Re: [QUAD-L] wondering about people

2022-02-20 Thread Toby Ausbun

Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 7, 2021, at 3:22 PM, Nichole Rohling  wrote:
> Thank you Don for replying.
> I originally asked if any Quads had gotten Covid, etc.
> Nicki
> C5/6
> From: Don Price [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 2:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] wondering about people
> Hello all!
> I haven't been on the quadlist for a while, but i'm checking in today.
> I'm so sorry to hear about Lori. She was a nice woman who went through a lot. 
> My condolences to her family and friends. 
> Somebody asked about quads and covid. I know three quads who caught it. All 
> three got through it without being hospitalized, although one of them resided 
> in a nursing home when he caught it. 
> I've been vaccinated and even went in for a booster third shot recently. I 
> got the Moderna vax, and as discussed I had slight fever and yuckiness for 
> about 24 hours after the second shot. No such reaction after the third shot.
> I wish you all happiness and good health!
> Don.
> c5-6, Tempe, AZ
> On Tuesday, September 7, 2021, 08:02:29 AM MST, Shirley Bell 
>  wrote:
> Thanks Nicki, so sad indeed about Lori. We never knew how Bobbie Humphies 
> died either. Miss them  both. Also wonder how Joan and Larry are?? I am good 
> here in RI trying to find a way to drive again, hard on many levels. Shirley

[QUAD-L] Bladder and stomach problems

2020-03-15 Thread Toby Ausbun
What’s it mean when you take a big drink of water and you get stomach pain and 
your mouth tastes like you have sand in it???

Sent from my iPad

Re: [QUAD-L] Temp

2016-02-16 Thread Toby Ausbun
 blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px 
#715FFA solid !important;  padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:white 
!important; }  Mine 97.7

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

On Tuesday, February 16, 2016, 7:44 PM, john vamp  wrote:

Mine is normally 96.7 or 97.6
On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 11:10 AM, greg  wrote:

What's your averge body temp?Mine ranges between 95.7 and 96.5On good days.Greg


RE: [QUAD-L] Colostomy

2015-06-11 Thread Toby Ausbun
You might think they are bad but it was a lifesaver for everyone who Akers care of me,much easier!! Go for it you will be happier trust me.Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPadAt Jun 11, 2015, 5:44:55 PM, TheBlueBox wrote:Hello,I am thinking about a colostomy and was wondering if i could hear from folks that have one already.Pros/ConsLester

Re: [QUAD-L] just got home

2015-06-09 Thread Toby Ausbun
Congrats Quadius hope everything goes good but I'm sure it will.

Sent from my iPad

 On Jun 9, 2015, at 8:30 PM, Quadius wrote:
 I just arrived home a few hours ago and wanted to once again thank all of you 
 for your positive comments and thoughts. Everything is going well so far. It 
 is a little strange adjusting to the colostomy, but my biggest problem is 
 because I have a urostomy on the other side and trying to get an abdominal 
 binder which will fit both is a little tricky.
 Take care and have a wonderful week.

RE: [QUAD-L] colostomy question

2015-06-06 Thread Toby Ausbun
I have a colostomy and I still get that feeling 8yrs after having mine so don't worry part of being a quad with one.Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPadAt Jun 6, 2015, 8:20:04 PM, Quadius wrote:all of you who have colostomy's, do you guys still get some paintings or sensation in your lower colon. I swear that I almost feel as if I need to go to the bathroom out the rectum. The x-rays, however, was said to look normal couple of days ago. I wouldn't think that they would miss if the colostomy
 wasn't done correctly.Quadius

RE: [QUAD-L] Cruise

2015-06-04 Thread Toby Ausbun
That's the spirit!!Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPadAt Jun 4, 2015, 7:15:14 PM, Larry Willis wrote:A huge thank you to all my peeps for your input. I believe it's 100% go for it! Now gotta grow the onions to act on it!Larry WillisRetired and proud of it

Re: [QUAD-L] Phones

2015-06-02 Thread Toby Ausbun
Thanks everyone for all the ideas about the phones gives me a lot of choice's 
to look into thanks again.  Toby

Sent from my iPad

 On Jun 2, 2015, at 5:36 AM, Danny wrote:
 What about a smartphone with dragon on it? “I haven’t tried it yet”
 What about a Bluetooth ear pieces that I’ve used and was able to push the 
 button using my entire limp hand to push it as a c2/c4 asymmetric incomplete 
 quadriplegic. It may be trial and error trying to find one that your able to 
 push the button on and is comfortable “extremely important” but the one I 
 used had one large button that if you pushed one would listen for voice 
 commands like “call Toby” or someone else in your address book or “new 
 contact” to add someone etc…
 I think I tried four until I found one I was able to hit and didn’t start 
 hurting me after a few hours.
 From: Jeanne Salvini [] 
 Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 9:25 PM
 To: Toby Ausbun;
 Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Phones
 Hi Toby..My son is a C3-4...he has found a system that works great..he uses 
 an I phoneshoot him a message at look it up on 
 Let me know if you can't get through..
 Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone
  Original message 
 From: Toby Ausbun 
 Date: 06/01/2015 3:57 PM (GMT-08:00) 
 Subject: [QUAD-L] Phones
 Does anyone no about any voice activated phones a c4 complete with no use of 
 hands?? Just been looking and cant info any
 Sent from my iPad

[QUAD-L] Phones

2015-06-01 Thread Toby Ausbun
Does anyone no about any voice activated phones a c4 complete with no use of 
hands?? Just been looking and cant info any

Sent from my iPad

Re: [QUAD-L] just waiting

2015-06-01 Thread Toby Ausbun
Good luck I know mine was a life saver!!

Sent from my iPad

 On Jun 1, 2015, at 9:10 PM, Danny Hearn wrote:
 Good luck, get well quick !  Dan H*
 On Monday, June 1, 2015 8:51 PM, Quadius wrote:
 Well, I had my colostomy surgery on Thursday everything went pretty well. So 
 far my lungs have remained clear and hopefully they will continue to do so. 
 Anyway, I can't leave the hospital until my bowels start to work.
 The doctors decided to start me on a regular diet today, but I'm not supposed 
 to eat too much. Anyway, I'm just sitting here waiting for the bowels to 
 start working so I can try to get out of here shortly thereafter.

