[QUAD-L] Wishing Merry Christmas Happ-ier New Year Coming !!!

2011-12-22 Thread Matt Wermer

Wishin Ya'll aaa Very Merry Christmas  Happi-errr New Year Coming !!!


Thanks for another great year of sharing and friendships!


Mey Christmas Ho-Ho-Ho !!!




A C/4 1989-er

Puryear, Tennessee



2011-11-24 Thread Matt Wermer


Matt Wermer


. Cool quad story on the today show this morning.



[QUAD-L] Panic Attacks...Sleeping

2011-11-19 Thread Matt Wermer

Oh Yes..

Yes I too have/do suffer from panic attacks and it seems like its only been
these past latter years.

I've learned to only have my can drape my flannel sheet on half my head (my
left) and so my

Right is more open to fresh air, this is mainly in colder months. Otherwise
I sleep with ac or ceiling

Fan and light sheet nearby to arm up to my mouth to cover up if needed with
my mouth. I am 

Married and somewhat spoiled as I ask my wife to cover/uncover or flip
on/off fan, but in times 

She's gone like on a friggin girls rip oh man, I get pre-panicked lol, but
smartly get left setup by

Can so matt can help me self lol. * I did most recently get showered with va
spoilage with a nice

Gift/install of a voice-activated ecu system, and so can now voice control
de fan, de tv, de phone,

De kitchen door, cannot do my bed since queen-size Invacare remote, but that
may change too.

I am blessed in many ways, and am so glad we have this quad forum too. I
often remain quiet

On here, but actively review the daily chats. 


Matt Wermer

C-4, 22 Yrs Post, Diving Accident

* I vote we just say x-rated, sex matters, sensitive, etc.. if talking such
related lol

  Or not, we can choose we have that ability lol..



[QUAD-L] Sorry about my mis-spells on CNA geez.....

2011-11-19 Thread Matt Wermer

Sorry about my mis-spells on CNA geez.



[QUAD-L] Mouthsticks....

2011-06-12 Thread Matt Wermer
I've used the gold colored hollow core plastic tipped sticks and
they are so light weight and flimsy they break in a minute.

I've had custom sticks made by friends. and have used for
umteen years, very unbreakable and go the miles.
I'd suggest you contact and friends/of friends that do metal
work, if not available just call a metal shop or local tech school
and describe your needs. My current sticks are made of solid
aluminum rod about 1/4-3/8 diameter, mouth piece is flat 
aluminum stock, cut out from a plastic/other pattern, welded
together, plastic over metal teeth grip is my nightbag 2000cc
new, fold long line in half cut, use this to slide over mouthpiece.
We usually have to put in very hott-nuked water to soften
and make apply-able for your use. I buy plastic tip ends for
typing end anywhere I can find them, can find an assortment
of sizes in pkg for 2-5 dollars.

Just my opinion.

Matt Wermer C-4 1989

[QUAD-L] Amazon.com: Jabra M5390 Multiuse Bluetooth Wireless Headset and A335w USB Dongle: Cell Phones Accessories

2011-05-11 Thread Matt Wermer
Sounds good, wireless usb headset for pc, cell and home bluetooth phones...will 
be trying it soon. 

Subject: Amazon.com: Jabra M5390 Multiuse Bluetooth Wireless Headset and A335w 
USB Dongle: Cell Phones  Accessories


[QUAD-L] Watchin n Enjoyin Some Racing

2010-12-21 Thread Matt Wermer
Sure wish we all lived closer so we could all go to the races.
Being in the chair and a quad sure can be fun when you're
a racing fan/spectator. I built/update the website for our
speedway and go every weekend. It's fun watchin dirt track
stock cares and modifieds thunder on the track!



Fw: [QUAD-L] Anniversary

2010-10-17 Thread Matt Wermer
I am 50 on Tuesday, my 21st yr as C-4 was 8/12, hang tough and we might be 
fixed yet lol.
If not at least we've persevered right!

I've regained some slowly, driving wc with quad-style joystick, have some 
strength in both
arams, not lots but had 0 for quite awhile.

