Re: [R] modeling logit(y/n) using lrm

2006-06-17 Thread Frank E Harrell Jr
Hamilton, Cody wrote:
> After a little digging, it turns out that fit.mult.impute will allow
> fitter = glm, so previous suggestions regarding modeling cbind(y,n) as
> an outcome will work fine.  Thanks!

Also lrm can easily handle your setup using the weights argument.


> Cody Hamilton, Ph.D
> Institute for Health Care Research and Improvement
> Baylor Health Care System
> (214) 265-3618
> This e-mail, facsimile, or letter and any files or attachments transmitted 
> with it contains information that is confidential and privileged. This 
> information is intended only for the use of the individual(s) and entity(ies) 
> to whom it is addressed. If you are the intended recipient, further 
> disclosures are prohibited without proper authorization. If you are not the 
> intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, printing, or use of this 
> information is strictly prohibited and possibly a violation of federal or 
> state law and regulations. If you have received this information in error, 
> please notify Baylor Health Care System immediately at 1-866-402-1661 or via 
> e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Baylor Health Care System, its subsidiaries, and 
> affiliates hereby claim all applicable privileges related to this information.
>   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Frank E Harrell Jr   Professor and Chair   School of Medicine
  Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

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[R] Getting forcasting equation from nnet results

2006-06-17 Thread juliacel

I'm trying to build forecasting equation from weights of 2-2-1 neural net.
Running the nnet function gives me a vecto of 9 weights, but I don't know how
to build the equation form these values.
Can anyone advice? Or at least tell me where the nnet output is described in
details (the manual only gives a brief description).


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[R] Projection pursuit regression method

2006-06-17 Thread anil kumar rohilla
Hi, list i was trying to do( Projection pursuit regression ) ppr function in 
Mass library .  It is running very good ,no problem ,but when i refered the 
references Friedman et al 1981 ,,and SMART guide,, i was not able to find how 
parametes they r geeting using least square method , if any body know how in 
PPR method we are finding model parameters using least square method ,becoz it 
seems to a continous function ..

thanks in advance

MOBILE +919422023277

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[R] managing data

2006-06-17 Thread yohannes alazar
Dear mailing list, may some one be kind to help me solve following problem.

I am trying to write a code that will combine two tables "x" and "y". The
first columns of both tables are unique identification for the rows. The
first column of table "X" is a sub set of the first column of "Y". I need to
find the matching rows in both tables by looking on their unique
identification at the first columns. Table is "X" is (19010 rw, 6 col) and
"Y" is (19850 rw, 9 col). Therefore my out put need to be "Z" is (19010rw,15
col). A small example of my input and out put is here below.

Thank you in advance!







 Regards Hannes

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[R] Having a go at Rpad

2006-06-17 Thread vittorio
Context: FreeBSD 6.1on a pentium 4; apache 2 server up & running; mod_perl 
installed; java & php 4 working.

Willing to use Rpad on an office intranet, I installed the Rpad package 
(R2HTML was still there) and carefully read the instructions to set up a 

Now,  on the server I can start the http://localhost/Rpad homepage, I can 
click on and browse the three examples ("General Example", "Data Input 
Example" & "GUI example"), BUT 
whenever I click on the "calculate" button in those example pages the 
underlying perl programs are browsed, listed  and nothing seems to happen.

Please help to straigthen my Rpad installation up


P.S. By the way those perl progs seems to point to a /var/www/Rpad directory. 
That's why I installed the ../basehtml dir under that directory and symlinked 
it to unix usual web dir :/usr/local/www/Rpad

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[R] substr or split help needed

2006-06-17 Thread Milton Cezar
Dear R-friends
  I have several data files with about 1,900 lines (records) each. I´m using 
read.table command to read the files. The files looks like
  LID ,   TYPE ,
  D:\Bijou-MC\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt , Forest ,   NA
  D:\Bijou-MC\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt , Forest ,   10.2
  D:\Bijou-MC\Simula_P010_H100_R001.txt , Forest ,9.2
  My first problem is that some command (like hist(data$PLAND)) say that the 
data isn´t a numeric one. May be because the first PLAND value are NA? When I 
done read.table command I used something link:
  data<-read.table (file="xxx.dat", head=T, sep="\,", na.strings="NA").
  Another problem is that I need parse the LID column. When I do "print 
(head(data$LID) I receive the following result (look that the slash was lost on 
the read):
  Its ok to me, but now I need create the P, H and R columns into the "data" 
table as a parse of LID column. When I try use the command "p<-substr(data$LID, 
19,3)" I got an error message saying that the variable is not char one.
  Finally, I´d like drop the LID column and insert the P, H and R into the 
  Thanks for your help!
  Kind regards, miltinho


