolin has the ability to force the bacteria out of their niches and into the
urine, where they can be killed by antibiotics.

Abraham said the herb heightens some cellular activity, which causes the 
pouches to "flush out" their contents.

"This herb has been used in Asia for centuries for a wide variety of ailments,"
Abraham said. "However, one of its constant uses has been for treating painful

forskolin is added to bodybuilding products and marketed for its ability to 
lean body and bone mass, as well as to increase testosterone levels. The herb 
has been claimed to be an effective weight-loss aid.
Herbal extracts such as forskolin are not tested nor regulated by the Food and 
Administration, so Abraham recommended that anyone with a urinary tract 
should contact his or her physician before trying forskolin.

Distributed by Internet Broadcasting. This material may not be published, 
rewritten or redistributed.

[QUAD-L] Fax numbers for Senators

2007-04-09 Thread Angie Novak
Senator Shelby   205-731-1386
  Senator Sununu 202-228-4131
  Senator Coleman   202-224-1152
  Senator Corker  202-228-0566
  Senator Graham202-224-3808

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RE: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-09 Thread RollinOn
If I considered it a life I wouldn’t let IVF happen at all and this is where
people are trying to have it both ways. 

I know your opinion on IVF and that’s one of my arguments, either end the
whole process that’s creating all these trash bound embryos or let science
and research continue.

People still seem to forget that it took years of research and the
destruction of hundreds of thousands fertilized embryos before they had a
successful IVF so any one that uses this surgery has already made a
sacrifice of life to better there own and more power to them.

Nobody’s hands are clean just because the dirty work has already been done,
unless you don’t see it as life.



Mark Jackson




From: Jim Lubin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2007 7:30 PM
To: RollinOn; 'Dan'; quad-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts


Risking a life and taking a chance is not the same as willfully terminating
a life. I wasn't happy that she was doing IVF because I don't agree with it.
I also wasn't paying the thousands of dollars the treatments cost. She and
her husband had decided that if the first implantation had been successful
they were going to keep the rest frozen because they considered the embryos
their unborn children. 

I don't agree with the whole process, but it's not up to me. It just
compounds the problem by saying the embryos are left over and going die
anyway so might as well use them for some research to make someone else

Again, I could understand that for those who don't consider a 50-150 celled
human embryo a human life you wouldn't have a problem with using them for
research. It's just a meaningless clump of cells to you. Are you so closed
minded to see why someone who considers it a life would have a problem using
that life for research to improve someone else's life? Would you feel the
same if you did consider it a life? 

At 04:15 PM 4/8/2007, RollinOn wrote:

Yes Jim,
But there was a chance that she wouldn’t have naturally and it was a risk
she was willing to take.
If the first would’ve not failed then the others would’ve been trashed and
it happens daily, and fertilizing an egg and implanting it is “not” natural.
I know she didn’t willfully terminate the embryos but she took a risk that
it could happen so you can’t have it both ways and say she wasn’t willing to
risk human life (as you see it) because it was successful, it’s still
risking human life.
I’m not saying anything is wrong with this procedure btw I think it’s great
for people who want children and can’t naturally but research won’t be
killing any more or less regardless of any laws being passed, meaning all
this work and uproar and not one life saved but science and research could
save the suffering of millions and they’re the killers!
Mark Jackson


From: Jim Lubin [HYPERLINK "mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2007 3:11 PM
To: Dan; quad-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

Her eggs were harvested then fertilized with her husbands sperms, this
resulted in 8 embryos. Four were implanted in uterus, all 4 failed to
develop and she had a miscarriage. Several month later she had 3 more
implanted and those failed to develop. 

How could anyone possibly equate a miscarriage, the natural or spontaneous
end of a pregnancy at a stage where the embryo or the fetus is incapable of
surviving, as a murderous act? She didn't willfully terminate the first 7
embryos, they failed to develop. 

At 12:33 PM 4/8/2007, Dan wrote:

At 11:01 AM 4/8/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my

I am against the whole IVF process that creates excess embryos to begin

On a side note, my cousin just gave birth to a son last week. He was the
result of IVF from her egg and her husband's sperm. They had 8 viable
embryos. The first 7 she did not carry full term. I'm happy for them that
the last one she was able to carry to term and mom and son are doing fine.


This is where your argument falls apart. First you say you are "against the
whole IVF process that creates excess embryos to begin with." And that these
eggs are sacred and never should be destroyed. But, then you say that it is
wonderful that your cousin in fact murdered 7 sacred eggs before finally
becoming pregnant - and pregnant is the operative word.

Many human eggs are fertilized but very few result in pregnancy. Everything
has to occur exactly in the right way and at the right time for this to
happen. Millions of naturally fertilized eggs never develop into a human. 

If you truly believed in your argument, then you would be disgusted with
your cousins 'murderous' behavior. Yet, you rejoice. You can't have it both


Jim Lubin   
HYPERLINK "http://makoa.org/jim"http://makoa.org/jim 
disAbility Resources: HYPERLINK "http://www.makoa.org/"http://www.makoa.org 


Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-09 Thread Angie Novak
That's why they wait to see if you're going to be brain dead.  No 
consciousness.  No consciousness = no life.  Consciousness = some type of life. 
 They wanted my organs, too.  They want everybody's organs.  

Jim Lubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   No difference by your definition of 
life, having a consciousness.

A human of 50-150 cells is going to die anyway. I don't consider it a life, so 
take parts of it before it dies to possibly improve my life. Why not let the 
death serve a purpose?

This guy just suddenly stopped breathing. If we keep him alive he's going to be 
paralyzed, possibly brain damaged, don't know at this point. Who would want to 
live like that? What kind of life is that? If we don't do anything to keep him 
alive he's going to die anyway, so take his heart, lungs, liver and whatever 
else we want to improve someone else life. Why not let the death serve a 

Glad someone who defines "a life" the way you do wasn't the only one around 
when I suddenly stopped breathing and my heart stopped beating. That person 
might have decided that my life was not worth saving because their mother with 
a failing heart could have an improved life it they took mine. 

At 12:18 PM 4/8/2007, Angie Novak wrote:
  An eight-month-old fetus is very different from an embryo.  That's why there 
are laws against abortion after a certain time.  No, I don't see a problem with 
using what I don't consider a human life to better myself and anyone like us.  
We're different than 50-150 cells that are going to be destroyed anyway.

Jim Lubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

   I do respect your opinion, even if I don't agree with it. You at least state 
that you define "a life" as having a consciousness. I am not aware if an 8 
month old fetus has a consciousness or not but I would consider that stage of 
development a life. That is why I define a human life from the point of 
conception, joining of a egg and sperm.

   You wonder why you shouldn't have the option to use embryos for research 
just because you don't consider it a life? You don't see a problem with the 
premise of your question? You don't consider it a life so why should anyone 
prevent you from taking it to better your life. 

   At 11:07 AM 4/8/2007, Angie Novak wrote:

   Everyone is entitled to their opinion, of course.  But look at some of the 
people around, can we really say that all human life is precious?  I can't.  
There are just some people living their lives out there walking around and 
breathing that don't deserve to be.  However, these are people, not just 50-150 
cells that don't have a consciousness, what I consider life.  And these 50-150 
cells are just going to be destroyed anyway.  Why not let them serve a purpose.

   Shouldn't those of us who want a cure to be found, including using embryonic 
stem cell research, be able to have that option?  If you don't want to be 
treated, potentially cured and able-bodied again someday from what this 
research finds, just don't accept that treatment.  Stay trapped in your body if 
you'd like.  But don't take that chance for living again, really living, away 
from those of us who want a shot at it.  I would gladly donate my eggs to be 
fertilized via in vitro, solely for the purpose of being used for embryonic 
stem cell research.

   CURE not care-
   Angie Novak

   Dan T <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
   Human life is sacred and an embryo is the initial stage of life.  I would 
like to be up and around and Independent but not at the sacrifice of another 
human life.  Dan T.
   Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
   Yes, yes, yes! We must not destroy all those useless fertilized eggs. We 
should let them perish on their own and then we should have an elaborate 
funeral and bury them in a tiny little plot of earth. AND we must not allow 
abortion at ANY cost. Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah! 
   Dan, who always gives great credence to anything authored by a reverend. 
   At 06:15 PM 4/7/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my 



   The public discussion of human embryo research has too often lacked 
intellectual honesty, which has only compounded the confusion of an issue of 
great scientific and moral complexity, say Robert P. George professor of 
jurisprudence at Princeton University and a member of the President's Council 
on Bioethics and Rev. Thomas V. Berg, executive director of the Westchester 
Institute for Ethics and the Human Person.

