Re: [QUAD-L] Pain one of the most personal battles

2007-05-11 Thread Peter Damiano
I was bedridden for almost one year with one sore on each cheek on my
bottom.  The wound center doctor dragged me along for his profit.  After
one year I got in touch were a plastic surgeon to get a double flap
surgery.  I believe everyone, as soon as they are unfortunately paralyzed
and wheelchair-bound, should get a double flap surgery on their bottom
before the sores start popping up.A plastic surgeon cut a long indecision
in the shape of  C, cutting through the center of the sore.  Even though
the sores had a small hole on the outside, the inside tissue was
completely rotted.  She took out rotten, infected tissue that was larger
than a grapefruit.  She told me that if I stayed in bed for 10 years the
sore would never have healed.  My bones were infected with the same
infection that Chrisfer Reeves (sp) died from.After cutting the pointy
bones on the bottom of my butt cheeks, making them flat, she twisted my
skin so that each half of the sore touched healthy tissue. I was out of
bed in three weeks and have not had a sore on my bottom for 10 years.Peter
25 yrs

  - Original Message -
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Pain one of the most personal battles
  Date: Tue, 8 May 2007 23:25:29 EDT

Hi Joan and Ron,
so sorry about your sore Joan and being in day for five months.  Two
years ago I went through that for six months and it seemed so much longer
.  To Ron about your pain, sorry about that also.  I also agree with your
words. It would be good to make a list of what everybody has used on
their source from year to year just to compare and ask about to your
doctor.  I know it all depends on where the sore is. No one can know what
another person is going through until they've been.

Dana  In a message dated 5/8/2007 7:00:34 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

  [IMAGE][IMAGE]Joan, you are so right.  Many who do not actually
  experienced the malady cannot understand others' health problems. 
  How arrogant!  Joan, how is your sore healing?

  Joan Anglin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Those of us who are lucky enough to be blessed with high pain thresholds,
or relatively manageable pain, should never say “don’t do it”
because we do not know what it is like. I had a high threshold of pain
before I broke my neck-walked around on a broken foot with multiple
breaks for four days before I went to the Dr.! I still have constant pain
to deal with, but for the most part it’s manageable with OTC drugs and
keeping very busy. I have been in bed now for five months and the pain
has been much more difficult to manage then when I am able to be up and
outside. But that’s the nature of the beast.Each of us struggles with a
different problem-and we have to deal with our own problems in the way
that is most acceptable to us. Before we make a blatant statement in
response to an email on this list, we should remember that speech
inflections do not show up in our printed words. And we might mean this
as tongue in cheek, but the opposite of what we actually mean is taken
offensively by others.Have a great day every one JoanFrom: RONALD L
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 7:03 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Pain one of the most personal battles Hey, I read the
arrogant comment to stay off drugs. Wellobviously this person has no
real pain because let me tell you this much, if you are in serious pain
that puts you in bed moaning and will try drugs. People that
have little or no pain think that those that use drugs are weak addicts.
This is flawed thinking. If you are in bed 5 days a week with pain, and
with drugs you are able to function just lets say two more days it is
worth it. None of us are going to live forever, so making the time we
have more productive and happy is the name of the game. Life is about
doing what you gotta do, moreso with spinal injury. Ron  c7  No virus
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Re: [QUAD-L] My pain story with an adieu!

2007-05-10 Thread Peter Damiano
I have been living with excruciating pain for 25 years.  If I move my
eyebrows my spine feels like an accordion, sending shocks through all my
limbs.  For some reason whenever I have dysreflexia it feels it feels
like a sword is being thrust it into my stomach.  My a-hole feels like
there is a baseball bat jammed inside. This is but a mild description.

Drugs, both illicit and  prescribed, put me into a hospital for four
months, around 14 years ago.  I had my 22nd operation there -- a bowel
resection.  Three months after leaving the hospital I went to a pain
center, where I was not allowed to leave the ninth floor of the
hospital.  While there I experienced four seizures from the detoxing. 
After completing the program successfully I lived without medication for
ten years, and they were the most productive years in my life.  With
medication our lives are like a wavy line on a blackboard.  At the lowest
point we take medication and move to the highest, only to fall back again
to the lowest.  Without medication our lives are more like a straight
line drawn across the center of that wavy line.