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Re: [R] managing data

2006-06-17 Thread Philipp Pagel
On Sat, Jun 17, 2006 at 02:40:47PM +0100, yohannes alazar wrote:
> Dear mailing list, may some one be kind to help me solve following problem.
> I am trying to write a code that will combine two tables "x" and "y". The
> first columns of both tables are unique identification for the rows. The
> first column of table "X" is a sub set of the first column of "Y". I need to
> find the matching rows in both tables by looking on their unique
> identification at the first columns.



Dr. Philipp PagelTel.  +49-8161-71 2131
Dept. of Genome Oriented Bioinformatics  Fax.  +49-8161-71 2186
Technical University of Munich
Science Center Weihenstephan
85350 Freising, Germany


Institute for Bioinformatics / MIPS  Tel.  +49-89-3187 3675
GSF - National Research Center   Fax.  +49-89-3187 3585
  for Environment and Health
Ingolstädter Landstrasse 1
85764 Neuherberg, Germany

__ mailing list
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Re: [R] managing data

2006-06-17 Thread Neuro LeSuperHéros

Change V1 for the name of the column to be matched on X and Y



>From: "yohannes alazar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [R] managing data
>Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2006 14:40:47 +0100
>Dear mailing list, may some one be kind to help me solve following problem.
>I am trying to write a code that will combine two tables "x" and "y". The
>first columns of both tables are unique identification for the rows. The
>first column of table "X" is a sub set of the first column of "Y". I need 
>find the matching rows in both tables by looking on their unique
>identification at the first columns. Table is "X" is (19010 rw, 6 col) and
>"Y" is (19850 rw, 9 col). Therefore my out put need to be "Z" is 
>col). A small example of my input and out put is here below.
>Thank you in advance!
>  Regards Hannes
>   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> mailing list
>PLEASE do read the posting guide! 

__ mailing list
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Re: [R] lmer and mixed effects logistic regression

2006-06-17 Thread Spencer Graves


  Like you, I would expect lmer to return an answer when SAS
NLMIXED does, and I'm concerned that it returns an error message instead.

  Your example is not self contained, and I've been unable to
get the result you got.  This could occur for several reasons.  First,
what do you get for "sessionInfo()"?  I got the following:

Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01)

attached base packages:
[1] "methods"   "stats" "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils" "datasets"
[7] "base"

other attached packages:
   lme4lattice Matrix
  "0.995-2"   "0.13-8" "0.995-10"

  If you are using different versions of lmer, lattice and / or
Matrix, please update.packages and try again.  If that does not fix the 
problem, could you please try to find a self-contained example that is 
as simple as possible and still generates the same error message?  Then 
send that to this list.

  When I ran your example limited only to the observations you
listed, I got a different result:

Warning messages:
1: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred in:, Y,
weights = weights, offset = offset, family = family,
2: IRLS iterations for PQL did not converge

  We get this these "Warning messages" because all the values
of "response" are constant within each level of "id".  With data like 
this, the likelihood will be maximized by sending Std.Dev.(id) to Inf; 
when 'lmer' quit, Std.Dev.(id) was already at 58779, which 
computationally is moderately close to Inf for the current "lmer" 

  How many different patterns of "response" by "id" do you have?
With all 0's, the random adjustment to "(Intercept)" for that "id", 
ignoring the Bayesian shrinkage, is "-Inf".  With all 1's, this random 
adjustment would be "+Inf".  With two observations for a subject, if 
they are different, this random adjustment would exactly cancel the 
estimate of the fixed-effect for "(Intercept").  Do you have only these 
three patterns, all 0's, all 1's, and half 0's, half 1's?  If yes, that 
might explain why Std.Dev.(id) wants to go to Inf.