RE: [QUAD-L] Air in tires

2015-05-30 Thread Toby Ausbun
Foam filled is the best thing I've found no flats ever and is a pretty smooth ride.Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPadAt May 30, 2015, 4:24:16 PM, Gmail wrote:Dose anybody, other than me, have air in their w/c tires?Pete was trying to put air in with two different pumps, a hand Bicycle pump and a foot operated pump but all that was happing was air kept coming out. He said that the stems are to short.What are
 some solution?I'm having the company, that sold/ordered the chair, to come out and check the tire and stems and PSI. Pete brought the chair, with no air in the tires, to a very local Firestone (1 mile away) and they couldn't be nicer guys. All four workman cane out to assess the situation and put air in with a compressor (I don't know what PCI) but with the wheel with the shorter stem, they took the wheel off partially, put air in, then put it back on.Pete went back with lottery tickets as thanks.Smile Everyday


2015-05-30 Thread Toby Ausbun
Sent from my iPad

Re: [QUAD-L] new to this

2015-05-25 Thread Toby Ausbun
So Sonny how did you become paralyzed?Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPadAt May 25, 2015, 5:10:33 PM, wrote:
Hiya Sonny!
Welcome to this chat board.  Tell us a little about yourself.
Best Wishes

In a message dated 5/25/2015 11:00:36 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

  Hi, My name is Sonny.  I am new to all this and just 
  wondering how it works.  I sit in this home all day, no one to chat to 
  because I am unable to speak but I have my common 

FW: Re: [QUAD-L] Hands-free telephone

2014-09-26 Thread Toby Ausbun
Anybody no anything about this commute ,I need a complete Hands fee one 
to?a href=;br/br/Sent from 
Yahoo Mail for iPad/a

RE: [QUAD-L] Price on used set of power chair wheels and tires

2014-08-24 Thread Toby Ausbun
Heck ya good pricebr/a 
href=;br/br/Sent from Yahoo Mail 
for iPad/a

Re: [QUAD-L] Thursday quad-stories.

2014-07-10 Thread Toby Ausbun
I was paralyzed from 1991 to present. I got into a car accident in 1991 from 
driving while intoxicated and thought I was being followed by a police officer 
and was starring in my mirror not watching were I was going and my right front 
wheel went off the road and caught a driveway culvert type driveway,I was only 
driving 30 mph and wasn't wearing my seatbelt and hit my head and broke my neck 
between c4 c5 vertebrates witch left me paralyzed from my shoulder down ,no use 
of my arms either, moral of the story the doctors gave me five yrs to live and 
I celebrated 23yrs ago on last Memorial Day weekend, so always were your 
seatbelt because life can change in a split second and change your life 
completely and if I wouldn't of been drinking I would of never had put myself 
in that perdicament Weather your drinking or not were your seatbelt at all 
times it can make a life changing moment In a split second! Just thought 
I'd share my story not one I'm very proud of but if wearing your seatbelt can 
save your life and your lifestyle. You have to live everyday as it's your last 
and I try and do things that I can say that's the first time I've done that!! 
Live life to it's fullest everyday because you have to because u never know 
when your last day on this earth is. I've been through a lot of surgeries for 
pressure soars, bowl obstruction, on a ventilation for 3 months not being able 
to talk or show anyone what I mean to say,VERY FRUSTRATING but am still happy 
to be alive today even have gone threw all that life is short, live each day 
like a new beginning you'll be a happier person in the long run, that's what I 
think but everyone is different and I'm sure struggle with their own 
problems!!! All I can say is their has been lots of times I've like to have 
died but am thankful to still be alive today. God Bless you the people of the 
quad list!!! 

Sent from my iPad

 On Jul 10, 2014, at 5:34 PM, Quadius wrote:
 I often wonder if the people who throw themselves off buildings or bridges 
 change their mind halfway down. Thanks for a good story.
 On Thursday, July 10, 2014, Danny Hearn wrote:
 Some years ago I was out driving in my power wheelchair and feeling sorry 
 for my mizerable quad life-style, well I went down by the railroad tracks 
 not far from my home, I said I hope I just get stuck in the middle of the 
 train tracks and the next train ends my suffering !  Well I cross those 
 tracks almost daily, but a bad storm had loosened up all the gravel in the 
 tracks and low and behold my chair sunk in and spun deeper and deeper into 
 the middle of the tracks...after a while I began to panic because a train 
 was due in about 10 minutes or soI began to think--why oh why did I say 
 I wanted to die on the tracks?? How stupid of me, I'm not ready to die just 
 yet ! I began to pray...lord help me get out of here and i'll not talk 
 foolish again. Then I began yelling help ! help me ! as loud as I could 
 because the area was pretty deserted back then, To my good fortune a man 
 over a quarter mile away was out working on his truck...He thought he heard 
 someone yelling help -but could see no-one in sight, so he went inside and 
 got his binoculars...he then told his wife..honey am I seeing things on the 
 railroad tracks? she looked thru the binoculars and said, heck no- there is 
 a man in a wheelchair yelling and waving his arms!! Well to sum it up he 
 jumped in his truck and hurried to me and pulled me out.I was very thankful 
 and he said if I had not been out working on my truck, we would never have 
 heard you. I was relieved and thankful and have lived many years since that 
 incident.  Dan H***

Re: [QUAD-L] A dream/nightmare I had

2014-03-20 Thread Toby Ausbun
Is their anyone on the list that don't have dreams anymore ? I don't and 
haven't for years should I contact my doctor or is it normal with all the meds 
we take ? Just wandering, c4 complete

Sent from my iPad

 On Mar 20, 2014, at 8:46 PM, greg wrote:
 I used to take the medication for bladder spasms. They made me wake up with 
 dreams in a panic.
 Other times I would have weird dreams often in my wheelchair but I could get 
 up and walk around. Lots of times I was trying to get to the bathroom and not 
 making it, and going poo in my pants. And when my pain levels are getting 
 high I often dream that I am in a lot of pain, like I get my leg shut in a 
 car door, or I am getting crushed by a vice.
 The bathroom dream I am sure is because of all our worries about doing our 
 bowel program.
  I know what you mean Bobbie, I have had weird strange dreams caused
  by ba pain at night also.  Dan H.
  Hi All,
   I wanted to tell you about a dream/nightmare I the other
  night. For some reason I was being punished for something I did and
  my form of punishment was to be executed in an electric chair -
  LOL. I was all strapped into the chair and the lever was pulled to
  start the process of building up the electricity. My executioner
  asked if I had any last words and I said No more pain, I'll have
  no more pain. No more pain, no more pain, I'll have no more pain.
  I just kept repeating it over and over and when I woke up in the
  middle of the night and started to cry because the reason I woke up
  was because my pain was so bad and I wished my dream was real. 