That being said, I began taking OxyContin after my 27th operation two
years ago.  Having moved from New York City to Virginia at that time, I
needed to find a new doctor.  Being a compassionate man he would
prescribe for me anything I requested.  There I was taking three 80mil
OxyContin a day, along with a 200mil patch of morphine on my arm that I
changed every three days.  Having several people at my house one
afternoon I asked three different people to give me two pills.  That's
right, 480mil of OxyContin.  I wanted to feel what it would be like to
rid myself of pain for the first time -- I didn't mind dying -- my pain
has replaced my fear of death with a longing.

You are the first ones who know of this.  Sadly, there was no effect on
the pain.  I was suffering that night as much as I'm suffering on this
one.  Several days later I made a schedule to wean myself off the pain
medication, and adhered to it for the next three months.  Below is the
beginning of that list, at least enough to show my train of thought... my
train of thought?  Now that's a joke!  My schedule looked something like

Weak one: 80mil of OxyContin three times, three Percocet three times
Week two: 80mil of OxyContin three times daily, two Percocet three times
Week three: 80mil of OxyContin three times daily, one Percocet three
times daily.
Week four: 80mil of OxyContin three times daily, no Percocet.
Week five: 60mil of OxyContin three times daily, three Percocet three
times daily.

On my shelf there is an old jar filled with 20mil OxyContin pills.  As I
lost my partiality for drinking many years ago, I will sometimes take one
pill when going out for the night.  Every so often I awake in the middle
of the night screaming.  My wife tells me that I fight with her because I
do not want to take one. The scary part is that I never remember these
episodes when they happen.

If someone wishes to take medication they should be allowed to take as
much as they want, but it will never help chronic pain.  As pain is
subjective, we often feel that ours is by far the worst of all.  But if
medication is becoming a hindrance -- if you avoid being seen in public,
if you believe your dreams to be futile, if you allow your television to
eat away at your receptive faculties, if you remain in bed although your
well, if you find yourself counting or worrying about your pills -- then
you might try taking another avenue.  Your endorphins are a natural
morphine that your brain releases when stimulated.  You can release these
endorphins by reading, by writing, by working, by talking with everyone
you meet, by absorbing the sun, by planting a vegetable garden, by
meditation, and by enjoying everything life has to offer while we are

One quick note: I do wish that my stock picks could have brought one of
the prizes to somebody here.  I could take some solace in knowing that of
my 12 original company tickers, 11 have risen. KKD was a real bomb.  In a
few weeks everyone will be given a new one million dollars, and the
highest portfolio after 2 weeks will win a nice television system.  As I
already have three high-definition televisions around my house, I will
not be participating.  I wish the best of luck to anyone that does.

Unfortunately, I need to sign off on the list because cleaning out my
e-mail every day takes away the time I need for my own portfolio and
writing.  If I need a question answered, I'll always know where to go. 
Enjoy your summer everyone.  Peter 25 yrs

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[QUAD-L] [QUAD] Bonus Bucks

2007-04-25 Thread Peter Damiano

I'm sorry to burden the whole list with this e-mail, but I received some 
questions about the Bonus Bucks challenge, and I'm not sure who sent me the 
e-mail.  Anyway, I stopped posting tickers because I felt as if there was a 
(waning interest)  oxymoron!  -- in the million-dollar challenge (which is 
normal), and as such concentrated more on my own personal holdings, as well as 
the million-dollar challenge.  If you are still interested in increasing your 
portfolio worth by answering the Bonus Bucks, I will be glad to post the 
correct answers. 

Peter 25 yrs

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Re: [QUAD-L] Religion and keeping people in line-- what country are you living in?????

2007-04-17 Thread Peter Damiano
  he said that he hated Jerry and Pat and not because they are
  homosexuals, but because they love money and do nothing to help his

  Boy, this is one conversation I would love to be privy to.  I'm an
  agnostic... it's much easier.  I worked in the Twin Towers as a
  teenager, and had to pull over yesterday on the highway for all the
  police and ambulances headed to Virginia Tech. It's only going to get
  worse, no doubt.  Peter 25 yrs
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 6:35 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Religion and keeping people in line-- what
  country are you living in?