   Consequently, there are certain facts on which people on either side of the 
moral debate should be able to agree, say George and Berg.  For example:   
   There is no "ban" on human embryonic stem cell (ESC) research in the United 
States; the federal government has funded such research to the tune of $130 
million dollars since 2001, and the United States continues to be the 
international leader in the field.   
   We are a lon

RE: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-09 Thread Angie Novak
Why wouldn't some people want to help people? Who says they wouldn't be helping 
people that they cared about?  I can see motivation.  I don't think everyone is 
all about money.  Put all the negative cost ideas aside, why wouldn't you want 
the chance?  Why wouldn't you want future generations to have a chance after 
suffering a spinal cord injury? A clump of frozen cells in storage somewhere, 
if you do consider it a life, what kind of life is that?

Jim Lubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  At 05:50 PM 4/8/2007, Dan wrote:
  At 05:29 PM 4/8/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my 
  Risking a life and taking a chance is not the same as willfully terminating a 
life. I wasn't happy that she was doing IVF because I don't agree with it. I 
also wasn't paying the thousands of dollars the treatments cost. She and her 
husband had decided that if the first implantation had been successful they 
were going to keep the rest frozen because they considered the embryos their 
unborn children. 
Do you mean indefinitely!?!  
Yes indefinitely. They had no intention of ever donating any extra embryos to 
research, had there been any left.

I'll pretend for the moment I didn't consider an embryo a life. Why after 
spending tens of thousands of dollars of their own money to create these 
embryos would they want to donate the embryos and receive no financial or other 
inducements. (the wording of S.5). They don't even get a tax break? Someone 
else benefits financial by being able to use them and can get government money 
to boot! And if anything does develop from the research, the proceeds from 
patents! Then we will all be complain that we can't get the treatment because 
Medicare won't cover the high cost. The able-bodied population won't want to 
increase spending to Medicare pay for these treatments for those poor people in 
wheelchairs, sure it will make them better but why should I be taxed more to 
pay for it.  It's all just false hope. 

I'm just going to enjoy the life I have while I can without thinking of some 
miracle treatment that may come available but I can never afford to receive. 
I've already lived 18 years longer than I would have if I had gotten sick in 
some other part of the world.

Finding fabulous fares is fun.
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RE: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-09 Thread Dan
At 07:54 PM 4/8/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my response:
>At 05:50 PM 4/8/2007, Dan wrote:
>>At 05:29 PM 4/8/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my 
>>>Risking a life and taking a chance is not the same as willfully terminating 
>>>a life. I wasn't happy that she was doing IVF because I don't agree with it. 
>>>I also wasn't paying the thousands of dollars the treatments cost. She and 
>>>her husband had decided that if the first implantation had been successful 
>>>they were going to keep the rest frozen because they considered the embryos 
>>>their unborn children. 
>>Do you mean indefinitely!?!  
>Yes indefinitely. They had no intention of ever donating any extra embryos to 
>research, had there been any left.

Unga Dunga! So these 'unborn children' must be in your cousin's will? What 
happens to these 'unborn children' when your cousin dies? Do they have a trust 
fund set up to keep them frozen for all eternity? 


Re: [QUAD-L] Herb may stop bladder infections

2007-04-09 Thread andrea murray
Hi Where do you buy this Herbal extract?
  Wheelchair Warrior

  http://www.click2ho uston.com/ health/11587059/ detail.html? rss=hou&psp= news

A study at Duke University says that a common herbal extract could greatly 
urinary tract infections and boost antibiotics' power against the bacteria that
cause them.

Researchers studying mice found that forskolin, an exract from the Indian coleus
plant, kills bacteria that can hide in the bladder's lining, leading to

The researchers said in a news release that about 90 percent of urinary tract
infections in the bladder are caused by E. coli. Women are four times as likely 
have them.

"After customary antibiotic treatment, the vast majority of the bacteria are 
killed by the antibiotics or eliminated during urination," Abraham said. 
there are small numbers of bacteria that survive antibiotic treatment because 
sneak into the lining of the bladder, waiting for the opportunity, after 
treatment, to come out and start multiplying again," said author Soman Abraham.

Forskolin has the ability to force the bacteria out of their niches and into the
urine, where they can be killed by antibiotics.

Abraham said the herb heightens some cellular activity, which causes the 
pouches to "flush out" their contents.

"This herb has been used in Asia for centuries for a wide variety of ailments,"
Abraham said. "However, one of its constant uses has been for treating painful

forskolin is added to bodybuilding products and marketed for its ability to 
lean body and bone mass, as well as to increase testosterone levels. The herb 
has been claimed to be an effective weight-loss aid.
Herbal extracts such as forskolin are not tested nor regulated by the Food and 
Administration, so Abraham recommended that anyone with a urinary tract 
should contact his or her physician before trying forskolin.

Distributed by Internet Broadcasting. This material may not be published, 
rewritten or redistributed.

Don't pick lemons.
See all the new 2007 cars at Yahoo! Autos.

[QUAD-L] Poker on Bravo

2007-04-09 Thread RollinOn
If anyone enjoys playing poker or Texas hold’em they’re having tournaments
on Bravo website HYPERLINK "http://www.bravotv.com/"www.bravotv.com just
sign up and start playing and if enough of you sign up we can get our own
practice table and play each other.

Let me know if you sign up so we can set a time to play.



Mark Jackson




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Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-09 Thread Oconnelldb
boy, I sure wish we could get a gimp into the white house.  I thought  for 
sure superman could get things going.
In a message dated 4/7/2007 6:18:34 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  

The public discussion of human  embryo research has too often lacked 
intellectual honesty, which has only  compounded the confusion of an issue of 
scientific and moral complexity,  say Robert P. George professor of 
jurisprudence at Princeton University and a  member of the President's Council 
Bioethics and Rev. Thomas V. Berg,  executive director of the Westchester 
for Ethics and the Human  Person.

Consequently, there are certain facts on which people on either  side of the 
moral debate should be able to agree, say George and Berg.   For example:  
*   There is no "ban" on human embryonic stem cell (ESC) research in the  
United States; the federal government has funded such research to the tune  
of $130 million dollars since 2001, and the United States continues to be  the 
international leader in the field.  
*   We are a long way away from therapies derived from embryonic stem 
cells;  many leading stem cell researchers have echoed the fact that there may 
no  breakthrough any time soon.  
*   Standard embryology texts insist that from the zygote (single-cell  
embryo) stage forward there exists a new living member of the species homo  
sapiens that has the active potential to develop by an internally directed  
process towards maturity. 

*   There are non-controversial alternatives worth exploring; such as  
the reprogramming of ordinary somatic (body) cells, the derivation of stem  
cells from amniotic fluid, and (assuming that it can be shown that the  product 
not an embryo), altered nuclear transfer.  
*   Concerns about embryo destruction are not only religious; but merely  
a healthy respect for the human capacity for doing evil in pursuit of the  
*   The search for cures is not the only motive behind ESC research,; 
many  scientists are interested only in enhancing basic scientific knowledge of 
such things as cell signaling, tissue growth and early human development.  

Source: Robert P. George and Thomas V. Berg, "Six Stem Cell  Facts," Wall 
Street Journal, March 14, 2007.

For text:


Dave  _Visit My Home  Page_ (http://www.users.qwest.net/~daveoc/index.html) 

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

Re: [QUAD-L] sex

2007-04-09 Thread Oconnelldb
that would take a hell of a vacuum.!!!
In a message dated 4/7/2007 6:38:35 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  


does  anyone have sex with an indwelling catheter?

this sounds risky to me... am i the only one? it could be pulled out or  
cause infection... yikes!



Dave  _Visit My Home  Page_ (http://www.users.qwest.net/~daveoc/index.html) 

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

Re: [QUAD-L] sex

2007-04-09 Thread Oconnelldb
10-4 g/f.  My ab wife prefers a good massage from my fairly functional  hand 
as the 'normal' positions force all the 'work' onto her and don't really  
allow her to relax and enjoy the moment.  We've  been together for 33  years 
and 'performance' has never been an issue.  We have 3 healthy  kids and 4 grand 
kids now.  I fed, diapered, and took my kids everywhere,  and now i'm driving 
the grands around to schools and soccer games.  Don't  ever accept that you 
can't do something before you try it a dozen or two  times.  Sure it's hard,  
easy is for sissies and incompetents.   We're above that.
_Dave & Patty's Grandkids_ (http://ocgrands.com/)  
In a message dated 4/8/2007 7:14:37 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  

Ok...I always have to jump in on this subject. I am an Ab girlfriend of a  
quad...(Hi honey!). Sex is not an issues as far as I am concerned. I think he  
worries more about it than I do. First of all there is more than one way to  
please a woman. I very much enjoy the intimacy that we have. I have never been  
so close to anyone. It takes a special bond to get over the embarrasing  
issuses of sex and quad-dom. You have to be very open and have an open mind to  
ideas. The only issues that I have is lack of privacy and time. For  
me...satisfaction is not a problem. I am sure that HE would be more  happier 
with more 
orgasms for his part...wouldn't we all...LOL. I am not sure  how to say what 
I am trying to get accross. If you truly love someone then sex  will work 
itself out. If you are with the right partner then any issues can be  worked 
around with a little creativity. I am sure some AB's that know we are  in a 
relationship have their heads spinning trying to figure us out! 
Just be open and talk honsestly with your partnerif they are not  
comfortable with the situation...then get a new partner. Guys...quit worring  
so much 
and relax! I promise that sex for women is mostly in our  heads...compliment 
us..makes us feel special and wanted. That is what we all  need most. If young 
guys would learn this from the beginning they would have  it made. Some 
things do get better with age. HAVE  FUN!


