Re: Where to buy memory

2003-04-04 Thread Dan Palka
on 4/4/03 10:24 AM, Dave Lee at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> If you're developing for the web and you ignore making your website function
> on IE,
> then you're ignoring 90% of the web!  You're living in a Dreamworld if you
> ignore
> IE.  I'm not saying IE is the best browser, but it is the dominant browser out
> there.  And if you want customers to come to your site and be able to see your
> content, then you have to code for IE.  Period.

I don't think you quite understand what we're saying.  There are HTML
standards set that are *supposed* to be followed by both web designers and
software developers.  Microsoft thinks they know best and that certain
standards should be changed or supplemented.  So they add things to IE that
are not HTML standards but will display correctly for you if you happen to
be using IE.  Web sites that are "designed for IE" usually include some kind
of proprietary Microsoft HTML type stuff that will display perfectly in IE,
but will NOT display in OTHER browsers.  It isn't a matter of not
functioning in IE or not, since in theory, everything will, but not being
able to display in other browsers such as Netscape or even stricter iCab is
what makes a web site "designed for IE" looked down upon.  These sites tend
to be created by PC users who are oblivious to the fact that there are other
operating systems, other browsers, and real standards that they should stick

This is also the reason why I never use any Microsoft branded product for
HTML generating (such as FrontPage, or MS Word) because some of, actaully a
lot of the things they generate look really crummy in Netscape and others.

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Re: Where to buy memory

2003-04-03 Thread Dan Palka
on 4/3/03 6:23 PM, the pickle at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> some of the vendors
> on PriceWatch are less than reputable

I agree :-)

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Re: Where to buy memory

2003-04-03 Thread Dan Palka
on 4/3/03 4:00 PM, Chuck LaFray at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm planning to max out my 840AV from 64 to 128MB.
> I've never bought used memory so have no idea what the track record on
> reliability might be.
> Would you folks suggest finding/buying new memory or perhaps buying
> used on eBay.
> Chuck

I buy RAM, and most otherthings from

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Re: My Quad

2003-03-30 Thread Dan Palka
>on your desktop you see harddrives and removeable drives (only
>when inserted)

thats an important part to remember.  there is no C: or A: or anythign 
like that.  if your computer has a mounted hard drive (as in recognized 
and useable) it is on the desktop.  if you stick a floppy in it appears 
like magic on the desktop.  then to get it back out you drag it to the 
trash.  like magic it will eject itself.  same with cds.

also the same for PCMCIA cards on powerbooks!

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Re: My Quad

2003-03-30 Thread Dan Palka
>Hey, could I get some help determining what upgrades I may need?  Where do I
>find my system information that tells me how much RAM and hard drive space I

About this macintosh in the apple menu for RAM, and just double click 
your hard drive icon for space.
>I'd go buy me a "Macs for Dummies" book but the stores are closed now ;-)
>And... if "the pickle" is reading.  So your telling me that Mac's desktop is
>comparable to Windows file manager?  I'm assuming you know Windows too.
>Instead of calling up "file manager" from Windows desktop, the Mac OS
>desktop is the file manager?
The Finder
>Man, I wish my Mac was online!  Would make things easier.

yes it would :)

>Also, is it possible to boot from the CD-ROM drive or the floppy?  It
>doesn't seem to work when I try booting from the CD or diskette.

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Re: My Quad

2003-03-30 Thread Dan Palka
>What's the trick on taking care of this issue?

I would have to say disabling the AfterDark control panel.  Go into the 
hard drive icon on the desktop.  Go into the system folder.  Go into 
control panels folder.  Drag afterdark control panel into the trash.  
Either that or just open up the afterdark control panel and turn it off.

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Re: Hard Drive in a Quadra

2003-03-30 Thread Dan Palka
Since everybody is wriling about this drive issue I'd thought I'd share 
my experiences, which were a complete success.

I have a 4.2gb 10,000rpm hard drive in my Quadra 800.  There is only one 
4.2gb partition, and its running fine every day with system 7.5.3.  How 
on earth did I do that?

When I booted from a 7.5.3 CD and tried to format it from that, it wanted 
to do the standard "no partitions over 2gb" thing, but I hate having too 
many icons on my desktop so I searched for a way around that.

So I booted from a MacOS 8.0cd and formated the hard drive with one 4.2gb 
partition.  But when I booted from the 7.5.3cd afterwards, I would not 
recognize the hard drive whatsoever.

So then I booted back into the MacOS 8.0cd, and made one of the boot 
floppys from the images on the cd.  Then I booted from the 8.0 boot 
floppy, which booted fine and recognized the hard drive, and then I put 
the system 7.5.3 cd in and did a complete 7.5.3 install while booted into 
8.0.  Everything installed fine, and the Quadra now boots up fine into 
7.5.3 on the 4.2gb partition.

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Re: Essentials

2003-03-30 Thread Dan Palka
>>What would you guys reckon is the essentials (software & hardware wise) to
>>get a stock Quadra 800 up and running with email/net access and perhaps as a
>>firewall/webserver, if indeed the later is possible?
>Well, 8.0 has personal web serving software... as well as claris emailer 
>and cyberdog.
>Hardware wise, how will it be connected? Modem? Broadband?
>I don't know, right offhand, that I'd use the 800 for both general 'net use 
>*and* as a webserver.

The 800 makes a fine everything.  MacOS 8.0 is completely unecessary 
though.  Heres what my Quadra 800, which is my daily machine, has:

System 7.5.5
OpenTransport 1.2
iCab 2.9.1
Claris Emailer 1.1v3
AOL Instant Messanger 4.0.972

As for serving web pages, I did have my Quadra 800 doing that for many 
months before I got an 8600/200 dedicated to it.  I used something called 
Quid Pro Quo.  It worked fine and dandy.

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2003-03-30 Thread Dan Palka
>> OK, so I'm pig-ignorant but, if CUDA is an acronym then what does it stand
>> for, please?  No research has provided an answer.
> Plymouth Bara CUDA?

Thats usually what I figured Cuda meant.

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Re: 5300/190 power connector

2003-03-27 Thread Dan Palka
>>the connector inside this 190 is really starting to tick me off...
>>does anyone know what this is?  or where this page is maybe?

oh whoopsy daisies

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5300/190 power connector

2003-03-27 Thread Dan Palka
the connector inside this 190 is really starting to tick me off...

i read all over the place that the 5300/190 series has a lot of problems 
with the power adapters becoming loose and defective

on LEM at the bottom of the 190 info page it talks about a do it yourself 
fix to the power adapter problem on a 5300 page, but the link is broken.

does anyone know what this is?  or where this page is maybe?

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Re: chime...nothing

2003-03-27 Thread Dan Palka
>Try this: Turn it on, wait a few seconds, then turn it off and back on very 
>quickly - probably as quickly as you can - and see if it turns on. If it 
>does, you need a battery. Or you can just keep turning it on like that :)

Yeah this very same thing helped my 6100.  I used it like that for about 
a month before I replaced the battery.

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Re: mp3

2003-03-26 Thread Dan Palka
>Does anybody know an MP3 player or decoder that will work on a 68040
>25mhz Centris 650 with 100 megs of RAM? Are there any MP3 encoders that
>will run on 68040?

QuickTime 4 for 68ks will not play mp3s.

There is only one program I have yet to find that actually will, its 
called MpegDec.  It works quite well and is actively developed.  I use it 
all the time, and it requires nothing else.  Not even QuickTime.

It supports playlists as well.

That is the official website of the developer.

On 68k machines, especially slower ones like the Centris 650, you will 
need to downsample quite a bit in MpegDec's settings, but the website and 
included readme files explain it all.

I use it all the time with over 100 mp3s of my favorite songs on my 
33mhz, FPU-less PowerBook 190cs.  Yes it doesn't even require an FPU!  

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Re: Most suitable system version

2003-03-16 Thread Dan Palka
>But still curious why you do prefer 7.5.5 .

Even on my 50mhz Quadra with 136mb of RAM 8.1 seems god aweful slow to me.

I prefer system 7.5.5 for many reasons:

1:  Its free.
2:  It feels the fastest.
3:  It gets the highest scores in Speedometer (even compared to 7.1)
4:  Its free.
5:  None of my 68k software requires anything later than 7.5, and since 
7.5.5 seems to be the fastest OS possible, why go any higher?  So I can 
have the platinum look?  Bah!  For the birds.

The speed stuff makes logical sense too if you think about it.  When 
system 7.5.5 was released, Apple was still manufacturing the PowerBook 
190.  That means Apple was on the spot to make the 68k PowerBooks that 
were still pretty expensive to seem as fast as possible.  They were 
probably still developing ways for system 7 to run faster and faster on 
68k macs, even more so than 7.1.  But by the time 7.6ish and 8 rolled 
around the 68ks were gone and apple could finally take a load off, so to 
speak, and not spend so much effort worrying about 68k optimization.