Fwd: [QUAD-L] ultracet,

2013-10-08 Thread Toby Ausbun
Has anybody used Ultracet for muscle spasms?? I've tried zanaflex 
,baclofin,soma, use to use darvacet before it was taken off the market yrs ago. 
Can't find anything to use but pain pills. Does anybody have any suggestions 
would be greatly appreciated???

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

 Date: October 8, 2013 8:56:08 PM CD
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] door motor
 I looked it up and it seems as though an 02 dodge has a factory power sliding 
 door. You can read all about it on the dodge caravan forums. The motor needs 
 to be pulled out and tested, then go from there. Tons of people are going 
 through this issue. All my vans had added on power doors, but its the same 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2013 8:17 PM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] door motor
 I don't believe IMS made door motors.  It was a vendor'd item purchased from 
 a company that made motors, for them and other companies. Is it a Delco motor?
 Best Wishes
 In a message dated 10/8/2013 6:33:53 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
 I paid closer to 1,500.00
 From: nichole rohling
 Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2013 3:20:58 PM
 Subject: [QUAD-L] door motor
 I have a 2002 dodge grand caravan ims rampvan conversion.  door motor went 
 out and it’s 1225.00 for the new one. my dad thinks I can go online and get 
 it cheaper…curious if anyone ever has.  I know wheelchair has to know J

Re: [QUAD-L] cancer

2013-08-11 Thread Toby Ausbun
Sending prayers your way!!! Good luck on your next journey in life!!! God will 
lead the way , just trust in him !!!

Sent from my iPad 

On Aug 11, 2013, at 2:14 AM, wrote:

 Wow, I didn't know you can have so much chemotherapy. God will bless you and 
 comfort you through all theses trials and give you the strength to survive. 
 If we trust in him and we all pray together.
 In a message dated 8/10/2013 10:31:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
 Wow, that is a lot of chemo, bless you girl. We are are praying for you.
 Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2013 6:48:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] cancer
 chemo every three weeks for 18 mos. then i'll go into the hospital to have my 
 stem cells harvested an froze. put the healty ones back in. this deletes 
 waiting for a bone marrow donor. this takes 3 mos to recover from. this type 
 of cancer will come back and chemo will have no effect. a new medicine is 
 being released from fda in dec. i'll be on that for the rest of my life. 
 mantle cell lymphoma is very mean. I start chemo thurs, i'm buying 3 yrs. the 
 most is 6. I guess it will have my g-daughter older. besides, no one knows 
 what lay before them 3 to 6 yrs from now.
 I am so sorry and of course will pray for you. What are they doing for you?
 -Original Message-
 From: jume
 To: quad-list
 Sent: Fri, Aug 9, 2013 9:27 am
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] cancer
 I am so sorry and of course will pray for you. What are they doing for you?
 Sent: Friday, August 9, 2013 5:17:42 AM
 Subject: [QUAD-L] cancer
 Dianna,  I am so sorry to read this.  I will forward this to the Quad List
 Best Wishes
 Sent: 8/8/2013 11:06:46 P.M. Central Daylight Time
 Subj: cancer
 I was recently diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. This is a very aggressive 
 cancer  different from Lymphoma. When I write to the quad-list some of my 
 mail comes back because of aol. Would you tell the list to let them know and 
 prayers are needed.
 Thank you,

Re: [QUAD-L] cancer

2013-08-11 Thread Toby Ausbun

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 11, 2013, at 3:27 AM, Toby Ausbun wrote:

 Sending prayers your way!!! Good luck on your next journey in life!!! God 
 will lead the way , just trust in him !!!
 Sent from my iPad 
 On Aug 11, 2013, at 2:14 AM, wrote:
 Wow, I didn't know you can have so much chemotherapy. God will bless you and 
 comfort you through all theses trials and give you the strength to survive. 
 If we trust in him and we all pray together.
 In a message dated 8/10/2013 10:31:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
 Wow, that is a lot of chemo, bless you girl. We are are praying for you.
 Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2013 6:48:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] cancer
 chemo every three weeks for 18 mos. then i'll go into the hospital to have 
 my stem cells harvested an froze. put the healty ones back in. this deletes 
 waiting for a bone marrow donor. this takes 3 mos to recover from. this type 
 of cancer will come back and chemo will have no effect. a new medicine is 
 being released from fda in dec. i'll be on that for the rest of my life. 
 mantle cell lymphoma is very mean. I start chemo thurs, i'm buying 3 yrs. 
 the most is 6. I guess it will have my g-daughter older. besides, no one 
 knows what lay before them 3 to 6 yrs from now.
 I am so sorry and of course will pray for you. What are they doing for you?
 -Original Message-
 From: jume
 To: quad-list
 Sent: Fri, Aug 9, 2013 9:27 am
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] cancer
 I am so sorry and of course will pray for you. What are they doing for you?
 Sent: Friday, August 9, 2013 5:17:42 AM
 Subject: [QUAD-L] cancer
 Dianna,  I am so sorry to read this.  I will forward this to the Quad List
 Best Wishes
 Sent: 8/8/2013 11:06:46 P.M. Central Daylight Time
 Subj: cancer
 I was recently diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. This is a very 
 aggressive cancer  different from Lymphoma. When I write to the quad-list 
 some of my mail comes back because of aol. Would you tell the list to let 
 them know and prayers are needed.
 Thank you,

Re: [QUAD-L] cancer

2013-08-11 Thread Toby Ausbun
Prayers coming your way!!! Let God lead the way threw your next journey in 
life,trusting him to watch over you

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 11, 2013, at 2:14 AM, wrote:

 Wow, I didn't know you can have so much chemotherapy. God will bless you and 
 comfort you through all these trials and give you the strength to survive. If 
 we trust in him and we all pray together.
 In a message dated 8/10/2013 10:31:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
 Wow, that is a lot of chemo, bless you girl. We are are praying for you.
 Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2013 6:48:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] cancer
 chemo every three weeks for 18 mos. then i'll go into the hospital to have my 
 stem cells harvested an froze. put the healty ones back in. this deletes 
 waiting for a bone marrow donor. this takes 3 mos to recover from. this type 
 of cancer will come back and chemo will have no effect. a new medicine is 
 being released from fda in dec. i'll be on that for the rest of my life. 
 mantle cell lymphoma is very mean. I start chemo thurs, i'm buying 3 yrs. the 
 most is 6. I guess it will have my g-daughter older. besides, no one knows 
 what lay before them 3 to 6 yrs from now.
 I am so sorry and of course will pray for you. What are they doing for you?
 -Original Message-
 From: jume
 To: quad-list
 Sent: Fri, Aug 9, 2013 9:27 am
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] cancer
 I am so sorry and of course will pray for you. What are they doing for you?
 Sent: Friday, August 9, 2013 5:17:42 AM
 Subject: [QUAD-L] cancer
 Dianna,  I am so sorry to read this.  I will forward this to the Quad List
 Best Wishes
 Sent: 8/8/2013 11:06:46 P.M. Central Daylight Time
 Subj: cancer
 I was recently diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. This is a very aggressive 
 cancer  different from Lymphoma. When I write to the quad-list some of my 
 mail comes back because of aol. Would you tell the list to let them know and 
 prayers are needed.
 Thank you,

