Re: [ntp:questions] custom ntp PPS driver

2021-04-19 Thread folkert
> He tells me that from what he can find, a shared memory interface
> between the source and ntpd is simpler to implement.  What we are
> unclear of at present is who "owns" the shared memory segment.  I
> would speculate that the sender should create and own the segment as
> the "server" of the data, and that ntpd creating and owning the
> segment it reads timestamp data from would be an anti-pattern.

ntpd creates the segment.
Anyone with enough rights can then write to it, if required.
The other way around may also work but make sure it has the correct
size and access rights.
Personally I would ntpd create it and then check yourself if at least
the size of it is what you expect.

Please note that I'm not an authoritative source. I did wrote a few
applictions that interface with ntpd that way though.
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] dispersion and precision

2020-08-30 Thread folkert

If an NTP server has no knowledge of the dispersion and precision of the
time source, what should it set in those fields when serving time to
clients? 0?

Folkert van Heusden

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] create charts

2020-08-23 Thread folkert
These days one uses grafana with e.g. influxdb.

On Sat, Aug 22, 2020 at 11:58:34PM +0200, Marco Marongiu wrote:
> Many years ago I used rrdtool to plot graphs from munin. Pretty sure there
> is more modern stuff that is way better. Anyway, for what is worth:
> I agree with David though: without knowing what information you get from
> the servers, how you get it, and what you want to represent, it's really
> difficult to help.
> Ciao
> -- bronto
> Il giorno ven 21 ago 2020 alle ore 18:50 William Unruh 
> ha scritto:
> > On 2020-08-21, David Woolley  wrote:
> > > On 21/08/2020 11:39, wrote:
> > >> I have a question. how do you make a graph of your ntp server and is
> > that possible
> > >
> > > What parameter do you want to represent?  Remember that the actual error
> > > from true time is never known, because, if it could be known, it could
> > > be made to be zero.
> >
> > He of course has not told us what he wants to graph, or what his problem
> > is in trying to do so. He cannot "make a graph of your server", since
> > about the only thing accessible to him is time reported by the server
> > Without some other time standard (gpstime, his own computer, some other
> > server,etc) there is
> > nothing to plot.
> >
> > ___
> > questions mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> questions mailing list

Folkert van Heusden

Winnen in de staatsloterij? Check htp:// voor
alle staatsloterij-uitslag statistieken denkbaar en zelfs ook een paar
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] trying to get broadcast to work

2017-05-30 Thread folkert
> > I'm trying to get broadcasts to work.
> > client
> > -
> > driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift
> > 
> > restrict -4 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer
> > restrict -6 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer
> > 
> > restrict
> > restrict ::1
> > 
> > disable auth
> > broadcastclient
> > So I wonder: what am I doing wrong? what could be the cause?
> I think you need to remove the nopeer restriction on the client, or
> enable authentication (server and client sharing a symmetric key).

That's the one!
Thanks a lot!
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] trying to get broadcast to work

2017-05-29 Thread folkert

I'm trying to get broadcasts to work.


stratum 1 server
driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift

server prefer
peer timekast2 iburst prefer
peer timekast3 iburst prefer
peer timekast4 iburst prefer

server minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 flag2 1
fudge  refid PPS

restrict -4 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer
restrict -6 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer

restrict ::1

disable auth


driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift

restrict -4 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer
restrict -6 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer

restrict ::1

disable auth

Resulting in:

received at client:
21:40:17.604135 IP > NTPv4, Broadcast, 
length 48

client ntpq -c pe -n:
root@bachinabox:/home/folkert# ntpq -c pe -n
No association ID's returned

So I wonder: what am I doing wrong? what could be the cause?

Folkert van Heusden

questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] implementing a simple ntp server: offset jumps

2016-11-26 Thread folkert

For fun I'm implementing a simple ntp-server which gets its time from a
gps with pps.
Now this works somewhat: most of the time the offset is pretty low
compared to a system with a real ntp implementation but sometimes the
offset is almost a second, as if something wraps.
I've been staring for hours at the code and can't find the bug. Maybe
you guys want to look?

void processNtpPackets(word targetPort, byte opponentIp[4], uint16_t 
opponentPort, const uint8_t *data, word len) {

  // timestamp from when the packet was received
  uint64_t requestReceiveAtServer = get_ntp_ts();

  uint8_t ntp_send_buffer[48];
  memcpy(ntp_send_buffer, data, sizeof ntp_send_buffer);


  // several flags
  ntp_send_buffer[0] = ((hasFix ? 0 : 3) << 6) | (4 << 3) | (4 << 0);
  // type
  // 1 = primary reference (e.g. radio clock)
  ntp_send_buffer[1] = 1;
  // poll
  ntp_send_buffer[2] = 1;
  // precision
  ntp_send_buffer[3] = -17; // 8us

  // root delay
  ntp_send_buffer[4] = ntp_send_buffer[5] = ntp_send_buffer[6] = 
ntp_send_buffer[7] = 0;

  // root dispersion
  ntp_send_buffer[8] = ntp_send_buffer[9] = ntp_send_buffer[10] = 
ntp_send_buffer[11] = 0;

  // reference clock identifier
  memcpy(_send_buffer[12], "aGPS", 4);

  // 16:8 reference
  // last timestamp received from gps
  // ** if I use the real value for that (which can be almost a
  // ** second old), then ntpdate complains that the server is
  // ** not suitable for sync
  put_uint64_t(_send_buffer[16], get_ntp_ts());

  // 24:8 originate: copy of transmit from client
  // copy from received packet
  memcpy(_send_buffer[24], [40], 8);

  // 32:8 receive
  // when the request was received
  put_uint64_t(_send_buffer[32], requestReceiveAtServer);

  // 40:8 transmit
  // when we send the reply
  put_uint64_t(_send_buffer[40], get_ntp_ts());


What I see is:

server, stratum 1, offset -0.005966, delay 0.02910
server, stratum 1, offset -0.006345, delay 0.02829
server, stratum 1, offset -0.006417, delay 0.02852
server, stratum 1, offset 0.993544, delay 0.02864
server, stratum 1, offset 0.993544, delay 0.02859
server, stratum 1, offset 0.993360, delay 0.02901
server, stratum 1, offset -0.006317, delay 0.02835
server, stratum 1, offset -0.006236, delay 0.02826
server, stratum 1, offset -0.005912, delay 0.02901
server, stratum 1, offset -0.006384, delay 0.02855
server, stratum 1, offset 0.993440, delay 0.02892
server, stratum 1, offset 0.993831, delay 0.02933
and so on

and ntpdate with debug:

folkert@voga:~/Projects/fampler/trunk$ /usr/sbin/ntpdate -dv -q 
27 Nov 00:25:49 ntpdate[27205]: ntpdate 4.2.8p8@1.3265-o Tue Oct 18
19:47:01 UTC 2016 (1)
server, port 123
stratum 1, precision -17, leap 00, trust 000
refid [aGPS], delay 0.02905, dispersion 0.02252
transmitted 4, in filter 4
reference time:dbe49883.7854c6a8  Sun, Nov 27 2016  0:25:55.470
originate timestamp: dbe49883.785626fb  Sun, Nov 27 2016  0:25:55.470
transmit timestamp:  dbe49883.656c48ed  Sun, Nov 27 2016  0:25:55.396
filter delay:  0.02905  0.11633  0.05977  0.10786 
 0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0 
filter offset: -0.00580 0.037552 0.009143 0.032719
 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
delay 0.02905, dispersion 0.02252
offset -0.005805

27 Nov 00:25:55 ntpdate[27205]: adjust time server offset
-0.005805 sec
folkert@voga:~/Projects/fampler/trunk$ /usr/sbin/ntpdate -dv -q 
27 Nov 00:25:56 ntpdate[27224]: ntpdate 4.2.8p8@1.3265-o Tue Oct 18
19:47:01 UTC 2016 (1)
server, port 123
stratum 1, precision -17, leap 00, trust 000
refid [aGPS], delay 0.02940, dispersion 0.01137
transmitted 4, in filter 4
reference time:dbe4988b.d7f3d68a  Sun, Nov 27 2016  0:26:03.843
originate timestamp: dbe4988b.d7f536dd  Sun, Nov 27 2016  0:26:03.843
transmit timestamp:  dbe4988a.cbd9a868  Sun, Nov 27 2016  0:26:02.796
filter delay:  0.02940  0.08627  0.04507  0.08044 
 0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0 
filter offset: 0.994249 1.022678 0.991374 1.019840
 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
delay 0.02940, dispersion 0.01137
offset 0.994249

27 Nov 00:26:02 ntpdate[27224]: step time server offset
0.994249 sec

Folkert van Heusden

Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,

[ntp:questions] SHM driver as a PPS source

2016-11-24 Thread folkert

How can I tell NTPd that an SHM time source is actually a PPS and that
it thus should combine it with some other sources? (an '*' + 'o'
combination so to say)

Folkert van Heusden

Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] gps outlier

2016-11-21 Thread folkert

I have 5 rpis with 3 adafruit gpses, some glonas and a venus gps; they all
agree with each other about when a second starts.

Now I added a garmin 18x lvc (via a level shifter) and even after an
hour it shows an offset of around -0.114ms upto -0.123ms (it jumps),
jitter of 12us.
What can be the cause of this strange offset? The jitter I can
understand as I use the userspace tool for interfacing it to ntp.

Folkert van Heusden

questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] double pps device

2016-11-12 Thread folkert

Hoping that this is the right list for this question.

Before I used my rpi-gpio-ntpd program. As I would like better latency
values, I'm going to try to use the kernel pps interface. This is all on
a raspberry pi.
Now I hit my head on the following.

When my system is running no ntpd and no gpsd, there is a /dev/pps0
device. This is strange. In fact, that's the one seeing timestamp updates in the
assert-file under /sys.
I verified that no program has /dev/ttyAMA0 open (serial port on the
If I now start gpsd, then suddenly a /dev/pps1 appears. This device is
NOT the real pps device. Also the timestamp of the assert-file does not
change for pps1. gpsd is also opening that file. Result of course is that things
are not keeping track of correct time.