  I'm not sure which post you are replying to, but I beg to differ. 
  lots of people use religion to keep others in line for one reason or
  another.  Sometimes it's tradition and/or money.  and so far, there
  are two people here who belief may have evidence of that in their
  lives (I am including myself here).  granted, it is people who try to
  keep other people in line.

  But you are certainly right -- no one is using anything to keep me in
  line because that will never happen.

  ever hear of the Church of the flying spaghetti monster?  LOL:

  On 4/15/07, Danny Hearn [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

No one is using religion to keep you in line..In America you
are free to believe as you desire.. there is even a Satanic
church and dozens of other weird cults . You do as you please and
no one forces you here in America. Besides If religion keeps
people So IN LINE why is everything such a mess financially and
Moraly. The largest population on Earth.CHINA  hates freedom
of religions, because they like strict control over their people
-- media and even how they think., same in places like North
Korea.   Dan H. 

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Re: [QUAD-L] CNBC Update

2007-04-09 Thread Peter Damiano
I do apologize to those who are interested in the million-dollar
challenge for not posting my advice on Sunday afternoon as I had
promised; for it had slipped my mind (which is sorely ailing of late)
that my wife had arranged and Easter/Birthday dinner for me and our
family, and I was unable to work as I had planned through the day.

It is now deep in the a.m., and I will post the results from eight hours
contemplation.  Although I have tried to resign myself, these twenty-five
years, to the emptiness of lying awake throughout the night in pain,
there is an acute frustration when I know the morning sunlight will soon
pierce my windowpanes, and definitively eradicate any chance of dozing
away the long nights stupor.  By the morning time I will grow to loath
the loneliness I feel from listening to my solitary voice as I dictate,
like being subjected to the vacuous echoes that one might hear in the
darkened recesses of a cave.  In my unlighted room the computer monitor
scorches my eyes, but closing them will only torment me further.  My wife
sleeps soundly behind me, and may God bless her dreams; our dog, a small
Yorkshire Terrier named Bailey, was chasing my stepdaughter's dog all day
in the yard, and is currently sleeping on top of my head snoring.  I
think he likes it there because I'm so still, and because we emit the
majority of our heat through our heads.

Okay, people, listen up!  Here's the deal... if you have family members
or several different e-mail accounts, which are a dime a dozen nowadays,
try to make as many accounts as possible at CNBC.  Invest your one
million dollars in any one of the company tickers below.  Leave it there,
and let it ride.  As the stock market is somewhat overbought, I needed to
expand my searches past stocks priced under 15 dollars.  Remember, you
can buy 100,000 shares of a 10 dollars stock with one million dollars. 
To win the final one million dollar annuity would be difficult, as the
contest started three weeks ago; but the 10,000 dollar average weekly
gain, for the next six weeks, is very possible for anyone to win, since
the highest percentage gain on that week is the winner.

Anyone can add 3000 dollars to your portfolio each day by answering the
Bonus Bucks questions.  I'll try to post the answers by 12 o'clock in the
afternoon.  Simply searching their website is all that is required for
the answers. 


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[QUAD-L] Re: [QUAD-] DragonDictate 9.1 Service Pack

2007-04-07 Thread Peter Damiano
I had some trouble after downloading Internet Explorer 7.0 with
DragonDictate 9.1 Two months ago a service pack for DragonDictate
9.1 came out.  It's a 50 meg file.  Cleared every problem.  Peter