The above is just something I thought up one day to maybe shed light as 
to why 7.5.5 always is faster than 7.1 but a lot slower than 8, at least 
on my machines.

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Re: Most suitable system version

2003-03-15 Thread Dan Palka
>I have a Performa 630 68LC040, 40Mhz. Anyone got any idea on what system to 
>run on this machine, Should I stick on system 7 or upgrade to 8? At the 
>moment I have 7.1.2p but I guess thats an old 7 system which lack much 

System 7.5.5 always wins my vote for 68k macs.

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Re: m68k?

2003-03-15 Thread Dan Palka
>Okay, since many of you seem to be into the more
>technical aspects of old macs (who else would would
>REALLY be using a 10 year + old mac for the fun of

Thats certainly not true in my case.  My main machines are a Quadra 800 
and PowerBook 190cs.  And I choose to use these two machines as opposed 
to the G3/450 and iBook 366 that are sitting in my basement.  Theres also 
an 8600/200 and 8600/250 down there as well.

Now on the other hand, in my home office there is a Quadra 800, PB190cs, 
PB520, and PBDuo 280, although I rarely use the later two, mostly because 
they have monochrome displays.

I do most of, well actually, all of my work on the 800 and 190cs.  I 
maintain my own website, as well as design other people's websites on the 
800.  And I browse the internet, check email, and run chat programs on 
the 190cs (since it has a wireless networking card).  I also travel with 
the 190cs, not the iBook.

Now I know those two machines are on the upper end of the 68k spectrum, 
my 800 has a 50mhz processor upgrade (after switching out the board with 
that of a C650) and 136mb of RAM.  Both the 800 and the 190cs have 5gb 
hard drives.  And the 190cs has that super duper wireless pc card which 
makes it ultra useful in my opinion.  It is my only wireless mac.  And 
even if the iBook was wireless I would still prefer the 190cs.

>I have a quadra 950 that I have lusted after since I
>was like 13.  Saw it, feel in love with it, had to
>have one.  Well, fast forward 8 years, and I got one
>off eBay for $10.  Useful any more? Not really.

My machines are perfectly useful.  If you find and install the right 
software on them I don't see why they wouldnt be, unless your 950 has 
like 4mb of RAM and an 200mb hard drive.  If thats the case then you're 
probably right.

Since most of what I use my macs for is internet related (since thats my 
job), I think so long as they keep releaseing new and current web 
browsers for the 68k mac (as in iCab) I'll be using my 68ks for years to 
come.  I think once they stop releasing 68k versions of iCab, and once I 
become unable to view many future websites, then I'll probably replace 
the 190cs with the iBook, although I'll probably keep the 800 around (its 
my only mac with dual monitors which is cool too).  The G3/450 will 
replace the Quadra 800 the day the Quadra dies.

Oh I just thought of ONE thing I do use the iBook for, and thats to 
update my iPod.  The G3/450 too, I use that occasionaly when I need to do 
a massive photoshop project that I just don't feel like waiting around 
for the Quadra to do.

But all in all there is a lot of use left in 68k macs.  Thats why they 
still usually fetch more money on ebay compared with old pre-pentium pcs 
which relly cant do anything at all.  My 486 machine can barely run 
windows 95, and barely run notepad much less do all the stuff my Quadra 
and 190cs do.

So its unfair to say all of us only keep our machines around for the hell 
of it.

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Gnutella or Kazaa?

2003-03-10 Thread Dan Palka
I find Hotline (whether it be the 68k or PowerPC version) very annoying 
to use (as in having to wait in lines).

Is there any 68k client for the popular Gnutella or Kazaa things?

Yes I already know about LimeWire for PowerPC.  Please spare me any 
PowerPC stuff as I probably already know about it.

Focus 68k :)

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Re: optical ADB mouse?

2003-02-26 Thread Dan Palka
ADB for Windows?  I highly doubt that.

>In addition to the Sun mice, Muose Systems made optical ADB 
>well as for windoze boxes. I have two of them that I got from eBay 
>over the past five years. Look for them there, be SURE to get the 
>reflective pad for them. (The very similar-appearing Sun pad won't 
>work with Mouse Systems mice.)


Lots of hellos from Dan Palka's Quadra 800:
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ADB Optical

2003-02-24 Thread Dan Palka
Is there a such a thing as an optical ADB mouse?

Is that even possible?

That would be REALLY cool.


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Re: Auto On/Off Control Panel

2003-02-23 Thread Dan Palka
I could never get that control panel working on non PowerPC macs.  I 
might be wrong though, but I just never had luck.

>Could someone email me or point me to where I can get the Auto On/Off
>Control Panel?  I'd like to use it on my Q630 server to save some
>electricity overnight.  I recall seeing it in the 7.5.x days but it isn't in
>OS 8.1.


Lots of hellos from Dan Palka's Quadra 800:
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Re: Q605 should be here Monday

2003-02-23 Thread Dan Palka
My LG 15" does 832x624

You might want to look into LG displays as they're really cheap, but I 
find them very nice and rather reliable.

>>I was wondering if anyone knew of any monitors that would do the 832 x
>>624 this machine can produce (with the extra VRAM). If I could get a few
>>model numbers jotted down, it would give me something else to look for at
>>the thrift stores.


Lots of hellos from Dan Palka's Quadra 800:
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Re: How it works

2003-02-23 Thread Dan Palka
I know the rules are no swearing, but I just can't resist...


Somebody explain to me who this is, and why he is so angry.  Did I miss something?

>So the game gets played PickleĆ­s way or he takes his
>ball and goes home?


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Confusion and ClarisEmailer

2003-02-21 Thread Dan Palka
I'm sending this Email to both PowerBooks list and Quadlist.

I just realized that Claris Emailer has been filing PowerBooks emails in 
the Quadlist folders, as some of you may have noticed strangely worded 

Its because I have CE's Mail Actions set to file anything with the word 
"quadlist" in it into the Quadlist folder, and same for PowerBooks.

I see now I should change that.


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Re: I've got a Quadra 605 Coming

2003-02-18 Thread Dan Palka
Put it this way, I far more frequently run into software that needs 7.5.5 
instead of 7.1 than software that needs 7.1 and wont work under 7.5.5.

And the only 68k compatible 802.11b card i know of wont work below 7.5.3 
but thats a topic we're discussing in PowerBooks list.

>>as 7.1 to me anyway, but has more features and is compatible with more
>>newer software.
>That's *so* untrue, at least the latter half.


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Re: I've got a Quadra 605 Coming

2003-02-18 Thread Dan Palka
>Probably either 7.1 or 8.1. If you're up for a little work upgrading and 
>tweaking bits, 7.1 is nice because it has a very low memory footprint. 
>Overclocked to 33mhz (see below) with 64 megs of RAM, 8.1 works quite well 
>really. I'm in the camp that doesn't see a lot of reason for running 7.5.5 
>and 7.6.1 is only marginal. There's not a lot that won't run on 7.1 that 
>will on 7.5.5, 7.6.1, or 8.1.

Again in my experience I have to disrecommend OS 8.1.

Even on my 50mhz upgraded Quadra with 136mb of RAM and a 10,000rpm hard 
drive MacOS 8.1 is sluggish to me.

>On the other hand, 64 megs of RAM and a 33mhz '040 would mostly negate the 
>advantages 7.1 has over 7.5.5, which is a somewhat smaller memory footprint 
>and a slight speed advantage. Might be worth just using 7.5.5 since it 
>saves you a good bit of trouble :)

Definetly.  If you have lots of RAM maybe thats the key to using system 
7.5.5.  32mb aught to be enough to run the OS and some Apps with virtual 
memory turned off.

Of course MY Quadra doesnt even know what Virtual Memory is :)


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Re: I've got a Quadra 605 Coming

2003-02-18 Thread Dan Palka
My opinion as some of you may know is for 7.5.5, as it feels just as fast 
as 7.1 to me anyway, but has more features and is compatible with more 
newer software.

You won't really know which you prefer until you try both I guess, but 
for me personall all of my 040 desktops currently run 7.5.5 (my 040 
powerbooks all run 7.1.1 however, smaller footprint for the smaller hard 

>>Third, what OS would you guys & gals recommend? I've got a 16M SIMM I can
>>put in it, bringing it to 20M of physical RAM, until I decide to buy a
>>bigger SIMM for it. I know I've got 7.1, 7.5.3, 7.6.1, and 8.1, but know
>7.1 is a lot faster than the rest.


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Re: Video on Q840AV w/Director 3.1?

2003-02-14 Thread Dan Palka
That sounds interesting.  How can I install the 8.1 drivers but keep 
the 7.5.5 installation I already have?

I'd like to try that and see what the scores are in Speedometer.

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Re: Video on Q840AV w/Director 3.1?