Re: [QUAD-L] The List

2013-04-27 Thread Toby Ausbun
Toby c4/5 car accident 1991, Nebraska 

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 26, 2013, at 2:50 PM, wrote:

 Meredith C5/6, diving accident 1981 Northern Cailfornia
 Cc: list, quad
 Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 12:40:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] going to PT for crooked body
 Would all of you (if you want to) tell me, and other's on the list who 
 are new, your name, level of injury, how injury happened, year of 
 injury and what state you live in. Like below.
 Bobbie Humphreys - C-4,5,6,7 Motorcycle, 1973 New Jersey
 Smile Everyday
 -Original Message-
 From: shirley bell
 To: Dana Wray
 Cc: quad-list
 Sent: Thu, Apr 25, 2013 11:45 am
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] going to PT for crooked body
 Hi all, I am c/5/6 37 yrs.
 Shirley Bell
   - Original Message -
   From:   Dana Wray
   Cc: quad-list
   Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 8:47   PM
   Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] going to PT for   crooked body
   Hi Shirley,
 I don't remember Your level and how many years post your   injury.
Think we all feel like we have crooked back. I'll look forward to   
 hearing about what can be done.
   Thank You,
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Apr 24, 2013, at 2:32 PM,   wrote:
   I didn't know they could do that, please let us know.
 From: Nan lt;nlg52...@yahoo.comgt;
 To: shirley bell lt;sbell...@cox.netgt;,
 Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11:46:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] going to PT for crooked body
 Please keep us posted, Shirley.  I'm crooked too!
 From: shirley bell lt;sbell...@cox.netgt;
 Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 12:17 PM
 Subject: [QUAD-L] going to PT for crooked body
  To all my fellow crooked comrades, I am going to be 
 getting some body work done by and advanced PT person. My first 
 appointment is may 30 for eval. I will let you all know what happens 
 and if it helps.
 Shirley Bell

Re: [QUAD-L] 7 years today...

2013-03-05 Thread Toby Ausbun
22yrs here and it's been full of craziness ,Toby

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 5, 2013, at 4:24 PM, nichole rohling wrote:

 it’ll be 15 for me – crazy
 From: Danny Espinoza [] 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 2:53 PM
 Subject: [QUAD-L] 7 years today...
 It’s hard to believe I’ve been paralyzed for seven years already

Re: [QUAD-L] UPS Package H6011273986

2013-02-25 Thread Toby Ausbun

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 25, 2013, at 7:12 PM, wrote:

 I would very much agree. Trash it trash it trash it. Now.
 Sent from my iPad
 Begin forwarded message:
 Date: February 25, 2013, 10:12:11 AM EST
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] UPS Package H6011273986
 Me thinks this is a scam to obtain one's personal information until the 
 disguise of UPS.   Didn't fool me.
 How about the rest of the List?
 Best Wishes
 In a message dated 2/25/2013 8:46:12 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
 You can use Your UPS .com Customer Services to:
  Ship Online
  Schedule a Pickup 
  Open a Your UPS Team Account
 Welcome to UPS Services
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 Copyright 2011 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. USPS .COM, the USPS 
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 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved.
 Please do not reply directly to this e-mail. Your USPS TEAM will not receive 
 any reply message. For questions or comments, visit Contact UPS.
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 This communication contains proprietary information and may be confidential. 
 If you are not the intended recipient, the reading, copying, disclosure or 
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2013-02-19 Thread Toby Ausbun
Lyrica does anybody use it ? How does it work. ???

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 19, 2013, at 5:15 PM, Billy Lang wrote:

 See ur Md. you need to see if ur blocked. Also, ask your Dr. About Amitiza. 
 Pill form up to 4,8 or 24  mcg. I take monstrous amounts of opiates and the 
 pills along with fiber keep me regular. 
 You will need to experiment with dosages to find the right balance for you.
 Sent from Billy Lang's iPad 
 On Feb 18, 2013, at 19:08, wrote:
 Try 2 sennakots  or milk of magnesia, eat fruit and lots of it, if you 
 continue in pain go see the doctor.
 Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 1:27:16 PM
 Subject: [QUAD-L] BP
 The last 2 weeks I've had such stomach pains. I've been pooping rocks and 
 nothing has helped. I've tried Miralax, softeners, etc. I don't want to use 
 too much, that hurts just as much. I keep using it more often, but I've 
 never had to drink Miralax more than 2 times in a week. Then I can go months 
 without it. I'm on my like 6th dose in 2 weeks. I want to double over in 
 pain. G

[QUAD-L] Getting a hospital bed !!

2012-12-11 Thread Toby Ausbun
Anybody know how to get a hospital bed mine is broke I have to lift the head up 
with my lift and rope tied to it !! 

Sent from my iPad

Re: [QUAD-L] cold feeling

2012-10-19 Thread Toby Ausbun
Does anyone get that icy cold tingling in their hands and arms and what do u do 
to get rid of that feeling ?