It's a good life if you don't weaken

- Original Message - 
From: Debbie Hamilton 
To: quad-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2010 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Anniversary

  Congratulations Joan!  I am 51 years old, and I'm also a C4.  I am five 
years post accident.  They gave me 10 years give-or-take.  The quad list sure 
has made me think otherwise.  A lot of people have been quads past 10 years.  I 
had always been in good shape, and still feel that I am.  It's a little scary, 
I don't want to out live my husband because then I won't have a caregiver and 
will probably end up in a nursing home.  I think that's my greatest fear.  What 
is your living situation?

  C4 incomplete/April 2005

  --- On Fri, 10/15/10, Joan Anglin poaj...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

From: Joan Anglin poaj...@sbcglobal.net
Subject: [QUAD-L] Anniversary
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Date: Friday, October 15, 2010, 7:20 PM

Today is a day to celebrate.  20 years ago at 2:30 PM I fell off of 
some scaffolding and fell 10 feet-that was just enough to make me a C4 
complete.  But considering that I was told that I probably wouldn’t live a 
normal life line time wise I have proved them wrong and plan to do so for the 
next 10 years at least!  I have had the joy of seeing four more 
grandchildren-age 13 on down-and two great grandchildren.  My health is 
excellent, I can still be active and my favorite line is “I still haven’t 
figured out what I want to be when I grow up”.  So at 71 I look forward to an 
anticipated fantastic next 10 years and am looking forward to all the new 
inventions that will help most of us live better lives that I could have ever 
dreamed possible 20 years ago.  Many thanks for this list, it has enabled me to 
learn more about what’s new and shaking.  Joan

[QUAD-L] Permobil Parts?

2010-09-18 Thread Matt Wermer
Hey I'm getting a friends nice permobil power chair and will need to
get the seat base widened to 18 for me, adding a joystick to it,
just wondered if anyone was privey to outlets for parts.

Thanks ahead!

Matt Wermer
C-4  21 Yrs Post


2010-08-11 Thread Matt Wermer
  1.. My anniversary is 8/12/89 and Happy @21 Years!
  2.. We are blessed to be alive and who knows, maybe someday see a cure.
  3.. It's been a pretty good ride and for the most part-only gets better!

Matt Wermer 

C-4 Incomplete, Diving Accident 1989, Pickeral Lake, Vicksburg Michigan

Current Hometown: Puryear TN


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[QUAD-L] Congrats Tim

2010-08-11 Thread Matt Wermer
Congrats Tim!

Another year alive is a great thing. You've been enjoying
your friends/family/tv/radio/life!

Life is soo wonderful!


[QUAD-L] Fw: Acupuncture's Influence of Stem Cells

2010-06-30 Thread Matt Wermer

- Original Message - 
From: System Administrator 
To: masterl...@list.healingtherapies.info 
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 3:32 PM
Subject: Acupuncture's Influence of Stem Cells


This is the 49th email newsletter© associated with www.healingtherapies.info, 
the purpose of which is to expand the healing spectrum of people with physical 
disabilities, especially spinal cord dysfunction. 

This newsletter specifically discusses the potential of acupuncture to 1) 
restore some function after spinal cord injury, and 2) influence the expression 
of transplanted stem-cells. It is stunning to think that acupuncture, one of 
mankind's oldest therapies, may augment the effectiveness of stem-cell 
transplantation, one of mankind's most contemporary treatments.

Please support those who have made this newsletter possible. Specifically, 
consider subscribing to PN/Paraplegia News (subscribe 602-224-0500 or 
www.pn-magazine.com), or donating to the Paralyzed Veterans of America's 
Research  Education Program (www.pva.org ).

Check out Alternative Medicine and Spinal Cord Injury: Beyond the Banks of the 
Mainstream at http://www.demosmedpub.com/prod.aspx?prod_id=9781932603507 or 
Amazon.com. (rated 5 stars by two out of two posted reviews). This is an 
instructive book for anyone, with or without disability. 

Learn more about divergent function-restoring therapies for spinal cord injury 
at www.sci-therapies.info. 


(Adapted from an article appearing in April 2010 PN Magazine)

Previously, I've discussed acupuncture and its potential to restore some 
function after spinal cord injury - perhaps, in part, through its ability to 
influence regeneration-enhancing stem cells. This update summarizes studies 
documenting these possibilities. 