2003-02-14 Thread Dan Palka
I edit video on my Quadra 800 as well.  However MacOS 8.1 is not only not 
really necessary, but probably not the best choice.

I've installed so man versions of the OS on my Quadra and after testing 
them all over and over again with both Speedometer and just general use, 
I find that system 7.5.5 is the fastest overall.

8.1 seems to have slightly slower disk access times over and over again, 
and besides that it just "feels" slow.

Director 3 is great, just be aware its complex!

>I am planning on running OS 8.1 and using Director 3.1 on a Q840AV to get my
>feet wet. Does this sound practical? 8.1 is the newest OS an 840 can use,
>right? Would something like Strata Videoshop be easier to start with?


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Re: Read the FAQs and archives

2003-02-14 Thread Dan Palka
I'm starting to feel that way about the list as well.  However I remain 
for my Quadra's sake.  I have such a fascination with 68k macs, and 
trying to get them to be as applicable in the modern world as possible.

Just yesterday I bought a PowerBook 190cs and an Orinoco wireless network 
PC Card.  That will be one hot item at the grand opening of the michigan 
avenue apple store later this spring.

>> For someone with who takes the time to put a fish in his signature, you
>> do very little soul searching, Paul.
>> But, clear you are. Whatever this list may have been for the 4 or more
>> years I've been reading it, it's no longer a discussion group. Or,
>> interesting. Or, relevant. Feel free to pontificate without me.
>> On Friday, February 14, 2003, at 03:15  AM, Paul Stamsen wrote:
>>>  No, for violatinfg list rules. Read the List FAQ.
>>>  Please drop the subject. If you are displeased your choice is clear,
>>> unsubscribe or appeal to the ListMom. Who, IIRC,  had his say on this.
>What he said...


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Re: Read the FAQs and archives

2003-02-14 Thread Dan Palka
Is the listmom for PowerBooks list the same as the one for Quadlist.

>  No, for violatinfg list rules. Read the List FAQ.
>  Please drop the subject. If you are displeased your choice is clear, 
>unsubscribe or appeal to the ListMom. Who, IIRC,  had his say on this.


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2003-02-11 Thread Dan Palka
I love to hear things like this.  The Quadra can still be a really useful 

>Me for one.
>I run an engineering consulting business on a Q800.
>I have the usual Word 5.1, Excel 4, Power Point 3, ColorOne scanner, etc.
>but I also run CAD (Vellum), QuickBooks, and several others. I back up on
>an internal Apple tape drive canabalized from an AWS 8150 bezel and all,
>and print on a Color Stylewriter 6500 and an Apple Color Printer for 11 X
>17 prints.  On another Q800, I do high speed data acquisition from lab
>tests. That Q800 has a NuBus data acquisition board. I've even adapted a
>QuickTake to a microscope. By matching the older, more elegant, and smaller
>software to my Quadra's,  everything is fast, simple and rock stable.
>What could I do faster on a G4 besides go through $25,000. to duplicate
>what I already have?


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Re: Great uses for old Macs

2003-02-09 Thread Dan Palka
I think I have a pretty fantastic old mac setup.

Quadra 800...  swaped out the motherboard for that of a Quadra 630 so 
that I could have the sonnets 50mhz upgrade card.  Maxed ram at 136mb.  A 
SuperMac Spectrum IV video card.  Dual displays, one 17'' and one 15''.

a 4.5gb hard drive at 10,000rpm.

System 7.5.5.

Its my daily machine I use it for most stuff like web browsing with iCab, 
AOL Instant Messanger, Email with Claris Emailer.  It also does a lot of 
MS Office stuff, some games.  I do all of that on the Quadra in my room 
as opposed to the G3 in the basement because I think the Quadra is cooler.

Stil thinking of thigns.. use photoshop 4 for graphics work, and Avid 
VideoShop 2 for editing video on the Quadra.  Also write HTML, or just 
WYSIWYG it using Symantec VisualPage 1.1.1.

Also use the Quadra with my Apple OneScanner, which is still an extremely 
high resolution scanner, albeit it scans in grayscale.

I'm serious my Quadra is my main machine completely.  I can't emphasize 
it enough.  My friends think I'm crazy for using the Quadra "religiously" 
as one of them put it one time when we were arguing because I made him 
mad cause I didnt want to run a program he wrote just that second because 
it was powerpc only and i was on my Quadra and didnt feel like going all 
the way downstairs and waiting for the G3 to take an hour to boot up and 
then run it just to come back upstairs again.

Don't get me wrong the G3 is an amazing machine, but I only use it just 
for occasional games and big graphics work that i need to do sometimes, 
or when I have to rush to a website to do soemthing and dont feel like 
waiting for the Quadra to slowly load web pages (even though the Quadra 
is on a cable modem its web page rendering is a bit slower than what I 

I dont know how many people can say thier Quadrs are their full time 
daily machines.


Lots of hellos from Dan Palka's Quadra 800:
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Re: Hi all any body want one?

2003-02-09 Thread Dan Palka
what are you asking for  your quadra

on 2/8/03 3:35 PM, joe w runnels at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi all, I haev a Quadra 800, it has a HDD I think its a 1 Gig, and a
> CDROM that uses caddies, and it HAD a nubus toekn ring card in it, but I
> dont think anyone needs that, but if you want I coudl put it back in,
> saves on shippin if its not in there, but um, let me know if you want it,
> has RAM and everything, so let me know, I also have a Mac LC but I dont
> know if this is the right list or not for that guy, I think he'd be free
> for shipping...
> -Joe
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Re: Performa 475 startup

2003-02-06 Thread Dan Palka
All of these people with boot problems, sounds like battery is a big 
issue here.

What exactly DOES the battery do anyway besides keep the clock running?  
How does it have the final say in whether or not your computer boots??


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Re: Quadra 840AV startup problem

2003-02-05 Thread Dan Palka
I've noticed that my G3 has begun to take a very long time to start as 
well.  5 minutes, even if I do a restart from the pull down menu.  5 
minutes no matter what.  and 5 minutes of just a gray screen, with 
nothing.  Then it comes to a folder with a blinking question mark for 
about 20 seconds, and THEN it proceeds to boot up.

Also, ever since I put a new SuperMac card and dual monitors on my Quadra 
800, it takes about a good 30 seconds from pressing the powerbutton to 
get any video and proceed to startup.

>Best guess is a dead battery although I'm not sure if the delayed 
>startup is a symptom of that.  If the video isn't coming up then it 
>doesn't matter what you have on the harddisk (or even if you have 
>one).  OS 8.1 is the lastest.

>From Dan Palka's Quadra 800
The power to be your best.

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Re: remote e-mail access

2003-01-29 Thread Dan Palka
Have you tried Microsoft Outlook 4.0 68k?

>I need to access a certain e-mail account from home. It says that I need
>Outlook Web Access. Is there anything that would run on my Performa 575 (OS
>7.6.1) that would let me do that? I specifically need to be able access the
>calendar information.
>thanks, jim

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Re: (Quadra 950 for sale by Matt)

2003-01-29 Thread Dan Palka
If you wait anoter 9 years, when that machine hits 20 years old, then it
will be worth probably much than you'll get for it now.

However, I enjoy collecting all kinds of Macintosh systems.  I never owned
a 950 and would like to.  I might buy it off of you if you find out
shipping costs to 60527, Willowbrook Illinois.

Email me back privately if you're interested.


>Hello all,
>I am new to this group and have joined because my girlfriend has a
>very old Mac and I'm wondering what it would be worth to a
>collector. Here are the specs:
>System Overview:
>Machine: Macintosh Quadra 950

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68k CD Burning

2003-01-28 Thread Dan Palka
Using what drives and what software can I do CD burning on my Quadra 800?

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Re: 8.1 boot floppy - how?

2003-01-28 Thread Dan Palka
I have a MacOS 8.0 boot floppy disk.  I can email you a disk image of it if
you would like. Just email me back privately.


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Errory type 11 and error type 10.

2003-01-14 Thread Dan Palka
I know this is a little off topic, but I really don't want to join a
whole'nother email list just for this thing...

Today I got a Performa 6400/200 in the USPS (finally).

It powers up, the guy said it had 7.5.3 installed and ran "wonderfully" so
anyway, it makes it to the MacOS screen but then gives Error Type 11.  When
I boot with no extensions it doesn't make it to the MacOS screen, just the
smiling mac, where it then reports an Errory Type 10.

I've tried various Boot CDs.  7.5.3, 8.0, 8.5 and 9.1 as well as a 7.5.3
boot floppy.  The MacOS 8.x CDs have various levels of boot they will
perform before they return either the Type 11 or Type 10 errors, except the
9.1 CD which just spits out, and the 7.5.3 floppy which says "This system
software will not work on this computer."  Ditto for the 7.5.3 boot CD.

