[R] Wilcoxon test for mixed design (between-within subjects)

2005-01-24 Thread Marco Chiarandini

is there any extension of the pairwise Wilcoxon test to a dependent
samples layout with replicates (or, in other terms, a one-way layout
with blocking and replicates)?

The Wilcoxon method with matched pairs works for the case of dependent
samples with one observation per block, while the Mann-Whitney test
works for independent samples, thus one single block and replicated
observations. Is there a method which mixes this two cases considering a
depedent sample design in which each block has more than one
observation? I know it exists a Friedman test for this case but in the
Friedman test ranks are constructed considering all subjects jointly,
while in Wilcoxon only the pair of subject currently considered are
ranked, thus resulting in a more powerful test.

If no such method exists in R, I am anyway intersted in possible

Thank you for the consideration,



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[R] statistical test improvement of readability (was average disjunction)

2005-01-24 Thread Landini Massimiliano
Dear all ReadeRs
I was finding a quick method to improve test readability adding or constructing
(with your help) one or more function that allow what follow.

Please consider


Group.1 Trt Block   AD2DAT
1   12.5 1.68
22   2.5 0.24
3   3   2.5 0.16
4   4   2.5 0.12
5   5   2.5 0.33

So I'm thinking that was more readable something like one function that permit
me to juxtapose tiny letters when we are talking about .95 confidence level and
capital letters when we are talking about .99 confidence level so results will
be approx this

Group.1 Trt Block   AD2DAT  .95 .99
1   12.5 1.68   a   A
22   2.5 0.24   b   B
3   3   2.5 0.16b   B
4   4   2.5 0.12b   B
5   5   2.5 0.33b   B

Does anyone have suggestion???
Thanks in advance!!

Landini dr. Massimiliano
Tel. mob. (+39) 347 140 11 94
Tel./Fax. (+39) 051 762 196
e-mail: numero (dot) primo (at) tele2 (dot) it
Legge di Hanggi: Più stupida è la tua ricerca, più verrà letta e approvata.
Corollario alla Legge di Hanggi: Più importante è la tua ricerca, meno verrà

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Re: [R] Plotting with Statistics::R, Perl/R

2005-01-24 Thread Tim Churches
Peter Dalgaard wrote:
d) Use bitmap(). It requires a working Ghostscript install, but is
otherwise much more convenient. Newer versions of Ghostscript have
some quite decent antialiasing built into some of the png devices.
Currently you need a small hack to pass the extra options to
Ghostscript -- we should probably add a gsOptions argument in due
course. This works for me on FC3 (Ghostscript 7.07):
mybitmap(file=foo.png, type=png16m, gsOptions= -dTextAlphaBits=4
-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 )
where mybitmap() is a modified bitmap() that just sticks the options
into the command line. There are definitely better ways...
[The antialiasing is not quite perfect. In particular, the axes stand
out from the box around plots, presumably because an additive model is
used (so that if you draw a line on top of itself, the result becomes
darker). Also, text gets a little muddy at the default 9pt @ 72dpi, so
you probably want to increase the pointsize or the resolution.]

Apart from the significant quality issues which you mention, the other 
problem with using bitmap() in a Web server environment is the speed 
issue - it takes much longer to produce the output. Whether it takes too 
long depends on the users of your Web application, and how many 
simultaneous users there are. However, most users are more worried by 
the poor quality of the fonts in output produced by bitmap().

Tim C
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[R] printing PCA scores

2005-01-24 Thread Jérôme Lemaître
Hey folks,

I have an environmental dataset on which I conducted a PCA (prcomp) and I
need the scores of this PCA for each site (=each row) to conduct further

Can you please help me with that?

Thanks a lot

Jérôme Lemaître

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[R] survreg: fitting different location parameters

2005-01-24 Thread Hadassa Brunschwig
Hi R-Help!

My question: I have lifetime/failure data of machines with different
stress levels and i think an weibull/extreme value distribution would
fit this data. So I did:

model1  - survreg(Surv(lfailure)~stress,data=steel,dist=extreme)

(where lfailure=log(failure))

Now I would like to do a likelihood ratio test to test the hypothesis 

H0: location parameters of the extreme value distribution are equal
for each stress level.

So in order to perform the likelihood ratio test I need the likelood
of the model under

HA: location parameters are not equal (i.e. each stress level has its
slope and intercept).

How can I do this? 

Thanks for any help!


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] scan command

2005-01-24 Thread Olivia Fant
I am using the scan command to read a file I called data1.  The program returns
   Error in file(file,r) : unable to open connection In addition:
   Warning message: cannot open file 'data1'
I already checked to see if the starting directory in R was correct and it is.
Also, the file opens ok from its directory so it isn't corrupted.
Does someone have an idea?

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[R] comparing glmmPQL models

2005-01-24 Thread Christoph Scherber
Dear R users,

Is there a way to compare glmmPQL models differing in their fixed-effects
structure (similar to the ANOVA approach in lme) ?

Thank you very much for your help!

This mail was sent through http://webmail.uni-jena.de

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[R] survreg: fitting different location parameters

2005-01-24 Thread h . brunschwig
Hi R-Help!

My question: I have lifetime/failure data of machines with different
stress levels and i think an weibull/extreme value distribution would
fit this data. So I did:

model1  - survreg(Surv(lfailure)~stress,data=steel,dist=extreme)

(where lfailure=log(failure))

Now I would like to do a likelihood ratio test to test the hypothesis

H0: location parameters of the extreme value distribution are equal
for each stress level.

So in order to perform the likelihood ratio test I need the likelood
of the model under

HA: location parameters are not equal (i.e. each stress level has its
slope and intercept).

How can I do this?

Thanks for any help!


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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Re: [R] Hardware Suggestions

2005-01-24 Thread Roger D. Peng
We've been running servers with AMD Opterons (both duals and 4-ways) using SuSE
SLES 8 and Fedora Core 2 and 3 (64 bit).  All work well and R can access up to
~15GB of RAM on our 4-way machine (which has 16GB installed).  One of the Red
Hat Enterprise Linux versions comes with a buggy compiler but I can't remember
which version (there is some discussion on the R-devel mailing list archives).
Watch out for that.  I think using gcc 3.4.x solves that problem.
R pretty much compiles out of the box on AMD Opteron/Fedora Core 3 (64-bit) 
Linux.  We've been very happy with our R experience so far.

Jon Dressel wrote:
We are currently running R under Windows 2000 on a server box running with 2
1.2 GHZ Intel Pentium III Processors.  We would like to run this on a new
computer running Linux and receive a significant speed increase over our
current implementation.   Could anyone provide some suggestions for a fast 64
BIT Intel based processor computer with a  recommendation  for memory and
speed/type/number of processors.  Also which version of R would install
out-of-the-box easily on this computer and what version of Linux should be
used?  Thanks in advance for any help.
Jon Dressel, MCSE MCSA MCP A+?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office /
Applications Supervisor
SurroMed, Inc.
1430 O'Brien Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: 650.470.2322
Fax: 650.470.2400
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[R] error preparing a package for lazy loading with R CMD

2005-01-24 Thread Patrick Giraudoux H
Dear Lister,
I  work with R 2.0.1 and Windows XP, and meet a strange trouble trying to 
make a R package with a make-package.bat file John Fox has kindly provided 
(see detailed script below). I am working with it since some months with 
excellent results (I do'nt use compiled C code so far). Just adding a new 
function in the R directory today, when running make-package and thus 
excuting the command ..\..\bin\R CMD build --force --binary --auto-zip 
%1,  I got the following message after the compile stage, preparing the 
package for lazy loading :

preparing package pgirmess for lazy loading
Error in names-.default(`*tmp*`, value =c(R, Platform, Date, :
names attribute[4] must be the same length as the vector [1]
Execution halted
make: ***[lazyload] Error 1
*** Installation of pgirmess failed ***
(pgirmess is the package name)
... and the zip file is not generated.
I have checked and rechecked everything during this (long) afternoon... and 
get nothing except that if I drag out any of the *.r file of the R folder, 
everything comes to be OK (except the function that has been dragged out is 
missing...). It looks like if having added one extra function in the R 
folder on the top of the earlier 32 (+ 2 data frames) makes problem.

I have then consulted John Fox offlist and he seems quite perplexed I'm 
not sure why you're experiencing this problem. On his advise I have 
included LazyLoad: no in the package description file. In this case 
everything goes smoothly then (except LazyLoad will not be activated), the 
zip file is generated and the package can be installed from R.

Has anybody an idea about why a problem occurs when preparing the package 
for lazy loading? Any remedy?

Kind regards,
Make-Package script:
cd c:\R\rw2001\src\library
del %1\INDEX
del %1\data\00Index
del %1\chm\*.* /Q
..\..\bin\R CMD build --force --binary --auto-zip %1
..\..\bin\R CMD build --force %1
..\..\bin\R CMD check %1
cd %1.Rcheck
dvipdfm %1-manual
notepad 00check.log
cd ..
cd ..

To: 'Patrick Giraudoux H' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [R] writing a simple package in R 2.0 under Windows XP
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 11:41:25 -0500
X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook, Build 11.0.6353
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by 
utinam.univ-fcomte.fr id j0NGfJoD011345

Dear Patrick,
I'm not sure why you're experiencing this problem.
Two suggestions: (1) Since the problem appears to be with preparing the
package for lazy loading, try adding the directive LazyLoad: no (without
the quotes) to the package's DESCRIPTION file. (2) Rather than using my
batch file, run the commands one at a time to see exactly where the problem
is produced; then you could send a message to r-help.
I hope this helps,
R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] survreg: fitting different location parameters

2005-01-24 Thread h . brunschwig
Hi R-Help! 

