RE: [QUAD-L] Ask For Help

2017-05-05 Thread greg
Yeah, I do think most people like to help. If they looked frustrated I might not ask. Just yesterday I was sitting in front of my house. Facing my house with the sun on my back, using my tablet. A car pulled up and a guy rolled down his window. He yelled to see if I was OK. He said he saw me there when he drove by and I was still there on his way back. He just wanted to be sure I was OK. I get that a lot.
> Hey Greg,
> The first 15 years I avoided and dreaded asking for help, private
> or public. I, too, ask all the time now. I wish I’d have figured
> that out a lot sooner, I would have saved myself a lot of wasted
> time and energy! Luckily, people are much less scared of us these
> days and feel good about reaching the cereal on the highest shelf
> for someone so low to the ground! And I definitely ask for people
> to feed me samples! Rule of life: NEVER pass up a sample or
> appetizer opportunity. Fast, easy, harmless. It’s not like you’re
> attempting a plate of spaghetti LOL. But the public is also more
> exposed to our needs nowadays and are more than willing to help.
> Just make sure you’re fairly clean and kempt, or in the future, the
> individual on the other end of that shrimp will run as far away
> from disabled people as possible! As for strangers and leg bags?
> I’m sure most of us avoid that scenario as much as possible in the
> first place, but if it can’t be avoided, ask. It’s not worth
> dragging 911 into the picture just to have your leg bag emptied. I
> look for women for sensitive things because they’re more, well,…
> sensitive. If they have a kid or two with them, even better! Most
> of the time she will tell you straight up that what I (we) need is
> nothing compared to her dealing with her kids’ bodily fluids daily!!
> I always find that if I stop someone and he or she is visibly
> uncomfortable or just too busy to help (listening to you, but
> eyeing their train pulling away!), I let them off the hook by
> saying, “Never mind. I can wait, I’m in no hurry.” (Even if that’s
> a major falsehood!) But if it’s dire, I say, “I hate to do this to
> you, but I gotta say, I’m so grateful you came along. It could have
> been bad news had you not turned onto my corner!”
> Just my opinions. It sounds like you have your priorities under
> control!
> From: greg []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 10:47 AM
> To:
> Subject: [QUAD-L] Ask For Help
> Hey guys,
> How do you feel about asking strangers for help? And how far would
> you go…
> I use to HATE asking strangers for help. Now I do all the time.
> Usually just simple things like: Asking if they can hand me
> something, or pick up something I dropped, etc. Yesterday I was at
> the store and they were giving out samples of shrimp. They asked if
> I wanted one. It looked so good, I had to try it. So I asked if hey
> could scoop it in my mouth for me. I did that once before with  
> stuffed mushroom.
> Have you, or would you ask a stranger to empty your legbag? If not,
> what if you were so full, you are going through AD?
> Adjust you in your chair?
> Greg

Re: [QUAD-L] Ask For Help

2017-05-04 Thread wheelchair
I remember a decade ago and Dr Tom, from Uro-Cycler, in Florida that sold a 
 legbag with tiny ceramic magnets to auto empty the bladder.  And then  
another company using a parachute cord to release fluids, from a collection bag 
 and 2 other companies using low volts solenoids to auto empty collection  
Best Wishes
In a message dated 5/4/2017 5:04:58 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

FYI for emptying leg bags  without assistance from another person:
From: greg [] 
Sent:  Wednesday, April 26, 2017 10:47 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Ask For  Help

Hey  guys,

How do you feel  about asking strangers for help? And how far would you go…

I use to HATE  asking strangers for help. Now I do all the time. Usually 
just simple things  like: Asking if they can hand me something, or pick up 
something I dropped,  etc. Yesterday I was at the store and they were giving 
out samples of shrimp.  They asked if I wanted one. It looked so good, I had 
to try it. So I asked if  hey could scoop it in my mouth for me. I did that 
once before with  stuffed mushroom. 

Have you, or  would you ask a stranger to empty your legbag? If not, what 
if you were so  full, you are going through AD?

Adjust you in  your chair?


RE: [QUAD-L] Ask For Help

2017-05-04 Thread Carrie Pinter
FYI for emptying leg bags without assistance from another person:



From: greg [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 10:47 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Ask For Help


Hey guys,


How do you feel about asking strangers for help? And how far would you go.


I use to HATE asking strangers for help. Now I do all the time. Usually just
simple things like: Asking if they can hand me something, or pick up
something I dropped, etc. Yesterday I was at the store and they were giving
out samples of shrimp. They asked if I wanted one. It looked so good, I had
to try it. So I asked if hey could scoop it in my mouth for me. I did that
once before with  stuffed mushroom. 


Have you, or would you ask a stranger to empty your legbag? If not, what if
you were so full, you are going through AD?


Adjust you in your chair?