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2007-04-06 Thread Peter Damiano
The Bureau of Labor Statistics released numbers today showing the US
economy is on fire, with unemployment at an all-time low and 160,000 new
jobs created in one month.  The SP futures traded lock limit up, showing
a 30 point gain on Monday's opening.  To make money, you sell into
strength.  I will liquidate my positions on Monday afternoon, as Tuesday
(called Turnaround Tuesday) usually retraces Monday's performance. 
Tuesday afternoon (hopefully) stock prices should be lower, and I'll buy
into weakness.  Of course, this is not a certainty.
Two stocks among the 12 that I listed last week had moves over 15
percent.  If anyone had put their one million dollars into either of
these two stocks, they would have racked up 250,000 in capital gains, and
received a 10,000 dollar check from CNBC. I'll try to send a new list on
Sunday afternoon.
Could all of those who joined the one million Dollar challenge send me
their name and e-mail.  I'm trying to convince CNBC to add 10,000 dollars
to my portfolio.  Currently, I'm in the top 24 percent.
Go to New York Rangers!  Today is my B-day.  Peter 25 yrs


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Re: [QUAD-L] A Challenge for All Update

2007-04-03 Thread Peter Damiano
I hope that somebody on this list put their one million in: (KKD or AAI)
both stocks are up significantly this morning.  For my personal account I
have 10,000 shares of KKD It is up 50 cents this morning.  That is 2500
dollars for a morning's work. In the one million Dollar challenge I have
over 80,000 shares.  I find it more advantageous than talking about our
chair cushions or piss bags. There is still a month remaining in the
contest. Go for it! Peter 25 yrs

  - Original Message -
  From: Quadius
  To: Peter Damiano
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] A Challenge for All
  Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 19:45:52 -0400 is the link for
  those interested.

  On 4/2/07, Peter Damiano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Some four weeks ago CNBC began their one million dollar
investment contest.  Since that time, the Dow Jones industrial
average has had one of the worst quarterly losses in the last
decade.  This is wonderful since 60 to 70 percent of the people
that signed up when the contest began have portfolios that are
underwater, portfolios significantly below the one million
dollars allotted when they signed up for the contest.  The one
million dollars is, of coarse, fictitious; but the person with
the highest capital gains at the end of the contest, still eight
weeks away, will win an annuity of one million dollars.
I have been bedridden with a sore on my foot from my new
wheelchair rest, using my bedside computer and DragonDictate to
trade.  Currently I am in the top 20 percent.  If I was able to
utilize the computers in my office with the multiple screens, I
would probably be somewhat higher.  Be this as it may, I have
been trading stocks for 21 years, betting on the future movement
in the price of a security with technical analysis.
For the benefit of my fellow wheelchair-bound companions, I have
spent this weekend sifting through 1800 securities to find only
those that fit the criteria in the stock challenge.  From that
list I studied only those companies whose stock did not exceed
15.00 A Share.  The reason for this is to capture a large
percentage gain which will ultimately decide the winner. On the
other hand, the losses will be of a high percentage also.  Simply
put, you can buy a great deal of shares with a million dollars
when the stock price is 10 dollars a share, as opposed to a stock
price being over 100 dollars.
Go to the CNBC website and join the one million dollar contest. 
The registration list is very simple with no more than a half
dozen questions.  Put all your million dollars into any one of
the stocks listed below, or divided between different
securities.  I would not suggest stretching it past two
companies, for this contest is simply a hit or miss.  The prize
last year was a Lamborghini, and that person put all his million
dollars into one stock.
I would love to see one of us going to the CNBC studio in a
wheelchair to collect the prize.  Good luck:
Peter, 25 Long yrs C/4-C/5 With debilitating neuropeptide pain to
ONNN   8.92 A Share
RFMD   6.23 A Share
PMCS   8.92 A Share
MWY6.25 A Share
HMX 5.36 A Share
AAI 10.27 A Share
LSI 10.44 A Share
NKTR 11.80 A Share
PTMK 12.80 A Share
SPSN  12.20 A Share
TRAD  12.60 A Share


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Re: [QUAD-L] A Challenge for All