  I don't know exactly how many different patterns you need, but
you should be able to have some levels of "id" with all 0's or all 1's 
as long as those did not dominate, as they do in this cut down example.

  If this is the problem, then SAS NLMIXED could be achieving false 
convergence and either not telling you about it or reporting it so
quietly you have not reported it here.


  I'm not eager to experiment with a large complicated example.
You could help us help you by trying to produce a simpler, 
self-contained example.  For example, do you get the same answer when 
you delete 'age' from the model:


  If yes, then you could easily just count the number of levels of "id" 
that have all 0's, all 1's, (0, 1) = (1, 0), etc.  Then write one or two 
lines that would generate that special case and submit that to this 
listserve.  Before you do, however, I encourage you to experiment to 
find small numbers of replicates that reproduce the error you get.  Then 
submit that to this list.


  The help page for "lmer" describes the following argument:

start: a list of relative precision matrices for the random effects.
This has the same form as the slot '"Omega"' in a fitted
   model.  Only the upper triangle of these symmetric matrices
   should be stored.

  To understand this, it might help to experiment with one of
the examples on this help page:

> fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)
2 x 2 Matrix of class "dpoMatrix"
 (Intercept)   Days
(Intercept)   1.0746247 -0.2942832
Days -0.2942832 18.7549595

  Just taking a guess, I tried the following:

fm1. <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days+(Days|Subject), sleepstudy,

fm1.c <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days+(Days|Subject), sleepstudy,
  start=list(Subject=array(1, .1, .1, 2),

   Both of these returned the same answer.  Starting values are
only required for the random effects, because these models are all 
"plinear" in the sense described in the "nls" documentation.

  For "glmmPQL", I was able to get the "update" function to work. 
Thus, if you can get an answer with one model, you can use that as an 
input to "update".  I would expect "update" to try to use the parameter 
estimates from one model fit as starting values for the modification, 
where it can find a way to do that.

  Hope this helps.
  Spencer Graves

Rick Bilonick wrote:
> I'm using FC4 and R 2.3.1 to fit a mixed effects logistic regression.
> The response is 0/1 and both the response and 

Re: [R] lmer binomial model overestimating data?

2006-06-17 Thread Spencer Graves

Martin Henry H. Stevens wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Warning: I don't know if the result I am getting makes sense, so this  
> may be a statistics question.
> The fitted values from my binomial lmer mixed model seem to  
> consistently overestimate the cell means, and I don't know why. I  
> assume I am doing something stupid.

  I copied your "Raw.Data" and "Fitted.Estimates" into two columns of a 
data.frame OE and then did a t test as follows:
 > with(OE, t.test(Raw.Data-Fitted.Estimates))

One Sample t-test

data:  Raw.Data - Fitted.Estimates
t = -2.1662, df = 11, p-value = 0.05313
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
  -0.0991997752  0.0007897752
sample estimates:
mean of x

  I also tried the same thing with a modification of an example in the 
"lmer" help file.  In that case, lmer seemed to consistently 
UNDERestimate the cell means.  However, the difference again was not 
statistically significant.

  I suggest you consider this a disguised Rorschach ink blot test and 
worry about other things.