RE: [QUAD-L] Ask For Help

2017-05-04 Thread Carrie Pinter
Hey Greg,

The first 15 years I avoided and dreaded asking for help, private or public.
I, too, ask all the time now. I wish I'd have figured that out a lot sooner,
I would have saved myself a lot of wasted time and energy! Luckily, people
are much less scared of us these days and feel good about reaching the
cereal on the highest shelf for someone so low to the ground! And I
definitely ask for people to feed me samples! Rule of life: NEVER pass up a
sample or appetizer opportunity. Fast, easy, harmless. It's not like you're
attempting a plate of spaghetti LOL. But the public is also more exposed to
our needs nowadays and are more than willing to help. Just make sure you're
fairly clean and kempt, or in the future, the individual on the other end of
that shrimp will run as far away from disabled people as possible! As for
strangers and leg bags? I'm sure most of us avoid that scenario as much as
possible in the first place, but if it can't be avoided, ask. It's not worth
dragging 911 into the picture just to have your leg bag emptied. I look for
women for sensitive things because they're more, well,. sensitive. If they
have a kid or two with them, even better! Most of the time she will tell you
straight up that what I (we) need is nothing compared to her dealing with
her kids' bodily fluids daily!!


I always find that if I stop someone and he or she is visibly uncomfortable
or just too busy to help (listening to you, but eyeing their train pulling
away!), I let them off the hook by saying, "Never mind. I can wait, I'm in
no hurry." (Even if that's a major falsehood!) But if it's dire, I say, "I
hate to do this to you, but I gotta say, I'm so grateful you came along. It
could have been bad news had you not turned onto my corner!"


Just my opinions. It sounds like you have your priorities under control!


From: greg [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 10:47 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Ask For Help


Hey guys,


How do you feel about asking strangers for help? And how far would you go.


I use to HATE asking strangers for help. Now I do all the time. Usually just
simple things like: Asking if they can hand me something, or pick up
something I dropped, etc. Yesterday I was at the store and they were giving
out samples of shrimp. They asked if I wanted one. It looked so good, I had
to try it. So I asked if hey could scoop it in my mouth for me. I did that
once before with  stuffed mushroom. 


Have you, or would you ask a stranger to empty your legbag? If not, what if
you were so full, you are going through AD?


Adjust you in your chair?



Re: [QUAD-L] Ask For Help

2017-04-27 Thread jume9999

Re: [QUAD-L] Ask For Help

2017-04-26 Thread greg
I think most people want to help. Don't know if I could ask about draining legbag though, unless in bad shape.
I'm out a lot more now taking photos and bet I get asked if I need help 2 times a day at least. Just yesterday, leaving the store, I got out to my van before my helper. Someone asked if I needed help getting in my van.
Later I was about a mile away, taking a photo of a cactus flower, a guy in a neighboring house asked if I was OK. Then asked if  I wanted a bottle of water.
If I'm sitting in 1 spot taking photos, often cars will pull up asking if I'm OK. I think they are almost disappointed if I don't need help… J
When asking if someone can turn a knob on my camera (one you have to hold 1 button down, then turn another… dumb idea) or asking for anything. In 30+ years post, I can only remember 1 time I got a bad response.

Re: [QUAD-L] Ask For Help

2017-04-26 Thread wheelchair
Sure, no problem.  Just make sure you thank them.  Kind of like  asking 
someone the time or a light.  Always, remember the thanks.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 4/26/2017 10:47:16 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Hey  guys,
How do you  feel about asking strangers for help? And how far would you go…
I use to  HATE asking strangers for help. Now I do all the time. Usually 
just simple  things like: Asking if they can hand me something, or pick up 
something I  dropped, etc. Yesterday I was at the store and they were giving 
out samples of  shrimp. They asked if I wanted one. It looked so good, I had 
to try it. So I  asked if hey could scoop it in my mouth for me. I did that 
once before with  stuffed mushroom. 
Have you,  or would you ask a stranger to empty your legbag? If not, what 
if you were so  full, you are going through AD?
Adjust you  in your chair?

Re: [QUAD-L] Ask For Help

2017-04-26 Thread RONALD L PRACHT
Things such as a legbag or an adjustment I wouldn't ask for a stranger to do 
unless I was in dire straits and its a matter of living or dieing. I was in my 
manual chair once trying to get home from the mall on a hot day. I started 
passing out a guy pulled over in a truck and I said man, Im in trouble. He 
picked me up and put me in his truck and took me home. People will help if they 
see you struggling.

On Wednesday, April 26, 2017 10:47 AM, greg  wrote:

 Hey guys, How do you feel about asking 
strangers for help? And how far would you go… I use to HATE asking strangers 
for help. Now I do all the time. Usually just simple things like: Asking if 
they can hand me something, or pick up something I dropped, etc. Yesterday I 
was at the store and they were giving out samples of shrimp. They asked if I 
wanted one. It looked so good, I had to try it. So I asked if hey could scoop 
it in my mouth for me. I did that once before with  stuffed mushroom.  Have 
you, or would you ask a stranger to empty your legbag? If not, what if you were 
so full, you are going through AD? Adjust you in your chair? Greg


[QUAD-L] Ask For Help

2017-04-26 Thread greg
Hey guys,
How do you feel about asking strangers for help? And how far would you go…
I use to HATE asking strangers for help. Now I do all the time. Usually just simple things like: Asking if they can hand me something, or pick up something I dropped, etc. Yesterday I was at the store and they were giving out samples of shrimp. They asked if I wanted one. It looked so good, I had to try it. So I asked if hey could scoop it in my mouth for me. I did that once before with  stuffed mushroom. 
Have you, or would you ask a stranger to empty your legbag? If not, what if you were so full, you are going through AD?
Adjust you in your chair?