2007-04-01 Thread Peter Damiano
Some four weeks ago CNBC began their one million dollar investment
contest.  Since that time, the Dow Jones industrial average has had one
of the worst quarterly losses in the last decade.  This is wonderful
since 60 to 70 percent of the people that signed up when the contest
began have portfolios that are underwater, portfolios significantly below
the one million dollars allotted when they signed up for the contest. 
The one million dollars is, of coarse, fictitious; but the person with
the highest capital gains at the end of the contest, still eight weeks
away, will win an annuity of one million dollars.
I have been bedridden with a sore on my foot from my new wheelchair rest,
using my bedside computer and DragonDictate to trade.  Currently I am in
the top 20 percent.  If I was able to utilize the computers in my office
with the multiple screens, I would probably be somewhat higher.  Be this
as it may, I have been trading stocks for 21 years, betting on the future
movement in the price of a security with technical analysis.
For the benefit of my fellow wheelchair-bound companions, I have spent
this weekend sifting through 1800 securities to find only those that fit
the criteria in the stock challenge.  From that list I studied only those
companies whose stock did not exceed 15.00 A Share.  The reason for this
is to capture a large percentage gain which will ultimately decide the
winner. On the other hand, the losses will be of a high percentage also. 
Simply put, you can buy a great deal of shares with a million dollars
when the stock price is 10 dollars a share, as opposed to a stock price
being over 100 dollars.
Go to the CNBC website and join the one million dollar contest.  The
registration list is very simple with no more than a half dozen
questions.  Put all your million dollars into any one of the stocks
listed below, or divided between different securities.  I would not
suggest stretching it past two companies, for this contest is simply a
hit or miss.  The prize last year was a Lamborghini, and that person put
all his million dollars into one stock.
I would love to see one of us going to the CNBC studio in a wheelchair to
collect the prize.  Good luck:
Peter, 25 Long yrs C/4-C/5 With debilitating neuropeptide pain to boot!
ONNN   8.92 A Share
RFMD   6.23 A Share
PMCS   8.92 A Share
MWY6.25 A Share
HMX 5.36 A Share
AAI 10.27 A Share
LSI 10.44 A Share
NKTR 11.80 A Share
PTMK 12.80 A Share
SPSN  12.20 A Share
TRAD  12.60 A Share

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Re: [QUAD-L] A question to the q-list group from Bobbie

2007-02-20 Thread Peter Damiano
  - Original Message -
  Subject: [QUAD-L] A question to the q-list group from Bobbie
  Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007 17:28:55 EST

Hey Everybody, Would you guys mind if I send a few things I've written?
Or when I write something new, which I'm always doing, would you be
interested in reading and revising or giving input to my short stories,
poems or essays? Bobbie

Hello Bobbie,
I would not mind at all, especially if you would not mind
reciprocating??  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Peter 25 yrs C4/C 5

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[QUAD-L] RE: Environmental Control Unit

2007-01-29 Thread Peter Damiano
Could somebody give me some information about an environmental 
control unit?  I'm looking for something very basic, and not 
expensive.  Preferably, one that is operated from the personal 
computer.  I heard some time back that there was some software geared 
towards an ECU.  I'm only looking for something to control some basic 
appliances.  Does anyone have one similar to this description?  All 
information would be greatly appreciated-Thank You
Peter Damiano C/4-5 25 Years Post

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Re: [QUAD-L] Anniversary

2005-11-12 Thread Peter

For curiosity's sake, 
What was so badly damaged with the old leaf that required it 
to be flipped; and, now that it has been, what methods do you propose following 
to ensure that it remained so? Peter 25yrs C4/C5

  - Original Message - 
  To: Quad-list post 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 9:25 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Anniversary
  Today is my 7th anniversary of a spinal cord injury. I'm 
  turning over a new leaf and cutting loose the things that hold me down. 
  Dream big, follow your passion and love 

[QUAD-L] RE: [QUAD] Heat Source

2005-11-08 Thread Peter

Several weeks earlier I mentioned on this 
list a bean pillow called “Bed Buddies”. You microwave them for one minute, and 
they hold heat up to a half hour. 
If I'm shivering in my chair or bed we inside a blanket or towel (to keep 
the heat in longer and to avoid burning my skin) place it around my shoulders, 
and the shivers immediately vanish. 
You can buy them at: Walgreen’s, or online at:

My wife, for our anniversary, bought me a Verano Maxi-Heater for my 
desk. She found it on the Consumer 
Watch List. It’s small and energy efficient, and costs around $25. There are several settings along with a 
thermostat that is remarkably effective. After a few adjustments, depending, 
obviously, on the temperature of the room or how cold you feel at the moment, it 
will turn on and off, blowing a natural, scentless, comfortable heat. It's not 
one of those dangerous space-heaters that glow. She bought it at Wal-Mart. 

