Re: [Radiant] Two new extensions - WYSIWYG editor and Maruku filter

2007-02-24 Thread Chris Parrish
Nathan Wright wrote:
 I think that John believes that assets should belong to a page rather 
 being more universal in nature, but I honestly think that this may
 complicate things too much for the average user.
 In my system all assets are available to all pages. You add those assets
 (be they images, pdfs, whatever) to your bucket (yes, I'm shamelessly
 ripping off Mephisto's buckets), and then you simply click on them to
 insert them into your page.

I agree with John and other's drive for simplicity in design and 
implementation.  So there, the attach-an-image-to-a-page makes some 
sense -- but only as long as users only ever use a given asset once.

The minute they want to reuse it, we've just made the user's life 
harder.  The concept that an image is owned by page A and not page B 
is arbitrary (I can see them thinking that it is somehow unfair to 
page B and would probably just store the image with each page -- messing 
things up when they must update that image and kissing DRY goodbye.

It also forces the user to use their memory instead of having the system 
keep that knowledge:  I need picture X -- I know I used it before.  Let 
me see, where did I put that...  In my opinion, any good system should 
be able to tell you where (or if) assets are being used (in other words 
look at it from the asset perspective too).

 The insert behavior is smart. If you are inserting an image, it will
 insert an image tag into the page.

 If you try to insert a PDF, mp3, etc. into the page (or something else
 that can't be directly viewed by the browser) the insert behavior will
 stuck a link into the page instead. Like above, the precise form of this
 link will depend on the filter that is applied to the page.
 In short, I think that inserting an asset into a page should be a simple
 procedure ... the user shouldn't have to think about the markup required
 to insert it.

I like this approach too.  In fact one of the concepts that I've been 
playing with is uniquely styling elements in certain pages -- rather 
than sticking every possible fringe case into my main CSS file. 
Similarly, I may create a dynamic page or two (say with an interactive 
maps) that needs some unique javascript.

In these cases I build mini CSS or JS files that are, really just assets 
to me.  These need that same smart behavior to include them in the 
page correctly.  Of course, in this case, they are added to the head 
section (automatically).  This is certainly beyond what most asset 
managers are attempting but the use cases are, really, identical with 
insert an image, figure out where this image is used or remove 
image from page.

 Is this at all like what you're looking for? What are your ideas on the

Sounds like you're heading in the right direction (IMHO, anyway).  Feel 
free to contact me directly.  Others are welcome too -- I'd like to 
consider all possibilities.  I think that this is a much needed aspect 
to radiant (though maybe not something you'd ever put in the core).


Posted via
Radiant mailing list

Re: [Radiant] Two new extensions - WYSIWYG editor and Maruku filter

2007-02-24 Thread David Minor
On Feb 24, 2007, at 9:19 AM, Chris Parrish wrote:

 Sounds like you're heading in the right direction (IMHO, anyway).   
 free to contact me directly.  Others are welcome too -- I'd like to
 consider all possibilities.  I think that this is a much needed aspect
 to radiant (though maybe not something you'd ever put in the core).

I'm hearing the arguments for both ways of managing assets (per page  
and global) and I really think both are valid.  The use cases are  
there for having an asset local to the page, but lots of use cases  
for needing to easily reuse the assets too.  Maybe we should be  
thinking about a global bucket but have the page UI able to add  
images restricted to only that page?

Radiant mailing list

Re: [Radiant] radiant on dremhost - incomplete dispatch.fcgi headers?