  Hope this helps.
  Spencer Graves

> Below I include code, and a binary image of the data is available at  
> this link:
> This was done with `Matrix' version 0.995-10 and `lme4' version  
> 0.995-2. and R v. 2.3.1 on a Mac, OS 10.4.6.
> The binomial model below ("mod") was reduced from a more complex one  
> by first using AIC, BIC and LRT for "random" effects, and then  
> relying on Helmert contrasts and AIC, BIC, and LRT to simplify fixed  
> effects. Maybe this was wrong?
>  > load("tf.RdataBin")
>  > library(lme4)
>  > options(contrasts=c("contr.helmert", "contr.poly"))
>  > mod <- lmer(tfb ~ reg+nutrient+amd +reg:nutrient+
> + (1|rack) + (1|popu) +  (1|gen), data=dat.tb2, family=binomial,  
> method="Laplace")
>  > summary(mod)
> Generalized linear mixed model fit using Laplace
> Formula: tfb ~ reg + nutrient + amd + reg:nutrient + (1 | rack) + (1  
> |  popu) + (1 | gen)
> Data: dat.tb2
> Family: binomial(logit link)
>  AICBIC  logLik deviance
> 402.53 446.64 -191.26   382.53
> Random effects:
> Groups NameVariance Std.Dev.
> gen(Intercept) 0.3850.621
> popu   (Intercept) 0.5480.741
> rack   (Intercept) 0.4010.633
> number of obs: 609, groups: gen, 24; popu, 9; rack, 2
> Estimated scale (compare to 1)  0.80656
> Fixed effects:
> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
> (Intercept)   2.391  0.5744.17  3.1e-05
> reg1  0.842  0.4521.86  0.06252
> reg2  0.800  0.2413.32  0.00091
> nutrient1 0.788  0.1974.00  6.3e-05
> amd1 -0.540  0.139   -3.88  0.00010
> reg1:nutrient10.500  0.2272.21  0.02734
> reg2:nutrient1   -0.176  0.146   -1.21  0.22794
> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
>  (Intr) reg1   reg2   ntrnt1 amd1   rg1:n1
> reg1 0.169
> reg2-0.066 -0.191
> nutrient10.178  0.231 -0.034
> amd1-0.074 -0.044 -0.052 -0.078
> reg1:ntrnt1  0.157  0.307 -0.180  0.562 -0.002
> reg2:ntrnt1 -0.028 -0.154  0.236  0.141  0.033 -0.378
>  > X <- mod @ X
>  > fitted <- X %*% fixef(mod)
>  >
>  > unlogitH <- function(x) {( 1 + exp(-x) )^-1}
>  > (result <- data.frame(Raw.Data=with(dat.tb2,
> +  tapply(tfb, list(reg:nutrient:amd),
> +  mean ) ),
> + Fitted.Estimates=with(dat.tb2,
> +  tapply(fitted, list(reg:nutrient:amd),
> +  function(x) unlogitH(mean(x))  ) )  ))
> Raw.Data Fitted.Estimates
> SW:1:unclipped  0.50877  0.69520
> SW:1:clipped0.41304  0.43669
> SW:8:unclipped  0.67273  0.85231
> SW:8:clipped0.52830  0.66233
> NL:1:unclipped  0.9  0.81887
> NL:1:clipped0.53571  0.60578
> NL:8:unclipped  0.96552  0.98830
> NL:8:clipped0.96154  0.96635
> SP:1:unclipped  0.98649  0.98361
> SP:1:clipped0.92537  0.95328
> SP:8:unclipped  1.0  0.99308
> SP:8:clipped0.95890  0.97992
>  > ### Perhaps the cell SP:8:clipped = 1.0 is messing up the fit?
>  > pdf("RawAndFitted.pdf")
>  > par(mar=c(8,3,2,2), las=2)
>  > barplot(t(result), beside=TRUE )
>  > box(); title("Fractions of Plants Producing Fruits")
>  > legend("topleft", c("Raw Data", "Fitted Values"),
> +fill=gray.colors(2), bty="n" )
>  >
> quartz
>   2
>  >
> _
> platform   powerpc-apple-darwin8.6.0
> arch   powerpc
> os darwin8.6.0
> system powerpc, darwin8.6.0
> status
> major  2
> minor  3.1
> year   2006
> month  06
> day01
> svn rev38247
> language   R
> version.string Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01)
>  >
> Dr. M. Han

Re: [R] substr or split help needed

2006-06-17 Thread jim holtman
I used your sample of data.  When reading in I used '' to prevent
the conversion to 'factor'.  I then did an explicit conversion to number on
the PLAND column.

You should use 'str' to look at the structure of your data frame.

You have backsplashes and your 'print' will not show them.  You do see them
in the 'str' call.

Because of the backslash, you have to escape they twice (4 of them in the
strsplit command).  The result is a character matrix that you can then
extract the data from.