My question: I have lifetime/failure data of machines with different 
stress levels and i think an weibull/extreme value distribution would 
fit this data. So I did: 

model1  - survreg(Surv(lfailure)~stress,data=steel,dist=extreme) 

(where lfailure=log(failure)) 

Now I would like to do a likelihood ratio test to test the hypothesis 

H0: location parameters of the extreme value distribution are equal 
for each stress level. 

So in order to perform the likelihood ratio test I need the likelood 
of the model under 

HA: location parameters are not equal (i.e. each stress level has its 
slope and intercept). 

How can I do this? 

Thanks for any help! 


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[R] read data from a file and vector expansion

2005-01-24 Thread Cuichang Zhao
if i need to read data from a file one line and one how can do?
I am using lines - (input.txt)
so that now the variable lines holds all the data in my file and i am using for 
loop to loop each 
lines[i] to get each line. 
for exmaple, right now my lines[i] = 1 2 3 44  54 23 24
I am wonder how can i get each integer from ines[i], and how can i put each 
ingeter into a vector so that my vector i can hold all the data i want. 
I was thinking using a table to hold my data, but right now i think it is 
impossible because my data file is not in good table format, also my data file 
is too long which is about 60,000 pages. 
the second question is that: 
i want to declare some vectors to hold the data that I read from the file, so 
when i read one data from the file then i add one to the vectors. 
Example, if right now I have a vector called v - (10 3 8 5 9), then i have a 
data 23 from the file, how i can add 23 to the vector without changing or 
deleting the previous data in my vector. 
Thank you so much for all your help.
Jan 23, 2005


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[R] How to use identify

2005-01-24 Thread David Parkhurst
I can't get identify to work, using R 2.0.1 under windows xp pro, 
service pack 2.  Here's what I enter, and the result:

 plot((our.frame2$c1),(our.frame2$c9))  # Produces desired plot
 identify(our.frame2$c1) # Plot comes to forefront, so I select a point
warning: no point with 0.25 inches
Is my call to identify correct?  The help page for indentify (from 
?identify) doesn't give any examples, so I don't know what the x 
should be.  I right click right on top of one of the points, then left 
click and select stop.

Thanks for any help.
Dave Parkhurst
R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] package dependency error on loading lme4

2005-01-24 Thread duncan . mackay

Hi all,
I recently (today) updated the Matrix package and installed the latticeExtra
package, but then when I tried to load the lme4 package, I got the following
error message:-

Loading required package: Matrix 
Loading required package: latticeExtra 
Error in importIntoEnv(impenv, impnames, ns, impvars) : 
object(s) '.__C__lmeRep' are not exported by 'namespace:Matrix' Error in
library(lme4) : package/namespace load failed for 'lme4'


I'm running R 2.0.1 under WinXP as follows
[1] i386-pc-mingw32

[1] i386

[1] mingw32

[1] i386, mingw32


[1] 2

[1] 0.1

[1] 2004

[1] 11

[1] 15

[1] R

Cheers, Duncan

Dr. Duncan Mackay
School of Biological Sciences
Flinders University
GPO Box 2100

Ph (08) 8201 2627FAX (08) 8201 3015


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Re: [R] printing PCA scores

2005-01-24 Thread Jari Oksanen
On Sat, 2005-01-22 at 17:31 -0500, Jérôme Lemaître wrote:
 Hey folks,
 I have an environmental dataset on which I conducted a PCA (prcomp) and I
 need the scores of this PCA for each site (=each row) to conduct further
 Can you please help me with that?
Did you try help(prcomp) ?

It says that prcomp (may) return an item called 'x':

x: if 'retx' is true the value of the rotated data (the centred
  (and scaled if requested) data multiplied by the 'rotation'
  matrix) is returned.

[non-matching parentheses in the original help file]

So this is what you asked for.

cheers, jari oksanen


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Re: [R] scan command

2005-01-24 Thread Petr Pikal
Hi Olivia

On 22 Jan 2005 at 20:55, Olivia Fant wrote:

 I am using the scan command to read a file I called data1.  The
 program returns
Error in file(file,r) : unable to open connection In
addition: Warning message: cannot open file 'data1'

I am not exactly sure but 

either your file is locked by some program

or your data1 has an extension which your OS (probably 
Windows) hides and which you need to use

or data1 is in different directory

Do you see it through choose.files() ?


 I already checked to see if the starting directory in R was correct
 and it is. Also, the file opens ok from its directory so it isn't
 corrupted. Does someone have an idea?
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 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Petr Pikal

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[R] mcnemar.test odds ratios, CI, etc.

2005-01-24 Thread Bliese, Paul D LTC USAMH
Does anyone know of another version of the Mcnemar test that provides:


1.  Odds Ratios

2.  95% Confidence intervals of the Odds Ratios

3.  Sample probability 

4.  95% Confidence intervals of the sample probability


Obviously the Odds Ratios and Sample probabilities are easy to calculate
from the contingency table, but I would appreciate any help on how to
calculate the confidence intervals.


Below is a simple example of the test, and the corresponding output with
the function mcnemar.test.




PLC50.T1 0   1  

   0 464  22

   1   6   1



McNemar's Chi-squared test with continuity correction


data:  xtabs(~PLC50.T1 + PLC50.T2, data = LANCET.DAT) 

McNemar's chi-squared = 8.0357, df = 1, p-value = 0.004586




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Re: [R] read data from a file and vector expansion

2005-01-24 Thread Petr Pikal

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Re: [R] How to use identify

2005-01-24 Thread Petr Pikal

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Re: [R] How to use identify

2005-01-24 Thread Tom Mulholland
Does this work for you?
x - runif(30)
y - runif(30)
z - 1:30
That is you need to tell it everything it is looking for. Sometimes x is 
boy x and y because they use xy.coords

David Parkhurst wrote:
I can't get identify to work, using R 2.0.1 under windows xp pro, 
service pack 2.  Here's what I enter, and the result:

  plot((our.frame2$c1),(our.frame2$c9))  # Produces desired plot
  identify(our.frame2$c1) # Plot comes to forefront, so I select a point
warning: no point with 0.25 inches
Is my call to identify correct?  The help page for indentify (from 
?identify) doesn't give any examples, so I don't know what the x 
should be.  I right click right on top of one of the points, then left 
click and select stop.

Thanks for any help.
Dave Parkhurst
R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

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Re: [R] How to use identify

2005-01-24 Thread Gavin Simpson
David Parkhurst wrote:
I can't get identify to work, using R 2.0.1 under windows xp pro, 
service pack 2.  Here's what I enter, and the result:

  plot((our.frame2$c1),(our.frame2$c9))  # Produces desired plot
  identify(our.frame2$c1) # Plot comes to forefront, so I select a point
warning: no point with 0.25 inches
Is my call to identify correct?  The help page for indentify (from 
?identify) doesn't give any examples, so I don't know what the x 
should be.  I right click right on top of one of the points, then left 
click and select stop.

Thanks for any help.
Dave Parkhurst
You forgot to pass in your y coordinates in your call to identify(). You 
can only leave off the y argument in certain circumstances (see ?identify)

Here's an example:
xdat - rnorm(10)
ydat - rnorm(10)
plot(xdat, ydat)
identify(xdat, ydat)
So you need:
plot(our.frame2$c1, our.frame2$c9) # you don't need the extra brackets
identify(our.frame2$c1, our.frame2$c9)
Gavin Simpson [T] +44 (0)20 7679 5522
ENSIS Research Fellow [F] +44 (0)20 7679 7565
ENSIS Ltd.  ECRC [E] gavin.simpsonATNOSPAMucl.ac.uk
UCL Department of Geography   [W] http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucfagls/cv/
26 Bedford Way[W] http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucfagls/
London.  WC1H 0AP.
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Re: [R] package dependency error on loading lme4

2005-01-24 Thread Uwe Ligges
Hi all,
I recently (today) updated the Matrix package and installed the latticeExtra
package, but then when I tried to load the lme4 package, I got the following
error message:-

Loading required package: Matrix 
Loading required package: latticeExtra 
Error in importIntoEnv(impenv, impnames, ns, impvars) : 
object(s) '.__C__lmeRep' are not exported by 'namespace:Matrix' Error in
library(lme4) : package/namespace load failed for 'lme4'
Confirmed. There are new versions of Matrix and lme4 in the sources area 
of CRAN. They will probably appear in the Windows repository within 24 
hours. Please check again with the new versions tomorrow.

Uwe Ligges

I'm running R 2.0.1 under WinXP as follows
[1] i386-pc-mingw32
[1] i386
[1] mingw32
[1] i386, mingw32
[1] 2
[1] 0.1
[1] 2004
[1] 11
[1] 15
[1] R
Cheers, Duncan
Dr. Duncan Mackay
School of Biological Sciences
Flinders University
GPO Box 2100
Ph (08) 8201 2627FAX (08) 8201 3015
R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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Re: [R] Wilcoxon test for mixed design (between-within subjects)

2005-01-24 Thread Christoph Buser
Hallo Marco

Marco Chiarandini writes:
  is there any extension of the pairwise Wilcoxon test to a dependent
  samples layout with replicates (or, in other terms, a one-way layout
  with blocking and replicates)?

There is always the possibility to summarize the replicates and
then calculate a common pairwise Wilcoxon test.