Traditional Theory

In brief review, under Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture 
stimulates specific skin points by either inserting needles; applying heat, 
pressure, or massage; or using various energy-emitting devices. It originally 
evolved from observations that a disorder was associated with an increased 
sensitivity in specific skin areas. These areas were consistently linked to a 
specific organ and followed a defined topographical pattern. Called meridians, 
these patterns served as pathways for life-force qi energy. Qi flow through 
these meridians could be regulated by the stimulation of acupuncture points 
located periodically along the meridians.

Under TCM theory, traumatic SCI damages the Du or Governor meridian, which, in 
turn, affects qi circulation for the entire body. The goal of treatment is to 
clear and activate meridian channels, reversing qi stagnation.  


The World Health Organization has listed many disorders amenable to 
acupuncture, including those supported by more rigorously designed clinical 
trials. Accumulating evidence suggests that acupuncture also has the potential 
to restore some function after acute and perhaps chronic SCI. 

Drs. Peter Dorsher and Peter  McIntosh, Mayo Clinic (Jacksonville, Florida) 
have proposed a number of scientific mechanisms by which acupuncture could 
exert beneficial effects after SCI, including 1) decreasing the levels of 
proteins and cells fostering injury-site scar formation, 2) reducing the 
creation of damage-perpetuating, free-radical molecules, 3) lessening 
post-injury spinal-cord atrophy, 4) decreasing stress-related hormones, 5) 
increasing various regeneration-enhancing molecules, 6) stimulating blood flow 
to the injury area, and 7) releasing neuroprotective, endorphin-like molecules. 
As discussed below, acupuncture also may stimulate function-restoring stem 

In these discussions, it is important to note that only a relatively small 
percentage of working neurons need to cross the injury site to have significant 
function. Through the previously discussed mechanisms, acupuncture may help 
preserve enough neurons in acute injury or turn-on surviving, dormant neurons 
in chronic injury to tilt the balance toward function rather than paralysis.  

Several SCI-focused acupuncture studies are summarized below. In some cases 
critics have questioned their rigor and, in turn, the amount of positive 
results. For example, some of the results may merely reflect spontaneous 
improvement in individuals with incomplete injuries. 

· Dr. X. Gao et al (China) treated 261 individuals with SCI, of which 
79% had been injured at least one year. Ninety-five percent had some 
improvement, such as enhanced sensation, bowel-and-bladder function, 
spasticity, and walking. The investigators believed that acupuncture improved 
spinal-cord circulation.  

· Dr. H. J. Wang (China) treated 82 patients with SCI with 

Fw: [QUAD-L] My Dilemma

2010-05-18 Thread Matt Wermer
I had UofM (young Drs) in Ann Arbor wanting to do a Urostomy on me back 10+
years ago, had me so scared about surgery, off weeks 4-6, then I
called my SCI Dr Yarconi in Chicago-RIC, he strongly advised that
was radical surgery, should only be done if absolutely necessary, I had
indwelling from 89-02, had supra done, been good all these years,
did have another quad friend had Urostomy, had lot of infections and
 even talk of a re-do, he's many years gone now. Bottom line with me
was like my dr said, only if you have to have it, he did also say that
they believe someday we hope all sci pats will walk again, so they
don't believe in drastically changing things far from the norm. 

Matt Wermer
C-4 Quad Incomplete
49  Still going strong!

- Original Message - 
From: Dan 
To: quad-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] My Dilemma

Hi Naomi,

I'm a little confused, having an indwelling catheter for five years isn't that 
long. in any event, I certainly would get a second and third opinion before 
undergoing such drastic surgery. And even if your bladder has shrunk does it 
really matter?

As for your eroding urethra, I'm no doctor, but it seems there should be some 
easier way to fix it.


