(RADIATOR) Accounting database retry agressiveness...

2000-05-01 Thread Danny Whitesel

Last Friday, the server that houses our Rodopi database had a massive
hardware failure. As of yet, I am not 100% sure just what the extents of the
damage is. Most of the server was replaced just to get it back online as
quick as possible. To make a long story short, it was down for 6 days.

Our Radiator Radius server reports accounting data to the aformentioned
Rodopi database. Authentication is pulled off of a Linux MySQL server, so
our users were still able to connect. Ironically enough, even though Rodopi
has provisions for serving up Radius right from it's own database, I chose
to serve Radius from a seperate out of concern for "What if the Rodopi
machine goes down?".

Once the Rodopi machine got back online, one of the NT admins noticed that
radiusd was no longer connecting and reporting accounting data. I sent
a -HUP to radiusd...nothing. Only after completely killing and restarting
radiusd, did it resume reporting accounting data to the Rodopi database.

I'm just curious what the timeouts and/or  agressiveness of the accounting
connectivity is?

Also...While I'm on the subject of database connectivity, this same NT admin
noticed and commented on how radiusd connects and stays connected to the
Rodopi database constantly. He is of the opinion that radiusd(and any other
clients, for that matter) should connect and disconnect for every
query/write. He feels that performance is not an issue since database
servers are designed to, and expect to, take rapid connects, queries/writes
and disconnects. "That's their job.", he says.

Though I have an opinion on the subject, I promised I would just pose the
question to the list and see what you guys had to say. What you about you,
Hugh? What is the official word from the development team on this issue?


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(RADIATOR) Attribute number 39051 (vendor 429) is not defined in your dictionary

2000-04-24 Thread Danny Whitesel

I'm getting a lot of these spewed out to the Radius log:

begin snip
Mon Apr 24 19:20:58 2000: ERR: Attribute number 38998 (vendor 429) is not
defined in your dictionary
Mon Apr 24 19:20:58 2000: ERR: Attribute number 39000 (vendor 429) is not
defined in your dictionary
Mon Apr 24 19:20:58 2000: ERR: Attribute number 39001 (vendor 429) is not
defined in your dictionary
Mon Apr 24 19:20:58 2000: ERR: Attribute number 39051 (vendor 429) is not
defined in your dictionary
end snip

I understand *why* it's being generated. My question is, what can I do about
it? Is there an updated dictionary file that addresses this specific

Everything appears to be working. That is, my users are authenticating,
etc... But, this is wasting a lot of space in the log file. Any suggestions?

The NAS is a 3Com Total Control chassis using a HiPer ARC router.


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Re: (RADIATOR) Authenticate from Postgres/Account to MSSQL?

2000-02-03 Thread Danny Whitesel

Is it possible to authenticate off one datasource but account to another?
We would like to authenticate off of a Postgres database, which we do now,
but send the Accounting information to an MSSQL server.does
Radiator allow for this?



I asked that same exact question, only worded a little different, a few
months back. Here is the relevant parts of the response I got. Hope this


 I now need some input on configuration. I would like to, if possible, use
 the MySQL database for authentication, yet have the accounting info
 available to Rodopi. How would one go about this? Is it possible to point
 Radiator to the MySQL database for security and point it to the Rodopi
 database for accounting?

It is quite simple to do what you wish with cascaded AuthBy's, something
this would be close:

# configure two AuthBy clauses
# the first does accounting only (note empty AuthSelect)
# the second does authentication only (empty AccountingTable)
# and multiple AuthColumnDef's for reply items

AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways
AuthBy SQL
AuthSelect select 
AuthColumnDef .


Have a look at section 6.24 in the Radiator 2.14.1 reference manual for
details. There are also examples in the Radiator distribution in the files
radius.cfg and goodies/sql.cfg.



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Re: (RADIATOR) Linux and AuthBy RODOPI (DBD::Sybase) - UPDATE

2000-02-01 Thread Danny Whitesel


It turns out it was an issue at the MS SQL server. The server was not
accepting connections via TCP. After our resident NT guru went in and enable
TCP connections at the SQL server, DBI hooked right up with no problem.


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(RADIATOR) Newbie check items question....