2007-02-24 Thread Oliver Barnes
usually I just hit whatever page I was working on before... going to
try hitting a cached page first then.

so, I created a new user and installed everything again, this time
from svn, while keeping the original mysql data. I see the cached site
fine, and the login page for the admin as well. but when I login, I
get an Application Error (Apache) error.

production.log has the following error when trying to render admin/page/index:

ActionView::TemplateError (The single-table inheritance mechanism
failed to locate the subclass: 'MailerPage'. This error is raised
because the column 'class_name' is reserved for storing the class in
case of inheritance. Please rename this column if you didn't intend it
to be used for storing the inheritance class or overwrite
Page.inheritance_column to use another column for that information.)
on line #44 of app/views/admin/page/_node.rhtml:
41: % level = level + 1 -%
42: %
43: if expanded
44:   page.children.each do |child|
45: -%
46: %= render_node child, :level = level, :simple = simple -%
47: %







#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_view/base.rb:326:in `send'

#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/helpers/admin/page_helper.rb:4:in `render_node'
(leaving out rails-specific dump)

apache's log is empty.

I have re-installed the Mailer extension and run rake
db:migrate:extensions... no output on the rake task though, should I
scrap the extension tables and migrate again?

2007/2/22, Jacob Burkhart [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Ohh, good to know that the memory limit is tied to the user account.

 I'll have to start creating new users for each new site I setup.

 I did notice one time my radiant on dreamhost crapped out while I was
 doing a lot of intesive admin work.  And it repeatedly failed to restart
 after that for about 15 minutes...  And then eventually it was fine
 again without me doing anything.

 I wonder if the memory limit is due to some extra startup logic or
 checking etc...

 What's the first page you hit after killing all the crapping out fcgis?
 This might make a difference. I'd think the best thing to do is hit a
 page that is already cached before hitting the admin.

 Posted via
 Radiant mailing list

Radiant mailing list

Re: [Radiant] radiant on dremhost - incomplete dispatch.fcgi headers?

2007-02-24 Thread Oliver Barnes
ok, now I'm able to see admin/pages/index and a few other pages, off
and on. can't see the assets page at all, though the tab is there.

weird thing is, I can't see any of the dispatch processes, with
neither users (main user and the new user I have set up for running

2007/2/24, Oliver Barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 usually I just hit whatever page I was working on before... going to
 try hitting a cached page first then.

 so, I created a new user and installed everything again, this time
 from svn, while keeping the original mysql data. I see the cached site
 fine, and the login page for the admin as well. but when I login, I
 get an Application Error (Apache) error.

 production.log has the following error when trying to render admin/page/index:

 ActionView::TemplateError (The single-table inheritance mechanism
 failed to locate the subclass: 'MailerPage'. This error is raised
 because the column 'class_name' is reserved for storing the class in
 case of inheritance. Please rename this column if you didn't intend it
 to be used for storing the inheritance class or overwrite
 Page.inheritance_column to use another column for that information.)
 on line #44 of app/views/admin/page/_node.rhtml:
 41: % level = level + 1 -%
 42: %
 43: if expanded
 44:   page.children.each do |child|
 45: -%
 46: %= render_node child, :level = level, :simple = simple -%
 47: %

 #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/helpers/admin/page_helper.rb:4:in `render_node'
 (leaving out rails-specific dump)

 apache's log is empty.

 I have re-installed the Mailer extension and run rake
 db:migrate:extensions... no output on the rake task though, should I
 scrap the extension tables and migrate again?

 2007/2/22, Jacob Burkhart [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Ohh, good to know that the memory limit is tied to the user account.
  I'll have to start creating new users for each new site I setup.
  I did notice one time my radiant on dreamhost crapped out while I was
  doing a lot of intesive admin work.  And it repeatedly failed to restart
  after that for about 15 minutes...  And then eventually it was fine
  again without me doing anything.
  I wonder if the memory limit is due to some extra startup logic or
  checking etc...
  What's the first page you hit after killing all the crapping out fcgis?
  This might make a difference. I'd think the best thing to do is hit a
  page that is already cached before hitting the admin.
  Posted via
  Radiant mailing list

[Radiant] Radiant: config error

2007-02-24 Thread keith
I've installed Radiant on Site5 hosting using the wiki tutorial referring to
a small orange hosting.I'm getting the following error at the end of the