Women can, but men can't.  How unfair is that.
Be cautious.  Bacteria is always present in the bladder of the  person with 
the injury.
But it can be done.  It has been done and it continues to be  done.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 4/7/2007 8:38:35 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  


does  anyone have sex with an indwelling  catheter?

this sounds risky to me... am i the only one? it could be pulled  out or 
cause infection... yikes!



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Dave  _Visit My Home  Page_ (http://www.users.qwest.net/~daveoc/index.html) 

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-09 Thread Oconnelldb
All this sure was easier (philosophically anyway) in the old days when  
playing with God's work wasn't possible.  All medicine - treatments -  
procedures - 
are fiddling with HIS design and work.  It's pretty tough to  'half-learn' 
anything once you get started.  HE didn't make us with the  'give up' gene 
activated just because we are at a certain level.   If  so, it would have 
a long time ago.
In a message dated 4/8/2007 11:04:36 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  

I am against the whole IVF process that creates excess embryos to begin  

The frozen embryos can continued to be stored indefinitely.  What's wrong 
with that? Are you concerned about the energy being used to keep  them frozen? 
The embryos that are unfrozen eventually die a natural death,  just as every 
other living thing, then cremated. That is quite different then  killing it by 
removing stem cells to use in someone else. Even organ donors  are declared 
by some standards before there organs are removed. #  S.5—Stem Cell Research 
Enhancement Act of 2007 doesn't even do that; it just  states that the embryos 
were in excess of the clinical need of the individuals  seeking such 
treatment. and would never be implanted in a woman. 

I  want my spinal cord repaired so I can breathe without a ventilator and  
possibly move independently, but I don't want it so badly that I will end  
another human life just for the possible improve my own life. I don't  
how those wanting to use stem cells from embryos can't comprehend  that. An 
embryo is a human life, and put into the right environment, will  continue to 
develop and grow. I'm not so self centered that improving my life  should come 
the cost of another life.

There are other sources of  pluripotent stem cells, sources such as umbilical 
chords and amniotic fluid.  There is also somatic cell nuclear transfer 
(therapeutic cloning) which I  don't have a problem with.

On a side note, my cousin just gave birth to  a son last week. He was the 
result of IVF from her egg and her husband's  sperm. They had 8 viable embryos. 
The first 7 she did not carry full term. I'm  happy for them that the last one 
she was able to carry to term and mom and son  are doing fine.


At 08:04 AM 4/8/2007, Dan wrote:

So what do you do with the  thousands of excess fertilized eggs that result 
from in vitro fertilization?  Store them forever? Ban the process? These excess 
eggs are thrown into the  garbage everyday yet I don't hear anyone 
complaining. So what's your  answer.


At 07:50 PM 4/7/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said  something that elicited my 

Glad to see you partly agree  with me Dan. (yes I realize you were being 
sarcastic) I don't agree with  the part about having elaborate funerals and 
burying them, but yes we must  not destroy unused fertilized eggs created for 

Using unused embryos is not the same as organ donation  because organ donor 
are dead before organs are harvested. Removing stem  cells from an embryo kills 
the embryo. 

I've listened to Dr Kerr  from Johns Hopkins talk a few times about his 
research. _http://www.hopkinsneuro.org/tm/_ (http://www.hopkinsneuro.org/tm/) 
watch his  presentation at the 2006 symposium here 
he mentioned that they want to use the embryos created for IVF that  are 
deformed (something to that effect) and can not be used for in-vitro  
Now I can go along with using those that could not be used to  result in a 

I agree with S. 30: A bill to intensify  research to derive human pluripotent 
stem cell lines

At 06:35  PM 4/7/2007, Dan wrote:

Yes, yes, yes! We must not  destroy all those useless fertilized eggs. We 
should let them perish on  their own and then we should have an elaborate 
and bury them in  a tiny little plot of earth. AND we must not allow abortion 
at ANY cost.  Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah! 

Dan, who always gives great  credence to anything authored by a reverend. 

At 06:15 PM  4/7/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my  


*   There are non-controversial alternatives worth exploring;  such as 
the reprogramming of ordinary somatic (body) cells, the  derivation of stem 
cells from amniotic fluid, and (assuming that it  can be shown that the product 
not an embryo), altered nuclear  transfer.  
*   Concerns about embryo destruction are not only religious; but  merely 
a healthy respect for the human capacity for doing evil in  pursuit of the 
*   The search for cures is not the only motive behind ESC  research,; 
many scientists are interested only in enhancing basic  scientific knowledge of 
such things as cell signaling, tissue growth  and early human development. 


Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-09 Thread Oconnelldb
Just out of curiosity, what if your body held the answer to cure SCI and  
Parkensons but in order to release that secret to the medical community, you 
to die.   We couldn't wait until you died naturally, we must have you  now or 
it won't work.  Would you volunteer your life for the other 6  billion of us 
in the world?
In a message dated 4/8/2007 5:30:45 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  

Risking a life and taking a chance is not the same as willfully  terminating 
a life. I wasn't happy that she was doing IVF because I don't  agree with it. 
I also wasn't paying the thousands of dollars the treatments  cost. She and 
her husband had decided that if the first implantation had been  successful 
were going to keep the rest frozen because they considered the  embryos their 
unborn children. 

I don't agree with the whole process,  but it's not up to me. It just 
compounds the problem by saying the embryos are  left over and going die anyway 
might as well use them for some research to  make someone else better.

Again, I could understand that for those who  don't consider a 50-150 celled 
human embryo a human life you wouldn't have a  problem with using them for 
research. It's just a meaningless clump of cells  to you. Are you so closed 
minded to see why someone who considers it a life  would have a problem using 
life for research to improve someone else's  life? Would you feel the same if 
you did consider it a life? 

At 04:15  PM 4/8/2007, RollinOn wrote:

Yes  Jim,
But there was a chance that she wouldn’t have naturally and it was a  risk 
she was willing to take.
If the first would’ve not failed then the  others would’ve been trashed and 
it happens daily, and fertilizing an egg  and implanting it is “not” natural.
I know she didn’t willfully terminate  the embryos but she took a risk that 
it could happen so you can’t have it  both ways and say she wasn’t willing to 
risk human life (as you see it)  because it was successful, it’s still risking 
human life.

I’m  not saying anything is wrong with this procedure btw I think it’s great 
for  people who want children and can’t naturally but research won’t be 
killing  any more or less regardless of any laws being passed, meaning all this 
work  and uproar and not one life saved but science and research could save the 
suffering of millions and they’re the killers!

Mark Jackson

From: Jim  Lubin [_ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) ] 
Sent: Sunday,  April 08, 2007 3:11 PM
To: Dan;  quad-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell  Facts


Her eggs were harvested then fertilized with  her husbands sperms, this 
resulted in 8 embryos. Four were implanted in  uterus, all 4 failed to develop 
she had a miscarriage. Several month  later she had 3 more implanted and those 
failed to develop. 

How  could anyone possibly equate a miscarriage, the natural or spontaneous 
end  of a pregnancy at a stage where the embryo or the fetus is incapable of  
surviving, as a murderous act? She didn't willfully terminate the first 7  
embryos, they failed to develop. 

At 12:33 PM 4/8/2007, Dan  wrote:

At 11:01 AM 4/8/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that  elicited my 

I am against the whole IVF process  that creates excess embryos to begin 

On a side note, my  cousin just gave birth to a son last week. He was the 
result of IVF from her  egg and her husband's sperm. They had 8 viable embryos. 
The first 7 she did  not carry full term. I'm happy for them that the last one 
she was able to  carry to term and mom and son are doing fine.


This is  where your argument falls apart. First you say you are "against the 
whole  IVF process that creates excess embryos to begin with." And that these 
eggs  are sacred and never should be destroyed. But, then you say that it is  
wonderful that your cousin in fact murdered 7 sacred eggs before finally  
becoming pregnant - and pregnant is the operative word.

Many human  eggs are fertilized but very few result in pregnancy. Everything 
has to  occur exactly in the right way and at the right time for this to 
happen.  Millions of naturally fertilized eggs never develop into a human. 