> x <- read.csv('clipboard',
> x
1  D:\\Bijou-MC\\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt   Forest   NA
2  D:\\Bijou-MC\\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt   Forest 10.2
3  D:\\Bijou-MC\\Simula_P010_H100_R001.txt   Forest  9.2
> str(x)
`data.frame':   3 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ LID  : chr  " D:\\Bijou-MC\\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt " "
D:\\Bijou-MC\\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt " "
D:\\Bijou-MC\\Simula_P010_H100_R001.txt "
 $ TYPE : chr  " Forest " " Forest " " Forest "
 $ PLAND: chr  "   NA" "   10.2" "9.2"
> x$PLAND <- as.numeric(x$PLAND)
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion
> str(x)
`data.frame':   3 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ LID  : chr  " D:\\Bijou-MC\\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt " "
D:\\Bijou-MC\\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt " "
D:\\Bijou-MC\\Simula_P010_H100_R001.txt "
 $ TYPE : chr  " Forest " " Forest " " Forest "
 $ PLAND: num  NA 10.2 9.2
> strsplit(x$LID, "")
[1] " D:""Bijou-MC"
[3] "Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt "

[1] " D:""Bijou-MC"
[3] "Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt "

[1] " D:""Bijou-MC"
[3] "Simula_P010_H100_R001.txt "

>'rbind', strsplit(x$LID, ""))
 [,1]  [,2]   [,3]
[1,] " D:" "Bijou-MC" "Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt "
[2,] " D:" "Bijou-MC" "Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt "
[3,] " D:" "Bijou-MC" "Simula_P010_H100_R001.txt "

On 6/17/06, Milton Cezar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear R-friends
> I have several data files with about 1,900 lines (records) each. I´m using
> read.table command to read the files. The files looks like
> LID ,   TYPE
> D:\Bijou-MC\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt , Forest ,   NA
> D:\Bijou-MC\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt , Forest ,   10.2
> D:\Bijou-MC\Simula_P010_H100_R001.txt , Forest ,9.2
> ---
> My first problem is that some command (like hist(data$PLAND)) say that the
> data isn´t a numeric one. May be because the first PLAND value are NA? When
> I done read.table command I used something link:
> data<-read.table (file="xxx.dat", head=T, sep="\,", na.strings="NA").
> Another problem is that I need parse the LID column. When I do "print
> (head(data$LID) I receive the following result (look that the slash was lost
> on the read):
>   D:Bijou-MCSimula_P005_H100_R001.txt
>   D:Bijou-MCSimula_P005_H100_R001.txt
>   D:Bijou-MCSimula_P010_H100_R001.txt
> Its ok to me, but now I need create the P, H and R columns into the "data"
> table as a parse of LID column. When I try use the command
> "p<-substr(data$LID, 19,3)" I got an error message saying that the variable
> is not char one.
> Finally, I´d like drop the LID column and insert the P, H and R into the
> table.
> Thanks for your help!
> Kind regards, miltinho
> __
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> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Jim Holtman
Cincinnati, OH
+1 513 646 9390 (Cell)
+1 513 247 0281 (Home)

What is the problem you are trying to solve?

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[R] Panel Bar plots

2006-06-17 Thread Nealy, David
Hello All,


I have been trying to use the par(mfrow(c(m,n)) function to produce a
panel of m rows and n columns of bar plots.  The different columns were
to designate n different categories, as the m rows are to designate
different categories as well.  However, I cannot seem to get rid of the
y-axes(vertical axes) in the n>1 columns.  I wrote a loop to attempt to
do this, but ended up stopping after the m=1 row because I could not get
rid of the y-axes on the second graph using the following code.  Does
anyone know if there is a way to make the axes disappear in the panel
for columns after the first column from the left?







x<-read.csv('Outcomes.csv', skip=1)



















for(i in 1:length(city.list)){


   for(j in 1:length(degrade.list)){



   for(q in 1:length(D.list)){



st[q], beside=T, space=0) 









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Re: [R] substr or split help needed

2006-06-17 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
Try this:

# read in lines and replace all occurences of Simula, all occurrences
# of .txt, all commas and all underscores with spaces

Lines <- gsub(".*Simula|.txt|[,_]", " ", readLines("/myfile.dat"))

# reread what is left skipping over column headings and setting it ourself
# If you want factors instead of character data omit

dat <- read.table(textConnection(Lines), = TRUE, skip = 1,
col.names = c("P", "H", "R", "TYPE", "PLAND"))