2000-02-01 Thread Danny Whitesel

The past few weeks have been a self-help course in Radius for me. When I
came on board here at Techcom roughly a year and a half ago, I was hired on
as a help desk rep. In that time, I have moved up to the position of
system/network administrator. Suffice it to say that one of my stengths is
that I am a quick learner. It doesn't hurt, either that I very much enjoy
what I do.

A lot of the systems that were in place when I came here were...well, for
lack of a better term, bubble gum and duct taped together. I am slowly
getting in order areas that have been neglected over time. One of the
largest areas of neglect has been our Radius authentication, which is
currently being handled by an NT server with one foot in the digital grave
running 3Com SA. Up to now, RADIUS has been an area I have not had to deal
with much at all. If RADIUS starts acting screwy, just reboot the machine
and hope it comes back up.

Last week's east-coast "blizzard" afforded me some time at home without
ringing telephones and other distractions to work a bit on getting Radiator
cofigured, as well as hammering out the necessary code to get RODOPI
managing the MySQL database that will back Radiator.

In looking over the examples in /goodies, the documenation regarding AuthBy
SQL and the example database created with mysqlCreate.sql, I am a bit
confused over one issue. How do "check attributes" come into during a RADIUS
authentication? Again, I am a bit new to RADIUS and do not yet have a full
grasp on the protocol.

As I understand it, the NAS send a RADIUS request to the RADIUS server
consisting of an encrypted username and password. That username and password
is checked against an authentication database of some type and is either
rejected or athenticated. An authentication is accompanied by attributes
that give the NAS certain configuration parameters for that particular

This brings me to ask the question, "Where do "check attributes" come into
play." I assume these "check attributes" are sent by the NAS? But, what
determines their value? Do I need to implement any "check attributes" in my
config? How will I know if I do? At present, our needs are pretty basic and
straight forward:

- one 3Com Total Control hub
- one domain
- mostly 56K dialups, but a handfull of ISDN centrexes rolling in which
require static IPs and no timeouts

Thanks in advance to anyone who can offer an explanation and/or point me in
the right direction here.


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(RADIATOR) Linux and AuthBy RODOPI (DBD::Sybase)

2000-01-31 Thread Danny Whitesel

Is anyone here using Radiator under Linux and Authby RODOPI? More to the
point, has anyone successfuly hooked up to a MS SQL database using

I have installed the Sybase client libraries. I have compiled the DBD_Sybase
package. I have edited the "interfaces" file in the Sybase directory:

query tcp eth0 1433
master tcp eth0 1433

I have set the envs SYBASE, DSQUERY and SYBPLATFORM.

...And, this is what gets kicked back at me when I try to connect:

connection to database failed: DBI-connect failed: OpenClient message:
LAYER = (5) ORIGIN = (3) SEVERITY = (5) NUMBER = (4)
Message String: ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library
error: Net-Lib protocol driver call to connect two endpoints failed
Operating System Error: Socket connect failed - errno 111

I'm pretty certain that it's reading the interfaces file. I had attempted a
few connects before setting up the interfaces file and the errors were
indicating that it couldn't find the server name. After creating the above
entry in the interfaces file, the errors changed to what you see above.

Any thoughts?


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Re: (RADIATOR) Help needed with hooking up to MySQL database!

1999-12-21 Thread Danny Whitesel

Hello Danny -

On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Danny Whitesel wrote:
 We just recently purchased Radiator with the intention of using it with a
 MySQL database. The section of the configuration reference is a bit
 confusing as to exactly how to configure for MySQL.

 Following are the errors that I get when I try to launch radiusd. I've
 spaced the output out a little to make it easier to read here. And,
 know this reveals critical security information. Not knowing if the
 may be in an illegal character, I felt it was necessary to include
 everything. I fully intend on changing the passwords and/or logins after
 problem is resolved.

Sounds like you have not installed the DBI and DBD modules for Perl.





After I posted that, I went back and started digging a deeper. I did install
DBI and the MySQL modulesor, so I thought. I remembered seeing an error
when I did the "make test" for the MySQL modules. But, when I ran "make
test" a second time, there were no errors. At the time, like an idiot, I
didn't think anything of it.

Turns out, there is a problem with the MySQL module compiling on my system.
From the docs in the tarball, the error I am seeing has something to do with
Perl and MySQL not being comiled with the same comiler. Mysql was compile
using GCC. I know because I installed MySQL from the tarball. Perl, on the
other hand, was installed from a binary RPM...the one that came with RedHat

If I understand the issue correctly, the next step for me to do is remove
the RPM install of Perl from that machine and compile/install Perl from a
tarball, making sure the Makefile specifies GCC as the compiler?