If  you truly believed in your argument, then you would be disgusted with 
your  cousins 'murderous' behavior. Yet, you rejoice. You can't have it both  


Jim  Lubin
_http://makoa.org/jim_ (http://makoa.org/jim)   
disAbility Resources: _http://www.makoa.org_ (http://www.makoa.org/)   

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Dave  _Visit My Home  Page_ (http://www.users.qwes

Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-09 Thread Jim Lubin
No Dave I would not give my life to improve everyone else's life. 
People can live a long life with SCI and Parkensons. It may not 
always be pleasant but it is a life. If people can't handle it they 
can freely chose to take their own life. Everyone only gets one.

I would not want the cure for myself if came at the price of another 
person's life.

If I was giving my life for a cure for cancer or some fatal 
condition, that I might do. But give my life to improve others 
quality of life? No not me.

What would you do Dave?

At 12:41 PM 4/9/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just out of curiosity, what if your body held the answer to cure SCI 
and Parkensons but in order to release that secret to the medical 
community, you had to die.   We couldn't wait until you died 
naturally, we must have you now or it won't work.  Would you 
volunteer your life for the other 6 billion of us in the world?


[QUAD-L] What if..........

2007-04-09 Thread wheelchair
We played that game as children and in college and we still play the same  
game as adults.  What if..
What ever the answer is... the person then inquires... then what  if.
And the ability to answer or address the question becomes more  difficult.  
We also do the same thing with those taboo subjects like  religion and 
politics.  What if..The chicken came before the egg??  Would the price of a 
of bananas be more or less?  Then what  if..
Some of those questions can be answered by personal experience, while  others 
can be answered by knowledge and skill.  Then there are those what  if 
questions that can't be answered, based on lack of future knowledge.
Who knows for sure?
In a message dated 4/9/2007 3:52:03 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

What  would you do Dave?

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

Re: [QUAD-L] What if..........

2007-04-09 Thread andrea murray
Will W, 
  I have a test coming up on Thursda in my class at Purdue. What if I don't 
know the answers.Help!!!
  Wheelchair Warrior

We played that game as children and in college and we still play the 
same game as adults.  What if..
  What ever the answer is... the person then inquires... then what if.
  And the ability to answer or address the question becomes more difficult.  We 
also do the same thing with those taboo subjects like religion and politics.  
What if..The chicken came before the egg?? Would the price of a bunch of 
bananas be more or less?  Then what if..
  Some of those questions can be answered by personal experience, while others 
can be answered by knowledge and skill.  Then there are those what if questions 
that can't be answered, based on lack of future knowledge.
  Who knows for sure?
  In a message dated 4/9/2007 3:52:03 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
  What would you do Dave?


  See what's free at AOL.com. 

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Re: [QUAD-L] sex

2007-04-09 Thread Bobbie299

Does anyone have sex with an indwelling catheter?

This sounds risky to me... am I the only one? It could be pulled out or cause 
infection... yikes!

 Oh yeah it can be pulled out, it happened to me. Larry pulled it out by 
accident then drove me to the ER for then to put a new one back in, then we 
back to his place and finished the job. This was in 1973, I was a virgin and it 
was my senior prom night.

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

Re: [QUAD-L] What if..........

2007-04-09 Thread wheelchair
You know the drill, Warrior.  Answer all the easy questions first,  then go 
back to the hard ones and give it your best guess.  But what  if??...
Good Luck
In a message dated 4/9/2007 4:22:42 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Will W, 
I have a test coming up on Thursda in  my class at Purdue. What if I don't 
know the answers.Help!!!
Wheelchair  Warrior

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-09 Thread Bobbie299

Would you volunteer your life for the other 6 billion of us in the world?
 Yep, in a heart beat. If I had THAT choice and not live another day as a 

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

Re: [QUAD-L] sex

2007-04-09 Thread Quadius

Tried Viagra couple years ago, but one didn't seem to do much at all.  Tried
to a couple of days later, but discovered my blood pressure would be too low
to be able to get up out of bed and function later.
Therefore, my caveat is to make sure you monitor your BP.


  Does anyone have sex with an indwelling catheter?

This sounds risky to me... am I the only one? It could be pulled out or
cause infection... yikes!

 *Oh yeah it can be pulled out, it happened to me. Larry pulled it out by
accident then drove me to the ER for then to put a new one back in, then we
went back to his place and finished the job. This was in 1973, I was a
virgin and it was my senior prom night.*
*   Bobbie*

See what's free at AOL.com .

Re: [QUAD-L] sex

2007-04-09 Thread wheelchair
In a message dated 4/9/2007 4:54:43 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

 Oh yeah it can be pulled out, it happened to me. Larry  pulled it out by 
accident then drove me to the ER for then to put a new one  back in, then we 
back to his place and finished the job. This was in  1973, I was a virgin and 
it was my senior prom night. 

"finished the job."
Did you guys wax and polish the car too ???  What a way to describe an  event 
of the century or 
a "Grand Opening."   (lol)

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

[QUAD-L] Finding help

2007-04-09 Thread Debbie Hamilton
Hi Everyone!  Thanks for your advice about traveling with a power chair, I'm 
going to LA to be with my sister for a month and to check out a rehab center 
there called dynamics.  I also have a question about traveling in general.  All 
I have at home is myself, my husband and my 15 year old boy.  We have a motor 
home and hope to use that to travel in but neither of those two can do my bowel 
program or my shower.  I do my bowel program every other day, do you arrange to 
have someone do that when you get to where you're going?  Or should I try to do 
my bowel program less often?  How do you travel and find help other than 
family?  Thanks Debbie

C4/April 2005

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Re: [QUAD-L] Finding help

2007-04-09 Thread wheelchair
In a message dated 4/9/2007 6:03:18 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Hi  Everyone!  Thanks for your advice about traveling with a power chair, I'm 
 going to LA to be with my sister for a month and to check out a rehab center 
 there called dynamics.  I also have a question about traveling in  general.  
All I have at home is myself, my husband and my 15 year old  boy.  We have a 
motor home and hope to use that to travel in but neither  of those two can do 
my bowel program or my shower.  I do my bowel program  every other day, do you 
arrange to have someone do that when you get to where  you're going?  Or 
should I try to do my bowel program less often?   How do you travel and find 
other than family?  Thanks  Debbie

C4/April 2005

Its important that you don't change your bowel program unless it is to  
improve it.  Who does your bowel program and are they willing to travel  with 
until you get to your location?  You might also make contact with  Dynamics and 
see if they are willing to assist you in your travels.   Changes in bowel 
programs can affect your health and general welfare.  Hope  that you achieve 
goals at Dynamics!

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

Re: [QUAD-L] Quad Darryl Stingley Dies at 55

2007-04-09 Thread delimited4
Can the coronor be certain he didn't die from a restricted spinal function? 
Does the Coronor know what quadriplegia is? The coronor sounds like the woman 
that made jerry seinfelds auto reservations.
-Original Message-
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Quad Darryl Stingley Dies at 55

An autopsy revealed bronchial pneumonia, quadriplegia, spinal-cord injury and 
coronary atherosclerosis as contributing factors, according to the Cook County 
medical examiner's office.

In a message dated 4/6/2007 9:40:19 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
When I read the report, I was a little shocked to read that one of the 
contributing causes to his death was quadriplegia.  I probably shouldn't have 
been, but for some reason I don't see myself is suffering from a quadriplegia.  
I probably view myself as a well functioning quadriplegic.  At least I think 

I haven't seen the cause, but I knew he had a cold or the flu.

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Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-09 Thread delimited4
Do you realize if we study embryonic stem cells people are going to get morally 
confused. Moral confusion leads to abortions. Abortions lead to teen sex. Teen 
sex leads to embryonic stem cell research! How can you ignore these facts? 
Masturbation is behind all this. If we had stopped doctors from grave robbing 
we wouldn't have these problems. Then doctors invented homogenation and 
pastuerazation. Then penacillin and the worlds evils are being whittled away. 
Its just wrong!  We are in wheelchairs to punish our souls?!
-Original Message-
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 9:15 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

The public discussion of human embryo research has too often lacked 
intellectual honesty, which has only compounded the confusion of an issue of 
great scientific and moral complexity, say Robert P. George professor of 
jurisprudence at Princeton University and a member of the President's Council 
on Bioethics and Rev. Thomas V. Berg, executive director of the Westchester 
Institute for Ethics and the Human Person.