At 07:31 PM 5/17/2010, ladyno...@aol.com said something that elicited my 

  I am a C-4 quad with an indwelling Foley catheter. My urologist says that my 
urethra is eroding, and suggests I have a procedure called a urostomy. He 
performed a procedure called Urodynamic, which measures the amount of urine 
your bladder can hold. Mine is holding less than an ounce of urine. So now he 
wants to remove my bladder, and make me a new one using part of my small 
intestine. During this procedure, both ureters are relocated, a new bladder is 
made, and urine as directed from the body through a stoma in the abdomen, which 
connects to a bag that adheres to the skin. I am going to the hospital on 
Tuesday to have an MRI, to make sure that it's safe for me to have this 
procedure because I also have Crohn's disease and disturbing my small 
intestine, may cause my Crohn's to flareup (which is a very terrible 
thing).?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = 
urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office /
  My dilemma is this: I have to choose between having this very invasive 
surgery, and all of that may come after it including infection from many 
sources, including the new bladder, ureter relocation, the stoma, and skin 
irritation from the adhesive for the bag, and not to mention the Crohn's flareup
  I can wear incontinent briefs which I don't have anyone to change them, 
because there's just me and my 80 year old mother, living together. She won't 
be able to change them throughout the day. I have an aide comes in the morning 
and gives me a bed bath and get me in my wheelchair. The rest of the day, 
there's just me and my mom here until bedtime (around 9:00 PM) when my 
nighttime aide comes to put me to bed. My catheter bag is usually not emptied 
from morning to night. My mom cannot handle me to change briefs, and if they're 
left on, I would have all types of sores.
  Does anyone on this list have a urostomy? If so, how is it working for you? I 
would love to hear what others have to say regarding my dilemma.
  C-4 quadriplegic due to Transverse Myelitis
  since July 2, 2005

  Have a Blessed Day, Naomi

[QUAD-L] Quad's Gettin Cold

2009-12-09 Thread Matt Wermer

Yes I to have the Quad Cold and love the sun, warm places,
and heat too! I bought a Pellet Stove and got it installed in our bsmt.
Wow, are they nice, pour wooden pellets in the top hopper and 
man it's warm-heat-heaven lol. They cost about 600-2000 at most
tractor suppy, orscleins, fireplace shops along with the pellets
too. The stove's are outfitted with fans, a auger to auto-feed the
pellets from the hopper to the little firepot where they're burned
and create great heat. The nice part also is they're about 83-87%
efficient and considered one of the greenest things you could
heat with, the pellets are made from waste sawdust usually but
can be made even with hay, grass, etc.. The wood pellets cost
about $4.00 per bag and mine burns about 7 bags per week, I
use this to keep warmer all day till about 10pm, then we go up
stairs and use our reg gas heat thru the night, my stove heats
up to 2200 sq ft, if our house was a tad smaller I'd heat the 
whole house that way, plus we have a gas fireplace on the main
floor so I didn't want to replace/disrupt that (so far lol). From
one Quad to another Pellet Stoves are the bomb man!

Matt Wermer   Puryear, TN
C4-Quad 1989

[QUAD-L] David

2009-06-04 Thread Matt Wermer
David Kelmer sure will be missed, A Good Man and Died with Pride I'm Sure.
May Only Peace Be With You David

c-4 Puryear,TN

Fw: [QUAD-L] Those in Kentucky... without power

2009-02-01 Thread Matt Wermer
Yes Wheel,

We live in Puryear, Tennessee just south of Murray,KY and we got a lot of 
damage here and north.
Lost power all day Tuesday and some Wednesday, getting a generator this year 
for sure.
It's suprising how much we take our power, heat, water, tv, radio, pc for 

We grill-heated our coffee water, grilled toast, grilled food, glad we had the 
grill and also
kept some warm with our propane fireplace, used kerosene lamps, gotta luv 
camping in Winter!
Hooking up a Pellet stove in these next few days too.

Went to Walmart in Paris yesterday and it was covered over with shoppers from 
West KY north of us over to Paducah and outlying areas might be without power 
for weeks they say.
Looking forward to spring!