Whats going on???  I really don't want to return this thing after waiting 3
weeks for it.

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WordPerfect 3.5 Freeware

2003-01-10 Thread Dan Palka
Where can I still find the final free version of WordPefect?  Corel doesn't
seem to have it on their  website anymore.

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Re: No Subject

2003-01-07 Thread Dan Palka
I forgot the name but the program that came with Apple Telecom can be found
for free.   You need a modem that can send faxes however as not all can do

>To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Quadlist)
>Subject: No Subject
>Date: Tue, Jan 07, 2003, 5:34 PM

>Does anybody know of a free or shareware fax program?
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MacUSer and pre 1995 Mac Magz

2003-01-06 Thread Dan Palka
Does anyone know if there is like an online archive of the old MacUser
magazines, or any of the old mac magazines from before 1995.

I want read some reviews of some of my machines from when they were new I
think that would be interesting.

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Re: Apple OneScanner

2003-01-04 Thread Dan Palka
I found the Apple OneScanner drivers and something called Ofoto.   It works
great.  YAY!

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Apple OneScanner

2003-01-02 Thread Dan Palka
YAY!!! I just got an Apple OneScanner for free, my collection is growing
ever rapidly these days.

I can't seem to locate drivers or software though for the OneScanner.  Any

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Re: Using an *40 AV to edit VHS video

2002-12-31 Thread Dan Palka

>Quicktime 4 pro  (is availiable for 68 k) for capturing video\

Yes QuickTime 4 is a must.  I don't like the player that comes with
QuickTime 4 though.  If you can find the player that came with QuickTime 2,
then you 1:  don't have to pay for and register quicktime 4 and 2:  the
quicktime 2 player runs faster on 68k macs, and if you have the QuickTime 4
extensions plays all compatible video.

>upgrade to OS 8.1

This however I must disagree with.  I edit video on my 8600/200 with
7.5.5 all the time.  And I know how 8.1 impacts Quadra performance.  So I
would recommend sticking ith 7.5.5.

>Get a large SCSI-disk

Yes this would prove quite useful, but not only large, but FAST.  My
Quadra has a 4.5gb 10,007rpm Seagate hard drive.  Something like that would
benefit you greatly.


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Re: 7.5.3

2002-12-30 Thread Dan Palka
I found 7.5.5 to be worth the download time for my Quadra 800.  It has
proven a faster feel, and much more stability.

>From: Frederick Silliman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Quadlist)
>Subject: Re: 7.5.3
>Date: Mon, Dec 30, 2002, 12:25 PM

>Kyle Kinsey wrote:
>>><< Are there serious improvements in 7.5.5 compared to 7.5.3?
>>though maybe that was just me ;-) 

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Re: System 7.1.1 slowness?

2002-12-30 Thread Dan Palka
It seems people on this list don't have faith in me.  Yes of course I
already thought of that.  They were both set exactly the same.

on 12/30/02 10:26 AM, Dan Knight at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Dan Palka writes:
>> System 7.1.1 proved to be not just slower, but significantly slower in
>> several
>> key areas, the biggest being disk access.  Speedometer reported that disk
>> access records were 143% in favor of 7.5.5.  How could this be true?
> Two words: Disk Cache.
> As Apple evolved the Mac OS, they added a disk cache with System 7.0 and
> make incremental improvement right up through Mac OS 9.2.x. In fact, the
> more efficient cache in 8.0 and above is one reason I like using OS 8 on
> Quadras.
> The other difference is probably much more significant. IIRC, and it's a
> long time since I've used a default 7.1 setup, the Mac OS only allocates
> a small (32K?) cache by default, whereas 7.5.x tends to set a larger one
> (64 or 96?).
> A bigger disk cache will make a world of difference when running a hard
> drive benchmark. I suggest you check the cache setting in the memory
> control panel, make sure it's the same, and rerun your tests. I suspect
> you'll find 7.5.5 a little faster, but probably not enough so to make any
> real world difference.
> Also, you'll probably find best results at 128k or 256k.

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Re: what about 7.6.1?

2002-12-29 Thread Dan Palka
I don't even think my beloved PowerTalk is 7.6.1 compatible.

on 12/29/02 11:02 PM, Dan Palka at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Nah Its still not worth the effort.  I'm fine with 7.5.5.  Why upgrade when
> I already think the OS is perfect.  Theres nothing 7.6.1 could possibly give
> me.
> on 12/29/02 4:54 PM, Mark Benson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> On Sunday, Dec 29, 2002, at 22:52 Europe/London, Dan Palka wrote:
>>> The problem with 7.6.1 is I have to pay for it.
>> I paid a whole $5 for mine. Is that really so bad? I mean you get a
>> real genuine Apple CD and all.

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Re: 7.1.1 Slowness Revealed! See the light!

2002-12-29 Thread Dan Palka
PowerTalk all around of course.

on 12/29/02 6:22 PM, Michael Dawe at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> 7 Pro, with PowerTalk removed is the same as 7.1 upgraded with the
> Scriptable Finder with the exception of one extra feature unavailable to
> 7.1, AFAIK. Very fast to boot, and runs in 3 Meg of RAM including all the
> 3rd party extensions I can throw at it Certainly feels faster than 7.5.x

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Re: what about 7.6.1?

2002-12-29 Thread Dan Palka
Nah Its still not worth the effort.  I'm fine with 7.5.5.  Why upgrade when
I already think the OS is perfect.  Theres nothing 7.6.1 could possibly give

on 12/29/02 4:54 PM, Mark Benson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Sunday, Dec 29, 2002, at 22:52 Europe/London, Dan Palka wrote:
>> The problem with 7.6.1 is I have to pay for it.
> I paid a whole $5 for mine. Is that really so bad? I mean you get a
> real genuine Apple CD and all.

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Re: boot disk

2002-12-29 Thread Dan Palka
Search for a program called SystemPicker.  Its a control panel that you can
use to "bless" a system folder, no matter where it is.

on 12/29/02 9:48 PM, Sque at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi
> I'd like to boot different system folders from seperate partitions, what
> do I need to do this under 7.1 as the startup disk CP is rather useless
> for this as is Mt Everything.
> Thanks

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Re: 7.1.1 Slowness Revealed! See the light!

2002-12-29 Thread Dan Palka
If any differences it would be close, not 43% off.  Sorry pickle this ones
not in your favor.

on 12/29/02 3:17 PM, the pickle at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> At 14:34 -0600 on 29/12/02, Dan Palka wrote:
>> No actually its one 4gb drive with two 2gb partitions on it.  7.5.5 on one
>> and
>> 7.1.1 on the other.
>> Nice try though :)
> Still doesn't make for valid results.  Which partition is physically closer to
> the spindle?

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Re: what about 7.6.1?

2002-12-29 Thread Dan Palka
The problem with 7.6.1 is I have to pay for it.

on 12/29/02 3:00 PM, Frederick Silliman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Frank SchƤfer wrote:
>> nb. Are there serious improvements in 7.5.5 compared to 7.5.3?
> YES.

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Re: 7.1.1 Slowness Revealed! See the light!

2002-12-29 Thread Dan Palka
No actually its one 4gb drive with two 2gb partitions on it.  7.5.5 on one and
7.1.1 on the other.

Nice try though :)

 -- From: Quadlist, Sun, Dec 29, 2002 -- 

At 10:33 -0600 on 29/12/02, Dan Palka wrote:

>No I did not reformat, 7.1 was installed on another, already partitioned by
>7.5.5 hard drive that I used to keep documents on.  So I'm guessing they were

Different hard drives cannot be compared by benchmarks because the hard disks
themselves are much different.  Put 7.5 on that drive and I bet you find it's
143% slower too.

External, wasn't it? :)

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Re(2): Re(2): 7.1.1 Slowness Revealed! See the light!

2002-12-29 Thread Dan Palka
When I first set up my 8600 as a web server I toyed with a lot of server
software, like Rumpus, WebStar, and even MS PWS.  I found MacHTTP to be the
best HTTP server to suit my needs, and NetPresenz to be the best FTP server. 
Both run simultaneously, ever single day, even right now, perfectly on 7.5.5.

NetPresenz can supposedly act as an HTTP and Gopher server as well, but I
wasn't able to get NetPresenz working correctly as either.

The system software is 7.5.5, but completely stripped down excpet for only
whats needed to run web servers.  It boots quick and runs excellent.

Soon though I may switch over to some other brand of server since my small
business is growing and clients need more flexible servers.  I don't want to
upgrade the system software though.

 -- From: Quadlist, Sun, Dec 29, 2002 -- 


Out of curiosity, what software are you using for your webserver? I just put
one up on my q950 and installed some mail software to replace one of my many
ill-fated P3 systems and it keeps up really well. I was next thinking of
attempting an AU/X install on a q800 since its probably one of the only
*nix's i've never used :P

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Re(2): 7.1.1 Slowness Revealed! See the light!