Consequently, there are certain facts on which people on either side of the 
moral debate should be able to agree, say George and Berg.  For example: 
There is no "ban" on human embryonic stem cell (ESC) research in the United 
States; the federal government has funded such research to the tune of $130 
million dollars since 2001, and the United States continues to be the 
international leader in the field. 
We are a long way away from therapies derived from embryonic stem cells; many 
leading stem cell researchers have echoed the fact that there may be no 
breakthrough any time soon. 
Standard embryology texts insist that from the zygote (single-cell embryo) 
stage forward there exists a new living member of the species homo sapiens that 
has the active potential to develop by an internally directed process towards 

There are non-controversial alternatives worth exploring; such as the 
reprogramming of ordinary somatic (body) cells, the derivation of stem cells 
from amniotic fluid, and (assuming that it can be shown that the product is not 
an embryo), altered nuclear transfer. 
Concerns about embryo destruction are not only religious; but merely a healthy 
respect for the human capacity for doing evil in pursuit of the good. 
The search for cures is not the only motive behind ESC research,; many 
scientists are interested only in enhancing basic scientific knowledge of such 
things as cell signaling, tissue growth and early human development. 

Source: Robert P. George and Thomas V. Berg, "Six Stem Cell Facts," Wall Street 
Journal, March 14, 2007.

For text:


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Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-09 Thread Dan
LMAO! Kudos!!


At 07:44 PM 4/9/2007 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said something that elicited my 
>Do you realize if we study embryonic stem cells people are going to get 
>morally confused. Moral confusion leads to abortions. Abortions lead to teen 
>sex. Teen sex leads to embryonic stem cell research! How can you ignore these 
>facts? Masturbation is behind all this. If we had stopped doctors from grave 
>robbing we wouldn't have these problems. Then doctors invented homogenation 
>and pastuerazation. Then penacillin and the worlds evils are being whittled 
>away. Its just wrong!  We are in wheelchairs to punish our souls?!
>-Original Message-
>To: quad-list@eskimo.com
>Sent: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 9:15 PM
>Subject: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts
>The public discussion of human embryo research has too often lacked 
>intellectual honesty, which has only compounded the confusion of an issue of 
>great scientific and moral complexity, say Robert P. George professor of 
>jurisprudence at Princeton University and a member of the President's Council 
>on Bioethics and Rev. Thomas V. Berg, executive director of the Westchester 
>Institute for Ethics and the Human Person.
>Consequently, there are certain facts on which people on either side of the 
>moral debate should be able to agree, say George and Berg.  For example: 
>* There is no "ban" on human embryonic stem cell (ESC) research in the 
> United States; the federal government has funded such research to the tune of 
> $130 million dollars since 2001, and the United States continues to be the 
> international leader in the field. 
>* We are a long way away from therapies derived from embryonic stem cells; 
> many leading stem cell researchers have echoed the fact that there may be no 
> breakthrough any time soon. 
>* Standard embryology texts insist that from the zygote (single-cell 
> embryo) stage forward there exists a new living member of the species homo 
> sapiens that has the active potential to develop by an internally directed 
> process towards maturity. 
>* There are non-controversial alternatives worth exploring; such as the 
> reprogramming of ordinary somatic (body) cells, the derivation of stem cells 
> from amniotic fluid, and (assuming that it can be shown that the product is 
> not an embryo), altered nuclear transfer.  
>* Concerns about embryo destruction are not only religious; but merely a 
> healthy respect for the human capacity for doing evil in pursuit of the good. 
>* The search for cures is not the only motive behind ESC research,; many 
> scientists are interested only in enhancing basic scientific knowledge of 
> such things as cell signaling, tissue growth and early human development. 
>Source: Robert P. George and Thomas V. Berg, "Six Stem Cell Facts," Wall 
>Street Journal, March 14, 2007.
>For text:
>AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from 
>AOL at AOL.com.

Re: [QUAD-L] Finding help

2007-04-09 Thread Paul Jacobson
Hi Debbie,

I use Craig's List and hire someone in the area I am traveling to.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Debbie Hamilton 
  To: quad Posting 
  Sent: Monday, April 09, 2007 4:02 PM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Finding help

  Hi Everyone!  Thanks for your advice about traveling with a power chair, I'm 
going to LA to be with my sister for a month and to check out a rehab center 
there called dynamics.  I also have a question about traveling in general.  All 
I have at home is myself, my husband and my 15 year old boy.  We have a motor 
home and hope to use that to travel in but neither of those two can do my bowel 
program or my shower.  I do my bowel program every other day, do you arrange to 
have someone do that when you get to where you're going?  Or should I try to do 
my bowel program less often?  How do you travel and find help other than 
family?  Thanks Debbie

  C4/April 2005

  Need Mail bonding?
  Go to the Yahoo! Mail Q&A for great tips from Yahoo! Answers users.

Re: [QUAD-L] Finding help

2007-04-09 Thread Dan T
I have extended the time between bowel programs up to three and four days but 
if you've never tried this before I don't think I would try it out on the road. 
 Naturally, he should probably reduce your regular consumption if you try this. 
 Good luck... Dan T.

Paul Jacobson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi Debbie,
  I use Craig's List and hire someone in the area I am traveling to.
- Original Message - 
  From: Debbie Hamilton 
  To: quad Posting 
  Sent: Monday, April 09, 2007 4:02 PM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Finding help

Hi Everyone!  Thanks for your advice about traveling with a power chair, I'm 
going to LA to be with my sister for a month and to check out a rehab center 
there called dynamics.  I also have a question about traveling in general.  All 
I have at home is myself, my husband and my 15 year old boy.  We have a motor 
home and hope to use that to travel in but neither of those two can do my bowel 
program or my shower.  I do my bowel program every other day, do you arrange to 
have someone do that when you get to where you're going?  Or should I try to do 
my bowel program less often?  How do you travel and find help other than 
family?  Thanks Debbie

C4/April 2005

  Need Mail bonding?
Go to the Yahoo! Mail Q&A for great tips from Yahoo! Answers users.

[QUAD-L] Need Soulmate for 46 YO Female

2007-04-09 Thread Sherry Murphy

I am trying to find a soul mate for a girlfriend of mine.. She is 46 and is a 
Quadriplegic.. She was in a car accident in Sept 2003.   She is in a nursing 
home of all places! in California... I just thought there might be a gentleman 
out there who is in need of a soul mate.. in the same condition?  
Does anyone know of any sites or people to try and contact...

Thank You For your time

Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-09 Thread delimited4
Your wrong about organ  donors always being dead. Often, organ donors are kept 
on life support until their organs can be harvested in a timely fashion so that 
the most people will benefit. 
I could believe that all life is a miracle, but after meeting quite a few 
lawyers, politicians and religious leaders, I'm quite certain that life is not 
miraculous and very probably a mistake.
Most children and mothers survive birth because now we believe in germs. Did 
god make germs? Do religions believe in germs? Should a doctor be allowed to 
study a human body while in med school. Ok. Not your doctor. 
If penicillin (which was denounced by many religions) be with held from people 
in those religions? It cures syphilis and we all know that syphilis was a curse 
from god on people that don't have sex the way god wants them, too. I do 
believe Jerry Falwell shouldn't have sex and just going by his proportions, I 
don't think he could have "normal sex". I think he is a masturbator and should 
be stoned until he finds a new drug. Just like muslim terrorists are all gay. 
Only a gay guy would want to spend eternity listening to 72 virgins babble 
-Original Message-
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 10:50 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

Glad to see you partly agree with me Dan. (yes I realize you were being 
sarcastic) I don't agree with the part about having elaborate funerals and 
burying them, but yes we must not destroy unused fertilized eggs created for 
IVF treatments.

Using unused embryos is not the same as organ donation because organ donor are 
dead before organs are harvested. Removing stem cells from an embryo kills the 

I've listened to Dr Kerr from Johns Hopkins talk a few times about his 
research. http://www.hopkinsneuro.org/tm/
watch his presentation at the 2006 symposium here 
he mentioned that they want to use the embryos created for IVF that are 
deformed (something to that effect) and can not be used for in-vitro treatment. 
Now I can go along with using those that could not be used to result in a 

I agree with S. 30: A bill to intensify research to derive human pluripotent 
stem cell lines

At 06:35 PM 4/7/2007, Dan wrote:

Yes, yes, yes! We must not destroy all those useless fertilized eggs. We should 
let them perish on their own and then we should have an elaborate funeral and 
bury them in a tiny little plot of earth. AND we must not allow abortion at ANY 
cost. Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah! 

Dan, who always gives great credence to anything authored by a reverend. 

At 06:15 PM 4/7/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my response:


There are non-controversial alternatives worth exploring; such as the 
reprogramming of ordinary somatic (body) cells, the derivation of stem cells 
from amniotic fluid, and (assuming that it can be shown that the product is not 
an embryo), altered nuclear transfer. 
Concerns about embryo destruction are not only religious; but merely a healthy 
respect for the human capacity for doing evil in pursuit of the good. 
The search for cures is not the only motive behind ESC research,; many 
scientists are interested only in enhancing basic scientific knowledge of such 
things as cell signaling, tissue growth and early human development. 

Source: Robert P. George and Thomas V. Berg, "Six Stem Cell Facts," Wall Street 
Journal, March 14, 2007.