  The Wilcoxon method with matched pairs works for the case of dependent
  samples with one observation per block, while the Mann-Whitney test
  works for independent samples, thus one single block and replicated
  observations. Is there a method which mixes this two cases considering a
  depedent sample design in which each block has more than one
  observation? I know it exists a Friedman test for this case but in the
  Friedman test ranks are constructed considering all subjects jointly,
  while in Wilcoxon only the pair of subject currently considered are
  ranked, thus resulting in a more powerful test.

The Friedman test calculates the ranks inside of the blocks, for
each block separately and is not considering all subjects
In R implemented is the case with unreplicated blocked data, so
this doesn't help you. 

  If no such method exists in R, I am anyway intersted in possible

Look at:

 Myles Hollander  Douglas A. Wolfe (1999), _Nonparametric
 statistical methods_. New York: John Wiley  Sons. 

There you find the generalization of the replicated case, but
you have to implement it.


Christoph Buser

Christoph Buser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Seminar fuer Statistik, LEO C11
ETH (Federal Inst. Technology)  8092 Zurich  SWITZERLAND
phone: x-41-1-632-5414  fax: 632-1228

  Thank you for the consideration,
  R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
  PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

RE: [R] functions not found after installing DBI/RDBI packages

2005-01-24 Thread Combe, Colin
hi - thanks for the response,
I've changed to using the ODBC driver and MySQL as i didn't want to be tied to 
using linux, and it seems there is no easily installable version of the 
postgres driver for windows.

-Original Message-
From: Sean Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 21/01/2005 11:45
To: Combe, Colin
Cc: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: Re: [R] functions not found after installing DBI/RDBI packages

Rdbi provides generic methods for working with databases.  It requires 
a driver for a specific database, as well.  Therefore, you will need to 
download and install RdbiPgSQL, also.


On Jan 21, 2005, at 4:58 AM, Combe, Colin wrote:

 I would like to be able to use R with a connection to a PostgreSQL 
 database. I am using R 2.0.1 on windows XP. I have tried installing 
 both the DBI and rDBI packages (which is better?) but in either case I 
 run into the same problem - when i try to use either the dbDriver or 
 dbConnect functions i'm told the function couldn't be found. Seems 
 like the packages aren't installing properly. I installed DBI from a 
 zip file and rDBI from bioconductor.

 Any clues as to where i'm going wrong?


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Re: [R] Wilcoxon test for mixed design (between-within subjects)

2005-01-24 Thread Marco Chiarandini
Hallo Christoph,

 There is always the possibility to summarize the replicates and
 then calculate a common pairwise Wilcoxon test.

mmmh, in this case I prefer the Friedman test, I would like not to loose
any data.

 The Friedman test calculates the ranks inside of the blocks, for
 each block separately and is not considering all subjects

true, but it considers all the treatments together, while Wilcoxon works
per pairs of treatments within the blocks.

 In R implemented is the case with unreplicated blocked data, so
 this doesn't help you.

   If no such method exists in R, I am anyway intersted in possible

 Look at:

  Myles Hollander  Douglas A. Wolfe (1999), _Nonparametric
  statistical methods_. New York: John Wiley  Sons.

 There you find the generalization of the replicated case, but
 you have to implement it.

I already implemented the Friedman test for the replicated case although
taken from Conover 1999 _Practical non parametric statistics_. I hope it
is the same. My interest in a Wilcoxon procedure is due to the fact that
according to Hsu 1996 _Multiple comparisons_ the Friedman test is not
recommended for multiple comparisons becasue it has been shown that it
is not a confident method (the actual alpha value is greater).



Marco Chiarandini, Fachgebiet Intellektik, Fachbereich Informatik,
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Hochschulstraße 10,
D-64289 Darmstadt - Germany, Office: S2/02 Raum E312
Tel: +49.(0)6151.166802 Fax: +49.(0)6151.165326
web page: http://www.intellektik.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/~machud

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Re: [R] How to use identify

2005-01-24 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On Sun, 23 Jan 2005 18:35:00 -0500, David Parkhurst

I can't get identify to work, using R 2.0.1 under windows xp pro, 
service pack 2.  Here's what I enter, and the result:

  plot((our.frame2$c1),(our.frame2$c9))  # Produces desired plot
  identify(our.frame2$c1) # Plot comes to forefront, so I select a point
warning: no point with 0.25 inches

Is my call to identify correct?  The help page for indentify (from 
?identify) doesn't give any examples, so I don't know what the x 
should be.  I right click right on top of one of the points, then left 
click and select stop.

You want to give both x and y coordinates to identify(), matching the
points you plotted, e.g.. change your example to

 plot((our.frame2$c1),(our.frame2$c9))  # Produces desired plot
 identify(our.frame2$c1, our.frame2$c9) # Give the same coords

Duncan Murdoch

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Re: [R] mcnemar.test odds ratios, CI, etc.

2005-01-24 Thread Peter Dalgaard
Bliese, Paul D LTC USAMH [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Does anyone know of another version of the Mcnemar test that provides:
 1.  Odds Ratios
 2.  95% Confidence intervals of the Odds Ratios
 3.  Sample probability 
 4.  95% Confidence intervals of the sample probability
 Obviously the Odds Ratios and Sample probabilities are easy to calculate
 from the contingency table, but I would appreciate any help on how to
 calculate the confidence intervals.
 Below is a simple example of the test, and the corresponding output with
 the function mcnemar.test.
 PLC50.T1 0   1  
0 464  22
1   6   1
 McNemar's Chi-squared test with continuity correction
 data:  xtabs(~PLC50.T1 + PLC50.T2, data = LANCET.DAT) 
 McNemar's chi-squared = 8.0357, df = 1, p-value = 0.004586

What is the sample probability in this context? The odds ratio is a
simple functional of the off-diagonal elements, and the conditional
distribution of those given their sum is just a binomial, so you can
use prop.test or binom.test to get estimate and confidence intervals
for the probability parameter and convert that to odds.



1-sample proportions test with continuity correction

data:  6 out of 28, null probability 0.5
X-squared = 8.0357, df = 1, p-value = 0.004586
alternative hypothesis: true p is not equal to 0.5
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.09027927 0.41462210
sample estimates:

 ci.p - prop.test(22,28)$conf
 ci.odds - ci.p/(1-ci.p)
[1]  1.411835 10.076740
[1] 0.95
 ci.p - binom.test(22,28)$conf
 ci.odds - ci.p/(1-ci.p)
[1]  1.441817 11.053913
[1] 0.95

   O__   Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3  
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N   
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark  Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~ - ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) FAX: (+45) 35327907

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Re: [R] survreg: fitting different location parameters

2005-01-24 Thread Göran Broström
On Sun, Jan 23, 2005 at 03:10:18PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi R-Help! 
 My question: I have lifetime/failure data of machines with different 
 stress levels and i think an weibull/extreme value distribution would 
 fit this data. So I did: 
 model1  - survreg(Surv(lfailure)~stress,data=steel,dist=extreme) 
 (where lfailure=log(failure)) 
 Now I would like to do a likelihood ratio test to test the hypothesis 
 H0: location parameters of the extreme value distribution are equal 
 for each stress level. 
 So in order to perform the likelihood ratio test I need the likelood 
 of the model under 
 HA: location parameters are not equal (i.e. each stress level has its 
 slope and intercept). 
 How can I do this? 

Stratify on stress level. 
 Göran Broströmtel: +46 90 786 5223
 Department of Statistics  fax: +46 90 786 6614
 Umeå University   http://www.stat.umu.se/egna/gb/
 SE-90187 Umeå, Sweden e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[R] limma ref

2005-01-24 Thread Josephine
I have a question about limma.
I have data from spotted arrays. 
 I have class A and Class B on the same slide. In Limma if I put class 
A as the reference (ref), are the list of genes I get in the output for class A 
class B?

#design - modelMatrix(targets, ref=classA)

Josephine Brennan

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Re: [R] printing PCA scores

2005-01-24 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Mon, 24 Jan 2005, Jari Oksanen wrote:
On Sat, 2005-01-22 at 17:31 -0500, Jérôme Lemaître wrote:
Hey folks,
I have an environmental dataset on which I conducted a PCA (prcomp) and I
need the scores of this PCA for each site (=each row) to conduct further
Can you please help me with that?
Did you try help(prcomp) ?
It says that prcomp (may) return an item called 'x':
x: if 'retx' is true the value of the rotated data (the centred
 (and scaled if requested) data multiplied by the 'rotation'
 matrix) is returned.
[non-matching parentheses in the original help file]
What `non-matching parentheses'?  Try counting them: two ( and two )!
Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595__
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[R] CIS inquiries

2005-01-24 Thread roger koenker
Does anyone have an automated way to make Current Index to Statistics
inquiries from R, or from the Unix command line?  I thought it might be
convenient to have something like this for occasions in which I'm in a
foreign domain and would like to make inquires on my office machine
without firing up a full fledged browser.  Lynx is ok for this purpose, 
but it
might be nice to have something more specifically designed for CIS.

url:www.econ.uiuc.edu/~rogerRoger Koenker
email   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Department of Economics
vox:217-333-4558University of Illinois
fax:217-244-6678Champaign, IL 61820
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[R] lme and varFunc()

2005-01-24 Thread Christoph Scherber
Dear R users,
I am currently analyzing a dataset using lme(). The model I use has the 
following structure:

When I plot the residuals against the fitted values, I see a clear 
positive trend (meaning that the variance increases with the mean).

I tried to solve this issue using weights=varPower(), but it doesn´t 
change the residual plot at all.

How would you implement such a positive trend in the variance? I´ve 
tried glmmPQL (which works great with poisson errors), but using glmmPQL 
I can´t do model simplification.