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 19, 2012, at 9:19 PM, Nan wrote:

 I buy 2-3 at a time - just in case I burn one up or roll one over (klutz).  
 My Ex thinks I'm crazy and/or that I'm just trying to annoy him.  I 3 my 
 hair dryer!
 From: Don Price
 To: Eric W Rudd; 
 Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 2:55 PM
 Subject: Re: Fwd: [QUAD-L] Pain Management
 I've done the hair dryer thing too,many, many times. I've also sat in my 
 van with the heater cranked for hours.
 From: Eric W Rudd
 Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 9:19 AM
 Subject: Re: Fwd: [QUAD-L] Pain Management
 LOL...I thought I was the only one whose best friend was the hair dryer.
 Eric W Rudd
 From: Larry Willis
 Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 6:29 AM
 Subject: Fwd: [QUAD-L] Pain Management
 To state the obvious: It's easy to say don't take meds when you are not the 
 one suffering. We have cold sweats, clammy and miserable, not heat sweat like 
 a runner might have. We freeze and then start tightening our neck and 
 shoulders into a knot of pain that further increases the misery. I can't 
 count the days I have sat with a hair dryer blowing on my face and neck. It 
 really angers me when doctors say the equivalent of Take an aspirin and call 
 me in the morning. Quality of life means something, and a life of constant 
 misery is not one of quality. Sorry for the rant.
 Sent from my iPad
 Begin forwarded message:
 From: Mandy
 Date: October 19, 2012 4:01:06 AM EDT
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Pain Management
 Wow, she must be the wisest person alive to know something like that. Of 
 course, many of us would rather take Aleve than narcotics. Hell, one or two 
 of us would even consider going without pain for a few days. To make such a 
 pat statement without at least discussing the increase in pain and how it is 
 effecting your life is irresponsible.
 I hate that, when a doctor makes you feel like an addict, but when I feel 
 unjustly ashamed of my pain med requests I remember what one of my Craig 
 nurses said when I backed off the meds at a time when I really needed them, 
 for fear of the harm they could do to my body. She said, make note of ALL 
 the symptoms that go along with your pain- is your heart working harder? Are 
 you losing sleep? Are you able to eat normally? Do you tense up and create 
 more pain? (She was referring to my frozen shoulder) She pointed out that 
 if the answer to most of these questions was yes, then the pain medicine 
 should be taken because overall, it would do more good than bad.
 Just my 2 bits.
 Mandy c6-7
 On Oct 18, 2012, at 2:35 PM, Derrick wrote:
 same here. my doc says paralyzed people are not given  narcotics.i'm to 
 take aleeve
 i put up a survey online asking if u used narcotics but it did not get much 
 i wanted to take to doc and show her
 - Original Message -
 To: ;
 Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 4:03 PM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Pain Management
 my doc says 3 a day (oxycodone) 5 mg. and no more. i may go to pain 
 management after i talk to the spine specialist. they make me feel like i'm 
 a drug seeker.
 he started me on 65mg of oxycodone to start and I still take 3 1mg of 
 lorezapam per day. i will adjust and figure things out as i go, but so glad 
 hes open to work with me. well worth the trip
 -Original Message-
 To: diannal767
 Sent: Thu, Oct 18, 2012 1:00 pm
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Pain Management
 he started me on 65mg of oxycodone to start and I still take 3 1mg of 
 lorezapam per day. i will adjust and figure things out as i go, but so glad 
 hes open to work with me. well worth the trip
 Sent: Wed, October 17, 2012 8:49:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Pain Management
 Hi Ron,
 If you don't mind me asking, what did they start you out on? I'm seeing a 
 new spine specialist at the end of the month.
 I went to pain management today and they helped me. Gave me what I needed 
 and is willing to work with me. Thank God! I feel validated as a human 
 -Original Message-
 From: Danny Hearn
 To: RONALD L PRACHT; quad-list
 Sent: Wed, Oct 17, 2012 6:20 pm
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Pain Management
 cool Ron, glad they helped you,Dan  H.

Re: [QUAD-L] everyone who was concerned !!!

2012-09-14 Thread Toby Ausbun
For those who was concerned about Toby Ausbun I am fine !!! Sorry to worry 
anyone who seen my post about my care giver, she and i are looking into getting 
a couple more care takers so I'm not so dependent on just having one is just 
better for everyone like everyone has told me that one is to much for one 
person to handle!!! She has been my only one for 15 yrs and I've been so 
blessed for that !! But time has come to ask for help and iwas having a bad 
morning and taking it out on her made us realize it is time to have extra 
help! Sorry again for worrying anybody but I know now it's way to much work 
all the time for one person ,thank you to those who made me realize everything 
!!! Thank you for your help quad list and everyone on it !!  Toby.

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 14, 2012, at 7:46 AM, Danny Espinoza wrote:
 UC San Diego has discovered a way to grow nerve fibers in rats with severe 
 spinal cord injuries, a potentially big step toward treating some of the 
 300,000 Americans who are fully or partially paralyzed.
 Researchers used stem cells to basically rewire the central nervous system, 
 enabling the rats to regain some movement. The technique, reported in the 
 journal Cell, causes connections from neurons to spread beyond the injury, 
 restoring the ability of the brain and spine to communicate.
 “New connections grew in very large numbers and over very long distances 
 after the most severe form of spinal cord injury,” said Mark Tuszynski, 
 co-author of the study and director of the UCSD Center for Neural Repair. We 
 are conducting experiments now to determine whether this can be translated to 
 The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), the agency that is 
 distributing $3 billion in state funds for stem cell research, has awarded 
 Tuszynski $4.7 million to further develop the advance, which he made with 
 fellow UCSD neuroscientist Paul Lu.
 I've been in the business a long time and have never seen this degree of 
 regeneration in rats. This is very significant work, said Alan Trounson, 
 CIRM's president.
 Tuszynski and Lu have been focusing on axons, the tiny fibers that transmit 
 signals away from nerve cells. These fibers carry messages to other cells and 
 to the spinal cord. They make up an essential part of the communications 
 network in the central nervous system.
 Scientists have been able to regenerate hundreds of axons in rats that have 
 suffered a spinal cord injury, but not enough to reverse the damage. UCSD 
 tackled the problem in research rats by creating a gel that contained neural 
 stem cells. The researchers then placed the gel on the exact spot in the rats 
 where the spinal cord had been severed.
 Tuszynski said that technique led to the growth of tens of thousands of new 
 axons. This is unprecedented.
 The growth enabled the rats to regain some power in their joints and to move 
 around to a limited degree.
 We further found that these stem cells send out new axons for truly 
 remarkable distances in the spinal cord, Tuszynski said. Previous work has 
 shown axon growth of about two millimeters. Axons in this study grew more 
 than 10 times longer than this. Previously, it had been thought that new 
 axons cannot grow well in the injured spinal cord. This work shows that axons 
 from these early stage neurons can grow remarkably well in the injured adult 
 spinal cord.
 The technique was replicated in two human stem cell lines, including one that 
 is already being used in a human clinical trial for amyotrophic lateral 
 sclerosis (ALS), which is better known as Lou Gehrig's Disease.
 With the $4.7 million in CIRM money, Tuszynski plans to test the 
 effectiveness and safety of the treatment over longer time periods, and scale 
 up the treatment to larger animals. If successful, the studies would lead to 
 human clinical trials.
 About 11,000 people suffer spinal cord injuries in the U.S year. Roughly 80 
 percent are men, and more than half of the injuries involve people from the 
 ages of 16 to 30.
 “At a time when money for research is so jeopardized across many funding 
 sources, it’s particularly noteworthy that CIRM has the capacity to support 
 this promising work and take it to the next level, particularly for 
 individuals living with spinal cord injury,” said Susan Howley, Executive 
 Vice President, Research, Christopher  Dana Reeve Foundation.
 (Story sources: Cell, UC San DIego, CIRM, National Spinal Cord Injury 
 Association; Christopher  Dana Reeve Foundation.)