Matt Wermer
Puryear, TN

wer...@yahoo.comwermbo on yahoo IM

- Original Message - 
From: wheelch...@aol.com 
To: lwillis82...@msn.com ; quad-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 10:00 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Those in Kentucky... without power

thanks for the update and hope you continue doing well.  Keep us posted with 
any updates as I'm sure power is restored to some each hour
Best Wishes

In a message dated 1/31/2009 5:06:15 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
lwillis82...@msn.com writes:
  I am right in the middle of the worst of it. Areas and counties all around me 
are still without  power. God must be watching over this old quad. I lost power 
for about 30 min. Amazing. Six people have died from carbon monoxide poisoning. 
  From: wheelch...@aol.com
  Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 14:13:48 -0500
  To: quad-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Those in Kentucky... without power

  There are still those in Kentucky without power and may still be without 
power for 10 days.
  That has to have a nasty effect on those in powered wheelchair and others who 
are home
  bound.  I'm looking at 35 degrees while I know those in Kentucky at still 
facing 20+ degrees
  as utility workers are working around the clock in their attempt to restore 
7000 lines that need
  replacement.  I know here when it happen, there were people that risks their 
lives in trying to salvage
  anything they saw laying on the ground and considered it junk, scrap and 
salvaged wire.  This requires
  new line which needs to be ordered, shipped to site before installation.  
This takes more time, while it affect those without power.  I truly hope that 
is not the case.

  Best Wishes

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[QUAD-L] The Inauguration of President Barack Obama - The Big Picture - Boston.com

2009-01-22 Thread Matt Wermer
Great Pictures!


[QUAD-L] Advocates Praised as Bush Signs Bill to Restore ADA-President Bush Signs ADA Amendments Act into Law

2008-09-25 Thread Matt Wermer

- Original Message - 
From: ADA Watch and the National Coalition for Disability Rights 
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 2:12 PM
Subject: Advocates Praised as Bush Signs Bill to Restore ADA

Good News !

National Coalition for Disability Rights 
601 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 900S
Washington, DC 20004

September 25, 2008

ADA Watch and the National Coalition for Disability Rights Praises Advocates 
and Policymakers As President Bush Signs ADA Amendments Act into Law

(Washington, DC) For nearly two years, disability rights advocates have 
traveled the Nation in a modified bus educating citizens and policymakers alike 
of the pressing need to restore vital civil rights protections of the Americans 
with Disabilities Act (ADA). 

Today, President Bush signed the ADA Amendments Act into law and ADA Watch and 
the National Coalition for Disability Rights, the nonprofit organizations 
behind the Road To Freedom bus tour, praised all of those involved in this 
successful campaign to advance disability rights.  

In recent years, the ADA - the world's first human rights law for people with 
disabilities - has been dramatically narrowed in the courts leaving citizens 
with epilepsy, diabetes, mental illness, HIV-AIDS and other disabilities 
unprotected from discrimination. The ADA Amendments Act clarifies the intent of 
Congress and reverses the judicial activism that has resulted in more than 
95% of employment-related ADA cases being dismissed on summary judgment.

Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), lead sponsor of the ADA Amendments Act, 
acknowledged ADA Watch/NCDR's role in passage of this legislation on the floor 
of the Senate, thanking the Road To Freedom's crew for dedicating almost 2 
years of their lives traveling on a bus around the country to every State, 
showing people about the importance of restoring the protections of ADA.

ADA Watch/NCDR founder and president, Jim Ward stated today, This is a 
monumental victory for people with disabilities. As America seeks to respond to 
the economic challenges we face, this law - if enforced - will ensure that 
people with disabilities are fairly included in the workforce and that we can 
do our jobs free from discrimination.

ADA Watch and the National Coalition for Disability Rights praises the 
thousands of Americans who produced and participated in Road To Freedom bus 
stops as, together, we called for restoration of the ADA. Likewise, we praise 
the tireless efforts of advocates such as Andy Imparato, Sandy Finucane, Curt 
Decker, Chai Feldblum, Jennifer Mathis, Arlene Mayerson, Shereen Arent, Donna 
Meltzer, Nancy Zirkin, Michael Collins, Yoshiko Dart, Tom Olin, Debbie Fletter 
Ward and so many others. 