Many thanks for your help!
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[R] several boxplots or bwplots into one graphic

2005-01-24 Thread Christoph Lehmann
I have 10 variables and 2 groups. I know how to plot a bwplot for ONE 
var. e.g.

var.a var.b var.c .. GROUP
0.2   0.5   0.2   .. 0
0.3   0.2   0.2   .. 0
0.1   0.8   0.7   .. 1
0.5   0.5   0.1   .. 1
bwplot(var.a ~ GROUP, data = my.data)
How can I plot 10 bwplots (or boxplots) automatically into one graphic? 
is there any function from lattice which can do this?

thanks for a short hint
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RE: [R] error preparing a package for lazy loading with R CMD

2005-01-24 Thread Liaw, Andy
Not sure if this will help, but have you tried loading the package after
install with no lazyload?   I've found that if there are syntax errors in
the R source, that can give the problem you described.  Just a guess.


 From: Patrick Giraudoux H
 Dear Lister,
 I  work with R 2.0.1 and Windows XP, and meet a strange 
 trouble trying to 
 make a R package with a make-package.bat file John Fox has 
 kindly provided 
 (see detailed script below). I am working with it since some 
 months with 
 excellent results (I do'nt use compiled C code so far). Just 
 adding a new 
 function in the R directory today, when running make-package and thus 
 excuting the command ..\..\bin\R CMD build --force --binary 
 %1,  I got the following message after the compile stage, 
 preparing the 
 package for lazy loading :
 preparing package pgirmess for lazy loading
 Error in names-.default(`*tmp*`, value =c(R, Platform, 
 Date, :
  names attribute[4] must be the same length as the vector [1]
 Execution halted
 make: ***[lazyload] Error 1
 *** Installation of pgirmess failed ***
 (pgirmess is the package name)
 ... and the zip file is not generated.
 I have checked and rechecked everything during this (long) 
 afternoon... and 
 get nothing except that if I drag out any of the *.r file of 
 the R folder, 
 everything comes to be OK (except the function that has been 
 dragged out is 
 missing...). It looks like if having added one extra function 
 in the R 
 folder on the top of the earlier 32 (+ 2 data frames) makes problem.
 I have then consulted John Fox offlist and he seems quite 
 perplexed I'm 
 not sure why you're experiencing this problem. On his advise I have 
 included LazyLoad: no in the package description file. In this case 
 everything goes smoothly then (except LazyLoad will not be 
 activated), the 
 zip file is generated and the package can be installed from R.
 Has anybody an idea about why a problem occurs when preparing 
 the package 
 for lazy loading? Any remedy?
 Kind regards,
 Make-Package script:
 cd c:\R\rw2001\src\library
 del %1\INDEX
 del %1\data\00Index
 del %1\chm\*.* /Q
 ..\..\bin\R CMD build --force --binary --auto-zip %1
 ..\..\bin\R CMD build --force %1
 ..\..\bin\R CMD check %1
 cd %1.Rcheck
 dvipdfm %1-manual
 notepad 00check.log
 cd ..
 cd ..
 To: 'Patrick Giraudoux H' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: [R] writing a simple package in R 2.0 under Windows XP
 Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 11:41:25 -0500
 X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook, Build 11.0.6353
 X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by 
 utinam.univ-fcomte.fr id j0NGfJoD011345
 Dear Patrick,
 I'm not sure why you're experiencing this problem.
 Two suggestions: (1) Since the problem appears to be with 
 preparing the
 package for lazy loading, try adding the directive 
 LazyLoad: no (without
 the quotes) to the package's DESCRIPTION file. (2) Rather 
 than using my
 batch file, run the commands one at a time to see exactly 
 where the problem
 is produced; then you could send a message to r-help.
 I hope this helps,
 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

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Re: [R] functions not found after installing DBI/RDBI packages

2005-01-24 Thread Sean Davis
RE: [R] functions not found after installing DBI/RDBI packagesColin,

There is an ODBC driver for postgres and there is a binary installer for 
postgres, just in case you want to use postgres.  I think both are available at 
http://www.postgresql.org.  If all you are doing is storing and retrieving 
data, then mysql will more than suffice.  However, it you want to use foreign 
keys, any stored procedures, etc., you will need postgres.  I started out using 
mysql but have moved to postgres for everything that I can (all my own work), 
but that is a topic for another list on another day.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Combe, Colin 
  To: Sean Davis 
  Cc: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch 
  Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 6:13 AM
  Subject: RE: [R] functions not found after installing DBI/RDBI packages

  hi - thanks for the response,
  I've changed to using the ODBC driver and MySQL as i didn't want to be tied 
to using linux, and it seems there is no easily installable version of the 
postgres driver for windows.

  -Original Message-
  From: Sean Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Fri 21/01/2005 11:45
  To: Combe, Colin
  Cc: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
  Subject: Re: [R] functions not found after installing DBI/RDBI packages


  Rdbi provides generic methods for working with databases.  It requires
  a driver for a specific database, as well.  Therefore, you will need to
  download and install RdbiPgSQL, also.


  On Jan 21, 2005, at 4:58 AM, Combe, Colin wrote:

   I would like to be able to use R with a connection to a PostgreSQL
   database. I am using R 2.0.1 on windows XP. I have tried installing
   both the DBI and rDBI packages (which is better?) but in either case I
   run into the same problem - when i try to use either the dbDriver or
   dbConnect functions i'm told the function couldn't be found. Seems
   like the packages aren't installing properly. I installed DBI from a
   zip file and rDBI from bioconductor.
   Any clues as to where i'm going wrong?
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   R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
   PLEASE do read the posting guide!

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Re: [R] an R script editor for Mac

2005-01-24 Thread Martin Maechler
 TomH == Thomas Schönhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on Fri, 21 Jan 2005 23:21:30 +0100 writes:

TomH Hello,
TomH Am Freitag, den 21.01.2005, 06:39 -0500 schrieb Sean Davis:
 Consider using ESS and xemacs or emacs.  You get syntax highlighting, 
 auto-indent, command auto-complete, transcripts for your session, 
 integrated help, and the tools of one of the most powerful text editors 
 on the planet.  The learning curve is a bit steep, but if you use R 
 much, it is worth it.

TomH Yes, definitely. I'd like to add that there is an exellent ref-card
TomH regarding the Emacs/ESS duo that may smoothing the learning curve a 
TomH Don't remember the right place to fetch from

From the ESS page, http://ESS.r-project.org/ 
last line in the list.

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Re: [R] several boxplots or bwplots into one graphic

2005-01-24 Thread Chuck Cleland
  Your variables (var.*) seem to be on the same scale.  How about 
reshaping the data into a univariate layout and then using bwplot as 

mydata - data.frame(ID = 1:20, A = runif(20), B = runif(20),
 C = runif(20), GROUP = rep(c(0,1), c(10,10)))
mydata.uni - reshape(mydata, varying = list(c(A, B, C)),
  v.names = Y, timevar = VAR, times = c(A,
  B, C), direction = long)
bwplot(Y ~ as.factor(GROUP) | VAR, data = mydata.uni, layout=c(3,1,1),
hope this helps,
Chuck Cleland
Christoph Lehmann wrote:
I have 10 variables and 2 groups. I know how to plot a bwplot for ONE 
var. e.g.

var.a var.b var.c .. GROUP
0.2   0.5   0.2   .. 0
0.3   0.2   0.2   .. 0
0.1   0.8   0.7   .. 1
0.5   0.5   0.1   .. 1
bwplot(var.a ~ GROUP, data = my.data)
How can I plot 10 bwplots (or boxplots) automatically into one graphic? 
is there any function from lattice which can do this?

thanks for a short hint
R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

Chuck Cleland, Ph.D.
NDRI, Inc.
71 West 23rd Street, 8th floor
New York, NY 10010
tel: (212) 845-4495 (Tu, Th)
tel: (732) 452-1424 (M, W, F)
fax: (917) 438-0894
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[R] parameter couldn't be set in high-level plot() function

2005-01-24 Thread R user

Dear R users,

I am using function bandplot from the gplots package.
To my understanding (viewing the source of bandplot) it calls
function plot (add = FALSE) with the same parameters (except for a few

I would like to give extra parameters 'xlab' and 'ylab' to function
bandplot, but, as can be seen below, that raises warnings (and the
labels do not show up at the end).

It does work to call title(... xlab=blah, ylab=foo) after bandplot
(), but then I have two labels on top of each other, which is even more

Can anyone explain me why this goes wrong?

Thanks in advance,

 x11() ; bandplot(x=xdata, y=zdata)

[works fine]

 x11() ; bandplot(x=xdata, y=zdata, xlab=blah, ylab=foo)
There were 22 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
Warning messages:
1: parameter xlab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
2: parameter ylab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
3: parameter xlab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
4: parameter ylab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
5: parameter xlab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
6: parameter ylab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
7: parameter xlab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
8: parameter ylab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
9: parameter xlab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
10: parameter ylab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
11: parameter xlab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
12: parameter ylab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
13: parameter xlab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
14: parameter ylab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
15: parameter xlab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
16: parameter ylab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
17: parameter xlab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
18: parameter ylab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
19: parameter xlab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
20: parameter ylab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
21: parameter xlab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
22: parameter ylab couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
There were 22 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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Re: [R] How to use identify --- Summary

2005-01-24 Thread David Parkhurst
I asked why my call to identify wasnt working.  Thanks to Petr Pikal, 
Tom Mulholland, Gavin Simpson, and Duncan Murdoch for explaining that I 
had misinterpreted the ?identify help page, and that I needed to feed 
both the x and y vectors in the plot to identify().  Its working fine 
for me now.