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in SiteController#show_page 

Mysql::Error: Table 'buyscoot_radiantdev.config' doesn't exist: SHOW FIELDS
FROM config
RAILS_ROOT: ../config/..
Application Trace  | Framework Trace  | Full Trace  
s/abstract_adapter.rb:120:in `log'
s/mysql_adapter.rb:184:in `execute'
s/mysql_adapter.rb:292:in `columns'
#{RAILS_ROOT}/lib/login_system.rb:77:in `all?'
#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/radiant/config.rb:31:in `[]'
#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/site_controller.rb:47:in `dev?'
#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/site_controller.rb:51:in `live?'
#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/site_controller.rb:18:in `show_page'
s/abstract_adapter.rb:120:in `log'
s/mysql_adapter.rb:184:in `execute'
s/mysql_adapter.rb:292:in `columns'
n `perform_action_without_benchmark'
69:in `perform_action_without_rescue'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/benchmark.rb:293:in `measure'
69:in `perform_action_without_rescue'
n `process_without_session_management_support'
nt.rb:117:in `process'
#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/railties/lib/dispatcher.rb:38:in `dispatch'
#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/railties/lib/fcgi_handler.rb:54:in `process!'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/fcgi-0.8.7/lib/fcgi.rb:612:in `each_cgi'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/fcgi-0.8.7/lib/fcgi.rb:609:in `each_cgi'
#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/railties/lib/fcgi_handler.rb:53:in `process!'
#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/railties/lib/fcgi_handler.rb:23:in `process!'
s/abstract_adapter.rb:120:in `log'
s/mysql_adapter.rb:184:in `execute'
s/mysql_adapter.rb:292:in `columns'
#{RAILS_ROOT}/lib/login_system.rb:77:in `all?'
#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/radiant/config.rb:31:in `[]'
#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/site_controller.rb:47:in `dev?'
#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/site_controller.rb:51:in `live?'

Re: [Radiant] Radiant: config error

2007-02-24 Thread Oliver Barnes
unless you're trying to deliberately run on dev mode there...

2007/2/24, Oliver Barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi Keith,

 is buyscoot_radiantdev your production database? if not, try uncommenting

 ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'production'

 on your config/environment.rb file, so that it loads the right database

 2007/2/24, keith [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I've installed Radiant on Site5 hosting using the wiki tutorial referring to
  a small orange hosting…I'm getting the following error at the end of the
  ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in SiteController#show_page Mysql::Error:
  Table 'buyscoot_radiantdev.config' doesn't exist: SHOW FIELDS FROM config
  RAILS_ROOT: ../config/..
  Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
  #{RAILS_ROOT}/lib/login_system.rb:77:in `all?'
  #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/radiant/config.rb:31:in `[]'
  /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/benchmark.rb:293:in `measure'

Re: [Radiant] Radiant: config error

2007-02-24 Thread Oliver Barnes
Hi Keith,

is buyscoot_radiantdev your production database? if not, try uncommenting

ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'production'

on your config/environment.rb file, so that it loads the right database

2007/2/24, keith [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 I've installed Radiant on Site5 hosting using the wiki tutorial referring to
 a small orange hosting…I'm getting the following error at the end of the

 ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in SiteController#show_page Mysql::Error:
 Table 'buyscoot_radiantdev.config' doesn't exist: SHOW FIELDS FROM config

 RAILS_ROOT: ../config/..

 Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
 #{RAILS_ROOT}/lib/login_system.rb:77:in `all?'
 #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/radiant/config.rb:31:in `[]'
 /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/benchmark.rb:293:in `measure'
 #{RAILS_ROOT}/lib/login_system.rb:77:in `all?'

Re: [Radiant] Two new extensions - WYSIWYG editor and Maruku filter

2007-02-24 Thread Nathan Wright
Nothing ready for public consumption just yet ... though I am hoping to  
have it ready soon (next week or so, if my free time holds up).

On Sat, 24 Feb 2007 03:12:05 -0700, Keith Bingman [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 I wrote one of the first extensions for this, but kind of dropped it
 as I was in Central America for a month and have yet to pick it up

 For me at least, centralized assets are much better. I don't want to
 have to hunt through each page to find a photo. The bucket idea seems
 like the easiest way to insert an image. Steal from the best and all.