ADA Watch and the National Coalition for Disability Rights (NCDR) is a 
coalition of national, state and local disability, civil rights and social 
justice organizations united to protect and promote the human rights of 
children and adults with physical and mental disabilities. For more 
information, go to www.adawatch.org and www.roadtofreedom.org  


[QUAD-L] Foul Urine Smell

2008-09-06 Thread Matt Wermer

Hi Quadlist Peeps,

I've had a foul urine smell for months and cannot figure out why. I drink a lot 
water, had my uric acid tested months ago and it was alright, don't get a lot of
uti's about 1-2 per year if that, I do drink a lot of coffee 2-3-4 cups daily, 
but I
think I'd slowed or stopped the coffee before and didn't make a difference. Any
others with a SP have bad smelling urine? Mine is really strong smelling.
I looked it up on Webmd.com but don't think it helped...suggests infections, 

Thanks ahead,


Matt Wermer
C-4 1989
Puryear, TN

[QUAD-L] Fw: United Spinal Summer Newsletter

2008-08-01 Thread Matt Wermer
United Spinal Association
- Original Message - 
From: United Spinal Association 
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 9:32 AM
Subject: United Spinal Summer Newsletter

Summer is here and you have lots of things you want to do and many 
places to go while the weather is nice. So here is the short and cool summer 
edition of our newsletter.  
  It's a HOT United Summer filled with events, excitement and 
big victories. And there is more to come! 
  Check it out.  
  Canes To Wheelchairs: Mobility Alernatives is our latest free 
publication. This publication is a guide that assists people in making the 
right choice in their selection of a mobility device.
  Download a free copy.  
  Get out there and travel with Scot Chesney's Plane Talk on 
vacationing and airline travel. This is concrete advice from a wheelchair 
user who has traveled to 38 different countries.
  Read it all.  
  United Spinal's Independence Expo in Orlando, featuring 
disability-related workshops, manufacturers exhibiting their products, 
thousands of dollars worth of raffle prizes, and it's all free.
  Get the scoop  
  Deciding to wheel is not always an easy decision to make. 
Kathy Galletly had to undergo a revolution in her thinking before she accepted 
the idea of using a wheelchair.
  Read her story.  
  Summer is a special time for all kids, and special is just 
what they will be at the United Spinal 2008 Kids Sports Spectacular, hosted by 
Comcast Spectacor / Wachovia Center. 
  Get more information.  
  Let me have it! If you really want it we will give it to you 
but you will have to click on the link below to get it. I dare you!
  Click here to get it.  
  Well, you made it with plenty of time left to enjoy this 
great summer day. Have a wonderful and safe summer. 
  Best to all,
  Ziggi Landsman
  Director of Web Relations
  United Spinal Association 

Unsubscribe from future communications 

[QUAD-L] 1999 Dodge Grand Caravan , Wheelchair Mini-van

2008-07-21 Thread Matt Wermer
My van for sale...Matt


Re: [QUAD-L] Power Chair speed

2008-06-17 Thread Matt Wermer
Yes bee careful lol, i've got a newer Quickie 626 that goes fast and too fast 
I can say now chest straps are very helpful when flying in your wc and stop
suddenly-geez! It was when i first got it and stupidly hauled butt in 5th speed
and ended up face between my legs until my wife found me...ya 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Danny Hearn 
  To: Danny Hearn ; Shahidul ; Quad 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 6:59 AM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Power Chair speed

  Danny Hearn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
You are correct Shahidul, 8 miles per hour is  not that fast, my invacare 
Arrow is supposed to go about 7 to 71/2 miles per hour and I have had it 61/2 
years now. As with ANY man made or mechanical device, something can break or go 
wrong, but the same goes for cars-bikes or anything. Even walking or running 
has a risk.  Dan H.

Shahidul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  Hey W,

  Thank you very much for your honest concern. No I never had any 
powerchair accident in these 3 yrs. I am more confident than ever before. But I 
know you are right, anything might happen even to experienced user anytime. I 
would possibly be  happy with 12km /hr. Sometimes there are negligible traffic. 
At that time I have an urge to run faster. I heard about persons possibly in 
this list, who modified their chairs themselves to run faster. We have one 
gentleman from S.Africa who manufactures power chair. Name is Martin Brown. So 
I am inspired.

  But, I shall be careful.

  Hello Mark,

  Enjoyed your story. I saw Tom crashing and breaking into walls like that 
in Tom  Jerry cartoon (lol).