2002-12-29 Thread Dan Palka
Sorry but if Speedometer keeps telling me everything is slower, then something
must be slower.

And Speedometer's disk readings remained constant through all of the multiple
times I ran the test, and so did the other lowere scores.

Disk cache setting were the same.

No I did not reformat, 7.1 was installed on another, already partitioned by
7.5.5 hard drive that I used to keep documents on.  So I'm guessing they were
using the same disk drivers.

Yes 7.1 started up a lot quicker.  However I don't find 7.5.5 to be as
unstable as you claim it to be so.  I know my 7.5.5 powered 8600 web server,
thats on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week never crashes.  I don't even think it
ever crashed since I made it a web server 6 months ago.  And maybe thats not
fair because I don't ever atually sit down and use the 8600 it just sits
there, but the Quadra doesn't crash enough to make me care about restart
times.  So thats not important to me.

And if anything, it should have been in favor of the 7.1 install since there
was nothing in the system folder but what the installer installed, nothing
else, while the 7.5.5 folder has a zillion extensions and control panels, tons
of software prefs, all kinds of things that I have been installing on my quest
to use the Quadra 800 as my main computer.

Since I'm using my Quadra 800 as my main computer, I'm naturally going to want
to get the most performace out of it that I possibly can.  System 7.5.5 seems
to let me do that.

7.1.1 seems to lag, at least in the Speedometer results.

 -- From: Quadlist, Sun, Dec 29, 2002 -- 

At 01:35 -0600 on 29/12/02, Dan Palka wrote:

>System 7.1.1 proved to be not just slower, but significantly slower in
>key areas, the biggest being disk access.  Speedometer reported that disk
>access records were 143% in favor of 7.5.5.  How could this be true?
>Similarly low scores were apparent in video, and math operations.

Furthermore, settings such as disk cache and disk driver version (did you
reformat between installs?) can dramatically affect benchmarking results.

Did you time startup times?  It's *at least* a minute longer in 7.5.x, and
you have an OS that's as unstable as 7.5.x, the startup time is important,
because the longer it is, the longer you sit there waiting for the machine to
finish restarting.

You need to establish standard testing conditions and then make sure *every*
one of those conditions is met for the benchmarks to mean anything.  It
matter what your standards are, really, as long as they are truly *standards*,
and unfortunately, the default configurations of 7.1.x and 7.5.x aren't

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7.1.1 Slowness Revealed! See the light!

2002-12-28 Thread Dan Palka
Well have my eyes been opened today.  After installing system 7.1.1 (7.1 Pro)
I booted up to find a Quadra that theoretically should be much much faster
than the same with 7.5.5 installed.

I was curious to see if Speedometer 4.0 would find any differences of the
7.1.1 install.  I thought to myself it shouldnt, and probably wouldnt, but
just maybe 7.1.1 would be a bit faster.

What the heck?

System 7.1.1 proved to be not just slower, but significantly slower in several
key areas, the biggest being disk access.  Speedometer reported that disk
access records were 143% in favor of 7.5.5.  How could this be true? 
Similarly low scores were apparent in video, and math operations.

And I didn't belive it.  I ran the same tests a half dozne times.  Same
results, even restarted once to make sure.

And even more surprising, the 7.5.5 install has a ton of extensions and other
crap that didnt originally come with the OS.  And it was STILL faster!?!?!?

How could light and fluffy 7.1.1 be slower than huge megalomith 7.5.5?

Well I for one, am certainly NOT downgrading to 7.1.  I now belive 7.5.5 is
the prime OS for Quadras.

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Re: CPU Chip Speed

2002-12-28 Thread Dan Palka
Just to expand upon my last email a bit further:

I have the following 040s:

Quadra 800
PowerBook Duo 280
PowerBook 520
Centris 610
Sonnett QuadDoubler

They all say XC.

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Re(2): CPU Chip Speed

2002-12-28 Thread Dan Palka
Actually EVERY 040 chip I have ever seen says XC, not MC.

 -- From: Quadlist, Sat, Dec 28, 2002 -- 

> >  >"XC" should read "MC", meaning Motorola, not "XC", and the "LC" will 
> >>absent on a full function chip.
> >>
> >>Such a full function chip would read: "MC68040RC33B", and this would 
> >>as follows:
> >>
> >>MC - Motorola
> >>68040 - it's an '040 (D'oh)
> >>RC - ceramic, pin-through-hole package
> >>33 - 33/66 MHz (33 MHz CPU, using a 66 MHz oscillator)
> >>B - second revision of the mask set
> >>
> >There is a Motorola trademark on the chip.  Is the "XC" only
> >on the "LC" chip
>'XC' denotes a chip that isn't fully qualified (similar to a beta
>release in software). 'RC' is the prefix for the final silicon.

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Re(2): Macromedia Dreamweaver 1.0

2002-12-25 Thread Dan Palka
Something to the effect of no, we don't have that for you.  Try looking
elsewhere.  We recommend you upgrade to Macromedia Dreamweaver MX.

Whoever wrote the email seemed oblivious to the fact that I wanted the 68k

 -- From: Quadlist, Wed, Dec 25, 2002 -- 

What, exactly, did they say?

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Re(2): AAUI ?

2002-12-24 Thread Dan Palka
Made me giggle.  I had one of these for about a year now and didnt even know
it.  I always wondered why it had two ethernet jacks.  Finally just about a
week ago I was trying to get my iBook networked with my Quadra 800 for a quick
file transfer, and I coulndt find my hub.  Besides that, I only have one
ethernet cable anyway, so even if I did find my hub it wouldnt work.  I was
getting very PO when I just randomly decided to plug the iBook into the other
jack on the Quadra.  Low and behold it worked!  Not only that but the other
jack is connected to a wireless bridge, which is connected to a broadband
modem.  So all in all, its a great feature of this adapter, and saved me a lot
of troubles!

My adapter is a Farallon EtherWave AAUI adapter, and hub as well I guess.  How

 -- From: Quadlist, Wed, Dec 25, 2002 -- 

I sold a few of these way back when.  I still have the scan up on my site:

The totally kewl ones are the model which have a built-in hub.

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Macromedia Dreamweaver 1.0

2002-12-24 Thread Dan Palka
Does anybody have any idea where I can still get ahold of a copy of the
Macromedia Dreamweaver 1.0 trial?  The one that still works on 68k macs.  I'm
very curious as to how Dreamweaver will work on my Quadra, especially now that
its upgraded.

If anybody has it or knows for sure where to find it that would be very much

Please don't tell me Macromedia I already thought of this - no can do.

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Re(2): QuadDoubler

2002-12-24 Thread Dan Palka
Well I'll get that to you then in the next couple of days.  Meanwhile you can
all see the Speedometer Results in jpg format here:

And to clear thi ngs up, yes it is the Centris 650 board with the QuadDoubler
in it.  But I thought that was already established.

 -- From: Quadlist, Tue, Dec 24, 2002 -- 

I still want to see a scan of that board.  If your benchmark results are
correct, that 650 board is running about 50% faster than it's "supposed" to

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Re(3): QuadDoubler results are in!!!

2002-12-24 Thread Dan Palka
Well its benchmarking (and simply is working) immensely faster.

Merry Christmas to all.

 -- From: Quadlist, Tue, Dec 24, 2002 -- 

It shouldn't be benchmarking faster if it's a C650.  It should be benchmarking
about 30% slower.

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Dreamweaver 1.0 68k

2002-12-24 Thread Dan Palka
Does anybody know where I can still download the Dreamweaver 1.0 Trial for
68k macs?

Would be very helpful for me to find this elusive piece of software

I want to try and see how dreamweaver runs on my Quadra.

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Re: QuadDoubler

2002-12-24 Thread Dan Palka
Well I'll tell you all it was NOT worth the incredible price I paid for all
of this stuff.

I did not buy it on ebay because I hate ebay.  Instead I bought them from a
reseller.  This QuadDoubler with warrantee in a Centris 650 board and 128
megs of RAM cost me about $200.  And the damn thing doesnt even work in the

No it was not worth it all.  Thank god I have money to waste.

I still don't know what I'm going to do about MicroMac.  Should I call them?


on 12/24/02 11:28 AM, Robert J. Johansen at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I was glad to read of Dan's success with his 'doubler. I share his mixed
> feelings, though. It seems to me that the performance bump you get from these
> things is not worth the trouble or expense of dealing with them. If you can
> get one cheap (under $30-40) and don't expect miracles, go ahead. But the fact
> is that you can get a PPC upgrade for most Quads for $60-80 on eBay and really
> get a performance boost. In my opinion, the QuadDoubler is not much more than
> a curiosity

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Re(2): Gammmmma

2002-12-23 Thread Dan Palka
Well actually, neither of them are Apple Displays.  Come to think of it,
neither of them are Mac displays.  They're both relatively new EMC
Multisystems displays.  They both look identical except ones 17'' and the
other is 15''.  They're both connected to my quadra with adapters.