Re: [QUAD-L] Giving up

2012-09-13 Thread Toby Ausbun
Hi my name is Toby I'm from Columbus Nebraska I'm a c4 complete ,I only have a 
shrug in my shoulders am having a hard time right now finding a purpose to go 
on!!! I don't know if I should go into a nursing home or what to do!!! My care 
giver for the last 15 years has been their 24/7 365 days a year has about had 
it with me and I haven't really had to depend on anybody but her for a long 
time I'm scared more than anything but I don't know what to do ??

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 12, 2012, at 11:22 PM, Nan wrote:

 You are not being weird - she is!  My call is ... Totally inappropriate!
 From: ~LittleQuad~
 To: Wheelchair;; Quad-list post 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 1:36 PM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Is this inappropriate touching?
 Yes, everything W said! Except the crazy part!!
 Sent from my BlackBerry
 -Original Message-
 Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 13:17:44 
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Is this inappropriate touching?
 You are crazy KK, but that is another issue (smiling)
 In the world of law, that action would be considered, assault.  If the 
 person touched you again after any sign of disapproval, those actions 
 would be considered, assault and battery.  This alone would lead to 
 police intervention, a report, an arrest and money bond.  The case 
 would have to be heard by the court and a judgement.  These actions 
 would also lead to additional hearings, by the person's employment.
 These types of actions should not be tolerated by anyone, verbal or 
 none verbal.
 Best Wishes
 -Original Message-
 From: KK
 To: quad-list; eric; 
 Lainie Batte; MS Quads
 Sent: Wed, Sep 12, 2012 9:21 am
 Subject: [QUAD-L] Is this inappropriate touching?
 I am having a tough time deciding if this is wrong or I am being crazy.
 I have Multiple Sclerosis.  I am paralyzed from the chest down except 
 for my right arm.  No feeling at all.  I also can not speak.  This aide 
 has been with me about 2 months, M-F 5 hours a day.  Yesterday we went 
 outside on the front porch  she was talking to a neighbor.  Suddenly 
 she took my keys  ran them across my feet.  I did nothing.  Didn't 
 feel it but saw her movements.  She smiled  did it over  over again.  
 It was like she did not believe I could not feel it. 
 Now I feel this was inappropriate but not sure what she expected to get 
 out of her actions.  It has made me feel uncomfortable  dread her 
 coming today.
 Maybe I am being weird.  What do you think about it?

Re: [QUAD-L] giving up

2012-09-12 Thread Toby Ausbun
How often does anybody feel like just giving up on life because I know it's 
hard everyday being a quad isn't easy but it gets even older everyday !  
Living as a quad is a day by day life but it gets so old and feel like a 90 
year old but only am 47 have been a quad for 21yrs and have had more problems 
than u can wag a stick at . How does everyone stay positive ? Was in a car 
wreak in 91 when I was 25 and it's been a long and tiering life ! Any 
suggestions anyone ?

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 11, 2012, at 12:50 PM, Bobbie Humphreys wrote:

 Carson, Welcome back! Bobbie 39 years post … Parsippany New Jersey 25 miles 
 West of NYC
 Sent from my iPad
 On Sep 11, 2012, at 4:18 AM, wrote:
 Glad you're back. Carson.
 Dana C 4-5, 38 years post,
 Prairie village Kansas , Kansas City area
 In a message dated 9/10/2012 8:59:23 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
 Hiya Kit!  Welcome Back.
 Best Wishes
 In a message dated 9/10/2012 2:28:28 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
 I have been on the list before, thought I should come back. I am high quad 
 for 15 years. I live in arizona.

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: [quad] list. Being a quad

2012-08-26 Thread Toby Ausbun
If their wasn't a god you probably wouldn't be here today 

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 25, 2012, at 7:38 PM, ~LittleQuad~ wrote:

 that's a little offensive..statement and language :/
 From: Bobbie Humphreys
 To: Larry Willis 
 Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 2:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: [quad] list. Being a quad
 Fuck the shit It could be worse crap! As long as there are quads living 
 in this world .… then that is PROOF that there in NO FUCKING god
 Sent from my iPad
 On Aug 25, 2012, at 10:54 AM, Larry Willis wrote:
 The old adage that It could be worse is so very true. However, that 
 doesn't mean we shouldn't grieve our loss or vent our frustrations. All of 
 us on the list drew the short straw and I imagine all of us get mad as hell 
 over the unfairness of it all. I appreciate the little movement I have but I 
 don't feel blessed because some other poor soul is in worse shape. Quadom is 
 a bit of hell that simply varies in degree. I wouldn't wish it on my worst 
 enemy (if I had one). Thanks, my friends, for letting me rant. Have a great 
 Sent from my iPad
 Begin forwarded message:
 From: Joan Anglin
 Date: August 25, 2012 12:10:30 AM EDT
 To: 'Toby Ausbun',
 Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Re: [quad] list.  Being a quad
 Hi Toby
 I didn’t take it as complaining but more as a statement of fact and wishing 
 for more.  We have been talking about our limitations and frustrations for 
 many years for some of us on this list.
 I only have shoulder shrugs as a C4 complete, but do know of other C4 
 completes that have more.  So we use what we can and learn to make do and 
 have shared many unusual fixes and adaptions over the years which have 
 helped each other.  This is one place we can whine and know that somebody 
 out there has been in the same spot and can have some empathy for what we 
 have and what we have lost.
 I have always wished for one arm and a somewhat working hand, and to heck 
 with ever walking again because I never need to look for a chair to sit in. 
  JEach of us wants different things, and each of us mourns about different 
 things but we’re all united by our handicaps in some way.  Thank goodness 
 for each of our uniqueness.
 Good to see you on the list.
 Joan C4 1990 in smoky Reno Nevada due to the California fires

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: [quad] list. Being a quad

2012-08-25 Thread Toby Ausbun
Well said Larry I was just frustrated when I wrote that's are so right tho and 
I know theirs is  some one worse off then me alls I'm able to do is shrug my 
shoulders but Larry hit the nail right on the head !!!sorry to cause such a 