  Please take care :-)



It is always a pleasure to hear from you regarding your experiences 
and successes.  I wish you more.
I also understand your need for speed, but caution, to everything there 
are natural limits and un natural conditions to those natural limits.  It would 
sadden us to read that you injuried yourself, racing at faster speeds.

Keep in touch and please continue to post as there are so many new 
people who might be inspired by your progress.

Best Wishes

[QUAD-L] Re: Power Chair speed- Go Speed Racer

2008-06-17 Thread Matt Wermer
You got it wheel!

  - Original Message - 
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; quad-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 7:52 AM
  Subject: Power Chair speed- Go Speed Racer

  Those are times when a 8-Point harness and padded racing helmet comes in 
  Best Wishes

  In a message dated 6/17/2008 8:30:39 A.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
Yes bee careful lol, i've got a newer Quickie 626 that goes fast and too 
fast lol!
I can say now chest straps are very helpful when flying in your wc and 
suddenly-geez! It was when i first got it and stupidly hauled butt in 5th 
and ended up face between my legs until my wife found me...ya 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Danny Hearn 
  To: Danny Hearn ; Shahidul ; Quad 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 6:59 AM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Power Chair speed

  Danny Hearn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
You are correct Shahidul, 8 miles per hour is  not that fast, my 
invacare Arrow is supposed to go about 7 to 71/2 miles per hour and I have had 
it 61/2 years now. As with ANY man made or mechanical device, something can 
break or go wrong, but the same goes for cars-bikes or anything. Even walking 
or running has a risk.  Dan H.

Shahidul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  Hey W,

  Thank you very much for your honest concern. No I never had any 
powerchair accident in these 3 yrs. I am more confident than ever before. But I 
know you are right, anything might happen even to experienced user anytime. I 
would possibly be  happy with 12km /hr. Sometimes there are negligible traffic. 
At that time I have an urge to run faster. I heard about persons possibly in 
this list, who modified their chairs themselves to run faster. We have one 
gentleman from S.Africa who manufactures power chair. Name is Martin Brown. So 
I am inspired.

  But, I shall be careful.

  Hello Mark,

  Enjoyed your story. I saw Tom crashing and breaking into walls like 
that in Tom  Jerry cartoon (lol).

  Please take care :-)



It is always a pleasure to hear from you regarding your 
experiences and successes.  I wish you more.
I also understand your need for speed, but caution, to everything 
there are natural limits and un natural conditions to those natural limits.  It 
would sadden us to read that you injuried yourself, racing at faster speeds.

Keep in touch and please continue to post as there are so many new 
people who might be inspired by your progress.

Best Wishes

  Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.

[QUAD-L] FYI-Life Suit Demonstrattion

2008-06-05 Thread Matt Wermer
My VistaPrint Electronic Business CardMonty is the designer/engineer of a 
walking suit for paralyzed folks like us.
The US Military is working with such technology to create super soldiers.
Lookup Exoskeletal Suits on You Tube sometime.

Monty says, Tell your friends they can see the LIFESUIT live in Shoreline July 
18  19.  We will have free T shirts and we will be fund raising by accepting 
donations.  www.theyshallwalk.org  Ask your friends to become fans of They 
Shall Walk on facebook.com  Monty.

Event: Shoreline SolarFest   MontyReed  LIFESUIT Exoskeleton 14 
appearance at Fest
What: Rally
Host: They Shall Walk
When: Friday, July 18 at 5:00pm
Where: Meridian Park Elementary, Shoreline, WI
Contact: 2062298234

Friday evening Monty Reed wearing LIFESUIT #14 will escort the models of the 
Haute Trash Fashion Show kicking off the Shoreline SolarFest.
On Saturday, starting @ 10 am They Shall Walk will be at the festival all day 
along with the other environmentally friendly exhibitors and the Taste of 
Shoreline. They Shall Walk will have videos, pictures and T shirts available. 
The LIFESUIT will be on display. 

[QUAD-L] State we live in....

2008-03-09 Thread Matt Wermer
My VistaPrint Electronic Business CardTenneessee  Puryear
Matt Wermer 
C-4 18 Years Post

Here's the SCI support group I started last October.

 VistaPrint e-Card.jpg