Re: (RADIATOR) static ip customers

1999-06-07 Thread Paul Gregg

"Mike McCauley" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
| Yes, its pretty easy, but the way to do it depends on what type of databse yo
| have. Basically what you need to do is set up a reply item for the user with
| eg:
|   Framed-IP-Address=

While we're on this, perhaps I could ask something relivant to me.

I have a MySQL db with  4,000 users in it and Radiator is happily
authing and accounting to it.

However, as one of the table fields I have a misc_reply_items and I get
a copy Radius Reply packet for each user.

However, each user has exactly the same details (with the exception of about 5
records - for people with static IPs).

Is it possible to set a default Radius Reply list and have the db add to
this default list or to replace entries which may be there?

Email pgregg at |   CLUB24   | Email pgregg at| 
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The Internet Business Ltd |Free  Access| Nyx Public Access Internet |  |  | |

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Re: (RADIATOR) Radiator + mySQL

1999-04-10 Thread Paul Gregg

In message 22d901be82c6$6ddeb540$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
"Matt Chambers" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
| 1st a Question: Does anyone have any suggestions on how to import a comma
| delimited file into mySQL?  Its format is simple: uid,pwd

Fire up MS Excel or MS Word and IMPORT the comma delimited file.
Then Export the table to a .dbf DBASE III or IV file
The use dbf2mysql to get it into MySQL.

Email pgregg at |   CLUB24   | Email pgregg at| 
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The Internet Business Ltd |Free  Access| Nyx Public Access Internet |  |  | |

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Re: (RADIATOR) USR Attribute

1999-03-31 Thread Paul Gregg

Hi all...

My Radiator logfile shows me the following:

Wed Mar 31 13:54:34 1999: ERR: Attribute number 2 (vendor 307) is not defined in your 

NAS is a Portmaster 4 which isn't listed in the Radiator webpage.

I also get this when Radiator starts up:
Wed Mar 31 00:39:11 1999: DEBUG: Reading users file /etc/raddb/users.tibus
Wed Mar 31 00:39:12 1999: WARNING: There is no attribute named Auth-Type in file
 '/etc/raddb/dictionary' before line 55 Ignored
Wed Mar 31 00:39:12 1999: WARNING: There is no attribute named Server-Config in 
file '/etc/raddb/dictionary' before line 223 Ignored
Wed Mar 31 00:39:12 1999: WARNING: There is no attribute named Server-Config in 
file '/etc/raddb/dictionary' before line 224 Ignored
Wed Mar 31 00:39:12 1999: INFO: Server started

Using dictionary.livingston

Also, I think I fscked up my email-newsgroup posting last week and if anyone
replied to my problem about Radiator authing OK, but the NAS not receiving the
packet and thus not letting them on - I don't think I got them.

Is their a list archive anywhere I can check?



"Mike McCauley" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
| Hi Radwan,
| I havent heard anything about this attribute, so you might want to add this t
| your dictionary, just to stop it complaining:
| VENDORATTR 429USR_Unknown-Attribute-1 39020 string
| On Mar 25,  1:53pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  Subject: (RADIATOR) USR Attribute
|  Hello,
|  I keep getting this error message in my logfile:
|  Thu Mar 25 12:19:35 1999: ERR: Attribute number 39020 (vendor 429) is not
| defined in your d
|  ictionary
|  I am assuming that the dictionary I am using does not define this attribute
| Does anyone
|  know what line(s) to add to my dictionary file to take care of this problem
|  Vendor 429 is 3com/
|  USR BTW. Moreover, is it a critical problem or should I learn to live with
| it.
|  Thank you in advance.
|  P.S. Mike, Thanks for that default maximum session you added.
|  -Radwan Khalil
|  -True Communicatons Corp.
|  ===
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| -- 
| Mike McCauley   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Open System Consultants Pty. LtdUnix, Perl, Motif, C++, WWW
| 24 Bateman St Hampton, VIC 3188 Australia
| Phone +61 3 9598-0985   Fax   +61 3 9598-0955
| Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server 
| anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald, 
| Platypus, Freeside, external, etc etc on Unix, Win95/8, NT, Rhapsody
| ===
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Email pgregg at |   CLUB24   | Email pgregg at| 
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The Internet Business Ltd |Free  Access| Nyx Public Access Internet |  |  | |

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1999-03-20 Thread Paul Gregg

"Mike McCauley" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
| Hi David.
| A number of people have asked this recently, so I have taken the liberty of
| replying to the mailing list and added an entry to the faq too.
| Use something like this:
| Realm whatever
|   AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways
|   AuthBy SQL

I implimented this, however I'm finding that only the last AuthBy entry
actually works.  The other queries/inserts the database as normal but
just doesn't send the ACK to the client.

Anyone else seeing this?

Example: A radpwtst command
sending Access-Request...
sending Accounting-Request Start...
No reply
sending Accounting-Request Stop...
No reply

The MySQL database logs show that it is in fact working.  If I reverse the order of 
the two AuthBy then the other one stops responding with ACKs.

I hope this clear enough :-)

Paul Gregg

Email pgregg at |   CLUB24   | Email pgregg at| 
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The Internet Business Ltd |Free  Access| Nyx Public Access Internet |  |  | |

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(RADIATOR) Different Databases for auth and accounting

1999-03-16 Thread Paul Gregg

Hi all,

I've been looking through the big cfg file and can't seem to find a way
to use separate databases for authentication and accounting.

Anyone coming from Cistron+MySQL will know what i'm talking about.

Basically, I'd like to be able to authenticate from one database/table
and to account to a different database/table (for dumping/backup purposes).

Even better would be to use a different accoutning database host to
the authentication database host.

Thanks for any advice.

Paul Gregg
Email pgregg at |   CLUB24   | Email pgregg at| 
Technical Director|  INTERNET  | System Administrator   |
The Internet Business Ltd |Free  Access| Nyx Public Access Internet |  |  | |

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