For text:


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Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-09 Thread delimited4
If human life is so sacred then why does the gov't spend trillions of dollars 
making sure we can destroy more humans than any other country on earth. Why do 
so many Americans want the death penalty? Don't they know human life is sacred? 
Is oral sex half cannabalism?If it is ok to kill people that kill to stop the 
killing of others, why haven't we killed G. W. Bush?
-Original Message-
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 11:00 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

Human life is sacred and an embryo is the initial stage of life.  I would like 
to be up and around and Independent but not at the sacrifice of another human 
life.  Dan T.

Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Yes, yes, yes! We must not destroy all those useless fertilized eggs. We should 
let them perish on their own and then we should have an elaborate funeral and 
bury them in a tiny little plot of earth. AND we must not allow abortion at ANY 
cost. Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah! 

Dan, who always gives great credence to anything authored by a reverend. 

At 06:15 PM 4/7/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my response:


The public discussion of human embryo research has too often lacked 
intellectual honesty, which has only compounded the confusion of an issue of 
great scientific and moral complexity, say Robert P. George professor of 
jurisprudence at Princeton University and a member of the President's Council 
on Bioethics and Rev. Thomas V. Berg, executive director of the Westchester 
Institute for Ethics and the Human Person.

Consequently, there are certain facts on which people on either side of the 
moral debate should be able to agree, say George and Berg.  For example: 
There is no "ban" on human embryonic stem cell (ESC) research in the United 
States; the federal government has funded such research to the tune of $130 
million dollars since 2001, and the United States continues to be the 
international leader in the field. 
We are a long way away from therapies derived from embryonic stem cells; many 
leading stem cell researchers have echoed the fact that there may be no 
breakthrough any time soon. 
Standard embryology texts insist that from the zygote (single-cell embryo) 
stage forward there exists a new living member of the species homo sapiens that 
has the active potential to develop by an internally directed process towards 

There are non-controversial alternatives worth exploring; such as the 
reprogramming of ordinary somatic (body) cells, the derivation of stem cells 
from amniotic fluid, and (assuming that it can be shown that the product is not 
an embryo), altered nuclear transfer. 
Concerns about embryo destruction are not only religious; but merely a healthy 
respect for the human capacity for doing evil in pursuit of the good. 
The search for cures is not the only motive behind ESC research,; many 
scientists are interested only in enhancing basic scientific knowledge of such 
things as cell signaling, tissue growth and early human development. 

Source: Robert P. George and Thomas V. Berg, "Six Stem Cell Facts," Wall Street 
Journal, March 14, 2007.

For text:


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AOL at AOL.com.

Re: [QUAD-L] Sex and Quad

2007-04-09 Thread delimited4
I thout i had to wait 45 minutes because of my hand. Never tried viagra...a 
partner sounds kinda kinky too. 
-Original Message-
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sex and Quad

Wait..wait...waitRon...you need a partner??
Well that answers a lot of questions I've been having.
Confused in California
- Original Message - 
To: quad-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 7:40 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Sex and Quad

Hey peeps,
I have been using viagra with decent success. You need to take it like 45 
minutes b4 the sexual encounter. Dont eat a big meal or drink 6 beers b4 hand , 
 it wont allow the drug to work very well. I take the 50 mg version, but you 
can go up to as much as 100mg. I straight cathe and I always cathe b4 and after 
the encounter. 
I get a decent hard on with viagra, but its not like the old days. I might need 
to try the 100mg. I wonder about cialis?? They say with that you can choose 
when to have the encounter within a 24 hour period.
If you have an understanding partner it will help everything go smoothly 
without worry and anxiety. I tried bringing a girl back home that had no clue 
about spinal injury. I pulled it off but was a lil nervous I wouldnt perform to 
her satisfaction. But I guess who cares as long as you try.
ron c7

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Re: [QUAD-L] Sex and Quad

2007-04-09 Thread delimited4
I'm not offended..but I'm not paul either. I'm lousey at sex but I have a 
creative mind. I find most women are attracted to me by money. Sometimes it is 
strange, but so is sex with a guy that can't move.
ps, enjoy it before they bust you for mining stem cells
-Original Message-
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 12:36 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Sex and Quad

I didnt mean to offend you. I have had understanding women, and women that are 
from the bar. Being paralyzed makes sex a lil more complicated. It helps if you 
know your partner well and understands whats involved.
ronc7.in the stl

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Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-09 Thread delimited4
I  think the excess eggs should be served at communion. Like the caviar of 
Christ or something. Maybe add a caudacill from Mary 
-Original Message-
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

So what do you do with the thousands of excess fertilized eggs that result from 
in vitro fertilization? Store them forever? Ban the process? These excess eggs 
are thrown into the garbage everyday yet I don't hear anyone complaining. So 
what's your answer.


At 07:50 PM 4/7/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my response:

Glad to see you partly agree with me Dan. (yes I realize you were being 
sarcastic) I don't agree with the part about having elaborate funerals and 
burying them, but yes we must not destroy unused fertilized eggs created for 
IVF treatments.

Using unused embryos is not the same as organ donation because organ donor are 
dead before organs are harvested. Removing stem cells from an embryo kills the 

I've listened to Dr Kerr from Johns Hopkins talk a few times about his 
research. http://www.hopkinsneuro.org/tm/
watch his presentation at the 2006 symposium here 
he mentioned that they want to use the embryos created for IVF that are 
deformed (something to that effect) and can not be used for in-vitro treatment. 
Now I can go along with using those that could not be used to result in a 

I agree with S. 30: A bill to intensify research to derive human pluripotent 
stem cell lines

At 06:35 PM 4/7/2007, Dan wrote:

Yes, yes, yes! We must not destroy all those useless fertilized eggs. We should 
let them perish on their own and then we should have an elaborate funeral and 
bury them in a tiny little plot of earth. AND we must not allow abortion at ANY 
cost. Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah! 

Dan, who always gives great credence to anything authored by a reverend. 

At 06:15 PM 4/7/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my response:


There are non-controversial alternatives worth exploring; such as the 
reprogramming of ordinary somatic (body) cells, the derivation of stem cells 
from amniotic fluid, and (assuming that it can be shown that the product is not 
an embryo), altered nuclear transfer. 
Concerns about embryo destruction are not only religious; but merely a healthy 
respect for the human capacity for doing evil in pursuit of the good. 
The search for cures is not the only motive behind ESC research,; many 
scientists are interested only in enhancing basic scientific knowledge of such 
things as cell signaling, tissue growth and early human development. 

Source: Robert P. George and Thomas V. Berg, "Six Stem Cell Facts," Wall Street 
Journal, March 14, 2007.

For text:


AOL now offers free email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at AOL.com.

Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-09 Thread Dan T
John, you're getting offensive... Dan T.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I  think the excess eggs should be served at 
communion. Like the caviar of Christ or something. Maybe add a caudacill from 
-Original Message-
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

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BACKGROUND-COLOR: white  }  .AOLWebSuiteCompose P {   PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; 
IMG.managedImg {   WIDTH: 0px; HEIGHT: 0px  }  IMG.placeholder {   
BORDER-RIGHT: #dadad6 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #dadad6 1px solid; BACKGROUND: 
#f4f4f4 no-repeat center center; BORDER-LEFT: #dadad6 1px solid; WIDTH: 275px; 
BORDER-BOTTOM: #dadad6 1px solid; HEIGHT: 206px  }  So what do you do with 
the thousands of excess fertilized eggs that result from in vitro fertilization?
 Store them forever? Ban the process? These excess eggs are thrown into the 
garbage everyday yet I don't hear anyone complaining. So what's your answer.


At 07:50 PM 4/7/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my response:
  Glad to see you partly agree with me Dan. (yes I realize you were being 
sarcastic) I don't agree with the part about having elaborate funerals and 
burying them, but yes we must not destroy unused fertilized eggs created for 
IVF treatments.

Using unused embryos is not the same as organ donation because organ donor are 
dead before organs are harvested. Removing stem cells from an embryo kills the 

I've listened to Dr Kerr from Johns Hopkins talk a few times about his 
research. http://www.hopkinsneuro.org/tm/
watch his presentation at the 2006 symposium here 
he mentioned that they want to use the embryos created for IVF that are 
deformed (something to that effect) and can not be used for in-vitro treatment. 
Now I can go along with using those that could not be used to result in a 

I agree with S. 30: A bill to intensify research to derive human pluripotent 
stem cell lines

At 06:35 PM 4/7/2007, Dan wrote:
  Yes, yes, yes! We must not destroy all those useless fertilized eggs. We 
should let them perish on their own and then we should have an elaborate 
funeral and bury them in a tiny little plot of earth. AND we must not allow 
abortion at ANY cost. Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah! 

Dan, who always gives great credence to anything authored by a reverend. 