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:54 AM, Larry Willis wrote:

 The old adage that It could be worse is so very true. However, that doesn't 
 mean we shouldn't grieve our loss or vent our frustrations. All of us on the 
 list drew the short straw and I imagine all of us get mad as hell over the 
 unfairness of it all. I appreciate the little movement I have but I don't 
 feel blessed because some other poor soul is in worse shape. Quadom is a bit 
 of hell that simply varies in degree. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy 
 (if I had one). Thanks, my friends, for letting me rant. Have a great day.
 Sent from my iPad
 Begin forwarded message:
 From: Joan Anglin
 Date: August 25, 2012 12:10:30 AM EDT
 To: 'Toby Ausbun',
 Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Re: [quad] list.  Being a quad
 Hi Toby
 I didn’t take it as complaining but more as a statement of fact and wishing 
 for more.  We have been talking about our limitations and frustrations for 
 many years for some of us on this list.
 I only have shoulder shrugs as a C4 complete, but do know of other C4 
 completes that have more.  So we use what we can and learn to make do and 
 have shared many unusual fixes and adaptions over the years which have 
 helped each other.  This is one place we can whine and know that somebody 
 out there has been in the same spot and can have some empathy for what we 
 have and what we have lost.
 I have always wished for one arm and a somewhat working hand, and to heck 
 with ever walking again because I never need to look for a chair to sit in.  
 JEach of us wants different things, and each of us mourns about different 
 things but we’re all united by our handicaps in some way.  Thank goodness 
 for each of our uniqueness.
 Good to see you on the list.
 Joan C4 1990 in smoky Reno Nevada due to the California fires

[QUAD-L] Re: [quad] list. Being a quad

2012-08-24 Thread Toby Ausbun
People shouldn't complain about being able to only have the use of one finger 
or throw things when you have no use of your hands or arms at all if your a 
higher injury c4 complete!!

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 24, 2012, at 3:04 PM, John S. wrote:

 $#@# Walking, I WANNA MOVE MY HANDS !
 From: Dave Krehbiel
 Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 9:02 AM
 Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Top Nine Myths about People with Paralysis
 Thanks, this is a great list.
 I would add one other misconception - that we need their help to cross the 
 street.  When I'm trying to cross a road in my wheelchair, some people react 
 quite unpredictably. For example, people driving on a 4 Lane road will often 
 try to be polite by stopping and blocking one of the Lanes, probably thinking 
 that I want to rush across the street through 3 other lanes of traffic. 
 Often, well-meaning people will stop in the middle of an intersection, 
 causing traffic back-ups. I am much more interested in crossing the road 
 safely rather than crossing it quickly. I would prefer that people act more 
 predictably. I wish they would simply obey the speed limit, use their turn 
 signals, and put down their cell phones. I'm happy to wait a minute or two 
 for five until traffic clears out.
 Dave Krehbiel
 From: Don Price [] 
 Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 5:31 PM
 To: quadlist
 Subject: [QUAD-L] Top Nine Myths about People with Paralysis
 Here are the results to our question along with some of the commentary from 
 our community:
 What is the # 1 myth you think the general public believes about individuals 
 living with paralysis?
 1. Not interested or can't have sex. (19.0%)
 Yes, somethings still work. - Chill
 2. Life must be so sad. (18.0%)
 A lot of peple think that we are not suppose to be intelligent, productive 
 people who enjoy living a full life doing those very same things that people 
 who are not paralyzed like to do. We work, fall in love, get married and 
 raise a family, we have a social life,
 yes we do enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. - Marva
 3. Number one wish is to walk. (14.8%)
 Every opportunity I get I let people know that paralysis is so much more than 
 not walking. Yes, I tell them I can't poop or pee on my complete 
 strangers but they need to know!!! - Wheelchair Mama
 4. Mind must not work either. (13.0%)
 People seem to automatically associate impaired physical function with a 
 mental deficiency. I often meet their comments with: I broke my spine, not 
 my mind. - Catherine
 5. Must not have any pain. (9.9%)
 People think, well your paralyzed that means you can't feel anything how 
 could you possibly have pain? (My husband) lives with indescribable nerve 
 pain, the worst in his hands and in his feet and butt. - Susan
 6. Unable to have a successful career/family/life. (9.2%) 
 So many people want to blow sunshine up our a**es, or, want to believe that 
 we are bitter if we don't have hope of ever walking again. But in reality, 
 many of us have come to terms with our respective situations and have chosen 
 to make the best of it. - CJohn
 7. Only medical problem is the paralysis. (8.8%)
 There is significant neuropathic pain, bowel and bladder control, fighting 
 with insurance companies, reduced energy, changed relationships, loss of 
 independence, lack of access to our homes an no financial help for needed 
 accessibility adaptions or exercise equipment, increased infections 
 (especially UTIs)' and lack of appropriate sensation that allows for some 
 spectacular accidents (and AD). - Shel
 8. Have all expenses paid by the government. (3.9%)
 So, how do you get by? Social Security? Yeah, because we, as individuals, 
 are part of a disadvantaged minority group, we all must either be on the 
 government dole, or looking for a handout. And because the former must be 
 true, we all must be liberals. - CJohn
 9. Always want help. (3.5%)
 No matter what an  someone is, I should alway's be nice and gratefully 
 for any unwanted help I get! - Ben
 All of the above are myths, some are just more pervasive.

Re: [QUAD-L] Ice cold feeling .!!!!

2012-08-21 Thread Toby Ausbun
I've been paralized for  21 yrs and in last 10 to 15 yrs i get this ice 
feelings in my hands and arms and stomach,does anyone have this problem c 4 

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 21, 2012, at 3:14 PM, John S. wrote: 