Do you have any idea what could be the cause? I updated cmdline.txt,
inittab, systemd, etc etc to not use the serial port and none is (apart
from gpsd) which I verified with lsof

root@timekast2:~# lsof -n | grep ttyAMA0
root@timekast2:~# lsof -n | grep pps
root@timekast2:~# ls -l /dev/pps*
crw--- 1 root root 243, 0 Nov 12 09:58 /dev/pps0
root@timekast2:~# cat /sys/class/pps/pps0/assert
root@timekast2:~# cat /sys/class/pps/pps1/assert
cat: /sys/class/pps/pps1/assert: No such file or directory

root@timekast1:~# /etc/init.d/gpsd start
[ ok ] Starting gpsd (via systemctl): gpsd.service.
root@timekast1:~# ps -deaf | grep gpsd
gpsd  3069 1  1 14:26 ?00:00:38 /usr/sbin/gpsd -N -G -n 
root  3491  3377  0 14:59 pts/200:00:00 grep gpsd
root@timekast1:~# ls -l /dev/pps*
crw--- 1 root root 243, 0 Nov 12 09:58 /dev/pps0
crw--- 1 root root 243, 1 Nov 12 14:26 /dev/pps1
root@timekast1:~# lsof -n | grep gpsd | grep pps
gpsd  3069gpsd8u  CHR  243,1  0t0 15280 
gpsd  3069 3072   gpsd8u  CHR  243,1  0t0 15280 
root@timekast1:~# cat /sys/class/pps/pps1/assert 

Folkert van Heusden

Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] measuring os latency for pps

2015-08-25 Thread folkert

Not sure if it is interesting for you guys but I wrote a simple program
for e.g. Linux (or any other system with the pps api implemented) that
listens on a pps source waiting for a pulse and then toggles a gpio
pin. That way you can measure the latency introduced by the the kernel
when listening from userspace. Note that there's a little extra latency
due to the gpio-pin handling.

You can also use it e.g. blink a led :-)

It is on github:

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail cok yonlu kullanimli bir program, loglari okumak, verilen
kommandolari yerine getirebilen. Filter, renk verme, merge, 'diff-
view', vs.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] measuring os latency for pps

2015-08-25 Thread folkert
  Not sure if it is interesting for you guys but I wrote a simple program
  for e.g. Linux (or any other system with the pps api implemented) that
  listens on a pps source waiting for a pulse and then toggles a gpio
  pin. That way you can measure the latency introduced by the the kernel
  when listening from userspace. Note that there's a little extra latency
  due to the gpio-pin handling.
  You can also use it e.g. blink a led :-)
  It is on github:
 You could potentially work out the GPIO latency by activating two GPIO
 pins sequentially instead of just one.  in your code open two pins
 rewrite set_value to take two fd's and then have two write()s inside
 that.  The time delay between the changing states of the two pins would
 give you an approximate value of the latency.

Great suggestion!
I'll add it.

Folkert van Heusden

Multitail est un outil permettant la visualisation de fichiers de
journalisation et/ou le suivi de l'exécution de commandes. Filtrage,
mise en couleur de mot-clé, fusions, visualisation de différences
(diff-view), etc.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] monitor attack

2015-03-23 Thread folkert

This morning I got an e-mail from my ISP (xs4all in the Netherlands)
that my systems can be used for a reflection attack. They had logged in
to my modem and pinpointed a clock on my LAN.

What confuses me is the following:

- the gateway system already had 
disable monitor
restrict -4 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer
restrict -6 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer
  in ntp.conf

- the clock they complained about is somewhere on my LAN and should not
  directly be accessible from the outside ( it did not
  have disable monitor but as I mentioned; it cannot be reached from
  the internet

Does someone have got any idea what the problem here is?

Note that testing it won't (should) not work right now as I temporarily
firewalled port 123 until I figured this out.


Folkert van Heusden

Always wondered what the latency of your webserver is? Or how much more
latency you get when you go through a proxy server/tor? The numbers
tell the tale and with HTTPing you know them!
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] rasperry pi, pps, false ticker

2015-03-17 Thread folkert
Config is as follows:
driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift

## kernel pps driver
server minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 prefer 
fudge refid PPS flag3 1

# NMEA source
server minpoll 4
fudge refid GPPS

# other time sources on LAN with GPS/GLONASS/DCF77/etc
peer neo
peer hetlicht
peer clara
peer nanosg20
peer china

server agps iburst minpoll 1 maxpoll 4
server artc iburst minpoll 1 maxpoll 4

# upstream servers
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst

restrict -4 default kod notrap nomodify
restrict -6 default kod notrap nomodify

restrict ::1

disable auth


 You don???t give your config, but as using the shared memory driver works, do 
 you have a prefer peer active when you are using the atom driver? If there 
 isn???t one, that will cause the ref clock to be falseticker???d?. Your atom 
 jitter isn???t the issue.

So what you're saying is that the atom should not be the preferred one?
I'll give that a try.


 Ceux qui sont prêts à abandonner une liberté essentielle pour obtenir une 
 petite et provisoire sécurité, ne méritent ni liberté ni sécurité.
 Benjimin Franklin
  Le 9 mars 2015 à 10:52, folkert a écrit :
  I have a raspberry pi with a gps connected to it.
  It runs linux kernel 3.18.5+ and ntp version 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-2.
  When I use my own rpi_gpio_ntp which is a userspace program, I get
  something like:
  remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset jitter
  * l8   16  3770.000   -0.010 0.008
  * l   11   16  3770.0000.005 0.012
  * l   12   16  3770.0000.005 0.012
  * l1   16  3770.0000.001 0.011
  (I omitted the peers)
  So the jitter is around 8us. Not bad for userspace.
  Linux has this PPS interface for a while so now that it is easy
  configurable in config.txt on the rpi, I thought I give that a try. The
  strange thing now is that using that I get very bad jitter. So bad that
  ntp discards it as a false ticker!
  remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset jitter
  x127.127.22.1.PPS.0 l2   16  3770.0000.161 0.001
  x127.127.22.1.PPS.0 l7   16  3770.0000.148 0.006
  x127.127.22.1.PPS.0 l   13   16  3770.0000.147 0.007
  x127.127.22.1.PPS.0 l2   16  3770.0000.146 0.006
  This is odd: the pps interface should work way better due to lower
  latency etc.
  What could be going wrong here?
  The one at the top (28.1) uses GPS and the one at the bottom uses a
  combined Glonass/GPS receiver. Note that I also swapped tried using pps
  with 28.1 and rpi_gpio_ntp on 22.1 and then 28.1 fails and 22.1 is fine.
  Folkert van Heusden
  Curious about the inner workings of your car? Then check O2OO: it'll
  tell you all that there is to know about your car's engine!
  Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
  questions mailing list

Folkert van Heusden

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In all these cases take a look at maybe
even try it or use it for all your day-to-day IRC conversations!
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] rasperry pi, pps, false ticker

2015-03-09 Thread folkert

I have a raspberry pi with a gps connected to it.
It runs linux kernel 3.18.5+ and ntp version 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-2.
When I use my own rpi_gpio_ntp which is a userspace program, I get
something like:

 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset jitter
* l8   16  3770.000   -0.010 0.008

* l   11   16  3770.0000.005 0.012

* l   12   16  3770.0000.005 0.012

* l1   16  3770.0000.001 0.011

(I omitted the peers)
So the jitter is around 8us. Not bad for userspace.

Linux has this PPS interface for a while so now that it is easy
configurable in config.txt on the rpi, I thought I give that a try. The
strange thing now is that using that I get very bad jitter. So bad that
ntp discards it as a false ticker!

 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset jitter
x127.127.22.1.PPS.0 l2   16  3770.0000.161 0.001

x127.127.22.1.PPS.0 l7   16  3770.0000.148 0.006

x127.127.22.1.PPS.0 l   13   16  3770.0000.147 0.007

x127.127.22.1.PPS.0 l2   16  3770.0000.146 0.006

This is odd: the pps interface should work way better due to lower
latency etc.

What could be going wrong here?

The one at the top (28.1) uses GPS and the one at the bottom uses a
combined Glonass/GPS receiver. Note that I also swapped tried using pps
with 28.1 and rpi_gpio_ntp on 22.1 and then 28.1 fails and 22.1 is fine.

Folkert van Heusden

Curious about the inner workings of your car? Then check O2OO: it'll
tell you all that there is to know about your car's engine!
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] linux kernel pps support on raspberry pi

2014-12-18 Thread folkert
They are not overclocked. These are B-boards.

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 12:56:33PM -0800, A C wrote:
 Is the Rpi overclocked?  When overclocked it will dynamically change the
 CPU frequency.  You could potentially underclock it or heatsink the SoC
 to keep the CPU frequency from changing.
 Also, which version of the RPi?  A, B or B-plus?
 On 2014-12-17 12:22, folkert wrote:
  This is about receiving a pps signal via one of the gpio pins of the
  raspberry pi and then feeding it to ntp.
  Did a test for a while: every 5 minutes I would look at the output of
  ntpq -c pe -n for jitter of the pps source.
  This pps source was measured either in the kernel (this newly added
  gpio pps support in the raspberry pi) or in user space using my own
  - kernel   : 13.2us jitter on average
  - userspace:  9.6us jitter on average
  Folkert van Heusden
 questions mailing list

Folkert van Heusden

Multitail est un outil permettant la visualisation de fichiers de
journalisation et/ou le suivi de l'exécution de commandes. Filtrage,
mise en couleur de mot-clé, fusions, visualisation de différences
(diff-view), etc.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] linux kernel pps support on raspberry pi

2014-12-17 Thread folkert
This is about receiving a pps signal via one of the gpio pins of the
raspberry pi and then feeding it to ntp.