Dave Parkhurst
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[R] proj() function for lm objects

2005-01-24 Thread Piet van Remortel
Dear all,

I'm trying to find a clear explanation of what the 'proj(lm)' function 
produces after having fit a linear model using 'lm'.   I find the help 
page on the proj() function highly unclear (surely part to my limited 
knowledge of statistics).  Can anybody provide a pointer to a clearer 
explanation, preferable containing some examples of the calculations 
involved ?  More particularly, I am interested in the relation between 
the coefficients produced by the 'coef()' function on an 'lm' object, 
and the corresponding projections.



Piet van Remortel
Intelligent Systems Lab
University of Antwerp

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[R] using eval() with pre-built expression inside function

2005-01-24 Thread Heather Turner
I'm trying to evaluate a pre-built expression using eval(), e.g.

dataset - data.frame(y = runif(30, 50,100), x = gl(5, 6))

# one like this
mf - expression(model.frame(y~x))
eval(mf, dataset, parent.frame())

# rather than this
eval(expression(model.frame(y~x)), dataset, parent.frame())

In the example above there is no problem, the problem comes when I try to do a 
similar thing within a function, e.g.

f1 - function(formula, data) {
mt - terms(formula)
mf - as.expression(as.call(c(as.name(model.frame), formula = mt)))
eval(mf, data, parent.frame())

 f1(formula = y ~ x, data = dataset)
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Object y not found

I can get round this by building a call to eval using paste, e.g.

f2 - function(formula, data) {
mt - terms(formula)
mf - as.expression(as.call(c(as.name(model.frame), formula = mt)))
direct - parse(text = paste(eval(expression(, mf,
   ), data, parent.frame(

 f2(formula = y ~ x, data = dataset)
expression(eval(expression(model.frame(formula = y ~ x)), data, 
  y x
1  92.23087 1
2  63.43658 1
3  55.24448 1
4  72.75650 1
5  67.58781 1

but this seems rather convoluted. Can anyone explain why f1 doesn't work (when 
f2 does) and/or suggest a neater way of dealing with this?



Mrs H Turner
Research Assistant
Dept. of Statistics
University of Warwick

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Re: [R] an R script editor for Mac

2005-01-24 Thread Paul Roebuck
Jacques VESLOT wrote:

 Could someone please make me know if there is a nice script editor available
 under Mac, similar to Crimson, that offers R syntax highlighting (and pairs
 of parentheses underlining) ?

Did you look into BareBone's TextWrangler, 'BBEdit Lite' replacement?
It's now available as free (as in beer) download for 10.3.5+.

I created a quick version of the Codeless Language Module for R
but it's lacking at the moment.

SIGSIG -- signature too long (core dumped)

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Re: [R] using eval() with pre-built expression inside function

2005-01-24 Thread Roger D. Peng
If you look at the beginning of lm(), you'll see that match.call() is 
used and name of the function (in this case f1) is replaced with 
model.frame.  Does something like this work?

f1 - function(formula, data) {
mf - match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
mf[[1]] - as.name(model.frame)
eval(mf, parent.frame())
Heather Turner wrote:
I'm trying to evaluate a pre-built expression using eval(), e.g.
dataset - data.frame(y = runif(30, 50,100), x = gl(5, 6))
# one like this
mf - expression(model.frame(y~x))
eval(mf, dataset, parent.frame())
# rather than this
eval(expression(model.frame(y~x)), dataset, parent.frame())
In the example above there is no problem, the problem comes when I try to do a 
similar thing within a function, e.g.
f1 - function(formula, data) {
mt - terms(formula)
mf - as.expression(as.call(c(as.name(model.frame), formula = mt)))
eval(mf, data, parent.frame())

f1(formula = y ~ x, data = dataset)
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Object y not found
I can get round this by building a call to eval using paste, e.g.
f2 - function(formula, data) {
mt - terms(formula)
mf - as.expression(as.call(c(as.name(model.frame), formula = mt)))
direct - parse(text = paste(eval(expression(, mf,
   ), data, parent.frame(

f2(formula = y ~ x, data = dataset)
expression(eval(expression(model.frame(formula = y ~ x)), data, 
  y x
1  92.23087 1
2  63.43658 1
3  55.24448 1
4  72.75650 1
5  67.58781 1

but this seems rather convoluted. Can anyone explain why f1 doesn't work (when 
f2 does) and/or suggest a neater way of dealing with this?
Mrs H Turner
Research Assistant
Dept. of Statistics
University of Warwick
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Roger D. Peng
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RE: [R] proj() function for lm objects

2005-01-24 Thread John Fox
Dear Piet,

You'll find more of an explanation in Sec. 5.3.3 of Chambers and Hastie,
eds., Statistical Models in S.

Briefly, proj() computes the orthogonal projections of the response (y)
sequentially onto the subspaces spanned by columns of the model matrix (X)
corresponding to terms in the model. Consequently, in a model in which the
first term is the constant, the first such projection is just the mean of
the response. Suppose the second term has just one degree of freedom; then
the second projection is of y minus its mean onto the second column of X
minus its mean. Each such projection is essentially residualized (both y and
X) for the preceding ones, and therefore the coefficients are for each term
in a sequential set of regressions, not the coefficients of the model as
whole (or of any particular such regression). The last projection is onto
the orthogonal complement of X and thus gives residuals for the model as a
whole. The sum of these projections is y.

I hope this helps,

John Fox
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario
Canada L8S 4M4

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Piet 
 van Remortel
 Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 10:16 AM
 To: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
 Subject: [R] proj() function for lm objects
 Dear all,
 I'm trying to find a clear explanation of what the 'proj(lm)' 
 produces after having fit a linear model using 'lm'.   I find 
 the help 
 page on the proj() function highly unclear (surely part to my 
 limited knowledge of statistics).  Can anybody provide a 
 pointer to a clearer explanation, preferable containing some 
 examples of the calculations involved ?  More particularly, I 
 am interested in the relation between the coefficients 
 produced by the 'coef()' function on an 'lm' object, and the 
 corresponding projections.
 Piet van Remortel
 Intelligent Systems Lab
 University of Antwerp
 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

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[R] converting R objects to C types in .Call

2005-01-24 Thread Faheem Mitha
Dear People,
I'm trying to write an R wrapper for a C++ library, using .Call. I've 
never used .Call before. I'm currently having some difficulties converting 
a R character string to a C one.

Here is a little test program.
#include R.h
#include Rinternals.h
#include stdio.h
SEXP testfn(SEXP chstr)
  char * charptr = CHAR(chstr);
  printf(%s, charptr);
This compiles without problems, but when I try to run this as
.Call(testfn, foo)
I get a segmentation fault.
I am sure I am making an obvious mistake, but can someone help me to sort 
it out? Thanks in advance. Please cc me, I'm not subscribed.

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Re: [R] converting R objects to C types in .Call

2005-01-24 Thread Barry Rowlingson
Faheem Mitha wrote:
SEXP testfn(SEXP chstr)
  char * charptr = CHAR(chstr);
  printf(%s, charptr);

I am sure I am making an obvious mistake, but can someone help me to 
sort it out? Thanks in advance. Please cc me, I'm not subscribed.

Firstly, R is expecting an SEXP as a return value! And secondly, your 
SEXP chstr is still a vector - so you need to get an element from it. If 
there's only one element, then that'll be the zeroth element. Here's my 

#include R.h
#include Rinternals.h
#include stdio.h
SEXP testfn(SEXP chstr)
  char * charptr = CHAR(VECTOR_ELT(chstr,0));
  printf(%s, charptr);
 - I'm just returning the same object back in the return() statement, 
and using VECTOR_ELT(chstr,0) to get to the 0'th element.

 SO in R:
  foo = .Call(testfn,fnord)
should print 'fnord' and return foo as fnord.
  foo = .Call(testfn,c(bar,baz))
will print 'bar' and return foo as c(bar,baz)
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Re: [R] converting R objects to C types in .Call

2005-01-24 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Mon, 24 Jan 2005, Faheem Mitha wrote:
I'm trying to write an R wrapper for a C++ library, using .Call. I've never 
used .Call before. I'm currently having some difficulties converting a R 
character string to a C one.

Here is a little test program.
#include R.h
#include Rinternals.h
#include stdio.h
SEXP testfn(SEXP chstr)
 char * charptr = CHAR(chstr);
CHAR(STRING_ELT(chstr, 0));
First you select the first element of the character vector, then select 
its contents as a C-level character array.

 printf(%s, charptr);
This compiles without problems, but when I try to run this as
.Call(testfn, foo)
I get a segmentation fault.
I am sure I am making an obvious mistake, but can someone help me to sort it 
out? Thanks in advance. Please cc me, I'm not subscribed.
Please read `Writing R Extensions' for more examples.
Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595
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RE: [R] which.pmin?

2005-01-24 Thread Huntsinger, Reid
That's what ifelse is for:

ifelse(fpr(b, k.floor)  fpr(b, k.ceiling), k.floor, k.ceiling)

Reid Huntsinger

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Seung Jun
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 5:27 PM
To: R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: [R] which.pmin?