On 6/17/06, Milton Cezar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear R-friends
>  I have several data files with about 1,900 lines (records) each. I´m using 
> read.table command to read the files. The files looks like
>  LID ,   TYPE ,
>  D:\Bijou-MC\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt , Forest ,   NA
>  D:\Bijou-MC\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt , Forest ,   10.2
>  D:\Bijou-MC\Simula_P010_H100_R001.txt , Forest ,9.2
>  ---
>  My first problem is that some command (like hist(data$PLAND)) say that the 
> data isn´t a numeric one. May be because the first PLAND value are NA? When I 
> done read.table command I used something link:
>  data<-read.table (file="xxx.dat", head=T, sep="\,", na.strings="NA").
>  Another problem is that I need parse the LID column. When I do "print 
> (head(data$LID) I receive the following result (look that the slash was lost 
> on the read):
>   D:Bijou-MCSimula_P005_H100_R001.txt
>   D:Bijou-MCSimula_P005_H100_R001.txt
>   D:Bijou-MCSimula_P010_H100_R001.txt
>  Its ok to me, but now I need create the P, H and R columns into the "data" 
> table as a parse of LID column. When I try use the command 
> "p<-substr(data$LID, 19,3)" I got an error message saying that the variable 
> is not char one.
>  Finally, I´d like drop the LID column and insert the P, H and R into the 
> table.
>  Thanks for your help!
>  Kind regards, miltinho
>  __
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> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide!

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Re: [R] Having a go at Rpad

2006-06-17 Thread tshort

That means that Apache doesn't know to execute the perl files. Something's
wrong with your Apache configuration or directory permissions. Some things
to check:

* Make sure the *.pl files in ../Rpad/server/ are set to enable execution.

* Check your apache http.conf. You need something like the following to tell
perl that those *.pl files are executable (with the directory renamed as

 # requires mod_perl
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
  Options +ExecCGI
  PerlSendHeader ON

  Options +ExecCGI
  AddHandler cgi-script .pl
ExpiresActive on
ExpiresDefault "now plus 0 seconds"

* Check your apache error logs; they might give you some insight. 

If none of those fixes it, contact me offline with more details.

- Tom

vittorio wrote:
> Context: FreeBSD 6.1on a pentium 4; apache 2 server up & running; mod_perl 
> installed; java & php 4 working.
> Willing to use Rpad on an office intranet, I installed the Rpad package 
> (R2HTML was still there) and carefully read the instructions to set up a 
> server.
> Now,  on the server I can start the http://localhost/Rpad homepage, I can 
> click on and browse the three examples ("General Example", "Data Input 
> Example" & "GUI example"), BUT 
> whenever I click on the "calculate" button in those example pages the 
> underlying perl programs are browsed, listed  and nothing seems to happen.
> Please help to straigthen my Rpad installation up
> Ciao
> Vittorio
> P.S. By the way those perl progs seems to point to a /var/www/Rpad
> directory. 
> That's why I installed the ../basehtml dir under that directory and
> symlinked 
> it to unix usual web dir :/usr/local/www/Rpad
> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide!
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PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Re: [R] problem with legend on other graphics devices

2006-06-17 Thread Gavin Simpson
On Fri, 2006-06-16 at 19:42 +0100, Gavin Simpson wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a bit of a problem with a legend in png, eps and pdf plots
> produced from a custom plotting function. I was writing a little
> function to produce some stock plots for a routine analysis conducted in
> our lab. I have a wrapper function figures() (see below) that produces
> eps, png and pdf versions of the lab output. When I draw the plot on the
> X11() device the correct amount of space is made available for the
> legend, but when I draw the plot directly on the png, postscript or pdf
> devices, the legend is placed too close to the edge of the plot and is
> clipped.


To follow up, the posted code does work and the legend is not clipped on
my home machine but that was a slightly less-up-to-date version of R
2.3.1 patched than the machine at work. So I compiled the latest R2.3.1
patched (svn revision 38350) and it works fine there also. So must have
been something peculiar to my set-up at work or R session at the time.