Did a test for a while: every 5 minutes I would look at the output of
ntpq -c pe -n for jitter of the pps source.
This pps source was measured either in the kernel (this newly added
gpio pps support in the raspberry pi) or in user space using my own

kernel pps interrupt handling
root@detijd:/etc# while true ; do echo `date +%s` `ntpq -c pe -n | grep` ; sleep 300 ; done | tee -a /pps.log

root@detijd:/etc# cat /pps.log | awk '{ print $11; }' | awk 'BEGIN { max = -1; 
min = 1000; } { if ($1  max) { max=$1; } if ($1  min) { min=$1; } t+=$1; n++; 
} END { print min, max, t/n, n; }'
0.001 0.124 0.0131945 797

This is minimum, maximum (yes that's 124!) and average. And I took 797
samples which is almost 3 days.

average temperature of soc: 49.7 with stddev of 1.87

note: I looked at ntpq every 30 seconds(!)
root@hetlicht:/var/log/ntpstats# cat /rpn.log | awk '{ print $11; }' | awk 
'BEGIN { max = -1; min = 1000; } { if ($1  max) { max=$1; } if ($1  min) { 
min=$1; } t+=$1; n++; } END { print min, max, t/n, n; }'
0.001 0.101 0.00955351 27797

This is over 9,6 days.

average temperature of soc: 51,1 with stddev of 4.01

- kernel   : 13.2us jitter on average
- userspace:  9.6us jitter on average

Folkert van Heusden

questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] best practices while implementing SNTP

2013-07-18 Thread folkert

Are there any best practices when implementing an SNTP client
E.g. poll 3 times and take the average (this is an example which may
not be true).

Folkert van Heusden

Ever wonder what is out there? Any alien races? Then please support
the seti@home project:
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] why does ntp refuse my pps source

2013-07-14 Thread folkert

I have a raspberry pi with a adafruit gps module.
This RPI runs linux with a kernel adapted for PPS.

This is time4:
 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
*time1.intranet. .PPS.1 u  475 1024  3770.5390.336   0.282
+time3.intranet. .PPS.1 u 1014 1024  3770.9610.198   0.195
+time2.intranet. 2 u  452 1024  3771.7260.037   0.198   2 u  779 1024  377   18.207   -2.128   0.191
xSHM(0)  .NMEA.   0 l9   16  3770.000  -348.89  12.214
xPPS(0)  .PPS.0 l   10   16  3770.0000.354   0.002

ind assid status  conf reach auth condition  last_event cnt
  1 29160  961a   yes   yes  none  sys.peersys_peer  1
  2 29161  941a   yes   yes  none candidatesys_peer  1
  3 29162  9414   yes   yes  none candidate   reachable  1
  4 29163  9314   yes   yes  none   outlyer   reachable  1
  5 29164  911a   yes   yes  none falseticksys_peer  1
  6 29165  9114   yes   yes  none falsetick   reachable  1

associd=29165 status=9114 conf, reach, sel_falsetick, 1 event, reachable,
srcadr=PPS(0), srcport=123, dstadr=, dstport=123, leap=00,
stratum=0, precision=-20, rootdelay=0.000, rootdisp=0.000, refid=PPS,
reftime=d58d6c66.ffe7320f  Sun, Jul 14 2013 20:28:54.999,
rec=d58d6c67.8bdeabe2  Sun, Jul 14 2013 20:28:55.546, reach=377,
unreach=0, hmode=3, pmode=4, hpoll=4, ppoll=4, headway=0, flash=00 ok,
keyid=0, offset=0.378, delay=0.000, dispersion=0.233, jitter=0.010,

I find this rather strange.

Time1 is a regular pc with a garmin 18x lvc, time3 is an rpi with pps.
Time2 is also an rpi with a adafruit gps with pps but using a userspace
pps implementation instead (which might explain why it chooses a remote
time source over its local pps).

Any ideas?

Folkert van Heusden

Always wondered what the latency of your webserver is? Or how much more
latency you get when you go through a proxy server/tor? The numbers
tell the tale and with HTTPing you know them!
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Re: [ntp:questions] pps coming in, not received by ntpd

2013-07-02 Thread folkert
  To timestamp the pps, you have to have some module (ie kernel level)
  timestamp process. shmpps, gpsd, the kernel pps, write your own,
  Thanks for the information, Bill.  My only additional comment is that 
  the code to timestamp the PPS /can/ be in user-mode, although 
  kernel-mode is preferable.  Additional Linux modules are /not/ required.
 ?? To timestamp the interrupt, you need kernel land. Ie, you need a
 module. Now you can use one of the modules others have written or you
 can write your own. But userland cannot get any sort of accuracy trying
 to figure out when and if a hardware line has been pulled up or not.

Well from userspace I get a jitter of only 10us on an rpi. Yes, I
totally agree that from kernel it would be better (in fact: is) but for
the moment it works for me :-) (too much hassle to recompile the kernel
and ntpd)

Folkert van Heusden

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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] pps coming in, not received by ntpd

2013-07-01 Thread folkert
 Something odd is happening.
 I've connected a garmin 18 lvc to a pc.
 The system has a kernel with pps support and i verified it comes in:
 and the NMEA sentences are processed correctly:
 but the pps isn't:

 - shouldn't the NMEA have the prefer, and not the PPS?  I am
 uncertain about this, but if this is the case, I have this wrong on
 my Web page.

I think PPS because that's the most accurate source in my situation I
think. The nmea source jitters all over the place

But I don't think the prefer keyword doesn't change anything if pps
comes in or not?

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[ntp:questions] pps coming in, not received by ntpd

2013-06-29 Thread folkert

Something odd is happening.
I've connected a garmin 18 lvc to a pc.
The system has a kernel with pps support and i verified it comes in:

root@hoei:/home/folkert# cat /sys/devices/virtual/pps/pps0/{assert,clear}

I'm running gpsd and it says the gps has a fix and it also has all
appropriate devices open:

gpsd  27762   nobody7u  CHR   4,65 0t0   
1144 /dev/ttyS1
gpsd  27762   nobody9r  CHR  251,0 0t0  
82440 /dev/pps0

gps is started with '-n'

ntpd is configurated to listen to the shared memory segments:

server minpoll 4
fudge refid NMEA
server minpoll 4 prefer
fudge refid PPS

Both nptd and gpsd look at the first 2 segments:

-- Shared Memory Segments 
keyshmid  owner  perms  bytes  nattch status  
0x4e545030 0  root   60096 2   
0x4e545031 32769  root   60096 2   
0x4e545032 65538  root   66696 1   
0x4e545033 98307  root   66696 1   
0x47505344 131076 root   6668240   1   

The PPS seems to be seen by gpsd:
root@hoei:/home/folkert# strace -fp 27872 21 | grep ioctl
[pid 27873] ioctl(9, PPS_FETCH, 0x7f1e63cc9d00) = 0

and the NMEA sentences are processed correctly:

x127.127.28.0.NMEA.   0 l   10   16  3770.000  -275.55 4.421

but the pps isn't: l-   1600.0000.000 0.000

Anyone any idea?

Folkert van Heusden

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tell you all that there is to know about your car's engine!
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[ntp:questions] raspberry pi, ntp pps source

2013-06-27 Thread folkert

I bought a adafruit gps module and
a raspberry pi. Now cross compiling a kernel with pps support is too
much of a hassle (for me). So I wrote a small program which, from
userspace, listens on a selectable GPIO pin and then feeds the timestamp
via shared memory to NTP. Works not very bad: 10us jitter at most.
I thought maybe some of you might be interested.
The (open source, of course) program can be retrieved from:

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail er et flexible tool for å kontrolere Logfiles og commandoer.
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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntp system without a rtc

2013-05-13 Thread folkert
   Via gpsd indeed. But it that is a problem I can do other things first
   before I start gpsd.
  No, with gpsd it is easier because you can connect the gpsd
  port and ask it for the current time without having to worry
  about parsing the gps data, sharing the serial port with other
  applications, etc.
  Just send a D command to gpsd, get and parse the reply and set the clock.
  Yeah that's what I did in the end. Only 10 lines of code using libgpsd.
 I forgot to mention libgpsd but fortunately you located it and did
 not have to write the code to connect gpsd (although that is pretty
 simple in many script languages).

Yes. The program came part of which is a
program to collect access points in the streets which can then be
uploaded to (which is a public
service for finding your location when all you have is wifi

 There also is some testing code included with gpsd that parses the
 reply but then does nothing useful with it.  That might have been an
 even easier starting point (only an stime call needs to be added).
 Of course some error handling won't hurt, in case the GPS has no lock

Yes, I check if the fix mode = 2 and status != NO_FIX. Works like a

Folkert van Heusden

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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntp system without a rtc

2013-05-12 Thread folkert
  How do you access the GPS receiver?  Via gpsd?
  Via gpsd indeed. But it that is a problem I can do other things first
  before I start gpsd.
 No, with gpsd it is easier because you can connect the gpsd
 port and ask it for the current time without having to worry
 about parsing the gps data, sharing the serial port with other
 applications, etc.
 Just send a D command to gpsd, get and parse the reply and set the clock.

Yeah that's what I did in the end. Only 10 lines of code using libgpsd.

 Maybe a program to do that is already available on the net.

There's no fun in that :-)

Folkert van Heusden

-- is a service that enables you to show that
at a certain point in time, you had access to a hash-value reflecting
the contents of a file (this file can be a word document, a jpeg
image, everything).
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[ntp:questions] ntp system without a rtc

2013-05-10 Thread folkert

I have a raspberry pi system. This is a computer without a real time
clock. So everytime I power it on, it uses starts where it left off
which might be days earlier. It is connected only very occasionally to
the internet so syncing to that won't work. It does have, however, a gps
connected. But as it is switched mostly for less than an hour, ntpd
won't have the time to adjust the time to what the gps returns to it.
So I was wondering: is there a utility/a trick out there that picks the
current time from a gps and then jumps the time to what it should be?
It does not need to be very accurate - a couple of seconds off is ok
(just not hours or days).