Peter 25yrs

Re: [QUAD-L] The clicking of your chair is driving me crazy those tires

2005-10-28 Thread Peter

DIDO with my dogs also. I put a little dog bed underneath my desk 
just beyond the length of my leg rests. Now he realizes it's safe to hang 
out when he hears the clicking. Peter 25yrs

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 10:46 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] The clicking of 
  your chair is driving me crazy  those tires
   Yes, the clicking can be a problem at times but my dogs love it--- 
  my small jack russell terrier hangs out under my chair in between my feet 
  rests and front tires and when she heres that CLICK , she jumps out quick so 
  she don't get ran over lol- Both my dogs know to get up and 
  out of the way when lying down in front or behind my chair when they here the 
  loud CLICK--- but like Bobbie said the noise can be bothersome to my wife if 
  she is trying to take a 

Re: [QUAD-L] RE: [QUAD] DragonDictate users:

2005-10-25 Thread Peter

I typed with a mouthstick all the way threw school and reached a speed of 
21 words a minute. Unfortunately I had to deal with occasional sores 
on the corners to where I couldn't hardly open my mouth...with Dragon Dictate I 
go over 160 at times..The training now is not like the older programs..You are 
given a choice of stories to read, you then let the program optiomize at 
night..If you use headphones you could listen to music, dictate, and use your 
typing hand together. Name icons on your desktop anthything you want..say 
Open Mail...bang..Open Internet..bang..once they're both open change order to 

Sometimes it's hard to change what we become accustomed to...I always 
wanted to move to AZ just to see if I could manage my pain must be nice 
there..Take care..Peter 25 yrs

  - Original Message - 
  To: Quad 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 5:11 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] RE: [QUAD] 
  DragonDictate users:

I have Dragon Naturally Speaking but rarely use it. Not that 
it's a bad product. I just don't have the time or patience to 
train it so it works effectively. After typing for 28 yrs ... it's 
hard to "speak" what you mean also. I'm a one-handed typist 

My husband always gets the latest versions, etc. I 
really should use it more often. I THINK a free trial is available 
download but don't quote me on that.

Go to:

Lori Michaelson
Age - 41
C4/5 complete quad, 26 years post
Tucson, AZ


From: David K. Kelmer
Date: 10/25/05 
    To: Peter; quad list
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
RE: [QUAD] DragonDictate users:

    Hi Peter,

How much money would it take me toget setup with 
DragonDictate? I'm a one handed typist now, but am looking for a 
good dictation program, and thought you might know the costs for 

With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 29 Years PostTexas, 

Hello fellow DragonDictate users: in 
training your DragonDictate have you read "Success is a Journey"If 
so, how many times. Through training my three computers I believe 
I've read it nearly 15 times and it has never fails to keep me motivated 
in my work.

When I do take an occasional break from 
working, I generally play a game of: "FreeCell" You can use 
DragonDictate to play, and become very proficient at it also. 

Have you ever tested how many words a 
minute you can dictate? Don't forget to optimize nightly:-)
Just wondering-Peter 25yrs



[QUAD-L] RE: [QUAD] DragonDictate users:

2005-10-24 Thread Peter

Hello fellow DragonDictate users: in training your 
DragonDictate have you read "Success is a Journey"If so, how many 
times. Through training my three computers I believe I've read it nearly 
15 times and it has never fails to keep me motivated in my work.

When I do take an occasional break from working, I 
generally play a game of: "FreeCell" You can use DragonDictate to 
play, and become very proficient at it also. 