You can see a pic I just took of my rather AWESOME quadra system here:

The dim monitor is the big one.  And I know its not the computer's fault
because when that 17'' display was on my G3 it was dim as well, until i pumped
up the gamma.

 -- From: Quadlist, Mon, Dec 23, 2002 -- 

are they slightly different monitors? one may have a lower color temp. and
last time I checked old mac monitors didnt offer a way to change color
temp...the only thing to do would be to get a matched set of 2 monitors

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2002-12-23 Thread Dan Palka
Well after spending a day with two monitors on my Quadra 800, I mean Centris
650, I mean,  AHH!  I began to get a bit annoyed with the fact that one of the
displays is just brighter than the other.  I turned the gamma on the bright
display down to uncorrected gamma, but its STILL brighter.

And it wont let me choose anytyhing but uncorrected gamma on the dimmer

Is there any contorl panel or something that will let me change the gamma on
the displays to whatever I want?

I know you could calibrate displays and choose whatever gamma you want in
MacOS 8 and up, but there must be a way to do something similar in system 7.

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Re(2): QuadDoubler results are in!!!

2002-12-23 Thread Dan Palka
This must be what I have then because It has 4mb of onboard ram not 8, and no

 -- From: Quadlist, Mon, Dec 23, 2002 -- 

Early Centris 650's didn't have the AAUI and only had 4MB ram on board.

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Re(2): QuadDoubler results are in!!!

2002-12-23 Thread Dan Palka
Is there a downloadable program to actually tell me what kind of computer I

 -- From: Quadlist, Mon, Dec 23, 2002 -- 

The Quadra 800=Quadra 650 and very similar to the Centris 650, could 
that be what you have?

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QuadDoubler results are in!!!

2002-12-23 Thread Dan Palka
I know everybodys just DYING to hear the results of the QuadDoubler.  I have
mixed feelings about it.  Here they are:

Well the QuadDoubler came in the mail today.  Surprise surprise it doesn't
work in the Quadra 800.

However it does work in the motherboard they sent me.

On close inspection, I was rather surpirsed that whatever motherboard MicroMac
sent me is an exact replica of the Quadra 800 motherboard, EXCEPT for a couple
of chips missing...

There is no onboard network jack (which i know all 800s had), therefore it is
missing the Sonic chip as well (theres just a blank square on the mystery
motherboard).  MicroMac was thoughtful enough to randomly send a nice Nubus
ethernet card though, which has the strange Apple Connector on it, as well as
the missing Sonic chip.  So i'm gussing that card was originally made to just
give the mystery motherboard all of the identical onboard networking
capeabilities as the 800.

It is also missing 8 of the chips labled "U".  So I'm guessing that those are
the onboard RAM, which would explain why the mystery motherboard has about 4
megs less ram than the Q800 when the same ram sticks are installed in each.

Now as you can imagine I was getting P-Oed.  The 800 motherboard wouldnt boot
with the QuadDoubler as some of you said it wouldnt.

Now I was just about ready to pack all this back up for MicroMac, but decided
to load all the RAM and VRAM from the 800 motherboard onto the mystery
motherboard and give it a run in the Quadra 800 case.

Before I did this I ran the full Speedometer tests on the 800.  I really
wanted to know how much of a difference this thing was.  So I saved the tests
and did the board swap.

After booting up from the mystery board, I ran speedometer again.

WOW.  The speed of this mystery board was immensely different from the Quadra
800 motherboard.  Speedometer reported results I would consider fairly
significant.  In fact, every single Speedometer test (it runs 26 different
tests for various parts of the computer) was faster on the mystery motherboard
than on the 800, except for two.  8 bit and 16 bit video are slightly slower
on the mystery board than on the 800.  But the rest of the video is faster as
well as the rest of all the tests.

To just make sure for myself, I ran the only program I had that ran slow on
the old Quadra 800 board.  MpegDec.  It was very important to me that my
Quadra play mp3s.  I have a lot of them.  And the Quadra 800 didnt do it very
well, even with a downsample of 2 of and quality 2 setting within MpegDec. 
And the Quadra simply WOULD not do it with a downsample of only 1, even with a
quality of only 1.

MpegDec plays my Mp3s absolutely perfectly with a downsample of 1 and quality
2 (the highest, and usually slowest settings for mpegdec, this setting usually
froze up the 33mhz Quadra 800 board.) on the mystery motherboard.  That was
enough for me.

So now the board is happily speeding along as i type this.

I decided I'm going to keep his processor and board.  Maybe it was a
misunderstanding?  After all he had a heavy german accent.  I don't know what
I should do about MicroMac, but I do know I will NEVER buy anything from
MicroMac again, and I advise you dont either.

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Re: Re(2): Question the QuadDoubler WONT WORK!!!

2002-12-23 Thread Dan Palka
Well again I'll cross my fingers.

Boy oh boy will I be pd if it doesn't work though.  Its supposed to be a
Christmas gift to me from someone else, ordered through me.

Not only that, I'll just be pd because I hate having my time wasted by
other people's stupidity.

And a week is a LONNG time to be wasted = extra pd.

I hope not only for my sake, but for the sake of MicroMac Corporation that
this thing works.

It comes in today.  All will be revealed shortly

(PS I sent this twice because the first time I had the clock on my G3 set
back 6 months so I can still use my evaluation copy of Photoshop 7.  This
email should be fine.)
> on 12/23/02 1:03 AM, the pickle at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> At 21:30 -0600 on 22/12/02, Dan Palka wrote:
>>> I don't know who to belive anymore.  I got people on one side telling me it
>>> won't work, people telling me it *could* work, people telling me it will
>>> definetly work, and one guy that gave me a guarantee and warantee on it that
>> I suspect Chris is right, and it derives its onboard clock from the onboard
>> clock of the computer it's installed in, which would indeed make it run at 66
>> MHz in a Q800, which is never going to work.
>> If it has its own clock generator (where's Rob Johanssen when you need him?)
>> then it should work just fine.
>> Of course, since you have a warranty on it, I guess *their* stupidity is
>> probably covered by it ;)  If it were me and I had paid for the part and
>> *didn't* have a warranty, I certainly wouldn't do anything until I had
>> determined whether or not it generated its own clock signal.

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Re: Re(2): Question the QuadDoubler WONT WORK!!!

2002-12-23 Thread Dan Palka
Well again I'll cross my fingers.

Boy oh boy will I be pd if it doesn't work though.  Its supposed to be a
Christmas gift to me from someone else, ordered through me.

Not only that, I'll just be pd because I hate having my time wasted by
other people's stupidity.

And a week is a LONNG time to be wasted = extra pd.

I hope not only for my sake, but for the sake of MicroMac Corporation that
this thing works.

It comes in today.  All will be revealed shortly

on 12/23/02 1:03 AM, the pickle at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> At 21:30 -0600 on 22/12/02, Dan Palka wrote:
>> I don't know who to belive anymore.  I got people on one side telling me it
>> won't work, people telling me it *could* work, people telling me it will
>> definetly work, and one guy that gave me a guarantee and warantee on it that
> I suspect Chris is right, and it derives its onboard clock from the onboard
> clock of the computer it's installed in, which would indeed make it run at 66
> MHz in a Q800, which is never going to work.
> If it has its own clock generator (where's Rob Johanssen when you need him?)
> then it should work just fine.
> Of course, since you have a warranty on it, I guess *their* stupidity is
> probably covered by it ;)  If it were me and I had paid for the part and
> *didn't* have a warranty, I certainly wouldn't do anything until I had
> determined whether or not it generated its own clock signal.

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Re(2): Question the QuadDoubler WONT WORK!!!

2002-12-22 Thread Dan Palka
I don't know who to belive anymore.  I got people on one side telling me it
won't work, people telling me it *could* work, people telling me it will
definetly work, and one guy that gave me a guarantee and warantee on it that
it will work


I guess we'll all just have to wait in suspense until it comes in.

 -- From: Quadlist, Sun, Dec 22, 2002 -- 

At 21:49 -0500 on 22/12/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>The QuadDoubler WILL NOT WORK in a Quadra 800.  The QuadDoubler doubles
>the bus speed of the computer it is installed in.  That would run it at 66MHz
>in the Quadra 800.  That just wont happen.  The only way to get it to work is
>to decrease the bus speed or seriously cool it (66MHz could probably use some
>water cooling).  Decreasing the bus speed would decrease performance.  The

There's no way in hell you'll ever get a 40 MHz part working at 66 MHz with
water cooling.  You *might* get it working *a little bit* with liquid N2.

>board they are sending you is most likely a Centris 650, which runs at 25MHz
>but is very similar to a Quadra 800 board.