Any ideas?


Folkert van Heusden

Winnen in de staatsloterij? Check htp:// voor
alle staatsloterij-uitslag statistieken denkbaar en zelfs ook een paar
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntp system without a rtc

2013-05-10 Thread folkert
  I have a raspberry pi system. This is a computer without a real time
  clock. So everytime I power it on, it uses starts where it left off
  which might be days earlier. It is connected only very occasionally to
  the internet so syncing to that won't work. It does have, however, a gps
  connected. But as it is switched mostly for less than an hour, ntpd
  won't have the time to adjust the time to what the gps returns to it.
  So I was wondering: is there a utility/a trick out there that picks the
  current time from a gps and then jumps the time to what it should be?
  It does not need to be very accurate - a couple of seconds off is ok
  (just not hours or days).
  Any ideas?
 How do you access the GPS receiver?  Via gpsd?

Via gpsd indeed. But it that is a problem I can do other things first
before I start gpsd.

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail är ett flexibel redskap för att följa en eller flera logfiler, utföra
kommandon, filtrera, färglägga, sammanfoga, o.s.v...
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntp system without a rtc

2013-05-10 Thread folkert
  I have a raspberry pi system. This is a computer without a real time
  clock. So everytime I power it on, it uses starts where it left off
  which might be days earlier. It is connected only very occasionally to
  the internet so syncing to that won't work. It does have, however, a gps
  connected. But as it is switched mostly for less than an hour, ntpd
  won't have the time to adjust the time to what the gps returns to it.
 Why not use somthing like this:
 ChronoDot - Ultra-precise Real Time Clock - v2.1 
 The ChronoDot RTC is an extremely accurate real time clock module, based
 on the DS3231 temperature compensated RTC (TCXO). It includes a CR2016
 battery (not shown, but included in the product) which should last at
 least 8 years if the I2C interface is only used while the device has 5V
 power available. No external crystal or tuning capacitors are required.

That's an option but I'm currently aiming for a solution that doesn't
cost any extra money.

Folkert van Heusden

To MultiTail einai ena polymorfiko ergaleio gia ta logfiles kai tin
eksodo twn entolwn. Prosferei: filtrarisma, xrwmatismo, sygxwneysi,
diaforetikes provoles.
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questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] outlyer / falseticker

2013-03-07 Thread folkert

Why is a clock decided to be a falseticker/outlyer?
Does it have to do with the stratum or are other factors the decision

ntpq pstatus 60996
associd=60996 status=9314 conf, reach, sel_outlyer, 1 event, reachable,
srcadr=x.x.x.x, srcport=123, dstadr=x.x.x.x, dstport=123,
leap=00, stratum=4, precision=-24, rootdelay=37.201,
rootdispersion=153.793, refid=x.x.x.x, reach=377, unreach=0,
hmode=3, pmode=4, hpoll=6, ppoll=6, flash=00 ok, keyid=0, ttl=0,
offset=2.499, delay=9.095, dispersion=2.698, jitter=0.115,
reftime=d4e2ecad.0fbfa4b2  Thu, Mar  7 2013 11:38:37.061,
org=d4e2f01d.d9645cf8  Thu, Mar  7 2013 11:53:17.849,
rec=d4e2f01d.d9eb2de5  Thu, Mar  7 2013 11:53:17.851,
xmt=d4e2f01d.d78e8703  Thu, Mar  7 2013 11:53:17.842,
filtdisp=  0.000.961.912.903.864.805.756.72

Folkert van Heusden

Feeling generous? -
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] outlyer / falseticker

2013-03-07 Thread folkert
  Why is a clock decided to be a falseticker/outlyer?
 It's 0300 where I am and I'm about to fall asleep.
 See ntp_proto.c, and look for falseticker and SEL_SANE.


While reading through the source, I encountered a lot of unusual
 * Initially, we populate the island with all the rifraff peers


 * that happen to be lying around. Those with seriously
 * defective clocks are immediately booted off the island. Then,
 * the falsetickers are culled and put to sea. The truechimers

cullend and put to sea?

 * remaining are subject to repeated rounds where the most
 * unpopular at each round is kicked off. When the population
 * has dwindled to sys_minclock, the survivors split a million
 * bucks and collectively crank the chimes.

split a million bucks?

 * candidates, the Albanians have won the Byzantine wars and
 * correct synchronization is not possible.

byzantine wars?

I would like to suggest to use language without any ambiguity.
Yes, it is probably more fun for the developer this way, but for others,
especially the ones who are not native English speakers, these texts are
confusing. For example the survivors split a million bucks: is it
supposed to be funny or does it have a special meaning?

  Does it have to do with the stratum or are other factors the decision
 There are other factors.
 Sorry I'm not being more helpful.

No problem, don't feel obliged.

Folkert van Heusden

-- is a service that enables you to show that
at a certain point in time, you had access to a hash-value reflecting
the contents of a file (this file can be a word document, a jpeg
image, everything).
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Re: [ntp:questions] outlyer / falseticker

2013-03-07 Thread folkert
 Okay, it can be a little obtuse, especially if you don't know the
 references. The two specific references that are being used here are
 the reality television show Survivor and The Byzantine Generals
 Problem, an algorithm for detecting misbehaving parts of a system,
 in this case an NTP server.

[ skipped explanation ]

Makes it much clearer.

Maybe this can be written down in a FAQ on the ntp-website? No need to
elaborate or make it more document-like, I found it very clear as you've
written it down.


Folkert van Heusden

Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] outlyer / falseticker

2013-03-07 Thread folkert
  byzantine wars?
  I would like to suggest to use language without any ambiguity.
  Yes, it is probably more fun for the developer this way, but for others,
  especially the ones who are not native English speakers, these texts are
  confusing. For example the survivors split a million bucks: is it
  supposed to be funny or does it have a special meaning?
 I am positive that no matter where you live, the television show
 Survivor has made its appearance. 

Never seen it.
And yes, it was on television over here in the Netherlands.

 If you do not like humour (which I agree can in some cases not
 translate well, but you are reading it in English) then reading David
 Mills' code is probably not for you. 

It is not about liking humour, it it about making it more difficult to
comprehend what is going on in a piece of code. And comments with
riddles in them makes this more difficult.

Folkert van Heusden

Curious about the inner workings of your car? Then check O2OO: it'll
tell you all that there is to know about your car's engine!
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Re: [ntp:questions] outlyer / falseticker

2013-03-07 Thread folkert
 Anytime you explain, you are assuming that the explanation refers to
 concepts more familiar to the reader than the original concepts.
 voting -- what do you do if you come from Turkmenistan, where voting
 always had a preordained output? Should you never refer to voting when
 explaining what happens in the reduction process? Similarly for the
 other explanations. 

You're using an hyperbole.

 Ie, it seems that when one reads a language one does not understand
 well, when you come across a term you do not understand, recourse to a
 dictionary would be a good idea, rather than complaining on usenet. 

Referring to a secondary information source pulls you (well, at least
me) out of the thought-train. This is not code which opens a file and
sends it contents to the terminal, this is complex codes with all kinds
of algorithms that need to be comprehended to understand to full

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail er et flexible tool for å kontrolere Logfiles og commandoer.
Med filtrer, farger, sammenføringer, forskeliger ansikter etc.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] 1s offset

2013-03-06 Thread folkert

Something odd is happening.
I have an old Garmin 18x LVC, a couple of years old and one I bought a
couple of weeks ago.
The one from a couple of weeks ago has the most recent firmware.
The older one only returns one sentence (GPMRC if I remember correctly),
the new one has factory default settings and returns a couple of them.
Now when I run either 4.2.6p5 or dev-4.2.7p359, I always get an offset
of ~1s.
Both systems are configured to use NMEA + PPS synchronization.
If I use 4.2.5p158 instead, the synchronization is perfect, on both
As the older garmin has much older firmware and the new garmin the most
recent one (3.80 iirc), I don't think it is firmware issue. Also I tried
the new garmin with only 1 nmea sentence but that didn't help.
The 4.2.5p158 ntp version does not seem to do ipv6? So that is..., a bit

Any ideas?

Folkert van Heusden

-- is a service that enables you to show that
at a certain point in time, you had access to a hash-value reflecting
the contents of a file (this file can be a word document, a jpeg
image, everything).
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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] 1s offset

2013-03-06 Thread folkert
[ garmin 18x lvc  offsets ]
 Now when I run either 4.2.6p5 or dev-4.2.7p359, I always get an offset
 of ~1s.
 If I use 4.2.5p158 instead, the synchronization is perfect, on both

 Agreed that it's unlikely to be a firmware issue, but there is an
 interesting graph here:
 which shows that the end of the NMEA sentence may be well over 0.5 s
 after the  PPS, and hence into the next second.  Could it be that:


 (a) 4.2.5p158 looks for the start of the data, not the end

I should do a bisect. No SVN/GIT repository though?

 (b) you haven't specified the appropriate time offset value (fudge
 field) for the serial data for the other two versions of NTP?

I looked at my changes of yesterday and I saw that I tried, then time1
1.0 which should be time2 1.0.
And after 7 minutes it is:

 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
o127.127.20.0.GPS.0 l5   16  3770.000   -0.060   0.006
- u   30   64  177   19.359   -1.282   7.608
- u   30   64  177   19.332   -3.155   8.272
+   .PPS.1 u   28   64  177   21.7720.081   1.864
+  2 u   31   64  177   19.7540.205   3.468
+  .PPS.1 u   27   64  177   21.460   -0.398   5.835
+  .GPS.1 u   46   64  1760.113   -0.025   0.273
+   2 u   20   64  1770.7130.110   0.534   .MCST.  16 u-   6400.0000.000   0.000  .BCST.  16 u-   6400.0000.000   0.000  16 u-   6400.0000.000   0.000  .BCST.  16 u-   6400.0000.000   0.000

This looks promising!