I have two vectors (k.floor and k.ceiling) of integers of the same
length, and a function (fpr).

b - 10:40
k.floor - floor(log(2) * b)
k.ceiling - ceiling(log(2) * b)
fpr.floor - fpr(b, k.floor)
fpr.ceiling - fpr(b, k.ceiling)

If R had a element-wise ternary function, I'd like to do something like 

(fpr.floor  fpr.ceiling) ? k.floor : k.ceiling

That is, I'd like to go through the two vectors in parallel, picking
the one that returns the lower value of fpr. Failing to find such a
function, I wrote the following two lines:

ind - sapply(data.frame(rbind(fpr.floor,fpr.ceiling)), which.min)
opt.k - cbind(k.floor,k.ceiling)[1:length(ind)+length(ind)*(ind-1)]

opt.k is the vector I want, but I guess I abuse some functions here.
I'd like to ask the experts, What is the proper R-way to do this?

The API should be like which.pmin(FUN, X, Y, ...) that returns a
vector of the same length as X (and Y), provided that X, Y, ... have
the same length. Please fill the function body.


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Re: [R] converting R objects to C types in .Call

2005-01-24 Thread Faheem Mitha
Hi Barry,
Thanks for your reply.
On Mon, 24 Jan 2005, Barry Rowlingson wrote:
Firstly, R is expecting an SEXP as a return value!
I haven't found anything that says this explicitly, but it looks like 
.Call expects a SEXP to be returned to R. At any rate, trying to use void 
instead gives a segfault.

And secondly, your SEXP chstr is still a vector - so you need to get an 
element from it. If there's only one element, then that'll be the zeroth 
element. Here's my code:

#include R.h
#include Rinternals.h
#include stdio.h
SEXP testfn(SEXP chstr)
 char * charptr = CHAR(VECTOR_ELT(chstr,0));
 printf(%s, charptr);

- I'm just returning the same object back in the return() statement, and 
using VECTOR_ELT(chstr,0) to get to the 0'th element.

SO in R:
 foo = .Call(testfn,fnord)
should print 'fnord' and return foo as fnord.
 foo = .Call(testfn,c(bar,baz))
will print 'bar' and return foo as c(bar,baz)
Thanks for your help. That works fine.   Faheem.
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Re: [R] lme and varFunc()

2005-01-24 Thread Andrew Robinson
Dear Christoph,

what command are you using to plot the residuals?  If you use the
default residuals it will not reflect the variance model.  If you use
the argument


then you get the Pearson residuals, which will reflect the weights
model.  Try something like this:

plot(model, resid(., type = p) ~ fitted(.), abline = 0)

I hope that this helps,


On Mon, Jan 24, 2005 at 02:28:44PM +0100, Christoph Scherber wrote:
 Dear R users,
 I am currently analyzing a dataset using lme(). The model I use has the 
 following structure:
 When I plot the residuals against the fitted values, I see a clear 
 positive trend (meaning that the variance increases with the mean).
 I tried to solve this issue using weights=varPower(), but it doesn?t 
 change the residual plot at all.
 How would you implement such a positive trend in the variance? I?ve 
 tried glmmPQL (which works great with poisson errors), but using glmmPQL 
 I can?t do model simplification.
 Many thanks for your help!
 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

Andrew Robinson  Ph: 208 885 7115
Department of Forest Resources   Fa: 208 885 6226
University of Idaho  E : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PO Box 441133W : http://www.uidaho.edu/~andrewr
Moscow ID 83843  Or: http://www.biometrics.uidaho.edu
No statement above necessarily represents my employer's opinion.

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[R] Follow-up on nls convergence failure with SSfol

2005-01-24 Thread Douglas Bates
A couple of weeks ago there was a question regarding apparent 
convergence in nls when using the SSfol selfStart model for fitting a 
first-order pharmacokinetic model.  I can't manage to find the original 
message either in my archive or in the list archives but the data were

  time  conc dose
  0.50  5.401
  0.75 11.101
  1.00  8.401
  1.25 13.801
  1.50 15.501
  1.75 18.001
  2.00 17.001
  2.50 13.901
  3.00 11.201
  3.50  9.901
  4.00  4.701
  5.00  5.001
  6.00  1.901
  7.00  1.901
  9.00  1.101
 12.00  0.951
 14.00  0.461
and the attempted fit looked like
 nls(conc ~ SSfol(dose, time, lKe, lKa, lCl), testdat, trace = 1)
nls(conc ~ SSfol(dose, time, lKe, lKa, lCl), testdat, trace = 1)
99.15824 :  -1.2061792  0.1296156 -4.3020997
86.07567 :  -0.7053265 -0.3873204 -4.1278009
85.19743 :  -0.5548499 -0.5333776 -4.1173627
Error in nls(conc ~ SSfol(dose, time, lKe, lKa, lCl), testdat, trace = 1) :
step factor 0.000488281 reduced below `minFactor' of 0.000976562
If one allows much smaller step factors you can get more iterations but 
nls still doesn't converge.

It took me a long time to find out why.  The lack of convergence is 
related to the form of the SSfol model.  When the first two parameters 
(lKe and lKa) are equal the model degenerates to a different analytic 
form.  If you were to express the corresponding system of ordinary 
differential equations in the matrix form (as described in Appendix 5 of 
Bates and Watts (1988)), it would be a Schur triangular block and the 
special techniques for nondiagonalizable matrices, described in section 
A5.2 of that appendix, must be used.

The clue here is that the first two parameter values are getting very 
close to each other and this shows up as a singularity.  The fitted 
model is determined by two parameters, not three.

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[R] hist() and database

2005-01-24 Thread jcb
I'm a new R user and I'm having a little trouble getting started. I'm 
someone can help me out. I read numbers (integer) from a SQL database. 
Some calculations as mean()are possible but hist() give an error. Here 
are the commands:

Loading required package: DBI
 con - dbConnect(dbDriver(MySQL), dbname = test)
[1] individu
res - dbSendQuery(con,select taille from individu)
 data - fetch(res,-1)
1 184
2 175
3 189
4 173
5 169
6 175
7 164
8 190
9 174
Error in hist.default(data) : `x' must be numeric
What can I do to draw the histogram ?
Thanks for your time
JC Bartier
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Re: [R] hist() and database

2005-01-24 Thread Uwe Ligges
jcb wrote:
I'm a new R user and I'm having a little trouble getting started. I'm 
someone can help me out. I read numbers (integer) from a SQL database. 
Some calculations as mean()are possible but hist() give an error. Here 
are the commands:

Loading required package: DBI
  con - dbConnect(dbDriver(MySQL), dbname = test)
[1] individu
res - dbSendQuery(con,select taille from individu)
  data - fetch(res,-1)
1 184
2 175
3 189
4 173
5 169
6 175
7 164
8 190
9 174
Error in hist.default(data) : `x' must be numeric
What can I do to draw the histogram ?
data is a data.frame, instead use:
Uwe Ligges

Thanks for your time
JC Bartier
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[R] R 2.0.1 and Rggobi install issues on windows XP

2005-01-24 Thread Drew Balazs
Has anyone else ran into problems installing Rggobi with R 2.0.1 on a
windows platform? I've followed all the instructions available and I
still can not get R to recognize Rggobi as a library (package). I

I've already emailed Duncan Temple Lange at ggobi.org and bell labs
and both emails have bounced back.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

-Drew Balazs

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Re: [R] an R script editor for Mac

2005-01-24 Thread Rob J Goedman
There is also SubEthaEdit, quite an elegant editor with R/S syntax 
as 1 of the many available modes.

With AppleScript its easy to sent the edit window, a file, a selection 
etc. to R for

On Jan 24, 2005, at 8:41 AM, Paul Roebuck wrote:
Jacques VESLOT wrote:
Could someone please make me know if there is a nice script editor 
under Mac, similar to Crimson, that offers R syntax highlighting (and 
of parentheses underlining) ?
Did you look into BareBone's TextWrangler, 'BBEdit Lite' replacement?
It's now available as free (as in beer) download for 10.3.5+.
I created a quick version of the Codeless Language Module for R
but it's lacking at the moment.
SIGSIG -- signature too long (core dumped)
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[R] Deleted objects keep coming back

2005-01-24 Thread Ken Termiso
Having a very strange and frustrating problem with v2.0.1 under Mac OSX 
10.3. I have several closely related workspaces in the same directory that I 
need to keep separate from one another (there are a few objects common to 
all workspaces, and then there are other objects that store the results of 
different analyses on the common objects, which is why I need separate 

When I attempted to delete objects with rm() and then re-save the workspace, 
after quitting and restarting R, reloading the workspace, the objects were 
still present in the workspace (even though I'd deleted them).

So I deleted the objects again with rm() and also called gc(), and saved the 
workspace with a new name. I then quit R and reloaded the workspaces, and 
that seemed to work. The deleted objects stayed deleted.

But then an hour later, I came back and reloaded these workspaces, and the 
old objects which I'd deleted had come back again. This is really annoying 
and I feel like I'm losing my mind! I'm concerned that R is not accessing 
the directory properly, and may be reading one workspace file in place of 
another. This would completely jeopardize my work.

Please help!
Thanks in advance,
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RE: [R] Deleted objects keep coming back

2005-01-24 Thread Liaw, Andy
 From: Ken Termiso
 Having a very strange and frustrating problem with v2.0.1 
 under Mac OSX 
 10.3. I have several closely related workspaces in the same 
 directory that I 
 need to keep separate from one another (there are a few 
 objects common to 
 all workspaces, and then there are other objects that store 
 the results of 
 different analyses on the common objects, which is why I need 
 When I attempted to delete objects with rm() and then re-save 
 the workspace, 
 after quitting and restarting R, reloading the workspace, the 
 objects were 
 still present in the workspace (even though I'd deleted them).
 So I deleted the objects again with rm() and also called 
 gc(), and saved the 
 workspace with a new name. I then quit R and reloaded the 
 workspaces, and 
 that seemed to work. The deleted objects stayed deleted.
 But then an hour later, I came back and reloaded these 
 workspaces, and the 
 old objects which I'd deleted had come back again. This is 
 really annoying 
 and I feel like I'm losing my mind! I'm concerned that R is 
 not accessing 
 the directory properly, and may be reading one workspace file 
 in place of 
 another. This would completely jeopardize my work.
 Please help!
 Thanks in advance,

Are you sure the objects that won't go away are actually in the workspace
you think they're in?  What are the exact commands you used to check?  How
did you load the workspaces (the commands, please)?  Please show the exact
sequence of what you did and what you saw.