For the record:
> version
platform   i686-pc-linux-gnu
arch   i686
os linux-gnu
system i686, linux-gnu
status Patched
major  2
minor  3.1
year   2006
month  06
svn rev38350
language   R
version.string Version 2.3.1 Patched (2006-06-16 r38350)

 *Note new Address and Fax and Telephone numbers from 10th April 2006*
Gavin Simpson [t] +44 (0)20 7679 0522
ECRC  [f] +44 (0)20 7679 0565
UCL Department of Geography
Pearson Building  [e]
Gower Street
London, UK[w]
WC1E 6BT  [w]

__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Re: [R] Question concerning mle

2006-06-17 Thread Spencer Graves
  It's difficult to say much at this level of generality, but I have 
four suggestions:

  1.  Have you tried creating a reasonable grid of starting values 
using "expand.grid" and then plotting the resulting likelihood surface? 
  If you have more than 2 parameters, you may want to use 'lattice' 
graphics.  This should tell you if the functions seems unimodal, convex, 
etc., in the region you covered and at the resolution of your grid.

  2.  Have you tried method="SANN" = simulated annealing?  I might try 
one pass with SANN, then refine the solution found by SANN using BFGS.

  3.  After you have a solution, you can then try profile likelihod. 
Unfortunately, my experience with profile.mle has been mixed.  I 
actually made local copies of mle and profile.mle and found and fixed 
some of the deficiencies of each.  I didn't test them enough to offer 
the results to the R Core Team, however.

  4.  Have you looked at Venables and Ripley (2002) Modern Applied 
Statistics with S, 4th ed. (Springer)?  It's a great book for many 
things, including the use of expand.grid and 'optim'.

  hope this helps.
  Spencer Graves

Rainer M Krug wrote:
> Hi
> I hope this is the right forum - if not, point me please to a better one.
> I am using R 2.3.0 on Linux, SuSE 10.
> I have a question concerning mle (method="BFGS").
> I have a few models which I am fitting to existing data points. I
> realised, that the likelihood is quite sensitive to the start values for
> one parameter.
> I am wondering: what is the best approach to identify the right initial
> values? Do I have to do it recursively, and if yes, how can I automate
> it? Or do I have to play with the system?
> I am quite confident that the resulting parameters are the optimal for
> my problem - but can I verify it?
> Thanks,
> Rainer

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Re: [R] SSPIR problem

2006-06-17 Thread Spencer Graves
  Did you try the 'examples' in the SS help file?  If no, please copy 
them from the help file into a script file and work through them line by 
line, trying different modifications.  If you've tried this, have you 
similarly worked through the 'sspir' 'demo' files?  (These can be found 
in the '~\library\sspir\demo' subdirectory of the directory where R is 

  If you've tried these and would like further help from this 
listserve, please submit another post, preferably after reading read the 
posting guide! "".  In particular, 
please include in your post a self-contained example that is as simple 
as you can make it that will still illustrate our problem.

  I've never used 'sspir', but the examples in the 'SS' help look 
fairly straightforward to me.  For example, it says that Fmat returns a 
matrix of dim(p, d).  From this I infer that the "k" in your model is 
t(Fmat(...)).  Similarly, your "h" is "Gmat", and "Vmat" and "Wmat" 
match your "V" and "W".

  hope this helps.
  Spencer Graves

> Dear R-Users,
> I'm using SSPIR package for a spatio-temporal application.
> Is it possible to modify the structure of the involved matrixes (Fmat,
> Gmat, Vmat,Wmat)?
> I want to create a model like this
> #y(t)=k*theta(t)+epsilon(t)
> #theta(t)=h*theta(t-1)+eta(t)
> #epsilon(t) N(0,V) V=sigma2*I
> #eta(t) N(0,W)W=sigma2_eta
> where the state variable theta has dimension 1(p=1) and at each time time
> the observed variable y has dimension equal to d=3. Moreover I want to use
> white noise errors.
> But with the command
> SS(y) where y is my nXd data matrix (d=observations at each time,
> n=numbers of time points)
> I obtain a different model.
> Can you help me please?
> Thanks in advance
> Michela
> __
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> PLEASE do read the posting guide!

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