I'll let it run for a night and see what is happing. The other system,
which still runs 4.2.5p158, gives after half a day:

 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
* l   14   16  3770.000   -0.089   0.096
- u   13   64  1770.135   -0.016   0.185   2 u   45   64  3760.8510.374   1.573
x82.95.142.92129.70.132.363 u   53   64  377   38.416  -93.971   4.179   2 l-   6400.0000.000   0.000
- u   35   64  377   19.307   -1.104   2.741
- u   21   64  377   19.382   -2.231   3.765
+   .PPS.1 u   60   64  377   20.894   -0.693   4.470
+ .GPS.1 u   10   64  377   23.136   -0.976   4.772
-  .PPS.1 u   62   64  377   22.208   -1.076   3.891
- u   51   64  377   20.858   -0.886   7.888

Folkert van Heusden

Feeling generous? -
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] How to keep fake time in past/future?

2011-04-30 Thread folkert
 How would you implement an NTP server which would need to offer a time  
 set deliberately in past/future, say 365*86400 seconds, or even better -  
 first set the freely chosen date on NTP server and then keep the hours,  
 minutes and seconds in sync with the real time?

Folkert van Heusden

Multitail est un outil permettant la visualisation de fichiers de
journalisation et/ou le suivi de l'exécution de commandes. Filtrage,
mise en couleur de mot-clé, fusions, visualisation de différences
(diff-view), etc.
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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] running NTP as server only

2010-08-24 Thread folkert
 On a Debian VM running on VMware server:

 st...@www:~$ awk -f /root/peer.awk /var/log/ntpstats/peerstats
   ident cnt mean rms  max delay dist disp
 208.88...39   -0.2871.9065.352   65.024   53.465 15.884

 All of which is academic, as, on a more careful reading of the question,  
 what the OP actually wants is a configuration with just the local clock  
 driver and no external servers or reference clocks.  He just wants to  
 serve the guests idea of time as told to it by the host.

I solved the problem by adapting my NTP-testtool slightly so that it is
not only usefull to test/experimentwith NTP clients but can be used as a
very simpel server as well:

Folkert van Heusden

Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] running NTP as server only

2010-08-19 Thread folkert
  Is it possible to run the NTP daemon only as a server and not as a
  local-clock maintainer?
  Reason: I have a virtual machine which gets its time via the vmware
  tooling from the hardware server it is running on. Now this virtual
  machine needs to distribute the time to clients.
 Did you study the vmware technical note about keeping time in virtual
 It suggests that turning off this time synchronization in the vmware
 tools and running normal ntp in the virtual machine is better...

Ok, I'll take a look at those notes.

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail na wan makriki wrokosani fu tan luku den logfile nanga san
den commando spiti puru. Piki puru spesrutu sani, wroko nanga difrenti
kroru, tya kon makandra, nanga wan lo moro.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] running NTP as server only

2010-08-19 Thread folkert
  Is it possible to run the NTP daemon only as a server and not as a
  local-clock maintainer?
  Reason: I have a virtual machine which gets its time via the vmware
  tooling from the hardware server it is running on. Now this virtual
  machine needs to distribute the time to clients.
 server comes to mind.

I think that is what I'm looking for! thanks

Folkert van Heusden

-- - site where one can exchange PGP key signatures 
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] running NTP as server only

2010-08-19 Thread folkert
  Is it possible to run the NTP daemon only as a server and not as a
  local-clock maintainer?
  Reason: I have a virtual machine which gets its time via the vmware
  tooling from the hardware server it is running on. Now this virtual
  machine needs to distribute the time to clients.
 Aarrgdaagh. Why would you have a virtual machine, with its remarkably
 unreliabl e clock serve its time to others?

Because we don't want to have another physical server for the usual
reasons (needs to be monitored, serviced, etc.).

Folkert van Heusden

Multitail est un outil permettant la visualisation de fichiers de
journalisation et/ou le suivi de l'exécution de commandes. Filtrage,
mise en couleur de mot-clé, fusions, visualisation de différences
(diff-view), etc.
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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] running NTP as server only

2010-08-19 Thread folkert
  uh, to quote Landauer, all information is physical. All virtual
  machines MUST also run on physical machines.
  But that does not mean you can run NTP on them.
  E.g. on VMware ESX, you cannot do this.
  (there is an NTP running on the console session, but that is just a
  virtual machine running a Linux variant, it is not running on the
  physical machine either)
 And not so long ago, somebody quoted a more recent whitepaper here
 that said running NTP in the virtual machines was now working much
 better and in fact recommended.

Using NTP in Linux and Other Guests
   The Network Time Protocol is usable in a virtual machine with proper
configuration of the NTP daemon. The 
   following points are important:
Do not configure the virtual machine to synchronize to its own
(virtual) hardware clock, not even as a 
fallback with a high stratum number. Some sample ntpd.conf files
contain a section specifying the local 
clock as a potential time server, often marked with the comment
“undisciplined local clock.” Delete any 
such server specification from your ntpd.conf file.
Include the option tinker panic 0 at the top of your ntp.conf
file. By default, the NTP daemon 
sometimes panics and exits if the underlying clock appears to be
behaving erratically. This option causes 
the daemon to keep running instead of panicking.
Follow standard best practices for NTP: Choose a set of servers
to synchronize to that have accurate time 
and adequate redundancy. If you have many virtual or physical
client machines to synchronize, set up 
some internal servers for them to use, so that all your clients
are not directly accessing an external 
low‐stratum NTP server and overloading it with requests.

(vmware document of 2008, status of vmware 3.5)

 In situations where the host has enough cores that they can be
 allocated more persistently to running VMs, I can even see this work.
 The problem used to be, mostly, that interrupts didn't (always) arrive
 on time. Yet another problem solved by throwing hardware, to wit
 interrupt lines, at it.

Folkert van Heusden

Multitail est un outil permettant la visualisation de fichiers de
journalisation et/ou le suivi de l'exécution de commandes. Filtrage,
mise en couleur de mot-clé, fusions, visualisation de différences
(diff-view), etc.
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questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] running NTP as server only

2010-08-18 Thread folkert

Is it possible to run the NTP daemon only as a server and not as a
local-clock maintainer?
Reason: I have a virtual machine which gets its time via the vmware
tooling from the hardware server it is running on. Now this virtual
machine needs to distribute the time to clients.

Folkert van Heusden

Multitail es una herramienta flexible que permite visualizar los log
file y seguir la ejecución de comandos. Permite filtrar, añadir
colores, combinar archivos, la visualización de diferencias (diff-
view), etc.
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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] running NTP as server only

2010-08-18 Thread folkert

  Is it possible to run the NTP daemon only as a server and not as a
  local-clock maintainer?
  Reason: I have a virtual machine which gets its time via the vmware
  tooling from the hardware server it is running on. Now this virtual
  machine needs to distribute the time to clients.
 Virtual machines make terrible timesources-- 10's to 100's of
 milliseconds of jitter are not unusual.

I don't think that is in all situations the case. Depends on the
scheduling by the hypervisor. iirc ibm pseries lpars don't have this
problem. That is why they have (x)ntp running in each of them normally.

 If you need to run ntpd on that specific hardware, run it in the
 host ESX or Xen's Dom0 instead, and not in one of the hosted
 virtual machines.

Yes, that is what I propose:
- let the hypervisor sync to a reliable accure timesource
- sync the vms to the hypervisor with some mechanism. e.g. on vmware you
  have the vmware tooling which runs in the vm and syncs time to the
  hypervisor (and also things like memory ballooning etc)
- let the vm then distribute the notion of time it got from the
  hypervisor to clients

Somewhere this week I'll test how this works: I put together what I was
asking, a program which picks the time from the local clock and then
sends this via ntp. Then I'll have two systems (which run directly on
hardware, not a vm) that will have a couple of low-stratum servers to
sync against as well as my vm. If they then declare my solution as a
falseticker and/or with a high jitter, I then know it won't works.

Folkert van Heusden

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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP and the Intel Atom

2009-05-23 Thread Folkert van Heusden
  Can anyone report on NTP performance on Intel Atom based systems (such
 I'm running the latest Ubuntu Netbook version on my Eee 901 PC, afaik 
 that one has an Atom chip.
 If you want me to, I can start collecting loopstats on it, at least for 
 a few days: Since it uses flash drives, I don't want too many processes 
 that continuously write to log files!

If you leave your eee on all the time you could consider mounting a
'tmpfs' somewhere and let ntp write its files there.
I mounted tempfs on /tmp for the flash-reason by the way.

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail er et flexible tool for å kontrolere Logfiles og commandoer.
Med filtrer, farger, sammenføringer, forskeliger ansikter etc.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] garmin 18 lvc versus garmin 18x lvc with pps ntp

2009-05-20 Thread Folkert van Heusden

Could not find any help anywhere on the web so you guys are my last
I have 2 computers running a linux PPS enabled kernel and ntp.
One of the two has a garmin 18 lvc, one has a garmin 18x lvc.

The one with the 18 lvc is neatly synced:
 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
*GPS_NMEA(1) .GPS.0 l3   16  3770.0000.014   0.000  
-muur.intranet.v .DCFa.   1 u6   64  3770.113  -12.192   0.047
-thegateap.intra   2 u   13   64  3770.663   -4.427   0.099
xtuinhuis.intran .MSFS.   1 u   43   64  3761.834  -21.121   0.897
xSHM(0)  .MSFU.   2 l   39   64  3770.000   26.207  16.002  .PPS.1 u   18   64  377   17.628   -3.813   0.445
+chime2.surfnet. .GPS.1 u   40   64  327   21.176   -3.315   0.123  .PPS.1 u   36   64  377   19.826   -3.448   0.352

the other with the 18x lvc not so much:
 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
*GENERIC(0)  .DCFa.   0 l   50   64  3770.0007.370   6.659
xGPS_NMEA(0) .GPS.0 l7   16  3770.000  -657.92  11.250 
---  .PPS.1 u  441 1024  377   20.1478.310   1.973
-chime1.surfnet. .GPS.1 u  498 1024  377   17.6748.282   0.340  .PPS.1 u  571 1024  377   20.0658.279   0.383
-belle.intranet. .GPS.1 u   37   64  3760.097   12.165   0.062
-thegateap.intra 2 u  962 1024  1760.0956.811   0.720
xtuinhuis.intran .MSFS.   1 u  936 1024   761.971   -8.080   0.559

As you can see it's offset is huge. Somewhere between -600 and -700 and
on average around -657ms.