You could downclock the Q800 board pretty easily...

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Re(3): Apple Garamond

2002-12-22 Thread Dan Palka
It doesn't seem to work without X.  I tried copying it already to my Quadra.

Alls good though because this weekend I contacted a friend of mine who happen
to have on of those old Developer CDs, and he passed me the font.

 -- From: Quadlist, Sun, Dec 22, 2002 -- 

If it's working on your G3 with anything not X, just copy it over.

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Re(2): Apple Garamond

2002-12-21 Thread Dan Palka
Yes I'm talking about the genuine Apple Garamond.  There was an article about
how to extract it from OSX on LEM a few weeks ago.  Well I did it successfully
on my G3 but I want to get it working on my Quadra 800 because the Quadra is
my main machine.

 -- From: Quadlist, Sat, Dec 21, 2002 -- 

Is that "Apple" or "Adobe" Garamond

Dan Palka wrote:

>Hey, I know that MacOS X comes with Apple Garamond (in a way) but how can I
>get it in a System 7 compatible font?  Is there a way to convert thos X fonts
>to classic fonts?

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Apple Garamond

2002-12-21 Thread Dan Palka
Hey, I know that MacOS X comes with Apple Garamond (in a way) but how can I
get it in a System 7 compatible font?  Is there a way to convert thos X fonts
to classic fonts?

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Re(3): 7.1pro Download Site?

2002-12-20 Thread Dan Palka
PowerTalk doesn't work that way.  You drag messages to the trash on the
desktop to delete them, and I Emptied Trash.

Never mind anyway I'll just stick with 7.5.5.

 -- From: Quadlist, Sat, Dec 21, 2002 -- 

Doesn't PowerTalk save the messages you delete in a trash mailbox, at least
until you quit the program?

There *are* list archives for that purpose, though - URL's down there in the
footer, as usual...

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Re(2): 7.1pro Download Site?

2002-12-20 Thread Dan Palka
I delted it i think.  But if its at i'll find it.

 -- From: Quadlist, Sat, Dec 21, 2002 -- 

Try re-reading the message that Scott sent about an hour ago.

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7.1pro Download Site?

2002-12-20 Thread Dan Palka
I dont know where to get 7.1pro

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Re(5): 7.5 Download Site?

2002-12-20 Thread Dan Palka
I use 7.1 all the time on my PowerBook 520 and IIsi, and I did use it for a
slight while on my Q800.

In fact, if you say I can use everything I use now with 7.1, I'd be first in
line to downgrade.

 -- From: Quadlist, Sat, Dec 21, 2002 -- 

Compare it to 7.1 and see if you're still singing the same tune after a week.

I can *guarantee* you'll never go back to 7.5.x once you've used 7.1 with the
extras to make it more 7.5-like, minus the RAM hogging and crash problems.

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Re(4): 7.5 Download Site?

2002-12-20 Thread Dan Palka
I disagree.  My system runs both very quickly and nicely.

7.5.3 crashed a bit, but 7.5.5 runs just fine for me.

And as I stated before, PowerTalk is most useful for the older, non PowerPC

 -- From: Quadlist, Sat, Dec 21, 2002 -- 

Can I run PowerTalk on an OS that isn't bug-ridden, crash-prone, horrifically
slow on PPCs due to the complete lack of PPC code, and horrifically slow on
68Ks due to the bloat?

Note that 7.5 is all of the above.

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Re: 7.5 Download Site?

2002-12-20 Thread Dan Palka
Fine.  PowerTalk is not for you.

I stated several times PowerTalk does not have tons of features.  So if you
really need all of those, then I guess you shouldn't use PowerTalk.

 -- From: Quadlist, Sat, Dec 21, 2002 -- 

Maybe you should stop flamebaiting people, Dan.

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Re(3): 7.5 Download Site?

2002-12-20 Thread Dan Palka
Maybe you should read the netiquette section of LEM, pickle.


 -- From: Quadlist, Sat, Dec 21, 2002 -- 

There's a reason the list footer reads as follows:

>The FAQ:

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Re(2): 7.5 Download Site?

2002-12-20 Thread Dan Palka
Why so sarcastic?  I must emphasize:  Gz...

 -- From: Quadlist, Fri, Dec 20, 2002 -- 

I suppose you've already looked in the obvious places, like, uh, Apple...?

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Re(2): 7.5 Download Site?

2002-12-20 Thread Dan Palka
I sent you a private email with all the links straight to apple's system 7.5

 -- From: Quadlist, Fri, Dec 20, 2002 -- 

>Thanks, what site would I have to go to to download 7.5 OS?

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Re(5): Question the QuadDoubler

2002-12-20 Thread Dan Palka
Well most people I know don't use those things, but your answers are, in order
they were asked:

Not Sure.
Not Sure.
There is no "Address Book".  Instead there are "Catalogs" which are sortof the
same thing but a litle different, a little more versatile.  I'm growing tired
of explaining PowerTalk however so if you want to find out more you have some
homework to do.

 -- From: Quadlist, Fri, Dec 20, 2002 -- 

Most people I know have more than one e-mail account, which certainly doesn't
leave much room for something like PowerTalk...

Hey, can you filter mail into separate mailboxes with PowerTalk?

How 'bout setting up multiple reply-to addresses so that list mail can appear
to come from one address and personal mail from another?

How standard is the mailbox format, so if you ever move to another system
you'll be able to migrate easily?

Can you export/import your address book to other apps easily?

And most importantly:

Can PowerTalk turn off the damn multilevel reply thing so that it just sticks
in Re: no matter how many times it has seen the thread title before?

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Re(3): Re(2): Question the QuadDoubler

2002-12-20 Thread Dan Palka
exactly :)

 -- From: Quadlist, Fri, Dec 20, 2002 -- 

to each their own

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Re(2): Re(2): Question the QuadDoubler

2002-12-20 Thread Dan Palka
Well, your right about it being in the CD.  However if you download 7.5.3 from, I know PowerTalk is floating around nearby as well.

 -- From: Quadlist, Fri, Dec 20, 2002 -- 

Yeah, and I don't think it's included with the downloadable 7.5.3 either.  I
think you have to install from a 7.5.x bundled CD or retail version.

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Re(4): Question the QuadDoubler

2002-12-20 Thread Dan Palka
Geez...  I'll no longer try to convice you then.  And its called PowerTalk.

And where do you come up with these statistics of "most people"?  Most people
I know do only simple things:  Read mail.  Write mail.  Send Mail.  Reply to
Mail.  What super advanced features that "everybody" uses does Eudora have
over PowerTalk?

I prefer PowerTalk.   I don't need bells and whistles, and I'll gladly give
them up for superfast performance and simplicity.

And I know theres probably others on here who would also, especially on 040

 -- From: Quadlist, Fri, Dec 20, 2002 -- 

>However, I find that every feature I could possibly want is included in
>PowerTalk, so why have a separate application such as Eudora that just taxes
>system performance on older machines even further when you can just have the
>MacOS do everything for you?

Because Eudora *doesn't* tax the system performance on older Macs? :)  It's
about the most resource-efficient app I've *ever* seen.

Of course, it's not as fast as the Finder, but it's a lot more powerful than
PowerMail, too...

>What ever happened to the idea of simplicity?  Isn't that the foundation of
>the Macintosh?  I don't find Eudora a very simple or pleasant program for
>Besides, PowerTalk is Apple.  Eudora isn't.

You know, if Apple wrote an e-mail program that was worth a damn, I'd use it,
but they don't, and for most people, something like PowerMail is entirely
insufficient.  It was never designed to handle Internet mail the way most
people use mail on the 'Net.

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Re(2): Re(2): Question the QuadDoubler

2002-12-20 Thread Dan Palka
I'm pretty sure you need at least 7.5.  I tried booting from a small system
7.1 partition after I copied all the powertalk files there, but it wouldn't
start up.  Afterwards I deleted 7.1.

Hats off to you for using 7.1 however!  If I could do all the stuff I can do
with 7.5.5 with 7.1, I would be using 7.1!  I highly recommend you upgrade to
7.5.5 though, since 1: its free and 2: it really doesnt impact performance.

I have a Centris 610 as well, sad though the hard drive died.

 -- From: Quadlist, Fri, Dec 20, 2002 -- 

My Centris 610 only has 7.1 OS on it, will I need to upgrade to at least 
7.5.3 OS to use the features you mentioned for PowerTalk?



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Re(3): Question the QuadDoubler

2002-12-20 Thread Dan Palka
Well its not going to be if you have multiple accounts.

However, I find that every feature I could possibly want is included in
PowerTalk, so why have a separate application such as Eudora that just taxes
system performance on older machines even further when you can just have the
MacOS do everything for you?

What ever happened to the idea of simplicity?  Isn't that the foundation of
the Macintosh?  I don't find Eudora a very simple or pleasant program for that

Besides, PowerTalk is Apple.  Eudora isn't.