At 06:15 PM 4/7/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my response:



   There are non-controversial alternatives worth exploring; such as the 
reprogramming of ordinary somatic (body) cells, the derivation of stem cells 
from amniotic fluid, and (assuming that it can be shown that the product is not 
an embryo), altered nuclear transfer.   
   Concerns about embryo destruction are not only religious; but merely a 
healthy respect for the human capacity for doing evil in pursuit of the good.   
   The search for cures is not the only motive behind ESC research,; many 
scientists are interested only in enhancing basic scientific knowledge of such 
things as cell signaling, tissue growth and early human development. 

Source: Robert P. George and Thomas V. Berg, "Six Stem Cell Facts," Wall Street 
Journal, March 14, 2007.

For text:


  AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out 

Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-09 Thread delimited4
Kidding?? We don't need to kid. I have neighbors that can't pay bills but go to 
every execution to protest against the people that think the death penalty is 
wrong. They protest abortions but not at the IVF clinic. They think life is a 
miracle because they don't have children. (I'm not telling them babies are a 
result of sex) That stuff is dirty and after meeting them, I believe them 
having sex would be WRONG on levels of hell nobody ever dreamed of. They own 
guns incase they need to send someone to hell or meet a commie. nuff said..
-Original Message-
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

I hope you're kidding.

Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Yes, yes, yes! We must not destroy all those useless fertilized eggs. We should 
let them perish on their own and then we should have an elaborate funeral and 
bury them in a tiny little plot of earth. AND we must not allow abortion at ANY 
cost. Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah! 

Dan, who always gives great credence to anything authored by a reverend. 

At 06:15 PM 4/7/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my response:


The public discussion of human embryo research has too often lacked 
intellectual honesty, which has only compounded the confusion of an issue of 
great scientific and moral complexity, say Robert P. George professor of 
jurisprudence at Princeton University and a member of the President's Council 
on Bioethics and Rev. Thomas V. Berg, executive director of the Westchester 
Institute for Ethics and the Human Person.

Consequently, there are certain facts on which people on either side of the 
moral debate should be able to agree, say George and Berg.  For example: 
There is no "ban" on human embryonic stem cell (ESC) research in the United 
States; the federal government has funded such research to the tune of $130 
million dollars since 2001, and the United States continues to be the 
international leader in the field. 
We are a long way away from therapies derived from embryonic stem cells; many 
leading stem cell researchers have echoed the fact that there may be no 
breakthrough any time soon. 
Standard embryology texts insist that from the zygote (single-cell embryo) 
stage forward there exists a new living member of the species homo sapiens that 
has the active potential to develop by an internally directed process towards 

There are non-controversial alternatives worth exploring; such as the 
reprogramming of ordinary somatic (body) cells, the derivation of stem cells 
from amniotic fluid, and (assuming that it can be shown that the product is not 
an embryo), altered nuclear transfer. 
Concerns about embryo destruction are not only religious; but merely a healthy 
respect for the human capacity for doing evil in pursuit of the good. 
The search for cures is not the only motive behind ESC research,; many 
scientists are interested only in enhancing basic scientific knowledge of such 
things as cell signaling, tissue growth and early human development. 

Source: Robert P. George and Thomas V. Berg, "Six Stem Cell Facts," Wall Street 
Journal, March 14, 2007.

For text:


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AOL now offers free email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at AOL.com.

Re: [QUAD-L] sex

2007-04-09 Thread delimited4
I use to have an indwelling and it was ok as long as she didn't like..sit n 
spin. It gets all tangled and messy and, you might wanna use a condom, bring 
some other toys? Condoms are hard to keep on if she uses the love oil first, 
so, just have fun!If shes willin to get in bed with you, stop worrying! Get 
your rubber ducky and have a good time.
-Original Message-
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Cc: quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] sex

On Apr 8, 2007, at 12:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

many have sex w/ a foley

i can see how many women might but it seems completely different for a guy... 

AOL now offers free email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at AOL.com.

Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-09 Thread delimited4
Trust me jim, they took thousands of eggs and fertilized a hundred at least. 
The ones they show on tv are always so perfect. Most times the egg gets messed 
up and is useless. Each time she tried, I guarentee they injected between 6 and 
20 they thought had a good chance. If they only had to prep one egg the price 
would drop a lot. If they aren't paying for storage then the other embryos are 
probably in a local sewer.
-Original Message-
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

I am against the whole IVF process that creates excess embryos to begin with. 

The frozen embryos can continued to be stored indefinitely. What's wrong with 
that? Are you concerned about the energy being used to keep them frozen? The 
embryos that are unfrozen eventually die a natural death, just as every other 
living thing, then cremated. That is quite different then killing it by 
removing stem cells to use in someone else. Even organ donors are declared dead 
by some standards before there organs are removed. # S.5—Stem Cell Research 
Enhancement Act of 2007 doesn't even do that; it just states that the embryos 
were in excess of the clinical need of the individuals seeking such treatment. 
and would never be implanted in a woman. 

I want my spinal cord repaired so I can breathe without a ventilator and 
possibly move independently, but I don't want it so badly that I will end 
another human life just for the possible improve my own life. I don't 
understand how those wanting to use stem cells from embryos can't comprehend 
that. An embryo is a human life, and put into the right environment, will 
continue to develop and grow. I'm not so self centered that improving my life 
should come at the cost of another life.

There are other sources of pluripotent stem cells, sources such as umbilical 
chords and amniotic fluid. There is also somatic cell nuclear transfer 
(therapeutic cloning) which I don't have a problem with.

On a side note, my cousin just gave birth to a son last week. He was the result 
of IVF from her egg and her husband's sperm. They had 8 viable embryos. The 
first 7 she did not carry full term. I'm happy for them that the last one she 
was able to carry to term and mom and son are doing fine.


At 08:04 AM 4/8/2007, Dan wrote:

So what do you do with the thousands of excess fertilized eggs that result from 
in vitro fertilization? Store them forever? Ban the process? These excess eggs 
are thrown into the garbage everyday yet I don't hear anyone complaining. So 
what's your answer.


At 07:50 PM 4/7/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my response:

Glad to see you partly agree with me Dan. (yes I realize you were being 
sarcastic) I don't agree with the part about having elaborate funerals and 
burying them, but yes we must not destroy unused fertilized eggs created for 
IVF treatments.

Using unused embryos is not the same as organ donation because organ donor are 
dead before organs are harvested. Removing stem cells from an embryo kills the 

I've listened to Dr Kerr from Johns Hopkins talk a few times about his 
research. http://www.hopkinsneuro.org/tm/
watch his presentation at the 2006 symposium here 
he mentioned that they want to use the embryos created for IVF that are 
deformed (something to that effect) and can not be used for in-vitro treatment. 
Now I can go along with using those that could not be used to result in a 

I agree with S. 30: A bill to intensify research to derive human pluripotent 
stem cell lines

At 06:35 PM 4/7/2007, Dan wrote:

Yes, yes, yes! We must not destroy all those useless fertilized eggs. We should 
let them perish on their own and then we should have an elaborate funeral and 
bury them in a tiny little plot of earth. AND we must not allow abortion at ANY 
cost. Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah! 

Dan, who always gives great credence to anything authored by a reverend. 

At 06:15 PM 4/7/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my response:


There are non-controversial alternatives worth exploring; such as the 
reprogramming of ordinary somatic (body) cells, the derivation of stem cells 
from amniotic fluid, and (assuming that it can be shown that the product is not 
an embryo), altered nuclear transfer. 
Concerns about embryo destruction are not only religious; but merely a healthy 
respect for the human capacity for doing evil in pursuit of the good. 
The search for cures is not the only motive behind ESC research,; many 
scientists are interested only in enhancing basic scientific knowledge of such 
things as cell signaling, tissue growth and early human development. 

Source: Robert P. George and Thomas V. Berg, "Six Stem Cell Facts," Wall Street 
Journal, March 14, 2007.

For text:


Re: [QUAD-L] life begins

2007-04-09 Thread delimited4
I believe life begins the moment you can sight it in a 4 power rifle scope. 
How can you tell a sperm and an egg joined? 
Why are men who father children called dads by lawyers?
Why are women that give birth called mom's by lawyers?
Are babies that develope from IVF damned by god?
Why do people have to interpret the bible after it has been rewritten in 
english? Was it done wrong? Does god hate people in wheelchairs? Does god hate 
gays? If God hates rich people then why do Americans keep electing them. I 
think everyone just picks the part of religion they like and ignores the rest. 
If god even gave mankind a second thought he wouldn't have allowed nuclear 
bombs to work. 
The real problem with stem cell research is if it is allowed then any woman 
that wants IVF will get it paid for by the gov't. pretty soon men are not 
needed. Most men are bad fathers and woman can do any thing men can when it 
comes to work. A 13yld boy with a cup could provide enough sperm for the next 
20 years. 
Stem cell research is the next step toward a society that doesn't need men! 
Lets face it guys, I'm a quad and women say I'm more fun than most guys. We are 
being phased out. Its all a big plot by rosie odonnell so oprah can run the 
-Original Message-
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

I do respect your opinion, even if I don't agree with it. You at least state 
that you define "a life" as having a consciousness. I am not aware if an 8 
month old fetus has a consciousness or not but I would consider that stage of 
development a life. That is why I define a human life from the point of 
conception, joining of a egg and sperm.