Once (or twice) it ran fine; offset and jitter both around 0.00xms.
Others seem to have this problem with that lvc version as well.

I verified that the system receives pps-signal:
mauer:/usr/local# for i in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do cat /sys/class/pps/pps1/assert ; 
sleep 1 ; done

The assert/clear is also not too short:
mauer:/sys/class/pps/pps1# cat  assert clear
so no problem there for the system to capture them.

Is there a way that i can verify that ntpd also sees these events?

Folkert van Heusden

Multitail es una herramienta flexible que permite visualizar los log
file y seguir la ejecución de comandos. Permite filtrar, añadir
colores, combinar archivos, la visualización de diferencias (diff-
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questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] using 'peer' together with 'server'

2009-04-07 Thread Folkert van Heusden

I have 4 servers that should be in sync for time with each other as well
as much as the upstream ntp servers. Am I right that I can configure
this like this or is it that if you configure peers the upstream servers
are ignored?

# peer a - this system is a
peer b
peer c
peer d


Folkert van Heusden

Multitail est un outil permettant la visualisation de fichiers de
journalisation et/ou le suivi de l'exécution de commandes. Filtrage,
mise en couleur de mot-clé, fusions, visualisation de différences
(diff-view), etc.
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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Learnings: FC8 Linux ntpd syncs to NMEA message but not PPS

2009-01-29 Thread Folkert van Heusden
  PPS ( working.  You can have NMEA or PPS from your serial
  input, you just can't have both at the same time from the same GPS on the
  same port.
 There is no reason why you could not have both, except that the programs (eg
 shmpps) has not been written to use both. It is as far as I can see, purely a
 software issue.

I use the pps patch by rodolpho giometti together with udo van den
heuvel's patch to ntpd. Now my ntp syncs to both the nmea and the pps
part of my garmin:
 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
*GPS_NMEA(1) .GPS.0 l3   16  3770.000   -0.004   0.000

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail is a versatile tool for watching logfiles and output of
commands. Filtering, coloring, merging, diff-view, etc.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntpdate refusing

2009-01-12 Thread Folkert van Heusden
Yes: got a mail from the mail responsible for the system.
He told me that he manually disconnected the IRIG-B connection to the
NTP server hardware. Then after resetting the time the server told him
that it is locked to PPS. - more or less translated what he told me.

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 10:56:50AM +0100, Nero Imhard wrote:
 They must have changed something!
 Their refid now reads PPS and the offset is much more reasonable:
   remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  
  ==   .UTCI.   1 u  709 1024  377   25.2960.437   
  0.091  .PPS.1 u  313 1024  3577.1280.146   
  *  .PPS.1 u  645 1024  3774.6950.061   
  0.012 u  697 1024  3774.575   -0.633   
  0.019 2 u  701 1024  377   22.632   -0.138   
  0.291 u  656 1024  3771.240   -0.120   
 questions mailing list

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail är en flexibel redskap för att fälja logfilar, utför av
commandoer, filtrera, ge färg, sammanfoga, o.s.v. följa.
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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntpdate refusing

2009-01-09 Thread Folkert van Heusden
  It seems the Dutch NMi organisation (which is the time reference for the
  Netherlands) has an NTP-service as well. Now I tried retrieving the time
  with ntpdate (just to see if it was reachable) but ntpdate refuses it.
  Using the regular ntp daemon works fine. Could someone enlighten me why
  it is refused? I mean: has gone too long without sync seems a little
  odd as it is supposed to be connected to real atomic clocks.
  reference time:cd0c473b.73087696  Mon, Jan  5 2009  9:45:47.449
 A wireshark capture shows that it sends a bogu reftime ...
 Reference Clock Update Time: Jan  5, 2009 08:45:47,4493 UTC
 Originate Time Stamp: Jan  8, 2009 10:15:39,0507 UTC
 Receive Time Stamp: Jan  8, 2009 10:15:39,0375 UTC
 Transmit Time Stamp: Jan  8, 2009 10:15:39,0376 UTC
 The Root dispersion does not look too healthy, too...
 Root Dispersion:3,9689 sec
 This really looks like they should have a look at their NTP server and its 
 source. Why this server is accepted by ntpd is a miracle for me. Only chance 
 would see is if you have no other sources configured.

Got this morning an e-mail from NMi and what they say is that they only
occasionally connect their ntp server to a source that says what time it
is. They had it connected to that irig-b because of the leapsecond and
disconnected it at January 5. The rest of the time they only have it
connected to the PPS source.

That root dispersion, does that mean the time of that clock is almost 4
seconds behind the real time (the time of the IRIG)?

Folkert van Heusden

Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntpdate refusing

2009-01-09 Thread Folkert van Heusden
  transmitted 4, in filter 4
  reference time:cd0c473b.73087696  Mon, Jan  5 2009  9:45:47.449
  originate timestamp: cd0f5b7d.d6ff250b  Wed, Jan  7 2009 17:49:01.839
  transmit timestamp:  cd0f5b7d.cf7e90ff  Wed, Jan  7 2009 17:49:01.810
  filter delay:  0.03938  0.03787  0.03879  0.03783
   0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
  filter offset: 0.023514 0.023034 0.023029 0.023167
   0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  delay 0.03783, dispersion 0.00012
  offset 0.023167
   7 Jan 17:49:01 ntpdate[22293]: no server suitable for synchronization 
  ( )
  A wireshark capture shows that it sends a bogu reftime ...
  Reference Clock Update Time: Jan  5, 2009 08:45:47,4493 UTC

Does a valid NTP source need to set the reftime to something valid? Does
the ntp spec say so?

  Originate Time Stamp: Jan  8, 2009 10:15:39,0507 UTC
  Receive Time Stamp: Jan  8, 2009 10:15:39,0375 UTC
  Transmit Time Stamp: Jan  8, 2009 10:15:39,0376 UTC
  The Root dispersion does not look too healthy, too...
  Root Dispersion:3,9689 sec

The root dispersion, that is the amount of time this server is
behind/faster than the stratum 0 device? So optimally that should be 0?
Is there a limit defined in the ntp spec?

Folkert van Heusden

Ever wonder what is out there? Any alien races? Then please support
the s...@home project:
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntpdate refusing

2009-01-09 Thread Folkert van Heusden
  Does a valid NTP source need to set the reftime to something valid?
  Does the ntp spec say so?
 I can't tell you that, Folkert, but, in your particular environment, would 
 /you/ trust a NTP source which was last synched 3 days ago?

Well, they (NMi) are the Dutch national organisation for standards. This
time ought to be no more than micro (nano?) seconds from UTC.
What the guy from NMi tells me is that they synced the time a couple of
days ago and then hooked it up to their 4 cesium clocks. So in theory
there shouldn't be any difference with UTC.

I'm bothering you people for this as I would like to get them to fix it.
But for that I need to be able to give a explanation.

Folkert van Heusden

Multitail es una herramienta flexible que permite visualizar los log
file y seguir la ejecución de comandos. Permite filtrar, añadir
colores, combinar archivos, la visualización de diferencias (diff-
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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntpdate refusing

2009-01-09 Thread Folkert van Heusden
  I can't tell you that, Folkert, but, in your particular environment, 
  would /you/ trust a NTP source which was last synched 3 days ago?
 It is quite unclear what the purpose of this server is. The only
 documented use case (through their web site) is syncing Windows XP
 workstations (...). An actual access policy is nowehere to be found,
 and the time offset is quite large. I will try and see if I can find
 out more.

I think they're meant to give the standard time for the Netherlands: says:
The group of cesium clocks at NMi Van Swinden Laboratorium (VSL)
provides the standard for frequency, time interval and the legal time in
the Netherlands. NMi VSL calibrates frequency counters and frequency
generators, oscilloscopes, stroboscopes and stopwatches, frequency, time
interval, rise time and time base. NMi VSL also provides traceability to
accredited laboratories through a Time Service Bulletin.

Folkert van Heusden

Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntpdate refusing

2009-01-09 Thread Folkert van Heusden

Got one question:

 reference time:cd0c473b.73087696  Mon, Jan  5 2009  9:45:47.449
 ( )
 A wireshark capture shows that it sends a bogu reftime ...
 Reference Clock Update Time: Jan  5, 2009 08:45:47,4493 UTC

 Does a valid NTP source need to set the reftime to something valid? Does
 the ntp spec say so?
   Quote 'Time when the system clock was last set or corrected,
   in NTP timestamp format' unquote.

So this can be years in the past? If so: why is ntpdate then refusing
this server? Is it because of the huge root dispersion?

 Root Dispersion:3,9689 sec
 So optimally that should be 0?
 Is there a limit defined in the ntp spec?
   MAXDIST. 1 second in the reference implementation, which
   is a bit generous.

like bigger than the 1 second in the ref.impl.?

Folkert van Heusden

Looking for a cheap but fast webhoster with an excellent helpdesk?
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntpdate refusing

2009-01-09 Thread Folkert van Heusden
  The Root dispersion does not look too healthy, too...
  Root Dispersion:3,9689 sec
  The root dispersion, that is the amount of time this server is
  behind/faster than the stratum 0 device? So optimally that should be 0?
 No.  It is 15 times the time since there was last a valid reading 
 from the reference clock.  4 seconds is about the 3 days you observe the 
 reference time. There are other components, but this one will dominate here.