 Dear Ronald,
 When a doctor says no more time release oxy's or must see you, cutt any pain 
 meds that day and when nurssey takes your bp, strain with the oposing 
 arm(this creates a false high reading. Before  going in have someone wet your 
 hair n collar.
 When Dr. asks, you just took 4 tylenols and feel a little better.
 Voila! Time release oxy's.
 Your friend, john
 From: Candle
 Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 4:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Pain need input
 Ditto, here too. It made me foggy and unable to think, but did nothing for 
 Scars remind of us where we’ve been, they don’t have to dictate where we are 
 ~David Rossi of Criminal Minds
 Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 11:25 AM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Pain need input
 I did years ago. It didn't help me.
 Does anyone use neurontin?
 -Original Message-
 From: jume
 To: quad-list
 Sent: Fri, Aug 17, 2012 10:11 am
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Pain need input
 Does anyone use neurontin?
 Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 8:33:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Pain need input
 My doctor shared this with me but it's not a big secret that they are  we 
 are closely monitored but on the other hand if one has a long term use of the 
 same med for the same reason should warrant some explanation of dispensing 
 such meds to the same patient month after month. But, as you say, each month 
 I have to pick up my script  sign for it. It cannot be called in.
 A note of reference for all.  The Feds are closely watching and monitoring 
 the Pain Relief Industry, and those doctors who are part of that industry, 
 whether the doctor is an MD or Pain Specialist, and Rehab doctor.  Most know 
 already about the abuse of pain meds in general use.  Your pain doctor make 
 not share with you guys that their actions and the scripts they are writing 
 are being closely watched.  Those who truly need the high meds may also be 
 affected, if your doctors have not advised.  Its not as easy as it once 
 -Original Message-
 From: wheelchair
 To: jume; quad-list
 Sent: Thu, Aug 16, 2012 5:11 pm
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Pain need input
 A note of reference for all.  The Feds are closely watching and monitoring 
 the Pain Relief Industry, and those doctors who are part of that industry, 
 whether the doctor is an MD or Pain Specialist, and Rehab doctor.  Most know 
 already about the abuse of pain meds in general use.  Your pain doctor make 
 not share with you guys that their actions and the scripts they are writing 
 are being closely watched.  Those who truly need the high meds may also be 
 affected, if your doctors have not advised.  Its not as easy as it once 
 Best Wishes
 In a message dated 8/16/2012 3:35:16 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
 Look for a pain specialist Some anesthesiologists also specialize in pain. 
 My dr. is PMR which  is physical medicine and rehabilitation.
 Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 11:06:03 AM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Pain need input
 Hi guys,
  Im a c7 quad completec for 15 years since Jan 16 98. Ive been pretty 
 active swimming biking and such but started having considerable pain that 
 altered my life in 2004. I was diagnosed with a syrinx at c7 which is where 
 my initial injury was. I started on lorezapam 1 mg 3 times a day and 50 mg 
 amytriptyline at night. This is barely helping me Imalso taking an oxy a day 
 from when my appendix burst last year but my supply is going to run out. My 
 primary physician wont give me any pain pills. My original rehab doc or 
 physiatrist is in another network. What should I do to get the proper help 
 with my pain? Should I seek outanother physiatrist?or should I get referred 
 to pain management? Who will listen to a quad in pain that needs help? 
  Ron c7
 Sent: Wed, August 

Re: [QUAD-L] Pain and constipation

2012-08-19 Thread Toby Ausbun
Does anyone get that ice feeling in their hands,arms ,stomach ,what do u do for 
it ?

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 19, 2012, at 7:26 AM, Candle wrote:

 I include Benefiber because I can mix it into anything and can't taste it. I 
 also have orange flavored Metamucil that I mix into my fruit smoothies. Even 
 including those in my diet, I still have trouble with the constipation when 
 using pain meds. I have tried prunes and prune juice as well, but with no 
 luck. So that is why I use the exlax.
 I have been reading what others do in case my situation grows worse as I age. 
 I want a list of ideas. Best to be prepared.
 Scars remind of us where we’ve been, they don’t have to dictate where we are 
 ~David Rossi of Criminal Minds
 Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 5:27 PM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Pain and constipation
 i'd be afraid to try exlax! i use metimucil and fresh fruit. especially with 
 peaches being in season!!
 The hospital had started me on Colace, but that takes too long for me. 
 Instead, I use chocolate Exlax and it helps tremendously. If I had the 
 choice, I would rather have loose stools because I get pain in my legs if I 
 have to hold my urine too long. Pain kicks in my legs if I get constipated 
 too, so I do anything to prevent it.
 -Original Message-
 From: Candle
 To: quad-list
 Sent: Fri, Aug 17, 2012 5:21 pm
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Pain and constipation
 The hospital had started me on Colace, but that takes too long for me. 
 Instead, I use chocolate Exlax and it helps tremendously. If I had the 
 choice, I would rather have loose stools because I get pain in my legs if I 
 have to hold my urine too long. Pain kicks in my legs if I get constipated 
 too, so I do anything to prevent it.
 Scars remind of us where we’ve been, they don’t have to dictate where we are 
 ~David Rossi of Criminal Minds
 To: quad-list 
 Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 11:59 AM
 Subject: [QUAD-L] Pain and constipation
 What do you all take the constipation due to the meds?

Re: [QUAD-L] new to list

2012-01-22 Thread Toby Ausbun
Has anyone ever use  miracle  mist on sores?

On Jan 22, 2012, at 8:00 AM, Steve Oldaker wrote:

 Hi Toby and welcome! I live in Southeast Georgia on the Atlantic coast.
 Steve - C4, 23 years
 From: Toby Ausbun [] 
 Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 8:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] new to list
 My name is Toby c 4 complete 20 yrs post live in Columbus,Nebraska,new to 
 On Jan 21, 2012, at 7:27 PM, wrote:
 Welcome Pat.  I live in Glendale AZ since 1974.  I'm a c3 incomplete since 
 '67 from a trampoline.
 In a message dated 1/21/2012 4:21:19 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:
 Welcome, Pat!
 There are several other Arizonans on this list.
 I'm Don, and I live in Tempe, AZ.
 C5-6 just short of 30 years.
 Feel free to contact me anytime.
 From: Pat Patrick
 Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 3:44 PM
 Subject: [QUAD-L] new to list
 My name is Pat, I live in Az.I am a c1c2 quad, vent dependent just short of 
 15 years.Pat

Re: [QUAD-L] new to list

2012-01-21 Thread Toby Ausbun
My name is Toby c 4 complete 20 yrs post live in Columbus,Nebraska,new to 

On Jan 21, 2012, at 7:27 PM, wrote:

 Welcome Pat.  I live in Glendale AZ since 1974.  I'm a c3 incomplete since 
 '67 from a trampoline.
 In a message dated 1/21/2012 4:21:19 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:
 Welcome, Pat!
 There are several other Arizonans on this list.
 I'm Don, and I live in Tempe, AZ.
 C5-6 just short of 30 years.
 Feel free to contact me anytime.
 From: Pat Patrick
 Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 3:44 PM
 Subject: [QUAD-L] new to list
 My name is Pat, I live in Az.I am a c1c2 quad, vent dependent just short of 
 15 years.Pat