 This is basically how I envisioned it.. do you have anything ready to

 On Feb 24, 2007, at 6:21 AM, Nathan Wright wrote:

 On Fri, 23 Feb 2007 19:55:04 -0700, Chris Parrish

 Sounds good.  I'm looking forward to playing with this.  I can see it
 being very useful (though I share John's distaste for using WYSIWYG
 editors) for my customers.

 Ditto. How have you persuaded them to use something else? Mind
 drugs, perhaps? ;) Mine have always been convinced that they need
 to use
 dreamweaver to manange their hundreds of pages ... I figured that
 with a WYSIWYG was the lesser of two evils.

 Are you willing to provide any details on the asset management
 piece you
 are working on?  I've read about what the others are doing on and
 of the approaches seems quite right for my needs.

 I think that John believes that assets should belong to a page
 rather than
 being more universal in nature, but I honestly think that this may
 complicate things too much for the average user.

 In my system all assets are available to all pages. You add those
 (be they images, pdfs, whatever) to your bucket (yes, I'm shamelessly
 ripping off Mephisto's buckets), and then you simply click on them to
 insert them into your page.

 The insert behavior is smart. If you are inserting an image, it will
 insert an image tag into the page. This tag differs depending on the
 filter applied to the page ... if you have no filter applied, or if
 have my WYSIWYG applied, a basic img ... will be inserted into
 the page;
 if you use markdown you'll get a ![alt text](/path/to/img.jpg
 Title) ...
 you get the idea.

 If you try to insert a PDF, mp3, etc. into the page (or something else
 that can't be directly viewed by the browser) the insert behavior will
 stuck a link into the page instead. Like above, the precise form of
 link will depend on the filter that is applied to the page.

 In short, I think that inserting an asset into a page should be a
 procedure ... the user shouldn't have to think about the markup
 to insert it.

 Since most assets are likely to be images, I want to make it easy
 for the
 user to resize those images to suit their needs. The URL of the image
 determines the size of the image, and the image can only be resized
 the admin side of things. I'm still working out the details of how
 all of
 this will work, but I've got a basic system in place that seems to
 well. It still hits the database to determine if an asset matching the
 size parameters exists ... I need to work that out yet to minimize the
 database load.

 Is this at all like what you're looking for? What are your ideas on

 Nathan Wright
 Radiant mailing list

 Radiant mailing list

Nathan Wright
Radiant mailing list

Re: [Radiant] Buckets, Page Types

2007-02-24 Thread Chris Parrish
As to your page types, I was kind of surprised to see your grouping 
page.  I plan to develop an extension shortly for a project that might 
line up with your grouping.  I'll share it here in case it actually is a 
more generally usable concept than I thought.

I apologize in advance for all the lead-in...

I have a website that is collecting stats on various cities in the 
region.  Since these stats may be used on multiple pages and the data 
changes from year to year, I plan on sticking them in the db and calling 
them from custom tags within static pages.

For example:

\Cities (index page)
   \City A (static content plus stats from db)
  \Map (static content plus map built from db)
  \Chart (static content plus charts from db)
   \City B (static content plus stats from db)
  \Map (static content plus map built from db)
  \Chart (static content plus charts from db)

Essentially I'm grouping cities together here.

I'm planning to make an extension to set the property for each city page 
based on choices within the db (i.e city=City A).  It's children would 
inherit this property.

Now, I obviously need to build my own tags/extend radiant for each of 
the dynamic pieces (stats, maps, and charts).  That way, in the chart 
page I could just insert r:chart city=current /.

Why be this fancy?  I have multiple categories (cities, counties, school 
districts, etc.) -- all of which can overlap in weird ways.

Now I'm wondering if it's actually a unique need.  I'd be happy to 
develop a public extension if I thought anyone other than me would use 
it.  Any takers?

Posted via
Radiant mailing list