Re: [Radiant] Re: Radiant documentation - summer reboot

2008-06-11 Thread Chris Parrish

David Piehler wrote:

Chris Parrish wrote:


   1. Using Radiant - This section covers all the stuff users do from
  within the Radiant Admin Interface
   2. Installing Radiant - This section covers getting the source
  (including extensions) and getting it to run
   3. Extending Radiant - This section covers writing extensions.

These three focus areas sound good. We should expand #2 to include 
Mohit's idea of creating a solution around Radiant with mini How-Tos 
for accomplishing goals via specific extensions.

Dave, that's exactly what I had in mind.  Anything that helps people set 
up Radiant, install extensions, or otherwise find and integrate the 
pieces for their Radiant/Rails application goes here.

The exceptions would be:

   * Anything that deals with using the Radiant UI (building site
 navigation, complex layouts, etc) goes in section #1
   * Anything that entails them writing their own code, goes in section #3

Mohit's idea of printable documentation for the end user who will be 
updating Pages, Snippets, and Layouts is interesting. My company 
currently gives all our Radiant users a User Guide created for their 
specific Radiant install. We make these using Adobe InDesign, so they 
are really nice looking but are time consuming to update. If we could 
figure out a way to make printable user guides via some common method 
(maybe using a demo Generic Radiant Website), that would be great.


I, too, like the printed documentation. However, I think that this 
applies only to Section #1.  This would also be the only section 
included in a Radiant help system (and I'm sure its the only part you'd 
hand out to your users).

If Section #1 were bundled with Radiant as a help system, I don't see 
why we couldn't combine some printable HTML/CSS or PDF templates and use 
a Rails gem/plugin/whatever like:

That way you could use a Rake task to spit out the help as PDF during 
install/upgrade then link to it from the Radiant Help system.

Sections #2  #3 are IT and Programmer focused and should just stay on 
the Wiki (my opinion, anyway).

I think the core goals for the documentation are...

* easily update-able
* allow for screenshots inline with text and code samples
* clean printouts
* packaged with Radiant itself and each extension that wants to hook 
into it
* expandable by people not involved with maintenance of the extension 


I really like the idea of extension writers being able to extend the 
help system (Section #1) -- say adding documentation for their tags or 
explaining how to use their UI elements, or adding context sensitive 
help to their UI elements.  Then you could crank out a PDF and have it 
be a complete user's guide -- extensions and all.

When it comes to section #2, however, I think the Radiant Wiki should 
point out a few extensions, perhaps, but ultimately lead users back to 
the extension developer's documentation.

It would be *very* nice, however, for to offer a place 
for extension developers to more formally show off their wares and 
encourage a standardized style to the documentation.  This would make it 
easier for users to find extensions and learn about them (since their 
documentation would follow a standard the user would quickly learn).

I'm not sure that you'd offer a lot of space for extension developers 
but perhaps just a page like:

Radiant mailing list

Re: [Radiant] Re: Radiant documentation - summer reboot

2008-06-11 Thread Jim Gay
I really like the idea of extension writers being able to extend the  
help system (Section #1) -- say adding documentation for their tags  
or explaining how to use their UI elements, or adding context  
sensitive help to their UI elements.  Then you could crank out a PDF  
and have it be a complete user's guide -- extensions and all.

I plan to make radiant-help easily printable, but Mohit's idea for a  
book is a good one, although to me seems like it would be a more in- 
depth look at Radiant and far too long for a help system.

radiant-help allows you to provide whatever help information you want,  
but it assumes that its for an extension. It'll also display details  
for any loaded constant if it has version, url, and/or description.
If for example you have radiant-help installed and go to admin/help/ 
Radiant, you'll get:
It appears that do you have Radiant installed, but I can't find any  
documentation for you. Sorry.
I thought that would be an interesting way to auto-discover docs about  
something in the core... but I haven't done more than that.
Or if you go to an extension that you have installed but that hasn't  
registered any help admin/help/TestExtension

No help information is provided at this time.
TestExtension version is: 1.0
TestExtension description is: Describe your extension here
TestExtension url is:;

What I'd also like to do is add shards-like regions to the basic help  
info to allow people to add in their own information to the basic docs  
before or after certain parts. I'm hoping that would give me a way to  
provide client specific information.

Aside from that, I think it makes sense to include role based docs,  
but I haven't tackled that yet.

I've written 2 other apps that included an inline help system where I  
tracked a needs_help field on the User and conditionally displayed  
help in the interface. I want to be able to provide something like  
that as well.

I don't want to hijack this thread though, since it wasn't radiant- 
help centric. My basic goal is to provide info for those using Radiant  
(including admin and developers), not necessarily for those developing  
parts for it (such as how to integrate with other apps, or how to  
write your own extension, etc).

It would be *very* nice, however, for to offer a  
place for extension developers to more formally show off their wares  
and encourage a standardized style to the documentation.  This would  
make it easier for users to find extensions and learn about them  
(since their documentation would follow a standard the user would  
quickly learn).

I'm not sure that you'd offer a lot of space for extension  
developers but perhaps just a page like:

Sean is working on something like that. Ask him about it, he has all  
the time in the world :)


PS. For anyone that missed it, I'm talking about
And I'd love some help setting it up.
Radiant mailing list

Re: [Radiant] Re: Radiant documentation - summer reboot

2008-06-11 Thread Jim Gay

On Jun 11, 2008, at 8:40 PM, Mohit Sindhwani wrote:
2. radiant internal method for extension developers to be able to  
create documentation for their parts [Sean]

I think Sean will clarify too, but radiant-help currently allows you  
to create documentation to display in the admin interface about your  
extensions. Sean is working an extension registry which will have some  
very cool features if he can get them all done (but I'll leave the  
details to him). At one point this was the accents application in  
Radiant trunk, but judging by a quick glance at that code, he's  
building something else somewhere else.

So, here's what I'm going to try to do.  I made a list of topics  
that I would like to see as part of the documentation, roughly  
organized by topic.  When I get back home from work tonight, I'll  
try to type that in and email it out just to share my ideas with  
you.  I know that there will be many things that could be debated in  
that list but it may serve as a reference (even if it is trashed).

That would be awesome. It'll at least help me write the docs for  
radiant-help to see how others want it organized.

Radiant mailing list

Re: [Radiant] Re: Radiant documentation - summer reboot

2008-06-11 Thread Sean Cribbs

Sean is working on something like that. Ask him about it, he has all 
the time in the world :)

Where'd you get that idea?  I actually have too many ideas and too 
little time, heh.

Radiant mailing list