 -- From: Quadlist, Fri, Dec 20, 2002 -- 

However, you're gonna have a *very* hard time convincing me that PowerTalk is
any better for people with only one e-mail account than Eudora Light, let
people with multiple accounts.

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Re(2): Question the QuadDoubler

2002-12-20 Thread Dan Palka
I noticed a disturbing trend of Mac Heads not even knowing what PowerTalk was
when I first started using it.  I'm attributing it to the fact that PowerTalk
might be rather confusing, for the very fact that it makes me love it.  There
just is NO application.  All the email, contacts, inbox and outbox is handled
by the finder.  You only need to start another application called AppleMail
when you want to read the contents of an email message.

Its also weird figuring out how to set it up, and your only allowed one POP
account, (or any TCP/IP based account for that matter).  PowerTalk (from what
I can see) was not originally designed for IP based Email, but rather it was
more of an instant mailing program between Macs over apple talk.  Apple just
included a separate PowerTalk extension which you have to dig for in the
System 7.5.3 CD and install separately that allows you to have access to one
Ineternet Email account.

Anyway, I only have one internet email account, and once I figured out how to
get PowerTalk working properly, I found it to be a very very useful email
client, especially for my older Quadra 800, becaue its built into the finder
and therefor runs very fast and doesn't tax the system like at all.  I
certainly can't feel a difference.

In fact, I recommend it to anybody using a pre powerpc mac that wants to have
a fairly nice email system.

If anybody on this list would like help setting up or using power talk, I'd be
glad to share my experiences that I've had with it so far.

 -- From: Quadlist, Fri, Dec 20, 2002 -- 

I think
>>PowerTalk operating system integrated email services is the coolest thing I
>>have ever seen.
>>Unfortunately, you're one of about five people who thought that... ;)
>For what reasons?  I'm using PowerTalk right now, I think its fantastic that

Beats me.  I never used it, and Apple dropped it after 7.5.5 because nobody
using it.

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Re: Question the QuadDoubler

2002-12-20 Thread Dan Palka
>refuse to upgrade to 8, I refuse to put a PowerPC chip in here, and I think
>PowerTalk operating system integrated email services is the coolest thing I
>have ever seen.
>Unfortunately, you're one of about five people who thought that... ;)

For what reasons?  I'm using PowerTalk right now, I think its fantastic that I
don't have to start separate email programs to organize my contacts or my
inbox and outbox!

It has already impressed more than a few PC friends of mine.

>AFAIK it's not even a 50 MHz part - it's an overclocked 40 MHz part.  Let us
>know when you get it, though, whether it has 68040RC40 or 68040RC50 as the
>part number.

Why whats the difference between the two?

I read somewhere that one model had 128kb L2 cache, and the guy on the phone
from MicroMac said the one he was sending me had Cache.  I'm not sure if I can
belive this though, is there any way I can test to see if it actually does?

In fact, is there any utility with which I can test a processors actual true
clock speed?

>I don't trust MicroMac farther than I can throw 'em, and I shudder to think
>what a princely sum is being spent to do this, but I can't see any reason why
>it *wouldn't* work.

Hmm... Well thankfully I ordered everything else from MacVizion, who has
always giving me great service. YAY for MacVizion!

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Question the QuadDoubler

2002-12-20 Thread Dan Palka
Hello, Quadlist!

My name's Dan, and I'm new to Quadlist.  I just thought I'd introduce myself,
as well as my Quadra 800, and pose a few riddles to you veteran 040 users.

My Quadra 800 has been in the family for less than two years now, it was
purchased in January of 2001 to be used by my father Steve as a web browser
and emailer.  After about 8 months of service, it was retired as he felt it to
be too slow.  Back then it had 12mb of RAM, the 230mb Hard Drive, and MacOS

It then sat, for a LONG time.  Every once in a while I'd pull it out to
fiddle, but never really used it.

Just about one month ago however, I decided to set it up in my bedroom as a
light web browser.  I installed system 7.5.3 and some internet software.  I
found it to be slow as well.  So, after about a days worth of scrounging up
every 72pin SIMM I could find, I then began an arduous task of figuring out
how big each one was.  This took me about 45 minutes of restarting the
computer each time with a single SIMM installed, then I would subtract 8 from
the total.

When it was all said and done I had a grand total of 57mb of RAM in my Quadra
800! I switched off VM, and WOW this thing began impresing me.  Then, to make
matters even better, my friend practically gave me a 10,000rpm 4.5gb Seagate
Cheetah SCSI hard drive.  Once again, WOW.

The wow was coming from me saying to myself "This thing is 9 years old.  None
of my 33mhz Windows machines could do this! (And I have several)."

Another wow:  It could play the 67mb QuickTime "The old Apartment" music video
featured on the MacOS 8 install cd (which I did NOT install) perfectly.

Then again:  Using VNC, I could (surprisingly easy and not too slowly) control
all the other Macs and PCs in the house.

Anyway as the story goes on, I became engulfed in this Machine.  As some of my
friends know, it has become my favorite, and MOST USED Macintosh, even though
my G3/400 system is in the basement.

I also have started to become infactuated with older Mac technologies.  I
refuse to upgrade to 8, I refuse to put a PowerPC chip in here, and I think
PowerTalk operating system integrated email services is the coolest thing I
have ever seen.

I've been installing a ton of software, and the 4.5gb hard drive seems to have
barely anything in it.

It's become my quest to have the most souped up, tricked out, 68k Macintosh
Quadra on earth, or at least out of anybody I know.

This christmas season I've ordered a new SuperMac Video card, which I plan to
begin using dual monitors with, 136mb of RAM, and something called the Sonnett
QuadDoubler.  After all, isn't it nothing more than a replacement CPU with a
50mhz clock speed?

Now heres where the question, comes in:  Everywhere I go all I hear is "The
QuadDoubler will not work in the Quadra 800."  However, the company I ordered
it from (MicroMac actually) not only guaranteed me it will work, they're
shipping it already installed inside a complete Quadra 800.  They told me that
once I'm satisifed it works, they'll pay for the rest of the Quadra 800 to be
shipped back to them, along with the card if I'm not satisified.

I haven't gotten it yet, but I'm becoming very anxious.  It comes in on
Monday.  Will this thing actually work in my Quadra 800 or not?

Thanks for listening to my rants!  Long live the Quadra 800!

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Re: Glowing Apples

2001-07-10 Thread Dan Palka

> Seems to me this was in MacAddict not too long ago, and the feller
> madehimself a little Clarus cutout, so his Apple has a glowing dogcow!

I dont remember it in any MacAddict.

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Re: Glowing Apples

2001-07-10 Thread Dan Palka

on 7/10/01 8:04 AM, Eric Schwarz at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> H.  I wonder if I could do something like that on my 540c (maybe try to
> find a clear Apple logo like on the Wallstreets and cut out a space for it
> on my 'Book's cover?  The glowing Apple on the iBook gets its light from the
> screen's backlight, right?
> Eric
> ---
> Sent on Eric's PowerBook 540c
> Visit
> Check out the new look & the updated LiveLine
> ---
  Yes its from the backlighting, but I didnt have to actually "cut"
anything, I wouldnt attempt that.

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Re: Glowing Apples

2001-07-09 Thread Dan Palka

on 7/9/01 10:15 PM, Alex Allee at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> on 7/9/01 9:02 PM, Dan Palka at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> All you have to do is take off the plastic face thats on the inside of the
>> LCD, remove the LCD itself, and tear out the sticker.  Now my iBook is the
>> only one on the block that glows and my friends with non glowing ibooks are
>> jeleous.  Its kind of cool.  Fun rainy day project indeed.
> Sounds cool. But don't tell your friends how easy it is. Tell 'em it's a
> long drawn out process -- but you'll do theirs for a fee. :)

But of course :)

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Glowing Apples

2001-07-09 Thread Dan Palka

Hey guys I know this has nothing to do with Quadras but its cool for anyone
with the original style of iBook.

I always wondered why the Apple logo on the back of the iBook does not
"glow" like the powerbook ones do.  Then one of my friends told me that
apple originally wanted them to, and that the piece of sheet metal that
hides the glowing lcd from the front of the iBook actually has an apple cut
out of it so that the apple would glow.  Somewhere along the line they
decided they wanted otherwise and a small square sticker was placed over the
cut out, and so the whole world has iBooks less glowing apples.

All you have to do is take off the plastic face thats on the inside of the
LCD, remove the LCD itself, and tear out the sticker.  Now my iBook is the
only one on the block that glows and my friends with non glowing ibooks are
jeleous.  Its kind of cool.  Fun rainy day project indeed.

So if you have an iBook, give it a try.  The only hard part is finding those
star-shaped screw drivers.

Dan Palka

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