Ok so the root dispersion is not too high if I understand you correctly
(well it would be better if it were lower)

 I thought that ntpd was supposed to set stratum 16 if this value got too 

The systems I checked that sync to this server (and others, of course)
seem to ignore it:

+GPS_NMEA(1) .GPS.0 l7   16  3770.0000.007   0.001
oPPS(0)  .PPS.0 l5   16  3770.0000.007   0.001
...  .IRIG.   1 u   23   64  377   12.778   49.101   0.462

other system:

*GENERIC(0)  .DCFa.   0 l   55   64  3370.000   -2.421   2.390  .GPS.1 u  504 1024  377   19.5813.159   0.188
...  .IRIG.   1 u  535 1024  377   12.146   52.565   0.044

The reason that I keep on going on this system is that I would like to
have them get it to also work with ntpdate and such and not only the
windows implementation. The reasons for them to fix it I come up with is
- root dispersion too high
- offset too high; 52ms (tried from ADSL, cable and SDSL connected
  systems, synced to GPS+PPS, DCF77, MSF and systems on the internet)
- reference time too old

Folkert van Heusden

To MultiTail einai ena polymorfiko ergaleio gia ta logfiles kai tin
eksodo twn entolwn. Prosferei: filtrarisma, xrwmatismo, sygxwneysi,
diaforetikes provoles.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntpdate refusing

2009-01-09 Thread Folkert van Heusden

 The reason that I keep on going on this system is that I would like to
 have them get it to also work with ntpdate and such and not only the
 windows implementation. The reasons for them to fix it I come up with is
 - root dispersion too high
 - offset too high; 52ms (tried from ADSL, cable and SDSL connected
   systems, synced to GPS+PPS, DCF77, MSF and systems on the internet)
 - reference time too old

I mean: they are the Dutch national standard for time, they're part of
the clocks that define UTC. Even if this service is a toy for them it is
a shame it is broken!

Folkert van Heusden

Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] ntpdate refusing

2009-01-07 Thread Folkert van Heusden

It seems the Dutch NMi organisation (which is the time reference for the
Netherlands) has an NTP-service as well. Now I tried retrieving the time
with ntpdate (just to see if it was reachable) but ntpdate refuses it.
Using the regular ntp daemon works fine. Could someone enlighten me why
it is refused? I mean: has gone too long without sync seems a little
odd as it is supposed to be connected to real atomic clocks.

folk...@belle:~/bin$ /usr/sbin/ntpdate -d -q -u -t 1 -p 4
 7 Jan 17:49:01 ntpdate[22293]: ntpdate 4.2@1.1520-o Wed Jul 16 12:36:25 
UTC 2008 (1)
transmit( Server dropped: Server has gone too long without sync
server, port 123
stratum 1, precision -18, leap 00, trust 000
refid [IRIG], delay 0.03783, dispersion 0.00012
transmitted 4, in filter 4
reference time:cd0c473b.73087696  Mon, Jan  5 2009  9:45:47.449
originate timestamp: cd0f5b7d.d6ff250b  Wed, Jan  7 2009 17:49:01.839
transmit timestamp:  cd0f5b7d.cf7e90ff  Wed, Jan  7 2009 17:49:01.810
filter delay:  0.03938  0.03787  0.03879  0.03783
 0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
filter offset: 0.023514 0.023034 0.023029 0.023167
 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
delay 0.03783, dispersion 0.00012
offset 0.023167

 7 Jan 17:49:01 ntpdate[22293]: no server suitable for synchronization found

( )

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail cok yonlu kullanimli bir program, loglari okumak, verilen
kommandolari yerine getirebilen. Filter, renk verme, merge, 'diff-
view', vs.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] interpreting the allan deviation graph of the ntp loopstats-file

2009-01-06 Thread Folkert van Heusden

Somewhere I read that one can evaluate their ntp-server by creating an
allan deviation graph of the loopstats-file.
Now I succeeded in creating them: using this
octave script:
But: now what? What do these graphs tell me?

Folkert van Heusden

Multitail es una herramienta flexible que permite visualizar los log
file y seguir la ejecución de comandos. Permite filtrar, añadir
colores, combinar archivos, la visualización de diferencias (diff-
view), etc.
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questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Why can't clocks do inital synchronization?

2009-01-06 Thread Folkert van Heusden
 I don't recall ever seeing a report of NTP causing problems with normal 

Sorry for being anal on this but:
Well almost: certain versions of the linux kernel under certain specific
conditions would panic when ntp introduces a leap second.
Ok it's a bug in the linux kernel but it is only triggered by ntp.

Folkert van Heusden

Multi tail barnamaj mowahib li mora9abat attasjilat wa nataij awamir
al 7asoub. damj, talwin, mora9abat attarchi7 wa ila akhirih.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] GPS with PPS without any soldering requirements?

2008-02-11 Thread Folkert van Heusden

Are there any cheap GPS receivers which emit a PPS signal and can be
used directly without any soldering? E.g. usb or rs232.

Folkert van Heusden


Multitail - gibkaja utilita po sledovaniju log-fajlov i vyvoda
kommand. Fil'trovanie, raskrašivanie, slijanie, vizual'noe sravnenie,
i t.d.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] new: omnisync allows you to sync against an NTP server via a socks5 proxy

2008-02-07 Thread Folkert van Heusden
Well, that.

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail ist eine flexible Applikation um Logfiles und Kommando
Eingaben zu überprüfen. Inkl. Filter, Farben, Zusammenführen,
Ansichten etc.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Problems distibuting time from GPSD program to NTPD

2008-02-04 Thread Folkert van Heusden
 I have a gpsd and ntpd in connection running on a Fedora 5 box.

Why not connect the gps directly to ntpd? (if it supports nmea output)
If it has PPS output you get magnitudes higher accuracy.

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail är en flexibel redskap för att fälja logfilar, utför av
commandoer, filtrera, ge färg, sammanfoga, o.s.v. följa.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] HBG down?

2008-01-27 Thread Folkert van Heusden
Hmmm it seems the problem is somewhat different:
- pc 1 has fine reception
- pc 2, both with on-board and external (= pci board with serial ports)
  doesn't seem to receive even one single bit

I tested it by configuring a dcf-77 receiver in ntp on pc-1 (hbg is
dcf-77 protocol) and the same on pc-2 as well as testdcf (from parseutil
directory from ntpd sources). pc 1 has a regular Gigabyte 965G-DS3
motherboard, pc-2 has a Via Epia-SP motherboard.

On Sun, Jan 27, 2008 at 02:46:40PM +0100, Folkert van Heusden wrote:
 Anyone out there with an HBG (swiss time signal) receiver? Are you also
 having very bad reception?
 Folkert van Heusden
 Multitail est un outil permettant la visualisation de fichiers de
 journalisation et/ou le suivi de l'exécution de commandes. Filtrage,
 mise en couleur de mot-clé, fusions, visualisation de différences
 (diff-view), etc.
 Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
 questions mailing list

Folkert van Heusden

-- - win een vlaai van multivlaai! zorg
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Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] using both a PPS source and a HBG (dcf-77-like) timesource?

2008-01-15 Thread Folkert van Heusden
 Well if I remember correctly someone said to me once that the
 time-string returned by cheap gps device (like my garmin 18 lvc)
 sometimes is a bit off while its PPS signal is fine.
 Yes, the pps is stated to be accurate to better than a microsecond. The
 interrupt time on your system when quiet is a few microseconds. The NMEA
 response string is maybe good to a few msec at best ( even subtracting out
 the average delan due to the length of time it takes to read the string).
 Ie, the fluctuation in the string read time is probably like 10ms, a factor
 of about 1 worst than the pps. 

allright, understood

 Yes, 185 ms is about how long it takes to read the nmea string (about 70
 characters as 4800 baud is about 1/6 of a second) YOu can tell ntp to
 subtract off say 180ms but that would still leave you with a sizeable

 Currently I'm syncing against NMEA/PPS and seeing quiet a big offset:
 For what? This looks exactly like what I would expect.
  remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  
 xGPS_NMEA(0) .GPS.0 l7   16  3770.000  -185.08   
 1.001  ---
  PPS(0)  .PPS.0 l-   1600.0000.000   
  0.001  ---

Now that I got it fully working - linux requires some patching of the
nmea driver -, the offset is gone:

+GPS_NMEA(0) .GPS.0 l8   16  3770.0000.003   0.001
oPPS(0)  .PPS.0 l   14   16  3770.0000.002   0.001

 -muur.intranet.v .DCFa.   1 u5   64   770.072   -9.207   
 -thegateap.intra .SHM.1 u   46   64   370.8730.931   
  SHM(0)  .SHM0.   2 l-   6400.0000.000   
  SHM(1)  .SHM1.   2 l-   6400.0000.000   
  SHM(2)  .SHM2.   2 l-   6400.0000.000   
  SHM(3)  .SHM3.   2 l-   6400.0000.000   
  NTP.MCAST.NET   .MCST.  16 u-   6400.0000.000   
  0.001  16 u-   6400.0000.000   
  0.001 u   48   64   777.9451.514   
 1.158 u   46   64   779.450   -0.893   
 0.713  .GPS.1 u   45   64   77   13.6930.173   
 *chime2.surfnet. .GPS.1 u  111   64   76   12.2620.387   
 -superboer12.stu u   45   64   77   13.0124.401   
 +ntp.networking4   2 u   46   64   779.2420.444   
 0.494   2 u   44   64   779.0400.430   
 -aivd.xelerance.  2 u   41   64   778.881   -0.610   
 What are you doing? Why all of these sources?

The network sources are backup. The 'muur' and 'thegate' hosts are peer
systems in my LAN (with their own radioclocks), MCST/BCST are for
broadcasting/multicasting experiments and SHM0-3 are for my experiments
with shared memory syncing.

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail är en flexibel redskap för att fälja logfilar, utför av
commandoer, filtrera, ge färg, sammanfoga, o.s.v. följa.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] using both a PPS source and a HBG (dcf-77-like) timesource?

2008-01-14 Thread Folkert van Heusden
  day, but I think that was for long distances, bouncing off the
  ionosphere which changed height at night.  I'd expect it to be
  pretty stable if you are close to the transmitter - ground wave.