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[R] Re:[ R] Wilcoxon test for mixed deisgn

2005-01-24 Thread Cliff Lunneborg
Marco Chirandini writes:

is there any extension of the pairwise Wilcoxon test to a dependent
samples layout with replicates (or, in other terms, a one-way layout
with blocking and replicates)?

The Wilcoxon method with matched pairs works for the case of dependent
samples with one observation per block, while the Mann-Whitney test
works for independent samples, thus one single block and replicated
observations. Is there a method which mixes this two cases considering a
depedent sample design in which each block has more than one
observation? I know it exists a Friedman test for this case but in the
Friedman test ranks are constructed considering all subjects jointly,
while in Wilcoxon only the pair of subject currently considered are
ranked, thus resulting in a more powerful test.

It is my understanding that the Friedman test ranks responses within
each block, independently from block to block.

friedman.test() is an R function.

Cliff Lunneborg, Professor Emeritus, Statistics 
Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle

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[R] Job Opportunity: Senior Statistician CC 083

2005-01-24 Thread Don Alexander

Thanks for your time in reviewing the following role located in the RTP, NC

Our client is a drug development platform technology company whose
patent-pending intellectual property is poised to dramatically impact both
drug discovery and development processes by accurately measuring the
spectrum of biochemical changes and mapping these changes to metabolic

The ultimate benefit to the drug development process will be to identify
safer compounds for development, shorten the time for drugs to get to market
and identify diagnostic markers for earlier disease detection.   This
technology will increase the success rate, decrease the time to market and
stop development of products before critical investments are lost.

Our client is currently pioneering statistical methods for the analysis of
data and need a Ph. D. statistician with expertise in R, data mining (RPR,
PLS, etc) and some knowledge of DOE (for quality assurance). The candidate
should be able to independently develop novel statistical approaches to a
variety of data types and have a minimal of 5 years commercial industry
experience. The candidate should have excellent written and oral
communication skills, the ability to work in team settings, and be highly

Kind regards,


Don Alexander
Carlyle  Conlan
Director Biz Dev - Life Sciences
Phone: 919.474.0771 ext 105
Fax: 919.474.0682

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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[R] lookups and joins

2005-01-24 Thread Paul Sorenson
I have some data coming from SQL sources that I wish to relate in various ways. 
 For reasons only known to our IT people, this can't be done in SQL at present.

I am looking for an R'ish technique for looking up new columns on a data frame. 
 As a simple, hardwired example I have tried the following:

# This gives me two columns, one the lookup value and the second one
# the result column, ie my lookup table.
stcl = read.csv(stockclass.csv)
stockclass = as.vector(stcl$stock_class)
# This gives me what appears to be a dictionary or map
names(stockclass) = as.vector(stcl$stock_group)

getstockclass = function(stock_group) {
try(stockclass[[stock_group]], TRUE)
csg$stk_class=factor(sapply(csg$stock_group, getstockclass))

I need the try since if there is a missing value I get an exception.

I also tried something along the lines of (from memory):
getstockclass = function(stock_group) {
stcl[which(stcl$stock_group == stock_group),]$stock_class

These work but I just wanted to check if there was an inbuilt way to do this 
kind of thing in R?  I searched on join without much luck.

Really what I would like is a generic function that:
- Takes 2 data frames,
- Some kind of specification on which column(s) to join
- Outputs the joined frames, or perhaps a vector which is an index 
vector that I can use on the second data frame.

I don't really want to reinvent SQL and my data sets are not huge.


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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RE: [R] lookups and joins

2005-01-24 Thread michael watson \(IAH-C\)
All together now:



-Original Message-
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Paul Sorenson
Sent:   Mon 1/24/2005 10:34 PM
To: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject:[R] lookups and joins
I have some data coming from SQL sources that I wish to relate in various ways. 
 For reasons only known to our IT people, this can't be done in SQL at present.

I am looking for an R'ish technique for looking up new columns on a data frame. 
 As a simple, hardwired example I have tried the following:

# This gives me two columns, one the lookup value and the second one
# the result column, ie my lookup table.
stcl = read.csv(stockclass.csv)
stockclass = as.vector(stcl$stock_class)
# This gives me what appears to be a dictionary or map
names(stockclass) = as.vector(stcl$stock_group)

getstockclass = function(stock_group) {
try(stockclass[[stock_group]], TRUE)
csg$stk_class=factor(sapply(csg$stock_group, getstockclass))

I need the try since if there is a missing value I get an exception.

I also tried something along the lines of (from memory):
getstockclass = function(stock_group) {
stcl[which(stcl$stock_group == stock_group),]$stock_class

These work but I just wanted to check if there was an inbuilt way to do this 
kind of thing in R?  I searched on join without much luck.

Really what I would like is a generic function that:
- Takes 2 data frames,
- Some kind of specification on which column(s) to join
- Outputs the joined frames, or perhaps a vector which is an index 
vector that I can use on the second data frame.

I don't really want to reinvent SQL and my data sets are not huge.


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[R] Weighted.mean(x,wt) vs. t(x) %*% wt

2005-01-24 Thread Ranjan S. Muttiah
What is the difference between the above two operations ?

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Re: [R] animation without intermediate files?

2005-01-24 Thread Paul Murrell
Cari G Kaufman wrote:

Does anyone know how to make movies in R by making a sequence of plots?  
I'd like to animate a long trajectory for exploratory purposes only,
without creating a bunch of image files and then using another program to
string them together.  In Splus I would do this using double.buffer()  to
eliminate the flickering caused by replotting. For instance, with a 2-D
trajectory in vectors x and y I would use the following:

for (i in 1:length(x)) {
  plot(x[i], y[i], xlim=range(x), ylim=range(y))
I haven't found an equivalent function to double.buffer in R.  I tried
playing around with dev.set() and dev.copy() but so far with no success
(still flickers).

Double buffering is only currently an option on the Windows graphics 
device (and there it is on by default).  So something like ...

x - rnorm(100)
for (i in 1:100)
  plot(1:i, x[1:i], xlim=c(0, 100), ylim=c(-4, 4), pch=16, cex=2)
is already smooth
Dr Paul Murrell
Department of Statistics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
64 9 3737599 x85392
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Re: [R] some questions about font

2005-01-24 Thread Paul Murrell
Bobai Li wrote:
I have been using R to create some mathematical and statistical graphs 
for a book manuscript, but I got some problems:

1)  Some web positngs said that default typeface for math expressions is 
italic, but in my system (R 2.01 on WinXP), the default is regular font.
How can I change the default to ilatic?


2)  When use ComputerModern font,  (i.e., 
), some accented symbols are not available. For example, 
expression(hat(beta)) will produce warning message like font metrics 
unknown for character 94.

That appears to be a bug (that requires changes to the PostScript device 
driver).  A nastyish workaround for hat(beta) is widehat(beta), but I 
suspect there are other problems that this will not solve.

Dr Paul Murrell
Department of Statistics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
64 9 3737599 x85392
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Re: [R] survreg: fitting different location parameters

2005-01-24 Thread h . brunschwig
I am still trying to find a common intercept but a different slopes for each 
group within my lifetime data. By stratifying the variable stress (the groups) 
I get different scale parameters which is not my goal.
So I did this:


and I did get different slopes but common intercepts and scales.
Is this correct? I am a bit unsure as I did it with a different software and 
got different estimates...

Thanks for any help


Quoting Göran Broström [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Sun, Jan 23, 2005 at 03:10:18PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi R-Help! 
  My question: I have lifetime/failure data of machines with different 
  stress levels and i think an weibull/extreme value distribution would 
  fit this data. So I did: 
  model1  - survreg(Surv(lfailure)~stress,data=steel,dist=extreme) 
  (where lfailure=log(failure)) 
  Now I would like to do a likelihood ratio test to test the hypothesis 
  H0: location parameters of the extreme value distribution are equal 
  for each stress level. 
  So in order to perform the likelihood ratio test I need the likelood 
  of the model under 
  HA: location parameters are not equal (i.e. each stress level has its 
  slope and intercept). 
  How can I do this? 
 Stratify on stress level. 
  Göran Broströmtel: +46 90 786 5223
  Department of Statistics  fax: +46 90 786 6614
  Umeå University   http://www.stat.umu.se/egna/gb/
  SE-90187 Umeå, Sweden e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: [R] Weighted.mean(x,wt) vs. t(x) %*% wt

2005-01-24 Thread Liaw, Andy
Just look at the code:

function (x, w, na.rm = FALSE) 
if (missing(w)) 
w - rep.int(1, length(x))
if (is.integer(w)) 
w - as.numeric(w)
if (na.rm) {
w - w[i - !is.na(x)]
x - x[i]
sum(x * w)/sum(w)
environment: namespace:stats

So the differences are:

- missing values handling
- weight normalization 
- the difference between t(x) %*% w and sum(x * w) (I'd say the latter is
more efficient)

Here's an example:

 x - rnorm(5e6)
 w - runif(x)
 w - w / sum(w)
 system.time(sum(x * w), gcFirst=T)
[1] 0.17 0.03 0.20   NA   NA
 system.time(s1 - sum(x * w), gcFirst=T)
[1] 0.19 0.01 0.20   NA   NA
 system.time(s2 - t(x) %*% w, gcFirst=T)
[1] 0.30 0.01 0.33   NA   NA
 system.time(s3 - crossprod(x, w), gcFirst=T)
[1] 0.04 0.00 0.04   NA   NA
 c(s1, s2, s3)
[1] -0.0008922782 -0.0008922782 -0.0008922782

[This is w/o using an optimized BLAS.  With an optimized BLAS, the two
latter ones might be significantly faster than what's seen here.]