Have you ever tested how many words a minute you 
can dictate? Don't forget to optimize nightly:-)

Just wondering-Peter 25yrs

Re: [QUAD-L] Rash

2005-10-05 Thread Peter

I had a bad rash between my legs and my doctor 
ordered NYSTOP for me... It works great. Peter 25yrs

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 2:16 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Rash
  Gabe rarely has a rash or 
  infection now. He learned the hard way and it took many years. There are two 
  important things. 1) Keeping the area 
  clean and dry as possible: Keep the area clean- Bath/shower 
  daily if possible. Dry the area well before you apply anything. Air 
  the area well whenever possible. Wear cotton underwear or other absorbing 
  underwear. Use a seating system that allows air flow. ROHO works well. Wear 
  loose pants that don’t bind the groin. Use hair dryers on cool to dry the 
  area. When you’re in bed, don’t wear any underwear or pants. When you’re in 
  bed, position your legs so they are apart. 2) Know what you’re treating. If it’s 
  a skin irritation rash, bacterial rash or a yeast infection- treat it for what 
  it is. After a while you’ll get to know. If you put steroids on a yeast, it 
  will explode. If you don’t keep everything very clean and treat yeast for the 
  required amount of time you’ll never get rid of a yeast infection. You really 
  need to treat what you have. Gabe uses creamy desitine on very clean and dry 
  skin, unless he has an infection. Gabe only has white wash cloths and towels 
  so they can be bleached. Sounds extreme but it works 

Re: [QUAD-L] Reading with pets

2005-10-03 Thread Peter

a Praying Mantis.
Strange, this must be the time of year for them.  While picking peppers in 
our garden we came across two brown ones that were exceptionally large. 
Peter 25yrs

Re: [QUAD-L] Big award to quad

2005-10-03 Thread Peter

"5.7 million isn't going to last very 

Bullony- 25 years ago I was paralyzed 
from the neck down. After 2 1/2 years of hospitalizationI put myself 
to school with a mouthstick and was hired soon after as a computer consultant 
for a Fortune 500 company. Four years aftermy accident awarded 
900,000 dollars for breach of contract against my insurance company. (My lawyer 
was a whimp, taking the first offer when he should've held out!) I bought 
five books on technical analysis and studied every aspect of the stock 
market. When the Dow moved from 2000 to10,000 I made is much his 
150,000 dollars a year on my investments. Unfortunately, the stock market 
has been rather flat for the last few years except for the energy and utility 
sector. I could double that 5.7 million in five years. 20 years 
after my settlement I'm still heavily invested in the market, and still, 
unfortunately, paralyzed from the neck down. Peter 25yrs

Re: [QUAD-L] non medical tasks question

2005-09-26 Thread Peter

Maybe help with mail coorespondence. Not 
everyone is on-line nor wants to bebesidessending a card or short 
handwritten/dictated note to others adds the human element back to our lives 
where we live in an automated society.computers and the cyberworld are so 
wonderful for all of us.but just love to get a handwritten note 

Pete's wife

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 6:26 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] non medical tasks 
any of you think of anything else I can add to this list for a suggestion 
of possible needs?
  hi bobbie,
  hair styling! help people to baby-sitspend time with grand children 
  in their own home. children if a divorce is in the story. van washing. there's 
  3 that regular pca's don't have time for or *won't* do.

Re [QUAD-L] Shivering

2005-09-15 Thread Peter

I am going to cure all the shivering that goes 
around with this damn spinal cord injury stuff for everyone. I shivered 
regularly for 15 years until I met my wife who bought me one of these Hot Herbal 
Heat Packs. Here is the web site; the best investment you ever 

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: sleep pain

2005-09-15 Thread Peter

"bouts of no pain"

I NEVER have no pain, but on those odd days when it eases up I call them, 
"Livable days."
Days and I don't mind living-Peter 25yrs

  - Original Message - 
  Aaron Mann 
  To: Lori Michaelson ; Quad 
  Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 4:41 
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Re: sleep  
  I've been living with 
  pain so long that I actually feel weird when I have bouts of no 
  From: Lori Michaelson 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 
  3:27 PMTo: QuadSubject: [QUAD-L] Re: sleep  

Greg wrote:
"When I wake up hot, it's because the 
pain or discomfort in my arms is what wakes me.

Anyone else get this pain when they feel 
too hot at night? I never get this feeling in my arms when I'm over 
heated in the daytime.