 HBG is in Switzerland if I remember correctly, and from your post, you are 
 in Netherlands,


 so you can estimate propagation delay. However, I don't see 
 why you would want to use an LF reference of lesser accuracy and estimated 
 delay when you can use GPS.
 Just a thought.

Well if I remember correctly someone said to me once that the
time-string returned by cheap gps device (like my garmin 18 lvc)
sometimes is a bit off while its PPS signal is fine.

Currently I'm syncing against NMEA/PPS and seeing quiet a big offset:

 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
xGPS_NMEA(0) .GPS.0 l7   16  3770.000  -185.08   1.001  
 PPS(0)  .PPS.0 l-   1600.0000.000   0.001  
-muur.intranet.v .DCFa.   1 u5   64   770.072   -9.207   0.023
-thegateap.intra .SHM.1 u   46   64   370.8730.931   0.045
 SHM(0)  .SHM0.   2 l-   6400.0000.000   0.001
 SHM(1)  .SHM1.   2 l-   6400.0000.000   0.001
 SHM(2)  .SHM2.   2 l-   6400.0000.000   0.001
 SHM(3)  .SHM3.   2 l-   6400.0000.000   0.001
 NTP.MCAST.NET   .MCST.  16 u-   6400.0000.000   0.001  16 u-   6400.0000.000   0.001 u   48   64   777.9451.514   1.158 u   46   64   779.450   -0.893   0.713  .GPS.1 u   45   64   77   13.6930.173   9.097
*chime2.surfnet. .GPS.1 u  111   64   76   12.2620.387   1.092
-superboer12.stu u   45   64   77   13.0124.401   2.248
+ntp.networking4   2 u   46   64   779.2420.444   0.494   2 u   44   64   779.0400.430   0.538
-aivd.xelerance.  2 u   41   64   778.881   -0.610   3.154

Folkert van Heusden

Ever wonder what is out there? Any alien races? Then please support
the [EMAIL PROTECTED] project:
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] using both a PPS source and a HBG (dcf-77-like) timesource?

2008-01-14 Thread Folkert van Heusden
  Well if I remember correctly someone said to me once that the
  time-string returned by cheap gps device (like my garmin 18 lvc)
  sometimes is a bit off while its PPS signal is fine.
  Currently I'm syncing against NMEA/PPS and seeing quiet a big offset:
   remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  
  xGPS_NMEA(0) .GPS.0 l7   16  3770.000  -185.08   
  1.001  ---
 You can even out that delay in the GPS time by using the 'fudge' option. 
 server minpoll 4
 fudge time1 0.185
 I do the same thing with my GPS 18 LVC, only I use gpsd with the SHM drivers.

Ok but the odd thing is: a friend of mine has the exact same garmin 18
lvc but not this big offset?

Folkert van Heusden

Multitail es una herramienta flexible que permite visualizar los log
file y seguir la ejecución de comandos. Permite filtrar, añadir
colores, combinar archivos, la visualización de diferencias (diff-
view), etc.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] using both a PPS source and a HBG (dcf-77-like) timesource?

2008-01-13 Thread Folkert van Heusden

To my pc I have connected a garmin 18lvc and a HBG radio clock receiver.
Now what I would like to do is:
- let the hbg receiver set the current time and when the HBG signal is
  not available (bad reception or the 59 seconds while it is receiving
  the broadcastmessage) use the PPS signal of the garmin for the PPS(!
  not the time, only the PPS)

I read that for this I need to set:

(my reference clock)
# GUDE expertMouseClock HBG receiver 
server mode 14 prefer
fudge refid HBG

# use PPS signal from Garmin 18 LVC
server minpoll 4 maxpoll 4
fudge flag flag2 1

Is this the correct way? How can I verify that it is using the PPS
Am I right that it currently does not work?
Because it says noreply == poll:
belle:/home/folkert# ntpq -c clockvar
assID=0 status=0101 clk_noreply, last_clk_noreply,
device=PPS Clock Discipline, timecode=, poll=11, noreply=11,
badformat=0, baddata=0, fudgetime1=0.000, stratum=16, refid=,

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail är en flexibel redskap för att fälja logfilar, utför av
commandoer, filtrera, ge färg, sammanfoga, o.s.v. följa.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] doing an ntpq -c clockvar on a specific reference clock

2008-01-09 Thread Folkert van Heusden

One of my systems has 2 reference clocks; a gps and a hbg radio clock.
I would like to graph some clockvar variables of the hbg radio clock
one. Now ntpq -c clockvar only returns the values of the first clock,
the gps. How can I get the output of the hbg clock? clockvar can have a
variable which is the association but this seems to be an other value
each time ntpd is started.

All help is appreciated!

Folkert van Heusden

Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] old linksys wrt54g accesspoint/router as ntp server?

2008-01-09 Thread Folkert van Heusden

Has anyone found a firmware for the wrt54g with an integrated ntp

Folkert van Heusden

Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] windows 2003 server sp 1 ntp

2008-01-08 Thread Folkert van Heusden
  This has been discussed here so many times It's rarely worth repeating.
  Windows (w32time) is a sntp client at best, steps the clock and does not
  discipline it. The version introduced with Windows 2003 SP1 we know a
  lot less about.
 This is a statement based on outdated information. Yes, the 8-year-old
 Windows 2000 implementation was a poor SNTP implementation, with
 broken behavior.
 However, Microsoft claims recent versions to be a real implementation
 of NTPv3, and specifically references RFCv1305. Since there is no
 NTPv4 RFC published, I think this is reasonable.

Yes. It does not respond to ntpq -c pe or ntptrace though :-(

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail ist eine flexible Applikation um Logfiles und Kommando
Eingaben zu überprüfen. Inkl. Filter, Farben, Zusammenführen,
Ansichten etc.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] precision in a driver

2008-01-04 Thread Folkert van Heusden

The precision-field set by a driver, what should one set there? If a
clock gives ms values, -10? Or is it the real quality of the
time-source? Like: maybe that on average the source has a quality of

Folkert van Heusden

Multitail est un outil permettant la visualisation de fichiers de
journalisation et/ou le suivi de l'exécution de commandes. Filtrage,
mise en couleur de mot-clé, fusions, visualisation de différences
(diff-view), etc.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] windows 2003 server sp 1 ntp

2008-01-03 Thread Folkert van Heusden
  Win2003SP1 has some kind of ntp service running. Now I was wondering:
  can I via some clever registry hacks make that service sync against a
  couple of real ntp servers on the net?
 Windows time is a kludge. Just install NTP on the system and be done.

Are you sure? I thought I read somewhere that 2000  xp had sntp, but(!)
2003 sp1 (and more recent) an full ntp server.

Folkert van Heusden

Ever wonder what is out there? Any alien races? Then please support
the [EMAIL PROTECTED] project:
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] Why does the Conrad parallel port radio clock driver has a standard offset of 0.1725s?

2007-12-31 Thread Folkert van Heusden

While going through the documentation we found that the Conrad parallel
port radio clock driver has a default offset calibration factor of
Why is that specific factor chosen?

This is especially interesting as my GPS has an offset of -0.173s! Is
that a coincidence?

Folkert van Heusden

Looking for a cheap but fast webhoster with an excellent helpdesk?
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] why is this clock not even considered?

2007-12-25 Thread Folkert van Heusden

See this:
 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+belle.intranet. 2 u  251  256  3750.1056.605   0.122
+thegateap.intra 2 u  106  256  2771.2506.193   0.150
*mauer.intranet. .DCFa.   1 u  253  256  3770.1540.068   0.071 u   53  256  2777.899   17.204   2.084  .GPS.1 u8  256  337   13.5996.001   8.832
-ntp3-rz.rrze.un .DCFp.   1 u   21  256  377   29.5660.059   0.237
+ntps1-1.cs.tu-b .PPS.1 u 1043  256  360   29.7937.204   0.097
+chime1.surfnet. .GPS.1 u   42  256  3779.1356.485   2.794
 SHM(0)  .SHM.0 l   11   64  3770.000   -5.365   1.810

Why is the '.SHM.'-clock not even considered? Because of the negative offset?

Folkert van Heusden

MultiTail cok yonlu kullanimli bir program, loglari okumak, verilen
kommandolari yerine getirebilen. Filter, renk verme, merge, 'diff-
view', vs.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] driver for Lindy Precision Clock MSF radio - testers wanted

2007-12-24 Thread Folkert van Heusden

Yesterday I started developing a driver for a clock-source for ntp.
For simplicity sake I decided to write a shared memory driver.
This driver is for the Lindy Precision Clock MSF radio receiver.
It is still very beta- maybe even alpha-ish but it won't kill your
computer or clock.

Folkert van Heusden

To MultiTail einai ena polymorfiko ergaleio gia ta logfiles kai tin
eksodo twn entolwn. Prosferei: filtrarisma, xrwmatismo, sygxwneysi,
diaforetikes provoles.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] ntp on AIX LPAR/DPAR?

2007-12-16 Thread Folkert van Heusden

Anyone running NTPd on an AIX system in an LPAR/DPAR?
What are your experiences with this?

Folkert van Heusden

Multitail es una herramienta flexible que permite visualizar los log
file y seguir la ejecución de comandos. Permite filtrar, añadir
colores, combinar archivos, la visualización de diferencias (diff-
view), etc.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] packet: pad header 020 / Leap not in sync

2007-09-18 Thread Folkert van Heusden
  My ntpd won't sync.
  - windows 2003 server as ntp server
  - vmware esx 3.0.2 server as ntp client
 Virtual machines are best left unsynchronised. The host will

This is not the virtual machine, it is the service console. And from
what I've heard it's neccessary to keep it synced.

Folkert van Heusden

To MultiTail einai ena polymorfiko ergaleio gia ta logfiles kai tin
eksodo twn entolwn. Prosferei: filtrarisma, xrwmatismo, sygxwneysi,
diaforetikes provoles.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
questions mailing list