 From: Ranjan S. Muttiah
 What is the difference between the above two operations ?
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[R] Related with kmeans

2005-01-24 Thread msck9
 I am new here. 
 I used y-kmeans(x, 2)(x is a vector) to do the cluster analysis. I get 
 y has $cluster, $center etc. I need to pull out the data belong to
 cluster 1 and cluster 2. How can I do that? 


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RE: [R] Related with kmeans

2005-01-24 Thread Liaw, Andy
  I am new here. 
  I used y-kmeans(x, 2)(x is a vector) to do the cluster 
 analysis. I get 
  y has $cluster, $center etc. I need to pull out the data belong to
  cluster 1 and cluster 2. How can I do that? 

Here's an example:

 cl - round(runif(20))
 x - rnorm(20, mean=cl)
 km - kmeans(x, 2)
 x[km$cluster == 1]
 [1] -1.739624361 -0.046792299 -0.309680321  0.001928340 -1.036573237
 [7] -2.276369358 -0.453359967 -1.500753548 -1.864152516
 x[km$cluster == 2]
 [1] 0.6467709 1.9746519 1.9463621 2.9971197 2.8290800 0.8533460 0.6175901
 [9] 0.6616395 1.5822679

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

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[R] Estimating error rate for a classification tree

2005-01-24 Thread A. Gunes Koru

I created an rpart object and pruned the tree using
1-SE rule. I used 10-fold cross validation while
creating the tree. Then, I extracted the
cross-validated predictions for my data points using
xpred.rpart and obtained some statistics like
precision, recall, overall error rate, etc.

However, these values change each time I run
xpred.rpart because of the random shuffling going on
before cross validation (I think so). What should I do
in this case? I am inclined to treat them as random
variables with normal distribution. So, when I have,
say 100 runs, i can say something about the mean with
some confidence interval.

However, I also doubt that these subsequent runs may
not be independent from each other. I would highly
appreciate if someone could make a suggestion.

Best regards

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[R] Recursive default argument reference

2005-01-24 Thread boston knot
Recursive default argument reference keeps appearing when I try to run a 
haplo.score function in R for Windows. I'm new to using this program. Does 
anyone know what this means? 


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[R] agglomerative coefficient in agnes (cluster)

2005-01-24 Thread Weiguang Shi
I haven't read the book, but could anyone explain more
about this parameter? 

help(agnes) says that ac measures the amount of 
clustering structure found. From the definition given
in help(agnes.object), however, it seems that as long
the dissimilarity of the merger in the final step of
algorithm is large enough, the ac value will be close
1. So what does ac really mean?

Thank you,

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[R] Zipf random number generation

2005-01-24 Thread Weiguang Shi

Is there a Zipf-like distribution RNG in R?


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RE: [R] error preparing a package for lazy loading with R CMD

2005-01-24 Thread Patrick Giraudoux H
That's the way John Fox advised to turn the problem. Indeed it works but 
doe snot explain this bug in lazy loading. I don't think that it may come 
for a syntax error somewhere. All the functions have been checked and the 
problem does not occur if any of the 35 functions is removed. Something 
happens when I add another function to the 34 already present. Strange.

A 08:45 24/01/2005 -0500, vous avez écrit :
Not sure if this will help, but have you tried loading the package after
install with no lazyload?   I've found that if there are syntax errors in
the R source, that can give the problem you described.  Just a guess.
 From: Patrick Giraudoux H

 Dear Lister,

 I  work with R 2.0.1 and Windows XP, and meet a strange
 trouble trying to
 make a R package with a make-package.bat file John Fox has
 kindly provided
 (see detailed script below). I am working with it since some
 months with
 excellent results (I do'nt use compiled C code so far). Just
 adding a new
 function in the R directory today, when running make-package and thus
 excuting the command ..\..\bin\R CMD build --force --binary
 %1,  I got the following message after the compile stage,
 preparing the
 package for lazy loading :

 preparing package pgirmess for lazy loading
 Error in names-.default(`*tmp*`, value =c(R, Platform,
 Date, :
  names attribute[4] must be the same length as the vector [1]
 Execution halted
 make: ***[lazyload] Error 1
 *** Installation of pgirmess failed ***

 (pgirmess is the package name)

 ... and the zip file is not generated.

 I have checked and rechecked everything during this (long)
 afternoon... and
 get nothing except that if I drag out any of the *.r file of
 the R folder,
 everything comes to be OK (except the function that has been
 dragged out is
 missing...). It looks like if having added one extra function
 in the R
 folder on the top of the earlier 32 (+ 2 data frames) makes problem.

 I have then consulted John Fox offlist and he seems quite
 perplexed I'm
 not sure why you're experiencing this problem. On his advise I have
 included LazyLoad: no in the package description file. In this case
 everything goes smoothly then (except LazyLoad will not be
 activated), the
 zip file is generated and the package can be installed from R.

 Has anybody an idea about why a problem occurs when preparing
 the package
 for lazy loading? Any remedy?

 Kind regards,


 Make-Package script:

 cd c:\R\rw2001\src\library
 del %1\INDEX
 del %1\data\00Index
 del %1\chm\*.* /Q
 ..\..\bin\R CMD build --force --binary --auto-zip %1
 ..\..\bin\R CMD build --force %1
 ..\..\bin\R CMD check %1
 cd %1.Rcheck
 dvipdfm %1-manual
 notepad 00check.log
 cd ..
 cd ..

 To: 'Patrick Giraudoux H' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: [R] writing a simple package in R 2.0 under Windows XP
 Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 11:41:25 -0500
 X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook, Build 11.0.6353
 X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by
 utinam.univ-fcomte.fr id j0NGfJoD011345
 Dear Patrick,
 I'm not sure why you're experiencing this problem.
 Two suggestions: (1) Since the problem appears to be with
 preparing the
 package for lazy loading, try adding the directive
 LazyLoad: no (without
 the quotes) to the package's DESCRIPTION file. (2) Rather
 than using my
 batch file, run the commands one at a time to see exactly
 where the problem
 is produced; then you could send a message to r-help.
 I hope this helps,

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide!

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information of Merck  Co., Inc. (One Merck Drive, Whitehouse Station, New 
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Re: [R] several boxplots or bwplots into one graphic

2005-01-24 Thread Petr Pikal

On 24 Jan 2005 at 14:44, Christoph Lehmann wrote:

 I have 10 variables and 2 groups. I know how to plot a bwplot for ONE
 var. e.g.
 var.a var.b var.c .. GROUP
 0.2   0.5   0.2   .. 0
 0.3   0.2   0.2   .. 0
 0.1   0.8   0.7   .. 1
 0.5   0.5   0.1   .. 1
 bwplot(var.a ~ GROUP, data = my.data)
 How can I plot 10 bwplots (or boxplots) automatically into one
 graphic? is there any function from lattice which can do this?


It probably depends on how you want to organise your boxplots. You 
can reformat your table to long format to get second grouping 
(a,b,...) by reshape (or reShape from Hmisc) and than use interaction 
and boxplot or bwplot(Group~var|second.grouping)


 thanks for a short hint
 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Petr Pikal

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RE: [R] lme and varFunc()

2005-01-24 Thread Lorenz . Gygax
 I am currently analyzing a dataset using lme(). The model I 
 use has the following structure:
 When I plot the residuals against the fitted values, I see a clear 
 positive trend (meaning that the variance increases with the mean).
 I tried to solve this issue using weights=varPower(), but it
 doesn´t change the residual plot at all.

You are aware that you need to use something like 

weigths= varPower (form= fitted (.))

and the plot residuals using e.g.

scatter.smooth (fitted (model), resid (model, type= 'n'))

Maybe the latter should also be ok with the default pearson residuals, but I
am not sure.

Possibly a look into the following would help?

  author =   {Pinheiro, Jose C and Bates, Douglas M},
  title ={Mixed-Effects Models in {S} and {S}-{P}{L}{U}{S}},
  publisher ={Springer},
  year = {2000},
  address =  {New York}

 How would you implement such a positive trend in the variance? I´ve 
 tried glmmPQL (which works great with poisson errors), but 
 using glmmPQL I can´t do model simplification.

Well, what error distribution do you have / do you expect?

Regards, Lorenz
Lorenz Gygax, Dr. sc. nat.
Centre for proper housing of ruminants and pigs
Swiss Federal Veterinary Office

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[R] more question

2005-01-24 Thread Cuichang Zhao
thank you very much for your help in last email. it is very helpful. right now, 
i have more questions about my project,
1. solve can i remove the NA from a vectors:
for exmample, if my vector is:
v - (NA, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
how can I remove the NA from vector v
2. how I can get input from the user?
3. can I read more than one data files in one program? and how i can write 
something to a file
4. how i can display/output something on the screen?
thank you so much
Best wish
Jan 24, 2005


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