The pain for me is there overnight cold or 
warm. Torso pain, arm pins  needles. I can even 
it when I'm half-in and half-out of 
sleeping. Like it WANTS to keep me awake.

It depends but it IS better for me daytimes and 
in the HEAT.

When one neurologist looked at my MRIs of my 
pine ... she commented briefly
of seeing arthritis there. Unsure if she 
was full of it or not.

I attribute my pain to syringomyelia and 
stiffness and JUST BEING A QUAD where
pain is arbritrary.

Lori Michaelson
C4/5 complete quad, 25 years post
Tucson, AZ



Re: [QUAD-L] new member-old member

2005-09-15 Thread Peter

Greetings Robert,
Peter from Covington Virginia. C4/C5 25yrs

- Original Message - 
To: Aaron Mann [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Lori Michaelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 

Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 5:23 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] new member-old member

hi group-robert darden from virginia--  polio quad-use vent-power 
chair---  cheers R

-Original Message-
From: Aaron Mann
Sent: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 13:41:48 -0700
To: Lori Michaelson, Quad
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Re: sleep  pain

I've been living with pain so long that I actually feel weird when I
have bouts of no pain...


From: Lori Michaelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 3:27 PM
To: Quad
Subject: [QUAD-L] Re: sleep  pain

Greg wrote:
When I wake up hot, it's because the pain or discomfort in my arms is
what wakes me.
Anyone else get this pain when they feel too hot at night? I never get
this feeling in my arms when I'm over heated in the daytime.

The pain for me is there overnight cold or warm.  Torso pain, arm pins 
needles.  I can even feel
it when I'm half-in and half-out of sleeping.  Like it WANTS to keep me

It depends but it IS better for me daytimes and in the HEAT.

When one neurologist looked at my MRIs of my pine ... she commented
of seeing arthritis there.  Unsure if she was full of it or not.

I attribute my pain to syringomyelia and stiffness and JUST BEING A QUAD
pain is arbritrary.

Lori Michaelson
C4/5 complete quad, 25 years post
Tucson, AZ

Re: [QUAD-L] hey,,this is normal for me,,what about you ?

2005-09-15 Thread Peter

I passed out on the commode 24 years ago (after a serious dumb) in a 
rehabilitation center from low blood pressure. They left me in there and 
forgot about me. When my eyes opened I was lying in bed with a doctor in 
an orderly beside me. The doctor told me notto worry, you cannot die 
from low blood pressure. That was very reassuring-Peter 25yrs

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:41 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] hey,,this is normal 
  for me,,what about you ?
  my bp has gotten down to 53/35 before and i didn't even feel lite 
  headed. i asked my doc and she said that AS long as i feel aright when 
  it gets that low i'm ok. it seems to get lower when i start working 
  In a message dated 9/15/2005 6:25:39 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Not only do I run low fever, but my blood pressure runs 88./49. 


[QUAD-L] It's official

2005-09-05 Thread Peter

I am officially an antique quadriplegic, paralyzed 
from the neck down 25 years ago on Labor Day- Peter

[QUAD-L] Tripetail (sp)

2005-08-25 Thread Peter

I'm sure the medication 
Tripetail has been discussed in detail, but it may be necessary to hear my 

Jackie, my wife, took me to 
a pain center here in Virginia. 
They gave me the medication Tripetail (sp) in an attempt to ease my 
suffering. After about three days I 
told her I was losing my memory. On 
the fourth day I woke up totally lost. 
She had to put me into my wheelchair, undo the motors, and push me into 
my van. I was in the hospital for 
almost a month. During my stay I 
experienced the most horrific hallucinations man can ever imagine. People walking without heads, piles of 
dead bodies, people with severed arms with only skin hanging from their 
shoulders,waking up on the table with my internal organs hanging out: 
many, many more; to trying to put into words. My wife told me I screamed for hours on end, 
and often spit my food into her face. 

After three weeks the 
doctors finally found the right medication to bring me back. They told my wife that the possibility 
existed that I would remain in that state. 
God help anybody if they're subjected to such a torment. Scary enough, in this world somebody 
probably is. Peter