Has anyone else run into this before? Does anyone have any other suggestions
or input? I am really not looking forward to re-compiling Perl.


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(RADIATOR) Help needed with hooking up to MySQL database!

1999-12-20 Thread Danny Whitesel

We just recently purchased Radiator with the intention of using it with a
MySQL database. The section of the configuration reference is a bit
confusing as to exactly how to configure for MySQL.

Following are the errors that I get when I try to launch radiusd. I've
spaced the output out a little to make it easier to read here. And, yes...I
know this reveals critical security information. Not knowing if the problem
may be in an illegal character, I felt it was necessary to include
everything. I fully intend on changing the passwords and/or logins after the
problem is resolved.

---begin errors snip---

[root@amy goodies]#
radiusd -config_file=tcm4.cfg -dictionary_file=../dictionary.usr

Can't read $DBI::errstr, last handle unknown or destroyed at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/Radius/SqlDb.pm line 127, FILE chunk 33.

Mon Dec 20 15:42:17 1999: ERR: Could not connect to SQL database with
DBI-connect dbi:mysql:tcm_radius:, amyradiator, anl!^nwl:

Mon Dec 20 15:42:17 1999: ERR: Could not connect to any SQL database.
Request is ignored. Backing off for 600 seconds

---end errors snip---

The config file which produced those errors is basiscally the
goodies/sql.cfg with the DBSource, DBUsername and DBAuth lines changed to
reflect our MySQL setup. Here is the entire config file...

---begin tcm4.cfg---

# common-sql.cfg
# Example Radiator configuration file that allows you to
# authenticate from an SQL database.
# With Radiator you can interface with almost any databse schema,
# and there are many more configurable parameters that allow you
# to control database fallback, select statements, column names
# and arrangements etc etc etc.
# See the reference manual for more details.
# This is a very simple exmaple to get you started. It will
# work with the tables created by the goodies/*.sql scripts.
# You should consider this file to be a starting point only
# $Id: sql.cfg,v 1.3 1999/07/29 02:38:10 mikem Exp $

LogDir  .
DbDir   .

# You will probably want to change this to suit your site.
Secret  mysecret
DupInterval 0

# You can put client details in a database table
# and get their details from there with something like this:
DBUsername  amyradiator
DBAuth  anl!^nwl

# This will authenticate users from SUBSCRIBERS
AuthBy SQL
# Adjust DBSource, DBUsername, DBAuth to suit your DB
DBUsername  amyradiator
DBAuth  anl!^nwl
# You may want to tailor these for your ACCOUNTING table
AccountingTable ACCOUNTING
AcctColumnDef   USERNAME,User-Name
AcctColumnDef   TIME_STAMP,Timestamp,integer
AcctColumnDef   ACCTSTATUSTYPE,Acct-Status-Type
AcctColumnDef   ACCTDELAYTIME,Acct-Delay-Time,integer
AcctColumnDef   ACCTINPUTOCTETS,Acct-Input-Octets,integer
AcctColumnDef   ACCTOUTPUTOCTETS,Acct-Output-Octets,integer
AcctColumnDef   ACCTSESSIONID,Acct-Session-Id
AcctColumnDef   ACCTSESSIONTIME,Acct-Session-Time,integer
AcctColumnDef   ACCTTERMINATECAUSE,Acct-Terminate-Cause
AcctColumnDef   NASIDENTIFIER,NAS-Identifier
AcctColumnDef   NASPORT,NAS-Port,integer
AcctColumnDef   FRAMEDIPADDRESS,Framed-IP-Address

---end tcm4.cfg---

"tcm_radius" is the MySQL database name and "amyradiator" is the username
which has privs from the IP address of the Radiator machine. From the
Radiator machine, I can connect to the MySQL database "tcm_radius" using the
MySQL command line client. This confirms it is not an access privilege
issues at the MySQL server. I can connect and run SQL queries to view the
sample data that the mysqlCreate.sql script inserted.

Anyone have any ideas? I am stumped and need to get this up and running as
soon as possbile. The accounting staff here would like RODOPI automatically
handling dial-in account management by the start of the new year.

Danny Whitesel
Techcom.net, Inc

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