You wonder why you shouldn't have the option to use embryos for research just 
because you don't consider it a life? You don't see a problem with the premise 
of your question? You don't consider it a life so why should anyone prevent you 
from taking it to better your life. 

At 11:07 AM 4/8/2007, Angie Novak wrote:

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, of course.  But look at some of the 
people around, can we really say that all human life is precious?  I can't.  
There are just some people living their lives out there walking around and 
breathing that don't deserve to be.  However, these are people, not just 50-150 
cells that don't have a consciousness, what I consider life.  And these 50-150 
cells are just going to be destroyed anyway.  Why not let them serve a purpose.

Shouldn't those of us who want a cure to be found, including using embryonic 
stem cell research, be able to have that option?  If you don't want to be 
treated, potentially cured and able-bodied again someday from what this 
research finds, just don't accept that treatment.  Stay trapped in your body if 
you'd like.  But don't take that chance for living again, really living, away 
from those of us who want a shot at it.  I would gladly donate my eggs to be 
fertilized via in vitro, solely for the purpose of being used for embryonic 
stem cell research.

CURE not care-
Angie Novak

Dan T <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Human life is sacred and an embryo is the initial stage of life.  I would like 
to be up and around and Independent but not at the sacrifice of another human 
life.  Dan T.

Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Yes, yes, yes! We must not destroy all those useless fertilized eggs. We should 
let them perish on their own and then we should have an elaborate funeral and 
bury them in a tiny little plot of earth. AND we must not allow abortion at ANY 
cost. Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah! 

Dan, who always gives great credence to anything authored by a reverend. 

At 06:15 PM 4/7/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my response:



The public discussion of human embryo research has too often lacked 
intellectual honesty, which has only compounded the confusion of an issue of 
great scientific and moral complexity, say Robert P. George professor of 
jurisprudence at Princeton University and a member of the President's Council 
on Bioethics and Rev. Thomas V. Berg, executive director of the Westchester 
Institute for Ethics and the Human Person.

Consequently, there are certain facts on which people on either side of the 
moral debate should be able to agree, say George and Berg.  For example: 
There is no "ban" on human embryonic stem cell (ESC) research in the United 
States; the federal government has funded such research to the tune of $130 
million dollars since 2001, and the United States continues to be the 
international leader in the field. 
We are a long way away from therapies derived from embryonic stem cells; many 
leading stem cell researchers have echoed the fact that there may be no 
breakthrough any time soon. 
Standard embryology texts insist that from the zygote (single-cell embryo) 
stage forward there exists a new li

Re: [QUAD-L] sins...pfffffffft

2007-04-09 Thread delimited4
If you ever play russian roulette, risking a life and taking a chance is 
exactly the same thing as willfully terminating a life. You can't equate IVF 
with shooting craps. Everyone wants their sin to be a little sin. I've heard of 
folks that destroyed hundreds of embryos "trying". They don't want to adopt now 
that everyone can find birth parents, (thank you phill donahue, oprah and sally 
jesse for making american kids unadoptable)nobody wants to do anything about 
the millions of kids in south and central America. Nobody wants to be bothered 
with kids that aren't theirs. We are all part of an unforgivable sin that has 
nothing to do with unborn children. People spend millions on IVF while millions 
of children die of neglect all over the world. People are starving on our 
border and we are afraid they might get in. We just built 4 stealth bombers for 
100 billion dollars. We have spent a trillion dollars in Iraq killing people 
and we pretend we are worried that using an embryo for!
  its cells is a "sin". Compared to what we allow to happen in this world, its 
just a teensy weensy lil sin. If your not giving every spare cent to poor 
children in America, then your moral sins are too great to even give stem cells 
a second thought.
-Original Message-
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 10:54 PM
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

At 05:50 PM 4/8/2007, Dan wrote:

At 05:29 PM 4/8/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my response:

Risking a life and taking a chance is not the same as willfully terminating a 

AOL now offers free email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at AOL.com.

Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

2007-04-09 Thread delimited4
 Human life must be sacred, look how much we spend to destroy it!
-Original Message-
To: Quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 11:43 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Six Stem Cell Facts

If human life is not sacred then what the heck is?  If a human acts as a 
derelict, this does not make his humanness unsacred.  His life is sacred his 
behavior is another story and a civil society respects his humanness by not 
executing him and removes him from society.  Dan T.

Jim Lubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
I do respect your opinion, even if I don't agree with it. You at least state 
that you define "a life" as having a consciousness. I am not aware if an 8 
month old fetus has a consciousness or not but I would consider that stage of 
development a life. That is why I define a human life from the point of 
conception, joining of a egg and sperm.

You wonder why you shouldn't have the option to use embryos for research just 
because you don't consider it a life? You don't see a problem with the premise 
of your question? You don't consider it a life so why should anyone prevent you 
from taking it to better your life. 

At 11:07 AM 4/8/2007, Angie Novak wrote:

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, of course.  But look at some of the 
people around, can we really say that all human life is precious?  I can't.  
There are just some people living their lives out there walking around and 
breathing that don't deserve to be.  However, these are people, not just 50-150 
cells that don't have a consciousness, what I consider life.  And these 50-150 
cells are just going to be destroyed anyway.  Why not let them serve a purpose.

Shouldn't those of us who want a cure to be found, including using embryonic 
stem cell research, be able to have that option?  If you don't want to be 
treated, potentially cured and able-bodied again someday from what this 
research finds, just don't accept that treatment.  Stay trapped in your body if 
you'd like.  But don't take that chance for living again, really living, away 
from those of us who want a shot at it.  I would gladly donate my eggs to be 
fertilized via in vitro, solely for the purpose of being used for embryonic 
stem cell research.

CURE not care-
Angie Novak

Dan T <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Human life is sacred and an embryo is the initial stage of life.  I would like 
to be up and around and Independent but not at the sacrifice of another human 
life.  Dan T.

Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Yes, yes, yes! We must not destroy all those useless fertilized eggs. We should 
let them perish on their own and then we should have an elaborate funeral and 
bury them in a tiny little plot of earth. AND we must not allow abortion at ANY 
cost. Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah! 

Dan, who always gives great credence to anything authored by a reverend. 

At 06:15 PM 4/7/2007 -0700, Jim Lubin said something that elicited my response:


The public discussion of human embryo research has too often lacked 
intellectual honesty, which has only compounded the confusion of an issue of 
great scientific and moral complexity, say Robert P. George professor of 
jurisprudence at Princeton University and a member of the President's Council 
on Bioethics and Rev. Thomas V. Berg, executive director of the Westchester 
Institute for Ethics and the Human Person.

Consequently, there are certain facts on which people on either side of the 
moral debate should be able to agree, say George and Berg.  For example: 
There is no "ban" on human embryonic stem cell (ESC) research in the United 
States; the federal government has funded such research to the tune of $130 
million dollars since 2001, and the United States continues to be the 
international leader in the field. 
We are a long way away from therapies derived from embryonic stem cells; many 
leading stem cell researchers have echoed the fact that there may be no 
breakthrough any time soon. 
Standard embryology texts insist that from the zygote (single-cell embryo) 
stage forward there exists a new living member of the species homo sapiens that 
has the active potential to develop by an internally directed process towards 

There are non-controversial alternatives worth exploring; such as the 
reprogramming of ordinary somatic (body) cells, the derivation of stem cells 
from amniotic fluid, and (assuming that it can be shown that the product is not 
an embryo), altered nuclear transfer. 
Concerns about embryo destruction are not only religious; but merely a healthy 
respect for the human capacity for doing evil in pursuit of the good. 
The search for cures is not the only motive behind ESC research,; many 
scientists are interested only in enhancing basic scientific knowledge of such 
things as cell signaling, tissue growth and early human development. 

Source: Robert P. George and Thomas V. Berg, "Six Stem Cell Facts," Wall Street 
Journal, Ma

Re: [QUAD-L] Need Soulmate for 46 YO Female

2007-04-09 Thread DAANOO
You might try dating4disabled.com
or Disabledunited.com
Both sites  are free, or you can sometimes join
sites that are not free, that if they write you, you can write him back for  
free.  There are couple I'm aware of that you can put your profile on for  
free , but if someone writes you, you can only send a wink.  They are all  very 
different.  Many people will write you and give you their e-mail  address or 
phone number if they are interested.
If you want more information on which sites, I can tell you which ones I  
know about.  It's kind of hard to the people you don't get out a lot  because 
don't drive.  I don't know what her situation is.

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.